Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A22C. Sacrifice to the Sun. .21.48.50.-.52.

In order for the sun to rise, move away from the earth, or follow its heavenly path, a person must be sacrificed.

Pasi, Tagin, Abor, Pomo, Chumash, Hopi, Teva (Hano), Navajo, Jicarilla, Cora, Huichol, Aztecs, Otomi, Huastecs, Totonaki, Nahuat Puebla, Popoloka, Masatec, Tequistlatecs.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Pasi [there were two Suns; to reduce the heat, God fired an arrow at one arrow, its light faded, it became the Moon; the remaining Sun disappeared underground, it became dark; agreed to return if he they will give the daughter of the gods to be eaten; the Bat explained to people that the Sun does not demand the daughter of the gods, but the daughter of men; he was given a girl, it ate her, it shone; this is how people became mortals]: Elwin 1958a, No. 22: 53-54 (=Elwin 1958b: 57-58); the tagin [Wiyu Tamu, with four legs, a tail, and a huge head, sat on the path of the Sun; he was moving fast, hit his throat, quietly jumped out of his nose in the form of a leaf, returned home, refuses to go out, demands a son Abo-Teni; people dress up a boy as an animal, then another boy, both times the bat warns the Sun about the deception; you have to give your son AT, the Sun eats it, comes out in all its splendor; since then people have been mortal; every morning the Sun eats a person; sometimes Wiyu Tamu tries to swallow the Sun again, he escapes, people scream, tell Tama free the sun]: Elwin 1958, No. 25:60-62; Abor [The sun has disappeared under the ground; a long-tailed bird sat over this place, began to talk to people; The sun leaned out to see who was chatting; promised to go out if a divine girl was brought to him; people agreed; the Bat followed him to say to give a human girl; she was given, the Sun ate her, shone; since then people have been mortal] : Dumber 1916:66 in Isis 1998:45-46; (cf. ranks (meitei) [The mother of the Gods first gave birth to three Sun Sons, then two more; four died one after the other; the man hit the horse of the last Sun with an arrow, it hid, it became dark; when to him a girl with rich gifts comes, agrees to go out]: Hodson 1908:125-129).

California. Pomo [The sun is against people; it takes a person's soul with it every night]: Loeb 1926a: 227-228; chumash [every night The sun and the cannibal eagle Slo'v play ball in the sky against Morning Star and Shneilemun (Celestial Coyote); the Moon (single woman) is the judge; if the Sun wins, he is paid for the lives of people on earth; if S., the Sun opens the door, and acorns, deer, eslay, chia, ducks, geese fall into our world; the Sun is a naked old man carrying a torch in his hand; he rests three times: at ten in the morning, at noon and at three in the afternoon; at night he quickly returns, going far south; He is widows, his two daughters have aprons from explosive days; the Sun and his daughters eat people, drink blood]: Blackburn 1975, No. 2:91-93.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [underground, people were in the form of ants; when they penetrated elsewhere, they became other creatures; in another place they became human, but had tails; women refused to marry men, men went across the river; in the first year, both women and men had a rich harvest, but women had fewer harvests every year, and in the fourth year they asked men to give them corn, etc., but refused; the flood began to approach; women began to build the tower, believing that they were smarter than men, but the tower fell; the men planted a pine tree, it grew to the sky but did not break through it; then the reeds, it grew and struck; Badger was the first to climb in, came back, saying that it was dark and nothing could be seen; the Sorokuput flew to the ground, saw a light in the distance, Masauwü was sitting there, did not have time to put on his mask; people began to go out; two young men placed the Pleiades, Orion, the Big Dipper in the sky; the Coyote decided they would never finish their work, threw the rest of the stars at random; two young men created the moon from the wedding veil, then the sun is made of the skin of a fox, the tail of a parrot; but the sun did not move; Coyote said that the movement of the sun required the death of man; the girl died, the sun reached the top of the sky, stopped; the leader's son died, it went into the sunset; in the morning, at noon and in the evening, someone must die every day; the girl, then the woman died, came back on the fourth day; Coyote said that they must die forever, otherwise people would be afraid death; he died and was not reborn, followed by others; after the flood, the earth was soft; the Middle people built canyons with lightning to drain water]: Parsons 1939:236; Hopi [to help the Sun start moving across the sky, a child was sacrificed to him; until now, in order for the Sun to move, someone must die every morning at noon and in the evening]: Voth 1905:117 in Parson 1939:212; Tewa (Hano) [var.1; women decide they can live alone; stay in the village, men go across the river; every year men harvest more abundant and women poorer crops; the flood begins, women fail they try to build a tower to the sky; men plant a pine tree, it grows to the sky but does not break through it; reeds pierce; first the Badger, then the rest climb into the upper world; half of the women failed get up, drown; the Mockingbird gives its tongues to speak; in the lower world, people had tails, now they have lost them; it's dark around; two young men (Son of the Sun and Son of Oozing Water) along with The coyote is tasked with placing stars in the sky; young men place the Pleiades, the Big Dipper, Orion, the Morning Star, and some others; the Coyote gets tired of this job, he throws out the remaining stars in disarray; young men place in the sky a month made of a wedding cape and a sun made of bison skin, white fox skin and parrot's tail; the sun doesn't move; Coyote: someone must die; the girl dies, the sun moves before noon, stops again; now the young man dies; Coyote explains that every day in the morning, noon and evening a person must die, then the sun will move; first the dead returned to fifth day; Coyote says it's wrong, dies and doesn't come back; the widower looks into the hole people came out of, sees his dead wife and Coyote below]: Parsons 1926, No. 1:169-172; navajo: Matthews 1994 [on the fifth day after humans went to the fifth world (i.e. to earth), the sun reached its zenith and stopped; Coyote explained that the sun was paying for their labor; woman died and the sun started moving again; at night it's the same as the moon - a man died; later the moon moves because people in other tribes die, but Navajos die to set the sun in motion]: 223; Newcomb 1967 : 80 in Williamson 1984 [After leaving the lower world, people want more light; the First Woman and the First Man make two discs out of quartz crystals; the first is decorated with a blue turquoise mask (it will give light and heat) with red corals on the edge and in the earlobes; feathers of a cardinal, woodpecker, lark, eagle are attached on four sides; lightning darts place the disc in the east; the second disc is turned into the moon; first the sun does not move, it is hot in the east, it is cold in the west; two old men agree to give their souls to the stars to move them; 12 feathers from the eagle's tail mark the path of the stars across the sky, different at different times of the year; the Wind Boy blew, his feathers closed the Month's eyes, so he went blindly and his journey across the sky is tortuous and unique]: 43-44; hicarilla [the Sun is believed to be It takes a person's life every day, and the Month requires a new moon]: Opler 1960:152-142.

