Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A12. Eclipses: monster attack, A737.1


A creature or creatures regularly (sunrise and set, winter and summer, night and day, moon phases) or occasionally (eclipses, eschatological catastrophes) attack stars or block their light.

SW Africa. Nharo Bushmen [cannibal giants live on the side where the sun goes down; when the sun goes down, it turns into a rhino (var: elephant, gembok antelope, etc.), giants kill and eat it; In the morning, with the first cry of a rooster, they throw a rhino's shoulder blade into the sky to the east, which turns into the sun; everything repeats itself]: Guenther 1989:55, Schmidt 2001:11 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 90a: 95.

Bantu-speaking Africa. The Pygmies of Gabon (next to the fang) [during the eclipse, a crocodile-like dragon tries to swallow the moon; it obeys the evil spirit of Thunder; you have to scream and beat the drums, the dragon is frightened lets go of the moon]: Trilles 1932:95; chagga [in the east The sun is protected by people who are always awake; otherwise it would be pecked by birds]: Sicard 1966:63; tswana [every evening the sun eats a crocodile, it comes out of it every morning]: Koekemoer 2007:75; Swahili [the snake sometimes swallows the moon and people have to drive it away]: Scheub 2000:161-162; Comorians (Johanna Island) [during an eclipse on The sun attacks a monster]: Hildebrandt 1876:89; Zulu, Venda [during an eclipse, the sun devours a celestial crocodile, thereby showing dissatisfaction with human behavior]: Godwin 2012:117-118 in d'Huy 2018:206.

West Africa. Gur of northern Ghana (Kasena?) [During the eclipse, the moon is devoured by a cat - no details found]: Cardinall 1920:23.

Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs (Makraka, Khartoum District) [Afrites attack her during the eclipse of the moon, people make noise and scream to drive him away]: Lasch 1900:115.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Ra and Apop]; Libyan Arabs [in the Tripoli area and along the coast during the eclipse, men shot guns into the sun to ward off a monster about to devour it; women beat copper vessels]: Morgenblatt 1817:159 in Grimm 1883 (2): 707; Arabs and Berbers in Morocco [the sky is feminine nature, it is a spark that flies out of hell in the morning, falling back in the evening; during eclipses, the sun swallows efreet, a huge winged underground genie; the Moon is a virgin from paradise who is lost; born and dies every month]: Scheub 2000:74; kabily [the world's first mother was a great sorceress; she whipped the water in a wooden bowl with a sickle, the spray rose, the sun fell into the bowl, it became dark; people said to kill one of this woman's favorite children, give it to the Sun, it will return; it happened; and now there are old women in every village who can lower the sun or moon into a bowl of water, we must sacrifice the child she loves; the glitter in the center of the bowl of water and there is the sun; the teeth of the sickle with which water was whipped are stars]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 7:75-76.

Southern Europe. Latins: Mart. Ep. IX. 29. 9-10 ["Medea" by Lucius Anney Seneca (1st century); Medea, casting spells: "I see Trivia agile horses here, /Not the ones she is round and clear, /She drives all night, but those on which ones, /Saddened her face, pulling a reason, /At the painful call of the Thessalian spells/Approaching the ground. Let your dim light up the darkness/Your dim light with a sad ray" (trans. C. Osherov); apparently, we are talking about a lunar eclipse]: Sen. Med. 786-793; [Mark Valery Martial's epigram (c. 40-104) to Philenida's death: "Who will now lower the moon to earth with Thessalian witchcraft, /Who can cheat as cleverly as you now?" (per. F. Petrovsky)]; Lasch 1900 [made a fuss during the eclipse to scare off demons]: 137; Catalans [when the moon is not visible, some monster attacks it]: Amades 1930:244; Galicians [ God punished the moon by telling him to go out at night and be attacked by a wolf; the wolf (i.e. the sun) bites off pieces of the moon and then spews; therefore, the moon is sometimes invisible and grows and gets old]: Valriu 2015, No. 4:13.

Western Europe. The Germans (Bavaria: Upper Palatinate) [proverb: This will happen before the wolf eats the sun (in the sense of giving it a long time)]: Schönwerth 1858, No. 9:75 (possibly the Saint 196:91 refers to this); French: Rabelais 1956. Book 5, Ch. 22 (probably Vendée) _ ["I also saw two giborines on guard at the top of a high tower; we were told they were protecting the moon from wolves"]: 541; Lasch 1900 (Burgundy) [during the eclipse, it is said, "God save the moon from wolves"]: 140; Monnier 1874 (Franche-Saonté) [during the eclipse, the dragon devours the stars; the author himself saw peasants during the eclipse sympathized with the suffering moon]: 137-138; Sébillot 1904 (Bresse, Rhône-Alpes) [at the beginning of the 19th century, people were afraid that a monster would attack the moon during an eclipse]: 41; Saint 1961 [responsible for the loup- eclipse garou]: 91; Bretons [Breton songs from the Villemarqué collection, quoted from the German translation Hartmann-Pfau 1859:272; Ihr Söhne der Bretagne, seid ihr noch gewohnt, /Zu hüten vor dem Wolf den Mond?] : Rochholz 1862:235; the Welsh [He Gadarn (associated with the sun) fights with his opponent Black Wings; he is hiding under the ground; the sun's wife, the moon (Cariadwen) indicates to the sun where he is hides; in retaliation, Black Wings attacks the sun and moon, causing eclipses]: Trevelyan 1909:37.

Western Asia. Babylonia [winds were considered demons attacking the moon during an eclipse]: Lasch 1900:135; Akkad [according to spells against utukkō evil demons, that Ahn sent seven demons and they surrounded moon god Sina]: Krebernik 1995:366; Palestinians [see motive I51; Allah told the angel to hold the earth, the angel stands on a rock, a rock on a bull, a bull on a whale; if On a full moon, the moonlight falls to where a whale swims in the ocean, which tries to swallow the moon, but Allah does not allow it to do so; solar eclipses have another reason, these are warnings to sinners]: Hanauer 1977:5-6; Bedouins in Arabia (and other Western Asian countries?) [from time to time, the Hawt dragon (this is a huge fish) tries to swallow the Sun or the Month; especially afraid of a lunar eclipse, everyone screams, asks the dragon to let go of the Month]: Montagne 1947:74; mehri [at At the time of the moon's eclipse, people throw stones at each other and make orphans cry for God to restore the moon to its former form; if wolves eat the moon, the last day will come]: Stroomer 1999, No. 16:33-35.

Australia. Millingimbi [A month is the lazy husband of two wives; they were tired of getting food for him, they rushed with a digger and an ax, cut off pieces of fat from him; when there was not much left, he climbed on the tree, then into heaven, disappeared; later appeared again; every night the wives managed to cut off larger pieces; this is the cause of the lunar phases]: Wells 1965:18-21; murngin [Hulley & Roberts 1996:53 -56; the month of Ngalindi is a fat and lazy man; for his laziness (or for breaking prohibitions), his wives cut off pieces from him; he escapes by climbing a tall tree to follow the Sun, but dies because of his wounds; three days later he is resurrected, gets fat again; then his wives attack him again and everything happens again]: Hamacher 2011:130; wilman [the sun is a beautiful country they go to dead; it is not hot there, the heat comes from the sky; the sun used to shine all day, the moon all night, there was prosperity and abundance; but men became lazy, and hungry women began to scold them; then the sun and the moon They fell, cut off part of the earth where good people are left (it is clear from the future that this earth is the sun); when these people are going to see what is happening on earth, they cover part of the sun an eclipse occurs; after watching and diverging, the eclipse ends]: Hassell 1934:233-235); vardaman [Harney, Elkin 1968:167; during an eclipse, an evil spirit swallows the sun]: Hamacher 2011:139; Queensland (band unknown) [James Murrell, 17 years of Aboriginal captivity: it is believed that during an eclipse, someone covers the moon with a piece of bark to scare others; one old man replied what did his son do]: Lasch 1900:99; Arunta: Hamacher 2011 [Strelow 1907:19; during an eclipse, the sun is obscured by a large black bird]: 138; Spencer, Gillen 1938 [solar eclipses cause a hostile force in the West, an evil spirit, Arungquiltha, seeking to settle in the sun; to drive him away, shamans extract special stones from their bodies and throw them towards sun]: 566 (quoted in Lasch 1900:99-100); Loritya [Strelow 1985:232; during eclipses, the sun obscures possum]: Hamacher 2011:138; Central Desert (ethnicity not specified) [ Bates 1904-1912, Notebook 6a, 74; during an eclipse, a person covers the sun with his hands or body]: Hamacher 2011:138; Pitjanjara [Rose 1957:146-147; during an eclipse, evil spirits get dirty sun]: Hamacher 2011:139; SW of Western Australia [Bates 1985:232; solar eclipses are caused by sorcerers when they throw their capes or hills and mountains in the sun]: Hamacher 2011:138.

