Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32E. A character holding an object.

(.11.) .15.-.17.19.-.

On the lunar disk, you can see a character holding an object or animal. See A32D motif.

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. {Apparently only Christian influence, even if it's not about Saturday, but about a local holiday}. Tsonga [a woman can be seen on the moon carrying a basket or bunch of brushwood]: Junod 1927:306; tswana [1) a man with an ax cutting wood on Saturday; he was placed on the moon as a reminder the rest; 2) a woman with a child collecting firewood while others were preparing for the ancestral party]: Clegg 1986:34; isubu [the woman went to cut on Sunday firewood; God punished it by placing it on the moon before Doomsday; drawing: a man on the moon chopping wood]: Keller 1903:60-61).

Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962b, No. 149 [the thief stole firewood, the owner cursed it so that he could not rest on the ground or in the air; he is visible on the moon and runs forever]: 13; Camarena, Chevallier 2003, No. 760E [a man was carrying stolen firewood; the moon came out; he told her to escape (not to be noticed); the moon grabbed him and he is now visible there carrying a bunch of firewood]: 129; Sébillot 1904 [the man went after with brushwood on Sunday; God (Jainco) punished him by turning him into a moon to shine at night for the rest of time; he is visible on the moon with his brushwood]: 12 (retelling in Leach 1949:117); Valriu 2015, No. 5 [ the man stole blackthorns for firewood and, because he did not want to be seen, told the moon that he did not need it; the moon drew him towards him and now he can be seen there with a bunch of brushwood]: 13; Aragon [on the moon an old man with a bunch of brushwood is visible]: González Sanz 1996:79; Catalans: Amades 1930 [1) a man's face (usually Our Lady) can be seen on the moon; 2) (Mallorca); a man stole coal; he swore that if he is a thief, let the Moon take him; found himself on the moon; 3) (Barcelona); man stole {brushwood? figs? figures}, swore to the judge that he was not guilty, the Moon was a witness; the Moon took him; 4) the hunter exterminated hares and rabbits, they complained to God; the hunter promised God to refrain from hunting; during Worship services saw a hare, rushed after him; God placed him as punishment on the moon, he is visible there with a gun and a killed hare]: 245-246; Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 751E (including Mallorca) [under cover of night man carried a bunch of stolen firewood; the moon took him to punishment and he is now visible there {apparently like the Basques}]: 147-148; Italians: Dante in Grimm 1883 (2) [Cain can be seen on the moon with a pile of thorns (thorns) on a pitchfork]: 719; Kabakova 2006, No. 3A (Tuscany) [Cain was jealous of Abel's wealth; tried to work hard himself, but did not get rich; A. refused to share his property with him; the magician explained that the dream 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows are fat and skinny years; after seven obese years, K. killed A. with a knife in order to seize his accumulated supplies; dressed up in his clothes, put prickly brushwood on his back, thought he was not they will find out; that magician called him Abel, but the bulls groaned that it was Cain; Cain came to ask God to forgive him; God replied that Abel also loved not God, but magic, but did not do evil, so forgiven; and Brother Cain, who shed blood, will stand on the moon with a bunch of brushwood, thorns will dig into his back], 4 (Trentino) [stupid Tonio envies Giovanni that he has better cabbage; he goes to steal, the old woman asks what he is doing; the first time T. runs away, the second threatens the old woman; she asks the moon to go down and pick him up; since then his face can be seen on the moon]: 6-9, 11-16; Sicilians [after killing Abel, Cain began to live in the cave, filling everything around him with thorns so that predators would not attack; when he was carrying a bunch of thorns, God asked what he was doing; praised: that's right, for the thorns are holy, they will be made of my crown son; when his hour of death came and Satan was waiting for him in hell as his first prey, K. came to God and reminded him of this incident; God decided to place him on the moon with bundles of thorns; let him be there half a day and the other half in hell]: Pitré in Dähnhard 1907:255; ladins: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 75 [on a cold night, the guy refused to shelter a woman; she wished him He was in the coldest place forever; now he is standing on the moon with a windowsill in his hand]: 346; Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 101 [you can see a man milking a cow on the moon; he used to walk at night and gave milk from other people's cows; one day the moon was full and he cursed it; for this reason the moon took it home]: 267.

Western Europe. Scots [a Jew can be seen on the moon collecting brushwood on Saturday]: Gregor 1891:482; Welsh [in a Welsh church, a picture of a man on the moon with a bunch of brushwood behind his shoulders]: Harley 1885:31-32; Irish: Muller 2006, No. 6 [a man is seen on the moon carrying a bush behind his back; he cut it down on Sunday and for this God put him on the moon], 7 [at night the poor man went for brushwood, to light the fire; he found nothing else but a thorny bush that plugged a hole in the fence; he put it on his back and carried it home; the cows found a hole in the fence and ran away; the man wanted put the bush in place, but did not have time - it was transferred to the moon; so everyone knew that the one who stole from a neighbor would be punished]: 21, 22; Bretons: Kabakova 199, No. 16 [evil spirits gather on Saturdays, Chanting Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Thursday, Friday! Only an outsider can say the names of Saturday and Sunday; one day a rag walked by, heard, shouted, then Saturday and Sunday; he was carried to the moon, where he stands, holding his bag with his back; he will be replaced by someone who repeats his words on the same day and hour], 19 [voleur de landes avec fais de landes is visible on the moon behind his back; he was summoned to court, he replied that if he stole, let the moon swallow it; so it happened]: 30-31, 33-34; French: Joisten 2005 (Dauphine): 71 [you can see a man on the moon holding a burning bunch of brushwood on his pitchfork]; 2006:96 [you can see a man on the moon with with a bunch of brushwood; he was so punished when he went to the forest on Sunday not for mass], 157 [1) =p.96; 2) on the moon a man with a bunch of stolen brushwood (paquet de buisson)], 165 [on the moon a man with a bunch of stolen brushwood brushwood]; Kabakova 1998, No. 17 (Bigorre) [man worked on holidays; God offered him punishment to be placed on the moon, where there is ice, or in the sun, where there is heat; he chose the moon, seen there with a bundle brushwood; at the end of the world will be free], 18 (Bourbonnais) [a woman who washed on Easter, God condemned him to continue working on the moon, and the man who repaired the wattle fence on Christmas in the sun; on the day the Sun fights with With the moon (eclipse), they try to switch places, but God does not give them this]: 31-32, 35; Krappe 1938 [the most common thing on the moon is a person placed there as punishment for collecting prickly ones on Sunday rods to seal a hole in the wattle fence]: 119; Harley 1885 [Judas with a bunch of thorns can be seen on the moon, the least valuable offering that can be collected in the fields; or St. Isaac carrying wood to sacrifice himself]: 32 Germans (Rügen Island) [a thief stole coal in a dark night; when he was carrying a bag of coal, he grabbed it for a month and now he will stand on the moon for eternity , bent under the weight of the burden; or on the moon, the man who cut brushwood (Dornen)]: Haas 1903, No. 157:145-146; Germans (Brandenburg) [outside the village were stoves for drying fruits and vegetables; two thieves They came to steal what was dried; one: the moon is round, it will betray us; the other: I will cover it with a pile of peas while you get what is in the stove; this man immediately disappeared and has been seen on the moon with a pile of peas ever since]: Engelien, Lahn 1868, No. 61:95 -96; Germans: Grimm 1883 (2) [on Sunday, a broommaker made a broom (or a woman spun), or a man scattered manure or a man stole cabbage; now visible on the moon with a bunch of twigs (woman with a spindle), with a pitchfork, with a head of cabbage]: 718; Krappe 1940 (Northern Germany) [man on the moon holding a jug]: 168; Wolf 1929 [1) Westphalia: on the moon can see a child with a bucket of water; 2) the thief stole two buckets of water at night; ran away from the pursuer, saw that it was his own shadow; scolded the moon that cast this shadow, splashed water into it; the Moon took it with the buckets; 3) Wardenburg: On the moon, a man with a head of cabbage under his shoulders and a bucket of water in his hands; he didn't like the moonlight, he wanted to put it out by pouring water on it]: 55-56; Baring-Gould 1914:194 in Isis 1998:20-21; Germans: Grimm 1883 (2) [a woman was spinning on Sunday, now seen on the moon with a spindle]: 718; Krauss 1890 (Swabia) [a spinner is visible on the moon]: 13; Meier 1852b, No. 2 ( Black Forest) [On Sunday, a man stole brushwood in the forest, took him home; God met him, offered to choose his own punishment: stand in the sun or in the moon; the man replied that it is better to freeze on the moon than to freeze on the moon burn in the sun; he is now visible on the moon with a bunch of brushwood behind his back; to prevent a person from freezing, God has set fire to brushwood and it burns forever]: 230 (=Hubrich-Messow 2006, No. 57:39); Germans (Upper Palatinate) ): Schönwerth 1858, No. 3 [the maid is loaded with work, she is forced to spin at night; A month, tired of quarreling with his wife, the Sun, took the girl to her place and now she is a Moon Spinner; if the tow will end and the girl stops spinning, the world will end; moon eclipses occur when the spinner gets tired, her hair hangs and covers the moon; an eclipse lasts longer if she accidentally harnesses her hair with a tow], 6 [an old woman weaves a basket on the moon and the dog waits beside her; seeing that the work is nearing completion, the dog tears the basket; if the old woman finishes it, the world will end]: 59-61, 70; Dutch [man seen on the moon with stolen vegetables]: Grimm 1883 (2) :718.

