A23. Who will be the sun?.
Thefirst ancestors come together to choose who should be the sun to raise the sun to the sky, to see the sun rise to the sky for the first time, to name the right name Suns. See motive A22.
Puget Sound, Twana, Puyallup, Upper Chehalis, Lower Chehalis, Cowlitz, Shuswap, Kutene, Sanpual, Okanagon, Kerdalen, Kalispel, Flethead, Yuchi, Alabama, Pomo, Navajo, Hopi, luiseño, tarahumara, yaki, huichol, Aztecs, northern Puebla Nahuat, otomi, huastequi, totonaki, tequixtlateca, mije, chontal, guatuso, kogi, bari, muisque, sicuani, colorado, siona, aguaruna, yagua, mochica, amuesha .
The coast is the Plateau. The first ancestors choose who will be the month or the sun; if not otherwise: many candidates are rejected, Coyote talks about everything he sees from above. Puget Sound [two sisters dig the roots of a fern, stay overnight on the prairie; one wants a white star as her husband, the other a red star; when they wake up, they are in the sky; the white star is an old man, red - young; husbands do not tell me to dig deep roots; the older sister is pregnant, the youngest is sitting by the smoke hole so as not to see her cry because she has an old husband; when a boy grew up, he dug a hole, from there the wind, the husbands immediately felt it, but the women managed to close the hole; weaved the rope and went down with the child; while everyone was swinging on the rope and watching the child old toad woman, salmon stole the boy (this is the next Month); the mother found a rotten tree in the cradle, moistened the diaper, squeezed it out five times, a second boy appeared (the future Sun); the yellow woodpecker goes to look A month cannot pass between the crushing rocks; the same is another woodpecker, a raven, an osprey; the blue jay flew by; the month promised to come later; put a stick between the rocks so that the blue jay could slip back; Married for a month to a woman who is one of the salmon; his son does not want to let him go; Month: a new generation is coming and you (i.e. salmon) will be food; The month was first mistaken, telling the salmon to go down, only then told him go up; meets people fighting; What are you doing? - We fight; he turned them into birds and stones; turned little slaves into snipes; fishermen and people in the swamp into two types of ducks; people on the beach into oysters; people know that the Month changes the nature of people they meet, they want it kill; others argue about day and night, some want light and darkness every day, bear wants day and night to last for a year; now the bear sleeps all winter; the deer makes the tip of a spear; Month: what are you doing? - I want to kill the Transformer; Month: If you're a deer, they'll eat you; Norka argues with the Month who is who; Norka could not change the Month, and he turned it into a stick; he's Mink again; The Month cut him - the current minks turned out; four women drag each other by the hair; - We train to pull onions; The month turned them into 4 types of edible plants; made a man on the lake a beaver; carrying salmon - otter; Wild Cat roasts salmon, fell asleep; He ate everything for a month, the leftovers are in his face, now it has stripes, he has become a cat; 5 brothers are playing: fire, fire! It's all on fire; the trail: here, my grandson! but the quiver of the Month is burnt; across the river, old man Echo; only repeats: bring a boat! The month has passed by itself, began to fight Echo; bird: take the Echo giblets that hang on the wall of the dugout; the Echo echoed; the blue heron uses its head as a hammer, because stones and sticks alive; The Month made them with stones and sticks, made the Heron of Herons; The month gathered everyone to determine who should shine during the day and who should shine at night; tried the yellow hammer, but there is little light; the raven, the coyote, woodpecker is dark; hummingbirds are better, but the day is very short; younger brother The sun offered to be the sun for the Month, but it is too hot, the water is boiling; the Sun has begun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the old toad woman is now visible at night on the disc of the Month; the rope on which they swayed was up to the sky; Month: you can climb; but the Rat gnawed it, the Month turned it into a rat; the rocks on the mountain were transformed people; the Indians were relatives Months]: Ballard 1929:68-80; Pujallup: Adamson 1934 [Blind Toad has five daughters, the middle one gives birth to a Month; Toad shakes him on a swing, five sisters