Melanesia. Simbang (Cape King William; this is a Papua trans-New Guinean philia) [The Moon and the Sun are sometimes considered mushrooms, sometimes living beings; at first they walked together, it was very hot; then The sun threw a spear into the sea, asked the Month to get it, ran away on its own; The month decreases because sharks, turtles and other predators eat it in the sea; then small fish free it, the moon sickle rises, children rejoice when they see him]: Hagen 1899:287; d'Entrecasteau [during eclipses, a black snake swallows the moon; people scream it away]: Jenness, Ballantyne 1920:160; Dobu [women cause sun and moon eclipses, throwing coconut leaf cuttings through the cracks in the house]: Bromilow 1912:148 in Frazer 1939:258.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Nauru [(according to P. Hambruch); during an eclipse, a monster swallows the moon]: Permyakov 1970:630; Yap [moon eclipses are summoned by a sorcerer using a fetishes]: Lasch 1900:101-102; Tuvalu (Niutao) [during an eclipse gods devour the sun and moon]: Williamson 1933 (1): 118; Maori: Best 1972 [solar eclipse - attacked by demons]: 20; 1982 [Rona is responsible (or responsible) for lunar eclipses and moon phases; sometimes it is a demonic creature, but more often affectionate to humans]: 393-394; Dixon 1916 [Rona climbed to the moon for his wife; when the moon goes down, he eats her and then the moon eats him; both are reborn, after swimming in the "living water of Tanya" and fighting again]: 88; Society Islands [eclipses occur when the stars are swallowed by a god who has not been sacrificed; when sacrifices are made, the eclipse ends]: Williamson 1933 (3): 115; Mangaia [during an eclipse, the demon Tuanui from the east swallows the moon; the demon Tanguiia from the west swallows the sun; the same in Rarotonga, where the swallower is Tangaroa]: Gill 1876:47 (- (=Westerwelt 1910:41 in Williamson 1933 (1): 116); Rarotonga [as in Mangaia; the swallower is Tangaroa; in order for him to regurgitate his stars, he is sacrificed; he must eat before vomiting]: Westerwelt 1910:41 in Williamson 1933 (1): 116; (cf. Pukapuka [Lingutaimoa woman caught a fish, put it in a coconut shell, began to feed it; the fish grew, she placed it in a larger vessel, in a water pit, in a lagoon, and finally in the sea; fish swam, L. fed her; the fair-people-of-the-sky people pulled the hook from the sky, caught fish; L. asked the wave to carry it to the horizon; the first two waves were not good, the third one brought, L. climbed into heaven, asked everyone if he ate her fish, killed everyone who ate, returned home the same way; fish blood causes eclipses of the sun and moon]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938); Marquises [in during the eclipse, the moon is devoured by some god]: Williamson 1933 (1): 117; Easter Island [eclipses are denoted by the words "the sun eats" and "the moon is eaten"; who eats does not remember, one suggested that the demon Katiki, or Puakatiki]: Metraux 1940:52.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [eclipses of the Sun and Month are caused by a heavenly dog trying to swallow them]: Mills 1922:173 (approx. J.H. Hutton); Tibetans (Amdo) [Urjan-Rembuchi made a drink for himself, Zadu-Rahi {with an emphasis on "i"} urinated there; W. drank and fell ill, chased W.; asked in the sun and the month; the sun was only He showed direction with his lips, and the month spoke in words; W. threw his daughter into pieces in the month, breaking it into pieces; after that, the sun and moon did not rise; W. made the month whole again and the stars rose; because they were his issued, C.-R. devours and spews stars]: Potanin 1893, No. 83:316; Bugun (Khowa) [Sun - early day, Month - raja of night; Ettong serpent tries to kill them and become master of heaven; enough of them, causing eclipses]: Elwin 1958a, No. 7:41; bori [the black bear turned the Month and the Sun into slaves; said he paid dearly for them; people agreed to redeem them but were unable to collect the full amount so eclipses continue to occur from time to time]: Elwin 1958a, No. 5:38-39; Apatani [Si was an enemy of Doini and Polo (sun and moon); sent his servant Tamu to eat them; he took the form of a frog; they promised him chickens, dogs, cats, T. disagreed; then Priest Karcha promised to give it all, even if D. and P. did not; T. agreed, but from time to time he still tries to eat the sun and moon]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:37-38; dafla [demon Tammui built his house in the way of the sun and moon; the moon refused to bypass it, went inside, T. swallowed it, then released it; same with the sun]: Mills 1926:299-300; tagin [Wiyu Tamu, with four legs, a tail, and a huge head, sat on the path of the Sun; he was moving fast, hit his throat, quietly jumped out of his nose in the form of a leaf, returned home, refuses to go out , demands a son Abo-Teni; people dress up a boy as an animal, then another boy, both times the bat warns the Sun of deception; you have to give your son to AT, the Sun eats him, goes out in all its splendor; people have been mortal ever since; every morning the Sun eats a person; sometimes Wiyu Tamu tries to swallow the Sun again, it escapes, people scream and tell Tama to free the sun]: Elwin 1958, No. 25: 60-62; moklum [Luk frog lives in the heavenly village of the supreme deity Rang; tries to swallow the Sun and Moon; during eclipses, people scream and make noise, scaring the frog, it releases lights from its mouth] : Elwin 1958a, No. 18:51; cookie (purum): Das 1945 [The chief's 7 sons killed a deer; six went to have fun, leaving the youngest under the tree to guard the carcass; a gust of wind tore off two leaves from the tree, they they fell on a dead deer, he came to life, ran away; the brothers did not believe it, killed the youngest, told his father that they did not know where he was; leaves also flew off the young man's corpse, he came to life, kicked the bark off the tree, came and told his father, began to dry the bark in the sun; the Sun took the bark; the young man's father told the dog to grab the Sun; do not regurgitate, for then people would multiply excessively, but release it through their ass; this is how eclipses happen; the same with the moon; during eclipses, a black dog attacks the stars; identified with the demon Rahu]: 218-219, 265; Shakespear 1912 [7 brothers went to cut wood and killed a deer; six continued to work, leaving the youngest to cook the meat; he cooked the meat, the leaves fell from the tree, the deer came to life and ran away; the brothers did not believe it, killed the youngest, left the body under the tree; the leaves fell on him, and the young man came to life; the brothers were amazed, collected the leaves, roots and bark of the magic tree; on the way they revived a dog whose corpse was swimming along the river; at home they left leaves, etc., to dry in the sun, told the dog to be a watchman; the Sun and The moon stole what was dried; the dog chased them and has been causing eclipses ever since]: 183; cookie (colchen) [god Rikumpu left the dog to guard the garden; the Sun and Moon have come to steal; the dog is still since they have been haunted, causing eclipses]: Shakespear 1912:183; cookie (anal) [the sun and moon invited the hermit to change piety; having received his piety, they disappeared; the hermit sent for them a dog; she took a long pole, climbed into heaven, and sometimes there are still enough deceivers; its owner also climbed the pole, but while he was climbing, the ants ate its base, the hermit fell and crashed]: Shakespear 1912 : 183-184; Meitei ['Illustrated Folktales of Manipur', by Ksh. Subadani, 2010, Lingthoingambi Publications, Imphal; 7 brothers, the youngest is Rongmeikai; they killed a female snake and the male crawled away; told R. to cook snake meat; he divided the snake into 7 pieces and went to get water; saw a male snake bring a piece of Langchi tree bark and revived the female; the brothers did not believe it and beat R., breaking his legs; he asked to leave him at this tree; healed his legs with bark; went to travel; he revived a dead dog for testing and she went with him; stopped at the old woman; moans at night - a girl died nearby; R. revived her and got her married; the wife accidentally found the bark and put it to dry in the sun; the sun and moon stole the bark; R. began to build a ladder to the sky; gathered all the animals for this purpose, but forgot the Curculionoidea beetles; the offended beetles decided to take revenge; R. first sent against the sun with with the moon to his dog; the beetles gnawed on the stairs; the dog reached the sky, and R. fell with the stairs and could no longer revive the dead; the dog has since attacked the sun and moon (eclipses)]: Oinam et al. s.a.; sema [during eclipses, a tiger devours the moon or sun]: Hutton 1968:250; rengma [a tiger attacks the moon during an eclipse]: Mills 1937:245; ao: Mills 1926 [during an eclipse the tiger tries to swallow the sun or the moon; at this time people beat the drums]: 300; Smith 1925 [during eclipses, the tiger attacks the Sun]: 99; lhota [the eclipse of the Sun and the Month causes the heavenly dog trying to swallow them]: Mills 1922:172-173; Mishmi (Kaman) [four suns were shining, it was unbearably hot; people sent eight men with two dogs to heaven, they killed three suns, bodies threw them into the river; went back, leaving one dog, Tafyeo, to guard the fourth sun; seven died on the way, one man and one dog returned to earth; the sun stopped giving enough heat from grief and light; T. bit him, does it regularly to remind the Sun of its duties]: Elwin 1958a, No. 12:46-47; cognac: Hutton 1925 [frog swallows the moon (details not known)]: 119; Mills 1926 ["I saw a carved image in which a frog seems to be swallowing the moon"]: 300; garo [during an eclipse, the sun or moon is swallowed by the evil spirit Navang; to drive him away, people beat drums and they blow the horns]: Playfair 1909:88; angami [eclipse because the star must return the light borrowed]: Hutton 1925:120; lakher [Nateu lives where heaven meets earth; he has there are black and red dogs (male and female); during an eclipse, one of them swallows the sun; people pour water in a saucer, look at the reflection of the sun; if the sun is black, they hit a red dog, if it is red, redhead; seeing that his brother is being beaten, the sky dog will release the sun; they also beat gongs and drums, scream; the dog also swallows the sun at the best, kuba, kabui, meitei (manipuri ); humans did not die, they multiplied, behaved badly; Khazangpa told the dog to swallow the sun (Nateu has two dogs, they swallow the sun and a month during eclipses); it has become dark; everything is dead except la, came to life, tigers and bears began to kill people, deer ran out of the forest; some people turned into stars, some into monkeys; rotten and dried trees turned green; baskets and other utensils turned into small animals and insects; only those scorched by fire remained the same; only the bones of animals that had undergone the la rite could be burned in fires; they soon they ran out and the lights went out; people survived as long as they kept their eyes open, but no one was awake for more than seven days, all died; only brother and sister hid under the feeder for pigs, and predators did not find them; when the Nateu dog relieved and the sun came out again, brother and sister got married and became the ancestors of people; in order not to send a new disaster, K. made people by mortals]: Parry 1932:488-489 (a brief retelling in Elwin 1948:26-26); the best (Purum) [the seven brothers went to the forest to cut wood, killed a deer, told the younger one to cook it; he put the cooked food meat on the leaves of the tree; other leaves fell from the tree, pieces of deer gathered, he came to life and ran away; the brothers did not believe it, they killed the cook; the leaves fell, he came to life; with the bark of a tree on the way home, the brothers revived the dead dog; they put leaves at home, bark to dry, told the dog to guard; Sun and Month stole it, the dog is still chasing them, causing eclipses]: Shakespear 1909:394; best (Anal) [Sun and Month they went down to the holy man with a proposal to change their virtue to his; he gave his own, they ran away; he chased them with the dog; the dog put up a pole, climbed it into heaven, chased luminaries, causing eclipses; man followed, ants gnaw on a pole, man crashed]: Shakespear 1909:394-395; vancho [Luk swallows the Sun and Moon once a year, but they quickly pass through him; others say that the Sun is swallowing the Frog and the Snake is in a hurry to save him]: Elwin 1958b, No. 28:63; khasi [the girl was stolen by a tiger; she grew up, he decided to eat her, invited other tigers to a feast; Mouse told the girl to run to U Hynroh, the huge Toad; he puts toad skin on her, makes her a maid; the mouse tells her to run to heaven on a tree that has grown to the sky; the girl stays with the Sun woman; her son sees how she removes her toad's skin, becomes beautiful; The sun secretly burns her skin, marries her son to a girl; U Hynroh is furious, attacks the Sun from time to time, but people make noise and scare him away]: Rafy 1920, No. 1:1-7; kachin [Sun Brother is the father of nine Sun Girls, Sister Moon has many star children; when people started stealing rice, the Sun released all daughters as punishment, gave dogs 9 tails each, and field dogs mice (favorite game) 9 holes each; people made a large bow to shoot live snakes at the Sun; then the whole Sun family hid; they sent the Battleship, the daughter of the Sun killed him; then the Rooster; he agreed for the Sun to revive the Battleship, give him sturdy clothes and a long tongue; scatter his daughters, breaking them apart (they also became stars); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with him; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow it, and if the Moon is a Dog; var.: an orphan boy is in the forest; angels gave him medicinal herbs, he became famous and rich; the Sun and the Moon stole them out of envy; Toad and The dog chased them; the Kachin absorbers are driven away with noise and screams]: Gilhodes 1908, No. 24:691-693.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the widow bequeaths a mortar to the eldest grandson, a pestle to the youngest; the eldest, without taking a mortar, goes to another village; the youngest carries a pestle with him; the snake asks to revive the dead snake with a pestle; the pestle will retain the ability to revive until the young man tells others about it; the young man revives a dead dog; revives the princess, marries her, becomes heir to the throne; realizes that the smell of the pestle gives eternal youth, he and his wife do not grow old; the moon stole the pestle when the owner left it to dry, telling the dog to protect; the dog rushed in pursuit; sometimes the moon grabs (eclipse), but the Moon also begins to vomit slips away; this dog does not age because it smells like pestus from time to time]: Aung 1957:96-98 (=Coyaud 2002, No. 8:29-33); Inta [after the father's death, the younger brother gets a house, a cat, a sharpener; he goes to look for a wife; sleeping in a tree, he kills a wild pig with a sharpener at it; the pig revives the pig by the root; the young man picks up the root, revives it, takes the dog with him, then revives the girl marries her; they return home; the dog dug his grandfather's treasure; Nat decided to take away the elixir of life, went down like a kite, took it away; the dog grabbed his wing, ended up in the sky; sometimes the sun and the moon are enough causing eclipses]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 4:148-151; Karen: Latham 1959b [tah-yumu character causes eclipses]: 98; Parry 1932 [dog swallows sun also from Karen]: 488; Obayashi 1964a [ eclipses cause a tiger or bear to swallow the moon but they're not moon brothers]: 209; wa [lunar eclipses cause a frog to swallow its brother of the Month]: Obayashi 1964a:205; The Viets [Mat Choi (Sun) and Mat Chang (Moon) are daughters of Ngok Hoang (Yashma Lord); when the Sun palanquin was carried by young porters, they often stayed on the road, the day was long; when they carried the young were short; the moon was hot by the Sun, their father told their mother to smear the moon's face with ash, since then they fell in love with the moon; the phases of the moon - Mat Chang turns his face; otherwise, the young man Kuai threw sand in the face of the moon when she came down to see what was being done in the world; the bear is the husband of both sisters; covers them, causing eclipses; people scare the Bear away by hitting drums and mortars]: Knorozova 2000:22- 23; Thais: Plenge 1976:116 [1) eight brothers went to wat; the older Sun and Month forgot the spoon, sent the younger Raahuu for it; when he returned, they hit him on the head with a spoon; R. said , which after death would humiliate the brothers as they humiliated him; devours the sun and moon, causing eclipses; 2) the younger brother asked the elder to give him rice; he replied that the rice was not ready yet, the younger brother insisted; the elder scooped up half-baked rice with a spoon, pretended to hit her brother; after death, the eldest turned into the Sun and the Month, and the youngest into a frog; when they meet, the youngest covers the elder hand, causing eclipses], 120 [Rahu was a servant of the sisters Sun and Moon, wanted to swallow them, but he was not allowed, so he only covers them with his finger; var.: Rahu was the sisters' younger brother, forgot the spoon when they everyone went to the woods to see the monks on the occasion of his father's death; Rahu first swallowed the sisters, but then apparently regurgitated and now only covers them with his finger], 121 [Buddha had leprosy, Phrá In decided to help him, left the medicine on the road; Buddha found it, anointed the sick flesh, recovered; went, came across a dead frog, a pig, an elephant, revived everyone; Buddha's wife opened the box in which he was magic remedy, the Sun stole it; Buddha sent a pig, the Sun turned it into a star; an elephant the same; a frog; it still chases the Sun as well as the Moon, and sometimes grabs them with her mouth], 122 (southern Thailand) [Rahu is a ferocious giant in a cage; sometimes breaks out and devours the Moon Girl; people scream and rattle to drive him away]; Le May 1924 [Kornev translation 1963:71-72; Rahu was the servant of the Atit sisters ( eldest) and Chan; forgot to take a rice cup and spoon with her; came back, brought a cup, and forgot the spoon again; when she finally brought it, both sisters hit her in the face in public with a spoon; Rahu: let her in The next rebirth, Atit will be the sun and Chan will be the moon, but I will always be in the sky; during eclipses, R. hits her sisters in the face; people try to drive her away and hit the gongs]: 11; Mills 1926 [during eclipses, the dragon attacks the sun or moon]: 300; Thai Vietnam [the frog breaks off the chain and swallows the stars]: Chesnov 1982h: 488; tai lue Laos [the eclipse of the moon causes a frog trying it swallow]: Yamada, personal report, 01/09/2011; shana: Milne 1910 [Sun, Month and Sura were 3 brothers; The sun rose early, cooked rice, brought it hot to the deity; Month brought cold rice; Sura He slept for a long time, brought the burnt rice from the bottom; wanted to be more important than the brothers; received 3 grains of immortality from the deity; swallowed one, hid two under the pillow; the Sun and the Month found them, swallowed them, and also became immortals; Sura pursues their chariots in her dark invisible chariot, sometimes catches up and fights (eclipses); others say that during eclipses she tries to swallow the sun or moon frog]: 200-201; Plenge 1976 ["the Shans have the same story as the Thais": two brothers were waiting for guests; the eldest was cooking, putting the spoon behind his back and forgetting about it; without a spoon, the youngest could not give food to the guests, became look for a spoon; (then the text is cut off, but it is obvious that one of the brothers turned into a frog and causes eclipses)]: 118; ahem [seven brothers discuss what is most delicious; the elders talk about food, the youngest is about the girl; the elders beat him; when he hears his explanations, his mother and father also beat; he goes to the forest, kills wild pigs, climbs a tree; sees how the pig revives those killed by the plant; takes a part plants, revives a dead bird; the ruler's daughter is dead, the ruler promises her to the one who will revive her; the young man revives her, but does not marry her, but asks the ruler for a rooster; if he is pressed, he creates everything that you want; creates a village; the ruler comes, asks him to show what he revived his daughter with; the young man opens his hand, the Moon descends and takes the money; during an eclipse, the Frog attacks the Moon, trying to seize it (the product here is called a "piece of wood", piece of wood); the young brothers come, asking for a rooster to create a village for themselves; frightened by the storm, they squeeze too hard the rooster dies; the young man makes a comb out of the rooster's bones; when he combs his hair, gold and silver fall; the brothers ask for a comb to borrow, they comb their hair, their hair falls out, they burn the comb; a little left, the young man made a toothpick out of it, gold and silver are pouring in again; brothers and parents ask for a toothpick, their teeth have fallen out, they burned the toothpick; the part remains, the young man swallowed it, his intestines the gases have become fragrant; one brother asks what to eat; the young man advises eating some plants; the brother got dirty and died]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 14:112-117; stieng [during the eclipse the sun and moon are attacked by a monster]: Mouhot 1864:255; Lasch 1900:126; the Khmers [the sun of Preas Atit and the month of Preas Chan were brothers of Preas Reahu (Indian Rahu); the Sun gave alms in gold, became the sun, the Month became silver, became a month, Reahu became an ordinary trifle, became the demon of Reau; the gods decided to shoot down the ocean of milk to get the drink of immortality; the turtle brought a mountain on its back, wrapped in around her, the serpent served as a stirrer, the gods grabbed the tail, where it was cool and rained, and the demons for the dangerous head; when they got the drink, R. immediately drank it, but the Sun and the Month noticed it, said Preas Eyssaur and he threw the throwing disc and cut off R.'s head; the gods took possession of the drink, but R.'s head remained immortal and now tries to swallow the stars from time to time out of revenge]: Nevermann 1956:27-29.

