Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A14. Eclipses: the relationship between the sun and the moon, A737.7


The encounter between the sun and the moon is the cause of eclipses or lunar phases.

Bushmen, Ngala, Ngelima, Kuta, Fang, Baule, Yoruba, Von, Eve, Krachi, Gur of Northern Ghana (kasena?) , Nyende, Jukun, Bambara, Hausa, Diola, Pygmies, Mbuti, Teda, Tuaregs (Ahaggar), Berbers of Morocco (Nador), Portuguese, Italians (Tuscany), French (central France), Walloons, Germans, Arabian Bedouins, Adelaide (and other parts of Australia?) , Ewahline, Murngin, New Britain, Society Islands, Nokte, Bulang, Thais, Ede, Cham, India (translated from Hindi), Santals, Ho, Sora, Oraons, Senoi (Sakai), Semangi (Kent), Temuan (Mantra), Bataki, Ngaju, Toraja, Tongo, (mangaray), Bangga, Vemale, Aru Islands, Tagaly, Bontok, Tinghian, Ilongot, Maguindanao, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Romanians, Poles, Ukrainians (Western), Adygs, Abazins, Ingush, Armenians, Lithuanians, Selkups, Udege, Miyako Islands, Central Yupik (Unaligmiut), Northern Alaska Inupiate (Point Hope), Labrador Eskimos, Tlingit Sound, Algonquins actually Northern Payutes, Lipan, Tarahumara, Mayo, Otomi, Aztecs (Tlaxcala), Mountain Totonacas, Mountain Polka, and Nahuatl Veracruz, Chinanteca, Soke, Maya Yucatana, Canhobal, Tojolabal, Tseltal, Pokomchi, Quiche, Kakchiqueli, Tsutuhili, Pipili, kuna, Eastern Panama, nonama, (yupa), kalinha, lokono, shuar, huambisa (?) , Pacasmayo, Whitoto, Guarazu, Paresi, Waura, Kayapo, Mashakali, Botocudo, Chamacoco, Nivacle, Mokovi, Apapokuwa.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Dornan 1925 [lunar phases: The month causes the Sun to anger, he pokes him with a knife, cutting off pieces; The month asks to leave at least his spine for his children; The sun leaves him alone, Month grows, then everything repeats itself]: 164; Radin 1952, No. 6 [The sun lived on earth, the light came from his armpit when he raised his hand, it was light; the children threw it into the sky to dry Bushman rice, and people could hunt; The month was also once a man, could talk; The Sun cuts the Month with a knife, it decreases (moon phases); The month asks to leave the spine for his children; The sun leaves, so The month is growing again]: 42-44.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ngala [The Sun is in love with the Moon; it haunts it and when it occasionally catches up, darkness sets in (probably an eclipse)]: Overbergh 1907:289; ngelima [Sun and Moon love each other and when they meet and kiss, an eclipse happens]: Schultz 1924:410; uta [when the Sun meets the Moon in the sky, they start arguing and then fighting]: Andersson 1974:34; fang [ The sun is a husband, the Moon is a wife, they have many children, they are stars; they all ate fire; a handsome and rich man seduced the moon; the sun sparks with anger, the star children were frightened; he thought they helped the mother, began to catch and swallow them; every evening the Sun chases the stars, and when the Moon comes out, she hides them in her hut; the Sun chases the moon; sometimes bites off a piece; sometimes creeps up You can't even see the moon to her, but then she reappears; there is a star {obviously Venus} that guards in the morning and evening to warn the Moon of danger; one day the Sun will seize the Moon and enclose into a deep hole on the ground; after that, it will easily catch child stars; and then what will happen to us, who knows]: Kunze 1990:5-6.

