A21. The stars are thrown into the sky, A700.I,A714,A741. .
The sun and/or moon were objects that were abandoned or placed in the sky.
SW Africa. The Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 58 [Tsagn threw his sandal into the sky, it became the moon; the sun lived on earth, light came from his armpit; the old woman's children threw it into the sky to shine for everyone; the Sun pierces the moon with a knife, it fades away; asks to leave it at least a spinal ridge for her children; the moon is reborn], 76 [(=Bleek, Lloyd 1923:5-9); Tsagn threw a pen into the sky, made it a moon], 77 [(=Bleek, Lloyd 1923:1-5); Cagn threw his sandal into the sky, it became the moon; so it was cold, reddish (earth and dust stuck to it)]: 103-106, 134, 138-139; Radin 1952, No. 6 [The sun lived on earth, light came from it his armpits were light when he raised his hand; the children threw him into the sky so that he could dry Bushman rice so that people could hunt; The month was also once a man, could talk; the Sun cuts the Month with a knife, it decreases (moon phases); The month asks to leave the spine for his children; the Sun leaves, so the Month grows again]: 42-44.
West Africa. Bambara [tired of life chained to heaven; the blacksmith Fasogo Ba Si is unhappy that he has three daughters, no sons; climbed into heaven, taking a piece of hot iron with him, a piece of hot iron the moon; the daughters who followed became stars near the moon; communication with the sky was broken, people began to die]: Abrahamsson 1951:74; ecoi [Antelope refuses to share bananas and yams with Crocodile, Sheep agrees; The crocodile shares the gift with Boa, who gives it a glowing object, the Crocodile gives it to the Sheep, who hangs it outside the house; but they laugh at her, no one gives her food; only God gives her food Effion Obassi, The Sheep gives him an object, he puts it in a box in the sky; it's the moon; when the lid is closed, the moon is not visible; he shows the moon again when they bring him food]: Talbot 1912:344-349 (=Scheub 2000:44 (summary), 275-279 (full text); dagari [chief: whoever admires my dog will have to eat it and then be executed; whoever admires my daughter will spend the night with her, then will also be executed; one man praised the dog, killed her, gave it to him, he did not eat out of grief, was executed in the morning; the girl who admired was locked with her, they ran across the river, taking kauri money with them; there the old woman said that they they will offer a dressed tail and tell you to guess which animal it belongs to; the unguessed one will be executed, the guesser will become the leader, and the former woman will be executed; the old woman said what kind of tail it is {from the following it is clear that a cow}; the chief is executed, the young man becomes the chief; his wife and old woman both want a tail; the young man throws his tail - whoever grabs him will get it; the tail flew to heaven, became the moon, and the fur - stars]: Métuolé Somba 1991:181-183
North Africa. Kabila: Frobenius 1921a, No. 7 [the first mother of the world was a great sorceress; she whipped the water in a wooden bowl with a sickle, the spray rose, the sun fell into the bowl, it became dark; people said it was necessary kill one of this woman's favorite children, give it to the Sun, it will return; it happened; and now there are old women in every village who can lower the sun or moon into a bowl of water, we must sacrifice such an old woman's favorite child; the shine in the center of a bowl of water is the sun; the teeth of the sickle with which the water was whipped are stars], 14 [a bull and a ram come together, both have a tumor in front of their eyes; the first mother of the world (or just people) cut off a tumor in the shape of a moon sickle from the bull's age, threw it into a wooden bowl of water; threw the tumor into the fire from the age of a ram; the tumor from the bull's age became a month, the blackness between it and the corner of the eye - At night, what is between her and the edge of the bowl is moonlight; the tumor from the ram's eye became the sun]: 75-76, 84-85.
Australia. Alurija [He lived on earth for a month, chased by the giant dog Tutrarre; he jumped into the sky, then reached the ground; after eating possums, he became fat, rounded, so he could not run away from the dog, she ate it; one arm bone (arm-bone) flew into the sky, swam from west to east in the form of a shining sickle, gradually became round; The month reappeared in the sky, turned the dog into stone]: Basedow 1925:267; aranda [taking a stone knife, the Month climbs into heaven, goes west, goes back to hunt opossums; returns east, climbs wood into the sky; after eating opossums, gets fat, then loses weight; turns into a gray kangaroo, killed, fried and eaten by young men; one of them threw his collarbone into the sky; lies to others that it was a tadpole gurgling in the pond; arising from The collarbone young moon rose in the east: Waterman 1987, No. 44 (1): 24; the burong [Estrelda temporalis bird (one of the first ancestors) threw an emu egg into the sky, it became the sun]: Waterman 1987, no. 180:31; Murray River, NSW: Massola 1968 [Emu wanted to join the dancers (or fishermen); Wild Turkey persuaded her to cut off her wings to be it is more convenient to dance (fish); others ridiculed Ema; she persuaded Turkey to eat her chickens so that the remaining two would grow larger (or Turkey persuaded Ema to eat her own so they wouldn't prevented him from moving); The turkey broke Emu's eggs; the remaining Emu was thrown into the Turkey, it flew to the sky and became the sun (or it hit a pile of Gnawdenoorte firewood; he lights a new one there every day bonfire sun)]: 99-102 (=Parker 1930:1-6); Waterman 1987, No. 29 [The month did not want to share food with his wife's little brother; when he saw that the wife was taking pieces of meat from her children and giving it to her brother, the Month threw him away hot coals; in response, his wife showered him with hot ash (spots on the moon); brother became a robin]: 23; ewahlayi [Emu Dinewan and Bralgah quarreled and got into a fight; B. grabbed one of D.'s eggs, threw it into the sky, it crashed against a pile of firewood, it burned; this is how the sun appeared; the heavenly deity and his assistant began to set fire to firewood every day, sending the Morning Star to warn people about the imminent at dawn; to be heard, told the Gourgourgahgah bird to start laughing and waking up the whole world at this time]: Anonymous 1907:29 in Dixon 1916:274-275 [similar myths across Southeast