Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A3. The Sun is a man and the moon is a woman, A716.1.


The moon is female or two-sexed, the Sun is male, or probably male.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Gabonese pygmies (next to fang) [Sun male, Moon mother]: Trilles 1932:104-115; North Congo pygmies (near Zande and Dinka) [The sun gave his wife Luna colorful clothes, to wrap a thread from his own clothes around his body, taking a piece from each star; soon noticed that the edge was dirty, then bigger, the moon's clothes were all full of holes; he drove the moon away; since then she had failed trying to catch up with her husband]: Trilles 1932:290-291; wili [The sun went to the bazaar, borrowed money from the moon to buy fish, promised to give it back at 9 am; the moon came several times, but did not find the Sun; The hawk advised me to go to the Partridge, she to the Rooster, the Rooster ordered him to come before 5 am; the Sun thought that the Moon would never find him, was angry that she woke him up; he paid the debt, went to punish the Rooster, said for Hawk to hunt chickens, partridge chicks and all small birds in general]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003:170-173; mbundu (Angola) [young man wants to marry the daughter of the Sun and Moon; small and Great Antelope, Hawk, Vulture cannot convey a letter proposing marriage; the frog hides in a well, where heavenly maids take water, hide in their jug; this is how it travels between earth and sky , handing over offers, answers, ransom; when the daughter of the Sun and Moon is already married, steals her eyes; the shaman says that the girl will recover if she goes to her husband; she comes to earth; wedding]: Werner 1933:66-69 (=Radin 1952, No. 17:73-80; translated to Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:199-204; original Chatelain 1894, retelling in W.W.N. 1894:62-63); (cf. ganda [the king sent a dove for the moon, a bat for the sun; the dove quickly brought the moon, the king gave that privilege to shine at night, although at first he thought of giving this position to the Sun; sent a dove for With the sun, told him to shine during the day; because the bat did not call him, the Sun told her not to appear in front of him]: Roscoe 1911:483); ngala [The sun is in love with the moon; pursues it and when occasionally catches up, darkness sets in (probably an eclipse)]: Overbergh 1907:289; ngelima [Sun and Moon love each other, and when they meet and kiss, an eclipse occurs]: Schultz 1924:410; fang [The sun is the husband, the Moon is the wife, they have many children, they are stars; they all ate fire; a handsome and rich man seduced the moon; the sun sparks with anger, the star children were frightened; he decided that they helped their mother, began to catch and swallow them; every evening the Sun chases the stars, and when the Moon comes out, she hides them in her hut; the Sun chases the moon; sometimes bites off a piece; sometimes sneaks up on her and you can't see the moon, but then she reappears; there is a star {obviously Venus} that guards in the morning and evening to warn the Moon of danger; one day the Sun will still grab The moon will enclose the earth in a deep hole; after that it will easily catch child stars; and then what will happen to us, who knows]: Kunze 1990:5-6; Kuta: Andersson 1974:32 [The Sun is male, the Moon is his wife or less often sister], 35 [The sun and moon first walked across the sky together, the Moon reproached the Sun for bragging too much about his deeds, exposing thieves and marriage breakers; they quarreled The sun offered to disperse; the Sun and the Moon are the son and daughter of Nzambi; the stars are the wives of the Sun]; dengeze [Nzakomba has three children - Sun, Moon, man; N. died, called the children to him; brother Sun and sister The moon immediately appeared, and man lingered, sorting out animal spores; N. told the first two to live forever and people to die; animals became wild]: Abrahamsson 1951:14; chagga: Gutmann, p. 177-178 c Millroth 1965 [at sunset, the Sun gives its shield to Geneva Moon, just like a tired warrior does in the evening; at noon, the Sun goes to rest like a tired porter; far east people live, not those who know about sleep; at sunrise, when the Sun is small, it is attacked by birds that may mistake it for grain, and people protect the Sun from it]: 25-26; Widenmann 1899 [The Moon is the Sun's wife, the stars are their children]: 31; conde [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Lagercrantz 1964:325; couple [Izuwa (sun) is male, Mweji (moon) is a woman, they gave birth to humans; stars are pebbles in the Moon's hand when consulted with an oracle regarding the birth of children]: Millroth 1965:28; isanzu: Kohl-Larsen, S. 309 in Abrahamsson 1951 [The sun went down to earth, brought a jug, his wife Luna a basket; decided to find out who's on the earth is wiser; the woman chose the jug and the snake chose the basket; they should have thrown the chosen items on the ground; the jug broke but the basket did not; therefore, people are mortal, and snakes change their skin and become younger]: 46 (Millroth 1965:200; Beier 1966:64-65); Millroth 1965 [The moon is the sun's wife, the stars are their children; the wife is cooking porridge for the Sun; they argue about how to go, everyone goes their own way, but in a big house in the west they join]: 22 ; nyatura [when they see a young moon sickle, throw a handful of dust at it and say, "I want to love a white woman"; {the sex of the Sun is probably male}; the sun and moon are not venerated]: Sick 1915:55; kamba [there is Luna is a woman and there is a month-man, the latter does not send rain; no details could be found; (The Sun is a man, see motive A5)]: Lundblom 1920:337; iramba [( Isanzu's ideas of the Sun and Moon)]: Millroth 1965:23; Nyamwezi [The Sun is a man, his wife is the Moon or the Evening Star]: Millroth 1965:35; Vasu (Pare Mountains) [Sun is Father, Moon - mother]: Werner 1933:76; taveta [Sun Father and Grandmother Moon]: Kotlyar 1975:76; sukuma [u kumbi, sukuma Solntse-liova (Liuba) created Luna Mwezi (his daughter)]: Kotlyar 1975:76-77; kumbi [there were two men and two women living in the sky, all half a man vertically, with a tail; Liova (associated with the sun) told his daughter Mwezi (moon) to send them to earth to multiply; M . said people are imperfect, L. made them what they are now, people have multiplied on earth]: Millroth 1965:189 (=Janssens 1926:554); luba-kasai [Water is older sister, Fire is younger brother; Sky is big brother, Earth is younger sister; Sun is older brother, Moon is younger sister]: Studstill 1984:79; lozi (rotse) {apparently two different paraphrases of the same text}: Parrinder 1967 [God s his wife lived on earth; the man Kamonu imitated God in everything, in particular, he extracted and smelted iron; God forbade him to kill animals, allowed him to farm; buffalo poisoned crops, K. killed him; God caused misfortune to K., his vessel broke, the dog and child died; K. came to God to complain, saw his vessel, dog and son there; so that K. would not bother him, God and his wife moved to the island, then to mountain, but K. came again; the wagtail fortuneteller advised me to hide in the sky, God and his family climbed there on the web; the fortuneteller advised to pull the spider's eyes out of the body so that he would not remember the roads; K. They began to build a tower of logs with their people, it collapsed with them; people greet God at sunrise and his wife at sunrise]: 37-38; Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 7 [Nyambi created everything, Kamona for He repeated to him, began to kill animals; his dog died, the pot broke, the child died; he came to N. and saw them there alive and intact; N. settled on the island, but K. sailed to him on a raft; on the mountain too came; then, on the advice of the soothsayer, asked the Spider to weave a web to the sky, went up there, gouged out the Spider's eyes, began to live in the sky; K. called people to build a tower from logs to the sky; it collapsed; in the morning at At sunrise, people greet N., and when they see the young moon, they turn to Nasilela, N.'s wife]: 39-40; Scheub 2000 [the creator of Nyambi (Nyambe) is the sun, his wife is the moon, she gave birth to animals, then humans; N. revived animals killed by man; man turned out to be more cunning, N. rose to heaven on a web, since then invisible]: 186; Swazi [The Moon is the wife of the Sun; when she is not there, her husband hides her]: Kuper 1947:201 (= 1952:43); Tsonga: Junod 1927:304-306 [The Sun is not anthropomorphized; the Moon is not now either, but its name has a female suffix], 309 [The Evening Star is the husband of the Moon]; chokwe: Anpetkova- Sharova 1975 [The Sun and the Moon quarreled, the Sun threw mud at the Moon and it is now dim]: 280; Frobenius 1983 [Sambi (Sun), Mawese, Kalunga (Moon), Ndumba are children of the supreme god Dala Kalunga; Sun with The moon argued which of them was a man and who was a woman; Mavese replied that the woman was the Sun; the Sun killed M.'s son; Ndumbe advised to change it, because everyone sleeps in the moonlight, and hunts and fights in the light of the sun , so the man is the Sun; he gave the Sun a black vessel from the bottom of the river, he knocked it over to the moon; so there is a new moon and spots on the moon]: 151.

West Africa. Fon [the elder Moon Mawu and the younger Sun-Liza are the children of the supreme deity, creator of androgyne Nana-Bulkuku; M. lives in the West, owns the night, has the wisdom of the world; L. lives in the East, owns During the day, it has the power of peace; eclipses - the Moon and the Sun marry]: Herskovits 1938:101-103; eve [Lissa sun married the moon Dsinu (=Suñh); they have many sun children who tried to follow their father; out of jealousy, he rushed to kill them, some killed, others fled to sea; daughters did not try to follow their father and now with their mother (stars); the word for a star means literally "child of the moon", also "scattered children"; some believe that the Sun and the Moon made man; sometimes the Sun goes off its way and rushes to hit the moon, causing an eclipse; then people make noise and they shout for him to leave the moon alone]: Ellis 1890:65-66; eve [Moon {the sex of the stars is not specified} invited the Sun to eat its children first and then hers; the Sun agreed, his children were eaten; their own The moon hid it in a large water vessel; then she removed the stars from there; the Sun has no children; that's why God loves the Sun, doesn't love the evil moon]: Spieth 1906:557; snakes [The Sun and Moon have many child stars; the Moon has a lover; the Sun divorced her, they shared children; those left with the Sun fight with the rest with the Moon (the cause of the storms); trying to reconcile everyone, the Moon sends a multicolored fabric- rainbow; sometimes the Sun grabs and tries to eat the moon, causing eclipses; people make noise, driving the Sun away from the Moon]: Parrinder 1967:67-68; Ashanti [the masculine manifestation of Nyame's creator is the sun, the feminine manifestation is moon]: Scheub 2000:187; dan [little is known about celestial bodies; the sun is more male because it does harder work, and the moon is more like a woman]: Himmelsheber 1958:202; kono [The sun helped people, dispersing the clouds during the holiday; asked for a chicken for a favor, they refused; the Sun disappeared; after a long time people sent a dog, then a bull unsuccessfully; when the Rooster came, the Sun liked him the song, promised to go out whenever he started singing it; he left the night for his sister Moon]: Holas 1975:39; tiv [Awondo is the heavenly creator god; under his command Poro, the main object cult; daughter P. - Moon, son - Sun]: Meek 1925 (2): 31; ijo (kalabari): Dayrell 1910, No. 16 [The Sun has a wife moon; he often visits a water man; asks why he does not come with return visit; Water: your house can't accommodate all my people; the Sun built a bigger house; Water came, Sun and Moon climbed onto the roof, but the water kept rising, so I had to climb to heaven and stay there]: 64-65; Talbot 1932 [The sun is a man, the moon is a woman; therefore the sun is fierce and the moon is gentle; (along with the idea that both are men)]: 344; mukulehe [1) The moon is a wife Suns; 2) planets and stars - wives and children of the Month]: Lembezat 1950:57; anaguta [sun is the incarnation of the supreme god {half of the moon is not specified}]: Diamond 1960:33; scrap [Sun is male, Moon is woman, both children of the heavenly deity Gala]: Schwab 1947:412; Bassa [God invited people to choose the king of peace - Sun, Darkness, or Rain; they tried them all, every time life is unbearable; then asked the queen, the Moon; they are happy with her]: Pinney 1973:222-223; bambara: Hampâté Bâ 1994 [N'Gala created the earth, the night, the Sun, and his wife, the Moon; 13 months later, she ran from her husband to her seven lovers; the Sun wanted to kill her, but the Earth prevented her; then the Sun was waiting for her on the road and when she crossed it, the earth became dark; this was the first eclipse; people began to gripe, men parodied women, women men; the Sun laughed, missed the Light, the Moon slipped too; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, but the Earth covers it with darkness every time]: 139-142; Pâques 1964 (southern Mali) [The sun is a blacksmith, the moon is the mother of stars]: 158-169; tour [The sun is male, the moon is a woman]: Holas 1962:70; ibibio [The sun and his wife Moon lived on earth; invited his friend Water; he ordered to build a very large house first; the Sun built it, but when the Water with aquatic life began to enter, it filled everything, the Sun and the Moon had to rise to heaven; there they remained]: Radin 1952, No. 5:41; Fulbe: Zubko 2010 [the sun represents masculine and the moon is feminine]: 319; Scheub 2000 [at first the mountains are soft; the creator of Gueno took out one of his eyes, it became With the sun, the one-eyed king, the mountains hardened; G.'s other eye is enough to see everything]: 67.

Sudan-East Africa. Nuers [The moon is the daughter of the god Deng, who brings disease; {the sun is not talked about, but Dinka's Sun is a man}]: Knappertt 1997:231; Masai [The Sun married the Moon; they got into a fight; after this Sun was ashamed that people would see his face beaten and bright so that it could not be looked at; the Moon is not ashamed that its mouth is torn and its eye is knocked out; the Moon runs first, the Sun catches up, catches up, carries her for two days, then leaves her at sunset]: Hollis 1905:273 (=Kipury 1983, No. 2:28); nandi: Chesaina 1997 [the chameleon was the king of animals; a cruel one has come drought; the chameleon said that the animals angered the sun god Cheptalel, because they did not give him a share of the harvest; agreed to go to C. to ask for mercy; C. forgave, gave the chameleon an amulet, He told me to carry it in his mouth and not talk to anyone; but when he reached his country, the chameleon swallowed the amulet; decided not to return, but went to the forest; changed color without being noticed]: 33-34; Hollis 1909 [The Sun - Moon's husband; when the moon is gone, it is said that the Sun killed her, but old people know that he only beat her; when the Sun descended to earth to equip it, Thunder, Dorobo (forest hunter-gatherers) and Elephant; Thunder was frightened to see how Dorobo could turn around in his sleep without waking up; rose to heaven; Dorobo killed the Elephant, became master on earth]: 97-98; ndorobo [Moon is the sister or mother of a man- Suns]: Millroth 1965:44; Hadza: Col-Larsen 1962 [Heine (Moon/Month) can be both male and female; the Moon can be the wife of the Sun (Ishoko, Ishoye)]: 20, 148; Kotlyar 1975 [the central characters are the Sun (Ishoko), the Moon (Heine), or the Month (Seth); H. appears as a man or a woman; his grandson Shamaya became the Morning Star {in Col-Larsen-Chachaya, see motif I82A}]: 73 -74; sandave [the earth was cool at first; the creator of Matunda (a name in Bantu) fell in love with the Moon, married it; rather, his Sun Son married; grammatically, "sun" like all celestial objects - feminine, because they are small, but in myth the Sun is male; the Moon is connected to the south, the Sun is connected to the north; the Moon gave birth to many children, they were inside the rock; the Sun split the rock, people went out to earth; var.: people were in an empty baobab]: Ten Raa 1969:25-29; malgashi: Rodman 1965 [the little brothers of the Sun were chickens and the Moons were stars; the Sun walked with the stars and the Moon with chickens; on the festival did not have enough room for everyone to sit down, the Moon opened the door, the rooster and the chicken fell down, fell to the ground in the middle of the village; upon learning about this, the Sun Brother told the Moon that they would no longer live together, and his brothers on earth (i.e. chickens) will also hide when the moon and stars appear; Luna replied that her star sisters will also hide when the Sun arrives; but roosters will crow in the morning waiting for the Sun ]: 26-27; Haring 1982, No. 1.5.01 [The moon invited the Sun to marry him; The Sun warned that he has many children, they are stars; Moon: and the animals in the forest are her children]: 161.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt: D. Mallet, Le culte de Neit á Saïs, p.8, 178 in Briffault 1927 (2) [moon goddess Nate invented weaving and was depicted with a spindle]: 625; Rubinstein 1982 [Ra is god sun, sometimes daytime, unlike Atum in the morning and Hepri in the evening]: 358; Arabs and Berbers of Morocco [the sky is feminine nature, it is a spark that flies out of hell in the morning, falling back in the evening; During the eclipse, the sun swallows efreet, a huge winged underground genie; the Moon is a virgin from paradise who has lost her way; she is born and dies every month]: Scheub 2000:74.

Southern Europe. The Galicians [The Moon is the wife of the Sun; at the beginning of time, the Sun descended to earth, married the peaks of all the mountains, which made the Moon]: Howes 1929:54; Catalans: Amades 1930:125 [The Sun and Moon is husband and wife], 244-245 [Sun and Moon are husband and wife; var.: When the stars found out that the Sun had chosen the Moon as his wife, everyone gathered to look at the beauty; she raised her cloud cover out of vanity to reveal its beauty to others; the jealous Sun said he would not marry then, threw ash in the face of the moon, its light and beauty faded]; Portuguese [Moon is the daughter of the Sun; when she herself He leads well, he releases it (full moon), and when he is dissatisfied, he locks it; when the moon is not visible, it means that her father beat her]: Correia 2018, No. 5; Spaniards [el sol, la luna]: Malinovskaya 2002 [poor man He goes after the twigs, grabs the willow, the dragon tells him to bring him what he will meet first at home; he thinks it will be a dog, the youngest daughter comes out; he sends first the eldest, the middle one, the dragon rejects them; at night she sheds her skin, becomes handsome; the dragon's wife visits the sisters, they envy, burn their skin, the husband tells me to look for him in a gilded castle, wearing out seven pairs of iron shoes; the wife and son come to the old woman, she tells her to wait for the Moon Eagle to return; the Moon sends to her Sun Brother, he sends him to the Wind Brother, the Wind takes her to the castle, where her missing husband marries; the wife consistently kindles three given by her husband, everyone makes a wish to have a beautiful spinning wheel; for three spinning wheels, the wife buys three nights in the prince's bedroom; on the third night, the prince does not drink a sleepy potion, returns to his wife and son]: 233- 237; Corsicans [God created the sun man and the devil the moon woman; but she shone faintly, so he created the second; one was yellow and the other red; together they gave enough light to make it possible at night overshadow the stars; when Jesus was born, God sent a star (or comet), but Archangel Gabriel said it was not visible; God drowned the red moon in the sea, it can sometimes be seen there]: Karlinger 1984:20-23; Italians (incl. Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica) [sole (m). luna (f)]; Grimm 1883 (2) [(Pentam. 5, 5): Sole and Luna are Thalia's children]: 703; (cf. Sicilians [the fortuneteller told the king that when his daughter was 14 years old, she would be pregnant by the Sun; the king placed his daughter in the tower, the maid brought her food; when the girl was 14, she found a bone in the meat, dug a hole in the wall, a ray of sunshine penetrated her bosom, she became pregnant; see the M38B motive]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 29:195-201); ladina [the widow's son goes to work; Sees how 10 winged maidens flew to the lake, took off their wings, began to swim, then flew back to the mountain peaks; the next time the young man hid, took the wings of his youngest; she became his wife; he laid wings in the chest and told his mother not to leave the key in the lock; she left it, the wife found her wings, flew away, telling her to look for her on the glass mountain; the young man went in search; the young man directs him to the old man; he sent to his sister Moon to the top of the mountain; the Moon sends the Sun to his older brother; he sends the Sun to his older brother; he gives a ball that rolls towards the glass grief; the wind lifted the young man up the mountain; there in the house, the mother of bird girls offers tasks; 1) cut down the forest with a lead ax (the bride tells me to go to bed, the work is done); 2) scoop up the lake with a scoop of holes (then same); 3) recognize the bride among her sisters (she tied a red ribbon to her leg); the bride tells her to run, throw three red lice behind one another; each turns into a mountain, one taller than the other; the mother does not can overcome the third mountain, stops the persecution; the young man brings his wife to him; wedding]: Uffer 1973, No. 44:211-220; Latins [sol (m), luna (f)].

Western Europe. French: Kabakova 1998, No. 18 (Bourbonnais) [a woman who washed Easter, God condemned him to continue working on the moon, and the man who repaired the fence on Christmas in the sun; on battle day Suns with the Moon (eclipse), they try to switch places, but God doesn't give them that]: 32; Sébillot 1904 (central France): 9 (Limousin) [Sun is husband, moon is wife], 13 (Bourbon) [woman washed in Easter day, and a man repaired a fence on Christmas; for this, God placed a woman on the moon and a man in the sun to do the same thing forever; during the battle between the moon and the sun (obviously during eclipses) they try to switch places because the woman is too cold and the man is too hot, but God does not allow them to do so]; Wallons (Belgian Luxembourg): Sébillot 1904:9 [God ordered The sun should be the moon's husband, shine until noon, and the moon in the afternoon; the moon began to appear during the hours set aside for the Sun, so God told it to shine at night] (=Krappe 1938:127), 40 [during the eclipse The sun is fighting with its wife Moon]; the Irish [Dagda is the main solar god, the lord of knowledge; he met the goddess Boand, the White Cow, who is associated with the moon; the Milky Way is her trail, she sprayed the sky with her milk, this is how the stars appeared]: Roberts 2016:11-12; Welsh [He Gadarn ("Hu the Mighty" is a Briton hero and legislator, lives in the sun; its symbol is wren with outstretched wings; symbols of his wife Ceridwen (in the 14th century. Cariadwen, Iolo MS, p. 79) is a boat and a cow; Hu is connected to the sun, his wife is connected to the moon (received the homage due to the Sun/Moon); the moon sickle is the emblem of the Ceridwen boat]: Trevelyan 1909:36-37.

Australia. Tasmanians [The Moon is the wife of the Sun; when she was baking fish (this fish is still stained), her husband came and kicked her out, she fell into the fire, burned her side, rolled into the sea, rose into the sky, stayed there with the Sun; rainbow {stars?} - their children]: Schmidt 1952:292 in Witzel 2012:302.

