A22. To the sky from the fire.
.18.19.22. (.26.) .43.51.-.
One or two people fall into a fire or boiling water and ascend to the sky, turning into a sun and/or moon.
Millingimbi, Karageri, Marindh Anim, Pentecost, Chinese Thais, Halkomel, Huichol, Cora, Aztecs, Otomi, Huastecs, Totonaki, Puebla Nahuat, Popoloka, Masateki, Tequistlatecs, Kekchi, mopan, sumu, guaimi, eastern Panama, yupa, sicuani, siona, sekoya, coreguaje, mayhuna, yagua, chikuna, manao (?) , takana, ayoreo, sanapana, alakaluf, selknam.
Australia. Millingimbi [when the sons of the Month secretly killed and ate a whistling duck, he put them in a bag and drowned them; his wives set fire to his hut and watched him burn; looking like a sickle first, then spheres, he climbed up the pine tree, announcing that he would become immortal and all the others would be mortal; the month shows burn spots]: Waterman 1987, No. 26:22; karageri [The Month has two wives; they call people dance, shove them into the fire, cook and eat; finally, people manage to push the Month itself into the fire; it died, became a month]: Waterman 1987, No. 168B: 30-31.
Melanesia. Marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 66 [men find a boy in a fire pit; pull out, rape; he runs, his feather jewelry turns into sunlight], 67 [man Sun and his son lives in a fire pit, the Sun steals boys, eats them; the men went to kill them; the Sun Father went deeper into the earth, his blood colored minerals; the Sun-son dug eastward, climbed into heaven; every night he returns down the underground passage; var.: the son of the Sun remained in the ground, his head was pulled out, his head was cut off; his head began to rise; the younger sisters of the Sun helped him rise to heaven], 7 [the men found the boy in a fire pit; they filled them with water, pulled them out, put on a hat made of the feathers of a bird of paradise; the vapor formed clouds; the boy rose to the sky, the feathers became sunlight]: 154-156 , 156-160, 205-207; Pentecost [The Sun and the Month baked yams and quarreled; The Month threw the Sun into the fire, so the sun is hot; the Sun threw the Month into the water, so it is cold; since then they have not meet]: Tattevin 1931, No. 28:879.
Burma - Indochina. The Thais of China [the governor of Heavenly Lord, the eldest son of Yanda and the younger Yangsan; when the enemies attacked, Yandy sat in the sky, Yansan defeated them, became the ruler of Tai; Yanda came with an army, was captured, burned at the stake, turned into the sun; the corpses of his warriors became mosquitoes, flies, leeches, many of them in summer when the sun burns; when Yansan died, people planted flowers on his grave; Yangsan became a month , flowers by stars]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:20-21.
(Wed. China - Korea. Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Dongying) [on a dark night, there was a rumble and half of the sky fell; black waters poured out of the hole and flooded villages and fields, many people drowned, water was arriving; two young children - brother and sister - they swam to the island and began to cry; an old man came up to them, asked them why they were crying, and they said they did not know where to go; the old man gave them two pairs of straw sandals, told them to put them on, go up to the sky and there, learn from Aunt Moon how to fix the sky; the children did so; Luna replied that a hole in the sky can only be filled with human bodies, for which they need to be turned into glue in a magic cauldron; the children agreed to sacrifice themselves, asked the Moon for a magic cauldron and lit a fire under it; they began to argue which of them should jump into the cauldron; the sister jumped first, and the brother, despite the grief, became scoop up the resulting glue with a spoon and fill the hole in the sky with it; the streams of water pouring down weakened; but the glue ran out, and the brother also jumped into the cauldron, asking the Moon to finish the work; the moon patched a hole in the sky, and the world is in order again; since then, after the rain, a rainbow appears in the sky, and then people remember brother and sister who sacrificed themselves to repair the sky]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 4: 5).
The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel (lower reaches of Fraser) [see motif A5; two sisters come to a blind old woman rocking a baby in the cradle; replace him with a piece of wood; the mother makes a new son, squeezing out the kidnapped person's diapers; while hunting, he meets his brother, recognizes him by the scar on his forehead (his mother explains that he once fell out of the cradle); the scarred young man is ashamed, burns himself in the house with his wives and children, becomes the Month; brother goes to the mountains, becomes the Sun]: Boas 1895, No. III.2:38-40 (=2002:108-111).
