Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32B. Moon Toad, A751.3. .

The lunar disk shows the figure or body print of a toad or frog, and the moon is associated with this animal.

Melpa, Solomon Islands, Ancient China, Chinese, Miao, Koreans, Nanai, Thompson, Lillouet, Sunpual, Okanagon, Kurdalen, Kalispel, Flethead, Comox, Puget Sound, Twana, Puyallup, lower chehalis, kowlitz, quinolt, tillamook, ne perse, clamate, modoc, arapaho, grovantre, crowe, hidatsa, mandan, yurok, karok, hoopa, shasta, yana, atsumawi, atsugevi, vintu, maidu, northern payut, gosiyut, kuna, varrau, kamayura, carazha.

Melanesia. Melpa [the man was hunting marsupials; his maternal uncle came; the man climbed a tree to get leaves, fell into an oven prepared for frying meat, and burned down; his uncle tried to cut the remaining piece of meat with a knife, but only pierced his stomach and died; old men, husband and wife, came up; when they saw the corpse, they were frightened, the husband hit his wife on the head with an ax; she turned into a toad, and her husband {ietl marsupial (some marsupial) and climbed a tree; every time an old man wants to visit his wife, he scrapes his face with hard leaves and it shines; he is the sun; and a woman runs out at night, her face bloody after being hit, she's the moon]: Vicedom 1977, No. 3:3; Solomon Islands [the moon is imagined as a toad]: Thurnwald 1912 (1): 315 in Krappe 1940:169.

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibet [Moon is the "golden frog"]: De Gubernatis 1872 (1): 376 in Krappe 1940 {page? - This is not the case in De Gubernatis}.

China - Korea. Ancient China [after I hit nine out of ten suns, the heavenly ruler became angry, left I on earth; And continues to fight monsters; And goes west, receives from Si-wanmu the potion of immortality; if two people drink, they will become immortal on earth, if one becomes a heavenly deity; Yi Chang'e's wife took one drug, flew to the moon, became a toad there (according to another version remained a woman); on stone reliefs and bricks of the Han era, Chang'e is depicted as a toad with a pestle in his hands, interpreting medicine; on the moon there is also a hare pushing the drug of immortality in a mortar, there is the cinnamon tree and Wu Gang; he wanted to become immortal, was exiled to the moon for his misdemeanors to cut down a cinnamon tree; he cuts down and it grows together again]: Yuan Ke 1987:154-159, 317 (note 94); burial in Mawangdui, prov. Hunan, Western Han, 168 BC, depicted on a painted silk banner placed face down on the lid of the inner coffin from Princess Dai's tomb [apparently cosmological diagram; at the top left is a moon sickle with a toad and a rabbit, at the top right is a tree (or rather a curly vine), among the leaves and flowers of which at the very top there is a large solar disk with the silhouette of a crow (with two paws) and below six more small discs]: Kravtsova 2004:250; Kryukov et al. 1983:257-259; Chekmarev 1998:147-148; Scott 1993:25; the Chinese [bake "moon cakes" during the Mid-Autumn Festival grayish in color made of wheat or rice flour with added sugar and spices; images of the Mistress of the Moon (Chan-e), toad, moon hare and "happy" hieroglyphs are printed on the surface]: Kravtsova 2003: 192; chuan miao [an egg rolled out of an abscess on the knee of a childless wife, and a smelly toad hatched from it; the woman's husband leads her toad son into the forest, offers to climb the tree to see if the mother is bringing lunch , knocks down a tree, hoping that the toad is dead; soon the son returns, dragging a tree with him; the father thinks to crush his son by putting seven feet on him, he drags everything; the Toad asks the mother to marry him her brother's daughter; he is forced to give it away, because Toad's crying fills the rice checks with water, and laughing makes them dry; when he goes to work in the fields, the Toad asks his wife to send the dog forward, then carry him lunch; the wife spies , sees a handsome man with a book and a lot of workers; he grabs his skin with a toad, throws him into the fire; the husband says he will die, tells him to cook him for a couple of 7 days, then he will become a frog; if not, bury it on the terrace, from where you can see everyone; wife and mother cook for 4 days, husband dies, is buried, turns into a tree in the moon; when babies cry, they are taken by the knee, they say that if you cry, a toad will come out]: Graham 1954:180- 181; Koreans [moon hare and toad depicted on the wall of a Koguryo tomb in the 6th century AD]: Kontsevich 1980b:565.