Melanesia. Mae enga [Sun is male, Moon is female]: Meggitt 1965:107; huli (southern mountains) [Ni watched his sister Hana rub a tree in the forest; put a sharp stone into the trunk, he cut through Hana's vagina; she told Ni; he saw a vagina, got together with his sister; ashamed of his mother Honabe, Ni and Hana took to heaven, Hana became the Moon, Ni became the Sun]: Glasse 1965:34; baruya [version, known to all men, women and children: the sun is a man, associated with light, day, heat, dryness, sperm; the moon is a woman, associated with darkness, night, cold, moisture, menstrual blood; there is an esoteric variant known only to initiation leaders and great shamans: the month is the younger brother of the sun]: Godelier 2007:142; melpa [man hunted marsupials; his uncle came mother; the man climbed a tree to get leaves, fell into an oven prepared for frying meat and burned down; the uncle tried to cut the remaining piece of meat with a knife, but only pierced his stomach and died; came old men are husband and wife; when they saw the corpse, they were frightened, the husband hit his wife on the head with an ax; she turned into a toad, and her husband turned into {ietl marsupial (some marsupial) and climbed a tree; every time an old man wants to visit his wife, he scratches his face with hard leaves and it glitters; he is the sun; and the woman runs out at night, her face is bloody after being hit, she is the moon]: Vicedom 1977, No. 3:3; kuman [ The Sun is "grandfather", "old man"; Moon (Avamo) is "grandmother", "old woman"]: Niles 1950:57-59; kukukuku [Sun is male, Moon is woman, stars are their children; aged stars fall; dew is the urine of the Moon, Sun ashamed of it, dries dew quickly in the morning]: Fischer 1968:384; abelam: Huber-Greub 1988, № 8.1.10 [The sun went to plant yams; the moon threw ash out of the hearth, and another man appeared from there; came The sun asked if the man wanted a full moon or half; he replied that he was full; the Sun invited him to lie with the Moon; then the man died from the heat of the Sun; he dried the springs and the river; but then still The deceased was doused with water, he came to life; went to the bathroom, saw that the Sun's excrement was valuable shells; took them with him; the Sun was furious and ordered to put it in place]: 281-282; Kaberry 1941 [walә (marsalai spirit type) live in remote places in the ancestral territory, women bypass such places; among the most important w. Moon Woman]: 360; kwanga [Sun is male, hot, Moon - woman, cold]: Obrist van Eeuwijk 1992:67; lakalay [Sun is man, moon is his wife]: Valentine 1965:183; Bining (New Britain, Gazelle Peninsula) [first there were Sun Man and Woman -Moon; gave birth to stones (they became men) and birds (became women); The sun called those who wanted to live forever; rocks and snakes came, people didn't listen; if they came, they would change their skin like snakes]: Bley 1914:198; Bining (Uramot) [The male sun and the female moon are the first people created by the supreme deity;]: Laufer 1946-1949:510; Mabu [in the western Torres Strait Islands, the Moon is female, in depending on the phases, young, pregnant, with a child; on the moon you can see a woman holding a coconut, two breadtrees next to her]: Rivers 1912:225; motu [the man dug the ground deeper, found the moon, took it out, she grew up, shone, rose to the sky; said in a woman's voice that she had to stay in her Mother Earth for a long time before she was born; then she would shine constantly, and now she would appear and then disappear; went down to sea; the man took a net, dogs, spears, went to look for the moon to marry her; found a woman bathing, sat on her clothes, said he would marry her; Luna replied that he was in two the day will die because she touched her clothes and she is an immortal spirit; she agreed to marry him for one day, then sent him home so that he could prepare for death; she would also become the wife of the Sun, who is already now dissatisfied; the Sun has become jealous because the moon doesn't go the same way as it does and that it shines brightest just when it's not there; decided to part]: Romilly 1889:134-142; Admiralty Islands [there is an idea of the Woman Moon along with the idea of the Sun and the Month as brothers]: Nevermann 1934:371; Santa Cruz [at first the Sun and the Moon walked together; the Sun decided that on earth from it was too hot; said that the swamp crossed the log; it was rotten, the moon fell, smeared, still washed, the Sun went ahead; this is how night appeared; the moon wants to catch up with the Sun and walk again with him]: O'Ferrall 1904:224 (=Coombe 1911:192); Malekula: Layard 1942 [Tahar is connected to the moon, created the earth and people, the dead are coming to him; his figure is visible on the full moon on the lunar disk; every baby born on earth comes here from the moon, is born when the moon passes over the mother's womb; the moon is a grandmother, she has children in the form of unborn embryos; when the moon disappears every month, people are afraid that it will not revive, and when there is a new moon, they rejoice; the moonlight produces, Tahar conceives children; it is also connected to the sun, but indirectly, in association with light]: 210-213; Loyalty Islands ( Lifou) [The moon was the wife of the Sun; gave him an underbaked cake; he picked leaves, heated them, put them on the face of the moon; since then her light has faded, her face has been burned]: Hadfield 1920, No. 6:232; Fiji [daughter The chief in Tonga is pregnant by the Sun; her child beats other boys, they tease him with his rootless; mother tells him who his father is; he swims to the horizon, asks the Sun to go down for a while, hiding in clouds; he teaches something useful, advises him to wait for his sister Moon to come out of the waves, ask her for melaia (distorted. Tongansk. "flawed, bad"), but not monuia ("happy"); the son of the Sun asks on the contrary, the moon feels sorry that her brother decided to destroy her nephew; she gives a parcel, tells him to open it only on the shore; the young man opens in a boat, fish from the water rush at him, tear it apart]: Fison 1894:33-39 (translated into Polinskaya 1989, No. 119:312-316).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [brother and sister sculpted the first ancestors from clay mixed with the blood of a rat, snake, rooster; therefore, people are endowed with appropriate vices; created the Sun and Moon; they had to walk on the sky is together; The Moon Sister is capricious, lags behind the Sun Brother, walks irregularly; therefore, people work during the day and have fun at night; the first ancestors are destroyed by the flood, new people are descendants of those saved by the gods women]: Kubary, vol.1:56 f in Frazer 1924:261; Yap [The moon is a woman, gives birth to other gods; the Sun is apparently a man but not the father of the Moon's children]: Müller 1917:312-313; Ponape [Ina maram - moon goddess]: Christian 1899:383; Samoa: Beckwith 1970:254 [The sun is the son of Tafa'i hero and heavenly woman], 512 [people complain that the sun god Tagaloa is moving too fast; T. is insulted, begins to eat people; Ui offers himself to him, gets pregnant from his rays, gives birth to a son; T. stops eating people]; Aneityum (Polynesian component): Speiser 1996 [(sources - missionaries of the early 20th century. ); by Murray: The Sun and his wife Sina (Moon) lived on earth; the Sun rose to the sky, the Moon followed; by Gunn 1914: The Sun and his wife Moon have a daughter, Sina]: 323; Williamson 1933 (1) [Sun and Moon - the couple first lived on earth; they have a daughter, Sina; var. (Gunn 1904:218): Sina is the Moon, the Sun's wife; var. (Macdonald 1889:174): Sina - woman on the moon, wife of the Sun]: 104; Tahiti: Williamson 1933 (1): 98-99 [Tangaroa, Ra are identified with the Sun; Hina with the Moon; spots on the moon are a grove of trees, in the shade whom H. teaches how to make tapas], 108 [Sun and Moon are husband and wife, parents of stars]; Nukuman {the field of the moon is not mentioned, but probably feminine}: Sarfert, Damm 1931:439 [Kohí woman at sunrise ; ne put his vagina in his rays, conceived him, gave birth to a son; he made a pumice boat, sailed to the Sun, received a fishing hook from him; when he returned, he landed where the Nanakívi people lived, caught fish in lagoon, shared with nanakivi], 440-443 [Ohíne lived without a husband, fell in love with the Sun, put her vagina in his rays at sunrise, conceived, gave birth to a son Ma'oro'orokela; he grew up, asked who his father was, went in a boat to the Sun; two stones asked why and where he was sailing; he replied, waited there for the Sun, gave him milk from ten coconuts to cool; the Sun took the form of a man, M. said that he was his son, asked, received a sparkling fishing hook; he caught a lot of fish at home; O. Sinahoa took the hook and her brother Keaularo stole it; the hook was meant for S.'s son, she sailed out of grief into the sea to drown; her three brothers followed her; K. returned the hook when it was too far away from the shore; S. swallowed the hook, sailed to the Nanaivi people's island, gave birth to her son Kauunu there, took the hook out of her ass again; he grew up, caught a lot of fish on his mother's sparkling hook; locals all they ate them themselves, gave the young man and his mother garbage; Kauun told the fish that had already been cooked to come to life and return to the sea; Kauun followed them, sailed to Kalevaune Island, pretended to be sick with skin disease, hid in the well; two sisters came, the eldest refused to give N. water, the youngest wanted to give it; the girls' father told me to give it; Kauun caught a lot of fish on his hook; Lahai began fishing by sticking his own into the water the monstrous penis in which the fish swam; on the shore he spewed it; when he copulated with his wife, she lost consciousness; the next day, when L. put his penis in the sea, Kauna hit him with a weaving sword, cut to pieces; married his widow]; Manihiki (Cook Islands) [Ina is the goddess of the moon; on a clear night, you can see a hole in the sky through which she entered Matavera, a distant heavenly land of spirits]: Williamson 1933 (1): 103; Tuamotu: Anell 1989 [{the Sun's field is not mentioned, but male everywhere in Polynesia}; Tiki made the first woman Vahome out of a pile of sand, they have a daughter, Hina, T. met her, V. I found out that H. was ashamed to the moon, and T. committed suicide]: 19; Beckwith 1970 (Anaa) [Maui-tikitiki is the fifth son of Ataranga and Huahega (daughter of fire owner Mahuike); seeks his father's recognition, competes with Mahuike and kills him, catches the Sun in a snare out of her mother's hair Huahega; with the help of her brothers, she fishes Havaiki's country from the sea; marries Tiki's daughter; she's Tuna's wife, Maui kills Tuna, from his A coconut palm grows head; Peka-nui (The Great Bat) takes Hina; Maui turns into a snipe, kills Peka, returns his wife; gets sick; he is advised to climb into the shell of a Tupa crab to Change his skin and continue to live like a crab; to do this, he must swallow Rori-tau's insides; at this point, the Maui brothers enter, he belches his insides; Hina Ri's lover and Ri's friend named Togio Maui turns into dogs; Maui brothers go to the Sun; one dies from the heat, the other comes back; Maui goes to bury his brother's body in the sky; meets two heavenly girls, Dawn-Maid and the Moon ( Maid-of-the-Moon); sends the first home, marries the second]: 234-235; Mangareva [{the Sun's field is not mentioned, but male everywhere in Polynesia}; Tiki made the first Hine-one woman out of earth (Earth- virgin); married her; they have a daughter Taiki-te-keukeu; pregnant H. descended to the lower world, became its mistress, gave birth to twins Kuri and Kuro; the full moon is a symbol of Hine-one, because when she left T., she was pregnant; T. decided to get together with his daughter; settled on the other side of the mountain, warning his daughter that one of her brothers born in the underworld might come to her; began to come to her at night by himself, leaving before dawn; the daughter, out of disgust, went underground for her mother; both decided to bake T. alive in the oven and eat it, but K. and K. warned their father, who set up another person for himself]: Buck 1938:307 ( a brief retelling in Anell 1989:19); Marquises: Williamson 1933 (1): 102-102 [The moon is a woman; cumulus clouds are the terraces or pavements of the goddess Hina], 116 [The moon sleeps in her mother's house, goes to heaven at first new moon day; The sun is a man (mentioned in the story of how Maui caught him]; Maori [The sun is always a man, the moon is most often a woman, Hina (but in a different context, as the Sun is a man, cf. A5 motif); Hina is sometimes Maui's sister or mother; Luna is Sun Brother's little sister, they love each other]: Best 1972:23-28.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo: Bertrand 1958 [The moon met her brother the Sun; dew is the tears she now sheds on her lover; the creator god was against incest and forbid them to meet; sometimes the Moon visible after sunrise, but quickly hides, hiding their faces in a thick veil; pigeons are birds of the moon and cannot be killed; ducks sit on the moon at night]: 82; Playfair 1909 [Sun (Rengra-Balsa) - brother, Moon ( Biré-Jitjé) - sister, she was brighter and more beautiful; they quarreled, the Sun threw clay into the moon's face; the moon complained to her mother; she was angry with her daughter for not washing her face at first, told her to do so stay]: 85; rengma [there is a vague idea that the sun is a man and the moon is a woman; they used to shine equally brightly; Western rengma: God decided that in this case there is no circadian rhythm, so he planted a ficus on the moon and its light faded; Eastern rengma: the sun and the moon got into a fight, the sun threw ash in the face of the moon and it faded]: Mills 1937:243-244; angami [The sun is male, the Moon is woman; once the Sun did not come out; the Ox, the Pig, the Dog consistently called him; only the Rooster called; the Sun admitted that he was afraid to go out at night, asked not to tell anyone; but the Rooster said]: Hutton 1914, No. 5:485 (=1921:259); pass, miniong, padam, miri, mishmi [Sun is male, Moon is female]: Hutton 1925:117; abor, miri, Mishmi [Sun is male, Moon is female]: Mills 1926:299; nokte [a woman falls from the sky to a tiny earth surrounded by water; water recedes, exposing the earth; a man descends from the sky, takes in wives are a woman, they have many children; the supreme god Rango-Kotakrang places a sun man and a moon woman in the sky; they have many children, but the Sun destroyed them and his wife's crops with its heat; she threw a buffalo at him litter; The Sun said they would change sex for a few days a year (so the moon is sometimes big, sometimes small); the next time the Sun threw buffalo droppings at the moon, the spots remained]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:51-52; gallong [Hindu-Doine sun and his younger sister Hingar-Pol are children of Hindu and Hindar; the Sun killed two sons Wiyu (Wiyus - gods, first ancestors) Mochu-Pada; Wiyu went with onions to his path, but by that time the Sun had already passed and the Moon had appeared; it was just as bright and hot; Wiyu mistook it for the Sun, knocked out one eye with an arrow; since then the moon has been dim; regretting what he did, Wiyu gave The moon has the right to get younger every month; MP sent Tame to catch the Sun; he caught it, but the Sun ran away; this is always the case during eclipses]: Elwin 1958a, No. 10:44; Kachiny [Sun Brother is the father of nine Sun Girls, y The Moon sisters are many child stars; when people started stealing rice, the Sun released all daughters as punishment, gave dogs 9 tails, and field mice (favorite game) 9 burrows; people made a big bow to shoot live snakes at the Sun; then the whole Sun family hid; they sent the Battleship, the daughter of the Sun killed him; then the Rooster; he agreed that the Sun would revive the Battleship, give him sturdy clothes and long tongue; scattered his daughters, breaking them apart (they also became stars); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with it; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow it, and if it does not come out The moon, the dog will swallow it]: Gilhodes 1908, No. 24:691-693.

Burma - Indochina. Karen: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 157 [Nokhuva is the elder sister, Nokhudi is the youngest, the mother is dead, they live with Phi Na's father and evil grandmother; Nokhuva feeds two fish by name; The PN hears this, tries to summon the fish, they do not come; then the PN asks Nokhudi to call the fish in his sister's voice; they come, the PN manages to kill the Yaphalau fish, Nokhuva saves the Yaphaunihou fish, tells them to swim away; melts fat from Yaphalau's fish, it drips, turns into stone, the stone grows up to the moon; Nokhuva asks the goddess of the moon to shelter her, but she replies that she dies periodically, advises go to Lightning; Nokhudi stays with Lightning, marries her grandson Thunder; they visit Nokhuva's father; PN wants to kill them by feeding them a dog; Thunder realizes what he was given, returns with his wife to heaven, Lightning destroys the mountain, now you can see boulders - its fragments; thunderstorms rage every year at this time]: 387-390; Mason 1865 [the supreme god created the male being Tha-lu to rule the sky, and the female Tha-lu to rule earth; the earth was at first the size of a spindle; thanks to an earthworm, it grew; first the earth was covered with water; God squeezed it with iron and silk, the water descended to form rivers; a spider in the sky could descend on earth and go back; God created two suns, a man and a woman; they lived in a closed palace, they were not visible; pangolin gnawed through a hole, losing all their teeth; both suns came out, it became unbearably hot; God allowed a man to kill one sun; he hit him with a bow arrow and it became the moon; this sun that turned into a moon was a wife, and the rest was a husband]: 175-176; shuijia [the flood destroyed the living; a brother named Sun and a sister named Luna climbed into the pumpkin, escaped, went to the ground after the flood; before getting married, they lowered the lower and upper millstones from the mountain, they lay on top of each other; the sister gave birth two balls; one was thrown into black bamboo, it gave rise to people of a group of "black"; the other was a cypress tree, it made "white"]: Walk 1949:69; Thais [The sun fell in love with a girl on earth, became spend all the time with her without appearing in the sky; the stars stole her out of jealousy; agreed with the Sun that the girl would become the Moon and they would share her; the Sun would be with her during the day, the stars at night; if The sun and the Moon do not meet according to schedule, an eclipse occurs]: Plenge 1976:127; Vietnam's white thai [Pu nen ("master of the sun") rolls the sun to the ground in the evening and hides it under the dense with a blanket, and at night rolls east along the southern edge of the earth; Nang Byong ("lady of the moon") rolls a silver moon ball in the opposite direction, wrapping it stronger or weaker with a silver scarf on different days; eclipses occur because heavenly boys and girls meet for love and, not to be seen, cover their stars with blankets]: Chesnov 1982g: 349-350; tyams [lunar events occur when the Sun passes in front of the Moon; the goddess of the moon Pajå Yan is lower in status than the Sun god Po Aditjak (Skr. Aditya) and leans before him; during solar eclipses, the Sun god leans before the god of Heaven Po Jata]: Cabaton 1901:19; you [the first you descended from heaven to earth; the woman had a silver the headband given to her by the Moon had a bow and arrows given by the Sun; the Salwen River flowed below; that man became the illustrious Elephant King {the female sex of the moon and male sun is likely , given their association with a woman and a man respectively}]: Obayashi 1966:61.

