A11A. The eyes were shining: cool and night..
The visible sun or moon is their eyes; if the eyes of the lights were not damaged, it would be much brighter and hotter.
Masai, Cooney, Kaiser Wilhelm Cape, Bukavak, Wagawaga, Apatani, Duffla, Gallong, Baiga, Bhuya, Sora, Bicol, Nabaloi, Pampango, Paywan, Bunun, Koreans (Twana, Puyallup, Cowlitz) sanpual, ne perse, southern utah, tiva, otomi, tsotzil, tseltal, jacalteki, kekchi, mopan, pipil, embera, kayapa, colorado, shuar, achuar, canelo.
Sudan - East Africa. Masai [The Sun married the moon; they got into a fight; after that, the Sun was ashamed that people would see its face beaten and became bright so that it could not be looked at; the moon is not ashamed that her mouth is torn and her eye is knocked out; the moon runs first, the Sun catches up, catches up, carries her for two days, then leaves her at sunset]: Hollis 1905:273.
Melanesia. Cooney [The Sun and the Month are equally hot, one shines during the day, the other at night; Diu birds (night), green parrot, little falcon, eagle consistently try to reach the Month, but fall from charred wings; the Kolukolu bird is told that it has pus in her eyes; but only she gets to the sky when the Month rips off the bark to make a tapa; gouges out his eyes for the Month with a piece of wood, he has time to throw a stone, interrupting K.'s back; so he only flies rarely, low, at night]: Egidi 1913, No. 1:990; Cape King William [older brother The Sun beat the younger Month so much that his eyes became small A month began to walk at night so as not to meet his brother]: Reimer 1911:261 in Maaβ 1933:278; bukavak [The month is the younger brother or son of the Sun; once they got into a fight due to the Sun's impact in the Month his eyes swam, his light faded; the sun told him not to show up with him, the Month began to walk at night]: Lehner 1931b: 111; vagawaga [a woman saw a fish in the sea, frolicked with her, she rubbed against her leg, a boy Dudugera was born from a tumor; playing with peers, threw a spear at them; his mother sent him to his father; the fish took it in his mouth, carried it east; D. warned his mother and relatives that when he will climb a breadtree and from there to the sky, they should hide under a rock; the rest are burned; to moderate the heat of the sun, his mother went to the mountain near which D. rose to heaven, threw it into his eye lime; he closed his eyes, his fever decreased]: Seligmann 1910, No. 1:378-379 (retelling in Dixon 1916:112-113).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani [The sun and her brother Month found a dead buffalo, agreed to divide the meat; the Sun took half, brought it to his father; the month ate everything on the spot, did not bring it to his father; he knocked out his eye with a stick, his light faded]: Elwin 1958a, No. 3:38; dafla [The sun was bigger and hotter than the current one, everything was burning; god Tamo ate part of it and Debo-Kombu knocked out his eye with an arrow; the Sun went underground in anger]: Dunbar, p. 65 in Elwin 1958a, No. 8:41-42; the gallong [Hindu-Doine sun and its younger sister Hingar-Pol are children of Hindu and Hindar; the Sun killed two sons Wiyu (Wiyus - gods, first ancestors) Mochu-Pada; Wiyu took his bow along his path, but by this time the Sun had passed and the Moon had appeared; it was just as bright and hot; Wiyu mistook it for the Sun, knocked out one eye with an arrow; the moon has been dim ever since; regretting About what he did, Wiyu gave the Moon the right to get younger every month; MP sent Tame to catch the Sun; he caught it, but the Sun ran away; this is always the case during eclipses]: Elwin 1958a, No. 10:44.
South Asia. Baiga [The sun is a man, the Moon is a woman, regularly leaves for monthly cleansing; Nanga Baiga was born from a black anthill that appeared on the head of mother earth Dharti Mata; when he urinated on an anthill, the Sun and Moon erupted from DM's womb in a stream of light; the Sun rushed to copulate with the Moon, Bhagavan cursed him, telling one of his eyes to burst; at first the Sun had two eyes; DM grew and became huge]: Elwin 1939:330; bhuya [Luna ate baked bel fruit, told the Sun she was eating her children; the Sun ate its own, only one ran away like lightning; the Sun cursed the moon, telling it to die and come alive; the moon told one eye of the Sun to burst; 8 months The sun doesn't wash its eyes; when it washes, the remaining months get very hot]: Elwin 1949, No. 1:56-57; sora (Hill Saora) [Mahaprabhu created the Sun, but it is terribly hot, people died; M. cursed it, one eye of the Sun burst, it became possible to live]: Elwin 1954, No. 26:49-50.
Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [1) The Sun and the Month argue which one is brighter; they fight; watching them fight, people support the Sun by sacrificing animals; the Sun threw lime into the eyes of the Month, blinding it; 2) After getting drunk, the Sun and the Month boast to each other; the Sun hangs a bag of lime on the path of the Month, prompts him to pierce it, lime burns the Month's eyes; the Month digs a trap on Sohots's path, The Sun attacks the spears; recovers; in another version, the Month is trapped by the Sun]: Rahmann 1955:207:207-208; Nabaloi [The Sun and the Month shone equally brightly; the Month had faces behind and from the front, one for the people above, the other for the earth; the Month began to laugh at the Sun because it was single; the Sun threw ash at it; hot ash completely burned one face of the Month, it turned black; the light another person faded]: Moss 1924, No. 9:241; bicol [Bulan attacked his older brother Adlao in the sky; he repelled the blows, knocked out B.'s eye, flattened and cut off his hand; his hand fell, formed the ground, B.'s tears are water; two hairs, a man and a woman, have grown, and people have come from them (this part in Eugenio 1994, No. 21b: 67, motif B43); because the Sun knocked out the Eye Month, it shines weaker; the Sun always haunts A month, but can't catch up]: Eugenio 1994, No. 54:118; pampango [after the death of his father, Apolaqui wants to rule the world alone; his sister Mayari disagrees, they are fighting, A. knocked out M.'s eye with a stick; decide rule at different times; A. is the sun, M. is the moon, it shines weakly because of a knocked out eye]: Eugenio 1994, No. 53:117 (according to Fansler 1937:406; another retelling in Rahmann 1955:206; translated into Rybkin 1975, No. 54: 152); paywan: Egli 1989, No. 6 [two suns were shining alternately, because of the heat, people could not leave the house, sowed millet only under the canopy of the house; two older brothers Kulele and the younger Pulaluyan went to the sunrise, shot the first sun, blinded it in one eye, it became the moon, night appeared; the brothers did not return home, but after death they turned into two mountains in the middle of the plain], 17 [going out alternately, two suns were shining, because of the heat, people could not leave the house; two brothers Kulele and Pulaluyan went to sunrise to the sea, one threw a spear, the other knocked out the sun's eye with an arrow, this sun became the moon, night appeared; The Sun was the older sister, the Month was the younger brother]: 32-33, 43; Ho 1967, No. 8 [the sky was low, two suns burned unbearably; two women pushed millet pests on the roof; shoved the sun with pastures, one went blind, became the moon; the sky rose with the other sun]: 215; bunun (Ivaho) [when one sun went down, another rose, the child died from the heat; his father went to kill the sun by shoving it under nails four millet seeds; knocked out the sun's eye with an arrow, this sun became the moon]: Ho 1967, No. 4:212-213.
China - Korea. Koreans [The sun is brother, the moon is a sister; the moon wants to be the sun because she is ashamed to be looked at; the Sun does not want to give in, they got into a fight, he pierced her eyes; but then gave it to her The sun itself became the Month; var: brother and sister got into a fight, brother gouged out her eyes with a needle; her mother put him in a cage, starved him; then sister became the Sun, Brother Month]: Choi 1979, No. 722:314.
