A30. A month is a dead food. .
A month comes down to earth to eat children, dead bodies, or bones from the dead.
Australia. Kayardild [Evans 1995:590-596; Month is a man who collects the souls of those who have recently died during an eclipse (moon halo); when the network fills, the Month disappears as if he died himself; time people hide under fig trees so that the Month does not kill them; if they do not hide, they will be affected by the disease that induces crushed sores]: Hamacher 2011:140; loritya [Strelow 1907; on the new moon Month sometimes Tears up fresh graves and devours the insides of the dead; when he goes back to heaven, he is red with blood]: Hamacher 2011:141.
Melanesia. Siouai (Bougainville) [The month was always full, I went down to the ground along the vine to eat children; the Masa insect gathered people to attack the Month, cut off the vine, killed it; the Month was cooked and eaten; but the insect Hisa decided that it would be difficult to harvest almonds in complete darkness; spit a piece into the sky; {The month has revived, but the lunar phases have appeared}]: Oliver 1955:60; torau [the month was huge; went down to the village, when the adults went to the gardens; lured the children with bananas and swallowed them; the adults came back and left the watchman; he saw a month fall from the sky at noon; people prepared for the next time they cut off the rope on which the month had descended, cut off his legs, and then cut him into a tiny one; it became dark at night; people decided to make a new month; told the eagle to go up to the sky, but it did not fly; so all birds; then they sent two at once; a bird like an osprey and another with red feathers; they carried a pebble that was supposed to be the moon; they succeeded, they lit a moonfire, a bird with burned with red feathers; spots on the moon are traces of birds processing it]: Slone 2009:88-92.
Southern Venezuela. Sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 2 [when the Month is pink, he and his family eat human beings; (it's not clear whether he kills people or eats corpses)], 21 [died and ate his own charred bones] 326 [a man buried an old man under the hearth; at night he sees the Month descending, pulling out and eating a corpse]: 30, 60, 573.
NW Amazon. Cubeo [the patient ate some forbidden fruit; buried in the house; the Month digs up the grave to find the fruit; leaves its light outside; the man grabs it, hides it in a vessel; the Month finds light, runs away]: Goldman 1940:245; Barasana [A month descends into an abandoned dwelling, turns into an armadillo, eats the dead; takes off his glowing crown while eating; a man hides it, Month with difficulty finds; he eats the bones of those who copulated with menstruating women]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 3:272; bar [I went to my sister for a month, she smeared him with her genip, stains still; during eclipses he goes down to earth eating corpses, so people try to drive him back to heaven]: Jackson 1983:206; desana [at night A month comes down to copulate with sleeping women and eat corpses]: Reichel- Dolmatoff 1968:53; 1971:72; macuna [at mealtime The month turns into a battleship]: Trupp 1977:62.
Montagna. Ashaninka: Carrasca Hermoza 1970 [Toad tells the Month when a new corpse falls into its trap]: 248; Weiss 1975 (river camps): 268 [when the time is nearing full moon, the womb of the Month filled with dead people eaten], 269 [lunar eclipse: The month choked on the dead]; machigenga [the wife of the month dies from childbirth; he wants to revive her; mother-in-law in anger tells him to eat it; since then he eats corpses]: Baer 1984, No. 1 [people eat land; daughter has her first period; mother leaves her in the hut, tells her not to go out, goes to bring edible land, calling her cassava; at this time she comes to see the girl A month, gives real cassava; is accepted into the family, cultivates the garden, cassava, as well as corn, bananas, Sachpapa, Dale-Dale; the wife of the Month gives birth to a Sun Son; when pregnant again, she dies during childbirth; The mother-in-law is furious to throw blood into her son-in-law's face, since then stains for a month; the month promises that the deceased will be reborn, but she does not believe, tells him to eat her daughter since he killed her; he cuts the tapir (= wife or her soul); takes his son to heaven, he becomes the Sun (which son is not entirely clear); first the Sun is motionless, rivers dry up, children die; shamans ask him to move, alternation begins days and nights]: 423-424; García 1942 [as in Baer 1984]: 274; Pereira 1942 [a girl has her first period, she lives in a ritual hut; the month offers her love; she gives him clay to eat; he gives him clay to eat; he gives cassava, explains how to plant him and how to make kashiri; takes her as his wife; she is insulted when he first copulates with her (saying that a fish will enter it), sprinkles black juice in his face; since then, the disc the moons are stained; when the first son is born, the Month plants four trees to the cardinal points; only the east and west grow to mark the future path of the Sun; this son is too hot, he is made a different sun world; the second becomes the sun of our world; others are born; the last are twins, the mother dies during childbirth; mother-in-law blames her son-in-law for her death; the Month promises to revive the deceased in the form of two women so that feed the twins, but his mother-in-law tells him to eat the corpse; now in the sky next to the Month, the star is his wife (var.: one of his sons); the Month breaks its peak on the river, makes another catch on the heavenly river the souls of the dead; prefers children and women; watches the top of Shirichanchani; he lets go of souls, tells the Month that no one has been caught; in which case the patient recovers]: 241-243; Pereira 1988a (= 1942): 23-24.