Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

A22B. Hot fire and cold coals. 52.61.62.

The sun and its satellite burn down. The satellite burns at a less hot fire (rushes into ash, etc.); therefore, the Moon (or Star) is cold. See motive A22.

Mesoamerica Aztecs; otomi; Totonaki; Puebla Nahuatl; Mazatecs; tequistlatecs [the wife is dead, the new one tells her husband to get rid of his stepsons; the father took them to the forest, but they returned in the footsteps; the same second time; on the third, the father hung two empty calebasses on a branch; in the wind they were knocking on each other and the children thought that the father was cutting wood nearby; realizing that the father had left, the boy I climbed a tree, saw smoke in the distance; there was a house, an old woman in it; she fed the children well, washed them, then scratched them to get the blood that she and her sons ate; once told the boy to boil water; he realized that the old woman wanted to eat his sister, broke the pot with a stick, the old woman scalded and died; the children came to town; there is an annual test: whoever can swallow hot coals will go up to the sky will become gods; the boy swallows, becomes the Sun; his sister swallows the cooled coals with ash, becomes the Moon; the girl's dog is left on earth, it is a coyote; the devil tried to hold the girl grabbed the ribbon, the ribbon remained in his hand, became a coral snake, since then there have been these snakes; on a moonless night, the sun and the moon are together]: Carrasco 1960:109.

Western Amazon. Maihuna.

NW Amazon. Yagua.