Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A17. Afternoon sun rest.


Halfway through the sky or through the underworld, the Sun stops to rest.

Chagga, Tiwi, Bukavak, Bining, Gilbert Islands, Ancient Chinese, Bulgarians, Ukrainians (Volyn), Ingush and Chechens, Setu, Buryats, Tsimshian, Kurdalen, Modoc, Onondaga, Tuscarora, Menominee Fox, Ottawa, Mandan, Chiroki, Chumash, Navajo, Zunyi, Hopi, Isleta, Cochiti, Sia, Tewa, Cupeño, Huichol, Totonaki, Tsotzil, Lacandons, Tojolabal, Kuna, Kogi, Kayapa, Uitoto, Letuama, Juruna, Shipibo, Toba.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Chagga 1965 [at sunset, the Sun gives its shield to Geneva Moon, just as a tired warrior does in the evening; at noon, the Sun goes to rest like a tired porter; far in the east they live people who don't know about sleep; at sunrise, when the Sun is small, it is attacked by birds that may mistake it for grain, and humans protect the Sun from it]: Gutmann, p. 177-178 in Millroth: 25-26.

Australia. Tiwi: Mountford 1958 [at noon, a Sunwoman prepares food collected along the way; this makes the heat on earth unbearable]: 36; Waterman 1987, No. 159 [(Goodale 1971:3-4, Mountford 1958 : 24, 26); a big and black Sun woman (pukwi) came out of heaven; created land, sea, island, animals, trees, rivers; when she sat like a turtle in a freshwater pond, she was noticed by Heron and fish; a heron killed her, her urine made seawater salty; a woman became the Sun, walks back the Milky Way at night; she stops at her zenith and makes a fire, so it's hot on earth at noon]: 30.

Melanesia. Bukavak [when the Sun goes down, it was his grandmother who took it; at noon, the Sun's sister brings him something to eat]: Lehner 1931b:111; Bining: Laufer 1946-1949:510-511 (Uramot) [Sun-man and the female moon is the first people created by the supreme deity; the Sun was given by a torch; the Sun moves fast at sunrise, then slower, resting at noon], 531 (Mali) [The Sun is a man and the Moon is a woman - the first people created by the supreme deity; a torch gave the Sun].

Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands [The sun stops three times during its night journey and three times during the daytime; Bue, a descendant of the Sun, went to the sunrise site with 6 weapons: two coral stones, two coconuts, (the fifth is not specified), a coconut leaf; so he broke three rays in the parking lots below the horizon; on the first, he broke the face of the Sun; on the sixth, he tied it with a leaf without letting move; let go by the rod in which the wisdom of the Sun; this gesture is kept in the genus B.]: Grimble 1921:81-83 in Luomala 1940:41.

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ao [when the Sun moves across the sky, his mother asks him every time {the sex of the stars is not specified} to go to her, but every time he says it's another time; if he goes, he won't come back]: Mills 1926:299).

China - Korea. The ancient Chinese [the time when the sun comes out of Yanggu, bathes in Xianchi Lake (Salt Lake), and moves from the lower branches of the tree to the tops is called "approaching morning"; then the sun reaches the top of the tree, gets into a chariot prepared by his mother, sets off; this is "early dawn"; the time to travel through Crooked Hill (Quya) is "full dawn"; Xihe accompanies son to Beiquan (Sad Spring), where he stops the chariot; this is Xinche ("chariot stop"); the son makes the rest of the journey on his own, but S. continues to monitor him]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. VI: 139-140; Huainan Tzu (a detailed translation of the movement of the sun from one point to another - along mulberry branches? - in Yanshin 1984:110).

The Balkans. Bulgarians [in the morning, Sun's sister Zornitsa (morning Venus) sends him on a journey; after washing and eating, the Sun moves cheerfully across the sky, but then gets tired and burns more and more by noon because he is angry; in noon stops to rest; as he descends, he gets in a good mood; after going down to a world below the earth and the Blue Sea, he comes to his home, where his mother feeds him; when the Sun is at home, his brother (Month) and sisters (Morning and Evening Venus) are never there]: Marinov 2004:27.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Volyn, Starokonstantinovsky Uyezd) [The sun does not go across the sky at noon, but rests for a while]: Chubinsky 1872:3.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingush, Chechens [The Sun has two houses on different parts of the world; at the equinox, he stays three days to rest with his mother Azu]: Kantaria 1990:105.

