Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A12A. A predatory beast overshadows the stars .15.-.18.21.-.31.35.-.

During an eclipse or under other circumstances, predators attack the stars: wolf, bear, jaguar, puma, dog, fox, raccoon. See motive A12.

Galicians [wolf], French [wolf], Bretons [wolf], Germans [wolf], mehri [wolves], alurija [dog], Tibet [dog], sema [tiger], rengma [tiger], ao [tiger], lhota [dog], bori [ bear], mishmi [dog], cookie (various groups) [dog], meitei [dog], kabui [dog], manipuri [dog], karen [dog; tiger or bear], kachin [dog; tiger or bear], vieta [bear], inta [ dog], Burmese [dog], sora [bear, tiger], bondo [bear], Malays [dog], kubu [bear?] , toraja [tiger], tetum [dog], maguindanao [Arimaunga (dog but Indonesian "tiger")], Ancient China [dog; wolf], Chinese [dog], Chinese (Sichuan, Shandong, Shanxi) [dog], Koreans [dog] , fox [dog], Miao Guizhou [dog], Lahu [tiger], Hungarians [lion, wolf], Romanians [vyrkolaks], Serbs [wolves; black wolf], Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls), Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [wolves], Russians written tradition [wolf], Ossetians [dogs], Turks [bear], Kalashi [tiger], Scandinavians (Younger Edda) [dog], Swedes [wolf], Estonians [wolves], Southern Selkups [dog], northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts [wolves, bears], Nanai [dog, tiger], Udege [dog], Manchus [dog], nivhi [dog], Ainu [fox], galis [bear], clamat [bear], modok [bear], tolova [raccoon], potauatomi [dog], alabama [dog], screams [dog], hoopa [puma], yurok [coyote, puma, bear], viyot [dog], shinkyon [dog, bear], chilula [dog], mattol [bear], kato [bear], shasta, achomavi, vintu [bear, dog], pomo [bear], oloni [bear], western shoshones [bear], Nahuatl Zap. Mexiko [wolf, bear, jaguar], tequistlateca [puma], Maya Yucatana [jaguar], chol [jaguar], lacandons [jaguars], sumu [jaguar], kuna [dog], cashuana [jaguar], colorado [jaguar], siona and sekoya [jaguar], tikoua kuna [ jaguar], omagua [jaguar], manao [jaguar], tupinamba [dog], Inca [jaguar], mojo [jaguar], chiquito [dogs], guarayu [jaguar], chiriguano [jaguar], guarazu [jaguar], mashakali [jaguar], camacan [jaguar]], toba [jaguar], matako [jaguar], lengua [jaguar], vilela [jaguar], mocovi [dogs, jaguar], abipon [jaguar], ofeye [jaguar], ache [jaguar], guarani [jaguar].

Southern Europe. Galicians [God punished the moon by telling them to go out at night and be attacked by a wolf; the wolf (i.e. the sun) bites off pieces of the moon and then spews; so sometimes the moon is not visible and it grows it's getting old]: Valriu 2015, No. 4:13.

Western Europe. Germans (Upper Palatinate) [proverb: This will happen before the wolf eats the sun (in the sense of giving it a long time)]: Schönwerth 1858, No. 9:75 (possibly the Saint 196:91 refers to this); Germans (Swabia) [{a baby rhyme, something about the moon and probably a wolf}]: Rochholz 1862:235-236; French: Rabelais 1956. Book 5, Ch. 22 (probably Vendée) _ ["I also saw two giborines on guard at the top of a high tower; we were told that they protect the moon from wolves"]: 541; Lasch 1900 (Burgundy) [during the eclipse they say, "God save the moon from wolves"]: 140; Saint 1961 [the culprit of the eclipse - loup-garou]: 91; Sébillot in Kuusi 1957 [when the moon goes down, wolves devour it]: 285; Bretons [Breton songs from the Villemarqué collection, quoted from the German translation Hartmann-Pfau 1859:272 ; Ihr Söhne der Bretagne, seid ihr noch gewohnt, /Zu hüten vor dem Wolf den Mond?] : Rochholz 1862:235.

Western Asia. Mehri [during a moon eclipse, people throw stones at each other and make orphans cry for God to restore the moon to its former form; if wolves eat the moon, the last day will come]: Stroomer 1999, No. 16:33-35.