Western Asia. Babylonia [(drawing on a Seleucid plaque from Uruk): Beaulier 1999 [image of a lunar disk showing a male Nabu character defeating a lion; there is also a text: "Tiamat is seen in the sun, Marduk is visible on the moon"; the forest in Babylonia is functionally similar to Tiamat and all the forces of chaos]: 92-94; Horowits et al. 2018 [depicts the lunar disk in the Taurus constellation; right-facing men in profile holds a lion's back leg with his left hand, he has a club in his right hand; there is a fragment of text that says that Marduk is inside the sun, and (his son) Nabu is inside the moon, the dagger is over the lion in his hand..]: 98-101, fig. 10 and 11.

Melanesia. Simbang (Cape King William; this is a Papua trans-New Guinean philia) [the moon shows Anu, who put a spear in the fire, and Gasi, trimmed smoothly and holding a dog at hand]: Hagen 1899:287; Mabu [on the western Torres Strait Islands, the Moon is a woman, young, pregnant, with a baby depending on her phase; on the moon, you can see a woman holding a coconut, two breadtrees next to her]: Rivers 1912:225.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori: Best 1982:281 [(zap. H. Beattie on the South Island); Rona married Hine-Aroaro-te-Pari ("Cliff Maid"); while he was fishing, Hoka descended from the sky, converged with H.; R. waited for him, killed him, cooked a certain part of his body, gave eat to his wife, said she ate; she chased him, he hid the children in the rocks, and he rose to heaven himself; now he can be seen on the moon with a calebasa lying in front of him; the children have become spirits living inside rocks; when someone screams, they repeat his words (echo)], 392-393 [at night Rona went to fetch water with a bunch of calebas (var: with one calebasa); the moon disappeared behind the cloud, R. began to scold her; the moon came down and dragged her towards her; R. grabbed the ngaio tree, it uprooted and is now also visible on the moon; because Rona insulted the moon, people now insult each other too; people were looking for Rona, she called them from the moon; this story was first recorded by Nicholas (1817, vol. 1:60-61); in his version, Ron is a man and did not give an explanation, but he did not know the language]; Dixon 1916:87-88 [Rona went to get water, became scold the moon that it's dark; the moon came down to pick it up, R. grabbed the tree, it uprooted; R. is visible on the moon along with a tree, a basket and a calebasa]; Reed 1999, No. 16 [a man with a tree and calebasses for water]: 190-192 (Russian translation in Reed 1960:79-80); Westervelt 1910:167-170 in Isis 1998 [woman with a bush and calebasa]: 26; Samoa [Sina was doing tapa; the rising moon seemed like her at the fruit of the breadtree; she called her down for her child to bite off a piece; the furious Moon grabbed S. with her child, carried her away; on the full moon, S., her child's face, the board and the mallet for tapas]: Turner 1861:203 in Williamson 1933 (1): 100; Hawaii (Kauiki on Fr. Maui) [Hina was doing tapa, she was tired, she took a calebas with her possessions, climbed the rainbow, heading first to the sun; it was hot, she stayed on the moon, you can see a calebas next to her]: Beckwith 1970:220-221; Putilov 1990 [sources are not specified, apparently a prefabricated version; Hina has been tapa all her life, tired; she climbed the rainbow into the sky beyond the clouds, it was hot, she slipped to the ground; in the evening, her husband returned from the spring with a calebasa, scolded H.; she climbed to the moon along the lunar path; now visible there; next to a calebass or a tapa mallet; clouds around the moon - prepared by Hina tapa]: 594-595; Mangaia (Southern Cook Islands) [Ina (corresponding to Hina, Sina) is the eldest of four daughters of Kui Blind; Marima (Month) went down, married her; the lunar disk shows her ticks from a split coconut branch, she makes a fire in the oven; she makes tapa (clouds), spreading it to dry in the sky and pressing it down with stones; from time to time she throws away these stones, then thunder sounds; lightning flashes when she collects rolls of shiny tapas]: Gill 1876:46-56 (a brief retelling in Williamson 1933 (1): 102; in Dixon 1916:88); Pukapuka (Southern Cook Islands) [Yina woman is visible on the moon; if clearly visible, the weather will be good; {further from the manuscript}: Yina is visible on the moon, kneeling in front of the hearth; she has a stone in one hand that she is going to smash the pandanus fruit with to extract core]: Beaglehole 1938:23; Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Tahiti: Beckwith 1970 [a woman is seen on the moon doing a tapa; she watches from the moon those who travel in the night and those who do tapu for gods; one night she stepped on the moon, so her name is Hina, who stepped on the moon; stepping on a banyan growing on the moon, she broke off a branch that sailed to Opoa and gave there the beginning of a local tree]: 221; Williamson 1933 (1) [Tangaroa, Ra are identified with the Sun; Hina with the Moon; spots on the moon are a grove of trees in the shade of which H. teaches how to make tapas]: 98-99; Easter Island [ The moon is a woman; it shows an old woman holding two sticks for an earthen furnace]: Bartel 1974:706.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bhutan [the parents have a daughter Boded; they decided to leave, leaving her: the harvest on the site is scarce, and there are Shinpo demons around; they told B. to dry the grain, driving the birds away from it; the raven screams that the parents they leave; B. rushed into the house, but they have not yet left; no longer listens to the crow; finally, he screams that the parents are gone; no one is at home, the girl climbed the peach tree to see if they can be seen on the road; who then asks him to throw a peach; she threw it; "fell into the manure, go down, throw it again"; the same; "give it in your hands"; D. held out a peach, shinpo grabbed {man} her, put it in a bag and took it to his house; there is an old hungry dog; whispers: if you feed a little, I will give three words of wisdom; B. had food left with her, she fed the dog, who told her to take three bags of seeds out of her ear: they will come in handy when you run; Sinpo tells B . grind rice, say "I'm here" every now and then; the louse promises to be responsible for it: let him take it out of his hair and leave it in a spit; when the saliva has dried, the louse died and stopped responding; Shinpo rushed in pursuit; B. threw the seeds of pepper trees, a forest of pepper trees grew; then pine seeds; bamboo seeds; shinpo is about to break through bamboo; the moon has risen; B. asks her to lower her iron chain, not a ladder from wool; the moon Acho La La answers every time: wait, I'm still washing my face; cooking breakfast; eating breakfast; cleaning the dishes; looking for a chain; straightening it; the moon lowered the chain, B. climbed; shinpo asks him to lower the chain; the moon answers the same thing as the girl (I wash my face, etc.); lowered the wool ladder; when he climbed half, cut off the stairs; the shinpo fell, fell deep into the ground; on the moon you can see a girl who milks a moon cow]: Choden 1994:35-40.

