Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32d1. Cain and Abel on the moon .15.16.27.-.29.31.

Cain and Abel are associated with the moon and are usually distinguishable (both or only Cain) in the silhouette of moonspots.

Italians (Trentino-Alto Adige, Tuscany), Sicilians, French (Marne), Walloons, Hungarians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Greeks, Gagauz people, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Orel, Tula, Tambov, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ossetians, Karachays, Terek Cossacks, Lithuanians, Estonians.

Southern Europe. Italians: Dante, Inf., XX, 126: ".. que giá tiene il confine/d'Amendeu gli emisperi, e tocca l'onds/Sotto Sibilia, Caino e le spin" (".. touched the frontier/two hemispheres and beyond Seville Cain descends into the waves/, holding his brushwood", per. M. Lozinsky; also quoted in Grimm 1883 (2): 719); Kabakova 2006, No. 3A (Tuscany) [Cain was jealous of Abel's wealth; tried to work hard himself, but did not become rich; A. refused to share his property with him; the magician explained that the 7 obese cows and 7 skinny cows seen in a dream were fat and skinny years; after seven obese years, K. killed A. with a knife in order to seize his accumulated supplies; dressed up in his clothes and put it on his back prickly brushwood, thought he would not be recognized; that magician called him Abel, but the bulls groaned that it was Cain; Cain came to ask God to forgive him; God replied that Abel also loved not God, but magic, but did no harm, so he was forgiven; and Brother Cain, who shed blood, will stand on the moon with a bunch of brushwood, thorns will dig into his back], 4 (Trentino) [stupid Tonio envies Giovanni that he has better cabbage; she goes to steal, the old woman asks what he is doing; the first time T. runs away, the second threatens the old woman; she asks the moon to go down and pick him up; since then his face has been seen on the moon]: 6-9, 11- 16; Sicilians [after killing Abel, Cain lived in a cave, filling everything around him with thorns so that predators would not attack; when he was carrying a bunch of thorns, God asked what he was doing; praised: that's right, for thorns holy, they will be made of my son's crown; when his hour of death came and Satan was waiting for him in hell as his first prey, K. came to God and reminded him of this incident; God decided to place him on the moon with stirrup with bundles of thorns; let it be half a day and the other half in hell]: Pitré in Dähnhard 1907:255.

Western Europe. The French (Marne) [Cain can be seen on the moon with a bunch of brushwood on his back]: Sébillot 1904:20; Walloons: [Belgian Luxembourg: on the moon, Cain hid behind a bush, but his ears are visible, eyes, nose and mouth; or he's doomed to roll a wheelbarrow; Liege: Cain is visible on the moon]: Sébillot 1904:20.

The Balkans. Hungarians [on the moon King David and St. Anna plays the violin, Sicilia dances, also Abel's blood stains]: Sebők 2007:107; Bulgarians: Kovachev 1914 [when Cain killed Abel, God punished the murderer by placing him on the moon to die for 15 days and 15 came to life]: 31; Stoynev 2006 [Cain and Abel are visible on the moon]: 194; Macedonians [God asked Cain why he killed Abel; he replied that he was not Abel's watchman; God hung Cain on the moon to make him tremble like a leaf and looked at all the crimes committed on earth; he is seen hanged there]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 6:20; Montenegrins [on the moon Cain, punished for fratricide]: Gura 2004:152; Serbs [Cain with a knife in his hand, dead Abel lies to his left; the same goes to other Slavs]: Jankovi1951:108; Greeks: Choha 2009:184-185 [spots on the moon are the tree that holds the earth; all year round his tries to cut down the Devil (or Cain) with an ax; stays on his hair and the tree will fall; then {the devil} sits down for a while and spit on his hands, at which point the tree is whole again, the Devil forced to start chopping again (Peloponnese)], 185 [on the moon, Cain, convicted of collecting his brother's bones in a basket of holes; his torment will end when the basket is full; he sees the bones falling out from the basket, and fire begins to burn it; the fire of the moon burns it and makes it black (Athens)], 185-186 [when dying, the king divided his kingdom between sons Cain and Abel; gave Abel the islands, and his property into mainland Cain; Cain still envied his brother, killed him in the field; God was angry with the villain who committed the first murder, ordered that the place where the crime took place break off the ground and rose to heaven; this is the moon; Cain will be forgiven when he fills his brother's bottomless basket (Crete) with his bones], 186 [1) the shadow of the month is Cain; he killed his brother Abel and was cursed, so his face seen in the middle of the month; a man is said to be standing for a month (Naxos); 2) Cain killed his brother; while running away, he jumped on a horse and fled; now a horseback rider (Naxos) is visible in the middle of the moon; 3) Cain is standing in the middle of the moon and Abel continues to quarrel with each other (Bithynia)]; Gagauz people [spots on the moon - Cain fights with Abel]: Moshkov 1901:55 (=2004:257).