Australia. Alurija [He lived on earth for a month, chased by the giant dog Tutrarre; he jumped into the sky, then reached the ground; after eating possums, he became fat, rounded, and therefore unable to escape from the dog, she ate it; one arm bone (arm-bone) flew into the sky, swam from west to east in the form of a shining sickle, gradually became round; The month appeared again in the sky, turned the dog into stone]: Basedow 1925:267.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [eclipses of the Sun and Month are caused by a heavenly dog trying to swallow them]: Mills 1922:173 (approx. J.H. Hutton); bori [black bear turned the Month and the Sun into slaves; said he paid dearly for them; people agreed to buy them back, but they can't collect the full amount, so from time to time Eclipses continue to occur]: Elwin 1958a, No. 5:38-39; cookie (purum): Das 1945 [The chief's 7 sons killed a deer; six went to have fun, leaving the youngest under the tree to guard the carcass; in a gust of wind with the tree tore off two leaves, they fell on the dead deer, he came to life, ran away; the brothers did not believe it, killed the youngest, the father was told that they did not know where he was; leaves also fell on the young man's corpse, he came to life, kicked off the tree the bark, came, told his father, began to dry the bark in the sun; the sun took the bark; the young man's father told the dog to grab the Sun; do not regurgitate, for then people would multiply excessively, but release them through ass; this is how eclipses occur; the same with the moon; during eclipses, a black dog attacks the stars; identified with the demon Rahu]: 218-219, 265; Shakespear 1912 [7 brothers went to cut wood and killed a deer; six continued to work, leaving the youngest to cook meat; he cooked meat, leaves fell from the tree, the deer came to life and ran away; the brothers did not believe it, killed the youngest, left the body under the tree; the leaves fell and the young man came to life on him; the brothers were amazed, collected the leaves, roots and bark of the magic tree; on the way they revived a dog whose corpse was swimming along the river; at home they left leaves, etc., to dry in the sun, told the dog be a watchman; the Sun and Moon stole what was dried; the dog chased them and has since caused eclipses]: 183; cookie (kolchen) [god Rikumpu left the dog to guard the garden; Sun and Moon came steal; the dog is still chasing them, causing eclipses]: Shakespear 1912:183; cookies (anal) [the sun and moon invited the hermit to switch piety; having received his piety, they disappeared; the hermit sent a dog for them; it took a long pole, climbed into heaven, and sometimes there are still enough deceivers; its owner also climbed the pole, but while he was climbing, the ants ate its base, the hermit fell and crashed]: Shakespear 1912:183-184; Meitei ['Illustrated Folktales of Manipur', by Ksh. Subadani, 2010, Lingthoingambi Publications, Imphal; 7 brothers, the youngest is Rongmeikai; they killed a female snake and the male crawled away; told R. to cook snake meat; he divided the snake into 7 pieces and went to get water; saw a male snake bring a piece of Langchi tree bark and revived the female; the brothers did not believe it and beat R., breaking his legs; he asked to leave him at this tree; healed his legs with bark; went to travel; he revived a dead dog for testing and she went with him; stopped at the old woman; moans at night - a girl died nearby; R. revived her and got her married; the wife accidentally found the bark and put it to dry in the sun; the sun and moon stole the bark; R. began to build a ladder to the sky; gathered all the animals for this purpose, but forgot the Curculionoidea beetles; the offended beetles decided to take revenge; R. first sent against the sun with with the moon to his dog; the beetles gnawed on the stairs; the dog reached the sky, and R. fell with the stairs and could no longer revive the dead; the dog has since attacked the sun and moon (eclipses)]: Oinam et al. s.a.; sema [Tiger eats the moon or sun during eclipses]: Hutton 1968:250; rengma [a tiger attacks the moon during an eclipse]: Mills 1937:245; ao: Mills 1926 [during an eclipse the tiger tries to swallow the sun or the moon; at this time people beat the drums]: 300; Smith 1925 [during eclipses, the tiger attacks the Sun]: 99; lhota [the eclipse of the Sun and the Month causes the heavenly dog trying to swallow them]: Mills 1922:172-173; Mishmi (Kaman) [four suns were shining, it was unbearably hot; people sent eight men with two dogs to heaven, they killed three suns, bodies threw them into the river; went back, leaving one dog, Tafyeo, to guard the fourth sun; seven died on the way, one man and one dog returned to earth; the sun stopped giving enough heat from grief and light; T. bit him, does it regularly to remind the Sun of its duties]: Elwin 1958a, No. 12:46-47; lakher [Nateu lives where heaven meets earth; he has black and red dogs (male and female); during an eclipse, one of them swallows the sun; people pour water in a saucer, look at the reflection of the sun; if the sun is black, they hit a red dog, if the red dog is red; when they see that his brother is beaten, the sky dog will release the sun; they also beat gongs and drums, scream; the dog also swallows the sun at the best, kuba, kabui, manipuri; people did not die, proliferated, behaved badly; Khazangpa told the dog to swallow the sun (Nateu has two dogs, they swallow the sun and a month during eclipses); it has become dark; everything that died except for the la , came to life, tigers and bears began to kill people, deer ran out of the forest; some people turned into stars, some into monkeys; rotten and dried trees turned green; baskets and other utensils turned into small animals and insects; only those scorched by fire remained the same; only the bones of animals that had undergone the la rite could be burned in fires; they were soon over and the lights went out; people survived as long as they kept their eyes open, but no one was awake for more than seven days, they all died; only brother and sister hid under the pig feeder, and their predators were not found; when the Nateu dog relieved themselves and the sun came out again, brother and sister got married, became the ancestors of people; in order not to send a new disaster, K. made people mortal]: Parry 1932:488-489 (a brief retelling in Elwin 1948:26-26); the best (Purum) [the seven brothers went to the forest to cut wood, killed a deer, told the youngest to cook it; he put the cooked meat on the leaves of the tree; from the tree other leaves fell, pieces of deer gathered, he came to life and ran away; the brothers did not believe it, they killed the cook; the leaves fell, he came to life; with the bark of a tree on the way home, the brothers revived the dead dog; they put leaves and bark at home dry, told the dog to guard; the Sun and the Month stole it, the dog is still chasing them, causing eclipses]: Shakespear 1909:394; the best (Anal) [The Sun and the Month descended to the holy man with offering to change their virtue to his; he gave his own, they ran away; he chased them with the dog; the dog put up a pole, climbed across the sky into heaven, chases the stars, causing eclipses; man followed, ants gnawed on the pole, the man crashed]: Shakespear 1909:394-395; Kachin [Sun Brother is the father of nine Sun Girls, Sister Moon has many star children; when people started stealing rice, The sun released all daughters as punishment, gave dogs 9 tails and field mice (favorite game) 9 burrows; people made a big bow to shoot live snakes at the Sun; then the entire Sun family hid; sent the Battleship, the daughter of the Sun killed him; then the Rooster; he agreed that the Sun would revive the Battleship, give him sturdy clothes and a long tongue; scattered his daughters, breaking them apart (they they also became stars); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with him; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow him, and if the Moon is a Dog; var.: an orphan boy is in the forest; the angels gave him medicinal herbs, he became famous and rich; the Sun and the Moon stole them out of envy; the Toad and the Dog chased them; the Kachin absorbers are driven away by noise and screams]: Gilhodes 1908, No. 24:691-693.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the widow bequeaths a mortar to the eldest grandson, a pestle to the youngest; the eldest, without taking a mortar, goes to another village; the youngest carries a pestle with him; the snake asks to revive the dead snake with a pestle; the pestle will retain the ability to revive until the young man tells others about it; the young man revives a dead dog; revives the princess, marries her, becomes heir to the throne; realizes that the smell of the pestle gives eternal youth, he and his wife do not grow old; the moon stole the pestle when the owner left it to dry, telling the dog to protect; the dog rushed in pursuit; sometimes the moon grabs (eclipse), but the Moon also begins to vomit slips away; this dog does not age because it smells like pestus from time to time]: Aung 1957:96-98 (=Coyaud 2002, No. 8:29-33); Inta [after the father's death, the younger brother gets a house, a cat, a sharpener; he goes to look for a wife; sleeping in a tree, he kills a wild pig with a sharpener at it; the pig revives the pig by the root; the young man picks up the root, revives it, takes the dog with him, then revives the girl, marries her; they return home; the dog dug his grandfather's treasure; Nat decided to take away the elixir of life, went down like a kite, took it away; the dog grabbed his wing, ended up in the sky; sometimes the sun and the moon are enough causing eclipses]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 4:148-151; Karen: Obayashi 1964a [eclipses cause a tiger or bear to swallow the moon but they are not moon brothers]: 209; Parry 1932 [dog swallows the Karen also the sun]: 488; the Viets [Mat Choi (Sun) and Mat Chang (Moon) are daughters of Ngok Hoang (Jasper Lord); when the Sun's palanquin was carried by young porters, they often stayed on the road the day was long; when the young were carried, it was short; the moon was hot in the Sun, their father told their mother to smear the moon's face with ash, since then they fell in love with the moon; the phases of the moon - Mat Chang turns his face; Alternatively, young Kuai threw sand in the face of the moon when she went down to see what was being done in the world; the Bear is the husband of both sisters; covers them, causing eclipses; people scare the Bear away with blows to drums and mortars]: Knorozova 2000:22-23.

