Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A13a1. The raven extracts the sun. (.21.26.) .38.-.43.48.

The raven saves or retrieves hidden or stolen sun (daylight).

(Minyong, Ancient China, Chinese (Shanxi), Ainu, Chukchi, Kereki, Kodiak, Aleuts, Central Yupik, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Mackenzie Estuary, Koyukon, Inhalyk, Tanana, Tanana, upper tanana, atna, tutchoni, tagish, inner tlingit, taltan, eyak, tlingit, haida, tsimshian, huiltsuk, uvikino, kvakiutl, nootka, chilkotin, squamish, pomo.

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Minyong [there were two suns, a man and a woman, one was shining during the day, the other at night, the earth was dying from the heat; people sent the Frog to hit one sun with an arrow, he shot the male sun, it cooled down and died; the female sun in the mountain disappeared beyond the horizon; it became cold; they sent Crow, who agreed that the sun would return, but 500 people would die every night and every day; then they sent A rooster, but he fell in love with the sun and never came back; finally, both suns were back, but the male sun faded and became a month]: Blackburn 2008:155.

(Wed. China - Korea. The raven embodies the sun. Ancient China [ten suns are children of Xihe, wife of the eastern heavenly deity Di-jun. In the bubbling sea, a fusan tree grows several thousand zhans high and a thousand zhans thick; ten sun sons live on it; nine were on the upper branches, one on the lower branches (In the Book of Mountains and Seas - on the contrary); appear in the sky one by one; they ride a chariot ruled by S.; although there are ten suns, people always see one in the sky; ten suns, under the supervision of their mother, take turns every day; the way repeats from day to day, gets bored; sun sons agree to fly together, not wanting to get into a boring chariot; people are poor; before sending the arrow And to people (hollow mulberry gave birth to Yi Yin, pp. 216-217), Di-Jian gives him a bow and arrows; apparently, And he should only frighten the sun; And sympathizes with people, hits the sun with arrows, every time a three-legged golden crow falls to the ground ; wise Yao tells you to take one arrow out of Yi's quiver, one sun remains alive]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. 6:139-148; Huainan Tzu, The Book of Mountains and Seas, Qu Yuan Questions to Heaven; Chinese ( Shanxi, wu. Linfen) [night and day, seasons did not differ, 12 o'clock in the day, 12 suns rose in turn - every hour was new, forests were burning, people died from the heat; young Hou-yi practiced archery, After 10 years, he reached perfection, shot 12 suns, it turned out to be crows; the latter was only injured, the sun rose from the sea in the morning; the wounded crow fell to the ground near the purslane thickets and began to roll on the ground in pain; the purslane covered him and healed his wound with dew; after recovering, the raven told the Jade Lord how purslane had saved his life; he made purslane king of plants gave a drop of sweet dew and the title "mother purslane"; since then, the sun has not dried purslane]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 19a: 32-33.

Japan. Ainu: Batchelor 1894, No. Ig [God created the world but it was dark; God chose to create the sun so that people could live in peace; before dawn, an evil spirit set out to swallow the sun; God talking about it I found out, created a crow, and when an evil spirit opened its mouth, the raven rushed at it (instead of the sun); for this, crows are allowed to carry food from people]: 21; Kindaichi 1923 [when the god of daylight Tokapchup kamui was about to ascend, the evil god arwen kamui tried to swallow it; two foxes (chironnup kamui) were thrown down his throat and the god of light was able to be in heaven; when going over the mountain in the west, the evil god opened again mouth, two crows (paskur kamui) were thrown at it; one day an evil god swallowed the god of light at sunrise; the hero Ainurakkur began to fight him, freed the god of light]: 99-150 in Mashiko 2002 (=Mashiko 2009:106).