South Asia. Kashmiris [Sanykisar's son and daughter in the family; the son found hair in food and promised to marry only its owner; the mother said it was his sister's hair, but the son insisted; after finding out what was going on, S. ran away. crying; to meet the fakir, he gave 7 seeds - 7 trees would immediately grow out of them; as it happened, S. climbed the tree; the father came with the men, they cut down the tree, S. moved to the next one; when the last tree was about to fall, S. asked Mother Luna to pick it up; the moon lowered its ray, S. rose to the moon; the moon asked her to comb her hair, but not to touch one place on on the top of his head, otherwise terrible pain and hair will begin to fall out; once C.. accidentally touched, the Moon threw it to the ground, S. fell into the crow's nest; he is happy that he has a daughter; mother, then father, brother they come to the tree and ask them to go down; the mother says that S. is waiting for her dolls, the father is waiting for a colorful spinning wheel, her brother for wedding clothes and jewelry; S. refuses, but every time asks the crow to bring it he also brings her; the prince sees S. and asks him to go down; S.: I need the permission of my crow father; but he will arrive only in the evening, the vizier advises to cut down the tree; they did so; the prince already has 6 wives; he promises to make the main one that 1) will exfoliate rice faster (the raven tells the birds to do this for S.; when 6 wives ask how S. managed to do everything so quickly, she advises pouring rice into water, but the husks did not float at all); 2) make the rooms fragrant (the raven tells different birds to bring the most fragrant infusions and rub them into the walls; S. advises 6 wives to mix manure with crap and cow urine, the stench is terrifying); 3) cook food (the raven tells the birds to bring the best; S. advises 6 wives to mix inedible grass with manure and cook it in cow urine); the prince drove 6 wives away and lived happily with S.]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 17:50-56; Himachali plowmen (Kullu Valley) [dzot - moon, zh.r., surj - sun, mr.]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya (field materials, October 2016); Northwestern Provinces ( Hindi) [{the sun field is not mentioned, but no Indo-Aryan tradition records the female sex of both stars at the same time}; in Indraprashta (now Delhi), a brahman's wife is always fasted on the fourth day of the decreasing moon; but the moon did not rise, the woman lost consciousness from hunger; then her husband climbed a tree and lit a torch; the wife believed that she saw the light of the moon and ate; the goddess of the moon Chunda Mái was furious, her husband died; he eventually came to life, but since then it has been forbidden to point at the moon with a torch in its direction]: Crooke 1895, No. 524:184; Marathi [Sun, Wind and Moon - children Stars; they go to visit Thunder and Lightning, this is their uncle and aunt; only the Moon hides a piece of every mother's dish under her long nails; when they come back, the mother curses the Sun (it will be hot, people will cover their heads and hate it) and the Wind (will blow and interfere with people), bless the Moon; (half of the Sun is not directly named, the Moon is "it"; in the sense, the Sun and Wind should be brothers, the Moon is sister]: Frere 1868, No. 10:169-171; Bengalis [the sun is perceived as a male deity and the moon is seen as a female deity]: Bhattacharya 2006:21-32; Baiga: Elwin 1939:330 [Sun man, Moon - woman, regularly removed for monthly cleansing; Nanga Baiga was born from a black anthill that appeared on the head of mother earth Dharti Mata; when he urinated on an anthill, from DM's womb in a stream of light The Sun and the Moon erupted; the Sun rushed to copulate with the Moon, Bhagavan cursed him, telling one of his eyes to burst; at first the Sun had two eyes; DM grew and became huge], 332 [the Sun was 11 brothers, the moon has 11 sisters; the brothers could not marry them, then the Sun offered to eat them; the Moon ate the sisters, and the Sun hid the brothers behind their cheeks; the Moon could not regurgitate her sisters, only spat her droplets of saliva have turned into stars; now the Moon works constantly, with only one day every month her period; each of the Sun Brothers works one month a year; if they went out together, the world would burn; all together they are married to the same moon]; gondas [The sun fell in love with a girl, her father found them, covered the Sun in a hole; people began to beat the vine with the Wind inside; he flew out, lifted the lid, the Sun slipped out; Luna wanted to leave her husband first, but remained the Sun's wife]: Elwin 1949, #7:62; Oraons: Elwin 1949:53 [the seven Sun Brothers melted the earth with their heat; his sister Luna began to eat bel fruit, answered the Sun that it was eating its Star Children, convinced the Sun to cook its brothers and eat it; realizing that they had been deceived, the Sun rushed to the moon with a sword; she hid in the bunyan hollow, but he managed to cut off there is a piece of it; so twice a year there is a lunar eclipse, and you can see a spot on the moon - a banyan hollow], 281 [The moon is a woman, her period lasted half a month, and so did the women; Mahapurub went home gave someone 7, 5, 3 balls rolled out of door coating; women's periods began to last the same number of days]: 281; conds: Elwin 1949, No. 20 [the boy guards the field, sees a pregnant deer, wants to shoot; the deer is pregnant with the sun, the sun from its womb warns of a flood, you have to sit with your sister and food in a banyan deck; the boy's mother does not believe; when the earth overturns into the water, dies along with other people; the deck stuck to a fig tree growing out of the water; there were 7 suns, the water dried up quickly, but the heat was terrible; the moon pretended to eat her children, smeared her mouth red; then the Sun ate its brothers; at night, the Moon took its child stars]: 41; Elwin 1954, No. 12 (conda-dora) [Bhim Raja put brother and sister into heaven, making them Sun and Moon]: 43; agaria: Elwin 1942:99-100 [Jwala Mukhi (Fire Mouth) is the best shooter, but he is told he doesn't have a father; his mother says his 12 fathers were killed by the Sun; J.M. prepares an iron net and cage, goes east; when At sunrise, the Sun plays with his wife Moon, J.M, catches him, puts him in a cage; it turns dark; the blind Wind finds a gap in the cage, finds the Sun; he goes out, he and JM curse each other, the Sun curses agaria], 100, note 1 [Kairya Kuar takes the daughter of the Sun, takes her as his wife; the Sun comes for her; KK. puts him in an iron cage; hence eclipses] in Luomala 1963:213-214; hoodies [on the moon can see an old woman spinning, or (common Hindu tradition) is dhoti (tissue around the hips that men wrap) who is the husband {Sun?} threw it into the moon after learning of her infidelity]: Fuchs 1950:286; dhanwar [Mārtanda, son of Aditi, is the god of the Sun, Khandoba is identified with him; his expedition to the Kartha River during the union ( conjunction) of the sun and the moon can be interpreted as the union of the sun with the moon - Handoba is the sun and the river is the moon; {it does not say directly about the moon/month field}]: Sontheimer 1989:192-193; muria (Raja) Muria) [Mahapurub drew a mirror for himself and for his wife; turned his own into a male Sun, her into a woman Moon; their children were like themselves, there was unbearable heat on earth; M. hid the moon in a hole; the Sun came to look for a wife, M. invited her to eat the children in his voice; the Sun ate, and the Moon hid her own by the cheek; so that they would not have more children, M. told them to walk separately; for half a month the Sun meets the Moon, but she has it monthly time]: Elwin 1949, No. 9:64-65; bondo: Elwin 1950:138-139 [At first, the Sun was constantly copulating with the Moon, only coming out to be relieved; it was only at this time that light appeared in the world; every day a child was born; the Sun loved only his sons and the Moon loved daughters; to make the Sun shine, Mahabrabhu sent hunger, let the Moon chew betel; the Sun went out to look for food, did not find it, came back, the Moon she showed her red lips, said she ate her daughters, hid them in her hair herself; when the Sun ate her sons, she released her daughters; the Sun broke her head; M. told both never to meet, illuminate the earth], 141 [The sun and its sister Luna came out of the water, created the earth, began to live on it; one day the Moon peeled millet, stripped naked; the Sun fired an arrow warning of its approach; both decided that if he saw his sister naked, they'd better break up and never meet]; santals [the sky was low, rice grew peeled, clothes grew on bushes, people's heads could be taken off and clean; the girl went to relieve herself, while plucking and eating rice growing nearby; this angered god Thakur Deo and he made all things as they are now; people threw used plates out leaves, one wind brought into the sky; after that, TD raised the sky; then he decided to destroy people altogether; Thakur Baba, aka Sing Chango, is the sun, his wife is the Moon; they shared their child stars, who are during the day it was as old as at night; the heat of the sun killed people and animals; the moon felt sorry for people, but the Sun said it was ready to save only one human couple; he hid them in the cave, curtailing them I skinned the entrance, and then sent a fiery rain for 5 days and nights; when a man and a woman went out, nothing alive around; to prevent the Sun from burning humanity again, the Moon hid its children in a basket and painted her lips red; the Sun believed that she ate her children and ate her own but two; these are the Morning and Evening Stars; when the Sun saw that the children of the Moon were alive, the Sun threw itself on them and they scattered all over the sky ; The sun cut the moon in half, so it grows and grows old; the first man and woman have 12 children; 12 nations come from them; the difference between them is that they chose different foods during the festival ]: Bompas 1909:401-402; ho: Elwin 1949:70 [Singbonga sun and Chandobonga moon are husband and wife; eclipses occur when copulating], 75 (Kharwar of southern Mirzapur) [Sun and Moon are shadow of Paramesar, stars are their children]; mundari [Moon is the Sun's wife]: Elwin 1939:330 (note 3); bhuya: Elwin 1949, No. 1 [Moon ate baked bel fruit, told the Sun she was eating her children; the Sun ate his own, only one ran away like lightning; the Sun cursed the Moon, telling it to die and come to life; the Moon told one eye of the Sun to burst; 8 months The Sun does not wash its eyes; when it washes, the remaining months are done very hot]: 56-57; 1954, No. 2 [Basuki lit everything with the light of her eyes; then she took a boy out of her right eye, a girl from her left eye, made them Sun and Moon, married them; Luna gave birth to many children, but only two look like their father; the Sun decided that the children were not his, the couple separated; only once a month Luna comes to her husband, but she is red at this time because she has her period]: 36-37; Birkhor: Evans 1927 [ The sun and moon are brother and sister; everyone has many children; because of the children of the Sun, the Earth is terribly hot; the Moon decides to help people, hides her children, tells the Sun that she has eaten them, advises them to do the same; The sun eats its children, then the Moon releases its stars again; the Sun's children are the brightest stars, including the surviving Morning Star]: 167 in Hatt 1949:75; Roy 1925, No. 15 [sun (Singi) and moon (Ch& #257; ndu) - brother and sister; bright stars are children of the sun, the rest are moons; the Sun and its children were incredibly hot; the moon gave the sun an unusually tasty curry and said that it was made from her children; then the sun ate its own, of which only Venus remained, who at that time went to dance somewhere far away]: 486-487; juang [Bhagavan went to Rusi Russain, it was always "today"; son B. The sun and daughter Luna lived with him; B. sent his son to marry the daughter of Russia, but Rusain was afraid of the light and hid her daughter; B. sent his daughter to Russia, and she met her brother in the dark; learning that the Sun then fell in love with daughter of Russia, the Moon began to quarrel; the Sun cut off her head; when he came to Russia, B. asked when it happened, he was told that "yesterday"; he was satisfied, returned the Moon's head, placed the Sun and the Moon in the sky, let them live separately, quarreling once]: Elwin 1954, No. 10:41-42; haria [Moon is the wife of the Sun]: Roy 1937:323, 431; crust [Moon is female]: Elwin 1939:330 (note 3); buna [Sister moon was brighter Sun brother; they quarreled, the Sun threw dirt on the moon's face; the spots remained, the moonlight faded]: Basu 1939:87 in Elwin 1949:55; stake (Yernga) [at first there is water everywhere, there is Sun and Moon in the sky, they are Singbonga and Chando, husband and wife; they scraped dirt off their bodies, S. made a boy, C. a girl, threw them into the water; they copulated; S. sent a fiery rain in anger, but the goddess of water hid the children Nagera, and the waters of the fire dried up, the young man and the girl went ashore; S. decided that there was no sin on them, created vegetation on earth, people descended from the first couple]: Elwin 1949, No. 33:50; binjwar [ when the Sun had children, the gods were afraid that the world would burn; asked his sister Luna to invite him to visit him, feed him sweet potatoes, saying that it was the flesh of her children; to jump off their bones with water, they would come to life; The sun did this to its children; its children became spirits, attacking the moon from time to time, causing eclipses]: Elwin 1954, No. 6:39-40; bhattra [Sun is brother, Moon is sister, both have children; Moon gave her daughter for the son of the Sun, but he did not give hers for the son of the Moon; the Moon hid her children, said that she killed them; the Sun killed her own; the children of the Moon returned; appear only with their mother, so that their Sun did not kill]: Elwin 1954, No. 1:57.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Senoi (sakai) [The moon told the Sun that people cannot bear the heat of his children; let him eat his own and she eat her own; but the Moon has only hidden its star children; since then, the Sun has met attacks the Moon, causing eclipses]: Evans 1918:191; Semangs (Kensieu) [the creator of Ta Pönn (Ta Pedu) was Moon's husband but lived with Raven Ag-AG, the Sun's wife]: Evans 1937:155-156; the Andamans : Man 1932 [Tomo created and inhabited the world; created the Moon, married her; after death he went to live in heaven; all Andamans are his descendants]: 194; Radcliffe-Brown 1933 [The Sun is the wife of the Month, the stars are their children ( they have the same word as fireflies); according to another version, the Moon is a woman, her husband is Maia Tok, the Sun is a man]: 141; bataks: Knappert 1999 [Si Borudea made the earth out of wet clay; her father Mulojadi created nine suns to dry the earth; it was too hot, people turned to the Moon for help; she asked for a betel, hid her star children behind her, told the Sun that she ate them, let them out of her mouth red betel juice; the Sun really ate its sons; now it is chasing the Moon; at the end of the month it catches up, the Moon is decreasing, hiding for a while]: 292-293; Warneck 1909:43-44 [(retelling in Erkes 1926: 42-43; in Hatt 1949:75); the Sun has seven sons, all shining together, the earth is burning; people sent the Swallow to the moon asking for help; the Moon hid its sons; people gave her lime, betel, tobacco - siri chewing gum needs it; Luna told the Sun that she ate her sons, showed seven bowls of their blood (it's actually gum); when the Sun also ate her sons, the Moon released its own; The Sun sent evil spirits (eclipses) to the moon; other spirits, the Moon's associates, cause solar eclipses], 30-32 [Mula djadi sent land to his granddaughter to the middle world from the sky; she created land on the head of a water dragon; he turned, the earth got wet; M. created the 8th sun to dry the sea; the dragon was defeated, but people suffered from the heat; then M. created one sun instead of eight, alternated between day and night]; kuba [ The sun is the husband of the Moon]: Schebesta 1928:244; the Dayaks [male and female spirits that descended from the sky gave birth to agricultural spirits, Amei Awi and Burung Une; they married each other, had 8 children and 4 Moons: the sickle, full, first and fourth quarters; the full moon was all the most beautiful; out of envy, her brother Sickle splashed hot porridge in her face, the dark spots remained]: Knappert 1999:308-309; (cf. dusun [{not mentioned about the sun's field}; Kinohoigan and Sinumundu came out of a big stone; K. told S. that he was going to create the sun, moon, stars, earth, people and animals, and then left for a while; S.'s time did everything herself, and when K. returned, she was just sculpting human figures; K. cursed his wife and everything she had created, threw away clay figures; they broke, fragments stuck to the sky and became stars; alone the female figure remained intact and became the moon; S. managed to put two figures aside, they became the ancestors of the dusun]: Staal 1925:941-942); Bali [Surya is the sun god; Ratih is the moon, the wife of the god of love Semara]: Covarrubias 1956:316-317; Java [(episode from the Sleeping Princess fairy tale); before the Raja's wedding to the heroine, the parrot says that today the Sun will kiss the moon; before that, the Raja dreams that The moon fell to his knees]: Kahlo 1967:36-38; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938, No. 25 [The sun is in love with the moon, and it runs away from it; when it catches up, eclipses occur], 28 [The Sun and Moon are spouses, in the new moon they copulate; at a certain time the Moon gives birth to a star; there is also an idea of a Month-man married to an earthly woman]: 372, 375-376; Eastern Toraja [the sun and moon consider spouses]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 7:377; Minahasa: Kratz 1973, No. 53 [woman's name: Wulan Kalenoan ("full moon", where Wulan is "moon")]: 243; Tauchmann 1968 [first woman, goddess Lumimu'ut conceives a son Toar from the wind; later marries him (T. did not recognize his mother); according to one version, L. conceives a second son from the wind and the born second son Toar is the sun god]: 40; Makassars [The moon was pregnant with the Sun; one day he chased her to beat her and she gave birth to Earth; then they reconciled]: Gervais 1688 in Lang 1899:112; dongo (Sumbawa) [The sun is male, the Moon is female; during eclipses they marry each other; people are making noise and screaming, Don't eat our moon]: Arndt 1952:485-486; atauru [The Sun is God's son, the Moon and all stars are his daughters]: Barroso Duarte s.a.: 192-193; tetum: Vroklage 1952:136 (Wehali) [The sun is male, the Moon is a woman; on the new moon, the Sun sleeps with the Moon; she is pregnant, gives birth on a full moon; this is associated with periods in women], 137 [Dafala; The moon hangs on a huge banyan (Waringhin) married to the Sun; their daughter Naba lorok]; tetum (Bijeli) [1) Kruyt 1923:473-474; the first man and woman ate grass; the man was converted to the Sun Lord (Usif Neno) to help; he ordered his wife to be killed, her bones and flesh crushed, scattered in the wind; corn and rice appeared; 2) v. Wouden, p. 43; two men came to heaven and asked Usuf Neno seeds; he gave them a lump of land; when they returned, they found a girl inside; they began to quarrel over her; she gave birth to a daughter; the UN ordered the girl to be killed and buried, rice and other cultivated plants grew; a UN woman gave to one of the men]: Mabuchi 1969:64-65; Seram (nusavele, hatuola, huaul) [Alahatala man in heaven met with Pohun Earth woman; she gave birth to the first human couple Tomoa and Binawalu; they they pushed the sky away; the earth also gave birth to the Male Sun and the Woman Moon, who gave birth to the Evening Star and the girl the Morning Star; Mount Hatuolo is the bosom of the Earth]: Röder 1948 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965: 139; vemale (West Seram): Jensen, Niggemeyer 1948:119-120 [The sun man has come to take the girl; the local men did not want to give her to him, dressed up as a bride as a pig; he kidnaps her, they hide underground; the girl says she will appear in the eastern sky in 3 days; tells men to sacrifice a pig to the dead; three days later, the moon first appeared in the sky], 140 [in those 3 days when the moon is not visible, it has a period]; Western Seram: Knappert 1977b, No. 12 (vemale) [sunny god Tuwale noticed traces of sawn teeth on the mango fruit; found the Dapie sisters (moon) and Siloo; to make them laugh, told an ant to bite his genitals, began to squirm, the girls laughed, T. saw that D. had sawn teeth; parents did not agree to marriage because T. had cutaneous teeth illness, brought a pig instead of his daughter; T. dragged R. underground; the next day she appeared in the form of a moon; T. constantly pursues R. in the sky, and when she catches up and marries her, she happens solar eclipse]: 193-194; 1982b members (vemale) [the paraphrase is shorter than in Knappert; when the Sun catches up with the Moon, the full moon begins; the name of the moon is Rabie; =1982c: 532]: 361; Maaβ 1933:300-301 [ west coast, Stressmann 1923:331-332: The moon Rapié Bulane is the wife of the Tuale Leamatai sun; it has been chasing her since the new moon, and on the full moon they join], 302 [honiteta and other mountain mountains bands, Vries 1927:77-79: stars are children of the Sun and his wife Moon]; Kai Islands [Sun is male, duan ("lord"), moon is woman, duan-te ("mistress")]: Nutz 1929:83, 128-129.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ibanag [The Moon is the daughter of the Male Sun; when she tries to meet the son of the Sea, he seeks to meet him, causing a high tide]: Eugenio 1994, No. 3:8-9; Tagals [The moon is afraid that her children are stars will die from the heat of the children of the Sun; suggests that everyone eat their own; the Sun ate, the Moon hid its own, now releases only at night; the Sun chases the Moon; when it bites, the new moon, the wounds heal - The moon is getting fat]: Rybkin 1975, No. 109:261; Tagaly (? ; ethnicity is not a decree.) [The sun man Arao has a lot of sun children, the moon woman Buan has child stars; B. is afraid that her children will burn from the heat of A.'s children, agreed with him that everyone will eat their own; hid her own in the clouds; c Since then, A. has been chasing B., when she catches up, eclipses occur; at dawn, A. attacks the stars; B.'s eldest daughter, Tala (Venus, both morning and evening); B. releases her children when T. speaks to her that A. was gone]: Rahmann 1955:202; Negrito Luzon [The moon asked her husband The sun not to approach their children, because he was too hot; but he was approaching, the children were burning; the moon ran away from the Sun, he stalks her unsuccessfully; her face is scarred by the hot smut he hit her with]: Garvan 1963:207; pampango [after her father's death, Apolaqui wants to rule the world alone; his sister Mayari doesn't I agree, they are fighting, A. knocked out M.'s eye with a stick; they decide to rule at different times; A. is the sun, M. is the moon, it shines weakly because of the knocked out eye]: Eugenio 1994, No. 53:117 (according to Fansler 1937:406; other paraphrase in Rahmann 1955:206; translated into Rybkin 1975, 54:152); maguindanao [maid asks woman to come to her dying mother; husband returns before his wife, accuses her of infidelity; woman runs away, her husband follows her, his dog Arimaunga is with him; God has turned a woman into the moon, his husband into the sun; when a dog grabs the moon, eclipses occur]: Rybkin 1975, No. 45:138-139; taosug (Fr. Sulu) [The Sun needs a wife; the prince refuses to give his daughter, but she herself volunteers to help people; raised to heaven, becomes the Moon, the wife of the Sun]: Rybkin 1975, No. 48:143-144; visayas [children of the Sun and the Moons are Stars; when the Sun tried to hug them, they burned; the Moon prohibited the Sun from approaching them; the Moon went to wash, the Sun approached the children again, killing many; the Moon hit the Sun with a stem banana, and the Sun threw sand in her face; spots remained; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, sometimes almost catching up]: Cole 1916:201 (=Eugenio 1994, No. 61:124); Mandaya: Eugenio 1994, No. 70 [(Cole) 1913:172); the Sun and Moon had many children; the couple quarreled, the Moon is still running away from the Sun; cut the children's bodies into pieces, scattered them; those who fell into the water became fish, and on land they became snakes and animals. to the sky with stars], 71 [=Cole 1916:145-146; The Sun husband was ugly, quarreled; chased the Moon Wife; still chasing, sometimes almost enough; their first son was a big star; the Sun was angry, cut it into small pieces, scattered it across the sky, it turned out to be stars; their other son is a huge Tambanokaua crab; when he blinks, lightning comes out of his eyes; when he sits in his hole on the seabed, the tide; when comes out, water fills the hole - low tide; sometimes tries to swallow her mother the Moon (eclipse); at this time people hit the gongs, driving the Crab away]: 136, 137; Manobo: Eugenio 1994, No. 67a [The moon went into the field, told her Sun husband not to approach the children; he kissed them, burned them; in response to his wife's reproaches, scattered burnt bodies, threw tarot leaves (spots) into the face of the moon; still haunts her], 67b [Kezenan created Andaw (Sun), a man with a hot body and Bulan (Moon), a woman with a cool body; B. gave birth to a child, left him in the cradle, he began to cry, get out; A. wanted to pick him up, but burned him to deaths; the couple quarreled, separated, cutting the child apart and throwing them apart; one part turned into earth, the others into celestial bodies]: 131, 132; Bagobo: Benedict 1913, No. 5 [going to way, The Sun tells Wife Moon to kill a newborn if it turns out to be a girl; Luna hid the girl in a box; The sun smashed the girl's body into pieces that became stars (=Eugenio 1994, No. 63:126)], 6 [as in (5); c since then, the Sun and the Moon have been walking separately], 7 [after learning that the Moon gave birth to a girl and not a boy, the Sun kills and eats the child]: 17-18, 18; Tinghian [The sun tells the Moon that it is not good, it shines weak; Luna replies that women love her more, because in her light they go outside to spin; the sun throws sand in her face, spots remain]: Cole 1915, No. 73:192 (=Cole 1916:65; quail in Eugenio 1994, No. 57:121); cotabato [The sun quarreled with his wife Luna, she hit him with a broom (now its rays are like a broom), ran away; began to bathe their child, the Sun came up, splashed boiling water in her face; Now the moon's face is burned; Luna dropped the baby, he fell to the ground, became a cicada, sings at sunset, complaining that he is far from his parents and that they are divorced]: Eugenio 1994, No. 234:381-382; maranao [ The sun was by his sister Moon; they had a fight, it was haunting her; when the world ended, they would be there again, the Sun would approach the earth, everything would burn]: Eugenio 1994, no. 69:135; moro (Isolan) [When leaving, the Sun tells the moon to cook a full pot of gabi leaves; but the leaves boil; the sun expels his wife; she says their children will be cold with her, and he will be hot with him; cuts children to pieces, they turn into stars]: Eugenio 1994, No. 64:127; blaan: Eugenio 1994, No. 66a [The sun tells Gene-Moon not to start eating until he returns; he's been gone for a long time, she ate, he has eaten cut their child to pieces, the pieces became stars; the Sun tries to make peace with the moon, chasing it unsuccessfully], 66b [The sun tells the moon to take their child with it; she replies that it will be difficult for him to walk on at night, the Sun says it will be hot with him; cuts the child into pieces - stars], 66c [The sun has decided to part with the Moon, which fed him gabi leaves (they itch his mouth, this is the food of a hungry time); them the son did not want his parents to break up, the Sun cut him into pieces that became stars]: 129, 130; manuva [The moon asked her Sun husband to watch the child, but not to approach him; he approached, the child died of burns; the moon left the Sun, cutting the child's body into pieces; some became stars that fell to the ground - cicadas singing under the moon; the Sun is unsuccessfully trying to catch up with the moon]: Eugenio 1994, No. 68:134; Tboli [Kadaw (The Sun) and his wife Bulan (Moon) began to go up to heaven; B. said it was hard for her to carry their baby, and K. said he was too hot to do so; cut the baby ; pieces of the lower part became crickets and the upper part became stars; the Sun and Moon parted]: Eugenio 1994, No. 73:140-141; bontok [Moon Kabigat was making a copper cooking pot; the son of the Sun came to see she hit him by cutting off his head; the Chal-Chal Sun brought him back to life; so people also hunt for heads]: Eugenio 1994, No. 197:332.

China - Korea. Ancient China {and probably ethnographic data from different provinces, not just Sichuan, but they need to be collected}: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. 2 [in the image of the Han era, Fuxi holds the sun in his hands, in which is inscribed with a crow and Nuiwa to the moon with the image of a toad and a rabbit]: 37-38; Yanshina 1984:116 [in the most ancient monuments, the deity of the sun is recognized as masculine], 180-181 [Chang'e as the goddess of the moon]; J. eveer 1972 [(original source?) ; an inscription on a stone in 1247 in the temple of Confucius near Shanghai: The sun is a man, like an emperor, the Moon is a woman; if a minister or governor on earth does not properly serve the emperor, a lunar eclipse]: 29; Williams 1974:278 [The moon is a symbol of negative femininity, the Sun is a positive masculine; there is a hare on the moon that pushes the powders of immortality at the foot of the Cassia tree; three-legged The Chan-chu toad is the embodiment of Ch'ang O, who stole the elixir of immortality from her husband Hou I], 279 [the moon is also associated with the god of marriage Chieh Lin, or Leh Lao, who connects the destinies with an invisible thread; also Wu Kang, whose behavior did not like the spirits; he must cut down the cinnamon tree forever, and the felling overgrows every time; Taoist author Huai Nan Tzu (died 122 BC): Two sisters lived on the moon, and theirs brother in the sun; the sisters did not like the fact that people looked at them, asked the brother to change; he replied that they looked even more during the day, but the sisters insisted; now if anyone looked at them, they stab him eyes with 72 needle rays], 378 [Taoist author Huai Nan Tzu (died 122 BC): There is a red crow with three legs in the sun, as 3 is a symbol of masculinity; he often flies to earth to taste the plant immortality]; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Jingtai) [Before Pangu separated the sky from the earth, the Sun and Moon were older brother and younger sister. They lived poorly, and when Luna grew up, she became shy and moved away from her brother. The sun also realized that her sister had grown up, and she could not show up in public without clothes. So he took off his dress and left it in the room, and went out and called his sister to wear it. Luna put on her dress, but saw her brother sitting in the dark with her back to her, took pity, and threw him the silver needles he had bought for her. The sun said he bought silver needles for her, and when he had money, he would buy fabric and threads to make her dress. Luna asked how her brother would walk without clothes, but he answered by asking why she had given him needles. The sister replied that he would be able to stab the eyes of those who looked at him with these needles, and then people would not dare to raise their heads and look at him. The brother agreed and went out into the world, and the sister became shy and ran into the house. After a while, he called his sister to cook, and in order not to stab her, he hid again in the dark. This is how it happens: when the Sun comes out, the Moon hides in the house, and when the Moon comes out, the Sun goes to the mountains. Even now, when the Sun comes out during the day, if people lift their heads to look at it, it stabs their eyes with shiny needles so that they can only walk with their heads down. Because his needles constantly prick people, they start to get a fever. When it approaches, people get so hot that they sweat, and if it goes too far, they start to tremble from the cold. People say, "It's close in summer, far away in winter, and not far or near in spring and autumn"]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 5:5-6; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Yibin) [heaven and earth were one, and there was no day or night; after a long time, King Pangu appeared, who decided that he could not continue like this, talked to his wife and decided to share the chaos; they the two of them grabbed him and tore him into two pieces; half of Pangu flew upstairs to become heaven, and half of his wife flew down and became earth; then husband and wife turned into sun and moon, and so on day and night appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b:23; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Kaohsiang) [The sun and moon are siblings, children of the Jade Emperor. The sun is a young man and the moon is a girl. At first they both came out together-the sun ruled east and west, and the moon ruled south and north. It was light during the day, and it was completely dark at night, and you could not even see the light of the stars. Over time, the sun became interested in the moon, became more and more daring, and at some point began to stick to the moon. The moon ran to the Jade Emperor and complained about the sun. The jade emperor became angry and sent an army of heaven to grab the sun and cut off his head on the Immortal Execution Tower. When the hangman had already carried his axe, Matushka Vanmu came running and shouted: "Don't execute him!" She ran into the palace, fell at the feet of the jade emperor and said, "How can you execute our only son?" The jade emperor thought she was right and changed his mind about executing him, but the decree had already been issued, and it could not be canceled just like that. At that moment, the spirit of the earth came to the Jade Emperor, said that people were uncomfortable that there was no light at night, and suggested separating the sun and moon so that the sun would shine during the day and the moon at night. When the jade emperor heard this, he was happy: this way he could save his son's life and share them with his sister. He commanded the moon to go out at night and go during the day, and the sun to go out in the morning and go out in the evening; the sun began to control the power of yang, and the moon controlled the power of yin, and they were not allowed to meet. Since then, the sun and moon have been separated]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 10b: 31-32; meo (North Vietnam): Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [Ti Liau created heaven and earth, lit 10 Suns Youth, 9 Moon Girls; to to reduce the fever, people hit 9 Suns and 8 Moons with arrows; the remaining Sun and Moon hid, it became dark and cold; the Tiger could not beg them to return, the Rooster begged them in 7 years, received a reward from TL red scallop]: 254-255; Nikulin 1982e (Vietnam) [Ndo Chi created heaven and earth, 10 Suns (female), 9 Months (male), myriads of stars; Suns, moons and stars were meant to drain and illuminate the earth; 7 years there was no night; the earth dried up, NT created trees and herbs, animals, sculpted a person, breathed his soul into his stomach, gave him tongue and breath; people got hot, they made onions from huge trees, excess suns and moons were knocked down; after the flood, brother and sister, who escaped in a wooden drum, were married by NT to continue their human race; meo went north, where ice and night 6 months, later gradually returned]: 206; yao (Thailand) [Nyut Huung - The Jade Emperor, associated with the Sun, the elder brother of the Three Stars; (half of the moon is not specified)]: Kacha-Ananda 1997:299; Koreans [the rock took Yono-ran to Japan, where he was placed sovereign; his wife Seo-nö climbed the rock, moved the rock to Japan and hers; accordingly, the Sun and Moon stopped shining, their spirits were now in Japan; Yono gave the Korean envoy a piece of silk; when he was sacrificed to heaven, the Sun and Moon shone again]: Kontsevich 1980a: 435; Kontsevich, Riftin 1980:50-51 (same in Choi 1979, No. 741:324), 244 [note: Yono and Seo can be translated as Fat Raven and Thin (elegant) Raven]; Koreans: Kontsevich 1980b [The tiger ate the mother of four boys, dressed in her dress, came to her house, grabbed her younger brother; the others climbed the pine tree, the Tiger followed; the heavenly lord lowered the iron rope to the brothers; the Tiger also began to rise, fell, fell into the millet field, crashed, Since then, the millet stalks are red; Brother Hesong became the sun, Halsun became a month, Pyelsun became stars; var.: Brother and sister who love each other were afraid of the tiger, rose to heaven, became the Moon and the Sun]: 565; Choi 1979, No. 100 [The tiger ate the mother, puts on her clothes; her three children do not open the door because they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see the shaggy paw; when they open, the Tiger eats the youngest; the other two asked permission go out of need, ran away, hid in a tree; two ropes, new and rotten, came down from the sky; brother and sister took to heaven, brother became Sun, sister Moon; Tiger climbed on a rotten field, fell into a millet field ; since then, millet stalks have been red due to its blood]: 27-28; (cf. lahu (northern Thailand) [G'ui-sha planted a pumpkin, it brought fruit; the owl frightened the deer, the deer frightened the bull, it kicked, the pumpkin fell and rolled; G. first seeks the culprit (hit the owl in the face, it became flat), then asks many different plants if they have seen a pumpkin; depending on the answers, punishes or rewards them by determining characteristics; the same with bees; black bees respond that a pumpkin fell into the sea; two goats, an eagle can't reach it, two crabs pull it out; people's voices can be heard from the inside; a sparrow with a long beak began to bite, spoiled its beak; a couple of rats gnawed for many days, after doing two holes; boy Ca Ti and girl Na Ti came out of it; G. awarded sparrow and rats by allowing them to eat rice; children grew up; CT hunted; made musical instruments; G. invited the young to marry, but they they replied that they were brother and sister; G. explained how a mortar and pestle, a sieve and a hand winnower work, but the answer was the same; G. made a honey drink, sent one bee around the sun and the other around the moon; brother went to the sun, sister went to the moon, but did not taste the drink; then G. put it in the lip organ and they tasted it; began to eat it with a spoon; they came together; they saw a hawk; they asked not tell G., for this he will be allowed to steal chickens; a tiger saw: you will be allowed to steal piglets; a wild cat will steal chickens]: Coyaud 2009, No. 3:18-27).