Baltoscandia. Seto (village. Lytina, 1932) [the poor man is hired to squeeze rye before sunset; he almost has time, is left without food and without a salary; is hired as a shepherd, receives a cow as payment, ties Nikolin's day at church, lights a candle to St. Nikolai, at that time the cow was stolen; he is hired to herd horses, for which he was promised a foal; on the night of St. Egoria wolves ask Egory what they eat, he points to the foal; so that the wolves do not know their share, the poor man smears the foal's nose in a different color; then Egory tells them to eat the shepherd, he has to give the foal; the witch doctor tells the poor man that his luck is a blue rug in the bushes in the forest; the poor man pulls it out, throws it on the road, he asks him not to leave him, turns into a girl; she tells him to visit her father, gives a ball, he rolls into the house of the owner of the Sun; father-in-law tells his son-in-law to stop the sun instead of him at noon, explains how to do it; on the way, the man beat St. Nicholas and St. Egoria; caught and beat the Sun; the owner of the Sun sent him, rewarded him, the poor man began to live with his wife in a rich house]: Loorits 2005:225-227.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats (Yeravninsky district of Buryatia) [an orphan received a pound of grain for his work, he was beaten by hail; for another job he received a foal, he was eaten by a wolf; the third rich man gave a torn net for work; the orphan caught goldfish, felt sorry for it, lay down on the shore with the fish under his head; woke up in the palace, next to the daughter of the Sun; Khartaganan Khan offers to hide, the winner will get another's wife; the wife turns an orphan into H. does not find the last cow, into a head, a needle; tells her husband that H. will turn into a lamb, a horse, an onion; does not advise him to go for the khan's wife; the orphan still goes, the wife does not tell me to eat, drink and say "yes"; the orphan violates the prohibitions, agrees to H.'s offer to first return the horse and the cast silver saddle from Shara-Hubun; the wife says this is impossible; tells her to go to her father and ask for a rainbow; an orphan climbs a mountain, barely alive; comes to the Sun; it sends it around the mountain instead of him; an orphan in the form of the Sun beats a black man, then a white man; eats what is cooked on the table for a midday meal, he pushes the table down; the beaten come to complain, but the Sun admits that his son-in-law is right (black has hailed crops, white has let his dogs go, because wolves are orphans on the foal; The father-in-law himself did not help his son-in-law when he climbed the mountain); the orphan receives a rainbow, sees only one horse riding at his former camp, under it a letter from his wife: H. took her away; an orphan comes to H. in poor clothes, pulls out a rainbow, H. dies immediately; an orphan took the good and his wife]: 1993, No. 21:255-269.

NW Coast. Tsimshian [see motif A5; the chief has two sons and a daughter; the youngest son wears a burning resin mask and becomes the Sun; because people want him to move more slowly, his sister will briefly stops him at noon]: Boas 1916, No. 8:113-114.

The coast is the Plateau. Curdalen [Coyote and Antelope have four children each; Coyote's children are kidnapped in a village where the Sun, a shining disc, is the chief; they run, passing it on, everyone dies; the latter passes it on to the children Antelopes, they bring the disc; the Coyote takes it away, is going to throw it into the river, the Antelope returns it; the Coyote goes to take revenge on the Sun; steps on the Lark, immediately heals his leg; the Skylark only walks at night, during the day hide; the Coyote rewards him with a black pendant on a black lace belonging to Blue Jay; his four advisers (apparently excrement, or penis, testicles, excrement) command at the source, where The sun stops at noon and drinks, dig a hole, hide in it; cut off what hangs down to the Sun is its heart; the Coyote cuts it off, it turns dark; the Coyote goes, stumbles over the corpse of the Sun; advisers tell you to lower what was cut to the ground; it's light again]: Reichard 1947, No. 3:73-76; modoc [Kumush's daughter dies, K. follows her to the lower world; spirits dance at night, lie during the day a pile of bones; K. collects a basket of bones, brings them to the ground, throws them in different directions, saying which tribes will emerge from them and what they will be; modoc is few, but brave; names all species fish, plant and animal food; he and her daughter go to the sunrise, then to the zenith of the Sun's road to the place where he stops at noon; K. builds a house there, lives in it now]: Curtin 1912:39-45, 302 [The sun only stops at noon; it is afraid that the Bear will attack it].

The Midwest. Menominee [at noon The Sun stops to look at the earth for a while through a hole in the sky]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II13:361; fox [Visakia lives far north, Cavan and the Gromovniki are in the south; the road from one house to another stretches across the sky; the Star walks along it, stops at noon to chat with the Sun, which comes to the same place, moving with east to west; the sun stops for a while, otherwise it will burn the earth]: Jones 1911:212; Ottawa [five young men and a teenager decide to go to the sun, head east; European ship transports them across the sea; they come to a place where the sky beats against the ground; Manabozo invites them to fulfill their wishes; two want eternal life, turned into stone and cedar; two want life longer ordinary and military success; two want to hunt enough animals for their parents and relatives to eat; they slip under the sky when it rises; the other two are crushed; the moon is old a woman, the Sun is her brother; he leads guests across the sky, stops at noon, between sunrise and noon and sunset; people come home and meet their fathers]: Schoolcraft 1999: 144-154.

