Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32A. Moon Rabbit, A751.2. .11.13. (.17.) .22.-.24.26.

(.27.28.) .29. (.30.) .

On the lunar disk, you can see the figure or body print of a rabbit or hare.

Ila, safwa (?) , teda, (Syrians), Shans, Thais, Palaung, Khmer, Mons, Viets, Burmese, Ancient India (Buddhist monuments), Marathi, Hindi, Sinhala, Sora, Kondas, Baiga, Bhumia, Toda, Kota, Semangi (?) , Ancient China, Chinese (Beijing, Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Shandong and probably other provinces), Yao, Lahu, Koreans, Kalmyks, Darhats, Oirats (Durbuts), Mongols (Khalkha, Central Mongolia, Ordos), Japan (Tohoku), Okinawa, Forest Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Thompson, Dakota, Pomo, Mimbres, Cora, Aztecs, Jonas, Otomi, Huasteki, Totonaki, Tepehua, Tlapaneques, Chinantecs, Masateks, Popoluca, Nahuatl Veracruz, Chatino, Tricks, mixtecs, zapotecs, wawe, mije, quiche, cacchikel, tzotzil, tzeltal, chol, lacandons, Maya Yucatana, Chuh, Acatec, Nicaragua, Kuna.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ila [there is a story about Sulwe, the hare, climbing into the moon and has been seen there ever since]: Smith, Dale 1920:219; safwa [is there a song about an "animal on the moon" (hare?) and why people are mortal]: Baumann 1936:278.

Sudan - East Africa. Ted [a hare lives on the moon; a sleeping hare was attacked by a dog, he rushed to run, and the moon came out, jumped on it, became a "hare on the moon"]: Kronenberg 1958:107.

(Wed. Western Asia. Syrians (Kalila and Dimna, a plug-in story in the story of the war between ravens and owls) [elephants came to the watering hole, trampling hare holes along the way; one of the hares, Pirukh, addressed the elephants from the hill , supposedly like a messenger of the Moon; they say, the Moon is unhappy that elephants killed the hares that lived at the spring named after the moon and muddied the water in it; if you doubt the messenger's words, let him look into source; seeing the reflection of the moon in it, the elephant king promised not to go there again]: Belov, Wilsker 1972:332-334).

Burma - Indochina. Shany [the moon is a silver-covered hare in a crystal palace with 15 windows; the palace is on a wagon, goes around Mount Meru; every day one of the windows closes and then opens (moon phases )]: Milne 1910:200; Thais [rabbit visible on the moon]: Plenge 197:122; Burmese [the old man fed on threshing and peeling rice; his rabbit ate mikina; the old man dreams of having a girlfriend ; the goddess of the moon, in the form of an old woman, went down to help him, returned to heaven for the night; when she found out who she was, the old man asked him to take him and his rabbit to heaven; on the moon you can see an old man peeling rice and a rabbit, eating chaff]: Aung 1957:95-97; palaung [during the medicinal ritual, a five-meter pole is made with a red paper stripe at one end and a white or golden sun disc with depicting a peacock; on the other there is a white stripe, a white disk of the moon with the image of a hare]: Bucher 1964:737; Khmers [heavenly god Preas Eyn decided to walk on the ground; met a hare who was Buddha in one of his previous incarnations, asked him for food; he had nothing to give, he jumped into the cauldron himself and cooked; in gratitude, PE squeezed dark juice out of the mountain and drew a hare figure on the moon disk]: Nevermann 1956:30-31; monk [golden palette depicting a lunar deity: a full-face anthropomorphic figure with a rabbit in profile behind his head; Mon Dvaravati period, Thailand, 7th-8th centuries AD]: Pasadena, Cal.: Norton Simon Museum of Art (Norton Simon Art Foundation, M.196515,1.3.S); the Viets ["The hare was considered the patron saint of procreation, and those spouses who wanted to have many children believed that if on the night of the 15th the day they will be able to see a hare figure on the moon, then their wish will certainly come true"]: Leskinen 1996:156.