Australia]; Loritja [the dog chases the Month; it climbs into the sky, goes west, jumps into the sea, nails to the shore; gets fat by eating opossums, then loses weight, weakens; becomes a gray kangaroo, the boys kill him, cook, eat; one throws his collarbone into the water, says it's a gurgling tadpole; the collarbone turns into a young month]: Waterman 1987, No. 44 (2): 24; virageri [the boy received a piece of kangaroo meat , threw his collarbone into the sky, it became a month; now the Month walks south during the day]: Howitt 1904:429 (quoted in Waterman 1987, No. 44 (3): 24); bunya bunya [the hunter wants the eldest of seven sisters; extinguishes his fire, everyone comes to light it, he grabs the last one; others burn it, burns turn into stinking ulcers that do not heal; the older sister gives birth to a girl; the sisters, taking the girl, climb a rope into heaven, turn into Pleiades; only the fourth has the power to lure a person to follow, cuts off the rope; fishermen find a stinking body, bring it to Merovrang (the creator's assistant); he puts it in bag, cures; the hunter violates the ban not to touch his savior, falls like a boomerang; M. throws him five times; the boomerang goes to heaven, becomes a young month]: Waterman 1987, No. 285:35; Dieri [the man did not share food with his two sons; they asked him to climb the tree to get edible larvae, told the tree to grow, set it on fire; threw his father's skin to hide from the fire; now these are dark spots on the month]: Waterman 1987, No. 20:22; Cape York [to be seen not only during the day but also at night, people tried to collect firewood every day and light a huge fire at night; then decided to throw a huge boomerang into the sky; everyone tried to do it, no one could; the weak old man asked permission to try it, threw a boomerang; now it's the moon]: http://aboriginalastronomy.blogspot.com/2012/01/origin-of-moon.html.
Melanesia. Valman (New Guinea's north coast) [parents went for clay, left two daughters and a young son; he cries, wants breast milk; refuses coconut, sugar reeds; stops crying when the sisters make a ball from the core of a sago palm tree and start throwing it over; The sky goes down to see, the ball sticks to the sky, turns into the moon; the spots are dirt, held by the sisters and stuck to the ball]: Becker 1971, No. 20:397-398; Tumleo [parents prepared a sago, put it in a pot, the children (these two sisters) saw that the pieces of sago became the moon; leaving, parents tell us not to lose the moon; sisters throw it to each other, a woman's evil spirit who comes up catches the moon, lets it go to the sky, says let it shine for everyone]: Schultze 1911, No. 1:39-41; kwanga [man and woman search for the moon, go from village to village, find it in people who kept it in a bundle of leaves; while parents in the garden, who come ask the children to bring a parcel, release the moon; she jumps on a small tree, then a tall tree, then into the sky]: Obrist van Eeuwijk 1992:67; kire [the man baked sago, put the baked sago balls next to him, they climbed the vine, turned into the moon]: Höltker 1962:106; the Purari Delta [in many ravi, white-painted discs from the core of a palm tree, called the "moon", are nailed to the pillars for decoration; the first one was owned two women, lighting them up at night; Iko's hero came from the west, took such a disc, threw it into the sky, it became Month (male)]: Williams 1924:231; Manus [Nimei man and woman swim in the sea Niwong; decide to create land; they grab a floating tree trunk, it turns into the ground; they create vegetation on the ground; they create two mushrooms, throw them into the sky; abandoned by a man became a Month, abandoned woman by the Sun]: Meier 1907, No. 2:646; torau [the month was huge; went down to the village when the adults went to the gardens; lured the children with bananas and swallowed them; the adults came back and left watchman; he saw a month descend from the sky at noon; the people prepared and the next time cut off the rope on which the month had descended, cut off his legs, and then cut him into a tiny one; at night it became it was dark; people decided to make a new month; told an eagle to rise into the sky, but it did not fly; so with all the birds; then they sent two at once; a bird like an osprey, and another with red feathers; they they carried a pebble that was supposed to be the moon; they succeeded, they lit the moonfire, the red-feathered bird was burned; the spots on the moon were traces of birds processing it]: Slone 2009:88-92.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [Ginei has three sons, the world is dark; the eldest son asked his father for a lantern, went up to heaven, put a lantern there, this sun; the younger two placed half the moon, and the other half stayed at his father's]: Müller 1918, No. 85:660; Palau: Bird 1957 MS in Luomala 1964 [The sun was moving too fast, people's lives were short; Mvchibla (hero and trickster, The Smart One) caught him by the leg in loop; because of the injured leg, the Sun began to move more slowly, day and night were long; then M. carved hacheos out of wood; did not have time to finish it when the children opened the vessel with the disc, and that (rose into the sky and) became the moon]: 220; Kubary 1873 [Irakaderngl and his wife carved figures of the sun and moon out of their shell with an ax, threw them into the sky, and it became light]: 220; Gilbert Islands: Koch 1966 (Nonouti Atoll, Western 1963-1964) [at first there was neither earth nor sky, everything was as if in a shell with Nareau on its bulge; he began to stomp so that heaven and earth were firm; he saw people lying in the depths of the dark shell, He stirred them with a stone tied to a fishing line, they gave their names; he bent their stiff joints with them; raised the sky a little, but it was still low and flat; N. called Katimoi, who caught a squid cut off two tentacles, made bait out of them, caught Riki (giant eel, moray eel) with it; R. began to raise the sky; N. ordered K. to support R. in the middle; ordered the stingray to pierce the muscle {world shells} so that it would no longer close and the sky remained high; cut off the tip of R.'s tail, it turned out to be a moray eel today; N. threw the mother-of-pearl shell, it became the sun, the shell of the sea snails became the moon; N. lives in Samoa, his wife Thunder, their two sons lightning]: 15-19; Maude, Maude 1994, No. 1 [heaven and earth lay close to each other; Baba ma Bono (Fools and Deaf and Dumb - immovable slaves); in the sky, a Tangan-nang woman gave birth to a bird, which