Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

A19E. Summer and winter suns (.50.68.)


summer and winter suns are two different characters.

The Great Southwest. Teva (Santa Clara) [brothers find their Sun Father; a slow older brother becomes the Summer Sun and a swift younger brother becomes the Winter Sun]: Parsons 1929b: 264-265.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Wakurumpö and Karuetauibö were killed by enemies; their heads on stakes said they should go to heaven; only shamanic but unaware of The boy noticed this, but they did not believe him; people painted Uruku's heads and decorated them with feathers; at noon, their heads began to rise with their wives; K. got up quickly, and V. slowly, because his wife pregnant; people started shooting, but only a boy who knocked out V.'s eyes was hit; V. becomes the Sun of the rainy season, ashamed of his ugliness; his wife Paravabia is the Moon; K.'s head becomes the Sun of the Clear heaven; K. and V. were both reborn as the wife of the present (former) Sun, are considered his sons]: Kruse 1952, No. 13:1002-1004; Murphy 1958, No. 15:85.