Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A12F. Lender. .


luminaries fade because the lender demands that they repay the debt.

Angami, bori, himachali plowmen, gujarati, bondo, sora, santaly, birkhor, chero, lingayat, bhumia, baiga, kolam, mehtar, bom, basor, ghasia, telugu, miao (Guizhou), Kalashi.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Angami [eclipse because the star should return the borrowed light]: Hutton 1925:120; bori [the black bear turned the Month and the Sun into slaves; said he paid dearly for them; people agreed to buy them back, but they can't collect the full amount, so eclipses continue to happen from time to time]: Elwin 1958a, No. 5:38-39.

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [Once the earth ran out of food, and only a chamar (a member of a very low, untouchable leather caste) named Channy left some grain. God (we are talking about the Sun, but the informant never says the word "sun", only God) went to him and asked for grain. Chamar gave grains, after which God distributed them to people. Chamar Channy asks God to return his grain, but God refuses. Then the chamar takes buffalo skin and goes to God saying, "I'm going to touch you now." God shouts "Don't touch me, don't touch me" (I guess this means a moment of untouchability). During the eclipse, all people on earth start shouting loudly, "Chamar thief, let our God go." And God says to the chamar, "Look, my dogs are barking on earth, and now they're going to tear you up." Then the chamar retreats. Therefore, there is a custom to make loud noise during an eclipse and shout "Thief Chamar, let our God go"]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials; Gujarati [eclipses are caused by the fact that the creditor (it's either a Bhangi, or the demons Rahu and Ketu come to demand a debt from the Moon or Sun]: Enthoven 1924:59; bondo: Elwin 1950 [during the famine, only the Bear and Caterpillar had grain reserves; Mahaprabhu asked them for a loan, taking the Sun and Moon as guarantors; they still go to ask them to repay the debt; during eclipses, their shadows cover the stars; a total eclipse causes the Bear, a partial eclipse Caterpillar; if a pregnant woman leaves home during an eclipse, her newborn will have a cleft lip]: 139; 1954, No. 28 [The Sun and Moon took Bear and Scorpio's bamboo clips to fasten plates from leaves; they haven't given them up until now, so lenders grab lights from time to time]: 50-51; litter (Hill Saora) [The sun made a party; the baby in the womb of the moon wanted to eat, she took a piece before when guests began to eat; the Sun demanded that the Moon pay a fine; sent a bear for him (the moon turned dark), then a tiger (turned red)]: Elwin 1954, #34:55; Santals [Moon and Sun vouched for people who borrowed food from Dusad (it's some kind of godling); he grabs them, demanding debt and causing eclipses]: Elwin 1949:69; birkhor [Moon and Sun vouched for people who borrowed food; lenders send to grab the stars, demanding duty, eclipses occur; in the event of a lunar eclipse, they hit one piece of iron against another, and then ask the blacksmith to make bracelets out of this iron that children wear as amulets]: Roy 1925:495 (quoted in Elwin 1949:69); Chero [Sun and Moon vouched for the debtor; from time to time creditors send their agents who, demanding debt, try to grab the stars, happens eclipse]: Elwin 1949:69; lingayat [1) during an eclipse, the sun covers the shadow of the lender Kālappa (Bālappa), who lent money to a fellow villager for whom the Sun and the Month vouched; 2) The Sun and the Month borrowed money from the shepherd themselves, he comes to demand a debt; 3) during the eclipse, the debtor hides (with the stars)]: Gurumurthy 1981:347; bhumia [Janka's mother (aka Sita) cut off herself the sixth finger, hammered into the ground, grew into bamboo, in each section of the stem seeds of different cultivated plants (rice, millet, legumes, etc.); Chandu, Domara's pig, found bamboo; D. found grain in her litter, together with his brothers and brothers, emptied the bamboo, filled the bins; Bhagavan decided to burn the world; Pandava, their mother Kotma, Nanga-Baigu and his wife Nanda-Baigin hid underground; C. and D. hid separately in the pit with with a supply of grain; after the fire, the elder from Pandava, Bhimsen, asked D. for grain; he allowed it, but it must be returned in the same way: pour the grain taken from above, taken through the hole at the bottom of the bin from below; D. stabbed a pig; the guests only pretended to eat, the wind blew everything off their plates at Bhimsen's request (you can't eat with D., he was from the lower caste); only Narayan-Deo ate and could no longer live with his brothers; began to send pestilence to pigs, sacrifices are being made to him; the Pandawa brothers returned grain taken from above but not taken from below; the Sun and Moon vouched for them; so Domar sometimes has enough of them; people scream, D. releases the luminary]: Fuchs 1970:27-34; baiga [the gods went to ask a lower caste man for food; he made it a condition that they eat from his hands; at their request, the Wind took this food without giving it to the gods desecrate; that man said that it would be necessary to return the debt correctly to the bins through the bottom hole from where it was taken; the gods promised that the debt would be repaid to Soldier and the Month; when they brought the bag and tried fill the closure, the owner grabs them, an eclipse occurs; the same for mekhtar, bom, basor]: Elwin 1939:333-334m; ghasia [Sun and Month borrowed money from a caste man's house ; now he swallows and belches them from time to time]: Elwin 1939:334; teli [The scavenger has taken the sun, he comes for debt (eclipse)]: Elwin 1939:334; Telugu [A month tries to protect The lender attacked by the debtor overshadows him with his body]: Elwin 1949:69.

China - Korea. Miao (Guizhou) [see motif A12; Sky Dog licked the Sun and Moon's wounds after Hsang Sa shot 11 out of 12 suns and 11 out of 12 moons, and then lured the last sun and moon, which hid; the Sun and Moon promised the Sky Dog grain for his help, but did not give it; therefore, in productive years, the Sky Dog eats grain, and in lean years, the Sun and Moon; the Sky Dog gave birth to Silver Mold Bottom, he has two rows of teeth; going to shoot in the sun, HS returned home almost 12 years later; his son is the same age, he saw him hunt; the son asked where to go to the goose; HS said that in the eye and he hit his pupil; HS shot the boy, saying that there was no place for both of them (on the ground); HS, his son and wife became stars: son comes out at dusk, mother after dark, father - before dawn]: Bender et al. 2006:69.

Iran - Central Asia. Kalashi [Tiger is brother of the Month; he took his property and did not return it, now Tiger is attacking the Months, causing eclipses]: Ali Shah 1974:72.