The Balkans. Hungarians (Eastern Carpathians) [Babba Mary is visible on the moon, or the Moon is Babba Mary; {The sun is probably male}]: Zsigmond 2003:432; Ancient Greece [in Falam in the part of the temple that in the open air, there are bronze statues: one is Pasiphae, the other is Helios; Pasiphaia ("All Shining") is the epithet of Moon Selena, not a local deity]: Pausanias 2 26 .1 (1994.1:277); Greeks (Macedonia, Lakkovikia) [the sun and moon were brother and sister, they walked along the same road together; the sun got angry and knocked out the eye of the unfortunate moon (and today the moon is still one-eyed); the moon ran, crying, to her mother; her mother is sitting at the end of the world, where the sun goes down; her mother tells her daughter not to go the same way with her brother; therefore, the sun and moon never go out together]: Choha 2009:183-184; Gagauz people [spots on the moon - Cain fights against Abel]: Moshkov 1901:55 (=2004:257); Albanians [when visiting the Sun, the King of Light, the Moon gives him some bright stars; when visiting the Moon, the Sun gathers give her a cloud dress; the tailor says that the moon's body is constantly changing, no clothes will fit; the moon is upset about the lack of a gift; the Sun gives her the right to collect its rays, make any of them attire]: Serkova 1989:31-33; Bulgarians: Belova 2004a [The sun and moon were brother and sister, did not know about each other, grew up and fell in love; their mother cursed them, they meet once a year summer solstice; Rhodope belief: The moon hides from the Sun after their failed marriage]: 126; Gura 2006 (Plovdiv District) [the moon was a girl, her mother cursed her, she became the moon; the spot on her is like a tow she spun]: 464; Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 707C [(pp. 242-244: details of options; not only brother and sister warm like the sun and the moon, brother with the sun on their forehead, sister with the moon on his throat, etc., but the brother is the sun, the sister is the moon); the king (who forbid lighting the fire at night) overhears the conversation of the three sisters; the first two promise, if they marry the king, to do a lot work (dressing an army, weaving a huge tent, feeding the army with one loaf, etc.); the third promises to give birth to wonderful children (golden braids, a star on his forehead, sun and month, etc.); the king marries everyone three, but the older ones do not fulfill their promises; the youngest gives birth to children; envious sisters (stepmother, listen) replace them with a puppy (puppy and kitten), let them down in a chest into the sea or river; the king orders their mother to be buried waist-deep into the ground (on the edge of a garbage dump, locked in a chicken coop, etc.); a miller (fisherman, shepherd, etc.) picks up children; sister is persuaded to ask her brother to get wonderful objects (a singing tree, a magic tree, a magic tree, etc.) bird, etc.); with the help of a wonderful horse, the brother gets everything; takes possession of their mistress, a beauty who turned people into stones; this beauty (talking tree, bird) tells the king the whole story or the children themselves tell; the king returns them and their mother, punishes the perpetrators]: 241-244; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004:33 and 41 (Rankovtsy) [The sun is the son of the Moon; he came to his mother after sunset, she fed him; one day she did not have food, she let him eat half of herself, so the Moon does not shine as bright as the Sun], 37 and 42 (Pirava, Rusinovo) [The sun argued with Sister Moon, who shines brighter and hotter; threw it to her a cake in the face, the moonlight has faded]; Danube gypsies (Bulgaria and Romania, Dyurgevo-Ruse district) [The sun is brother, the moon is the sister; the sister shouts to her brother that she will meet him when the Sun meets him with the Moon; their parents Jova and Adam; first gave birth to the Sun, then the Moon, then the Monkey]: Nenov 2009:178-179; Slovenes [God, under the guise of a young man, adds salt to King Matthias's dishes; grateful M. promises to give him as much land for this as his horse can run in a day, or as God's farmhand and maidenhand can run in a day; because God's servant and servant - this is the Sun and Moon, they run around the world; King M. refuses to pay such a price and is punished (covered with a mountain)]: Kropej 2003:141; Romanians: Beza 1928 [1) Sun-man asks God to allow him marry Sister Moon; God shows him hell and paradise, but the Sun is better prepared to be in hell than without a lover; during marriage, a hand reaches out to the moon, throws it into the sea, where it turns into a fish (golden barbel); The sun rushed west for the bride, but God grabbed her, threw her up, she became the moon; told them to look at each other from afar, not to get closer; 2) The moon agrees to go beyond the Sun, if he built an iron bridge across the Black Sea and a ladder to heaven; he did, Adam and Eve showed him heaven and hell in heaven]: 16-18; Mailand 1886 (Transylvania, by G. Moldován) [1) a shining young man asks his mother to allow him to marry his sister; she agrees if he builds a wax bridge across the world with a cold spring in the middle; anyone who drinks from it asks for atonement; 2) the young man asks for atonement; 2) the young man asks mother allows him to marry his sister, for having gone around the world, he did not meet the girl more beautiful; she agrees if he makes iron shoes and goes around the world in them; makes a copper bridge above the ground and a silver bridge above in peace; he fulfills the condition, leads the bride to church, she asks to let go of her hand, rushes to the Danube; 3) the sister answers the Sun that she will marry him only if he builds an iron bridge to him, silver above the ground; 4) The sun wants to marry its sister Juana Cossinczana; on the wedding day, a hand stretches out from the sky, throws the bride into the sea and then into heaven, where she becomes the Moon; God speaks to the Moon and the Sun that they will follow each other forever]: 3; Gagauz people [along with the idea of the Sun is a woman; 1) Solntsev's father's worker carries his Sun Son in his arms every day; breakfast for the worker brings St. Ilya, lunch - St. Peter; there are three ways, the higher, the weaker the sun warms; 2) The sun lowered the swing into the village, picked up the girl who sat on it; but his two brides turned into a swallow and a goat]: Moshkov 1901 : 53.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Podolia) [The Sun was presented as a man, the Moon as a woman; during an eclipse, they cover their faces with their hands so as not to see human sins]: Plotnikova 2007:6; Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [sun and moon are brother and sister; at night the sun hides behind the Cretaceous Mountains]: Yastrebov 1894:3; Northern Ukrainians: Chubinsky 1872 (Volyn Gubernia): 3 (Lutsk County) [Sun - "king of heaven", his family consists of the moon and stars], 8 (Litinsky Uyezd) [some represent the moon as a young woman]; Russians (Vologda, Archive) [the sun is the head of the family, the moon and the Polyarnaya the star is his daughters, the winds are sons or brothers]: Kabakova 2019:75; Russians (Orlovskaya) [The Sun wants to marry its sister Elena; God led the Sun to hell to see the torment that is appointed for such a marriage; but the Sun still went to marry her sister; she became a goldfish and went to sea; the Sun dried the sea and became a month out of the fish]: Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 81:80-81.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Kustova 1941 [when old man Boran is angry on the yayla, his beard is fog, his girlfriend is Guma's bird; if her shadow falls to the ground, it rains; her wings are black, her chest pink, you can't look into her cold eyes; Gum has a daughter, Ay (Moon); found out that if she shows her, her daughter will be gone; Ay runs on the sea (moon path); Kun (Sun) came out of the sea, they got married; to hide their kisses, G. asked B. to weave the veil, covering A. and K. with them; G. fell into the sea, visible at the bottom on a clear sunny day]: 87-90; Kondaraki 1875 [the sun is male and the moon is female]: 136; Abkhazians [west in Duripsha in 1984; Shashuy brought Ajveipsh's daughter Amzu-Moon closer to the Sun, she became his lover; their love was surprised by the Stars; in the absence of the Sun, the Devil seduced A. twice; S. burned A., expelled for the Heavenly Gate; in addition to her, punished that daughter Ayerga, who flew in a star, seduced married hunters and shepherds]: Khvartsky 1994:142; Adygs [sun - brother, moon - sister; sister takes brother's light; (along with the idea of the sun and the month as brothers)]: Shortanov 1982:30; Abaza people [every year someone steals millet crops from the Ishak field; the eldest son of Khadzhibekir goes to guard, falls asleep; the same middle Mhamat; younger Solman roared the stallion, the leader of the herd; he gives for himself three horses, hairs, if burned, will come to the rescue; S. horses are bought for a lot of money; prince summons him to himself, S. summons his magic horse; on the way, despite the horse's warning, picks up an eagle's feather; the prince likes S.; the envious adviser suggests that S. give him a pen; then, to 1) bring that eagle; the horse tells you to dig a hole, pour grains, all the birds flock, S. catches an eagle; 2) the golden tail of a ram living in the river; the horse teaches you to lure the ram with salt, cut off the tip of the fat tail; 3) a puppy of a female who feels between two seas; the horse teaches you to throw pieces of cloth to the bushes, saying that it is for them on their pants and shirt, how to walk across the bushes, pick up a puppy; 4) the daughter of the Sun and Moon, living in in the womb of a whale; she leaves the whale to watch the goods brought by S., he brings it to the prince; 5) the chest of the daughter of the Sun and Moon; S. climbs into the whale's mouth when he returns a day later, takes out the chest; 6) the bride makes it a condition to bring her the golden ring of her Sun Father and Mother Moon; the horse advises what to do; there is a bridge fish over the sea; agrees to walk along it if S. asks how long she has to hang like this bridge; Summer and Winter fight, let them pass between them if S. asks how much more to fight; the moon first hides S., then shows it to her husband; they say Summer and Winter will fight forever, fish always hang by bridge; S. gives answers to those, passing between Summer and Winter, across the fish bridge; the bride tells the groom to swim in boiling milk; Prince tells S. to swim, the bride gives him her ring, he leaves the cauldron unharmed; prince cooked; S. marries the daughter of the Sun and Moon, becomes prince]: Tugov 1985, No. 47:131-138; Karachays, Balkarians: Lipkin 1973 [Satanay is the daughter of the Moon, her father is the Sun; jelmouth kidnaps her; she runs, marries Erezmek, gives birth to sledges]: 24-27; Aliyeva 1994, No. 4 [Satánay is the daughter of the Sun and Moon; the teiri of the sea Suu Zhelmauz kidnaps her, hides her on the island, behind her Suu Anasa (Mother of Water) takes care of her; S. finds a board, turns her arms and legs into oars, swims away; she is found by forest albridge, cared for; S. stumbles upon an emegen giant; looking at him, dazzles his only eye; he falls off a cliff, breaks; S. comes to the sledges, marries Yoryuzmek, becomes the mother of sledges], 141 [the power of the sledges was in their golden bucket; they hid it in the fortress together with the girl Ay; she spun the hair of their golden-fleece sheep; Iblis, taking the form of a young man, came into her, took her on horseback with a bucket, turned her into the moon; she threw pieces of wool along the way, they turned into the road from earth to sky; the bucket is in the middle of the sky seven days on horseback from Ursa Major; sledges have turned into mountains], 145 [Satanay is the daughter of the Moon, her father is the Sun; Zhelmouz kidnaps her, so eclipses occur; S. raised Suu Anases; she ran away from J., married Yoruzmek; gave people grains, taught people how to make bread and buza; gave flints, taught them how to carve fire; taught them to guess beans and lamb shoulder blade; when the sledges moved to the sky, where they fly on horses with eagle wings, S. asked her to pick her up there, Tairi Neba lowered the lasso from the sky and she rose]: 306-308, 590-592, 597-598; Balkarians (zap. 1965) [The sun is a guy, the moon is a girl; only stars are shining in the sky; people have asked Tairi to separate night from day and send light; since then, the Sun boy has been living in the sun and the girl Luna on the moon; in one of they marry, the Moon gave birth to Satanai; Zhelmauus wants to steal a girl, her parents are guarding her; one day the Sun dies, his grave is in the sun; the Moon dies - her grave on the moon; S. lives in the country sledges]: Malkonduev 2017:129; Lucky, Lezgins, Dargins, Avars [in the mythology of the Laks (Barz), Lezgins (Varz), Dargins (Badz), Avars (Mots), the Moon has the appearance of a beautiful girls; was in love with the Sun (Laks - Barg, Avars - Buck, Lezgins - Rag, Dargins - Berkhi); began to boast that she was more beautiful than the Sun, that they looked at her more; the Sun threw clods of dirt and spots at her remained; repenting, trying in vain to catch up with the Moon]: Khalilov 1980:163; Avars [the Karatins, Gidatli and Andalans have the sun a girl, the moon is a young man; the Tlyaratins have a brother, the moon is a sister]: Seferbekov 2009:49; Lucky [The moon girl was jealous of the Sun Boy of people, said that he dazzled them, and she was beautiful and everyone was looking at her; the Sun was offended, threw dirt into the moon; the stains remained since then, the Moon has been running away from the Sun]: Khalidova 2012, No. 14:41; Lezgins [Men is the goddess of the moon; was the supreme deity in Caucasian Albania; the song calls prayer the bride of the sun god Atar, but in play" Ragani Warz" The month is the husband of the Sun; in another game, the Month is the brother of the Sun Sister; offended by her, he runs away from home, and her sister rushes after, praying for forgiveness; the god of darkness, Alapeh, pursues Men and Atara, causing eclipses]: Rizvanov, Rizvanov 1990:37-39; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1980b [more often Arev (sun) and Lusin (month) are sister and brother; according to another version, A. is brother, L. is sister; first they walked across the sky together; then L. was jinxed, she fell ill with smallpox; asked A. to stab the eyes of those who looked at her, she began to walk at night out of shame]: 112; Karapetyan 1967 [mystery: brother to sister in the guests are coming and the sister runs away from him (Sun and Moon)]: 76; Ananikian 2010 [now the Sun is a brother, the Moon is a sister, or the Sun is a girl, the Month is a young man in love with her]: 52; Tchéraz 1893 [according to Moses Khorensky, Arev, a man is the sun, you can't point your finger at him; Loussounga is the Moon, the wife of the Sun; you can't point at her and look at her for a long time either]: 823; Georgians: Jaliashvili 1970 [cf. motive K25; a young man marries the daughter of the Sun and Moon]: 22-30; Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 8 (Imereti) [King Solomon picked a rose, she turned into a girl, he married her; to find out who her relatives are, he pretended to be dead; my wife cried out, Sun, my father, Moon, my mother, stars, my brothers, take me! A staircase came down from the sky, Solomon got up from his coffin, then lived happily with his wife]: 62-63; Epiphany 1 1894, No. 3 (Imereti) [the widow survived her daughter, left the baby under a pile of husks; girl I found a thrush, saw a magpie, took the eagle to the nest, raised it, brought a gilded bed and a chonguri (a plucked string instrument); she began to play, the prince came up, told the servants to stab the lamb with knives until then until the girl did not agree to get down; married her; to test his wife's feelings, pretended to be dead; the wife began to cry, calling the sun and moon, the winds brothers, the stars sisters; rejoiced seeing that the husband is alive; the eagle who arrived congratulated the couple and stayed with them]: 19-23; Turks [the Sultan's childless wife (or just a citizen) negotiates with the midwife and passes the doll off as a newborn girl; does not show anyone, supposedly afraid of jinx the child; the prince sees her, falls in love, gets engaged; the dervish revives the doll (or throws it into the water, replacing it with a water maiden), but imposes the prohibition to speak until the prince says the words "star head" (or "my father is the Sun, my mother is the Moon"); the disappointed prince consistently takes other wives; they all die, trying to imitate his first wife; in the end, the prince says the right words and the wife breaks her vow of silence]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 91:103-105; (cf. Kurds [seven brothers ask the mother to put up a sieve if a girl is born; the woman's brother's wife hangs a gun out of envy, the brothers wanted a sister, they do not return; girlfriends tell a grown girl swear by her brother, they say that she has brothers; she comes to a house in the woods, secretly cooks there; her seventh brother is waiting for her, they recognize each other; Luna replies to her uncle's wife that the sister of seven brothers more beautiful than her; finds her, throws the ring into the water, she drinks, dies; the brothers put the body in a golden box, let her into the steppe on a camel; the son of the padishah takes the ring out of her mouth, she comes to life, he is on it gets married]: Rudenko 1970, No. 56:202-204).

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks, Persians [The Iranians have a woman and the Sun a man; cf. The husband's name is Khurshed letters. "sun" and the female name Makhtob is "moon"; in Tajik-Persian literature, the word Makhchabin, letters. "moon-faced" means incomparable beauty]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal communication, 2005; Western Pamir (Shugnan, Bartang, Rushan, etc.) [on the bunk beds opposite to the hearth, where men are sitting, they drew the Sun, a male symbol in the house]: Mukhiddinov, 1989:53; the Shugnans [The Moon knew that the Sun was her brother, but the Sun did not know about it; they went out to heaven in the morning and walked together until evening; the Sun falls in love with the Moon, one day intends to take possession of it by force; the Moon breaks out of the hands of the Sun and, offended, stops communicating with it, decides to walk only in the night; I scratched my face with annoyance, scratches remained (stains)]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal message, 2005; Bartangans [like the Shugnans; the Moon did not scratch itself, it was the Sun that scratched the face of the moon, traces of which we see now]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; Vakhans [like the Shugnans; the Sun after that incident pursues the Moon and chases it, cannot catch up; Moon in a month bypasses all 12 zodiac signs, and the Sun makes this journey in only a year]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; Gilgit (darda, burishi) [one of the king's titles was Suri - "sun"; legal queen performed important religious functions and was considered the personification of the moon]: Yettmar 1986:297-298; kafirs (ashkun, vaigali) [dark at first, people live high in the mountains; it was decided to have a day when she reigns The husband is the sun, and the night is when Wife is the moon; people went down to the valleys, decided to work during the day and sleep at night]: Klimburg 1999:139.

Baltoscandia. Sami: Haruzin 1890:141 [The sun is a man, lives with his wife and mother], 196 [The moon is a woman (the December new moon is ankaka, from Akka it is "grandmother", "old woman"), influences the outcome Childbirth]; Czarnoluski 1962 [(294: text restored from fragments and various sources); The Sun man asks the Moon to marry her son Peywalke; Luna refuses, then agrees]: 19-24 ; Pentikäinen 1997 [most Sami have the Beaivvi nieida sun ("Sun Maiden"), but the Kola people are often clearly male; the moon god is Mánnu]: 104-108; Estonians [also occurs the idea of the Moon as the Sun's sister]: Kuperjanov 2003:77.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts: Vladykin 1994 [The Sun is associated with the male image, and the Moon with the female image]: 70; Chuvash [The Sun has two wives: the good Morning and the Evil Evening Dawn]: Chuvash tales 1937:61-63 ; Mordovians [Moon - Kov-ava (ava - "woman"), acc. Tylyzy-ava u mari; Sun - Chi-paz (erzya), Shi-bavas (moksha) - man (formerly probably Chi-awa, woman)]: Mokshin 1998:72-74.

Turkestan. Dungans [{there is no data on the field of the moon, but probably like the Chinese, female}; grandfather lost consciousness in the sun, grandson Ismar goes to the mother of the Sun to find out why the Sun did this; people who meet ask 1) whether it is possible to plow differently than a wooden plough, 2) what to do with the long hair of sheep; the ram carries I. to a mountain by the sea; after hiding I., the mother of the Sun asks her son; he promises to take from A cloud sister, advises planting an iron share on the plough, shear sheep twice a year; I. returns, teaches people]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 23:154-157; salars [The moon was a huge beautiful woman , and the Sun is a huge man. The sun asked Luna to marry and she agreed. When married, they did not separate day or night, lived 10,000 years and gave birth to 108,000 children. Their faces filled everything like golden flowers, they were called "stars". One summer, a flood began on earth, people burned smokes and bowed, asking the heavenly gods for help. Luna smelled the scent of smoke and asked her husband to help people. The sun arrogantly invited the Moon to figure it out for itself However, the Moon was unable to evaporate the flood waters because it emanated only light, not heat. Along with the stars, she began to beg the Sun again. He put all his heat on the ground and in three days it dried up. The sun called itself the ruler of the world, but the Moon objected that it could not control it. The sun became angry and its heat became unbearable, the earth caught fire, people turned to the gods again, and smokes reached the sky. Offended by the Sun, the Moon and the Stars left it. The sun has repented and improved, does not cause people suffering, but can't see his wife and children anymore]: Chen, Wang 1989:413-416.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats (all?) [The sun is husband, Nal Sagaan (or Doshkin) noyon, Luna is wife, Nal Sagaan (or Doshkin) Khatan; their children enter yurts and indulge; to calm them down, you have to treat them by setting them up a cup of salamat on the table]: Sharakshinova 1980:46; Baikal Buryats (echirites and/or bulagats) [epic hero Irensey, going on a hike, calls for help from the sun and moon: "Eight-circle Sun-father, protect me! Nine-circle mother moon, protect me!"] : Zabanov 1929:53; the Oirats and probably the Khalkha Mongols [according to most legends, the Mongols {without specifying the group} considered the moon to be feminine and the sun to be masculine; one day a girl went for water to the river and, forgetting about work, played there for a long time; the Sun and Moon that came up at that time took it in half; the sun took the upper part, and the Moon took the lower part; since then, the sun became a man and the moon became a woman; in memory of this, during a wedding ceremony, the Oirats put an image of the sun behind the groom on the wall of the house, the image of the moon behind the bride; in Mongolian {without specification groups} the legend of the Seven Elders (Pleiades constellation) says that each of these elders wanted to marry the Moon; they eventually gave up on that idea, but once a year the stars approach the moon for meetings]: Erdenebold 2012:23 (with reference to Bnmau-un ugsaatny zuy. l bot. Ulaanbaatar, 1987); Tuvans [each of the seven brothers walks along one of the seven rivers; the youngest is married; his wife asks him to go harrow, he does not want to go without her; she draws his image on paper; the wind pulls out the paper, it falls into the water, into the lower world to Kuzut Khan, who was going to get water; he sends an army, takes a woman for his son, kills her husband; the brothers see his staff cracked; everyone has a special gift (connoisseur, uprooter of the forest, skillfully connecting, giving flesh, giving breath), reviving the victim together; making the Khan Hereti bird together; it brings them to the lower world, enough kidnapped, takes her back to earth; seven brothers begin to take her away from each other; she says that they will meet her on the new moon; becomes the Moon, the brothers become the Pleiades; (the Sun is not mentioned)] : Samdan 1994, No. 7:293-301; Khakas [Luna is the ex-wife of the epic character Küchün Aryg (Ai-Aryg, who has a white-played horse), turned into a moon for her loyalty and spiritual beauty; she has there were no children, so he steals strangers]: Butanayev 1975:232.

Western Siberia. Nenets {probably tundra}: Kupriyanova 1960 [mystery: A beautiful friend wants to catch up; while she catches up, she dies several times (the Moon catches up with the Sun)]: 261; Lekhtisalo 1998:13-14 [in Two married couples lived in the dark, one had a son and the other had a daughter; they wanted them to turn into the sun and moon; the children flew to heaven as birds and became stars; when they were in heaven, the sorcerer said that the children had a daughter and that he would like to marry her; the parents were happy because they hoped to see their grandson; but Luna said that their parents did not love them, since they sent them to heaven, so she would not give up their child; the sorcerer remains stuck to the moon], 14 [they usually talk about a sunny woman and a man on the moon, but the sorcerer speaks to them and vice versa: the sunny eye, my grandfather and the moon eye, my grandmother; the Sun is good Numa's eye and the moon is his bad eye; with these eyes Num sees everything when he travels around the earth; in the underworld, the sun is like the moon above].

Eastern Siberia. The Sym Evenks [the reason for the moon to appear at night and the sun during the day is that the moon-wife remembered the hook left in the parking lot from the cauldron while migrating and went back for it. Don't go! You'll fall behind! , - said the Sun Husband; the Moon did not listen, and it fell behind the sun]: Vasilevich 1969:211 (=Lukina 2004, No. 3.7:71); Western Evenks (Turukhansky; Baikit District, village. Kuyumba, west in 1928) [Delyach (Sun) has Bag's wife (Luna), a young son; on the migration, B. and the baby were driving far behind; Oshikta (some star) came out to meet him, asked why D. was not expecting his wife; went to her; she told who went to the freaky for a forgotten bag, during which time the deer trampled on the child's shakiness; they all went to Amak in heaven to ask him to revive the child, in front of D., followed by B. and O. carry shakiness with the dead as a child; they can be seen in the sky; D. climbs the mountain in the morning, walks all day, goes down in the evening, he is not visible; at this time they climb Mount B. and O.]: Osharov 1936a: 53-57 (retelling with a commentary in Voskoboynikov 1981 [correct: Dylacha, Bega]: 224); Chinese Evenks (solons) [sun (depase) and moon (bug) - male and female perfumes]: Sem, Osokina 1986:99.

Japan. Miyako Islands [1) The sun is the husband, the moon is the wife; when the husband throws his foot over his wife's body, a lunar eclipse occurs, when the wife is sunny on her husband's body; 2) the light of the Wife-Moon was brighter than the light of the Sun Husband; she refuses to change; her husband pushes her to the ground, she falls into the mud; the farmer carries two tubs of water, washes the moon, helps her get out of the mud; the moon rises to heaven but loses its former luster; takes the peasant to him in gratitude; he is visible on the moon, holding a rocker arm with two tubs on his shoulders]: Nevsky 1996:267; Ainu: Batchelor 1927 [The moon is the wife of the Sun; when she is not visible in the sky, visits her husband; others say the Sun is the wife of the Month]: 257-259; Chamberlain 1887 [some Ainu say the Sun is male, the Moon is female; others vice versa]: 19; Chiri 1973 (Sakhalin) [lonely a girl sits in a basket, swims down the river to the top of the Raven; he takes her as his wife; three brothers live side by side, perform a shamanic show to lure Raven and his mother out of the house; they hang a basket with a girl on a tree, her brothers take her out; a furious Raven flies to the sky, covers the sun with his body, his mother covers the moon, it becomes dark; the brothers throw the dog, the Raven descends it Yes, they kill him with arrows, the sun reappears; same with Raven's mother and moon]: 442-444 in Mashiko 2002; Munro 1963 [The Moon is the humble wife of the Sun]: 13.

