Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A20. The childhood of the Sun and Moon.

(.12.) .21.22.26. (27.) .

The sun and moon (or Sun and Star, Month and Star) are children, teenagers who initially live on earth and then rise to the sky and become stars.

(Ashanti), Tibetans (Amdo), Kachin, Burmese, Koreans, Hani, (Bulgarians), Mongols of Ordos, Igloolik (hall. Fox), Halkomelem, Puget Sound, Twana, Puyallup, Upper Chehalis, Lower Chehalis, Cowlitz, Tillamook, Yakima, Comox, Sanpual, Okanagon, Kordalen, Totonaki, Nahuatl Puebla, Veracruz Nahuatl, Mountain Popoluca, Zapoteca, Chinanteca, Masateki, Triki, Chatino, Tequistlateca, Cuicatec, Mixteca, Mihe, Mestizos Soconusco, Maya Yucatana, Guaimi, Ihca, Kogi, Shuar, Kanta, Amouesha, Chiriguano, Vaura, Calapalo, Cuicuru, kamayura, trumai, bakairi, ache, chiripa, mbia.

(Wed. West Africa. Ashanti [Kweku Tsin, Anansi's eldest son, caught a deer; stayed guarded while A. himself went to get the meat basket; that's not the case, the COP called out to him, someone responded; it turned out to be a dragon; here A. also came up; the dragon took them both to his castle, where there are many other prisoners; they are guarded by a rooster; the COP poured him a whole mountain of grain so that he would bite and not give a voice, told them to make a hemp ladder, threw it into the sky; everyone climbed the stairs; the COP told people to take the meat of the cows and give him the bones; he climbs last; every time the dragon approaches, the CS throws him a bone, he goes down to gnaw it; when the bones are over, playing the violin, the dragon goes down to dance; jumping into the sky, cuts off the stairs, the dragon fell and crashed; CS became the sun, A. became a month, the rest of the people became stars]: Barker, Sinclaire 1917, No. 18:97-101).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [mother goes to dig wild tubers, tells her three daughters not to unlock strangers; the cannibal eats her, takes her form; eldest daughter: the mother was not wearing black clothes; she comes to white; middle daughter: the mother was not wearing white clothes; the cannibal persuaded the youngest daughter to stick her hand in to take the tubers; grabbed her hand: if you don't tear it off, I'll tear off my hand; at night the cannibal lies down with the youngest; sisters they hear chomping, the cannibal replies that she drinks water, eats beans; the sisters felt the youngest's head torn off; persuaded them to let them pee (they refused to do it in the pot, into the hearth); the cannibal tied them ropes around their necks, they tied them to the chicken and the pig; the sisters ran to the top of the mountain, turned to the Pleiades; they lowered the iron staircase, the sisters climbed into heaven; the cannibal followed, the crossbar broke down, she fell; during the day, the mother is looking for her older sister, who became the sun, and at night the youngest, who became the moon]: Kajihama 2004, No. 9:33-37; Kachin: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 29 [mother went for firewood, told her daughters not to unlock the door; Tiger says that his eyes are red with pepper, his hands are dirty from work; the girls open it, hide in the tree; the eldest advises to oil the trunk, but the middle one advises to oil the trunk, but the middle one advises to oil the trunk make notches; God lowers a golden vessel on a rope from the sky, picks up the girls; raises the Tiger in clay with a rotten rope, he falls, breaks; the older sister becomes the sun, the middle moon, youngest star]: 104-106; Elwin 1958b, No. 23 [first the sky is close to earth; Ningun-Chinun gives birth to twins from Tungkam-Waisun, this is Sita (month) and his sister Chan (sun); then LF gives birth to a man Machang, Wakum pumpkin, Lung-Nin-Chang stone; playing, the LNF smashed his pumpkin brother, people came out from there, rejoicing when the Sun and the Month climbed into heaven; in order not to suffer again in the dark, they cut off the stairs and the lights remained in heaven; the Sun tried unsuccessfully to get together with his month-old brother; he refused, became pale, like a saint]: 58-59.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the mother goes to the village for a holiday, tells her three daughters not to open it - a tiger may come {rather a tigress; gender is not specified}; the mother has not returned; the eldest daughter is the first to guard, replies to the tigress that her voice is rude and does not unlock it; then the middle daughter asks her hand to be put under the door, says that it is a paw covered with hair; the youngest unlocks it; when they see the tigress, the sisters jump out the window they climb a walnut tree; the tigress, still pretending to be the mother of girls, asks for help climbing the tree; the older sister advises to pour liquid soap on the trunk, the middle one with oil, and the tigress slides; the simple-minded youngest feels sorry for her mother, she advises making notches on the trunk with an ax; the tigress rises, the sisters ask the rain god to save them; at that time he was pulling water from the sea with a bucket and rope, threw the rope to his sisters, they went to heaven; the tigress asked her to throw it too, but under her weight, the rope broke off and she drowned; the rain god turned his older sister into the sun, the middle sister into the moon, the youngest into the moon evening star]: Coyaud 2002, No. 7:25-29

