A2c1. The sun refuses to marry. (.28.) .31.
The sun is going to have kids. One animal warns that if the Sun has children, the world will burn. The sun has to (give up marriage and) remain childless.
Somrai, Latins, Chinese (Shaanxi), Ancient Greece, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs, Russian written tradition (Russians - Oryol), Lithuanians.
West Africa. Somrai [The sun turns to God to allow him to have children; God gathers all animals to find out their opinion; everyone agrees; the owl comes last; says that if the sun has child, the world is going to burn; since then, the sun hates owls and they hide from it]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 2:11-12.
Southern Europe. Latins [Phaedra's fable (1st century): "Seeing a magnificent wedding, a thief neighbor, /Aesop immediately began to tell: /One day the Sun decided to take his wife, /Why did the frogs scream to the sky. Jupiter, disturbed by the gam/What's up? Swamp residents say:/"It dries the backwaters alone, /forcing us to die in dry places;/What will happen if it gives birth to more children?" (per. M.L. Gasparova)]: Phaedr. I. 6 (Gasparov 1962:10) {There is no direct mention of the sun's refusal from the wedding, but the logic of the narrative suggests this}.
China - Korea. Chinese (southwest Shaanxi, W. Fengxiang) [A long time ago, the sun always rose in the east and set in the west. But the sun became lonely, and it commanded the animals to find him a wife. All the animals responded to his call, but the rooster, instead of helping, went to the desert to peck sand. All the animals were surprised, and the rooster told them that if the sun found a wife, he would have children, and then it would be impossible to live on earth {because of the heat}. Therefore, the rooster bites the sand to "take precautions for later life" {get used to eating sand alone}. Hearing this, the animals refused to look for a wife for the sun, and when the sun found out about this, became very angry, refused to shine and took refuge in the sea. The animals began to blame the rooster for this. The next day, the sky never brightened, and the rooster ran to the sea, stood on its shore and screamed. The sun heard his loud scream, surprised, and peered out of the water. Seeing this, the rooster ran away and screamed again; the sun saw no one and came out of the water completely. Then the rooster ran away again and screamed, and the sun rose even higher. So the sun forgot its anger and returned to normal. The animals were happy, and only then did the sun remember that it had refused to shine, but it was ashamed to come back. Since then, the rooster has been screaming every morning and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, no. 10:12.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Phaedrus's fable (1st century): "Seeing a magnificent wedding, a thief neighbor, /Aesop immediately began to tell: /One day the Sun decided to take his wife, /To which the frogs screamed to the sky./ Jupiter asked, worried, /What's the matter? Swamp residents say:/"It dries the backwaters alone, /forcing us to die in dry places;/What will happen if it gives birth to more children?" (per. M.L. Gasparova)]: Phaedr. I. 6 (Gasparov 1962:10); Gasparov 1968, № 289 [Perry 1952, No. 314; the sun is celebrating its wedding in the summer; the frog is afraid that the sun will have a child who will dry the earth more than the sun]: 146; 1991, No. 6 [ The sun decided to marry; the frogs screamed and turned to Jupiter: The sun is killing us alone, but what happens when he has children?] , 25 (Babriy) [=1968, No. 289, Toad and Sun]: 273, 358; Bulgarians: Kovachev 1914 []: 43-46; Kuznetsova 1998 [1) The sun announced his wedding to the Moon, invited all the animals; the Hedgehog sat sad, chewing on a stone; replied that he liked the treat, but he wanted to learn how to eat stones in advance, because when the Sun has children, everything on earth will burn; the Sun refused to marry; the animals are angry with the Hedgehog, the Sun gave to protect his needle; 2) The sun is going to marry his Moon sister; "matchmakers" gathered - all animals; The hedgehog threw food into the horse's feeder, sat silently; replied that the wedding would take place if his horse ate his horse food; explained that when little suns are populated, everything on earth will burn, so he wants to teach the horse how to eat stones in advance; the animals decided to make sure that the Sun and the Moon never meet]: 78; Marinov 2003 [The sun decided to marry; the Hedgehog, who came on a donkey, put stones in his feeder instead of hay; explained to the Sun that when the Sun has children, the heat from many suns will incinerate everything, let the donkey settle gets used to eating stones; The Sun has given up its intention to marry]: 29; Stoynev 2006 [(briefly, like Kuznetsov)]: 303; Johns 2005 [The sun asks God for permission to marry; God consults the Devil, that replies that he is God, it is up to him to decide; God sends a bee to Hell; she overhears the Devil telling his donkey to drink from the river, for when the Sun gives birth to children, the