Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A19. Heliophores.


Anthropo- or zoomorphic creatures help the luminary move across the sky (and the underworld). See motif A17: Zoomorphic creatures are helmsmen or rowers in the sun's boat.

West Africa. Scrap [The sun carries Nyegi across the sky, who has half his body (vertically); he is tall and broad-shouldered like a tree; another character carries the moon on his left shoulder; he has one eye on the back of his head, his mouth on side, right leg shorter than left leg; it goes slowly, sometimes it sits down, then the moon is only partially visible (moon phases)]: Schwab 1947:412.

Burma - Indochina. The Vieta [Mat Choi (Sun) and Mat Chang (Moon) are daughters of Ngoc Hoang (Yashma Lord); when the Sun's palanquin is carried by young porters, they often stay on the road, the day is long; when young - short]: Knorozova 2000:22.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Gongxian) [In ancient times, there was a huge tree in the east, on which a thick branch grew westward, and people called this tree Xingfu (apricot support); in the west, there was also a huge tree And it also grew a thick branch, but directed to the east, and people named this tree Shensan (divine mulberry). The branches of these trees intertwined to form a bridge, and every morning the sun rose from the foot of Xingfu, crossed the bridge, and went underground at the foot of Shensan in the evening. There was a huge turtle underground, which carried the sun on its back from Shensan back to Xingfu every night through the underworld. This is how day and night alternated. One day, the turtle got drunk and fell asleep, so the sun did not have time to rise in the east. The turtle slept for several decades, and all this time the earth was dark. One day, a loud sound suddenly rang in the east, thunder began, lightning flashed, a hurricane and a downpour began, the mountains began to collapse, the ground cracked, and the flood began. The land was covered with water and all people, livestock and crops were under water. Brother and sister, named Fusi and Nuiva, lived. When the flood began, they climbed the Xingfu tree, and when the flood receded, it turned out that they were the only two of them left on earth. The brother said that if they died, humanity would cease to exist and invited his sister to marry, but she refused. After much persuasion, the sister decided to put up a test: her brother with a thread would stand on the top of the east mountain, and she with a needle would stand on top of the western mountain, and if his thread was threaded through her needle, they would become husband and wife. So they did, and it was a success. However, the sister still refused and invited her brother to stand again on the top of the two mountains and roll down the stone millstones: if they joined below, they would become husband and wife. The case was successful again, and as a result they became husband and wife. Nuiva soon gave birth to a lump of meat. They divided it into many pieces and scattered it on the ground, and the next morning people appeared everywhere. People, made from pieces hanging on peach branches, began to bear the name Tao (peach), and from the plum that hung on the branches, Lee (plum). There were more and more people, but there was still no sun, it was still dark and people could not farm. Then Nuiwa, standing in the Xingfu tree, told her children to ask the rooster to call for the sun. The rooster stood at the top of the eastern mountain and turned east and screamed. The turtle woke up and quickly blown the sun from the foot of the Shensan tree. When the rooster screamed for the third time, she had already brought it to the Xingfu tree so that it could ascend. Since then, day and night have reappeared on earth, and all living things have flourished. People began to prosper, and the rooster has been calling the sun every morning ever since]: Zhou, 1998b, No. 28:51-52.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [The Sun is the brother of the Month, the Morning and Evening Stars; he rides a horse in the morning and on a donkey in the afternoon]: Stoynev 2006:303.

Central Europe. Russians (Kaluga Gubernia) [The sun is a girl, she has a mother; the sun sets to Latyri at night for 20 minutes; from morning to lunch she goes wild, sits on a hare in the afternoon and goes faster]: N.H.: 211.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 351 [=Harutyunyan 2007:14-15; the sun is riding a lion; at night he rests with his mother, and a lion with a sword guards him from werewolves]: 129; Ananikian 2010 [medieval authors (Alishan F. 1895. Ancient Faith of the Armenians, in Armenian, Venice) speaks of the four horses of the Sun - Enik, Menik, Benik, Senik]: 51; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, 1920s recordings) [the sun and moon are sister and brother; the sun sister complained that she is afraid to go out at night, but during the day she is also ashamed: everyone is looking at her; the mother said: "Son is the moon, you walk at night, and you, sunshine, will walk during the day. And so that no one looks at you, take a needle bow and if everyone has eyes who dares to look at you"; the sun sister, sitting on a lion, sets off on a journey across the sky during the day and does not give it its needle rays no one can look at themselves, and the lion protects her from the attack of evil spirits - coughs]: 168.