South Asia. Ancient India (Mahabharata, Puranas, Ramayana) [when, as a result of the smelling of the sea, a vessel with the drink of immortality Amrita appeared, the asuras were ready to take possession of it; Vishnu became beautiful, distracted their attention, the gods seized Amrita; the dragon Rahu took the image of God, secretly approached Amrita and venerated the bowl; the Sun and the Month recognized and exposed him; Vishnu cut off Rahu's head; Amrita had time to reach Rahu's throat, her head remains immortal, has ascended to heaven and, hating the Sun and the Month, always tries to swallow them; the tail sometimes appears in the sky in the form of a comet]: Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 12: 33 (=Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 24:65-66; =Elwin 1949:68); Punjabi people [during a sun or moon eclipse, when the stars are attacked by Raha and Ketu, people take a bath to become clean enough to chant mantras]: Crooke 1891, No. 103:15; Gujarati [eclipses are caused by the creditor (either a Bhangi or the demons Rahu and Ketu come to demand debt from the Moon or Sun]: Enthoven 1924:59; Rajastans (Rajputs, Marwari dialect, Jaisalmer) [Solar eclipse - Shani's (Saturn) influence. When Shani influences gods and people, a person's or god's life falls into a black streak. Shani influenced Rama when he was forced to spend 14 years in the forest. The concept of "Shani influence" exists in modern Indian astrology. Shani was the son of Surya (Sun), whom he did not recognize. One day, Surya Sandhya's wife went to perform tapasya, leaving her shadow, and the shadow took the form of Sandhya. With this Shadow, Surya had a son, Shani, who was very black. Surya said it was not his son and refused him. Shani was raised by his mother, and he loved her the most. Mahadev Shiva gave Shani the ability to negatively influence everyone without exception. Shani first tried this ability on Shiva himself. Then he influenced his father Surya, which made him half black. After that, Surya agreed to recognize Shani as his son. Shani said he was withdrawing his influence, but sometimes he would still influence, and at that moment Surya would turn half black again. When a lunar eclipse happens, it's Shani's influence on the Month. For a month, he was proud of his beauty and laughed at Shani's blackness, for which Shani also periodically influences him]: E. Renkovskaya, personal report 12.03.2017; Marathi [explanation of eclipses - as in mainstream Indian tradition (demon Rahu)]: Dr. Sunil R. Parab, Shivalik Institute of Ayurved & Research, personal report. 15.06.2018; bhilas [a woman from the basket caste sits between the earth and the stars, casting a shadow over the month and the sun; to prevent this from happening, the baskets are given alms]: Koppers 1948:284-285 (same in Koppers, Jungblut 1976:217-218); balakhi [Rahu causes sun and moon eclipses]: Fuchs 1950:286; Himachali plowmen (Kullu Valley): A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya, field materials, October 2016 [moon eclipse - low-caste attacked the moon (tsor tsamar, let go of the moon - chor chamar "leather thieves"). While recording, the informant's husband forbade her to tell the story, and she switched to the story of the demon Rahu; Rahu and Ketu, two Rakshasa, steal the moon. People sing bhajans, persuading Raha Keta to give up the moon, add dhruba ghas grass to their food on the day of the eclipse, it's sacred when the eclipse ends, everyone goes to bathe, sprinkles water from the Ganges on their clothes, they wash, Ganges water is sprayed everywhere in the house; when the eclipse is solar, they leave the house only when it ends; then the same as during a lunar eclipse], October 2017 [Once it's over on earth everything is edible, and only a chamar (a member of a very low, untouchable leather caste) named Channy has some of the grain left. God (we are talking about the Sun, but the informant never says the word "sun", only God) went to him and asked for grain. Chamar gave grains, after which God distributed them to people. Chamar Channy asks God to return his grain, but God refuses. Then the chamar takes buffalo skin and goes to God saying, "I'm going to touch you now." God shouts "Don't touch me, don't touch me" (I guess this means a moment of untouchability). During the eclipse, all people on earth start shouting loudly, "Chamar thief, let our God go." And God says to the chamar, "Look, my dogs are barking on earth, and now they're going to tear you up." Then the chamar retreats. Therefore, it is a custom to make loud noise during an eclipse and shout "Chamar thief, let our God go"]; the Santals [The Moon and Sun vouched for people who ate from Dusad (this is some kind of godling); that grabs them, demanding debt and causing eclipses]: Elwin 1949:69; Birkhor [The Moon and Sun vouched for people who borrowed food; lenders send to grab the stars, demanding debt, eclipses occur; in the event of A lunar eclipse hits one piece of iron against another and then asks the blacksmith to make bracelets out of this iron that children wear as talismans]: Roy 1925:495 (quoted in Elwin 1949:69); bondo: Elwin 1950 [During the famine, only the Bear and the Caterpillar had grain supplies; Mahaprabhu asked them for a loan, taking the Sun and Moon as guarantors; they still go to ask for repayment; during eclipses, their shadows the stars close; a total eclipse is caused by the Bear, a partial eclipse by the Caterpillar; if a pregnant woman leaves home during an eclipse, her newborn will have a cleft lip]: 139; 1954, No. 28 [The sun and moon have occupied Bear and Scorpio bamboo hairpins fasten plates of leaves; they have not given them back until now, so lenders grab lights from time to time]: 50-51; litter: Elwin 1954, No. 34 (Hill Saora) [Sun arranged a party; the baby in the womb of the moon wanted to eat, she took a piece before the guests began to eat; the Sun demanded that the Moon pay a fine; sent a bear to pick him up (the moon turned dark), then a tiger ( turned red)], 35 [The sun and the moon tied a snake around the boy's neck; his blind father cursed the stars; now the snake will devour them, sometimes swallow them completely]: 55, 55-56; Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials [solar eclipse - moyung (mo - swallow, yung - sun); the sun swallows a big snake; one day the sun went to the snake to ask for water, the snake gave it; the sun began to come every day to the snake for water, because of its heat, all the children of the snake died; the snake became angry and began to swallow the sun; it only punishes him and then releases it (belches); a pregnant woman should not leave the house during eclipses, otherwise there will be problems with the child; lunar eclipse - mogay (mo - swallow, gay - moon); the moon is swallowed by another snake; the snake is dark at night, it asks the moon to give some light; the moon agrees, but takes the snake promises not to kill any people; the snake promises, but then eats several people; for this, the moon drops poison from the sky on the snake family, snakes die; before that, snakes were everywhere on earth; snake scares the moon by swallowing it]; Vitebsky 1980 [The Sun and the Month are brothers, both had many children; because of the many small Suns, the earth was hot, impossible to live; the Month hid its children (stars) in chest, smeared his mouth with red tree sap, said he ate the children; if the Sun eats his own, there would be no one left on earth; the Sun ate, the Month released stars; the Sun sent a snake for the Month (Month- Spirit-Eater), who swallows it once a year; this is not always visible, but if you can see, people beat drums and shoot guns; at this time, when the snake belches the Month, pregnant women may have a miscarriage]: 56; Chero [The Sun and Moon vouched for the debtor; from time to time, creditors send their agents to demand debt and try to seize the stars, an eclipse occurs]: Elwin 1949:69; lingayat [1) During the eclipse, the luminary is shadowed by the lender Kālappa (Bālappa), who loaned money to a fellow villager, for whom the Sun and the Month vouched for; 2) The Sun and the Month themselves borrowed money from the shepherd, he comes to demand a debt; 3) during an eclipse, the debtor hides (with the stars)]: Gurumurthy 1981:347; agaria [Kairya Kuar takes the Sun's daughter, marries her; the Sun comes for her; KK. plants him into an iron cage; hence eclipses]: Elwin 1942:100, note 1 in Luomala 1963:213-214; bhumia [Janka's mother (aka Sita) cut off her sixth finger, hammered it into the ground, grew up in bamboo, in every section seeds of various cultivated plants (rice, millet, legumes, etc.); Chandu, Domara's pig, found bamboo; D. found grain in her droppings, emptied the bamboo together with his brothers, filled the bins; Bhagavan decided to burn the world; Pandawa, their mother Kotma, Nanga-Baigu and his wife Nanda-Baigin hid underground; C. and D. hid separately in the pit with a supply of grain; after the fire, the elder from Pandawa Bhimsen asked D. grains; he allowed it, but it must be returned in the same way: pour the grain taken from above, taken through the hole at the bottom of the bin from below; D. stabbed the pig; the guests only pretended to eat, the wind At Bhimsen's request, he blew everything off their plates (you can't eat with D., he was from the lower caste); only Narayan-Deo ate, could no longer live with his brothers; began to pestilence on pigs, he was sacrificed; the Pandawa brothers returned the grain taken from above but not taken from below; the Sun and Moon vouched for them; so Domar sometimes has enough of them; people scream, D. releases the star]: Fuchs 1970:27-34; binjwar [when the Sun is at the Sun children were born, the gods were afraid that the world would burn; asked his sister Luna to invite him to visit him, feed him sweet potatoes, saying that it was the flesh of her children; to sprinkle water on their bones, they would come to life; the Sun did so; his children became spirits, attacking the moon from time to time, causing eclipses]: Elwin 1954, No. 6:39-40; baiga [the gods went to ask a lower caste man for food; he made it a condition that they eat from his hands; at their request, the Wind took the food away without allowing the gods to be desecrated; that man said that it would be necessary to return it correctly to the bins through the bottom hole from where it was taken; the gods promised that duty Soldneze and the Month will be returned; when they bring the bag and try to fill the closure, the owner grabs them, an eclipse occurs; mehtar, bom, basor have the same]: Elwin 1939:333-334; kolam [if the moon is pink during an eclipse, it is eaten by a caterpillar or scorpion, and if it is dark red, it is a frog]: Vahia et al. 2019:56-57; toda [two went for honey, found one, filled the vessel, hid it in a tree, did not tell the other; the vessel turned into a snake, the honey into the Paykara River that flowed from this place; the snake chased the honey that had hidden it; the man threw his clothes on the running hare, the snake chased the hare; the hare asked the Sun to hide it, it said it was hot, let the Moon hide it; the moon promised to hide it; the spots on the moon are a hare; from time to time the snake tries to grab it, happens lunar eclipse]: Rivers 1906:592; cat [hunters chased a hare followed by a huge snake; the hare rushed to the Month, which hid it under his clothes; the snake swallows them]: Emeneau 1944:68 in Elwin 1949:69; lingayat [1) during the eclipse, the luminary is covered by the shadow of the lender Kālappa (Bālappa), who loaned money to a fellow villager for whom the Sun and the Month vouched for; 2) They occupied the Sun and the Month themselves money from a shepherd, he comes to demand a debt; 3) during an eclipse, the debtor hides (with the stars)]: Gurumurthy 198:347; Halakki (Okkal) [a snake or beast chases a rabbit; brothers Sun and Month try to hide him; the pursuer tries to swallow them themselves; people scare him away by hitting drums and gongs]: Gurumurthy 1981:346-347; ghasia [The Sun and the Month borrowed money from a caste man house; now he swallows and belches them from time to time]: Elwin 1939:334; teli [The sun has taken the sun from the scavenger, he comes for debt (eclipse)]: Elwin 1939:334; telugu [1) A month tries protect the lender attacked by the debtor, who overshadows him with his body; 2) the sweeper tries to hit his son with a broom, the Month intervenes]: Elwin 1949:69; nayar [during Rahu snake eclipses eats the moon and sun]: Iyer 1912:88; Tamils [the king has an only daughter, she is on the seventh floor of the palace; every day he weighs her using lemons as weights; every day in the morning and evening the girl looks at the sun and laughs; Surya Bhagavan (the sun, aka Shiva) decides that she is mocking him, comes in the room at night, in the morning; the king notices that the daughter has become heavier (i.e. she is pregnant); then Shiva opens, they are happy; Shiva gives her a ring and goes for gifts; but the warrior replaced the collected dishes with an iron brazier; when she saw her, the princess told her not to let anyone in; The offended Shiva predicted that she would starve, work to exhaustion, cut off her fingers with a sickle and only return to well-being much later; her son asks who his father is; she gives him Shiva's ring; tells her to go to the river and help the old woman pick up a jug of water; let her throw a ring into the jug; when the ring was in the jug, there was only a little water left there immediately; Shiva asked for a drink, the old woman became pour it out of the jug, the ring fell, the old woman handed it to Shiva; the boy ordered him to be brought to him, took him to heaven; but wanted to see his mother, because she was starving; Shiva gave him the box, told him not to open it the road; but the boy discovered, valuables, houses, land, cattle fell asleep from there; the snake promises to collect everything back, but then it will bite on the wedding day; the boy agrees; now he and his mother are safe; the young man has grown up, but postpones the wedding day; finally, the day has come, the snake is ready to bite the groom; this is the snake that Shiva wears as a necklace; he cannot let her bite his son, put his leg up and be bitten by a snake him; it's a solar eclipse]: Blackburn 2005, No. 50; the Sinhales [Sun, Month, and Rahu were the widow's sons; went to the wedding, leaving their mother at home; when they returned, she asked what they had brought her; Rahu said it was okay, the Sun threw her a torch to illuminate the road, and the younger Month hid several rice under his fingernails and filled the whole pot with them; the mother blessed the youngest; Rahu tries swallow brothers during eclipses]: Pereira 1917:3.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs: Schebesta 1937 (Kintak Bong) [A month is sometimes an old man, sometimes a child; during an eclipse, people drive the Dragon away from Month, which is actually the Sun; the Sun (woman?) became the enemy of the Month after he stole her children; Jehai is also believed]: 237 in Evans 1937:165-166 (short in Schmidt 1925:729); semangs (Grik, Cheka River, Pahang) [causes eclipses huge snake]: Evans 1937:166; semangs (Menik Kaien) [The eclipse of the Moon Woman causes a Sun man who is jealous that the Moon has many children (stars); the Sun sends the Gahaiyup butterfly to attack The moon; Gahaiyup appears from where the Sun sets; Ijok (probably Lanoh) and Jehai in Temengor have the same ideas; they scared off the butterfly by hitting (the ground?) bamboo sticks]: Evans 1937:165-166; semangs [eclipses of the moon and sun cause two different snakes or dragons trying to swallow them]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:203; hayhoes (Ulu Temengoh in Upper Perak) [during the moon eclipse, it is swallowed by the Pud creature]: Evans 1918:192; senoi (sakai) [during an eclipse, the Rahu snake or dragon {obvious Indian borrowing} tries to swallow the moon]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:235; Malays: Skeat, Blagden 1950 [during an eclipse, the sun or moon is swallowed by the Rahu dragon or dog]: 11; Winstedt 1951 [Rahu, who swallows the sun and moon, is considered a dragon; Danu - rainbow serpents]: 35; Nicobars [eclipses of the sun and moon are caused by a boa constrictor swallowing them]: Roy 2001, No. 16:37; Bataks: Erkes 1926 [The Sun has seven sons, all began to shine together the earth is burning; people sent Swallow to the moon asking for help; Luna hid her sons; people gave her lime, betel, tobacco - this is what siri chewing gum needs; Luna told the Sun that she ate her sons showed seven bowls of their blood (actually chewing gum); when the Sun also ate its sons, the Moon released its own; the Sun let evil spirits (eclipses) on the moon; other spirits, the Moon's associates, cause solar eclipses]: 42-43; Pleyte 1894 (toba) [the shepherd broke snake eggs; the Sun and the Moon tried to persuade the Snake to accept the ransom, she disagrees; then the Moon agrees to be the shepherd's deputy; the snake swallows it monthly]: 97 in Antoni 1982:155; Minangkabau [during eclipses, an evil spirit tries to swallow the lights]: Lasch 1900:131; Nias [swallows a seven-headed luminary during eclipses garuda dragon]: Lasch 1900:131; regjang [a dragon swallows it during an eclipse of the moon]: Marsden 1785:207 in Lasch 1900:132; kubu [Balek Beruang Langit devours the moon during an eclipse ?)] : Schebesta 1928:253; Bali [figure {original material not specified} in connection with a retelling of the Balinese version of the myth of Rahu's attempt to drink amrita when Vishnu cut off his head and Rahu's head became periodically swallow the sun and moon; there is a head with a grinned mouth, palms extending from it; four fingers are clenched and directed horizontally, the thumb is down; in the mouth fangs in the upper and lower jaw; teeth are visible only in the upper jaw; Kala Rahu uses them to hold the edge of the moon, shown as a disc, inside which is a woman with high hair and naked breasts sitting at a spinning wheel]: Covarrubias 1956:299; Java (including Sunda) [Rahu (=Kåråwu) attacks the stars during the eclipse]: Lasch 1900:129; Dusun: Evans 1913:433-434 [Supreme God Kenharingan's children destroyed rice, Tarob ate it every time; they told him to go eat the moon; now, during the lunar eclipse, people offer rice for T. to let go of the moon], 453 [the son replies to his mother that he is still hungry; she advises him to go eat the moon; during eclipses he is scared off by hitting gongs]; Villard 2013 [Tarob grew up to be a voracious giant; his mother once asked him to eat the moon; he started biting it, but heard noise and screams; the mother found out that it was the people who were trying to drive away the attacker on the moon, advised T. to leave her; but from time to time he tries to eat the moon again]: 35-36; Western Toraja [ eclipses are caused by a giant bird that feeds on humans and buffaloes]: Kruyt 1938, No. 25:372; Eastern Toraja [Wat Rao locked the Sun for three months for passing by his house without asking; The sun begged him to let him go so that people would not starve; but continues to pass near the WR house; when the Sun grabs it, eclipses occur; people drive away the monster with noise; in different areas of the monster presented in different ways, including as a hairy caterpillar and a tiger]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 8:378; wana [Tolongkungku's bird pecking causes her eclipse, people scream, telling her to return moon]: Kruyt 1930:419 in Maaβ 1933:296; north Sulawesi (Bolaand Mongondow: minahasa?) [the snake attacking the moon is driven away with noise and screams]: Lasch 1900:132; Bakan, Patani, Galela [lunar eclipse - "the snake swallows"]: Lasch 1900:132; Tabaru [lunar eclipse -" eaten by a snake "]: Maaβ 1921:63; tidore [during the eclipse of the star, a dragon swallows, is driven away by screams and blows to the drum]: Lasch 1900:132-133; Halmachera (band not specified) [ The sun and moon are the toys of the souls of dead children; when a snake eats these souls, an eclipse occurs]: Lasch 1900:132; tetum [moon eclipse - asu na fulan ("dog eats the moon")]: Vroklage 1952:136

Taiwan - Philippines. Manobo: Eugenio 1994, No. 67c [to end wars, the shaman told the warring chief he could take him to the moon; they climbed the stairs, the chief went to bed; the shaman went down, cut him off stairs; when the leader turns and closes the moon, eclipses occur; when he stretches his legs, he beats off pieces of the moon - shooting stars], 157 [during an eclipse, a huge spider grabs the moon; people drive away screaming and shooting him; if it swallows the moon, eternal night will come]: 133, 269-270; bagobo [a minokawa bird with steel claws and a beak grabs the moon; people scream, Minokawa looks at what is going on releases the moon; if a Minokawa swallows the moon and the sun, it will also eat people; the Minokawa is waiting for the moon (and the sun?) on the eastern horizon, when the moon reaches it by traveling underground; the moon has 8 holes in the east and 8 in the west, and the bird does not know which one the moon will pass through; during eclipses, people make noise, Minokawa turns to see what's going on, opens his mouth, the star slips out]: Benedict 1913, No. 9:19 (=1916:40, 47; =Eugenio 1994, No. 156:268-269; translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 3:30); maguindanao [ the maid asks the woman to come to her dying mother; the husband returns before his wife, accuses her of infidelity; the woman runs away, the husband follows her, his dog Arimaunga is with him; God turned the woman into the moon, the husband into sun; when a dog grabs the moon, eclipses occur]: Rybkin 1975, No. 45:138-139; maranao [Arimaonga lion sometimes grabs the moon, causing eclipses; solar eclipses come from what his chariots break a wheel]: Eugenio 1994, No. 158:270; Calamians [a huge crab swallows the moon during an eclipse]: Worcester 1901:497; (cf. Tagaly [The moon is afraid that its star children will die from the heat of the Sun's children; suggests that everyone eat their own; the Sun has eaten, the Moon has hidden its own, now it releases only at night; The Sun is chasing the Moon ; when it bites, the new moon, the wounds heal, the moon grows fat]: Rybkin 1975, No. 109:261); mandaya [The sun husband was ugly, quarreled; chased his Moon Wife; he is still chasing, sometimes almost enough; they the first son was a big star; the Sun got angry, cut him into small pieces, scattered him across the sky, making stars; their other son is a huge Tambanokaua crab; when he blinks, lightning flies out of his eyes; when it sits in its hole on the seabed, the tide; when it comes out, the water fills the hole - low tide; sometimes it tries to swallow its mother the Moon (eclipse); at this time people hit the gongs, driving away the Crab]: Eugenio 1994, No. 71:137; cebuan [the huge Bacunawa sea serpent consistently swallows six of the seven moons; to prevent it from swallowing the last one, god Bathala plants bamboo (these are spots) on it; during eclipses the serpent tries to swallow the moon, but people drive it away with noise]: Eugenio 1994, No. 155:267-268; subanon [when God is dissatisfied with people, he sends a big bird to close the sun; people scream, ask to drive them away bird; sun or moon comes out again]: Eugenio 1994, No. 183:308-309; Negrito Luzon (different groups) [a spider or other creature grabs the moon during an eclipse]: Garvan 1963:205.