NW Mexico. Huichol [animal people choose who will be the sun; four fail; the fatherless young son of the corn goddess jumps into a fire (into a lake that turns into fire or blood); the sun rises with of the east, only a turkey knows its name]: Furst, Auguiano 1976:117-118 [Nawawé replied: for it to be light, someone must turn into the sun; four people could not sacrifice themselves; a lonely orphan, the son of the goddess of earth and maize Utuanáka, rushed into the fire (var.: a lake that turned into fire or blood when immersed); descended through the five lower worlds, where dangerous animals, including a serpent encircling the ground with heads on both ends; Nakawé and Tutewarí (the first shaman) said he would come from a cave on a mountain to the east; everyone hurried there, arguing about the name, Turkey said tau-tau-tau (sun - tau), became the sun's companion; the Sun was so tired in the lower world that it did not rise to the upper five tiers, but began to fall, dragging the sky with it; life is on the verge of death, many have climbed in burrows (these animals have been living in burrows ever since); T. put five palm trees (brazil trees) to support the sky - one in the center, four at the edges); with the help of Káuyumarie (the deer trickster) showed people how make a chair where shamans and chiefs sit during rituals; sacrificed a child so that the Sun could feed on this blood]; Lumholtz 1986 [ancient shamans threw Mother Corn's youngest son into the oven; he went underground to the east, rose in the sun on the fifth day]: 37; McIntosh 1948 [only the moon first; people celebrated a party, lit a fire under the guidance of shamans, chose a young man who rushed there, he became Tau ("sun"); five days later the sun rose]: 19-21; McIntosh 1949 [at first only the moon was shining, there was not enough light; then people gathered, the shaman chose a young man with skin disease, he dressed up, rushed into a fire, five days later the sun rose; everyone thought about what to call it Tau; put stars and constellations in the sky {either Spanish names or Huichol names were given, but not translated}]: 19-21; Myerhoff 1974 [animal people choose who will be the sun; four fail; the fatherless young son of the corn goddess is thrown into the lake; the Sun boy goes through the lower five tiers and rises from the mouth of the volcano with east, only a turkey knows his name]: 81; bark [the first ancestors gathered and fasted for five days; found a boy who was supposed to be the Sun; he was thrown into the fire; the next day it dawned; they they asked each other what the name of the Sun was; they fasted but did not know the name; only one named Rabbit said it was Heat, the Sun; they chased him, he hid in a hole; there they made a fire and it burned down ; the bark is seen on the moon as part of the (teils) rabbit, part of the coyote]: Preuβ 1912, No. 1:143.
Mesoamerica Aztecs: Garibay 1965 [Quetzalcoatl throws his son into the fire, he is raised by the Sun; Tlalocatecutli throws his son into ashes, he rises in the Month; he is dim, as if in ash]: 35; Krickeberg 1928 [the gods come together to choose who will be the sun; two men agree to jump into the fire; the ornate one hesitates, jumps after the plain; the first to jump soon rises to heaven in the form of the sun, the second becomes a month]: 15-20; Sahagun in Launey 1980:180-189; Mendieta 1870, vol.2, ch. 4:81; otomi [orphan is afraid of being thrown into the fire; his mothers promise that he does not die will become the sun; the second boy is washed once instead of twice, he jumps into the cooled coals, becomes a month]: Galinier 1990:693-696; Huasteci [The sun rose to heaven after how an ugly orphan boy jumped over the fire; others couldn't do it]: Alcorn 1984:58; mountain totonaki [The sun jumps into a fire lit by the gods, rises to the sky; the month jumps in the fire remains cold when the coals have cooled down]: Arenas 2000:21-24 [The lizard was always basking on the hot stone; the girls noticed a mirror inside it; only the hummingbirds managed to break the stone; the girls became to argue who would take the mirror, one accidentally swallowed it; gave birth to a boy; he ordered to collect fuel for the fire; one person said it would be the Sun; the boy threw himself into the fire, the sun rose; that a man threw himself into the coals, became a Month], 31-32 [old people tried unsuccessfully to create the sun; one man ordered to make a fire, burn it; ate hot coals; said that tomorrow it would rise; dawn in the morning; the Sun it was hot, there was an unbearable heat; one person offered to sacrifice a son to