West Africa. Baule [sometimes the Month and the Sun quarrel; the Sun says this is his way and the Month is his; an eclipse occurs, people beat drums; no one knows if the Month is a man or a woman {but from The content of the texts follows that he is rather a man}]: Himmelheber 1951b:18 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:41-42); Yoruba [Soldnze attacks her during the eclipse of the Moon; people shout and demand that The sun let her go]: Ramseyer, Kühne 1875:96 in Lasch 1900:114; von [Luna-Mawu lives in the west, she has the wisdom of the world; Sun-Lisa lives in the east, it has the power of peace; eclipses are the Moon and the Sun marital]: Herskovits 1938:101-103 in Kotlyar 1975:108-109; Parrinder 1967:21; eve [Lissa sun married the moon Dsinu (=Suñh); they have many sun children who tried to follow their father; out of jealousy, he rushed to kill them, some killed, others fled to sea; daughters did not try to follow their father and now with their mother (stars); the word for a star means literally "child of the moon", also "scattered children"; some believe that the Sun and the Moon made man; sometimes the Sun goes off its way and rushes to hit the moon, causing an eclipse; then people make noise and scream for him to leave the moon alone]: Ellis 1890:65-66; terns [The Sun and Moon have many child stars; the Moon has a lover; the Sun has divorced her, they have shared their child stars; sometimes the Moon goes steal crops from the Sun's fields; children left with the Sun want to drive it out; as a result, stars left with the Moon fight stars that are left with the Sun (the cause of storms and thunderstorms); trying everyone reconcile, the Moon sends a rainbow messenger ordering him to stop hostilities; if the Rainbow Messenger sees himself lingering, hangs a multicolored cloth to indicate that he will return; sometimes the Sun itself Grabs the moon that has come to his field, hits it and tries to eat it, causing eclipses; people make noise, driving the Sun away from the Moon]: Cardinall 1931:21-22; Northern Ghana's gurr (kasena?) [during an eclipse, the Moon goes astray, the Sun eats it]: Cardinall 1920:23; nyende [the sun laid eggs from which humans came out, but they all died and only the leper survived; then the sun survived; then the sun laid new eggs, which it gave to the moon; it sat them and healthy people came out of them; when the moon was about to swallow them, the sun swallowed the moon itself (eclipse)]: Huber 1973:381; jukun: Meek 1931 [During an eclipse, the Moon goes off its way, hits the Sun's road; people make noise to show the Sun that it must let the Moon go or the sky will collapse]: 200; Scheub 2000 [The month is walking day and night, and if not visible, the Sun grabbed him; during an eclipse, people beat drums to let the Sun let him go; Month boy, 12 months old, they (take turns) rest and rejuvenate; suns are seven ]: 59; Bambara [N'Gala created the earth, night the Sun and his wife the Moon; 13 months later she ran from her husband to her seven lovers; the Sun wanted to kill her, but the Earth prevented her; then the Sun was waiting her on the road and when she crossed it, the earth became dark; this was the first eclipse; people began to gripe, men parodied women, women men; the Sun burst out laughing, missed the Light, the Moon slipped too; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, but the Earth covers it with darkness every time]: Hampâté Bâ 1994:139-142; hausa [The sun gave birth to a daughter, asked the Month to hold the child; that I tried to take it, but the daughter of the Sun burned it and he dropped it to the ground, so it's hot; there is sand on the path of the Sun, and there are thorns on the path of the Month, so he can't keep up with the Sun; tired, Month sometimes goes to the Sun's path and the Sun tries to grab it; when it succeeds, people pull their skin over the opening of the stupa and knock on a drum like this, asking the Sun to let go of the Month]: Frobenius 1909:95-97 ( =Tremearne 1913:116-117); diola [the sun has as many children as the moon; the moon's children are stars, and the sun's children are hot, the earth is unbearably hot; the moon invites the sun to get rid of children in order to to moderate the heat; throws a bag of white stones into the water, and the sun really drowned his children; when night fell, the sun saw that the stars were in place; decided to pull its children out of the river, but they immediately But they died; they turned into fish; since then, the sun hates the moon and sometimes attacks it]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:66-67.

Sudan-East Africa. The Mbuti Pygmies [Sun and Month were friends, agreed to go upstairs, walk different trails at different times; it's bad if the Month crosses the Sun's path]: Turnbull 1959:47; teda [ during the Moon's eclipse, she goes to the Sun's path that grabs her]: Lecoeur 1950:160 at Kronenberg 1958:107.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Nador) [Qamar (The Month) was in love with the Sun (Chams), but she did not want him because he was running too much after the stars; threw ash in his face; the spots remained; the Month can't catch up Sun, they only occur during eclipses]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 4:9; Tuaregs (Ahaggar) [eclipse - the Sun's raid on the Moon or vice versa]: Benhazera 1908:63.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [The Sun wanted to marry the Moon, but the Moon did not want it; then he threw ash in her face, and she threw needles at it in response; during eclipses, the Sun and the Moon continue to fight]: Carreia 2018, 4; Italians (Tuscany) [The moon was the Sun's sister, he seduced her; when they found out, their baker mother hit them in the face with a broom, told them to stay alone in the sky; from Shame, Luna only shows her face once a month; hating her brother causes an eclipse when she meets him]: Kabakova 2006, No. 2B: 6.

Western Europe. French: Sébillot 1904:13 (Bourbonet, central France) [a woman did laundry on Easter and a man would repair a fence on Christmas; for this, God placed a woman on the moon and a man in the sun. so that they always do the same thing; on the days of the battle between the moon and the sun (obviously during an eclipse), they try to switch places, because the woman is too cold and the man is too hot, but God is for them this does not allow] (=Kabakova 1998, No. 18:32), 40 (Limousin) [during an eclipse, the Sun fights its wife, the Moon]; Wallons (Belgian Luxembourg) [during an eclipse, the Sun fights with its wife By the Moon]: Sébillot 1904:40; Germans (Bavaria: Upper Palatinate): Schönwerth 1858, No. 2 [A month tries to take possession of the Sunwoman and chases her; if this happens, the Sun will not be seen and the world will not be seen will die; if you look into a well or a vessel of water during an eclipse, you will see them fighting; to prevent the Month from taking possession of the Sun, people kneel down and knock on pans with knives during an eclipse ; at this time, the air is poisoned and you can't leave the house; if you really need to, you should cover your mouth with a handkerchief; and poisonous dew spoils fruits and vegetables; after an eclipse, you must scoop out the poisoned water], 3 [The month married the Sun; was cold and sleepy; the Sun suggested that whoever wakes up earlier should shine during the day and the other at night; the Sun woke up earlier and left the Month; they all they still love each other, but when they meet (solar eclipses), they quarrel and disperse; =Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 11:21-23; mentioned in Lasch 1900:139-140]: 55-56, 57-59.

