A11B. One-eyed luminaries.
The Sun or One-Eye Month (blind). See motive 11A.
Masai, Apatani, Dafla, Gallong, Baiga, Bhuya, Sora, Binjwar, Bicol, Pampango, Chuan Miao, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Chugach, Sanpual, Kalispel, Kerdalen, Ne Perse, Southern Utah, Tiwa ( Taos), Huichol, Otomi, Tsotsil, Jacalteki, Kekchi and Mopan, Pipil, Embera, Kayapa, Colorado, Shuar, Achuar, Canelo, Munduruku, Ache.
Sudan - East Africa. Masai [Luna].
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani; duffle; gallong.
South Asia. The sun. Baiga; bhuya; sora; binjwar [the antelope licked the ground where Maha Muni urinated, gave birth to a boy; the gods brought him to Mahadeo; he washed his right eye, but not his left eye; the boy opened his right eye, lit up the world, became the Sun]: Elwin 1954, No. 3:37.
Taiwan - Philippines. A month. Bicol [Bulan attacked his older brother Adlao in the sky; he repelled the blows, knocked out B.'s eye, flattened and cut off his hand; his hand fell to form the ground, B.'s tears to water; two hairs grew, man and woman, humans descended from them (this part in Eugenio 1994, No. 21b: 67, motif B43); because the Sun knocked out the Eye Month, it shines weaker; the Sun always haunts the Month, but cannot catch up]: Eugenio 1994, No. 54:118; pampango [after the death of his father, Apolaqui wants to rule the world alone; his sister Mayari disagrees, they are fighting, A. knocked out M.'s eye with a stick; decide to rule at different times; A. is the sun, M. is the moon, it shines faintly because of a knocked out eye]: Eugenio 1994, No. 53:117 (according to Fansler 1937:406; another retelling in Rahmann 1955:206; translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 54:152); paywan: Coyaud 2012, No. 53 [ the women pushed the millet, it was hot, one scared off the sun with a pestle, this sun went blind and became the moon; the sky moved away from the ground, turned black; the Sakidadau bird sang and carried one woman as her wife; woman told S. that she needed to be accompanied; next time S. replied that she should go alone; the woman told her crap to be responsible for her, ran away]: 113-114; Ho 1967, No. 8 [the sky was low, two suns burned unbearably; two women pushed millet pests on the roof; shoved pests of the sun, one went blind, became the moon; the sky and the other sun rose]: 215;.
China. Chuan miao [the archer makes a crossbow, knocks out the eye of the Sun and the eye of the Month; the stars hide for three years; they are even more frightened from the call of a cow and a tiger; they go out to scream a rooster, he receives a reward comb]: Graham 1954:265-266; Miao [Yang Yua's only son died from the heat of 9 suns; Yaya shot 8 suns with a crossbow, and the ninth hid in zaun tsaw grass; it was the only plant which did not burn; shot 8 moons, and the ninth was knocked out by one eye; sent a pig to return the sun - it did not come out; then a cow, a dog, a horse, a squirrel, a bird, a lion, an elephant - the same; when the sun girl called a rooster , she went out and gave him her comb; now it's on a rooster's head]: Lemoine 1982:88-89.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [The sun leaned to the water for a drink, the snake sucked one eye for it, since then it has one eye]: Marinov 2003:32 (=Stoynev 2006:303); Macedonians: Tsenev 2004:31 [The Sun had two eyes, the snake sucked alone, the sun's light and heat faded], 42 [The moon was hot as the Sun; the Sun asked the snake to suck one eye of the moon, its light faded]; Greeks: Choha 2009:183 [Sun and Month quarreled; the Sun grabbed the stick used to clean the stoves, hit the Month, because he had spots on his face; he hit the Sun in response, knocked out his eye, so the Sun has one eye (Pont, Kerasus)], 183-184 [the sun and the moon was brother and sister, walking together on the same road; the sun became angry and knocked out the eyes of the unfortunate moon (and today the moon is still one-eyed); the moon ran crying to its mother; her mother is sitting on the edge light where the sun goes down; mother tells her daughter not to go the same way with her brother; therefore, the sun and moon never go out together (Macedonia, Lakkovikia)], 184 [1) the sun and a month went to heaven to eat apples ; the sun fell on a month and knocked out his eye. The month, crying, ran to God; he told the brothers not to go together; now, when the sun goes down, the month is coming out (Naxos); 2) the month has quarreled with the sun, like drunks quarrel with each other; the sun, throwing it in the face mud for a month, knocked out his eye; now in the middle of the month there is dirt (Naxos)].
The Arctic. The chugach [Kilaq lived on the ground for a month, prevented another man named Kintluarshun from hunting (he turned sticks into animals, and when he killed them, they were again made with sticks; replaced the good hunting weapons are unusable); that is why everyone in the village of that starved; The month has risen to heaven, it is one-eyed]: Birket-Smith 1953:175.