Iran - Central Asia. Kafirs (prasun) [two stallions, Suva (Zolotoy) and Uru (Silver), grazed in the pastures of Mount Tirich-Mir; their owner was Aspavoga (Clear Sky); in the morning he released into the vault of heaven The golden stallion, loaded with the sun, and while the stallion was running through the sky, the sun sent rays to the ground; when the stallion reached Lake Sudzhum and leaned down to drink water, the sun slipped into the lake and darkness fell; then A. released the Silver Stallion, who was loaded with the moon; he ran across the sky, illuminating the earth with the light of the moon; Purdy's seven sons were caught The golden stallion and locked him in a barn; Silver thought it was night and galloped across the sky; the brothers caught him too; darkness fell to the ground; Gish, A.'s groom, broke the barn doors and drove the stallions to at the top of Tirich Mir; seven sons rushed after G., but the Golden Horse had already illuminated the whole earth, the gods woke up and Imra threw G.'s sword; G. hacked Purdy's seven sons and scattered their bodies across the sky]: Abayeva 1978: 111.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [The sun takes his son-in-law, instructs him to travel around the world the next day; you have to ride a bear in the morning, a male deer at noon, and a vazhenka in the evening]: Haruzin 1890:144, 350-351.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [in the morning The sun rides in the wild, in the afternoon on a wolf, in the evening on a hare]: Harva 1952:166; Chuvash: Denisov 1959 [The Sun Virgin rides a bull until noon, on a horse at noon, on a horse in the evening, on hare, sleeping behind a big mountain at night]: 14; Magnitsky in Ashmarin 2003 [the sun "runs on a bull at noon before noon, on a hare, and then stands behind a big mountain"]: 296: Meszaros 2000 (southern, village. Ulkhash, Simbirsk District, Simbirsk Province, 1906-1908) [the sun rides a bull before noon and a hare in the afternoon]: 73.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [before noon the sun rides a blue bull, in the afternoon on a black pacer]: Kuftin 1916:147; Chuloshnikov 1924:242.

Western Siberia. Northern Selkups [Ylynta kota was Nom's wife, quarreled with him, went to live deep underground; at the same time she gave birth to layers of the upper tier of the earth, i.e. inhabited land Middle world; she has two daughters with fiery faces; one is the heavenly Sun, she harnesses a sky deer into a sledge every morning, travels around the world; her second daughter lives with her mother in the underworld, her face it blazes with green fire; it is the sun of the dead; when you go upstairs, you can see the northern lights]: Pelikh 1998:29.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [The old man finds two boys in the spring; under his supervision, they make the sun and the month; one carries the sun on his back, the other a month; their name is Inner-Suns and Inward-Months]: Stephens 1930:104.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs (Borgia Code) [a deer carries the sun, a rabbit carries the moon]: Seler 1963 in Burkhart 1986, fig.5; otomi [Christ is the Sun, the Virgin Mary is the Moon; those who die from "disgrace" go to the Sun and they are exhausted pushing his wheel]: Séjourné, Laurette 1952:25-26; lacandons [Sukunkyum carries the Sun in a hammock through the underworld; the Sun lies in it like a dead man]: Boremanse 1986:45, 48; Cline 1944:112; Soustelle 1959:154; tseltal [souls of the dead or dwarfs attract the sun's carriage]: Ventur 1982:xvi; tsotsil [ancestors take the rising sun for themselves knees and delivered in a wagon to those waiting for him in the underworld]: Guiteras-Holmes 196:152-153, 268; Lamb 1995:273; kekchi, mopan [a frog drags out the Sun's cart, the moon's cart turtle]: Ulrich, Ulrich 1982:30; kakchikels [two deer or two wild boars (jabali) drag the sun across the sky; when days are short, deer, when long days are wild boars]: Stoll in Thompson 1970:370; 1977:442- 443; ishil [The Sun God is carried in a chair by four porters; two more carry his hat]: Colby, Colby, 1981:38; quiche [the feathered serpent Kukumac carries the sun by noon]: Carmack 1981:275 in Wilbrath 1999:22.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [two first-ancestor priests Uldihue and Winheld carry the sun on their shoulders]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (1): 227; (2): 55 (note 96).