brought Urua fish, T. put it in a vessel of water; the fish kept growing, ate a lot, it was released into the sea; the giant fish returned to accompanied by other predatory fish, people fled from the shore; a lizard was born from a tumor on Tabakea's forehead, it was thrown into the fire; T. put ash in the water, the ugly dwarf Nareau appeared; and he was thrown into the fire, from a larger dwarf appeared ash; he did not burn in the fire, but grew up, he was made a leader; he grabbed Urua fish with his hand; people ate flesh, gave bones to T.; placed in the sink, they emitted thunder and lightning, N. trampled them, crushed them; the giant Auriaria slipped between heaven and earth, found Riki's eel and the Deaf Fools there; they came to life, raised the sky a little along with the eel; then R. pushed his head far away the sky, and with his tail pushed the earth into the depths of the sea; A. hit the sky with a rod, the pieces broke off, fell, became islands; A. created Samoa, turned two shells of different species into the sun and the moon; the white body of an eel Ricky is the Milky Way; A. planted a Samoan tree, from whose branches all people came], 2 [the sky rested on the ground, they rubbed against each other, Tabakea appeared from friction, then Auriaria, Taburimai, Tanuariki, Riki, their sister Tituabine; she gave birth to Tabakea children, they all lived in heaven; Tabakea gave a rod to giant A., who slipped it between heaven and earth, raised the sky; told the stingray to cut a gap between the edges earth and sky, and Riki's eel raised the sky; Nareau was the youngest son of Tabakea, born from a tumor on his forehead; A. threw one shell to the east, it became the sun, the shell of another kind to the west, the moon; The rod stuck in Samoa, it became a branched tree; A. cut off and scattered branches, from which (as well as from the trunk and roots) come from different islands]: 14-21, 21-25; Maori [two women came to spirits, one grabbed her head to steal the fire, ran, the spirit caught up with her, she threw her head, it went to heaven, became the moon]: Reed 1999, No. 22:196-197.
South Asia. Bondo (tulaguram) [there was only water, a wild boar lived in it; he raised the ground on his fangs (from the bottom), scattered it over the water, creating land; made the moon and sun from the stumps of a sago palm tree, threw it into the sky; the core turned into stars]: Elwin 1950:141; litter (Hill Saora) [Gesru cut himself and threw a piece of goat fat into the sky, it became the moon; blood stains are still visible]: Elwin 1954, No. 25:49; gadaba [the wind carried away the old woman's clothes, the clothes became the moon]: Elwin 1954, No. 7:40; juang [Rusi carved the sun out of sarai wood and the moon from sandalwood; revived; sandalwood chips became stars]: Elwin 1954, No. 9:41; muria [at first the clouds were close to the ground as husband to wife; humans were small, plowed rats, knocked their heads against the clouds; Lingo and his brothers pushed the clouds away; suns and There was no moon; when the Huppe Piyer tree was blooming, it was night when it dried up; 12 Lingo brothers and 13 Bhimul brothers cut it down, they could sleep and cook in the felling; they almost cut it down, but the tree did not fall, because the bird Gara-surial-pite held it at the top; Kosa Kana killed her with an ax, the tree collapsed; the local Rajas sent warriors to kill the loggers, but L. killed them, blood nourished the tree; the brothers carved it out of wood two discs, lower for the sun, upper for the moon; L. rose in the sky, stole Mahapurub's little son, killed him, revived the stars with his blood; the male sun drank a lot, blushed; the woman-moon was not enough, remained pale; seeing the Sun, Mahapurub was pleased]: Elwin 1949, No. 8:62-64; binjwar: Elwin 1954, No. 4 [during the wedding ceremony, a bowl of water slipped out of his hands, ended up in the sky, became the moon] 5 [the gods hung a silver lamp - the moon]: 38; Jhoria [the bird carried away the girl's gold jewelry, it turned into the sun]: Elwin 1954, No. 8:40-41; koya [silver measure for measuring gold thrown into the sky, became the moon; then full or empty]: Elwin 1954, No. 11:42; cond (Kuttia) [a woman cut herself with a razor, threw a piece of skin cut off her leg, it became the moon; the moon is menstruating like women]: Elwin 1954, No. 16:44-45.
Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [Bilika (the same word for a spider) angrily scattered burning guns; a Purum tree gun remained in the sky, became the sun]: Brown 1909:264; Western toraja [seven sons do not work in the fields with their parents, they only drive tops; the mother hid the tops, put them where she usually left lunch for her sons, the sons are hungry; the brothers decide to leave, the elder turns into an earthquake, others into thunder, lightning, distant thunder, wind, rain; the sun is a golden top]: Kruyt 1938, No. 8:355.
Taiwan - Philippines. Panayan [Tungkung Langit and his wife Alusina were the first to appear; she was senselessly jealous, he drove her away from nowhere; wanting to attract her and bring her back, he created the sea, then the land; hers He turned the necklace into stars, the comb into the moon, the crown in the sun; when he cries for it, it rains]: Eugenio 1994, No. 31:82-83; ilocan: Eugenio 1994, No. 43 [husband brought a deer; wife began to break with a pestle of bone, placing the comb and necklace on the sky, which was low; the pestle knocked on the sky, she asked the sky to move away each time; the sky rose, the necklace became stars, the comb became the moon], 55 [same the husband was cutting rice; the stove also rose to the sky, which became the sun]: 104-105, 119; isneg [the sky was low; the wife was breaking rice slowly; the husband began to raise the pestle on a grand scale, touched the sky with its end; the sky rose, taking with it a necklace (beads became stars), a comb (became a moon), a flaming hearth (became the sun), a vessel with a lid; when the moon is full, it is a vessel, when it is not there, a lid]: Eugenio 1994, No. 45:106; Tagals [Araw (Sun) is eldest, Buwan (Moon) is younger sister; B. has a bad temper; God gave A. a diamond, B. stole another; God sent angels to punish her, but they drowned both sisters, and diamonds were thrown into the sky; diamond A. brighter]: Eugenio 1994, No. 51a: 114; bukidnon [the old maiden destroyed rice, putting a comb and necklaces in the sky; the pestle rested against the sky, she hit the sky harder, it rose; the comb became the moon, the necklace beads became stars]: Eugenio 1994, No. 62:125.