rivers will dry up; God refuses to give permission for a wedding]: 268; Strausx 1898:11, 37-38 in Hatt 1949 [The sun was put to marry because people (or the Devil) began to think what would happen if he had children]: 73; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004:32 [1) Orache; first there were three Suns; one was eaten by a serpent, the second went underground and shines there, the third remained; 2) Strnovac; the Sun has brothers and children who shine in other lands], 36-37 [1) on Petrovden, people decided marry the Sun; only St. Peter was sad; said that when the Sun had sons and daughters, the world would burn; people decided that the Sun could not marry; 2) The Sun was going to marry, but the Hedgehog said that when many Suns were born, live it would become impossible; the animals decided that the Sun should not marry; then he sank into the sea; the Rooster began to sing, the Sun came up and accused him that he, the Sun, was drowning while he was singing; since then the Sun has come out When a rooster sings and he cursed the hedgehog, he hides that day; 3) God forbid the Sun to marry, then he sank into the sea; the Rooster began to sing, the Sun went out to see why he sings and stayed; 4) when the Sun decided to marry, Mule said that if there were two suns, he would burn; the wedding was canceled and the Sun cursed the mule to have no offspring]; Martin 1955 [the animals began to think they could do good for Suns; the Hedgehog offered to marry him, the Sun was happy; Leo doubted: new suns would be born, the earth would burn; the Sun sank into the sea; the Rooster volunteered to return him, crowed for three days, but to no avail; then he jumped into the sea, got wet and appeared miserable; the Sun asked what was wrong with him; the Rooster replied that he had been persuaded to marry and was now miserable; there is nothing better than living alone; the Sun was happy and came out; the hedgehog was condemned and he is now hiding from everyone]: 32-36; Ortenzio 2008, No. 4 [the animals gathered for the Sun's wedding; the hedgehog picked up stones, put his donkey in the feeder; explained that when The sun will give birth to children, it will be so hot that there will be nothing left but stones, let the donkey get used to it; after learning that the animals no longer want him to marry, the Sun disappeared into the sea; the rooster led to the seashore an old shabby rooster and began to crow until the Sun came out and asked what was going on; the rooster said he sings for joy - he was single, but the example of a married man next to him; the Sun decided that You shouldn't get married and came back]: 15-18; Serbs: Eschker 1992, No. 45 [The sun decided to marry and invited everyone to the wedding; the Hedgehog also came; everyone left their horses to graze in the meadow, and the Hedgehog in the sand; let them learn to eat sand; when the Sun gives birth to children as hot as their mother, everything else will burn; the Sun was offended and sank into the sea for a year; the Rooster promised to lure him out; began to crow on the shore ; when he heard the rooster scream for the first time, the Sun stuck its head out to look; the Rooster slowly began to move away from the shore, and the Sun rose on the sea and lit up the world]: 207-208; Jankovich 1951 [The sun decided to marry, He invited everyone to the wedding; the Hedgehog gave his donkey stones, said that he should learn to eat them; when the Sun had children, everything would burn; the Sun refused to marry]: 63-64.
Central Europe. The Russian written tradition ["Jesop" by Simbirsk captain Pyotr Kashinsky (1675, of the two surviving lists, one dates back to 1684 and the other to the first third of the 18th century), which consists of three books and is a free translation of fables from the collection "Przypowieśći Aezopowe, z Łacińskiego na Polskie z pilnośćiů przełozone. Przydane sů k temu przypowieśći z Gabryela Greka y Laurenthego Abstemiusa", published in Krakow around 1600: the toads were happy when they heard that the sun was taking a wife; the old toad said : "Oh silly, what are you happy about?! Gentle to you, a ray of one sun causes you to lose that the swamps dry up. Well, do you know if he has many such children better?" (Book 2: "The Proverbs of Gavril the Greek", from the 18th century)]: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 39:418; (cf. Russians (Orlovskaya) [The Sun wants to marry its sister Elena; God took the Sun to hell to see the torment that is imposed for such a marriage; but the Sun still went to marry his sister; she became a goldfish and went to sea; the sun dried the sea and the fish became a month]: Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 81:80-81).
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [frogs found out that the Sun was getting married; decided that when children appeared, they would dry up all water bodies, burn everything; went to complain to God, but did not find him at home; the Sun found out that frogs went to complain, deprived them of their warmth; frogs became afraid of the sun, they croak only after sunset]: Lybite 1965:400.