South Asia. Gujarati [an old woman can be seen spinning her hair on the moon, and a goat nearby; if goat droppings fall to the ground, the dead will come to life]: Enthoven 1924:50; hoodies [an old woman is visible on the moon spinning, or (common Hindu tradition) is a dhoti (tissue around the thighs that men wrap) that her husband threw into the moon after learning of her infidelity]: Fuchs 1950:286; Uttar Pradesh (Awadh) [children are taught call the moon mámú (maternal uncle); dark spots - a spinning old woman with a spindle]: Crook 1894:8; Muslim Bengalis (Sylhet) [on the moon, a woman peels corn, a dog next to him]: Bhattacharya 1930:118; Bengalis Hindu (Sylhet) [an old woman with a spindle is visible on the moon]: Bhattacharya 1930:118

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali [figure {original material not specified} in connection with the retelling of the Balinese version of the myth of Rahu's attempt to drink amrita when Vishnu cut off his head and Rahu's head became intermittent swallowing the sun and the moon; depicts a head with a grinned mouth, palms extending from it; four fingers clenched and directed horizontally, the thumb down; fangs in the upper and lower jaw in the mouth ; teeth are visible only at the top; Kala Rahu uses them to hold the edge of the moon, shown as a disc, inside which is a woman with high hair and naked breasts sitting at a spinning wheel]: Covarrubias 1956:299; minahasa, toraja, boogie, tobelo, loda, Sangihe Islands (the retold text belongs to another group, no links; groups with similar texts are listed) [ a white cat drinks from a pot that served as a hunter for household needs; gives birth to a girl Nini-anteh; when she is seven years old, the hunter takes a wife; in his absence, she treats, does not feed the cat, and N.; N. goes to the river, climbs a tree, it grows almost to the moon, from there a staircase descends for it; now you can see it there behind a spinning wheel with a cat; the hunter climbed after him, the stairs were not lowered, he fell down, crashed]: Dixon 1916:238-239.

China - Korea. Miao [a woodcutter with a bunch of brushwood is visible on the moon]: Schotter 1908:421; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Linshu) [the moon shone brighter than the sun; it was nintagonal and octagonal, and when it came out, people's faces turned red because of the heat, and the crops dried up, it became impossible to live; a couple lived in one village hunters - his wife's name was Nie and her husband was Yala; Nie invited her husband to shoot the moon and advised her to climb to the top of the mountain in the morning to get to the moon; Yala shot at the moon all morning, but could not hit; but then the mountain split behind him, and a long-bearded old man appeared and said that an arrow from deer antlers from the Southern Mountains and a bowstring from the North Sea tiger's tail were needed; then the mountain closed again and the old man disappeared; his wife sent Yal to get these animals, but he replied that the animals were ancient and their skins were strong so that the arrow would not pierce them; we needed to weave a net; Nie offered to weave a net from her hair; a month later, the couple weaved a net, caught a tiger and a deer, and made an arrow and bowstring; Yala shot the moon again; the arrow cut off nine corners and eight faces from the moon, so that it became round, but her heat did not decrease; then Yala invited his wife to take a piece of silk, tie it to an arrow and thus cover the moon with it; Nie had just finished weaving a silk cloth depicting a Reevesia tree pubescens Mast.), a white hare and a herd of white sheep; Yala took him, tied him to an arrow, shot him and covered the moon with it; this is how a rivsia tree appeared on the moon, and under it a white hare and white rams; when the moon went up to the sky, Nie looked at her and suddenly flew there; Yala ran after her from the eastern mountains to the western mountains, but could not catch her and cried; Nie hung her hair and Yala climbed upstairs; from then Since the couple has been living happily ever after on the moon; Nie weaves, and Yala herds a white hare and white sheep; people on earth do not suffer from the heat]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 6:6-7.

