Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32D. Man on the moon, A751.

(.11.) .12.-.

The lunar disk shows the figure or body print of an anthropomorphic creature.

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. {Apparently Christian influence, even if it's not about Saturday, but about a local holiday}. Tsonga [a woman can be seen on the moon carrying a basket or bunch of brushwood]: Junod 1927:306; tswana [1) a man with an ax cutting wood on Saturday; he was placed on the moon as a reminder the rest; 2) a woman with a child collecting firewood while others were preparing for the ancestral party]: Clegg 1986:34; isubu [the woman went to cut on Sunday firewood; God punished it by placing it on the moon before Doomsday; drawing: a man on the moon chopping wood]: Keller 1903:60-61).

West Africa. Dagomba [on the moon you can see an old woman sitting on a bench; either an old man with a drum; or a rider with a spear in her hand]: Parrinder 1967:69.

Sudan - East Africa. Betsileo [the first man Andriambahomanana and his wife have many children; god Andriananahary decided that death is necessary; asked if people want to die like the moon or like a banana; the first man's companion Andriamahilala (this is the name of the first woman, but in this case it is a male character) chose to die like the moon; was sent to the moon, where it dies and is reborn every month; in the full moon is visible on the lunar disc; the first person chose a banana with children]: Abrahamsson 1951:121.

North Africa. The Berbers of southern Morocco (Aît Mzal) [the couple and baby went to the party; the baby stained their diapers, the mother wiped him with a piece of bread; the moon immediately pulled her towards her as punishment, now the moon can see a woman with a baby]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 5:10-11; Algerian Arabs (Tiaret Plateau) [the woman wiped the baby with a cake; for this God turned her into stone and then placed her on the moon as a reminder people]: Aceval 2005, No. 95:108; Tunisian Arabs [a woman baked tortillas, wiped her baby with a cake; for this, God hung her on the moon by her eyelashes so that people would respect bread]: Ayadi 2008, No. 83:186.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 751E [a man worked on Sunday (picking blackberries saying no one would see them); Jesus sent him to the moon (where he is now visible; sometimes explained this way moonspots]: 173; Correia 2018, No. 1 [a man cut down a thorny bush on Sunday; the Lord came and asked why he was doing this on a holy day; he replied that no one would see him; then the Lord put him on the moon, where this man is visible to everyone - with a burden of thorns behind his back]; Leite de Vasconcellos 1882b [1) north of Portugal: a man was harvesting firewood; God asked why he works on Sunday; man: no one will see that way; God placed him on the moon with a bunch of firewood for everyone to see (spots on the moon); 2) south of Portugal: same, but a woman is punished]: 297; Spaniards [a mower is visible on the moon, who told the moon he would be happy to dine with her]: Valriu 2015, No. 6:14; Aragon [an old man with a bunch of brushwood is visible on the moon]: González Sanz 1996:79; Basques: Barandiaran 1962b, No. 149 [the thief stole firewood, the owner cursed it so that it could not rest on the ground or in the air; it is visible on the moon and runs forever]: 13; Camarena, Chevallier 2003, No. 760E [a man was carrying stolen firewood; the moon came out ; he told her to hide (not to be noticed); the moon grabbed him and now he can be seen carrying a bunch of firewood]: 129; Leach 1949 [The month is a man carrying a bunch of brushwood; God condemned him to illuminate the world for that he collected firewood on Sunday]: 117; Valriu 2015, No. 5 [a man stole blackthorns for firewood and, because he did not want to be seen, told the moon that he did not need it; the moon drew him towards him and now he seen there with a bunch of brushwood]: 13; Sébillot 1904 [the man went for brushwood on Sunday; God (Jainco) punished him by turning him into the moon so that he could shine at night for the rest of time; he is visible on the moon with with his brushwood]: 12; Basques [Piarres lives on the moon, a peasant who insulted the north wind after it destroyed his harvest; P. always walks on the surface of the moon, making it rotate]: Zelikov 2016:63; Catalans: Amades 1930 [1) the moon shows the face of a man (usually Our Lady); 2) (Mallorca); a man stole coal; swore that if he is a thief, let the Moon take it; it turned out on the moon; 3) (Barcelona); man stole {figs? figures}, swore to the judge that he was not guilty, the Moon was a witness; the Moon took him; 4) the hunter exterminated hares and rabbits, they complained to God; the hunter promised God to refrain from hunting; during Worship services saw a hare, rushed after him; God placed him as punishment on the moon, he is seen there with a gun and a killed hare; 5) (Valiès); when his enemy returned to the city after dark, man set up a trap for him, he fell and crashed; at the trial he said that if guilty, let the Moon take him; found himself on the moon; 6) (ibid.); the greedy man tried to prevent him from passing through his land on the road; The moon took him; 7) (Valencia); you can see the witch's face on the moon; she said that if she's not guilty, let her be on the moon, the Moon took her]: 245-246; Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 751E (Mallorca included) [under cover at night, a man carried a bunch of stolen firewood; the moon took him as punishment and now he can be seen there {apparently like the Basques}]: 147-148; Italians (Trentino) [stupid Tonio envies Giovanni that cabbage is better; she goes to steal, the old woman asks what he is doing; the first time T. runs away, threatens the old woman the second time; she asks the moon to go down and pick him up; since then his face can be seen on the moon]: Kabakova 2006, No. 4:11-16; Italians: Dante in Grimm 1883 (2) [Cain is visible on the moon with a pile of thorns (thorns) on his pitchfork]: 719; Kabakova 2006, No. 3A (Tuscany) [Cain was jealous of Abel's wealth; tried it himself to work hard, but did not become rich; A. refused to share his property with him; the magician explained that the 7 obese cows and 7 skinny cows he saw in a dream were fat and skinny years; after seven obese years, K. killed A. with a knife with in order to seize his accumulated supplies; dressed up in his clothes, put prickly brushwood on his back, thought he would not be recognized; that magician called him Abel, but the bulls groaned that it was Cain; Cain came asking God to forgive him; God replied that Abel also loved not God, but magic, but did not do evil, so he was forgiven; and Brother Cain, who shed blood, would stand on the moon with a bunch of brushwood, thorns would become dig into the back], 4 (Trentino Alto Adige) [stupid Tonio envies Giovanni that he has better cabbage; goes to steal, the old woman asks what he is doing; the first time T. runs away, the second threatens the old woman ; she asks the moon to go down and pick him up; since then his face can be seen on the moon]: 6-9, 11-16; Sicilians [after killing Abel, Cain lived in a cave, filling everything around him with thorns so that predators would not attack; when he carried a bunch of thorns, God asked what he was doing; praised: That's right, for the thorns are holy, they will be made of my son's crown; when his hour of death came and Satan was waiting for him in hell as his first prey, K. came to God and reminded him of this incident; God decided to place him on the moon with bundles of thorns; let him be there for half a day and the other half in hell]: Pitré in Dähnhard 1907: 255; ladins: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 75 [on a cold night, the guy refused to shelter the woman; she wished him to be in the coldest place forever; now he stands on the moon with windowsill in hand]: 346; Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 101 [you can see a man milking a cow on the moon; he used to walk at night giving milk to other people's cows; one day there was a full moon and he was hers cursed; for this, the moon took him home]: 267.

Western Europe. The Irish: Muller 2006, No. 6 [a man can be seen on the moon carrying a bush behind his back; he cut it down on Sunday and for this God placed it on the moon], 7 [at night the poor man went to buy firewood to light it fire; found nothing else but a thorny bush that plugged a hole in the fence; he put it on his back and carried it home; the cows found a hole in the fence and ran away; the man wanted to place the bush on the place, but did not have time, was moved to the moon; so everyone knew that the one who stole from a neighbor would be punished], 8 [the absurd old man (vieil homme revêche) went to the spring to get water, pricked against a rose hip bush, with which the spring was covered; looking up to the sky, amazed by the beauty of the moon, wished to be there; the wish came true immediately]: 21, 22, 23; Scots [on the moon you can see a Jew gathering on Saturday brushwood]: Gregor 1891:482; Englishmen: Burn 1914 (Cambridgeshire) [When he returned from work, the man saw that his grandmother did not cook dinner for him; he gave her foot, she fell on the moon and can be seen there]: 364- 365; Krappe 1938 [the spinner girl was carried to the moon (John Byly, drama "La Femme de la Lune", 1597]: 120; Harley 1885 [12th century; the man on the moon brings them stolen goods (thorns)]: 27; William Sheakspeak, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1595), Act 5, Scene 1 [All that I have to say, is, to tell you that the lanthorn is the moon; I, the man in the moon; this thorn-bush, my thorn-bush; and this dog, my dog ("All, What I should say is just to explain to you that the lantern is the moon and I am the man on the moon; this thorn bush is my thorns and this dog is my dog"; trans. T.L. Shchepkina-Coopernicus, 1934)]; Welsh: Harley 1885 [in a Welsh church, there is an image of a man on the moon with a bunch of brushwood behind his shoulders]: 31-32; Trevelyan 1909 [a man went for brushwood in Sunday; in punishment, God placed him on the moon with a bunch of brushwood behind his back; some say he can see a dog at his feet]: 39; Bretons: Kabakova 1998, No. 16 [evil spirits gather by Saturdays, chanting, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Thursday, Friday! Only an outsider can say the names of Saturday and Sunday; one day a rag walked by, heard, shouted, then Saturday and Sunday; he was carried to the moon, where he stands, holding his bag with his back; he will be replaced by someone who repeats his words on the same day and hour], 19 [you can see voleur de landes avec fais de landes on the moon behind his back; he was summoned to court, he replied that if he stole, let the moon will swallow it; so it happened]: 30-31, 33-34: Kabakova 1998, No. 19 [voleur de landes avec fais de landes is visible on the moon behind his back; he was summoned to court, he replied that if he stole, let him swallow him his moon; and so it happened]: 33-34; Sébillot 1904 (Côtes-du-Nord) [Pierrot stole firewood from a neighbor and did not allow anyone to come warm by the fire; Jesus came up in the guise of an old man, then 12 in turn the apostles, P. refused everyone; after his death he was told that he did not deserve paradise, did not sin so seriously as to go to hell, and was warm enough in life to be purgatory; will now stand with his brushwood on the cold moon]: 14; French: Bosquet 1963 (Dauphine) [lazy Bazin, when his wife asked for firewood to cook, went and stole firewood prepared for the fire in Ivanov is night; the moon drew him towards him and he stayed there; now he is not Bazin the thief, but Bazin Moon]: 242-253; Joisten 2005 (Dauphin): 71 [a man can be seen on the moon holding a burning bunch of brushwood on his pitchfork], 355 [on the night of Ivan Kupala (Saint-Jean), a greedy man went to steal firewood prepared by others for fires, climbed the mountain, where the Moon swallowed him, he is now visible on it on the full moon when it is red) ], 496 [on the moon you can see Satan placed there so everyone can see, Judas], 504 [children are shown Satan with a pitchfork on the moon]; 2006:96 [a man with a bunch of brushwood is seen on the moon; he was so punished when he went to Sunday is not for mass, but in the forest], 157 [1) =p.96; 2) on the moon, a man with a bunch of stolen brushwood (paquet de buisson); 3) human face], 165 [on the moon a man with a bunch of brushwood]; Kabakova 1998, No. 17 ( Bigorre) [man worked on holidays; God offered him punishment to be placed on the moon, where there is ice, or in the sun, where it is hot; he chose the moon, seen there with a bunch of brushwood; at the end of the world he will be free] 18 (Bourbonnais) [God condemned the woman who washed on Easter to continue her work on the moon, and the man who repaired the wattle fence on Christmas in the sun; on the day of the battle between the Sun and the Moon (eclipse), they try switch places, but God doesn't let them do it], 20 (Jura) [Judas climbed to gouge out the moon's eye, but stuck to it to shame before the whole world]: 31-32, 32, 35; Krappe 1938 [most often on the moon you can see a man placed there as punishment for collecting barbed bars on Sunday to seal a hole in the wattle fence]: 119; Sébillot 1904:12 (Haute-Pyrenees) [God told man not to work on Sundays; and when he found him again he with a bunch of brushwood, offered to move him either to the hot sun or to the icy flax; he chose the moon; Poitou: the man worked on Sunday; God punished him by offering him a choice to be in the sun or on the moon; he first chose the sun, but it turned out to be hot and is now visible on the moon], 12 (Poitou) [the man worked on Sunday; God punished him by offering him the choice of being in the sun or on the moon; that I first chose the sun, but it turned out to be hot and can now be seen on the moon], 13 (Gascogne) [on Easter, a man went to harvest fences, God carried it to the moon], 13 (Auvergne) [on Sunday, man went to harvest bars, God carried it to the moon], 13 (Upper Brittany) [the man went to buy firewood for Easter and was carried to the moon], 13-14 (Vendée) [the man could not light the hearth on Saturday, became kindle on Sunday, transported to the moon with a bunch of brushwood], 15 (Perche, northern France) [a man with brushwood on the moon is the first thief to be edified there], 15 (Upper Brittany) [God came out to meet the person carrying the stolen firewood was offered the choice of being in the sun or on the moon; he chose the moon], 16 (Lower Normandy) [on Saturday night, a man dismantled someone else's fence to make his own; when he was carrying brushwood, the people he met accused him of stealing; he swore not, otherwise he would be on the moon; and he found himself], 18 (Lorraine) [barber Bazin went to steal cabbage from his neighbors; when he drove the car, it creaked; he wrote on it, thinking that the creak attracted the light of the moon; he was on the moon with the wheelbarrow], 19 (Ob, Lorraine) [Judas with brushwood is visible on the moon], 19 (Morvan, Burgundy) [ Judas can be seen on the moon with a basket of cabbage (which he apparently stole)], 22 (Moselle) [Michel Morin is visible on the moon with brushwood]; Chesnaye 1902 (Vendée) [instead of heating the stove on Saturday, the man decided do it on Sunday; now he is standing on the moon with a bunch of brushwood on his back and cannot light a fire in the oven]: 139; Walloons: 18-19 [a man named Pharaoh went to steal turnips from a neighbor at night; To prevent the moon from shining on him through the holes in the wattle fence, he picked up a pile of brushwood on his pitchfork and tried to cover it; God placed it on the moon], 20 [Belgian Luxembourg: on the moon, Cain hid behind a bush, but his ears, eyes, nose and mouth are visible; or he is doomed to roll the car; Liege: Cain is visible on the moon]; Flemish: Van den Berg 2000, No. 2 [father sent his son for fence poles; returning at night with heavy Burden, the son wanted the moon to take him away; he immediately found himself on the moon; the old woman said that he would not return home before he made a fence; he did, but the dog broke it; the same again; then the old woman said he would stay on the moon for the rest of his days], 3 [the mother sent her son to buy brushwood, and he cut green branches in the forest; the forester accused him of stealing; the young man said he had collected everything on earth, what if he he lies, then let him be on the moon; and he immediately found himself there; a man with a bunch of branches is visible on the moon], 4 [on Sunday, the woodcutter went into the forest, cut wood and carried it; said to the white-bearded man who came out to meet the white-bearded the old man, that is, God, that he does not care whether Sunday or Monday; God told him to stand with his bundle on the moon, where every day will be Monday for him]: 9-10, 10-12, 12-13; Dutch ( Limburg) [the man wanted to cover the moon with a pile of brushwood he raised on his pitchfork; he has no name, just "man on the moon"]: (?) 1908:8; Grimm 1883 (2) [a man with stolen vegetables is visible on the moon]: 718; northern friezes [at Christmas a man stole cabbage from a neighbor's garden, spotted and sent to the moon, where he can be seen from cabbage; every Christmas turns around; or he stole willow twigs]: Harley 1885:23; Germans (Rügen Island) [a thief stole coal on a dark night; when carrying a bag of coal, he grabbed it for a month and now he will stand on the moon for eternity, bent under the weight of a burden; or on the moon, the man who cut brushwood (Dornen)]: Haas 1903, No. 157:145-146; Germans: Grohmann 2015 (Germans in the Czech Republic) [male with with a sheaf on his back that he wanted to steal on Christmas Eve]: 51; Schönwerth 1858, No. 3 (Upper Palatinate) [the maid is loaded with work, forced to spin at night; A month tired of fighting with his wife By the sun, she took the girl to her place and now she is the Moon Spinner]: 59-60; Dähnhardt 1909 (Cologne) [Mary told little Jesus to take Joseph a basket of apples; he asked a Jew for help; the Jew refused - rather he will be on the moon to help; and immediately found himself on the moon]: 78 (=Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 7:18); Germans (Brandenburg) [there were ovens outside the village for drying fruits and vegetables; two thieves came steal what was dried; one: the moon is round, will betray us; the other: I'll cover it with a pile of peas while you get what's in the stove; this man immediately disappeared and has been seen on the moon with a pile of peas ever since]: Engelien , Lahn 1868, No. 61:95-96; Germans: Meier 1852b, No. 2 (Black Forest) [on Sunday, a man stole brushwood in the forest, carried him home; God met him, suggested that he choose his own punishment: stand in the sun or on the moon; the man replied that it is better to freeze on the moon than to burn in the sun; now he is visible on the moon with a bunch of brushwood behind his back; so that man does not freeze, God has set fire to firewood and it burns forever]: 230 (= Hubrich-Messow 2006, #57): 39; Grimm 1883 (2) [on Sunday, a broomstick craftsman made a broom (either a woman spun), or a man scattered manure or a man stole cabbage; now visible on moon with a bunch of twigs (woman with spindle), pitchfork, cabbage head]: 718; Krappe 1940 (Northern Germany) [man on the moon holding a jug]: 168; Schell 1896, No. 17 (North Rhine-Westphalia) [A man named Rastock can be seen on the moon because he was stealing beets and straw]: 199; Wolf 1929 [1) Westphalia: a child with a bucket of water is seen on the moon; 2) a thief stole two buckets of water at night; ran away from the pursuer, saw that it was his own shadow; scolded the moon that cast this shadow, splashed water into it; the moon took him along with the buckets; 3) Wardenburg: on the moon, a man with a head of cabbage cabbage behind his shoulders and a bucket of water in his hands; he did not like the moonlight, he wanted to put it out by pouring water on it; 4) Rantum, Sylt: a giant can be seen in the center of the moon; at high tide he leans down to scoop up water and pour it onto the ground; when he gets tired and straightened, scooped up water remains in his palms, low tide begins; 5) there are two men on the moon holding rocker arms with tubs of water]: 55-56 and Baring- Gould 1914:194 in Isis 1998:20-21; the Germans (Austria: Styria) [was a shoemaker with a burnt face mutilated; he went up to the moon, his face print remained on it, and the shoemaker came back and became beautiful]: Krainz 1880, No. 320:416.

Western Asia. Babylonia [(drawing on a Seleucid plaque from Uruk): Beaulier 1999 [image of a lunar disk showing a male Nabu character defeating a lion; there is also a text: "Tiamat is seen in the sun, Marduk is visible on the moon"; the forest in Babylonia is functionally similar to Tiamat and all the forces of chaos]: 92-94; Horowits et al. 2018 [depicts the lunar disk in the Taurus constellation; right-facing men in profile holds a lion's back leg with his left hand, he has a club in his right hand; there is a fragment of text that says that Marduk is inside the sun, and (his son) Nabu is inside the moon, the dagger is over the lion in his hand..]: 98-101, fig. 10 and 11.

Australia. Groot Islandt [A month without a wife, stole a woman with three children, they sat by the fire in the evening; they can be seen on the face of the moon under moon trees]: Waterman 1987, No. 62:25; Drysdale River Tribes [boy and girl were playing in the strong wind; clung to a tree; all three carried away to the moon]: Waterman 1987, No. 4480 (1): 120; the Forrest River tribes [the wind carried naughty children to the moon, they can be seen there now]: Kaberry 1935:435 (=Waterman 1987, No. 2280 (2): 120); (cf. Victoria, western districts [evil spirit The devil on the moon will take bad kids there]: Waterman 1987, No. 2280 (3): 120).