Western Asia. The Bedouins of Arabia (and other Western Asian countries?) [The Sun is an evil old woman, the wife of the Month; when the month is in the form of a narrow sickle, the Sun approaches it, scolds and hits it, they fight; the marks of the blows are spots on the face of the Month; in the dusty air you can sometimes see spots on disk of the Sun]: Montagne 1947:73-74.

Australia. Overall [The Sun is female, the Month is male; when they copulate, a solar eclipse occurs]: Isaacs 1980:141; Adelaide [The Sun is the wife of the Month; every month she beats her husband until death, but he is reborn; he has many two-headed tailless dogs]: Waterman 1987, No. 150:29-30; wiranga [Bates 1944:211; an eclipse of the sun causes a man maamu-waddi, covering the ground with his hand, so that its inhabitants don't watch the Sun and the Month copulate]: Hamacher 2011:138; euachline [Yhi is a sunwoman; she is in love with Bahloo, she is a month-old man; he has no feelings for her and tries to avoid meeting; the sun chases him and threatens the spirits that support the sky that if they let the month run away, it will force the heavenly spirits to let go of the ropes on which the sky rests; then the world will fall into darkness; sometimes the sun obscures the month and tries to kill it, but the spirits that support the sky take it out of the sun's hands]: Hamacher 2011:133, 138; Elcho Island [Warner 1937:538; during an eclipse, a Sunwoman copulates with a month-old man]: Hamacher 2011:138.

Melanesia. New Britain [during eclipses, the Sun fights the Moon; they fear a lunar eclipse more than a solar one; the sun is carried by a man; if strong, it moves fast, if it is weak, it moves slowly]: Brown 1910: 244.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Society Islands [stars are children of the Moon and Sun; eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon copulate]: Williamson 1933 (3): 115.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Knokte [humans and animals agreed to choose the Rooster as he commanded the Sun and Moon to rise; but the tigers began to attack at night and people killed each other during the day; the Rooster sang angrily at at odd hours, the Sun and the Moon went out together, an eclipse happened; this is still the case today]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:51-52 (=Pandey 1999:21).

Burma - Indochina. Bulang (blang, south of Yunnan) [at first only the sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made the sky out of his skin, stars from his eyes, earth from flesh, water from blood, from wool - all kinds of plants, from the brain - humans, from the bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; four legs - four pillars of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; as soon as the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites her in the eye; if she falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake up the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 month-old brothers decided to destroy G.'s creation; on the earth is unbearable heat; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; from G. made a bow of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed the hot stones to the top of the mountain, struck 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured into the earth, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost his heat; it became dark and cold, people plowed, tying their lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent a swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Month hid in a cave in the east; G . sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black tuft and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared her tail with red, supposedly having diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she is in mourning for her parents; all of them were banned; there is a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds are headed by a rooster, animals are boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving, but afraid go out; the rooster called them, the others promised that G. would not shoot them; the rooster: from now on, go out after I had drunk; cut the knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, and made a comb out of the other ( a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar managed to push it away; everything is fine]: Miller 1994:88-93; Thais [The sun fell in love with the girl on earth, began to spend all the time with her without appearing in the sky; stars out of jealousy they stole it; agreed with the Sun that the girl would become the Moon and they would share it; the Sun would be with her during the day, the stars at night; if the Sun and the Moon do not meet according to schedule, an eclipse occurs]: Plenge 1976:127; Ede [I Do is the adopted son of the girl Hkung's mother; in order not to commit incest, H. asked Eid the difficult task of pouring the dam; he did it; H. ran away from him in the sun; Eid chased her. found himself a month away; they are allowed to meet only occasionally, at which time lunar and solar eclipses occur; when people came to earth from the dungeon, ID settled them, gave them languages and customs]: Nikulin 1980d: 480; tyams [lunar events occur when the Sun passes in front of the Moon; Moon goddess Pajå Yan is lower in status than Sun god Po Aditjak (Skt. Aditya) and leans before him; during solar eclipses, the Sun god leans before the god of Heaven Po Jata]: Cabaton 1901:19.