Western Amazon. Kofan [koehe Chiga (Sun God) sails in a boat; she is driven by Puifa, an ogre boy]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, 25, 72-73 (No. 9).

NW Amazon. Yukuna; barasana; letuama.

The Central Andes. Mochica; northern coast of Peru (images on vessels of the Mochica culture) [deity (sun, month?) framed by rays, he sits in a stretcher carried by a mouse and a lizard or (rarely) a sea eagle and a hummingbird; there are silhouettes of a star and a moon sickle nearby]: Baessler 1902-1903 (3), fig.355, 356 [silhouette moon sickle on the opposite side of the vessel]; Kutscher 1954, Fig.47, 79, 80 [and other publications].

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Eakin, Lauriault, Boonstra 1986 [The sun sails in a boat across the sky, then through the underworld; he has two vultures as rowers]: 37; Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [the sun boat sails at night underground from west to east]: 51, 371-372 [(No. 23); returning home, the hunter climbed into the hole for the battleship, saw its light at the end; came to the river; in the evening he wanted to return, but the hole closed; before at dawn I heard voices passing by in the boat, he was not taken; there were four people in the second boat, including the Morning Star; the Sun sailed in the large boat; three people were aft and bow, the first faces are burned, at the second back; at noon they stopped to rest, made a fire; the Sun asks a man to catch fish on the lake; he meets people sailing in boats, returns empty-handed; The Sun explains that these were fish, throwing a harpoon at them; after hesitation, a person does so, each of them turns into fish; the Sun's satellites eat and drink huge portions; while a person sleeps, the Sun removes his intestines, they swim on the water; now the person also eats and drinks a lot; the sun squeezes a man outside his house; they are surprised that he is so voracious, they give him a drink, he told me everything he has a fever, he lay down in the sun, died]: 371-372; Roe 1991a [a man grabs the battleship by the tail, he drags it into the lower world; standing by the river, he sees boats going upstream, asks to take him with him; Yantan Huistin (the bright star in the east is Regulus or Venus), many other stars say it will freeze with them; the Sun takes it into its boat; it is planted on its nose to burn only back; the face of a member of the Sun's crew sitting aft is burned; at noon, the swimmers stop for lunch; the other stop is in the nadir; the Sun takes out the person's insides so that he can eat more; man sees his intestines swimming, turning into aquatic plants; without entrails, he is now able to eat and drink as much as the Sun; after bringing a person to earth, the Sun forbids him talk about what happened; people are surprised he can drink so much without getting drunk; he explains why; he dies soon in the sun]: 23-25.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 143 [The Sun asked the Sloth to carry it; so the sloth has yellow spots on his back]: 277; Ottaviano 1980 [when the sun carries a slowly moving perico (parrot? sloth?) , the day is long; the perico back is covered in orange spots from the heat; when the fast Arachnid Monkey carries, the day is shorter]: 91.

Southern Amazon. Bakairi [during the rainy season, the days are long, the Snail (Bulimus) carries the sun; in drought, the days are shorter, the sun carries the Hummingbird; the month is first carried by the Lizard, its round disc is visible; then the Lesser Battleship, then The Great Battleship, increasingly obscuring the lunar disk with their bodies]: Steinen 1897:313.