South Asia. Bondo: Elwin 1950 [During the famine, only the Bear and the Caterpillar had grain supplies; Mahaprabhu asked them for a loan, taking the Sun and Moon as guarantors; they are still asking for repayment of the debt ; during eclipses, their shadows cover the stars; a total eclipse causes a Bear, a partial eclipse causes a Caterpillar; if a pregnant woman leaves home during an eclipse, her newborn will have a cleft lip]: 139; 1954, No. 28 [The Sun and Moon occupied Bear and Scorpio's bamboo hairpins to fasten plates of leaves; they haven't given them back until now, so lenders grab the stars from time to time]: 50-51; litter (Hill Saora) [ The sun had a party; the baby in the womb of the moon wanted to eat, she took a piece before the guests began to eat; the Sun demanded that the Moon pay a fine; sent a bear to pick him up (the moon turned dark), then tiger (turned red)]: Elwin 1954, #34:55

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [during an eclipse, the sun or moon is swallowed by the dragon Rahu or the dog]: Skeat, Blagden 1950:11; Cuba [Balek Beruang Langit (bear?) devours the moon during an eclipse] : Schebesta 1928:253; the Eastern Torajas [Wat Rao locked the Sun for three months for passing by his house without asking; the Sun begged him to let people go lest people starve; but continues to pass near the WR house; when the Sun is grabbed, eclipses occur; people drive away the monster with noise; in different areas, the monster is represented differently, including as a hairy caterpillar and tiger]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, no. 8:378; tetum [moon eclipse - asu na fulan ("dog eats the moon")]: Vroklage 1952:136

Taiwan - Philippines. Maguindanao [the maid asks the woman to come to her dying mother; the husband returns before his wife, accuses her of infidelity; the woman runs away, the husband after her, and his dog Arimaunga with him {M.V. Stanyukovich: from Indonesian "harimao" - "tiger"}; God turned a woman into the moon, her husband into the sun; when Arimaunga grabs the moon, eclipses occur]: Rybkin 1975, No. 45:138-139.

