Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A2B. Excess suns have been extinguished.


In addition to the current sun and/or the current moon, others shone in the sky, which were then destroyed. See A2A motif.

West Africa. Loma (loma mende) [The Sun is an uncle, the Month is a nephew, everyone has their own children; when hungry, the Sun offered to eat the children; divided its own in half, ate its share; the Month ate only a little, and He hid the rest and suggested the next day as if it were his child's flesh; the Month distributed some of its light among its star children so that the Sun could not attack them suddenly; after that The Month itself has become dim, shining only at night, fearing the Sun's attack]: Pinney 1973:72; eve [Lissa's sun married the moon Dsinu (=Suñh); they have many sun children who tried to follow father; out of jealousy, he rushed to kill them, some killed, others fled to sea; daughters did not try to follow their father and now with their mother (stars); the word for a star literally means "child of the moon," also "scattered children"; some believe that the Sun and the Moon made man; sometimes the Sun goes off its way and rushes to hit the moon, causing an eclipse; then people make noise and shout for it to leave moon at rest]: Ellis 1890:65-66; background [The moon tells her brother the Sun that they each have many children and overshadow their parents' fame; the Sun agrees to drown the children; first the Moon threw bag into the river and then the Sun; but at nightfall, the Sun saw that the moon's children were stars in place; the Sun's children turned into fish]: Toton 2017:57-58; diola [the sun has as many children as the sun by the moon; the children of the moon are stars, and the children of the sun are hot, the earth is unbearably hot; the moon invites the sun to get rid of children to moderate the heat; throws a bag of white stones into the water, and the sun of its children it really drowned; when night fell, the sun saw that the stars were in place; decided to pull its children out of the river, but they died immediately; they turned into fish; since then the sun hates the moon and sometimes it is attacked]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:66-67.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha; kachin; Mishmi (Kaman, Taraon); apatani; aka; pasi; miniong; meitei: Hodson 1908 [The Mother of the Gods first gave birth to three sons- The Sun, then two more; four died one after another; a man hit the horse of the last Sun with an arrow, it hid, it became dark; when a girl with rich gifts comes to him, the Sun agrees to go out]: 125-129; Kühn 1936 [{link to the same pages of Hodson 1908}; there were two suns shining one by one; the slave suffered while working without interruption; made a bow, hit the older sun with an arrow, hitting his horse's leg; the older sun hid, but the young sun did not dare to rise; it rose after many requests and sacrifices]: 80-81; drung (Yunnan) [two suns, husband and wife, were shining; children die from the heat, plants dry; the hunter climbed the mountain, knocked the man sun out of the bow, the sun-woman hid in horror; 9 days of darkness, everyone is afraid of monsters and spirits; on the tenth morning it was a little dawn; the rooster began to scream, "Young lady, Sun, give me earrings"; the green earring fell from the sky; the rooster promised to scream three times in the morning, after that the sun should come out; the female sun came out; and the male sun became a month, they have been going out ever since queues; after death, the hunter was on the moon, his shadow is visible there]: Miller 1994:61-62.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [the supreme god created the male being Tha-lu to rule the sky, and the female Tha-lu to rule the earth; the earth was first the size of a spinner; thanks to an earthworm, it grew; first the earth was covered with water; God squeezed it with iron and silk, the water came down to form rivers; a spider in the sky could go down to earth and rise back; God created two suns, a man and a woman; they lived in a closed palace, they were not visible; pangolin gnawed through a hole, losing all his teeth; both suns came out, it became unbearably hot; God allowed man to kill one sun; he hit him with an arrow from an bow and it became the moon]: Mason 1865:175; bulang (blang, south Yunnan) [at first only sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made sky out of his skin, stars out of his eyes, earth out of flesh, blood out of blood - water, wool - all types of plants, from the brain - people, from the bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; from four legs - four pillars of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; as soon as the turtle tries move, Gumia's rooster bites her eye; if she falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 month brothers decide to destroy G.'s creation; there is unbearable heat on earth; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed to him into the eyes; G. made a bow out of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed to the top of the hot stones mountains, struck 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured into the ground, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost his heat; it became dark and cold, people plowed, tying their lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent a swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Moon hid in the cave in the east; G. sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared the tail with red - supposedly her diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she is in mourning for her parents; all of them were banned; there is a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds are led by a rooster, animals are a boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving , but afraid to go out; the rooster called them, the rest promised that G. would not shoot them; the rooster: from now on, come out after I drink; cut the knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, made himself out of the other comb (a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar managed to push it back; everything is fine]: Miller 1994:88-93; black thai of Laos; ly; tyams.

