Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A27. Sun and moon crowns.


The light and/or heat of the sun and/or moon is contained in their crowns, necklaces, or clothing (made from feathers, animal teeth).

Melanesia. Marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 66 [men find a boy in a fire pit; pull out, rape; he runs, his feather jewelry turns into sunlight], 7 [men found the boy in a fire pit; they began to fill it with water, pulled out, put on a hat made of the feathers of a bird of paradise; the steam formed clouds; the boy rose to the sky, the feathers became sunlight]: 154-156, 205-207.

South Asia. Kuttia [Nirantali gave jewelry to important people, Luna cried why she wasn't given it; then he gave her a turban and a hare in her hands so she could see it; the sun asked him for a turban, but received a golden crown]: Elwin 1954, No. 19:46-47.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [the boy is lazy, naughty, naughty; people leave the camp, leaving him alone; the Raven and the Raven leave dried fish for him; his grandmother hides under a basket of tinder; he shoots birds, grandmother makes four blankets out of skins; The sun used to walk naked, took refuge only at night when he slept in his house; The sun bought blankets, their colors (especially the blue color of the blue jay feathers) are still visible now; the young man becomes a good hunter; fills the Crow and Raven storerooms with meat; gives less to others]: Teit 1898, No. VII: 51-52; lillouette [the grandmother makes clothes for the young man from bright feathers; The sun asks for it for itself, gives it its own in return; in its former clothes, the Sun was pale as the Month; now bright]: Teit 1912b, No. 2:296-298.

Plains. Mandan [the Sun's head is crowned with feathers with rays of light on them; this is the light of the sun]: Beckwith 1938, No. 34:269.

California. Vintu [the hero throws the evil Sun Father-in-law into the sky; he asks to throw a fox at him, decorates himself with it]: Curtin 1898 [these are rays (?) at sunrise; part of the Sun breaks off, turns into a Month; he gets a white quartz hat]: 157-158; DubOis, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 7 [it's a silver halo around the sun]: 295.

Big Pool. Southern Payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 19 (Shivwitz) [The Month has an owl feather crown; he kills his younger brother and others; his older brother cuts off his head and appears in heaven], No. 1 (Moapa) [a person opens the bundle, it becomes dark; he throws feathers into the sky, one of them becomes the sun]: 157, 159.

The Great Southwest. Hopi: Voth 1905, No. 1 [The Sun wears silver skin at dawn and red fox skin at sunrise]: 1; Wallis 1936, No. 1 [people make the sun disk by framing it with eagle feathers]: 8; oriental ceres (Cochiti) [at dawn, the Sun adorns its head with fluff and later with parrot tail feathers]: Benedict 1931:25.

NW Mexico. Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [The sun wears a flower crown and staff; the light of the crown illuminates the world, dispels demons; the Sun has fought off the Jaguar with an arrow]: Preuss 1968, No. 18:151-154.

Mesoamerica Kekchi, mopan [the ancient sun can't bear the heat of the crown; a new candidate has been selected]: Thompson 1930:119; ishil [The Sun God is carried in a chair by four porters; two more carry his headdress]: Colby, Colby 1981:38.

The Northern Andes. Bari [the first ancestors leave the house, made their shoulders and hats out of feathers; Sabaseba wants to know who has the brightest dress; Añandou is covered in ulcers, wears the last dress, shines; S. tells him to become the sun, walk across the sky with his wife and children; the Chibaig woman walked on the ground accompanied by two men; they cannot copulate with her because she is cold; C. tells her to become the moon, walk on the sky; turns her companions into a squirrel and a bird; the light of the moon changes due to her menstrual cycle]: Villamañan 1975:5; tunsky [by sending the sun to the sky, God gives it four crowns]: Marquez 1980:651-653; guajiro [the sun has a golden hat, the month has a pale hat]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 1 [Swamp Fire tries to steal the Sun's hat], 3 and 7 [the dog helped the sun get a bright hat, which used to be in the month], 4-6 [bittern tries to steal the sun hat], 112:24, 28-33, 317; 1986 (2), No. 116, 117:838-839.

