Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32F. Moon water carrier .16.20.27.-.39.42.-.44.46.

On the lunar disk, you can see a character going to get water and/or holding a liquid vessel in his hands. See A32D motif.

Irish, Germans (northwest), Maori, Cook Islands, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Greeks (Karpathos), Romanians, Ukrainians (Volyn), Belarusians (Vitebsk, Minsk), Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vyatka) , (Abkhazians), Nogais, Vakhans, Sarykols, Scandinavians, Swedes, Eastern Sami, Counselors, Livs, Estonians, Karelians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Komi-Zyrians, Komi-Permyaks, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Western Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Darkhats, Oirats (Olets), Siberian Tatars, Altaians, Khakas, Shors, Tofalars, Eastern Khanty, Kets, Southern Selkups, all Yakuts, all Evenks ( except for the Sym ones?) , Evens, Udege, Nanai, Negidals, Nivhi, Ainu, Miyako Islands, Okinawa Islands, Markovo Islands, Forest Yukaghirs, Tlingits, Haida, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Uvikino, Quakiutl (Neveti), Shuswap, Thompson, Quinolt, Oriental and Western Marsh Cree, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Ojibwa, Arapahoe.

Western Europe. Irish [two boys can be seen on the moon carrying a bucket of water on poles]: Krappe 1938:120:Muller 2006, No. 8 [the absurd old man (vieil homme revêche) went to the spring to get water, pricked on the rosehip bush with which the spring was covered; looking up to the sky, amazed by the beauty of the moon, wanted to be there; the wish came true immediately]: 23; Germans: Krappe 1940 (Northern Germany) [ man on the moon holding a jug]: 168; Wolf 1929 [1) Westphalia: a child with a bucket of water is visible on the moon; 2) the thief stole two buckets of water at night; ran away from the pursuer, saw that it was his own shadow; scolded the moon that cast this shadow, splashed water into it; the moon took it with its buckets; 3) Wardenburg (NW Germany): on the moon, a man with a head of cabbage under his shoulders and a bucket of water in his hands; he did not liked the moonlight, he wanted to put it out by pouring water on the moon; 4) there were two men on the moon holding rocker arms with tubs of water]: 55-56; (Wolf and Baring-Gould quoted in Isis 1998:20-21); (cf. Northern Friezes (Rantum) [a giant can be seen in the center of the moon; at high tide he bends down to scoop water and pour it onto the ground; when he gets tired and straightened, scooped up water remains in his hands, begins low tide]: Baring-Gould 1866:194).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori [a man with water calebasses and a tree; a girl with a bush (tree) and a kalebasa in her hands].

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Mladenova 2006:137 [(everywhere in northern and eastern Bulgaria); 1) a girl with buckets on a rocker arm; 2) a girl went to a well to get water, spoke to a guy there; map 29], 263- 264 [(retelling the texts; see also Gura 2004:150-151 and 2006:261-262 (brief retelling of texts with places of recording); the girl went to the well to get water, spoke to the sweetheart there; the moon was low, splashed water at her; she asked God to raise the moon; he picked it up, but with the girl, her buckets on her rocker arm and boyfriend; (also many other texts)]; Macedonians (Orash) [stepmother tyranned her stepdaughter; sent her to wash her black wool white; her stepdaughter washed, cried, afraid to return home; The month took pity and picked her up; she is standing on the moon with two water buckets]: Tsenev 2004:47; Romanians [in the silhouette of moonspots, you can see a girl walking to the well with buckets on her rocker arm and a sheep shepherd talking to her (1 case)]: Mladenova 2006:137, 264, map 29; (cf. Greeks (Karpathos) [at night, the old man and the old woman were returning from the forest, loaded with brushwood; the month was full; when they reached the well, they stopped to rest and get water to drink; as soon as they reached the well the old man lowered the bucket into the well, a cloud ran in for a month; instead of waiting for the cloud to go away, the old man and the old woman raised both hands, spreading their fingers in an indecent gesture, insulting the month; the month pulled them upstairs with its hook; now in the middle of the month you can see these two with bundles of brushwood under their shoulders (Karpathos)]: Choha 2009:187).