Melanesia. Varembori [a Bimbaio woman is sitting on the moon; the full moon is her head, the half moon is her boat; the evening star is her dog; speaking to the moon, people say: Bimbaio, give us all the good and the bad dog]: Moszkowski 1910:951; marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. [Geb was covered in sea acorns, ugly, women didn't want him, he used hollow bamboo; men began to rip off he had shells, a wound on the back of his head, and a banana (the origin of the banana variety) grew there; the men wanted to rape him, he ran across a palm tree to the moon, became beautiful; visible there]: 202-204; Mabu [on Western Torres Strait Islands, the Moon is a woman, young, pregnant, with a child depending on her phase; on the moon, you can see a woman holding a coconut, two breadtrees next to her]: Rivers 1912:225; Fr. Rogea (at the eastern tip of New Guinea) [you can see a man's face on the moon-two eyes, nose, mouth]: Seligmann 1910:649-650; Simbang (Cape King William; this is Papua trans-New Guinean philia) [Anu, who put a spear in the fire, and Gasi, trimmed smoothly and holding a dog at hand]: Hagen 1899:287; cotton wool (Melanesians west of Huon Gulf) [a man is visible on the moon; if in the evening he "bakes bananas", at night he "bakes wild tarot", in the clouds he "carries a mogus tree"]: Fischer 1963:98; sissano (West Sepik) [the parents agreed to eat the fish themselves and tell the children as if nothing was caught; the boy overheard, told his sister, and they left his parents for masalai (spirits); they turned them yellow to give light; the shadows on the moon are a boy with his sister]: Slone 2009:34; mono (Shortland Islands) [the children climbed the tree for fruit; an old woman came up, they threw her fruit, she ate until she died; they carved her vulva, gave it to the old man, who cooked and ate it; they they said that he ate his mother-in-law's vulva; the old man cut down a tree, the children moved to another one, so several times; the children asked Murila (the man on the moon) to lower their rope, they climbed it into heaven; the old man began to send different birds for children; one reached the sky, brought children, he ate them]: Wheeler 1926, No. 21:53; San Cristobal [an old woman can be seen weaving mats on the moon]: Coombe 1911:240; Florida [usually {it is not clear whether this refers to the northern New Hebrides, where Codrington mainly worked, or Solomon Islands} is seen on the moon as a man or a woman; in Florida it is a man Ngava; when the full moon rises, they scream, Here is Ngawa sitting! ]: Codrington 1891:348; Efate [the moon shows the faces of the woman Maui-Tikitiki and her grandchild]: Williamson 1933 (1): 107; Malekula [Tahar is connected to the moon, created the land and people to it the dead are coming; his figure is visible on the full moon on the lunar disk; every child born on earth comes here from the moon, is born when the moon passes over the mother's womb; the moon is a grandmother, she has children in the form unborn embryos; when the moon disappears every month, people are afraid that it will not revive, and when there is a new moon, they rejoice; the moonlight produces, Tahar conceives children; it is also connected to the sun, but indirectly, by association with light]: Firth 1967:210-213.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [1) this option also in Kubary 1973:45-46; Aremesej and his wife Atkutk decided to move to the moon; called her, climbed the moon from a cliff up to the snake's neck; they live there now, eating with the fruits of an orange tree growing on the moon; 2) while the husband was fishing, the wife invited the moon to pick up their child; when Luna came for the baby, the wife asked her to wait for her husband, now all three are on the moon]: Kubary, vol.1:58 in Frazer 1924:263; Marshall Islands (Ratik) [The Month has two wives; the one in the east takes care of him, he rises in the east in the form of a full moon; the one in the west is bad for him feeds, there it looks like a narrow sickle; the spots on the moon are an apron (fiber apron) under which a concubine girl is hidden]: Erdland 1914:311; Gilbert Islands: Koch 1966 (Tabiteuea Atoll) [two lived on the moon women, Nei Nibarara and Nei Matanoko; NN always weaved mats; NM was blind and evaporated palm juice in coconut vessels; once noticed that one of the vessels was empty; caught NN by the hand, who secretly took the juice; angry, drove her away and was left alone on the moon]: 32; Maude, Maude 1994, No. 5 [Heavenly Kirata's daughter climbed a tree, a branch broke, she fell from heaven to earth, became a wife Nautonga; they had Nei Matanoko; when she was five years old, her mother left telling her father not to expose the child to the sun; but the girl cried, her father put her in the sun, she calmed down, then became even more scream; her father takes her east, the octopus holds the boat, N. cuts off his tentacles; they pass the country of the big-eared Tabonoto; they swim to the sea wall; the Sun says it is too hot, the moon takes the girl; now Nei Matanoko is visible there, weaving mats]: 75-78; Koch 1966 (Nonouti Atoll) [Nautonga's daughter Matanoko cries all the time; N. takes 7 people with her, takes M. to the moon; warns not to talk to spirits inhabiting the islands; each time one of the teams responds to the spirits and becomes one of them himself; these are people with huge ears; legs; noses; arms; heads; lips; breasts; N. wants to leave M. on the sun, she says it's too hot; it's cold on the moon; but N. still threw his daughter on the moon and returned home]: 42; Pateman 1942:119 in Luomala 1964 [Nautonga's little daughter screams she wants the moon and the sun; he takes it to the edge of the sky, wants to give it to the Sun, but she screams that it is hot; then to the Moon; the girl screams that it is cold, but her father leaves her on the moon; since then Mrs. Matanoko can be seen on the moon]: 224; Nauru : Hambruch 1914 [=Permyakov 1970, № 138:337-339; the older, middle sister has her first period, parents give gifts; when the youngest Egig ("eucalyptus") is not given; she leaves, plants coconut walnut, a tree grows to the sky; in heaven comes to a blind old woman; E. drinks her palm wine; when she takes the second shell with wine, the old woman catches it; E. extracts midges, worms, ants from her eyes, she sees the light; hides from sons; Sun, Thunder come; third son Good Month; marries E., she is visible on the moon disk]: 435-436; DeRoBurt 1968-1976 [Eigigu woman has three daughters; older parents loved and pampered, and the youngest was oppressed {at the end of the story, the youngest is named Eigigu}; the youngest planted a walnut on the shore, a sprout made its way, she watered it and the tree grew to the sky; she named it Deigimadere; she climbed it; her mother and sisters asked her to come back, but she refused and went to heaven; saw a blind woman making syrup in coconut shells; counting out loud there are 10 of them; the girl stole one, drank syrup; when she reached for the second, the old woman caught her; first tickled her and then promised to eat it; said that she did not need a maid; it was another matter if the girl did it sighted; she uttered the magic word and the old woman's eyes opened; various flies and ants came out of there and the old woman saw the light; immediately fell in love with the girl; her son Thunder came first; the thunder was his voice, out of her eyes Lightning flew out; he smelled the man, but the old woman hid the girl until the Thunder fell asleep; the same with her second son, the Sun (he is terribly hot); the third, Month, is benevolent and pleasant; the girl chose him as her husband ; they can now be seen together in the night sky; Eigig is sitting in front of their house waving to her sisters and mother; she is a happy woman in the moon]; Banaba [when Nei Matonoko was five, her mother Nei Komake warned her husband Na Utonga not to leave her in the sun; NM cries continuously, calms down only when her father takes her out into the sun; then cries again; NC tells her husband to take her daughter to the Sun and Moon; helper spirit NU tells him to take his daughter to Nabenabe, who lives on the remote island; N. in turn turns to Te-anti-ma-aomata; T. tells NU to make a boat with 17 sails, lists what to take with him; NU with T. and her daughter sail east; NU cuts off the tentacles of an octopus that has grabbed the boat; they sail to an island of big-eared people, to two more islands; to Maiawa land, on which there is a wall limiting the sea, and There is no end of the earth to the north and south; there is a rock in the sea, on which the Sun rests from the east; the Sun ordered to give its granddaughter to the Moon, for the heat of the Sun will burn her; they swam to the rock where the Moon is resting; the Moon She took her and since then she has been sitting on the moon weaving mats; Well, T. went to see the sky; there people want to kill strangers; NU was told to climb a tree; his assistant spirit advised them to take a teslo; they NU killed a centipede living in the trunk; people were scared, NU quietly returned home]: Luomala 1973:265-266; (cf. Tokelau (Niutao Atoll) [Nautoka loved his little daughter Matanoko; she looked at the moon and demanded that her father take her there, start crying; N. took six people with him, told her that, when sailing to the next island, only one of the teams answered the questions of the islanders, because the answer himself would become a spirit; on the first island, people with huge legs, who answered himself became the same, he had to throw overboard; then people with huge ears; heads; hands; noses; coming to the moon, N. left M. there, but she complained that it was cold; N. left her in the sun - hot; again to the moon; now M. wants to go home and they're back]: Koch 1966:97-99); Tuvalu Islands: Luomala 1973 [Leaving a five-year-old girl, her mother tells her father not to show her the sun; the girl cries continuously, stops, when her father carries her out into the sun, then cries again; her father takes her to the eastern horizon, cuts off the tentacles of an octopus that grabs the boat on the way; the boat waits at the cliff on which the Sun comes in front of its traveling across the sky; The sun is too hot, advises going to the Month; The month takes a girl; since then she has been visible on it, weaving mats]: 265-266; Turner 1884:292 (Vaitupu) [little boy Terete always stops crying when the moon is shown to him; his father takes him to the moon, since then he has been visible there], 292 (Nanumea) [little boy Tapirinoko cries for the sun; his father took him to the rising the sun, but it was hot there, the boy wanted to go to the moon; it was cold on the moon, but the Moon convinced the boy to stay; he can now be seen there] in Luomala 1964:234; Nauru [at the older, middle sister the first period comes, parents give gifts; when the youngest Egig ("eucalyptus") is not given; she leaves, plants a coconut, the tree grows to the sky; in heaven she comes to a blind old woman; E. drinks her palm wine; when she takes the second shell with wine, the old woman catches it; E. extracts midges, worms, ants from her eyes, she sees the light; hides it from her sons; the Sun, Thunder come; the third son Good month; marries E., she is visible on the lunar disc]: Permyakov 1970, No. 138:337-339; (cf. Kapingamarangi [the new moon is kanaki ti pouri, which can be translated as "dark man"; was the moon supposed to be a human figure?] : Eilers 1934:143); Maori: Best 1982:281 [(zap. H. Beattie on the South Island); Rona married Hine-Aroaro-te-Pari ("Cliff Maid"); while he was fishing, Hoka descended from the sky, converged with H.; R. waited for him, killed him, cooked a certain part of his body, gave eat to his wife, said she ate; she chased him, he hid the children in the rocks, and he rose to heaven himself; now he can be seen on the moon with a calebasa lying in front of him; the children have become spirits living inside rocks; when someone screams, they repeat his words (echo)], 392-393 [at night Rona went to fetch water with a bunch of calebas (var: with one calebasa); the moon disappeared behind the cloud, R. began to scold her; the moon came down and dragged her towards her; R. grabbed the ngaio tree, it uprooted and is now also visible on the moon; because Rona insulted the moon, people now insult each other too; people were looking for Rona, she called them from the moon; this story was first recorded by Nicholas (1817, vol. 1:60-61); in his version, Ron is a man and did not give an explanation, but he did not know the language]; Dixon 1916:87-88 [Rona went to get water, became to scold the moon that it is dark; the moon came down to pick it up, R. grabbed the tree, it uprooted; R. is visible on the moon with the tree, the basket and the calebasa], 88 [Rona climbed to the moon for his wife; when the moon It decreases, he eats it, and then the moon eats it; both are reborn after swimming in "Tanya's living water" and fighting again]; Reed 1999, No. 16 [Rona lived with his wife and three children; wife went to their parents; children in the evening began to ask for water; R. took the calebasses, stumbled at the spring; began to scold the moon why it was not there; the moon grabbed it, he clung to a tree branch with his right hand, took both calabasses on his left hand; the moon took it, he now seen there with calebasses and wood]: 190-192 (Russian translation in Reed 1960:79-80); Westervelt 1910:167-170 in Isis 1998 [when Hina collected calebasa water, clouds covered the moon; H. stumbled, water spilled ; H. began to scold the moon; she grabbed it, H. grabbed the bush; on the full moon, H. is visible on the moon with a bush and a calebass in her hands]: 26; Samoa [Sina was tapa; the moon that rose seemed like a fruit to her] breadtree; she called her down for her child to bite off a piece; the furious Moon grabbed S. with her child, carried her away; on the full moon, S., her child's face, the board and the tapa mallet are visible on the moon]: Turner 1861:203 in Williamson 1933 (1): 100; Tonga [spots on the moon are compared to a woman leaning down a tapa]: Williamson 1933 (1): 102; Hawaii (Fr. Maui): Beckwith 1970:220-221 [Hina was doing tapas, she was tired, she took a calebass with her possessions, climbed the rainbow, headed for the sun first; it was hot there, she stayed on the moon, you can see her there Calebasa next to her], 241-242 [Ai-Kanaka is a worthy chief of Maui; "Hina Working on the Moon" or "Hina from Heaven" becomes his wife; they first have idiot children, then Puna, followed by Hema; Hina is tired of cleaning after her children, wiping them with a tap; on a full moon she jumps on the moon; her husband grabs her leg, her leg comes off; Hina (without a leg) is visible on the moon], 242 ["Hina, who eats on the moon" - wife Aikanaka; she found sweet potatoes on the moon; her husband cut off her leg, threw her to the moon where Hina lives]; Putilov 1990 [sources are not specified, apparently the national version; Hina has been tapa all her life, tired; climbed rainbow into the sky behind the clouds, it was hot, she slipped to the ground; in the evening, her husband returned from the spring with a calebasa, scolded H.; she rose to the moon along the lunar path; now visible there; nearby calebasa or tapa beater; clouds around the moon - made by Hina tapa]: 594-595; Mangaia (Southern Cook Islands) [Ina (corresponding to Hina, Sina) is the eldest of four daughters of Kui Blind; Marima (Month) came down, married her; the lunar disk shows her fixing the fire in the oven with mites from a split coconut branch; she makes a tapu (clouds), spreading it to dry in the sky and pressing it down with stones; from time to time she throws away these stones, then thunder hits; when she collects rolls of shiny tapa, lightning sparkles]: Gill 1876:46-56 (a brief retelling in Williamson 1933 (1): 102; in Dixon 1916:88); Pukapuka (Southern Cook Islands) [Yina woman is visible on the moon; if clearly visible, the weather will be good; {further from the manuscript}: Yina is seen on the moon, kneeling in front of the hearth; in one She has a stone with her hand that she is going to break a pandanus fruit to extract the core]: Beaglehole 1938:23; Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Tahiti: Beckwith 1970 [on the moon you can see a woman who makes a tapa; she watches from the moon those who travel in the night and those who make tapa for the gods; one night she stepped on the moon, so her name is Hina, who stepped on the moon; stepping on a banyan growing on the moon, she broke off a branch that sailed to Opoa and gave rise to a local tree there]: 221; Henry 1928 [{apparently only this is the original source}; Hina swam to the moon when it was low stepped on her and stayed; her boat was gone; the spots on the moon were the banyan tree from which H. rips off the bark to make tapas; the bright spot was a broken branch that fell to the ground and all the banyans were from it; with H. there Gorlinka, she brought fig seeds to earth]: 462-464; Williamson 1933 (1) [Tangaroa, Ra are identified with the Sun; Hina with the Moon; spots on the moon are a grove of trees in the shade of which H. teaches how to make tapas]: 98-99; Tuamotu: Williamson 1933 (1): 15 [Tiki's first man was born from sea sand or was born from sea pebbles; made his wife out of a pile of sand; their daughter Hina met her father, rose to shame the moon, you can see her face there], 102 [Hina is Tiki's daughter, lives on the moon, her face can be seen there]; Easter Island: Bartel 1974 [The moon is a woman; she shows an old woman holding two sticks for an earthen furnace]: 706; Fedorova 1978, No. 6.1 [Renga woman has a daughter Nuahine, she is in her first period, her mother brings her food to the cave; on the full moon she goes swimming, sees a young man; this is the Month, the brother of the Sun; she agrees to go beyond marry him; he takes her to the moon; she is immortal there, but old; spins the threads of people's fate; when he breaks the thread, a person dies; you can't look at the full moon]: 76-78.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tawang [the shepherd prayed every night and threw a spoonful of milk towards the moon; when he died, his spirit was on the moon and can be seen there; so the moon is not as bright as the sun]: Pandey 1999:132; drung (Yunnan) [two suns were shining, husband and wife; children die from the heat, plants dry; the hunter climbed the mountain, knocked down the man by the sun, the woman sun hid in horror; 9 days of darkness, everyone is afraid monsters and spirits; on the tenth morning it was a little dawn; the rooster began to scream, "Young lady, Sun, give me earrings"; the green earring fell from the sky; the rooster promised to scream three times in the morning, after which the sun should go out; the female sun is out; and the male sun has become a month, they have been taking turns since then; after death, the hunter was on the moon, his shadow is visible there]: Miller 1994:61-62; Bhutan [with parents Boded's daughter; they decided to leave, leaving her: the harvest on the plot is scarce and the Shinpo demons are around; they told B. to dry the grain, driving the birds away from it; the raven screams that the parents are leaving; B. rushed into the house, but they they have not yet left; the crow no longer listens; finally, he screams that her parents are gone; no one is at home, the girl climbed a peach tree to see if they can be seen on the road; someone asks to throw him a peach; she threw; "fell into the manure, go down, throw more"; same; "hand it in your hands"; D. held out a peach, shinpo grabbed {man} her, put it in a bag and took it to his house; there is an old hungry dog; whispers: if a little if you feed me, I will give you three words of wisdom; B. had food left with her, she fed the dog, who told her to take three bags of seeds out of her ear: they will come in handy when you run; Shinpo tells B. to grind rice every now and then say, "I'm here"; the louse promises to be responsible for her: let her take her out of her hair and leave her in a spit; when the saliva is dry, the louse died and stopped responding; Shinpo rushed in pursuit; B. threw pepper seeds trees, a forest of pepper trees grew; then pine seeds; bamboo seeds; shinpo is about to break through bamboo; the moon has risen; B. asks her to lower her iron chain, not a wool ladder; moon Acho La La each time he answers: wait, I'm still washing my face; making breakfast; eating breakfast; cleaning the dishes; looking for a chain; straightening it; the moon has lowered the chain, B. climbed; shinpo asks him to lower the chain; the moon answers the same as girl (I wash my face, etc.); lowered a wool ladder; when he climbed half, cut off the stairs; shinpo fell, fell deep into the ground; on the moon you can see a girl milking a moon cow]: Choden 1994:35-40.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the old man fed on threshing and peeling rice; his rabbit ate mikina; the old man dreams of having a girlfriend; the goddess of the moon in the form of an old woman went down to help him for the night was returning to heaven; when she found out who she was, the old man asked to take her and his rabbit to heaven; on the moon you can see an old man peeling rice and a rabbit eating chaff]: Aung 1957:95-97; bru [three brothers caught frogs; they hear them say that animals will soon gather to judge man; brothers let frogs go, the elder goes to a meeting with an old frog, hides in a hollow; animals accuse each other of that each of them is to blame for man; only frogs man destroys innocently; the frog promises that there will be a flood; animals run away; the frog tells the brothers to make a raft; water floods the fire brothers want to fry a crab, swim to the Sun's house; the eldest fell in love with the daughter of the Sun, baked a crab to black; now visible in the sun with a black crab in his hands; the raft descended on bare rocks; the older brother threw off a tree trunk with two termites and two earthworms from the sky; termites and worms turn wood into soil, brothers plant rice; younger brother learns magic, meets an old woman, turns it into beautiful; middle brother fell in love with the bride, took her on his younger brother's magic horse; contrary to warning, he galloped him, which caused the land to catch fire, formed mountains and the sea, a horse with riders jumped to the moon, can now be seen there; a pumpkin grew in the fire, brought one fruit; the ancestors of peoples came out of it; their skin is darker or lighter, depending on who was more covered with charcoal; some have hair caught fire, became curly; taoi, vankieu, ede, sedang, banar, viets came out; the younger brother became the Spirit of the Earth, told everyone where to live and what to do (vietu is the best land), ascended to heaven]: Nikulin 1976 : 186-195 (=Vietnamese tales 1992:174-182); Viets: Cadière 1908:250-251 [Chinese influence: you can see an old man on the moon tying marrying people with red threads], 251 [visible on the moon Cuội deceiver; children are sung that he is holding an ax to cut down a tree to make a boat; alternatively, he sits under a banyan; in some areas K. is associated with an echo]; Landes 1886, No. 45 [ the younger brother brought a tiger cub from the forest; the elder ordered it back; he returned it, the tiger cub died, he sees from the tree how the tigress revived the tiger cub with ficus leaves; he picked up leaves, picked up the dog's corpse in the river, revived it; planted a ficus, told his wife to water; people killed his wife, he revived her; the next time the killers hid the woman's insides, the husband replaced them with the dog's insides (so women have a doggy character); a dog he also revived her by making her insides out of clay; one day the wife forgot to water the ficus; when she saw her husband, she tried to irrigate the tree, writing next to him; the ficus began to rise to the sky; the husband tried to at least cut off a branch with immortality leaves, but the ax is stuck, the husband rose with the tree to the moon; this is Cuã; every year one leaf of this tree falls into the sea, swallowed by a dolphin; echo - you can hear K. chopping that tree]: 118-120; Schultz 1994, No. 4 [poor Cuoi picked up a tiger cub, accidentally killed it, climbed a tree in fear of a tigress; saw her bring banyan leaves, revived a tiger cub; K. collected leaves, on the way home he revived a dead dog; transplanted a banyan tree into his yard, told his mother not to throw garbage under it, not to pour garbage, otherwise the tree would fly to heaven; she continued to throw it away; the tree began to rise, K. clung to his roots, was carried to the moon; K. planted a banyan there, you can see him sitting under him]: 34-38; tyamas: Cabaton 1901:19 [goddess Pajå Yan revived the dead; god of heaven Po Jata moved her to the moon, from where she is unable to revive them as before, but gives people health; her face can be seen on the moon disk, her name means the moon], 19-20 [a woman killed snakes; saw their mother revived them with the leaves of the Ficus bengalensis tree; broke off a branch, planted them outside the house, told the children not to urinate on this tree; the children broke the ban; the mother saw the tree begin to rise into the air; she grabbed him and went up to the moon with a black dog, now they can be seen there]; Landes 1887, No. 15 [while working in the forest, people leave the shepherd to guard buffaloes; he kills the snake; sees the mother of the snake revives his son with the bark of a tree; the young man takes a supply of the same bark; revives the deceased girl, gets her as a wife; plants that tree, warns his wife not to relieve him, otherwise the tree will fly to heaven; wife broke the ban; the husband managed to grab his roots, flew to the moon with a tree and a black dog]: 105-107; Zyaray: Dournes 1977:123-124 [H'Bia went to the forest for firewood with other girls, her ax jammed, she promises to make the assistant a friend for help, if it is a woman, a husband if a man; a man appears, leads to herself; Mrs. Dame de Figier in the form of a bird warns of dangers, but B. only scolds her; the husband is actually an elephant, comes with his own, they devour B.; the husband invites the younger sister eaten by H'Lui? , supposedly, to keep an eye on their child; H'Lui? blesses the bird, it hides it, the elephants devour each other; Mrs. Ficusa tells the birds to take the girl to her (the paraphrase is cut off)], 158 [Mrs. Ficusa is now visible on the moon]; Thais [seen on the moon the man who pushes in a mortar]: Plenge 1976:122; lao [the blacksmith is hot in the forge, asked the sage to make him a stone on the mountain; a stone came, began to cut a stone, the blacksmith asked him to do it better his own stone cutter; tired of working, it's better to be the sun; it's hot in the sun, it's better to be the moon; it's even hotter from the sun's rays, it's better to become a blacksmith again; wise man: I'm tired of staying on the moon]: Fleeson 1899:37-38; tai lue Laos [an old woman under a tree can be seen on the moon breaking rice with her feet]: Yamada, personal report, 09/01/2011; bru [liar Tan says she climbed his field doe; everyone rushed to catch, there was no fallow deer, T. drove into the forest; T. monkeys: I will climb a tree, drop fruits, and you will cut off the trunk so that the fruits pile up along the slippery trunk; slippery monkeys cannot climb; T. eats ripe fruits, throws green ones to monkeys; T. ran across the river, shouted that the flood was beginning, advised the monkeys to tie stones to their backs; the monkeys went along the reed bridge, T. brought it down, they drowned; T. collected them, began to fry them; a tiger came, T. threw him a few monkeys; the tiger agrees to carry T. on his back if he catches monkeys; towards him boar; T. tells the tiger to hide; tells the boar that the tiger wants to attack him, so it's better to attack him himself; after the fight, the tiger killed the wild boar; T. suggests taking the tree to carry the carcass: he will take the top, and the tiger by the butt; thorns dug into the tiger's neck; by the river T. sends a tiger to fry a wild boar for fire, points to the setting sun - this is the fire in my grandmother's house; a day later the tiger returned - there is no wild boar; T. says he brought fire from his grandmother himself; instead of meat, he gave the tiger a pipe - the meat went rancid because of your scream; the next day T. invites the tiger to eat its ears, gave the boars; cut off the tiger's ears; he saw that T.'s ears are in place, chased him; T. fell into a hole; says that his ears have grown; that the sky is falling; pokes a stick in the tiger's ears, tells him to throw the turtle out of the hole - the sky will flatten it; then asks him to eat it here, just don't throw it away; the tiger threw burning guns into the pit, since then the tiger has been striped; he came to the village, lied again about the doe, climbed onto the roof; threw pepper into the audience's eyes, ran away; stood on the old woman's shoulders to get honey from the hollow for her; he eats everything himself; the old woman bent down; T. hung his head in the hollow; people set fire to the tree; T. went up to the moon with the tree, seen there]: Nikulin 1976: 212-220.