from the lower world replace him with a rotten deck; mother squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun Boy out of his urine; because he was crooked, he is a strabismus; animals go looking for the Month, with them Blue Jay; at the edge of the world he flies into a horizontal slit, which is closes, then opens; only his crest is touched; in order not to attract attention, the Month goes on a journey not with Soyka, but later; a person hammers a wedge with his head, others freeze in the water as living tops; The month teaches me to work with a hammer, weave tops; The heron stretches its leg across the river like a bridge; in the middle he shouts: you will break my leg; The month manages to reach the other side; five pot-bellied children sing, the ground lights up; wood, stone, etc. cannot cover the Months, the path covers; The month rises to the sky, it gets hot, its eyes are too keen to shine during the day; the sun becomes cross-eyed Sun; The Month decides to shine at night, takes its Toad Grandmother with it]: 356-360; Clark 1953 [Father of the Month is Venus; a woman gives birth to a son when she descends to earth; makes the Sun out of the cradle; coming back, The month destroys monsters; marries the Frog's daughter because only she can carry a heavy bag with his possessions]: 144-146; Twana: Adamson 1934 [see motif A5, A20; one of the two sisters has a baby A month; while the sisters are digging roots, their mother shakes the boy on the swing; two women replace him with a snag; his mother sends birds and animals to find him; Blue Jay finds; Brother of the Month is created from urine when squeezed out the diapers of the Month; his eyes are closed, his body is crooked; The month promises to marry a girl who can lift his bag of goodness; the Frog Orphan picks up, she can be seen with the bag even now; The month is too hot, to shine during the day; it becomes a month, his brother becomes the sun]: 374-378; Elmendorf 1961, No. 5 [two girls born from salmon milk kidnap a boy with a rotten deck in the cradle; shaman turns her into a kidnapped brother; Month destroys monsters, marries a Frog (like a puyallup)]: 32-37; upper chehalis: Adamson 1934:158-169 [Xwân makes two girls out of salmon milk; My wives turn to them, they run away; the old woman shakes the baby on the swing, the girls kidnap him with a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from a blue stone, he is the Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun out of his brother's urine; Blue Jay goes west, slips under five barriers that fall and rise; the Month is the husband of the women who kidnapped him; they gave birth to him bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; when Soyka finds the Month, he makes arrows, the fragment falls into Soyke's eye; the Month says goodbye to his fish children; on the way to earth turns monsters into objects (ironing board for mats, wind barrier, head); various Herbs respond that they want to kill the Month, he turns them into herbs; the Deer makes a spear to kill the Month, he makes his ears out of it; a woman puts passers-by on swings, swings, people break against a rock; Woodpecker helps her; The month is unharmed, rocks a woman, she breaks; five women breathe fire; stone, wood, water can not cover the Month (burn, split, boil), the path covers; another woman lies with her legs open; The month knocks out her vaginal teeth and splits her in half with a hammer and a wedge of moose horn; The month rises to heaven, to shine during the day but too hot; the weak Brother-Sun should have shone at night but is afraid of ghosts; the Month becomes the month, the Sun becomes the sun], 173-177 [Geese do not command xWαnä'xwαne look down at people if he wants to fly with them; S. sees a man, scolds him, Geese leave S. on the mountain, take their wings; he kills an owl, descends on its wings; meets a monster woman, she carries camas tubers, he exchanges the tubers for a bead, but it is not a bead, but a stick; he runs ahead several times and repeats the trick, says that their five brothers look the same; a woman picks up in the basket bees, leaves on the stump, tells the stump to close when S. gets there; the stump closes, the bees dazzle him; the woodpecker cut the hole, S. got out, made imaginary eyes out of dandelion flowers, came to The snail pretends to measure her house; that she sees unusually far away; the Snail agreed to change eyes; when the dandelions withered, she became completely blind; S. caught salmon, baked it, turned