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk and Pechora universities) [You can't look at the month for a long time, because it attracts you; a boy and a girl were walking on the water and looking at the month; suddenly the bright rays began to descend from the sky and pulled them with their trunks to the moon (A. F. Ludnikova. Legends recorded in p. Oxino Pechorsky u. Arkhangelsk governorate Russian Geographical Society Archive, f.1, op. 1, No. 130. 4 l. (1923)]: Gura 2006:462; Firsov, Kiseleva 1993 (Vladimir Gubernia) [on the moon, you can see two people and a tub associated with the biblical story of Cain]: 118; Russians [a girl with buckets can be seen on the moon]: L. Lavrentyeva, personal report 2003; Russians (Vyatskaya) [a woman with buckets on the moon; an orphan girl rose to the moon on an iron chain on "terrible" evenings]: Belova 2004a, No. 1305:521; Belarusians: Avilin 2011 (Vitebsk, Minsk) [an older brother can be seen on the moon killing his younger brother and holding a bucket of his blood in his hands]: 180 (=2015:192? 196); 2015, map 26 ["orphan with two buckets": 1 entry near the Lithuanian border; "a bucket of blood": 3 entries, north; "a girl carries water on a rocker arm": 3 entries (in SE, in the center, on the NW near the Latvian border); "a brother with a rocker arm carries buckets of blood": 3 entries, north-central district; "a man with a rocker arm": 1 entry near the Latvian border; "Cain and Abel carry water on a rocker arm": 1 entry near the Russian border] ; Ukrainians (Volyn) [girl with a yoke].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais (Kuban, Erkin-Yurt village, author's record) [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter Zukhra; after sunset, she orders to bring water from the Kuban (they do not approach the river after entering the river); having collected water, Z. asked pick it up; now Zukhra with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon; when the moon decreases, you can see the star Zukhra nearby]: Kapaev 2012:158; (cf. Abkhazians [shepherd with a milking bucket]).

Iran - Central Asia. The Vakhans [scolded the innocent girl; offended, she takes a jug and goes to fetch water; on the bank of the river, leaning on sea buckthorn, she began to cry bitterly; the moon looks at the girl from above, began to feel sorry for her, attracts sea buckthorn with the girl; sea buckthorn grows up and takes the girl to the moon; spots on the moon are that girl with her jug; the informant read this story somewhere (B.L.: I read in a collection of Tajik fairy tales)]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; Sarykol residents [lived two sisters - Mo (moon) and Khurshed (sun). The youngest was more beautiful and attractive than the older one. The sun was angry with her because of this. Luna endured everything. Once the Sun scratched her sister's face, the moon turned pale and lost its beauty. After that, each of the sisters went their own way and did not meet. The moon is ashamed to show up during the day because her face is scratched]: Kabirov 2017:233.