South Asia. Ancient India: Sumtsov 1891b [The fox, the Monkey, the Hare lived together; the Lord of Heaven Chakra came to them, asked for food; the Fox caught the fish, the Monkey collected fruit; the Hare had nothing, he himself jumped into the oven; for this, C. placed him on the moon as a symbol of hospitality; some Buddhists say that the Hare was Buddha in one of his incarnations]: 74; Benfey 1859 (1): 348-349 [jataka No. 316: Sakhamuni in the past rebirth, he was a hare and was friends with a fox and a monkey; to test the bodysatva, Indra came as an old man and asked for food; the fox and the monkey found something, but the hare had nothing; he bred fire and threw himself into the flames to fry himself and feed the beggar; as a reward, Indra carried him to the moon; (link to Stanislas Julien translations of Sanskrit and Chinese texts; on Upham, Sacred and historical books of Ceylon, III, 309; in Benjamin Bergman, Romadische Streitfereien, III, 204)]: 348-349; Elwin 1949 [Sanskrit moon names include Sasi ("marked like a hare") and Mriganka (marked like a deer)]: 55; Marathi [The hare decided, after fasting, to make a proper sacrifice to a brahman; this brahmana is the Month; the hare collected a fire to fry himself, jumped into it, was taken to the moon]: Zographer 1976:316 -317; Hindi [spots on the moon - hare]: Elwin 1939:333; Sinhalese: Lossievsky in Basayev 2004 ["The Singalese notices in these spots a pious hare who offered a hungry Buddha in the forest. for him to fry and eat it "]: 368; Grimm 1883 (2) [Buddha lived on earth as a hermit, got lost in the forest, the Hare came to the rescue, took him to the road; ordered him to make a fire and fry it to satisfy his hunger; threw himself into the fire; Buddha immediately removed him from the flame, placed it on the moon]: 716 (quoted in Layard 1942:108-115, in Zavyalov 2006); Perera 1917 [spots on the moon are a hare sacrificed to Buddha]: 3; Smith 1925 [on the moon you can see a hare thrown there by the Buddha]: 124; gutob [the main group of spots on the moon is the bor tree, the small spot below is a hare sitting under a tree]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Rekovskaya, field materials, December 2018; kondas (kuttia) [Nirantali gave jewelry to important people, Luna cried why she wasn't given it; then he gave her a turban and a hare in her hands so that she could see it on her; The sun also asked for a turban, but received a golden crown]: Elwin 1954, No. 19:46-47; baiga [the Hare had horns, he pricked Nanga Baiga with them while he was working; the NB grabbed him by the horns, threw him into the sky; the horns fell off, fell on the deer's head and stayed there; the hare ran to the moon; if he is lured out of there, the Moon will become bright as the Sun]: Elwin 1939:333; bhumia [The moon is a woman, asked to decorate it tattooed; a hare, a scorpion, a deer, liquor-still, a phadki bird and its two eggs are tattooed on the moon]: Elwin 1939:333; toda [two went for honey, found one, filled a vessel, hid it on a tree, not said to another; the vessel turned into a snake, honey into the Paykara River that flowed from this place; the snake chased the honey that had hidden it; the man threw his clothes on the running hare, the snake chased the hare; the hare asked the Sun to hide it, it said it was hot, let the Moon hide it; the moon promised to hide it; the spots on the moon are a hare; from time to time a snake tries to grab it, a lunar eclipse occurs]: Rivers 1906 : 592; cat [hunters chased the hare followed by a huge snake; the hare rushed to the Month, who hid it under his clothes; the snake swallows them]: Emeneau 1944:68 in Elwin 1949:69; halakki (Okkal) [snake or the beast is chasing the rabbit; the Sun and Moon brothers try to hide it; the stalker tries to swallow them themselves; people scare him away by hitting drums and gongs]: Gurumurthy 1981:346-347.

(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs [a cat, a rabbit, and two birds are the sacred animals of the moon; a cat is sitting on the moon {but whether a rabbit is also visible there is not directly said}]: Schmidt 1925:729).