South Asia. Gujarati [an old woman is visible on the moon spinning her hair, and a goat nearby; if goat droppings fall to the ground, the dead will come to life]: Enthoven 1924:50; bhilas [a woman hanged on the moon is visible - mother Months; he quarreled with her, called her a witch, hung her; The month is called manui - maternal uncle]: Koppers 1948:282; Koppers, Jungblut 1976:215-216; hoodies [you can see an old woman spinning, or (common Hindu tradition) is a dhoti (tissue around the thighs that men wrap) that her husband threw into the moon after learning of her infidelity]: Fuchs 1950:286; lambadi (banjara) [spots on the moon: wood or an old woman who spins cotton under a banyan]: Vahia et al. 2019:56; Uttar Pradesh (Awadh) [children are taught to call the moon mámú (maternal uncle); dark spots are a spinning old woman with a spindle ]: Crook 1894:8; Muslim Bengalis (Sylhet) [a woman peels corn on the moon, a dog next to her]: Bhattacharya 1930:118; Hindu Bengalis (Sylhet) [an old woman with a spindle is visible on the moon]: Bhattacharya 1930:118.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [you can see a banyan tree on the moon, under it a humpback old man weaves a forest from his bast, where he is going to catch everyone on earth; the rat constantly gnaws on the rope and the hunchback cannot finish his work; if he finishes, the world will end]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:13; temuan (mantra) [ideas about spots on the moon are close to Malay; on the moon, the banyan, the old man Moyang-Bertang weaves rope loops under it catch people with them; mice gnaw through the rope]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:319; cubu: Schebesta 1925 [Kubu and Jacun (Aboriginal Malays) have the image of a "moon grandmother" spinning a thread to catch people]: 1129; 1928 [an old woman on the moon spins a thread to catch people on the ground with it; a white mouse constantly gnaws at the thread and she does not reach the ground]: 244; Mentawai [angry with his sister, Kombut settled on moon; from there she tries to hook people, but his wife prunes the forest every time]: Schefold 1988:73; bataki [Batara Guru created the sky, and his daughter Si Deak Paroudjar created the earth; she is on the moon , spins there]: Backer 1874:278; Bali [drawing {original material not specified} in connection with a retelling of the Balinese version of the myth of Rahu's attempt to drink amrita when Vishnu cut off Rahu's head and head began to swallow the sun and moon periodically; there is a head with a grinned mouth, palms extending away from it; four fingers are clenched and directed horizontally, the thumb is down; in the mouth, fangs in upper and lower jaws; teeth are visible only in the upper jaw; Kala Rahu uses them to hold the edge of the moon, shown as a disc, inside which is a woman with high hair and naked breasts sitting at a spinning wheel]: Covarrubias 1956:299; south Sulawesi (boogie or makassary) [the ruler of the heavenly state is predicted that when he has a daughter, she will destroy his country, because people with land; a daughter is born, grows up, the ruler hides her in a palace on the moon; the ruler of the earthly state sends an army to capture the girl, the heavenly state is destroyed, but the girls are not found; she lives on the moon with an old wet nurse; one day she thinks she sees a flower on the ground, comes down to get it, it's just sugarcane cake; the girl got her wings dirty and could not take off; climbed a tree and turned into an owl, screaming at the full moon ever since; the nurse is still waiting for her on the moon, she can be seen sitting there under a banyan]: Kratz 1973, No. 28:162-166; minahasa, toraja, boogie, tobelo, loda, Sangihe Islands (the retold text belongs to another group, no link; groups with similar texts are listed) [white cat drinks from a pot who served as a hunter for household needs; gives birth to a girl Nini-anteh; when she is seven years old, the hunter takes a wife; in his absence, she treats, does not feed the cat and N.; N. goes to the river, climbs to a tree, it grows almost to the moon, from there a staircase descends for it; now you can see it there behind a spinning wheel with a cat; the hunter followed him, the stairs were not lowered, he fell down, crashed]: Dixon 1916:238- 239; Java [on the moon you can see a birdsman sitting on a tree making snare]: Bastian in Krappe 1938:120; Athoni [Be Koae weaver sits on the moon under a banyan; it has two branches, one tied to one black pig, trying to escape, earthquakes happen]: Maaβ 1933:276; Timor [birdsmen weaving snare on the moon]: Frobenius 1904:353 in Krappe 1938:121; tetum [ Waiwiku: Fulan lorok man and Bili kiak woman live on the moon; Warianghin tree {apparently banyan} next to him, a horse is tied to him; Fatuaruin: an old woman on the moon, a Waringhin tree (apparently a banyan tree), two bamboo vessels and two deer; Lidak: a man, a dog, a deer, a banyan tree, a bamboo are visible on the moon; Silawan: a banyan, a man and a buffalo (Karbau) can be seen on the moon]: Vroklage 1962:137.

Taiwan - Philippines. Manobo [to end wars, the shaman told the warlike chief he could take him to the moon; they climbed the stairs, the chief went to bed; the shaman went down, cut off the stairs; when the chief turns and covers the moon, eclipses occur; when he stretches his legs, he beats off pieces of the moon - shooting stars]: Eugenio 1994, No. 67c: 133; Negrito [a man is visible on the moon weaving a snare catch an eclipse defiant spirit]: Garvan 1963:206.

China - Korea. Ancient China [after I hit nine out of ten suns, the heavenly ruler became angry, left I on earth; And continues to fight monsters; And goes west, receives from Si-wanmu the potion of immortality; if two people drink, they will become immortal on earth, if one becomes a heavenly deity; Yi Chang'e's wife took one drug, flew to the moon, became a toad there (according to another version remained a woman); there is also a hare on the moon that pushes the drug of immortality, cinnamon tree and Ugan into a mortar; he wanted to become immortal, was exiled to the moon to cut down cinnamon for his misdemeanors wood; cuts and it grows together again]: Yuan Ke 1987:154-159, 317 (note 94); Chinese [during the Mid-Autumn Festival bake grayish mooncakes from wheat or rice flour with adding sugar and spices; images of the Mistress of the Moon (Chan-e), a toad, a moon hare and "happy" hieroglyphs are printed on the surface]: Kravtsova 2003:192; Chinese (Hebei, wu. Funing, Mount Tuarshan Tourist Area, 2005) [Hou Yi ruled Yuqiong State; while spending time on military campaigns, he grew cold to Chan Ae's concubine; she became attached to two white rabbits; once they They bowed to her and ran out of the palace; Jang Ae followed them into a cave on the mountain, with a stone table and chair, a smoking stick on the table, and a pot for rubbing medicinal plants, the herbs themselves lay; an elderly gray-haired man fanned the hearth with a fan, eight flashes of fire burst out with every stroke; the rabbits began to eat medicinal herbs; the old man replied that the elixir was being cleansed in the hearth life; whoever eats it does not grow old and becomes a deity; Chan Ae took the rabbits and returned to the palace; Hou Yi returned victorious; learned that Laozi's teacher had created the elixir of life, he arrived at that cave and received the elixir; told Jang Ae to keep it; Jang Ae opened the box with an egg-sized pill in it; it gave a fragrance; Jang Ae licked it and the elixir was immediately in her stomach; her body became light; after learning about What happened, Hou Yi wanted to hack Jang Ae, but she let go of the bed she was holding on to and flew, two white rabbits behind her; Ho Yi shot, one of the rabbits covered Jang Ae, the arrow stuck in him the anus, the rabbit fell from the sky and turned into Mount Tuar ("Hare Ear"); Chan Ae flew into the Moon Palace; Hou Yi was about to shoot again, but Laozi's voice was heard: "You've lived your life camping, your burden of murder it's hard and you can't become a deity; and Jang Ae has lived a normal life, so she now lives in the Moon Palace"; Hou Yi repented and turned into a wild boar; there is a cave on the north side of Mount Tuarshan Hare anus, that's where Hou Yi's arrow hit]: Bai Gengsheng 2007b: 16-18; Chinese (Hebei, w. Funing, d. Lixinzhuang, 1984 from a 68-year-old peasant woman) [there was no moon or stars, there was impenetrable darkness at night; a girl named Luna (Yueliang) came to the village; found out how people suffer if the night fell in the mountains; I crossed the mountain and saw an elderly man; his hair gave off a silver light, his eyes were closed, and he lay unconscious under a big tree, a white rabbit jumped next to him; Yu gave the old man a drink, he sat down , took out a silver and blue brush and asked him to draw the thing that people need most; together with the rabbit he turned into a white glow and disappeared; Yu drew a circle emitting light; at night in a dream the old man told me to go west and hang the picture in heaven; Yu walked so long that he grew old; when she fainted, the white rabbit lifted it on his back, flew to the edge of the sky; Yu took out the picture; the wind picked up Yu along with the white rabbit and the painting and threw it into the sky; the earth lit up; Yu and the white rabbit settled in a house on the moon to protect {drawing}]: Bai Gengsheng 2007b: 8-9; the Chinese (Hebei, wu. Funing, d. Jiuxian, 2005) [Mount Tuershan resembles two bunny ears in profile, and there are always bright clouds above it; after Chang'e stole Houi's elixir of immortality, she flew to the Moon Palace, where she I often talked about the human world with the Jade Hare, who was preparing potions; the hare wanted to visit this world, and one day, taking a jade pestle with him, he slipped out of the palace; on the evangelical flew in clouds to the area south of Funing; remained by the clear waters of Yanghe, with fragrant grass and flowers along the banks; one day a turtle came out of the water; the hare came to knock on the shell with a pestle; this the turtle liked it: "Hey, sucker, can't you see grandpa's shell is itchy, come knock on it {more}!" Hare: "What kind of grandfather are you?" Turtle: "Millennial Prince, Eternal Turtle, I overestimated you by calling myself your grandfather"; at that moment, the pestle crushed the turtle's shell, its eyes almost came out of its orbits; the turtle realized that the hare - celestial, and asked for mercy; the hare removed the pestle, began to boast of the splendor of heaven; the turtle listened to how large the Heavenly River was, and decided to practice Taoism until, with the help of a hare, he was in waters of the Sky River"; offered to compete in running; if the hare wins, she will give him 3 gems; the hare laughed at the turtle and rushed like the wind; between Jiuxian and Xitaoyuan waited a turtle; then stuck the pestle in the ground and fell asleep; at which time Chang'e discovered that it had disappeared and told Wu Gang (he always cuts a tree on the moon) to go in search; flying over the place where the mountain is now Tuershan, he noticed a pestle, went down; pointed his finger at the sky and the spirit of the Jade Hare flew back to the moon, and his body turned into a mountain; in the sky, the hare found that he was not carrying a pistil, flew back; But Wu Gang had already cut off the head of the pistil with an ax; flew to heaven, and his body turned into stone, remaining next to the hare's pestle; the turtle crawled to the hare all this time to give him what he had promised treasures; she was hit by a spell that Wu Gang cast at a hare and it turned into a stone, and the three gems she carried also became ordinary stones]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 148-150; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Jinan) [in ancient times there was Emperor Houji (hieroglyphs differ from those that denote Zhou's ancestor, the Millet State - A.T.), and he had a concubine named Chang'e; Houji went with his with an army to the state of Xi Wanmu and suppressed the turmoil there: Mother Wangmu was very happy and gave him the elixir of immortality; when he returned, Houji handed the elixir to Chang'e for storage, and went to war in Donghai State ("East Sea"), and brought several young girls from there, whom he also made his concubines; Chang'e, seeing that she had lost his favor, took the elixir and set off in running; Houji sent his henchmen to return her within three days; one of these people was smart and told Houji that he saw Chang'e escape to the moon with his own eyes; Hou-ji believed it and did not try to bring it back; since then it is said that Chang'e escaped to the moon, although where she actually fled is unknown]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, no. 5:6; Chinese (Shandong, y. Linshu) [the moon shone brighter than the sun; it was nintagonal and octagonal, and when it came out, people's faces turned red because of the heat, and the crops dried up, it became impossible to live; a couple lived in one village hunters - his wife's name was Nie and her husband was Yala; Nie invited her husband to shoot the moon and advised her to climb to the top of the mountain in the morning to get to the moon; Yala shot at the moon all morning but could not. hit; but then the mountain split behind him, and a long-bearded old man appeared and said that an arrow from deer antlers from the Southern Mountains and a bowstring from the North Sea tiger's tail were needed; then the mountain closed again and the old man disappeared; his wife sent Yal to get these animals, but he replied that the animals were ancient and their skins were strong so that the arrow would not pierce them; we needed to weave a net; Nie offered to weave a net from her hair; a month later, the couple weaved a net, caught a tiger and a deer, and made an arrow and bowstring; Yala shot the moon again; the arrow cut off nine corners and eight faces from the moon, so that it became round, but her heat did not decrease; then Yala invited his wife to take a piece of silk, tie it to an arrow and thus cover the moon with it; Nie had just finished weaving a silk cloth depicting a Reevesia tree pubescens Mast.), a white hare and a herd of white sheep; Yala took him, tied him to an arrow, shot him and covered the moon with it; this is how a rivsia tree appeared on the moon, and under it a white hare and white rams; when the moon went up to the sky, Nie looked at her and suddenly flew there; Yala ran after her from the eastern mountains to the western mountains, but could not catch her and cried; Nie hung her hair and Yala climbed upstairs; from then Since the couple has been living happily ever after on the moon; Nie weaves, and Yala herds white hare and white sheep; people on earth do not suffer from the heat]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 6:6-7; Chinese (Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Gansu) [a man is sent to the moon as punishment; he cuts a cassia tree there, but as soon as he stops working, felling overgrows]: Eberhard 1937, No. 25:37; Chinese (Guangxi) [in one of versions the father kicked his daughter out of the house; she became rich; he is shamed and finds himself on the moon, where he is now visible]: Eberhard 1937, No. 193:249; the Chinese [Yue Lao stands on the moon, connecting with invisible silk marrying lace]: Harley 1885:33; Chinese (province not specified; by Minjian Wenxue, 1958, No. 9, Appendix, etiological legends, I) [cotton for making clothes and oil for There were no lamps; the brother goes to the elder on Mount Yunti to ask him to talk to the moon so that it shines brighter every night; the old man says that the moon should wash his face sometimes, instead turns the young man to a tung tree, from which oil is obtained; a sister goes to make cotton; their father comes, the old man gives him tung and cotton seeds so that people light lamps and make clothes; father boys and girls, a tung tree and a cotton bush were transferred by the fairy to the moon; on the moon you can see an old man weaving bamboo baskets]: Bystrov et al. 1962:236-240; Lahu (YuZ Yunnan) [orphan young man He grew corn, the wild boars ate it; he saw piglets, killed them with a truncheon, noticed their mother, climbed a tree; the boar pinched pieces of bark from the trunk, revived the piglets, took them away; the young man took the bark, revived them a dead girl, parents want to see him as a son-in-law; he asks to let him earn money first; revives people with bark; a lively rich man asks to sell a tree, the young man does not agree; then he killed the child poor man, the young man ran to the tree for bark, the rich man's men tried to grab him; but he could not be torn off the trunk, the trunk could not be cut; a storm hit, a tree with a young man rose into the sky, ended up on the moon; one day people weaved a ladder out of straw, sent a white rabbit to the moon for tree bark; but the god of heaven Esha destroyed the stairs; the rabbit stayed on the moon and is now pushing medicinal herbs in a mortar there]: Miller 1994:185 -189; fox: Assault 1990 [the old woman tells her daughter and daughter-in-law to sow jute, gives her daughter-in-law roasted seeds to punish later; the daughter tastes the seeds, asks them to change; without waiting for germination, leaves with the bear; brings her husband to his mother; she hits him with a club when he eats with pigs; the bear replies that it is good that his mother-in-law did not hit him in the nose; she hits the nose, the bear dies; daughter grieves, her mother leaves her to weave under a tree by the spring; the Sun, then the Moon comes to drink; the moon says that the bear's widow will be better off on the moon than on earth; she asks for permission to take a tree with her and spinning wheel; on the moon you can see a spinner under a tree]: 470-474 (=Zapadova 1977:149-153); Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [an orphan girl and her younger brother live with her grandmother; went to chase birds to the site; someone Mimics their words; grandmother does not believe, she goes by herself; she is not mimicked; children: tease to believe; now someone repeats her grandmother's words, the cannibal t'ishüma appears; invites grandmother to look in her head; she takes ticks out ticks from the cannibal's head; the cannibal ate her grandmother; the children saw it, ran home, locked themselves; the cannibal comes disguised as a grandmother; the girl repeatedly says that her grandmother has looks different; the cannibal consistently changes her teeth, cuts off her long breasts, etc., dresses; girl: grandmother came carrying a trough; cannibal with a trough; this time the boy said how to open door; pretending to be a grandmother, the cannibal sends the children for water, then for fuel; the girl brings dirty water, raw branches, the boy is clean, dry; at night the cannibal takes it to her place; ate it, crunches her bones, supposedly the crunch of magic beans that give immortality, which she chews; first the cannibal gives the girl beans, then her brother's finger; in the morning she asks where to relieve her need; the girl rejects everything places (her mother or father did something there); you have to go to the mountain, she will let a ball where the thread runs out, relieve her need; and then wind the ball back; the girl tied the thread to the tree, ran home , found her brother's guts, wrapped it in cloth, hid under the bridge; then climbed a tree; wet herself; the cannibal thought it was raining; the girl laughed; the cannibal: how did she climb? legs forward; the cannibal climbs; no: throw your legs around your neck; then: bring my father's spear, hot in the fire, I'll knock down the fruits for you; open your mouth wider; threw a spear, missed; bring my grandfather's spear with two points; the same; great-grandfather with three points; this spear fell into the mouth of the cannibal, she died; the flood began; the girl consistently asks for water from deer, dogs, hunters, bushes, knife, leaves, people who carry meat, flies; everyone refuses, is busy; the frog drinks for the promise to give it a needle, pierced its stomach, the water has poured out again; the same frog, but it has pierced its back; since then, frogs were stained behind; the girl got off the tree, began to pick up the remnants of yarn that the women had thrown, began to weave them; the moon came down to drink from the stream, she could not; girl: sideways; her grateful moon I took it along with the tree under which she was sitting; you can see how she weaves on the moon; if only half of the moon is visible, she drinks; people are mortal because they can no longer eat magic beans]: 409-426; miao: Vakhtin, Eats 1956 [Chief Zhang Laoyan sees an old man trying to cut down a maple; undertakes to do it for him; felling overgrows every night; the old man advises putting his head in the felling for the night; it grows into the trunk; CH tries to escape, finds himself on the moon with the maple tree; seen there, tries to escape; his sister cries, wanting him to die and not suffer; so the moon disappears every month]: 131-136; Schotter 1908 [you can see a woodcutter with a bunch of brushwood on the moon]: 421; 1911 [Tchang-kou-lao put a scarecrow in the field to show that there were many workers there, ate all the lunch his grandmother prepared for them himself; hid in a pile of grass prepared for pigs, my grandmother believed that the pile was large, brought it home with the grass; the grandmother said that she would die soon, asked to make a coffin; C. began to cut down the tree overnight the felling was overgrown; he lay down for the night with his head in the felling; it was overgrown; now he can be seen on the moon with a tree]: 327; meo (Vietnam) [parents send two daughters to find grooms; youngest chooses a hardworking guy, and he chooses her; the eldest also finds her husband; the father promises a magic box to one of the sons-in-law who works faster and better; the youngest's husband is ahead of the eldest husband in everything; he offers he goes down into the hole, dumps a boulder on him; the father sends a kite from the box, he finds the young man, the father revives him; the eldest husband is torn to pieces by a tiger; the older sister tells the younger husband that the youngest is drinking blood; smears her sore lips with blood; the husband believes the youngest rushes into the waterfall; the husband lives with the eldest, they are impoverished; two fish promise to show her husband his wife at the bottom; she says that she is marrying in heaven, will go to heaven, promises to throw off her husband's rope; the husband falls asleep, the older sister climbs a rope into heaven for the youngest; the Heavenly Lord throws a bridge to her husband so that he can go up to his wife; lets both go to the ground; the eldest is told to cut down a banyan tree on the moon; felling overgrows every night; the sister sticks to the banyan, now visible there]: Nikulin 1990:52-62.

The Balkans. Hungarians [in Romania: 1) a shepherd dries footcloths; 2) gypsy children; 3) in the Eastern Carpathians: Babba Mary, or the Moon is Babba Mary; 4) in Dunátil, Partium, Banat (German influence?) : the man is carrying something; 5) further west: St. Cecilia or St. Peter plays violin]: Zsigmond 2003:431-432; Bulgarians: Gura 2004 [a hanged gypsy is visible on the moon]: 151; Mladenova 2006:137 [(throughout northern and eastern Bulgaria); 1) girl with buckets on a rocker arm; 2) the girl went to the well to get water, spoke to the guy there; map 29], 263-264 [(text retelling; see also Gura 2006:261-262); the girl went to the well to get water, spoke to the sweetheart there; The moon was low, splashing water at her; she asked God to raise the moon; he picked it up, but with the girl, her buckets on the rocker arm and her boyfriend; (also many other texts)]; Gura 2010:38 [girl on the moon spinning a tow], 41 [Ivanova 1937, archive; reapers or a shepherd with a herd of sheep are visible on the moon]; (cf. Marinov 2003 (northwestern Bulgaria) [the childless Queen Domna asked the Sun for help, who brought her grass on the condition that if a girl is born, she gives it to him, and if a boy, she can keep it for herself; the girl born, Marinka, turned out to be beautiful; her mother forbade her to leave the house; one day, while her mother was in church, M. went out with buckets to get water, the Sun saw her, lowered her cradle, raised her to heaven; in the morning and in the evening, a cradle with M. is visible in the sun]: 28); Stoynev 2006 [1) two gypsies saw the Sun and the Moon making love, shaming the moon; the Moon's face darkened and shows the figures of a gypsy and a gypsy woman; 2) on Cain and Abel are visible to the moon]: 194; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004 (Orash) [stepmother tyranned stepdaughter; sent her to wash her black wool white; stepdaughter washed, cried, afraid to return home; Month took pity and picked her up; she is standing on the moon with two water buckets]: 47; Ortenzio 2008, No. 6 [God asked Cain why he killed Abel; he replied that he was not Abel's guardian; God hung Cain on the moon, so that he trembles like a leaf and look at all the crimes committed on the ground; he can be seen hanged there]: 20; Romanians [in the silhouette of moonspots, you can see a girl walking to the well with buckets on a rocker arm and the sheep shepherd who spoke to her (1 case)]: Mladenova 2006:137, 264, map 29; Müller 1857, No. 229 (Transylvania) [a thief is visible on the moon; when the moonlight illuminated him, he said that if he was guilty, let him be on the moon; the moon took him along with the thorny bush near which he stood; now he is visible there as a reminder to all thieves]: 177; Ancient Greece [the Orphics called the moon the "face of the Gorgon"; Plutarch also has an indication; the main sources regarding the Gorgon do not have this motive]: Zvnyaya Greece art: J.L. Metzler. schaft, Begonnen von George Wissowa. iegler 1912:1643; Slovenes , Croats [A month took a lazy worker or a girl who worked in the field at night]: Kuchta 1926:49 in Gura 2010:43; Slovenes: Kropej 2012:30 [the blacksmith trickster is visible on the moon Kurent, who inflates furs], 32 [a man carried manure to the field on Sunday and was placed on the moon for this]; Croats (Karlovac district) [blacksmith Vid apprenticed the oldest of the devils; student He was more skillful than he was; the blacksmith died, went to heaven, but was told to go to hell; when his disciple noticed him there, he told the hell to close the gates of hell; God ordered St. Petra throw a blacksmith on the moon for everyone to see]: Gura 2006:462; Croats (Slavonia) [you can see gypsies on the moon with mites, a hammer and a hard place; if he were not there, the moon would be as bright as the sun]: Krauss 1890:13; the Bosnians [when the mullah called to prayer from the minaret, the foreign blacksmith did not stop knocking and hitting him with a hammer; God took him to the moon for everyone to see; the gypsy who killed the peasant, who was fenced, he swings a hammer, under him an anvil and a scrap (Bosnian Kraina)]: Gura 2004:151, =2006:462; Serbs: Janković 1951:108 [Cain with a knife in his hand, lying to his left dead Abel; the same goes to other Slavs], 109 [1) the blacksmith died; not knowing what to do with him, God ordered him to be placed not in heaven or hell, but on the moon, where he constantly forges; 2) gypsies on the moon, he has a hammer and ticks, and Before that, the month was as clear as the sun; 3) the sky was low; the angel went down to drink water, got drunk from the devil's spring; the devil chased him, the angel jumped to the moon, the devil hit his foot with his hand; so there is a notch on the foot; God cursed the angel and left him for a month so that people could see him injured and not drink water from the devil's spring (translated in Gura 2006:467-468); 4) the girl spun on Saturday evening, the Month took her home, she can be seen there behind the spinning wheel]; Serbs: Janković 1951:108 [you can see Cain on the moon with a knife in his hand, and Abel lying dead next to him], 109 [on the moon you can see a girl who was spinning the day before Sundays; A month took her and now she is spinning there]; Bulgarians [a girl is spinning a tow on the moon]: Gura 2010:38; Greeks: Choha 2009:185 [on the moon, Cain, condemned to put in a basket of holes his brother's bones; his torment will end when the basket is full; he sees the bones fall out of the basket and begins to burn the fire; the fire of the moon burns him and makes him black (Athens)], 185-186 [ When he died, the king divided his kingdom between his sons Cain and Abel; gave Abel the islands and the property on the mainland to Cain; Cain was still jealous of his brother, killed him in the field; God was angry with the villain, the person who committed the first murder ordered that the place where the crime took place break off the ground and rise to heaven; this is the moon; Cain will be forgiven when he fills his brother with bones bottomless basket (Crete)], 186 [1) the shadow on the month is Cain; he killed his brother Abel and was cursed so that his face can be seen in the middle of the month; the man is said to be standing for a month (Naxos); 2) Cain killed his brother; running away, he jumped on his horse and disappeared; now a horseman on a horse (Naxos) is visible for a month; 3) Cain and Abel are standing in the middle of the moon, constantly arguing with each other (Bithynia); 4) because two brothers quarreled , the father cursed them to go for a month, now you can see (Naxos); 5) the shadow on the month: the Virgin is sitting and holding little Christ (Naxos)], 187 (Karpathos) [1) at night the old man and the old woman were returning from forests filled with brushwood; the month was full; when they reached the well, they stopped to take a break and get water to drink; as soon as the old man lowered the bucket into the well, a cloud ran up for a month; instead To wait for the cloud to go away, the old man and the old woman raised both hands, spreading their fingers in an indecent gesture, insulting the month; a month pulled them upstairs with his hook; now in the middle of the month you can see these two with bundles of brushwood behind their shoulders; 2) a man was walking out of the forest with a donkey loaded with brushwood; the month was shining badly, the old man called him and, raising his hand with his fingers spread out, showed an offensive gesture; a month lowered his hook, pulled the old man upstairs; now in a month you can see an old man with an ax cutting brushwood, and with him a loaded donkey; 3) one person cut reeds or pine trees in the forest, a month he did not shine well, the old man gave him a bad gesture, pulled him upstairs with his hook for a month]; Gagauz people [spots on the moon - Cain fights Abel]: Moshkov 1901:55 (=2004:257).