South Asia. Nepali: Maskarinec 1998:7-15 [Mahadev (aka Nārāyan) appeared at Indra's house, in Narayan's house head east, feet west, right hand north, left hand south; asks his Sita's daughter (aka Pārvāta), what dowry she wants; S. rejects metals, cattle, wants land; M. replies that the world is soft, fragile, fluid, with nine moons and nine suns; S. commands leave one sun, one moon; the world has hardened, stones in one direction, soil in the other; four directions of the world have opened, rivers filled; S. says that without a person she will not take the world as a dowry; M. He tries to make a man out of gold, silver, copper, brass, nickel, but these people do not speak; made of iron is monstrously strong, chews trees, breaks stones; then they burned a huge fire of sandalwood, M. sculpted a man out of ash, adding chicken manure from a chicken owned by the demon lady; M. put his breath for him, he spoke; S. cries because man is doomed to death; M. tells her to raise and bring cucumbers; she brings cucumbers of different ripeness and size; M. explains that the cucumber flowers she brought are miscarriages, the little ones she put in her mouth are dead babies; more - teenagers, with yellowed sides are adults, withered are old people; (hereinafter referred to as various animals; the rooster is chosen for sacrifices)], 24-46 [Mahadev decides to place a man on the ground to command him; this old Andhāserā; he cries because it is always dark; his relatives join him, everything is the same with them; then a young married Candra comes to M. to ask for 9 moons, 9 suns as a dowry; at the end In the end, M. gives it; the earth burns, the rivers dry up; M. tells Kandra to do 8 unacceptable things one by one; after each 1, the sun and 1 moon go out (insulting the elders, refuse at night for a late guest, hit a dog sitting in the doorway with a stick; go out into the yard simple-haired; comb your hair back, etc.); the Satiavatī River has flowed again; barren cows must be sacrificed, lame oxen], 78-84 [Makhaleva's married daughter Sita, crying, comes to him from the ground; it's dark there; he gives her 9 moons and 9 suns as a dowry; she stumbles, the stars hide in bamboo stalks; S. comes again, gets lights; there are too many suns, the earth is burning, S. comes to his father again; he makes sure that 1 sun and 1 moon remain]; mundari {it is indicated that Orissa's munda is probably a Mundari} [shining 7 suns, people were languishing in the heat; 7 brothers decided to destroy them, started shooting arrows and killed six; the seventh hid behind the hill; it became dark; the animals gathered for advice; the rabbit said that one sun there was still left; the lion went to ask the sun to come back, but it did not listen; the same elephant; the peacock; then the rooster cried and the sun came out; the rooster screamed louder, the sun began to rise; the animals asked This sun will not kill people and they promised not to kill; since then, the rooster has been screaming in the morning and the sun rises]: The seventh sun 2014:1-11; Oraons; Kondas; Muria; Sora; Bihor ; Santals; ho (Chota-Nagpur) [(source?) ; the children of the Moon are stars, the Sun has the same number of children; so that it is not too hot, the Moon and the Sun agree to eat their children; they hide their own, the Sun really eats their own; the Sun splits the Moon in two; she has since split and grown together again, her star daughters accompany her]: Taylor 1989:171 (Tylor's retelling in Lang 1899:114).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs; haynoys (mantra): Skeat, Blagden 1906:320 [The Sun and Moon are women; the stars are the children of the Moon; the Moon has arranged with the Sun to eat its children, hid them, and the Sun really ate; if the Sun were as many as stars, it would be unbearable heat; the Sun is still chasing the Moon; when it catches up, an eclipse occurs; during the day the Moon continues to hide its children], 338 [(= Hervey 1883:190-191); there were three Suns, a wife, husband and child, some of them always in the sky; To' Entah asked the Moon to hide the Evening Star and child stars in his husband's mouth, invite the Sun swallow her husband and children; the Sun did so; when she learned the truth, she said that she would swallow the moon if it was on its path; this is the cause of the eclipses]; bataks; mentawai; dusun; kelabit [two suns were shining, the earth was hot; Boune married Da'oune, pregnant; various signs indicate that the couple will be unhappy; B. lost her child and died from the heat; D. decided to take revenge suns; hit one with a dart from a sarbakan; would shoot the second, but my eyes were tired; the suns stopped shining together, the wounded became the moon]: Villard 2013:26-34; Eastern Toraja; Solor , Alor and/or neighboring islands; Java; Bali [R. Heine-Geldern. Bedeutungu und Herkunft der ältesten hinterindischen Metalltrommeln, Asia Major, vol. VIII, 1932, S. 522; the Pedjeng big drum is told that it was the second moon, so that when one came in, the other rose and it was always light; to succeed in their craft, all thieves urinated at the same time towards one of the moons; it faded, fell into Bali, became a drum]: Kühn 1936:81-82.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsow, Atayal, Sedek, Saisha, Kanakanabu, Bunun, Rukai, Puyuma, Paiwan, and other Taiwanese Aboriginal groups; cebuan [was seven sister moons; a huge sea serpent fell in love with them; swallowed six; Bathala began to guard, saw the snake swallow the last moon, but people drove the snake away with screams; to prevent the serpent from swallowing the moon, B. planted a bamboo plant on it; people scare away a snake every time there are eclipses]: Buyser 1913 in Eugenio 1994, No. 155:267-268.