China - Korea. Ancient China: Yangshina 1984:108 ["Zhou Rites": When devouring the sun and moon, the king personally beats the drum; the word "devour" is transmitted in the hieroglyph "eat" or the same hieroglyph with determinative "worm" (means "to be devoured by a worm, a reptile")], 111 [the hymn to the sun describes the Sun's daily journey; it shoots a bow at the Sky Wolf; one star Sky Wolf, two others - Bow and Arrow]; Antoni 1982 [Shang era vessel depicting a dragon with a moon hare sticking out of its mouth]: 157; Chinese (province not specified) [Sky Star Dog devours the Sun, causing eclipses]: Williams 1974:279; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Wanyuan) [A long time ago, there was no sun or moon in the sky, and the earth was dark and cold. There was one immortal who had a son and a daughter. They decided to make the world a bright place and told their father about it, but he did not agree. Then my brother stole his father's jewels - a needle and a knife. The brother and sister decided they would go up to heaven, use their magic to illuminate the world, and they would shine one by one. When the sister ran away from home, she forgot to get dressed, and then her brother gave her a needle to keep it with her, and people did not dare to look at her. My brother took a knife for himself. My sister was the first to go to heaven, began to shine during the day, and people called her the Sun. The brother got up second, and because he had a sharp knife, if people pointed at him with their hand, he could cut his ear. People started calling him "Grandpa Moon". When their father found out, he swore to bring them back and sent General Heavenly Dog to pick them up. He quickly caught up with them, and when they started fighting, people began to beat gongs and drums to help the Sun and the Moon. Heavenly Dog saw such support and retreated. Therefore, people believe that "the heavenly dog eats the month" or "the sun is devoured by the sky dog"]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 10:30; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Yunlian) [Grandpa Sky had a big dog. He was very naughty and constantly playing with the moon: he would swallow it and then spit it it out. This was very disturbing for people. Mother Nuiva found out about this and decided to get rid of the dog, but was afraid she would not be able to defeat it, so through her dreams she asked people to support her by hitting the gongs, and when the heavenly dog swallowed it the moon, make noise and shout for him to spit it it out. When she took to heaven, the dog was just eating the moon. Nuiva rushed at him and told him to spit out the moon. At this time, when people saw that the moon was gone, they began to make noise and shout: "The heavenly dog ate the moon, hit it!" In pain and fear, the dog spit out the moon, and Nuiva told him never to do it again. He promised he wouldn't, so she spared him. In fact, he has not improved, and sometimes tries to eat the moon again, but as soon as he hears the noise people make, he immediately spits it out]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 17:36-37; Chinese ( Shandong, wu. Dingtao) [in honor of her birthday, Mother Wangmu arranges a holiday at the Jade Pond, which brings together all immortals; the immortal Hundred Flowers prepares noodles from cereals, heavenly dew and flower nectar, and whoever tastes it prolongs his life; once the Immortal Hundred Flowers carried noodles for Vanma, but saw unusual clouds at the Jade Pond, froze in surprise and did not want to leave; at that time, the moon goddess Chang'e approached her, and the Immortal Hundred Flowers asked her to take the noodles to her mother; when she reached the gate, Chang'e tripped over the threshold, dropped her noodle casket, and when he fell to the ground, he crashed; Wanmu decided to help her maintain her dignity, and pretending to be angry, asked Chang'e if the Heavenly Dog had bitten her; Chang'e understood Wanmu's plan and said that Heavenly Dog, wanting to eat the wonderful noodles, he grabbed her leg; the Heavenly Dog, offended, said that it was not true, but Wangmu scolded him and threatened to execute him; when he saw Mother favor Chang'e, the immortals became indignant, but did not dare to say anything; the spirit of the planet Venus felt sorry for Heavenly Dog and said that he had been guarding the heavenly palace for many years and deserved leniency; given that It takes place on his mother's birthday, he should be spared and exiled to earth instead of execution; his mother sent him to people; the Heavenly Dog did not forget the resentment Chang'e had inflicted on him, and waited at night for The moon would appear to swallow Chang'e; Chang'e knew she was to blame, and when she saw the Sky Dog approaching the moon, she hid; until now, how long has the Sky Dog failed to bite Chang'e]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 7:7-8; Koreans: Shkurkin 1941 [during the eclipse, the dog Jeong-sap saree swallows the sun so that the sun does not get too hot and the moon does not prevent its owner from sleeping]: 85; Choi 1979, No. 724 [There was a land of darkness in the sky; its ruler sent a ferocious fiery dog to steal the sun and moon; but the sun is too hot and the moon is cold, so the dog only tries to grab them, but every time lets go]: 315; In-Sąb Ząng 1952, No. 4 [western 1912; in heaven, the ruler of the land of darkness sent the most ferocious fire dog to steal the sun, but it turned out to be too hot, the dog released it; sent another to bring the moon, which is too cold, the dog released it too; the ruler keeps sending his dogs to grab the stars, but the dog lets them go every time]: 11; Witsen 1785 [an eclipse happens when the moon fights the snake; it makes noise, then smashes a clay snake {probably based on reports from Matthaus Eiboken and other Sperwer crew members who lived in Korea in 1653- 1666}: "Als het Eclipsis is, oordeelt het gemeene volk, dat de Maen met zeeker slang in stryt is, als wanneer zy een gemaekte slang by der hand hebben, en terwyl de verduisteringe duurt, met Trommen, Hoorens, en Bazuinen, allerhande geluit en getier maeken, tot dat de Eclipsis over gaet, wanneer zy zeggen, dat de slang overwonnen is; slaende zy haeren gemaekten slang van klei dan aen stukken, uit wraek en boosheit tegen den slang in den Hemel, die zoo stout was, om de Maen te durven bestryden"]: 57; fox: Bystrov et al. 1962 (fox of China) [Asu's husband fell ill, almost paralyzed; so as not to be killed tax collectors, Asu takes him to the mountains, leaving him food; he has run out of food; he sees a snake reaching for him, killed it; another snake revived the first one with leaf juice; the man rubbed himself with this juice, recovered; found his wife sick, cured her; becomes a famous healer; forbids his wife to open the chest with leaves; she opened it, the sun's rays fell on the leaves, ate half, so the sun is immortal; the second half in the evening the moon stole; the husband made a ladder out of hemp, climbed to the moon; told Asa to wet the end of the stairs with water; almost climbed, his dog had already jumped on the moon; Asu forgot to water the stairs at noon cold water, poured cold water in the evening, not warm; she broke off, her husband fell and crashed; the dog remained on the moon when it gnaws on it, there are eclipses]: 226-231; Zapadova 1977 (Burma's fox) [the sky was close, people poked at it with poles to attract the attention of the spirits and ask for mercy; the spirits were tired of it, they went higher; bears attacked the ground; people built a staircase to the moon, put two at the base lamps and two bowls of warm water as a sign of reverence for spirits; a man got up, brought a moon dog from the moon, it killed most of the bears; the man climbed back to the moon; at this time The girl watching the lamps fell asleep; when she woke up, the water in the bowls cooled down, she splashed it out, filling the lamps; the guardian spirit threw away the stairs, the man fell, the dog remained on the moon; the moon moved away, decided not to help people anymore; the dog sees if everything on earth is in order; so that the light of the moon does not interfere, throws a bag on the moon, an eclipse occurs; people shoot with guns and shout to the dog knew that it was remembered]: 157-159; Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [the leper was moved to a cave; there he killed a boa constrictor, was going to cook it; the female boa constrictor knocked over the cauldron, glued together the bark of a tree and revived her husband's body, boas crawled away; with the same bark, the man recovered from leprosy, returned to his family; on the way he revived a long-dead black dog; in the village he revived the deceased; hid the bark, telling his wife to watch after her and beware of the Month, which comes down to drink from the river and can steal the bark; the wife was distracted, the children saw the Month take the bark away; the man made a giant candle, climbed it to the moon, telling his wife water the candle with cold water three times a day; it turned out that the moon is twice as long as the arm; the dog jumped on the moon; since then it bites it; during an eclipse, you have to make noise; if it is a wedding, cancel]: 230-232; lahu [at first only G'ui-sha in the center of the world is like a spider in a web; he scraped off the dirt from his hands and feet, made it four fish: gold, silver, copper and iron; put on they were on a pole; laid 4 beams of heaven and 4 earth; made poutrelles out of the same scraped mud, creating heaven and earth, but the earth staggered; G. rolled 70,000 balls out of the same mud, filling them with them cells (mailles) of the earth; he made the bones of the sky out of his bones and the bones of the earth from the bones of his legs; to find out the thickness of the earth and the thickness of the sky, he created two ants from the mud; one climbed through the sky, the other through the ground; when they returned, they said that the thickness was the same; G. had two assistants: Ca Law, the man he told to make heaven, and Na Law, a woman who was told to make earth; NL worked a day and night, and KL was drinking tea, so heaven and earth were not the same in size: the sky was like a large canopy, and the earth was narrow, wrinkled; due to the fact that the earth was compressed, valleys and mountains appeared; the earth did not swell, G. put a rock on it, but it slipped; the bulbul bird (Hypsipetes mcclellandii) told it not to slide; G. placed fire in the Sun, fireflies in the moon; but they do not go to heaven, afraid of people; then G. gave them needles {obviously rays that pierce their eyes}; tiger to the Sun: you're too bright; he bit him, hence the eclipses; frog to the Moon: you're too cold; she tried to swallow it, therefore, there are spots on the moon; by letting a tiger and a frog into the sky, G. made the sun go east and the moon west, otherwise they were constantly in the sky; from the mud scraped off his hands and feet, G. created stars, and chicken and rooster; the rooster sang three times and the east lit up; this is how the light separated from the darkness; G. moon: it will be 12 months in the year]: Coyaud 2009, No. 1:9-12; Miao: Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [Yang Yu measured 6 feet east and west, and ordered the sun and moon to be created to hang them in the sky; his line was his footsteps; the furs to fan the fire were the valley, the wind blew from the sky, the mountain range was a piston (plunger), the high mountain was a handle, the boulder was a hammer; the mites were modeled on a claw; when the suns and moons were ready, the Spirit of the Earth was frightened; from what was left, they made a crest for a rooster (Chicken King); everyone from months he took the sun and the moon; their skins fell to the ground, becoming snow, ice and hail, Bong Yong placed them in the sky, then he also placed suns and moons there; the fallen pieces of gold became fireflies; Grandpa Xong made stars from the remains of gold, and when he died, his breath became a silver river - the Milky Way; (constellations made from different objects that are listed, but not identified, are listed, but not identified used to make suns and moons); Bong Yong took the sun and moon to the sky, but burned and dropped them, they split, they were repaired with Immortality Juice; Bong Yong did not want to do it anymore thing, so the God of Earth tied the river to his neck and only then put the suns and moons on his shoulders; however, he slipped, the suns and moons fell into the muddy pond; Xang Ong and Vi Hxe washed them, but the God of Earth refused to carry them again; Niu Xang dragged them on wheels, and the Thunder God lowered the rope and raised the suns and moons to the sky; Grandma Yu attached the suns and moons to the sky; then pierced holes in the sky and in each placed a star; harnessed a cow and plowed the sky so that it was even and nothing interfered with the movement of the suns and moons; (further from the middle of p.66, the story of the destruction of excess stars); The Suns were told go to heaven one by one, but they didn't hear well and went out all at once; the mountains began to melt; Hsang Sa wanted to kill his grandfathers for it, but they replied that it was not their fault that the suns were deaf; then HS went shoot the sun; two young men clearing the ground under the field found an iron-tipped arrow and gave it to him; HS tried to shoot from the boat - it was swaying; from the top of the mountain - not to keep his balance; then he climbed a click that had grown half the distance to the sky, shot 11 suns and 11 moons; the last Sun and Moon hid in Du Li's house; only when the rooster screamed did the Sun decide to go out, the rooster awarded him a golden hat; Sky Dog licked the wounds of the Sun and Moon; they promised him grains for it, but did not give him; therefore, in productive years, the Sky Dog eats grain, and in lean years, the Sun and Moon; the Sky Dog gave birth to Silver Mold Bottom, he has two rows of teeth; going to shoot in the sun, HS returned home almost 12 years later; his son is the same age, he saw him hunting; the son asked where he got a goose; HS said he hit his eye in the eye; HS shot the boy, saying that both of them (on the ground) had no place; HS, his son and wife turned into stars: son comes out at dusk, mother - after dark, father before dawn]: 49-70; Lemoine 1982 [the sun is a woman, a month is a man; when the moon is not visible, it meets the sun; having destroyed excess suns, Yang Yua left two dogs that did not allow the sun and the month to have children; after giving birth to another child, the sun gives it to a month, and a year later the dog eats it; dogs rarely eat the sun]: 90.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Afanasiev 1994 (3) [the Greeks explained the eclipse of the sun and moon by abducting them from the sky; sorceresses reduced the stars to zemil, extinguished their flames; in such a kidnapping, they were mainly Thessalian witches are suspected; in Aristophanes's Clouds, Strepsiads, explaining to Socrates his remedy not to pay debts, advises him to acquire a Thessalian witch; she will hide the moon in a box , and then you can extend the month as much as you like]: 454; Lasch 1900 [eclipses were explained by attacking demon stars and making a fuss to scare them away]: 136; Aristoph. Nub. 749-755 [Strepsiad: "What if I'm a Thessalian sorcer/I hire and bring me out of heaven a month at night, /And put it tightly in a round chest, /Like a mirror, and guard it?" ; Socrates: "What are the benefits of this?" ; Strepsiad: "What are the benefits? /Until a month comes to heaven, /Lichway, I will not pay debts" (trans. A. Piotrovsky)]; Cyprus (Greeks) [there is a dragon on the moon fighting a lion; a lunar eclipse (finally capturing the moon) occurs when the dragon defeats and grabs the moon; to scare the dragon and To force him to release the moon, peasants knocked on tins (Cyprus)]: Czecha 2009:186-187; Slovenes [during an eclipse, the sun swallows the dragon Vrkolak]: Lasch 1900:141; Bosniaks, Croats [in Dalmatia, it is said that there were three or four suns; the Snake sucked in all but one, which the Swallow covered under its wing; two "blind" suns absorbed by the Snake are sometimes visible; var: in the sun there were ten rays; the Snake drank nine, the tenth Swallow saved; according to legends from Bosanska Kraina and Lika, the Snake sucked in two suns, the third was saved by the Swallow and the Lizard]: Gura 1997:283; Janković 1951 (Bosanska Kraina, Lika) [1) there were three suns, but God was angry with people for their bad deeds, sent a snake that sucked two suns, leaving the third weakest; 2) the snake drank two suns, took up third (or there were two suns, the snake drank one), but the swallow covered the sun, and the lizard pulled the snake off the mountain where it lay in wait for the sun; the swallow and lizard cannot be killed]: 38-39; Bosniaks [winged the serpent drank two suns, took up the third, but the lizard beat him off]: Janković 1951:39; Montenegrins [two of the three suns were sucked by a flying serpent avaya]: Gura 1997:283; Serbs: Janković 1951 [during an eclipse, wolves attack the month and the sun; or challahs with six toes and arms that can turn into different creatures]: 110; Plotnikova 1997 [during a month-long eclipse alternately attacked by a calf with long horns, ears and tail, a boar with an elongated snout, a wolf with a huge mouth and a long tail; all three are black and six-fingered; biting off three pieces, each turns into a six-fingered man, pounces for a month with a pitchfork; people born with six fingers descend from month-eating dragon snakes]: 6; Bulgarians: Gura 1997:283 ( Central Rhodopes) [the sun had two or more eyes, but the snake sucked them], 286 [a serpent or dragon ready to swallow the sun is on Bulgarian church frescoes]; Afanasiev 1994 (3): 454 [during the lunar eclipses Bulgarians are trying to shoot away witches (magesnites) who, in their opinion, have captured the moon], 488 [magesniks can shoot the moon from the sky, which is why it eclipse occurs; the moon turns into a cow, and magesniks milk it and make maso milk from extracted milk to heal incurable wounds]; Marinov 2003 [The sun leaned to the water for a drink, the snake has sucked one eye for him, since then he has one eye] : 32; Romanians [during eclipses bite the sun and moon; people make noise and shoot to drive them away; when snatchers eat the moon in the form of dogs, they are under the special protection of St. Petra]: Sveshnikova 1979:214-215; Hungarians [during solar and moon eclipses, they are swallowed by the Markaláb (Morkoláb) bird, probably from a Slavic vrkolak; its nest is on a "tree sunset"; in some areas it is believed that the stars are devoured by a dragon whose urine poisons wells]: Lash 1900:142; Hungarians [during an eclipse, the sun is devoured by a dragon or lion, ox, rodents; or a witch it is carried away; the moon is eaten by an unbaptized child or a vrkolak]: Sebők 2007:107; Gagauz people [during an eclipse suck the sun or moon by canatly yylannar ("winged snakes"); you have to make noise and shoot from guns]: Moshkov 1901:54.