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Medvedev 1992 [the girl has a son, the frog has a daughter; they went to the island for bird cherry; the frog took the boy and swam back, leaving its daughter and girlfriend on the island; the girl raises a frog's daughter, is starving on the island; the boy has grown up, crows shout to him that he took the frog as his mother; he asks the frog to boil water, puts its hands in the fire; the frog tries to avoid answering; says "someone else's child" aside, then says that she is talking about boots for her son to sew; her legs are crooked because she rode a lot on sledges when the boy's father took her for business; patterned belly - sewed by the fire, burned; her face was yellow - frostbitten against the Chinese metal earrings she was wearing; the young man came to the island, threw a piece of fat to a little frog, she brought it to the woman; she recognized her son; he kicked out the frog, but they left her daughter, she walks on the water; when she sees the moon, she wants to be there; now she can be seen there with buckets and a rocker arm]: 145-149; Sangi 1989 [girl lives alone, doing male and female work; keeps a frog at home, takes care of it; one day she returns wounded after fighting a bear; asks the frog to bring water to wash his wounds; she goes with a rocker arm to to the river, brings little; the third time he laments that he cannot help his sister; asks the moon to pick her up; the moon attracts her; a frog with a rocker arm is visible on the moon]: 248-249.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [The month is beautiful and clear; the Hare (Var.: Frog) is his younger sister; there are many star guests in the house; the month sends his sister to fetch water; she comes back, she has nowhere to sit; he invites her sit on his face, she does it; the month becomes dim, and a woman with buckets in her hands is visible on his face]: Teit 1898, No. XXXVI: 91-92; lillouette [three frog sisters come to the Month; he invites them sit by the fire; they refuse; invites him to sit on his leg; many parts of the body are listed sequentially and rejected; On his forehead? -Yes! ; they jump on the face for the Month, they can still be seen there]: Teit 1912b, No. 3:299; sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies like he didn't catch anything; sister finds it in his bed eggs, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him fishing on the shore; when he returns, he has already turned into resin; she puts it in the cradle is a piece of flint that broke off in the fire; this son is one-eyed (no explanation why); makes his brother out of a baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the Toad lets him into the sky urine, rain floods all the hearths except her; brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps around the younger one's neck, says she is his wife; she can't be ripped off; when she is burned with fire, her skin wrinkles; everything consistently trying to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane's day is too long (its head reaches the horizon in the west and its legs are still in the east); the one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, root brother - a month, a toad is visible on it]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; Okanagon [Coyote is Krotiha's husband, leaves for a long time; she falls in love first with a sun-heated stone, then with a white root; gives The eldest son is called Warmed Stone, the youngest is White Root; one is white and the other is red; the Coyote comes and trains his sons (they are called his sons); people are going to choose who will By the Sun; Coyote tries, spies on those who make love, detached; his sons do not want to leave the earth; The frog is in love with the youngest; causing rain, it extinguishes all hearths but his own; White Root comes to warm up, she jumps on his face; you can't tear it off; out of shame he becomes the Month; his brother becomes the Sun; if you kill a frog and put it against the sky, the Month and the Sun hide in the clouds, because . afraid that she will demand love from them]: Guie 1990:179-184; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 1 [woman goes to dig rhizomes every day (probably hogfennel, Peucedanum palustre, mustard plaster marsh); her mother looks after her son; he has grown up, asks about his father, the grandmother replies that he did not have a father; he threatens to kill her with a stick, she admits that his father is a mustard rhizome; young man The Chief Son-Root (SK) leaves, summons a monstrous fish out of the water, pulls its throat out, turns it into a boat; the Pest boy asks to take him with him, jumps in a boat, the UK turns it just into a pestle; sees a burning tree, comes up, there Grouse (Foolhen, Falcipennis canadensis) touches his burnt eyebrows; SK tells him to peck raw moss, no longer build a house or cook on fire; and before Black grouse collected moss under his wing, setting fire to a tree and rushing into the fire; the rabbit jumped into the boat, the UK killed him; the Otter (Fisher) demanded its prey, threatened to hit the water with its tail, sprayed the UK with its tail ; he killed her, threw her to the rabbit; comes to the house, there are many children, the hostess tells them that their father