Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A26. The Sun Bird. 19.57.


bird embodies the sun, daylight; it can be caught, released, killed.

Melanesia. Paparatawa (Mission, NW New Britain): Kleintitschen 1924:65-66 [To Purgo chose to be the sun, To Kabinana - a month; a man put a snare on a tree, caught a green parrot flying in peck fruits, killed, it turned out to be the TP sun, who chased a man trying to hide in a hole, in the water, burned him; TC got angry with TP for this murder, forced him to change roles], 66-68 [at night a man caught a cockatoo in a snare, killed, put it in a basket; the cockatoo was the sun To Purgo, burned a man], 68-69 [the man always sat under the breadtree, basking in the sun; once he caught a bird in a snare, wondered why the sun stopped warming; the bird was the sun To Mora, burned a man], 69 (note 1) [same but the cockatoo sun - To Kabinana; flew from tree to sky, burned a man] in Luomala 1940:40; tolai: Janssen et al. 2012, No. 3 [To catch a cockatoo, the man smeared the branch with glue, but the glue dried out, because the cockatoo was actually the sun and dried it; the man caught the cockatoo in a loop and carried it in basket; cockatoo is getting heavier; says he is a man and the sun, his name is To Purgo, he helps plants in the gardens ripen], 4 [the man caught a cockatoo that sat in a noose himself, but the cockatoo burned it, for he was the sun, To Mora]: 7-8, 8.

Southern Venezuela. Yabarana [the first human couple's body is not dismembered below; Mayawoka went to look for Brother Ochi; saw the first man catch a piranha, was going to finish it off with a club; realized it was O. trying to steal a man's golden hook; M. turned into a vulture, distracted man's attention, O.-Piranha jumped into the water, M. pulled the hook; returned to the fisherman in the form of a man behind the sun bird; he kept it in the basket; while the bird was in the basket, the sun was at its zenith; the fisherman saw that M.'s ear pendant was a stolen hook; agreed to give the bird for M. making legs for him and his wife; since then people can walk and leave offspring; giving the basket, ordered not to open it; M. asked O. to get the fruit; O. said he was still weak from his wounds; M. climbed himself, O. opened the basket; the sun bird flew out from with a disgusting cry; 12 days of darkness, a hurricane, the ground was covered with mud, both people drowned; O. sat on a rock, cried, M. flew under the clouds in the form of a bat; O. created four-legged animals for food, M. - birds and monkeys; M. sent the conoto bird to catch the sun; it found it at the edge of the earth; the sun bird flew from one side of the earth to the other, so day and night appeared; konoto bound the sun with a white cloud- cotton, threw it to the white monkey, who placed it in the basket; the sun returned to its zenith for a while, M. found O.; O. began to live in the west, M. in the east]: Wilbert 1959:56-59 (=1963:150-154); PR [ Chief Póman-Ichaj went to get pebbles for the shamanic rattle; his wife Jiudej Tucusita heard a voice from the top of the ñopa tree created by the evil spirit of Virichaj; threw it at him with a stick; appeared a bird wearing a crown of sunlight; the woman said she threw it not at her; the bird of the sun announced that there would be a flood, ordered P. and H. to put their house on the mountain (P. is marked as a righteous man who lit up in honor sun fire); chiguire, tapir and otter (they can swim) escaped from the flood; after the flood, the trees are dead, except chikle and pendare; the sun bird appeared to the couple in a dream, said that there would be so many children how many fruits were on the pendar and the same number of nipples; in the morning, sucking babies hung on the tree; the tree was covered with babies sucking milk from many nipples; V. took two fish from the water and gave them nipples, but forgot Take out the fish's teeth; these babies have bitten their nipples, they descended from Caribbean cannibals, other bariva, guajibo, etc.; H. became pregnant by the Sun, gave birth to piaroa; since then, pendare has milk but no nipples] : Baumgartner 1950:66-69 in Wilbert 1963:66-69; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 63 (Ironaciteri) [(Becher 1974:16-18); Horonamí killed a mutum while hunting, but it turned out to be a bird of the night Ruarí; it became dark; H. came to the fire, next to three hammocks for the old man, his wife and girlfriend; these are Paré (The Month), his wife Perimbó, and their daughter Hetumá, who looks like Petá, the wife's wife and sister X. Pore said that since R. was killed, she would not be able to climb back from the underworld through the battleship's hole; to regain the day, H. must kill himself; but his wife and daughter asked H. to keep Khetum's husband; behavior in a hammock, H. realized that this was his wife Petá; in the morning she gave birth to a new Rueri bird, the day came again; H. received bananas from his father-in-law that he did not know before; smeared the thorn with a genip, made a mark above Hetumá's lip; in the morning, the Pore family disappeared; H. brought bananas home; the brothers said that someone tattooed Petá and other women's upper lip at night], 64 [(Finkers 1986:118- 123); it was not night; people copulated in the house in daylight; Hõrõnami's wife told him this; he went into the woods, shot Titiri (a large black and white guan), then darkness came; Pomotowë brought him, gave ticks instead of fruit, but H. only pretended to eat them; got his daughter; ran away in the morning, climbed from the jaguar into a tree, sent two tapirs to pass by, the jaguar chased them; on the way, H. met people, everyone ate fruits, H. made these fruits as they are now (one poisonous, the other must be fried); Poré showed the way home, gave bananas; H. turned the boy into an armadillo], 65 [(Lizot MS); there was no night; black curasso is the son-in-law of the Night Woman; people touched him erased, night came, then dawn came; Hõrõnami struck him to death; the scattered feathers became spirits that foreshadow dawn], 66 [(Lizot MS); it was not night, people had sex in the light; copulated with Hõrõnami's wife while he was sleeping; H.'s son only hit the black curazo with an arrow with a wind gun, darkness fell and quickly dissipated; H. killed a bird, night fell; some people turned into guana birds; then dawn], 69 [(Lizot MS); it was not night; people killed a black curazo screaming tiriri with an arrow ; morning spirits and Laughing Hawk, a cannibal, appeared from blood; curazo returned to his hiding place]: 139-140, 141-144, 145-147, 147-148, 149; Andrey Matusovsky, personal message 09.04.2011 (written in January 2011 from Enrique Lucho, a Yanomamo man, 48 years old, was born and raised on the river. Okamo) [in the time of the Yanomamo gods, they could not do anything, there was no bananas or water, there was no night at all; it was always day, it was light; the shaman decided to create night so that people could sleep and rest from the daytime labors; decided to kill a big pauhil bird, who was the mistress of day and night, and was shabono the size of a shabono; shot it with a bow and hit it with an arrow; immediately night fell; since then there day to hunt and night to sleep]; Yanomam [Albert MS); there was no night, White Monkey people copulated in the daylight but made fires to hide in the smoke; Ocelot began to kill birds (like guanas, curasso, tinama), night came, the more he killed, the longer; the night spirits took the form of these birds, lived among them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 80:172-174; sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 81 [(Borgman MS); it was a constant day, people killed curazo, first night came], 82 [(Colchester 1981:39-40); it was night, people were shivering from the cold, the big curazo screamed sadly; he was hit with an arrow, the feathers scattered, became birds of different types depending on size; the day has come], 83 [(Colchester 1981:40-41); during the long night, the monkeys painted uruku, coal, ash, and received current color; people killed curasso, the bird of the night; its feathers turned into all songbirds, morning has come]: 174-175, 175-176, 177.