China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Pisian) [When Pangu separated heaven from earth, the world was deserted, with no seasons or five grains. An old man with four daughters lived in the western mountains. They grew up and he sent them to learn a craft. After a while they came back, each from its own side of the world. The eldest learned to embroider, the second to polish mirrors, the third to build mechanisms, and the fourth to grind grain. Each claimed that she had learned better than anyone else, and the old man told them to show off their skills. The first one embroidered a peony on the fabric, waved her sleeve, and it became real and began to spread the beautiful fragrance. The second one, going down to the lake at the foot of the mountain, began to polish the mirror, and polished it so much that its glow became hot, so that the peony embroidered by her older sister dried up. The third one went down to the lake and built a water wheel there, it started spinning and the sea was so disturbed that her second sister could no longer polish her mirror there. The fourth sister took the millstones, placed an eastern mountain between them, and immediately grinded it into small stones that hit the water wheel and stopped it. The sisters started arguing, but their father stopped them and told them not to quarrel, but to work together, and not to create a mess, but to help people. Then the eldest wore green clothes, the second red, the third yellow, and the fourth white, and they began to show their art to fellow villagers. The elder weaved a blanket on which she embroidered many flowers, threw it up, and it covered the whole ground, so that everything was green, fruit trees, wheat sprouts and other grains appeared. The second one polished the mirror, threw it up, and it got warmer on the ground, the clouds parted, the water became clear and the air was fresh; the flowers bloomed and the cereals filled. But after a while, the dust from her work polluted the air, and harmful insects appeared that began to devour fruits and cereals. Then she began to clean the mirror from dust, loud noises were heard, and the insects rested. But the more she polished the mirror, the hotter it got, people began to suffer and the plants wilted. But then a cool wind blew, and it turned out that it was the third sister who built the wind wheel. She also built water wheels, looms, and wheelbarrows, and people started using them. The fourth sister, standing at the top of Mount Baoshan, began to grind grain, and the whole sky was filled with white flour, which covered the whole earth. Everyone praised the sisters and their talents, the old man was happy and told each daughter to be responsible for their quarter of the day, and their day is our year, so each sister is responsible for one of the seasons]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 19:38-39.
China - Korea. The Chinese (Shaanxi) [there was a large stone egg in the world; it rotated, the stone inside crumbled, turned into soil; a man grew out of the soil like a chicken; he lay in a curled position, and so he was called Panren ("curled up man"); he was the first human, so he was popularly called Pangu ("curled up ancient"); when his body was formed, he woke up and found around him only stone and darkness; sculpted an ax out of the ground and waved it; the stone around him split easily, and the one next did not give in; then P. cried, his tears mixed with the breakaway stones and formed mountains; he continued to cry, tears flowed like rain, formed seas; therefore, the sea water was bitter and salty; P. continued to cut the stone, sparks fell, flew up, turned into stars; one day he hit with all his might, cut off two large stones, they flew up and turned into fireballs - the moon and the sun; the stone egg split, and a cold wind blew through the cracks; P. strained and began to grow, lifting the upper half of the stone egg, and it turned into a blue sky; while P. grew, the breakaway stones also grew and turned into mountains, and their fragments into yellowness and plains; the sky separated from the ground, P. grew old, lonely, made many clay men out of yellowland and breathed life into them; one day he injured his hand, and herbs and flowers grew where his blood dripped ; he was happy and began to water the ground with his blood, but soon died, and his bones turned into trees; when P. raised the Sky, he looked down, saw Mount Jifeng and stuck his ax into it; the mountain settled and took its current form with a crevice in the middle]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 2:4; Chinese (Hubei, wu. Funing, d. Lixinzhuang, 1984 from a 68-year-old peasant woman) [there was no moon or stars, there was impenetrable darkness at night; a girl named Luna (Yueliang) came to the village; found out how people suffer if the night fell in the mountains; I crossed the mountain and saw an elderly man; his hair gave off a silver light, his eyes were closed, and he lay unconscious under a big tree, a white rabbit jumped next to him; Yu gave the old man a drink, he sat down , took out a silver and blue brush and asked him to draw the thing that people need most; together with the rabbit he turned into a white glow and disappeared; Yu drew a circle emitting light; at night in a dream the old man told me to go west and hang the picture in heaven; Yu walked so long that he grew old; when she fainted, the white rabbit lifted it on his back, flew to the edge of the sky; Yu took out the picture; the wind picked up Y. along with the white rabbit and the painting and threw it into the sky; the earth lit up; Yu and the white rabbit settled in a house on the moon to guard {drawing}]: Bai Gengsheng 2007:8-9.