milk into two girls ; S. tries to get along with the girls, they run away; the old woman shakes the baby on the swing; the girls kidnap him with a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from a blue stone, he is the Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun out of his brother's urine; Blue Jay goes west, finds the Month; the Month is the husband of the women who kidnapped him; they gave birth to him bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; the Month says goodbye to its fish children; on the way to earth, turns the wrong world into a real one; The raven put hundreds of people across the river as a living top; the Month turned the Raven into a crow, ordered carrion to eat, taught them how to do stick tops; a man hits himself on the head with a hammer, flattening a piece of bark; The Month has taught him to do this using a stone rather than his head as an anvil; Partridges dance on pieces of meat to make him cook; The Month shows how to make a fire drill; then the Month destroys monsters; S. gave him his hat, the Month put it on, then the Sun and the Month became cross-eyed; the Month rises to heaven, to shine during the day, but too hot; the weak Brother Sun should have shone at night, but is afraid of ghosts, gives too little light at night; the Month becomes a month, the Sun becomes the sun]; lower chehalis (hamptulip) [someone steals fish from the top of Schwane Schwane; he leaves his excrement to guard; finds bark or pieces of wood at the top four times; on the fifth he takes out salmon, puts eggs in a bundle, from she has two girls; he calls them daughters, but rapes them at night; they realize that they are an adopted father; they go east; they kidnap a month-old baby; the old woman is Olyapka, her daughter is a Pheasant; they they squeeze the kidnapped person's diapers, create from his brother's urine; he is scythe and crooked; they find out that there is a Chief with two wives; the gap in front of his house opens and then closes; only Blue Jay with the fifth attempts to fly; the Chief promises Soyka to return; the Chief's children are fish; saying goodbye to their father, they cry, their faces remain distorted; when they come to the abyss, wipes their feet, she closes forever; the Chief promises marry a girl who can approach him without wet herself; only the Frog's daughter succeeds; the Chief asks her to correct his brother's face and body; both brothers rise to the sky; the sun is too hot, changes places with the Month; the Frog is the wife of the Month, drives away ghosts that attack him; visible on the moon disk, holding her bag of magic potions]: Adamson 1934:276-284; colitz: Adamson 1934:269-271 [see motif K19B; two sisters want a star for their husbands, go to heaven, go back on a rope; the eldest of the star has a boy; the sisters' mother shakes him on a swing; two girls kidnap him, replacing with a rotten deck; sisters make a new baby from the diapers of the stolen one; he is brighter than his brother; Blue Jay finds the stolen goods, gets five girls from different tribes for it; the stolen young man returns, destroys monsters along the way; lice drag a man into the river; a young man gives him a comb (the origin of the ridges); brings a heavy bag of beads; promises to marry a girl who can lift bag; girls from different tribes are unable to lift; Titnepam (Frog?) picks up; out of shame, the young man turns into a month; his wife cries, jumps on his face (seen there with a bag?) ; brother follows him, becomes the sun], 271-272 [girl does not know a man, gives birth to a boy; her blind mother shakes him on a swing; he was stolen, replaced with moss; a new, cross-eyed moss and urine are made of moss and urine baby; brothers meet, decide to become the sun and month; The sun is afraid of the night; the month is too hot; the cross-eyed Sun is not so hot, it becomes the sun]; shuswap: Boas 1895, No. 2 [former Sun burns everything; birds are trying to choose something new; the Coyote tries to be the sun, but his tail is too long and he talks about what he sees from above; he chooses a bird with a red tail and wings]: 5; Teit 1909a, No. 53 [people are dissatisfied with the sun, they appoint Coyote to be new; he sees women copulating, tells everyone; gets too close to the ground; then the Woodpecker is made the sun; he lays an egg, from The current sun comes out on him]: 738; coutenay [Coyote is rejected; tries to shoot a new Sun; the arrow burns and falls, the ground lights up; he escapes on a path where grass does