will soon return from hunting; the children see the Otter killed by the UK, he was their father; the UK revives him; enters the house where the walls of the awl; beret is large with patterns, the awls dig into it; he sets fire to the house, says that Shilla will no longer be cannibals, but will become awls for making moccasins; the same in the house where the Combs are; where Bubbles (they will now store tobacco in them); Kingfisher dives but the fish slips out; he washes the smell of fish into the bucket, cooks soup, he likes it; he makes Kingfisher claws and beaks so that the fish is easy to grab; he should not live in a house, but by the river, eat raw fish; the same with Osprey; by the river, a man with one leg is a spear; SK turns into salmon, harpoons, breaks off, carries tip; harpoons fish with it; Ostronog sharpens his tibia again; SK comes to him, says he has caught salmon with the tip stuck; Ostronog tries to cover his leg with a cloak; SK offers to play hoop and stick on capes, wins, Ostronog is forced to give his own, SK hits him on the leg with a stick, makes it normal, gives a moose horn, tells him to make moose horn tips from now on , not from their own bone; everyone goes out to meet the UK; the ugly Toad causes rain, enters the house; the UK is forced to enter her; he addresses her, naming varying degrees of kinship, and finally says "wife"; she jumps between his eyes; he can't take her off; the Coyote says he should choose the Sun and the Month; the Robin is too hot, the Coyote talks about everything she sees; the UK says it will be the Month, will go far to The toad was not so visible on his face; Toadstool's son is one-eyed, becomes a good Sun - he does not see everything so clearly and is not so hot; when the sun is less bright, he can see a one-eyed toadstool]: 57-63; Teit 1917e, No. 8-9 [The month-chief arranges a feast; his house is crowded, Toad has no place to sit; she leaves in anger, causes a downpour; all the lights go out, only her house is light and dry; everyone is going there; she jumps on the face of the Month and has been visible there since then; Robin is too hot; a one-eyed man becomes the sun; the Coyote is made a month, unravels everything he sees; then the old leader is made for a month; he arranges a party; his house is crowded, Toad has no place to sit; she leaves in anger, causes a downpour; all the lights go out, only her house is light and dry; everyone gathers there; she jumps on the face of the Month and seen there since then]: 123-124; Flethead [Skomeltem gave birth to a son Amotken, the creator of heaven and earth; the first people he created were evil, he destroyed them by a flood; he destroyed the second race sent from the sky was fire, the third by an epidemic; his mother asked him not to destroy the fourth; there was no sun; the Coyote was the first to try to be the sun, talked about everything he saw from above, he was dragged to the ground by the tail; The raven was black, gave little light; A. sent Spokani's own son to be the sun; people refused to give him a wife, he came to the frogs, volunteered alone to be his wife, jumped on his cheek; in the afternoon S. covers his face with a shining cape; at night he takes it off, is the Month; spots are a frog on his cheek]: Clark 1966:66-68; kalispel [played with the moon, others stole it; animal people choose who will become the Month; the Red Fox shines day and night, too hot; four Frogs lure two handsome men to them, making everything wet except their home; one jumps one on the face, the others dazzle the second in one eye; in shame they both rise to the sky; the Month has a frog on its face, the Sun is one-eyed]: Clark 1966:71-73; Comox [a frog is visible on the moon]: Barnett 1939, No. 1256:251; Puget Sound : Ballard 1929:68-80 [two sisters dig the roots of a fern, stay overnight on the prairie; one wants a white star as her husband, the other a red star; when they wake up, they are in the sky; the white star is an old man, red is young; husbands do not tell me to dig deep roots; the older sister is pregnant, the youngest is sitting by the smoke hole so as not to see her cry because she has an old husband; when the boy grew up, he dug a hole, from there the wind, the husbands immediately felt it, but the women managed to close the hole; weaved the rope and went down with the child; while everyone was swinging on the rope, and after the child an old toad woman looks, the boy was stolen by the salmon (this is the next Month); the mother found a rotten tree in the cradle, moistened the diaper, squeezed it out five times, a second boy appeared (the future Sun); the yellow woodpecker goes search for the Month, can not pass between the crushing rocks; the same another woodpecker, raven, osprey; the blue jay flew by; The month promised to come later; inserted a stick between the rocks so that the blue jay could slip through ago; A month married to a woman who is one of the salmon; his