SV Asia. Koryaks: Baboshina 1958, No. 78 [The sun sends its sister Moon to pick berries; the crow becomes her companion; sends the Raven Brother in his clothes instead of himself; he turns into a knife; the Moon picks him up, he becomes a Raven again; the Moon gives birth to a child with him; the Sun demands that the Moon be returned; whoever sews the best clothes will be the Moon; the Raven asks to sew Gornostaka, Tarbagana, Otter, Mountain Sheep, Bear; they sew faster than Mouse, Evrazhka, Fox, Wolverine, Wolverine; The Sun gives the Crow a woman out of ice and a woman out of snow; he changes them to the Moon; the Sun is offended for his sister, goes overseas, now cold]: 196-198; Jochelson 1908, No. 29 [The Creator has two sons, Ememkut and Big Light; the second disappears; the Moon asks E. to marry her; for this he says that his brother was stolen feces; Creator goes to the feces, brings the skin of a son and a Kala girl; the Moon revives the murdered man, he marries a Kala girl; Kala cannot defeat the Creator, they live peacefully]: 175-177; 1908 [in the texts, the sun is the country where people live The sun, specifically the Sun is a man, his daughter and son (Nos. 12, 21); in the chants on page 62, the woman of the Dawn countries is seen as the sun (p.62: to cure her daughter of a headache, the Creator goes to sunrise ; comes to a woman's home; from the explanations of the female informant from whom the chants are recorded, it is the Sun itself; in some texts (No. 82), the Month is a man, in others (No. 114) is a woman whom Ememkut takes as a wife]: 122.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Naukan) [girl rejects suitors; father asks if she wants a tungak; a tungak comes, a girl leaves home, runs into a bright and hot house; a tungak enters melted; the girl became the Moon, married the owner's son, the Sun; wanted to go home; the husband pushed the fat, there was a hole under it; they went down the belt, it became light in the tundra]: Kozlov 1956:127-129; St. Lawrence [{the Sun is not mentioned, but probably masculine}; the husband fell in love with another; placed his wife in the aisle into the house, forbid the children to give her food, the children secretly feed their mother; the husband killed the whale, people gathered on the holiday, his lover ran for her tendons; his wife killed the puppy and began to cook it; the brew spilled out and fell into his mistress's ear, she died; his wife left her outside the dugout as if she stands and smiles; she ran away herself; some creatures called her into the boat, promised to take her away from her abusive husband; drove her away; she looked and saw seagulls flying away; the man on the shore blows the wind from under four times his inflated clothes; every time she takes her to sea, but she goes ashore; the man says he only wanted to clean her of dirt; he brought her to his house, they have three sons; he forbid her to look into a small compartment inside the house; she looked in, where a woman was making threads out of her tendons; the peeker spat down; she raised her head - she had only half her face and began to fall on her back; her husband came in , raised the stone that covered the hole; below you can see land and villages; she guessed that her husband is the Creator and the woman is the moon, and when she lost consciousness, an eclipse occurred; when she saw her children, the woman who came to cry, it began to rain on the ground; the old men sang to bring the moon back; the husband sent his wife and children to the ground with the house and boat; her sons caught a whale; and the ex-husband tried to find an entrance to the house, but didn't find it; tried to climb to the roof, got scratched, died]: Slwooko 1977:74-79; central Yupik (St. Michael's Unalit) [teenager falls in love with his sister; she runs to heaven, becomes the Moon; he becomes the Sun; haunts her to this day; when he manages to hug her, eclipses occur; after the children disappear, their father becomes hardened; walks, spreading diseases; kills and eats people; shamans bind him up; since then, the dead have been buried tied]: Nelson 1899:481; transferred to Lévi-Strauss 1964, No. 165:302; igloolik (ivillirmiut, hall. Ripals) [along with the more widespread Sun Sister, Brother Month; a strong shaman rises to the sky, becomes the Sun; tortures his sister, burns half of her face; she turns into the Moon, runs away; he is still catching up with her; on the new moon, the moon is turned towards us with its burnt side]: Rae 1850:79 in Boas 1888:597.

Subarctic. Tanana [the girl thinks about who will take care of her and her brothers when they are old; goes to the end of the world, from there to heaven, becomes the Moon; brothers follow her; the elder becomes By the sun, the rest are stars]: De Laguna 1995, No. 15:161

The Midwest. Winnebago: Callender, Kochems 1983 [The moon gives a person transvestite status; no details]: 451; Radin 1932 [spouses (no details)]: 271; 1954 in Lankford 2007 [the mother of the twins is Luna, she is the wife Suns]: 93; Smith 1997 [animals destroy people; Grandmother moon and granddaughter live alone; grandmother makes her granddaughter a blue feather cape; while the girl sleeps, the sun shines and the cape shrinks; animals watch and they laugh; the girl climbs a pine tree, shoots arrows into the Sun until it disappears; the mouse rises to her, agrees that the girl will let go of the Sun, and the animals will be hunted]: 166-168; Western swamp crees (northern Manitoba) [when the daughter of the old Sun shook her clothes out of goose down, it was snowing on the ground; when his son hung willow bark nets, it rained on the ground; their father grew old and left; the children were arguing who to keep the sun burning (the sister is older, but the brother is male); the sun did not rise in the morning; Keche Manitoo sent Wesukechak to find out what was going on; tells his brother to keep the sun burning ( Pesim) and sister will see moons (Tippiskawepesim); as punishment for a quarrel, they will only see each other a few times a year]: Clay 1978:24-27; Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 114 [the youngest of three sons do not fast; the father arranges that he cannot get game; then the young man is fasting; a woman, the Moon, comes to him, takes him as her husband; he ends up in heaven, their son grows up; Moon's brother The sun is a big man; asks his nephew to walk as the Sun, but not to take a shortcut; he cuts, the day is very short; the Sun takes his son-in-law to accompany him on a day trip; makes sure that a person does the earth sacrifices a dog to the Sun, they eat it at noon; when they return, the Moon is sick; the Sun tells you not to worry, on the fourth day it will recover; a man and his wife come to live with him parents; women offend the moon, call spirits; she kills one of the offenders; the Sun tells the Moon that it should not live among people]: 531-537; Hilger 1960 [Moon is the sister of the Sun]: 49; Hoffman 1896 [brother and sister; when the Sun does not return from hunting for a long time, the Moon goes looking for it]: 209-210; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II 15:374-376 [man rises to heaven; the Sun welcomes him, sister of the Sun (unnamed ) treats him badly; he brings the Sun the scalps of her ten lovers, marries her; they have a son and daughter; the Sun allows his nephew to walk his way through the sky; he cuts the path; since then, days in autumn shorter]; Steppe Cree [{The sun is clearly male; no data on the Moon}]: Ahenakew 1929 [The sun is shining irregularly; Vesakaicak puts a trap on his path; now it's too hot; only Beaver succeeds to gnaw through the fetters; for this, Vesakaicak gives him a fur coat and sharp teeth; the sun promises to approach the ground only at sunrise and sunset; to shine poorly in winter when the North Wind rules]: 327-329; Dusenberry 1962:77 [The Creator has told the Sun to do the work assigned to it daily; the Sun watches over everything that grows on earth], 108 [there are 12 spirits associated with the moon, according to the number of months in the year]; Steppe Ojibwa (bungues, lake. Winnipeg) [{The sun is clearly male; there is no data on the moon}; at first there is water everywhere, only occasionally a few geese arrive; Weese-ke-Jak asks where they come from, they say that from the south, where there is land; he asks bring some land, makes it dry; the sun only occasionally looks into our world; Weese-ke-Jak traps it; the sun is too close, the earth burns; V. promises to let him go if he will walk as he should; because of the heat, he cannot approach the trap on his own; sends Beaver to gnaw through his fetters; rewards him with beautiful fur and strong teeth]: Simms 1906:337; northern Ojibwa ( Sandy Lake) [the father tells his son and daughter that now they will have to keep the sun burning themselves; they are fighting for the right to be the sun, the sky is darkening; Visakajak, in the form of a Thunderbird, flies to heaven; assigns brother to be the sun, sister to be the moon; they will never meet, they will only be together in the sky for a few days a year]: Ray, Stevens 197:26-27; Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 20 (=1919, No. 66:609-623 ) [The sun is Moon's husband; he is not at home during the day, her at night; one day she got angry with some women, killed them; her husband did not like it, he married a girl; Luna wanted to kill her by rocking her on a swing; the girl fell, but magically summoned the awls, plunged them into a slippery rock, rose; the moon was eaten by the Wolves; the girl became the moon], 21 [the same as in 1917-1919, a shorter retelling]: 375; 1919, No. 67 [(retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1968, No. 499:338-339); a young man grabs a beautiful woman walking down a rope from the sky; she is kidnapped by a sorcerer with a bare skull instead of a head; his victims are bald, their husbands turn into hunchbacks, interpreting grain to him; the Sun restores a woman's hair; warns that his old wife Luna will try to destroy her; at dusk, a woman prepares maple syrup, pouring from one bucket to another; decided to urinate immediately; the offended Moon puts her and the bucket in her basket; the Sun punishes his wife, forcing her to carry her victim with her forever; on the moon, a woman with a bucket is visible; the moon plants the girl on the swing, rocks, she falls into a deep hole; Thunders save her; the Sun allows the Thunders to eat his wife; makes the girl a new wife and Moon; a sorcerer with a skull head tries to kidnap her, dogs The suns drive him away; the sorcerer makes the girl's first husband a hunchback, makes him grind the grain; his cousin defeats the sorcerer, frees the prisoners]: 623-653; Judd 1904, No. 42 [the young man refuses to fast, his father drives him out; he sleeps in the forest; the moon descends to him, rises to heaven with him; her brother is the Sun, sometimes he shoots at the stars, if he hits, the star falls; the young man asks the Sun for meat ; he shoots down, the child falls on the ground; when the father burns meat on the fire, it ends up in heaven, and the child recovers; the young man wants to visit his relatives, the Moon warns him not to agree with the earthly women; on earth he tells his father that he received a manita, now his name is Cloud Catcher; marries, but his wife disappears; the same from the second; the Moon brings him back to heaven]: 211-214; Algonquins [Sun - Moon's husband; they have a son; when they hug him, an eclipse happens]: Lejeune 1634:25 {Greer 2000 doesn't have this episode} in Krappe 1938:128; Ottawa [five young men and a teenager decide to go to the sun, they go east; a European ship carries them across the sea; they come to a place where the sky beats against the ground; Manabozo invites them to fulfill their wishes; two want eternal life, turned into stone and cedar; two want life longer than usual and military success; two want to hunt enough animals to feed their parents and relatives; they slip under the sky when he rises; the other two are crushed; the Moon is an elderly woman, the Sun is her brother; he leads guests through the sky, stops at noon, between sunrise and noon and noon and sunset; people returning home, meeting fathers]: Schoolcraft 1999:144-154; sauk [The moon gives a person transvestite status; without details; the sex of the Sun is not specified, but the female one is unlikely]: Callender, Kochems 1983: 451; kickapoo [The sun is a grandfather; keeps the world with a spider-woven web; creates a rainbow; the moon is a grandmother; she has the face of an Indian old woman stirring food for her family in a pot; if she stops stirring, the world will end; she sends women periods]: Latorre, Latorre 1976:267-268; Miami [a female deity was probably associated with the moon ("White Face"]: Callender, Kochems 1983:451.

Northeast. See motif B1, B3A. Hurons [A.'s sick husband dreams that it is necessary to cut down a tree from which people obtained their food; A. begins to cut down, the tree immediately falls, A. falls after; down into the sea The turtle puts its back; sends Beaver, who brings it from the bottom of the earth, she grows up; A. was pregnant, had a daughter, who soon gave birth to twins Tawiscaron and Iouskeha; they began to fight; T. beat brother with rose hips, and I. with a moose horn, killed him, flints appeared from his blood; A. - Moon, I. - Sun]: Brébeuf in Greer 2002:42-44; hurons (viandot) [(Connelly, Wyandot Folk-Lore, 109-111); The Sun and Moon have many children, including six twin daughters; they sing and dance, despite the Sun Father's ban, they went down to Viandot; when they returned, their father sent them to a place where they were barely seen; this is the Pleiades, "Singing Girls"]: Miller 1997:56-57; seneca (or onondaga) [young man Dehaehyowe leads 28 young volunteers to sunset to get scalps of unknown people; many months go by, killing people; a giant half a tree tells them to stop killing, otherwise they will die themselves; they agreed; when they reach a large lake, they walked across the surface of the waters; on the opposite bank saw the sky rise and fall; flocks of pigeons flew from the world beyond the sky, then came back; by this time 5 were alive; they hid the scalps they carried, four slipped under the edge of the sky, the fifth was crushed; in the country beyond the sky, the trees are beautiful, their flowers give off a bright light that illuminates the whole country; local people play lacrose; one plays rude, the leader in the punishment during the game throws his head into the tree, the body pierces the trunk, the head is visible from the other side; after the game, the chief releases the offender; each of the four visitors is dismantled, washed bones, collects again, bodies become strong and light; the owner of the house (later admits that she is the Moon) weaves a cape out of human hair; as soon as she is away, her dog unweaves everything; later Luna says that every person who dies gets one hair; when everyone dies and no new hairs stop appearing, she will finish her cape; local people (these are Thunders) come and eat not food, but outgoing it smells (exhalations); the hostess puts corn grain and pumpkin seeds in the ash, immediately they germinate and bear fruit; one of the people accidentally fires an arrow into the pond; when they return, the owners smell game; go to this body of water, kill the terrible enemy of the Great Blue Lizard with lightning; grateful to people for helping to find it; people see the ground below; there is a thunderstorm, a downpour; people see the Thunder drive and kill a huge horned serpent with lightning; horned snakes live underground; they will come to earth at the end of the world; the heavenly leader tells the Thunders to rest, half of his body is made of ice; every day (i.e. year) turns one (winter) and then the other (summer) half of the body; Thunders fight the monster, for people it is a squirrel; people easily kill it, give the skin to the grateful mistress of the house; one of the visitors agrees to become a thunder named Thaw, or Warm Spring Wind; for this purpose it is crushed in a mortar; people visit a village of the dead, it is impossible to talk to them; visit the male Sun's house; in spring they go down to earth, but the place where the village was covered with forest; they find a village, only an old woman heard from her grandmother how people followed the path of the Sun as a child; D. and his two companions talk about seen]: Hewitt 1928:792-806 (=Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 119:607-632); onondaga [man turns into Sun; his younger sister's daughter into the Moon]: Hewitt 1928:509-510, 542-543; mohawki [ a woman falls from the sky, gives birth to a daughter; she gives birth to twins, dies; her mother makes the moon out of her head, the sun out of her body; holds for herself and her evil grandson; a good grandson sends animals to steal the stars; throws them into the sky; from now on, the Sun will be the Great Warrior, the Moon is Our Grandmother]: Hewitt 1903:319-320; oneida [the grandmother divides her daughter's corpse in half, throws it up; the top turns into the sun , down to the moon; so she (moon?) in the shape of a face; (this is illogical; mb head to the moon - like a mohawk?)] : James Dean (1770s?) in Elm, Antone 2000:157-162; Seneca, Mohawki, Kayuga, Onondaga [The Sun is the main masculine, the Moon is feminine, addressed by Our Grandmother]: Foster 1974:77; mikmaq [Sun wife and mother of men, Moon keeps women childbearing]: Wallis, Wallis 1955:143; delaware [The Sun is our Father; the Moon for Eastern Lenapes is our Mother; Western Lenaps in Oklahoma consider the Month a man]: Hitakonanu'laxk 1994:34.

Plains. Sarsi: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 16 [a woman has a husband and a seven-year-old son; she wants to go to her lover; she hides a blood bubble under her clothes, pretends to be bleeding as if she is dying, telling her husband leave her body on a tree not high above the ground; her lover lowers her to the ground, dresses her in men's clothes, passes her off as a friend; she visited her son, gave him a bow and arrows; her husband suspected something, collected something people, told everyone to make arrows, the woman did not know how, did bad things; the husband left her and her lover in a tipi, rushed at his wife with a knife; he screamed that he would become a partridge, flew up, but her husband managed to cut off one a leg, a woman flew to the sky, became the moon; an unfaithful wife is said to be like the moon], 17 [a girl says she will marry a young man only if the scar disappears from his face; he tells his mother to do He has many pairs of moccasins, he goes to the Sun; a sparrow, a bear, a snake answer that they cannot help him; the son of the Sun and his wife Moon The morning star meets him, he lives with the Sun's family; he does not tell him to go to the lake, he goes, geese and swans attack, the young man easily kills them; they were terrible enemies of the Sun family; the young man with the Morning Star enters the steam room, after which the Moon cannot distinguish son from boy, scar disappears, now the boy's name is "Second Star"; the young man returns to people, bringing them knowledge of the steam room, sun dance and hair-lock shirt; the young man, followed by the Morning Star, enters the tipi to his ex-bride; that goes crazy, dies; young man returns to heaven, becomes an Evening Star]: 17-18, 18-19; blacklegs (blood): Grinnell 1893a [husband gets a web to catch animals; his wife belittles herself with incense, goes to the snake lover; the husband watches her, burns the lair of snakes; tells his two sons to run, gives them a stick, a stone, wet moss; hangs a web above the entrance to the house; the wife is entangled in her, he cuts off her head; her body haunts him; they turn into the Moon and Sun; if the Moon catches up with the Sun, eternal night will fall]: 44-47; Curtis 1907-1930 (6): 59-60 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 (piegan) [Morning The star is the son of the Sun and the Moon; the leader's daughter rejects the young man with the scar; the Morning Star takes him to heaven; the Sun puts him in the steam room, makes him indistinguishable from his son; the young man easily kills the birds that killed everyone Morning Star brothers; returning to earth, teaching people steam bath rituals, marrying the chief's daughter]: 228-230; Fraser 1990 [about Josselin de Jong; girl rejects suitors, The Sun promises that she will find the right time for her; when she returns to earth, the Scar on the Face teaches people the Sun Dance, happily marries that girl]: 49-56; Josselin de Jong 1914 (piegan) [girl rejects young man with scarred; he comes to the Sun and Moon; the Sun tells their son, the Morning Star, to prepare four steam rooms; turns the young man into them; the Moon cannot distinguish him from his son; the Sun tells him set up a steam room on the ground; the girl rushes around the neck of the returnee; he copulates with her and drives her away]: 80-82; Linderman 1995 [seeing his Moon Wife look at the Snake, the Sun broke him into pieces are a lot of snakes today; they're small and the Moon doesn't notice them]: 60-61; McClintoc 1910:490-500 in Clark 1960 [The Morning Star is the son of the Sun and Moon; takes to heaven a girl who wishes on earth him as a husband; she goes back on a rope with her son; he goes up to heaven to his father, grandfather and grandmother, brings people the rituals of the Sun Dance; becomes a star]: 63-67; Wissler 1936 [Sun and Moon - brother and sister, quarrel; the moon grabs the burning smut, runs to the sky; the Sun follows it, its smut is brighter; in the sky, the Moon is the wife of the Sun]: 7; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 3 [as in McClintoc; breaking the taboo, the boy turns into a smoke mushroom, then into the North Star], 4a [recorded from a man; a young man with a scar on his face asks his sister to marry him a girl; she promises to marry a young man if he loses his scar; the young man goes to the Sun; the farther west, the darker people; the black man says that during the day they hide from the heat of the Sun in a cave; the young man goes further, meets the Sun's son the Morning Star; the Sun makes him the face is clean, the Sun's wife Moon cannot distinguish a young man from her son; now his name is "The One Mistaken for the Morning Star" (Jupiter); the Sun warns not to go down to the west and down to the east; the young man goes, kills seven birds (Clark: geese) in the west, seven cranes in the east; the Morning Star was afraid of them in panic, they were deadly for celestials; the Sun gives the young man a shirt and leggings with with an ornamentation reminding of this feat; closing his eyes, the young man finds himself on the ground, explains the meaning of the ornament, teaches how to make a steam room; returns to heaven, seen as Jupiter (Quail in Clark 1966:242 -248)], 4b [recorded from a woman; a girl rejects a young man with a scar; he goes to the Sun, kills swans; the son of the Sun The Morning Star is grateful, these birds were dangerous; the Sun makes the young man indistinguishable from his son; gives shamanic power, sends him to the ground to take revenge on the girl who has offended him; the heads of swans brought to the Sun are parallel to scalping], 7 [poor boy comes to heaven to the Old Sun and his wife Luna]: 58, 61-65, 65-66, 71-72; Crowe: Lowie 1909a: 57-60 [one of the two sisters climbs a tree for a porcupine; ends up in the sky, goes beyond the Sun (?) , gives birth to him a son; contrary to warning, moves a cake with his bison, sees the ground through a hole in the sky; becomes pregnant again; the husband allows her to go down the rope; the rope only reaches the tops of the trees; the husband tells the servant to throw a stone and kill a woman, but not to hurt her son; the son ruins the Old Moon woman's garden; she lures him food, he lives in her house; she feeds her crocodile husband; the young man finds him in her house and kills; then as on pp.52-57; the young man revives his mother and younger brother who remained in her womb; they follow him to heaven, all together turning into Pleiades (?)] , 74-85 [see motif J19 (mother turns into the Moon, father into the Morning Star, their twin sons into Ursa Major and Evening Star)], 157 [Cranes bring a man to heaven; first he meets an old woman- The moon, then the Sun and his wife; they eat human, the brave broth tastes especially good for them], 187 [The moon helps poor spouses]; teton (oglala) [Luna Hanvey was the wife of Sun Vi ; beautiful Anok-Ite tried to take her place; she was punished with a second, terrible face on the back of her head; because the sun looked at her, he was forever separated from the Moon]: Walker 1917:80, 164-167; 1983:56 ; mandan: Maximilian in Dorsey 1894 [The Master of Life lives in the sun; the Immortal Old Woman lives on the moon; her three sons Day, Sun, Night; three daughters are the Morning Star, the star at the North Star, Evening Star]: 506 (same in Bowers 1950:155); Squier 1851:70 in Prentice 1986 [moon sickle is the strap on Moon Old Woman's forehead; (her kids are the same as Dorsey 1894)]: 257; Osage: Bailey 2001 [(by La Flesch 1921; 1930); the female power of the moon was symbolized by a black hawk and a sacred bow; the masculine power of the sun was symbolized by a red hawk and a sacred arrow; the tribe arose after members who descended from the sky fratria qizhu united in members of the fratria hong who lived on earth]: 480-481; La Flesche 1928 [Grandfather Sun creates people; the Moon is a woman-traveling all over Earth; both give a long life for boys and girls]: 31-32, 37-42, 74 [Sun, Morning Star, Big Dipper, North Star, Sirius - grandfathers, Moon, Evening Star, Double Star, Pleiades, Orion-Grandmother's Belt]; 1930 [those men of the past days put their sacred emblem on their sacred emblem, the hawk, the son of the Sun and Moon, a sanctuary that depicts not only the earth but the entire space between earth and sky]: 681; Omaha [ the top is associated with the masculine principle and the sacred power of the day, sky, sun; the bottom is associated with the feminine, sacred power of night, earth, moon; people descended from the union of heaven with earth]: Liberty et al. 2001:408; Omaha, ponca [The moon is female; the sex of the Sun is not specified, but in light of data on closely related Osage, a woman is unlikely]: Dorsey 1884 [most personal female names are structured like "so-and-so Moon"]: 242 -251; 1890 [The moon is like a woman, wearing a bowler hat on her hand]: 328; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 1 (skidi) [the head of the gods Tirava is married to a woman in the sky; tells the Sun to marry the Moon; they are born son]: 3-4; Marriott, Rachlin 1975 [The Moon and the Evening Star are women, the Sun and the Morning Star are men; God (Power) puts two rattlesnake teeth in the bosom of the Evening Star; the Sun brings the Morning Star a knife and a hammer (in the shape of a ball) made of obsidian; he knocks out vaginal teeth with a hammer, picks out their roots with a knife, copulates; the Evening Star gives birth to a girl, the Moon from the Sun gives birth to a boy; they are lowered to the ground , people come from them]: 16-19; arpahoes: Dorsey 1903 [along with Male Month; during the Sun Dance ritual, a woman and an old man copulate on bison skin, symbolizing the copulation of the Sun and Moons; the Moon is our mother]: 176-177; Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 1 [water is everywhere; Grandfather saw the Father - a pipe on four support sticks; Father called waterfowl; they dive one by one, drown, only the Duck brings clay on its paws; the Father puts clay on the pipe, but the earth is not enough; the turtle is called to dive, brings the earth on four legs; the Father dries the earth, creates land, rivers; where more has fallen, there mountains; Father creates the Sun and Moon as the embodiment of man and woman; sculpts man and woman]: 1-2; wichita: Curtis 1976 [brother promises to fulfill all the wishes of his beloved sister; another woman asks her ask her brother to marry her; the sister asks, but the brother refuses, saying that he is still young; then the sister goes to the moon; she can be seen on one half of the moon, on the other half her basket, in the middle dog; she is the moon, "Bright Sparkling Woman"]: 101; Dorsey 1904a, No. 1 [The Sun is a man; the Moon woman gives people corn; by the moon, women determine when to give birth]: 26-29.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [Sun man picks up a drop of Moon's menstrual blood; blood turns into a boy, youchi come from him]: Speck 1909, No. 3:107; choctaw [two brothers decide to go find out where the sun dies; they reach the sea as adults; they walk on water, get to women; these are the stars and the Sun's wife, the Moon; the Sun cooks and rubs those who come, taking their skin off; sending them home on a vulture; mother began to ask her sons, they violated the ban on silence for four days, said they died]: Bushnell 1909:35 (Quail in Swanton 1931:200-201); caddo [caddo is called thunder grandmother at the top, The sun is the uncle upstairs]: Mooney 1896:1097.