The Balkans. Hungarians [in Dunátil, Partium, Banat (German influence?) : the man is carrying something; further west: St. Cecilia or St. Peter plays the violin]: Zsigmond 2003:431-432; Hungarians [on the moon King David and St. Anna plays the violin, Sicilia is dancing, also Abel's blood stains]: Sebők 2007:107; Bulgarians [(everywhere in northern and eastern Bulgaria); 1) girl with buckets on her rocker arm; 2) girl went to get water to the well, spoke to the guy there]: Mladenova 2006:137 (map 29), 263-264 [(retelling the texts); the girl went to the well to get water, spoke to the sweetheart there; the moon was low, splashing water to her; she asked God to raise the moon; he picked it up, but along with the girl, her buckets on the rocker arm and her boyfriend; (also many other texts)]; (cf. Marinov 2003 (northwestern Bulgaria) [the childless Queen Domna asked the Sun for help, who brought her grass on the condition that if a girl is born, she gives it to him, and if a boy, she can keep it for herself; the girl born, Marinka, turned out to be beautiful; her mother forbade her to leave the house; one day, while her mother was in church, M. went out with buckets to get water, the Sun saw her, lowered her cradle, raised her to heaven; in the morning and in the evening, a cradle with M. is visible in the sun]: 28); Macedonians (Orash) [stepmother tyrang her stepdaughter; sent her to wash her black hair white; stepdaughter washed, cried, afraid to return home; Month took pity and picked her up; she is standing on the moon with two water buckets]: Tsenev 2004:47; Romanians [in the silhouette of moonspots, you can see a girl walking to the well with buckets on her rocker arm and talking to her sheep shepherd (1 case)]: Mladenova 2006:137, 264, map 29; Serbs: Janković 1951:108 [Cain with a knife in his hand, dead Abel lies to his left; same for other Slavs], 109 [1) the blacksmith died; not Knowing what to do with him, God ordered him to be placed not in heaven or hell, but on the moon, where he constantly forges; 2) there are gypsies on the moon, he has a hammer and ticks, and before that a month was as clear as the sun; 3) the girl was spinning in the evening in Saturday, the Month took her home, she can be seen there behind the spinning wheel]; the Greeks (Karpathos) [at night, the old man and the old woman were returning from the forest, loaded with brushwood; the month was full; when they reached the well, they stopped to take a break and get water to drink; as soon as the old man lowered the bucket into the well, a cloud ran up for a month; instead of waiting for the cloud to go away, the old man and the old woman picked up both hands, with their fingers spread out in an indecent gesture, insulting the month; a month pulled them upstairs with its hook; now in the middle of the month you can see these two with bundles of brushwood behind their shoulders (Karpathos)]: Czocha 2009:187.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk and Pechora universities) [You can't look at the month for a long time, because it attracts you; a boy and a girl were walking on the water and looking at the month; suddenly the bright rays began to descend from the sky and pulled them with their trunks to the moon (A. F. Ludnikova. Legends recorded in p. Oxino Pechorsky u. Arkhangelsk governorate Russian Geographical Society Archive, f.1, op. 1, No. 130. 4 l. (1923)]: Gura 2006:462; Firsov, Kiseleva 1993 (Vladimir Gubernia) [on the moon, you can see two people and a tub associated with the biblical story of Cain]: 118; Russians [a girl with buckets can be seen on the moon]: L. Lavrentyeva, personal report 2003; Russians (Vyatskaya) [a woman with buckets on the moon; an orphan girl rose to the moon on an iron chain on "terrible" evenings]: Belova 2004a, No. 1305:521; Ukrainians [ spots on the moon - Cain fights with Abel]: Moshkov 1901:65; Ukrainians (Volyn) [a girl with a rocker is visible on the moon]: Gura 2006:461, 262; Belarusians (Vitebsk, Minsk) [the elder is visible on the moon brother who killed the youngest and holds a bucket of his blood]: Avilin 2011:180; Poles [St. George plays the violin or lute on the moon; he was interested in seeing what thunder (piorun) looked like; Christ let him look at the thunderous ear, the light of which was so bright that George fear jumped so high that he hit the moon and stayed there]: Gura 2006:466-467; Czechs: Gura 2006:463 [In the Month there is a man with an armful of brushwood or a thief going out on a moonlit night to steal peas] 466 [King David plays the violin or harp on the moon]; Slovaks [in the month David is seen asking God for his mother, who was in the heat; she was lowered from the sky; she grabbed her, but others grabbed, she pushed them away and fell back into the hell; because of this, David will play the harp for a month until doomsday]: Gura 2006:467; Luzhitans: Gura 2006:463 [standing on the moon a woman with a basket of stolen eggs on her back], 467 [a musician stands on the moon playing there in honor of God, the Mother of God, and the Holy Spirit to save their parents condemned to hell; wearing it gloves, jacket, pants and stockings made of elderberry, alder, birch and rakit bast]; Upper Puddle (German-speaking group) [a woman stands in the sun with a basket behind her back, eggs in a basket, which she stole; before that she was standing on the moon, but it was very cold; then they changed with a man who is now standing in the sun because he scattered manure on a holiday; it was a husband and wife]: Gura 2006:463.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [a Nart cow shepherd can be seen on the moon with felt footcloths wrapped around his feet and a wooden milking bucket]: Inal-IPA 1977:36; Salakaya 1976:186; Adygs [spots on the moon - a flock of sheep or "a little shepherd of a flock of sheep", visible with a staff and a dog]: Meretukov 1980:173; Nogais (Kuban, Erkin-Yurt village, author's record; book: Nogai Davysy, No. 27, 1992; recorded in 1970 from a resident of the village of Erkin-Yurt, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region. Abisheva Azhitotai Imamali Kyzy, storyteller, born in 1903 The legend is widely known in all areas where the Nogais live. Nogais like to say: Ay yanynda Zukhra yuldyz (Near the moon Zukhra star) /Shakyrym arym arasy (One and a half screams the distance between them)) [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter Zukhra; after sunset, orders to bring waters from the Kuban (they do not approach the river after sunset); after collecting water, Z. asked the moon to pick it up; now Zukhra with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon; when the moon decreases, you can see the star Zukhra nearby; girls born on the new moon are given the name Zukhra]: Kapaev 2012:158; Terek Cossacks (Ardonskaya village) [there are two brothers on the moon. After a quarrel, they got into a fight: the younger brother raised an ax on the elder, and the elder grabbed him on his pitchfork. It is believed that these brothers are Cain and Abel. Otherwise, they say that a month is a big candle in front of which Cain stands and holds Abel on his pitchfork]: Gusev 1893:317-318 (quoted in Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 91:85).

Iran - Central Asia. The Vakhans [scolded the innocent girl; offended, she takes a jug and goes to fetch water; on the bank of the river, leaning on sea buckthorn, she began to cry bitterly; the moon looks at the girl from above, began to feel sorry for her, attracts sea buckthorn with the girl; sea buckthorn grows up and takes the girl to the moon; spots on the moon are that girl with her jug; the informant read this story somewhere (B.L.: I read in a collection of Tajik fairy tales)]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; Sarykol residents [lived two sisters - Mo (moon) and Khurshed (sun). The youngest was more beautiful and attractive than the older one. The sun was angry with her because of this. Luna endured everything. Once the Sun scratched her sister's face, the moon turned pale and lost its beauty. After that, each of the sisters went their own way and did not meet. The moon is ashamed to show up during the day because her face is scratched]: Kabirov 2017:233.