the Sun; another ordered a second fire to be lit; when the coals cooled down, he rushed there, became the Month; then the Sun moderated the heat]; Ichon 1969 [The sun is a boy; poor people turn into birds, help the sun rise with their singing]: 58; Kelly 1966 [a woman conceives the Sun by swallowing a sparkling drop from a spring; dies from childbirth; The sun rises quickly, makes a fire, rushes into it; The month rushes into the cooled coals]: 396; coastal totonaki [see motif A24; ancestors live in a dark cold world; only the sky's serpent shines - The Milky Way; its mouth is open; a lizard finds a hot stone, cooks on it; four birds manage to break a stone, get a shining egg; animals bring it to the spring; an orphan girl finds an egg, brings it home; it returns to the spring three times; on the fourth, the girl grabs it with her teeth, it bursts, she swallows it; nine days later she gives birth to twin sons; born first stronger ; the girl dies, her grandmother leaves the babies on the branches of the mageian, they do not die; puts an anon on a tree, whose fruits are like women's breasts; babies eat honey like hummingbirds; the old woman is happy, brings them home; the Great Serpent shines poorly, feeds on young girls; brothers heat stones in the temazcal, throw them into his mouth; it gets completely dark, many people turn into stones and idols; brothers send the green fly to check if the snake is dead; it flies into its mouth, flies out of the anus - dead; the elder tells the animals that he will become the Sun; they should not show his younger brother the path he took; the youngest spends time on holidays; explains to numerous mistresses that he will be the sun; the elder tells the animals to make a fire, jumps into it from the mountain, flies east; his uncle comes later , when the coals are almost extinguished, he follows him; his younger brother finds one ash, the animals show him the way west; the old man predicts that three will soon appear in the sky; he is considered crazy, thrown to earth; he turns into a dog, says he will guide the souls of the dead, leading them to the Sun on his trail; the Morning Star rises, all ancestors (tutu na cu) die; the dog takes their souls to the Sun, that judges them; tells the good ones to repopulate the earth; the brothers' grandmother becomes an assistant to midwives and female healers; half good souls turn into animals; the best are hummingbirds and woodpeckers, the worst - tecolote, owl, oruga, comadreja, jaguar, fox, coyote, cockroach, tlaconete; after sunset, the Month rises; he carries the souls of all his mistresses; patronizes everything related to women; corn is hidden in grief]: Münch 1993:37-40; Totonaki (Olintla) [the old man noticed that lizards had gathered on the rock; broke the stone, it contained a yellow egg; the girl swallowed it, became pregnant, 9 months later gave birth to a boy, died during childbirth; he was raised by his grandmother; he said he would be the leader; they made a fire, he rose into the sky, the other person was only in cold ash; women washed clothes, it dried {second half of the text is poorly understood}]: Tino 2012:295-319; Nahuat (Puebla): Barlow, Ramirez 1962 [younger brother jumps into the fire, rises by the Sun; the elder is frightened, jumps into a cold fire, becomes a Month]: 57; Taggart 1983 (northern Puebla): 101-102 [the baby does not grow, the mother throws him into the river; the mother of the dwarfs picks him up; he grows up, leaves, meets dwarfs; they say the one who extinguishes the fire, jumps into it, will become the master of peace; the young man jumps down the hill, extinguishes almost everything, becomes the sun; the young man's mother came, jumped after him, got the remains of the fire, has become the moon; now the sun and the moon is chasing each other], 102 [brother and sister were orphaned after the flood; they were thrown into the fire; the boy was well burned, became the sun, the girl was burned smaller, became the moon; all the birds and animals gathered to determine which side the sun would rise from; only the dog knew, God told her; the birds took up pieces of cloth to make clothes for themselves to meet the sun; the battleship began to weave a dress for himself; the dog ran east, telling everyone where the sun would rise; God hit her speechless; the battleship did not have time to weave the dress, now half seemed to be woven, and the other was only a base without a duck; God blessed the audience, and they can no longer take off their clothes]; popolka [Sun (Jose) is younger brother, Luna (Maria) is the older sister; only the Morning Star is