China - Korea. Ancient China [after I hit nine out of ten suns, the heavenly ruler became angry, left I on earth; And continues to fight monsters; And goes west, receives from Xi -vanmu is the potion of immortality; if two people drink, they will become immortal on earth, if one becomes a heavenly deity; Yi Chang'e's wife took one drug, flew to the moon, became a toad there (according to the other versions remained a woman); there is also a hare on the moon who pushes the drug of immortality, cinnamon tree and Ugan in a mortar; he wanted to become immortal, was exiled to the moon for his misdemeanors to cut down cinnamon tree; chops and it grows together again]: Yuan Ke 1987:154-159, 317 (note 94); burial in Mawangdui, prov. Hunan, Western Han, 168 BC, depicted on a painted silk banner placed face down on the lid of the inner coffin from Princess Dai's tomb [apparently cosmological diagram; at the top left is a moon sickle with a toad and a rabbit, at the top right is a tree (or rather a curly vine), among the leaves and flowers of which at the very top there is a large solar disk with the silhouette of a crow (with two paws) and below six more small discs]: Kravtsova 2004:250; Kryukov et al. 1983:257-259; Chekmarev 1998:147-148; Hou Ching-lang 1981, fig. 41 [drawing the first banner], 6 [photo of the second banner; the rabbit is clearly visible]; Scott 1993:25; Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Funing, Mount Tuarshan Tourist Area, 2005) [Hou Yi ruled Yuqiong State; while spending time on military campaigns, he grew cold to Chan Ae's concubine; she became attached to two white rabbits; once they They bowed to her and ran out of the palace; Jang Ae followed them into a cave on the mountain, with a stone table and chair, a smoking stick on the table, and a pot for rubbing medicinal plants, the herbs themselves lay; an elderly gray-haired man fanned the hearth with a fan, eight flashes of fire burst out with every stroke; the rabbits began to eat medicinal herbs; the old man replied that the elixir was being cleansed in the hearth life; whoever eats it does not grow old and becomes a deity; Chan Ae took the rabbits and returned to the palace; Hou Yi returned victorious; learned that Laozi's teacher had created the elixir of life; he arrived at that cave and received the elixir; told Jang Ae to keep it; Jang Ae opened the box with an egg-sized pill in it; it gave a fragrance; Jang Ae licked it and the elixir was immediately in her stomach; her body became light; after learning about What happened, Hou Yi wanted to hack Jang Ae, but she let go of the bed she was holding on to and flew, two white rabbits behind her; Ho Yi shot, one of the rabbits covered Jang Ae, the arrow stabbed him the anus, the rabbit fell from the sky and turned into Mount Tuar ("Hare Ear"); Chan Ae flew into the Moon Palace; Hou Yi was about to shoot again, but Laozi's voice was heard: "You've lived your life camping, your burden of murder it's hard and you can't become a deity; and Jang Ae has lived a normal life, so she now lives in the Moon Palace"; Hou Yi repented and turned into a wild boar; there is a cave on the north side of Mount Tuarshan Hare anus, that's where Hou Yi's arrow hit]: Bai Gengsheng 2007b: 16-18; Chinese (Hebei, w. Funing, d. Lixinzhuang, 1984 from a 68-year-old peasant woman) [there was no moon or stars, there was impenetrable darkness at night; a girl named Luna (Yueliang) came to the village; found out how people suffer if the night fell in the mountains; I crossed the mountain and saw an elderly man; his hair gave off a silver light, his eyes were closed, and he lay unconscious under a big tree, a white rabbit jumped next to him; Yu gave the old man a drink, he sat down , took out a silver and blue brush and asked him to draw the thing that people need most; together with the rabbit he turned into a white glow and disappeared; Yu drew a circle emitting light; at night in a dream the old man told me to go west and hang the picture in heaven; Yu walked so long that he grew old; when she fainted, the white rabbit lifted it on his back, flew to the edge of the sky; Yu took out the picture; the wind picked up Yu along with the white rabbit and the painting and threw it into the sky; the earth lit up; Yu and the white rabbit settled in a house on the moon to protect {drawing}]: Bai Gengsheng 2007b: 8-9; the Chinese (Hebei, wu. Qinglong, 1972) [the hunter drove the hare into a hole and was about to shoot when there was a cry "stop"; the young man carrying a bunch of brushwood ran up and asked the hare to be released; gave the hunter the only silver liang; the hare told the young man that he was the hare king from Yunguang Cave on Mount Fenghuang (Phoenix Mountain); the young man replied that his name was Zhihua and he lived with his elderly mother, collected firewood; the hare invited him to his place; the hare king offered the best food to the cave; one hare quietly told the young man that the king would give him a wife - let him take the little frog; she would jump out of the frog skin and become a girl; the king did not wanted to give the frog, because he received it from Lunwang (the king of dragons) of the East Sea, and he forbade handing it over to mortals; but C. insisted; C.'s mother died; in C.'s absence, someone was cooking; C. found the girl, hid the frog skin; the girl cried: Longwang would punish her; C. returned her skin and the girl was gone; Longwang realized that she had been talking to mortals; sent an army of shrimp to the hares, and threw the girl into prison to execute; when he saw the shrimp, the hare king flew to heaven, ended up in the Moon Palace and could no longer descend; hare ministers were executed; since then, the Hare King has been living in the Moon Palace with Chang'e] : Bai Gengsheng 2007c: 437-440; Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Funing, d. Jiuxian, 2005) [Mount Tuershan resembles two bunny ears in profile, and there are always bright clouds above it; after Chang'e stole Houi's elixir of immortality, she flew to the Moon Palace, where she I often talked about the human world with the