not grow]: Boas 1918, No. 33 [Hawk chosen by the sun], 48 [Raven as evening, Hawk as bad weather, Coyote too hot; older and younger brother become Sun and Month], 54 [some person gives only red light; Coyote too hot, tells everyone what he sees from above; Lynx's elder and younger brothers are chosen by the Sun and Month]: 49, 67-69, 117-121, 287 (note) [where Vazhenka stops, Lynx leaves her four hairs; she gets pregnant when she urinates; gives birth to a boy; her grandmother Frog tells men to hold him in their arms; Coyote, Raven and others have a child cries; calms down on the roars of the Lynx; Lynx, Vazhenka and their son are left alone without fire; Lynx is a good hunter, Vazhenka gives birth to a second boy; people are starving; Vazhenka sends sons where they do the sun; the Raven tries to become the sun - it is dark and cold; the Coyote is too hot; he demands that people feed him, talks about everything he saw from above; one of the Lynx's sons becomes the sun, the other a month; Coyote is jealous of them, shoots in the sun, but his arrow burns in flight, falls, sets fire to grass]; Clark 1966 [as in Boas, No. 48]: 142-143; sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon , lies as if he had caught nothing; his sister finds eggs in his bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him to fish on the shore; when he returns, he has already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that has broken off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (it is not explained why); makes a brother from a baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the Toad lets urine into the sky, the rain floods all the hearths except her; the brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps on the younger one's neck, says she is his wife; she can't be ripped off; When burned with fire, her skin shrivels; everyone consistently tries to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane's day is too long (its head reaches the horizon in the west and its legs are still in the east) ; the one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, the root brother becomes a month, and a toad is visible on him]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; Okanagon: Guie 1990 [Coyote is Krotiha's husband, leaves for a long time; she falls in love first with sun-heated stone, then white root; gives the eldest son the name Warmed Stone, the youngest White Root; one is white and the other is red; Coyote comes and trains his sons (they are called his sons); people are going to choose who will be the Sun; Coyote tries, spies on those who make love, detached; his sons do not want to leave earth; The frog is in love with the younger; calling rain, extinguishes all hearths except its own; White Root comes to warm up, she jumps on his face; you can't tear it off; out of shame he becomes the Month; his brother becomes the Sun; if you kill a frog and put it belly to heaven, the Moon and the Sun are hiding in the clouds because they are afraid that it will demand love from them]: 179-184; Hill-Tout 1911 [people are going to choose the Sun; the Woodpecker as the Sun is too hot, the Crane has the day is too short; Coyote talks about everything he sees from above, he is quickly recalled back; one of Coyote's sons is chosen as the sun]: 145-146; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 1 [woman every day she goes to dig rhizomes (probably hogfennel, Peucedanum palustre, marsh mustard); her mother looks after her son; he has grown up, asks about his father, the grandmother replies that he did not have a father; he threatens to kill her with a stick, she admits that his father is the rhizome of a mustard plaster; the young Chief Son-Root (SK) leaves, summons monstrous fish out of the water, pulls its throat out, turns it into a boat; the Pest boy asks him to take him with him, jumps in a boat, the UK just turns him into a pestle; sees a burning tree, comes up, there Grouse (Foolhen, Falcipennis canadensis) touches his burnt eyebrows; the UK tells him peck raw moss, no longer build a house or cook food on fire; and Grouse used to collect moss under his wing, set fire to a tree and throw himself into the fire; a rabbit jumped into a boat, SK killed him; Otter (Fisher) demanded her prey, threatened to hit her tail, began to hit the water with her tail, spraying the UK; he killed her, threw her to the rabbit; comes to the house, there are many children there, the hostess tells them that her father will soon return with hunting; children