shining; people want more light, ask H. and M. to jump into the fire; M. is afraid, falls into the fire, burns; H. jumps over the fire; the sun rises; there was no corn before, people ate sand and stones; moons sometimes did not It can be seen that the mountains cover it]: Jacklein 1974:284-285; the Masateki [older brother jumps into the fire, becomes the Sun, the youngest jumped into the ash - Month]: Williams García 1953:362; tequistlatecs [the wife is dead, the new one tells her husband to get rid of the stepsons; the father took them to the forest, but they returned in the footsteps; the same second time; on the third, the father hung two empty calebasses on a branch; in the wind they they were knocking on each other and the children thought that the father was cutting wood nearby; when he realized that his father had left, the boy climbed a tree and saw smoke in the distance; there was a house, an old woman in it; she fed the children well, washed them, then she scratched to get the blood she and her sons ate; once she told the boy to boil water; he realized that the old woman wanted to eat his sister, broke the pot with a stick, the old woman scalded and died; children have come to town; there is an annual challenge: whoever can swallow hot coals will rise to heaven and become gods; the boy swallows, becomes the Sun; his sister swallows cold coals with ash, becomes the moon; the girl's dog stayed on the ground, it's a coyote; the devil tried to hold the girl, grabbed the ribbon, the ribbon remained in his hand, became a coral snake, since then there have been these snakes; into the moonless night sun and moon together]: Carrasco 1960:109; kekchi, mopan [see motif K30; Keen has Shtaktani's wife; she cheated on him with his brother Shulab; he fed lovers a bitter peppery cake; S. ran to the river for a drink, agreed to go to Vulture; Keane comes to him, causes him a toothache, heals him, puts him to sleep, takes Sh.; Vulture pursues them; one option, burns the house, in which they spend the night; Keen burns a bush in the house, ascends to the sky with his wife, becoming the Sun and Moon; when he finds a charred bone, Vulture thinks they are K. and S. bones.]: Thompson 1930:136-137.
Honduras-Panama. Brothers Sun and Moon rise from the fire into the sky. Sumu: Conzemius 1932 [two brothers are sailing on the river in a boat, it is hot; they throw corn cobs into the water, which turn into all kinds of fish, birds and animals; one brother falls into the fire and got up from the fire into the sky, became the sun; the other one also rose from the fire, became a month]: 130; Houwald, Rener 1987 (2): 2; 1987 (3): 12 [the brothers fell into the river, lit a fire on the other side to keep warm; they found it in the forest corn, they began to bake it; after eating, they threw the remaining cobs on the ground and water; they turned into different types of fish, animals and birds; the elder Papang caught fire, rose into the sky, became the Sun; then caught fire and the youngest began to rise; he tried to shake off the fire, the sparks became stars, he himself became a Month; the bags were created by the rays of the Sun], 14 [Uhubaput and Udu had skin disease (karate); they were all driven away; they started throwing darts at people, saying the name of the corresponding animal; so they turned everyone into animals, birds and fish, became handsome themselves; now women wanted them, but they also turned them into animals, left two for themselves; began to dance in the fire; Udu was the first to try to rise, could not; Uhubaput rose and became the Sun; Udu after him became the Month (=Houwald, Rener 1984:58-59)]; Guaimi : Margery Peña 1990 [two boys live with their mother Evia; she goes to holidays, leaves her children in ash at the hearth; one day she meets two handsome men there, one in gold clothes, the other in white (silver); tries to attract their attention, they do not answer; someone says they are her sons, she does not believe; the same on the second holiday; for the fourth time he watches her sons, returns before them; when sons return in the form of beautiful men, both they and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; before drinking white and red cocoa, they go swimming in the river, tell their mother not to open the vessel; she took off the lid; there's a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in butter; butter burned her eyes; sons come back, drink cocoa; they throw their mother east, west, south, she every time returns; thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to get out, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see