Jade Hare, who was preparing potions; the hare wanted to visit this world, and one day, taking a jade pestle with him, he slipped out of the palace; on the evangelical flew in clouds to the area south of Funing; remained by the clear waters of Yanghe, with fragrant grass and flowers along the banks; one day a turtle came out of the water; the hare came to knock on the shell with a pestle; this the turtle liked it: "Hey, sucker, can't you see grandpa's shell is itchy, come knock on it {more}!" Hare: "What kind of grandfather are you?" Turtle: "Millennial Prince, Eternal Turtle, I overestimated you by calling myself your grandfather"; at that moment, the pestle crushed the turtle's shell, its eyes almost came out of its orbits; the turtle realized that the hare - celestial, and asked for mercy; the hare removed the pestle, began to boast of the splendor of heaven; the turtle listened to how large the Heavenly River was, and decided to practice Taoism until, with the help of a hare, he was in waters of the Sky River"; offered to compete in running; if the hare wins, she will give him 3 gems; the hare laughed at the turtle and rushed like the wind; between Jiuxian and Xitaoyuan he waited a turtle; then stuck the pestle in the ground and fell asleep; at which time Chang'e discovered that it had disappeared and told Wu Gang (he always cuts a tree on the moon) to go in search; flying over the place where the mountain is now Tuershan, he noticed a pestle, went down; pointed his finger at the sky and the spirit of the Jade Hare flew back to the moon, and his body turned into a mountain; in the sky, the hare found that he was not carrying a pistil, flew back; But Wu Gang had already cut off the head of the pistil with an ax; flew to heaven, and his body turned into stone, remaining next to the hare's pestle; the turtle crawled to the hare all this time to give him what he had promised treasures; she was hit by a spell that Wu Gang cast at a hare and it turned into a stone, and the three gems she carried also became ordinary stones]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 148-150; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Linshu) [the moon shone brighter than the sun; it was nintagonal and octagonal, and when it came out, people's faces turned red because of the heat, and the crops dried up, it became impossible to live; a couple lived in one village hunters - his wife's name was Nie and her husband was Yala; Nie invited her husband to shoot the moon and advised her to climb to the top of the mountain in the morning to get to the moon; Yala shot at the moon all morning but could not. hit; but then the mountain split behind him, and a long-bearded old man appeared and said that an arrow from deer antlers from the Southern Mountains and a bowstring from the North Sea tiger's tail were needed; then the mountain closed again and the old man disappeared; his wife sent Yal to get these animals, but he replied that the animals were ancient and their skins were strong so that the arrow would not pierce them; we needed to weave a net; Nie offered to weave a net from her hair; a month later, the couple weaved a net, caught a tiger and a deer, and made an arrow and bowstring; Yala shot the moon again; the arrow cut off nine corners and eight faces from the moon, so that it became round, but her heat did not decrease; then Yala invited his wife to take a piece of silk, tie it to an arrow and thus cover the moon with it; Nie had just finished weaving a silk cloth depicting the Reevesia tree (Reevesia) pubescens Mast.), a white hare and a herd of white sheep; Yala took him, tied him to an arrow, shot him and covered the moon with it; this is how a rivsia tree appeared on the moon, and under it a white hare and white rams; when the moon went up to the sky, Nie looked at her and suddenly flew there; Yala ran after her from the eastern mountains to the western mountains, but could not catch her and cried; Nie hung her hair and Yala climbed upstairs; from then Since the couple have lived happily ever after on the moon; Nie weaves, and Yala herds a white hare and white sheep; people on earth do not suffer from the heat]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 6:6-7; Chinese [during the festival In mid-autumn, grayish "moon cakes" are baked from wheat or rice flour with added sugar and spices; images of the Moon Mistress (Chan-e), a toad, a moon hare and" happy" hieroglyphs; there are local variants: Beijing, Suzhou (Jiangsu), Sichuan, etc.]: Dzharylgasinova, Kryukov 1989:87 (retelling in Kravtsova 2003:192); yao [in heaven an octagonal moon as hot as the sun appeared; the crops were dying from the heat; Nie, Yala's wife, gives him her hair to trap; I caught a tiger and a deer, eating their meat became strong, and hit the corners of the moon with arrows, the fragments became stars; N. embroidered a blanket depicting a cinnamon tree, lamb, a hare, herself; Y. launched it onto the moon, moderating the heat; N. flew up, merged with her image; N. rose to her]: Riftin 1993:317-320; lahu (YuZ Yunnan) [an orphan boy grew corn, wild boars ate it; he saw piglets, killed them with a baton, noticed their mother, climbed a tree; the boar pinched off the trunk pieces of bark, revived the piglets, took them away; the young man took the bark, revived the dead girl, the parents want to see him as his son-in-law; he asks to let him earn money first; revives people with bark; the lively rich man asks to sell the tree, the young man does not agree; then he killed the poor man's child, the young man ran to the tree for bark, the rich man's men tried to grab him; but he could not be torn off the trunk, the trunk could not be cut; a storm came, a tree with a young man rose into the sky, ended up on the moon; one day people weaved a ladder out of straw, sent a white rabbit to the moon for tree bark; but the god of heaven Esha destroyed the stairs; the rabbit remained on the moon and now pushes medicinal herbs there in a mortar]: Miller 1994:185-189; Koreans [moon hare and toad are depicted on the wall of a 6th-century AD Goguryeo tomb]: Kontsevich 1980b:565.