California. Shasta [(along with Man Month, see motive A5); Urutsmaxig wanders; all those who wade across the river die; W. enters the river, someone catches him with a hook, W. grabs a clinging man, breaks the hook, throws him into the river, throws him after him, turns him into a newt; there are a pile of dead bodies on the path to the house; in the house the murderer is told not to look, for the leader is coming; he looks and blinks to kill the person who comes up; W. throws pieces of flint into his eye, he falls into the hearth, burns, W. turns him into a vulture with his feathers and skin torn off; W. marries the old woman's daughter; she asks 1) to hunt a deer (huge the snake tries to swallow it, he kills it by throwing flint fragments into its mouth), 2) fishing (rattlesnakes in the water, W. kills them), 3) bring eagle chicks (rattlesnakes in the nest; W. kills them), 4) harpoon salmon (he drags W. along the river for a long time, but W. kills him); W. brings all the dead snakes and salmon to his mother-in-law; these are her relatives; she mourns them, buries them; mother-in-law offers to swing over a tree bent over the lake; W. soars to the sky and returns; mother-in-law completely flies to heaven, becomes the Moon; laughs, says that now he will see everything, see if anyone steals]: Dixon 1910a, No. 32: 364-368; yurok [Moon is female (along with Month Man)]: Driver 1939:344; yuki [along with Man Month; Coyote makes the Moon the wife of the Sun]: Kroeber 1932b:927; kato [Sun - woman]: Driver 1939:344; Shinkyon: Driver 1939 [Month - Male]: 344; Nomland 1935 [Sun Father and Mother Moon are parents of Cloud Woman and her younger brother, the Morning Star; see motive K27]: 170; mattol [Sun and Moon as Man and Woman]: Nomland 1939:123; Pomo: Angulo 1935 [Marumda creates the Day Sun as a man and the Night Sun (i.e. the Moon) as a woman]: 236; Barrett 1933, No. 14 [Coyote cuts an acorn with a knife, making it pentagonal; throws it into the sky, which turns into the Sun; makes the moon out of blue clay; throws coals into the sky, they turn into stars; the Moon is the mother, the Sun - her son; the Sun has two daughters], 32-33 [see motive J37; The Sun kills the Falcon Chief and other people in the bird village; two sons of the murdered man take revenge on the people of the Sun], 69/IV [see motive K27; The Falcon kills the Sun Ogre]: 93-94, 148-164, 272-275; Loeb 1926a [brother and sister; the Moon is the "Night Sun"; the Sun is against people; takes a person's soul with it every night]: 227-228; Eastern pomo [The bear walks along To the Milky Way; when the Sun or its sister Moon does not leave its way, it attacks them; an eclipse occurs; people scream to scare the Bear]: Loeb 1926a: 228 (quoted in Miller 1997:143); chumash : Blackburn 1975, No. 2 [every night, the Sun and the ogre eagle Slo'v play ball in the sky against Morning Star and Schneelemun (Sky Coyote); Moon (single woman) is the judge; if wins The sun, he gets paid for the lives of people on earth; if S., the Sun opens the door, and acorns, deer, eslay, chia, ducks, geese fall into our world; the Sun is a naked old man carrying a torch in his hand; three times He rests: at ten in the morning, at noon and at three in the afternoon; at night he quickly returns, going far south; he is widows, his two daughters have aprons from explosive days; the sun and his daughters eat people, drink blood], 9 [Morning and Evening Stars are wives of the Sun], 21 [stars are sparks from the Sun's torch]: 91-93, 96, 164; Hudson, Underhay 1978 [working from memory in recent years, Harrington mistakenly attributed the chumash to the moon male; initial records show that the Moon was considered a single woman living near the Sun Widower]: 75; (see also: Luiseno: Dubois 1908 [Sun is male]: 145; Hyde, Elliote 1994, No. 204 [The Sun is a woman; a fairy tale of Spanish origin, recorded 1988]: 1331; Cahuilla: Curtis 1976 (15) [two creatures have appeared in the primary darkness from red and white lightning; they began to feel parts of their bodies, naming them from crown to toe; Múkat reached the smoking pipe easily, and Témayawut had difficulty; everyone said he was older; they took out two (red and white) crickets, pupae, lizards, mudhen, told them to push back the night; they pushed them back a little; the brothers took out a rod, made a pole out of it, told all the snakes to wrap around it, attach all the spiders to a web for him; they climbed up a pole; the bottom from which they got out was menstrual blood; from their hearts they created earth, sky and water; created stars; the earth rotated, they sent into it ants, it froze; M. created the sun and T. the moon; the people created by T. had membranes on their fingers, too many eyes and ears, noses and mouths in the wrong place; T. wanted death, and M. wanted the dead came to life; T. decided to leave, taking her creations; the Moon woman stayed with M., taught people how to shoot bows and dance; M. offended her, she left]: 106-110; Hooper 1920 [The moon is the creator's daughter; goes to heaven, when he intends to incest her; there is no direct data about the sun field, but a woman is unlikely]: 320-321; cupeño [like a cahuilla]: Strong 1929:269; luiseño, cahuilla, cupeño [Sun Man, Moon Woman]: Drucker 1937a:26

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: De Quille 1885 [recorded by Dan De Quille from Chief Payute Tooroop Eenah (Desert Father); the Moon is the wife of the Sun, the stars are their children; they are afraid of the Sun, they run away when it appears; At night, the Sun goes underground to sleep through a deep hole; the visible sun is its round belly full of swallowed stars; he himself looks like a snake or a lizard; the moon sleeps underground in the same hole, afraid of her husband, goes away as he approaches; phases - The moon is in mourning for children swallowed by the Sun; the paint gradually disappears and the moon's face reopens] (also quoted in Lang 1899:113-114); Palmer 1946 [first Sun Man was alone; Shinob found him a lonely girl, made him beautiful; it was Luna; one day she decided to visit her native village, started jumping and dancing, crushing everyone; S. made her darker, she began to grow up then get old; when the Sun meets the Moon and makes love, an eclipse occurs; the Moon has given birth to a son to the Sun; in summer the sun carries the Sun itself, and in winter its son, it moves faster]: 94-99; Western shoshoni [the sex of the sun and moon is not known, but one informant believed that the Sun is a man and the Moon is a woman with a hatchet (there are no hatchets in the Shoshone culture)]: Steward 1944:267.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [Luna a woman lives in the Sun's house (his wife?) ; (along with Man Month)]: Klah 1960:13; Western Apaches [The Sun is the Father, the Moon is the Mother of the Apaches]: Russel 1898:258; Jicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 3 [The Sun is the Hero's Father], 7 [Moon is Grandma hero]: 196, 202; Opler 1938, No. I.1 [at first only darkness, water, hurricane; Hactcin spirits make Mother Earth in the form of a woman facing up; Heaven Father in the form of a man face down], I.6 [Earth is our mother, Sky is the father, the Sun is the grandfather, the Moon is the grandmother (although the Sun and Moon themselves are also children of the Earth); other peoples live on the Earth's legs and arms, and hicarilla lives on its heart], I.3 [at first, the Sun and the Moon walked together, The Milky Way was their way; the first ancestors decided that the Moon should walk at night; the young Moon is a menstruating girl], II.1 [Black Sky is the father of the White Hackcins, the Earth is the mother; the next two Hacksin The Sun and Moon; Earth and Sky say to each other: How are we going to create humans? They make the Moon to watch plants and fruits]: 1, 22, 47-48, 141; lipan [people rise from the underworld; Sun (Enemy Slayer) and Moon (Changing Woman) ) ahead; when they come to earth, they disperse; their meetings lead to eclipses]: Opler 1940, No. 1:16; Western Apaches, Chiricahua, Zunyi, Eastern Ceres (Santa Ana) [Sun - man, Moon is female]: Gifford 1940, No. 2297, 2299:61; Western Keres (Akoma) [Sun is father; Moon is female, does not play a prominent role]: White 1932:64, 66; Zunyi [Moon is younger sister, The Sun is the Big Brother]: Parsons 1939:204; Tiwa (Isleta, Taos) and Tova (Hemes) [Sun Father, Mother Moon]: Bandelier at Harrington 1916:46; Teva (Isleta) [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Dutton 1983:23; tova (Hemes) [people lived in the lower world; saw a hole in its roof, went up to the next one; it was in the north, people went south, almost all died from hunger and cold; Moon asked her husband The Sun to save them; the Sun dressed and painted one man as a jester; people laughed as he grimaced, cheered up and reached the Rio Grande; wild tribes began to crowd people in caves and cliffs, preparing to exterminate; the Moon again asked the Sun for help, he gave people the wise man Pest-ya-sode; under his leadership, people defeated enemies; he taught how to build pueblo, rituals, etc.]: Reagan 1927:722-724; Zunyi: Cushing 1901 [spouses]: 166; Parsons 1939 [The moon is the younger sister of the Sun]: 181, 204; Stevenson 1904 [The Sun Father has no wife; His mother moon sister]: 22; mojave [boy, girl]: Kroeber 1972, No. 9:10; cocopa [not related]: Crawford 1983, No. 2 [all girls are in love with Coyote; Luna copulates with him when he bathes; after this is what he acquires feathers, turns into an ogre eagle; devours parents and sisters; the Sea Serpent paves the Colorado Canyon, puts his back out of the water; the Eagle's claws get stuck in it, the Serpent drowns him; a friend A coyote pierces the Snake's testicle with a spear; from there water pours, fills the sea]: 37-55; Gifford 1933:308; maricopa [Sun-man, Moonwoman]: Drucker 1941:164; diegeño [Moon woman, Sun- man]: Drucker 1937a:26; paypai [{there is no data on the moon field, but given materials on others, yuma is probably female}; Miabkiak killed deer; his father crushed bones, ate bone marrow; once M. he ate the brain himself; the father was furious, left, wearing shoes that left back marks; M. searched for a long time, guessed it, found his father on the mountain, his tears washed the ravine; when M. tried to approach his father, he fell into the ground, M. left only his sandal in his hands; his father came out in a stream of light from the other side of the ravine, became the Sun; M. remained on earth, but Chalai (the devil) and his servants pursued him; M . gathered his people, i.e. animals, announced that he would leave; they did not want to, but Coyote agreed that it was necessary; when leaving, M. determined the characteristics of animals and birds; M. went to heaven, animals out of grief forgot how to speak; after death, people come to M.]: Olmos Aguilera 2005:95-97; yavapai: Drucker 1941:164 [Sun-man, Moon Woman], 218 [Sun and Month are both men]; havasupai [ The sun is an ogre, his daughters have a toothy womb; see motif M11; (no data on the moon field)]: Smithson, Euler 1994:62-69 Bahr et al. 1994 [at the beginning, the Doctor of the Earth sailed in the void; scraped off the dirt from his body on his chest, put it in the palm of his hand, for the fourth time it turned into our world; created a bush (greasewood), told little ants to live on it, they were of no use; then white ants began to work, expanded the earth to stand on it; created Noo-we Vulture from the shadow of his eye; created water; placed a frozen piece of ice in the sky, making the sun (north, west, south; when east, it turned out right); the same with the moon; again scraped off the dirt from the body, made a man and a woman; people multiplied, began to kill and eat each other; ZSH brought down the sky on them, together with N. on the upper side, he created people again, who were still babies; brought down the sky again; the third time people began to smoke as babies; on the fourth they were as they are now; first the earth is tilted to west; N. began to fly, created valleys and mountains with his wings, the water stopped flowing immediately, the land became habitable; the Male Sun met the Woman Moon, who gave birth to a Coyote Son, left her in bushes on the ground; he grew up, came to ZSH; someone who called himself Big Brother came from the north; he was told that they were older, but in order not to quarrel, they agreed to call him that]: 53-58; Escalante, Estrada Fernandez 1993 (lower pima) [The Sun is our Tata-Dios, the Moon is Our Mother, Santa Maria]: 197; Russel 1908 [Sun and Moon are spouses, Coyote is their son]: 208-209, 251; series [Moon is wife Suns, Earth is the wife of Heaven]: Coolidge, Coolidge 1939:260.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara: Bennett, Zingg 1935 [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: 349; Lumholtz 1902 (1) [Father Sun keeps people during the day, Mother Moon at night, is especially connected to women; she is helped by the Morning Star - their son]: 295; Mondragon et al. 1995 [the sun is the father of everything on earth and the moon is the mother]: 29, 33; opata: Johnson 1950 [The sun is brother, the Moon is the sister; during an eclipse, the Moon defends itself as a shield from enemies , and people make noise to scare them away]: 33-34; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [in order to get married, the bride must cook deer meat for her future father-in-law; the meat is burnt; in despair, a girl named Mecha asked God let her down the rope; she climbed it to the sky, despite being asked to return, stayed there, became the Moon; Tutulzin's fiancé climbed after her, turned into the Northern {Polar?} A star; always trying to catch up with it; the dog watches the moon so that it does not go astray (no cambia de posición)]: 167-168; mayo [Moon is female, Sun is man; spots on the moon - female face]: Beals 1943:38-39; yaki: Beals 1943 [Moon - woman, Sun - man; spots on the moon - ceiba tree]: 38-39; Giddings 1959 [The sun loves the moon; she agrees to marry him if he will bring something that suits her; but he still can't get the right size]: 25; Spicer 1954 [the sun is not associated with a specific mythological character; during an eclipse, Mother Moon fights with By the Sun]: 124-125; Huichol [along with Man Month]: Lumholtz 1986 [Grandma Luna is Grandpa Fire's compadre; together with the Sun, she protects Huichol from the god of death Tek Cami]: 40; McIntosh 1949 [ Sun Boy]: 20-21; Preuss 1932 [Grandma Moon]: 455; Zingg 1982 [rainy season moon]: 183-184; crust: Preuss 1912:212 [moon-female], 390 (pointer) [sun-man]; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [se tonantsi, "our mother", is identified with the earth and moon and with the Virgin Mary]: Preuss 1955, No. 4:389.

Mesoamerica Taraska [The Sun is the son of the fire god; the Moon is the daughter of the foremother goddess]: Cabrero 1989:17-18; Corona Núñez 1957 [Venus is the son of the sun (Curicaueri) and the moon (Xarátanga)]: 48; otomi: Galinier 1990 [moon - woman in some texts, man in others]: 528-542; Manrique 1969 [= God and Virgin Mary]: 715; Séjourné, Laurette 1952 [Christ - Sun, Virgin Mary - Moon ; those who die from "disgrace" go to the Sun and are exhausted by pushing its wheel; women who die from childbirth go to the moon, this is a sad place; those who die from diseases go to Gloria, which is best]: 25-26; pame [the god of Thunder was the most revered; followed by the Sun God, identified with the Catholic god, and the goddess of the Moon, Mother and Virgin Mary]: Nava 1994:20; Aztecs [ The Sun and Moon are spouses; during eclipses they quarrel and fight]: Muñoz Camargo 1947:143-144; Taggart 1983 [after Columbus, the moon became associated with the Virgin Mary, the sun with Christ]: 105; Nahuat (different groups on the Mexican Highlands): Thompson 1939:130; Nahuat (northern Puebla) [along with Man Month]: Taggart 1983:101-102 [son and mother], 102 and 206-207 [two orphans, brother and sister, throw themselves into the fire, become the sun and moon]; Huastecs: Alcorn 1984 [The Sun is referred to as a man/father or woman/mother of the world, called the First Angel, Jesus, God; the Sun rose to heaven when an ugly orphan boy jumped over the fire; others couldn't do it; the Moon is a beautiful woman; when the Moon rises to the east, you can see her smiling; she is the Virgin Mary, queen (mother) of earth (space)]: 58; Laughlin 1969b [no details]: 308; Stresser-Pean 1952-1953 [The sun is a man; the moon is a man turned into a woman]: 231; mountain totonaks [spouses, without details; more often Month is male]: Kelly 1966:396; popole [Sun (Jose) is younger brother, Luna (Maria) is older sister; only the Morning Star is shining; people want more light, ask for H. and M. jump into the fire; M. is afraid, falls into the fire, burns; H. jumps over the fire; the sun rises; before that there was no corn, people ate sand and stones; sometimes the moon is not visible, it is the mountains that cover it]: Jacklein 1974:284-285; Tricky [cf. Motive A5: children are two brothers); the only woman lived in the forest among animals, her husband was a deer; she replied to her son and daughter that their father did not have time to go home. she takes food to the forest where he works; the children met a deer, talked to him, he did not answer, they trapped him, filled his skin with bees, asked his mother to cook meat; the deer did not show up in the morning her call, she found him, hit him with her hand, the bees that flew out bit her; when she returned, the children began to laugh; she asked God Riki to punish them; he turned his son into the Sun, his younger sister into the Moon; they will walk above the ground and shine until they are forgiven]: Relatos Triquis 1998:26-29; Masateks (ohitek; along with the idea of the sun and the month as brothers) [the old woman hears a noise from the hollow of a tree, resembling the buzz of bees; cuts down a tree, finds two eggs; returning home, finds a pogrom; discovers twins Sun and Moon when the bird they left to guard falls asleep; the twins run away, the old woman- The stalker is pushed into the river from the bridge; all forest animals emerge from her body; they hide in a cage from an eagle, which takes her to the rock; there are already many children there, the eagle devours them; the brother cuts off the children's hair, weaves a rope, they strangle the eagle with it; his sparkling eyes fall out; the twins ask the Bat to eat fruit; a tree grows out of the excrement; Woodpecker, the Squirrel is unable, Agouti gnaws on the tree, it falls on the mountain; children descend it to the ground; the sister finds the right eye, the brother finds the left eye; the sister is thirsty; agrees to change eyes with her brother if he creates a spring, pulling an ear of wheat out of the ground; Moon drinks without waiting for the brother to bring the priest to bless the water; the brother throws the rabbit in his sister's face as punishment, he sticks to her, is still visible; the Sun and Moon rise to the sky]: Portal 1986:49-53; mixers: Dyk 1959:169 [women die in a lunar eclipse because the Moon is feminine); men die during a solar eclipse because the Sun is male]; (cf. Dyk 1959:10-16 [an old woman tells her two sons to take food to their father in the mountains; sons meet a deer, kill it; bring home its meat, their skin is stuffed with wasps, hornets, bees; houses deny it their father's meat; the frog tells the old woman that she ate her husband's meat; the old woman has poured sand on her back, since then the frog's back is pimpled; the brothers kill the deer, the old woman's husband; the deer does not respond to the old woman, she hits him in the ear, hornets, etc. bite her; sons promise to relieve her pain in the steam room; they lock the door, the old woman dies, becomes the spirit of the steam bath; the sons left, met the snake, took her eyes, they rose to heaven with a rope; one and a half eyes became the sun, half an eye became a month]; Zapotecs: Parsons 1932a, No. 1 [two orphans Sun Boy and Moon Girl live at Sus Ley ("barren woman"); they hunt, but she gives everything to her old husband Gol Gisa'; he lives in the forest, does nothing; St. Anton always helps children with advice; twins kill GG, let SL eat his heart under the guise of a deer's heart, stuff his scarecrow with stinging insects; when SL touches her husband, insects fly out; she and her brother Ros (a worm living in the mud) wants to burn the children in the steam bath; they run away, strangle SL with smoke in her house, pick up her loom parts, ring, jug, comb; Ros turns into a snake, chases twins; they throw the objects they take, they turn into different mountains; they throw hot stones down R.'s throat, he dies; the sister grabs the bright right, and the brother grabs R.'s left, dim eye; the sister is thirsty; brother makes a hole of water; offers in exchange for the rabbit's bright eye; lets his sister approach the water when she puts her eyes on the ground; God assigns the boy to become the sun, the girl to become the moon; when they have risen, everyone rebengulal ("los idolos", first ancestors) buried themselves in the ground]: 281-283 (=1936:222, 324-327); Stubblefield, Stubblefield 1969 [old woman Läy and old man Gisaj were before anyone else in the world; G. lay at entering the cave; S. 13 times a day brought him food, was very tired; once she discovered how to cook corn, then how to weave and make clothes; on the seashore they found a box with a boy and a girl in it; they were theirs they grew up, they carried food for G.; a man told them that G. was not their father, called them to him, let him throw eggs one into that G.'s head, the rest into his body; he would die, we had to take out his heart, fill G. wasps, let S. cook the heart as if it were a deer's heart; The frog from the river told L. that she was going to eat her husband's heart; L. came with her children to G.'s body, turned it over, the wasp bit her, the children ran away; L. complained to her brother {? ; he is her husband's compadre, but hereinafter referred to as her compadre}; he advised using a suction stone and sucking the babies back; L. is going to burn the children in the steam room; the boy drills in the floor beforehand exit; run away, leaving the leaves with magnesium; they burst in the heat, L. and his brother think their brains are bursting; L. does not find their needle, mirror, comb; children have filled the suction stone with pepper in advance, L. breathed in, almost died; her brother (compadre) is a serpent, chasing children; they throw a machete (lake), a needle (vine), a comb (also a vine), a mirror (fire, the snake is burned); the girl is thirsty; to get water, ready to sacrifice her eye; God comes up, tells her not to do this-she will become the moon, her brother will be the sun]: 47-62; chinanteca [brother and sister]: Weitlaner 1977, No. 1:52-55; oluta and sayula Polka [brother and sister]: Carrasco 1952:168-169; Lehmann 1928:764-765 [Dios Padre is the Sun; Hes Nazareno has a Day Month], 767 [neither siblings nor spouses; The Sun is male, ( nighttime?) Luna is his wife]; Mihe: Hoogshagen 1971 (Oaxaca) [an orphan girl lived with an old woman; rejected suitors; it is not clear how she got along with a man; when the old woman saw that the orphan was pregnant, she kicked her out; the squirrel offered to climb the tree and swing on the vine; she would fix the vine; but did not correct it, but cut it; the girl began to swing, the vine broke, she crashed to death; the female vulture came down peck at her; a boy and a girl from the woman's belly ask to make a hole; the female vulture hardly did it, breaking her beak; the children went out; after living at the vulture, they found their grandfather; then killed him; his the meat was fed to the old woman; she went to get water, the bird said that she ate her husband; (did the children make a scarecrow out of their grandfather? it is said that the old woman was bitten by wasps); the children are running, the old woman is chasing; Aguti hid the children behind her cheeks, said that her tooth hurt; the children came to the village, spent the night, found themselves on a rock among the bones; the beast came up, they killed it and burned it; the brother told his sister to write so that vines would appear, but they did not appear; he wrote it himself, vines appeared, they went down, other people too; below the corn and sugar field reeds, everyone ate; we came to the village where the holiday was, brother became the sun, sister became the moon]: 338-346; Lipp 1991 [twin orphans brother and sister spent the night in the barn; the monster took them to the forest; there are already many people, some died, some are still alive; the twins saw a monster sleeping in a tree; the sister did not hit, his brother killed him with arrows, it fell down the mountain; not go down; the brother tells his sister to write, say , I pee vines; She says, I pee bananas, moms, all fruit trees; brother wrote, vines have grown; twins tell people not to eat fruit until they, twins, go down; they have not eaten performed the first rituals with the twins; the twins turned them into coati, bakers, raccoons and other animals that spoil crops; the twins told the Toad to throw the ashes of the burnt monster into the river; On the shore, the Toad opened the bag, mosquitoes and other biting insects flew out; there are especially many of them along the shores of water bodies; the Toad was punished, now his body is covered with warts]: 75-76; Miller 1956, No. 3 [the girl refused young man; he turned into a bird, the girl hit it, hid it on her chest, became pregnant; went to the forest; the squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, the girl crashed; Vulture found it in her womb boy and girl; brother and sister came to the mother's parents; while the grandmother was gone, they killed their grandfather, stuffed the scarecrow with insects; the grandmother was fed meat; she hit his grandfather, the insects flew out; the grandmother pursues the twins, Aguthi hid them in her mouth; they threw hot stones into the snake's mouth; the beast carried them to the rock, they killed him with arrows; his brother tells her sister to write vines; she says she pees bananas; brother pees vines himself; turned people who ate bananas into forest animals; burned the beast, let the Toad throw ash into the sea; he discovered that mosquitoes flew out, turned into a toad; the appearance of the Sun and Moon as in No. 4] , 4 [Maria is spinning, the bird sits on the spinning wheel, she hit her, put it under her shirt, the bird pecked her in the chest, flew away; M. became pregnant; the squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, M. crashed ; The vulture took a boy and a girl out of her womb; the boy buried her mother, told Vulture to eat the corpses of animals, not humans; the twins came to the mother's parents; taking out the lice from her grandfather, they killed him, a scarecrow they stuffed her with insects, the testicles were allowed to cook and eat; the grandmother hit the scarecrow, the insects bit her; the sister wrote, the road was wet, the stalker grandmother was sliding; Aguti hid the twins at home in his mouth; the old man sheltered them, a serpent comes at night, pancakes threw hot stones into his mouth; then in No. 3 (Lorenzo opened a bag of ash, turned into a toad); people are going to choose the Sun, they tell his brother that he is weak; he turns into the Sun, tells the old man to dig a well; while it is low above the ground, it is hot, only the old man has water in the well; tells his sister to run to the old man's house for the forgotten huarache; for this time rose high; sister became Moon; spots - her brother's huarache]: 79-85, 86-97; tequistlatecs [brother and sister]: Carrasco 1960:109; wawe [Sun is father day, Moon is mother month ]: Lupo 1991:229-230; mountain camps: Foster 1945a, No. 30 [a boy is born in the family Sun, a few years later a girl is born Moon; parents die; God took pity on poor orphans, raised the sky told him to shine one day, the other at night], 31 [The male sun invites the Moon to marry him, but she refuses every time; when they quarrel and fight, eclipses occur]: 217; Münch 1983b [ brother and sister]: 374; Sayula (?) Podoka, Veracruz Nahuatl [Sun and Moon are the creator's children; when fighting, earthquakes occur]: Münch 1983a:156; 1983b:370; chontal [Moon is twin sister and spouse Suns; the lunar disc shows the silhouette of a woman Ish Bolom sitting at a loom]: Vasquez Davila, Hipolito Hernández 1994:152; juice [wife]: Baez-Jorge 1983:387-388, 401-404; Yucatecas: Redfield 1935 [spouses, Jesus' parents]: 16; Thompson 1977 [spouses]: 287-304; Villa 1945 [spouses]: 155; Villar 1989 (Izamal) [the old sun (man) was tired of wearing a crown, it was too hot; the iguana couple found two eggs by the sea, buried them in the sand to warm themselves; the old sun caused a flood; the eggs survived, a boy and a girl came out of them; the girl slept at the bottom of a well (cenote), boy in a tree; saw an iguana create valleys and mountains, trees, etc.; Iguana asked him to be the new sun; the boy became the sun, the girl became the moon; they dried the earth; while they were shining together, it was too much hot; decided that the sun would be during the day, the moon at night; when the moon was not visible, it sleeps at the bottom of the well]: 82; lacandons [spouses]: Boremanse 1986:45; 1989:69; Cline 1944 [copulate when the moons are not seen in the sky]: 112; Soustelle 1959:154; Tozzer 1907:95, 135, 158; Classical period, Yashchilan [the mothers of Yashchilan's rulers were sometimes depicted inside the moon sign and fathers as the Sun sign; obviously The sun was considered the moon's husband]: Schele, Miller 1986:55; tocholabal [during an eclipse, the Sun tries to copulate with the Moon; she is angry, she can kill the Sun, and then ants will eat it]: Ruz 1983:421-422; tsotsil [son and mother]: García de Leon 1973 [Sun Brothers, Mercury: The Morning Star rises to heaven; their mother Luna decides to follow them]: 304-305; Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [ Jesus, aka kox, planted cotton seeds, they turned into bees; told his two older brothers that he saw a hive in a tree; they climbed a tree but shed only wax on the younger one; he sculpted gophers out of wax, they undermined the roots, the tree fell, the brothers crashed {and turned into wild boars}; Kox asked his mother for 6 cakes, built a pen, stuck cakes on the faces of the wild boars (piglets) that came, three wild boars ran away, tearing off their tails, wild from them; promises mothers (=St. Virgo) that he will be able to cultivate the field himself; turns sticks into workers; when he returns, the forest is intact again; {does he think wasps are to blame?} He tears wasps to pieces, so they have a narrow waist; finds two rabbits and two deer telling the trees to rise; he stretched out their ears, they are what they are now; the rabbit is the elder brother of a deer like how gopher is Aguti's older brother; Kosh teaches his mother to go to heaven - count to 9; he became the Sun, she became the Moon; there used to be another sun, Lusibel; it was not hot enough, the earth did not dry out , it was impossible to burn vegetation in the field]: 183-186; Gossen 1974, No. 114:312; Celtal [like a tzotzil]: Becquelin Monod 1980:132-159; Hermitte 1970:23-25; Nash 1970:200-201; Ramirez Herná ndez, Melo 1988:61; chol: Aulie, Aulie 1951 in Thompson 1977 [The Moon is a widow, the Sun is her lover]: 434; Hopkins, Josserand 2016 [When there was nothing on earth yet, Our Mother Moon gave birth to two sons; the elder easily cleared the area, swaying in a hammock; at night a strange bird, a turkey, descended from the sky, began to scream, the vegetation recovered; the eldest son began to swing again in the hammock, but the forest remained standing; the elder did not know that the mother had a youngest son; noticed toys, found the boy, decided to kill him; invited him to get honey from the tree; but he climbed the tree himself, ate honey, and threw it to the youngest only empty honeycombs; he sculpted gophers out of wax, they gnawed at the roots, the elder brother fell {along with the tree}, broke into pieces, from which all the animals and birds arose; the youngest told them to miss their tail, but the mother began to grab and now these animals and birds do not have a {long} tail (tinamu, pigs, deer, paki); the son has become big, has become the sun; his mother moon can't keep up with him]: 42-52; Whittaker, Warkentin 1965, No. 1-6 [first, the mother hides her youngest son from her eldest son in a box; one day she was late to hide it; the boy grew up, his brother began to take him to the site, cut him into pieces, threw him into a cave (he returned from Aguti), into the fire, into the water (returned with fish); the younger brother planted a cotton seed, grew up a ceiba, created honey from cotton seeds, sent his older brother to the tree for it, asked him to drop the wax, sculpted the gopher, which blew it up tree, it fell, brother crashed, younger turned it into all forest birds and animals; blackbird came from pubis, so black; animals came to the house eating corn; the boy went to clear the area from weeds, swaying in a hammock, machetes, hoes worked themselves; in the morning it turned out that the vegetation was intact; the same the next day; he saw the Rabbit revive it at night; he caught the rabbit, gave it to his mother; before sowing, he soaks corn grains, they do not sprout; one person explained how to sow; climbing his head down, the boy climbed onto the roof of the house, then on bamboo into the sky, became the Sun; his mother climbed then became the Moon; a rabbit is visible on the Moon's face; the Sun has a chicken with it]: 13-45; canhobal: La Farge 1947 [son and mother]: 104; La Farge, Byers 1931 [enemies]: 130; mocho: Petrich 1985a: 219-238 [(=Relatos Mochó 1995:36-39); a woman cooks a lot of food, but her two sons who work in the fields get a little; they pretend to be sleeping, they see Tapir, with whom their mother is shares the meal; this is their father; they dig a trap, he falls into it, dies; the mother cries; asks them to fry crabs on the bank of the river, blows on the coals; the coals fly into their eyes, they cry, turn into monkeys; a woman enters the river, becomes a moon, is placed in the sky], 241-256 [two var.: working in the field, two older brothers beat the youngest; kill him; at home they see him at the hearth; the next day they cut him to pieces, they burn them; he is back home and safe; then they throw them into a deep ravine; the old man finds him, tells him to say goodbye to his mother; she brings him tortillas, they burn; the older brothers come, they also burn; he becomes the sun]; 1985b: 220 [on a new moon, the moon is a girl, on a full moon she is pregnant, in harm, an old woman; when not visible, she walks on the ground in search of menstrual blood to be reborn as a girl]; kekchi [spouses]: Van Akkeren 2000 [(told Juan Ka'al, flutist and drummer, German Paul Wirsing, in 1909; he was the owner of a coffee plantation and knew the language and customs of Kekchi. Wirsing sold the text to Herbert Dieseldorf, who published {see. Dieseldorff 1925:4-5}). The Earth's old god Tzul Taq'a, "Mountain Valley," Po's daughter, "The Moon," lived in a cave house. Poe often sat with handicrafts, and hunter B'alam Q'e, "The Hidden Sun", passed in front of her. He fell in love and started carrying a stuffed deer. Father advises Poe to throw the remains of boiled corn on the trail; BC fell, straw, needles, and ash fell out of the scarecrow. There was a tobacco seed inside the scarecrow, and the tobacco blossomed. BK put on a hummingbird skin, flew in to collect juice; Poe asked his father to carefully shoot the bird. She hid it in a calebass, the bird is beating, she put it under her skirt, at night the hummingbird became a man, they got together, BC offered to run. He covered Father Poe's all-seeing mirror with soot, poured pepper into his oven gun; the corner of the mirror that BC held him remained unsmeared. Zul Tak saw the fugitives. I asked my Uncle Thunder to kill them. He grabbed his axe and caught up with them by the sea with a storm cloud. The BC was covered with the shell of a turtle, and Po was covered by a battleship, but it turned out that the battleship could not dive. Lightning smashed Po to pieces. BC saw a fish eating Po's remains. He ordered the sorcerers to collect her remains in 13 vessels and gave it to the old woman. Opened 13 days later. There are 12 snakes, worms, and other unpleasant and biting creatures. The last one is Po, but she doesn't have a vagina. BK asked a deer to pierce the vagina, then another deer with a big hoof. He added rat urine. BK takes Po by the hand, goes up to the sky with her, becomes Saq Q'e (Bright Sun). There is a sequel where BC's older brother Choql, ("The Cloud") seduces his wife. BK hits her, she runs away, flies on a vulture that takes her away, BK defeats birds, returns his wife]: 233-235; Becker-Donner 1976 [see K16 motif; Kagua Sake (Sun) and Kagua Chok (Cloud) - brothers; CS marries Kan Po (Moon); she does not have a vagina; a mountain ram can't, a deer makes a vagina with a hoof; the aroma is very strong, the CS is afraid that people will fight because of her; tells the rat to go there write; KC and KP fall in love with each other; CS mixes turkey bile into their food, making people quarrel; they quarrel over who to bring water; KA does not return after going to get water; KC cries, his tears turn into rain; brothers play buluc on a board laid across a deep ravine; when KC jumps for the third time, the board breaks, it falls into the depths; since then, clouds have risen above the ravines; his tears become rivers flowing from the gorges; the vulture invites the KP to marry their king; carries her first up and then down to Xibalba, where the devil Mausahquink, the real fiancé, lives; oh The COP learns what happened from flies; asks the goat to lend him his skin; flies gather under his tail; Vulture descends on the carrion, sticks his head inside; the COP grabs him by the neck, tells him to tell him everything, carry it to Xibalba; KP complains loudly; CS sends a toothache to M. using 13 grains and 13 needles; KP must invite the COP, pretending to be a great magician; after blowing M. on his head three times, the COP puts him to sleep; CS and KP they rise to the sky; they are immovable; San Cosme heals them with flowers and incense seeds; they turn into the sun and moon; when they see them for the first time, 400 people and animals turn into stars]: 122-124; Dieseldorff 1925:5; Gordon 1915 [while the great Kasik was hunting turtledots in the forest, the Sun covered his face with a tortoiseshell shell that cast a pleasant shadow over the cassik's daughter; took the girl away with one of its rays; kasik ordered a giant sarbakan and clay balls to be made; when he was about to shoot, the Sun threw pepper into his sarbakan; since then people have been coughing; the second time the casik managed to shoot, the Sun dropped the girl, she fell into the sea, broke into small pieces; the fish collected the pieces, each covered with their shiny scales; each took the other's tail in her mouth, they formed a chain, lifted the girl to the sky; lost the way home, became the Milky Way; the girl became the Moon, trying in vain to catch up with the Sun; he can't stop because she hurries to wake up the birds in the morning]: 116-117; Shaw 1971 [a young man walks past his daughter with a deer king; the girl poured water on the path in which she was washing corn, the young man slipped, the deer's carcass fell, burst, there was ash in it; the young man became a hummingbird, the girl's father shot him for her, hummingbirds at night turned into a man; lovers smeared the girl's father's magic glass, poured pepper into his wind tube (people have been coughing ever since); The volcano threw lightning, the young man covered himself with a turtle shell, a girl destroyed; dragonflies collected her cork from the water, put it in vessels; most of them were snakes, etc., the last girl; the deer stepped on her, she became a woman; the young man was the Sun, the girl was the Moon]: 153- 155; Termer 1930 [The sun filled the gazelle's skin with ash, carried it past the girl; she poured water onto the path, the sun slipped, the skin burst; the sun turned into a hummingbird, sat on a tobacco flower; his girlfriend's father shot, took the daughter to play, at night the hummingbird turned into a man; lovers run, darkening the glass through which the father sees everything, pepper is poured into the wind gun; the father still hit his daughter at sea with lightning, the Sun hid under the shell of a turtle; butterflies collected the girl's blood in calebasses, gave it to people for storage; three weeks later, one contained frogs, snakes, toads; the last girl, but without legs, the Sun made them to her; the antelope could not, the deer pierced her vagina with its hoof; the sun became the sun, the girl became the moon]: 490-492; kekchi, mopan [old man T'actani has a daughter X't'actani; she is a weaver and spinner; Kin killed an antelope, filled the scarecrow with ash and grass, carried Sh. past his house every evening; T. advised his daughter to pour water on the path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird for him a skin, giving cotton wool in return so that it would not freeze; S. asked her father to shoot the hummingbird, who stunned him; at night in S. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures broke into the world; S. does not have a vagina; on the advice of old woman K. put S. between two hills, told a small deer to run, the trail was too small; the big one was just right; when he met S., K. decided that it was too tempting for people, told the Rat to write in vagina; since then, sex has been followed by disgust; K. found out that S. was cheating on him with his brother Shulab; he asked the turkey and another bird to give him their bile, asked the old woman for pepper, tinted everything with uruku, told the old woman to make a cake out of it, baked it in his armpit, gave it to her lovers; they began to spit, could not quench their thirst, S. ran to the river for a drink, agreed when Vulture offered to pick it up; takes Vultures to the village; the leader's house is supposedly made of stone, but this is guano; K. turned into a dead antelope, told the fly to lay down larvae; catches Vulture, tells him to be attributed to the leader; in the land of vultures hides in brushwood carried by a lumberjack, then comes to the village, holes 7 grains of corn, which causes Vulture to hurt his teeth, he lets him in to cure him; K. cures, puts them to sleep, takes Sh., tells two vultures to take them back; turns into the Sun, S. into the Moon, Shulab to the Morning Star, younger brother to the Evening Star; K. places a mirror at the zenith; each the day seems to be moving further west in the afternoon, but in fact he returns east; at first, S. is bright like him; she feels sorry for the people who work all the time, K. takes one eye out for her]: Thompson 1930:126-132; Chorti [spouses]: Fought 1972:485; Girard 1962 [Cume's father killed; K. raised by an old woman, kills the Bronze King (father's killer?) ; rises to the sky to become the Sun]: 226-227; Wisdom 1940:399-400; 196:451-452; quiche: Bunzel 1952 [Sun is father, Moon is mother]: 428; Rodas et al. 1940 [sun (kih) - Our Father, Moon (ik) - Ours Grandmother; she determines the physiology of women who wear small images of the moon on their shirts]: 57-58; Schultze-Jena 1933 [Moon is Our Grandmother, Sun Is Our Grandpa]: 24; Quiche , kakchikeli, tsutuhili [Is the moon our grandmother (mother of the Sun?)] : Tax, Hinshaw 1969:91; pipili [older brother Sun got into a fight with younger sister Luna, knocked out her eye]: Schultze-Jena 1935, No. 31:95; shank ["Grandma Moon" was created before Earth; God He also created the Sun man; there were many bad and strange creatures in the darkness, and when the Sun appeared, they hid under the ground; first, the Sun, going to rest, burned trees; then the Creator placed it far from the ground to shine from afar]: López Ramírez 2007:108-109.