Guiana. Lokono, oyana [a crown of mako feathers on the Sun's head]: Goeje 1943, footnote 37:45; taulipan [the sun's rays are his feather crown]: Koch-Grünberg 1923:283; arekuna [in the morning, while sailing in a boat, the Sun wears a feather crown and ear pendants made of gold elytra]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 13:52; waiwai [it's been raining for a long time, there's still no sun; two shamans went up to heaven to look for him; the father of the sun is a bird Warakuimo (Waraku is some kind of bird, imo is a great heavenly correspondence to an earthly object); almost burned, they enter the house of the Sun (kamo); he tells them to take it out black feathers from his tiara; shamans take out black bird feathers, put in red toucan feathers instead, then mako; return to earth; the sun rises in the morning]: Fock 1963:33; Howard 1991:58-59.

Ecuador. Colorado [shamans choose the son of a single mother by the sun and send him to heaven with a feather crown]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:14-24.

Western Amazon. Achuar [A month wears a feather crown, goes from his wife to heaven]: Mowitz 1978:73.

NW Amazon. Barasana [The month descends into an abandoned home, turns into an armadillo, eats the dead; takes off his glowing crown while eating; a man hides it, the Month has difficulty finding it; he eats bones those who copulated with menstruating women]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 3:272; desana [the sun took the month's large crown, left a small one]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968:17; 1971:24; okaina [A month went together with my sister; the mother noticed her daughter's pregnancy, the father (his name is "Light, Clarity") squeezed the fetus out of her stomach, ordered her lover to be smeared with genipa juice at night to find out who was going to see her; turned out to be a brother, ran to heaven, became a Month, put on jewelry so that his father would not notice his soiled face; the younger sister asked who had smeared his face, he admitted that his older sister; the younger sister asked take her to the sky; The month told her not to look down; everyone below is screaming, the girl was afraid of screaming, looked down, fell, turned into a toayo bird {apparently a nightjar}, now sings on the full moon; father drove her away ( again) the eldest daughter, who became pregnant, gave birth, came to the old woman's house; she painted her body to protect her from animal bravo (otter or jaguar); when bathing, the paint washed off, the fierce beast ate the woman; the boy raised by an old woman; at the age of 5, he was discovered (le revelaron) that his father was the Month, and his mother had eaten a fierce animal; the boy went to the forest to play with a cancer shell (huesos de cangrejo), so he made the first fire; trained by throwing darts at tree trunks; met a fierce beast; he invited him to play together, was going to eat; the boy made a bridge over the river, ran over it; when the beast ran, the bridge collapsed, the beast was killed; the boy went to look for his father; the Month sent him feathers and ornaments; the son made a crown and wings out of them, went up to heaven, became the Sun]: Girard 1958:137-139; uitoto [at the Sun jaguar tooth necklace]: Preuss 1921, No. 8:314; carijona [The sun makes a necklace for itself from jaguar fangs; when it wears it (halo), for misfortune or war; when the Month wears its own on a full moon, good hunting]: Schindler 1977, No. 1:29-30; chikuna [sun]: Nimuendaju 1952 [made from maco feathers]: 142; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 10A [from guacamayo feathers]: 110