South Asia. India (translated from Hindi) [King Cloud is in heaven, he has two childless daughters; he went with them to the sea to drown himself; the gods went to the Lord and said that if the Cloud drowned, it would not rain more; Vladyka appeared as a hermit, gave the daughters of the Cloud an apple, they became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; the month, the youngest's son, was beautiful, the Sun, the eldest son, was ugly and angry; the girls were reaching for the Month, and The sun did not pay attention; the month brought his father a beautiful daughter-in-law; The sun asked for a loan of his head to marry, promised to return him after the wedding; The month allowed her to be cut off; drops of splashing blood became stars; the Sun married and cut the head of the Month out of envy into pieces; every day he gives the Month a piece, after 15 days he has a round face again; it makes the Sun envy, it begins to take away piece by piece]: Zograf 1964:471-473; Santals: Bodding 1942 [The sun is the moon's husband, their children are stars; daughters stayed with their mother, sons with their father; they made the earth unbearably hot; the Moon offered to eat the children to make it cooler; the Sun suggested that the Moon eat her daughters first, if it did not help, he would eat his sons; Luna hid her daughters under the basket, said she ate; The sun ate its own, and at night saw stars; wanted to kill the Moon, but softened when it gave it two daughters, the Morning and Evening Stars; the Sun still haunts the Moon, cutting off pieces from it for half a month]: 132-133; Bompas 1909 [Sun and Moon are husband and wife; stars are their children, they shared them; at first there were as many stars during the day as at night; to prevent people from dying from the heat, Moon arranged that the Sun ate her children; only two of the daytime stars remained - Morning and Evening]: 402-404 (retelling in Hatt 1949:75); ho [Singbonga sun and Chandobonga moon are husband and wife; when they copulate, eclipses occur]: Elwin 1949:70; litter [The sun is the older sister, the Moon is the youngest. The Sun has many, many children, little suns. There are people on earth because it has become unbearably hot. Luna also had a lot of kids. The children of the Sun were cocky, and the children of the Moon were humble. One day, sunny children beat the moon badly. The moon complained to the Sun, but the Sun said the kids were just naughty. Then Luna hid her children in a chest, went to the forest, where there was a tree with blood-colored juice, smeared this juice on her mouth and hands, and came to the Sun. The sun asked what it was. Luna said her kids are so naughty that she got tired of putting up with it and ate them. The sun said her kids were even worse and ate them. People on earth have calmed down. The moon took her kids out of the chest, and they're stars now. Since that day, the Sun and Moon have become enemies, the Sun is chasing the Moon, so the Moon is only visible for 15 days, and the remaining 15 are hiding in fear]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials; oraons [seven The Sun Brothers melted the earth with their heat; his sister Luna began to eat bel fruit, replied to the Sun that she was eating her Star Children, convinced the Sun to cook its brothers and eat it; realizing that they had been deceived, the Sun rushed to the moon with a sword; she hid in a banyan hollow, but he managed to cut off a piece of it; so there is a lunar eclipse twice a year, and you can see a spot on the moon - a banyan hollow]: Elwin 1949:53; cond ( Kuttia) [the heat of the Sun and its children made life impossible; Luna hid hers in her hair, said she ate it; the Sun really ate its own; sometimes the Sun catches up with the moon and puts her in jail for a while, An eclipse sets in; sometimes with the Moon her children, they imprison the Sun]: Elwin 1954, No. 33:54-55;

Malaysia-Indonesia. Senoi (sakai) [The moon told the Sun that people cannot bear the heat of his children; let him eat his own and she eat her own; but the Moon has only hidden its star children; since then, the Sun has attacked when they meet to the Moon, causing eclipses]: Evans 1918:191; Semangs (Kěnta) [during the eclipse, the moon is swallowed by a dragon, which is the Sun avenging the death of its children]: Schebesta 1931:237; temuan ( mantra): Skeat, Blagden 1906:320 [The Sun and Moon are women; the Stars are the children of the Moon; the Moon agreed with the Sun to eat its children, hid them, and the Sun really ate; if there were as many Suns like stars, it would be unbearable heat; the Sun is still chasing the Moon; when it catches up, an eclipse occurs; during the day, the Moon continues to hide its children], 338 [there were three Suns, a wife, a husband and a child, who- one of them is always in the sky; To' Entah asked the Moon to hide the Evening Star and child stars in her husband's mouth, invite the Sun to swallow its husband and children; the Sun did so; after learning the truth, said he would swallow the moon if it was on its path; this is the cause of the eclipses]; bataks: Erkes 1926 [the Sun has seven sons, all shining together, the earth is burning; people sent to the moon A swallow asking for help; Luna hid her sons; people gave her lime, betel, tobacco - this is needed for siri chewing gum; Luna told the Sun that she ate her sons, showed seven bowls of their blood (on it's actually chewing gum); when the Sun also ate its sons, the Moon released its own; the Sun let evil spirits (eclipses) on the moon; other spirits, the Moon's associates, cause solar eclipses]: 42-43; Loeb 1935 [ during the eclipse, champion of the sun, the lau, fights champion of the moon, the hala]: 37; ngaju [see J58 motif; a half-young man rises to his month-old father (Djangga, Kadjangga), who tests him, makes him handsome; gives him a treasure box on the way back, tells him not to open it on the way; he opens it, cannot put it back, asks Uncle Sun for help (Djangkarang Matandau), promises a gift; The Sun puts the treasures back, agrees to take the promised gift not from his nephew, but from his Month-Brother; the guardian of heaven lowers the young man to earth on a golden rope, he becomes the ruler of Majapahit, the ancestor of those Ngaju whose skin is lighter; the Sun comes to the Month to demand a gift, he does not give it, they fight, at this time eclipses occur; people scream and make noise]: Sch& #228; rer 1966:124-139; dongo (Sumbawa) [The sun is male, the moon is female; during eclipses they marry each other; people make noise and scream, Don't eat our moon]: Arndt 1952:485-486; Western Toraja [The sun is in love with the Moon and the Moon runs away from it; when it catches up, eclipses occur]: Kruyt 1938, No. 25:372; toraja [The Sun is the husband of the Earth, but has met the Moon; in eclipse time she comes to make love to him]: Riedel 1886:95 in Lasch 1900:134; (cf. mangaray (West Flores) [an eclipse is a sign that a low-ranking slave or man has met a high-ranking woman; some say it is the sun itself or the moon (they are both women) have broken marital fidelity; at this time, people are hitting drums and bamboo vessels, shouting "Help the moon!"] : Arndt 1931:842); bangga [eclipses occur when the Sun visits the Month]: Kruyt 1932:82-85 in Maaβ 1933:299; vemale [solar god Tuwale spotted traces of sawn teeth on the fetus mango; found sisters Dapie (moon) and Siloo; to make them laugh, told an ant to bite his genitals, began to squirm, the girls laughed, T. saw that D. had the sawn teeth; parents did not agreed to marry because T. has a skin disease, they brought a pig instead of his daughter; T. dragged R. underground; the next day she appeared in the form of a moon; T. constantly pursues R. in the sky, and when she catches up with and marries her, a solar eclipse occurs]: Knappert 1977b, No. 12:193-194; Aru Islands [during a lunar eclipse, the Moon fights the Sun, people scream in fear; otherwise, this time Sun and Moon get married]: Lasch 1900:119.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly [The moon is afraid that its star children will die from the heat of the Sun's children; suggests that everyone eat their own; the Sun has eaten, the Moon hid its own, now releases only at night; The Sun is chasing By the moon; when it bites, the new moon, the wounds heal, the moon grows fat]: Rybkin 1975, No. 109:261; Tagals (? ; ethnicity is not a decree.) [The sun man Arao has a lot of sun children, the moon woman Buan has child stars; B. is afraid that her children will burn from the heat of A.'s children, agreed with him that everyone will eat their own; hid her own in the clouds; c Since then, A. has been chasing B., when she catches up, eclipses occur; at dawn, A. attacks the stars; B.'s eldest daughter, Tala (Venus, both morning and evening); B. releases her children when T. speaks to her that A. is gone]: Rahmann 1955:202; bontok [Moon (gender not specified) envied the power of the Sun, obscured it, causing the first eclipse; they got into a fight; the Sun burned the moon, since then its light has been weaker and spots on it]: Eugenio 1994, No. 23:71; Tinghian [Kadaklan created a flat earth, sun and moon that chase each other underground; sometimes the Moon almost grabs the Sun, but gets tired, lets go; the Sun and the Moon is Cadaclan's light, just like rocks, which are stars; his dog is lightning]: Cole 1915, No. 62:189; ilongot [sometimes Elag (sun) quarrels with Delan (moon, gender not specified), covers it with a wind basket; this is the reason for the lunar phases]: Wilson 1947a:15; maguindanao [the maid asks the woman to come to her dying mother; the husband returns before his wife, accusing her of being unfaithful ; the woman runs away, the husband follows her, his dog Arimaunga is with him; God has turned a woman into the moon, his husband into the sun; when a dog grabs the moon, eclipses occur]: Rybkin 1975, No. 45:138-139.