The Balkans. Macedonians: Ortenzio 2008, No. 2 [in Dähnhardt 1909:78-79 this text is quoted as Bulgarian, but it is most likely Macedonian; God told the Christ child not to follow him, but play like all children; he made balls out of clay to throw them up; God made the first and biggest of those thrown by the sun; Christ asked not to make others so bright and hot; of them it turned out to be a moon and stars; to bring the balls back, Christ threw a handful of earth, but God turned it into the Milky Way; it's also called "The Straw of the Godmother"]: 11-13; Tsepenkov 1972:5 in Rahno 2016 [God made the earth flat; made the sky and placed it on the ground from above, like a clay lid on a bread pan; the earth was larger than the sky; God clenched it with his hands on all sides to make it round, put heaven, earth and sky from above coincided; then hung the Sun, Month and stars in the sky]: 254 (=Ortenzio 2008, No. 1:10); Romanians [song: The child Jesus sat on Mary's lap crying; To calm him down, his mother gave him two apples; he threw them into the sky-one became the sun and the other became the moon]: Dähnhardt 1909:79.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [Khamyts had a tooth that made him irresistibly attractive to women; Sainag Aldar began to fight with H., hit the tooth with his crooked saber, a piece of saber bounced into the sky and hung for a month; C . killed H., Batradz avenged his father]: Liberdinsky 1978:362; Karachays and Balkarians [the white tour saw a huge white ball rolling on the herd; smashed it with horns, one half hit it Elbrus split the summit; the other split into the sky, became the moon; when the moon turns sideways, they say "The White Tour split the moon in two"]: Tekeeva 2013:78.
Baltoscandia. Latvians: Laurinkienè 2003 [God asks the blacksmith to forge the sun; paints the sun red, puts it in the sky]: 94 (=Laurinkene 2004:235); Lithuanians: Laurinkienè 2003 [world in darkness; the blacksmith forged the sun out of iron in six years, threw it into the sky; in John Malala's chronicle 1281, the name of the blacksmith Teliaveli, who forged the sun]: 94; Laurinkene 2004 [world in darkness; the blacksmith forged in six years the sun, threw it into the sky]: 228; Veckenstedt 1883, No. 47 (Samogites) [God created a huge creature: a head from a piece of heaven, hair from a piece of wood, a mouth from a crack in the sky, a mouth, from white sea stones - teeth, body from the mountain, flesh from the earth, bones from stones, eyes from stars; the moon saw and captured this image; this creature was bisexual, protected the earth from monsters, came from it giants; when the creature died and began to decay, dwarfs crawled out of it; men came from the marriage of a giantess and a dwarf; God settled an angel in the middle of the earth; became angry with him, tore off his head, threw him, she became the moon, her face could be seen; her body was also thrown, but it fell back, a hill formed, grass and trees grew on it; bones became stones, blood became sea and lakes; God cut off one angel He cut his wings apart, threw them into the sky, they became stars, and God placed a wingless angel on earth - the first man; from a part of his flesh God made him a wife, they have children]: 210-211.
Western Siberia. Nentsy (Yamal) [Habi Vesako has three sons, a daughter, Yi's son-in-law; his son-in-law kills his eldest son while hunting; the middle brother meets Sudba Vesako; he tells him to get a red sable tree from the tree; he himself, the middle brother, Yi each takes out a sable, breaks it in half, but half grow together, the sable climbs back; when the younger brother grabs the sable, he turns into a bullfinch, a brother into a hawk, a bullfinch into a herring, a hawk in pike, again into a bullfinch and a hawk, into a sable and younger brother, he does not release a sable; the SV tears the sable, threw half into the sky, it became a month; the younger brother kills Yi]: Golovnev 2004:254-258.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Derbets [there were no stars; the man fell ill; God sent the Gelyung Otcha to look for a cure; he began to fumble with a long stick along the bottom of the sea; frightened off two divine maidens from him, they flew to heaven; then he fumbled two felts (a round metal mirror), placed it in the sky; it became light on the ground]: Potanin 1883, No. 34zh: 191.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [a man killed both suns, both moons; the wife says that outside the door there are images of two suns, two moons; tells one to be thrown into the sky, one to bury]: Pilsudski 1991a: 33.
SV Asia. Kereki {Baboshina's are Koryaks; cf. Leontyev 1983:83} [The Sun and the Raven are brothers, they wanted to marry the Daughter of the North; the Raven was luckier, brought the girl; the Sun was offended that his brother did not want to share his wife with him, went overseas; Night has fallen; the Raven sleeps with his wife, wakes up - he will see darkness, sleeps again; the tundra inhabitants were afraid of eternal night, went to the Raven to ask the Raven not to anger the Sun; the Raven sent an ugly woman to the sun, that came back, said that the Sun refused to speak to her; the Raven sent his beautiful sister; the Sun still demands the daughter of the North; Sister Raven replies that she was no worse than her; the Sun agrees to take her sister- The crow, but on the condition that they do not return to the tundra; agrees only to live in the tundra for a while; the daughter of the North saw that the Raven was powerless to return the Sun to the tundra, went to her father; since then, the Sun has lived for by sea, sends only the coldest rays to the tundra; the raven makes the sun out of a seal, the moon out of wood]: Baboshina 1958, No. 72:178-183.
Plains. Dakota (Sioux, group not specified; identification from Dakota in Thompson 2000, No. 92:299) [The rabbit meets a Bubble (i.e. Trickster) who hunts by throwing his eye to the treetops, to track game; The bubble teaches that after the fourth time, the eye must be changed; The rabbit does not take into account the first time, thinking it was for testing; the eye disappears; then there are many stories about how the eye was eaten by mice and how the Rabbit got a new one; according to one version, he took another animal's eye; the initiate knows that the Rabbit's eye is the moon on which the Rabbit himself can be seen, reflected in his own eye; to get the first eye, Rabbit threw second, it turned into the sun]: Meeker 1901:163.
Southeast USA. Chirokee [teams from two villages play ball against each other, some almost won; then the other captain picked up the ball with his hand (which is not allowed) and tried to throw it at the target, but it stuck to to the sky and stayed there as a reminder to players not to break the rules; if the moon is small and pale, it means that someone was not playing by the rules; so they used to only play full moon]: Mooney 1900, No. 8:257.