if the fruits (these are people) are ripe; The sun in golden robe, Month in silver themselves watch the seeds of the earth (=people) one day, the other at night]: 25-27; Séptimo, Joly 1986 [two little boys live with their mother Evia; they sit forever in ash at the hearth; their mother goes to holidays, sings well; one day she meets two handsome men there, one in a gold robe with a golden rod, the other in white (silver) with a silver rod; puts on her best clothes and jewelry, trying in every possible way to attract their attention, they do not answer; someone says they are her sons, she does not believe them; tries in vain to follow them after the holiday is over, finds them at home sons sitting in ash; the same at a festival elsewhere; on the third; for the fourth time she pretended to go to the party, hid by the road; those two men pass by; the woman did not find her children at home; while I was waiting, I began to draw different shapes and lines with my fingers and NGOs - now they are rock carvings; when they return as beautiful men, both they and her mother pretend that nothing happened; they make white and red cocoa; before drinking it, they go swimming in the river, tell their mother not to open the vessel; she took off the lid; there's a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in butter as if fried raw; butter burned her eyes; sons come back, drink cocoa; silver feels a little sorry for her, gold doesn't; they throw their mother east, west, south, she comes back every time; Thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to get out, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see if the fruits (these are humans) are ripe; {p. 20-21 are missed, p. 22 discusses the meaning of the myth; it is obvious that the golden son became the Sun, the silver son became the Month}]: 11-22; bokota [the woman's two sons (the Sun and the Month) are covered with ulcers; she goes dancing, sees handsome men, does not know that they are her sons; comes back before them, glad when they appear in all their splendor; The sun tells her grandmother to tell her mother to open the jar in which cocoa is brewed ; mother opens, from there hot coals, it gets dark, the world lights up; The sun sends animals and birds to the Thunders to bring water to extinguish the fire; The toad went, did not bring it; Vulture, Hummingbirds say they did not found rain (they did not look: one ate carrion, the other sucked tobacco juice); The swallow gets water, the Thunder tells me not to look back; she looked around, scared, huddled into a hole under a rock; when she got out, everything was around wet after the rain; the Toad kept the fire in its mouth, otherwise everything would go out, regurgitates the spark, the Swallow wants to extinguish it, the Toad explains that people will need the fire and will remain in the volcano, in the stones, in the wood Ceiba; the swallow has been living in burrows ever since; the Sun (and the Month) rises to the sky, the Sun takes care of men, the Month takes care of women]: Margery Peña 1990:37-38 (=1994a, No. 4:66-71); eastern Panama [God lived in the sun with his wives and concubines; one was a child; because of his dislike for his mother, he turned into a fish; while catching toads, they caught him and began to cook him; he jumped out of the pot, took on his former form; father made him the sun; after being in a boiling pot with toads, the Sun became very hot; to moderate the heat, he created winds; his father decided to give him a month-old man as his companion, but a woman came out; her father made her a fake penis, wrapped her hips in cloth; The Sun found out that the Moon is a woman; copulating with her causes eclipses]: Adrian de Ufeldre 1908:125-126 in Casimir de Brizuela 1972:59-60.
The Northern Andes. Yupa [there were two Suns when one came in and the other rose; the Kopecho woman invited one of them to the party, began to lure him with her dance in front of a hot coal pit; the sun fell into a hole , his body turned white, his eyes became like hot coals; he got out, threw K. into the water, she became a frog; he himself rose to heaven, losing his brightness and becoming a Month; the Sun and the Month are brothers; Stars are people of the Sun, not they love the Month because he refused to marry the Star one of his many daughters; every month the Stars attack him, the Month becomes small; the Son of the Month is a star that is not visible; daughters You can't see the month either, they're always at home; the Milky Way is the road of the Sun and the Month]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 2:76-77.
Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1 [The sun is married to the moon; they live on earth with their children; every time the Sun goes hunting, the Sun takes his wife's brother or sister with it, kills, brings meat to in the basket and eats at home with the Moon; his wife's last brother is left; he knows what to expect from the Sun, took a spear with him; the Sun told him to climb a tree, became a jaguar; the young man plunged his spear into his stomach, came home, told his sister that her husband had climbed into heaven; the Sun brought two capybaras, said he ran into a branch, they were cooked, the Sun and the Moon and their children ate, but the parents of the Moon were not given a cape; one of them sons, Morning Star, boils on his body; parents decided to leave secretly; the boy stayed with the Moon's parents and uncle (the one who hurt the Sun); his uncle carried him because it is difficult for the boy to walk; but at night he becomes a jaguar to protect her uncle; they came to their parents; Luna was home, she hid her brother; the Sun and her other children returned from hunting; they became jaguars, the Morning Star too; turned out to be stronger others, who regained their human form; they were invited to drink guarapo to the village where the parents of the Moon mixed fish poison into it; but it does not work in the Sun and the Moon; then they were tied to a tree and burned at the stake; also does not work: The sun has only turned red, and the moon has a burnt stomach, now they are spots on the moon disk; the moon has thrown into the water and cooled down, so it does not give heat; hand in hand, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven; Moon's parents gave wives to all her children; the girl destined for the Morning Star rejected her because of his illness; he left, and when he returned, he was handsome; now the girl wants him, and he rejected her, went to heaven, became a Morning Star], 2 [The Sun is married to the Moon; his sister has many sons; each time he asks one of the boys to accompany him on the hunt; eats each; one of he found the bones of his brothers, ran to his mother; people called the Sun to the party, gave him drink; he came with a necklace made of the teeth of his murdered nephews; he was thrown into the fire, he was badly burned, so he is bright and hot; The moon is only slightly burned trying to put out the fire and save her husband], 3 [every time Kuliwakua invites her son or daughter to look for a brother in their head, sucks blood, the child dies, K. then digs up the corpse from the grave and eats; she made necklaces from her nails and teeth; her brother drove her away with her husband, her son stayed with her uncle; while hunting, her uncle sees her nephew temporarily turning into a jaguar to kill a deer; nephew returns to the cannibal mother; brother makes an intoxicating drink with fish poison, calls his sister and her husband; they are drunk, dancing, showing necklaces made of teeth and nails; brother pushed them into the fire; K. jumped in water, but her husband didn't; both rose to heaven, became Sun and Moon], 4 [The sun is married to the Moon, both cannibals are equally bright; the Sun killed boys (apparently sister's sons) in the forest; people poured over the Sun and Moon with boiling water; the wife jumped into the water, so she became dim], 5 [The sun killed the children of its four sisters; every day he was given a boy or girl in turn; only the son of the last sister was left; the husbands of the sisters they poured boiling water over the Sun and Moon; the moon jumped into the water, lost its heat; both climbed a rope into the sky]: 25-29, 30-31, 32-35, 36-37, 37-38.
Western Amazon. Zion [The Sun lures the Month into the sky where it remains; it climbs into a hot cauldron itself, rises in the form of the sun]: Chaves 1958:137; Langdon 1992a [because part of the cauldron was red, and part black, summer and winter exist]: 139-141; Koreguahe: Jimenez 1989, No. 20 [boy asks his mother to burn him in a cauldron on fire; turns into sun], 41 [when Painsao quarreled, turned the opponent against the animal; this is how he and his companion remained; the sky was low; when menstruating women knocked on him, it moved away; P. and his companion made a chain of reeds (reed darts?) , sticking them one into the other; P. climbed half way, returned, told the companion to climb; he climbed into the Month; P. climbed into the vessel, where he lit the fire, ascended to heaven by the Sun]: 42-43, 91-92; sekoya [ men first menstruate; Nyanyo (Month) takes her son out of his knee, puts him in a pot; his wife breastfeeds the boy only at night; her sister opens the lid, breaking the leg of the Parrot placed as a watchman; the boy cries, the wife N. comes running from the field, throws the red paint of achiote at his sister; the boy continues to cry; the parents put the pot on the fire; the boy plays the flute , soars to the sky, becomes the Sun; another person Toayo (Wanyo) also sits in the fire, becomes the second sun (now with the first one; without details); first the sun is all burn; N. moves the sky further from the ground with a stick, reducing the heat; The battleship manages to extinguish the second sun, but its tail burns]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 7:65-68; Mayhuna [woman burns (with their consent) the husband in the fire of wet firewood, and the son in a fire of dry, covered with a cauldron; the husband turns into a month, the son into the sun]: Bellier 1991b, No. 5, 5b: 200-203.