Central Europe. See also A32d1 (Cain and Abel). Poles: Azim-zade 1979 ["Baba knocks oil" - spots on the moon]: 78; Laurinkene 2002 [Warlock Tvardovsky sits for the Month (sometimes hanged in the Month before Doomsday) or is put on a pitchfork with a devil]: 379; Poles [a person worked on Sunday, was punished by sending for a Month]: Laurinkene 2002:376; Poles (Mazury, Polish Warmia, Bydgoszcz, northern Wielkopolska [who worked on the moon in a peasant carrying brushwood or firewood on his back; a peasant hanged by the devil on a pitchfork for shaking straw with it for Christmas]: Gora 2004:151; Poles [the wizard Twardowski is visible on the moon ]: Woycicki 1920:51; Polish-German borderland [a thief on the moon with an armful of pea straw with which he covered the moon that prevented him from stealing]: Gura 2004:151; Poles, Czechs ( Moravia) [Sibilla (Sibilla, Sibelija) sits on the moon and makes a shirt; she makes one stitch every day; when she finishes sewing, doomsday will come]: Kuchta 1926:46 in Gura 2004:151 (=Gura 2006:464, =Gura 2010 : 38); Poles: Gora 2006 [1) St. George plays the violin or lute on the moon; he was interested in seeing what thunder (piorun) looked like; Christ let him look at the thunderous ear, the light of which was so bright that George fear jumped so high that he hit the moon and stayed there]; 2) on the moon, a peasant with a shovel or pitchfork with which he threw manure on Sunday, either just his head or this peasant, whom the Devil hung on a pitchfork (the same for the Luzhitans)]: 466-467; the Poles (Jacmierz and Posad of Sianock County) [Saint Jerzy wondered what exactly was rattling, went to a high mountain, and when it thundered, escaped from fear to the moon, where he still resides today; evidence of this is the eyes and nose that can be seen on the moon]: Magierowski 1896:146; Kashubas [an angel or archangel is visible on the moon]: Gura 2004:152 ; Czechs: Gura 2004:151, =2006:463 [In the Month there is a man with an armful of brushwood or a thief going out on a moonlit night to steal peas], 466 [King David plays violin or harp on the moon]; Grohmann 2015 [{lots of data, not all entered now}; on the moon King David plays violin or harp; David with a bunch of peas]: 49-50; Grohmann 2010 (Moravia) [on the moon, King David plays harp or harp; there a man with a sheaf behind his back that he tried to steal for Easter]: 44; Slovaks [David is seen in the month asking God for his mother, who was in the heat; a rope was lowered from heaven; she grabbed But others grabbed her, she pushed them away and fell back into the hell; because of this, David will play the harp for a month until doomsday]: Gura 2006:467; Luzhitans: Gura 2006:463 [=2004: 151; a woman stands on the moon with a basket of stolen eggs on her back], 467 [there is a musician on the moon playing in honor of God, the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit to save those condemned to hell parents; he is wearing gloves, jacket, pants and stockings made of elderberry, alder, birch and rakit bast]; Gura 2010 [1) by Afanasiev 1994:275; Kuchta 1926:46;? [a woman spins a thread on the moon; in August she falls to the ground with a web; 2) on the moon, a peasant with a shovel or pitchfork he used to throw manure on Sunday, either just his head or this peasant , whom the Devil hung on a pitchfork (same for the Poles)]: 38; Schulenburg 1880 (Spreewald) [One person scattered manure on Sunday. Then a little man came to him and said, "Why are you throwing manure on Sunday," and asked him whether he wanted to go to the sun or the moon? The man thought about it and thought it would be too hot in the sun and wished him better to go to the moon. Then they both left. This is how he arrived at the moon, and the moon has had a face ever since. There you can clearly see a man leaning on a pitchfork as he scattered manure. The man's wife went to the Sun, where she burned down and can no longer be seen]: 58; Upper Lusatia (German-speaking group) [a woman stands in the sun with a basket behind her back, eggs she stole in a basket; She had been standing on the moon before, but it was very cold; then they switched to a man who is now standing in the sun because he was throwing manure on a holiday; they were husband and wife]: Gura 2006: 463; Ukrainians: Gura 2004 (Kiev) [on the moon Cain, who stabbed Brother Abel with a pitchfork when he put sheaves on the cart]: 152; Gura 2006 (Volyn) [a girl with a rocker arm is visible on the moon]: 461, 262; Kravchenko 1920 (Volyn) ["Brother stabbed my brother with a pitchfork?} and keeps it for a month"]: 2; Moshkov 1901 [spots on the moon - Cain fights against Abel]; Novitsky 1912:161 [Yekaterinoslavskaya, Mariupol district; older brother Cavel stabbed younger Wawel with a pitchfork, wanted to hide it; God told him to keep his body on a pitchfork forever, put it on the moon for everyone to see], 162-162 [Poltavskaya; on Easter, even cattle are forbidden to eat until dawn; a man in the dark went to give hay to oxen, slept under the hay his brother, he accidentally stabbed him with a pitchfork; in order for people to repent for such a sin, God placed a murderer with his body on a pitchfork on the moon]; Fedorov 1903 (Voronezhskaya, Zemlyansky u., pp. Edovishche, Latanoe, Shumeiki) [dark spots on the moon - the struggle of two brothers - Adam's sons, one stabs the other with a pitchfork]: 258; Chubinsky 1872 (Kholmskaya Gubernia, Grubeshovsky Uyezd; also "Kholmskaya Rus" in general; Volyn Gubernia, Litinsky, Lutsk, Novograd-Volynsky Counties) [Cain keeps Abel on a pitchfork on the moon]: 7-9; Petrushevich 1866 [spots on the moon depict God feeding people with ready-made bread]: 8; Rulikowski 1853 ( Vasilkovsky u. (Kiev governorate) [In spots on the surface of the moon on a full moon, people see a person who should keep another person hanging on a pitchfork in the air, and interpret it in such a way that a long time ago a brother punched his brother with a pitchfork, and that the murderer was told by God to stay forever in that position on the moon]: 173-174; Belarusians: Avilin 2011:175-179 [the moon shows the elder brother and the younger brother he killed (several options for why it happened murder)], 180 (Vitebsk, Minsk) [an older brother is visible on the moon, killing the younger brother and holding a bucket of his blood in his hands], 180-181 (northwest, closer to Lithuania and Poland) [a warlock is visible on the moon Tvardovsky (until doomsday; raised with a pitchfork; Judas and nearby Tvardovsky)], 182 [on the moon Tvardovsky with a pitchfork; he killed his brother, and the blood that spread was moonspots], 182 [spots on the month are his face], 183 [three (lost) brothers are visible in the month], 183 [Lukerya told the boy that she would marry him if he brought a deer out of the forest; the boy went into the forest, saw a deer, and at the same moment wolves saw the deer; the deer decided that it would be better for the wolves to eat it than the guy would take Lukerya; ran, picked up Lukerya and jumped with her to the moon; since then, wolves have been howling at the moon]; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [no information , but taking into account data from all adjacent territories, the interpretation of moon spots in the form of anthropomorphic images is beyond doubt]; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pechora Uyezd) [watch the month It is impossible for long, because it attracts; a boy and a girl were walking on the water and looking at the month; suddenly the bright rays began to descend from the sky and pulled them with their trunks to the moon (A. F. Ludnikova. Legends recorded in p. Oxino Pechorsky u. Arkhangelsk governorate Russian Geographical Society Archive, f.1, op. 1, No. 130. 4 l. (1923)]: Gura 2006:462; Russians: (Arkhangelskaya): Efimenko 1984:171 [the moon depicts a picture of Cain's murder of Abel], 185 (Shengur Uyezd) [they live on the moon Cain and Abel since Cain killed Abel]; Russians (North) [a girl with buckets is visible on the moon]: L. Lavrentieva, personal report 2003; Russians (Pskov and Estonian borderlands) [1) two brothers in a month, with a lot of grain between them; one was poor with children, and the other was single and rich; when they began to share grain, the rich wants to give the poor his share, and he argues he does not want to take it; 2) there are dark spots on the moon - this poor woman went to the bathhouse with the guys; she was offended, took a month; there are two spots - a woman with with a broom]: Avilin 2019:43; Russians (Novgorod) [two people are visible on the moon counting money]: S.A. Shtyrkov, Polev. Mat., 2004; Russians (Vladimirskaya) [you can see on the moon two people and a tub who are associated with the biblical story about Cain]: Firsov, Kiseleva 1993:118; Russians (Vyatka Gubernia) [a woman with buckets on the moon; an orphan girl rose to the moon on an iron chain on "terrible" evenings]: Belova 2004a, No. 1305:521; Russians (Vladimirskaya) [from S.N. Polisadov's manuscript "The village of Shimorskoye Melenkovsky Uyezd": on the moon they see how "Cain Abel, killed on his shoulders, drags from the moon into the sea"]: Zelenin 1914, No. 67:186; Russians (Tula) [two siblings are visible in a month; two in a month blacksmiths were forging stars for the sky; there was a time, a month was descending to earth, star chickens were pecking]: Kolchin 1899:7; Russians [Cain and Abel are visible on the moon]: Neustupov 1902:118; Russians [on the moon Cain kills Abel with a hammer or rocker arm, or carries killed Abel on his back (Vologodskaya), cuts him with an ax or fights him (Arkhangelskaya), drags him on her shoulders from the moon into the sea (Vladimirskaya)]: Gura 2004:152; Russians: Dubrovina 2012 (Tambov) [When Cain killed Abel, God made spots on the moon that they looked like a person to remind Cain of sin; Abel and Cavel are two brothers arguing, and an angel separates them]: 85; Russians [Orlovskaya: when Cain killed Abel and looked at the moon, his terrible face reflected on it; Tula: the moon is the head of Cain worn by Abel; A. is righteous and therefore visible and K. is unrighteous and not visible]: Holy 1913:22.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Japua 2003 [(=2004:142); Brother Sasirkua drowned his herd in a lake (S. is tired of persecuting his sart brothers); or after the water source was freed from the monster, residents as a sign of gratitude, they want his image, together with a horse, dog and herd, to be reflected on the moon; S. rushes into the lake in fury, finds himself on the moon; or S. put on a burka, took the staff, drove the herd in front of him, found himself on the moon; sometimes, instead of the moon, S. enters the habitat of the Gods]: 90-91; A. Joakimov in Anshba 1975 [Sasharkva's sack had a stupid brother, whom the hero instructed to guard his herd; one day he passed by the lake and drowned his herd in it; S. rushed into the lake in despair and fell on the moon, which was on the other side of the earth at that time; here he found his herd and still grazes it (dark spots)]: 73; Inal-ipa 1977 [on the moon you can see a Nart cow shepherd with his legs wrapped around his legs felt footcloths and a wooden milking bucket]: 36; Salakaya 1976 [as in Inal-Ipa]: 186; Chursin 1956 [=2019:195; Sasrinkva instructed his stupid brother to herd the herd, and he drowned him in the lake; S. in desperately, he rushed into the lake, fell on the moon, which was on the other side of the earth at that time; there he found his herd, still grazing it on the moon]: 149; Adygs [spots on the moon are a flock of sheep or" a little shepherd of a flock of sheep", seen with a staff and a dog]: Meretukov 1980:173; Karachays: Aliyeva 1994, No. 115 [Malicious Gilyakhsyrtan kills Jönger; his brother Turtu sits on a ZG horse, tells take him to his wife and children of the ZG; the horse drives up to the mound, tells him to open, inside the room where the ZG family is located; T. killed and cooked his wife and children of the ZG; he comes and sees his wife and children in the cauldron; he himself, his short dog and horse fly to the sky; since then they have been seen on the moon]: 531-534; Dzhurtubayev 2007 [(E. Baranov 1912); Cain killed Abel because of a girl; seen on the moon with his brother's body in his arms; when the moon is red, K. cries with bloody tears]: 421-422; Pröhle 1909, No. 7a [there are two dogs and a boy on the moon; the boy keeps them apart, otherwise they will fight]: 266 (narrated in Jurtubayev 1991:79; 2007:372); Ossetians: Miller 1882 [the monstrous Sameli was chained by God to the moon; therefore, on the moon spots; S.'s sons in the form of puppies try to free their father and begin to eat the moon; with the release of S., men will turn into donkeys, women into donkeys; only the genus of S. will avoid this fate; births that consider they are his descendants, and every year they honor his memory with special rituals]: 299; Gevorgian 2007 (South Ossetia, one entry from the early 19th century) [God created four virtuous ones: Artavyz, man, sheep, wheat; and for each evil being: a woman for a man, a goat for a sheep, a bitter weed for wheat; A. should have been virtuous, but began to teach evil things; God told Uatzilla (the thunder) to grab him and he nailed him to the moon with iron nails; if he was free, he would eat all people; to prevent this, every blacksmith must hit the anvil once again; A. also causes lunar eclipses]: 102-103; Ingush ["According to another popular legend {about eclipses}: sister chases her brother and obscures the moon. Images on the moon - images of brother and sister"]: Akhriev 1875:11 (quoted in Chibirov 2008:85); Nogais (Kuban, Erkin-Yurt village, author's note; book: Nogai Davysy, No. 27, 1992; recorded in 1970 from a resident of the village of Erkin-Yurt, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region. Abisheva Azhitotai Imamali Kyzy, storyteller, born in 1903 The legend is widely known in all areas where the Nogais live. Nogais like to say: Ay yanynda Zukhra yuldyz (Near the moon Zukhra star) /Shakyrym arym arasy (One and a half screams the distance between them)) [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter Zukhra; after sunset, orders to bring waters from the Kuban (they do not approach the river after sunset); after collecting water, Z. asked the moon to pick it up; now Zukhra with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon; when the moon decreases, you can see the star Zukhra nearby; girls born on the new moon are given the name Zukhra]: Kapaev 2012:158; Terek Cossacks (Naurskaya) [on the moon you can see Cain trying to lay pieces of Abel's meat to revive him; there is still a head left, but K. will not finish the work]: Vostrikov 1907:2-3:65; Avars [seven brothers and sister lived in the Hazel Valley; the Month fell in love with her sister, got together with her; the brothers found her husband, returned with him, saw her sister on the mountain; saw that my sister was giving birth, the amniotic fluid flowed down the mountain in a stream; the brothers rushed to kill her, but became small and went underground {turned into stones?} ; my sister got up by the Month and is alive there, and that stream continues to flow from the mountain]: Khalidova 2012, No. 182:209-210.

Iran - Central Asia. The Vakhans [scolded the innocent girl; offended, she takes a jug and goes to fetch water; on the bank of the river, leaning on sea buckthorn, she began to cry bitterly; the moon looks at the girl from above, began feel sorry for her, attracts sea buckthorn with the girl; sea buckthorn grows up and takes the girl to the moon; spots on the moon are that girl with her jug; the informant read this story somewhere (B.L.: I read in a collection of Tajik fairy tales)]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; Sarykol residents [lived two sisters - Mo (moon) and Khurshed (sun). The youngest was more beautiful and attractive than the older one. The sun was angry with her because of this. Luna endured everything. Once the Sun scratched her sister's face, the moon turned pale and lost its beauty. After that, each of the sisters went their own way and did not meet. The moon is ashamed to appear during the day because its face is scratched]: Kabirov 2017:233; kalashi [the moon descended to earth, shepherds with dogs and goats crossed it, then the moon rose again; lunar spots - sheep]: Ali Shah 1974:72.