China - Korea. A dog. Ancient China: Yangshina 1984 [the sun's hymn describes the Sun's daily journey; it shoots a bow at the Sky Wolf; one star is the Sky Wolf, the other two are the Bow and Arrow]: 111; Antoni 1982 [a Shan-era vessel depicting a dragon with a moon hare sticking out of its mouth]: 157; Koreans: Shkurkin 1941 [during the eclipse, the dog Cheong-sap sari swallows it shone so that the sun would not be too hot and the moon would not prevent her mistress from sleeping]: 85; Choi 1979, No. 724 [there was a land of darkness in the sky; its ruler sent a ferocious fire dog to steal the sun and the moon; but the sun too hot and the moon is cold, so the dog only tries to grab them, but lets them go every time]: 315; In-Sąb Ząng 1952, No. 4 [west in 1912; in heaven, the ruler of the land of darkness sent the most a ferocious fire dog to steal the sun, but it was too hot, the dog released it; sent another to bring the moon, it is too cold, the dog released it too; the ruler sends his own dogs grab the stars, but the dog lets them go every time]: 11; Chinese [Sky Star-Dog devours the Sun, causing eclipses]: Williams 1974:279; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Wanyuan) [A long time ago, there was no sun or moon in the sky, and the earth was dark and cold. There was one immortal who had a son and a daughter. They decided to make the world a bright place and told their father about it, but he did not agree. Then my brother stole his father's jewels - a needle and a knife. The brother and sister decided they would go up to heaven, use their magic to illuminate the world, and they would shine one by one. When the sister ran away from home, she forgot to get dressed, and then her brother gave her a needle to keep it with her, and people did not dare to look at her. My brother took a knife for himself. My sister was the first to go to heaven, began to shine during the day, and people called her the Sun. The brother got up second, and because he had a sharp knife, if people pointed at him with their hand, he could cut his ear. People started calling him "Grandpa Moon". When their father found out, he swore to bring them back and sent General Heavenly Dog to pick them up. He quickly caught up with them, and when they started fighting, people began to beat gongs and drums to help the Sun and the Moon. Heavenly Dog saw such support and retreated. Therefore, people believe that "the heavenly dog eats the month" or "the sun is devoured by the sky dog"]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 10:30; Chinese (Shanxi, wu. Pindin) [Erlan was sent by Mother Wanma, took the Roaring Dog to the Sky and two mountains with him, and chased the suns. In 81 days, he crushed nine of them with mountains, and the last one hid in the purslane thickets. The dog roaring to the sky looked for him by smell, but did not find it. The sun was sitting, afraid to move, darkness came, and Erlan had no choice but to put his rocker down and rest. At this time, Mother Wanmu told Erlan that without suns at all, heaven and earth would fall into chaos and all living things would die, so sun alone must be left behind. Erlan took the Roaring Dog to the Sky and returned to the Sky Palace. The ground that Erlan shook out of his shoes while resting made a mountain that looked like a saddle, and people called it Saddle Mountain (Ma'anshan). The sun, in order to thank the purslane, swore never to dry it]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 16a, note, p. 28; Chinese (Shandong, wu. Dingtao) [in honor of her birthday, Mother Wangmu arranges a holiday at the Jade Pond, which brings together all immortals; the immortal Hundred Flowers prepares noodles from cereals, heavenly dew and flower nectar, and whoever tastes it prolongs his life; once the Immortal Hundred Flowers carried noodles for Vanma, but saw unusual clouds at the Jade Pond, froze in surprise and did not want to leave; at that time, the moon goddess Chang'e approached her, and the Immortal Hundred Flowers asked her to take the noodles to her mother; when she reached the gate, Chang'e tripped over the threshold, dropped the noodle box, and he when he fell to the ground, he crashed; Wanmu decided to help her maintain her dignity, and pretending to be angry, asked Chang'e if the Heavenly Dog had bitten her; Chang'e understood Wanmu's plan and said that Heavenly Dog, wanting to eat the wonderful noodles, he grabbed her leg; the Heavenly Dog, offended, said that it was not true, but Wangmu scolded him and threatened to execute him; when he saw Mother favor Chang'e, the immortals became indignant, but did not dare to say anything; the spirit of the planet Venus felt sorry for Heavenly Dog and said that he had been guarding the heavenly palace for many years and deserved leniency; given that It takes place on his mother's birthday, he should be spared and exiled to earth instead of execution; his mother sent him to people; the Heavenly Dog did not forget the resentment Chang'e had inflicted on him, and waited at night for The moon would appear to swallow Chang'e; Chang'e knew she was to blame, and when she saw the Sky Dog approaching the moon, she hid; until now, how long has the Sky Dog failed to bite Chang'e]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 7:7-8; fox: Bystrov et al. 1962 (fox of China) [Asu's husband is ill, almost paralyzed; to avoid being killed by tax collectors, Asu takes him to the mountains, leaving him food; he is out of food; he saw a snake reaching for him, killed it; another snake revived the first one with leaf juice; the man rubbed himself with this juice, recovered; found his wife sick, cured her too; becomes a famous healer; forbids the wife should open the chest with leaves; she opened it, the rays of the sun fell on the leaves, ate half, so the sun is immortal; the moon stole the other half in the evening; the husband made a ladder out of hemp, climbed to the moon; ordered Asu moistened the end of the stairs with water; he almost climbed, his dog had already jumped to the moon; Asu forgot to pour cold water on the stairs at noon, poured cold water in the evening, not warm; she broke off, her husband fell down and crashed; the dog stayed on the moon when it chews on it, there are eclipses]: 226-231; Zapadova 1977 (Burma's fox) [the sky was close, people poked poles at it to attract the removal of spirits and ask for mercy; the spirits were tired of it, they went higher; bears attacked the ground; people built a staircase to the moon, put two lamps and two bowls of warm water at the base as a sign of reverence for the spirits; the man got up and brought a moon dog from the moon, it killed most of the bears; the man climbed to return the dog to the moon again; at this time, the girl watching the lamps fell asleep; when she woke up, the water in the bowls cooled down, she was hers splashed out, filled