Northeast. Onondaga [The sun stops to rest at noon]: Hewitt 1928:510, 609 (note 27); Tuscarora [the place where the ancestors lived was a giant tree whose branches supported sky; at the end of one of them was a bird; those living at the foot of the tree spoke the same language; when the bird arrived, it sent them different languages, a special language from each branch it sat on; another god, The sun first rose near this tree; the sun rises before noon and then rests; then, dancing happily, it descends and stops to rest for a while at sunset]: Rudes, Crouse 1987, No. 4:91-93.

Plains. Mandan: Beckwith 1938, No. 34 [The Coyote goes east, wears the same outfit as the Sun, follows his path; at noon he stops where the Sun is always resting and smoking a pipe (ashes from the pipes formed a whole hill)]: 269; Bowers 1950 [in the east, at its zenith, and at sunset, the Sun stops smoking; one of the three evil sisters is in each parking lot]: 299.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [The sun lived on the other side of the sky, and her daughter was in the middle of the sky above the earth; the Sun stopped at her place every day for lunch; the Sun did not like people because they looked at her frown; Sun's brother loved the Month because they smiled at him; the Sun sent a fever with its rays, almost everyone died; Tiny People advised killing the Sun; turned two people into Spreading-adder snakes and In Copperhead, they were placed at the door of the Sun's daughter's house, but they could not bite; then the Tiny Men turned two other people into a horned serpent Uktena t into a Rattlesnake; the Rattlesnake bit to death the daughter of the Sun and crawled away, U. followed him; since then people have not killed rattlesnakes; U. became so dangerous that he was sent to the upper world; the Sun disappeared from grief, people no longer died, but it became dark; Tiny Men told me to bring the soul of the daughter of the Sun in the box; on the way back, she asked to open the box, flew away like a Redbird bird; the Sun, out of grief, flooded the earth with a flood of tears; then the young men and women became sing and dance, the Sun opened his face slightly, smiled, the disasters were over]: Mooney 1900, No. 4:252-254.

California. Yuki [the owners of the Sun hold him under a pile of skins; the Coyote comes, puts them to sleep, carries the Sun in a bag; he is caught up, killed, he manages to break the Sun; the Sun comes to life and revives; tells him get up from the east, stop at noon to eat]: Kroeber 1932b: 922-924; chumash [The sun is a naked old man carrying a torch in his hand; resting three times: ten in the morning, at noon and three after noon; returns quickly at night, going far south]: Blackburn 1975, No. 2:92-93.