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902, No. 18 [kele owns the sun; the raven comes to his house, he swings, he tells him to freeze; the sun, month and stars are sewn into walrus balls; The Raven persuades Kele's youngest daughter to beg her father for a sun ball; he gives stars, the Raven hits the ball, he soars to the sky, bursts, the stars cover the sky; in the same way he gets a month, then the sun; kele furiously hangs her daughter upside down on a rock; the rope breaks, she falls into the sea, turns into a walrus; her fangs are her snot; according to another version, her father throws her out of the boat into the sea, cuts off her fingers when she grabs overboard; daughter turns into walrus, fangs her braids; daughter turns over the boat, father sinks]: 627; 1928, No. 2 [a lonely reindeer herder hears a voice from a pile of snow; there's a house there, a woman in it; she teaches him make love; gives birth to a son and daughter; they get married, they are people descended from them; people ask Wagtail to get light; T., Curkeel the Raven, Caggelin Partridge, Ground-Creeper they fly east, hammer the sky, break their beaks; Kurkeel sharpens them again, but now they are short; Kurkeel breaks through the sky, enters the outside world; there is a girl playing with balls; Kurkeel grabs them and throws up; they turn into the sun, a month (two balls stuck together), stars (one ball has crumbled); Kurkeel throws the girl, she sticks to the month, is still visible; Kurkil scorched clothes, became from white to black; created rivers; the first people went west to become Russian; Kurkil finds new ones in the grass; the Wolf says that the Raven eats crap; then K. hides the sun, moon and stars; rejects deer, agrees to return the stars in exchange for two wives, the Wolf's sisters; wives bandage his tongue, since then the raven has not spoken], 3 [the evil kele steals the luminaries; Wagtail, Partridge are hammering the sky in the east, they break their beaks; the raven punches a hole; in Kele's house, the girl plays ball; the raven grabs it, tells the girl to ask her mother for another ball; so he gets three balls; throws them up, they turn into stars, month, sun; mother throws girl into the sea, she turns into a walrus], 4 [people live in the dark, eat black stones instead of meat, white stones instead of fat; in the kele world, the sun is hidden, wrapped in skins; Raven comes to play ball with Kele's daughter, persuades her to ask her father to play the sun, flies away with him; a bundle holes, the world is flooded with light, Kele flees; after kicking branches, the Raven turns them into deer; flying above the ground, drags its wing, making excavations and creating rivers and the sea; creates marine and land animals, turns into thunder]: 301-303, 303-304, 304-305; Kozlov 1956 [the world is dark; we decided to send not Lisa for the sun, but the white Raven; she flew to a girl playing with two balls - bright and pale; offered to play together, rolled back the balls, they became the sun and the month; the Crow burned, turned black]: 34-35; Van Deusen 1999 [A raven comes to the upper world in dogs to look for the lost sun; there a woman makes a bag covered with stars; the sun is in it; she starts playing with her bag, The raven grabbed her, threw the sun and stars into the sky]: 41-42; kereki {Baboshina has Koryaks; cf. Leontyev 1983:83} [The Sun and the Raven are brothers, they wanted to marry the Daughter of the North; the Raven was luckier, brought the girl; the Sun was offended that his brother did not want to share his wife with him, went overseas; Night has fallen; the Raven sleeps with his wife, wakes up - he will see darkness, sleeps again; the tundra inhabitants were afraid of eternal night, went to the Raven to ask the Raven not to anger the Sun; the Raven sent an ugly woman to the sun, that came back, said that the Sun refused to speak to her; the Raven sent his beautiful sister; the Sun still demands the daughter of the North; Sister Raven replies that she was no worse than her; the Sun agrees to take her sister- The crow, but on the condition that they do not return to the tundra; agrees only to live in the tundra for a while; the daughter of the North saw that the Raven was powerless to return the Sun to the tundra, went to her father; since then, the Sun has lived for by sea, sends only the coldest rays to the tundra; the raven makes the sun out of a seal, the moon out of wood]: Baboshina 1958, No. 72:178-183;.