China - Korea. Ancient China [ten suns are children of Xihe, wife of the eastern heavenly deity Di-jun. In the bubbling sea, a fusan tree grows several thousand zhans high and a thousand zhans thick; ten sun sons live on it; nine were on the upper branches, one on the lower branches (In the Book of Mountains and Seas - on the contrary); appear in the sky one by one; they ride a chariot ruled by S.; although there are ten suns, people always see one in the sky; ten suns, under the supervision of their mother, take turns every day; the way repeats from day to day, gets bored; sun sons agree to fly together, not wanting to get into a boring chariot; people are poor; before sending the arrow And to people (hollow mulberry gave birth to Yi Yin, pp. 216-217), Di-Jian gives him a bow and arrows; apparently, And he should only frighten the sun; And sympathizes with people, hits the sun with arrows, every time a three-legged golden crow falls to the ground ; wise Yao tells you to take one arrow out of Yi's quiver, one sun remains alive]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. 6:139-148; Huainan Tzu, The Book of Mountains and Seas, Qu Yuan Questions to Heaven; Chinese ( Shanxi, wu. Yicheng) [Heavenly Lord's wife gave birth to 10 sun sons; at first they took turns taking turns, but one day they all appeared together; they were happy and the people suffered; half of the people died, the rest they began to pray to the heavenly lord, but he could not control his sons; Erlan was the son of the Jade Lord, had three eyes, and had the art of 72 transformations; he descended from heaven to Mount Kunlun, he pulled a poplar out of the ground, cleared it of branches, made it a rocker, hung two mountains on it, chased the suns for several days, pressing them down with mountains; near the village of Baiju, the rocker arm broke, the mountains fell to the ground; E. stuck two parts of the rocker arm into the ground, they turned into two poplars without crowns; there was only one sun left in the sky]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 16:27-28; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Pingding) [there were 10 suns in the sky, cakes could be fried by sticking them to the outer wall of the house; the rivers were shallow, the trees were drying; the Yuqiong family was Hou-yi, he decided to save life on earth; he started shooting in the sun, but in 49 days, not a single arrow reached the sun; then an old man appeared to him in a dream and said that it was necessary to make a bow with an arc from the tiger's spine and a string of dragon veins; then train every day; when one arrow can pierce 99 thick trees, you can shoot at the suns; H. did so; shot 9 suns, a dozen rushed away in horror, ran 9999 li, stopped on a slope to The SV from the village of Zhangzhuang, hid in the purslane thickets, the world became dark; H. was about to ask Grandma the Wind to raise a wind that would blow away all the vegetation, but saw Mother Wangma descending from the sky on the cloud with a lantern in her hands; she said that the last sun cannot be killed; it came out of the purslane thickets, thanked him for his salvation, returned to heaven; since then, if the purslane was pulled out of land and put it in the sun, it won't dry out after many days]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 19:31-32; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Linshu) [the moon shone brighter than the sun; it was nintagonal and octagonal, and when it came out, people's faces turned red because of the heat, and the crops dried up, it became impossible to live; a couple lived in one village hunters - his wife's name was Nie and her husband was Yala; Nie invited her husband to shoot the moon and advised her to climb to the top of the mountain in the morning to get to the moon; Yala shot at the moon all morning but could not. hit; but then the mountain split behind him, and a long-bearded old man appeared and said that an arrow from deer antlers from the Southern Mountains and a bowstring from the North Sea tiger's tail were needed; then the mountain closed again and the old man disappeared; his wife sent Yal to get these animals, but he replied that the animals were ancient and their skins were strong so that the arrow would not pierce them; we needed to weave a net; Nie offered to weave a net from her hair; a month later, the couple weaved a net, caught a tiger and a deer, and made an arrow and bowstring; Yala shot the moon again; the arrow cut off nine corners and eight faces from the moon, so that it became round, but her heat did not decrease; then Yala invited his wife to take a piece of silk, tie it to an arrow and thus cover the moon with it; Nie had just finished weaving a silk cloth depicting the Reevesia tree (Reevesia) pubescens Mast.), a white hare and a herd of white sheep; Yala took him, tied him to an arrow, shot him and covered the moon with it; this is how a rivsia tree appeared on the moon, and under it a white hare and white rams; when the moon went up to the sky, Nie looked at her and suddenly flew there; Yala ran after her from the eastern mountains to the western mountains, but could not catch her and cried; Nie hung her hair and Yala climbed upstairs; from then since the couple began to live happily ever after on the moon; Nie weaves, and Yala herds a white hare and white sheep; people on earth do not suffer from the heat]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 6:6-7; Chinese: Tishkov 1954 (Hebei ) [There were seven suns, people were suffering from the heat; Er Lan caught six of them, crushed them with mountains; the seventh