see an Otter killed by the UK, he was their father; SK revives him; enters a house where there is an awl on the walls; takes a large one with patterns, awls dig into it; he sets fire to the house, says that Shilla is no longer will be cannibals, but will become awls for making moccasins; the same in the house where the Combs are; where Bubbles (they will now store tobacco); Kingfisher dives, but the fish slips out; he washes into the bucket from his hands the smell of fish, cooks soup, SR likes it; he makes the Kingfisher claws and beak so that the fish is easy to grab; he must live not in the house, but by the river, eat raw fish; the same with Osprey; by the river there is a man, whose one leg is a spear; SK turns into salmon, harpoons itself, breaks off, carries the tip; harpoons the fish with it; Ostronog sharpens his tibia again; SK comes to him, says that he caught salmon with the tip stuck; Ostronog tries to cover his leg with a cape; SK offers to play hoop and stick on capes, wins, Ostronog is forced to give his own, SK hits him with a stick on the leg, makes it normal, gives a moose horn, tells you to make tips from moose horn, not from your own bone; everyone goes out to meet SK; the ugly Toad causes rain, comes into the house; SK forced to enter her; he addresses her, naming her to varying degrees of kinship, finally says "wife"; she jumps between his eyes; he can't tear her off; Coyote says to choose the Sun and the Moon; Malinovka too hot, Coyote talks about everything he sees; SK says it will be the Month, will go far so that the Toad is not so visible on his face; Toadstool's son is one-eyed, becomes a good Sun - it's not so clear He sees and is not so hot; when the sun is less bright, a one-eyed toadstool can be seen]: 57-63; Teit, Boas 1930 [The robin is too hot; the one-eyed man becomes the sun; the Coyote is made a month, explains everything he sees; then the old leader is made for a month; the Toad jumps on his face; since then the Month is paler than the Sun; during the eclipses of the Month, he covers his face or eyes]: 177-178; flethead [Skomeltem gave birth to a son, Amotken, the creator of heaven and earth; the first people he created were evil, he destroyed them by the flood; the second race was destroyed by fire from heaven, the third by an epidemic; mother asked him not to destroy the fourth; there was no sun; the Coyote was the first to try to be the sun, talked about everything he saw from above, he was dragged to the ground by the tail; the raven was black, gave little light; A. sent his own son Spokani to be the sun; people refused to give him a wife, he came to the frogs, volunteered alone to be his wife, jumped on his cheek; in the afternoon S. covers his face with a shining cape; at night takes it off, is the Month; spots are a frog on his cheek]: Clark 1966:66-68; kalispel [played with the moon, others stole it; animal people choose who will be the Month; the Red Fox shines during the day and at night, too hot; four Frogs lure two handsome men to them, making everything wet except their home; one jumps one on the face, the other blinding the other in one eye; out of shame, both they rise to the sky; the Month has a frog on its face, the Sun is one-eyed]: Clark 1966:71-73.
Southeast USA. Yuchi: Speck 1909a, No. 2 [The cougar is the first to try to become the sun, people are dissatisfied; The Star (Spider), then the Month shines too dim; the Sun rises and shines around the clock; The chipmunk says people it takes night to multiply; starlight and a month are enough; a cougar scratches the Chipmunk in anger, leaving stripes on his back]: 104-105; Swanton 1929, No. 90 [the first ancestors choose who could to illuminate the world; Star, Month does not provide enough light; Sunwoman rises in the east, shining brightly]: 84; alabama [animal people come together to put the sun on the sky; birds only The vulture and wren manage to do this; for this, the vulture is promised animal corpses, and the wren will swim in cold water and be always healthy]: Martin 1977:6-7; Swanton 1929, No. 8:123.
California. Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 4/V [The Coyote steals the sun from its owners, including the Woodpecker and the Mist; the Rabbit brings it; Hummingbird, Falcon, Pigeon, Robin, Vulture try unsuccessfully put the sun on the sky; the Raven succeeds], 89/II [see motif J52; two Deer kill the Sun with arrows, it falls to the ground, burns; only two Raven Brothers manage to place the Sun back to heaven]: 77-79, 349.