(Wed. The Balkans, Central Europe. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Croats, Bulgarians (Gomel, Smolensk, Moscow, Petersburg, Perm, Kharkiv, Herzegovina, the border of Bosnia and Corduna) [the mention of a hare in connection with the month among the Eastern Slavs only in children's folklore; the facts do not add up to the system; the hare and the month metaphorically merge into the image of a hare month; the reflection of the moon in the eyes hares; hares playing in the moonlight; the mythological functions of hares are activated on the new moon; both extreme archaic and the recent origin of the lunar symbolism of the hare are possible]: Gura 1997:195-196 ).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Basayev 2004:11 [the wife of a mighty hunter stole her husband's recipe for the elixir of immortality, hid in the moon; pushes the components of this elixir in a stone mortar to make it in enough to give water to all the children of the earth], 48 [No. 15: Burkhan Shakjimuni's soul was in the hare; when a man who was dying of hunger met him, the hare voluntarily surrendered to him to eat; the memory of this feat, an image of a hare appeared on the moon].

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Zar-tepa (Kushano-Sassanid settlement in southern Uzbekistan) [{the association of a hare with the moon is acceptable, but not proven}; fig.1: image on terracotta tiles; cloven-hoofed in profile with cool twisted horns; above the back there is a four-lobed rosette in a circle (probably a solar symbol); under the feet of a hare (apparently jumping, the front legs are raised); in the upper left corner next to the rosette there is a crescent moon horizontally with horns upwards; Fig.3.6: a similar composition from Gul Dar with a hare under the goat's feet, but without astral symbols; there is a tree in front of a goat, a bird sitting on the goat's back in profile]: Zavyalov 2006).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Darkhats (Somon Khujirt, Uburkhangai aimag): Neklyudov et al. 2006, zap. 21.08.2006, No. WS 30028 [there is a black-eyed hare on the moon, it looks like spots; Mongols carry babies at night, they smear their noses with soot like a black-eyed hare; this custom is associated with a black-eyed hare from the legend of the Ursa Major], western August 25, 2007, No. WS 30025 [a hare lives on the moon, all hare gets pregnant from it; The moon has 15 doors; on the 2nd, when the month appears, the first door opens; and so in 15 days 15 doors open and then begin to close; on the 1st, when the month is born, heaven become very strong]; Oirats (durbuts) [Burkhyn-Bakshi had 32 rebirths; once he went to fish to feed animals; animals ate half, but could not turn the fish over, B. himself turned over; then became a hare the size of a mountain and died to feed the animals; the animals ate it, and Burhan placed Mangyrbe's skin a month later: we see it in the form of spots; he became a lice to find out what it was like creatures; Khan's daughter rolled lice between her fingers; B. then ordered to kill lice immediately without torturing them; two rich men named Dut-Bain and Donön-Bain had no cattle count, but when B. came, they gave him chips in a cup: we have no other food; B. turned all their cattle into wild animals: wild horses, donkeys and camels]: Potanin 1893, No. 54d: 270-271; Mongols (Ordos) [The sun is older, the Moon is the youngest sister; Arga-chagan-tuulai (chagan-tuulai - white hare) ate cattle and people; Ochirvani Burkhan threw his ochir at him, cut it in half; strengthened the upper half in the sun, the lower half in the moon; now it is spots]: Potanin 1893, No. 84:317; the Mongols [Bogdo Jagjamuni, aka Shigemuni (i.e. Buddha Shakya-Muni), the lord of heaven; once he became a hare to serve as food for a wanderer; as a reward, Lord Tengriev Hormusta placed the figure of a hare on the moon]: Grimm 1883 (2): 716; Khalha Mongols (03.08.11, Somon Muren aimaka Huvsgel, Yarimpiliin Gomb, Khalkhasets, born in 1924, shepherd (raised sheep), born in Somone Ider, lived in Moren all his life) [A hare lives on the moon. All hares on earth are bunnies, the only hare is on the moon. It makes people on earth get pregnant when they look at him]: Duvakin 2011.

Japan. The Japanese (Aomori, Yamagata, Fukushima) [a common story in which a rabbit wants to treat Buddha by himself and jumps into the fire, but Buddha saves him and throws him on the moon]: translated from The Vault Japanese fairy tales - Tsukan", Yoko Naono Fukasawa, personal communication 04.04.2016; Okinawa [as in Tohoku]: translation from The Code of Japanese Tales - Tsukan, Yoko Naono Fukasawa, personal communication 04.04.2016.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous, Verkhnekolymsky District) [The hare marries the Lynx; decides to give the bride a ring; makes rings with an old blacksmith, but they do not fit every time; the lynx girl gives them to other animals who have these rings are visible in different places on the body; the lynx marries Wolverine; the hares shamanize, the Hare, along with the old blacksmith and anvil, moves to the moon; now the lynx catches the hare, leaves the wolverine's bones]: Zhukova, Chernetsov 1992:11-13 (=Zhukova, Shadrin 2004:32-33, =Kurilov 2005, No. 37:309-313, =Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 3:23-25); Chukchi [Kele woman pursues the Hare; the Raven hides it under chips ; Kele says that she threw the Hare on the moon, he can be seen there; carries him on his back to the moon, drops; when she falls, Kele enters the ground with his head, turns into a mountain with a saddle]: Kozlov 1956:76-78.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [The month is beautiful and clear; the Hare (Var.: Frog) is his younger sister; there are many star guests in the house; the month sends his sister to fetch water; she comes back, she has nowhere to sit; he invites her sit on his face, she does it; The month becomes dim, and a woman with buckets in her hands is visible on his face]: Teit 1898, No. XXXVI: 91-92.

Plains. Dakota (Sioux, group not specified; identification from Dakota in Thompson 2000, No. 92:299) [The rabbit meets a Bubble (i.e. Trickster) who hunts by throwing his eye to the treetops, to track game; The bubble teaches that after the fourth time, the eye must be changed; The rabbit does not take into account the first time, thinking it was for testing; the eye disappears; then many stories about how the eye was eaten by mice and how the Rabbit got a new one; according to one version, he took another animal's eye; the initiate knows that the Rabbit's eye is the moon on which the Rabbit himself can be seen, reflected in his own eye; to get the first eye, Rabbit threw second, it turned into the sun]: Meeker 1901:163.