The Arctic. Kodiak [the chief's daughter is promised to the one who gets the light; the raven turns into a feather, swims in a spring, the daughter of the light owner swallows a feather full of water, becomes pregnant; her son asks for three to play box; finds night in the first month, stars in the second month, the sun in the third; flies away taking the last two; releases first the month and stars, then the sun; gets both daughters of the leader]: Golder 1903, No. 6:85-87 ; Aleuts ["It's great that this fairy tale about a crow receiving light through birth from a girl was also known to the Lisyev Aleuts in almost the same form, including the name Elya, instead of which raven-bird plays the role. This toyon, the guardian of the luminaries, lived somewhere at the height "]: Veniaminov 1840 (III): 47 (quoted in Lyapunov 1984:26-27); central Yupik: Krenov 1951 (Kuskoquim) [the hunters did not give the old woman meat, she hid the light; she was beaten and killed; the Raven was sent to look for light; the Milky Way was his trail; he turned into a sliver, fell into a bucket of water; the daughter of the owner of the light brought the bucket home, the sliver turned into a boy, he was adopted; he wants a ball with light to play; when he becomes a Raven, he takes him away; he opens it at home, the world is light again]: 193-195; Nelson 1899 (hall. St. Michael, unaligmiut) [there are too many people; the creator raven hides the sun in a bag, opens it only for a while; his older brother turns into a leaf (needle?) ; Raven's wife goes to fetch water, drinks, swallows a leaf, gives birth to a boy; he asks for a bag of sun to play; takes him away, opens; makes the Morning Star out of a bunch of burning grass; his descendants gradually become ordinary crows]: 460-462; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Gubser 1965 [Umialik (rich man) owns two balloons with bright and dim light; the rest live in the dark; daughter w. refuses get married; The raven turns into an eagle feather, falls into the lake, the girl goes to fetch water, drinks, swallows a feather, soon gives birth to a boy with a lump on his forehead; he grows fast, wants to play with light, grandfather he is bored with crying, he allows him, although the cone resembles a crow's beak; the raven takes away the light, breaks, it becomes light; the woman cries, says that let the day be divided into dark and bright parts; dim light first stayed with him, but then he broke him out of grief]: 35-39; Hall 1975, No. EH6 (Noatak) [it's always dark; the rich man has two balls; the squirrel digs a hole at the well, where the rich man's daughter takes water; the raven hides there , drops dirt (probably her feces) into the well, the girl drinks water, swallows dirt, gives birth to a boy with a ponytail; he asks for balls to play; at first he gets only the little one; when she gets a big one, pushes him out at home; The squirrel and the boy run away, throwing the ball to each other, the owner cannot take it away; shouts to the Raven that let his people take half; if the Raven took the small ball, the days would be short, and now they are long]: 83-85; Lucier 1958, No. 3 [It's dark in the world; The raven becomes a child, needs a ball to play; takes it out of the house, breaks it, the sunlight comes out; the father says let the light be so now always]: 92; Spencer 1959 (tareumiut) [the world is dark; a woman and her father live by the sea; she goes to fetch water, swallows a feather floating in the water; gives birth to a boy with a crow's beak; this is Tulugaak ( Raven); he wants to play with the bubble that hangs in the house; tears it up, it becomes light; T. disappears; the woman's father is angry]: 385; McKenzie's mouth [man and woman hold light in two bladder; The fox and the Raven come to kidnap him; the woman goes out to urinate, the Raven tells the willow branch to penetrate her vagina; the woman becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy; he demands these balls to play; pushes out the smaller outside, the Fox takes him away; the child turns into a Raven, follows; when they leave the chase, the Fox and the Raven tear the ball, the light floods the ground; if they carried away a larger bubble, there would be no night]: Ostermann 1942:70-73.