The Great Southwest. Navajo: Newcomb 1967:80 in Williamson 1984 [After leaving the lower world, people want more light; The First Woman and the First Man make two discs out of quartz crystals; the first is decorated with a mask from blue turquoise (it will give light and heat) with red corals on the edge and earlobes; feathers of a cardinal, woodpecker, lark, eagle are attached to four sides; lightning darts place the disc in the east; the second disc is turned into the moon; at first the sun does not move, it is hot in the east, it is cold in the west; two old men agree to give their souls to the stars to move them; 12 feathers from an eagle's tail celebrate the path of the stars across the sky, which varies at different times of the year; the Wind Boy blew, the feathers closed the Month's eyes, so he went blindly and his journey across the sky is tortuous and unique]: 43-44; Stevenson 1891 [ people make the sun by circling turquoise and white shell beads with crystal sprinkled with corn pollen; they raise the sun with poles; it's too low, everything burns; twelve men on four sides of the earth make the world wider, the sun rises higher; Ahsonutli (turquoise hermaphrodite) tells them to continue to maintain the sky]: 275-277; hopi [make a solar disk out of wood, feathers, etc. they put the sun on the cloth, throw it into the sky]: Cushing 1923 [cotton blanket turns into a month, deer skin shield in the sun]: 166; James 1940:10-11 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [people make the disc from bison skin, they draw a face on it, choose a young man who stands on the disc, throw him into the sky, he turns into a Month; they make a woven disc, choose another young man, who becomes the Sun]: 72-75; Voth 1905, No. 3 [put on bison skin; then they do the same with the month]: 13-14; Wallis 1936, No. 1 [thrown into the sky, the sun flies like an eagle]: 8; luiseno [like a hopi; put on a net of wild fibers]: DuBois 1908:144.
NW Mexico. Tarahumara [The Sun and Moon were children, they lived in a poor house; only the Morning Star lit the earth, they shone poorly; the tarahumara could not work, they had to hold hands in the dark; they healed the Sun and Moon by dipping small crosses in tesvino, touching the chest, head, and back of the Sun and Moon; the Sun and Moon shone]: Lumholtz 1902 (1): 297-298; yaks [at the beginning of the Surem human era (the time of first dwarf ancestors) no one knows the name of the sun; animals gather for advice; the badger says that the sun is a man, will come out like him from a hole in the ground; runs away thinking that people want it punish; but people wanted to pay tribute to him; now the badger lives in a hole; var.: fish or rooster know the name of the sun]: Gidding 1959:19; Huichol: Furst, Auguiano 1976 [Nawawé replied: to make it bright, someone must turn into the sun; four people could not sacrifice themselves; a lonely orphan, the son of the goddess of earth and maize Utuanáka, threw himself into the fire (var.: into the lake, turned into fire or blood at the moment of immersion); descended through five lower worlds, where dangerous animals, including snakes encircling the ground with heads at both ends; Nakawé and Tutewarí ( first shaman) said that he would come from a cave on a mountain in the east; everyone hurried there, arguing about the name, Turkey said tau-tau-tau (sun - tau), became a satellite of the sun; the Sun is so tired in the lower world, that he did not climb to the upper five tiers, but began to fall, dragging the sky with him; life is on the verge of death, many have climbed into holes (these animals have been living in burrows ever since); T. put five palm trees (brazil trees) maintain the sky - one in the center, four at the edges); with the help of Káuyumarie (a deer trickster), he showed people how to make a chair where shamans and chiefs sit during rituals; sacrificed a child for the Sun to feed on this blood]: 117-118; McIntosh 1949 [at first only the moon was shining, there was not enough light; then people gathered, the shaman chose a young man with skin disease, he dressed up, threw himself into the fire, through the sun rose for five days; everyone thought about what to call it Tau; put stars and constellations in the sky {either Spanish names or Huichol names were given, but not translated}]: 19-21; McIntosh 1948 [first only the moon; people celebrated, under the guidance of shamans they lit a fire, chose a young man to rush there, he became Tau ("sun"); five days later the sun rose]: 19-21; Myerhoff 1974 [animal people choose who will be the sun; four fail; the fatherless young son of the goddess of corn is thrown into the lake; The Sun boy goes through the five lower tiers and rises from the mouth of the volcano to the east, only a turkey knows his name]: 81; Zingg 1938 [one of the Sun's children, a fly, flew into the world to measure it to see if the Sun had enough room to enter it; for this, Father Sun turned him into a red parrot tau kukui ("heart of the sun"); The sun spat, a small woodpecker and mako formed, mako feathers parrots; the feathers of these birds are used in rituals; spat again, a royal eagle, a hawk, a black kite appeared, rattlesnake, "sea jaguar" (shark?) , a jaguar, a green parrot; they all protect the Sun when it is sitting on its bench; Kauymáli was commissioned to make a sacred rod for the Sun; they put seeds inside, it turned out to be a rattle like a sound rattlesnake; before the Sun appeared, only the moon was shining; if K. hadn't created parafernalia for the Sun, the world would have remained dark; the goddesses of the sea tried to shoot the Sun's parrots, but the Sun's rays were stronger; the parrots shouted five times, the sun rose; the goddesses of the sea tried to guess the name of the Sun, but only the sunbird Turkey guessed, "Tau! Tau! Tau!" ("sun" on Huichol); the Sun advanced four ways and then rose; the sea turned blue; the gods of the sea were afraid that the Sun would not appear regularly and protect them from bad animals; so they They told K. to make his bench for the Sun]: 516-517.