California. Pomo [{option not included in A32: it is not clear if it is about spots on the moon or just about the rabbit's connection with the moon}; Yu-ee's sun has grown old, handed over his name, duties, and a bag of hornets to his grandson; he angry, intends to destroy everyone, but Coyote wants to save people; Y. approaches villages, people think he brought them dances, and he burns people in houses, lets hornets run out; Coyote lets hornets run out heavy rain, but Y. became a bat, hid under a leaf; also experienced snowstorm, frost, lightning; then Coyote created two paths, one easy to walk, the other difficult; advised me to follow the difficult one; Y. did not believe it walked along a wide and flat path, said that all people would follow it, got caught in a noose put by Coyote; he was taken to the sky, he slapped into a lake on the moon; two female sisters on the moon said it was theirs brother in the form of a rabbit; brought him into the house, washed him with live water; Y. decided to return to earth, although he had to work there every day, and on the moon all wishes come true immediately; Coyote allowed him to return, but not in the form of a sun and a bat in the form of a night creature]: Clark, Williams 1954:49-52

The Great Southwest. Mimbres ceramic painting (11th century AD, southwest New Mexico) [rabbit/hare in profile inside the moon sickle]: Brody 1977, fig.163. {there is no such motive in narrative folklore}.

NW Mexico. The bark [the bark is seen on the moon as part of the (teils) rabbit, part of the coyote]: Preuβ 1912:142.