Baltoscandia. The Scandinavians [A month took two children, Biel and Hukey, from the ground as they walked from the spring, carrying Simul's rocker arm with Seg's bucket; they can now be seen on the moon]: Younger Edda 1963:20; Swedes: Balzamo 2011, No. 9 [every time the old man and old woman were going to steal, the moon was shining; they decided to smear it with tar; they climbed onto the moon they stayed there; you can see a bucket of tar and two figures on the sides on the moon] 10 [the boy and the girl carried a bucket of water on a stick at night; the moon hid every now and then, the water splashed out; they cursed the moon: it shines no better than a miserable greasy candle; for this God raised them to the moon, where they were seen since then], 11 [the first thief stole a calf's head; it can be seen on the moon with a calf's head in his hands]: 19, 20, 21; Grimm 1883 (2) [Swedes recognize in moonspots two human figures carrying a large bucket]: 717; Eastern Samas: Yermolov 1959 [the wife died, the old man took another one, she did not like her stepdaughter; sent her in the dark to get water; she cries at the well, asks the moon to pick her up; she descended from the moon a chain, a girl climbed it; the old man and his wife looked at the moon: a girl is sitting there and holding a tub]: 97-98; Charnoluski 1962 [(p. 294: text restored from fragments and various sources); wife warns her husband not to go to tear birch bark in the moonlight; Oadze jumps from eye to his neck, tells her to marry, does not get off; her daughter Vostroeye jumps on his chest, Burnt Stump on her son's feet and The Shaggy Mouse; O. and her children eat up the old man, his wife and daughter Akkaniidi; eat the old man and his wife; A. puts Hemp, the Mouse to sleep, meets the son of the Sun Peyvalke; Vostroeye remains to guard; A. not notices that she has a third eye on the back of her head; O. and her children sewed A. in seal skin, thrown into the lake; A. comes to the house where Ninas, chief among the Spolokhov, lives; becomes his wife; he gives her a ball, A. follows him to his mother; N. tells her that his mother must be told to transport her across the river; N.'s mother never sees him, for he only appears at night; weaves the base of the night sky, and A. weaves stars on it; N.'s mother covers the ceiling of N.'s bedroom with a blanket, he thinks it's still night; jumps out, burned by the Sun; A. tries to block it, the Sun is enough for her son Peyvalke, throws to the moon - mother A.; A. seen on the moon with a rocker arm and buckets of water on her shoulders]: 68-79; Western Sami: Billson 1918:183-187 [Njavvis-ene (Niavis's wife) is the daughter of the Sun, Attjis-ene (wife of Attiis) ) - daughter of the Month; both husbands were killed, leaving their pregnant wives; N. is beautiful, she has a son, A. is ugly, she has a daughter; said that whoever picks up a basket of berries first would pick up the boy; put moss in the basket, took it; during the time of hunger, a grown-up young man looked into the house, his mother recognized him, showed him their reflection in the water, he realized that he looked like his mother, killed A.; she has since caused cramps and pain; her deer have become toads frogs, bumblebees; before that, from the North Wind, she gave birth to the evil Atsit; he teased his month-old grandfather for being pulled there; seen on the moon disc with a deer horn in one hand and with her own head into the other (his head was cut off for his crimes)], 188-189 [the evil Hatsjaedne decided to steal the only sheep from a good neighbor; to prevent the moon from shining brightly, she told her daughter to become with a bird, take a bucket of resin, cover the moon; the moon attracted it, it can be seen there with a bucket and a brush]; Pentikäinen 1997 [the moon god is Mánnu; it used to be light as day in the moonlight; a thief with a bucket of tar I climbed to cover it, but it stuck and is still visible there with the bucket]: 108; counselors: Ariste [The rainbow drinks water from the lake or the sea; the girl went to the well to get water, the rainbow drank from there, sucked a girl; she can now be seen with a rocker arm and buckets on the moon] 1974, No. 3:5; 1977, No. 19:175; Ernits, Ernits 1984 [a woman with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon]: 579; Estonians: Viidalepp 1980 [ dark spots on the moon on a full moon - an image of a poor serf girl with buckets who sometimes dragged water and, exhausted by hard work, cried out to the moon for help (Aa US 7)]: 274; Jõeveer 1972 (Võru) [a poor orphan girl was sent to heat the bathhouse on Saturday night; when she went to the well, she asked the Sun, the Month, to pick her up; god (vanaisa) placed her on the moon, where she can be seen with a bucket and a broom]: 30; Kuperjanov 2003:72 (Hageri) [the woman went late at night to get water, reproached Month for not coming to help carry water; the Month pulled her towards her along with her buckets; the moon now shows human face]; Jakob Hurt in Päär, Pürnpuu 2005 [the poor orphan goes to the bathhouse later than anyone else; asks the Month to pick her up; since then she has been seen on the moon with a bucket and a broom; if she appears again a good, kind child, the moon will pick him up, but not yet]: 14; Põder, Tanner 2000 [on a moonlit night at Vaskjala Bridge, a pure, meek girl wholeheartedly wanted to be with the Month; since then she is there; finding no more girls like this, she turns her face away sadly, covers herself with a black veil (moon phases)]: 227-228; Lutsi (Estonian enclave in eastern Latvia) [woman says her ass is lighter than the moon; as punishment, drawn to the moon]: Kuperjanov 2003:72; the Livs [the thief and his wife from the edge of the forest climbed onto the moon to cover it with resin; God left them on the moon with a pot of resin and with a brush]: Loorits 1926, No. 7:81; Livs: Loorits 1926 [=2004 (4): 319; during the sermon, a man carried a bunch of brushwood from the forest; replied to the priest that this was his church service; he endured him to the moon]: 81; 2000.4 [1) on the moon a girl with buckets on a rocker arm; 2) the woman went with buckets to get water, showed the moon her bare ass, was on the moon; 3) the girl went with buckets to get water, pointed to the moon with her finger, she was on the moon; there was not enough water in the bathhouse; the girl was sent with buckets and a rocker arm to fetch water; she is afraid; she is told that everything outside is light from the moon; she replies that it is light from the moon in their wh..; goes out, finds herself on the moon; 4) a sick mother sends her lazy daughter to fetch water; she says that her (mother) is like the moon; she finds herself on the moon; 5) the mistress sends the girl for water; she says that her ass more beautiful than the moon, she finds herself on the moon with buckets]: 318; Karelians [the girl went to milk the cows, asked God to carry her to the moon; a golden cradle came down from the sky for her; now she sitting on the moon with a windowsill]: Evseev 1981:313; Lithuanians, Latvians [typical story: a girl went to fetch water with a rocker arm, she is caught and attracted to her by the Month; since then you can see how she looks with Months on Earth]: Laurinkene 2002:364-365; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [a man went to fetch water or to the forest for brushwood on a holiday; found himself on the moon with a rocker arm or a bunch of brushwood]: 104; Laurinkene 2002:365 [there was not enough water in the bathhouse; one woman, as she was naked, went to fetch water with a rocker arm; told the Month, pointing her finger at him that she had more light than him; during this, the Month dragged her upstairs; on the Month there is a man with a rocker arm on his shoulders; old people don't let you point fingers for the Month], 381 [When Cain killed Abel, God told him to keep his brother's blood in buckets forever]; Latvians: Brivzemniaks 1887, No. 9 (Courland) [the month was as bright as the sun; two girls were walking to the well; one said her bare ass shines brighter; a month dragged her away and she is now visible from with a rocker arm on his shoulders]: 11; Laurinkene 2002 [the boy carried water to the bathhouse with a rocker arm; he thought the Month was laughing at him; he showed him his tongue; the Month pulled him]: 365; Pogodin 1895 [the girls carried water; one: What a beautiful month" Second: My ass is more beautiful; for that she ended up before doomsday in a month with buckets and a rocker arm]: 440.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Arista 2005, No. 109 [on a frosty autumn day, stepmother sent her stepdaughter to fetch water; she asked the moon to take her home; now she can be seen dragging water on the moon]: 105; Fokos-Fuchs 1951, No. 29 [Yong made the sun, the Goblin made a month; the stepmother tyrannizes his stepdaughter, sends her to fetch water at night; she asks the Month to take her away; now she is on his back with a rocker arm and buckets; E. said what for this The month of benevolence will also be God's]: 227 (=Limerov 2005, No. 58:55-56); Komi-Permyaks [a girl comes to the river, complains about her stepmother's tyranny; The month descends to her, she calls him godfather, collects silver on it, promises to give him a red shirt after marriage; the greedy ass also went to collect silver in the Month when he came down; filled the buckets, picked up the rocker; the Month took it (she can be seen there); the girl fulfilled her promise; when the Month is red, he puts on a donated shirt]: Konakov et al. 2003:312; Udmurts: Vereshchagin 1886 [there is a girl with buckets on the moon; she was not loved they beat them, sent them to fetch water at night; a bowl came down from the sky, she sat in it, rose to the moon, she feels good there now]: 85; Potanin 1883 [the evil stepmother drove Cheremiska stepdaughter to get water early in the morning; she prayed to the Month, he took her home, where she can be seen with buckets]: 776; Chuvash: Ashmarin 1984 [the stains in the month are said to be a daughter-in-law who has suffered a lot from her mother-in-law, whom God endured out of pity for a month; in some places they only know about her that this young woman is standing with a rocker arm]: 25; Vardugin 1996 [(details what is in Ashmarin 1984)]: 260; Denisov 1959 [as in Ashmarin; 1) I felt sorry for my daughter-in-law for a month, took it from a witch mother-in-law; 2) A month fell in love with a girl who went to get water, she can be seen there with a rocker arm and buckets]: 15-16; Egorov 1995 [an orphan, driven by her stepmother, asked to go to the moon at the moment when her surrounded by spirits sent by her stepmother; the moon raised her with her rocker arm and buckets (moon spots); stepmother, turning into old Vupăr, tries to eat the moon from time to time (eclipse)]: 120; Magnitsky: 64 in Potanin 1883 [a girl with a rocker is visible on the moon]: 777; Marie: Akzorin 1991, No. 37 [brother's wife tortures girl with work; sends for water late at night; she takes it in the dark a sieve instead of a bucket; begins to freeze, sings about his bitter orphanhood; the owner of the moon descends, takes her home; Orion is her rocker, the sieve is the Pleiades], 38 [stepmother torments stepdaughter with work; in the dark she goes down the ravine to the spring; tells the wolf to let the moon take her; the moon lowers her silk swing; the moon now shows a girl with buckets], 39 [as in (38), without an episode with a wolf; you can't go to the moon watch for a long time; if she can count the beholder's eyelashes, she will take her home], 40 [the girl went to get water; the rainbow pulled her in, raising her to the moon; there is now a girl with a rocker arm], 41 [the widow scolds daughter, sends for water; she jumps into the water, finds herself on the moon; now she is visible there with her rocker arm; but this is only a reflection of the Earth on the moon], 42 [at night girls should not go to the ravine for water; she went alone, the moon drew her; a girl with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon]: 83-87; Bashkirs: Nadrshina 1985, No. 6 (according to Mikhail Lossievsky 1876) [(=1986:19, =Barag 1987, No. 8:35, =Rudenko 1925:299-300, =1955: 315); the girl went to get water, saw a huge bone washed out of the sand; said that if her husband was like a Month, she would give birth to him a hero who would have the same bones; Month married the girl , she stands there with a rocker arm and buckets], 7 [(=Barag 1987, No. 9:35-36; =Khisamitdinova 2011:35); stepmother offends Zukhra, makes her carry water at night; Z. asks the Moon to pick her up, now seen there with a rocker arm ]: 12, 13: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967 [stepmother on a moonlit night tells Zukhra to fill a bottomless barrel; at the stream, Z. asks the moon to save her from her torment; a star near the moon raises her to the moon; Z. is visible there with with a rocker arm and buckets of water; Vega was named Zukhra]: 314-315; Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 269 [on a moonlit night, stepmother tells Zukhra to train water with a sieve; Z. begs God to take it to the moon; finds himself on the moon], 270 [stepmother tells Zukhra to pull water into bottomless dishes; Z. humbly carries water; a star watching her raises her to the moon with her rocker arm; this star is near the moon and is called Zukhra's star]: 264-265, 265-266.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Western Kazakhstan) [stepmother tyranted her stepdaughter, sent her stepdaughter in the dark to fetch water; she asked God to help her, he placed the girl with buckets on the moon]: I.V. Stasevich: personal report on the field Emb. 2006; Kyrgyz [orphan girl is tormented by the owners of hard work; sent at night to fetch water; she asked the Month to pick her up; the Sun also descended, began to fight the Month; The Month begged give him an orphan, she is visible there with a rocker arm and buckets; sometimes the girl temporarily freezes and the Month turns black with grief]: Muchnik 1944:33-34 (=Brudny, Eshmambetov 1989:375-377).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats: Galdanova 1987 (no place of recording) [Guuwei girl went to fetch water; when a month passed through the sky, her mother said, Where have you been missing for so long Did the Sun-Moon take you or what? G. heard a month and took her home; her silhouette can be seen on the moon, a bucket in one hand, a talinka in the other]: 17; Potanin 1883, No. 34b (from a Trans-Baikal Cossack who heard from the Trans-Baikal Buryats) [mother sent her daughter from buckets for water; she hesitated, her mother said to take you for a month; and so it happened, she is now visible there with her buckets], 34m [(from the Tungus who had grown from the tops of Irkut); the stepmother scolded her stepdaughter, who went to get water to be taken by the sun, a month; The month came down for the girl; she grabbed the talnik bush; The month uprooted it, took the girl to heaven along with a bucket, a bucket, a talnik bush; when there is an eclipse, Albin-Chitkur wants to take the girl away from the Month]: 190-191, 192-193; Poppe 1935 (Agin) [mother sent her daughter to get water; she stayed, her mother scolded her, shouted for a month to take her; in The next time the girl went to get water, a month came down and grabbed her; the girl clung to the branches of the talnik, but the Month took her away, made her wife; dark spots on the moon are a girl who holds a bucket and talnik branches]: 54; Khangalov 1958a (Balagan or Kudinsky) [mother did not like her husband's two daughters from her husband's first marriage; said to take you by the moon or the sun; the girls went to get water, sun and moon they wanted to grab them; one clung to the bush, tore off part of it; the sun first grabbed the girl, but the moon, pointing to fatigue at night, asked the girl to give her way; since then, a girl has been visible on the moon, clinging to a bush with one hand; she is the mistress of the sun and moon, or only the moon; she is painted on shamanic tambourines and seen in moonspots; the other girl hides in the water or under a horseskin rug, considered unclean]: 319; 1960 [1) stepmother did not love stepdaughter and stepson, sent them for water at night; they did not return for a long time, she cursed them, Let the Sun or Moon take them away; the boy hid under a carpet of sheep pebbles lying on the shore, the Sun did not find it; the girl took the month; she held the willow with one hand and held the buckets on the rocker arm with the other; with willow and buckets she could see on the moon; 2) (Khangalov, archive); The sun was the first to grab the girl, but Luna begged her to give it back because she was afraid to walk at night and needed a companion]: 14 in Sharakshinova 1980:49-50; darhats [spots on the moon - two boys; they were sent at dusk to get water, called by their names - go get water soon! - and the Moon took them home; now they don't go for water and firewood at dusk]: Neklyudov et al., 2007, western 22-28 August 2007; Siberian Tatars: Valeev 1976 (Bolsherechensky District, Tomsk Region) [a girl with a rocker arm and full buckets is on the moon, looking longingly at the ground; the gods brought her there for indecent behavior]: 329; Urazaleev 2007 [evil stepmother made the girl Zukhra wear water into a bottomless barrel; the moon took pity and took Z. to her; Z. with a rocker arm and two buckets is visible on the moon]: 4; the Altaians [Tilbegen devoured everyone; the Sun went to destroy him, but returned fearing to burn the earth; when T. went with his rocker arm to get water and grabbed the poplar, the Month pulled him up; T. is seen in the month with a rocker arm, buckets and poplar; when the Month grows, he eats Tilbegen , when he gets old, T. eats it]: Khokholkov 1997:5-6; Teleuts [seven-headed Elbigen (Yelbigen) ate people and cattle; people prayed to the Sun and the Month; the Sun has descended, but He had to return so as not to burn the people; the Month grabbed E., who grabbed the bush; the Month carried him with the bush together; E. had a chumak in his hand, one leg was shod, the other was barefoot; on the moon you could see a hand with a chumak, one leg is thicker than the other; to make it easier to get down to the ground, the Month cut itself in half]: Potanin 1883, No. 34l: 192; Chelkans [throwing reindeer hooves to dogs, tendon guards, becoming a cat, boy enters the girl's chambers, regains her appearance; they have a son; when leaving, the wife does not tell them to open one barn; the husband opens, 77 seven-headed Tielven's are sitting there; he gives them water, they lock him himself with his son in the barn; the wife returns, kills the Tielven, puts the latter on the moon; the children are told not to reach out to the moon; one reached out, T. went down, grabbed him; the boy tried to hold on to the willow; seven-headed T. is visible on the moon, a boy with a willow in front of him]: Kandarakova 1988:120-122; Shors [Chelbegen rose to the moon; when the girl came down with a bucket to get water, he was hers dragged her to the moon; she grabbed the tree; C. dragged her along with the tree, and went down himself; trees, a girl and a bucket can be seen on the moon]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 20:307-309; Khakas: Butanayev 1975 [stepmother sent her stepdaughter to fetch water at night; when she saw a frozen ice-hole, the girl cried; the moon saw her, took her home with her rocker arm and buckets; now she can be seen on the moon]: 232; Katanov 1963 [Chelbigen devoured people; the Sun cannot go down after him, because it will burn the earth 7 fathoms deep; asks for the Month, although he will freeze the ground; C. was waiting for a woman who went to the river for water; the woman grabbed rakit bush; The month was picked up by C., a bush and a woman with buckets; lunar darkness (spots?) that's why it happens]: 106-107; Popov in Alekseev 1980 (Kachins) [the seven-headed winged hero Dzhelbegen (b) began to devour people; the month took pity on them, dragged D. off the ground; he clung to the bush karagans; The month pulled him along with the bush, they are still visible on it]: 88; Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972 [the mother, cursing, sent the boy and girl to fetch water after dark; The month took the boy together with the bush, a girl with buckets; after that, children are not sent to the water at night]: 28; Tofalars: Rassadin 1996, No. 3 [the head of the family hired an orphan boy; in the evening his wife sent him to fetch water ; Chil-bug (witch) was standing on the ice; when he approached, it was the Moon; C., who was on the moon, took him to the moon; there you can see a man with a birch bark bucket and a pot], 4 [three brothers are capable break the mightiest trees; the burkhan decides to get rid of them; leaves an ice box, the biggest hero lies down in it, the box turns into stone; the second is drawn by water, he has become its master spirit; the third went to get water at night, the moon began to attract him; he grabbed the bush, was pulled along with the bush; on the moon you can see a man with a pot in one hand and a bush in the other]: 10, 11-12.