the lamps; the guardian spirit threw away the stairs, the man fell, the dog remained on the moon; the moon moved away, decided not to help people anymore; the dog sees if everything on earth is all right; To prevent the moonlight from interfering, a bag is thrown over the moon, an eclipse occurs; people shoot with guns and shout for the dog to know that they remember it]: 157-159; Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [the leper was resettled to the cave; there he killed the boa constrictor, was going to cook it; the female boa constrictor knocked over the cauldron, glued together the bark of a tree and revived her husband's body, the boas crawled away; with the same bark, the man recovered from leprosy and returned to his family; on the way, he revived a long-dead black dog; revived the deceased in the village; hid the bark, telling his wife to watch her and beware of the Month, which comes down to drink from the river and could steal bark; wife distracted, the children saw the Month take away the bark; the man made a giant candle, climbed it to the moon, telling his wife to water the candle with cold water three times a day; it turned out that the moon was twice short of length hands; the dog jumped to the moon; since then it has been biting it; you have to make noise during an eclipse; if a wedding is canceled]: 230-232; lahu [at first only G'ui-sha in the center of the world is like a spider in a web; he scraped off the dirt from his hands and feet, made four fish out of it: gold, silver, copper and iron; put them on a pole; laid 4 beams of heaven and 4 earth; made out of the same scraped mud poutrelles, creating heaven and earth, but the earth staggered; G. rolled 70,000 balls out of the same mud, filling the cells (mailles) of the earth; from the bones of his hands he made the bones of the sky, and from the bones of his legs, the bones of his legs, the bones of the sky earth; to find out how thick the earth is and the thickness of the sky, he created two ants out of mud; one climbed through the sky, the other through the earth; when they returned, they said that the thickness was the same; G. had two assistants: Ca Law, the man he told to make heaven, and Na Law, the woman he told to make earth; NL worked day and night, and KL drank tea, so heaven and earth were not the same in size: the sky was so big canopy, and the earth is narrow and wrinkled; due to the fact that the earth was compressed, valleys and mountains appeared; to prevent the earth from swell, G. put a rock on it, but it slipped; the bulbul bird (Hypsipetes mcclellandii) told her not to slip; G. put fire in the Sun, fireflies in the moon; but they do not go to heaven, they are afraid of people; then G. gave them needles {obviously rays that prick their eyes}; tiger to the Sun: you too bright; he bit him, hence the eclipses; the frog to the Moon: you're too cold; she tried to swallow it, so there are spots on the moon; by letting a tiger and a frog into the sky, G. made the sun go east, and the moon to the west, otherwise they were constantly in the sky; from the mud scraped off his hands and feet, G. created stars, as well as a chicken and a rooster; the rooster sang three times and the east lit up; so the light separated from the darkness; G. moon: in the year will be 12 months]: Coyaud 2009, No. 1:9-12; Miao: Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [Yang Yu measured 6 feet east and west and ordered suns and moons to be created to hang them in the sky; his the ruler was his steps; the furs for inflating the fire were the valley, the wind was blowing from the sky, the mountain range was the plunger, the high mountain was the handle, the boulder was the hammer; the pliers were modeled on the brown claw; when they saw ready suns and moons, the Spirit of the Earth was frightened; what was left was made a crest to a rooster (Chicken King); each of the months took the sun and the moon; their skins fell to the ground, becoming snow, ice and hail Bong Yong placed them in the sky, then he also placed suns and moons there; the fallen pieces of gold became fireflies; Grandpa Xong made stars out of the remains of gold, and when he died, his breath became silver river - the Milky Way; (constellations made from different objects used to make suns and moons are listed, but not identified); suns and moons took to the sky by Bong Yong, but he burned and dropped them, they split, they were repaired with Immortality Juice; Bong Yong did not want to take on this task anymore, so the God of Earth tied rivers to his neck and only then put the suns and moons on himself shoulders; however, he slipped, suns and moons fell into the muddy pond; Xang Ong and Vi Hxe washed them, but the God of Earth refused to carry them again; Niu Xang dragged them on wheels, and the Thunder God lowered the rope and picked them up suns and moons into the sky; Grandma Yu attached suns and moons to the sky; then pierced holes in the sky with a needle and placed a star in each; harnessed a cow and plowed the sky to make it smooth and moving Nothing prevented the suns and moons; (further from the middle of p.66, the story of the destruction of excess stars); The suns were told to go to heaven one by one, but they did not hear well and came out all at once; the mountains began to melt; Hsang Sa wanted to kill his grandfathers for this, but they said it was not their fault that the suns were deaf; then HS went to shoot the sun; two young men clearing the ground under the field found an arrow with an iron tip, and gave it to him; HS tried to shoot from the boat - it was swaying; from the top of the mountain - not to keep his balance; then he climbed a click that had grown half the distance to the sky, shot 11 suns and 11 moons; the last Sun and Moon hid in Du Li's house; only when the rooster screamed did the Sun decide to go out, the rooster was awarded a golden hat; Heavenly Dog licked the wounds of the Sun and Moon; they promised him grains for it, but they did not give; therefore, during the harvest years, the Sky Dog eats grain, and the Sun and Moon in lean years; the Sky Dog was given birth to Silver Mold Bottom, he has two rows of teeth; HS returned home after going to shoot at the sun almost 12 years later; his son was the same age, he saw him hunting; the son asked where to go to the goose; HS said that he also hit his pupil in the eye; HS shot the boy, saying that Both of them (on earth) have no place; HS, his son and wife have become stars: son comes out at dusk, mother after dark, father before dawn]: 49-70; Lemoine 1982 [sun - woman, month - man; when the moon is not visible, it meets the sun; after destroying excess suns, Yang Yua left two dogs that did not allow the sun and the month to have children; after giving birth to another child, the sun gives it away a month, and a year later a dog eats it; dogs rarely eat the sun]: 90.