complained to the man that he was the only one of the six brothers; EL agreed to leave him, told him to spend the night hide]: 50-51; Wilhelm 1921, No. 17 [according to Chinese sources: Fong Schen Yän Yi and Si Yu Gi); the second daughter of the Lord of Heaven, went down to earth, met a man, gave birth to a son Oerlang in heaven; father in punishment covered her daughter with a mountain, O. freed her mother; 10 suns were shining; after spending a lot of time in the dungeon, O.'s mother died when she was born; O. successively crushed 9 suns with mountains; the tenth hid under with a purslane leaf; the earthworm shouted to O. that the sun was here; the Lord of Heaven told O. to leave the last sun; for his love for his mother he made him a celestial, he is a hunter, he has a falcon and a dog, he guards people from evil spirits and animal demons; there are bright spots on the purslane, the earthworm dies in the sun]: 35-37; Chinese (Hebei, wu. Funing) [there were 10 suns in the sky, as soon as one went down, another immediately rose; it was constantly light; the heat scorched the earth and trees, the rivers dried up; the city's patron gods reported The jade emperor, who sent the god Erlan-Shen to catch the suns; the suns were worried because E. had unlimited power; some decided to give up, others to flee, but one sun said that there is nothing to fear: our light will burn his eyes, the heat will turn him to ashes; one day E., holding a double-edged trident and taking a growling heavenly dog with him, arrived at Mount Kunlun; the first sun attacked, releasing his heat, but E. was in his divine body and was not afraid to fry; opened his third eye between his eyebrows and a strong ray of light shot in the direction of the sun, blinding him; with a trident He killed the sun, threw it on the ground and pressed it down with his foot; E. caught the sun one at a time, but each rolled; he wanted his mother to help him; she descended from heaven to marry Father E.; for this she was punished and was imprisoned under Mount Taishan; E. began to catch suns one by one, pressing down with the Kunlun, Huashan, Henan, Taishan Mountains and going from west to east; so he caught 9 suns, and chasing the latter, reached the coast of the Bay of Bohai; the tenth sun was the smallest and most arrogant; it asked the peasant who was plowing the land to hide it; he hid it under an armful of rotten straw and told E. saw the sun; then explained that the last sun cannot be killed; E. to the sun: "For the sake of an old man, I will spare you, but you will only go out during the day and sleep at night; the two peaks of Mount Tuarshan are a mountain that brought E. on his rocker arm and which flattened because he threw it too much]: Bai Gengsheng 2007:73 -74; Chinese (Shaanxi, wu. Binxian) [There used to be seven suns in the sky that were baked so that people couldn't leave their homes during the day. These suns were siblings, and even the gods were afraid. Erlan's mother, who was also a goddess, lived on Mount Taishan. She left home one afternoon and seven suns roasted her to death. Erlan swore revenge. He took an iron rocker, hung two mountains on it, followed the suns, caught up with them in Lintong, and was about to crush them with mountains. Then people told Erlan that you can't press down all the suns with mountains, one thing should be left to shine for people. Then he crushed six mountains, leaving only the youngest, who threatened that if it were ugly, what would happen to his older sisters would happen to him. After avenging his mother, Erlan relaxed and shook dust out of his shoes, forming a mountain. Erlan brought the current Mount Lishan in Lintong there. There are six suns beneath it, and that's why the water that flows down this mountain is warm. This is how the warm springs of Lake Huaqing Chi appeared. The rest of the sun was ashamed to appear in front of people and often cried. A god advised him to surround himself with red needles and stab whoever looked at him. Ever since people look at the sun, their eyes hurt]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 21:21-22; Chinese (Gansu, St. Tianshui, Beidao District) [During the time of Emperor Yao, ten suns appeared in the sky, grass, trees and crops withered, rivers dried up, and people began to die of heat, thirst and hunger, and the survivors hid in caves and did not dare to go outside. Yao saw the misery of his people and prayed to the Jade Lord. When he found out what had happened, he became very angry, called How-ee, gave him a divine red bow and ten divine white arrows, and ordered him to go down into the human world and shoot ten naughty suns. Howe-ee set off, and as soon as he saw the suns, he immediately started shooting at them. After shooting nine, he reached for the last arrow, but then Emperor Yao appeared, stopped him and said that people needed the sun because without it the world would be dark and cold, and the grass and trees would be dark They'll die, so you can't kill the last sun. The shooter agreed and removed his bow. As a result, the weather returned to normal, and people hiding in the caves went outside and thanked Hou-yi for his salvation]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 15:16; Chinese (Henan) [there were 10 suns in the sky - grandchildren of the Lord of Heaven (Tien Di); the harvest was dying, the rivers were drying up; Houyi shot 9 suns to save people; the tenth hid, it became completely dark; one day H. heard someone calling him in a weak voice; Earthworm pointed out where the tenth Sun was hiding; H. went to kill him, but could not find it in the dark; realizing that they could not survive in the darkness, people asked the surviving sun to return; it came out, his greeted; purslane leaves (Portulacea oleracea) covered the Sun; returning to heaven, the Sun, out of gratitude, decided not to dry up the purslane; he punished the earthworms, and they dry out as soon as they are on the surface] Tao, Yang & Xiu Zhong eds., Zhongguo shenhua. Chinese Mythology. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 1990, pp. 395-396 (Yamada Hitoshi); yao [an octagonal moon appears hot as the sun; crops are dying from the heat; Nie, Yala's wife, gives him her hair make a trap; Y. caught a tiger and a deer, after eating their meat became strong, hit corners from the moon with arrows, the fragments became stars; N. embroidered a blanket depicting a cinnamon tree, lambs, a hare, herself; I. launched it to the moon, moderating the heat; N. took off, merged with his image; N. rose to it]: Riftin 1993:317-320; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Baxian) [A long time ago, there was neither day nor night, and all earthly spirits sent a petition to the Jade Lord asking him to solve this problem. He decided to send down the fire god with his nine sons. His sons, dissatisfied with this order, had something wrong and turned into fireballs. The rivers dried up, the trees dried up, the ground cracked, and people and animals took refuge in caves where they were hungry and thirsty. Earth's spirits reported this to the Jade Lord, and he sent Howe-ee to figure it out. He went down and took a heavenly bow and divine arrows and started shooting at the sun. The fire god ran away, and Howe-ee shot eight of his sons, and they fell into small pieces. When he was about to shoot the ninth, Taishan Lao-Jun (=Lao Tzu) appeared and said that the latter should be left to give people light. How-ee told him to behave well from now on, shine on people during the day and rest at night. So only one fireball was left, this is our sun, and fragments of the eight remaining fireballs scattered across the sky and became stars]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 12:33-34; miao: Lemoine 1982 [Yang Yua's only son died from the heat of 9 suns; Yaya shot 8 suns with a crossbow, and the ninth hid in zaun tsaw grass; it was the only plant that didn't burn; shot 8 moons, and one eye knocked out the ninth; they sent a pig to return the sun - it did not come out; then a cow, a dog, a horse, a squirrel, a bird, a lion, an elephant - the same; when the sun girl called a rooster, she went out and gave him his comb; now he's on a rooster's head]: 88-89; meo; man; lolo; fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [7 suns (women) and 9 months (men) shone; all the sun during the day gathered for a holiday, and all months at night; life on earth is in danger; 7 years later, a dragon emerged from the lake to see how things are on earth; shot 6 suns, and the seventh managed to escape; at night shot for 8 months, the ninth managed to escape; it became dark and cold, a year later the animals gathered for advice; decided that the cow would call the stars, but because of her mooing they only hid behind the mountain in fear; through For 4 years, the animals gathered again; they chose a tiger, the stars hid from its roar again; after 7 years they chose a rooster; his first scream made a month excited, after the second they came out; after the third they began to move the sun came out after the fourth; the month rewarded the rooster with spurs, the sun with a scallop]: 154-156; Miller 1994, No. 3 [brother and sister are orphans; two birds told them that there would be a flood; told them to sit in the pumpkin and go out, when they heard their voices; brother and sister tried to warn people, but they did not believe them; for 99 days the sun hung above the ground, it did not rain, the earth began to burn, the foliage crumbled; then a thunderstorm began, a flood He flooded the ground; when the waters came down, the pumpkin was on the mountain; when the birds heard the voices of the birds, the brother and sister went out; after the flood, 9 suns began to burn the earth, and 7 moons began to freeze it at night; the birds said to brother and sister, that a 9-horned dragon lives in the lake under the rock; if you get its golden bow and silver arrows, you can destroy excess suns and moons; the birds hit the rock, silver mites grab the fish, whom the dragon would send; he sends three fish successively, brother and sister threw them ashore; grabbing the dragon by the nose with ticks, they forced him to give up his bow and arrow; eight suns were knocked down from the top of the mountain and 6 moons; brother and sister went looking for people each, found no one; the birds told them to marry; they agreed after the abandoned turtle shells lay down one horse, the other up, two half of the millstone descended from the mountain lay on top of each other, and the brother's arrow hit the sister's needle eye; and so on three times; they gave birth to 6 sons and 6 daughters; the couple remaining in place became the ancestors of the fox, and the other 5 ancestors of Han, Tibetan, Bai, and Keqin]: 78-84; Hani [nine suns shine; some suggest covering them with baskets, others hide in cellars; ask a shooter named Pubula to destroy suns; he knocked down eight with arrows, the ninth hid; various birds are sent to lure him out to no avail; when the rooster sang three times, the sun came out]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:17-19; Lee (Hainan, wy. Qiongzhong) [a gorlyanka pumpkin grew on the ground; the mountain became larger; the immortal