Subarctic. Koyukon: Attla 1983 [the sun is gone; people tied a rope to the Bear so that when he looks for berries, they will find it; The bear thinks it's okay, let it be dark; people ask the Raven for help, give him as much food as he wants; the Raven flies away; turns dust and grass into good clothes and shoes; the owner of the sun suspects that it is a Raven, but others say that he is rich handsome; his daughter fell in love with the Raven, he began to live in their house; noticed a dog, asked him to hang it; people notice that someone with a three-toed paw pecked over the corpse; everyone should show bare feet; the Raven says so that the veil covers their eyes, the audience does not notice that he has three toes on his feet; sent his wife to fetch water, threw a fir needle into the water, the woman drank, swallowed it; gave birth to a boy; in the same place where it remained dark, the Foxes sang, Let there be light; rattles were tied to the sun and moon in the house so that no one would touch it secretly; the boy cries, asks for the sun to play, the grandfather gives; the raven wants for the dog to grab the salmon; everyone rushed to the yard for the dog, but the Raven back into the house, grabbed it, released the sun, it became light; kicked the child, he turned into a bunch of fir needles; grabbed the moon, became tear off a piece, giving each one of the months of the year the name; December became Nameless; The Raven is back, everyone is happy with the light]: 89-105; De Laguna 1996, No. 23 [The raven makes himself a rich outfit with cones and berries, marries the daughter of a leader who owns the Sun and the Month; a boy born asks for the sun and a month to play; the Raven's outfit begins to turn into what he came from; the raven flies away, grabbing the sun, month and stars; the wind puts them in the sky], 25 [The raven makes the sun and the month, the leader steals them; the raven comes to him disguised as a rich man; throws a fir needle into the water, the leader's daughter swallows her, gives birth to a boy; the raven takes her as his wife; the boy asks for the sun and the month to play; the raven screams that the dog is robbing the barn with frozen fish; everyone runs there, he turns the boy into a fir branch, takes away the sun and the month; then makes stars], 26 [as in (23); The Old Raven gets the sun; cuts off a piece, makes a month out of it]: 197-198, 201-209, 210-214; Jette 1908-1909 [people promise the Crow two dogs to eat if he finds the lost sun; he flies, sees a beautiful girl coming for a drink; turns into a fir needle; a girl swallows it with water, gives birth to a boy; he asks for a hanging person to play the sun is in the house; brings it back to people]: 304-305; inhalic [the daughter of a rich man rejects her suitors; her father's village is light; the raven comes, turns into a fir needle, the girl swallows it with water, gets pregnant, gives birth to a boy; he still cries until he gets a shining thing; flies away with it, bringing light to people]: Chapman 1914, No. 5:22-26; tanaina [the rich man hides the sun and the month; the raven drops in the source of her pen or turns into a fish; the daughter of a rich man drinks, swallows a feather or fish; gives birth to a boy; he asks for sun and a month to play; turns into a crow, takes them away; people are grateful to him]: Osgood 1937 [The raven drops the fir needle, the rich man's daughter swallows it with water; the child gets sun and a month to play; when he becomes a Raven again, flies out through a gap in the corner of the house]: 183-184; Smelcer 1992 [turns into fish]: 111; Vaudrin 1969 [drops his pen]: 43-44; tanana [like tanine; no details]: Smelcer 1992 [turns into a fish]: 31; atna [the chief holds stars in three carved boxes, a month and the sun; his daughter comes to the spring; the raven turns into a speck, the girl swallows it with water; gives birth to a son; the boy asks for and receives stars and a month to play; throws them through the chimney; gets a box with the sun; turns into a crow, takes it away; people don't believe that light exists; the raven opens the box; people are scattered around the world in fear]: Smelcer 1997:19-21; Khan (Eagle) [Bear took the sun off the sky, hung it around his neck under his clothes; the Raven marries his daughter; they have a son; the Raven tells him to ask for the sun to play; the boy throws the sun through a hole in the roof, the Raven flies away next]: Schmitter 1910:26 (=1985:38-39); Upper Tanana: Brean 1975 [a rich chief stole the sun and the month; the raven turns into a piece of moss, the chief's daughter swallows it with a scoop of water; gives birth to a boy; he asks and gets a month and sun to play; throws them out through a hole in the roof, flies away]: 37-41; McKennan 1959 [the old man owns the sun and the month; the raven turns into a fir needle, falls into a spring; the old man's daughter swallows it with water; gives birth to a boy; he asks for the sun and a month to play; turns into a Raven, takes the stars away; smears them with resin, sticks them to the sky; draws them with a