The Balkans. Hungarians [during an eclipse, the sun is devoured by a dragon or lion, ox, rodents]: Sebők 2007:107; Romanians [during eclipses they bite the sun and moon; people make noise to drive them away and shoot; when snatchers in the form of dogs eat the moon, they are under the special protection of St. Petra]: Sveshnikova 1979:214-215; Serbs: Janković 1951 [wolves attack the month and the sun; or challahs with six toes and hands, capable of turning into different creatures]: 110; Plotnikova 1997 [during an eclipse, a calf with long horns, ears and tail, a boar with an elongated face, a wolf with a huge mouth and a long tail are alternately attacked for a month; all three are black and six-fingered]: 6.

Central Europe. Russian written tradition [in Old Russian folklore, we meet a direct reference to the Vovkulaks as the culprits of the eclipse: "Yes, I want to go to Vrkolak and walk the Suntsu"; "winged vovkulaks they want a dream "]: Holy 196:90-91; Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [wolves live for a month; they gnaw on it until there is almost nothing left, and when he grows up again, they gnaw again]: Kindl 2003: 132; Eastern Ukrainians: Moshkov 1901 [during an eclipse, "winged winged wovkolaks" attack in the sun]: 65; Yastrebov 1894 (Elizavetgradsky and Alexandria y. Kherson governorate) [Eclipses explain to themselves the struggle of the stars of heaven with unclean power. If you look into the resin tank during an eclipse, you'll see wolves tearing the sun up. An eclipse heralds the Last Judgment; during an eclipse, windows are closed, lamps and candles are lit, and God is prayed]: 6.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians: Miller 1882 [the monstrous Sameli was chained by God to the moon; therefore, there are spots on the moon; S.'s sons in the form of puppies try to free their father and begin to eat the moon; c By the liberation of S., men will turn into donkeys, women into donkeys; only the family of S. himself will avoid this fate; clans that consider themselves his descendants annually honor his memory with special rituals]: 299; (cf. Chursin 1925 [some animals hur-horta ("sunbeaters") and Mai horta ("moon eaters") devour stars during eclipses; they are driven away with rifle shots; the sun grows out of the surviving part]: 80 (the same briefly in Potanin 1883 ["the moon and sun are eaten by the animals of the Mai Horta and Hur-Horta" with reference to a collection of information about the Kavk. highlanders, v. IX:71)]: 793); Turks [bear causes eclipses in Turks]: Georgieva 1983:27.

Iran - Central Asia. Kalashi [Tiger is brother of the Month; he took his property and did not return it, now Tiger attacks the bottom, causing eclipses]: Ali Shah 1974:72.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [two wolves are running across the sky: Deception chases the sun and the Hater chases the Month; east of Midgard, a giantess lives in the Iron Forest with the witches of the Iron Forest; her children - giants, wolves; the strongest of them is the Moon Dog; he will swallow the corpses of all the dead and devour the month]: Younger Edda 1970:20; Swedes [culprit of the solvarg eclipse]: Saint 196:91; Estonians (Nyo) [wolf cubs attack the Sun during an eclipse]: Kuperjanov 2003:95.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups [star dog Kandalduk chases the sun, swallows at sunset; in the morning a new one appears that has fallen from the branches of the Daru tree (see motif I12); after the thirtieth swallowed K.'s stomach bursts from the sun, he turns from a full moon into a thin sickle of the month; Kandalduk's heavenly wife rocks him in the cradle, his lower body grows, everything repeats]: Pelikh 1998:42-44.

Eastern Siberia. The North-Eastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts for kidnapping a girl; every month she grows and every month the animals devour her again]: Seroshevsky 1896:668.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Nanais [the lunar eclipse is due to Boa letting a dog (tiger) eat a month]: Sam 2001:103; Lopatin 1922 [the lunar eclipse is due to Enduri being in the sky lowered his dog and she bit Bya (the moon), after which Beya went to distant heavenly meadows to be treated with some herbs; he does not shine because he has gone very far; (retelling in Yu.Sam 1990 : 124]: 330; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [there is a dog in the sky that grabs a month in its mouth, but if you make a noise, the dog lets go of the month; the same applies to the sun; (quail in Lebedeva and others 1998, No. 82:454)]: 172; Podmaskin 1991 [an eclipse of the Sun occurs when a celestial dog attacks him; people knock on bronze objects to drive it away]: 26, 124; Samar 2008 [lunar The eclipse is associated with the dog Anduli; at a full moon, a girl and her dog are visible on the sun's disk eating the moon; if you make a noise, the dog will let go of the moon when frightened (Archive of the Society for the Study of the Society for the Study Amur Territory. V.K. Arseniev Foundation. F. 14. Op. 1. D. 27. L. 233)]: 273; nivhi: Kreinovich [a dog lives in the sun, eats it during an eclipse; the dog also lives on the moon, also eats it during an eclipse; if the sun darkens during an eclipse, then the dog is black; red or white respectively] 1929:80-81; 1973:32-33; 1930:53; Manchus [a dog attacks the star during an eclipse]: Frazer (The Belief in Immortality, v. 1:460) in Hutton 1925:127.