The Balkans. Serbs, Croats [during eclipses The Month fights the Sun]: Janković 1951:110; Macedonians [solar eclipses occur when it meets the Month; the Sun wins]: Cenev 2004:39-40; Romanians [the northern of the four pillars on which the earth rests regulates the movement of the Sun and Moon; sometimes it does not wake up for a long time, the Moon does not go out; sometimes it wakes up during the day, the Moon tries to catch up with the Sun, sometimes closes it]: Rusu 2009:94.

Central Europe. Poles, Ukrainians [the motive for the struggle of stars as causes of eclipses was recorded in certain Polish and Ukrainian regions]: Plotnikova 1997:7; Ukrainians (Kholmskaya Gubernia, Grubeshovsky County) [during an eclipse of the Sun, the Moon fights with him]: Chubinsky 1872:13; Poles or Ukrainians (Lublin) [during eclipses, the sun and the month fight]: Bulashev, 298 in Svyatsky 1913:28.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygs [The Sun is the elder brother, the Month is the youngest; (along with the idea of the sun as a brother and the moon as a sister); when they meet, they hug (eclipse); at this time people ask for the sun let go of a month or vice versa]: Shortanov 1982:31; Abaza [the sun is an ardent wife, a month is a lazy husband; they argued: whoever wakes up earlier will get the right to shine during the day; overslept for a month; since then since they have broken up; they converge during a solar eclipse, argue, but break up again; longing for his wife dries and shrinks for a month, and then hopes to meet again and grows]: Kunizheva 2012:174-175; Ingush: Akhriev 1875 ["According to another popular legend {about eclipses}: my sister chases her brother and blocks the moon. The images on the moon are images of brother and sister"]: 11 (quoted in Chibirov 2008:85); Dakhkilgov 2003 [brother herded sheep during the day and sister worked at night; she was afraid of the dark and changed with her brother; she is the sun, and he - moon; spots on the moon are sheep herded by a shepherd; although these brother and sister cannot meet; if they meet by chance, the earth is dark; they say, "The sun has caught," and brother and sister met] : 17; Armenians [the girl Arev is the sun, her lover Lusin is a month; when he meets A., L.'s mind becomes cloudy and the month pales; he has a wineskin with blood hanging around his neck; sometimes he throws it around A.'s neck and then the sun also fades]: Harutyunyan 2007:20.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [in Dzūkia (southern Lithuania) said that the Sun and the Month were arguing who was faster; overtaking the Month, the Sun jumped over it and beat off a piece; with each new overtaking, it beats off and until the Month disappears altogether; in many parts of Lithuania, the Sun is believed to be the reason for the decrease in the Month]: Vaiškūnas 2006:161.