Central Europe. Russians: Belova 2004a, No. 1196 (Smolenskaya) [on the moon Cain, whom the Lord sent there; he carries Abel on his shoulders], 1197 (Ryazan) [in a month Cain puts Abel in the first third, then wears it - the second, and then Abel breaks up]: 506; Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 90 (Kostromskaya), 93 (Nizhny Novgorod): 84-86, 354-356; Gura 2004 [on the moon Cain kills Abel with a hammer or rocker arm, or carries the killed Abel on her back (Vologodskaya), cuts him with an ax or fights him (Arkhangelskaya), drags him on her shoulders from the moon into the sea (Vladimirskaya)]: 152; Efimenko 1984 (Arkhangelskaya, Pinega) [on the moon depicts a picture of Cain's murder of Abel]: 171; Dubrovina 2012 (Tambov) [When Cain killed Abel, God made spots on the moon that looked like a person to remind Cain of sin; Abel and Cavel two brothers argue, and an angel separates them]: 85; Saint 1913:22 [Orlovskaya: when Cain killed Abel and looked at the moon, his terrible face reflected on it; Tula: the moon is Cain's head worn by Abel; A. is righteous and therefore visible, but K. is unrighteous and not visible; Arkhangelskaya (Pomorie), Zeitlin 1912: when Cain killed Abel, he saw it for a month and told the sun; when he learned that his crime was solved for a month, K. he smeared the month with resin, climbing with a bucket and a anoint; during this month he pulled him towards him and he could be seen there; previously the month was as bright as the sun; after that, the sun became friends with the month and began to walk separately]; Russians (Vladimirskaya) [from S.N. Polisadov's manuscript "The Village of Shimorskoye, Melenkovsky Uyezd": on the moon they see how "Cain Abel, killed on his shoulders, drags from the moon into the sea"]: Zelenin 1914, No. 67 : 186; Firsov, Kiseleva 1993 (Vladimir Gubernia) [On the moon, you can see two people and a tub associated with the biblical story about Cain]: 118; Belarusians: Avilin 2015:189 [Brother holds brother on a pitchfork, Cain killed Abel; Cain and Abel did not share girls], 239-244 [Abel's Cain is chipped with a pitchfork; Brother Cain raises Brother Cain on his pitchfork; One brother bends his head and the other swings an ax at him - Cain and Abel; Cain and Abel live full month, these are two brothers with a spear in their hands, both saints (2007); At the end of the world, Cain and Abel will descend for a month; etc.], map 20 ["Cain kills Abel": many records (alternating with "brother kills brother") everywhere, including along the borders with all neighboring states], 22, 23, 25, 26 ["Cain and Abel carry water on a rocker arm": 1 entry near the Russian border]; Boganeva 2010 [spots in the month - Cain and Abel] : 40-41; Ukrainians: Belova 2004a, No. 1187, 1188 and 1200 (Kiev), 1189, 1208, 1224 and 1229 (Transcarpathia) [Cain and Abel], 1192, 1211, 1214, 1215, 1216 [two people per month: Cain and Abel; one stands , and the other is sitting] and 1221 (Chernihiv), 1198 (Lviv), 1199, 1229 and 1230 (Volyn), 1227 (Rivne), 1233 (Ivano-Frankivsk): 505-511; Gura 2004 (Kievskaya) [on the moon Cain, who stabbed Brother Abel with his pitchfork when he put sheaves on the cart]: 152; Wanke 1889 (Mustard, Przemysl y.) [They see Cain on the moon with a stick over Abel lying]: 77; Moshkov 1901 [spots on the moon - Cain fights with Abel]: 65; Belarusians and Ukrainians [{numerous materials from different regions; in Russian much less}]: Belova 2004a: 505-511.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [the moon is a large candle in front of which Cain stands and holds Abel, who was killed by him, on his pitchfork]: Svyatsky 1913:22; Karachays [(E. Baranov 1912); Cain killed Abel because of a girl; seen on the moon with his brother's body in his arms; when the moon is red, K. cries with bloody tears]: Dzhurtubayev 2007:421-422; Terek Cossacks (Naurskaya) [on the moon you can see Cain trying to put together pieces of Abel's meat to revive him; there is still a head left, but K. will not finish his work]: Vostrikov 1907:2-3, 65; Terek Cossacks (Ardonskaya village) [are on the moon two brothers. After a quarrel, they got into a fight: the younger brother raised an ax on the elder, and the elder grabbed him on his pitchfork. It is believed that these brothers are Cain and Abel. Otherwise, they say that a month is a big candle in front of which Cain stands and holds Abel on his pitchfork]: Gusev 1893:317-318 (quoted in Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 91:85).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [in the Month you can see Cain carrying his brother's blood in buckets on his rocker arm; or he is holding Abel on his shoulders or on a pitchfork]: Laurinkene 2002:381; Estonians [options: you can see a boy on the moon, a man, a woman, a girl, two men, a boy with a girl; a man with a rocker arm and tubs; a wood splitter carrying water; Cain and Abel]: Kuperjanov 2003:71-72.