China - Korea. Hani [the cannibal Milaominao swallowed the sun and moon; a 30-year-old woman lived on the mountain with two daughters, Apei, 12, and Aniu, 6; one day, her mother went to get water and M. swallowed it and took it appearance; the youngest believed that the mother had come, and the eldest told me to show her hand; she was black and clawed; M. rolled her hand in ash; again they did not believe it; M. hears the youngest say: the mother would enter through a hole in wall; says that the one who is more likely to wash her feet will sleep with her; at night, the eldest dreamed of an old man predicting her victory over M. in the mountains; she wakes up and hears chewing; M. says she chews peas; the girl felt blood and saw M. devouring the youngest; said she wanted to go to the yard; refused to write in the room: the spirit of this place lives in every place; M. allowed me to go out, girl climbed a pear by the pond; in the morning M. asked to drop its fruit, threw it right down her throat and another vuk from above, M. died, turned into a thorny bush; an old man came up, the girl asked him to spread his cape, she will jump off and become his granddaughter; old man: I have a granddaughter; girl: I will be second; and so on until 12; went down, the old man disappeared, she went to look for the youngest; herding buffaloes, ducks, chickens do not know where she is; the frog tells her to wait for her to drink the sea; when she drank, the youngest appeared; they began to think who would be the sun and who would be the moon; the youngest was afraid of being the moon, afraid of the dark; so the moon became the eldest, and She gave the youngest needles to prick the eyes of people who would look at the sun immodestly]: Coyaud 2012, No. 1:9-19; Koreans: Kontsevich 1980b [The tiger ate the mother of four boys, dressed in her dress came to her house, grabbed his younger brother; the others climbed the pine tree, the Tiger followed her; the heavenly lord lowered the iron rope for the brothers; the Tiger also began to rise, fell, fell into the millet field, crashed, since then the millet stalks have been red; Brother Hesong became the sun, Halsun became a month, Pelsun became stars; var.: Brother and sister who love each other were frightened of the tiger, rose to heaven, became the Moon and By the Sun]: 565; Choi 1979, No. 100 [The tiger ate the mother, puts on her clothes; her three children do not open the door because they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see the shaggy paw; when they open it, the Tiger eats the youngest; the other two asked for permission to go out of need, ran away, hid in a tree; two ropes came down from the sky, new and rotten; brother and sister rose to heaven, brother became Sun, sister Moon; Tiger climbed on rotten, fell into a millet field; since then, the millet stalks have been red with his blood; options: The tiger tied ropes to the children, when they came out, they tied them to a mortar; the Tiger fell into the well, drowned; his sister was afraid shine at night, asked to give her a day; embarrassed, became a bright Sun not to be looked at; three sisters are running, turning into Sun, Moon, Stars]: 27-28; Cho 2001, No. 78 [woman returns to at dusk, carrying cakes to the children; the Tiger meets her on every hill, consistently demanding that she give her cakes first, then her garments; on the last hill there is nothing more to give away, the Tiger eats the woman ( obviously takes her form); her three children do not open the door at first, because they do not recognize their mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; asks for a younger one; sister and brother peek, see her eat it; hide in a tree in the yard; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well, then looks up; the brother explains that they climbed in with sesame oil on the trunk, castor oil; but the sister says what they did on the trunk of the notch; at the request of his brother, a strong rope descends from the sky, the children climb it; the Tiger asks God to lower his rotten rope, believing that he would do the opposite; she broke off, the Tiger fell into a millet field, since then the roots of the millet have been red; first the brother became the Sun, sister Moon; but the sister was afraid to walk at night, so they changed; to They did not stare at her, the Sun Sister began to dazzle those who watched with her light]: 118-122; Park 1991 [the woman returns at dusk, carrying roasted beans to her children; the Tiger ate her, put on her clothes; her three children did not first they open the door because they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; the children unlock; while the sister and middle brother are eating beans, the Tiger climbs under the blanket, eats the youngest; the children ask for more beans, the Tiger gives the boy's fingers; the sister asks for permission to go out of need; in the yard he climbs the willow with his brother; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well; the brother calls out him, he looks up; his brother explains that they climbed, greased the trunk with soybean oil; then says what they did on the trunk; at the request of his sister, an iron chain descends from the sky, the children climb her; the Tiger asks him to lower the rusty chain, she breaks, the Tiger has fallen stubble, since then the roots of the corn have been red; the sister has become the Sun, Brother Month; so as not to be stared at, the Sun Sister throws at the beholder needles]: 46-51; Koreans (Hebei, Funing County, Korea; West 2004 from a 68-year-old woman, teacher, lower secondary education) [there was no sun and moon; an elderly widow earned money by earning money sold sweet buns; gave birth to a son and daughter (the older one); when she left, she told her daughter not to unlock someone else's door; on the way back, the woman was met by a tiger; first demanded a bun; then, every time she returned, the hand, the second, the leg, the second, ate the whole; the tiger knocked, the boy wanted to open it, the girl asked why the rude voice (tore it off while selling buns); asked to stick her hand, it was covered in wool; the children hid on a tree in the yard; the tiger jumped into the yard: how did you get in? girl: you have to smear oil on the trunk; the boy is naive: we have to make notches on the trunk; my sister prayed: "O Grandpa Heaven, feel sorry for us brother and sister, lower a good rope, and if you don't feel sorry for us, rotten." The sky was good, my sister and brother went to heaven; the tiger also asked, the sky lowered rotten, the tiger almost caught up with the children, but the rope burst; the tiger broke into a stubble, millet {in the text "sorghum", but obvious anachronism} turned blood and has since turned red; sister and brother decided to become the moon, and let the brother be the sun; however, at night she was frightened, her brother agreed to change; ashamed of people and They did not stare at her, her brother gave her a needle to stab her eyes (rays)]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 10-11.

(Wed. The Balkans. Bulgarians [p. 242-244: details of options; not only brother and sister warm like sun and moon, brother with sun on forehead, sister with moon on throat, etc., but brother is sun, sister moon; { obvious secondary mythologization of the fairy-tale image, there is no mention of turning into luminaries}; the king (who forbade lighting a fire at night) overhears the conversation of the three sisters; the first two promise if they go beyond king, do a lot of work (dressing an army, weaving a huge tent, feeding the army with one loaf, etc.); the third promises to give birth to wonderful children (golden braids, a star on his forehead, the sun and the month, etc.); the king marries all three, but the elders do not fulfill their promises; the youngest gives birth to children; envious sisters (stepmother, listen) replace them with a puppy (puppy and kitten), let them down in a chest into the sea or river; the king orders bury them waist-deep in the ground (on the edge of a garbage dump, lock them in a chicken coop, etc.); a miller (fisherman, shepherd, etc.) picks up children; sister is persuaded to ask her brother to get wonderful objects (singing a tree, a magic bird, etc.); with the help of a wonderful horse, the brother gets everything; takes possession of their mistress, a beauty who turned people into stones; this beauty (a talking tree, a bird) tells the king everything the story is either told by the children themselves; the tsar returns them and their mother, punishes the perpetrators]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 707C: 241-244).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols of Ordos ["Ordos Ardyn Ulger". - Hohhot, 1992, p. 311; Goadagur's eldest daughter, middle Shirbigul, younger Davigur; mother went to her sister for flour; G. advised me to go along shepherds' road, Sh. - the one she likes, D. - along the path of dogs and birds; towards the old mangas woman; offered to take out her lice, asked about her daughters, swallowed her, put on her clothes, began to knock on home; G.: our mother has a black mole on her cheek (mangas smeared mud on her cheek); Sh.: our mother does not have hair on her back; D. opened it; G. asks how much water to pour and cook rice; mangas: how much you need; G. : this is not the mother, she always knew for sure; while G. called the sisters, the mangas ate all the rice alone; G. and S. refuse to lie down with their imaginary mother, D. goes to bed; G. at night: what do you eat? mangas: old cheese; G.: give it to us too; she gave it is D.'s little finger; G. asks for permission to go out of need, ties a rope, but on the street she ties it to two roosters; the sisters are running; in the morning the mangas chased I saw them in the tree; how did you get there? G.: they coated the tree with oil and grease; the mangas did it, slides; G.: they tied a millstone and a stone from the stove to the feet; the mangas fell again, threatens; Sh.: cut down the steps with a chisel and an ax; G. pushed mangas, she fell, injured her back, took on its monstrous appearance; a white swan, Tangry's messenger, flew, turned her legs into gold and silver hooks, carried it to heaven; a black swan flew, turned its legs into iron hooks, the mangas grabbed them; white: we curse the black crow and the evil mangas; they fell and crashed; Tengry tells G. to become the Dagina of the Sun, and S. to become the Dagina of the Moon]: Egupova 2012:27 -31.

The Arctic. Igloolik (hall. Fox) [Sekinet m Anigat is brother and sister, live with his grandmother; S. goes blind; his grandmother points his arrow, lies that he did not kill the bear, does not give him meat; A. hides meat for him; Loon plants him He dives on his back, he sees the light; harpoons the white whale, which drags her grandmother into the sea; S. and A. go on a journey; A. enters the house, clawed dwarfs attack her, S. kills them; S. and A. come to people who do not have anuses and genitals; S. makes holes in their bodies; goes to A. at night; she smears her lover's face with soot to identify him in the morning; recognizes her brother; runs away with a torch in her hands; S. pursues her with a torch too; falls, his torch goes out; S. and A. rise to heaven, turn into the Month and the Sun]: Rasmussen 1930a: 77-80.