California. Pomo [Coyote cuts an acorn with a knife, making it pentagonal; throws it into the sky, which turns into the Sun; makes the moon out of blue clay; throws coals into the sky, they turn into stars; the Moon is the mother The sun is her son]: Barrett 1933, No. 14:93-94; southern pomo [=Power 1877F 182-183; it was dark; the Coyote makes a lump of dry reed, the Hawk takes it to the sky, sets it on fire, it turns into the sun; thus in the same way they created the moon, but the reeds turned out to be damp and does not burn well]: Bancroft 1875:85-86 (also paraphrased in Judson 1994:47); luiseno [the first ancestors make a solar disk out of wood, feathers, etc. put on a web of wild fibers]: DuBois 1908:144.
Big Pool. Usually the Rabbit comes to the Sun to kill him; if not otherwise: the world lights up; the Rabbit goes killing other human animals. Northern Payutes: Curtis 1976 (15) [Tavúu hunts rabbits, comes to a girl, sleeps with her; paints red eyes, hangs stones above the door; the girl's brothers come back, afraid of him; then they come in, take his rabbit away; he turns into a Rabbit, watches them fight to give him water; ties him by the hair, burns him at night; the girl refuses to go with him; he pulls her finger by the anus, throws it into the fire; the sun goes down before T. has time to catch the rabbit he ran for; together with his younger brother (Little Rabbit) they go east; the sun rises, the arrows burn, T. fires instead of an arrow, a fire drill breaks the Sun, throws bile into the sky, this is the new sun; it now walks not in the mountains, but across the sky; an avalanche of fire haunts brothers; they are not saved by stone, wood, they they hide under a cactus that only burns thorns; T. spends the night at Vulture; swaps places with his son, at night Vulture holes his son's head; T. suggests shooting at each other one; The vulture misses, T. kills him; the old woman replies that she is weaving the basket to put those who killed the Sun in it; T. invites her to try on the basket, climb into it, rips open the old woman with a knife; others women weave water baskets to have supplies when the Sun Killers arrive and we'll hide; Show me! They entered the house, he burned them; people were swaying on the branches of the tree; the brothers also began to swing, told the branches to fly into the sky, the swaying ones crashed; people built a house under the rock; T.: why? - Hide from the Sun's killers; - Show me; everyone went in, the rock collapsed, crushing everyone; the brothers turned into big and small rabbits]: 143-147; Powell 1971 [days are too short; Ta- Wu (Little Rabbit) goes east to kill the Sun; his arrows burn in the air; he wets the latter with tears, it hits the Sun; T. gutts it, throws bile into the sky, it turns into a new Sun, which is higher (so the day is longer); the Sun pursues T., only a thorny tree hides it from the heat; on the way home, T. exterminates Ants, Lice, Vultures and other enemies; at home, some want the day has always been; T. objects, because people should sleep with their wives and dream]: 227-229; Western Shoshones [Sun killed; Rabbit makes new sun and moon from the entrails of the old; kills animal people by ways home]: Steward 1943:277-278 [The rabbit turns the Sun's gallbladder into the new sun], 278-281 [the sky is too low, the sun is too hot; the rabbit and his brother kill the Sun; the brother burns; the rabbit does the moon from the Sun's gallbladder, the new sun from the old bladder; pushes the sky higher]; Smith 1993:97-99 [two rabbit brothers; the elder revives the charred younger; bile in the sun, biliary in the sun, biliary bubble - to the moon, eyes (?) into the stars], 168-172 [gallbladder in the sun, kidneys in the moon]; northern shoshones: Clark 1966 [no episode of killing animals; when approaching the sun, the Rabbit takes refuge under a cactus; kills The sun is an arrow; turns the sun's eye white into clouds, the iris into the sky, the kidney into a star, the liver into the moon, the heart into darkness; the sun itself ceases to be too hot]: 180; Lowie 1909b, No. 8a [Sun too hot; Rabbit shoots, arrows burn; knocks down the Sun with a fire drill; people rip open the Sun's belly, pull out bile, make it a new sun; the Horned Toad puts it in the sky with its with horns], 8b [starts as in (a); people make the Sun and the Month, put them in the sky]: 252-253.
The Great Southwest. Diegueño (ipay): Curtis 1976 (15) [Earth was woman, Water was man; had two sons, Chakopá (the elder) and Chakomát; they got up and pushed the water up, it formed the sky; made the sun, moon, stars; the younger one successively threw the disc in four directions of the world, it settled in the east; too hot; the elder picked it up, the heat became moderate; the same with the moon (moderate cold); people A huge snake (Celestial Moon) was summoned from the sea, it crawled into the fence, it was burned, all the songs, rituals, languages were taken out of it, they spread around the world; the older brother fell ill and died; the Coyote was sent bring a fire for the fire; at this time the fire was kindled; the Coyote came back, jumped over the Badger, grabbed his heart, ran away, ate; the blood became red minerals; the younger brother went to heaven, became a ball with lightning, takes souls away, causing death]: 121-123; Waterman 1910 [one of the two brothers makes a disc of red, yellow, black clay, throws it to the sky; this is the moon, gives faint light; does the other, it turns in the sun]: 339; pima: Olmos Aguilera 2005 [The Shaman of the Earth (Chamán de la Tierra) poured water into the bowl, it froze, he threw this piece of ice into the sky, the sun appeared; he also created the moon; both threw first west, then south, but went too fast; when I threw to the east, they swam across the sky like now; sprayed water from my mouth - stars appeared; broke his magic crystal, threw shards they turned into bright stars; took his staff, sprinkled it with ash (colocando cenizas en la orilla), drew the Milky Way in the sky; made people out of clay; they did not die, they multiplied, they began to kill each other; The Earth's Shamn decided to connect Heaven with Earth, as husband and wife, as well as the Sun with the Moon; picked up the sky with his rod, pulled it up; everyone on earth died, he created a new race Rsasanatc; the Moon gave birth to a Coyote, Earth - Big Brother (SB); people multiplied again, the SB promised to destroy everyone; created a young man who began to be consistently combined with all women; the first child was born in 4 months, the last - immediately; came to the wise Shaman of the South; the flood began, SHU made a hole to the other side of the earth with a rod, some of the people left; others and SHU climbed the mountain; the dog brought people to the top; after humans and animals began to make the flood; the Coyote had snakes and birds (the SB told him to throw them into the water); the SZ sculpted a animal with one leg, huge ears, holes in the body, boils on his knees; on the ground diseases have spread]: 172-180; Russel 1908 [Creator (Earth-Doctor) tells earth and sky to copulate; earth gives birth to Big Brother]: 208-209; Russel 1908 [Earth Doctor takes some dust out of