Baltoscandia. The Scandinavians [A month took two children from the ground, Biel and Hukey, as they walked from the spring, carrying Simul's rocker arm with Seg's bucket; the children always follow the Month and this can be seen from the ground (moonspots)]: Younger Edda 1970:20; Swedes: Balzamo 2011, No. 9 [every time the old man and old woman were about to go to steal, the moon was shining; they decided to smear it with tar; when they climbed onto the moon, they stayed there; on the moon you can see a bucket of tar and two figures on the sides], 10 [a boy and a girl carried a bucket of water on a stick at night; the moon was hiding every now and then, the water splashed out; they scolded the moon: it shines no better than the miserable greasy candles; for this, God raised them to the moon, where they have been visible ever], 11 [the first thief stole a calf's head; it can be seen on the moon with a calf's head in his hands]: 19, 20, 21; Grimm 1883 (2) [Swedes recognize in moon spots]: 19, 20, 21; Grimm 1883 (2) [Swedes recognize in moonspots two human figures carrying a large bucket on a stick]: 717; Isis 1998 [1) two old men decided to weaken the moonlight; carried a tub of water, poured it on the moon; they stayed there forever as punishment (=Krappe 1938: 120); 2) two old men decided to smear tar on the moon to make it easier to steal in the dark; stayed on the moon with a bucket of tar brought there; 3) the same was a group of men and women]: 20; oriental sams: Yermolov 1959 [the wife died, the old man took another one, she disliked her stepdaughter; sent her in the dark to fetch water; she cries at the well, asks the moon to take her away; a chain came down from the moon, the girl climbed it; the old man his wife and I looked at the moon: a girl is sitting there and holding a tub]: 97-98; Czarnoluski 1962 [(p. 294: the text is restored from fragments and various sources); the wife warns her husband not to go to tear birch bark when to the moon; Oadze jumps from eye to his neck, tells her to marry, does not get off; her daughter Vostroeye jumps on his chest, Burnt Stump and the Shaggy Mouse on her son's feet; O. and her children eat up the old man, his wife and daughter Akkaniidi; eat the old man and wife; A. puts Hemp, the Mouse, to sleep, meets the son of the Sun Peyvalke; Vostroeye remains guarded; A. does not notice that she has a third eye on the back of her head; O. s children sewed A. in seal skin, threw him into the lake; A. comes to the house where Ninas, chief among the Spolokhov, lives; becomes his wife; he gives her a ball, A. follows him to his mother; N. tells her what should be said for his mother to transport her across the river; N.'s mother never sees him, because he only appears at night; weaves the base of the night sky, and A. weaves stars on it; N.'s mother covers it with a veil the ceiling of N.'s bedroom, he thinks it's still night; jumps out, burned by the Sun; A. tries to block it, the Sun grabs it for his son Peyvalke, throws it to the moon - mother A.; A. is seen on the moon with with a rocker arm and buckets of water on his shoulders]: 68-79; Western Sami: Billson 1918:183-187 [Njavvis-ene (Niavis's wife) is daughter of the Sun, Attjis-ene (Attiis's wife) is daughter of the Month; both husbands are killed, leaving pregnant wives; N. is beautiful, she has a son, A. is ugly, she has a daughter; said that whoever picks up a basket of berries first would pick up the boy; put moss in the basket, took it; during the famine, the grown-up young man looked into home, his mother recognized him, showed him their reflection in the water, he realized that he looked like his mother, killed A.; she has since caused cramps, pain; her deer became toads, frogs, beetles; before that, from Severny The wind gave birth to the evil Attits; he teased his month-old grandfather for being pulled there; seen on the moon disk with a deer horn in one hand and his own head in the other (his head cut off for his crimes)], 188-189 [evil Hatsjaedne decided to steal the only sheep from a good neighbor; to prevent the moon from shining brightly, told her daughter to become a bird, take a bucket of resin, cover the moon; moon she was drawn, she can be seen there with a bucket and a brush]; Pentikäinen 1997 [the god of the moon is Mánnu; it used to be as light as day in the moonlight; a thief with a bucket of tar climbed to cover it, but stuck and visible there together with a bucket so far]: 108; Simonsen 2014:34-38 (Sweden) [two women live together, have a good son and daughter, an evil daughter; an angry one suggests going for berries: whoever fills the basket faster will take the child with another; puts moss in the basket, berries on top; takes the boy, leaves his daughter instead of him, goes to live over the mountain; when the young man has grown up, he does not tell him to go downhill; he goes and sees a woman with two in the house girls; quietly throws a piece of venison into their cauldron; returning to the imaginary mother, he makes a big fire and throws it at him; she turned into a beetle, flew to the deer, but on the full moon she can be seen; So she took the resin and flew to paint over the moon; but she grabbed it; you can see a woman holding a bucket of resin on the moon], 142 (Sweden) [He trapped people, went to bed; people rang a bell, who is trapped, S. ran naked as it is, but the trap is empty; at this time people burned his clothes and put out the fire; S. came back, made a fire, but the bell rang again; S. began to jump out again, people the fire was extinguished again; S. speaks to the moon: I'm freezing! The moon drew him, you can see his silhouette on it]; counselors: Ariste 1974, No. 3 [The rainbow drinks water from the lake or the sea; the girl went to the well to get water, the rainbow drank from there, sucked the girl; now she can be seen with a rocker arm and buckets on the moon]: 5 (=1977, No. 19:175; translated into Konkova 2009:97); Ernits, Ernits 1984 [a woman with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon]: 579; 2012 [three thieves were disturbed by moonlight; they climbed to the moon to cover it with resin, and they stayed there]: 94; Estonians: Viidalepp 1980 [dark spots on the moon on a full moon - an image of a poor serf girl with buckets who is late dragged water and, exhausted by hard work, called out to the moon for help (Aa US 7)]: 274; Jõeveer 1972 [Saarema: In winter, two thieves went to steal, the moon was shining brightly; they took a barrel of resin and began to paint over moon; stuck to the resin; you can see there, a barrel of resin between them; Vyru: a poor orphan girl was sent on Saturday night to heat the bathhouse; when she went to the well, she asked the Sun, the Month to pick her up; god (vanaisa) put her on the moon, where she can be seen with a bucket and a broom]: 30; Kuperjanov 2003:71-72 [options: the moon shows a boy, a man, a woman, a girl, two men, a boy with a girl; a man with a rocker arm and tubs; wood splitter carrying water; Cain and Abel], 72 (Hageri) [the woman went late at night to get water, reproached the Month for not coming to help carry water; the Month pulled her towards her along with the buckets; the moon can now see a human face], 72 [out of harm or to cover up a crime, villains smear resin on the moon to reduce its light; they stick to tar or are drawn to the moon as punishment; the criminal - thief (everywhere), femicide (southern Estonia)]; Hurt in Peebo, Peegel 1989, No. 225 (Võru) [the poor orphan goes to the bathhouse the last; asks the Month to pick her up; has since been visible on the moon with a bucket and a broom; if An equally good, kind child will appear, and the moon will pick him up, but not yet]: 282 (English translation in Päär, Pürnpuu 2005:14); Põder, Tanner 2000 [on a moonlit night at the Vaskjala Bridge a pure, meek girl wholeheartedly wanted to be with the Month; she has been there ever since; finding no more girls like this, she sadly turns her face away, covers herself with a black blanket (moon phases)]: 227- 228; Sullõv et al. 1995 (Võrumaa) [a poor orphan is pushed around; told to heat the bathhouse, she is the last to wash herself; asks the Month to pick her up; now she is visible on the moon, a bucket in one hand, a bath broom in the other ]: 94; Lutsi (Estonian enclave in eastern Latvia) [woman says her ass is lighter than the moon; as punishment she is drawn to the moon]: Kuperjanov 2003:72; Livs: Loorits 1926 [1) thief and wife of steel cover the moon with resin; God stuck them to the moon along with a brush and a bucket of resin; 2) The moon attracted a girl standing at the well, who showed her ass, pointed her finger, or compared her to herself; 3) =2000 (4): 319; while preaching, a man went to carry a bunch of brushwood from the forest; he answered the priest that this was his church service; he took him to the moon]: 81; 2000 (4) [1) on the moon, a girl with buckets on a rocker arm; 2) the woman went with buckets to get water, showed the moon her bare ass, found herself on the moon; 3) the girl went with buckets to get water, pointed to the moon, found herself on the moon; there was not enough water in the bathhouse; the girl was sent with buckets and a rocker arm to get water; she is afraid; she is told that everything outside is light from the moon; she replies that the light from the moon is in their w..; comes out, she is on the moon; 4) a sick mother sends a lazy daughter to get water; she says that her (mother) is like the moon; finds herself on the moon; 5) the hostess sends the girl for water; she says that her ass is more beautiful than the moon, she is on the moon with buckets]: 318; Karelians [the girl went to milk the cows, asked God to carry her to the moon; a golden cradle descended from the sky for her; now she is sitting on the moon with a windowsill]: Evseev 1981:313; Veps [the Southern and Middle Veps still have a legend about a girl living on the moon]: Egorov 2003:129; Lithuanians, Latvians [typical story: a girl went to fetch water with a rocker arm, catches her and the Month attracts; since then you can see her looking at the ground since the Month]: Laurinkene 2002:364-365; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001:70 [the girl went to get water on a moonlit night (var.: when she rose moon); the moon drew her towards her], 73 [father cursed his daughter (var.: stepmother cursed stepdaughter) to find her on the moon; it happened], 92 [man did not give God water; God shows him on the moon], 104 [ a man went to get water or to the forest for brushwood on a holiday; found himself on the moon with a rocker arm or a bunch of brushwood], 112 [St. Michael with weights]; Laurinkene 2002:365 [there was not enough water in the bathhouse; one woman, naked, went to fetch water with a rocker arm; said to the Month, pointing her finger at him that she had more light than him; for this, the Month dragged her upstairs; in the Month there is a man with a rocker arm on his shoulders; old people do not allow her to point fingers for the Month], 376 [the widow sent her children to the forest for firewood on a holiday; when Jonukas collected branches, the Month drew him towards him, he is now visible there], 379-380 [Judas or the Warlock of Tvardovsky hanged in the Month], 380 [Tvardovsky with a rocker arm and buckets is visible in the Month; if he He collects water, it will rain], 381 [1) in the Month, Cain is seen carrying his brother's blood in buckets on his rocker arm; or he holds Abel on his shoulders or on a pitchfork; 2) on the Month, St. Michael weighing human sins]; Veckenstedt 1883 (Samogites), No. 47 [God created a huge creature: a head from a piece of heaven, hair from a piece of wood, a mouth from a slit in the sky, a mouth out of white sea stones - teeth, from the mountain - body, from the earth - flesh, from stones - bones, from stars - eyes; the moon saw and captured this image; this creature was bisexual, protecting the earth from monsters, from giants come from him; when the creature died and began to decay, dwarfs crawled out of it; people came from the marriage of a giantess and a dwarf; God settled an angel in the middle of the earth; angry with him, tore him off I threw my head, it became the moon, you can see your face; my torso also threw it, but it fell back, a hill formed, grass and trees grew on it; bones became stones, blood became sea and lakes; God cut off for one angel, cut his wings apart, threw them into the sky, they became stars, and God placed a wingless angel on earth - the first man; from a part of his flesh God made him a wife, they have children], 49 [first shining only a month; God created two images from heaven, earth and stones, a man and a woman, and revived them; to understand what God did, the month placed the image of his creation on his face; but he copied them inaccurately, so when I tried to create something myself, it turned out to be a snake; God punished the month by creating another light in the sky brighter than him - the sun], 50 [at night the peasant went to the forest to buy firewood, regretting that he had a lantern, not a month, which gives more light; a man brought him to the pond, showed the reflection of the month; the peasant thought it was the month itself, leaned to grab it, that man pushed him into the water; he regretted the month a peasant, took him home with a bunch of firewood (now you can see it on the moon disk)], 51.3 [A month stole a girl from the ground; the Sun chased him to punish him, but still hasn't caught up]: 210-211 , 235, 235-236, 238; Balys 1951:9-11 in Vaiškūnas 2006 [an orphan girl asked Month for help and he took her home]: 158; Latvians: Brivzemniaks 1887, No. 9 (Courland) [the month was bright like the sun; two girls were walking to a well; one said her bare ass shines brighter; a month dragged her towards her and she is now visible with a rocker arm on her shoulders]: 11; Laurinkene 2002:365 [the boy carried water to the bathhouse a rocker; he thought the Month was laughing at him; he showed him his tongue; the Month pulled him], 376 [1) the stingy shoemaker worked every day, went to buy firewood on Sunday, showed his "nose" to the month, then his tongue, then began to throw stones at him, the Month pulled him towards him; 2) the old man (this is God) asks the man why he went to buy firewood on the holiday; he begins to swear, the Month attracts him to him with with an armful of brushwood]; Pogodin 1895 [the girls carried water; one: "What a beautiful month"; Second: "My ass is more beautiful"; for this she found herself in a month with buckets and a rocker arm before doomsday]: 440.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Arista 2005, No. 109 [on a frosty autumn day, stepmother sent her stepdaughter to fetch water; she asked the moon to take her home; now she can be seen dragging water on the moon]: 105; Fokos-Fuchs 1951 in Limerov 2005, No. 58 [Yong made the sun, Leshy made a month; stepmother tyrannizes his stepdaughter, sends her to fetch water at night; she asks the Month to pick her up; now she is on his back with a rocker arm and buckets; E. said what kind of blessing will the month also be God's]: 55-56; Rochev 1984, No. 99 (Zyryans?) [The moon began to descend with a tub to pick up the children looking at her; Bread and Salt began to tell her that people were burning them, throwing them, etc., and they were not offended anyway]: 108 (=2006:149); Uotila 2006, No. 92 (upper reaches Vychegdy, West 1941) [stepdaughter asked the Sun to take her away; the Sun replied that she would burn, advised him to ask for the Month; he took the girl and now she lives there]: 297; Komi-Permyaks [the girl comes to the river, complains about her stepmother's tyranny; a month comes down to her, she calls him godfather, collects silver on it, promises to give him a red shirt after marriage; the greedy hit also went to collect it for the Month silver when he came down; filled the buckets, raised the rocker; The month took her (she can be seen there); the girl fulfilled her promise; when the Month is red, he puts on a donated shirt]: Konakov et al. 2003:312; Udmurts: Vereshchagin 1886 [a girl with buckets is standing on the moon; she was disliked, beaten, sent to fetch water at night; a bowl came down from the sky on a chain, she sat in it, went up to the moon, she feels good there now]: 85 (= 1995:85-86); Munkácsi 1887:56-57 [stepmother tyrannites her stepdaughter; she goes to fetch water, rushed into the ice-hole, but did not drown, prayed to the moon; she picked her up, the moon now shows a girl with a rocker arm] in Vladykin 1994:322, in Perevozchikov 1988:26; Potanin 1883 [the evil stepmother drove Cheremiska stepdaughter to get water early in the morning; she prayed to the Month, he took her home, where she can be seen with buckets]: 776; Chuvash: Ashmarin 1984 [stains in the month are said to be a daughter-in-law who has suffered a lot from her mother-in-law, whom God carried for a month out of pity; in some places they only know about her that she is a young woman stands with a rocker arm (=2003:298)]: 25; Vardugin 1996 [(details what was in Ashmarin 1984)]: 260; Denisov 1959 [as Ashmarin; 1) He felt sorry for his daughter-in-law for a month, took it from his mother-in-law witch; 2) A month fell in love with a girl, going to get water, she can be seen there with a rocker arm and buckets]: 15-16; Egorov 1995 [(=Sidorova 1979:18; =Shurtakov 1984:9); the orphan, driven by her stepmother, asked to go to the moon when she was surrounded by those sent stepmother perfume; the moon picked her up with her rocker arm and buckets (moon spots); stepmother, turning into old Wupăr, tries to eat the moon from time to time (eclipse)]: 120; Magnitsky: 64 in Potanin 1883 [a girl with a rocker is visible on the moon]: 777; Eisin 1993 [stepmother hates her stepdaughter; flew in the winter after midnight in an iron mill, sent her for water; witches flew around the ice-hole in pomelas and they wanted to grab the girl; she asked the Month to pick her up; now you can see a girl with a rocker arm on the moon]: 164; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [moonspots are considered a daughter-in-law with whom her mother-in-law constantly cursed and quarreled; the daughter-in-law asked God to take her to her; he felt sorry for her and took her to the moon; legends about this are very laconic; in others places only know: "a bride with water is standing on the moon", or: "on the moon, a Russian woman carries water with a rocker arm"]: 75; Marie: Aktsorin 1991, No. 37 [brother's wife tortures the girl with work; sends for with water late at night; in the dark she takes a sieve instead of a bucket; begins to freeze, sings about her bitter orphanhood; the owner of the moon descends, takes it home; Orion is her rocker, the sieve is the Pleiades], 38 [ stepmother tortures her stepdaughter with work; in the dark she descends into the ravine to the spring; tells the wolf to let the moon take her; the moon lowers her silk swing; the moon now shows a girl with buckets], 39 [as in ( 38), without an episode with a wolf; you can't look at the moon for long; if she can count the viewer's eyelashes, she'll take her home], 40 [the girl went to get water; the rainbow pulled her in, raising her to the moon; there you can now see girl with a rocker arm], 41 [the widow scolds her daughter, sends her for water; she jumps into the water, finds herself on the moon; now she can see there with her rocker arm; but this is only a reflection of the Earth on the moon], 42 [at night for girls you can't go to the ravine to get water; she went alone, the moon pulled her; you can see a girl with a rocker arm and buckets on the moon]: 83-87; Moshkov 1900 [stepmother sends her stepdaughter at night to fetch water; she complains to the Month, If only you could take me; since then, the figure of a girl with buckets has been visible in a month]: 197; Bashkirs: Nadrshina 1985, No. 6 (according to Mikhail Lossievsky 1876) [(=1986:19, =Barag 1987, No. 8:35, =Rudenko 1925:299- 300, =1955:315); the girl went to get water, saw a huge bone washed out of the sand; said that if her husband was like a Month, she would give birth to him a hero who would have the same bones; He took the month a girl as a wife, she is standing there with a rocker arm and buckets], 7 [(=Barag 1987, No. 9:35-36; =Khisamitdinova 2011:35); stepmother offends Zukhra, makes her carry water at night; Z. asks the Moon to pick her up, now visible there with a rocker arm]: 12, 13; "Turks" (Bashkirs?) [Ay (Month) fell in love with the beautiful woman, she began to walk on the water; with full buckets and a rocker arm A. took her to heaven; the faces of Ay and Zukhra merged (or Zukhra turned into Venus)]: Mansyutova 1991:186; Kazan Tatars: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967 [stepmother on a moonlit night tells Zukhra to fill a bottomless barrel; at the stream Z. asks the moon to save her from its torment; a star near the moon raises her to the moon; Z. is visible there with with a rocker arm and buckets of water; Vega was named Zukhra]: 314-315; Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 269 [on a moonlit night, stepmother tells Zukhra to train water with a sieve; Z. begs God to take it to the moon; finds himself on the moon], 270 [stepmother tells Zukhra to pull water into bottomless dishes; Z. humbly carries water; a star watching her raises her to the moon with her rocker arm; this star is near the moon and is called Zukhra's star]: 264-265, 265-266; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [every year, once (according to another version, three times a year), the heavenly vault, the "gate of heaven", opens for a moment, and at this time, whatever the person wants, Allah will comply with his request; at night, the girl went with with a rocker to get water to the river; while I was walking, I thought to myself how good it would be for Allah to take her to the moon; at that moment the "gates of heaven" opened, and Allah fulfilled her request; since then on the moon you can see a girl carrying water with a rocker arm]: 75-76; Mordovians [you can't look at the moon for long; Ivan the Baptist ignored this prohibition, Shkai (the supreme god) took off his head; on the moon he can be seen standing at Shkay's table without a head]: Devyatkina 1998:126.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Valikhanov 1985 [there is an old woman on the moon; you can't look at the moon for a long time without an old woman counting her eyelashes; if this happens, a person must die]: 147 (retelling in Kufrin 1916: 147); I.V. Stasevich (Western Kazakhstan) [stepmother tyranted her stepdaughter, sent her stepdaughter in the dark to fetch water; she asked God to help her, he placed the girl with buckets on the moon]: personal report on the 2006 field report; Chuloshnikov 1924 [spots on the moon are an old woman; you can't look at the moon for a long time so that the old woman does not have time to count her eyelashes; then a person will die]: 242; Kyrgyz [orphan girl is tormented by the owners work; sent at night in winter to get water; she asked the Moon to pick it up; the Sun also descended, began to fight the Moon; the Moon begged to give her an orphan, she can be seen there with a rocker arm and buckets; when the Moon is on time is losing a girl, getting dark with grief (eclipse)]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1968:11-13 (=1989:375-377); yellow Uighurs [there is a monkey on the moon; there is also a mangys; there is also a monkey in the sun]: Malov 1967 , No. 50:35; salara [a rich old man was looking for a husband for his daughter Agit qaradži; Qusqur oglin volunteered to become one, went with the old man; on the way he asked if he could eat porridge mixed with with sand from the hillside, and whether he could ride a stick; when he saw the old man's house, he said that the house had no ear; the old man thought he was crazy; A. and Q. fell in love; A. explained to his father that Q. asked him about whether he could share the porridge with him and let him climb on his horse, and also said that there was no dog in the house; the old man was against the marriage between A. and Q. and instructed Q. to bring water into the house from the well, who was in Xanba; Q. held out a rope, the end of which was lowered into the well, and completed the task; the old man said he would make him his son-in-law if he helped him plow the field on the moon; Q. began to beat mule; the old man asked why he was doing this; Q. explained that the mule refused to go to the moon; the old man asked how the mule could be on the moon; Q. replied that the field cannot be plowed without a mule; the old man told his sons to kill Q.; they did; A. found the place where the murder took place, pierced her throat with a pin and died; the rising wind carried their bones to the palace on the moon; when you look at the moon, you can see a tree with two people at its foot; these are shadows A. and Q.]: Kakuk 196:112-116.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Verbitsky 1877, No. 20 in Potanin 1883 [Chelbegeni were heroes who became cannibals; the sky sent the Sun to exterminate them; it burned them all except the seven-headed (four-headed); he disappeared into the cave; the Sun tried to enter it sideways, returned to heaven; the Month saw C. chasing an orphan boy, who climbed a high talina; C. pulled it out with the boy, rushed into lake; The month grabbed his right and left shoulder, becoming flawed, rushed after C.; grabbing the talina, C. and the boy, took them to heaven; in the month you can see C.'s head and the melted bush; the same in Yadrintsev 1881:249; in the sky A month agreed to feed Elbegen with his body for 15 days, and he feeds the other 15 Months]: 774-775; Katash 1978 [The sun told the moon to go down to earth to take Delbegen; he grabbed Talina, was raised to the moon with her; this happened at Gyell Tash (Stone Bay) on Teletskoye Lake]: 87; Nanzatov et al. 2008 [P.A. Batorov, archive; The Sun, being faster and stronger than the Month, grabbed a girl with buckets and a talc bush, and all this was dragged to heaven; the Month and the Sun began to argue about who to own the girl, because the mother's curse mentions both; the Month promised to cover the ground with snow in a day; if The sun will melt all the snow in a day and remove the hooves of all animals forked, then he will get a girl; the messenger of the Sun was walking on the ground, separating his hooves with a golden knife; the horse descended behind him, he did not have time for it Divide the hooves and a lump of snow stuck to them; the girl received a Month]: 24; Potanin 1981, No. 34a [Jelbegen was raging on the ground; the Sun did not dare to go down to tame him, because everything would have burned; Month grabbed the ogre while he was collecting bird cherry, pulled it towards him along with the tree; the cannibal and bird cherry are still visible on the moon], 34c [J. ate people, the Month took it to himself; now J. swallows the Month, causing eclipses; at the same time they beat dogs, scream, Leave my month, my sun]: 190, 191; Khokholkov 1997 [Tilbegen devoured everyone; The sun went to destroy it, but returned, fearing to burn it ground; when T. went with his rocker arm to get water and grabbed the poplar, the Month pulled him up; T. is seen in the month with a rocker arm, buckets and poplar; when the Month grows, he eats Tilbegen when gets old, T. eats it]: 5-6; Chelkan people [leaving reindeer hooves to dogs, tendon guards, becoming a cat, the guy enters the girl's chamber, regains his appearance; they have a son; when leaving, the wife does not tells me to open one barn; the husband opens, 77 seven-headed Tielven's are sitting there; he gives them water, they lock him and his son in the barn; the wife returns, kills the Tielven, the last puts it on the moon; children are told not to reach out to the moon; one held out, T. went down, grabbed it; the boy tried to hold on to the willow; the moon shows seven-headed T., in front of him a boy with a willow]: Kandarakova 1988:120-122; Siberian Tatars: Valeev 1976 (Bolsherechensky District, Tomsk Oblast) [a girl with a rocker arm and full buckets is on the moon, looking longingly at the ground; the gods brought her there for indecent behavior]: 329; Urazaleev 2007 [evil stepmother made the girl Zukhra wear water into a bottomless barrel; the moon took pity and took Z. to her; Z. with a rocker arm and two buckets is visible on the moon]: 4; the Teleuts [the seven-headed Elbigen (Elbigen) ate people and cattle; people prayed to the Sun and the Month; the Sun went down, but had to return so as not to burn people; the Month grabbed E., who grabbed the bush; the Month carried him with the bush together; E. had a chumak in his hand, one leg was shod, the other barefoot; on the moon you can see a hand with a chumak, one leg thicker than the other; to make it easier to go down to earth, the Month cut itself in half]: Potanin 1883, No. 34l: 192; Shors [Chelbegen rose to the moon; when the girl came down with a bucket to get water, he dragged her to the moon; she grabbed the tree; C. dragged her along with the tree, and went down himself; trees, a girl and a bucket can be seen on the moon]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 20: 307-309; Khakas: Butanayev 1975 [(the author heard repeatedly); Luna (Ai-Aryg) did not have children of her own, so she steals children from people; stepmother sent her stepdaughter to fetch water at night; when she saw frozen an ice-hole, the girl cried; the Moon saw her, took her home with her rocker arm and buckets; now she can be seen on the moon; therefore, the Khakas do not let children out of the house at night]: 232; Katanov 1907, No. 183 [(=196:106-107) ; Chelbigen devoured people; The Sun cannot go down after him, because it will burn the earth 7 fathoms deep; asks for the Month, although he will freeze the earth; C. was waiting for a woman who went to the river for water; a woman grabbed a rakit bush; the month was picked up by C., a bush and a woman with buckets; lunar darkness (spots?) that's what happens]: 274; 1963 [the sorcerer bet with an ordinary man that he would close the moon; stuck a knife into the table, got up from the blade, the moon darkened; the man hid the knife, the sorcerer did not return; from the handle to the moon stretched a road like a lasso or silk thread]: 122; Popov in Alekseev 1980 (Kachins) [the seven-headed winged Dzhelbegen (s) began to devour people; The month took pity on them, dragged D. with land; he clung to the karagan bush; The month pulled it along with the bush, they are still visible on it]: 88; Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 15 (Kachins) [Chilbegen was a girl eating people; the Sun and Moon became argue who would come down for it; the Sun told the moon to descend, for people could not withstand the heat, and the cold would endure; when C. was fetching water, the Moon grabbed it; C. grabbed the bush; the Moon carried it away with the bush; you can see something like a tree on the moon]: 115; Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972 [the mother, cursing, sent the boy and girl to fetch water after dark; The month took the boy along with the bush, the girl with in buckets; after that, children are not sent to the water at night]: 28; Tuvans [the old man went to get a sable, looked into the hollow, where the witch wants to swallow him; he asked him to put on his bast coat, sit on his horse is the size of a sheep; at home, a baby son talks to a witch who has come, jumps up, chases her with an ax; the witch from the talnik has risen to the moon, now sits there]: Katanov 2011:295-296; South Altai Tuvans [a huge mangys swallowed humans and animals; Gurmustu Khaan ordered him to be chained to the moon; every three months on the fifteenth day he is released into the wild; he fights the moon, causing eclipses]: Taube 1978, No. 65:300-301 (=Taube 1994, No. 59:280); Tofalars: Katanov 1891 [=1907:623-624; the old man and son were hunting, a witch sitting on the moon came to swallow an old woman; she ran away, leaving her son's cup; the witch waited by the cup to swallow him; he took the cup, ran, climbed the tree; asked Eagle to tell his parents that the witch wanted to kill him; the parents gathered people went to the tree; the witch was frightened, flew to the moon]: 38; Prelovsky 2007 [the giant ate people; Burkhan told Az to grab him, place him on the moon; he managed to grab the man; you can see him bent over on the moon a giant holding a human figure by the hand]: 49-50; Rassadin 1996, No. 3 [the head of the family hired an orphan boy; in the evening his wife sent him to fetch water; Chil-bug (witch) was standing on the ice; when he approached, it was the Moon; C., who was on the moon, took him to the moon; there you can see a man with a birch bark bucket and a pot], 4 [three brothers are able to break the mightiest trees; the burkhan decides get rid of them; leaves an ice box, the biggest hero lies down in it, the box turns into stone; the second was attracted by water, he became its master spirit; the third went to get water at night, the moon became his attract; he grabbed the bush, was pulled along with the bush; on the moon you can see a man with a bowler hat in one hand and a bush in the other]: 10, 11-12; Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats: Galdanova 1987 ( the place of recording is not specified) [Guuwei girl went to get water; when a month passed in the sky, her mother said, Where have you been missing for so long, did the Sun-Moon take you away, or something? ; G. heard the month and took it home; her silhouette is visible on the moon, a bucket in one hand, a talinka in the other]: 17; Ivanov 1957 [ongons, in one upper corner of which the sun is depicted and the moon in the other; on the moon a tree or bush and a figurine next to it holding a bucket and a ladle]: 103, 137-138, Fig.2, 25, 32; Potanin 1883, No. 34b (from a Trans-Baikal Cossack who heard from the Trans-Baikal Buryats) [mother sent her daughter with buckets for water; she hesitated, her mother said to take you for a month; and so it happened, she is now visible there with her buckets], 34m [(from the Tungus who had grown from the tops of Irkut); the stepmother scolded her stepdaughter, who went to get water, To be taken by the sun, a month; A month came down for the girl; she grabbed the tulnik bush; The month uprooted it, took the girl to heaven along with a bucket, a bucket, a bush talnik; when there is an eclipse, Albin-Chitkur wants to take the girl away from the Month]: 190-191, 192-193; Poppe 1935 (Agin) [mother sent her daughter to fetch water; she lingered, her mother scolded her, shouted to a month took her; the next time the girl went to get water, a month went down and grabbed her; the girl clung to the branches of the talnik, but the Month took her away, made her wife; the dark spots on the moon were a girl, who holds a bucket and tulnik branches]: 54; Khangalov 1958a (Balagan or Kudinsky) [mother did not like her husband's two daughters from her husband's first marriage; said to take you by the moon or the sun; the girls went for with water, the sun and the moon wanted to grab them; one clung to the bush, tore off part of it; the sun grabbed the girl first, but the moon, pointing to fatigue at night, asked the girl to give her way; since then on the moon you can see a girl clinging to a bush with one hand; she is the mistress of the sun and moon, or just the moon; she is painted on shamanic tambourines and seen in moonspots; the second girl hides in the water or under the rug of horseskin, which is considered unclean]: 319; 1960 [1) stepmother did not like stepdaughter and stepson, sent them for water at night; they did not return for a long time, she cursed them, Let the Sun or Moon take them away; the boy hid under a carpet of sheep pebbles lying on the shore, the Sun did not find him; the month took the girl; she held the willow with one hand and held the buckets on the rocker arm with the other; with willow and buckets, she could see moon], No. 6:14; Khangalov, Sharakshinova archive 1980:49-50 [The sun was the first to grab the girl, but Luna begged her to give it back because she was afraid to walk at night and needed a companion]; darhatas: Duvakin 2011 (06.08.11, Khatgal (southern coast of Khubsugul, Alag-Erdene somon of Huvsgel aimag), Tsoldoviin Khurelbaator, Darhat, born in 1948, worked as a driver) [There is an image of a girl with water on the moon. She went to get water at night, and the moon took her away. Therefore, children should not be sent to fetch water at night]; Neklyudov et al., zap. 22-28.08.2007 [spots on the moon - two boys; they were sent to fetch water at dusk, called by name - go get water soon! - and the Moon took them home; now at dusk they don't go for water and firewood]; the Oirats [the old woman went on the water at night, scooped up Telbegen with a bucket; promised to give her son to Turban; sent him for berries with in a box full of holes, she migrated with the old man; Chalma found his way back; then his mother said that his toys were still in the old yurt; a thin horse tells him to take it; an old man is sitting by the old yurt, says that he cannot feed the toys; the horse tells you to grab them himself, run; T. throws the ax, cuts off the horse's hind legs, then the front legs; C. climbs a tree; Lisa invites T. to cut for him while T. sleeps, throws an ax into the lake; T. drinks water from the lake; C. asks Magpie to call his dogs, she refuses, because he called it glutton; Tits fly and tell; T. hides from dogs in the lake; they until night fighting him in the mud; black blood splashes to the moon, dogs come out alone with a broken leg; dogs howl at the moon at night; spots on the moon - T.]: Popov, Basangov 1936:32-35; Oirats (olets; 29.07.2011, Somon Ulziit aimag Uverhangay, 1) Tsendyn Purevzhav, born in 1944, lived in Ulziit all his life; 2) Nachingiin Davaadorzh, Olet, born in 1940, an auto engineer, worked in the Ministry of Health; local, but lived in Ulan Bator for about 40 years) [What can be seen on the moon. Mountains, clouds. They say about a child who went to get water at night. It was a god, Zhanreisig (?)] : Duvakin 2011; Khalha-Mongols (Dunsurun) [Tushmyra's clever son (ST) is friends with Khan's stupid son (SC); heard that people want to kill the CX and persuade the khan to appoint him the heir to the ST; reports this to a friend , they run; Chutkur children cannot share an invisible hat; ST suggests giving it to the first to reach the tree and back; covered with a cloak and wearing a hat on top, disappears with the CX; the same with girls who are shulms (friends get a pair of flying gold and silver shoes); in the forest, CX falls asleep, and ST sees people trying to find a treasure at night and leave in the morning; under white and under black Friends found silver and gold, silver and goldfish with stones; then they eavesdrop that the king will be chosen by someone who will vomit goldfish and silverfish; friends showed fish, both were offered to become kings, but ST refused; the new khan got the young widow of the former king; she never combs her hair in front of her husband and his friend; ST watches; Khatun went out at midnight and flew away; in the cave her lover blackbearded Dam Dargie; promises to strangle her husband in three days; they play checkers; when they return, ST advises CX to play checkers with his wife, mentioning the name of King Chutkur DD; say that he plays worse than him; Khatun is excited DD complains; in the morning, ST advises the CX to beat his wife with a whip so that she gets up early; the next day, an iron loop descended into the CX yurt, but ST cut it off; DD promises to fly as an eagle; ST throws the eagle into the fire; only Khatun snatched him out with forceps; DD wants to drive his mistress away, but she begged to be allowed to meet him at least once a month; DD and Khatun meet when the moon comes close to the Pleiades; DD is on moon, khatun on the Pleiades]: Beningsen 1912:26-32; the Oirats and probably the Khalkha Mongols [according to most legends, the Mongols {without specifying the group} considered the moon to be a feminine principle, and the sun masculine; one day a girl went to the river to get water and, forgetting about her work, played there for a long time; the Sun and Moon, who came up at that time, took her in half; the upper part was taken by the sun, and the lower part was taken by the sun, and the lower part the Moon has taken part; since then, the sun has become a man and the moon has become a woman; in memory of this, during a wedding ceremony, the Oirats put an image of the sun behind the groom on the wall of the house, the image of the moon behind brides; the Mongolian {without specifying the group} legend of the Seven Elders (Pleiades constellation) says that each of these elders wanted to marry the Moon; they eventually abandoned this idea, but one once a year, stars approach the moon to meet]: Erdenebold 2012:23 (with reference to Bnmau-eun ugsaatny zuy. l bot. Ulaanbaatar, 1987).