Eastern Amazon. The sun. Hissing [The Sun had dark skin; in the morning he put on a crown of macaw feathers, day came; secretly killed, fried and ate people; they decided to kill him; one man climbed onto an anage palm tree and threw He killed the sun with a heavy bunch of fruits; the sun sank up to the neck into the ground, it became dark; the four sons of the Sun had light skin, the fifth youngest had dark skin; only he could withstand the heat, trying on his father's crown; became the current Sun]: Nimuendaju 1920:1010; juruna [Kuadê Sun had a trap hole in the rock; man got caught, pretended to be dead; K. carried him in a basket of ants; he jerked when the ants began to eat their eyes; K.'s stick wanted to hit him, but K. did not tell him, said that the prey was dead; outside the house he hung the basket on a branch; the next day his son found nothing in it; K. chased a stick but she mistakenly chased the deer, killed it; K. found a man in the hollow of a tree, wounded him with a stick, missed it, filled the hole with a stone; at night tapirs, wild pigs, deer, monkeys, paki, agouti gnawed stones, breaking his teeth, they released the man; the next time the young man cut off his hair, painted his face so that K. would not recognize him; climbed onto a palm tree for nuts; threw off a small bunch of K.; killed a big one; K.'s stick became a boa constrictor; blood - with spiders, ants, snakes, centipedes; they covered the whole ground, the young man had to jump on trees to go out into the open; darkness came; K.'s three sons, by order of his mother, began to try to wear his father's feather crown; only the youngest could withstand the fever; his mother told him to walk slower so that people could do their business; told him to rest at noon and before sunset]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973: 94-97; urubu [The Sun and the Month ate Fruits; The Month is upset that the Sun's excrement has thin fibers, and it has rough fibers; the Sun asked the woodpecker for his crest to make himself a hat; that warned him not to drop it to the ground, threw fire, the Sun caught it, made a hat for himself, hid it; he found it, wanted the same; knowing that the Month would drop fire, the Sun covered its hut with a layer of clay; when the woodpecker threw fire to the Month, it dropped it, the ground caught fire, the Month survived the global fire in the centipede hole (the insect Tipula oleracea); the Sun found the bakers who died in the fire; began to fry fatty ones, He gave thin ones for a month; a month asked for a fat man, the Sun threw hot meat into his stomach, he rushed into the river in pain; taking meat, both walked across the bare plain]: Ribeiro 2002:242-245.

Montagna. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3) [The sun is an orphan, lives on earth with her grandmother, she is blind in one eye; it burns people quarreling with them; when she wears a white hat, it's hot; when she wears a black hat, clouds cover the sky; kills many birds, but his grandmother eats them all; she makes him a crown of feathers, he must wear it when he becomes the sun; Kumpanama tells Pauhil to tell the Sun that his the wind gun and quiver are made of the bones and skull of his murdered mother; the Sun breaks the gun, discovers the mother's blood; kills the grandmother, cooks her in the cauldron, tells the toad to answer for her when the grandfather arrives; she invites his grandfather to a meal; then explains that he ate his wife's head; the grandfather wants to kill the Sun, he climbs to the roof, then jumps to the sky to the east, because it's further; to the west is closer, the grandfather could have him get it; the Sun is still changing his hats]: 80-83; Shlyakhtinsky, Arozero 2008 [Pi'i's grandfather, thunder Weir, killed and ate Pi'i's mother and father, made a wind tube out of his mother's leg bone, a quiver from the humerus, a vessel from the skull carrying wild cotton fiber necessary for darts; Pi'i filled his mother's hair with a quiver to prevent darts from falling out of it; gave these things to his grandson without telling him anything about what had happened; Pi'i shot the big ies and yunkurun, brought them home, gave them to his grandmother to cook them; the next day he killed almost all the birds from his feathers made a crown for himself; one Isa's bird said his blowpipe was made of his mother's bones, a cotton box out of his head, a quiver full of hair; Pi'i revived the birds, one said that his mother was killed by his grandfather; P'i killed his grandmother with a spear at home, cooked it, caught a grasshopper, put the meat in a pot, took it to the site with the grasshopper, told him to be responsible for his grandmother; said Thunder grandfather for eating his wife; Pi'i grabbed an arrow, climbed onto the roof of the house, shot up, but the arrow did not reach; then shot towards the mountains, and there the arrow stuck into the sky; Pi'i put the bamboo trunks together, climbed them upstairs; when he was in the sky with his arrow and his feather crown, he said that in the morning he would be red in a crown of red feathers ta'mu parrot; yellow in a crown of feathers' sha'uito' in the afternoon]; machigenga: Baer 1984 [The sun is bright because its crown contains the feathers of all birds; the pale crowns of the Month and Stars have only yellow corpse feathers (Psarocolius)]: 236; Pereira 1988a [A month comes down to a girl; she sees a crown on his head]: 22; apurina [every day the mother gives the Month a crown of yellow or red feathers ; its color depends on this]: Ehrenreich 1891:72.