Western Siberia. Nenets [dark spots - a shaman with a tambourine who flew to the moon and stuck to it during the campaign]: Popov 1944:85 in Khomich 1976:19; nganasany [shaman saw something bright under the moon, became to go up to the moon; stuck, seen there with his tambourine]: Popov 1984:47; Entsy [shaman says he will burn in the sun, but he will be on the moon; for this women will give birth and people will become more; the shaman dies and is now visible on the moon with his tambourine]: Dolgikh 196:68; Eastern Khanty: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 4 [at night the kids went to fetch water; walking back, they began to brag that they had there are both fish and water; The month picked them up in the sky, they can be seen there; you can't play around at night (=Lukina 1990, No. 7:66)], 5 [boy and girl went on the water, began to tease The month that they eat rolls, and he is there dries; The month dragged the girl with the rocker arm and buckets; she clung to the talnik, the Month dragged her with the bush]: 15-16, 16; Mansi [a woman with buckets or a woman with two children can be seen on the moon]: Olga Silvestrovna Ivanova, lecturer at the Pedagogical University named after M. N.I. Herzen, personal report. March 9, 2009; Southern Selkups: Golovnev 1992 [on the moon you can see the silhouette of a girl who violates sacred prohibitions; a foreign shaman, a Nenets, lives there; whites (i.e. others) are wandering around bears]: 48; 1995 [you should not point your finger at the moon - she will get sick; the girl went to get water, pointed her finger for the Month, tease him, saying, "How do you live there? I live well, I eat fatty meat"; I grabbed a girl for a month, she tried to hold on to the talnic bush; I can see a bucket in the moon, a bucket in one hand and a bush in the other (Western 1988)]: 330-331; Pelikh 1972 [girl with buckets And she went with a rocker to get water; at the well, the Month began to tease that she would eat meat but the Moon would not; he grabbed the girl, and along with her buckets, rocker arm and waist, which she had time to grab hold of, dragged to heaven; they're like spots in a month]: 322-323; Tuchkova 2004:71 [about a boastful girl that Month dragged along with a talina bush she clung to and birch bark buckets, recorded on rivers Ket, Tym, Kyunga], 152 [the man boasted before the Month that he would eat cakes cooked with beaver fat; the Month dragged him home with the talnik bush; the spots on the moon are the man and the talnik bush] ; chum salmon [in the Month, you can see a Ket girl with tuyas (var.: Russian woman with buckets), teasing the Month and punished by dragging her away with a snag she clung to]: Alekseyenko 1976:84; Davletshin, Duvakin 2009, personal message

