Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32b1. Jumps on the face of the Month .43.46.

A woman sits (jumps) on the face (back) of a month-old man and is now visible in the silhouette of moonspots.

Thompson, lillouette, shuswap, colitz, okanagon, flathead, kalispel, tillamook, crowe, hidatsa, mandan, (grovantre).

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [The month is beautiful and clear; the Hare (Var.: Frog) is his younger sister; there are many star guests in the house; the month sends his sister to fetch water; she comes back, she has nowhere to sit; he invites her sit on his face, she does it; the month becomes dim, and a woman with buckets in her hands is visible on his face]: Teit 1898, No. XXXVI: 91-92; lillouette [three frog sisters come to the Month; he invites them sit by the fire; they refuse; invites him to sit on his leg; many parts of the body are listed sequentially and rejected; On his forehead? -Yes! ; they jump on the face of the Month, they can still be seen there]: Teit 1912b, No. 3:299; shuswap: Boas 1895, No. I.9 [The Month has two wives, Waela and Tsitaeka; V. has two children, but the Month loves childless C. more; V. asks four times where to go with her children; irritated Month: in front of me; she jumps in his eyes, she is still visible there; also in the month you can see a man, his legs and a bag behind his back]: 15 (= 2002:80); Teit 1909a, No. 5 [in winter The month often migrated; his wife Vala carried birch bark shovels and buckets to melt the snow; asks where to sleep; On my cheek ; V. jumps on his cheek, stays there; he turns into a month, does not shine brightly; a woman with buckets and a shovel is still visible]: 653; colitz [see K19B motif; two sisters want a star as husbands, they go to heaven, go back on a rope; the eldest of the star has a boy; the sisters' mother shakes him on a swing; two girls kidnap him, replacing him with a rotten deck; sisters make a new baby out of diapers stolen; he is brighter than his brother; Blue Jay finds the stolen goods, gets five girls from different tribes for it; the stolen young man returns, destroys monsters along the way; lice drag a man into the river; the young man gives him a comb (the origin of the combs); brings a heavy bag of beads; promises to marry a girl who can lift the bag; girls from different tribes are unable to lift; Titnepam ( A frog?) picks up; out of shame, the young man turns into a month; his wife cries, jumps on his face (seen there with a bag?) ; brother follows him, becomes the sun]: Adamson 1934:269-271; Okanagon [Coyote is Krotiha's husband, leaves for a long time; she falls in love first with a sun-heated stone, then with a white root; gives The eldest son is called Warmed Stone, the youngest is White Root; one is white and the other is red; Coyote comes and trains his sons (they are called his sons); people are going to choose who will be By the Sun; Coyote tries, spies on those who make love, detached; his sons do not want to leave the earth; The frog is in love with the youngest; causing rain, it extinguishes all hearths but his own; White Root comes to warm up, she jumps on his face; you can't tear it off; out of shame he becomes the Month; his brother becomes the Sun; if you kill a frog and put it against the sky, the Month and the Sun hide in the clouds, because . afraid that she will demand love from them]: Guie 1990:179-184; Flethead [Skomeltem gave birth to a son Amotken, the creator of heaven and earth; the first people he created were evil, he destroyed them by the flood; destroyed the second race by fire sent from heaven, the third by an epidemic; his mother asked him not to destroy the fourth; there was no sun; the Coyote was the first to try to be the sun, talked about everything he saw from above, he was pulled to the ground by the tail; the raven was black, gave little light; A. sent Spokani's own son to be the sun; people refused to give him a wife, he came to the frogs, alone volunteered to be his wife, jumped on his cheek; during the day S. covers his face with a shining cape; at night she takes it off, is the Month; spots are a frog on his cheek]: Clark 1966:66-68; kalispel [played with the moon, her others played stolen; animal people choose who will be the Month; the Red Fox shines day and night, too hot; four Frogs lure two handsome men, making everything wet except their home; one jumps one on the face, the others dazzle the other in one eye; in shame they both rise to heaven; the Month has a frog on its face, the Sun is one-eye]: Clark 1966:71-73; tillamook [The Month has two wives; two women- Frogs also come to marry the Month; one is too fat, does not climb through the door; the other crawls in, asks where to sit; does not want to be in the corner, in the middle of the room (this is a place for "no one's" guests), at her feet; Finally, the Month invites her to jump on his face; she sticks to his face; she gets ripped off with a knife (the origin of scars on frogs' skin); The month says that if a man doesn't like a woman, he shouldn't Nothing to answer to her at all]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 42:150-151.

Plains. Crowe [see motive J18; The month says the best girls are frogs, the Sun is hidatsa; three sisters see a porcupine in a tree, ask the youngest to get it; chasing a porcupine, a girl finds himself in the sky, the Sun marries her; The month marries a frog; wives compete to see who eats better; The frog chews coals as if eating meat; the month throws it away, it jumps on his back and stays there]: Lowie 1918:52-57; hidatsa [Sun and Month are brothers; Month marries girl, Sun on Toad; woman eats thin chunks quietly, Toad eats chomping, fat; Month laughs at her, she jumps to him on her back, stays there]: Beckwith 1938:117-130; Lowie 1942:2; mandan [The month wants a girl to be married, the Sun wants a Toad, because she does not wrinkle her eyes when looking at him; The month turns into a porcupine, climbs on tree; the youngest of two girls climbs after him, ends up in the sky; mother-in-law wants to know which daughter-in-law chews louder; Toad has no teeth, she can't chew meat, she chews coal; The month laughs at her, she jumps on his back, still visible]: Bowers 1950:200-201; (cf. grovantre [The Sun and the Month are brothers; the Sun prefers Frogs because they do not squint at it; the Month prefers girls; becoming a porcupine, it lures one of the two sisters to a tree, from there to sky; the mother of the Sun and the Month wants to know which daughter-in-law crunches and champs more while chewing meat; the wife of the Month wins with good teeth; The frog tries to nibble on the coals, black saliva flows, the Frog wet herself; the offended Sun throws her in the face of the Month, she sticks to it; the Sun takes the wife of the Month and her son; a woman with a child descends from heaven on a rope; the rope is short, The sun throws a stone at his wife; a woman falls, breaks, her son remains alive; she ruins an old woman's garden; she catches a boy, he lives with her; kills women who turn into snakes; one crawls into his anus, kills him; the month sends cold rain, banishing the snake; the young man and his mother come to life]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 21:90-94).