The coast is the Plateau. Little Sun Brother is made from the urine and diapers of an older Brother Month-old kidnapped in infancy. See motive A5. Halkomel; Puget Sound; twana; puyallup; upper chehalis; lower chehalis; cowlitz; tillamook; yakima; comox ( chatloltk) [blind Tar catches fish at night, his wife calls him home at dawn; one day he lingers, he melts in the sun; his two sons make a chain of arrows, climb into the sky, kill the Sun with arrows; the youngest becomes the Month, the eldest becomes the Sun]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.2:64-65 (=2002:180-181); sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies as if he didn't catch anything; sister finds him egg bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him fishing on the shore; when he returns, he has already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that has broken off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (it is not explained why); makes his brother out of a baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the Toad lets urine into the sky, rain floods all the hearths except her own; brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps around the younger one's neck, says she is his wife; she can't be ripped off; when she is burned with fire, her skin shrivels; everyone is consistently trying to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane's day is too long (its head reaches the horizon in the west and its legs are still in the east); the one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, the root brother becomes a month, a toad is visible on it]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; Okanagon [Coyote is Krotiha's husband, leaves for a long time; she falls in love first with a sun-heated stone, then with white root; gives the eldest son the name Warmed Stone, the youngest White Root; one is white and the other is tiny; Coyote comes and trains his sons (they are called his sons); people gather choose who will be the Sun; the Coyote tries, spies on those who make love, is detached; his sons do not want to leave the earth; the frog is in love with the younger; causing rain, it extinguishes all hearths except his own; White Root comes to warm up, she jumps on his face; you can't tear it off; out of shame he becomes the Month; his brother becomes the Sun; if you kill a frog and put his belly against the sky, the Month and the Sun they hide in the clouds because they are afraid that she will demand love from them]: Guie 1990:179-184; kerdalen [The robin is too hot; the sun becomes a one-eyed man; the Coyote is made a month explains everything he sees; then the old chief is made for a month; he arranges a party; his house is crowded, Toad has no place to sit; she leaves in anger, causes a downpour; all the lights go out, only in her The house is light and dry; everyone is going there; she jumps on the face of the Month and has been visible there ever since]: Teit 1917e, No. 8-9:123-124; Teit, Boas 1930:177-178.