Mesoamerica Aztecs (code drawings): Burkhart 1986:116; Codex Borgia 1831:44, 60; Romain 1988, fig.3d, 53; Sahagún 1953 [it is said that the gods played a joke over the month and hit the rabbit in the face; the print remained, the face of the month darkened; after that he rose to illuminate the world]: 3-4, 42; Domínguez Núñez 2007 [each of the 400 rabbits, the gods of the Pulque, has a crescent moon pendant in its nose with a glyph for the moon]: 48; honas [informants denied that the beast swallows the moon during the eclipse, but said a rabbit was visible on the moon]: Driver, Driver 1963:192; otomi [spots on moon - rabbit (no details)]: Galinier 1990:539; Huastecs: Alcorn 1984 [The rabbit warns people of the flood; swims on a box in which people are hiding; when the box floats to the sky, Rabbit jumps to the moon; you can see him now, he is holding food with him - Ipomoea tillacea tubers; the moon was brighter than the sun, the rabbit darkened its light]: 61; Laughlin 1969b [as in Alcorn]: 308; Oropeza Escóbar 2007 [there were people who did not eat; God was angry, sent rain, the flood flooded the ground; the rabbit ran away, came to the man who was clearing the field; when that was not the case, he told the herbs to be reborn; man watched; The rabbit explained that there would be a flood, let a man make a box, go in with his family, take a parrot with him; he would warn him when the water reached the sky; after the flood, man made a fire; God sent a bird then the vulture find out who warned the people; they did not return; sent a hummingbird; he found out that the Rabbit, who took him to the sky, became the moon]: 180-181; Relatos Huastecos 1994 [the guns used to work themselves; the man sent them to clear the area; in the morning he saw that the vegetation had revived; he found the Rabbit, who explained that there would be a flood, ordered them to make a box, fit there with his family and food, and take him too, Rabbit; the box floated to the sky; The rabbit climbed into the sun out of curiosity, but it was too hot, then he climbed to the moon; could not return because during this time the water had come down, the box fell to the ground, Rabbit stayed on the moon; on earth, a man and his family made a fire, began to fry fish; the rising smoke colored the sky, turning it white blue; the creator of Huítom ínik sent a bird to find out what was going on; She also began to eat fish, was turned into a vulture, because in fact they were not fish, but the corpses of drowned people; the same with the eagle sent; then the hummingbird came back and reported; The Creator went down, put smut in the man's ass, turning him and his family into otters that eat dead fish; the head is the tail; the hummingbird is innocent and now feeds on flower nectar]: 93-99; Nahuatl Huasteca region: Stiles 1985a: 102 [A rabbit came down from the moon to warn of a flood; it rained; a man with his wife, son and two daughters escaped; father sent son to see if there was food; then sent daughters; the first, when she saw that her brother was eating carrion, became a chilcote bird; the second returned and told her; her father made her a hummingbird, her son a vulture; his children were raised by a girl who became pregnant with cedar; Indians of the district Huasteca are their descendants], 113 [the Rabbit may have jumped to the moon when the ark rose to the sky]; the Nahuatl of the Huasteca region (San Luis Potosi) [a man clears a milpa, finds the forest intact in the morning; he catches the Rabbit, he revived the forest; for promising to release him, the Rabbit says that there will be a flood, tells him to make a boat; the water rises to the sky, the Rabbit jumps from the boat to the moon, is still visible there]: Gonzá lez Torres 1975:90; Totonaki: Arenas 2000 [it was dark, the old man told me to burn a lot of wood, began to eat hot coals; another said it would be the sun but was afraid to eat coals; the first was the Sun, going west (it was already evening); the second did eat coals, but smeared himself in ash; went north, met women washing their clothes, one splashed laundry water into him, he turned yellow; rose for a Month; one a man caught a rabbit, threw it into the Month, since then a rabbit has been seen on it]: 37-39; Ichon 1969, No. II (mountain) [see motif A5; there was only the Month, the lover of all women; said he was the Sun; after the appearance Sun Month again calls women to make love, but they splash the water they used to wash corn in his face; since then, the Month has been dim]: 55-57; tepehua (San Pedro Tsilzacuapan, tepehua de Pisaflores ) [rabbit visible on the moon]: Davletshin, personal report. February 14, 2009; tlapaneki [the rabbit that ruined the field stuck to a sticky scarecrow; The month came down, ate it; the rabbit is visible on his disc]: Schultze- Jena 1938, No. 5:133, 156; chinantecs [A month drinks from the spring before the Rabbit Priest blesses the water; the Sun hits the Month in the face with a rabbit, the imprint remains]: Bartolomé 1984:15; Weitlaner 1952:173; 1977:55; Masateki: Incháustegui 1977:33 [the cannibal managed to eat the heart of the Month; by reviving it, the elder Sun Brother replaced it with the rabbit's heart], 38 [the rabbit speaks to the Wild Cat (tigrillo), that the reflection of the moon in the water is cheese; he jumps into the water; he is going to grab the Rabbit; the Rabbit stands at the cliff and pretends to hold the world; puts the Cat in his place, leaves, does not return ; The cat chases him again, the Rabbit runs to the moon and has been seen there ever since]; Johnson, Johnson 1939 [an old woman goes to the river to wash corn; fish steal particles; an old woman watches a parcel of corn, finds there are two eggs, she puts them in cotton wool at home; brothers Sun and Month are born from them; in the absence of the old woman they throw everything; she is angry, they turn into young men; they cannot throw the ball into the sky, the old woman throws , wins, locks his brothers to eat them; The sun runs away, the Month is eaten; the Sun turns into a dog, asks him to throw his bones; there is no head, it is hidden under the roof; he asks the birds to distract him with singing the attention of an old woman and her husband; takes his head away, restores the Month to revive it, one of the animals must become his heart; the deer and others pass by, do not respond to the Sun's request; the Rabbit is the last , The Sun puts it in the Month, it comes to life]: 218-220; Portal 1986 [like the Chininteks; the Moon is the sister of the Sun]: 54; Poluka, Veracruz Nahuatl [people with cleft lips are bitten by the moon; on the moon a rabbit is visible]: Münch 1983a: 157; 1983b: 371; chatino [The sun and moon live on the ground of an old woman; she tells them to cut branches; a rabbit jumps out of the bushes, jumping right into the moon's face; his print remained]: Bartolomé 1979:23-24; 1984:10; tricks: García Alcaraz 1973 in Bartolomé 1984 [A month ate a rabbit, it is visible inside it]: 18; Hollenbach 1977 [see motif A20; brothers- the twins live in an old woman's house, kill her deer husband; the snake is going to eat the world, the twins throw hot stones into her mouth; send a fly to check if the snake is dead; the fly defecates in her left eye ; the younger brother takes a brighter right eye, the elder takes the left eye; the brothers go, the younger one is thirsty; the elder gets water as soon as the younger one agrees to change eyes; G. comes to the twins; they are hers they put stones to their penises to sleep and rape; they run away to heaven, the eldest becomes the Sun, the youngest becomes the Month; he swallows the rabbit, which is now visible on him; the birds wake up G., she is covered in blood; throws