The Great Southwest. At noon, the sun is resting. Navajo [backed up by food]: O'Bryan 1956:21; Hopi [girl conceives from water and sunlight, gives birth to twins older Pöqangwhoya and younger Palöngawhoya; they go looking father, the Old Spider Woman leads them to the Sun; he tests them; 1) smoke a huge pipe (the gopher inserts reeds in their ass, draws smoke out through his hole); 2) sit in a hot steam room ( The spider gives them a means to moderate the fever); 3) sit on the fire (the same); 4) stand at night without sleep (The spider puts sticks in their eyes so that their eyelids do not close); The sun gives them bows and arrows, takes them in the daytime journey, stops to rest at noon; brothers descend to earth on the rainbow; arrows kill the kidnapping monster So'yoko dressed in quartz, cover his scarecrow]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 24:224-235; Hopi [eats what people leave for him on earth]: Stephens 1929, No. 7:16; Zunyi: Cushing 1901:434; Tiwa (Isleta) [The sun always stops at noon; goes down to see all his sons]: Parsons 1932c, No. 4:368; western ceres (Laguna) [Ox and Coyote went east; the wolf stopped at the foot, the Coyote climbed the mountain, came to the house in the morning Sun; offers himself as a performer of the duties of the Sun; the Sun plants him on the rainbow, sends the twins Maseewi and Uyuyewi to accompany the Coyote, warns him not to go low, otherwise people burn; when he reaches the top (i.e. at noon), the Coyote notices women on the ground, descends to them, halfway the earth lights up; the twins (again) turn the rainbow bulge upside down, returning the Coyote; in They ate noon; the twins tell their Sun Mother what happened; she tells Coyote to feed on bugs and carrion from now on, tells him to be thrown to the ground; he lies motionless, then comes to life]: Boas 1928a: 31-33; eastern ceres [also stops in the middle between sunrise and noon, between noon and sunset; feeds on what people offer him as sacrifices]: Benedict 1931 ( Cochiti): 25 [Sussistinnako, a spider living in the underworld, sends her son the Sun to heaven, telling him to go from north to south, then from west to east; both times the son was dissatisfied; he liked it when she sent him from east to west; on the way he stops for breakfast, lunch and dinner; he wears embroidered clothes, a bow and arrow in his hands, a mask covers his face; the month was sent to the upper world at the same time as the Sun; every night the Sun passes by its mother], 24-25 [The sun married a girl, brought her home; his parents gave her a turquoise chair; he brought her back; she had two sons, the elder Bluebird and the youngest Turquoise; they ask who their father is, the mother replies that the Sun tells us to go look for him; the Sun tests them; they are unharmed in the room with snakes ; with deer; under obsidian knives; The sun teaches the elder to put a fluff on his head at dawn, then a feather from the parrot's tail, stop halfway to noon and wait for someone to give the sacred food, pollen; the same stops at noon and halfway to sunset; at sunset, you'll see two monsters lying on the horizon, feel free to go down; Bluebird is scared, the Sun didn't go down that night; then the younger brother pushed the elder in the jaws of the monster, the sun went down; Turquoise boldly passed by the monster; returned to his father; parents Sun recognize Turquoise as the son of the Sun], 26-31 [Yellow Woman lay down to rest on the sun is pregnant with the Sun; he asks to send his son to him; the old woman Spider turns him and herself into eagles, she comes back, he enters the house of the Sun; the Sun explains how to go his way; when water snakes will attack in the west, there is no need to be afraid; but the son is frightened; the father came up, plunged into the water with him; the Sun tells his son to kill the deer, take his mother, then return; he now lives with father]; Stevenson (Sia) at Boas 1928a: 230 and in Judson 1994:77-79; Tewa (Hano): Parsons 1926, No. 1:169-172 [var.1; women decide they can live alone; stay in the village, men go across the river; every year, men harvest more abundant and women poorer crops; the flood begins, women try unsuccessfully to build a tower to the sky; men plant a pine tree, it grows to the sky, but not breaks through it; the reeds pierce; first the Badger, then the rest climb into the upper world; half of the women failed to get up, drowned; the Mockingbird gives its tongues to speak; in the lower People in the world had tails, now they have been lost; it is dark around; two young men (Son of the Sun and Son of Ooting Water), together with the Coyote, are tasked with placing stars in the sky; young men place the Pleiades, the Big Dipper, Orion, the Morning Star, some others; the Coyote gets tired of this job, he throws the rest of the stars in disarray; young men put a month in the sky made of a wedding cape and the sun from the bison's skin , white fox skins and parrot tail; the sun does not move; Coyote: someone must die; the girl dies, the sun moves before noon, stops again; now the young man dies; Coyote explains that everyone in the morning, at noon and in the evening a person must die, then the sun will move; first the dead returned on the fifth day; Coyote says it is wrong, dies and does not return; widower looks into the hole from which people came out, sees his dead wife and Coyote below], 172-175 [var.2; in the lowest world, people were black ants; when they rose to the second, they became tailed creatures; in the third world they became human; in the first world it was dark, in the second world there was a little light, in the third world it was like the moon; further like in var.1; the Bear gives tongues; The Changer explains that people should die regularly to keep the sun moving]; coupeño [Darkness spawns two eggs, from which Mukat and Tumayowit emerge; quarrel over who first heard the noise coming from the Darkness; M. pulls out of the heart hot coal light their pipes; brothers climb two pillars up, reach the ground, M. makes it strong; creates dark and T. bright people; T. people have faces in front and back, their feet are directed in both directions, women's breasts on their chest and back, on the fingers of the membrane; M. says he worked in a hurry; M. creates normal people; T. wants people to live forever or be resurrected the next day, M. objects because the land will overflow; both agree that the harvest will ripen not in 4 months, but in 4 months; T. finally quarrels with M. and falls into the ground, taking the people he created; M. prevents Heaven and Earth from following him; where he held the sky with his palm, his mark remains; after that, the sky has become crooked; therefore, the Sun stops at noon, reaching its highest point; M. made T.'s people who stayed on earth normal, but forgot the duck, so it has membranes]: Hooper 1920:317-321.

NW Mexico. Huichol [a shaman and a trickster deer make a chair for the Sun (to rest?)] : Furst, Auguiano 1976:118.