spirit made a hole in it and placed two clay-sculpted men, brother and sister, as well as clay buffaloes, inside. bulls, pigs, dogs, cats, lizards, mantis and others like them - each creature in pairs; at this time the great flood began, the gorlyanka squash began to swing on the waves; when the flood receded, five appeared in the sky suns and five moons that quickly dried all the water; thanks to the sun and water, the little men and animals in the pumpkin came to life and jumped out; the suns were burning like fire, and in the evening, when the moons came out, it was so bright that I could not open my eyes; then the immortal spirit asked who could get rid of excess suns and moons; the wild boar replied that he had long fangs and could eat them; brother and sister became asked him to do this, but the boar replied that they should then feed him rice sprouts; brother and sister agreed and told him to eat four of the five suns; the boar ate four suns and four moons gnawed, their pieces turned into stars; when he returned, there were no rice sprouts to give him, but his brother and sister allowed him to eat all the rice he saw; so wild boars they often eat rice sown by people; brother and sister went to wander around the world, but could not find people and cried; the heavenly god of thunder heard their crying, came down and asked why they were crying; told them to get married; brother and sister said that they were relatives and if they married, they would be punished by the god of thunder; he replied that he did not intend to punish them; brother and sister did not believe it, and then he decided to show theirs strength; there were peals of thunder, the ground shuddered, rivers overflowed, trees split; the god of thunder laughed if they believed him now, and then they obeyed and married; they a son was born, they could not get enough of him; the god of thunder came again and told him to give the child to him; brother and sister said that the child had not yet been born, but the god of thunder replied that he already knew everything; he promised that he would turn the child into a multitude of people, and then brother and sister would not be sad that there were no people in the world; brother and sister disagreed, and the god of thunder took the boy by force; he cut it into pieces, began to sift them through a sieve; the sifted pieces of meat turned into four boys and four girls; the god of thunder gave them clothes; the first was a shirt and pants, he became Han; for the second cloth it was not enough, the god of thunder gave him two pieces, tied them in front and back to his waist, and he got so-called bag-shaped pants; this boy became a tsisky; the third young man got even less cloth; the god of thunder made a triangular loincloth for him, this young man became Xiaomi Li; the latter got the smallest piece of cloth, this young man became Bende Li; boys married girls, humanity became live from generation to generation]: Zhou 2002, No. 2:3-4; li (Hainan, wu. Qiongzhong) [after the flood occurred, the land was damp and people were hard to live; a god named Wan-jia ("The Darkness of Families") decided to dry the earth; created five suns and five moons and hung them in the sky; they were all octagonal semigrans, neither round nor square; emitted terrible heat, the earth cracked, the trees dried up; people asked V. to get rid of 4 suns and 4 moons; V. agreed to help, climbed the top of the mountain and began to shoot at the suns and moons with a bow; 4 suns and 4 moons fell down, leaving one sun and one moon; due to the flood and heat, many mountain ranges and rocks appeared; V. created a large a harrow and a huge bull, and began to harrow the land, pulling rocks and mountains into the sea; first he harrowed near Wenchang City and Mount Qiongshan (in the east of the island) and created many plains there; then he began to harrow in near Dongfang City and Baisha County (in the west of the island), but at this time its harrows began to break; therefore, in the vicinity of Dongfang, Baisha, Qiongzhong and Baoting (in the west and central part of the island) there are many mountains and rocks left]: Zhou 2002, No. 3:5.

The Balkans. Bosniaks, Croats [in Dalmatia say there were three or four suns; the Snake sucked in everything but one that the Swallow hid under its wing; two "blind" swallowed up by the Snake suns are sometimes visible; var: there were ten rays in the sun; the Snake drank nine, the tenth Swallow saved; according to legends from Bosanska Kraina and Lika, the Snake sucked in two suns, the third was saved by the Swallow and Lizard]: Gura 1997:283; Janković 1951 (Bosanska Kraina, Lika) [1) there were three suns, but God became angry with people for their bad deeds, sent a snake that sucked two suns, leaving the third weakest; 2) the snake drank two suns, took up the third (or there were two suns, the snake drank one), but the swallow covered the sun, and the lizard pulled the snake off the mountain where it lay in wait for the sun; the swallow and lizard cannot be killed ]: 38-39; Bosniaks [the winged serpent drank two suns, took up the third, but the lizard beat him off]: Janković 1951:39; Montenegrins [two of the three suns were sucked by a flying serpent avaya]: Gura 1997:283; Bulgarians (Central Rhodopes) [the sun had two or more eyes, but the snake sucked them out]: Gura 1997:283; Macedonians [1) Milino; there were three Suns, it was bad; 2) Gorna Bosheva; it was three Suns, the serpent drank two; 3) Orache; first there were three Suns; one was eaten by a snake, the second went underground and shines there, the third remained]: Tsenev 2004:32.