NW Amazon. Yagua: Chaumeil 1983:163 [The sun rose to the fire, rose to heaven for its Father Month], 193-194 [After the Month met with his sister, people became intoxicated at the festival, turned into herons, and flew away; the sister of the Month went to look for them; asked about the path of the Heron's ancestors, who almost killed her; Aguti ordered at the fork to turn not where the parrot's feathers were, but where the pineapple peel was; on that way she would reach her uncle; she did not understand, turned where the feathers were, got to the Jaguars; the old woman hid her under the roof; Jaguar came, she dropped something, he copulated with her; the second Jaguar ate her; the grandmother took the embryo, he jumped into the water; the woman's uncle's sons are swimming, they see him; he lit a fire, threw himself at it, became the Sun; one of his uncle's sons ran after him, became the Evening Star]; Flornoy in Girard 1958 [ Jaguars visit people, copulate with women; people hide a girl, a Jaguar finds her, kills her; her body is thrown into the river; water with some seeds enters her bosom; a boy is born, people raise him ; he says he'll return to his father; people are scared, they think Jaguar, but his father is a Month; he rises to the sky from the fire, becomes the Sun]: 48; Powlison 1972a [at night The month comes to his sister, retired to a separate hut on the occasion of her first period; sister wants to know who her lover is, stains his face with paint; The month rises to the sky in shame, the spots are still visible; mother and relatives girls turn into storks, fly away; the girl goes looking for them; she is bitten by a bee; then she loses her way, gets to the jaguars, the Jaguar eats her; the mother of the jaguars carries the baby taken from her womb to the river wash before eating, he throws himself into the water and swims away; downstream, a boy finds a baby, brings it to his mother, she raises them together; the son of a woman killed by jaguars agrees to The named brother's proposal to be burned to become the Sun; he ascends to heaven for his father Month]: 71-72; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 10B [about like a chikun; the informant's speech is not was quite clear]: 112; chikuna [the young man drank the boiling achiote (red paint) that his aunt was preparing for the holiday, blushed, rose to heaven, became the Sun]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, NO. 10A: 109-111.
Central Amazon. Manao (?) [It was not night; the river pulls up the girls, the Month (Kadaua) sails after them; he is bald and the girl's hair is gray; they blame each other for it, come to her parents; then with parents come to the two-womb old women, hoping that they will cure their gray hair and bald head; the house smells disgusting; K. set fire to the house, the Twombs burst from the heat; night has come; K. rushed into the burning hut, hoping to get the girl's hair; she and her parents are behind him; they all burned down, rose to heaven; turned into the Month and into constellations, apparently the Milky Way]: Brandão de Amorim in Lévi-Strauss 1968, no. 104:144-145, 147.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the father wants to get together with his daughter, pursues her; both fall into a hot steam pit, go up to the sky; he becomes the sun, she becomes the moon]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 33:79-81.
Chaco. Ayoreo [people try to kill the Sun, cut it to pieces, but it recovers; gets its heat (and eventually rises to the sky) by being burned in the hole where they started the fire and scalded in boiling water, where he was thrown; red sunset and dawn are the blood of the Sun when they tried to kill him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 8:32-33; sanapana [A month kills a woman; people push him into a fiery a hole; it ascends to heaven in the form of a month]: Cordeu 1973, No. 29:227-228.
The Southern Cone. The male Sun's sister rises to the sky and becomes the moon after being pushed into the fire. Alakaluf [? no details]: Gusinde 1926:288; 1974:487; Selknam: Chapman 1972:151; Wilbert 1975a, No. 57:156.