Mesoamerica Mountain shelters [a boy was born, named Hama (Sun), then a girl Poya (moon); parents died, orphans were in poverty, God put them in heaven out of pity]: Foster 1945, No. 36:217; coastal Totonaki [see motif A24; ancestors live in a dark, cold world; only the sky's serpent, the Milky Way, shines; its mouth is open; the lizard finds a hot stone; four birds manage to break it get a shining egg; animals bring it to the spring; an orphan girl grabs it with her teeth, it bursts, she swallows it; gives birth to twin sons, dies; her grandmother leaves babies on branches trees, they do not die, she brings them up; the Great Serpent shines poorly, feeds on young girls; brothers heat stones in the temazcal, throw them into his mouth, he dies; Green Tree (the deity of the forest, Chihuecolo) explains to the brothers how to get corn; tells the old woman to ask for a basket of corn; ants and rodents (tusas) carry grain through a hole in the bottom of the basket; thus, the brothers produce more corn ; the elder carves 24 sticks, they turn into axes and machetes, the animals help cut down the forest on seven mountains; the brothers set fire to what was cut down, tell their grandmother to hide in the temazcal; she does not hide suffocates from smoke; after seven days, the corn is ripe, the cobs are huge; the god of corn tells it to be placed inside Mount Tahin; K. explains to the elder that the corn will survive when the world ends darkness; the elder becomes the Sun, the youngest becomes the Month; corn is hidden in the mountain; people turn into ants (hormiga ariera), notice that a brightly colored bird drops grain {end]]: Münch 1993:37-40 ; (cf. totonaki [the boy lives with his grandmother, tells her he wants to be king, ascend in the east, going in the west; no one should fall under the drops of his blood, which drips at noon when he they will try to kill; the boy goes east, soon the Sun rises; the grandmother makes sure that blood drops do not fall on anyone; they grow peppers, melons, sandía, jitomate, pápalo, quelite; Crocodile came , began to eat pepper; The lizard did not tell him to do it - he would feel bad, and pepper for God's sons]: Arenas 2000:42-43); Zapotecs: Parsons 1932a, No. 1 [two orphans Sun Boy and Moon Girl live Sus Ley ("infertile woman"); they hunt, but she gives everything to her old husband Gol Gisa'; he lives in the forest, does nothing; St. Anton always helps children with advice; twins kill GG, let SL eat his heart under the guise of a deer's heart, stuff his scarecrow with stinging insects; when SL touches her husband, insects fly out; she and her brother Ros (a worm living in the mud) wants to burn the children in the steam bath; they run away, strangle SL with smoke in her house, pick up her loom parts, ring, jug, comb; Ros turns into a snake, chases twins; they throw the objects they take, they turn into different mountains; they throw hot stones down R.'s throat, he dies; the sister grabs the bright right, and the brother grabs R.'s left, dim eye; the sister is thirsty; brother makes a hole of water; offers in exchange for a bright rabbit eye; lets his sister approach the water when she puts her eyes on the ground; God assigns the boy to become the sun, the girl to become the moon; when they have risen, everyone rebengulal ("los idolos", first ancestors) buried themselves in the ground]: 281-283 (=1936:222, 324-327); Stubblefield, Stubblefield 1969 [old woman Läy and old man Gisaj were before anyone else in the world; G. lay at entering the cave; S. 13 times a day brought him food, was very tired; once she discovered how to cook corn, then how to weave and make clothes; on the seashore they found a box with a boy and a girl in it; they were theirs they grew up, they carried food for G.; a man told them that G. was not their father, called them to him, let him throw eggs one into that G.'s head, the rest into his body; he would die, we had to take out his heart, fill G. wasps, let S. cook the heart as if it were a deer's heart; The frog from the river told L. that she was going to eat her husband's heart; L. came with her children to G.'s body, turned it over, the wasp bit her, the children ran away; L. complained to her brother {? ; he is her husband's compadre, but hereinafter referred to as her compadre}; he advised using a suction stone and sucking the babies back; L. is going to burn the children in the steam room; the boy drills in the floor beforehand exit; run away, leaving the leaves with magnesium; they burst in the heat, L. and his brother think their brains are bursting; L. does not find their needle, mirror, comb; children have filled the suction stone with pepper in advance, L. breathed in, almost died; her brother (compadre) is a serpent, chasing children; they throw a machete (lake), a needle (vine), a comb (also a vine), a mirror (fire, the snake is burned); the girl is thirsty; to get water, ready to sacrifice her eye; God comes, tells her not to do this-she'll be the moon, her brother the sun]: 47-62; chinantecs: Bartolomé 1984 [people hear sounds inside the tree; Comet, The thunder cannot cut down, the woodpecker cuts down a tree; there are two eggs inside; the old woman takes them; every day she carries food to her reindeer husband; when she returns, the house is a mess; the Sun boy and the Moon girl rush hide inside eggs, the girl hesitates, the old woman catches them; hunting a bird: Why do you kill birds for someone who is not your mother? The sun revives dead birds, kills the Deer, the old woman's husband; fills the vessel with wasps, they buzz, he tells the old woman that this is her husband's voice; but Luna says he's gone fishing; the old woman is chasing children; they throw the comb, mountains appear several times on the way (the origin of the mountains); the twins cross the river; when the old woman is in the middle of the river, they throw bola de acuyo at her; she falls dead, turns into agouti; many animals emerge from her blood; twins shoot wind guns at interpreting rocks, they disperse; a seven- or double-headed eagle takes people to the rock; twins do the cage, the eagle carries them away; at noon he sleeps, one head is awake; the twins strangle it with a noose, at which time the earth shudders; the eagle's eyes fall out, the moon grabs the right bright, the Sun is dim on the left; The vulture is unable to lower the twins on its back, it will now eat carrion; the Bat is fed seeds, the excrement grows into a tree, twins and other people descend it to the ground; the Moon wants drink; agrees to change eyes with his brother if he creates a source (the origin of the springs); drinks without waiting for the brother to bring the Rabbit Priest to bless the water; he throws the rabbit to her in anger in the face, it sticks to her, is still visible; the Sun and Moon rise to the sky]: 13-16; Weitlaner 1952 [the Sun and Month twins tell the Hummingbird to warn them about the arrival of an old woman; the third time he forgets; The twins killed her; came to the cliffs, crushed them with clay balls; went to the mountain on which the double-headed cannibal eagle sat; the Bat is fed twice; the second time the root of a tree that grew on top of a cliff, descends to the ground]: 170-173; masateki (ohitek) [the old woman hears a noise from the hollow of a tree, resembling the buzz of bees; cuts a tree, finds two eggs; returning home, finds a pogrom; discovers the Sun and Moon twins when the bird they leave to guard falls asleep; the twins run away, the old stalker woman is pushed into the river from the bridge; all forest animals emerge from her body; hide in a cage from an eagle, he takes her to the rock; there are already many children there, the eagle is eating them; the brother cuts off the children's hair, weaves a rope, they strangle the eagle with it; his sparkling eyes have fallen out; the twins ask for the Bat eat fruits; a tree grows out of excrement; Woodpecker, Squirrel is unable, Agouti gnaws on a tree, it falls on a mountain; children descend it to the ground; sister finds right eye, brother finds left eye; sister wants drink; agrees to change eyes with his brother if he creates a spring by pulling an ear of wheat out of the ground; the moon drinks without waiting for the brother to bring the priest to bless the water; the brother throws punishment a rabbit in her sister's face, it sticks to her, is still visible; the Sun and Moon rise to the sky]: Portal 1986:49-53; Nahuat (Puebla) [the woman has two sons; they are surprised that the mother takes food to forest; they see a Deer there; the youngest disguised himself as a woman, lured the Deer; the brothers killed him, filled his skin with stinging insects; when the woman came, the scarecrow fell, insects bit her to death; the brothers got up from the fire into the sky; the eldest got scared, the youngest threw himself into the fire, became the sun; the elder took not hot coals, but ash, became a month]: Barlow, Ramirez 1962:55-57; Sierra de Zongolica [a giant serpent glowed faintly in the sky before the sun rose {The Milky Way?} ; the brothers took her sparkling eyes, the Sun took the brighter, the Month the weaker]: Oropeza Escobar, p. 220 in Chinchilla Mazariegos 2011:84; tricks: García Alvárez 1973 in Bartolomé ; 1984:17; Hollenbach 1980, No. 8.26-8.37 [twins are born to a girl (or a married woman but not of a husband); they are thrown away to ants, they are alive; then they are thrown into the river; they are caught by old woman Ga'ah , tells his deer husband that she gave birth to them; The deer lives in the forest, she carries him tortillas; when he leaves, the twins jump out of the cradle to play; the birds warn them when G. returns; one day the birds Overslept G.'s appearance, the twins no longer take the form of babies; they do not believe that the Deer is their father, they kill him, stuff the scarecrow with wasps; the possum is sent to bring fire; they need fire to fry meat; they they send Fox to his grandmother to steal the fire, she fails; Porcupine's fire goes out along the way, his needles are traces of falling sparks; the bird tells the opossum to dive into the water first; he asks the old woman to give him dry by the fire, puts a tail in the fire, brings fire to the twins; the tail of the Opossum is burnt and is now naked and black, and the tip is white as ash (or like light); the twins give deer meat to G.; The frog tells she does not believe what she ate, she hits her, now the frog's skin is wrinkled; G. is angry that the Deer is silent, hits him with a stick, bitten by wasps; drives the twins out of the house; the snake is going to eat the world, twins they throw hot stones into her mouth; send a fly to check if the snake is dead; the fly defecates in her left eye; the younger brother takes a brighter right eye, the older one takes the left eye; the brothers go, the younger one thirsty; the elder gets water as soon as the youngest agrees to change eyes; G. comes to the twins; they put her to sleep and rape her, putting stones on her penises; they run to heaven, the elder becomes By the Sun, the youngest is a Month; he swallowed the rabbit, which is now visible on it; the birds wake up G., she is covered in blood; he throws after the twins the parts of his loom (turning into the Taurus constellation) and sandals ( turn into Pleiades); G. herself becomes the spirit of a steam bath]: 463-468; Relatos Triquis 1998 [the only woman lived in the forest among animals, her husband was a deer; answered her son and daughter that their father had There is no time to go home, she takes food to the forest where he works; the children met a deer, talked to him, he did not answer, they trapped him, filled his skin with bees, asked his mother to cook meat; in the morning the deer did not come to her call, she found it, hit him with her hand, the bees that flew out bit her; when she returned, the children laughed; she asked God Riki to punish them; he turned his son into the Sun, his younger sister on the moon; they will walk above the ground and shine until they are forgiven]: 26-29; chatino [the girl played with the bird, is pregnant with it; gave birth to two boys, they are like dolls, her parents they were thrown into the river; the woman picked them up, said she was their mother; they realized that this was not the case, that her deer husband was not their father; they killed a deer, made it a scarecrow full of bees, brought her its meat; the frog said she was eating her husband; she ran to the scarecrow, the bees bit her; the children burned her in temazcal, she became a temazcal spirit; the children met their real mother, who made clothes for everyone animals, took it with them; do not know where to get maize to feed their mother; they broke the bottle, threw it on the mill, the fragments turned into flies and mosquitoes; left the mother, came to where the snake is going to swallow girl; killed a snake, throwing hot stones into its mouth; The sun climbed into the sky by thread, the Month climbed in its own way; his wife climbed after him; The sun told the tuza rodent to gnaw through the thread, the woman fell; The month is still she wants to go back to her wife]: Cicco, Horcasitas 1962:74-78; tequistlatecs; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, of which the Sun and Moon were born; went to feed every day with deer corn porridge, told the twins to stay at home; called the deer the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once sent them to feed their father themselves - call him, Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and by the river, the frogs told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); mixteks [an old woman tells her two sons to take food to their father in the mountains; sons meet a deer, kill him; bring home its meat, fill their skin with wasps, hornets, bees; houses deny that it is their father's meat; the frog tells the old woman that she ate her husband's meat; the old woman has poured sand on her back, since then the frog's back is pimpled; the brothers kill the deer, the old woman's husband; the deer does not respond to the old woman, she hits him in the ear, hornets, etc. bite her; sons promise to relieve her pain in the steam room; they lock the door, the old woman dies, becomes the spirit of the steam bath; the sons left, met the snake, took her eyes, they rose to heaven with a rope; one and a half eyes became the sun, half an eye became a month]: Dyk 1959:10-16; Miche: Bartolomé 1984 [woman hides]: 23; Carrasco 1952 [grandparents lived with grandparents boy and girl; their grandmother sent them to the field where their grandfather worked, he asked them for help; they killed him, hid the corpse in honeycombs; they began to cook beans, a voice can be heard from under the pot: you killed, eat yours grandfather; grandchildren ran away, the old woman chased; Agouti hid them in her mouth, said that her teeth hurt; the children were running again, her sister was falling behind; her brother hit her in the face with sandals stained with earth (los huaraches); rose to heaven, became the Sun; sister hesitated to wash her face, also rose to become the Moon; spots and faint shine due to the impact]: 168-169; Hoogshagen 1971 (Oaxaca) [orphan girl lived at the old woman; rejected the suitors; it is not clear how she got along with the man; when the old woman saw that the orphan was pregnant, she kicked her out; the squirrel offered to climb the tree and swing on the vine; she would fix the vine; but did not correct, but chopped; the girl began to swing, the vine broke off, she crashed to death; the female vulture came down to peck at her; the boy and girl from the woman's belly ask to make a hole; the female the vulture did it with difficulty, breaking its beak; the children went out; after living at the vulture, they found their grandfather; then killed him; his meat was fed to the old woman; she went to get water, the bird said that she ate her husband; (children made a scarecrow out of your grandfather? it is said that the old woman was bitten by wasps); the children are running, the old woman is chasing; Aguti hid the children behind her cheeks, said that her tooth hurt; the children came to the village, spent the night, found themselves on a rock among the bones; the beast came up, they killed it and burned it; the brother told his sister to write so that vines would appear, but they did not appear; he wrote it himself, vines appeared, they went down, other people too; below the corn and sugar field reeds, everyone ate; we came to the village where it was a holiday, brother became the sun, sister became the moon]: 338-346; Miller 1956, No. 3 [the girl refused the young man; he turned into a bird, the girl knocked it down, hid it on breasts, became pregnant; went to the forest; The squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, the girl crashed; Vulture found a boy and a girl in her womb; brother and sister came to her mother's parents; while There was no grandmother, they killed his grandfather, stuffed the scarecrow with insects; his grandmother was fed meat; she hit his grandfather, the insects flew out; the grandmother is chasing the twins, Aguchi hid them in her mouth; they threw the snake into the mouth hot stones; the beast carried them to the rock, they killed him with arrows; brother tells his sister to write vines; she says she pees bananas; brother pees vines himself; turned people who ate bananas into forest animals ; he burned the beast, let the Toad throw ash into the sea; he discovered, the mosquitoes flew out, for which he was turned into a toad; the appearance of the Sun and the Moon as in No. 4], 4 [Mary spins, the bird sits on the spinning wheel, she hit it, put it under the shirt, the bird pecked her in the chest, flew away; M. became pregnant; the squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, M. crashed; the Vulture took a boy and a girl out of her womb; the boy buried mother, told Vulture to eat the corpses of animals, not humans; the twins came to the mother's parents; taking out the lice from the grandfather, they killed him, stuffed the scarecrow with insects, let the grandmother cook and eat the testicles; the grandmother hit a scarecrow, insects bit her; her sister wrote, the road was wet, the stalker grandmother was sliding; Agouti hid the twins in her mouth; the old man sheltered them, the snake came at night, the twins threw him at fall hot stones; further as in No. 3 (Lorenzo opened a bag of ash, turned into a toad); people are going to choose the Sun, tell their brother that he is weak; he turns into the Sun, tells the old man dig a well; while it's low above the ground, it's hot, only the old man has water in the well; tells his sister to run to the old man's house for the forgotten huarache; during this time he rose high; the sister became the moon; spots - her brother's huarache]: 79-85, 86-97; Soconusco mestizos [the daughter of a poor woman rejects suitors; God comes disguised as a beggar, is also rejected; turns into a bird, sits next to her; the girl hits her with a stick, then puts her down under her clothes; the bird comes to life, bites her breasts, flies away; she gives birth to two twins; she dies herself, turns into the land we live on; the grandmother wants to eat twins, tells her many sons kill them; they are going to throw the twins into a deep ravine; ants tell them to jump on their own; one jumps, turns into the Sun, ascends to the sky, burning her grandmother; she turns into a black-headed wind chases the sun in vain; second brother jumps later, becomes the Month; uncles jump after them, become stars, can't grab the Month]: Navarrete 1966, No. 1:422-423; Maya Yucatana (Izamal) [ the old sun (man) was tired of wearing the crown, it was too hot; the iguana couple found two eggs by the sea, buried them in the sand to warm themselves; the old sun caused a flood; the eggs survived, they came out boy and girl; girl slept at the bottom of a well (cenote), boy in a tree; saw an iguana create valleys and mountains, trees, etc.; Iguana asked him to be the new sun; boy became sun, girl by the moon; they dried the earth; it was too hot while they were shining together; they decided that the sun would be during the day, the moon would be at night; when the moon was not visible, it sleeps at the bottom of the well]: Villar 1989:82.