pole way across the sky]: 190-191; Smelcer 1992 [like tanine; turns into a piece of moss]: 111; southern tutchoni: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 1b [the world is dark, daylight, sun, moon is owned by a rich man; he has a daughter; her maid goes to fetch water; the raven turns into a grain of dirt, tells the maid to keep silent about it, the daughter of the luminary owner swallows dirt along with the water; becomes pregnant, gives birth three weeks later boy; he asks for a box of daylight to play, then the sun, then the moon; every time he releases into the world; then turns into a crow, flies away]: 18-22; Workman 2000 [(the informant remembered fragments); The raven created the world; the rich man's daughter collected water; the raven made garbage fall into the scoop; after drinking water, the girl swallowed it, gave birth to a son Raven; something about the stolen sun]: 81; tagish, inner tlingits [The raven turns into a pine needle, falls into the cup of the chief's daughter; she spits out the needle, but it is again in her mouth, swallowed; she gives birth to a boy; her father gives for him to play the sun, the month, the stars; the Raven puts them in a box, takes them away; animal people do not give him fish; he opens the box, it becomes light; animal people turn into animals]: Cruickshank 1992:42-43; tagish [The raven goes to get sun, month and daylight; its owner and daughter live on the island; the raven turns into a fir needle, falls into the cup from which the girl drinks; she becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy, he cries and gets a month to play, leaves him; then gets and takes a bag of sun; steals people's fat in the dark, throws them back dog crap; opens a bag with the sun; with With the advent of light, animal people turn into animals, everyone says who they will be]: McClelland 1987:254-257 (=2007, No. 73c: 361-362); Kuchin: McGary 1984 [The bear lives higher up the river, hides the sun , hangs in her house for a lie; The raven comes there, enters the house; the Bear's daughter goes to the river, scoops water with a scoop, something black falls into the ladle all the time, she swallows, immediately feels pregnant; the Raven swims away, the Bear's daughter gives birth to a boy that night; he grew up, began to go outside on his own, one day began to cry, ask for a bright balloon; the grandfather gave him, told him not to take it far; the boy threw the balloon into the sky, the sun shone; the bear rushed at the boy, who flew down the river like a crow, sat on a fir tree]: 275-285; McKennan 1965 [Bear holds the sun in a bag over his bed; daughter The bear comes to get water; the raven turns into a speck, falls into its bucket, she swallows it with water, gives birth to a boy; he demands the sun to play; rolls out the door, puts it back into the sky]: 90-91; taltan [the chief keeps the light in the box; the raven turns into a cedar needle, falls into the water; the servant brings water to the chief's daughter for drinking; she gives birth to a son; he asks for the sun first, then the Great The bear, then daylight; flies through the chimney, holding sun and light in one hand, and the Big Dipper in the other month; casts light to the north, the sun to the east, the month to the west, the Big Dipper to the south] : Teit 1919, No. 1.5:204-205.

NW Coast. Eyak [a wealthy family keeps the sun, the month, the stars; the raven will turn into a fir needle, fall into a vessel of water from which the girl drinks; flies out through the chimney, carrying the stars]: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938:251 [people fish; The raven can't fish in the dark; lets the stars out of the box; it's always light], 259-260 [fishermen don't give the Crow fish; he catches luminaries; to make it light, they give him all the catch]; the Tlingits [the rich/chief in the upper reaches of the Ness River owns light; the raven turns into a garbage; the rich man's daughter swallows it with water; her father gives it to her grandson first a bag of stars, then a month; he throws lights through the chimney into the sky; after receiving a box of daylight, he turns into a Raven, takes the light away]: Golder 1907c: 292-293; De Laguna 1972:852-856 [ The raven turns first into a feather, then into a fir needle], 860-862 [first into a beetle, then a hemlock needle]; Smelcer 1992 [into a hemlock needle]: 31-32; Swanton 1909 [into a hemlock needle], No. 1, 31:3-4, 81-82, p .374 [the world was dark; one man knew that Raven-Upper Reky-Ness had light, came to his daughter; was born to ask his grandfather for light, brought it to the people]; Hyda: Barbeau 1961 [monster with in two mouths - the leader's slave; brings a lot of prey, eats almost everything himself; the leader's son dies; people mourn, he is resurrected; the monster tells him to eat his skin scales; now the young man is hungry all the time; his my father is ashamed, he allows him to go to get light, lets him wear crow skin; the young man flies into the sky through a narrow passage, the walls of which converge and diverge; fir needle]: 83-85; Swanton 