Mesoamerica Otomi [The sun stops at its zenith to cool down in the wind; otherwise the world would burn]: Galinier 1990:528; mountain totonaki [rest is not explicitly mentioned, but Sun's mother is waiting for him at its zenith]: Ichon 1969:57; tsotzil: Lamb 1995 [at sunrise, the mother of the Sun Moon gives him a bowl of corn porridge; going up to the roof of the house (=peace), the Sun rests for an hour at noon]: 271; Vogt 1970 [at noon Sun stops to see how things are in Sinacantan; at sunset it passes close to the sea and the water boils in it; the night follows between our world and the lower world; dwarfs are so hot there that they cover their heads with clay hats]: 4; lacandons [at noon Sukunkyum (the good master of the lower world) brings the Sun drink and food (atole and tortillas)]: Boremanse 1986:45; tocholabal [noon is called "hour, when the Sun sets to rest "]: Palazon 1992:13 in Vásquez Dávila, Hipólito Hernández 1994:159.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [Sun's wife lives at her zenith, he stays at her place to rest]: Chapin 1989:76.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [the sky is the roof of the Sun's house; he goes from the door at one end of the house to the opposite; at noon he sits on a bench, chews coca; Enduxama brings him corn to eat]: Reichel- Dolmatoff 1985 (1): 228.

Ecuador. Kayapa [at noon The sun rests in a chair, eats corn porridge and boiled quail eggs; he is accompanied by a white dog on the way; The month also rests at its zenith, but is not accompanied by dog]: Barrett 1925:353-354.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [at noon, the Sun's sister brings him food; the Sun has two sisters, one in heaven and the other in the east]: Wavrin 1932:136; 1937:548; letuama [during his night trip to boat on an underground river The sun stops at midnight to eat]: Palma 1984.

Eastern Amazon. Juruna [Kuadê Sun had a trap hole in the rock; the man got caught, pretended to be dead; K. carried him in a basket of ants; he jerked when the ants began to eat their eyes; K.'s stick wanted to hit him, but K. did not tell him, said that the prey was dead; he hung the basket on a branch outside the house; the next day his son found nothing in it; K. chased the stick, but she mistakenly chased the deer, killed him; K. found a man in the hollow of a tree, wounded him with a stick, did not reach it, filled the hole with a stone; at night, tapirs, wild pigs, deer, monkeys, paki, agouti gnawed stones, breaking their teeth, the man was released; the next time the young man cut off his hair, painted his face so that K. would not recognize him; climbed onto a palm tree for nuts; threw off a small bunch of K.; killed a big one; K.'s stick became a boa constrictor; blood became spiders , ants, snakes, centipedes; they covered the whole ground, the young man had to jump on trees to go out into a clean place; darkness came; K.'s three sons, by order of their mother, began to try to wear their father's a feather crown; only the youngest could withstand the fever; his mother told him to walk slower so that people could do their business; told him to rest at noon and before sunset]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:94-97.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [at night, the sun boat sails underground from west to east]: 51, 371-372 [(No. 23); returning home, the hunter climbed into the hole for the battleship and saw its light at the end; came to the river; in the evening I wanted to return, but the hole closed; before dawn I heard voices passing by in the boat, he was not taken; there were four people in the second boat, including the Morning Star; in the big The Sun came to the boat; three people were aft and on the bow, the first had their faces burned, the second had their backs; at noon they stopped to rest, made a fire; the Sun asks a person to catch fish on the lake; he meets people sailing in boats returns empty-handed; the Sun explains that they were fish, throw a harpoon at them; after hesitation, a person does so, each of them turns into fish; the Sun's satellites they eat and drink huge portions; while a person sleeps, the Sun removes his intestines, they float on the water; now man also eats and drinks a lot; the Sun squeezes a person outside his house; they wonder that he is so voracious, drunk, he told me everything, he has a fever, he lay down in the sun, died]: 371-372; Roe 1991a [a man grabs the battleship by the tail, he drags him to the lower world; standing by the river , he sees boats going upstream, asks him to take him with them; Yantan Huistin (the bright star in the east is Regulus or Venus), many other stars say he will freeze with them; the Sun takes he is put in his boat; he is put on his bow to burn only his back; a member of the Sun's crew sitting aft has his face burned; at noon, the swimmers stop for lunch; the other stop is in the nadir; the Sun takes out a person's entrails so that he can eat more; a person sees his guts swimming, turning into aquatic plants; without entrails, he is now able to eat and drink as much as The sun; after bringing a person to earth, the Sun forbids him to talk about what happened; people are surprised that he can drink so much without getting drunk; he explains why; he dies soon in the sun]: 23-25.

Chaco. Toba [at noon the Sun reaches the top of the sky, stops briefly at God's house to eat]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982, No. 2:30.