Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A24A. The first day or night: becoming a perfume .

When the first day or first night falls, humans become supernatural characters.

Ukrainians, Huastecs, Soke, Ufaina, Vaura, Mehinacu, Jaulapiti.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Poltava) [the first people were very tall; they went to work 60 miles away; one such person found an ordinary person, brought it to his mother as a curiosity; the mother said that such people would live after them; the son says that if he knew, he would crush them all; the Lord destroyed the giants, turning them into stone; when the sun appeared, they began to laugh, so the Lord turned them into stone; they lived like animals in burrows; on Holy Evening, the petrified come to life and converge; they cannot be touched; one Cossack jokingly grabbed a stone woman by the chest, who blew his head off and petrified again]: Strizhevsky 1905, No. 1:118-119.

Mesoamerica Huasteci [the land was flat; at the first sunrise, the ancestors threw themselves upside down into the ground, creating valleys and mountains; they have since lived underground; at the beginning of the solar era, they stole people and pets (dogs, cows, chickens, horses, pigs, donkeys); later, a hero brought people and animals to the ground and closed the lower world; the first ancestors still come to earth in the form of winds, kidnapping teen souls (Huastec self-name) and thus causing illness]: Ariel de Vidas 2002:536-537; soke [Müngana'n (thunder people) were ordinary people living in a twilight world; when the first one began dawn, they grabbed their belongings (axes, hats, vessels), ran into the forest, became Müngana'n; when there is heavy fog, they walk through the forest and from time to time cut down trees with one or two blows, although trees don't actually fall]: Relatos Zoques 1997:59.

NW Amazon. Ufain [it was not night, people could not rest, only little grandfather was getting dark; they came to him, began to wake him up with blows, he woke up after the third blow; gave a bag with the night, told him not to open it on the way; one of the four Imárika Katafikí brothers decided to discover it, because the world is big and the bag is small; it appeared as if a black ball, the sun and the moon had disappeared; the old woman who killed the fish with poison became the Mother Forests (Madre Monte, Kuajukáu, a harmless forest spirit, catches crayfish, for this purpose she has long arms; var: catches people, makes them sorcerers); the hunter in the forest became Kurupira (like a person, but without joints, covered with hair, legs backwards, sometimes drives people who come crazy in the forest); people turned into animals, animals used to be humans; four brothers decided to become wistiti monkeys, created nocturnal animals; IC went to relieve himself, heard someone say he was weaving a basket for his right eyes, then for the left; others did not believe it; it was a grandfather who slept on the brothers; but IC put bark on his eyelids, grandfather became a vampire bat, took out the eyes of three brothers, and IC only had bark; began to dry his eyes over the fire (so people go blind); IK himself turned into a bat, took his eyes away while his grandfather was sleeping, placed some are right in place of the left, so there are cross-eyed ones; they began to conjure, as my grandfather taught, so that it dawn; the darkness was collected in pits under the vessels]: Hildebrand 1975, No. II: 333-336.

Southern Amazon. Waura (about the same among the Vaura related Arawak groups of the upper reaches of Shingu, Mehinaku and Yaulapiti) [it was dark, yeropoho lived on earth, and people lived in termite mounds; heroes Vaura managed to send the sun to heaven (without details); after learning about this, they tried to escape by wearing "clothes" and turning into animals and sacred wind instruments; at sunrise, most threw itself into the water, led by three flutes - Kavoká, Eyusi (=stingray), Talapi kuma (bassoon fish); those who did not have time to hide themselves became monsters and spirits; they are depicted costumes and masks]: Barcelos Neto 2001:148-154