Honduras - Panama. Guaimi: Margery Peña 1990 [two boys live with their mother Evia; she goes to holidays, leaves her children in ash at the hearth; one day she meets two handsome men there, one in gold robes, the other in white (silver); tries to attract their attention, they do not answer; someone says they are her sons, she does not believe; the same on the second holiday; for the fourth time watching her sons, returns before them; when sons return in the form of beautiful men, both they and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; before drinking white and red cocoa, they go swimming in the river, telling them the mother does not open the vessel; she removed the lid; there is a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in butter; the butter burned her eyes; the sons come back, drink cocoa; they throw the mother east, west, south, she comes back every time; thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to get out, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see if she is ripe fruits (these are people); Sun in golden robes, Month in silver themselves watch the seeds of the earth (=people) one day and the other at night]: 25-27; Séptimo, Joly 1986 [two little boys live with their mother Evia; they always sit in ash by the hearth; their mother goes to holidays, sings well; one day she meets two handsome men there, one in gold clothes with a golden rod, the other in white (silver) with with a silver rod; puts on her best clothes and jewelry, tries in every possible way to attract their attention, they do not answer; someone says they are her sons, she does not believe; tries in vain to follow them after the holiday, she finds her sons sitting in ash at home; the same at a festival elsewhere; at the third; for the fourth time she pretended to go to the party, hid by the road; those two men they pass by; at home, the woman did not find her children; while she was waiting, she began to draw different shapes and lines with her fingers and NGOs - now they are rock carvings; when they come back in the form of beautiful men, and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; they make white and red cocoa; before drinking it, they go swimming in the river, tell their mother not to open the vessel; she removed the lid; there are boiling in oil a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white), as if fried raw; butter burned her eyes; sons come back, drink cocoa; silver feels a little sorry for her, gold is not; they throw their mother at east, west, south, she comes back every time; thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to escape, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see whether the fruits (these are people) are ripe; {p. 20-21 missed, p. 22 discusses the meaning of the myth; it is obvious that the golden son became the Sun, the silver son became the Month}]: 11-22.

The Northern Andes. Ihka: Chaves Mendoza, Francisco Zea 1977 [when it was dark, the first woman had two beautiful children; she hid them in a cave, light came from there; people brought flutes, drums, and began to play; the boy J'uí went out, they tried to catch him, he soared into the sky, became the sun; those who looked up at him turned into stones; his sister, Tíma, was also lured by music; did not run away, they threw ash in her face; but she also rose to the sky, became the moon, remained pale; Dicks and Tipa are spouses, although they are not in love]: 62-63; Lucena Salmoral 1969:228- 229 [The Sun and Moon are the children of a poor woman, Mother of Light; she hid them in the depths of the cave; to lure her out, people began to play musical instruments; they entered the cave, but the boy jumped out and flew to in the sky, in the light of the Sun, people turned into stones; the month of Tíma was the brother of the Sun; people tried to detain him, threw ash in his face, he broke out, but remained pale], 230-231 [The sun is a little snotty boy, his Mother Lake keeps his hands on him; to lure the Sun, Seránkua arranged a party; mother does not pay attention to music; S. asked for a boy, returned him; began to sing, his mother listened , the boy flew to the sky, became the sun; the mother promised that it would be dark again in the future]; Kogi [when the Sun and Moon rose to heaven, they were children; now the Sun is an adult man; he has 9 wives : Moon, Pleiades, one white star, etc.]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2): 36.

Western Amazon. Shuar [Tere (monkey) climbs a vine into heaven, brings a woman from there, Atsuta; Ivia takes her as his wife; she always brings a lot of fish; I. watches her discovers that Anaconda gives her fish; out of jealousy, I. kills his wife, gutts; his (second) wife finds two eggs inside; the Duck takes them away, from which the brothers Sun Etz and the Month of Nantes appear ; they eat all the peppers from the Heron garden; she sends them to steal from I.; I. leaves two insects as guards, catches thieves; I. makes E. his grandson (N. is no longer mentioned); E. invents a wind gun, kills birds; Pigeon advises killing his mother's killer better; E. sees I. and his wife playing with his mother's skull and eye, his eye sheds tears; E. kills I.'s wife, cuts off his head and limbs, torso turns it into a deer, feeds I.; kills it with a spear, burns it; tobacco grows in this place; I. comes to life, but cannot kill E.]: Barrueco 1988:36-41.