son does not want to let him go; Month: a new generation is coming and you (i.e. salmon) will be food; The month was first mistaken, telling the salmon to go down, only then told me to go up; meets people fighting; What are you doing? - We fight; he turned them into birds and stones; turned little slaves into snipes; fishermen and people in the swamp into two types of ducks; people on the beach into oysters; people know that the Month changes the nature of people they meet, they want it kill; others argue about day and night, some want light and darkness every day, bear wants day and night to last for a year; now the bear sleeps all winter; the deer makes the tip of a spear; Month: what are you doing? - I want to kill the Transformer; Month: If you're a deer, they'll eat you; Norka argues with the Month who is who; Norka could not change the Month, and he turned it into a stick; he's Mink again; The Month cut him - the current minks turned out; four women drag each other by the hair; - We train to pull onions; The month turned them into 4 types of edible plants; made a man on the lake a beaver; carrying salmon - otter; Wild Cat roasts salmon, fell asleep; He ate everything for a month, the leftovers are in his face, now it has stripes, he has become a cat; 5 brothers are playing: fire, fire! It's all on fire; the trail: here, my grandson! but the quiver of the Month is burnt; across the river, old man Echo; only repeats: bring a boat! The month has passed by itself, began to fight Echo; bird: take the Echo giblets that hang on the wall of the dugout; the Echo echoed; the blue heron uses its head as a hammer, because stones and sticks alive; The Month made them with stones and sticks, made the Heron of Herons; The month gathered everyone to determine who should shine during the day and who should shine at night; tried the yellow hammer, but there is little light; the raven, the coyote, woodpecker is dark; hummingbirds are better, but the day is very short; younger brother The sun offered to be the sun for the Month, but it is too hot, the water is boiling; the Sun has begun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the old toad woman is now visible at night on the disc of the Month; the rope on which they swayed was up to the sky; Month: you can climb; but the Rat gnawed it, the Month turned it into a rat; the rocks on the mountain were transformed people; the Indians were relatives Months], 79 [same]; twana [like puyallup]: Adamson 1934:374-378; Elmendorf 1961, No. 5:37; puyallup: Adamson 1934 [see motive A23; Blind Toad has five daughters, the average gives birth to Months; five sisters from the lower world kidnap him; his mother squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun Boy out of his urine; because he was crooked, he is a strabismus; the month comes back, rises to the sky; it gets hot, his eyes are too keen to shine during the day; the cross-eyed Sun becomes the sun; the Month decides to shine at night, takes its Toad Grandmother with it]: 356-360; Clark 1953 [starts like Adamson; Marries Frog's daughter for a month, because . only she can lift the bag with his possessions; A frog with a bag is visible on the moon]: 144-146; lower chehalis (hamptulip) [see motif A5; two sisters emerge from salmon caviar; kidnap a baby- Months; his mother and grandmother squeeze diapers, create a kidnapped brother out of his urine; he is scythe and crooked; they find out that there is a Chief with two wives; the abyss in front of his house opens and closes; only Blue Jay manages to fly over on the fifth attempt; the Chief promises Soyka to return; the Chief's children are fish; saying goodbye to their father, they cry, their faces remain distorted; the Chief promises to marry a girl who can approach without describing himself; only the Frog's daughter succeeds; the Chief asks her to correct his brother's face and body; both brothers rise to the sky; the Sun is too hot, changing places with the Month; the Frog is the wife of the Month, drives away ghosts attacking him; seen on the lunar disk, holding her bag of magic potions]: Adamson 1934:276-284; cowlitz [see motif A23; two sisters want a star to be husbands, fall on sky, go back on a rope; the eldest of the star has a boy; two girls kidnap him, replacing him with a rotten deck; sisters make a new baby from the cradle of the stolen one; he comes back, brings heavy a bag of beads; promises to marry a girl who can lift the bag; girls from different tribes are unable to lift; Titnepam (Frog?) picks up; out of shame, the young man turns into a month; his wife cries, jumps on his face (seen there with a bag?) ; brother follows him, becomes the sun]: Adamson 1934:269-271; quinalt [zap. Ronald E. Olson in 1926, not published before; Xwoni Xwoni made a fish trap, turned his crap into a man, left him guarded, told him to be called if chinook salmon came across; he called when trapped a driftwood swam; SHH killed him; in the