Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A15. Crossing trails. 11.-.

An eclipse or spots on the lunar disk are due to the fact that the moon or sun is turning on the wrong road or the roads of the stars intersect. See motive A14.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kuta.

West Africa. Baule; casena (?) ; jukun; hausa.

Sudan-East Africa. Mbuti; teda; murle [The Sun and Month collided in the middle of the sky; each said the other was on his path; the Month had a wooden porridge mixer with him, and the Sun had bovine rib for lunch; each hit the other, the scars on the Month and the spots on the Sun remained]: Lewis 1947:136.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Temuan (mantra): Skeat, Blagden 1906:320 [The Sun and Moon are women; the Stars are the children of the Moon; the Moon has arranged with the Sun to eat its children, hid them, and the Sun would actually eat them; if the Sun There would be as many stars as there would be unbearable heat; the Sun is still chasing the Moon; when it catches up, an eclipse occurs; during the day, the Moon continues to hide its children], 338 [(=Hervey 1883:190-191); There were three Suns, a wife, a husband and a child, some of them were always in the sky; To' Entah asked the Moon to hide the Evening Star and child stars in her mouth, invite the Sun to swallow her husband and children; the Sun did so; when she learned the truth, she said that she would swallow the moon if it was on its path; this is the cause of the eclipses]; mangaray (western Flores) [the eclipse of the moon is she who lost her way and found herself on the ropes of the sun]: Arndt 1931:841.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [the moon's total eclipse is caused by the moon going astray]: Veniaminov 1939:63; 1840 (3): 85.

Guiana. Lokono; kalinya.

Southern Amazon. Paresi.

Chaco. Nivakle.