Central Europe. Belarusians (Smolensk governorate) [God was angry at one of the two Suns, sent a serpent, which sucked it, it became the Month]: Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 13:235.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians (Samogites) [God was alone; then created angels to serve him in heaven and people to honor him on earth; but at first it was cold and dark, angels and people began to complain; then God created two suns-one near the sky and the other near the earth; angels and people began to suffer from the heat and complained again; then God destroyed one sun and placed the other between heaven and earth so that angels and people were light, neither too hot nor too cold (Anfangs bewohnte Gott den Himmel allein, dann schuf er Engel, welche ihm im Himmel dienen und Menschen, welche auf der Erde, die frü her unbewohnt war, ihn verehren sollten. Aber es war überall Finsterniß und Kälte und die Engel und Menschen klagten Gott, daß sie die große Kälte und die dichte Finsterniß nicht errogen könnten. Gott beschloß der Noth abzuhelfen, und schuf zwei Sonnen, die eine nahe der Erde, die andere nahe dem Himmel. Nun aber konnten die Engel und Menschen die Hitze nicht ertragen und beklagten sich deßhalb bei Gott. Da ließ Gott die eine Sonne verschwinden, die andere aber setzte er zwischen den Himmel und die Erde, so daß fortan die Engel und Menschen Licht haben und vor zu großer Hitze und Kälte behütet sind)]: Veckenstedt 1883, No. 51.1:237.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [two suns shone when one set, the other rose; people suffered from light; bai promised a daughter to someone who would hit one of the suns; Ural batyr split one sun with an arrow; from one parts formed a moon, another fell, turned into the treasure-rich Ural Tau mountains; when the arrow hit the target, the people shouted, Ay; this is the name of the moon now]: Barag 1987, No. 2:31.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans, Altaians; Mongols; Oirats; Darkhats; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Selenginsky: Tabanguts) [shortly after the creation of the world, man appeared on earth named Hara-Erhe-Myrgen, who was a very good shooter; without hunting animals or birds, he killed only evil spirits and sorcerers; firing an arrow from a bow told her who to kill; the arrow followed the order exactly and then returned to HAM; Burkhan-Bakshi created three suns in the sky: large in the middle and smaller at the edges; seeing that from these suns the whole earth could to dry out, and strong light will make human life on earth unbearable, God called the shooter and said: "Do you think you will destroy everything you have done?" ; HAM: "Not just living things, but even the three suns that are visible. If I don't destroy them, first of all, I'll cut off my thumb and toes, and second, I'll become a beast like you haven't created before; six months a year I'll live under the ground, I won't drink any water no dew, not even come out of the hole after the rain"; when he was ready to fire an arrow, God covered the middle, largest sun from him; when the arrow returned, God opened it; seeing that the arrow destroyed only two suns, and the third remained, and in keeping his oath HAM fulfilled his oath; promised that if anyone killed him with an arrow, he would turn to a person and harm the people; when tarbagans were still being hunted with a bow, it happened that a tarbagan wounded by an arrow hid in a hole; hunters began to dig it up and found a little man with a bow and arrow; since then, hunting with Tarbagan onions are strictly prohibited; the front of tarbagan is not eaten much, as it is human flesh]: Smolev 1902a: 101-103.

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks [Konstantin Ilyich Likhachev, August 12, 2009; mother told me as a child; in the southeast there is a cluster of small stars like a fist; there used to be two suns; the Tungus did a big bow, one was crushed, so little stars appeared; this sun was shot not because it was shining brightly, but interfering with the shaman; he wanted to predict the future of the earth and the second sun prevented him glittered]; Davletshin, Duvakin 2009, personal report; Evenks of China [It was time for many suns (the period was called sigunyulhe biche). This happened in ancient times, a long time ago. According to their ancient suns, the Evenks had thirteen (dyanduk ilan). There were ten plus three suns in the sky. And that Manginishche started shooting at everything in those suns. Of the thirteen suns, he shot through twelve (dyanduk dyurba). Then, on the thirteenth, he started shooting (with a bow), Manginishche (Mangikun) shot, and Sigunto grabbed his bow. When the bow grabbed him, this Manga defeated (defeated). Having defeated the manga, our Sigunto now also climbs to the sky in the morning, then falling, entering his homeland, walking along her heavenly doors (urkelduli bugan). It will pass (across the sky) - comes to his homeland, if he falls - Mangi must open his door (in the west). If she comes from here (from the east), Burkan opens the door to her, as it used to be (in the east). One day she was so late that night caught up, Sigunto sang for Burkan to open the door. Siguntokun sang like this: Singkinder, singkindore! Singkinder, singkindore! Big brother, open your big door, open it! Because of my gold earrings, I freeze and freeze! "Burkayakun, big brother, open your door, open it," as soon as she said, Burkan opened the door with a creak of "suur". Sigunto has come. The next day the sun went off again. The sun rose, and after passing through the mountain taiga, walking and walking, flying all over the sky, the mushrooms began to fall - night was coming. And now she needs to go home. And suddenly something, Mangikun closed her door from the inside. After losing, Sigunto was ashamed (offended) because it turns out to be him! When she grabbed the bow. And now, at her request, she never opens the door. Sigunto sang again: Singkinder, Singkindore! Singkinder, singkindore! McIgdykun is an old man! Open the doors, open them! Because of my gold earrings, I freeze and freeze! McIgdykun is an old man! Open the doors, open them! From the street asks me to open it Her ears froze and hardened. The same Mangikun does not exist, he never opens it. When Manga didn't open, old lady Sigunto started calling, open the doors! Singkinder, singkindore! Singkinder, singkindore! Makigdykun, old lady, open the doors, open them! Because of my gold earrings, I freeze and freeze! I'm not going to take your old man's makigdyn away from you! As much as she asked, she didn't open it. After that, Sigunto was completely angry - the door would kick them! The door kicked them with all her might and went into the house right away. Sigunto came by when Mangikun was completely ashamed. Manga's shame immediately turned into a palm tree. Frightened, the old manga girl immediately turned into dog liquor and dishes. Then Sigunto stepped on that palm tree, breaking it at once. She trampled on the dog's dishes to pieces. This is how Sigunto Mangi won (overcame)]: Kudrina, Varlamova (CD, China), text 1.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi; Orochi; Ulchi; Negidals; Udege; Nanais.

Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 296 [sunlight blinds the Mole, who decides to hit the Sun with an arrow; (1) from the top of the tallest tree, it was a kuroki: (2) his fern stem bow; The toad informs the Sun about the danger, because it cannot survive the winter without the sun; the mole has been living underground ever since; chickens and ferns do not grow long and wither shortly after they reach their largest size; The toad was given a few warm days in winter so that it could sweep eggs (Indian summer); Okayama Prefecture version: there were seven Suns, demoness Ama-no-Yaku shot six while sitting on a pine tree stump; so he didn't shoots]: 68; Ho 1967, No. 20 [by Seki 1958:315; there were seven suns; a maiden in heaven sitting on a pine tree stump shot six with a bow]: 222.

The coast is the Plateau. Tututney (Joshua) [every day, new Suns and Months rise into the sky; they make the Coyote confuse the seasons; he kills 50 Suns and Months one by one; divides the year into 12 segments; the remaining Suns and Months listen to the Coyote]: Farrand 1915, No. 17:228-233; the upper coquill [in the year 15 months (p.290: probably not 15, but 20, so in Harrington's record from the same informant), long cold winter; the Coyote takes a thousand warriors, leads overseas, throwing a handful of sand into the water; a road opens in front of them by water, disappears behind them; he sends two Mice to gnaw bow bowstrings in the village Months; in the steam room it kills 7 or 8 months one by one, they are devoured by the Glutton (this is a snake); one month felt threatened, he was wounded in the thigh, now he is shorter than the others - February; locals they grab their bows, but their bowstring is gnawed; the Coyote and his people return the same way they came]: Jacobs 2007:136-140; Klamath [Coyoticha makes 24 moons; in her absence Kmukamch comes to her house; tells her children that at 24 months a year, winter will be too long; breaks 12 moons; hides bone shields in the floor; Coyoticha attacks them]: Gatschet 1890:107- 108; modoc [people eat raw, fire is owned by 10 Nebax (Diseases) brothers in the east and 10 Subbas (Suns) brothers in the west; Woose (black-brown fox) lines up runners ways to the east, he comes to N.'s house himself; he is guarded by two squirrels, V. paints their faces, tells them to look at their reflection, takes the fire, passes the baton; N. cannot catch up with the runners, but decide stay in this world (there were no diseases before); V. is going to steal fire from S., intends to kill them; Woos-Kumush warns not to kill everyone, otherwise it will become dark; watchman Crane V. promises beads, for this he hides it; S. dig up the roots and return to the house one by one; V. cuts off the head of five in turn; the fifth cries out, the rest in vain pursue V. and the Crane, who take away fire and roots; V. suggests that there should be 10 cold months per year; other animal people suggest five or two; V. insists; council members decide to ask the oldest, it's a little bird, hear Danwacuk (three months); V. is forced to agree; soon the participants turn into real animals, real people come into the world; S.'s five brothers now live in their home in the west]: Curtin 1912:51-59.

California. Shasta: Curtis 1976 (13) [Ten month-old brothers have frozen the ground; only they have edible camas rhizomes; Curlew has been placed as a watchman, removing bones from his legs and wings; Coyote inserts him sticks instead of bones; grateful Curlew calls his owners to feed him; Months enter the house one by one, beheaded by Coyote; he almost froze to touch their heads; the earth thawed]: 204; Powers 1877 [ The Old Mole digs, the earth he threw away forms our world; the Great Husband created people; they were cold; the Coyote went east, brought flint, gave it to people; the Sun had nine brothers as hot as he was the Month has nine as cold and icy; it was terribly hot during the day, cold at night; the Coyote killed the brothers of the Sun and the Month with his flintlock knife; the rain was the tears of a man crying in the sky; once died Young Indian, everyone cried so much for him that a flood flooded the earth; only one couple of people were saved]: 250-251 (=Judson 1994; retelling in Hatt 1949:77): 27-28.

Western Amazon. Sekoya.

Montagna - Jurua. Characterbet.