same way he made a new watchman, who called when he caught salmon; SHSH kept the milk, they turned into two girls, he called them daughters; said he was dying, told leave the corpse on the platform, come later, their little brother will be there; the girls find this baby, bring it home, it grows rapidly; first the older sister, then the younger sister throw him on the floor at night, because he tries to have sex with them; they understand that it is SHH, they leave; they see people hitting fish with a spear; they call two young men who bring them to their house, take them as wives; brothers always throw one fish into the fire, they do not tell his wives to touch him; the sisters touch him; the fire is the brothers' mother, it turned out that the sisters poked her in the face with a stick, she died; the brothers said that they themselves are Harpoons; at night, the girls wake up, with not everyone husband, and harpoon; sisters go east, see a blind old woman rocking her daughter Fazaniha's baby; sisters replace the child with a piece of wood, run away; Phazanikha, carrying her mother, chases, abandons her mother, that turns into a lake waist-deep for girls; throws it again, but the old woman has little water left, she was Flood Lake; the baby grows up quickly, from the sisters' song he realizes that they kidnapped him, that his mother Pheasant, and father a log, sails downstream in a boat; all the girls in the village want him so much that they urinate; he is as bright as the sun; Blue Jay pointed to the ugly Frog Girl, who combed her hair decorated herself, came with a bucket and a box of property; she did not wet herself, but Blue Jay did it, said that the Frog had wet himself; the young man took the Frog into his boat, swam further down; a young man stood by the shore, swallowing lizards and everything that swims; says that his brother was stolen by the SHH girls; the brothers recognize each other; the frog took him by the leg, shook lizards and other rubbish out of him; the elder brother became the Sun, it's too hot, everything is burning; then it became the Month, married the Frog, she can be seen on the moon with her box and bucket; the youngest (coming from a piece of wood in the cradle) became the Sun]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:202-209; tillamook: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 38 [South Wind makes two daughters out of fish caviar; sailing with them in a boat, calls them wives; they jump out, run away, become Wild Women; they steal a baby from a blind grandmother; his mother cannot stop them; the boy grows up, they make him their husband; Ice comes for him; he turns his children into fish, goes after Ice; Ice secretly advises different girls to write when boarding the young man's boat, he rejects them; Ice's daughter also wet herself; only the Frog is tested; promises to cure his mother, blinded with tears, and his freak brother, created from urine squeezed out of the kidnapped person's diapers; the young man agrees to marry the Frog; the frog has cured his mother, revived the dead grandmother, shook out the frogs and lizards he had eaten from her husband's brother, making him handsome; At first, the young man became the Sun, his younger brother became the Month, but the Sun is too hot, the earth is suffering from the heat; then they changed, the elder brother became the Month], 42 [The Month has two wives; two frog women too get married to the Month; one is too fat, doesn't go through the door; the other crawls in, asks where to sit; doesn't want to sit in the corner, in the middle of the room (this is a place for "no one's" guests), at her feet; finally A month invites her to jump on his face; she sticks to his face; she gets ripped off with a knife (the origin of scars on frogs' skin); The month says that if a man doesn't like a woman, he doesn't owe her at all answer nothing]: 142-147, 150-151; Thompson, Egesdal 2008:31-36 [South Wind (SE) wanders, sees a sleeping boy, kicks him with his hand, she sticks; this is how both arms and legs, body stick; boy wakes up, turns into a strong man; demands that he say his name; on the fourth attempt, SE speaks correctly, Double-Edged Knife; he takes him to heaven, turns him into a slave; sends him to the lake, where his wives finally give him salmon; at night, instead of a lake, there are young women and men; the Frog swallows the moon, turns dark, then releases it; the Double-edged Knife says that those women cannibals; eventually brings SE back to earth], 42-48 [The South Wind (SE) stands, traps the fish, leaves its excrement to watch it; they shout "fish!" three times , but only a piece of wood is trapped; SE hits them; for the fourth time a female salmon is caught, SE has kept the caviar, he turns her into two girls, calls her daughters, sails with them in a boat, tells them to row, they send the boat one way and the other, SE exclaims why his wives are rowing so crooked; after