The coast is the Plateau. Sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies as if he didn't catch anything; sister finds eggs in his bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him fishing on the shore; when he returns, he has already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that has broken off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (no explanation why); makes his brother out of baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the Toad lets urine into the sky, the rain floods all the hearths except her; the brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps on the youngest's neck, says she's his wife; she can't be ripped off; when she is burned with fire, her skin shrinks; everyone is consistently trying to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane has too much day is long (his head reaches the horizon in the west and his legs in the east); his one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, his root brother becomes a month, and a toad is visible on him]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; ne perse [ The sun is too hot; he has two wives, one of them is a Frog, he does not love her; Coyote convenes a council; The frog asks her husband where to sit; in front of me; she jumps there without ripping her off; screaming The Sun becomes the Month and the former Month becomes the Sun; the Frog is visible in the Month]: Spinder 1917, no.16:195; Walker, Matthews 1998, No. 23:77l (cf. twana [see motif A5; one of the two sisters has a baby Month; while the sisters are digging roots, their mother shakes the boy on the swing; two women replace him with a snag; the mother sends birds and animals to find him; Blue Jay finds the Month, he comes back; Brother of the Month is created from urine when the diapers of the Month have been squeezed out; his eyes are closed, his body is crooked; the mighty Month is too hot to shine during the day; it becomes a month, his flawed brother becomes the sun]: Adamson 1934:374-378; puyallup [see motive A23; blind Toad has five daughters, the middle one gives birth to Months; five sisters from the lower world kidnap him; mother squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun Boy out of his urine; because he was twisted, he is strabismus; The month comes back, rises to the sky; it gets hot, his eyes are too keen to shine during the day; with the sun the cross-eyed Sun becomes; the month decides to shine at night, takes its Toad Grandmother with it]: Adamson 1934:356-360; koulitz [girl does not know a man, gives birth to a boy; her blind mother shakes him on swing; it was stolen, replaced with moss; a new, cross-eyed baby is made of moss and urine; brothers meet, decide to become the sun and month; The sun is afraid of the night; The month is too hot; the cross-eyed Sun is not so it's hot, it becomes the sun]: Adamson 1934:272).
The Big Pool. Southern Utah [every morning a girl lies down with her legs apart towards the rising sun; she gives birth to twins from the Sun; they go to visit her father; an old bat woman carries them to the house of the Sun; wife The sun is angry; the Sun denies that it had connections with other women, suggests that the boys' father is the Month; quarrels with the Month, knocks out his eye; since then, the Month has been dim; the Sun cooks twins in boiling water, they are safe; he recognizes them as his sons; they return to their mother]: Lowie 1924, No. 48:77.
The Great Southwest. Tiva (Taos) [1) The Sun and the Month are brothers, created the world and people; both shone during the day, then the Month began to shine at night, but he did not like it, he ordered death and illness; 2) The Sun the elder brother of the Month; they got into a fight out of jealousy, the Sun knocked out Eye Month; then they agreed which of them should shine]: Espinosa 1936a, No. 58:124.
NW Mexico. Huichol [at the end of time, the Moon will open its eyes and become brighter than the Sun]: Myerhoff 1974:255
Mesoamerica If not otherwise: The Sun has deprived the female moon of one eye. Otomi [The Sun has one eye, the Month has two; with two eyes the Sun would burn the whole world]: Galinier 1990:528; tsotsil (Chamula) [Our Father was the most difficult child of the Moon; he was told to pour slowly the water in the steam room on the hot stones, and he casually splashed it, blinding his mother in one eye; he was happy about this, thereby creating an alternation between day and night and making the moon less bright and hot]: Gossen 1974, No. 144: 328 [burned in a steam bath; second eye hurt]: Gossen 1974, No. 144:328; tseltal [boy asks his two older brothers to climb a tree to get honey; brothers eat honey, throw it to his youngest only wax; he throws wax against the trunk, the tree falls, the brothers die; the youngest clears the area under the milpa, finds the trees intact in the morning; remains to watch, squeezes out like a rabbit, la urraca and la Gallineta come, scream: Rise the trees, rise the rocks! ; Galinete curls her neck, since then she has a headache; brings the rabbit to her mother; goes with her to the fair; there people try to climb the big wheel; only the boy succeeds, his mother, holding a rabbit, He goes up after him, clinging to his shirt; people throw stones at them, knock out the woman's eye; the cart ascends to the sky, the boy becomes the Sun, his mother the moon; because of the knocked out eye, her light is pale; the rabbit in her arms is still visible on the moon]: Hermitte 1970:23-25; Hakalteki [knocked out while fighting]: La Farge, Byers 1931:130; Kekchi, mopan [old man T'actani has a daughter X't'Actani; she is a weaver and a spinner; Kin killed an antelope, filled the scarecrow with ash and grass, carried Sh. past the house every evening; T. advised his daughter to pour water on the path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird gave his skin in return, giving him cotton wool so that it would not freeze; S. asked his father to shoot the hummingbird, who stunned him; at night in Sh. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures broke into the world; S. does not have a vagina; on the advice of old woman K. put S. between two hills, told a small deer to run, the trail was too small; the big one was just right; when he met S., K. decided that it was too tempting for people, told the Rat to write in vagina; since then, sex has been followed by disgust; K. found out that S. was cheating on him with his brother Shulab; he asked the turkey and another bird to give him their bile, asked the old woman for pepper, tinted everything with uruku, told the old woman to make a cake out of it, baked it in his armpit, gave it to her lovers; they began to spit, could not quench their thirst, S. ran to the river for a drink, agreed when Vulture offered to pick it up; takes Vultures to the village; the leader's house is supposedly made of stone, but this is guano; K. turned into a dead antelope, told the fly to lay down larvae; catches Vulture, tells him to be attributed to the leader; in the land of vultures hides in brushwood carried by a lumberjack, then comes to the village, holes 7 grains of corn, which causes Vulture to hurt his teeth, he lets him in to cure him; K. cures, puts them to sleep, takes Sh., tells two vultures to take them back; turns into the Sun, S. into the Moon, Shulab to the Morning Star, younger brother to the Evening Star; K. places a mirror at the zenith; each the day seems to be moving further west in the afternoon, but in fact he returns east; at first, S. is bright like him; she feels sorry for the people who work all the time, K. takes one eye out for her]: Thompson 1930:126-132; pipil [older brother Sun got into a fight with younger sister Luna, knocked out her eye]: Schultze-Jena 1935, No. 21:95.
The Northern Andes. Embera (chami): Pinto García 1978 [while the Sun and Moon had two eyes, the lights were too hot]: 215; Zuluaga Gomez 1991 [man takes out his eye to the Moon to make it dark at night]: 97, 158.
Ecuador. Kayapa [to make it night, the Creator covers one eye for the Month]: Barrett 1925:353; colorado [the ancient sun ate the heavenly jaguar; he went down to eat people, their knees were gnawed by rats; shamans The son of a single woman was dressed in the best clothes; he cries with shining tears that everyone would die and he would be the same; he took to the sky on a mule; it was cloudy for three days, then too hot; to reduce the fever, shamans left only one eye for the Sun; the Sun throws partridges waiting for it with its mouth open; if it reaches the last one, it cries]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:14-24.
Western Amazon. If both eyes were shining, the heat would destroy everything. Shuar [The Sun and the Month got into a fight over a woman]: Pelizzaro [The month knocked out one eye to the Sun, and that both] 1961, No. 14:10; 1993:72-73; Rueda 1987, No. 4 [The Sun and the Month are brothers, had one mistress ; She had a month late, the Sun began to beat him, knocked out her eye; before that, it was unbearably hot on earth, because the month was as hot and bright as the Sun]: 55-56; Wavrin 1932 [The sun hugs and kisses the moon ( in the French text, it is called feminine); they fight, the Moon knocks out the Sun's eye, the Sun knocks out one eye and hurts the other]: 133-134 (=1937:628-629); achuar [the forest spirit pulled out the Sun's eye]: Seymour-Smith 1988:118; canelo [Sun and Month are older and younger brothers; they have one wife for two; Month is unhappy that she stays with her older brother for too long; burned smut both; Sun closed with a sink, suffered slightly; the brothers began to fight, the Month knocked out the Sun's eye; since then it's not so hot]: Coloma et al. 1986:43-44.
Central Amazon. Munduruku [Wakurumpö and Karuetauibö were killed by enemies; their heads on stakes said they should go to heaven; only shamanic but unaware of The boy noticed this, but they did not believe him; people painted their heads with red paint (uruku) and decorated them with feathers; at noon, their heads began to rise with their wives; K. rose quickly, and V. slowly, because his wife is pregnant; people started shooting, but only a boy who knocked out V.'s eyes were hit; V. becomes the Sun of the rainy season, ashamed of his ugliness; his wife Paravabia is the Moon; K.'s head becomes By the Sun of Clear Sky; K. and W. were both reborn as the wife of the present (former) Sun, and are considered his sons]: Kruse 1952, No. 13:1002-1004; Murphy 1958, No. 15:85.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo (shikrin) [there are other people near the moon; one boy hit the eyes of the Sun and the Month with a baby bow; the shaman pulled out arrows, healed the stars; during eclipses, people launch lit ones into the sky arrows]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 7:36.