Eastern Siberia. Northwestern Yakuts [1) (Zhilindinsky Nasleg) stone men captured a girl, made her a slave; at night they sent her with a rocker arm and buckets to the ice-hole for water; she complained to the sky; the sky turned it into the moon, the rocker and the bucket formed spots; 2) var.: the spirit of the moon took pity on the girl, took it; 3) (Olenek Nasleg) the option is close to the second, but instead of the girl, a man]: Gurvich 1948: 130 (=197:199); Western Yakuts (no place of recording; probably Olekminsk or its environs, where Ovchinnikov was exiled) [two options; the orphan went to get water, stumbled behind the talina, water spilled, the ice-hole was already frozen; the girl asked the Month to take her home; his older brother The Sun wanted to take her himself, overcame the Month; he begged him to leave her, because she would have burned in the Sun; otherwise Alternatively, the girl had a bush in one hand, which she held on]: Ovchinnikov 1897, No. 5-6:179-181; Popov 1949 (Vilyuysky) [an orphan girl asks the Moon and the Sun to take her away; the Sun took her head, the body - Moon; a headless girl with a rocker arm on her shoulders is visible on the moon]: 270-271; central Yakuts: Pekarsky, Popov 1928 [the girl went to get water; a strong wind blew, picked her up along with with rockers and buckets filled with water; planted on a birch tree with large branches, and then took her to heaven; there he took the girl for a month; she and the rocker arms are still visible in the sky; this girl is th ichitya ( the spirit of the moon)]: 5; Pripuzov 1885 (West-Kangalassky ulus) [an orphan girl was sent to fetch water on a frosty winter night; she stood by the willow crying; the moon took pity on her and took her with her willow, buckets and a rocker arm; she can still be seen there]: 62; Seroshevsky 1896 (Namsky ulus); stepmother tortured the girl, sending barefoot on the water in winter; the Month kidnapped her; she is standing on the moon with a rocker arm and buckets, Talniks grow near her, with whom she was kidnapped; she is an orphan, the soul of the moon]: 667; Tolokonsky 1914, No. 111 (the place of recording is not specified, the mediation of A. Kulakovsky; probably central) [the slave girl went to fetch water at night, asked the moon to take it as a housewife; visible on the moon with a rocker arm, buckets, a lake and a willow bush]: 89; north- Eastern Yakuts: Khudyakov 1969:372 ("a myth well known to the Yakuts") [an orphan boy goes with a rocker arm to get water; says, To be me instead the spirit of the sun and the month; they go down, they take him away from each other; he climbs the waist with his buckets; The month snatched the boy with the talina, took it for himself; he is visible for a month, resting one foot on his waist, holding a rocker arm with his hand], 373 [ an orphan girl is fed leftovers; she goes to fetch water with a rocker arm, grabs a dry talnik, says, If I were the spirit of a month or sun; both go down, asking who she called before; from The sun is hot, it is cool from month to month, it turns by month; the Sun tells it to "destroy along with the damage of the month and gain weight with the full moon"]: Khudyakov 1969:373; Far Eastern Evenks: Mazin 1984 (Orochons) [moon (running) - mirror of the mistress of the universe (enekan-bug); spots on the moon - standing old woman with a bag]: 11; Myreeva 2009b (Uchursky?) [a rich man tortured a girl with work; at night he sent her for water; the girl looked at the moon, she asked why she was crying; she took her home; a girl with buckets is visible on the moon]: 159-160; Potanin 1893 ( Nerchinsky) [original text in Etn. Review book 12, No. 1:189, zap. K.D. Loginovsky in 1890; the sun and the month sit in the sea; the mother sent her daughter to fetch water at sunset; did she forget why she came; the mother shouted, Chort, did you take you? The water dragged the girl, she began to fight, grabbed the waist growing up during the Month, took him to heaven; visible with a bucket in her hands holding her waist]: 385; Coxwell 1925 ("Tungus" - apparently Orochons) [the mother sent her daughter to collect water into the sea; the daughter looked at the sea, forgot about the case; the mother shouted her angrily; when she heard the name, the marine master grabbed the girl; she resisted, threw the bucket, held a scoop in her hand; the moon came out of the water, the girl grabbed the bushes growing on the moon, ascended to the sky; you can see there, holding a bush in one hand and a ladle in the other; when girls come out of the water, they are not allowed call by name]: 158 in Isis 1998:23; Evens [mother dies, tells two daughters not to go up the river; they go, see the devil, he is fishing, tells one of them to kiss him; the youngest kisses him, he bites her, gives her fish, promises to come to visit; the youngest tells the eldest to run, and wrap her in a yurt tire, give her a knife, put her on bed; the devil swallows the youngest, chases the eldest; the youngest cuts at his kidneys, liver, heart; he dies; she goes out, ripping his stomach apart; rich people take her as a worker, beat her; going to get water, she asks the Month to pick her up; the Sun takes her away, but the Month takes her away; on a girl with buckets is visible to the moon]: Novikova 1958:41-42.