that, the girls run away from him; Knot River has been winding ever since, and the salmon in them are small like the one he caught SE; girls replace a rotten piece of wood for a baby in the cradle, who is seasick by his blind grandmother while his mother collects roots; the mother of the kidnapped puts a lake, mountain, river in the way of the kidnappers, but they overcome obstacles; the mother was blind from tears, the grandmother died, became a lake; the mother turned the baby's urine-soaked litter into a new boy; he ate frogs, lizards, brothels, became ugly, without legs, fat as a balloon; kidnappers are known as Younger Wild Women; make the boy their husband; Ice comes, the young man agrees to go with him, turns his children, born to him, kidnappers, in sturgeon; their mothers decide to become fish; Ice invites a young man to marry someone who can enter his boat; but every girl who tries to do so urinates; only the Frog did not wet herself; says that she is ugly, but she will revive his grandmother, restore his mother's sight; she did so; she shook the filth out of his brother, made him beautiful; but he is very bright and hot, the earth is burning; his brother puts him on the sky, making the Sun, becomes the Month itself; the spots on it are his Frog Wife]; ne perse [The sun is too hot; he has two wives, one of them is a Frog, he does not love her; the Coyote convenes a council; the Frog asks her husband where to sit; in front of me; she jumps there without ripping her off; the cried Sun becomes the Month, and the former Month becomes the Sun; the Frog is visible in the Month]: Spinder 1917, no.16:195; Walker, Matthews 1998, No. 23:77; Klamath [The Frog is the Wife of the Month, seen on his disc, he carries it in his heart; when the Bear devours him during an eclipse, she revives it]: Gatschet 1890: xxxix; modoc [The month sends the Otter to marry one of the ten Frog Sisters living across the lake; Vequetas (the little green frog) is poor, others join it; the Month chooses her because only she will be able to revive it from any small piece when the Bear devours it; V. is now visible on the lunar disk; if the Sun is already rising and the Month is still visible in the west, the largemouth they devour it, but his wife revives it]: Curtin 1912:81-82.

Plains. The Sun marries an earthly girl, the Month chooses a Frog or a Toad (or vice versa); everyone likes the way the girl eats and does not like how the Toad/Frog eats; she jumps on her back for the Month and stays there. See motif A5, A40. Arapahoe: Dorsey 1903 [a toad on the moon disk is a pregnant woman at the same time; there is a stain from monthly secretions]: 177; Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 134 [A month hears one girl expressing the desire to marry him, and the other wants a bright star to be her husband; his brother Sun prefers the Frog because she does not wrinkle her eyes when she looks at him; the month turns into a porcupine, the girl follows him climbs a tree, goes to heaven, becomes the wife of the Month; the Sun brings the Frog; the Frog is going to get water, takes a vessel; The Month invites the wife and the Frog to compete who chews a piece better guts; the wife of the Month crunches pleasantly, the Frog cannot gnaw the gut, crunches with coals, black drools; she is offended, jumps on her chest for a month, she has been seen there since then with the water vessel; at the Month two wives, a woman and Bisonicha, each with a son; sons and wives quarrel; the Month warns the female wife not to dig deep holes by digging roots; she digs, makes a hole in the sky, sees her native village; weaves a rope of tendons, climbs down it; A month throws a stone, killing his wife, but the child falls and remains alive; sucks a dead mother's chest; grows up; a person notices traces, leaves a bow and arrow , the boy picks them up; the man has difficulty grabbing him, brings him to the parents of the deceased woman; the Month reproaches the Bisonikha Wife for what happened; she and her son leave; the Month follows them; every day the bison they kill one of them (one of the brothers of the wife of the Month) to feed their son-in-law; each time they collect bones in their skin, the bison comes to life; the Month peeks, piercing a hole in the tipi, sees the father-in-law hit the snag, a man jumps out of there, runs, Bisons kill him for food; A month secretly makes bows, goes to hit the snag himself; first a woman provocateur jumps out, the Month hits her, now her nose is injured, not lets them go back; people go out, the Month gives them bows; tells them to hunt buffalo and buffalo to become bison; father-in-law's hat will become head and spine, bird claws will become horns, hailstones will become eyes, round teeth elk - teeth, eagle feather - tongue, deer hooves - hooves, moon-shell - voice, wampum - larynx, water turtles - kidneys, navajo cape - intestines, bast - tendons, eagle feathers - shoulders, root