The Central Andes. Canta (Lima district) [Pachakamaka and Pachamama had Willka twins, a boy and a girl; Pachakamak drowned in the sea; Pachamama went with her children through the mountains and fell into the Va-Kona cave (during ritual dancing, Wa Kon wore a jaguar mask); sending the children to bring water in a leaky vessel, VK tried to seize P.; not achieving what he wanted, ate it; the bird told V. about the murder mother, advised me to run, tying the sleeping VC by the hair; when they woke up, VK chased, asking various animals if they saw the children; the mother of skunks sheltered the twins, fed her blood; set up a trap, VK fell off a cliff, crashed, its fall was accompanied by an earthquake; the twins were tired of eating blood, they went to the field to dig potatoes; playing with an unusual tuber, girl threw her hat into the sky; a rope came down from the sky, the twins climbed it to their father Pachakamak; the boy became the Sun, the girl became the Moon; the path of the stars across the sky continued their earthly journeys; Pachamama embodied in a mountain range, Pachacamac gave her power over fertility]: Villar Cordova 1933:162-165.

Montagna - Jurua. Amouesha: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 3 [During the ancient Yompor Pret sun, women gave birth to rotten trees, lizards, or hairy monkeys; the priest ordered that brother and sister be raised in a special home; when she went to get water, the sister found two flowers, hid them on her body, became pregnant; the priest admitted that by the will of the supreme god, not from her brother; the mother of the Jaguars Patonell killed her; the twins from her womb threw themselves into the water, them raised fish (catfish, Loricariidae); they play, no one can catch them; the lizard said he would catch them, but he was ridiculed; he left, the priest told him to call him back, he agreed for the fifth time; The twins were caught, but they didn't grow up; P. said she would grow up, she has a lot of meat; they get dirty for themselves all the time, P. washes them; tells them not to touch her cassava beer; she finds them drunk every time, they answer that their sister bee was preparing the drink; one day P.'s sons returned without prey, offered to cook the twins; they gave P. a drink themselves, cooked it, scattered parts of her body in different places; hid under the roof; parts of the body respond to the jaguars from different sides, tell them to eat the brew as if they were twins; the brothers shouted to them what they were eating; the Puma and Ocelot did not eat, understood; the jaguars found the mother's head in the cauldron; set fire to the house, the twins jumped across the lake, made a bridge out of vines; the jaguars walked along it, they brought it down, one pregnant jaguariha escaped; the twins became adults, went up to heaven, brother became the Sun, sister became the Moon], 3a [ excerpt (sister went to get water, Patonell ate her, twins jumped into the water; became Sun and Moon]: 54-57, 258-259; Tello 1923a [were brother Yatash and sister Yachur, lizards (all creatures then were either Jaguars or lizards); after going for fruits, Yachur found flowers, hid them in her bosom; when she returned home, a thunderstorm began; after a lightning strike, the flowers disappeared, and Yachur conceived; after the thunderstorm, a rainbow appeared, decorated with those flowers; everyone thought Yachur was pregnant with her brother, they wanted to kill Yatasha; the old kuraka said she was pregnant with lightning, would give birth to the Sun and the Month; on the way to the spring, Yachur met a jaguariha Patonille; she ate it; water flowed out of Yachur's belly, formed a river; the twins born swam along it, hid under water; Yatash is accused of not following his sister; he found out where the Sun and the Month have hid; everyone is unsuccessfully trying to catch the twins, only Yatasha succeeds; P. takes them up; they annoy her with their pranks; she boils water to cook them; asks her to look for them in my head so that the boys would not run away; P. fell asleep, the brothers threw her into the cauldron, cut her, scattered the pieces, hid themselves on the roof, already young men; jaguar relatives met for a meal, called P., pieces they answer from different sides; the jaguars find the boys, set fire to the hut, they run across the river; the jaguars build the bridge, the brothers brought it down, almost all the jaguars drowned]: 128-130 (retelling in Kühne 1967:311-314).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [the woman did not let her daughter out of the house to isolate her from men; Rei (similar to Aguara-tunpa, Lisa) asked her for his wife, her mother refused; he told his brother Tatú- tunpa (Battleship); he dug a hole under the girl, became pregnant, then went in to her; the mother heard a conversation, found that her daughter was pregnant; the daughter was gone; the baby from her womb shows the way to her father, asks to pick flowers; when the calebas is full of flowers, the mother is angry why there are so many of them; the son falls silent, does not show the way, the woman comes to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her, the jaguar sons have come alone asked his mother to remove his fleas, the woman's milk dripped on him, the Jaguar found her, the jaguars ate her, gave her giblets to her mother; she hid the twins, they shot her pigeons, told her sons that she caught birds in snare; Jaguars do not believe, the old woman shows the twins, says she gave birth to them herself; pigeons explain to the twins that the jaguars ate their mother; the twins bear fruit to the jaguars, they say that found across the river; the Jaguars agreed to cross on a reed boat; the younger one pulled ahead of time, the boat sailed down, everyone drowned, but one pregnant woman escaped; the brothers started shooting at the sky, did a chain of arrows; the jaguar managed to eat the youngest; the eldest returned, revived him from drops of blood; the eldest became the Sun, the youngest became the Month; sometimes the Yawarowi jaguar eats the Month; when the new moon, the Month takes women's blood; when three days are not seen, he is with the Sun]: Metraux 1932:158-165.