Central Europe. Russians: Afanasiev 1994 (3) [lamentation: The Red Girl walked around the forest, spoke pain, collected herbs, pulled out roots, stole the Month, ate the Sun]: 455; Potanin 1883 [eclipse in folk Beliefs are attributed to a beast or sorcerer]: 793; Svyatsky 1961 [in Old Russian folklore, we meet a direct reference to the Vovkulaks as the culprits of the eclipse: "Yes, some hope in Vrkolak want and absenteeism Suntsu"; "winged vovkulaks want a dream"]: 90-91; Russians (Novgorod) [a snake or dragon ready to swallow up the sun is wearing a 14th century Novgorod breast]: Gura 1997:286; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Shengursky district) [the eclipses of both the moon and the sun come from the devil, who, flying past these stars to earth, obscures them and thus foreshadows misfortune for those living on earth; eclipses of the moon are also from sorcerers]: Yefimenko 1874:185; Belarusians: Gura 1997 [snakes suck the sun, which makes it gradually decrease in summer and grows back over the winter, when snakes do not see it]: 284; Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 13 (Dukhovshinsky u. Smolensk Gubernia) ["There used to be two suns, but God, angry at one of them, sent a snake that sucked the sun so much that God did not like it that it became completely pale - and it has been called for a month and has been shining ever since only at night "]: 235; Ukrainians: Bogatyrev 2007 (Transcarpathia) [when the sun disappears, you have to put water in a barrel and look at it; then we help the sun: the dragon (shuffling) cannot eat it; when the war broke out, the shuffler ate the sun and it was barely visible; two hours later it went its normal path, the shuffling did not defeat him]: 128; Moshkov 1901 [during an eclipse, the sun is attacked" winged winged wovkolaks"]: 65; Yastrebov 1894 (Elizavetinsky and Alexandria y. Kherson governorate) [Eclipses explain to themselves the struggle of the stars of heaven with unclean power. If you look into the resin tank during an eclipse, you'll see wolves tearing the sun up. An eclipse heralds the Last Judgment; during an eclipse, they close windows, light lamps and candles, pray to God]: 6; Poles [the eclipse occurs because a flying serpse obscures the sun; in a fairy tale A twelve-headed snake causes an eclipse of the sun; a serpent or dragon ready to swallow the sun is in a Polish engraving of the 16th century]: Gura 1997:286; Czechs (Moravia) [solar eclipses cause devils]: Grohmann 2010:43.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Basayev 2004, No. 6 [(zap. E.K. Lidzhiev from his mother); Tengir Khan proposed to create land; Burkhan-Bakshi turned one khubilgan into a turtle, let her into the ocean, shot it, she turned her paws up, created her stomach Earth; Esrin Khan and Tengri Khan descended to it, sent to heaven the moon in silver and the Sun on a golden chariot; Tengir Khan found and took a jug of arza, and Esrin Khan found and took a jug of arza, and Esrin Khan with a living one arshan water; the manjik stole it, replacing it with a jug of arza; the holy water brought by Manjik for Tengir Khan was secretly drunk by the double-headed Arakha, urinating in a jug, and ran; Ochir-Vani-Geghyan went to look for him; The sun nodded towards A., the Moon pointed directly at him; A. cut A. in two with a scepter, attached one half to the Moon's chariot, the other to the Sun; A. said he would torment the moon every three months, and The sun - every three years (eclipses)], 7 [the gods began to pump water from the sea; from there the Sun, Moon and stars, living water (arshan) flew out; Araha drank arash, became immortal, left a black smelly in the vessel poisonous liquid; Ochur-Vani drank it, turned black; cut Araha in half; the lower half settled in the seas, causing storms; the upper half tries to swallow the stars, causing eclipses], 8 [the gods hit with a spear at the ocean, the Sun arose from the first blow, the moon from the second, the evil spirit of Arah from the third; he drank arshan living water, urinated into the vessel; Ochir-Vani-Geghyan drank it, turned yellow; following the instructions of the Sun, the Moon, caught up Araha, cut with a staff; the lower part has gone to the ground, shows its strength in the form of insects, reptiles, diseases; the upper OB is chained to the moon; taking revenge on the stars, A. swallows the Sun every three years, the Moon once a year], 9 [ Dolan Burkhi (Ursa Major), Sar Mechin ("Monkey" - Pleiades), Alti Gasi (Polar) and other Stars lived on earth, the Sun and Moon were with them, they were still children; they extracted arshan from the sea, Arakha ran up and shoved the finger, licked, became immortal; the moon indicated where to shoot, the arrows cut the Araha in half; the bottom went to the ground, the moon swallows the moon once a year, the Sun every three years; the stars have risen to heaven; gods chained Araha to an iron cart on the moon (dark spots)]: 35-37, 37-38, 38-40, 40-41; Basangova 2017, No. 3 []: 35-37; Dushan 1976 [people did not die, did not care about anything, grew up to 15 years and stayed in at this age; they wanted to try old age; God fulfilled their wish, people began to live hundreds and thousands of years; wanted to die; began to die and be reborn young; the gods decided to make people immortal again, they prepared a drink of immortality, left; it was drunk by the evil spirit of Araha, urinated in this place, ran away; the god of war left by the guard chased A.; the moon pointed to A. with his hand, the Sun with a nod of his head; the god of war threw a sword at A., cut it in half; the lower part disappeared into the ground, evil spirits and reptiles came out of it; the god of war chained the upper part to a cart on the moon (dark spots); A. promised to starve the moon three times a year, the Sun - every three days {probably every three years}; A. does not have a back half, swallowed stars come out of it]: 77-78; Nogais: Aleinikov 1893 [the wind produces a Burr jacket (sorceress- old woman) living in the east; she is neither good nor evil; if she blows for less than three days, she purifies the air, if more, she is angry, even attacks the moon and sun, blocking their light]: 5-6; Kapaev 2012:16 and 164 [ during an eclipse, the moon is going to swallow Azdag; a young elmauyz lives inside the moon, and an old one inside the sun; during an eclipse, he gets out and tries to swallow the star; during an eclipse of the moon it is necessary to make a fuss to wake up the five heavenly samyrs (dogs) guarding her], 314-317 [childless spouses finally have a son; one day her husband saw an old woman, she turned into an elmauyz, demanded so that in three days he would give his son or kill him himself; the boy stroked the foal, he became a tulpar; when he went to Elmauyz, shot him in the eye and galloped away; he was chasing; he cut off one or the other leg of the horse, the horse jumps two; when Baiterek is nearby, the horse tells the boy to jump on a tree; Elmauyz began to dig the ground to knock down Yuayterek; crows and geese fly by, the swallow agrees to inform the five samyrs ( winged dogs); they scratched out Elmauyz's second eye, took the boy home; Elmauyz's daughter came, the boy shot her in both eyes, the dogs drove her; the old elmauyz hid behind the sun, his daughter behind the moon]; Karachays: Dzhurtubayev 1991:78-79 [Aleinikov 1883, No. 5:157-162; the prince had a daughter, Jelmouth; on the very first night, a bucket of water and a calf disappeared, and all the cattle gradually disappeared; one of her brothers, Kyyynly (Goremyk), went to the Black Sea coast; found puppies in the caught fish, raised them; when he went home, he found only his sister and blacksmith there; the sister tears off one leg from her brother's horse, then the other, etc.; mouse advises K. to run while J. sharpens his steel teeth; the mouse points J. three times in the other direction, the fourth time she runs on the right track; K. calls on his dogs, they tear J. apart, leaving her head; one dog grabs its head by the hair, the other by the lower jaw, the head rises with it to the moon; once a year dogs fall asleep, the head devours the moon, an eclipse occurs; at this time people make noise to wake up dogs; =2007:372-375; (briefly similar text in Potanin 1883:775-776)], 80 [Sysoev 1913:75-76; Gelmouth's head was cut off by Kyyynly's sledge, now she's trying to swallow the moon; if she had it succeeded, she would have swallowed the whole of humanity]; Jurtubayev 2007:367-370 [after eight sons, a daughter is born; the youngest son demands to kill her, when refused, leaves; grazes the cattle of the elderly, wins and kills five-headed emegen, then emegensha, having received her parents' eyes previously stored in mercury; she goes to visit her relatives; there is only a sister in the village, she goes out to sharpen her teeth, her brother runs, throws behind whetstone (rock, sister gnaws), knife (iron rock, gnaws), awl (ironwood); young man hides at the top; crows refuse to convey the message to adoptive parents, pigeons pass on; resort dogs, sister takes off, dogs behind her; yellowmouth girl causes eclipses of the moon and sun (dogs protect the stars)], 370-371 [son, seeing his newborn sister, tells her to kill her, parents refuse , he leaves; helps a female leopard to give birth, she gives him one cub, the other he takes himself; they leave him by a thread; he comes to his native village, where the blacksmith says that the sister of the young man of all ate; the sister consistently eats the horse's legs, each time asks how many legs the horse had; the brother confirms that three, two, one; the sister tells me to knock on the pelvis, goes to sharpen her teeth herself; the mouse takes knock, gives an awl, a comb, a mirror, tells you to run; objects turn into a bone lock, an iron fence; sister catches up; brother burns hairs, leopards come running, cling to her jaws; girl rises into the sky, pounces at the sun and moon, leopards prevent her from swallowing them]; Chursin 1956 [the prince had a daughter, Jelmage; from that night, calves, then bulls and cows began to disappear; this girl was giantess Emegena; one of J. Kiily left, settled on the Black Sea coast; went to visit his relatives; there were only J. and the blacksmith there; J. ate one, the other, third, fourth legs of the horse, the whole horse; each time she sharpened the blacksmith's teeth; the mouse told brother to run away; J. pursues, at the last moment her brother's dogs summoned from the house tore her to pieces; clutched her head, she rose with them to the moon; since then, the head has been trying to swallow the moon, and the dogs have tried to swallow it protect]: 153; Balkarians (western 1965) [The man has an adult son, then a daughter was born; when he saw her, the son asked his parents to destroy her, but they asked him to clean up himself; he helped the tiger; she gave him one tiger cub and the other he himself stole; when they grew up, they let them call them by a hair if necessary; the boy came to his native village, there was only one blacksmith; the dragon left him alive to sharpen her teeth; the dragon sister consistently gnaws off her brother's horse's legs and each time asks how many legs the horse he was riding had (three, two, one); gave a pelvis and told her brother to knock on it until she returned; the mouse tells him to run, taking an awl, a comb and a mirror, remains to hit the pelvis; the guy throws a mirror (sea), a comb (bone tower), an awl (iron fence); if the sister catches up again, ask permission to pray two parts; before praying, the guy burned her hairs; tigers rushed, tore the girl, but could not tear her cheek off; the dragon girl flew to heaven with the hunters; she wants to eat the moon and the sun, but hunters (i.e. tigers) interfere (eclipses)]: Malkonduev 2017:125-127; Abkhazians [Atiyu catches and eats the sun and moon, but people start shooting at the sun (moon); it is believed that one out of a hundred bullets reaches the goal, and Atiyu is released by the sun; according to N.S. Janashia, atyu is not a dragon, but a big owl]: Zukhba 1995:46; Abazins [during "the sun held captive by the dragon" or "the moon in captivity by the dragon"]: Kunizheva 2012:175; Adygs: Shortanov 1982 [during an eclipse, a good (monster) attacks the sun and moon]: 34; 1992 [lague is the lord of rivers and lakes, a monster like a crocodile; it can drink in one sip the lake or drain the deep river; the eclipse of the sun was explained by the fact that it was captured by the giant dragon Blague; the Adygs fought with him, creating noise with the help of basins, pans, kumgans , iron objects, ratchets]: 144; Ossetians: Gatiev 1876 [in kiamaty-bon ("hard day" Akhary-dur, the devouring stone, will fall from the sky, devour the earth with its creatures, then devour the sun, moon and stars; not only humans, but all living beings will be condemned; to whom what is written in the womb will be with him; will the bull on whose horns the earth rests get rid of Ahara-dur's mouth? it is not known; when this bull shakes its horns, the earth shudders; and if the bull runs and throws off the ground, will it fall into tartar? Does tartare have a bottom? during an eclipse, the moon is devoured by Mai Horta animals; and the Hur-horta animals that devour the sun seem to consist of fire themselves; at the Last Judgment, Mai Horta and Hur-Horta will attack Ahary-dur for devouring the moon and the sun, and they will begin to tear it to pieces; during this struggle, it will spew out the sun, moon and earth, with crushed people and animals emitting stench, but rising up at the call of Chiristi (Christ) , or Barastyr (chief of the dead); when they see the moon and sun, the beasts of Mai Horta and Hur-Horta will rush at them again, but they will become invulnerable; the moon and sun will stand still until they devour the day of ahary-bon, on which they will merge with the earth into one mass and take the form of the last; then people and animals will be resurrected; some will be awarded by God in suffering in various torments, and others to pleasure heavenly pleasures]: 71-73; Miller 1882 [the monstrous Sameli was chained by God to the moon with iron chains; therefore, there are spots on the moon; S.'s sons in the form of puppies wander between heaven and earth, trying free his father and begin to eat the moon; with the release of S., men will turn into donkeys, women into donkeys; only the family of S. himself will escape this fate; births that consider themselves his descendants honor him every year memory by performing special rituals]: 299; Chichinadze 1993 [the beliefs of the Georgian and Ossetian common people: eclipses of the sun and moon come from enemies attacking these stars; that's why they are during eclipses turn red and turn black]: 136; Chursin 1925 [some Hur-horta ("sunbeaters") and Mai Horta ("moon eaters") devour stars during eclipses; they are driven away by rifle shots; the sun grows back from the surviving part]: 80; Gevorgian 2007 (South Ossetia) [God created four virtuous ones: Artavyz, man, sheep, wheat; and for each evil creature: a woman for a man, a goat for a sheep, bitter weed sysyla for wheat; A. should have been virtuous, but began to teach evil things; God told Uatzilla (thunder) to grab him and he nailed him to the moon with iron nails; if he was free, he would eat him all people; to prevent this, every blacksmith must hit the anvil once again; A. also causes lunar eclipses]: 102-103; Terek Cossacks (v. Naurskaya) ["the moon is nothing more than a huge ball lantern lit by God to illuminate a sleepy earth. Sometimes a dark mass flies through the air in the sky - the product of an evil spirit that sometimes covers the moon or sun from human eyes - an eclipse occurs. Thus, the eclipse of the moon is explained by devouring it by an evil spirit: "an evil spirit wants God to steal a lantern he created for the benefit of people"]: Vostrikov 1907:3; Ingush: Dakhkilgov 2003 [during The Sarmak eclipse collects seawater and swallows the sun, but it burns through it and goes to the sky, and the Sarmak lies in the sea until his belly heals]: 18; Malsagov 1983 [darkening of the moon {not clear eclipses or spots} reflect a witch's struggle with her brother who rose for a month]: 356; Chechens [Sun and Month are brothers, the mother of the Sun is Aza, the mother of the Month is Kinch; their evil sister Can ate everyone relatives in the sky, chases the Sun and the Month, causing eclipses; during an eclipse, you can see something like a black thread on the moon - a merry-go-round gun; a black spot in the middle of the moon is a horse worn on the moon for yourself; when the horse's mouth expands, the summer is short, when it decreases, it is long and rainy]: Dalgat 1972:257; 2004:163-164; Lucky: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991 [Kurtm's monster (kumyk. hortma - whale) swallows the sun every day; in the fight against it, the Sun is weakening; people lit fires to keep it hot]: 304 (=Khalidova 2012, No. 11:39); Khalidova 2012, No. 11 [The sun comes out the seas, Kurtma pulls him towards him; because he grabbed the Sun with his mouth every day and tried to swallow it, the Sun's strength weakened, the cold of the north came; people lit fires and because of their warmth the Sun getting stronger]: 39; the Rutulans [hit metal objects during the eclipse of the moon, believing that the moon was being held by a dragon]: Lavrov 1962:140 in Hajiyev 1991:157; Lezgins [Men are the goddess of the moon; was the supreme deity in Caucasian Albania; in the song she was called the bride of the sun god Atara, but in Ragani Warz, the Month is the husband of the Sun; in another game, the Month is the brother of the Sun Sister; offended by her, runs away from home, and sister rushes after, praying for forgiveness; the god of darkness Alapeh pursues Men and Atara, causing eclipses]: Rizvanov, Rizvanov 1990:37-39; megrels [the moon eclipse occurs when the Ndevi monster hits it with its tail; they shoot guns to drive it away]: Stepanov 1903, No. 201:149; Georgians: Mashurko 1894 [eclipse of the moon - the serpse took possession of it]: 258; Stepanov 1894, No. 7 [(=1893:141); during eclipses, the dragon grabs the moon or the sun with its mouth; you have to scare him away and shoot with guns]: 79; Chikovani 1966 (Lechkhumi are Svanian neighbors) [an old man from the village of Tvishi personally saw how noon Gveleshapi swallowed the sun and he smelled scorched]: 87; swans: Janashvili 1893, No. 4 [the snake Gveliarshap tries to swallow the moon and the sun; the moon turns red because the serpent scratches and bites her; one side of Guveliarshap is not real, made of braided; when he swallows the sun, it burns its side and goes out to illuminate the world again]: 147 Dumesil 1996 [published on cargo in 1897; Amirani, Yusibi, Badri noticed that their father Iamani fell into one eye; the mother replies that her father had smallpox; then her sons put hot cornbread to her chest; the mother said that when B. and Yu were born, dev demanded to give one of them; the father did not agree, then Dev took one eye from him; the brothers go to look for the deva, they see him on the rock, he spins (spruce is a spindle, a millstone is a spinning rod); dev swallows A., that rips his stomach open, but loses his eye; threatens to kill the deva if he does not heal him; Dev tells him to take a piece from his heart and liver, rub his eye socket, A. recovers; Dev now demands to heal him side, but A. inserts a wooden wicker in it, otherwise Dev would swallow the whole world; now when dev swallows the sun or moon, the star soon comes out through the braided line; A. demands that I.'s eye be returned; dev shows a pole in the house, a box on it, another one in it, an eye in it; the brothers return their eyes to their father]: 85-86; Chikovani 1965 [during an eclipse, the sun is freed from the dragon "by Amirani": burns a wooden wattle fence, which the hero put in the dragon's cut side]: 87; Armenians: Harutyunyan 2004 [during a thunderstorm, vishaps try to swallow the sun, angels fight them]: 198; Bagriy 1930 (3) [during moon eclipses and evil spirits try to catch their suns; people shoot, knock and make noise, driving them away]: 125; Melik-Shakhnazarov 1904 [during eclipses, the Sun and the Month are surrounded by devils, people should make noise, scaring devils away]: 92; Ganalanyan 1979, No. 349 [when the sun eclipses, the vishap tries to swallow it]: 129; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, records from the 1920s) [eclipses of the sun and moon come from evil gruel spirits trying to take possession of them; then on earth women howl, men shoot guns, ring bells, ring copper dishes to scare devils and free the sun or moon]: 169; Marr, Smirnov 1931 [by Manuk Abeghian 1899; during a thunderstorm, the vishapas in heaven want to swallow the whole world, but angels hold them on iron clanging chains; a tornado is interpreted as a vishap rising to the sky; vishap grows all the time and when it reaches a thousand years, it can swallow the whole world; those living in the water can drink all the water of lakes; but in such dangerous lakes angels drag us closer to the sun, which turns it to ashes; the eclipse is due to a vishap swallowing the sun]: 66; Turks: Georgieva 1983 [bear causes eclipses in Turks]: 27; Mé száros 1906 [during an eclipse, a jade witch hides the sun or moon]: 61; Lasch 1900 [during an eclipse of the moon or sun, people make noise to drive away a demon or monster]: 143; Talysh : Bayramalibekov 1893 [during the eclipse, the devils catch the moon, sink them into a lake in the third heaven; when they hear noise and gunshots, they let go]: 203-204 (=Bayramalibekov 1899:7-8; =2012:194); Igbal Abilov, personal. reported, 17.03.2013 [there is a mythical "chi" creature that hunts for the sun and moon]; the Kurds of Azerbaijan [the eclipse of the sun and moon is caused by some creatures; to drive them away, they shoot, they hit copper dishes, make noise]: Chursin 1925b: 15.

Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism: Chunakova 2004 [kamak is the name of the mythical bird killed by Sami; according to the Persian rivayat Sad dar Bundehesh, Kershasp killed the giant Kamak bird for covering it with its own The sun and the earth with its wings, depriving it of rainwater, and devoured people and animals as if they were wheat grains]: 132; (cf. Bragin 1980b (written sources) [hero Garchasp killed the Kamak bird, which covered the light of the sun and moon]: 641); Persians [during eclipses, God, angry with people for their sins, sends a dragon swallow up the sun or moon; people read prayers and make noise when they hit blood vessels]: Donaldson 1938:105, 170; Ishkashim, Wakhans [solar and lunar eclipses are explained by divas attempts called lw (plural, lwó), grab and carry away the luminaries; everyone who has copper basins hits them, hoping to frighten off the divas]: Andreev, Polovtsov 1911:34-35; Ishkashim [recorded Sharora, a student of Odinabekova, from Bandishoeva Davlatsho, a resident of the village of Namadgut (Ishkashim), in 2008; when the Moon eclipse occurs, in our village, Namadgut (Ishkashim), people leave their homes and hit hard at large iron dishes, and they shout; a woman who has one son goes up to the roof with her hair shattered and screams to the Lord, asking to save the moon from the dragon]: Lashkarbekov, manuscript; Shugnans [recorded by M. Sultonnazarova, 2008; 1) my grandmother taught me not to throw my falling hair into the yard when combing my hair; otherwise the kafirs would collect it and darken the Moon with it; 2) in the village of Manem (Suchan Selsov, district. Shugnan), a tree called Vidug (saxaul) grows; it has narrow long red-green leaves; kafirs darken the moon with branches made of this tree; to end the eclipse, women go up to the roof and they shout drums and tambourines]: Lashkarbekov, manuscript; Uzbeks (Sarts, Tashkent) [The noise of sticks hitting boilers, buckets, trays is made to drive away evil spirits from the moon that seeks to seize this star and deprive the entire Muslim world of its emblem. They could not explain how the devil seeks to take possession of the moon]: Lykoshin 1916:299; kafirs (prasun) [giant Guro lives in a rock between earth and sky; from there he slides into the valley in the form of a snake; Mandi and Giwish go to war on him; Pegaileamünd, who helps them, turns into a snake himself, crawls into G.'s home, sees him sleeping with his mother; the gods mock G., he thinks his the moon gave out; M. cuts G. into the upper and lower halves; the upper one rises to the sky, watches for the moon, which has 40 roads 18 times; swallows, but it comes out of the giant's dissected body]: Snoy 1962:95 (translated to Yettmar 1986:87); Gilgit's darda (tire) [1) there is a giant Grahn (Grahán) who tries to swallow the sun; when he succeeds, people hit pans and scream; 2) Grahan has a wound on his neck or his head is cut off, so the sun or moon he swallowed reappears; 3) Grahn covers the sun out of sorrow because the good king has died]: Yettmar 1986:224; kalashi [ Tiger is the brother of the Month; he took his property and did not return it, now Tiger attacks the Months, causing eclipses]: Ali Shah 1974:72.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [two wolves are running across the sky: Deception chases the sun and the Hater chases the Month; east of Midgard, a giantess lives in the Iron Forest with the witches of the Iron Forest; her children - giants, wolves; the strongest of them is the Moon Dog; he will swallow the corpses of all the dead and devour the month]: Younger Edda 1970:20; Swedes [culprit of the solvarg eclipse]: Saint 196:91; Finns: Eichenwald et al. 1982 [based on the Psalter of 1551 Michaela Agricola; Rakkoi performed lunar eclipses (mention is also made of the mythological Kapeet animals that devour the moon; a later idea of the Rahko spirit that controls the phases of the moon]: 165; Castrén 1853 [ Kalevala, rune 47, line 13 and beyond: Louhi hides the sun and moon in a copper mountain; by Ganander, Mythologia Fennica, pag. 35, 45, Kuumet hides the sun and moon in an iron thistle; by Agricola, Kapeet (pl. from Kave) They devour the moon from time to time, so its size changes; hence Ganander: kuu syödää ("moon eaten"]: 64-65; Lithuanians [during the eclipse, the demon Tiknis, or Tiklis attacks Sun chariot (Narbu11 1, 127.142)]: Grimm 1883 (2): 707; Estonians: Kuperjanov 2003:95 (Nyo) [wolf cubs attack the Sun during an eclipse], 96 (Saarema) [during an eclipse, snakes try to eat The sun].

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [(Turkic influence); the eclipse of the sun or moon occurs because they are swallowed by the evil Ubir, by Marie by Vuver, by the Tatars by Lybyr]: Akhmetyanov 1981:45 (quoted in Vladykin 1994:71); Kazan Tatars [riddle: "The Albanians closed the sky, it swallowed the sun, the earth hid, and, without opening its mouth, sucked it" (cloud, rain, earth)]: Makhmutov 2013, No. 223:61; Bashkirs: Khisamitdinova 2011:37 [demons kidnap the moon during an eclipse; people scare them away by making noise], 267 [during an eclipse, the sun swallows divas or azhdakha]; Udmurts [when Ubir tries eat the sun or moon, an eclipse occurs]: Vereshchagin 1996:131; Chuvash: Ashmarin 1982 [Ghouls have a hole under her arms; she rises to heaven on a reel, buzzes, turns into an old woman, eats the moon, then goes to eat people; if anyone sees it eating the moon, you have to throw ash on the window pane, then W. lets go of the moon]: 50; 1984 [Vupăr eats it during an eclipse of the sun (by Meszaros, 80); Chuvash Vupăr eats only a month from other groups]: 23; Egorov 1995 [an orphan, driven by her stepmother, asked to go to the moon when she was surrounded by spirits sent by her stepmother; the moon raised her, along with her rocker arm and buckets (moon spots); stepmother, turning into an old woman Vupăr, tries to eat the moon from time to time (eclipse)]: 120; Zolotnitsky 1874 [moon - cow or cheese, that a witch eats during an eclipse]: 18; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [During an eclipse, both the moon and the sun devour vupăr: where the dark part is already eaten; to drive the wupăr away from the sun, the northern Chuvash pick up a wooden pitchfork at two ends and they split them, and they say: "Let the scream fall, let his leg split!" ; to frighten him, they throw burning logs at him and shout: "Let the scream's mouth burn!"] : 48, 73, 75; Mordovians [an evil spirit or witches attack the moon during an eclipse]: Harva 1952:175

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Aiboken is a mythical beast that sought to devour the moon]: Tursunov 1983:322.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakasy: Butanayev 2003 [a witch rises to the moon, wanting the night star to die; she soars into the sky along the white silk thread "ah chibek", which stretches in the form of a ray from those stuck in the threshold of the yurt was sewn or scissors; she lets her hair loose and covers the star; people were making noise at that time, shooting guns, twisted dogs ears to screech and bells rang]: 47; Patachakov in Alekseev 1980 [during an eclipse, the spirit of darkness grabs the sun or moon to deprive people of light; people tugged the ears of dogs and made noise]: 89; Katanov 1897a (5-6) (beltirs) [people live in the sun and moon together with chelbigen (evil spirit); by closing the stars, he causes them to die; then people hit the iron, ring the pelvis, make the children scream, the Sun is dead, the moon is dead]: 9-10; 1907, No. 182 [during eclipses sorcerers cover the Month with their veil], 369 [=196:122; the moon dies because sorcerers climb the mountain and cover it with something], 370 [the sorcerer argued with an ordinary man that he would close it moon; stuck a knife into the table, got up from the blade, the moon darkened; the man hid the knife, the sorcerer did not return; a road stretched from the handle to the moon, like a lasso or silk thread; (retelling in Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972:27-28; this road is the Milky Way)]: 274, 374-375, 375; Orfeev 1886 [the lunar eclipse is produced by Russian shamans wanting to frighten the Tatars]: 43; Shors [during an eclipse people beat in pans, scaring away the spirit that devoured the moon]: Alekseev 1980:89-90; Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [seven-headed Delbegen ate everyone; Sartakpay, an old man, threw him to the moon along with the spruce he held on to; the moon agreed that D. eat it for half a month and eat it for the other half]: 182-184; Maadai-Kara 1973 [solar eclipses are caused by stars that cover the star ( likely Indian influence; see Evsyukov 1976:32)]: 318, 463; Potanin 1981, No. 34v [Dzhelbegen ate people, the Month took him home; now J. swallows the Month, causing eclipses; while hitting dogs, shouting, Leave my month, my sun]: 190, 191; Khokholkov 1997 [Tilbegen ate everyone; the sun went to destroy it, but returned, fearing to burn the earth; when T. went with his rocker arm to get water and grabbed the poplar, The month pulled him up; T. is seen in the month with a rocker arm, buckets and poplar; when the Month grows, he eats Tilbegen, when he is old, T. eats him]: 5-6; Tuvans Tojin [during an eclipse Some spirit steals the sun or moon; people beat the dog to bark and drive it away]: Alekseev 1980:91; South Altai Tuvans [huge mangys swallowed people and animals; Gurmustu Khaan ordered chain him to the moon; every three months on the fifteenth day he is released; he fights the Moon, causing eclipses]: Taube 1978, No. 65:300-301 (=Taube 1994, No. 59:280); Tuvans: Alekseev et al. 2010, No. 7 [Burgan-bakshy created living water to make everyone immortal; Ara-Hoo secretly swallowed it; BB asked Shulba which direction AH went, he pointed to heaven; BB asked Shulba The sun, it pointed to the moon; asked the moon, she said: Here he is coming; TT cut AH with a sacred rod; the lower part fell to the ground, the upper part slipped away; the water that had flowed out of the body fell on the cedar, spruce, Turkestan and Siberian juniper, fir, pine; because the Sun and Moon gave it away, AH swallowed them, but they came out of its empty body; this is how eclipses occur]: 49; Potapov 1969 [during eclipses of the sun and moon are eaten by the monster Amyrga]: 292; Tofalars: Katanov 1891:11 [the sun, the moon are eclipsed - kun, ay tutturdu, i.e. caught (by the devil - Aza)], 67-68 [=1907:650; Purhan wore a white coat, Azá wore a black coat; A. asked for the ground in which his cane was stuck; a snake crawled out from there; P. chased A., who turned into a dummy (small fish) in the sea; P. into a huchen, became eat fish; then A. became rye grains, P. became chicken, began to bite; one grain rose to heaven, became the witch of chel-pagá (Tuvinsk. Chylbygá, Kachinsk, Sagaisk. and Beltirsk. Chelbygen); hid behind the sun; the moon said this to P.; the moon eclipsed, P. began to complain; now a witch is on the moon, sometimes the moon eclipses because of her; the same in Rassadin 1996, No. 5, 6:13, 14-15] 89 [=1907:653; The devil asks God for land, gets as much as his cane occupied; he dug up the ground, snakes and frogs crawled out of it; God and the Devil began to chase each other, God hid behind the sun ; The devil asks the moon where God is hiding, she refuses to say; The devil turns into a witch closet pagá (= hel-bagá), swallows the moon; God hit the witch's throat, Moon went free; during a lunar eclipse, people shoot up to help the moon]; Sherkhunaev 1975 [God decorated the earth, the Devil begged for a part, God agreed to give enough to rest cane; snakes came out of the hole; God chased the Devil, who became a witch, grabbed the moon, God hit it with a bell; when God chases the Devil, he climbs to the moon, eclipsing it; people shot up drive away the Devil]: 308-309; Baikal Buryats: Lipkin 1968 (consolidated text based on the Unginian version) [the leader of the good Western Tengrias Khan Khurmas defeated the head of the evil Eastern The Tengrians of Atai-Ulan and cut off his head; when she rolled down from heaven, she hung above the ground, turned into the Arkhan-Khudhar monster, swallowing the Sun and the Moon; other parts of the body of the AU, dissected by the 20th, also became malicious demons that Geser fought and defeated]: 104-109, 136; Potanin 1883, No. 34 (Alar) [they say about the eclipse: Barya Arakhi or Olkhu Barya, that is, Arahi grabbed or Olkha grabbed; during the eclipse, they knocked on iron things, beat dogs and shouted: Olkha tabi! , i.e. Olkha, put it down!)] ; No. 34i (Balagan) [during an eclipse, Alkhy grasps the moon, when she sleeps; during a full moon, she sleeps "for a month"]: 192; Khangalov et al. 1889, No. 41 (Balagansky) [during eclipses, the sun or moon Alkha swallows; the Burkhans cut off half of his body; the back fell to the ground, and the front part remained in the sky; A. occasionally swallows the sun and moon, which then come out again, as the back part of him has been cut off; during eclipses, they make a fuss, shout: "Let it go, Alkha!"] : 127-128 (=Khangalov 2004c: 10-11; retelling in Sharakshinov 1980:46); Mongols: Potanin in Evsyukov 1987 [Rahu is known in Mongolian folklore by the name Arakhi (Arakho, Arakhu, Arahulun, Arahola, Rahula); according to a related legend, Burkhan-bakshi created the wine of immortality arashan out of love for people; in the absence of deity A. drank it, desecrating his vessel with urine; in order not to destroy this filth, B. drank it, his body turned blue; when he caught up with A., he threw his weapon at him and cut it in two; the lower part fell to the ground, the upper part remained in the sky (and does he swallow lights?)] : 29; Vladimirtsov 2003, No. IV ("Mongolian collection of short stories from Paňcatantra" (MS. Burd) is a manuscript written in the literary Khalkha Mongolian language with Western Khalkhas dialectisms and purchased by A.V. Burdukov in Northwestern Mongolia; the text appears to be from the Tibetan original, which was a rework of a version of Panchatantra]: 178-181 [asura took the rasā drink ; yana; Hormusta sent the sun god to get it, he turned into a girl and completed his assignment; asura sent his lord Rāhu to return rasāyana; he reached the deva region, took the form of god the moons and sat down with the others; he was exposed and cut; because Rāhu drank rasāyana, he got up alive and said prophetic wishes: "Since you tricked rasāyana, may I swallow you , sun god, at the time when you connect the orbital nodes on the thirtieth! As a reward for recognizing me, you, the god of the moon, pointed me out and forced me to cut me, and I will grab and devour you on the fifteenth, during the full moon! to how you deceived him, he had already drunk before"]; 98, 100-101 ["MS. Burd. IV is very close to the story of a version of southern Panchatantra {Dubois J.A. Le Pantcha-Tantra, ou les cinq ruses. P., 1872. P. 160-162}, and it should be noted that this legend has so far appeared only in one edition of Paňcatantra. There are many retelling among various Mongolian tribes about R āhu and its eclipses of the moon and sun; but apparently retelling of this ancient Indian legend penetrated Mongolia in a variety of ways: through Buddhist writings, lama stories, Tibetan and Chinese astrology, terminological dictionaries, and there is no reason to attribute their origin an essay known from Ms. Burd"; parallels to this story are found in the Chahar woodcut "Precious Jewelry" - a commentary on a shastra entitled "A Drop That Feeds People" (XI) and Mongolian manuscripts Shastra - Precious Jewelry - commentary on (essay) "A Drop That Feeds the Born" (XI)]; Oirats: Potanin 1881 (merchants) [Arahu eats the moon during the eclipse; then she comes out through the anus; people shoot guns, twirl dogs ears, scream, Let the moon go!] : 126; 1883 (darhats) [seventy-headed mangys swallows the moon during an eclipse]: 192; Erdenebold 2012 [the eclipse of the sun was said to be "the sun was captured", believing that the sun was caught by a monster]: 25.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups: Pelikh 1998:42-44 [star dog Kandalduk chases the sun, swallows at sunset; in the morning a new one appears that has fallen from the branches of the Daru tree (see motif I12); after of the thirtieth swallowed sun, K.'s stomach bursts, he turns from a full moon into a thin sickle of the month; Kandalduk's heavenly wife rocks him in the cradle, his lower body grows, everything repeats], 66-67 [ minley (real name Lab-ira, old eagle) is a bird with iron wings; when it waved its wings, a storm began, when it opened, a solar eclipse began]; northern Selkups [sun (not clear at night or during eclipses) is covered by an eagle (also a cloud, labyrä)]: Prokofieva 196:70; nganasans [the damage to the moon by the Samoyeds is explained by its abduction by the underground devil, called Syr-nyanda (Syrada?)] : Tretyakov 1869:415 (quoted in Dolgikh 1968:218, 222).

