Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A19A. In the morning on a bull, in the evening on horseback. 27.-.29.31.-.33.

Moving through the sky every day, the sun changes mounts (usually rides an animal that moves slowly in the morning, and another that runs faster in the evening).

Bulgarians, Macedonians, Russians (Kaluga), Armenians, Eastern Sami, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazakhs.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [The Sun is the brother of the Month, the Morning and Evening Stars; riding a horse in the morning, riding a donkey in the afternoon]: Stoynev 2006:303; Macedonians [before noon The sun goes on foot, rides in the afternoon, rides in the afternoon on horseback; or on horseback in winter, on a donkey in summer]: Tsenev 2004:38.

Central Europe. Russians (Kaluga Gubernia) [The sun is a girl, she has a mother; the sun sets to Latyri at night for 20 minutes; from morning to lunch she goes wild, sits on a hare in the afternoon and goes faster]: N.H.: 211.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [the sun rides a lion; at night he rests with his mother, and a lion with a sword guards him from werewolves]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 351:129.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [the old man pulls birch bark, the Frog tells her to marry, otherwise he will stab her to death with scissors; they have sons Hewn Stump, Reindeer Collar, daughter Vostroeye; Frog and her children ate the old man and his old woman; she manages to tell her daughter to collect her 99 bones, hit Ostroeye, the hundredth bone will fall out, put it in a bag, run, a house will emerge from the bones; an old woman's daughter plays with with the sun, embroiders a silver belt; stabs with a sleepy match Stump, Yoke, they lose sight and hearing; Vostroeyka has other eyes on the back of her head; The Frog and the Eye sew the old woman's daughter into a seal skin, they throw it into the water; she ripped her skin with a knife, came to a house with blood on the floor; she had difficulty scooping it out, washed the hut, broke it off and ate a piece of one cake; hid, turning into a spindle; came They flashed, saw that one of them, Ninas, had a cake bitten, left, Ninas stayed; asks to show up (if the old man, you will be a father, if the old woman is a mother, if the young woman is a brother, if the woman is a sister, if the girl is the wife); the girl opens; N. says that she can't live here, Flashes are cutting here, gives a ball of thread, he rolls to his mother; The flashes shout, "Ninas's wife is coming, but the Sun will soon take her "; mother N. transports her across the river; at night she hangs a silver belt over her bed; N. sleeps with his wife, believes that they are stars, although it's already a day; mother N.: take reindeer skins, they will dry out from the sun; she goes out The sun grabs her hair, N. tries to hold her back, dies; she suffers from the heat, the Sun irrigated her with water, married her, she gives birth to him a daughter; her daughter grew up, she was given silk to cook three scarves, sent to land, told to marry the first person she met; she married a shepherd; sold scarves; people envy their wealth, they want to kill their husband; the wife brought him to her Sun Father, who was riding a deer; the Sun tells her son-in-law ride around the ground in the morning on a bear, in the afternoon on a male deer, in the evening on a vazhenka; at noon, my son-in-law rides a male deer, sees an image of a man, kicked him; "I had a deer calf, you're not him kept it, don't stand on the road"; soon the deer fell, the son-in-law returned in a vazhenka; the next day the Sun went by himself, saw a dead deer, told his son-in-law to treat the animals gently; on the third day, the Sun let his son-in-law and daughter go, they began to live even richer]: Kharuzin 1890:348-351.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [in the morning The sun rides in the wild, in the afternoon on a wolf, in the evening on a hare]: Harva 1952:166; Chuvash: Denisov 1959 [The Sun Virgin rides a bull until noon, on a horse at noon, on a horse in the evening, on hare, sleeping behind a big mountain at night]: 14; Magnitsky in Ashmarin 2003 [the sun "runs on a bull at noon before noon, on a hare, and then stands behind a big mountain"]: 296: Meszaros 2000 (southern, village. Ulkhash, Simbirsk District, Simbirsk Province, 1906-1908) [the sun rides a bull before noon and a hare in the afternoon]: 73.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [before noon the sun rides a blue bull, in the afternoon on a black pacer]: Kuftin 1916:147; Chuloshnikov 1924:242.