Southern Amazon. A man makes five wooden girls, sends them to marry a jaguar; three die along the way; two fall into small forest predators (maned wolf, jaguarundi); each of them claims to be a jaguar; they come to the jaguar; his mother kills one of her daughters-in-law; her twins Sun and Month avenge her death. Vaura [son of the Bat makes the daughter of the Leguminosa tree pregnant while she is in a ritual hut; Kwamuti was born; the girl's father calls men; in the Bat tribe, everyone claims paternity; K. approaches his real father; the woman cries because his face is ugly; K. grew up, there are no women, copulated with a termite mound, two girls were born; K. went fishing near the house of the Tsumare jaguar ( now that constellation); T. grabbed him, let him go for promising to give his daughter; daughter does not want, K. made three girls out of wood; vagina made of wax, teeth from seeds, so people's teeth deteriorate; all animals want to have sex with them, they say that they will only marry T.; disappointed that T. had an ugly face; they married Jaguarundi Wau, who is handsome; he went to the square to give orders, no one listens; the girls realized that he was not the leader; T. pretended to have a headache, stayed in the village, took W.'s wives away; in the evening, the jaguar people returned with "fish" - these are K.'s murdered people; so that the girls could eat for them they caught real fish; pregnant woman spins, T.'s mother blows the winds, the woman is offended, mother T. cuts off her head for it, runs away; the sister told them to her husband; Muravyedikha found twins in her stomach, this is the Sun and A month; when they were taken out, their tails were cut off; the twins went for peanuts, the birds said that their mother was killed and buried; they tried to revive her, she is already answering from the grave, but her aunt and father say it is not necessary; The sun asks their father to make arrows for them; they fired arrows into the ground, fumigated, they turned into people of all tribes and Brazilians; the brothers killed their father and his people; the Sun offered ships and vodka to the Indians, but they refused; therefore, Europeans; (pp. 36-37 - second option)]: Schultz 1966:21-33, 36-37; calapalo: Baldus 1958:45-61; Basso [Quatinga meets Jaguar Nitzuega; that agrees not to kill K. for promising to send him daughters; K. carves five out of wood; tapir makes them a vagina by copulating; on the way they copulate with Laska, Kingfisher; one died after drinking poisoned the waters from the lake; the other is split by the tapir's penis; the third fell off a palm tree, crashed; the male series says he is N.; later women realize that this is not the chief's house; they come to N.; one sister becomes pregnant; N.'s mother blows the wind, the woman spits, chewing cotton, she kills her with her claw thrown; twins were taken out of the womb of the victim; these are Taugi (the elder) and Avlukuma; the body was hidden under the roof; forest the chicken told the twins about her mother's death; Jaguariha's house is surrounded by stinging insects, T. sent birds to eat them; the brothers killed Jaguariha; T. became pregnant with her aunt by giving her an arrow; she gave birth to warriors, T. gave them weapons; N.'s people fled to heaven; only Aguchi escaped by slipping between his legs] 1973:10-12 (more in Basso 1987:29-79); Kuikuru: Carneiro 1989 [Kuantïnï decided to visit the sky where everyone animals; he was surrounded by jaguars in the forest; their leader, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him his two daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw him from the sky to the ground; K.'s daughters refused to go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; out of 8 left in hammocks, 6 came to life; his hair was made first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - very wet; then from algae; made teeth from chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for the triangle on the pubis; cut out the vaginas itself; told tifigu trees (at that time people) to have sex; the penises are scratched; then he lined the vaginas with cotton - good; Owl told the eldest of the girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father was going to send them to the jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties of the journey, in return demanded permission to meet one of them; forgot his penis in the village and while running after him, the girls left; he blew, spreading witchcraft to kill them on the way; then meeting the kingfisher, he gave fish , had sex with one of the girls, she put in a tampon so as not to get pregnant; the same with the howler monkey, gave fried fish; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not to get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him to throw the necklace over his back so as not to interfere during copulation; poured sperm on him, taking out her tampon; since then this kingfisher has white spots and necklace marks on its back; the girls sent the most beautiful one to the tree to throw off the buriti leaves; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; from their bites she climbed the tree fell, leaves pierced her, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then the deer have died quickly from the wound; on a slippery path, one slipped and fell and died; K. warned the girls not to drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, she was buried; the tapir cut down trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to the wolf village; I. ordered one girl got along with him, his thick penis split her; I. hit him in anger, since then the tapirs had a narrow ass; when they saw that the split one was made of wood, the remaining two girls were upset, which means they, that's why they were sent to the jaguar; Tayra barbara gave honey, but it was strong, the girls started coughing; he got along with him, stopped coughing; at the fork in Itsanitsegu she went left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu - to the right, into the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wife of the wolf seriema saw the reflection, decided that it was her, began to show off her beauty; then realized; threw a nail stump, he became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, it crashed; the same again; then called her husband; I. followed the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; a fish fell out of his ass, he said that the fish was in the shell of the necklace; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she realized that she was mistaken: she was treated to fruit, i.e. food for wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she regurgitated the fish, got rid of the wolf's pregnancy; when I., 8 months old, N. hid it under the roof, told her not to spit if his mother Kafisatïgo came and let the winds go; I. spat cotton seeds, Kafisatigo decided that out of disgust, she threw her claw at her, which cut off her head; sister I. raised the alarm; N. said that this was his third wife killed by his mother; Agouti told her father girls, he sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said there were two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in the basket; they grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them the names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun to dig peanuts in the partridge's garden; she retaliated that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; the brothers took out their mother's body from the roofs of the house where he was put to dry; the sun sent a fly in her nose, she came to life, he spoke to her, but she cried and died again; the digging animals dug the grave, I. buried; the sun told the bird to eat wasps, hawk - snakes, anteater - poisonous ants, tapir - to trample thorns; the road to mother N. opened; the brothers came to her disguised as young children; she began to tell how she killed I.; Her sun killed; evil butterfly spirits flew out of his body; The month looked out from behind the tree, his nose was torn off; the Sun attached him, but now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; The sun told my father to eat capybaras, not people; Quantini gave A. to eat the ashes of bamboo, she gave birth to a zhurun, suya and other wild Indians; took the possumiha child, said N. that it was hers, he was happy; but the opossumicha took him; wild Indians killed everyone jaguars; the Sun saved their father and aunt by placing them in the sky, and to have what they have, put a tapir and a deer (now constellations on the Milky Way) there; after arranging the life of wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven] : 4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuatungue went to buy fibers to make a net; he was surrounded by jaguars; he promised one daughter who let him go; he has two daughters, but he carved six girls out of wood; tried different hair fibers; first piranha teeth, they eat too fast, then from seeds; made pubic triangles (trees did not want to give fibers for this); when they heard an owl scream, girls asked my father what was going on; he told the whole story; on the way, one got drunk from a poisonous river, died; the kingfisher showed the way, for which he met with one of the girls; Tyra gave one honey, she started coughing, he she met; the tapir showed the way, got together with the girl, she split, they realized that they were wooden; the battleship showed the way, went to get an erection, the girls ran away, he said they would die road; one slipped in the river, hit, died; a deer warned of a fork; one climbed a palm tree for leaves, the other turned nail stumps into flies, they bit the one who climbed, she fell, ran into a leaf, died; at the fork, two sisters climbed a tree; series - the wolf's wife saw the reflection, decided she was beautiful; they turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the series, she dropped the calebasa, she crashed; so twice; the seriema called her husband; the older sister, made from the bottom of the trunk, followed the wolf's path, the youngest along the jaguar path; the jaguar took the wolf who had come to the wolf; she turned around, the wolf's mother's head fell off; the jaguar gave her potions to remove the wolf's fruit; she became pregnant with a jaguar; spat a cotton seed, and the jaguariha thought that, out of contempt for her, she cut off her head with a claw; the sister picked up the boys Rit (Sun) and Une (Month); the jaguar resettled the mother, surrounding the place with snakes, wasps, thorns, put the body of the victim on the roof of the house; the brothers grew up stealing partridge peanuts, that told them about their mother's death; the bird ate the wasps, the snake hawk, the tapir trampled the thorns, the brothers killed her grandmother by tying stones to her legs and trampling her; set fire to her house, her body exploded, her nose was torn off for a month, now it's flat; Rit told the jaguar to eat capybaras, not people; the mother was removed from the roof, she was barely alive, Rit hugged her, she was completely dead; the digging animals dug the grave; Rith told his father to have his people they cooked lots of bows and clubs; told her aunt to give birth in the forest, she gave birth to wild Indians, Rith gave them weapons; the aunt told her husband that she had given birth to an opossum child, but the opossumiha took it away; wild Indians Jaguars were slaughtered and Rit's father and aunt were thrown into heaven on a bow; Rit divided the tribes; then Rit and Une went to Morena]: 72-88; Kamayura: Agostinho 1974:163, 172; Münzel 1973:26; Seki 2008, No. 2 [Mawutsini has five daughters; they warn not to go after the bark from the fibers of which the bowstring is made, the tree belongs to the jaguars; M. went, the jaguars heard a noise, went to look; when leaving, M. came across the leader Jaguars; I had to promise him daughters as his wife; they refused - Jaguar's mother would eat them; M. carved five girls out of tree trunks; hair out of bast, not good; then took black from a black bird; teeth from pebbles, I didn't like it, black; then the seeds are white; belts made of buriti palm leaves (Mauritia flexuosa), so now women's belts are made of these leaves; two trees refused to let the bark make uluri { closes the pubis?} , said that they would only be used to build houses, the third agreed; M. asked the fruits of the vine to deflorize the girls; the fruits were like a penis, but without a head, because they broke; then the fruits the other vine was successful; he gave each a comb, the sisters went; one climbed to cut off the buriti palm shoot, it fell with a sharp end up; the others sent a horsefly, the bite caused the girl to lose her balance, fell with her vagina to escape, died; others ask for directions from the stork Jaburu (Jabiru mycteria Ciconidae), then the Tuiuiu stork (Mycteria americana Ciconidae), each copulates with one of the girls; the White Heron just pointed out that he did not want to copulate so as not to get his feathers dirty; then Martin the Fisherman threw his necklace on his back; the girl stained his back with sperm, wiping his hands, so his back is now speckled; the battleship ran after his penis, the girls left during this time, then he masturbated using the marks they had left; the older sister did not want the fourth went further with them; bewitched, she forgot her comb, came back for it; began to scream, call her sisters, turned into the forest spirit "queen of the forest"; Tapir copulated with his third sister, his penis huge, she died, his sisters hit him on the coccyx; climbed a tree above the lake near the jaguar village; they were playing ball (people learned this game from them); two women came to swim, saw the reflection, decided that they are so beautiful; the sisters sent horseflies, the women dropped the calebasses twice; they noticed the sisters; they rejected the first jaguar that came, went with the second, one sister says that the groom is not him, his ass is red; he does not have cassava in his house; in the morning, the Jaguar chief referred to a sore eye, did not go hunting, returned to the village, brought the girls to his place, he had good food; the first jaguar {ocelot?} and his sister gave his mother a drink with thorns, they hoarsened, turned into jaguars, ran into the forest; while Jaguar and his elder wife were on the site, the younger pregnant woman looked for lice from her mother-in-law, spit out her hair, she decided that her daughter-in-law disdained her with lice, killed her, went to the forest; the sister asked Ant to take the children out of the deceased's womb; he pulled her out behind her head, so people have two dents on their skulls; the mother was buried in the middle villages, premature babies were placed in calebasa, hung it; Jaguar and his wife see traces - children secretly go out; children do not take abandoned women's items, they take arrows, which means boys; Jaguar and his wife did The appearance that they are leaving, waiting for them, caught the boys, called them parents, called them Orphans; the brothers hunt, count the fingers of the killed Pakis, the kutias are 4, which means not our grandfather; the lizard is five fingers, so you can't eat; The battleship called himself a grandfather, gave the brothers the names Tapea Kana and Tapea Jaú (terms for turning the road); but Cicada gave the names Kwat and Jay ("sun" and "month"); brothers steal peanuts from the field Partridges (that's why people eat peanuts); she finds them, talks about their mother's fate; brothers turn her into a partridge, let her sing at the end of the rainy season (this time New Year); aunt showed where she buried her sister; the brothers opened it, began to call, the mother responded, but the voice was getting weaker, stopped; if earlier, they would revive it; but now we are dying forever; the brothers told the wasp to bury the corpse again; they found Jaguariha, that began to play with them, Quat hit her and killed her; the Jaguar father and the deer were moved to the Milky Way (α and β Centauri); they made arrows, turned them into people, they killed the inhabitants of the jaguar village; By the Sun and Month]: 151-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Mavutsinim's daughters warn him not to go to the jaguar village for onion fiber; he went, M. climbed a tree, the jaguars surrounded him, him I had to promise my daughters to the jaguar chief; they refused, fearing Jaguar's mother; M. singing turned 8 felled trees into girls; made hair from buriti palm fibers - too light, then I asked the bird for black; the teeth were first from shells, they were dark, then from mangab seeds; good, but now my teeth hurt; made fiber belts, bamboo genitals, told the vine to have sex with girls; 5 out 8 agreed to go to Jaguar; one forgot the comb, went back, got lost, became an elf of the wood; the stork agreed to show the way when they met him; they painted his neck so that make it ugly; one climbed a tree to make a new belt, fell on a broken shoot, died; Tapir agreed to show the way if they met him; he has a big dick, the first died, the other two they left, climbed a tree near the shore where the Jaguar was to come; the black bird heard them laughing, said to Jaguar, who started shooting whistling arrows, the girls were not caught, the Jaguar thought they were not coming to him; they Wolf's arrows were caught, he said they were looking for him; when they went with him, they caused the wind, saw that his buttocks were red under his hair; his mother said he only eats fruit; the girls went to Jaguar; he let arrows, they caught them; The wolf and his mother turned into animals; the youngest is ready to give birth; the mother-in-law asks to look in her head; the girl accidentally took her hair in her mouth, spat, her mother-in-law decided that disgust, killed her daughter-in-law, ran into the forest; the mother was buried, the ants took the two boys out, put them in the basket; while the Jaguar is on the site, the brothers get out, eat fish; the Jaguar put the rags - they did not take the onions and the arrows took it; the Jaguar realized that they were boys; asked them not to hide; the brothers were stealing peanuts from the Partridge field; she said that their mother was dead; the Jaguar and the victim's sister confirmed that they also cried; the brothers they called their mother, she responded, they dug up the grave, but there was a corpse; decided that it would always be like this (death is final); the brothers killed their grandmother; the grasshopper named the brothers Kuát (Sun) and Iae (Month); Jaguar I wanted to make my sons jaguars; they turned bamboo into wild Indians, they killed the people of the Jaguar; the Jaguar and his wife went to heaven; the brothers came to their grandfather, performed a memorial ceremony for their mother]: 57-67; trumai: Murphy, Quain 1955:72-74; bakairi [Kamushini (black, shaggy - possibly Spider) meets in the Oku Jaguar forest; he defeats him, K. promises women in exchange for life; makes them out a tree, sends the two eldest to O.; on the way, one fell off a palm tree, crashed, the other Nimagakaniro came to the jaguars; jaguars attack bacairi; Oka Mero's mother (wild chicken, Criptus noctivagus or Tinamus vrasiliensis, but she has huge claws; the birth of a jaguar and a wild chicken is related) ate so much that no one is left; N. conceives two sons from the bacairi seeds she swallowed; for this M. she scratched her eyes, she died; Kuara, Oka's brother, takes the twins out of her mother's womb; M. considers them his grandchildren; one is Keri (sun), the other is Kame (moon; both words are from Arawak language); aunt The Evake twins tells them about their mother's fate; the brothers killed and burned M.; they themselves also burned down too close to the fire, but were reborn in human form; asked Oka to make many arrows; They blew on them, they turned into Kayabi Indians; Oku killed Keri by hitting him in the knee with an arrow, who fell into the water and drowned; then the twins cultural acts]: Steinen 1897:317-329.