Amur - Sakhalin. Udege [woman with dog, bucket and bucket]; Nanai [frog with rocker; girl with buckets]; Negidals [girl with bucket, rocker and puppy]; Wilta [man with pan]; nivkhi: Ivanov 1954 [wooden amulet (MAE) in the form of threaded images of the sun and moon; figures of a man with a rocker arm and buckets and a dog are carved on the half-disk of the moon]: 401, fig. 250; Isis 1998 (southern Sakhalin) [a woman carrying buckets on a rocker arm, carried her dog to the moon]: 24; Kreinovich 1930 [on the moon you can see a woman carrying water in buckets on a rocker arm; a dog with her, devouring the moon, causing eclipses]: 53; Isis 1998 (southern Sakhalin) [a woman carried buckets on a rocker arm, traveled with her dog to the moon]: 24; Otaina in Turaev 2008 [The moon took her to her out of pity the girl whom the hostess sent to the ice-hole in the early cold morning, specially pouring out the water brought in the evening]: 186; Pevnov 2010, No. 9 [was pushed around as an orphan girl; on the night of December, the hostess poured water and sent an orphan to fetch water, a puppy went with her; the moon came down, the girl jumped at her with a rocker arm and buckets and a dog, now they can be seen there]: 134-136.

Japan. Okinawa Islands [a man can be seen on the moon carrying two buckets of water]: Nevsky 1996:268; Miyako Islands: Nevsky 1996 [the light of the Wife Moon was brighter than that of the Sun Husband; she refuses to change; her husband shoves her to the ground, she falls into the mud; the peasant carries two tubs of water, washes the moon, helps her get out of the mud; the moon rises to heaven, but loses its former shine; takes in gratitude the peasant to him; he is visible on the moon, holding a rocker with two tubs on his shoulders]: 267.

SV Asia. Chukchi (west in Uelen, 1976) [a reindeer herder has two sons and a daughter; he does not tell his sons to walk alone; they go and see a man in a red kitchen and many women; the elder suggests a man shoot and take the women away; but all the arrows are past; the man offers the eldest to swap wives, he refuses, the man easily kills him with an arrow; the youngest promises to give his sister; brings the man into the house father, gives his sister; trains under the supervision of his father; when the son barely touches the ground with his feet, the father tells him where to wait for that man; he came to fight with spears; by evening the young man broke him with a spear leg; man fell: shoes flew off; they came to his women; man: I'm not from here, women are also from different places, some from the stars; I leave one local for you; a man in a red kitchen took a small a frying pan and flew into the sky; soon you could only see a white spot on his chest and a man on him with a frying pan and a broken leg; this is how the month appeared]: Dolitsky 2019, No. 124:290-291; reindeer Koryaks [girl with bushes]; forest yukaghirs [girl or girl with buckets]; Markovo [girl with buckets].

The Arctic. Northern Alaska inupiate [man with tool bag]; copper [man with dog].

Subarctic. Tanaina [menstrual blood bag]; kuchin [caribou blood scar; caribou meat bag]; upper tanana [boy with caribou female ovaries in one hand, caribou stomach sausage - to the other]; hea [wineskin with blood behind his back]; southern tutchoni [light caribou; old woman's hand]; taltan [pot of boiled blood].

NW Coast. Water bucket. Tlingits; Haida; Tsimshian; Bellacula; Uvikino; Quakiutl.

The coast is the Plateau. Except Thompson: a bag or box with property. Shuswap [man with bag; woman with winds and snow shovel]; thompson [water buckets]); puyallup; twana; lower chehalis; colitz? ; quileut [dentalium shell bag]; quinolt.

The Midwest. Ojibwa [woman with maple juice bucket]; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [young man with bucket and bucket]; Ojibwa (Minnesota, Wisconsin, MI) [A month was human, went after by water, was lifted into the sky; since then, a man with a bucket has been seen on the moon]: Hilger 1937:178; eastern swamps: Bird 2007 (Vinisk River) [sister does not tell Brother Chakapesh to think about the moon and watch on her; he violates the ban, is now visible on a full moon disc with a snow bucket and a wooden scoop]: 36-37; Ellis 1995 (West Bank Hall. James), No. 5 [Chahkabesh lives with her older sister; goes in the direction she did not tell; tells her sister that she saw large footprints; she explains that these are the bears that killed their parents; C. carries with an arrow a pile of stones; then kills all the bears with one arrow; finds no remains of parents inside; does not tell her sister to look at the moon; C. goes with a bucket behind the snow to heat water; looks at the moon; she drags him towards him, he is now visible on it], 6 [as in (5)], 17:23-27, 29-33, 119; Western Swamp Cree (northern Manitoba) [young man with a water pot]: Clay 1978:28-33; Algonquins [ the old healer knew everything, but did not know when the world would end, she kept asking the Great Spirit about it; he told her to stop asking; she said she would stop when she finished weaving her head bandage; then he will answer, but for now let her hide from people; she hid in the moon; once a month she gets up to prevent the corn she cooks, while the cat dissolves the woven one; so the healer will never stop asking about the end of the world]: Judd 1904, No. 31:171-172.

(Wed. Northeast. Mikmak {European borrowings} [person with basket]).

Plains. Santi [two men with his head cut off and a knife in his hand]; cansa [a man with a bag containing turkeys]; iowa [a man with two heads cut off in his hand]; ot [ a man with her head cut off in his hands]; arpaho [A month hears one girl expressing a desire to marry him and another wants a bright star as her husband; his brother Sun prefers the Frog because he loves the Frog. she does not wrinkle her eyes when she looks at him; the month turns into a porcupine, the girl follows it, climbs a tree, goes to heaven, becomes the wife of the Month; the Sun brings the Frog; the Frog is going to follow water, takes a vessel; The month invites the wife and the Frog to compete who chews a piece of intestine better; the Wife of the Month crunches pleasantly, the Frog cannot gnaw the gut, crunches with coals, black drools; she offended, jumps on her chest for a Month, she has since been seen there with a water vessel; see motif K19b; about a frog on the moon p.322-323]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 134:321-329.

Big Pool. Northern shoshones [cannibal giant Zoavitz, blanket in one hand].

Mesoamerica Chontal [Luna is the twin sister and wife of the Sun; the lunar disk shows the silhouette of a woman Ish Bolom sitting at a loom]: Vasquez Davila, Hipolito Hernández 1994:152.