Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A19B. In summer on a snail, in winter on a bird. .

Moving across the sky, the sun changes mounts depending on the season - it rides slowly in summer, and fast in winter. Or a young man carries the sun in winter, and an old man carries the sun in summer.

Viets, Macedonians, Northern Payutes, Kakchikels, Takana, Bakairi.

Burma - Indochina. The Vieta [Mat Choi (Sun) and Mat Chang (Moon) are daughters of Ngoc Hoang (Yashma Lord); when the Sun's palanquin is carried by young porters, they often stay on the road, the day is long; when young - short]: Knorozova 2000:22.

The Balkans. Macedonians [before noon The sun goes on foot, rides a horse in the afternoon; or on horseback in winter, on a donkey in summer]: Tsenev 2004:38.

Big Pool. Northern Payut [at first, the Sun man was alone; Shinob found him a lonely girl, made him beautiful; this is the Moon; one day she decided to visit her native village, started jumping and dancing, everyone crushing; S. made it darker, it began to grow and old; when the Sun and the Moon meet and make love, an eclipse occurs; the Moon gave birth to a son to the Sun; in summer the sun carries the Sun itself, and his son in winter, he moves faster]: Palmer 1946:94-99.

Mesoamerica Kakchikels [two deer or two wild boars (jabali) drag the sun across the sky; deer when days are short, wild boars]: Stoll in Thompson 1970:370; 1977:442-443.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [when the sun carries a slowly moving perico (parrot? sloth?) , the day is long; the perico back is covered in orange spots from the heat; when the fast Arachnid Monkey carries, the day is shorter]: Ottaviano 1980:91.

Southern Amazon. Bakairi [during the rainy season, the days are long, the Snail (Bulimus) carries the sun; in drought, the days are shorter, the sun carries the Hummingbird; the month is first carried by the Lizard, its round disc is visible; then the Lesser Battleship, then The Great Battleship, increasingly obscuring the lunar disk with their bodies]: Steinen 1897:313.