his chest, makes a cake out of it, grows a bush on it; creates a termite that makes the earth big as it is now; first it trembles; the Creator makes a gray Spider, which holds it together with a web the edges of the earth and the sky, the earth ceases to fluctuate; the Creator gives water, mountains, plants; pours water into the bowl, it freezes, he throws this piece of ice to the west, north, south; he slides down every time ; thrown to the east, it turns into the sun, it begins to move as expected; the month is similarly created; after taking water in his mouth and spraying it into the sky, the Creator makes stars; the Milky Way is his staff, on the ends of which he poured ash]: 51 (retelling in Judson 1994:29-31); maricopa [water floods the world; Cucumat and Isasipas (hereinafter also Sipas) sink to the bottom; I. pops up first, K. answers, that he kept his eyes open; K. goes blind from salt water; both swim on a log, the water gradually descends, but around the swamp; one of them digs a hole, pulls out sand, scatters it, the earth dries up ; I. rolls his hair into a ball, puts it in the eastern sky, making the sun; out of his nail, the moon; puts it on different sides of the world, it slides off; when to the west, it stays in the sky; throwing sand into the sky, creates stars; I. and K. make people out of clay, people K. have fingers with membranes; I. and K. argue whose creations are better; K. falls into the ground in anger, breaks what he has created, throws fragments into the sea, from ducks, beavers and other creatures with webbed legs appear; when he failed, I. pulled the sky with him; left a hole in the ground, blood (i.e. diseases) flowed from it; I. covered the hole with his foot, but left a small stream so that people would not become too numerous; now they sometimes get sick; I. gives the tribes their customs; the Rabbit offended the Snake, I. gave the Snake poisonous teeth, she bit the Rabbit, he died; for it was the people who decided to kill I.; the frog drank water from the reservoir where I. was swimming, he fell ill, died; the Coyote was sent to the sun for a funeral fire, lit a fire in his absence; looking around, Coyote ran back, jumped over those around him, took and ate I.'s heart]: Spier 1933:345-352; yavapai [playing with the Sun, Coyote even loses his leg; Squirrel, Rabbit and other animal people the Sun wins, kills; the squirrel throws the Sun's hand into the sky, it turns into the sun; when the Coyote puts the Sun's stomach on the ground, it lights up; humans turn into ants]: Gifford 1933a: 373- 377; yavapai: Gifford 1933a: 357-358 [], 373-377 [The sun always beats Coyote in a game in which participants kick the ball with a stick; in the end, Coyote lost even his son, daughter, wife and leg; Sun cut off his leg, Coyote made himself a wooden one; Coyote came to Squirrel, asked him to go play with the Sun with his people; in his house, the Sun sees everyone passing by, sends him back; only The hummingbird was able to enter unnoticed; under the guidance of Squirrel, animal people dug an underground passage into the Sun's house; The squirrel tells you not to eat or drink what they offer, otherwise they will lose; sat where it usually sat The sun refused to change places; started playing the game when they hid a disk of yucca root under a bunch of earth; only the Sun and the Rabbit were never wrong; but at midnight the Sun was tired and began to lose loses; the Sun sent him to lie down with his daughters; continued to play with other participants and lost everything, including Coyote's leg; in the morning, a competition with two sons of the Sun - run while chasing the ball; sons The suns overtake both Rabbits (Rabbit and Jackrabbit), but they can't drive the ball over the rock; the Rabbit wins, the Sun lets himself be killed with a stone hatchet; the squirrel tore off the Sun's hand and threw it into the sky the hand became the current sun; the Sun was refreshed; the squirrel: just don't drop anything on the ground; but the Coyote carved a piece out of the Sun's belly, put it on the rock; the ground caught fire; everyone burned down, turning red ants], 402-412 [people live underground; the younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs it, but the younger one makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the elder to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did; at night, the older brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself and swallows his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to cremate after death; people sent the Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire when they stood around; the badger was lower than the others, The coyote jumped over it, took his heart away and ate it; soil had to be placed on the burnt heart, cultivated plants would grow; and only one corn stalk grew like this; the best cobs went to the hopi and Navajo, and the worst are yavapai; people decided to escape to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man with they were left with two granddaughters; when they got to the ground, water poured out of the hole; the flood was caused by the two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put the girl inside and food supplies were sealed; only the girl escaped, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate her, M. stayed with grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you heal, I'll say something; when I find out that the old woman is not his mother, but his grandmother, killed the eagle, on the advice of the grandmother, heating the tip of his spear; the grandmother sends him to kill the bison (ox) ; the badger and gopher dug an underground passage under the lying bison; the mouse plucked wool from where the heart was, explaining that its children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of his skin, and under it was bison blood; let the eagle grab himself; blood gushed, the bison thought M. had been killed; the chicks see that the prey was alive, but the eagle did not believe; when it flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, he smeared with resin the places where the male and female sit; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise he would kill; the Bat lowered M. in the basket, telling him to close his eyes; he opened they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured it; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind whistles; when he saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there are already many prisoners there; M. ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint and hide by digging an underground passage; the eagles are dead; the crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross the lake it's like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns of dangers every time where to look for bow materials; onion wood where the canyon walls are converge and disperse; M. put a deer horn between them, took out material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. ordered grandmother to find out where his heart is; in the sole of his foot; M. shot there, killed Owl; the grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint for the tips, sparks fly out; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; the wood for the front of the arrows was owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making charcoal tips; the Bear believed shot M. with an arrow with a coal tip, and M. shot him with a flintlock arrow, killed him; grandmother: cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to cut under a tree; from a tree a naked woman came down, chased M. to meet him; the grandmother hid him under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used every single night, after breaking a woman's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she was actually a bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; the Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who would chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; who longer hair - M. won again, killed Winds with a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; his wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father Sun; spent the night with people on the way, who wanted to kill him; at night he covered his eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think he is awake; the wife of the Sun to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the one who has come, invites him to the steam room; M. all paired and says it's cold, the Sun believes he's his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned to the east to the Sun, and Grandma went west into the ocean]; hicarilla [The Holy Young Man fails to make the sun; White Hackcin gives the sun the size of a pinhead, and Black Hackcin gives the same the size of a month; Tornado advises taking the skin, drawing a circle on it, putting a tiny sun in the center; the same with the month; both leather discs are thrown into the air; the Sun and the Month begin to walk across the sky; originally went from north to south]: Opler 1938, No. 2:10-13; Navajo [coming out of the lower world, people want more light; The First Woman and the First Man make two discs out of quartz crystals; the first decorated with a blue turquoise mask (it will give light and heat) with red corals along the edge and earlobes; feathers of a cardinal, woodpecker, lark, eagle are attached on four sides; they are placed with zipper darts the disk is in the east; the second disc is turned into the moon; at first the sun does not move, it is hot in the east, it is cold in the west; two old men agree to give their souls to the stars to move them; 12 feathers from the eagle's tail marks the path of the stars across the sky, which varies at different times of the year; the Wind Boy blew, the feathers closed the Month's eyes, so he went blindly and his journey across the sky is tortuous and unique]: Newcomb 1967:80 in Williamson 1984:43-44; Hopi [early ancestors make a solar disk out of wood, feathers, etc., put the sun on the cloth, throw it into the sky]: Cushing 1923, No. 1-8 [lower world cave overcrowded, everyone's garbage stains the others; two twins grew to the ceiling, made a hole; grew reeds, people climbed it to the second world, then to the third; here are twins They got fire, lit torches, built houses; here women abandoned their children, confused their husbands, occupied kivas; men carried babies there to feed them; then men made their way to the fourth world; It's dark here too, it's also wet; people made a deerskin shield, decorated it with turquoise, sent it east, it became the sun; the cotton cape became the moon; the Coyote opened the vessel, and the stars flew out of it, burned his face; the Vulture drove the water away with its wings, mountains appeared; the twins paved canals, the water gushed through them]: 163-166; James 1940:10-11 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [people make a disc out of bison skin, they draw a face on it, choose a young man to stand on the disc, throw him into the sky, he turns into a Month; they make a woven disc, choose another young man to become the Sun]: 72-75; Powell 1881 ( Oraibi) [people get out of the lower world, but the sky is low; Matsito raises it higher; seven virgins weave the moon out of cotton, the wind raises it to the sky, and the rest of the yarn turns into stars; The sun M. makes seven bison skins]: 25-26; Voth 1905, No. 3 [put on bison skin; then they do the same with the month]: 13-14; Wallis 1936, No. 1 [thrown into the sky, the sun flies like an eagle]: 8; teva ( Hano): Parsons 1926, No. 1:169-172 [var.1; women decide they can live alone; stay in the village, men go across the river; every year men harvest more abundant and women poorer crops; the flood begins, women try unsuccessfully to build a tower to the sky; men plant a pine tree, it grows to the sky, but does not break through it; reeds pierce; first the Badger, then the others climb into upper world; half of the women failed to get up, drowned; the Mockingbird gives its tongues to speak; in the lower world, people were with tails, now they have lost them; it's dark around; two young men (this is the Son Sun and Son of Oozing Water), together with the Coyote, is instructed to place stars in the sky; young men place the Pleiades, the Big Dipper, Orion, the Morning Star, and some others; the Coyote is tired of this job, he throws out the remaining stars in disarray; young men place a month in the sky made of a wedding cape and the sun from bison skin, white fox skin, and parrot's tail; the sun doesn't move; Coyote: someone must die; the girl dies, the sun moves until noon, stops again; now the young man dies; the Coyote explains that every day a person must die in the morning, at noon and in the evening, then the sun will move; first the dead returned on the fifth day; Coyote says this is wrong, dies and does not return; the widower looks into the hole from which people came out, sees his dead below wife and Coyote], 172-175 [var.2; in the lowest world, people were black ants; when they rose to the second, they became tailed creatures; in the third world they became human; in the first world it was dark, in the second a little light dawned, in the third world it was like the moon; further like in var.1; the Bear gives tongues; The Mozzler explains that people must die regularly to keep the sun moving].
NW Mexico. Tarahumara [man, woman and child made the moon like a wheel; brought it to a large lake, it slowly grew in size; then they threw it into the sky; first the moon shone herself and then only with light reflected from the sun; she is the mother of everything on earth; pregnant women should not see solar and lunar eclipses, otherwise there will be problems during childbirth]: Mondragon et al. 1995:33-35.
The Northern Andes. Kogi [the first ancestors of Sarancua and Seücuque kept the sun in their purse, it was like a small ball; they threw it into the sky]: Wavrin 1937:532.
Southern Venezuela. Sanema [hunters cook tapir liver; Lipaugus vociferans (her voice heralds thunder) is initiated; he is not told to eat the liver; he throws it into the sky, it turns into a month]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 3:31.
Montagna - Jurua. Kanamari [the moon is a nose pendant that Tamakori moves every night to a new place in the sky; a hero threw the moon into the sky with a brass gun]: Tastevin, MS in Carvalho 2002: 282.