Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A13A. The raven hides the sun. (.35.) .36.-.39.

The raven steals or hides the sun or tries to do so.

(Kets), Kamchatka Evens, Orochi, Negidals, Nanais, Ainu, Chukchi, coastal and reindeer Koryaks.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Kety [Et's family went to bed, the woodpecker is tied in the kitchen, the raven is sitting next to him; screams that the woodpecker is snacking a rope; the old man tells the old woman to go look; the woodpecker sits quietly; the same for the second time; the old man He orders to remove the crow, he is a deceiver; the woodpecker ate the rope, tore the bags, the blizzard has gone, it's warm]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 142:254-255).

Eastern Siberia. The Evens of Kamchatka [the old man's two sons picked berries, the raven began to peck at them, they rudedly drove him away, he swallowed the sun; the old man gave his sons his staff, ordered them to sneak up and tickle the crow under with the mouse; he laughed and released the sun; the father explained that the crow should not be scolded]: Kasten, Avak 2014:75-77.

Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi [Gilangeta's little brother is crying; she gives him yukola, he doesn't take it, cries again; Why do you want to marry me? The boy laughs; she tells him to bring a kitchen board; he cuts on it, she asks him to move away, or she has a headache; dresses up, swims down the river in a birch bark box; Voronenok finds a girl, brings her to his house, there are crow droppings everywhere; old man Ka's two sons come there; ask them to go to their father's house; Voronenok takes his wife with him; his mother warns that Ka's sons will take her away; Voronenok sees his wife sitting with Ka's sons; stops playing, takes a month on his back, his mother takes the sun away; old Ka gives the Ravens seven dogs heads for food; for this, the Ravens return the stars; Ka's sons kill Voronenko and his mother with arrows, take Voronenko's wife]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 4:132-133; Nanais: Beldy, Bulgakova 2012, No. 19 [the powder put her things and four figures in the coffin, lay down by herself and went with the flow; the coffin sailed to the shore, the raven found it, calls her mother to come for the bride; the mother understands this way every time that she should fry one part of her clothes; goes down to the shore naked, the pudin gave her clothes; at night she put prickly branches next to her; the next day the crows and her mother left, telling the powder not go out; but she came to the house and looked out the window; there people were dancing shamanically, and the raven was biting the leftovers, his mother licked someone else's cauldron; {the chief} shaman saw powder peering through the window, brought it to house; mother's raven: your daughter-in-law, my wife was taken away by a man; the shaman wrapped the crow in a rope, hung a bell on his mother's nose; the crow was thrown into the trash heap, his mother urinated on him; they flew and they swallowed the sun and the moon; brought them back, when seven dogs were killed for them, they began to peck at them; and Mergen and Pudin got married]: 201-205; Samar 2010 [the elk and her children found a den, invited the son of a crow, they caught the bear; the raven harnessed his dog into the sledge, loaded the bear; pushing him from behind, the Raven pecked the meat; the elk drove him away, brought the prey home; the raven killed the dog, told his mother it bear; she did not believe it, went to visit the elks and began to steal meat there; the elk got angry, tied the crow with her hair to her son; the crows untied, the raven suggests to her mother: "Give the sun and the moon let's take it and, offended, we'll leave!" ; the raven son could not put the moon on his back, the mother crow could not cover the sun; they were offended and left with nothing (Current Archive of the East Asian Ethnography Sector of the IIAE FEB RAS. Gaer E.A. Scientific report for 1975 Vladivostok, 1975. L. 74-75)]: 108; Negidals [1) Olya's raven marries a girl, then the head of the village takes her away; O. and her mother cover the sun and moon; people rescue the luminaries, giving O. seven ligaments of Taimen heads; 2) O. swallows the moon or the sun, it gets dark; people paid off the puppy's head, throwing the victim in the direction of the heavenly bodies]: Podmaskin 2013:137.

Japan. Ainu [a lonely girl sits in a basket, swims down the river to the top of the Raven; he takes her as his wife; three brothers live side by side, perform a shamanic show to lure the Raven out of the house and his mother; they hang the girl's basket on the tree, the brothers take her out; the furious Raven flies to the sky, covers the sun with his body, his mother covers the moon, it turns dark; the brothers throw the dog's skin, The raven comes down to eat it, they kill him with arrows, the sun reappears; so does the Raven's mother and the moon]: Chiri 1973:442-444 in Mashiko 2002 (=Mashiko 2009:104).

SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 19 [The swans agree to marry Kulik, reject the lazy Raven; he hides the Sun in his mouth; the Swan tickles him, laughs, he opens his mouth, releasing the sun; The Swan comes with him, on the way, kills with a sharp stick], 37 [Mitya has husbands Raven and Toporok, Kuikyneku's father, Inyanakvut's mother; Raven is lazy, thief, coward, Toporok is a good hunter; Raven is going to change the weather, but only eats the meat given to him; The axe shovels the snow with a shovel (in the sky), the blizzard ends; the raven hides the sun in its beak; the mother-in-law takes the form of M., caresses the Raven, he smiles, releases the sun; On the way home, his mother-in-law pierces him with a stake]: 50-51, 79-103; Bogoras 1928, No. 2 [(same in 1902, No. 4:644); The wolf says that the crow Kurkil eats crap; then K. hides the sun, moon and stars; rejects deer, agrees to return the luminaries in exchange for two wives, the Wolf's sisters; wives bandage his tongue, since then the raven has not spoken]: 302-303; Dolitsky 1997, No. 3 [(Zap. P. Skoryk); a woman makes a ball from the sun and moon, fills with stars; when she throws the ball up, it's light when she takes it into the house, it's dark; the man from Inchoun (translated from esk. Insigvik) comes to her, threatening to kill, gets the lights back, people are happy]: 10-11; kereki (Koryak recording, but from Maino-Pylgino, the Kerek settlement center) [The sun cannot get Frost's daughter , the Sokholylan raven brings her; the Sun goes overseas; people ask S. to give the Sun a woman; he gives an ugly woman; for her the Sun agrees to shine only every year for six months; S.'s wife, seeing his impotence, leaves him; S. makes the sun out of a seal, the moon out of wood]: Baboshina 1958, No. 72:178-183; Koryaks: Bogoras 1917, No. 1 [The Raven and the Little Bird marry Yinianyavgut, daughter of the Big Crow; The crow fails to stop the snowfall, but the Bird succeeds, he gets a wife; the Raven swallows the sun; Chanai marries the River Man, who shamanite, becomes a little lighter; J. comes to the Raven, tickles him, he laughs, the sun regurgitates; J. sleeps with him, then kills him; a clear sky makes his head]: 12-23; coastal Koryaks: Zhukova 19?? [The Sun and the Raven are brothers, they wanted to marry the Daughter of the North; the Raven was luckier, brought the girl; the Sun was offended that his brother did not want to share his wife with him, went overseas; night fell; Raven sleeps with his wife, wakes up - he will see the darkness, sleeps again; the tundra inhabitants were afraid of eternal night, went to the Raven to ask the Sun not to anger; the Raven sent an ugly woman to the sun, she came back, said that The sun refused to speak to her; the Raven sent his beautiful sister; the Sun still demands the daughter of the North; Sister Raven replies that she was no worse than her; the Sun agrees to take the Raven Sister, but on the condition that they will not return to the tundra; agrees only to live in the tundra for a while; the daughter of the North saw that the Raven was powerless to return the Sun to the tundra, went to her father; since then, the Sun has been living overseas, sending to the tundra only the coldest rays]: Jochelson 1908, No. 82 [the raven Velvimtilyn and the Little Bird marry the daughter of the Big Raven Yinyeyevyt; V. only pretends to go to stop the blizzard, eats himself supplies; The bird plugs a hole in the sky, gets J.; V. swallows the sun; J. comes to him, tickles, says that she is now his wife; he opens his mouth, releases the sun; J. asks him for a fork, that gives her beak, she kills it]: 250-253; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 126 (Kichiga village) [the raven Velvimtilyn swallowed the sun; Emkut sends his daughter Klyukenevyt to him, V. does not want her; sends his daughter Inyanavyt; seeing her, V. laughs with joy, spits out the sun; I. pierces V. with a stick, hangs it on a stick]: 418-419.