after twins details of her loom (turning into the Taurus constellation) and sandals (turning into the Pleiades); G. herself becomes the spirit of a steam bath]: 143 (=1980, No. 8.26-8.37:463-468); Nader 1969 [Month rises to the sky on the rabbit's back]: 412; Valentini 1899 [The sun goes forward quickly, the month spends time catching and eating the rabbit; it gets stuck in its throat; since then, the Month has been pale]: 39; mixtecs: López Austín 1996, fig. 2 [Tlaxiaco stele depicting a rabbit inside a glyph moon]; Munn 1984, fig.7 [mixtexia (?) polychrome vessel]; zapoteci [The sun offers the moon a rabbit in exchange for her brighter eye]: Parsons 1936:326; wawe [when the moon was in the west, a young man climbed it and deprived it virginity; blood has flowed; since then, women have been menstruating; a young man in punishment has been turned into a rabbit; eclipses of the moon are caused by her loss of blood when she is bitten by a young rabbit living on her; if pregnant a woman falls under the moon's rays at this time, her future baby's face will be covered with the same spots as the face of the moon itself]: Lupo 1991:230-231; Miche, Quiche: Bevan in Thompson 1977: 443; kakchikel [the moon is yellow, a rabbit lives on it, umul]: Remington 1977:81; chol: Gebhardt Domínguez 2001 [Chu'jtat brought the earth out of his heart; at first it was like the wind , the wind has become a cloud, a cloud of water, mud, dirt with earth; in the four corners of the earth, three Chuntewinikes people each support her; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; After that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected his heart to the ground; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people, smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; nothing in need, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them by the flood, sent Vulture to find out if anyone was left, ordered them not to touch anything, but he began to eat the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some escaped on rafts; after staining her feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned the survivors into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that had not been previously It was; C. created two people, one tried to kill the other, C. destroyed him, gave the other a woman; their descendants inhabited the land; one woman hides from her eldest son Askun that he has a younger brother Ijts'in; he noticed his traces, his mother showed I.; I. made gadflies and bees, told the gadflies to wake him up if he sleeps for a long time; A. envies, killed I. at the station, he came back; lured I. into an agouti trap, he again returned; cut it, fed it to the fish, he returned with fish; offered to climb the tree to get honey; he threw off his wax 12 times, not honeycombs, I. made 12 agouti, they blew up the tree; it fell, A. crashed, I. made all animals out of it; from the teeth, blood, hearts of certain birds, and from the heart of hummingbirds; I. led the animals to the house; who went through one door and left the other became domestic, the rest wild; the mother was happy, but the Dog told her that the animals were made of her son's flesh; she cried, the rabbit and the deer did not go through the right doors in fear, rushed to run, I. grabbed them by the tails, they broke away; after these two other forest animals scattered; one day I. caught a white rabbit, gave it to his mother; lay down in a hammock, swayed, because of this, the trees fell on their own; but in the morning the vegetation was intact; the young man waited for his mother as a gift the rabbit, he told the trees to get up; he returned the rabbit to his mother, she never parted with it again; the son jumped into the sky, became the Sun, the mother the Moon, the rabbit's shadow on her]: 49-57; Whittaker, Warkentin 1965, No. 1-6 [first, the mother hides her youngest son from her eldest son in a box; one day she was late to hide it; the boy grew up, his brother began to take him to the site, cut him into pieces, threw him into a cave (he returned from Aguti) , into the fire, into the water (returned with fish); the younger brother planted a cotton seed, grew up a ceiba, created honey from cotton seeds, sent his older brother to the tree for it, asked him to drop the wax, sculpted a gopher, he blew up the tree, it fell, his brother crashed, the younger one turned it into all forest birds and animals; blackbird came from pubis, so black; the animals came to the house, ate corn; the boy went to clear the weed area, swaying in a hammock, machete, hoes worked themselves; in the morning it turned out that the vegetation was intact; the next day; he saw the Rabbit revive it at night; he caught a rabbit gave it to his mother; before sowing he soaks corn grains, they do not sprout; one person explained how to sow; climbing his head down, the boy climbed onto the roof of the house, then bamboo into the sky, became the Sun; his mother followed him and became the Moon; a rabbit is visible on the moon's face; the Sun has a chicken with him]: 13-45; Celtal: Hermitte 1970:23-25 [the boy asks his two older brothers climb a tree to get honey; brothers eat honey, throw only wax to the youngest; he throws wax against the trunk, the tree falls, the brothers die; the younger clears the area under the milpa, finds the trees intact in the morning; It remains to watch, sees the rabbit, la urraca and la gallineta come, scream: Rise the trees, rise the rocks! ; Galinete curls her neck, since then she has a headache; brings the rabbit to her mother; goes with her to the fair; there people try to climb the big wheel; only the boy succeeds, his mother, holding a rabbit, He goes up after him, clinging to his shirt; people throw stones at them, knock out the woman's eye; the cart ascends to the sky, the boy becomes the Sun, his mother the moon; because of the knocked out eye, her light is pale; the rabbit in her arms is still visible on the moon]; Slocum 1965 [Grandmother moon lures birds and animals that ruin the cornfield; catches rabbit, deer, bakers by the tail; laughs, they run away, leaving their own tails; she only manages to catch a rabbit; she still has it]: 17; lacandons [Hachyakyum created the goddess of the moon by giving her a rabbit and depicting it on her clothes]: Milbrath 1999:32; Maya Yucatana (ceramic figures from Hain Island: a woman (probably Moon) hugging a rabbit): Anton 1968, pl.211; Romain 1988, fig.51, 52; Classic period: Romain 1988, fig.54 [rabbit on the moon, obsidian plate from Vashaktun]; Schele, Miller 1986 [the mothers of Yashchilan's rulers were sometimes depicted inside the moon sign and fathers as the Sun sign; the moon is depicted sitting on a moon sickle with a rabbit in her arms]: 55, fig. 48; classic Maya [(various images of the moon goddess with a rabbit)]: Taube 1992, figs. 30, 31; acateques [base word for the moon txitx ("rabbit") etymologically goes back to Protomayan *chich]: Davletshin 2005, personal report; chuh [ALMG Vocabulario chuj, 2003:24: two names for the moon are uj and chi'ich (cf. chich rabbit, as well as acatekia data , where txitx is both the moon and the rabbit]: E.V. Korovina, personal message 02.10.2011.

Honduras vs Panama. Nicarao (?) : Bevan in Thompson 1977 [there is a rabbit motif on the moon]: 443; kuna [sister smears her lover's face with genipa juice; it turns out to be her brother; he goes to heaven, turns into a month; spots are still visible; children are jokingly told that there's a rabbit there]: Holmer 1951:151.

(Wed. Llanos. Yaruro [The rabbit beat his father-in-law, crushed his testicles, ran away; now lives in the sky; will eat whoever enters his house]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 57:85).