Eastern Siberia. Northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts [wolves and bears eat the moon for kidnapping a girl; every month she grows and animals devour her again every month]: Seroshevsky 1896:668.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Nanais [the lunar eclipse is due to Boa letting a dog (tiger) eat a month]: Sam 2001:103; Lopatin 1922 [the lunar eclipse is due to Enduri being in the sky lowered his dog and she bit Bya (moon), after which Beya went to distant heavenly meadows to be treated with some herbs; he does not shine because he has gone very far; (retelling in Yu.Sam 1990 : 124]: 330; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [there is a dog in the sky that grabs a month in its mouth, but if you make a noise, the dog lets go of the month; the same applies to the sun; (quail in Lebedeva and others 1998, No. 82:454)]: 172; Podmaskin 1991 [an eclipse of the Sun occurs when a celestial dog attacks him; people knock on bronze objects to drive it away]: 26, 124; Samar 2008 [lunar The eclipse is associated with the dog Anduli; at a full moon, a girl and her dog are visible on the sun's disk eating the moon; if you make a noise, the dog will let go of the moon when frightened (Archive of the Society for the Study of the Society for the Study Amur Territory. V.K. Arseniev Foundation. F. 14. Op. 1. D. 27. L. 233)]: 273; nivhi: Kreinovich [a dog lives in the sun, eats it during an eclipse; the dog also lives on the moon, also eats it during an eclipse; if the sun darkens during an eclipse, then the dog is black; red or white respectively] 1929:80-81; 1973:32-33; 1930:53; Manchus [a dog attacks the star during an eclipse]: Frazer (The Belief in Immortality, v. 1:460) in Hutton 1925:127; Negidals [1) Olya's raven marries a girl, then the head of the village takes her away; O. and her mother cover the sun and moon; people rescue the luminaries, giving O. seven ligaments of Taimen heads; 2) O. swallows the moon or the sun, it gets dark; people paid off the puppy's head, throwing the victim in the direction of the heavenly bodies]: Podmaskin 2013:137.

Japan. Miyako Islands [eclipses are referred to as swallowing the sun by a demon and swallowing the moon by a demon]: Nevsky 1996:267; Ainu: Mamcheva 2019 [Ainu on the west coast of Sakhalin: during eclipses, the sun changes color depending on which animal torments it; if it is a fox, it turns red, if a crow or squirrel turns dark, if an octopus it turns very dark; Ainu Hokkaido (Akkan region): sunny Black fox causes eclipses]: 118-119; Nevsky 1996 [without details; during eclipses, the star swallows a monster]: 267; Spevakovsky 1988 [black fox swallows the moon]: 64.

SV Asia. The Chukchi [during the eclipse, kel (evil spirit) wants to swallow the moon]: Bogoraz 1939:25.

Subarctic. Hea [at the beginning of the world, two brothers lost each other; ran around the sky in different directions, met as adults; the elder said he was the one who made the earth grow; created the mountain, told the younger enter it; the mountain split, the youngest came out as a child; the eldest, both younger; decided to destroy monsters; saw a rainbow (this is a web of a huge spider in which he is trying to catch the sun), went at her; on the mountain, the old man gave them arrows, told them not to pick up the ones fired, they would return to the quiver themselves; the youngest shot the squirrel, the arrow was stuck in the tree, the brothers climbed after it, the tree was getting higher, the arrow stuck hand in hand, they found themselves on a mountain in the sky; there were a lot of people there; the brothers made a fire, the mountain became a plain, people parted speaking different languages]: Petitot 1886, No. 9-10:123-130.

NW Coast. Bellacula [Nukselh obstructs or spoils the Sun's path, causing an eclipse; two Aikwraith blacken the face of the Month, causing an eclipse; two women rub his face]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 224-226; quakiutl [when the sun (or moon) is near Mouth of Heaven, it swallows them, and when the eclipse ends, it belches]: Boas 1930:179-180; chickpea [during eclipses cod in the sky swallows the sun or moon]: Drucker 1950, No. 989:204; 1951:155, 361; chickpea [The sun and moon come out of the house of the heavenly chief NAS-NAS-Shup; the big cod guarding the entrance tries them grab; when enough, an eclipse occurs]: Carmichael 2006:42; poppies [like a nook]: Schwarts 1925:126.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [a missionary at Oblate was forced to intervene after seeing his neophytes curse a dragon swallowing the moon during an eclipse]: Barbados 1952:19; quinalt [Stars take two to heaven girls; animal people go up to heaven, return with girls; Stingray and Marten stay in the sky; Stingray turns into Big Bear; Marten causes eclipses by biting the moon and sun; during an eclipse people make all kinds of noise by driving the marten away from the sun]: Clark 1953:160; upper chehalis [Earthquake is Mother of the Month; covers her son's face with his hands, causing a change in lunar phases; when dangerous the creature (unnamed) grabs the Sun or Month with its jaws, an eclipse occurs]: Adamson 1934:172; vasco [Coyote's wife is dead; the eagle takes him to the river island; when the big frog swallows the moon, the dead get up to make love; the Coyote kills the frog, pulls its skin, suddenly releases the moon; the dead run away, but the Eagle grabs them and shoves them into the box; already at home he hears voices from box, opens it, souls fly away]: Spier, Sapir 1930:277-278; clackamas [Coyote's wife Frog goes dancing alone; when swallowing the moon, women copulate with lovers; grandson followed; Coyote killed the Frog, put on its skin, couldn't swallow the moon, spewed; couples in his arms turned into animals and birds]: Jacobs 1958, No. 2:19-21; tillamook [(episodes from the South Wind adventure series - trickster and demiurge); South Wind came across a sleeping child who covered his eyes with his hand; tried to step on him - his leg froze in the air; as well as the second leg, arms, torso; child: call me by name! "Arrow" is my hired servant; "Double Arrow" is also a servant; so several attempts; finally, Double-Edged Knife is right; the child tells me to go with him to heaven, if SE opens his eyes along the way, he he will throw him off; if he wants to eat in the sky, let him go to the lake, say "Oh, I'm poor", his wives will feed him; SE goes to the lake, sees bubbles in the water (wives laugh); next time he says, "Oh, I'm poor thing", bags of salmon and camas tubers come out; the child tells me not to go to the lake at night: he is afraid himself, his wives are stronger than him; SE is coming, there are beauties and a huge frog; after dancing and singing, she swallows the moon, then belches; while the moon is gone, it is dark and quiet; SE hit the frog, it belched the moon, it became light, he saw that everyone around him was copulating; the child tells me to lie down and not look, then he will return to ground; SE does so, but still falls somewhere; the child touches his lips with a feather, live lizards, snakes and other creatures come out of him]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 38:134-139; alsea [crow, eagle, hawk, owl, all birds attack the Month]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 22:227; cous [A month works for the Food Master; when food is scarce, all birds fly to the Month and peck at it]: Jacobs 1939, No. 9:68; galis [Bear or Frog eats the Sun during an eclipse]: Barnett 1937, no. 1815:193; tolova [Raccoon eats the moon during an eclipse]: Barnett 1937, no. 1817:193; takelma [frogs and lizards devour the Month, but it respawns every time; people say so when the young moon appears; they want to be reborn like it]: Sapir 1907:37 (=1909, No. 5:197); Tututni [the snake devours the moon in eclipse time]: Barnett 1937, no. 1819:193; Klamath [The Frog is the wife of the Month, seen on his disc, he carries it in his heart; when the Bear devours him during an eclipse, she revives it]: Gatschet 1890:xxxix; modoc [The month sends the Otter to marry one of the ten Frog Sisters living across the lake; Vequetas (the little green frog) is poor, others join it; The Month chooses her, because only she can revive it from any small piece when the Bear devours it; V. is now visible on the lunar disk; if the Sun is already rising and the Month is still visible in the west, the largemouth devour it, but the wife revives it]: Curtin 1912:81-82.

The Midwest. Menominee [spirits darken the moon and sun during eclipses; humans used to fire arrows to kill a spirit that attacked stars]: Hilger 1960:49; Ojibwa (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan) [ during an eclipse, the sun dies or someone covers it; arrows were fired into the sky to kill an evil force]: Hilger 1937:178; potauatomi [an old woman on the moon weaves a basket and, when finished, the world the end will come, but the dog ruins the work every time without letting it finish; when an old woman fights a dog, an eclipse occurs]: Charlevoix, Histoire de la Nouvelle France VI, p. 149 in Lasch 1900:104 in Krappe 1938:121.

Northeast. Montagnier [they say that the sun is the heart of an evil woman, Manitou's wife, because of whom people are dying; someone of semi-human nature attacks her, her heart trembles, and an eclipse occurs]: Le Jeune in Greer 2000:120; penobscot [Skunk lived in Gluskabe's teepee, wanted to know why the snow is falling, goes to strange creatures; sees a bird sitting in the sky (upon the floor of the sky); her the fluff falls, turns into snow; a huge eagle spreads its wings, night falls; when it lowers, day comes; the Skunk tied one wing to it, night fell on part of the earth, the other part was day; This is how one eagle feather fell on the mountain; the mountain became small, then disappeared altogether]: Speck 1935b, No. 27:74-75.

Plains. Assiniboine [moon phases: rats eat the moon]: Lowie 1909a: 56; santi [mice start eating the full moon until they eat it all; next month they eat another moon]: Riggs 1893: 165; teton (oglala) [after mice and gophers eat the moon or after being bitten by Heyok, it regains strength and grows back on an island where East Wind lives]: Walker 1991:126.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [toad eats moon; people scare off toad, moon gets better]: Speck 1909:110; chiroki [frog in the sky swallows sun, month]: Mooney 1900:257; choctaw [during sunny weather Eclipses are devoured by black squirrels or black squirrels; people scream and fire arrows, driving away squirrels]: Lanman 1856 (2): 463-464, Cushman, Hist. Inds: 290-291 in Swanton 1931:210-211; alabama [during eclipse dog swallows lights]: Swanton 1928:479; screams: Brinton in Schwarts 1925 [big dog swallows sun; people beat their dogs to force the dog to let go of the sun]: 126; Swanton 1928 [Sabakti toad tries to swallow the sun and the month; people scare it away by shooting guns and bows]: 479; seminoles [like screams; toad slowly eats the sun or moon]: Greenlee 1945:139.

California. Yurok: Driver 1939 [Coyote, Puma, Bear, Rattlesnake devour stars, causing eclipses]: 343; Kroeber 1976, No. D3 [crows, lizards and other birds and animals slaughter and kill the Month; only The raccoon helps him; the Raccoon's skin is raised above the house during lunar eclipses; after the eclipse, the Month respawns from drops of blood collected by his wife Frog]: 246-249; viyot [during an eclipse, the moon resurrects from drops of blood collected by his wife, the Frog a dog eats; that's why people beat dogs at this time]: Teeter 1964:157; (same as Driver 1939:343); synkion, chilula [a dog devours the star during an eclipse]: Driver 1939:343; mattol , shinkyon, kato [during an eclipse, the bear devours the moon (shinkyon: also the sun)]: Driver 1939:343; shasta, achomavi, proptu [during an eclipse eats the moon bear or dog]: Voegelin 1942:146; screw [during an eclipse, the sun is devoured by a bear (the myth describing this is not known); after the eclipse, all food and water are thrown away for fear of being hit blood of the Sun or Moon]: DubOis 1935:75; atsugevi: Garth 1953 [dark spots on the moon are the Frog woman swallowed by the Month; and when there is a lunar eclipse, the Frog in turn swallows the Month]: 195; Voegelin 1942:146 [a lizard eats the moon], 236 [A month fought the Frog; first it swallowed it, then it swallows it, so a frog can be seen in the middle of the moon; when the Month and the Frog fight, the moon is flawed]; Karok [the big lizard devours the Month; the Frog revives it (like yurks)]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. F9:60-61; chupa [A month hunts deer, divides meat between cougars and rattlesnakes; sometimes they devour himself; the Frog revives him (like yurks)]: Goddard 1904, No. 11:196; eastern pomo [The bear is walking along the Milky Way; when the Sun or his sister Moon does not leave him roads, pounces on them; an eclipse occurs; people scream to scare away the Bear]: Loeb 1926a: 228 (quoted in Miller 1997:143); Maidu [the frog swallows the sun]: Voegelin 1942:146; yokutz [ The condor spreads its wings, causing moon and sun eclipses]: Driver 1937:88, Gayton 1948:162 in Hudson, Underhay 1978:53; Oloni [Sun and Month are both men (No. 1659-1660), Grizzly devours the Month in eclipse time (No. 1674), if a pregnant woman sees a lunar eclipse, the baby will be born a freak (No. 1677)]: Harrington 1942:42; salinan (Playano) [during the lunar eclipse, people drove away the attacker on the moon monster bursting with dry skins]: Ausland 1873:535 in Lasch 1900:104; chumash [does the upper world support the cannibal eagle Slo? w; eclipses the moon, spreading its wings; this explains the phases of the moon]: Blackburn 1975, No. 1:91; cupeño, luiseño [when eclipsed, the moon is devoured by spirits]: Drucker 1937a:26.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Mooney 1896 [during an eclipse, a monster tries to swallow the Sun]: 773; Powell 1971 [the black snake eats the moon, causing moon phases; the moon is big and the snake cannot swallow it. burns its mouth against it; during an eclipse, the serpent eats the moon and the sun]: 243; Western shoshones [The bear eats the moon during an eclipse, people throw fire at it]: Steward 1944:267.

The Great Southwest. Yuma: Drucker 1937a [dragonflies devour the moon during the eclipse]: 26; Gifford 1926 [during the eclipse, the Vasani lizard devours the moon]: 66; diegueño, seri [during an eclipse The moon is being devoured by spirits]: Drucker 1937a:26.

NW Mexico. Sinaloa [The moon is a living being, desperately fighting off the enemy in the sky during an eclipse]: Perez de Ribas 1968, ch. 38:74 (=Beals 1943:39); opata [Sun is brother, Moon is sister; during Eclipses The moon is protected by a shield from enemies, and people make noise to scare them away]: Johnson 1950:33-34; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [The sun wears a crown of flowers and a bow and arrows; the light of the crown illuminates the world, dispels demons; the Morning Star is ahead; on the path of the Sun there is a snake, wolf, bear, jaguar; he fought off the Jaguar arrow]: Preuss 1925, No. 2:466 (=1968, No. 18:151-154).