Honduras-Panama. Hikake: Chapman 1982:56 [Grandpa Sun and Grandma Luna are the first man and woman], 114-115 [when the water monster Nen attacks the Sun, causing an eclipse, a man dies; when the Moon dies - woman]; bribri: Bozzoli 1977 [Sibo made the moon like a woman; at first she is as hot as the Sun Man]: 83-84; Guevara [Marcos Guevara recorded by Ali Garc Bribri ía, the plot is rare; after hugging the moon (incest), her brother The Sun burned her face, the spots remain]: personal message, 2007; cabecar [on the banks of the Brumia River meets a woman Sitəme; she gives birth to a son with him and daughter; twins commit incest; creator Sibu punishes them by placing them in heaven and taking away the girl's power; so the moon is cold, the sun is hot]: Stone in Lothrop 1950:100, note 28; Stone 1962:55; Western Panama (guaimi?) [On the banks of the Noncomala River, she meets a woman Rutwe; she gives birth to a son and daughter with him; when the twins are 12 years old, N. took them to heaven, making them the Sun and Moon; it became light on earth]: Adrian de Ufeldre in Casimir de Brizuela 1972:56, in Lothrop 1950:99-100; kuna [from marriage Diosaila and Olotilisdopi (she has periods of different colors) were born Ipelele (sun) and Pukasui (Morning Star); next to I. - toad mother no nana o Kuelopunyai, wife and enemy of the Sun, fights against it, is bound in the moon, darkness and cold]: Réverte 1962:63, 77; Eastern Panama (kuna?) [The Sun is a man; the Moon is a man turned into a woman; eclipses: The moon copulates with the Sun]: Casimir de Brizuela 1972:60, 62; nonama (waunana) [Ewandamá is the main deity the patron saint of Indians and whites; Edau is weaker, he is the patron saint of blacks; Edau created the sun and moon, married them; when they quarrel, the moon goes to sea and cries for three days, grieving the loss of her husband; the sun these days irritated and will burn whoever sets off; Evandama created a milk river in the ocean and told everyone to swim; whites were the first to swim, then the vaunana (the water was already muddy); when the blacks came, the water It was already so dirty that they only wet their palms and feet]: Lucena Salmoral 1962a: 138

The Antilles. Central Cuba [Amao is the first man, son of Huion 'a, a Sun man; Guanaroca is the first woman to be the daughter of Maroya (Moon); Amao is the son of A. and G.; A. the child in the mountains, he dies; A. hides the corpse in the fruit of the Guira, hangs it on a tree; G. finds the fruit, drops it, water gushes from it, floods the ground; fish and turtles appear; fish make the rivers of the Jagua region, from turtles - Majagua isthmus, from Guanaroca's salty tears - lake of the same name]: Borodatova 1992:158; Feijoo 1986:13-15.

The Northern Andes. Embera [spouses; along with Month Man]: Pinto García 1978 [marry every full moon]: 214; Torres de Arauz 1963:24; Zuluaga Gomez 1991:158; nonama: Lotero Villa s.a. [The Moon is the Sun's wife; the Sun wanted to destroy the world, the Moon did not allow]: 29; Lucena Salmoral 1962:138; Betania in Pinto García 1978:152-153; Kogi [The Sun had two wives, the Moon and one more; The sun is an ugly little man, his wife is also ugly; they were asked if they wanted to be the father and mother of the world; they agreed; they were dressed in gold, taken to heaven; another Sun wife ran for husband, threw ash in the face of the moon; otherwise it would shine like the sun; the sun eats the souls of plants; in a ceremonial house, the sun is allowed to eat in the skull of a jaguar]: Chaves 1947, No. 9:482-483, 498 [The sun eats people, dying from diseases, he sends these diseases himself]; Preuss 1926, No. 3 [the son of the Sun and Moon turned into a woman - the Morning Star]: 161-162; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 4 [stars are their children]: 34-36; ihka: Chaves Mendoza, Francisco Zea 1977 [when it was dark, the first woman had two beautiful children; she hid them in a cave, light came from there; people brought flutes, drums, started playing; boy J'uí went out, they tried to catch him, he soared into the sky, became the sun; those who looked up at him turned into stones; his sister named Tíma was also lured by music; so as not to run away, threw ash in her face; but she also rose to the sky and became the moon]: 62-63; Lucena Salmoral 1969 [the woman's son radiated light, she hid it from people; people lured a woman out of her cave by playing flutes and drums, she lost consciousness; they entered the cave, the boy soared into the air, became the sun in the sky; those who were somewhere at that time and began to look at the miracle were petrified; the stones are now visible images of J'uí (the Sun); the same with Tima, the sister of the Sun, she became the Moon; but people managed to throw ash at her, her light faded]: 228-229; mestizos of the Aritama district in St Colombia [the main deity - Káke ("father", the Sun); the Moon is his wife, the stars are their children]: Reichel-Dolmatoff, Reichel-Dolmatoff 196:350; muso [The sun is called father, the moon is called mother; without details]: Fernández de Piedrahita 1942 [1676] (2), vol. 7, ch. 6:263; muisques: Fernández de Piedrahita 1942 [1676] (1), vol.1, ch. 3:31 [they revered the creator of the world, but also the sun and moon; the moon was considered a Chia woman, and the sun was a man Zuhé; that's why the Spaniards were called Zuhá], 32-33 [it was said that a man once came, some called Nemquetheba, others Bochica, and others Zuhé; some It is said that they were three different people who came at different times, but most were the only one; he had a beard to the waist, his hair was tied with a ribbon; Bochica taught them a lot of good things; and then a woman of amazing beauty appeared who began to teach, contradicting Bochik in everything; some call her Chia, others Yubecayguaya, and others Huytháca; for this, Bochica turned her into an owl, or he placed her in heaven to be the wife of the sun and shine at night; some add that Chia was Vaqui's wife and her daughter marched the demon leader], 33-34 [when the Funza River, because of Huytháca's machinations, overflowed and flooded the plain, Bochica smashed mountains with his staff, the waters were draining, and the Tekendama waterfall was formed; Bochica died in Sogamoso after living 500 years and rising to heaven; handing over power to this casik provinces; this land is considered sacred and a wide 100-league road leads to Sogamoso]; Simón 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 2 [the creator of the world Chiminigagua created the sun and his wife the moon; their idols are revered, and they are always a couple - a man and a woman], 3 [the main deities are Chibchachum ("the rod, staff of the province of Chibcha") and Bochica; in the village of Cota he preached in front of a large crowd; he went from the northeast to Guane Province, then turned east to Tunja Province and Sogamoso Valley, where he disappeared, leaving traces of our faith; and then an unusually beautiful woman, or rather a demon in the form of a woman, appeared, and began to preach everything contrary to how Bochica taught; some call her Chía, others Guitaca, and others Xubchasgagua, but those who know best say that it was the one who gave birth to Bachue, who hid in the lake in the image of a snake; followed because it preached a loose life, games and fun; Chimisagagagua turned it into an owl]: 279-280, 285-286; Bari: Villamañan 1975:4-5 [first ancestors go out of the house with feathery arms and hats; Sabaseba wants to know who has the brightest dress; Añandou is covered in ulcers, wears the last dress, shines; S. tells him to become the sun, walk on heaven with his wife and children; Chibaig woman walked the ground accompanied by two men; they cannot copulate with her because she is cold; C. tells her to become the moon, walk across the sky; her companions turns into a squirrel and a bird; the light of the moon changes due to her menstrual cycle], 8-9 [The moon wanted the bari to go up to heaven and make love to her; grew a vine to the sky; climbing sky, bari did not come together with the cold moon, but with the beautiful girls zamuros blancos (vultures); shot game, went down to earth, told their wives everything; out of jealousy, the Moon cut the vines; more to heaven not to rise]; tunebo [Moon is sister, Sun is brother; Bistoa first tells the Moon to illuminate the earth, but she is lazy and comes out irregularly; he throws his snot in her face, eclipsing it, gives her the right illuminate the earth to the Sun]: Marquez 1980:651; Rochereau 1962:44; timote [The sun and moon are the parents of a girl, the spirit of the mountains]: Cora 1972:209-211; kamsa, ingano [The moon is the daughter of the evil Sun; a miner marries her]: McDowell 1989:110; 1992:101-103.

Llanos. Spouses. Yaruro: Petrullo 1939:114 [India Rosa is the Sun's wife and sister], 115 [India Rosa gave birth to a Sun Son and a Moon Daughter], 238 [The Sun and his sister Moon sail across the sky in their boats], 240 [India Rosa has a Sun Son and a Moon Daughter; The Sun became pregnant with her sister, she gave birth to people]; guayabero [Sun and Moon are brother and sister, also husband and wife; wife was unfaithful]: Schindler 1977a:214; cuiva: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 1 [the Moon first appeared, was the first sun; then the Sun Man appeared; told her to shine at night and not be hot; the Sun has two names, Paresi and Soasi, the Moon The name is Mayuna; Namun told the Sun he is right, let it be dark at night], 3 [The sun and his wife Moon lived on earth; the moon ate the brains of its nephews (or daughters-in-law); this is how two boys and two died girls; the Morning Star weaved a fish trap (like a basket), invited the son and daughter of the Sun to go there; {they call him "uncle", apparently he is the brother of the Sun or Moon}; they were thrown into the river, they turned in the mythical caiman mereika; first the Moon, followed by the Sun rose to the sky; at first both are equally hot, people are sitting in the water, the earth is unbearable heat; the Sun invited the Moon to moderate the heat so that it is night; people were scared at first; one pre-dawn bird sang, the other finally dawned; at first people slept with their wives {in the daylight}, now they're ashamed]: 21-22, 24-26; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1 [The sun is married to the moon; he and their children live on earth; every time the Sun goes hunting, the Sun takes his wife's brother or sister with it, kills, brings meat in a basket, and eats with the Moon at home; stayed his wife's last brother; he knows what to expect from the Sun, took a spear with him; the Sun told him to climb a tree, became a jaguar; the young man put a spear in his stomach, came home, told his sister that her husband had climbed to heaven; the Sun brought two capybaras, said it ran into a branch, they were cooked, the Sun and the Moon and their children ate, but the parents of the Moon were not given a cape; one of their sons, the Morning Star, had boils on his body; the parents decided to leave secretly; the boy stayed with Luna's parents and his uncle (the one who hurt the Sun); the uncle carried him because it is difficult for the boy to walk; but at night he becomes a jaguar to protect his uncle; they came to parents; Luna is at home, she hid her brother; the Sun and her other children returned from hunting; they became jaguars, the Morning Star too; turned out to be stronger than others, they took on human form again; their guarapo was invited to drink in a village where the parents of the Moon mixed fish poison into it; but it does not work in the Sun with the Moon; then they were tied to a tree and burned at the stake; it also does not work: The Sun only turned red and the moon's stomach was burned, now they are spots on the lunar disk; the moon has thrown into the water and cooled down, so it does not give heat; hand in hand, the Sun and the Moon rose to the sky; the Moon's parents gave it to everyone wives' children; the girl destined for the Morning Star rejected her because of his illness; he left, and when he returned, he turned out to be handsome; now the girl wants him, and he rejected her, went to heaven, became the Morning Star ], 2 [The Sun is married to the Moon; his sister has many sons; each time he asks one of the boys to accompany him on a hunt; he eats each; one of the boys found the brothers' bones, ran to his mother; people called the Sun to the party, gave him a drink; he came with a necklace made of the teeth of his murdered nephews; he was thrown into the fire, he was badly burned, so it was bright and hot; the moon was only slightly burned trying to put out the fire and save her husband], 3 [every time Kuliwakua invites her son or daughter to look for a brother in their head, sucks blood, the child dies, K. then digs the corpse out of the grave and eats it; she made it out of her nails and teeth necklaces; her brother chased her away with her husband, her son stayed with her uncle; while hunting, her uncle sees her nephew temporarily turning into a jaguar to kill a deer; the nephew returns to the cannibal mother; the brother cooks an intoxicating drink with fish poison, calling her sister and her husband; they are drunk, dancing, showing necklaces of teeth and nails; brother pushed them into the fire; K. jumped into the water, but her husband is not; both went up to heaven, became the Sun and Moon], 4 [The sun is married to the Moon, both cannibals are equally bright; the Sun killed boys (apparently sister's sons) in the forest; people poured boiling water on the Sun and Moon; the wife jumped into the water, so became dim], 5 [The sun killed the children of its four sisters; every day he was given a boy or girl alternately; only the son of his last sister was left; the sisters' husbands poured boiling water on the Sun and Moon; the Moon jumped into the water, lost her fever; both climbed a rope into the sky]: 25-29, 30-31, 32-35, 36-37, 37-38.