Western Siberia. The Selkups [star dog Kandalduk chases the sun, swallows at sunset; in the morning a new one appears that has fallen from the branches of the Daru tree (see motif I12); after the thirtieth sun is swallowed at K.'s stomach bursts, he turns from a full moon into a thin sickle of the month; Kandalduk's heavenly wife rocks him in the cradle, his lower body grows back, everything repeats]: Pelikh 1998:42-44.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [The Sun is the wife, the Month is the husband; they meet only during the eclipse of the moon; they used to walk in the sky together during the day, then the Month began to walk at night so as not to see the monthly Sun]: Podmaskin 1991, No. 16:124 (=Podmaskin, Kireyeva 2010:14).

Japan. Miyako Islands [The sun is the husband, the moon is the wife; when the husband puts his foot on his wife's body, a lunar eclipse occurs, when the wife is sunny on her husband's body]: Nevsky 1996:267.

The Arctic. Central Yupik (Saint Michael, Unaligmiut): Nelson 1899:481 [a teenager falls in love with his sister; she runs to heaven, becomes the Moon; he becomes the Sun; still haunts her; when he they manage to hug her, eclipses occur; after the children disappear, their father becomes bitter; walks, spreading diseases; kills and eats people; shamans bind him up; since then, the dead have been buried tied up; ( transferred to Lévi-Strauss 1964, No. 165:302); cf. 482 [the youngest of the four brothers is lazy; does not hunt, stays at home with her sister; one day she wakes up feeling near him, drives him; the next evening cuts off his chest, puts fat and berries on top, invites him to eat it if he wants it; a ladder descends from the sky, she climbs it, turns into the Sun; brother hurriedly puts one leg in his leg, on the other pulls on her sock, rushes after her sister, turns into a Month; still chases her; loses weight from hunger; her sister feeds him from the plate in which her chest lies, the Month is getting fat again]); Northern Alaska Inupiate (Point Hope) [the girl lives in the same house as her older brother; someone comes to her at night; she stains her lover's forehead with soot from fat; in the morning she sees a mark on her brother's forehead; cuts off his breasts, mixes it with his crap and urine, puts everything in a night pot, invites him to eat it: he goes up to the sky, she follows him: he leaves for a month, tells her to go to the sun; in the morning and in the evening, the sun is colored with blood from the girl's chest; the Month (Alingnak) continues to chase her sister; when she catches up and copulates with her, an eclipse occurs, followed by an earthquake; The Month is owner of all marine and terrestrial commercial animals]: Lowenstein 1992, No. 2:13-18; 1993 [sister in one needle, brother in another; brother puts out the lamp, comes to his sister, she smears soot on his forehead in the morning She looks at her brother, sees a trail; cut off her breasts, put her urine and feces off the pot, invited him to eat it, chased him; her brother invited her to stay in the sun, and he will be for a month; sometimes he still catches up with his sister and sleeps with her (eclipse); sometimes his sister smears her brother's forehead with soot again (lunar eclipses?) ; earthquakes occur in both cases]: 10-14; (cf. [Sun-woman and Month-man rest on the rainbow; were married; quarreled over the weather; the husband wanted cold, the wife wanted warmth; the husband cut off his wife's chest with a knife; the wife ran across the rainbow to heaven; the husband chases her, but can't come because of the heat; when close, you can see them both at the same time; if the Sun is red, it's her bleeding chest]: Spencer 1959:258); Labrador Eskimos: Hawkes 1916 [girl smears her chest soot to identify a night lover; in the morning he sees soot on his brother's face; cuts off his breasts, puts her in front of him; if he wanted, eat me now; brother rushes after her in anger around the house, outside, into heaven; they become the month and the sun; when they meet, eclipses occur]: 156; Turner 1894 [girl smears soot on her chest to identify her night lover; sees soot on her brother's face in the morning; brother and sister parents they scold them; brother runs away, turns into a Month; sister grabs burning smut, chases him, turns into the Sun, sparks into stars; siblings meet each other during an eclipse]: 266.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [during a solar eclipse, the Month visits its Sun Wife]: Boas 1995, No. XXV.2 320 (=2002:624).

The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound [when the Sun and Month brothers meet, eclipses occur]: Ballard 1929:80.

The Midwest. The Algonquins [The Sun is Moon's husband; they have a son; when they hug him, an eclipse occurs]: Lejeune 1634:25 {Greer 2000 doesn't have this episode} in Krappe 1938:128.

Big Pool. Northern Payut [at first, the Sun man was alone; Shinob found him a lonely girl, made him beautiful; this is the Moon; one day she decided to visit her native village, started jumping and dancing, everyone crushing; S. made it darker, it began to grow and old; when the Sun and the Moon meet and make love, an eclipse occurs; the Moon gave birth to a son to the Sun; in summer the sun carries the Sun itself, and his son in winter, he moves faster]: Palmer 1946:94-99.

The Great Southwest. Lipan [people rise from the underworld; the Sun (Enemy Slayer) and the Moon (Changing Woman) are ahead; when they come to earth, they disperse; their encounters lead to eclipses ]: Opler 1940, No. 1:16.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [The moon sometimes fights with the Sun]: Lumholtz 1903 (1): 436; yaki [during an eclipse, Mother Moon fights the Sun; at this time she is devoured]: Beals 1943:39; Spicer 1954:124-125; Mayo [during lunar eclipses she fights the Sun or goes to bed]: Beals 1943:39.