aquatic plant - penis, foam on water - lungs, vine pod - heart]: 321-329; grovantre [Sun and Month are brothers; The Sun prefers Frogs because they do not squint when looking at it; Month prefers girls; becoming a porcupine, lures one of the two sisters to a tree, from there to heaven; the mother of the Sun and the Month wants to know which daughter-in-law crunches and champs more while chewing meat; wife of the Month wins with good teeth; The frog tries to nibble on the coals, black saliva flows, the Frog peed himself; the offended Sun throws it in the face of the Month, it sticks to it; the Sun takes the wife of the Month and a son born to her; a woman with a child descends from the sky on a rope; the rope is short, the Sun throws a stone at his wife; a woman falls, breaks, her son remains alive; ruins an old woman's garden; she catches a boy, he lives with her; kills women who turn into snakes; one crawls into his anus, kills him; the month sends a cold rain, driving out a snake; the young man and his mother come to life]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 21:90-94; Crowe [see motif J18; The month says the best girls are frogs, the Sun is hidatsa; three sisters see a porcupine in a tree, ask the youngest to get it; chasing a porcupine, the girl finds herself on in the sky, the Sun marries her; The month marries a frog; wives compete to see who eats better; The frog chews coals as if it were eating meat; the month throws it away, it jumps on his back and stays there]: Lowie 1918:52-57; hidatsa [The Sun and the Moon are brothers; The month marries a girl, the Sun is on the Toad; the woman eats thin chunks quietly, the Toad eats, chomping, fat; The month laughs at her, she jumps on his back. stays there]: Beckwith 1938:117-130; Lowie 1942:2; Mandan [The month wants a girl to marry, the Sun wants a Toad because she does not wrinkle her eyes when looking at him; The month turns into a porcupine, climbs a tree; the youngest of two girls goes after him, ends up in the sky; mother-in-law wants to know which daughter-in-law chews louder; Toad has no teeth, she can't chew meat, she chews coal; The month laughs at her, she jumps to him on the back, still visible]: Bowers 1950:200-201.

California. Yurok, Karok [frog on the moon]: Driver 1939:344; Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. F9 [The Sun is beautiful; Rattlesnake, Grizzly, Frog are wives of the Month, seen on his disc], V7 [ The sun throws his wife Frog into the fire; goes overseas to marry another; he feels sorry for the Frog, he returns to her]: 60-61, 277; Lang 1994 [The frog jumps from mountain to mountain until it gets to at home of the Month; she is the best wife of the Month, seen on his disc; Grizzly and Rattlesnake sit on the other side of his house]: 49-54; chupa [The Month has ten wives in the west and ten in the east; his wife is the Frog visible on his body; protects him from cougars and rattlesnakes that cause lunar eclipses]: Goddard 1904, No. 11:196; Yana [Marten throws the Month first, then his wife the Frog]: Sapir 1910, No. 13 : 235; achomavi [the Frog first swallowed the Month and then he swallowed it]: Voegelin 1942:236; atsugevi: Garth 1953 [dark spots on the moon are the Frog Woman swallowed by the Month; and when the moon eclipse, the Frog in turn swallows the Month]: 195; Voegelin 1942 [The month fought the Frog; first it swallowed it, then he swallows it, so you can see a frog in the middle of the moon; when the Month and the Frog they fight, the moon is flawed]: 236; to the screw [Frog weaving basket is visible on the moon]: Voegelin 1942:236; shasta, maidu [a frog is visible on the moon]: Voegelin 1942:145.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1932 (Surprise Valley) [no details; it is said that the moon has a coyote, a wolf, a frog, a rattlesnake]: 200; Powell 1971 [The nightjar calls animals to decide how to make the moon and how many months should it be in a year; Coyote suggests making the moon out of a pine tree, six months in a season; The frog wants to become the moon itself, says that the moon cannot be made from the inanimate; the Nightjar sends him to hunt, decides that the season will be three months old, sends the Frog to heaven; it becomes the moon, it can be seen on the lunar disk]: 220-221; Lowie 1924, No. 12 [people think there is a frog on the moon]: 234 ; gosiyute [a frog is visible on the moon]: Steward 1943b:353.

Honduras vs Panama. Kuna [Ipelele is the sun, Kuelopungai is Mother Toad, the moon; she is his wife and enemy, fighting him]: Reverte 1962:63, 77.

Guiana. Warrau [warrau see a frog on the moon]: Brett 1880:76

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [Frog Man Arutsam (or Minori) fools Jaguar and Serpent, walks away from them to the moon, plays the flute there]: Münzel 1973:185-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 : 190.

Araguaia. Karazha [spots on the moon are toads; no details]: Ehrenreich 1891:45.