NW Mexico. Cora [the first ancestors gathered and fasted for five days; found the boy who was supposed to be the Sun; he was thrown into the fire; the next day it dawned; they asked each other what the name was Suns; they were fasting but didn't know the name; only one named Rabbit said it was Heat, the Sun; they chased him, he hid in a hole; they made a fire there and it burned down]: Preuβ 1912, No. 1:143; Huichol: Cordy 1952 [When the Sun first rose, Turkey was the first to say his name (tou-tou-tou); the sun was bored, so close to the ground, people were dying from the heat; the boy said five times he would go with him if it rises; the Sun has risen for the fifth time; so there are people in the Sun; a turkey is sacrificed to the Sun]: 500; Furst, Auguiano 1976 [Nawawé replied: in order to make it light, someone must turn into the sun; four people could not sacrifice themselves; a lonely orphan, the son of the goddess of earth and maize Utuanáka, threw himself into a fire (var.: a lake that turned into a lake that turned into a moment of immersion in fire or blood); descended through five lower worlds, where dangerous beasts, including a serpent encircling the ground with heads on both ends; Nakawé and Tutewarí (the first shaman) said he will appear from a cave on a mountain in the east; everyone hurried there, arguing about the name, Turkey said tau-tau-tau (sun - tau), became a satellite of the sun; the Sun was so tired in the lower world that it did not rise to the upper five tiers, but began to fall, dragging the sky with him; life is on the verge of death, many climbed into holes (since then these animals have been living in holes); T. put five palm trees (brazil trees) to support the sky - one in the center, four at the edges); with the help of Káuyumarie (a deer trickster), he showed people how to make a chair on which shamans and chiefs sit during rituals; sacrificed a child so that the Sun could feed on this blood ]: 117-118; McIntosh 1948 [first only the moon; people celebrated, lit a fire under the guidance of shamans, chose a young man to rush there, he became Tau ("sun"); five days later the sun rose]: 19- 21; Myerhoff 1974 [animal people choose who will be the sun; four fail; the fatherless young son of the goddess of corn is thrown into the lake; the Sun boy goes through the five lower tiers and rises from the mouth a volcano from the east, only a turkey knows its name]: 81; Lumholtz 1986 [ancient shamans threw Mother Corn's youngest son into the furnace; he went underground to the east, rose in the sun on the fifth day]: 37; McIntosh 1948:19-21.