Mesoamerica Aztecs; Northern Puebla Nahuat [only the dog correctly points where the sun will rise from, Taggart 1983:102]; otomi [like Nahuat: a rooster]: Galinier 1990:698-699]; Huastecs; mountain and coastal totonacs; tequistlatecs; mije: Miller 1956, No. 3 [the girl refused the young man; he turned into a bird, the girl hit it, hid it on her chest, became pregnant; went to the forest; the squirrel asked her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, the girl crashed; Vulture found a boy and a girl in her womb; brother and sister came to her mother's parents; while the grandmothers no, they killed their grandfather, stuffed the scarecrow with insects; their grandmother fed him meat; she hit his grandfather, the insects flew out; the grandmother is chasing the twins, Aguchi hid them in her mouth; they threw the snake in her mouth hot stones; the beast carried them to the rock, they killed him with arrows; brother tells his sister to write vines; she says she pees bananas; brother pees vines himself; turned people who ate bananas into forest animals; burned the beast , let the Toad throw ash into the sea; he discovered, the mosquitoes flew out, turned into a toad; the appearance of the Sun and the moon as in No. 4], 4 [Mary is spinning, the bird sits on the spinning wheel, she hit it, put it under her shirt, the bird pecked her in the chest, flew away; M. became pregnant; the squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, M. crashed; the Vulture took a boy and a girl out of her womb; the boy buried her mother, ordered The vulture has corpses of animals, not humans; the twins came to the mother's parents; taking out the lice from the grandfather, they killed him, filled the scarecrow with insects, let the grandmother cook and eat the testicles; the grandmother hit the scarecrow, insects bit her; her sister wrote, the road was wet, the stalker grandmother was sliding; Aguti hid the twins in her mouth; the old man sheltered them, the serpent came at night, the twins threw them into his mouth hot stones; as in No. 3 (Lorenzo opened a bag of ash, turned into a toad); people are going to choose the Sun, telling their brother that he is weak; he turns into the Sun, tells the old man to dig well; while low above the ground, it's hot, only the old man has water in the well; tells his sister to run to the old man's house for the forgotten huarache; during this time he rose high; sister became the moon; spots - her brother's huarache]: 79-85, 86-97; chontal [I must name the person who will ascend to heaven; everyone gathered, but only the dog gave the name: sun; the owner told her to shut up and dogs have not talked ever since]: Pérez Gonzä lez 2013:84.
Honduras vs Panama. Guatuso [Sun-man drinks people's blood; gods gather to send him to heaven; tapir, monkey, jaguar unable, hummingbird raises the sun]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 2:123-129.
The Northern Andes. Bari [the first ancestors leave the house with feathered arms and hats; Sabaseba wants to know who has the brightest dress; Añandou is covered in ulcers, wears the last dress, shines; S. tells him to become the sun, walk across the sky with his wife and children; the Chibaig woman walked on the ground accompanied by two men; they cannot copulate with her because she is cold; C. tells her to become the moon, walk on the sky; turns her companions into a squirrel and a bird; the light of the moon changes due to its menstrual cycle]: Villamañan 1975:4-5; Kogi [The Sun had two wives, the Moon and one more; the Sun is small an ugly man, his wife is also ugly; they were asked if they wanted to be the father and mother of the world; they agreed; they were dressed in gold, taken to heaven; another wife of the Sun ran after her husband, threw ash at the face of the moon; otherwise it would shine like the sun; the sun eats the souls of plants; in a ceremonial house, the sun is allowed to eat in the skull of a jaguar]: Chaves 1947, No. 9:482-483; muisques (prov. Tunja) [? The ascension of the sun and moon to heaven is celebrated during a calendar holiday]: Simón 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 11:312.
Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1 [The sun is married to the moon; kills and eats its brothers; people throw the Sun and Moon into the fire; the sun is red hot, and the moon only has a burnt stomach; when the moon is one quarter away, it is said that her stomach is burnt; the moon jumps into the water, loses its heat; the Sun and the Moon rise to the sky; their son The Morning Star is covered in ulcers, the girl rejects him; it is being done handsome, now he rejects the girl himself, rises to the sky], 2 [The sun is married to the moon; his sister has many sons; each time he asks one of the boys to accompany him on the hunt; he eats everyone; one of the boys found the brothers' bones, ran to his mother; people called the Sun to the party, gave him a drink; he came with a necklace made of the teeth of his murdered nephews; he was thrown into the fire, he was badly burned, so bright and hot; the moon is only slightly burned trying to put out the fire and save her husband], 3 [every time Kuliwakua invites her son or daughter to look for a brother in their head, sucks blood, the baby dies, K. then digs the corpse out of the grave and eats it; makes necklaces out of nails and teeth; her brother drives her away with her husband, her son stays with her uncle; while hunting, her uncle sees her nephew temporarily turning into a jaguar to kill deer; the nephew returns to the cannibal mother; the brother makes an intoxicating drink with fish poison, calls his sister and her husband; they are drunk, dancing, showing necklaces of teeth and nails; the brother pushed them into the fire; K. jumped into the water but her husband didn't; both went up to heaven, became Sun and Moon]: 25-29, 30-31, 32-35.
Ecuador. Colorado [shamans choose the son of a single mother by the sun and send him to heaven with a feather crown]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:14-24.
Western Amazon. Siona; Aguaruna [living on earth, the sun and the month give too much light and heat; animal people send a month to heaven, then the sun]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2): 119.
NW Amazon. Yagua: Chaumeil 1983:193-194 [After the Month met his sister, people became intoxicated at the festival, turned into herons and flew away; the Sister of the Month went to look for them; asked about their ancestral path Herons almost killed her; Agouti ordered her to turn at the fork not to where the parrot's feathers were, but where the pineapple peel was; on that way she would reach her uncle; she did not understand, she turned where the feathers were and reached the Jaguars ; the old woman hid her under the roof; Jaguar came, she dropped something, he began to copulate with her; the second Jaguar ate her; the grandmother took the embryo, he jumped into the water; the woman's uncle's sons swim, they see it; he lit a fire, threw himself into it, became the Sun; one of his uncle's sons ran after him, became an Evening Star]; Flornoy in Girard 1958 [Jaguars visit people, copulate with women; people hide a girl , the Jaguar finds her, kills her; the body is thrown into the river; water with some seeds enters her bosom; a boy is born, people raise him; he says he will return to his father; people are frightened, they think that Jaguaru, but his father is a Month; he rises to the sky from the fire, becomes the Sun]: 48; Powlison 1972a [at night The month comes to a sister who retired to a separate hut for her first period; sister wants to know who her lover is, stains his face with paint; The month rises to the sky in shame, the spots are still visible; the girl's mother and relatives turn into storks, fly away; the girl goes looking for them; her a bee bites; then it loses its way, gets to the jaguars, the Jaguar eats it; the mother of the jaguars takes the baby out of the womb to the river to wash it before eating it, he rushes into the water and swims away; below with the flow, a boy finds a baby, brings it to his mother, she raises them together; the son of a woman killed by jaguars agrees to the named brother's offer to be burned to become The sun; he rises to heaven by his father Month]: 71-72.
The Central Andes. Peru's north coast, paintings on vessels of the Mochica culture [a male deity probably associated with the sun rises to the sky by stairs apparently made by spiders; other characters watching this]: Golte 1994a: 59; 1994b: 124-126.
Montagna. Amuesha [the first ancestors gathered to raise the sun to the sky; only the hummingbird managed to do so, although no one believed in his strength]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 11:121.