Mesoamerica Otomi: Galinier 1990:542-543 [during eclipses, the Sun fights the Moon and stars], 584 [frosts occur because of this struggle]; Aztecs (Tlaxcala) [Sun and Moon are spouses; during eclipses quarrel and fight]: Muñoz Camargo 1947:143-144; mountain totonaks: Harvey, Kelly 1969:672; Ichon 1969, No. II [was only the Month, the lover of all women; said he - The sun; the boy watches the Iguana, who basks on a hot stone; all the birds are hammering the stone, the Hummingbird manages to split it; there is a yellow egg inside the rock; it is surrounded by girls; it burns their skirts, stays lying on an orphan's skirt; she is told to swallow an egg; she gives birth to a boy; he drinks broth, not milk, does not tell his mother to approach him; climbs a tree, the branches light up (the origin of fire); says that his grandmother will be east at the edge of heaven, his grandfather in the west, his mother at the zenith; tells his dog to show the month-stalker the wrong way; when he returns to the crossroads, the Month kicks the dog; since then, dogs have not they talk; when the Month calls women to make love, they throw water into his face that they used to wash corn; since then, the Month has been dim; he is still chasing the Sun; their quarrels cause eclipses]: 55-57; Kelly 1966:396; mountain pennies [Sun-man invites the Moon to marry him, but she refuses every time; eclipses occur when they quarrel and fight]: Foster 1945a, No. 31:217; Podoka, Veracruz Nahuatl: Münch 1983a [Sun and Moon are the creator's son and daughter; earthquakes occur when fighting]: 156; 1983b [The sun eats the moon]: 370; juice: Baez-Jorge 1983 : 391; chinantecs [solar eclipse: The sun fights the moon; eclipse of the moon: the moon quarrels with the Sun; if a pregnant woman leaves home during a lunar eclipse, the baby will be born with a cleft lip]: Weitlaner, Castro Guevara 1973:167; Maya Yucatana: Thompson 1939:164; Canhobal: La Farge 1947: La Farge, Byers 1931:130; Tocholabal [during the eclipse The Sun tries to copulate with The moon; she is angry, she can kill the Sun, and then ants will eat it]: Ruz 1983:421-422; Celtal: Becquelin Monod 1980:132-159; Nash 1970 [Mr. Sun sees our sins, especially copulation on a mile wants to destroy us; our grandmother Luna is afraid that those who appear after us will have one arm, one leg and will not be able to work; wants everything to remain as it is now; fighting the Sun is eclipses]: 200-201; Note: Mayers 1958:38; kakchikeli [during an eclipse, the Sun fights the Moon; the Morning Star comes to separate them and if it ever does- If it fails, the world will end]: Stoll 1886:275 in Lasch 1900:106; quiche, tsutuhili: Tax, Hinshaw 1969:91; pipili: Schultze-Jena 1935:95.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [from the marriage of Diosaila and Olotilisdopi (she has menstruation of different colors) was born Ipelele (sun) and Pukasui (Morning Star); next to I. - toad mother no nana o Kuelopunyai, wife and enemy The sun, struggling with it, is bound in the moon, darkness and cold]: Réverte 1962:63, 77; eastern Panama [god lived in the sun with his wives and women; one was a child; because of his dislike for his mother, he turned into a fish; while catching toads, they caught him and began to cook him; he jumped out of the pot, took on his former appearance; his father made him the sun; after being in a boiling pot with toads, the Sun became very hot; to moderate heat created winds; his father decided to give him a month to accompany him, but a woman came out; her father made her a fake dick, wrapped her hips in cloth; the Sun found out that the Moon was a woman; copulating with her, causes eclipses]: Casimir de Brizuela 1972:59-60; nonama (waunana) [Ewandamá is the main deity, patron saint of Indians and whites; Edau is weaker, he is the patron saint of blacks; Edau created the sun and moon, married them; when they quarrel, the moon goes to sea and cries for three days, grieving the loss of a spouse; the sun these days is irritated and will burn whoever sets off; Evandama created a milk river in the ocean and told everyone to swim; whites were the first to swim, then the vaunana (the water was already cloudy); when the blacks arrived, the water was already so dirty that they only moistened their palms and feet]: Lucena Salmoral 1962a: 138; (cf. yupa [there were two Suns when one came in, the other rose; the Kopecho woman invited one of them to the party, began to lure him with her dance in front of a hot coal pit; the Sun fell into the hole, his his body turned white, his eyes became like hot coals; he got out, threw K. into the water, she became a frog; he himself rose to heaven, losing his brightness and becoming a Month; the Sun and the Month are brothers; Stars are people of the Sun, they do not like Months because he refused to marry the Star one of his many daughters; every month the Stars attack him, the Month becomes small; the Son of the Month is a star that is not visible; daughters of the Month you can't see it either, they're always at home; the Milky Way is the road of the Sun and the Month]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 2:76-77).

