Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A12G. Revenge for a month for denouncing.

The character tries to overshadow the month for talking about his crime.

Tibetans, Ancient India, Russians (Arkhangelsk), Tuvans, Mongols.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [Urjan-Rembuchi made himself a drink, Zadu-Rahi {with an emphasis on "i"} urinated there; W. drank and fell ill, chased W.; asked in the sun and the month; the sun only with his lips showed the direction, and the month spoke in words; W. threw his daughter into pieces in a month; after that, the sun and moon did not rise; W. made the month whole again and the stars rose; for giving it away, Ts. -r. devours and spews stars]: Potanin 1893, No. 83:316.

South Asia. Ancient India (Mahabharata, Puranas, Ramayana) [when, as a result of the smelling of the sea, a vessel with the drink of immortality Amrita appeared, the asuras were ready to take possession of it; Vishnu became beautiful, distracted their attention, the gods seized Amrita; the dragon Rahu took the image of God, secretly approached Amrita and venerated the bowl; the Sun and the Month recognized and exposed him; Vishnu cut off Rahu's head; Amrita had time to reach Rahu's throat, her head remains immortal, has ascended to heaven and, hating the Sun and the Month, is always trying to swallow them; the tail sometimes appears in the sky in the form of a comet]: Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 12: 33 (=Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 24:65-66; Elwin 1949:68.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Zeitlin 1912; when Cain killed Abel, he saw it for a month and told the sun; when he learned that his crime had been solved in a month, K. smeared the month with resin, climbing from with a bucket and a helmet; during this month he pulled him towards him and he can be seen there; previously the month was as bright as the sun; after that, the sun became friends with the month and began to walk separately]: Saint 1913:22 (short retelling in Belova 2004a: 126).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [Burgan-Bakshy created living water to make everyone immortal; Ara-Hoo secretly swallowed it; BB asked Shulba which direction AH went, he pointed to heaven; BB asked the Sun , it pointed to the moon; asked the Moon, she said: Here he comes; TT cut AH with a sacred rod; the lower part fell to the ground, the upper part slipped away; the water that had leaked out of the body fell on the cedar, spruce, juniper Turkestan and Siberian, fir, pine; for giving it away from the Sun and Moon, AH swallowed them, but they came out of its empty body; this is how eclipses occur]: Alekseev et al. 2010, No. 7:49; Mongols [asura took the rasāyana drink; Hormusta sent the sun god to get it, who, turning into a girl, fulfilled the task; asura sent his lord Rāhu to return rasāyana; he reached deva regions, took the form of the moon god and sat down with the others; he was exposed and cut; because Rāhu drank rasāyana, he got up alive and said prophetic wishes: "Since you deceived rasāyana, may I swallow you, sun god, at the time when you connect the orbital nodes on the thirtieth! As a reward for recognizing me, you, the god of the moon, pointed me out and forced me to cut me, and I will grab and devour you on the fifteenth, during the full moon! to how you deceived him, he had already drunk before"]: Vladimirtsov 2003, No. IV ("The Mongolian collection of short stories from Paňcatantra" (MS. Burd) is a manuscript written in literary Khalkha Mongolian a language with Western Khalkhas dialectisms and acquired by A.V. Burdukov in North-Western Mongolia; the text seems to go back to the Tibetan original, which was a revision of one of the versions Panchatantras]: 178-181.