A22D. When burned, it turns into a constellation .63.68.70.
A burned character turns into a constellation or dark spot on the Milky Way.
Manao (?) , bakairi, nambikwara, ramkokamekra.
Central Amazon. Manao (?) [It was not night; the river pulls up the girls, the Month (Kadaua) sails after them; he is bald and the girl's hair is gray; they blame each other for it, come to her parents; then with parents come to the two-womb old women, hoping that they will cure their gray hair and bald head; the house smells disgusting; K. set fire to the house, the Twombs burst from the heat; night has come; K. rushed into the burning hut, hoping to get the girl's hair; she and her parents are behind him; they all burned down, rose to heaven; turned into the Month and into constellations, apparently the Milky Way]: Brand√£o de Amorim in Levi-Strauss 1968, No. 104: 144-145, 147.
Southern Amazon. Bakairi [the cannibal and twin brothers burn; she turns into the Big, they into the Small Magellanic Clouds]: Steinen 1897:323; nambiquara [the boy's mother goes to another for cassava the village; he sleeps outside, wants two stars as his wife; they go down to the village, take him to the sky; the brothers of the stars call him to play ball; they kill him when they hit the knee or head with a ball, eat it; they always do it treated sons-in-law; sisters turn fruits into wild pigs; brothers hunt them, disappear; sisters tell other women to cook meat; each accidentally dies (cuts herself with an ax, falls into the fire, into the water, bitten by a dog, etc.); their children kill each other while playing; the Milky Way is a sign (trace?) dead children and women; sisters think about the best way to commit suicide; decide not to drown, jump into a deep hole, or be bitten by a snake; jump into a fire from a tree; smoke from their burnt bodies turns into 1) The Small and Large Magellanic Clouds; 2) the younger sister into the Small Cloud; the eldest into the Big Cloud (the part of her body that is more burned) and the Coal Sack (the part that is weaker burnt)]: Pereira 1983, No. 90:116-117.
Eastern Brazil. Ramkokamekra [a village prostitute hears a guinea pig scream three times; realizes that it is heard inside her; Auk's son asks if she is tired of carrying it, she invites him be born; promises to kill if a boy, raise him, if a girl; buries a boy; her mother is dissatisfied, tears him off, his mother has to raise him; he can turn into any animal, becoming with a jaguar, frightens people; his mother's brother kills him with a club, buries him, he returns; pushes him off a cliff, A. flies off a dry leaf, builds steep cliffs around his uncle, he barely got out; kills with a club, burns; after a while, the elders sent two people to bring ash, found a white man in that place who built a house and created blacks, horses, cattle from different types of wood; he called for to his mother, it was Emperor Pedro II; (p. 234: Magellanic Cloud - ash from the burnt anthropomorphic character Auke]: Nimuendaju 1946a:234, 245-246.