The coast is the Plateau. Sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies as if he has caught nothing; sister finds eggs in his bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him fishing on the shore; when he returns, he has already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that has broken off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (no explanation why); makes his brother out of baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the Toad lets urine into the sky, the rain floods all the hearths except her; the brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps on the youngest's neck, says she's his wife; she can't be ripped off; when she is burned with fire, her skin shrinks; everyone is consistently trying to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane has too much day is long (his head reaches the horizon in the west and his legs in the east); his one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, his root brother becomes a month, and a toad is visible on it]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; kalispel [ they played the moon, others stole it; animal people choose who will be the Month; the Red Fox shines day and night, too hot; four Frogs lure two handsome men to them, making everything wet except his home; one jumps on one's face, the others dazzle the other in one eye; out of shame, both rise to the sky; the Month has a frog on his face, the Sun is one-eyed]: Clark 1966:71-73; kurdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 1 [a woman goes daily to dig rhizomes (probably hogfennel, Peucedanum palustre, marsh mustard); her mother looks after her son; he has grown up, asks about his father, grandmother replies that he did not have a father; he threatens to kill her with a stick, she admits that his father is a mustard rhizome; the young Chief Son-Root (UK) leaves, summons monstrous fish out of the water, pulls her throat out, turns it into a boat; the Pest boy asks to take it with him, jumps in a boat, SK turns it just into a pestle; sees a burning tree, comes up, there Grouse (Foolhen, Falcipennis canadensis) touches his burnt eyebrows; the UK tells him to peck raw moss, not build a house anymore or cook food on fire; and Grouse used to collect moss under his wing, set fire to a tree and throw himself into the fire; the rabbit jumped into the boat The UK killed him; the Otter (Fisher) demanded its prey, threatened to hit the tail, began to hit the water with its tail, spraying the UK; he killed her, threw her to the rabbit; comes to the house, there are many children, the hostess tells them that the father will soon return from hunting; the children see the Otter killed by the UK, he was their father; the UK revives him; enters the house with an awl on the walls; takes a large one with patterns, the awls dig into it; he sets fire to the house, says that Shilla will no longer be cannibals, but will become awls for making moccasins; the same in the house where the Combs are; where Bubbles (they will now store tobacco); Kingfisher dives but the fish slips out; he washes the smell of fish into the bucket, cooks soup, he likes it; he makes the Kingfisher claws and beak so that the fish is easy to grab; he must not live in the house, but by the river, eat raw fish; the same with Osprey; by the river, a man with one leg is a spear; SK turns into salmon, harpoons himself, breaks himself off, carries the tip; harpoons the fish with it; Ostronog sharpens his tibia again; SK comes to him, says he caught a salmon with a stuck tip; Ostroonog tries to cover his leg with a cape; SK offers to play hoop and stick on capes, wins, Ostronog is forced to give his own, SK hits him on the leg with a stick, makes it normal, gives a moose horn, tells him to make tips from a moose horn, not from his own bone; everyone goes out to meet SK; the ugly Toad causes it rains, comes into the house; the UK is forced to enter her; he speaks to her, naming different degrees of kinship, finally says "wife"; she jumps between his eyes; she can't take her off; Coyote says you have to choose Sun and Month; Robin is too hot, Coyote talks about everything he sees; SK says it will be the Month, will go far so that the Toad is not so visible on his face; Toadstool's son is one-eyed, becomes good With the sun, he does not see everything so clearly and is not so hot; when the sun is less bright, a one-eyed toadstool is visible on it]: 57-63; Teit, Boas 1930 [The robin is too hot; the one-eyed man becomes the sun; Coyote made a month, uncovers everything he sees; then they make the old leader for a month; the Toad jumps on his face; since then the Month is paler than the Sun; in the eclipses of the Month, he covers his face or eyes]: 177- 178; ne perse [The sun is too hot; he has two wives, one of them is a Frog, he does not love her; Coyote convenes advice; The frog asks her husband where to sit; in my eye; she jumps there, she doesn't tear off; the screaming Sun becomes the Month and the former Month becomes the Sun; the Frog is visible in the Month]: Spinder 1917, no.16:195; Walker, Matthews 1998, No. 23:77.
Big Pool. Southern Utah [Month].
The Great Southwest. Taos tiva [Month].
NW Mexico. Huichol [at the end of time, the Moon will open its eyes and become brighter than the Sun]: Myerhoff 1974:255.
Mesoamerica Otomi [Sun]; tsotsil [Moon]; Hakalteki [Moon]; kekchi, mopan [Moon]; pipili [Moon].
The Northern Andes. Embera [Luna].
Ecuador. Kayapa [Month]; colorado [Sun]; colorado [Sun is male, Moon is a little woman blind in one eye, so she gives little light; they are brother and sister; stars are small people] : Wavrin 1937:516-517, 622.
Western Amazon. The sun. Shuar [and Month]; achuar; canelo.
Central Amazon. Munduruku [Wakurumpö and Karuetauibö were killed by enemies; their heads on stakes said they should go to heaven; only shamanic but unaware of The boy noticed this, but they did not believe him; people painted Uruku's heads and decorated them with feathers; at noon, their heads began to rise with their wives; K. got up quickly, and V. slowly, because his wife pregnant; people started shooting, but only a boy who knocked out V.'s eyes was hit; V. becomes the Sun of the rainy season, ashamed of his ugliness; his wife Paravabia is the Moon; K.'s head becomes the Sun of the Clear heaven; K. and V. were both reborn as the wife of the present (former) Sun, are considered his sons]: Kruse 1952, No. 13:1002-1004; Murphy 1958, No. 15:85.
Southern Brazil. Ache [The month is afraid to climb into the sky with a chain of arrows; the Sun knocks out his eye; The month is crying (the cause of clouds)]: Godoy 1982:46.