Southern Brazil. Ache: Cadogán 1962a [to the sky Moon after the Sun; both have no esposo]: 77; Godoy 1982 [Sun and Moon - siblings (hermanos); to the sky along a chain of arrows; Moon is afraid; Mberendy did chain, one eye knocked out to the moon; the moon cries - clouds]: 19-20; chiripa [see motif J8; Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed the earth on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñander ú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a potty pot, both met her; NG went to the plot, came back, told his wife to go pick corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG was angry , left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way to him; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her way; asked her to pick flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; The woman came to the old woman, who hid her under the pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them that they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked for the fruit to be eaten from the womb, but she could not cook it do not bake; K. considered the old woman a mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, since then birds have names; the old woman does not tell me to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with corn Brother Yacy (next month) torments himself; brothers destroy Añag jaguars and demons; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (first fish); K. asked for bones, I revived it. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (the episode with the chain of arrows at p.39); mbia [see motif J9; a woman gets to Mbae-ypi creatures, they eat her; the baby in her womb cannot be killed, it is Pa-i, the Sun; he grows up, lives with an old woman, makes a brother out of a leaf (next Month); brothers kill Mbae-ypi, one pregnant woman escaped, jaguars come from her; Pa-i makes a chain of arrows, brothers climb it to heaven, become the Sun and the Month]: Cadogán 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85.