Japan. Ainu [black fox swallows moon]: Spevakovsky 1988:64; Ainu [Ainu on Sakhalin's west coast: during an eclipse, the sun changes color depending on which animal torments it ; if a fox, it turns red, if a crow or squirrel darkens, if an octopus, it darkens very much; Ainu Hokkaido (Akkan district): solar eclipses are caused by a black fox]: Mamcheva 2019:118-119.

The coast is the Plateau. Galice [Bear or Frog Eats Sun During Eclipse]: Barnett 1937, Nº 1815:193; Tolova [Raccoon Eats Moon During Eclipse]: Barnett 1937, No. 1817:193; Klamath [Frog - the wife of the Month, seen on his CD, he carries it in his heart; when the Bear devours him during an eclipse, she revives him]: Gatschet 1890:xxxix; modoc [The month sends the Otter to marry one of ten frog sisters living across the lake; Vequetas (the little green frog) is poor, others are adjoining it; the Month chooses her because only she can revive it from as little as she wants a piece when the Bear devours it; V. is now visible on the lunar disk; if the Sun is already rising and the Month is still visible in the west, the largemouth devours it, but the wife revives it]: Curtin 1912:81-82.

The Midwest. Potauatomi [an old woman on the moon weaves a basket and when she is done, the world will end, but the dog ruins the work every time, preventing it from finishing; when an old woman fights with her dog, an eclipse occurs ]: Charlevoix, Histoire de la Nouvelle France VI, p. 149 in Lasch 1900:104 in Krappe 1938:121

Southeast USA. Alabama [during an eclipse, a dog swallows lights]: Swanton 1928:479; screams [a big dog swallows the sun; people hit their dogs to force the dog to let go of the sun]: Brinton in Schwarts 1925:126.

California. Yurok [Coyote, Puma, Bear, Rattlesnake devour stars, causing eclipses]: Driver 1939:343; vilyot, synkyon, chilula [a dog devours the star during an eclipse]: Driver 1939:343; mattol, shinkyon, kato [during the eclipse Bear devours the moon (shinkyon: also the sun)]: Driver 1939:343; shasta, achomavi, proptu [vo during the eclipse, the moon is devoured by a bear or dog]: Voegelin 1942:146; screw [during an eclipse, the sun is devoured by a bear (the myth describing this is not known); after the eclipse, all food and water are thrown away, fearing that the blood of the Sun or Moon has fallen into them]: Dubois 1935:75; chupa [A month hunts deer, divides meat between cougars and rattlesnakes; sometimes they devour himself; The frog revives him (like yurks)]: Goddard 1904, No. 11:196; eastern pomo [The bear is walking along the Milky Way; when the Sun or its sister Moon does not leave its way, it attacks them; an eclipse occurs; people scream, scaring the Bear]: Loeb 1926a: 228 (quoted in Miller 1997:143); Oloni [Grizzly eats the Month during an eclipse (No. 1674), if a pregnant woman sees a lunar eclipse, the baby will be born a freak (No. 1677)]: Harrington 1942:42.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [Bear eats moon at eclipse, humans throw fire at it]: Steward 1941:267.

NW Mexico. Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [The sun wears a crown of flowers and a staff; the light of the crown illuminates the world, dispels demons; wild beasts are in the path of the Sun; it fights off the Jaguar with an arrow]: Preuss 1968, No. 18:151-154.

Mesoamerica Tequistlateca [sun, moon: heavenly puma]: Carrasco 1960:109; Maya Yucatana [stars are attacked by ants or jaguar]: Redfield, Villa 1934:206; chol [jaguar grabs the moon in eclipse time]: Iwaniszewski 1992:131 in Wilbrath 1999:26:26; lacandons [at the end of the world, Kissin's jaguars {Kisin - lord of the lower world} will devour the moon and sun]: Cline 1944:111.

Honduras-Panama. Sum [jaguar]: Conzemius 1932 [sun, month]: 136-137; Houwald, Rener 1987 (2) [month]: 9; kuna [there is a black dog in the moon's boat; when it starts eating the moon, an eclipse occurs]: Nordenski& #246; ld 1929:150; 1930:674.

Guiana. Kashuyan [no direct data, but clouds near the moon are jaguars]: Kruse 1955, No. 33:415.

Ecuador. Colorado [the ancient sun ate a heavenly jaguar; he went down to eat people, their knees were gnawed by rats; shamans dressed up the son of a single woman in the best clothes; he cries with shining tears that everything they would die, but he would be the same; he took to the sky on a mule; it was cloudy for three days, then too hot; to reduce the heat, the shamans left only one eye for the Sun; the jaguar waiting for him with his mouth open Sun throws partridges, which he takes out of 12 snakes; if he reaches the last one, he does not find partridges in it, he cries]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:14-24.