Mesoamerica Aztecs: Mendieta (retelling fray Andrés de Olmos) in Romero 1969 [in the sky were the god Citlalatónac (Citlaltónac) and the goddess Citlacue; the goddess gave birth to a dagger, it was thrown from the sky, he fell into Chicomóstoc ("seven caves"), 1,600 gods came out of it; they sent Tlótli ("falcon") to their mother to give them the opportunity to create people for their needs; the goddess replied that if the gods were the right way, they would stay with her (in heaven), and since they don't deserve it and want to be served on earth, let Mr. Mictlan Tecutli give them bone and the ashes of those who died during the flood; the gods chose one of them named Xólotl as messenger to MT; having received bone and ash and fearing that MT would change his mind, S. set off to flee; MT chased after him, S. fell, bone ( it was the bone of the hand, una braza) broke into large and small pieces, so there are big and small among people; having collected what he could, S. came to the gods; what he had brought was put in a vessel, all the gods removed blood from various parts of their bodies (this is what they still do during sacrifices), irrigated the contents with it, a boy appeared on the fourth day; they did the same again, a girl appeared; Sh. their thistle juice (leche de cardo)..; people served the gods; but there was no sun; the gods met in Teotihuacan; they could not guess where the sun would rise, so they had to sacrifice themselves; rising , The Sun said it would stand still until all the gods sacrificed themselves; Citli shot the Sun three times, but the arrows returned and killed him; then the gods decided to die; S. killed them, opening his chest, then killed himself]: 162-163; Garibay 1965 [Quetzalcoatl throws his son into the fire, who is ascended by the Sun; Tlalocatecutli throws his own into the ash, who rises in the Month; he is dim, as if in ash]: 35; Krickeberg 1928 [the gods come together to choose who will be the sun; two men agree to jump into the fire; the ornate hesitates, jumps after the plain; the first of the jumpers soon rises to heaven in the form of the sun, the second in months]: 15-20; Sahagun in Launey 1980:180-189; Mendieta 1870, vol.2, ch. 4:81; otomi [orphan is afraid of being thrown into the fire; his mothers promise that he will not die, he will become the sun; the second boy is washed once instead of twice, he jumps into the cold coals, becomes a month]: Galinier 1990:693-696; Huasteci [The sun has risen to heaven after an ugly orphan boy jumped over the fire; others couldn't do it]: Alcorn 1984:58; mountain totonaki [The sun jumps into a fire lit by the gods, rises to sky; The month jumps into the fire, when the coals have cooled down, it stays cold]: Ichon 1969 [The sun is a boy; poor people turn into birds, helping the sun rise with their singing]: 58; Kelly 1966 [woman conceives The sun swallows a sparkling drop from the spring; dies from childbirth; The sun grows quickly, makes a fire, rushes into it; The month rushes into the cooled coals]: 396; coastal totonaki [see motif A24; ancestors live in a dark cold world; only the sky's serpent, the Milky Way, shines; its mouth is open; a lizard finds a hot stone, cooks on it; four birds manage to break a stone, get it a shining egg; animals bring it to the spring; an orphan girl finds an egg, brings it home; it returns to the spring three times; on the fourth, the girl grabs it with her teeth, it bursts, she swallows him; nine days later gives birth to twin sons; born first stronger; the girl dies, her grandmother leaves the babies on the branches of the magician, they do not die; puts an anon on the tree, whose fruits are similar to women's breasts; babies feed on honey like hummingbirds; the old woman is happy to bring them home; the Great Serpent shines poorly, feeds on young girls; brothers heat stones in the temazcal, throw them into his mouth; it gets completely dark, many people turn into stones and idols; brothers send a green fly to check if the serpent is dead; it flies into the mouth, flies out of the anus - dead; the elder tells the animals that will become the Sun; they should not show his younger brother the path he took; the youngest spends time at the holidays; explains to numerous mistresses that he will be the sun; the elder tells the animals make a fire, jumps into it from the mountain, flies east; his uncle comes later, when the coals are almost extinguished, follows him; his younger brother finds only ash, the animals show him the way to the west; the old man predicts that three will soon appear in heaven; he is considered crazy, thrown to the ground; he turns into a dog, says he will guide the souls of the dead, leading them to the Sun on his trail; The Morning Star rises, all ancestors (tutu na cu) die; the dog takes their souls to the Sun, which judges them; tells the good ones to repopulate the earth; the brothers' grandmother becomes an assistant to midwives and women healers; half good souls turn into animals; the best are hummingbirds and woodpeckers, the worst are tecolote, owl, oruga, comadreja, jaguar, fox, coyote, cockroach, tlaconete; after sunset, the Month rises; it carries the souls of all her mistresses; patronizes everything related to women; corn is hidden in the mountain]: Münch 1993:37-40; Nahuat (Puebla): Barlow, Ramirez 1962 [younger brother jumps into the fire, rises by the Sun; the eldest is frightened, jumps into a cold fire, becomes a Month]: 57; Taggart 1983 (northern Puebla): 101-102 [son is the Sun, his mother is the Moon], 102 [brother and sister]; shelf [ The sun (Jose) is the younger brother, Luna (Maria) is the older sister; only the Morning Star is shining; people want more light, asking X. and M. to jump into the fire; M. is afraid, falls into the fire, burns; H. jumps over the fire; the sun rises; there was no corn before, people ate sand and rocks; sometimes you can't see the moon, it's the mountains that cover it]: Jacklein 1974:284-285; Masateki [older brother jumps in a fire, becomes the Sun, jumping into the ash younger - Month]: Williams García 1953:362; tequistlatecs [at the festival, those who can swallow hot coals will become gods; the boy swallows, becomes the Sun; his sister swallows cold coals with ash, becomes the Moon]: Carrasco 1960:109.