1905 (Skidgate) [like Barbeau; some needle; steals the moon; where the chief lives is not clear; smashes the moon before throwing it into the sky (moon phases)]: 116-118; Haida (Masset): Swanton 1908a: 308 -311 [The raven comes to a lonely woman who owned the moon; dies himself and she becomes pregnant (without details); The raven comes out of her thigh; cries, asks the moon to play; closing all the holes in at home, a woman gives the moon; when the smoke hole expands, the Raven turns into a crow, flies out with the moon under its wing; the raven asks fishermen for fir needles, referring to candlefish; promises to make light, they don't believe it; he shows the moon, he gives him fish; he breaks the moon in half, making the sun and the moon; the fragments turn into stars]; the Tsimshian [like Hyde: flies through a narrow passage]: Barbeau 1961 [( three versions); fir needle]: 75-82; Boas 1902 [cedar needle]: 10-16, 21-23; Garfield, Forest 1961 (b. Ness) [Chief Raven Upper River. Ness owns the sun, moon and stars; the raven asks fishermen for fish, they mock him, promise to give fish in exchange for daylight; the raven goes to the leader's daughter, turns into a garbage, and is thrown away with water; then in a hemlock needle, the girl swallows it; gives birth to a boy; the girl's mother suspects that the baby has feathers under her skin; a grown boy asks the moon to play, throws it to the sky, pretends that by accident; gets a box with the sun, gets stuck in the chimney, gathers all his strength, flies out; fishermen keep laughing at him; he opens the box, fishermen turn into all the animals they wore] : 78-79; (cf. [turning a crow kid into a bird is not mentioned] heiltzuk [The raven consistently turns into a fish, a needle, a berry; the chief's wife throws this garbage away every time; finally, into a drop of fat, a woman swallows it with water; a boy born asks for a box of sun to play; takes it away; several groups of fishermen refuse to share their catch with the Raven (they catch candlefish); he opens the box, people turn into frogs and waterfowl]: Boas 1916, No. 1:883; uvikino [(told by a young woman); Our Father sent the First Chief to earth; he taught us how to weave nets to catch salmon; in the sky Only the moon was shining; the Raven ("true leader", "great inventor") knew that only Menis ("alone in the world") owned the sun; became a pine needle, fell into the vessel of M.'s eldest daughter; she drank water without swallowing needle; then the Raven became berries, she noticed their reflection, ate them, gave birth to a boy; he immediately speaks; cries, asks his grandfather to make the top to catch salmon for him; he does, but the grandson soon again cries; the same is a bow and arrow; a paddle; a boat; a box hanging under the roof; the mother does not give, the grandfather gives; the grandson wants to be allowed to take the box away in the boat; returns the first time, opens the box the second time, sunlight floods the world]: Boas 1916, No. XX.1.1:208 (=2002:443-445); quakiutl: Boas 1910, No. 17 [Omean (raven) turns into the child of the mistress of daylight (she is a seagull); asks for playing a boat, then a vessel of light; sails away in a boat, brings light to the world]: 233-235; Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1 (tlatlasicoala neveti) [the world is dark, Omeatl (raven) turns into a piece of wood; owner The sun sends her daughter to bring her; after taking her, she becomes pregnant; a born boy asks for a box of sun to play, takes it with him into the boat; cuts off the rope, sails away, opens the box; first eternal day; the former owner of the sun also makes the night]: 173-174; Nootka [the leader of another village keeps the sun in a box; the raven turns into a hemlock needle; crying, he first gets the boat that moves the fastest then a paddle, then a box of sun; opens it only after the wise Wren promises that everyone would give him fish and oyster of every species after each catch]: Boas 1916, No. 1:888-892.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [one person owns the light; the raven turns into a spruce needle, the man's wife goes down for a drink, swallows a needle along with water, gives birth to a boy; he cries, gets to play a box of light; becoming a Raven again, takes him away; women give him berries for opening the box slightly; the Raven breaks the box, releasing light; people are tired of eternal light, the Raven tells the night and day alternate]: Farrand 1900, No. 2:14-15; squamish (Nanaimo) [Chaika had daylight, she kept it in her chest; the Raven wanted the Seagull to stab his leg; volunteered to help, for this you need to shine ; The Seagull opened the chest lid slightly; The Raven: it's still dark; The Seagull opened the lid even more, and the Raven drove the splinter deeper, opened the chest and released the light; day and night have been alternating ever since]: Boas 2002, NO. V.2:153

California. Pomo [the world is dark; the raven (Crow) is white, flies east, brings the sun from there; on the way back it is burned and turned black]: Clark, Williams 1954:31-32.