Western Siberia. Nenets: Labanauskas 2001 [two men lived with their wives, one had a girl and the other had a boy; agreed that they should be made in the sun and a month; a man comes in and says he knows how to send children to heaven; they flew there as birds, it became light; the boy became the Month, married the Sun; they had a daughter; the shaman rose to marry her; the Month rejected the groom, told him to stick to the moon, now he you can see there; the shaman predicts that the boy and girl who are born will become the month and the sun; the parents give the messenger of the heavenly father instead of their children idols; the heavenly father sends him again, he blows on the children they fly to heaven as birds, turn into stars]: 257-258; Lehtisalo 1998:13-14 {apparently forest} [two married couples lived in the dark, one had a son and the other had a daughter; they wanted them turned into the sun and moon; the children flew to the sky as birds and became luminaries; after visiting the sky, the sorcerer said that the children had a daughter and that he would like to marry her; the parents were happy, because they were happy. hoped to see their grandson; but Month said that their parents did not love them, since they sent them to heaven, so he would not give up their child; the sorcerer remained stuck to the moon], 14 (Mezen) [the sorcerer Urer beat the tambourine for seven days , put on new clothes, and went up to heaven with his wife; his wife had to stay on the ground because her clothes were wearing old twine; the sorcerer can be seen on the moon wearing shoes made of leather and a tambourine in his hand]; Popov 1944 [shaman kamlal, wanting to get the moon; he was carried away by thunder and drawn to him by the moon; a shaman with a tambourine is visible on the moon]: 85; Tretyakov 1871 [the great shaman decided to fight the moon; when he touched stuck to it with a tambourine; still visible on the moon]: 415; Khomich 1976 [dark spots: 1) the legs of a lunar man (irii khasava), whose head is on the other side of the lunar disk; 2) a shaman with a tambourine , who flew to the moon and stuck to it during the campaign]: 19; Nganasany: Barmich 2014 [the shaman reached the moon; she ran to the mother: what are we going to do, send him back? mother of the moon: if you came, don't let her go back, she will now be your husband; the shaman has stuck to the moon, has been seen there ever since; sometimes the moon doesn't matter, she goes to her mother]: 628; Long 1968:222 [on the moon Dyaiku's trickster is; when he runs there, it's light; just like that, playing, the shamanil said he would go uphill, to the moon; the moon grabbed him and holds him], 223 [one shaman went to the moon find out the time when women would give birth; the moon mother told the moon to make this shaman her husband; now we see him on the moon; when there is no moon, she went to her mother (same in 1976, No. 17:61)]; Popov 1984 [1) one shaman boasted that he would lower the sun, the other that the moon; both rose to the sky; the first burned down, the second stuck to the moon, can be seen there; 2) the shaman saw something bright under the moon, began to camla to rise to the moon; stuck, seen there with his tambourine]: 47; Tretyakov 1869 [the great shaman decided to fight the moon, but had barely touched it when he immediately clung to it with a tambourine; image the shaman can still be seen on the moon; the Samoyeds explain the damage to this planet by kidnapping it by an underground devil called Syr-nyanda (Syrada?)] : 415 in The Long 1968:222; Enz: Long 196:24 [see B2A motif; Dia (gossip, liar; Yombu at the Nenets) is skiing across the sky (his trail is the Milky Way), learns from Irio-Casa ( A month, or rather a shaman stuck to the moon, who can be seen on the disc) that there are 7,000 stars, but he did not take into account the 7 stars of the Ursa Major and 7 Pleiades stars], 68 [the shaman says he will burn in the sun, but he will be on the moon; for this women will give birth and there will be more people; the shaman dies and is now visible on the moon with his tambourine]; Gemuev et al. 2005 [stars are lakes in the lower tier of the sky; these are the people of Irio-Casa; the Sun is a woman, he has daughter; Month - man; spots - Moons - husband with a tambourine mallet in his hands; his people are stars]: 534; Prokofieva 1953 [Sun is a woman (Samoyed performance); her daughter with Dya Menu'u ( Mother Earth) grows trees and grass; during eclipses, the Sun temporarily dies; the moon is flat, the spots are the figure of a shaman drawn to her; his legs are visible, and his upper body is thrown over the lunar disk to his on the other side]: 205, 219; Northern Selkups: Golovnev 1992 [an alien Nenets shaman lives on the moon; white (i.e. other) bears roam; {whether the data relate to the northern Selkups is not specified, but in the southern ones there is a girl with buckets on the moon, and the Nenets have a shaman; it was the northern Selkups who were in contact with the Nenets}]: 49; Tretyakov 1871 ["all foreigners, except the Ostyaks {Khanty}, have preserved the following legend: once upon a time, a great shaman decided to fight the moon, but barely touched it, he immediately clung to it with a tambourine; the image of the shaman is still visible on the moon; {including" all foreigners, apparently, include the Tazov Ostyaks, i.e. the northern Selkups, which were discussed before}]: 201; Southern Selkups: Golovnev 1992 [the silhouette of an offender girl can be seen on the moon sacred prohibitions]: 48; 1995 [you should not point your finger at the moon - she will get sick; the girl went to get water, pointed her finger for the Month, tease him, saying, "How do you live there? I live well, I eat fatty meat"; I grabbed a girl for a month, she tried to hold on to the talnic bush; I can see a bucket on the moon, a bucket in one hand, a bush in the other (Western 1988)]: 330-331; Pelikh 1972 [=Lukina 2004, no. 2. 2:35; a girl with buckets and a rocker arm went to get water; at the well, the Month began to tease that she would eat meat, but the Month would not; he grabbed the girl, and along with her buckets, rocker arm and waist, by which she managed to grab, dragged into the sky; they're like spots in a month]: 322-323; Tuchkova 2004:71 [about a boastful girl that Month dragged along with the talina bush she clung to, and birch bark buckets, recorded on the Ket, Tym, Kyunga rivers], 152 [the man boasted before the Month that he would eat cakes cooked in beaver fat; the Month dragged him to his place with the talnik bush; spots on the moon - man and talnik bush]; Eastern Khanty: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 4 (pos. Staroakasomsk, Aleksandrovsky District, Tomsk Region) [at night, the kids went to get water; walking back, they began to boast that they had both fish and water; a month picked them up in the sky, they can be seen there; you can't play around at night (=Lukina 1990, No. 7:66)], 5 (p. Wah) [the boy and the girl went on the water, began to tease the Month that they were eating rolls and he was drying there; The month dragged the girl with the rocker arm and buckets; she clung to the talnik, the Month dragged her away with the bush]: 15-16, 16; Mansi [a woman with buckets or a woman with two children can be seen on the moon]: Olga Silvestrovna Ivanova, teacher at the Pedagogical University named after M. Herzen, personal report March 9, 2009; chum salmon: Alekseenko 1976 [In the Month, you can see a Ket girl with a tuyas (var.: Russian woman with buckets) teasing the Month (pointing her finger at him - Alekseenko, hp 2001) and punished by being dragged to him along with a snag she clung to]: 84; Davletshin, Duvakin 2009 [Marya Maksimovna Irikova, August 2009; the woman sent her daughter to the ice-hole for the water; the daughter, laughing, says to the Month: "Oh, grandfather, you are drying, and I live well"; Mother began to reproach her; while her daughter "what and what" was talking, the Month took her away; on the full moon, you can see a woman with rocker]: personal message; Nikolaeva 2006 (pos. Yartsevo, Turukhansky District) [looking at the decreasing month, the beautiful girl said that everything was drying in the sky, and she was walking on the ground; The month was offended, took her away when she went to the water with buckets; now she is with can be seen in the sky with buckets]: 27.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [God created the sun during the day, so it is more important than the month created later at night; the boy and girl left from the first people cried from hunger; the girl prayed to God took her home, God fulfilled her desire; the boy turned to the month, he took it to him; God said that he made the month clean and did not tell people to be touched; now the month will be like man in 4 weeks to be born and die and so on; before that, the month was constantly round in shape and did not disappear]: Tretyakov 1871:209, 423 (a brief retelling in Potanin 1883:776); Western Yakuts: Alekseev et al. 1995, No. 35 (Vilyuisky, 2nd Bordeaux Nasleg of the Suntarsky Ulus) [an orphan girl goes to fetch water; says that it is better for her to become the sun with the sun, the moon with the moon; the Sun, the Moon, the Earth they want her to their place; she decides that she cannot live on earth, she will burn in the sun, goes to the moon; she is visible there with a rocker arm and buckets; she is the spirit of the mistress of the moon]: 197-199; Ovchinnikov 1897, No. 5-6 (the place of recording is not specified; probably Olekminsk or its environs, where Ovchinnikov was in exile) [two options; the orphan went to get water, stumbled behind the talina, the water spilled, the ice-hole was already frozen; the girl asked the Month to take her to for himself; his elder brother The Sun wanted to take it himself, overcame the Month; he begged him to leave it to him, because it would have burned in the Sun; otherwise, the girl had a bush in one hand for which she held on]: 179-181; central Yakuts: Pekarsky, Popov 1928 [the girl went to get water; a strong wind blew, picked it up along with rocker arms and buckets filled with water; planted it on a birch tree with large branches, and then took her to heaven; there the girl took a month; she and the rocker arms are still visible in the sky; this girl is ichchitya (the spirit master of the moon)]: 5; Pripuzov 1885 (Zapadno-Kangalassky ulus) [an orphan girl was sent to fetch water on a frosty winter night; she stood by the willow weeping; the moon took pity on her and took her with her willow, buckets and rocker arm; she can still be seen there]: 62; Seroshevsky 1896 (Namsky ulus); stepmother tortured the girl, sending barefoot on the water in winter; The month kidnapped her; she is standing on the moon with a rocker arm and buckets, near her grow talniks, with whom she was kidnapped; she is an orphan, the soul of the moon]: 667; Tolokonsky 1914, No. 111 (the place of recording is not specified, the mediation of A. Kulakovsky; probably central) [the slave girl went to fetch water at night, asked the moon to take it as a housewife; visible on the moon with a rocker arm, buckets, a lake and a willow bush]: 89; north- Eastern Yakuts: Gorokhov 1882 (the place of recording is not specified; most likely, Verkhoyansky District, where N.S. Gorokhov was born and lived) ["Look at the moon: two human figures on a rocker arm carry a bucket water. And what happened was that brother and sister went to get water and looked at the full moon, which took them for themselves. Therefore, it is forbidden for children to look at the full moon"]: 39; Seroshevsky 1896 (Kolyma ulus) [a slave girl went to get water at night, asked the moon to take it as a housewife; visible on the moon with a rocker arm, buckets, a lake and a willow bush]: 667; Khudyakov 1969 (Verkhoyansky): 279 [a boy and a girl with a rocker on his shoulders looked at a month for a long time; the fire of their eyes awakened the sleeping moon spirit, he took them to him] 372 [An orphan boy goes with a rocker arm to get water; says, "To be me instead the spirit of the sun and the month"; they go down, take him away from each other; he climbs the talina with the buckets; Month snatched the boy with his talina, took it for himself; he is visible for a month, resting one foot on his waist, holding a rocker arm with his hand], 373 [an orphan girl is fed scraps; she goes to fetch water with a rocker arm, grabs dry talnik, says, "If I were the spirit of the month of the sun"; both go down, asking who she called earlier; the Sun is hot, from the Month it is cool, it turns to the Month; the Sun tells it" be destroyed along with the damage of the month and gain weight with the full moon "]; (cf. Potanin 1883 [spots on the moon are a shaman who decided to fight the moon, but as soon as he touched it, he clung to it with a tambourine]: 775; reference to Tretyakov 1871 (2): 415; Tretyakov has these the materials are not directly attributed and almost certainly belong to Samoyeds; comment by E. Duvakina); northwestern Yakuts [1) (Olenek, Zhilindinsky Nasleg), stone men captured the girl, made her a slave; at night they sent her with a rocker arm and buckets to the ice-hole for water; she complained sky; the sky turned it into the moon, the rocker and the bucket formed spots; 2) var.: the spirit of the moon took pity on the girl, took pity on the girl; 3) = (2), but instead of the girl, a man]: Gurvich 1948:130 (=197:199); western Yakuts (Vilyuisky) [the owners oppress an orphan girl; she goes to fetch water, asks the Moon and the Sun to take her away; the Sun took her head, the Moon took her body; a headless girl with a rocker arm on her shoulders is visible on the moon]: Popov 1949:260-261; Western Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 54 (Ngokonnovsky, Katanga District) [The sun appeared in the sky later than the moon; an orphan girl lives on it; she lived on land as a worker at rich man; went to the river to get water, each time complained about her fate; asked the Sun to take her to her; The sun fell to the ground and picked up the girl; sometimes you can see her]: 73-74 (=1959:165); Duvakin 2013 (Ilympic) [(1) Sovrechka, 1998; Stepmother insulted the girl, made her work hard; one day a girl went to get water, complained to the moon and she took it; the spot on the moon is a girl; (2) Chirinda, 2007) ; there was a big man on the ground; he had no head, only shoulders; he hunted moose, ate them in the same place he caught them; once he met a simple hunter, fed him and went to bed; the hunter stole from a big man a mitten to show his comrades; a big man woke up and found him missing; angry, flew to the moon; you can see him there, with one mitten and skis]; Rychkov 1922 (probably Lower Tunguska, but Ilimpic or PodkamennoTunguska is unclear) [a girl lies for a month with her leg raised; the orphan went to fetch water, caught the reflection of the month with a bucket, clung to it]: 83-84; Baikal Evenki: Voskoboynikov 1967 (Baikal region) [mystery: What girl lives alone? - Girl for a month]: 159; Rychkov 1922 ("southern" - Trans-Baikal?) [in the month, you can see a girl with a cauldron and a talina, whom she held on when the Month took her]: 84; Potanin 1893 (Nerchinsky) [original text in Mount Etn. Review book 12, No. 1:189, zap. K.D. Loginovsky in 1890; the sun and the month sit in the sea; the mother sent her daughter to fetch water at sunset; did she forget why she came; the mother shouted, Chort, did you take you? The water dragged the girl, she began to fight, grabbed the talina that grew up during the Month, took to heaven with him; visible with a bucket in her hands holding her waist]: 385; Far Eastern Evenks: Voskoboynikov 1960a, No. 13 (Orochons) [an orphan boy is exhausted by work, the Month takes him home, he holds his mittens in his hands; the month made a rich reindeer herder who oppressed an orphan sick]: 91-92; Mazin 1984 (Orochons) [moon (running) - mirror of the mistress of the universe (enekan-bug); spots on the moon - standing old woman with a bag]: 11; Myreeva 2009b (Uchursky?) [a rich man tortured a girl with work; sent a girl for water at night; the girl looked at the moon, she asked why she was crying; she took her home; a girl with buckets is visible on the moon]: 159-160; Coxwell 1925 (" Tungus" - apparently Orochons) [the mother sent her daughter to collect water into the sea; the daughter looked at the sea, forgot about the case; her mother shouted her angrily; when she heard the name, the marine master grabbed the girl; she began to resist , threw the bucket, held a scoop in her hand; the moon came out of the water, the girl grabbed the bushes growing on the moon, ascended to heaven; she can see there, holding a bush in one hand, in the other a ladle; when the girls come out waters, you can't call them by name]: 158 in Isis 1998:23; Evenks of China: Potanin 1893, No. 84 (solons) [about spots on the moon, salons think they are a girl]: 317; Sem 2015 (manegres) [REM, call 4216-426, 469; objects in the form of a disc and a half-disc, on both figures; on the half-disc, a woman next to a tree and a moose on one side and next to a snake on the other side; on the inside of the disc are written Manchu words of prayer]: 229; Evens [mother dies, tells two daughters not to go up the river; they go, see the devil, he catches fish, tells one of them to kiss him; the youngest kisses him, he bites gives her fish, promises to come to visit; the youngest tells the eldest to run, and wrap her in a yurt tire, give her a knife, put her to bed; the devil swallows the youngest, chases the eldest; the youngest cuts his kidneys, liver, heart; he dies; she goes out, ripping his stomach apart; rich people take her as a worker, beat her; when she goes to get water, she asks the Month or the Sun to take her; The Sun takes her, Month three years takes away, now she is from the Month, visible on it; she smiles, she has buckets]: Novikova 1958:41-42 (=1987:43-44).

Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 5 [you can see a girl standing with a rocker arm on the moon], 6 [an orphan girl was forced to carry water at night; a month felt sorry for her, took her home, you can see her there now], 7 [ stepmother offended an orphan girl, saw all this for a month, invited her to her place; a girl with a rocker arm, a bucket and a puppy is visible on the moon]: 55, 56; Orochi [=Medvedev 1992:365-367; younger brother cries, wants marry his sister; she asks him to bring a cutting board, runs away herself; the brother finds his sister, her husband is a bear, he promises not to kill his brother-in-law; the bear fights his enemy, the boy shoots, by accident kills her sister's husband, not the enemy; kills a bear, she turns out to be his sister; her two bear sons cry, dig a den; an old moon woman raises them to the moon; var., No. 17:189-191: starting like (16), without incestuous intent; cubs dig a hole under the hearth, turn into fire owners)]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 16:188-189; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [visible on the disk of the month when the full moon is on the disk of the month girl; (quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 82:454)]: 172; Podmaskin 1991, No. 17 [=Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:25-26; hunter Kunti ate prey in the forest, his wife Amanda was starving; a month felt sorry for her, invited her to herself; at midnight, A. flew to the moon, taking a dog, a bucket, a bucket with her; they can be seen there; K. turned into a wild pigeon, heard every night in the taiga]: 125; Samar 2008 [the lunar eclipse is associated with a dog Anduli; at a full moon, a girl and her dog are visible on the disk of the star, devouring the moon; if you make a noise, the dog will let go of the moon when frightened (Archive of the Society for the Study of the Amur Territory. V.K. Arseniev Foundation. F. 14. Op. 1. D. 27. L. 233)]: 273; Nanais: Arsenyev 1995 (4) [the owner sends the water worker; she cries; the month takes her home, she shows a woman with buckets of water]: 152; Lopatin 1922 [mother sent her daughter with buckets for water; she left and heard the birds singing; her mother could not stand it and cursed her to be dragged away by Bya; B. went down, grabbed the girl so hastily that she did not have time to let the buckets out of her hands; with since then, you can see a girl with buckets on the moon]: 330, Fig.76 [image of the moon with a girl holding buckets]; Chadaeva 1990 [in winter, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter again and again to get water, pours out water; she asks for the moon take her; now you can see a girl with a bucket and a rocker arm on the moon; if it rains or snows under the moon, then the girl is crying]: 34-35; Wilta (South Sakhalin) [brother and sister became married, ashamed this; the wife decided to go to the god of the sea, the husband to the god of heaven; the wife threw herself into the sea, the husband was on the moon; he was holding a pot in his hands so as not to need food]: Isis 1994:25; nivhi: Ivanov 1954 [wooden amulet (MAE) in the form of strung images of the sun and moon; figures of a man with a rocker arm and buckets and a dog are carved on the half-disk of the moon]: 401, Figure 250; Kreinovich 1930 [visible on the moon a woman carrying water in buckets on a rocker arm; with her a dog devouring the moon, causing eclipses]: 53; Isis 1998 (southern Sakhalin) [the woman carried buckets on her rocker arm, and her dog were transferred to moon]: 24; Otaina in Turaev 2008 [The moon, out of pity, took a girl, whom the hostess sent to the ice-hole early in the cold morning, specially pouring out the water she had brought in the evening]: 186; Pevnov 2010, No. 9 [ They were surrounded by an orphan girl; on the night of December, the hostess poured water and sent the orphan to fetch water, a puppy went with her; the moon came down, the girl jumped on her with a rocker arm and buckets and a dog, now they are there visible]: 134-136.

Japan. Ainu (Sakhalin): Pilsudsky 1991b, No. 3 [the girl goes to fetch water, disappears; the grandmother of the Willow Thicket tells her younger brother that the Month took her away; the young man shoots two arrows into the sky, clutching for them, goes up to the Month; he says that he took into his house the one that managed the bucket and the scoop; gives the young man their daughter as his wife; he and his wife return to earth]: 70-72 (=Pilsudski 1912b, No. 3:73-74); Isis 1998 [the girl went to fetch water; laments that the Moon is doing nothing, but she has to work; she ascended to the moon with her dog following her; they can be seen there]: 24; Ainu (Hokkaido): Brauns 1883 [The boy's parents sent the boy to fetch water with a bucket and a ladle; at first he stabbed the hearth with a knife; then he stabbed the door pole, told him he should not carry water; by the river he said this is a small trout, then a large salmon, then a very big one; he took it to the moon, where it now stands as a warning to naughty children]: 258; Isis 1998 [1) the boy did not like to carry water, only knocked on the edge of the hearth, hitting the doorpost; for this, the moon god caught him; now he can be seen frog on the moon; 2) the boy did not like to go fetch water; holding a bucket in his hands, looking at the moon, said that he would like to be the moon, she does nothing; the moon took it; 3) the lazy boy went to the river with a bucket and the head of the dried fish he wanted to soak; now visible on the moon (the head of the fish is tied to the tub ); if the figure of a child is clearly visible on the moon, this portends a rich catch; if the child lifts a bucket, the harvest will be good, if it lowers it, it will be bad; 3) the woman carried water, envied the moon, turned out to be there with the tub]: 24-25; Osami 2007 [the girl went to get water and disappeared; the mother came to look, the fish do not want to answer where the daughter is, because she is lazy; Yelets recalled that she wanted to be the edge of the hearth, for he only warms my back by the fire; Silver carp: I wanted to be a stand supporting the house, because the counter does not go to fetch water; another fish, addressing my mother: you complained that my meat was bony; Trout: what are the old ones trout rot; Salmon says that a woman praises him, so he will tell him; her daughter wanted to become the moon, because the moon does nothing but lie in the sky; she also hates going to fetch water; the Moon punished taking the girl to him; you can see a girl carrying water on the moon]: 17-19; Batchelor 1927 [the lazy son does not want to go for water; he says to the doorpost, the fish, that they are just a joint, a fish, and they do not go for water; salmon takes it to the moon, it can be seen there (in the same text in Isis 1998:24, citing Batchelor 1901:67-68; the boy is carried to the moon not by salmon, but by a frog)]: 260; Okinawa Islands: Nevsky 1996 [ you can see a man carrying two buckets of water on the moon]: 268; "The Collection of Japanese Fairy Tales is Tsukan", translated and reported by Yoko Naono Fukasawa, 04.04.2016 [1) Akara and Sarah found a peach seed on the river, planted it, they grew a tree. When they sold mature peaches in cities, Acara allowed customers to taste them and willingly bought them from him, and Sarah was angry and did not allow them and no one bought them from him. When they got home, they quarreled and Akara asked the moon to lower the golden bridge. When he got up, Sarah ripped off his leg and Akara climbed into the moon without a leg; 2) instead of Sarah, a monkey who offers to kill someone who sells less and gives Akara only unripe peaches; he, of course , buy badly and Akara asks for salvation from the moon]; "Grandma's Tales: 154 Tales from Tise Ikeda (75 years old)", 1966, No. 67 "Moon and Child", translated and reported by Yoko Naono Fukasawa, 24.04.2016 [About big Grandma and boy live in rivers. His grandmother asks him to go fetch water, he reluctantly leaves and does not return for a long time. Grandma goes looking for him, the fish do not want to answer where the boy is because he mocked them; Salmon says that the boy praised him as God's fish, so he will say: "God took the bad boy to the moon and he became a black shadow there," said the salmon. Since then, my grandmother has always looked at the moon]; Tales from Ogimi Village, 1998. The text "Akana and Them" was translated and reported by Yoko Naono Fukasawa 25.04.2016 [Akana is a character who lives on the moon; "they are a category of demonic creatures"; A. and O. go fishing, with A. a wooden boat and a rich catch, O. has a clay and poor catch; A. advises O. to urinate on the boat, which falls apart; A. believes that O. will eat it, run away; O. catches up and asks why A. red pepper; A.: "If you wash your face with this, you will see China and Yamato (Japan)"; O. believes, washes his face (with infusion) of pepper, sneezes and temporarily goes blind; A. climbed a tree at the edge of the pond, O. sees its reflection; enters water, catches shrimp and fish, ties them to all parts of the body; A. laughs, O. notices him, climbs a tree; A. promises God to carry salt and water for him; if God loves him, let him lower the iron a ladder, and if he doesn't like it, a rope ladder; God lowers an iron one; O. climbs after A. and manages to gnaw off one leg; a ladder with A. goes to heaven]; Miyako Islands: Nevsky 1996:267 [the light of the Moon Wife was brighter than the light of her Sun Husband; she refuses to change; her husband shoves her to the ground, she falls into the mud; the peasant carries two tubs of water, washes the moon, helps her get out of the mud; the moon rises to the sky, but loses its former shine; he takes the peasant to him in gratitude; he is visible on the moon, holding a rocker arm with two tubs on his shoulders], 268-269 [Akana, a boy-like creature with red face and red hair; he is Mrs. Luna's brother; goes down to the ground to eat fish and crab eyes], 269-270 [A month gives Akariyazagama a tub alive and a tub of dead water, sends the earth, orders to pour living water on a person, the dead - a snake; when he reaches the ground, A. falls asleep, the snake splashes living water on himself; frightened A. waters the dead person, returns to heaven; Month punishes him, telling him to stand on the moon with a tub in his hands from now on].

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902 [the well-known story of how the Month took a boy or girl who was mistreated on earth is also familiar to the Chukchi]: 592; 1928, No. 2 [lonely reindeer herder hears a voice from a pile of snow; there's a house, a woman in it; she teaches him how to make love; gives birth to a son and a daughter; they marry, people come from them; people ask the Wagtail to get light; T., the raven Kurkil, Kaggelin partridge ("Coughing"), Ground-Creeper fly east, hammering the sky, breaking their beaks; K. sharpens them again, but now they are short; K. breaks through the sky, enters the outside world; there is a girl plays with balls; K. grabs them and throws them up; they turn into the sun, a month (two balls stuck together), stars (one ball has crumbled); K. throws the girl, she sticks to the month, is still visible]: 301- 302; Bogoraz 1939 [Arcana Month can drag a man; takes a boy or girl or both together, they can be seen on the moon disk]: 22-23; Portugalov 2009 [moon and fat argue which one is lighter; fat says that the moon is cold and it is warm; the moon: whoever can kidnap the boy is lighter; raises a boy who has come out of the yaranga with an arcana; the fat boy tells the woman where her son is, to the moon we have to return the child]: 50; reindeer Koryaks (Avekov) [the evil mother drove her daughter out of the house; the girl went to the river, told the moon that even she was not sad for her; the moon went down, grabbed the girl with the surrounding bushes, carried away (the origin of moonspots); a year later, the mother dreamed of her daughter, said that there is food on the moon only when the moon arrives; when it decreases, the girl chews her sleeves their clothes; since then, Koryaks have been feeding the girl on the moon on certain days; at the festival, food is taken to the roof of the yurt as a sacrifice to the moon and the girl]: Beretti 1929:36; Markovo: Dyachkov 1992 [three girls went to get water, looked at the moon alone, separated from the ground, ended up on the moon]: 233; Hakkarainen 2000 [an orphan girl is driven around, driven to fetch water at night; she complains to the moon Moon (Month?) takes her home; the girl is seen there with two buckets; dogs loved the girl, they still howl at the moon]; forest yukaghirs: Zhukova, Shadrin 2004 [a lonely man wandered from house to house; some he was fed, others did not; he became a month, since then he has been getting fat and then losing weight]: 35-36; Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 2 (p. Ridiculous, Verkhnekolymsky District) [an orphan girl goes with tues to fetch water, asks the moon to pick it up; she finds herself on the moon, seen there with tues in her hands]: 21-23; itelmen [don't look at the moon - alone the lazy girl looked at her, the moon and pulled her up to her]: Porotov, Kosygin 1969:33.

The Arctic. The Aleuts [Aleuts see a human face on the moon]: Merck 1978:80; central Yupik [shamans visit Man on the Moon to find out the cause of illness]: Nelson 1899:430; chugach [ Kilak fights with Kintluarshun, his hunting partner; goes up to the moon and stays there; he has only one eye]: Birket-Smith 1953:175 (=Johnson 1984:88-89); Bering's Inupiate Strait (Seward Peninsula): Garber 1940 [a girl finds a toe-sized baby in the tundra; he grows rapidly; one day she hears a sound coming from the moon from the tundra; a huge dog appears, pulled into a sledge, in it a man in gorgeous fur clothes; it was his child; he takes a girl as his wife, takes him to the moon]: 67-76 in Cumming 1954:58-59; Nelson 1899 [shamans visit a big chief living on the moon]: 515; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Lucier 1958, No. 17 (Noatagmiut) [a girl always leaves home for water when it snows or rains; disappears; her bucket is found frozen in ice; a year later, a team invisible dogs descend from the sky to her parents' house; the girl and her husband brought caribou meat for a month; there are a lot of caribou and hares on the moon, but there are no marine animals, their fat; a year later, the couple leaves back; living wife's parents, the Month has always been behind the curtain, almost invisible; (it is not said that the girl's silhouette is visible on the moon)]: 103-106; Gubser 1965 [(the nunamiut believe they borrowed this story from the coast from Eskimos living at Point Hope); brother and sister live alone in the house; brother asks his sister to marry, she refuses; she asks him to take a wife, he also refuses; goes to bed with her at night; to find out Who is it, she stains the rapist's face with ash; in the morning in a community house (karigi) she sees that her brother's cheek is dirty; cuts off her breasts, mixes it with urine and blood, makes it akutaq (Eskimo" ice cream"), invites her brother to eat it; tells everyone what happened; with a burning fat in her hands, she walks counterclockwise in circles, rises to the sky; her fat content gives more and more heat and light; brother takes his tool bag, follows it, becomes light but stays cold; since then, the Month has been haunting the Sun forever, but cannot catch up; the dark spots on it are a man with a bag with instruments]: 190-199 (specify!) ; Rainey 1947 (Point Hope) [Someone comes to Sukunuk at night; she smears her lover's face with soot; in the morning she sees a mark under her brother Alignuk's eye; fills the bowl with urine and feces, cuts off his left breast, A. gives all this, offers to eat it if he loves it; they began to spin, rose to the sky; A. told his sister to go to the sun, where it is warm, he went to the month where it was cold; on the disk of the moon A. can be seen holding a bag of tools; the sky at sunset is painted with blood from S.'s chest]: 270; Rainey 1947 (Point Hope) [someone comes to Sukunuk at night; she smears her lover's face with soot; in the morning sees a mark under his brother Alignuk's eye; fills the bowl with urine and feces, cuts off his left breast, serves all this to A., offers to eat it if he loves it; they began to spin, went up to sky; A. told his sister to go to the sun, where it is warm, he himself went to the month where it was cold; on the disk of the moon you can see A. holding a bag of tools in his hand; the sky at sunset is colored with blood from S.'s chest]: 270; mouth McKenzie [orphan Najuko lives with his uncle; his uncle's wife mistreats him, puts him in the cold; The month takes him home; N. is able to go down, at his request The month takes the soul of his evil wife uncles, N. gives him another wife; two old women make a walrus out of garbage, raise him in a vessel of water; he keeps growing, they change blood vessels, then release him into the sea; the walrus drowns N., but he is immortal, killing a walrus , his fangs hit old women to death]: Ostermann 1942:75-76; copper: Jenness 1922 [dogs can be seen on the lunar disk; or a woman with dogs behind; one day she descended to earth, but shamans tied a rope to it and pulled it back]: 179; Rasmussen 1932 [a man with a dog is seen on the lunar disk]: 23; West Greenland [Sun and Month are sister and brother; a well-known story about how The brother ran after his sister and both went up to heaven; now the spot at the top right of the lunar disk is identified with the Month itself, on the left with his dog, and at the bottom with the Ripper trying to make people laugh, to then pull their guts out; stains used to be considered traces of soot that the sister used to smear her brother's face]: Birket-Smith 1924:437-438.

Subarctic. Kuchin: Camsell 1915, No. 10 [boy demands that people give the fattest reindeer to his father; they take them for themselves; deer disappear; father and son have a bag in which reindeer bones are overgrown meat; son flies through the chimney to the moon; at the same time, one leg comes off]: 254-255; McKennan 1965 [the uncle does not give the boy deer fat, throws his intestines at his feet; the boy flies to the moon through the chimney ; one leg torn off remains in the chimney; the dead caribou come to life and run away, only the boy's father's meat remains intact; the boy is still visible on the moon; he holds a caribou shoulder blade and a blood scar caribou]: 146-147; Petitot 1886, No. 6 [the old woman finds a boy; he brings a caribou, wants all the interior fat; people don't give it, tell him to go back to the Sun; the Sun is hot, he returns to camp, destroys it with a hurricane; goes to the Month; seen there with his white dog and a bubble of caribou blood in his hand]: 66-69; Smelcer 1992 [the hunter kills a lot of caribou, but people don't give him meat; he flies to the moon; an old woman grabs his leg but can't hold him]: 129-130; tanaina (informant: this is an Eskimo story) [brother tries to incest with his sister; both go up to the moon; their figures are visible; brother taller than sister, holding a bag of menstrual blood in his hand; because of this, women menstruate]: Rooth 1971:93-94; upper tanana: Kari 1996 [a man can be seen on the moon who holds caribou ovaries on one side and caribou stomach sausage on the other; something fell from the top of the fir tree, it turned out to be a baby; the old woman has two girls, they went to the voice twice, found no one the old woman found it between the roots, brought it; she asks him to "carry the dog up the mountain to find the porcupine"; he drags the dog by the rope all day long, its mouth has long been covered with snow; he is told put traps on rabbits under branches, he puts them between branches in a tree (a play on words); an old woman teaches him, he hunts rabbits, she makes clothes for him from rabbit skins; his uncle (an old woman's younger brother) killed a bear, arranged a party; the boy lies down in the doorway; watches who steps over him and who politely goes around him; he killed many caribou with words; it snowed, the village fell asleep; he rose to heaven, visible on the moon {the end is not well understood}]: 77-87; McKennan 1959 [an old woman finds a baby in a hollow, his name is Psong-shan; flying to the moon, he kills everyone but an old woman at the camp]: 195-196; Ruppert, Bernet 2001 [something fell from the top of the fir tree to the roots, the old woman found a baby there; he grows up; she tells him to 1) "carry the dog all day" (to hunt porcupines), he drags the dog, it dies; 2) put a trap on rabbits under branches (he hangs it from branches, an owl is caught); then he catches rabbits, his grandmother sews clothes from their skins; he magically kills the caribou; he was not given good meat ( caribou sausage), he cursed people; the snow began to melt, he rose to the moon, can be seen there holding the caribou female ovaries in one hand and caribou stomach sausage in the other]: 232-236; Smelcer 1992 [this story known as the upper tanana and the kuchin]: 129-130; Khan (Eagle): Schmitter 1910 [(=1986:37); boy demands caribou leader meat; uncle brings ordinary meat, father brings required meat; boy turns pieces of meat in large pieces; disappears at night; his left leg is found in the chimney; he can be seen on the moon, his right leg is longer than his left leg; in his right hand there is a bag of plain caribou meat; at night, the dead caribou came to life, ran away; only the boy's parents don't starve to death]: 25; Rooth 1971 [caribou meat becomes alive caribou, they run away; the little boy knows this will happen; cries, demands a piece of meat; when received, he covers him with his skin; this piece remains; the boy tells his parents to eat little by little; at midnight he rises through the chimney to the moon; since then he has been seen on the lunar disk; his pants get stuck and remain in the chimney]: 268; southern tutchoni: McClelland 1975 (1) [the figure at the top of the lunar disk is a man who was given only some caribou meat and a lung; he caused a blizzard, killing everyone but grandma; visible on the moon, a light caribou in her hand]: 78; Workman 2000:58-63 [during the migration, the old woman found the baby Sha Kay Dadaya (S.); he has grown up; she tells me to take the dog because he cannot bring the caught rabbits alone; he asks if it is true to drag the dog with him; drags it by the rope, it dies; hang traps on rabbits everywhere - the old woman goes to watch, sees that the traps are hung on the trees; she shows right; now S. catches a lot of rabbits, but hides, brings home enough to eat; hunts caribou with the husband of an old woman's daughter (hereinafter M.); sings all night; says that there will be war; tells them to pour water in birch bark vessels, which fly to the other side of the lake; they do not believe him, the children laugh at him because he is small; he burns M.'s arrow, tells him to follow the arrow's trail; he comes to the fallen a tree, there is his whole arrow, under the den tree; S. and M. kill a bear, feed the hungry; S. moves the old woman away; magically kills many caribou (he knocks trees in their direction, turns into forty, etc.); distributes fat to everyone, says that there is not enough caribou fat that followed the leader; cries, but no one confesses; he goes to the old woman; it snows heavily at night, all people are frozen; in the plague old woman S. flies out through the chimney; she grabs his S. leg, his leg comes off; now on the moon you can see a man with his leg torn off; the old woman complains that he has left her; he raises her to the moon and her; how she holds her hand there], 71-75 [during the migration, the old woman found a baby; he has grown up, but not taller than 1 m; following the rabbits, asks if the dog should be dragged with her; drags her by the rope, it dies; the old woman tells us to hang traps for rabbits everywhere - she goes to watch, sees that the traps are hung on the trees; she shows how to do it; says that his uncles have been killed, his sisters are gone; he comes to camp, pretends to fall from weakness at every step, hides an arrow every time; approaches the old man, he wants to kill him; he kills him and everyone but his sisters with arrows; brings them to the old woman; magically kills many caribou; the fat from one caribou is gone; he is insulted; at night, meat turns into animals again, they run away; people starve to death, the old woman, her daughters and their husbands remain; the boy flies out through the plague hole; the old woman grabs his leg, she breaks off; now he is visible on the moon, one leg is torn off; one day he came to an old woman, sang her moon song; she was sung during lunar eclipses]; taltan [beaver hunter family cooks blood in a bowler basket; when one son returns, everything has already been eaten; he cries, his father promises to beat him; the young man grabs the pot and gets up by the Month; says he is his real father; seen on the lunar disk, holding a pot of blood in his hand; his name is Sa'kesada; gradually bends down; when his figure turns upside down, the world will end]: Teit 1919, No. 7:229; hea [people hear crying; only an old woman finds a baby; he grows up, easily gets caribou, asks for the shoulder and stomach of every animal killed to him; people refuse , leave; he stays with his grandmother, drains the lake, there is a lot of meat at the bottom; people fry meat; pieces turn into caribou and musk oxen, run away; Chief Raven still refuses to give the young man his share; he sweeps away camp in the wind, rises to the Sun; it's too hot there, he goes to live with his father Month; he is seen with a wineskin of blood behind his back and a white dog; he sends caribou to people]: Petitot 1886, No. 25, 26:187-202 ; chipewayan: Birket-Smith 1930 [see motive E9; a man warns his wife not to fingerprint beaver fat; when he enters and takes off the leggings from one leg, he notices prints on fat; runs out at home, rises to the moon; he can be seen there with his dog and greaves on one leg]: 89; Lowie 1912 [the beaver hunter has accumulated a lot of beaver fat, does not tell others to touch it; taking off his leggings, he saw how one man put his finger in fat; angry, went up to the moon; seen there with his legs down and a dog sitting on his lap]: 184; Petitot 1886, No. 11 [girl finds a tiny boy; he organizes a Caribbean hunt, requires all languages for himself; people do not give them to him; he disappears, can be seen on the lunar disk]: 395-397.