Southern Venezuela. Panare [The Sun is the husband and brother of the Moon, the stars are their children]: Dumont 1976:93-94; 1979:250; Saliva [Luna (Besho, Vesho, Veho) is the wife of the Sun (Mimeseke-Koko); The stars are their children; every month Luna copulates with her husband and menstruates]: Morey, Morey 1980:283; PR [along with Man Month]: Baumgartner in Grelier 1959:167.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 23 [there was no sun, his master kept it in his bag in the sky; the man sent his old daughter to ask him to put the sun in the sky; on the way she met a young man, she rejected him, came to the owner of the sun, he drove her away, she returned; the man sent his youngest daughter, she went east, met no one on the way, but he tried {not clear, successful whether} to take possession of her; she noticed the bag, the owner told her not to touch it, but she tore the bag, sunlight spread everywhere; then the owner placed the sun in the east and the bag in the west; in the sun, the girl sparkled, became the moon; returned to her father; the sun was shining for only three hours; the father sent his daughter east again, took a turtle with him; she attached her to the sun, he had to move more slowly; since then the day lasts 12 hours, there is the Sun and the Moon], 45 [the couple has two sons; the husband told his wife that he is tired of her and leaves; if the wife wants to follow him, let him ask about the child's path in her womb; the husband has left, climbed a tree into the sky, became the Sun; the wife went a few weeks later, asked her child by the tree, but did not understand his language; the old woman next to the tree told me to ask not her, but the child, but the woman threatened to cut off her head; she explained to go to heaven; the woman spent half a day, became the Moon]: 101-102, 154-155; Wilbert 1970, No. 109 [the couple has two children, the wife is expecting a third; the husband decided to leave; if the wife wants to follow, let her ask the one she wears in the womb; climb a tree, jump into the clouds, two days later people saw the sun for the first time; the wife follows her husband; the son says from the womb that father climbed a tree into the sky; she does not understand him; an old woman sits under a tree, a woman makes her answer; she explains how to climb a tree, jump on a cloud; a woman turns into the moon; her children from Suns Are Stars]: Barral, p. 62-64 in Wilbert 1970, No. 109:229-230; Caribbean Islands [no details; along with Month Man]: Rouse 1948:564; Kashuyan (Arikena) [no details. (incestuous siblings?)] : Kruse 1955, No. 33:414.

Ecuador. Colorado [The Sun is male, the Moon is a little woman blind in one eye, so she gives little light; they are brother and sister; stars are little people]: Wavrin 1937:516-517, 622; canyari [Moon - woman; no direct data on the field of the sun, but women are unlikely]: Barriga Lopez 1984:39; Imbabura [Sun - Sun - Sun Father, Moon - Mother Moon; When you reach the sea in the west in the evening, the Sun drinks him; there are no respectful calls to either the stars or the earth]: Parsons 1940b: 222.

Western Amazon. Kofan [koehe Chiga (Sun God) sails in a boat; she is driven by Puifa, an ogre boy; the Moon is a woman, the mistress of tapirs]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, 25, 72-73 (No. 9); napo [Sister Moon came to her brother, the Morning Star, under cover of night; he smeared her with his genip; in the morning she rose to heaven out of shame, the spots are still visible (a similar incest story of the Month- men and sister)]: Wavrin 1937:607; napo or canelo [the girl stains the cheek of an unknown lover with genipa juice (huitug); in the morning she brought her brother breakfast, and he was under a mosquito net; I noticed spots on his face; his parents were furious; out of shame, his brother started shooting arrows into the sky, they pierced one another, he climbed into the sky; his sister climbed after him, but his skirt interfered, the arrows separated and she fell; brother asked ilucu birds, then arrocero birds to pick her up, but they could not fly high; brother became a month old, spots are still visible; sister became an ilucu bird, sings on the new moon, sad for sweetheart]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 1:3-5; Canelo [Sun is male; full month is male, young Moon is a teenage girl]: Whitten 1976:44-45; shuar [The sun hugs and kisses the moon ( in the French text, it is called feminine); they fight, the Moon knocks out the Sun's eye, the Sun knocks out one eye and damages the other]: Wavrin 1932:133-134 (=1937:628-629); wambis (?) [Kumpara's wife, Chingaso, gave birth to a son, Etsa (the sun); K. took a piece of clay in his mouth, spit it out, turned Nantu (moon) into a daughter; she did not have to be his blood sister to marry E.; E. painted his face to be more attractive; N. ran to heaven, painted her body black (night), her face with spots (spots on the moon's disk); Auhu (Nightjar) fell in love with N., climbed the vine into the sky, N. cut it off; E. tied it to his hands and at the feet of parrots, they took him to heaven, began to fight with N.; their struggle causes solar and lunar eclipses; N. took clay (dirt), blew, made Nuhi's son; A. was jealous, smashed him, he became earth; N. adopted E., a son Uñushi (sloth, first hivaro) was born; the moon is growing - pregnant, decreasing - giving birth when she is not in heaven - copulates with the Sun; the second son is Apopa (manatee, helps people); the third is Huangañi (bakers); the fourth is a daughter, cassava; Ch. gave two eggs, one broke (the heron tried to carry it away), the second was born Mika (a chichi vessel); Unyushi and Mika were the first by a married couple]: Stirling 1938:124-126.

NW Amazon. Along with Man Month. Uitoto [spouses]: Girard 1958 [Yuti-hukuey - The sun sometimes mixes with his father Faguerani; his sister Hagu-duema, Luna; he kills her, turns her into a tree with leaves that are useless suitable; he is replaced by his younger brother; his wife is another woman, also the Moon]: 76-77; Wavrin 1932:135 [The Morning Star is their son-in-law], 137 [stars are their children; bright ones are men, weak = women; very small stars - ear pendants], 138; bora: Girard 1958:140; Wavrin 1932 [spouses, the Morning Star is their daughter; the Moon and stars eat people]: 139; Whiffen 1913 [Moon is the Sun's wife]: 57; chikuna [Sun's sister started coming to her brother at night; when she became pregnant, the Sun realized it was from him because no one else was there; he smeared her face with his genipa, she became the Moon]: Pereira 1980 (2): 463-464.

Central Amazon. Omagua [The Sun and Moon are our parents; Jaguar tries to devour the Moon during a lunar eclipse]: Girard 1958:179; Rio Solimons (the exact recording location is not known) [The Moon (Jassy) was supposed to go beyond the Sun (Kurasé); if this happened, the heat of love The sun would burn the earth, and the Moon's tears would flood it; the Sun and Moon parted, the tears of the Moon formed Amazon; not wanting to mix its tears with the waters of the sea, the Moon allows the river to flow east for six months and then tries to regain its tears and the Amazon flows westward (dry and wet seasons?)] : Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:212 (German translation in Teschauer 1906:733); Rio Jamunda [no direct data on the sun's field, but a woman's unlikely]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1875 in Ehrenreich 1905:37; parintintin [The Sun is male, the Moon is a woman; Baira created them, made their genitals out of wood]: Pereira 1980 (2): 564; munduruku [Wakurumpö and Karuetauibö are killed by enemies; they are planted on head stakes began to say that they should go to heaven; only a boy with shamanic power but did not know it noticed but did not believe him; people painted Uruku's heads and decorated them with feathers; noon, heads began to rise with their wives; K. rose quickly, and V. slowly because his wife was pregnant; people started shooting, but only a boy who knocked out V.'s eyes was hit; V. becomes the Sun rainy season, ashamed of his ugliness; his wife Paravabia is the Moon; K.'s head becomes the Sun of the Clear Sky; K. and V. were both born again as the wife of the present (former) Sun, are considered his sons]: Kruse 1952, No. 13:1000-1004; Murphy 1958, No. 15:85.

Eastern Amazon. Tapajo [two iconic buildings; one with a sun and a male figure on the board, the other with a moon and a female figure]: Ortiguera in Myers 1992:90.

The Central Andes. Lambayeque Valley: Barandiaran 1938 in Toro Montalvo 1990a [The sun and moon were husband and wife; they copulated nightly except for the full moon]: 31; Toro Montalvo 1990a [young man sees a reflection in the water Moons; it turns beautiful; he tries to take possession of her, but she disappears; the Sun punishes him by sealing him forever to the face of the moon and turning him into a fox on earth; foxes hide in holes from the sun at night go out to look at the moon]: 640-641; Peru's north coast, dep. La Libertad [cf. note]: Calancha 1638 (Pacasmayo Valley) [half the sun is not a decree; there is no direct data on the moon field, but A. de la Calancha compares the local lunar deity to Diana and Proserpina, not with a male deity of antiquity (Calancha 1638:552); a female character revered in Pacasmayo is also supported by the fact that a temple dedicated to Saint Virgo (Rostworowski de Diez Canseco 1983:78); F. Lopez de Gomara calls Pachacamaca the son of the sun and moon, which suggests the female sex of the moon; the exact origin of Gomara's data is not known, but Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:19 proves that Gomara rewrote the myth of Kona and Pachacamaca from the later lost chronicle of Rodrigo Lozano, who lived in Trujillo]: 552; Gomara 1852 [1552] (Trujillo?) [spouses?] : 233; Rostworowski de Diez Canseco 1993:24-25; mochik culture (vessel paintings of periods IV-V): Donnan, McClelland 1999 [painting on the mochica IV vessel; one of the most reliable female evidence of the moon at the mochik; an anthropomorphic character in a dress typical for mythological women in the form of elongated trapezoids diverging overhead (justification of female characteristics in clothing and for jewelry, see Donnan, Castillo Butters 1994:419) is shown inside a sickle at the top of the scene; below, a warrior character in a halo of rays (known from many scenes and probably identified with the Sun) rises down the stairs from the lower tier (land, sea) to the upper (probably sky)], fig.4.27; Golte 1994a [(reconstruction based on a series of images); after the temporary defeat and departure of the Sun god from the sky, others characters defeat his opponents associated with night and moisture; spiders make a ladder for him to take him to heaven, where he becomes the central figure in the ritual of sacrifice captives involving the upper elite]: 60-77, fig. 27; 2004:131-132; central or northern coast [At the beginning of the world, a man named Cohn came from the north, he had no bones; called himself the son of the Sun; created men and women and everything they needed for their lives; they angered him, he turned the coast into a desert and gave people only rivers to work hard to irrigate; then Pachakamac, also the son of the Sun and Moon, came, drove K. away, turned his people into monkeys; (letters. in cats, but cf. Cobo 1890-1893 (2): 312, where monkeys on the coast were called leoncillos and kept de los gatos; cf. Ortiz Rescaniere 1973 ["gatos, gestos de negros que hay"; - cats with black cramps; meaning monkeys)]: 20]: López de Gómara 1852:233; Kant (Lima district) [at Pachacamaca and Pachamama Willka twins, a boy and a girl, were born; Pachakamak drowned in the sea; Pachamama went with her children through the mountains and ended up in the Wa Kona cave (Wa Kon wore a jaguar mask during ritual dances); sending the children to bring water in a leaky vessel, VK tried to seize P.; not achieving what he wanted, he ate it; the bird told V. about the murder of his mother, advised him to run, tying the sleeping VC by the hair; When VK woke up, he chased, asking various animals if they had seen the children; the mother of the skunks sheltered the twins, fed her blood; set up a trap, VK fell off a cliff, crashed, his the fall was accompanied by an earthquake; the twins were tired of eating blood, they went to the field to dig potatoes; playing with an unusual tuber, the girl threw her hat into the sky; a rope came down from the sky, the twins climbed it to their father Pachakamak; the boy became the Sun, the girl the Moon; the path of the stars across the sky continued their earthly journeys; Pachamama incarnated in a mountain range, Pachacamac gave her power over fertility]: Villar Cordova 1933:162-165; Quechua (Huanuco) [{The sun is probably a man, like everywhere else in the Andes}; when hungry, the husband asks his wife at night where to fry corn; children they ask again; parents ate corn secretly from them, so the father hung the children in a bag over the abyss; they consistently ask flying birds for help; falcon (cernícalo), pajaros dominicos ( small colorful birds), another falcon, a galninaso vulture, replies that there is no time, whoever follows will help; Condor brings the children to the plain, says that the cave has everything they need; the matches ran out, the children saw smoke, the girl came to the old woman Achkay; when she found out that the girl had a brother, she told him to be brought in so as not to run after the fire every time; she cooks and eats stones, calling them potatoes; at night, the sister hears her brother's screams, A. explains that she takes out his lice; kills him herself, puts him to cook; tells the girl to bring water in the basket; she cannot; A. goes to get water herself, tells blackberries, toads, huaychau raise the alarm if a girl looks into the vessel; they themselves tell the girl that her brother is brewing in the vessel, telling him to pick up his bones, run; dominico, skunk, gallinazo, falcon, deer answer A. that they saw the girl (she asked them to do so); Condor replied that the girl was close; the girl asked God, who lowered the gold chain, picked it up; for A. lowers the chain with the rat, she gnawed, A. fell, turned into thickets of prickly blackberries; God placed the boy's bones in a box, left them in the church, told him not to look ahead of time; the sister looked in, the brother was almost alive, but became two puppies; since then Since dogs are as smart as humans, and people love puppies; the girl has turned into the moon, so we say mother moon]: Weber, Meier 2008:117-140; Conchukos (dep. Ancash) [which only the Sun owned; huakas (the first ancestors) began to send him various delicious things; waited for him to get drunk, sent the girl Vrana to his Wife Moon; she begged her to give him a jar of coca; Having sobered up, the Sun wanted to kill V., but spared for her beauty; V. is revered as a goddess]: Mortier, Minnaert s.a.: 7-8; wanka {there is no direct data about the field of the sun and moon, but all Quechua have the Sun - a man, the Moon is a woman}; prov. Canchis (dep. Cusco): Itier 1996 [stars are children of the sun and moon; see motif K19A]: 164; Choquecancha (prov. Tracing paper, dep. Cusco) [equally important; the sun can bring disease]: Seibold 1992:178; prov. Urubamba (dep. Cusco) [spouses]: Urton 1981:80-81; Incas: Guaman Poma 1956 [Tokay Capak was declared the son of the sun; his father was the sun, his mother was the moon, his brother was the Morning Star, the idol was Wanakauri, and went out they're from Tambotoko or another name - Pacaritambo]: 80; Rostworowski de Diez Canseco 1983:78; Aymara: Arnold, Jimenez Aruquipa, Yapita Moya 1991:138, 141; Berg 1985:66, 149; Cadorette 1978 [ Luna is a woman who takes care of everything like a housewife; some consider her the Sun's wife]: 3; Tschopic 1951:197.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 80-83 [The sun is an orphan, lives on earth with her grandmother, she is blind in one eye; it burns people quarreling with them; when she puts on a white hat, it's hot; when she wears a white hat black, clouds cover the sky; kills many birds, but his grandmother eats them all; she makes him a crown of feathers, he must wear it when he becomes the sun; Kumpanama tells Pauhil to tell the Sun that his wind gun and quiver are made from the bones and skull of his murdered mother; the Sun breaks the gun, discovers his mother's blood; kills his grandmother, cooks her in a cauldron, tells the toad to answer for her when the grandfather arrives; she invites his grandfather to a meal; then explains that he ate his wife's head; the grandfather wants to kill the Sun, he climbs to the roof, then jumps to the sky to the east, because it's further; to the west is closer, the grandfather could have him get it; the Sun still changes his hats], 102-103 [The month is in love with many women; old people find out, laugh at him; he asks it to rain, people are wet; visits his cousin (prima) at night; she smears his face with a genip to find out who her lover is; in the morning he is ashamed to leave the house; she finds him, talks about what happened to Kumpanam; he tells them both to go to heaven; now some say that the moon is that woman and others that the month is that man]; amuesha: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 3 [during the ancient Yompor Pret sun, women gave birth to a rotten tree, lizards, or hairy monkeys; priest ordered brother and sister to be raised in a special home; when he went to get water, the sister found two flowers, hid them on her body, became pregnant; the priest admitted that by the will of the supreme god, not from his brother; the mother of the Jaguars, Patonell killed her; the twins from her womb threw themselves into the water, they were raised by fish (catfish, Loricariidae); they play, no one can catch them; the lizard said he would catch, but he was ridiculed; he left, the priest told Call him back, he agreed for the fifth time; the twins were caught, but they did not grow up; P. said she would grow up, she had a lot of meat; they dirty themselves all the time, P. washes them; tells them not to touch her cassava beer; every time they find them drunk, they say that their sister bee is preparing the drink; one day P.'s sons returned without prey, offered to cook the twins; they gave P. a drink themselves, cooked it, scattered parts of it bodies in different places; hid under the roof; body parts respond to jaguars from different sides, tell them to eat brew like twins; brothers shouted to them what they were eating; Puma and Ocelot did not eat, understood; jaguars found the mother's head in the cauldron; they set fire to the house, the twins jumped across the lake, made a bridge of vines; the jaguars walked along it, they brought it down, one pregnant jaguariha escaped; the twins became adults, went up to heaven, brother became Sun, sister became Moon], 3a [excerpt: sister went to get water, Patonell ate it, twins jumped into the water; became Sun and Moon]: 54-57, 258-259; 1992 [Yompor Ror Sun asked to be raised on sky; the Pentellac hummingbird offered to do it, but people laughed at him, he left; they could not raise the Sun themselves; they turned to the Hummingbird; he raised the Sun so high in anger that his voice stopped be heard and people were left without their Father's guidance]: 116; kanamari [Sun (Tsam) - man, Month/Moon (wadja) in different stories of different sexes; 1) married couple; 2) boy growing up, then loses weight, dies, Tamakori makes a new son, so every month; 3) girl (while her period is full, then loses weight); 4) I went to my sister (not native, classification) for a month; she smeared his face was a genipa, in the morning I found out that he rose to heaven out of shame and became the Month]: Carvalho 2002:283-284; kashibo: Frank et al. 1990 [Bari's creator god is the sun; the Moon is his wife]: 42, 75 (note 2); Tessmann 1930 [Noköyo is a supreme female deity, associated with the sun, creates forests, mountains, people; in other versions, the Sun is male]: 140; Wistrand 1969:70, 114 in Zumbroich, Stross 2013 [ The pregnant goddess of the moon ate corn so that her children had white teeth, but it turned out that they became easily perishable]: 62; conibo: Castañeda 1923 [Bari-Inca, The Sun, should have marry his sister Use, Luna; she was sitting on the shore, he came up to her from behind and jokingly smeared her face with a genipa; she took to heaven in shame; she only goes out at night not to see her brother]: 404-405; Girard 1958 [The moon is pregnant by lightning; her seven sons go looking for their Sun Father; they make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; the Sun turns them into Pleiades]: 265-266; Waisbard 1959 [ rare: son and mother]: 65; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [1) because of Sun Brother's incest with Sister Moon, her face is stained; 2) because of the love adventure of a month-old man with a married woman on The face of the Month is stained on the ground]: 62; Waisbard 1959 [brother and sister who were to be married; along with Man Month]: 65; (cf. marubo [The month came from a character cut in half in his belt and filled his body with part of a tapir's body]: Melatti http://orbita.starmedia.com/~i.n.d.i.o.s/ias/ias12-19/16juruca.htm (time visits 31.05.10)

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [along with Man Month]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 33 (Ixiamas) [Seguameji ("the one who creates") wished his daughter; she refused, he decided to eat her; she ran away to a man named Ena ( "water") cuashri ("hot") Cuati bueda ("fire") Rara ("yama") Dsamaji ("close, cover"); he guards the hole; if he dies, boiling water and fire from it will spread all over the earth; he hid the girl in that parts of the hole where there was no stench; the pursuer-father ate his right leg, put it in the smelly part; released them both, took the father to a place where he could see his daughter, but could not catch up; the father became the Sun, daughter to the Moon; father married Earth, stars their children; the owner of the pit himself became Lightning]: 80-81; Nordenskiöld 1924:296-297 (cavinha) [Moon and Venus are sisters; they steal corn, cassava, etc. from the Sun; He awaits them; despite the moon's warning, he grabs her, not his younger sister; his penis grows, he carries it in the basket; Venus comes back to the field; the Sun lets her penis go; she cuts it, mistaking for a snake; The Sun died, rose to heaven]; chimane [spouses]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 3:63; yurakare [no details]: Weiss 1975:487; mojo: Metraux 1942:75 [stars are children of the Sun and the Moon], 78 [Rainbow is the Sun's wife]; Tello 1923a:137 in Weiss 1975 [Moon is the mother of the Sun]: 487; manashi [brother and sister]: Metraux 1942:132; chiriguano [along with Man Month]: Cipolletti 1978:50 [Moon is female]; Nordenskiöld 1912 [The Sun is old]: 295; (cf. kumana [The Sun and Moon are spouses, they quarrel during eclipses; {the sex of the stars is not specified}]: Martius 1867:585 in Lasch 1900:107).

Southern Amazon. Nambikwara [old man and old woman; along with Man Month]: Pereira 1974a: 49-50; trumai [in some texts the moon gender is male, in others it is female]: Murphy, Quain 1955:72; quikuru [ A month is a man, but he is itseke ("first ancestor, dead, spirit, non-human"), so he turns into a woman to menstruate]: Fausto 2012:74.

Araguaia. Karazha [{the half of the moon is not specified; since all Tupi-Guarani have the Sun and the Month both men and tapirape Luna is a woman, it is likely that tapirape borrowed the image of the Woman Moon from the carage}; two brothers marry two daughters of the Sun; before sleeping with them, they remove piranhas from their vaginas; father-in-law tells 1) to catch fish (the bird catches dangerous piranhas, gives it to the brothers, or the brothers smear sticky juice, they dive, piranhas stick to them), 2) get rubbing resin (fire burns around the resinous tree, swallows bring water, fill it); brothers leave their wives]: Baldus 1937a: 226-228; 1953:213-214: 84-86; tapirape: Baldus 1970 [The sun is single; his sister Luna is married to Ampua Nuna (Venus); A.N. lived on earth, giving people corn, cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; his wife Tapiriha died, he went up to heaven with his son, his son became Mercury]: 357-359; Wagley 1940 [(Wagley 1977:179); Ancerika (the sun) is almost a bald old man; he wears a hat made of red mako feathers; they give fever, so A. hot; the journey through the sky is difficult, A. limps, stabs the soles of his feet with thorns; at night he returns underground to his house in Maratawa; there he eats a little and goes back; Tamparawa (moon) is a sister Sunshine, married to Anchopetery, who divided birds into fratria and age groups (a prototype of human divisions); due to the Moon's violation of gender rules, the Sun hit her face with his hand, soaked in genip paint, the stains remained]: 256.

SE Brazil. Kamakan: Metraux 1930:270-271 [The sun eats the dead, sends diseases to kill people; the moon helps people, sends rain], 289 (kutasho) [The Sun man is responsible for the ripening of fruits, The moon organizes all actions; when the Moon is small, people should make love; stars are the children of the Sun and Moon; when the Moon is not visible, it makes love to the Sun; the full moon is pregnant, decreasing - gives birth; eclipse - miscarriage]; kaingang [spouses; without details]: Baldus 1937a: 61-62; botocuds [Sun is male; full Month is male, young Moon is a woman]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 110.

Chaco. Along with Man Month. Chamakoko (kashiha) [Sun is male; full month is male, young Moon is a woman]: Baldus 1931:83; maka [brother and sister]: Chase-Sardi 1970:240; vilela [spouses]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1925b: 215.

Southern Brazil. Nyandeva [the earth first small, then grew; the moon and stars appeared later than the sun; the Moon is the Sun's sister]: Novaes da Mota 1992:57.

The Southern Cone. Araucans: Dowling Desmadryl 1971:118 [recorded "half a century ago" by folklorist S. de Sauniére; the main Spirit, the Sun, suppressed a rebellion against him, enemies turned into mountains, volcanoes, stars ; their tears were rain; the first man was the son of the Sun and Moon; the Sun sent him a Star woman to marry him], 125-126 [men were slaves to women, they did not work; they killed all women, leaving only little ones girls; one woman ran away, swam across the lake to the horizon, became the Moon, married the Sun]; Kössler-Ilg 1982 [men killed women for not working; then the Sun and its Luna's wife hid under her skin; it was dark for 4 days; Agouti and other animals tried to bring the Sun back to heaven, burned themselves; only the Condors succeeded; then the Moon fell from under the skin (Fell des Mahlsteines); Var.: 4 days later, Flamingo peeled off his skin; since then it has not been white, but slightly burnt, pink; the skin has remained in the sky, this is the Milky Way and the Southern Cross; (retelling in Keller 1962:525-528)]: 136-140; northern Tehuelche: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 4 [The Sun and Moon (the informant replied that they are not spouses) began to fight for the right to become the sun and shine during the day; the Sun said that the Moon is a woman, must shine at night; fought for three days, the Sun was at the top every time; the moon said that now he scratched her face, she was unhappy, she would have to be the Moon since she was a woman], 57 [The sun lived in the sky with his wife- By the moon; the Sun has two only - at dawn and at sunset; two daughters, one married a hero from earth, Elal, they descend from Thehuelches; the other daughter's name is Airaa (Eira), she married another hero, from them Selknam occur (Airre in Tehuelche)]: 18, 101; South Tehuelches [after creating the world, Koóch decided to give it light, placed the Kéenyenkon moon (feminine; masculine of the same word - Ké ; enyenken, that's the name of the Sun); at first, the Moon and the Sun did not know each other, then began to communicate through the clouds, saw each other, one day went beyond the horizon together]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 3:18; alakaluf [brother and sister (spouses?)] : Gusinde 1926:288; 1974:487, 505; Selknam [spouses]: Chapman 1972:150-152; Wilbert 1975a, No. 15, 57:47-48, 155-159; Yagans: Gusinde 1937:1341-1345 [(=Wilbert 1977, No. 65:186-193); The Moon is the wife of the Rainbow, the Sun's brother], 1152-1153 [when the Moon grows, she is pregnant; at the end of the cycle, the old Moon gives birth and dies; over the next cycle, history repeats with the daughter of the former Moon; (in Wilbert 1977 this data is not available)].