Western Amazon. Syona, Sekoya [month; jaguar]: Vickers 1989:167.

NW Amazon. Chikuna [a demon from the Jaguar family (=Orion) attacks the moon]: Nimuendaju 1952:142.

Central Amazon. Omagua [The Sun and Moon are our parents; Jaguar tries to devour the Moon during a lunar eclipse]: Girard 1958:179; manao [sky jaguar eats the sun or moon]: Metraux 1948d:712.

Eastern Amazon. Tupinamba [les Maragnans refers to the red star next to the moon Iaouäe ("dog"); it tries to eat the moon; when the moon first appears after the rainy season, it is red (due to blood); people turn to the moon 'our father', children and women cry]: Claude d'Abbeville, p. 327 in Cadogán 1968:78, in Metraux 1932:157; 1948b: 133.

The Central Andes. The Incas (Cusco?) [After several years of Manco Kapak Yupanka's reign, two comets in the form of a puma and a snake appeared in the sky; idols and devils told the priests that Illatici wanted to destroy the world for sins and sent a cougar and a snake destroy the moon; if they manage to break the moon, their tools will turn into cougars and reptiles, spindles will become snakes, looms, bears, jaguars and other predators; so Peruvians scream during eclipses, scaring away monsters]: Montesinos 1882, Book 2, Ch. 8:48-49 (1920:48-49).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Mojo [moon: jaguar]: Metraux 1948c: 424; chiquito [sky dogs attack the sun and moon, causing eclipses; then the stars turn red with blood; to ward off the attackers, people let them into arrow sky]: Dobrizhoffer 1822 (2): 84-85; Fernández 1895 [1726]: 59; chiriguano [sun, month: two-headed (blue) jaguar (dog jaguar)]: Cipolletti 1978 [twins chase a double-headed Jaguar; The moon hides it under his clothes or bag; he eats the moon, causing eclipses; at the end of the world he will come out from under the moon's clothes]: 50-53; Metraux 1932 [Yawa-Rowi blue jaguar (plomizo) devours the moon; his seen in the silhouette of moonspots]: 158, 165; Nordenskiöld 1912:294; Riester 1984:36; guarazu [when the month decreases, it is devoured by the blue jaguar davahóvi; some blood, hair and bones; they are collected and thrown into the pit by the children of the Month - Stars; The Month is reborn from the remains]: Riester 1970:472.

SE Brazil. Mashakali [The sun picked up larvae, threw fish into the river, the Sun caught one, brought it home (she became a woman), the Sun loved her; the Month rushed into the water for the fish, they swam away; he became poison them, caught them half-alive, brought them home like a wife; the Sun covered itself with bark, appeared disguised as an animal in front of people, carried away the arrows fired at him; trying to repeat the trick, the Month took the soft bark, arrows pierced him; the Sun and the Month went to heaven; the Month gave teeth to snakes, stung hornets; The sun sometimes turns into a jaguar to kill and eat its brother (eclipses); the Sun is ahead, the Month is behind]: Popovich 1971:29-59; kamakan [a jaguar attacks the moon during an eclipse]: Metraux, Nimuendaju 1946:552.

Chaco. Jaguar. Toba: Metraux 1935c [The Month is attacked by the Sky Jaguar (=the spirit of the deceased); The month is protected by a wooden spear, it breaks; people scream, the Month takes the best weapon, throws the Jaguar away; woman -The sun is armed with an iron spear, defends more effectively]: 139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 18 [jaguars (= spirits of the dead) attack the Month, tear to pieces; falling to the ground, they caused a world fire; Only humans hiding in reeds survived; corpses turned into birds]: 68; lengua [sky jaguar eats the moon during eclipses]: Loewen 1969:127; matako [month: jaguar]: Alvarsson MS , No. 67:25-28; vilela; mocovi: Guevara in Rivera de Bianchi 1973 [Month is male; dark spots on him are guts torn out by sky dogs attacking him during the eclipse]: 697; Fern ández 1895 {1726} [during eclipses, Mother Moon is chased by dogs; Indians scream and archery to protect her]: 59; abipon [sun and/or month: jaguar]: Metraux 1946b: 366.

Southern Brazil. Jaguar. Ofaye [jaguar; no details]: Nimuendaju 1914:378; ache: Cadogán 1962, No. 11 [neither the Sun nor the Month have a wife; when a jaguar eats the sun (eclipse), people drive it away with smoke (burning it wax) and hitting trees with bows]: 77-78; Clastres 1972 [blue jaguar]: 167; Metraux, Baldus 1946 [jaguars attack the Month]: 444; Guarani (Paraguay): González 1967 [blue jaguar devours Sun or Month]: 377-378; Metraux 1932 [a dog-like blue jaguar lies under the Ñanderuwuçu hammock waiting to be released on humans; once ate all the people, there is only one boy left; that put the end of the spear into the fire, then into the monster's mouth, the jaguar died; the soul of the jaguar rose to heaven, revived there]: 57; Montoya, p.50 [the jaguar or big dog devours Yashi-nyande, Our Mother Moon, causing eclipses] at Dominquez 1912:204, in Metraux 1932:157.