NW Coast. The Tlingits: De Laguna 1972 [the boy went to fetch water in the storm and was raised for a month, where he is now visible]: 796; Swanton 1908b [one of the two girls says the moon looks like her grandmother's lab; both they immediately find themselves on the moon; the speaker breaks to pieces; another girl is visible on the lunar disk with a bucket in her hand]: 453; Hyda (Masset) [the woman pointed her finger at the star, mocked her; the stars dragged her into the sky, placed her on the roof to roast her in the chimney; the woman's brothers returned her, replaced her with a wooden figure screaming like a human being; the stars came down to look for her, the brothers ran, throwing red paint; the stars were wasting time picking it up, stopped pursuing it; the woman pointed her finger at the moon, did it when she went to get water; she thought someone was sitting in the well, she pointed with a finger at this man; at home I saw the same face in a bucket of water; threw out the water, returned to the well, saw the same face again, did not drink; at night I felt thirsty, returned to the well; big the man grabbed her hand; she turned to the full moon, showed her tongue; she was dragged up, she grabbed a saral bush; now with a bucket and holding on to the bush, she is visible on the moon]: Swanton 1908a, No. 28:450- 452; Tsimshian (R. Ness) [a woman points her finger at a star and is pulled up; finds herself on the roof by the chimney; she was rescued, returned to the ground; then she points her finger at a month and at its reflection; A month takes her to heaven when she carries a bush of salal-berries; she can be seen on the moon disk with a bush and a bucket in her hands]: Boas 1916:864; bellacula [a woman lives on the moon; she can be seen in the time of a certain lunar phase; she holds a bucket of water in her hand]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 225; uvikino [mother is gone fishing; little brother is naughty; sister puts him out the door, gives him to play bucket; he still cries; his sister warns four times that the Month will pick him up; The month comes down, takes him away; he can be seen on the lunar disk with a bucket in her hands]: Boas 1895, No. XX.4:217 (=2002:457); quaqiutl (tlatlasicoala neveti) [A month went down, asked for water; the girl left the house with a bucket, he took it away; later went down again, asked another woman for water; the mother of the kidnapped woman warned her not go out, but she carried the Month of Water and can still be seen on the moon with a bucket in her hands]: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.9:191; 2002:409.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [after many adventures (see motif H12, K27, M42), a person disappears; one day he appears to his brother; says he is standing on the moon in the cold wind, his skin is black and cracked; eats the meat of a big crow living in the sky; but it is immortal]: Jenness 1934, No. 1:113; quileut [the girl smears resin on her lover who comes at night; in the morning she recognizes her brother; leaves with him people; a boy born asks why father and mother are alike; they burn themselves alive; their slave takes the boy to his grandfather and grandmother; his grandfather gives him a bag of dental shells (Haliotis kamchatcana) and a dog sends to the moon; he is still visible there]: Andrade 1931, No. 56:165-171; shuswap: Boas 1895, No. I.9 [The Month has two wives, Waela and Tsitaeka; V. has two children, but the Month loves childless C. more; V. asks four times where to go with her children; irritated Month: in front of me; she jumps in his eyes, she is still visible there; also in the month you can see a man, his legs and a bag behind his back]: 15 (=2002 : 80); Teit 1909a, No. 5 [in winter The month often migrated; his wife Vala carried birch bark shovels and buckets to melt the snow; asks where to sleep; On my cheek; V. jumps on his cheek, stays there; he turns into a month, does not shine brightly; the woman with buckets and a shovel is still visible]: 653; Thompson [The month is beautiful and clear; the hare (var.: Frog) is his younger sister; there are many star guests in the house; The month sends his sister to fetch water; she comes back, she has nowhere to sit; he invites her to sit on his face, she does it; The month becomes dim, he can see on his face woman with buckets in her hands]: Teit 1898, No. XXXVI: 91-92; lillouette [three frog sisters come to the Month; he invites them to sit by the fire; they refuse; invites him to sit on his leg; consistently many parts of the body are listed and rejected; On the forehead? -Yes! ; they jump on the face for the Month, are still visible there]: Teit 1912b, No. 3:299; clallam [six var.; for (2) - (6) only details other than (1); 1) the girl and her seven brothers are missing one by one; their mother cries, her snot turns into a boy; he finds her abducted by Puma (?) sister; she has a daughter with a second person on the back of her head; she always informs her father that another uncle is coming; the cougar pulls out his wife's brother's heart, swallows it, throws her body away; Snot puts flat stones under her clothes, The cougar breaks his claws; Snot kills him with an arrow, pulls out swallowed hearts, revives his brothers (the eldest with the greatest difficulty); Two-faced teases Snot Snot; he is angry, shoots at the sky, making a chain of arrows; goes to heaven; 2) in the forest, a young man promises to show the girl resin, turns out to be a Puma, glues her with resin to a stump; further as in (1); people throw Two-Face into the fire, but she jumps out; 3) the beast kidnaps one of the two sisters; the middle is like in (1); The cougar offers to give Snot any thing; he takes his sister; the cougar turns into a cougar, can't kill Snot, is shot by him; the woman throws Two-Face into the fire, but she does not burn; 4) ten brothers; their sister reaches maturity; mother does not tell her to swim; she goes to the river; a mind reader sits on her clothes; takes her home; a woman gives birth to a Two-Face and a son; they burn with the house, sparks turn into small animals; a two-faced mother leads to people; she kills another girl; people drown Two-Face in a boat; his younger sister Snot calls him Snot; he goes to the sky, its silhouette is visible on the moon; 5) the girl collects oysters, she is kidnapped by Queetsen, whose strength lies in his nails; 6) as in (2); the Grizzly kidnapper; Snot makes a chain of arrows, rises to the moon]: Gunther 1925, 125-131; sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies as if he didn't catch anything; sister finds eggs in his bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him fishing on the shore; when he returns, he has already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that has broken off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (not explains why); makes his brother out of baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the Toad lets urine into the sky, the rain floods all the hearths except her; the brothers enter her, they call her aunt, she jumps on the younger one's neck, says she is his wife; she can't be ripped off; when she is burned with fire, her skin wrinkles; everyone consistently tries to become the sun; the hummingbird is too hot; y The crane's day is too long (its head reaches the horizon in the west and its legs in the east); its one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, its root brother becomes a month, and a toad is visible on it]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; tillamook [two frog women get married in the Month; one is too fat, doesn't go through the door; the other asks where to sit; doesn't want to be in the middle, in the corner; The Month invites her to jump on him; she sticks to his face; she is ripped off with a knife (the origin of scars on frogs' skin)]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 42:150-151; comox, pentlatch, cowichan, squamish, Sanette [man visible on the moon]: Barnett 1939, No. 1255:251; Puget Sound [Grandma Toad cared for the Month when it was in the cradle]: Ballard 1929 [now visible on the lunar disc]: 71, 79; puyallup [Marries Frog's daughter for a month because only she can lift the bag with his possessions; A frog with a bag is visible on the moon]: Clark 1953:144-146; Twana [like puyallups]: Adamson 1934: 374-378; Elmendorf 1961, No. 5:37; lower chehalis [Marries Frog's daughter for a month, because only she manages to approach him without wet herself]; coolitz [like puyallups; Marrying a Frog for a month (?) ] : Adamson 1934:269-271; klikitat, umatilla, curdalen, sanpual, kalispel [male figure visible on the moon]: Ray 1942, № 4356:189; ne percet [Sun too hot; he has two wives, one of them is a Frog, he does not love her; the Coyote convenes a council; The frog asks her husband where to sit; in front of me; she jumps there without ripping her off; the shining Sun becomes the Month and the former Month becomes the Sun; the Frog is visible in the Month]: Walker, Matthews 1998, No. 23:77; Kalapuya: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 9.1 [the old woman has two orphan grandchildren; one naughty mischievous; one winter she puts him outside; he cries for a long time, calms down by morning; only three steps are visible in the snow; he was taken by the Month, people see him on the moon disk in the evening], 9.2-4 [orphan boy listens to the voice of hazel grouse on an oak tree; does not eat for five days, receives strength from hazel grouse; illness begins, bloody diarrhea begins; shamans accuse the boy, bury him alive; now he is visible on the moon with onions in his hands]: 272- 273, 273-274.

The Midwest. Menominee [see motive F34; the old woman refuses to carry any parts of the body of her bear lover killed by her grandson; says her head bites her, scratches her paw; takes the back; along the way stops masturbating with his penis; grandson comes back, kills grandma, throws her to the moon]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 4:252-253; Western Swamp Cree (North Manitoba) [bear killed Chukkapas and his wife; Wesukechak ordered the son of the victim, also named Chukkapas, to obey his sister; she does not tell him to go to the bears; C. goes, breaks a pine tree, a rock, bears with an arrow in front of the bears they run away, he kills two; he goes to the giants, they throw him into the cauldron to cook, he overturns the cauldron, scalding them to death; the giants think that the beaver will drag him under water; C. pulls out the beaver, breaks them hands with a club to the giants; at night, C.'s sister gave C. a pot, asked him to bring water from the lake; he looked at the moon, she lifted him into the sky; he is now visible there with a water pot]: Clay 1978:28-33; oriental Cree (Quebec, Lac Hameçon) [an old woman finds a boy crying; he lures a caribou, asks for tibia; after a while, people stop giving him this share, drive him away him; he returns carrying Caribou tongues in gloves; he is greeted, given two wives; he does not sleep with them, they go to another; he is offended, rises to a month, is seen there]: Petitot 1886, No. 1:447-450; eastern swamps: Bird 2007 (Vinisk River) [sister does not tell Brother Chakapesh to think about and look at the moon; he violates the ban, is now visible on a full moon disk with a snow bucket and wooden scoop]: 36-37; Ellis 1995 (West Bank Hall. James), No. 5 [Chahkabesh lives with her older sister; goes in the direction she did not tell; tells her sister that she saw large footprints; she explains that these are the bears that killed their parents; C. with an arrow a pile of stones; then kills all the bears with one arrow; finds no remains of parents inside; does not tell her sister to look at the moon; C. goes with a bucket behind the snow to heat water; looks at the moon; she drags him towards him, he is now visible on her], 6 [as in (5)], 17:23-27, 29-33, 119; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [old Nokomis gives birth to a boy Chekadum 'a (Cheerful) from a stranger ; father predicts that his son will be in danger when he grows up; N. sends C. to fetch water, does not tell him to look at the moon; the young man disappears; seen on a lunar disk with a bucket and a bucket]: Ray, Stevens 1971:81; chippewa [The carrier (bird) comes to the village; the chief's daughter tries to grab him, he runs away, she still has his belt; she is pregnant, gives birth to a boy; the chief recognizes as her son-in-law who the baby is for writes; this is the Transporter; he takes his wife and son overseas; tells her not to approach the water; she sees a man's face in the water, kidnapped; the Carrier asks eight Thunders for help, they carry the mountain with lightning, return woman; she was next stolen by the Month; she has been seen on the moon disc ever since]: Barnouw 1977, No. 40:155-157; Squire 1848 in Clark 1960 [Chief's daughter rejects suitors; wants to be the wife of the Month; raised to heaven; her face can be seen on the moon disk]: 123-126; Ojibwa (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan) [A month was human, went to fetch water, was raised into the sky; since then, a man with a bucket has been seen on the moon]: Hilger 1937 : 178; Ojibwa: Désveaux 1984 [see motif J50; after completing his exploits, the hero looks at the moon and finds himself on it forever]: 61; Jones 1919 [see motif A3; at dusk, a woman cooks maple syrup, pouring from one bucket to another; decided to urinate immediately; insulted Luna puts her along with the bucket in her basket; Moon's husband The Sun punishes his wife, forcing her to carry her victim with her forever ; a woman with a bucket is visible on the moon]: 637 (paraphrase in Lévi-Strauss 1968, No. 499:338-339); potauatomi [woman on the moon weaves a basket]: Frobenius 1904:353 in Krappe 1938:121; Algonquins [the old healer knew everything, but did not know when the world would end, she kept asking the Great Spirit about it; he told her to stop asking; she said she would stop when she finished weaving headband; then he will answer, but for now let it hide from people; she hid in the moon; once a month she gets up to prevent the corn he cooks, at which time the cat dissolves the woven one; therefore the healer will never stop asking about the end of the world]: Judd 1904, No. 31:171-172.

Northeast. Naskapi: Millman 1993 [Chakapi blew on an arrow, turned it into a tree, climbed it to the moon; now he can see it; his sister climbed after him; she was with a child from C.; C. killed him; sister on the moon with C.]: 140; Speck 1925 (escumene) [Tsekabek traps the Month; he likes the month, he sits on it, releases it; since then his figure has been visible on the lunar disk]: 5 (=1935a: 62) ; mohawks [the old woman was carried to the moon because she could not predict when the world would end; you can see her weaving a strap on the moon to carry a load behind her back; once a month she gets up to prevent porridge, which is brewing; at this time, a cat nearby is unweaving; until the end of time, the old woman will not be able to finish her work]: Smith 1883:81; seneca [a woman sitting on the moon embroidering with needles porcupine; a pot next to her on the fire; whenever she gets up to stop the brew, the dog sitting next to her dissolves her handicrafts; if she finishes embroidering, the world will end]: Curtin 2001:508; mohawki [the hunter brings a rabbit to his young wife, asks him to cook it before he returns; the wife spends the whole day on the river admiring her reflection, the meat remains uncooked; the same with brought by squirrels, deer; the hunter kicks his wife, she flies to the moon, can now be seen there]: Rustige 1988:21-24; (cf. mikmaq [{the motive is clearly European}; man collected chips on Sunday; for this, God placed him on the moon, where he can be seen with a basket]: Parsons 1925, No. 22:92; Wallis, Wallis 1955 ["so they say priests and bishops"]: 98).

Plains. Blacklegs: Fraser 1990 [a girl is married to an old chief against her will; she cries all the time, gives birth to a child, still dies of grief; her former lover is waiting at the grave; she goes out to him but says she must feed her baby; puts on men's clothes, goes to the chief's house; pretends to be something, her husband tries to grab her; she jumps out of the smoke hole, but he manages to cut her off leg; celestials place it on the moon; an old woman without a leg is visible there]: 36-37; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 8 [a woman has two children and a mole on her left leg calf; a man from the moon seduces her, she disappears, the husband marries another; the woman longs for children; dressed as a man, she comes with her new husband to her former house under the guise of the Cree Indians; the children suspect that it is the mother; the old husband asks to make arrows, the smaller one who comes does them very badly; at night, the husband lights a fire, recognizes a mole; in the morning he cuts off his wife's leg when she jumps out of the house with her new husband; now you can see a woman with one leg on the moon]: 72- 73; teton [a man standing on the moon with his arms outstretched, "The Turtle Man"]: Dorsey 1889:136; 1894:467; santi [Two Women (sisters endowed with the supernatural by force) and the Heartbreaker go to marry the Beaded Spitting (aka the Beloved Young Man); in the morning, a needle-trimmed porcupine bowl full of wild rice ends up on MS's head; this means that RS will go beyond PB; Teal in the boat offers to transport the girls; taking beads in his mouth, spits them; J takes him for the desired groom; later a real PB arrives, marries RS; Teal does not tells his wives to follow him; they peek at the dance tipi; there Teal lies on the floor, people dance, trampling on him; sisters leave blankets with bees and ants in bed instead of themselves, go to PB, chasing MS away; Sedge (sent by Chirk?) cuts off PB's head when he sleeps with his wives; people come to kill Chirk; his mother Snipe flies into the swamp; people trample on her, since then the roots of the reeds are red with blood; Teal with a PB head in his hand and Sedge with they go up to the moon with a knife in their hand; and now you can see them standing there]: Riggs 1893:148-149; cansa [you can see a man on the moon with a bag carrying turkeys]: Dorsey 1892:301; iowa [two sisters they go to marry the leader's son Spitting Shells; his servant picks up spit cowries, pretends to be him, takes the sisters as wives; Ishiinka comes for him, telling him to appear to the leader's son; servant pretends to be a joke, forbids his wives to follow him; they go, see their husband just pick up the shells; go to the leader's son; the servant kills both the son and the leader himself; flies away, taking their heads away; I. witches , trying to bring the servant back to earth; he defecates in I.'s open mouth, flies to the moon; you can see his silhouette, with his head in each hand]: Skinner 1925, No. 33:493-494; from: Anderson 1940 [young man marries; an evil leader takes his wife; a young man comes for her, the chief chases him with a knife; a young man jumps on the moon, has been seen there ever since]: 46-52; Curtis 1976 (19) [a strong and evil warrior takes all the meat for himself; a young man Hokéle hides meat, this is being known; a strongman comes to him, he kills him with an arrow; his relatives surround the young man's home; he climbs to the moon by moonray; seen there, in one the enemy's head, the other has a bow and arrow]: 171-172; Mandan: Maximilian in Dorsey 1894 [The Master of Life lives in the sun; the Immortal Old Woman lives on the moon; her three sons Day, Sun, Night; three Daughters - Morning Star, North Star, Evening Star]: 506; Squier 1851:70 in Prentice 1986 [Moon sickle is the strap on Moon Old Woman's forehead; her kids are the same as in Dorsey 1894]: 257; Will, Spinden 1906 [the Immortal Old Woman lives on the moon, she has a white band around her head; she has three sons (Day, i.e. the first day of creation, Sun, Night) and three daughters; the eldest, the Morning Star, carries a bunch of feathers, the middle is a striped pumpkin (a star orbiting the Polar Star), the youngest is the Evening Star]: 133; kuapo [a person holding another person's head in his hand is visible on the moon's disk]: Dorsey 1895:130; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 8 (skidi) [The old spider woman hides the seeds of cultivated plants; kills people who come with poisoned food; two sons of the Sun and Moon regurgitate what they eat, eat what they take with them roots; drive away a snowstorm caused by the Spider; grasshoppers descend from the sun, raise Spider to the moon; she can be seen on the lunar disk]: 39-43; 1906, No. 5 (chaui) [four girls go north, attracted an unusual smell; when she enters the goal alone, finds himself in a rock at the dwelling; the young man says that the smell comes from there; when she enters, the girl does not find a way back; the young man turns into an old man, and in the morning again in young man; according to him, the door opens; the Raven boy says that the owner is the Long Tongue (DIA), a rolling skull; teaches how to escape; the girl asks for permission to pick berries; looks in DYA's head, throws out ticks, bites berries like mites; smears bison fat everywhere, sits on the Raven, they fly away, then she walks, flies to the Raven in front; DYA loses time eating fat; then picking up or eating abandoned objects - arrows, balls of fat, thickets of deren to make arrowpoles (formed from a single arrow), bison (from a tendon; bison is needed to take tendons for a bowstring), turkeys (from a turkey feather); an abandoned flint knife cuts through a ravine; a man at the mound makes a bow; he invites the girl inside; hits the skull with a club, it splits, some flies to the west becomes a month, the other to the east becomes the sun; in the month and the sun, the figure of man is now visible; the girl remains the sister of her savior and his brothers; she is the daughter of the Evening Star; they give her corn seed, she grows a lot of corn; gives birth to a son from the North Star; goes north to her husband; seven brothers (they are Hawks) go east, then west; when they meet a woman, her husband and son, the world will end], 75 (kitkehahki) [a young man comes to a country where skulls are lying; three ugly girls and one beautiful girl play outside the house; she warns him that her mother is a cannibal; he is given food, it does not work on him; they offer to dance; he turns into a snowbird, then into a lark, takes the cannibal to the moon; when he returns, he marries a beautiful girl; she plants various seeds; he leads buffalo, receiving their power from a lark]: 31-38, 508; Kiova-Apache [a feather falls in the house of the mistress of light and turns into a man; the Ant wants to help him; another woman living in the house gives light An ant, that Hawk, followed by Rabbit, Bison, Turtle; the mistress of the light asks Thunder to break the Turtle's shell; it leaves traces, but cannot be broken; the animals carried light from east to west now the sun moves like this; when the Turtle covers its shell, night falls; those women are seen on the moon; standing alone (?) , another rides a hauler]: McAllister 1949, No. 4:25-26; wichita [brother promises to fulfill all the wishes of her beloved sister; another woman asks her to ask her brother to marry her; sister asks, but brother refuses, saying he is still young; then his sister goes to the moon; she can be seen on one half of the moon, her basket on the other half, her dog in the middle; she is the moon, "Bright Sparkling Woman"]: Curtis 1976:101.

Southeast USA. Screams [by Eakins); a man with a dog lives on the moon]: Swanton 1928:480; caddo [A month tells an orphan he adopts him; an orphan marries, rips off her child's leg; people kill him, he comes to life; smashes enemies because arrows do no harm to him; rises to the Month]: Dorsey 1905, No. 28:53-54.

Big Pool. Northern shoshones [the ogre giant Dzo'avits stands on the moon, holding a blanket in one hand]: Lowie 1909b:231; bunnock [giant on the moon]: Steward 1943b:353; utah [a woman is visible on the moon ]: Stewart 1942.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [people plant the next Month on bison skin, throw it to the sky; it stays on the moon, periodically covers it with a blanket (moon phases)]: Voth 1905, No. 3:13-14; mojave [Earth Fertilized by Heaven; her son creates Matyavela's son out of his flesh; he gives people corn, tobacco, mesquite tree; goes to the moon, his figure can be seen on the disc]: Bourke 1889:179, 187.

Mesoamerica Chontal [Luna is the twin sister and wife of the Sun; the lunar disk shows the silhouette of a woman Ish Bolom sitting at a loom]: Vasquez Davila, Hipolito Hernández 1994:152; (cf. wawe [when the Moon was in the west, a young man climbed it and deprived her of her virginity; blood flowed; women have been menstruating since then; the young man was turned into a rabbit in punishment; eclipses of the moon caused by her blood loss when a young rabbit living on it bites her]: Lupo 1991:230-231).

The Northern Andes. Dabaiba [a man who committed incest with his sister is glued to the moon in punishment and seen there]: Anghiera 1912 (2), dec.7, vol.9:321; guajiro [sons of a woman killed by jaguars and jaguars compete to see who will pierce the pupils of a person looking from a lunar disk with an arrow]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 24:60.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Buoka (creator of the moon) is visible on the moon]: Boglar 1977, No. 7:249.

Guiana. Kalinya [mother dies; people mistreat her daughter, send her to heaven to look for her mother; she is approaching the Month, who marries her; punishes evil people with a flood; wife of the Month descends sitting on a turtle, teaching people patterns; patterns on the shell appear monthly from the blood of the wife of the Month; she is still visible on the lunar disk sitting on a turtle]: Penard in Goeje 1943, No. b3:28; oyana : Coudreau 1893 [man who killed his wife]: 556; Goeje 1943, No. d18 [husband weaves a basket, roasts his wife alive in it, eats it in part; her brothers chase him; he rises to heaven, turns into a Month; his the wife can be seen in the spots on the disc]: 105; Magaña 1987, No. 4 [the wife leaves her blind husband in a tree; the bird lowers him, regains his sight; he kills and roasts his wife, feeds her mother-in-law meat; runs to heaven; spots on the lunar disk - he and his wife]: 34.

The Central Andes. Lambayeque Valley [the young man sees the reflection of the moon in the water; it turns into a beautiful woman; he tries to take possession of it, but she disappears; the Sun punishes him by sealing it forever to the face of the Moon, and turning the earth into a fox; foxes hide in holes from the sun, go out at night to look at the moon]: Toro Montalvo 1990a: 640-641; northern coast of Peru; relief on the vessel of the early stage of mochica culture [ The Jaguar-like Requay Beast stands on all fours above a naked man lying on his back with an erected penis; the man's head has a conical hat; the composition is framed from below in a semicircle, apparently depicting a moon sickle; next to the heads of a man and a monster there is an eight-pointed jagged disk (star?)] : Disselhoff 1951, Fig.4; wanka [the chief brings the prisoner out of the campaign; he is killed by a condor; people want to kill a woman, but the priest says the chief loved her; the woman spins bright threads that the wanka does not use; another girl agrees to learn her art; the woman explains that she has two suitors, the Wind and the Rainbow; she likes the Rainbow better, she is going to marry it; The wind grabs her, carries her to the moon; there she can be seen with a spindle in her hands, spinning bright threads; the girl goes to teach people in another village; wanka continues to use only dark-colored threads]: Villanes Cairo 1978:137-142; Misminai (dep. Cusco) [on the moon, you can see a woman riding a horse (probably a woman with a male llama in the past); her baby girl is in her arms)]: Urton 1981:81.

Montagna. Ashaninka (river campas): Anderson 1985 [Arooshi tried to cut off a piece of the Month; he pulled it towards him and A. is now visible on the lunar disk; the wives of the Month are Venus and Mars]: 81-83; Weiss 1975 [Aroshi and his brother Taanikerea left machetes on the plot and they cleared the thickets themselves; the Hummingbird stole A.'s necklace; to make a new one, A. decided to cut off a piece of the Month; that one swallowed, A.'s legs are now visible on the moon]: 268-269.

Chaco. Chorote [A month has come down, taught all people how to build houses; returned; in the middle of the lunar disk, you can see a man with his hands up - the Month itself]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 56:100.