Southern Amazon. Rickbackza: Pereira 1994, No. 29 [a man returns late from the mansion, copulates not with his wife, but with his widow's mother-in-law; she becomes pregnant; smears his lover's face with a genip; when exposed, he lies down in a hammock, wears an eagle feather hat, a necklace made of monkey teeth; rises to the sky, becomes the Month; when he wears a necklace, a new moon, a hat, a full moon], 54 [sun; yellow toucan feathers: morning, white is day, takes pictures of night]: 183-184, 224; paresis [Wasaré and his siblings were inside the rock; Enoharé lived outside the stone with his wife Zorotiro and two children, as a boy and a girl; the children heard the sound of sacred flutes inside the stone; their father made a hole in the stone with a wooden sword, saw people inside; Urubu turned into a mueu, flew out, found out about the world, returned ; W. made Aguti widen the hole, but he broke his tooth; tells different woodpeckers, each rewarded with the peculiarities of their plumage; people came out, sister W. was stuck because she had thick hips and stomach; a man with a toothache came out, although W. told him not to go out; so did people with other illnesses; then Nare's men came out with sacred flutes and rattles; in stone they played with a stone ball, giving it head; now they rolled, went where he would lead; Marten ate honey in the hollow, he was walled up there; his cuñado Ahoray saved him; everyone set fire, Marten violated the ban on looking back, everything burned down - there was a savannah; where he was walking cuñado is the forest-steppe there; W.'s people hid from the fire in the battleship's hole; a piece of bark (a crease of skin) grew to Tapir behind the fire; there was no water, Aguchi found the source, hid it; Tapir came in, the spring turned into a large lake; people settled; W. sent Kaxie to become the sun, giving a crown of feathers; when the sun rose, people cut off their tails, shaved off their body hair, cut off the membranes on their legs and arms; the sun first it shone round the clock; Dictyra sp.: stars are needed to make it night; W. attached eagle feathers to the bodies of seven sons, turned them into Pleiades; other sons to Mars, the Evening Star, Aries, the Morning Star Star]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:34-69; bororo [sun - red, month - yellow mako feathers]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 45, 46:97, 99

Araguaia. Karazha [the sun and moon were the crowns on the vulture's head]: Baldus 1937:190-191; tapirape [Ancerika (the sun) is almost a bald old man; wears a red mako feather headdress; they give fever, so A. is hot; the journey through the sky is hard, A. is limping, stabbing his soles with thorns; at night he returns east underground to his home in Maratawa; there he eats a little and sets off again]: Wagley 1940:255 (=1977:179).

Eastern Brazil. The sun receives a fiery crown from a woodpecker; the Month wants the same one, drops it, the earth lights up. Kayapo [sun, month]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 2:32; apaniecra [Pud (sun) asked the Woodpecker to throw off his red hat; the dress was hot, but the Sun caught, put it on; Pudlêra ( month) wanted the same, but burned himself, dropped it, the ground caught fire; A month climbed trees, but the fire followed; the Sun found the Month lying on the ground; his stomach burned, so there were spots on the moon]: Wilbert 1978, No. 4: 33-34; crash [Pud (sun) made himself a headdress out of red woodpecker feathers; Pudlere (month) wanted the same; The sun threw it to him from the tree, told him to catch it, prevent him from falling to the ground; together with the headdress was hot coals, the Month dropped, the earth caught fire; The month escaped, hiding in a clay aspen nest]: Wilbert 1978, No. 5:41; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 6, 8:52, 63; frame: Wilbert 1978, No. 7:58-59.

SE Brazil. Mashakali [The Sun asked the Woodpecker to throw the red feathers off his head from the tree to make them a headdress; the woodpecker ordered him to dig a hole deeper; threw it, the Sun grabbed those on fire feathers, put them out, put on a hat; the Month saw him, wanted the same; when the Sun was gone, the Month began to ask the Woodpecker to give him a hat, dug a hole, grabbed a hat, burned himself, the earth caught fire, the Month rushed ran, became a bumblebee, hid in a hole, then went across the river, the flame went out by the river; a month found the hat left under the tree, but it turned out to be yellow; the Sun said he tried to teach him, but he did not listened]: Popovich 1971:29-59; botokudo [The sun wears a shining crown]: Krenak 2003