Guiana. Kalinya: Ahlbrinck 1924 [moon eclipses occur when the Month fights with the Sun and sleeps after a fight]: 221; Goeje 1943, No. b17 [solar husbands attack at the intersection of sun and moon roads on Tamuzi and his lunar wives]: 39-40; Magaña 1983 [1) an eclipse occurs when the Moon goes off its path to the Sun's path and hits it with its sword; the same happens when the Sun descends on the path of the Sun Moons; 2) eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon quarrel or collide]: 35; 1987 [(Ahlbrinck 1931:320-321); eclipses occur when the Month fights with the Sun]: 219; curl [The month crosses the road of the Sun, they fight, or the Month falls asleep on the trail and is traumatized by the Sun]: Goeje 1943, No. b17:40; Im Thurn 1966:364.

Western Amazon. Huambis (?) [Kumpara's wife, Chingaso, gave birth to a son, Etsa (the sun); K. took a piece of clay in his mouth, spit it out, turned Nantu (moon) into a daughter; she did not have to be his blood sister to marry E.; E. painted his face to be more attractive; N. ran to heaven, painted her body black (night), her face with spots (spots on the moon's disk); Auhu (Nightjar) fell in love with N., climbed the vine into the sky, N. cut it off; E. tied it to his hands and at the feet of parrots, they took him to heaven, began to fight with N.; their struggle causes solar and lunar eclipses; N. took clay (dirt), blew, made Nuhi's son; A. was jealous, smashed him, he became earth; N. adopted E., a son Uñushi (sloth, first hivaro) was born; the moon is growing - pregnant, decreasing - giving birth when she is not in heaven - copulates with the Sun; the second son is Apopa (manatee, helps people); the third is Huangañi (bakers); the fourth is a daughter, cassava; Ch. gave two eggs, one broke (the heron tried to carry it away), the second was born Mika (a chichi vessel); Unyushi and Mika were the first married couple]: Stirling 1938:124-126; shuar [rising to heaven, the Month blew on Rival Sun, causing an eclipse]: Karsten: 520.

The Central Andes. Pacasmayo (dep. La Libertad) [The Moon is stronger than the Sun, because it shines day and night, and the Sun only during the day; during solar eclipses, they celebrate the victory of the Moon]: Calancha 1638, vol.3, ch. 2:552.

NW Amazon. Uitoto: San Román 1986:116

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [unlike moon eclipses, the sun is not dangerous; this Month comes to play with the Sun for a short time]: Riester 1977, No. 5:231-232; Kumana [Sun and Moon are spouses, during eclipses quarrel]: Martius 1867:585 in Lasch 1900:107.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [eclipses occur if the Sun and the Month cross each other's road]: Pereira 1986:365 (note 945); vaura [Sun - Kame, Month - Kerre, brothers; during a solar eclipse A month copulates with him]: Coelho 1983:151.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [The Sun started a tame mollusk and the Month a snail; the Sun killed the snail; the Month invited to sing; singing brought the snail back to life; the Sun and the Month rose to heaven; when they quarrel and fight, eclipses occur]: Wilbert 1978, No. 13:73-74.

SE Brazil. Mashakali [The sun picked up larvae, threw fish into the river, the Sun caught one, brought it home (she became a woman), the Sun loved her; the Month rushed into the water for the fish, they swam away; he became poison them, caught them half-alive, brought them home like a wife; the Sun covered itself with bark, appeared disguised as an animal in front of people, carried away the arrows fired at him; trying to repeat the trick, the Month took the soft bark, arrows pierced him; the Sun and the Month went to heaven; the Month gave teeth to snakes, stung hornets; The sun sometimes turns into a jaguar to kill and eat its brother (eclipses); the Sun is ahead, the Month is behind]: Popovich 1971:29-59; botokudo [Full Month is male, young moon is woman; Sun and Month quarrel and swear, this makes them black (eclipses)]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 110.

Chaco. Chamacoko [the sun of Deich teaches his younger brother (var.: nephew) of Pyne to hunt nanda so that he can then teach people; after eating the wild fruits and flowers that nandu feeds on, he himself became one of them; explains to the incredulous Nandu that they are larger in size because he knows where the food is; when he runs away, he spews out gases and digested food - the same as Nandu's; nandu ate, fell asleep , D. twisted their necks; P. repeats the trick, but eats people's food before that; he was recognized, torn, trampled to death; D. revives him; looking into the eyes of a wild dog, turns it into a domestic dog, hunts with him; P. rushes to pick up the Nandu killed by the dog ahead of time, the dog kills him; D. teaches people to hunt himself; goes with P. to the ends of the earth, P. gets tired, D. gives him a white horse; they agree to walk across the sky in different times; occur during eclipses, when D. corrects P.'s mistakes, teaches him to walk from east to west, and not from north to south; P. proposes to make people mortal so that the earth does not overflow; D. throws a fruit on the ground; P. says that the fruit will leave seeds, life will return; then D. throws a stone, it falls into the pond and sinks; so people are mortal, as the first shaman once wanted]: Escobar 2006:223-225 ; nivacle [The Moon and the Sun cross each other's paths, causing eclipses]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 6, 11:35, 42; mocovi [The Sunwoman met the Month, he wanted to meet her, she beat him; it got dark, people started hitting, making noise to bring the Month back to life]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 3:14.

Southern Brazil. Apapakuwa [during the eclipse, the Moon and Sun brothers enter into a homosexual relationship; without details]: Coelho 1983:151.