Mesoamerica Nahuatl (San Luis Potosi) [during an eclipse, the Sun fights against a huge eagle]: Croft 1957:321; mountain poles [during eclipses, the Devil, finding no food on earth, rises to the sky. to devour the sun and the moon]: Foster 1945a: 187; a flood [every morning, Si Gu (Shih Gu, "born in the forest") kills an eagle sitting in front of the sun and plunging the earth into darkness; an arrow, eagle, eggs from the nest fall to the ground; to get to the sun, SG builds a road across the sea from ant excrement; SG himself identifies with the sun and Jesus]: Jäcklein 1974:275; Masateks [the cannibal woman had a fire; all the animals came to her party, but the rabbit refused; the month was more stupid than the sun and was eaten at the festival; the dog stole the bones, gave it to the sun; the head of the month she was in a pot; the animals tried to make the woman dance; she did not want to, afraid that a month would be stolen from her; but the possum amused her so much that she started dancing and the dog took the pot with a month away; and the opossum reached the fire and carried away the fire on its tail; since then its tail is bald; the month and the sun are brothers; the sun has revived months, but a piece of bone is gone, so the moon is pale; before the month was brighter than the sun, and now the sun is brighter; the cannibal is chasing the sun to take a month; sometimes she catches, but the sun is slowly getting away from her]: Portal 1986:56-57; tequistlatecs [sun, moon: heavenly puma]: Carrasco 1960:109; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, which were born to the Sun and the Moon; every day she went to feed the deer corn porridge, told the twins to stay at home; called deer as the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once I sent them to feed my father themselves - call him, Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and by the river, the frogs told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women have periods; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 1977:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); wawe [moon eclipses are caused by her loss of blood when she is bitten by a young rabbit living on her; if a pregnant woman falls under the moon at this time, the face of her future baby will be covered with the same spots as the face of the moon itself; see motif A32]: Lupo 1991:230-231; Maya Yucatana [sun, moon: ants]: Olavarria 1994 [the moon also eats the sun]: 5; Redfield 1950:117; Redfield, Villa 1934:206 [ants, king of ants; jaguar]; Sanchez de Aguilar 1921 [1639]: 204; Villa 1945:156; 1952:469; lacandons: Boremanse 1981 [Iguana swallows our mother Moon; humans they find an iguana that glows from within, shoot her head with arrows, open her womb; the moon returns to heaven; every time during a lunar eclipse, the iguana swallows the moon]: 5; 1986:289 [Rey; Our Father sends a son to let the moon go], 291 [=1981]; Cline 1944 [at the end of the world, Kissin's jaguars {lord of the lower world} will eat the moon and sun]: 111; Tozzer 1907 [qaqasbal monster ]: 158; tsotsil: García de Leon 1973 [The moon fights with a mukta canal (Venus) who is trying to kill her]: 307; Gossen 1970 [eclipses of the Sun and Moon cause wandering demons, by accident who find themselves outside their homes (in the underworld, but not in the path of the sun); they try to bite them, believing that losing blood will deprive them of their power to maintain order and life in the world]: 117-118; Guiteras- Holmes 1961 (Chenalho) [Poslob eats the sun or moon during an eclipse; it is a jaguar that appears in the form of fireballs]: 152, 227, 292; chol [jaguar grabs the moon during an eclipse]: Iwaniszewski 1992:131 in Wilbrath 1999:26:26; Chorty: Fought 1972, #27 [An eclipse threatens to eat the moon if it doesn't hand people over]: 428-429; Wisdom [sun: monster ah kilis] 1940 : 400; 1961:449.

Honduras-Panama. Hikake [when the water monster Nen attacks the Sun, causing an eclipse, a man dies; when the moon is a woman; the moon is swallowed by the horned Nen, who lives halfway to the moon; he is angry with her when She, passing by, sometimes touches his home]: Chapman 1982, No. 28:114-115; sumu [jaguar]: Conzemius 1932 [sun, month]: 136-137; Houwald, Rener 1987 (2) [month]: 9; kuna: Hartmann 1980 [ embroidery on the blouse: a monster attacks the moon]: pl.69, 79; Nordenskiöld 1929 [there is a black dog in the moon's boat; when it starts eating the moon, an eclipse occurs]: 150; 1930:674; Wassen 1934a [during eclipses on the sun or moon are attacked by a dragon or a frog]: 640.

The Northern Andes. Kogi: Celedón 1886 in Lasch 1900 [during an eclipse, an evil spirit tries to swallow the moon; if it swallows, the world will end]: 107; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 4 [during the young man's initiation they first copulate with old women; for the Sun it was Selda-Bauku; then the Sun took and rejected the Toad, the Snake; married the Moon; jealous S. tries to eat the moon every month; along with two other old women, he attacks the Sun; the Sun and Moon are protected by two guards, one in front, the other behind; if S. eats the moon, he will descend to earth, will devour people]: 33-34; sanha [moon: spirit]: Bolinder 1925:120; kamsa, ingano [some animals chase the moon to take her child away]: McDowell 1989:182; guajiro [Marries the Sun's half-sister for a month; she locks him in a rock; swallows him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 1:22

Guiana. Caribbean Islands [during an eclipse, the demon Maboia tries to swallow the sun or moon; to drive him away, people scream and dance, and the girl constantly rattles in a rattle]: Rochefort 1716 in Lasch 1900:106, in Roth 1915, No. 196, 202:255, 258; arekuna, taulipan, akawai [month: demon Oroan or Olozan]: Goeje 1943, nos. b17:40; taulipan [sun, month: demon Olo'zan hits them in the face with a club]: Koch-Granberg 1924, No. 17:55; curl [sun: demon]: Roth 1915, No. 196:254; kalinha [month: Epetembo (Orion-Taurus)]: Goeje 1943, no. b17:40; galibi : Rochefort 1665 in Magaña 1983 [a water snake (anaconda) eats it during the Moon eclipse]: 35; Roth 1915, No. 196 [a celestial monster attacks the sun and month]: 255; akuriyo [lunar eclipses summon evil spirits trying to kill the Month]: Jara 1990:78-79; Kashuyan (Arikena) [no direct data, but clouds near the moon are jaguars]: Kruse 1955, No. 33:415.

Ecuador. Colorado [the ancient sun ate a heavenly jaguar; he went down to eat people, their knees were gnawed by rats; shamans dressed up the son of a single woman in the best clothes; he cries with shining tears that everything they would die, but he would be the same; he took to the sky on a mule; it was cloudy for three days, then too hot; to reduce the heat, the shamans left only one eye for the Sun; the jaguar waiting for him with his mouth open Sun throws partridges, which he takes out of 12 snakes; if he reaches the last one, he does not find partridges in it, cries]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:14-24; Kanyari [attacks Mother Moon during the eclipse Tojapan spider, he was driven away by screams]: Barriga Lopez 1984:39

Western Amazon. Kofan [shamans take the drug yazhe, turn into jaguars, anacondas; dead shamans sometimes kill the sun, it gets dark (eclipse?)] : Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 103:155-156; Siona, Sekoya [month; jaguar]: Vickers 1989:167

NW Amazon. Month: anthropomorphic demon. Arawaks (and tucano?) , Vaupes district: Brüzzi 1994 [demon Vakhti tries to kill Month]: 64; Wallace 1889 [Yurupari (= Vakhti)]: 348; chikuna [demon from the Jaguar family (=Orion)]: Nimuendaju 1952:142.

Central Amazon. Omagua [The Sun and Moon are our parents; Jaguar tries to devour the Moon during a lunar eclipse]: Girard 1958:179; manao [sky jaguar eats the sun or moon]: Metraux 1948d: 712; ( cf. mura (piraha) [there is no general explanation for eclipses; the last time it was a celestial tapir that overshadowed the sun; and an eclipse that happened a long time ago was because Igagai made the sun in a hurry and it went out]: Gonçalves 2001:163).

Eastern Amazon. Tupinamba [les Maragnans refers to the red star next to the moon Iaouäe ("dog"); it tries to eat the moon; when the moon first appears after the rainy season, it is red (due to blood); people turn to the moon 'our father', children and women cry]: Claude d'Abbeville, p. 327 in Cadogán 1968:78, in Metraux 1932:157; 1948b: 133.

The Central Andes. The Incas (Cusco?) [After several years of Manco Kapak Yupanka's reign, two comets in the form of a puma and a snake appeared in the sky; idols and devils told the priests that Illatici wanted to destroy the world for sins and sent a cougar and a snake destroy the moon; if they manage to break the moon, their tools will turn into cougars and reptiles, spindles will become snakes, looms, bears, jaguars and other predators; so Peruvians scream during eclipses, scaring away monsters]: Montesinos 1882, Book 2, Ch. 8:48-49 (1920:48-49).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 61 [on a moonless night, a hunter saw a male tapir cover a female; she tells the male she is full, has just eaten the moon, if he meets her, he will have a big dick and three testicles; he did not listen, since then the tapirs have a big dick; the tapiriha ran away, hunter for her; at the end of the world she gave birth to a new moon; tapirs have a large penis, because she gives birth to the moon all the time; tapiriha met a hunter, married him; this hunter is the owner of the forest (Ehihe Deha, aka Deaveavai); he taught people how to hunt, weave baskets; when the moon is old, ED says to his wife: go, daughter; tapiriha hurries to the southern edge of the world, devours the dying moon, then flees to the north edge and gives birth to it]: 163; Nordenskiöld 1924 (cavinha) [ants cause small ones, palomet fish large solar eclipses]: 285; eseeha [a huge winged serpent Uecajinene lives deep in the water; it rises to the sky, swallows the moon, causing an eclipse]: Hissink, Hahn 1988:179; moho [moon: jaguar] : Metraux 1948c: 424; chiquito [sky dogs attack the sun and moon, causing eclipses; then the stars turn red with blood; humans shoot arrows into the sky to ward off attackers]: Dobrizhoffer 1822 (2) : 84-85; Fernández 1895 [1726]: 59; manasi [moon: snakes]: Metraux 1942:132; chiriguano [sun, month: two-headed (blue) jaguar (dog jaguar)]: Cipolletti 1978 [twins pursue a double-headed Jaguar; the moon hides it under his clothes or in his bag; he eats the moon, causing eclipses; at the end of the world he will come out from under the moon's clothes]: 50-53; Metraux 1932 [Yawa-Rowi blue jaguar (plomizo) devours the moon; it can be seen in the silhouette of moonspots]: 158, 165; Nordenskiöld 1912:294; Riester 1984:36; guarazu [when the month decreases, it is devoured by the blue jaguar davahóvi; little remains blood, hair and bones; they are collected and thrown into the pit by the children of the Month - Stars; The month rises from the remains]: Riester 1970:472; tupari [when the caiman bites the stars, the Sun turns pale, the Month turns pink]: Caspar 1975:195.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [an evil spirit throws dirt or pieces of cloud into the Sun or Moon, causing eclipses]: Pereira 1983:47, note 28:4; Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 14 [old dead people killed the moon, the other dead brought her back to life (eclipse?)] , 41 (note 400) [a huge eagle covers the moon]: 84, 180; paresi [moon: spider and four battleships]: Metraux 1942:170; bakairi [Crotophaga bird covers the sun with its wings]: Steinen 1897:313.

Eastern Brazil. Sherenta [is less afraid of a lunar eclipse than a solar one; the moon is darkening because Venus or Jupiter throw blood at it during the battle of the stars; no details can be found]: Nimuendaju 1942: 93.

SE Brazil. Mashakali [The sun picked up larvae, threw it into the river, the fish fell off, the Sun caught one, brought it home, she became a woman, the Sun loved her; the Month rushed into the water for the fish, they swam away; he became poison them, caught them half-alive, brought them home like a wife; the Sun covered itself with bark, appeared disguised as an animal in front of people, carried away the arrows fired at him; trying to repeat the trick, the Month took the soft bark, arrows pierced him; the Sun and the Month went to heaven; the Month gave teeth to snakes, stung hornets; The sun sometimes turns into a jaguar to kill and eat its brother (eclipses); the Sun is ahead, the Month is behind]: Popovich 1971:29-59; kamakan [a jaguar attacks the moon during an eclipse]: Metraux, Nimuendaju 1946:552.

Chaco. Matako (mataguayo) [a huge bird produces eclipses, killing stars with open wings]: Orbigny in Rivera de Bianchi 1973:697; matako [month: jaguar]: Alvarsson MS, No. 67:25-28 ; chorote [Tsexmataki began to devour the moon; after eating, she threw it, there was not much left of the moon; during lunar eclipses, people noisily drive it away from the moon]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 4:19; toba: Metraux 1935c [The Month is attacked by the Sky Jaguar (=the spirit of the deceased); The month is protected by a wooden spear, it breaks; people scream, the Month takes the best weapon, throws the Jaguar away; the Sunwoman is armed with an iron spear, defends more effectively]: 139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 18 [jaguars (=spirits of the dead) attack the Month, tear to pieces; falling to the ground, they caused a world fire; only people survived hidden in reeds; corpses turned into birds]: 68; Lengua [sky jaguar eats the moon during eclipses]: Loewen 1969:127; Pilaga: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 1 [Idoyaga Molina, MS; The Sun is an old woman, sometimes turning into a young woman; black, short Napalpi (meaning shadow, ghost) wanted to cover the whole sky and hide the Sun, blocked her way, but The sun went underground and rose in the east; the Sun was helped by Dapitchi; (quoted in Molina 1996:141-142)]: 3-4, 8 [=Idoyaga Molina 1989:22; The cougar eats the sun and the month; leaves a piece each time, of which those revive]: 3-4, 14; lengua [sky jaguar eats the moon during eclipses]: Loewen 1969:127; pilaga [black, small Napalpi (means shadow, ghost ) covers the Sun woman, prevents her from passing; she goes another way underground; Dapichi helps her escape from N.]: Molina 1996:141-142; mocovi: Guevara in Rivera de Bianchi 1973 [ The month is a man; the dark spots on it are the guts torn out by sky dogs attacking him during the eclipse]: 697; Fernández 1895 {1726} [during eclipses, Mother Moon is chased by dogs; Indians scream and they shoot with bows to protect it]: 59; vilela, mocovi, abipon [sun and/or month: jaguar]: Metraux 1946b:366; lule [bird covers the sun with its wings]: Lozano; Guevara in Metraux 1946b:366; in Rivera de Bianchi 1973:698

Southern Brazil. Sun, Month. Ofaye [jaguar; no details]: Nimuendaju 1914:378; ache: Cadogán 1962, No. 11 [neither the Sun nor the Month have a wife; when a jaguar eats the sun (eclipse), people drive it away with smoke (burning it wax) and hitting trees with bows]: 77-78; Clastres 1972 [blue jaguar]: 167; Metraux, Baldus 1946 [jaguars attack the Month]: 444; Guarani (Paraguay): González 1967 [blue jaguar devours Sun or Month]: 377-378; Metraux 1932 [a dog-like blue jaguar lies under the Ñanderuwuçu hammock waiting to be released on humans; once ate all the people, there is only one boy left; that put the end of the spear into the fire, then into the monster's mouth, the jaguar died; the soul of the jaguar rose to heaven, revived there]: 57; Montoya, p.50 [the jaguar or big dog devours Yashi-nyande, Our Mother Moon, causing eclipses] in Dominquez 1912:204, in Metraux 1932:157; mbia [see J9 motif; an owl falls into a partridge trap; a girl takes it for herself, gets pregnant with her; the owl turns out to be a supreme deity Pa-pa Miri; he goes to heaven, a woman promises to come to him with a son who will be born; she gets to Mbae-ypi creatures, they eat her; the baby in her womb cannot be killed, it is Pa-i , Sun; he grows up, lives with an old woman, makes himself a brother out of a leaf (next Month); brothers kill Mbae-ypi, one pregnant woman escaped, jaguars come from her; Pa-i resurrects three times the mother is made of bones, but the brother rushes to suck every time, the mother dies again; Pa-i scatters the bones in the forest, from which paka rodents emerge; when the hunter kills Paku, the Sun does not come out for a long time, because he repents that he left his wife alone (i.e. Pa-pa Miri is familiar with the sun, like his son); Charia is fishing; Pa-i's brother dives, caught in the form of a fish, fried, eaten; C. Pa-i gives it a taste, who revives his brother from bones (these death and resurrection are lunar eclipses); brother Pa-i comes to his aunt at night; to identify her lover, she smears his face paint; Pa-i makes a chain of arrows, brothers climb it to heaven, become the Sun and the Month; the moon sickle is a bow in Brother Pa-i's hands; his face remains stained; if he tries wash them away, it's raining; when Pa-i's son enters the river, the fish dies and can be collected; C. asks Pa-and to lend him a boy, hits him on the head, throws him into the water; Pa-i fights Charia, their strengths are equal (solar eclipses)]: Cadogán 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85; Apapoqua [Ñanderuvuçu ("our great father") drives away the Eternal Bats that bite the Sun and the Month; one day, allowing them to devour the lights, humans will end]: Nimuendaju 1914:319-320; chiripa [see J8 motif; Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed the earth on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first a woman under a clay pot, both met her; NG went to the site, came back, told his wife to go pick corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she would find her way to him; from her mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her way; asked to pick flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, she hid it her under the pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them that they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked for fruit from the womb to be eaten, but neither cooked nor baked; K. considered the old woman a mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, since then birds have names; the old woman does not tell them to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (future month); brothers destroy Añag jaguars and demons; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but Y. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; Urubu vultures had fire; K. I was afraid to approach them myself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, belched them; K. made sugarcane, I. imitated, a snake came out; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took it away hook, I. got caught; A. caught it in the form of a bagre (the first fish); K. asked for bones, I revived it. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (phases of the month at p.38).