Baltoscandia. The Scandinavians [A month took two children from the ground, Biel and Hukey, as they walked from the spring, carrying Simul's rocker arm with Seg's bucket; the children always follow the Month and this can be seen from the ground (moonspots)]: Younger Edda 1970:20; Swedes: Balzamo 2011, No. 10 [boy and girl carried a bucket of water on a stick at night; the moon was hiding every now and then, the water splashed out; they scolded the moon: it shines no better than the miserable one a greasy candle; for this, God raised them to the moon, where they have since been visible]: 20; Grimm 1883 (2) [Swedes recognize moonspots as two human figures carrying a large bucket on a stick]: 717; Krappe 1938 [two they decided to weaken the moonlight; they carried a tub of water, poured it onto the moon; they stayed there forever as punishment]: 120:20; Eastern sams: Yermolov 1959 [the wife died, the old man took another, she disliked stepdaughter; sent in the dark to get water; she cries at the well, asks the moon to pick her up; a chain came down from the moon, the girl climbed it; the old man and his wife looked at the moon: a girl is sitting there and holding a tub]: 97-98; Charnolusky 1962 [Akkanidi comes to the house where Ninas, chief among the Spolokhov, lives; becomes his wife; he gives her a ball, A. follows him to his mother; N. tells her what she needs tell his mother to transport her across the river; N.'s mother never sees him, for he appears only at night; weaves the base of the night sky, and A. weaves stars on it; N.'s mother covers the ceiling with a blanket N.'s bedroom, he thinks it's still night; jumps out, burned by the Sun; A. tries to obscure him, the Sun is enough for his son Peyvalke, throws it to the moon - mother A.; A. is seen on the moon with with a rocker arm and buckets of water on her shoulders]: 68-79; Karelians [the girl went to milk the cows, asked God to carry her to the moon; a golden cradle came down from the sky for her; now she is sitting on the moon with windowsill]: Evseev 1981:313; counselors: Ariste 1974, No. 3 [The rainbow drinks water from the lake or sea with its ends; the girl went to get water to the well, the rainbow drank from there, sucked the girl; now she can be seen from with a rocker arm and buckets on the moon]: 5 (=1977, No. 19:175); Ernits, Ernits 1984 [a woman with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon]: 579; Estonians: Viidalepp 1980 [dark spots on the moon on the full moon - image of a poor serf girl with buckets, who sometimes dragged water and, exhausted by hard work, cried out to the moon for help (Aa US 7)]: 274; Jõeveer 1972 (Võru) [a poor orphan girl in Saturday night they sent to heat the bathhouse; when she went to the well, she asked the Sun, the Month to pick her up; God (vanaisa) placed her on the moon, where she can be seen with a bucket and a broom]: 30; Kuperjanov 2003:72 (Hageri) [ the woman went late at night to get water, reproached the Month for not coming to help carry water; the month pulled her towards her along with the buckets; a human face can now be seen on the moon]; Jakob Hurt in Pä är, Pürnpuu 2005 [the poor orphan goes to the bathhouse last; asks the Month to pick her up; since then she has been seen on the moon with a bucket and a broom; if an equally good, kind child appears, the moon and his will pick it up, but until she shows up]: 14; Põder, Tanner 2000 [on a moonlit night at the Vaskjala Bridge, a pure, meek girl wholeheartedly wanted to be with the Month; she has been there ever since; finding no more like them girls, she turns her face away sadly, covers herself with a black blanket (moon phases)]: 227-228; Lutsi (Estonian enclave in eastern Latvia) [woman says her ass is lighter than the moon; as punishment drawn to the moon]: Kuperjanov 2003:72; Livs: Loorits 1926, No. 8 [The moon drew a girl standing by the well to show her ass, pointed her finger, or compared her]: 81; 2000 (4 ) [1) on the moon, a girl with buckets on a rocker arm; 2) the woman went with buckets to get water, showed her bare ass to the moon, found herself on the moon; 3) the girl went with buckets to get water, pointed to the moon with her finger, found herself on moon; there was not enough water in the bathhouse; the girl was sent with buckets and a rocker arm to fetch water; she is afraid; she is told that everything outside is light from the moon; she replies that it is light from the moon in their w..; comes out, she turns out to be on to the moon; 4) a sick mother sends a lazy daughter for water; she says that her (mother) is like the moon; she finds herself on the moon; 5) the hostess sends the girl for water; she says that her ass is more beautiful than the moon, it turns out on the moon with buckets]: 318; Lithuanians, Latvians [typical story: a girl went to fetch water with a rocker arm, she is caught and attracted to her by the Month; since then you can see how she looks from the Month at land]: Laurinkene 2002:364-365; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [a person went to fetch water or to the forest for firewood on a holiday; found himself on the moon with a rocker arm or a bunch of brushwood]: 104; Laurinkene 2002:365 [there was not enough water in the bathhouse; one woman, naked, went to fetch water with a rocker arm; told the Month, pointing her finger at him that she had more light than him; for this, the Month dragged her upstairs; There is a man in the Month with a rocker arm on his shoulders; old people don't let you point fingers for the Month], 381 [When Cain killed Abel, God told him to keep his brother's blood in buckets on his rocker arm forever]: Brivzemniax 1887, No. 9 (Courland) [the month was as bright as the sun; two girls were walking to the well; one said her bare ass shines brighter; a month dragged her away and she is now visible with a rocker arm on her shoulders]: 11; Laurinkene 2002 [the boy carried water to the bathhouse with a rocker arm; he thought that the Month was laughing at him; he showed him his tongue; the Month pulled him]: 365; Pogodin 1895 [the girls carried water; one: What month beautiful" Second: My ass is more beautiful; for this she ended up before doomsday in a month with buckets and a rocker arm]: 440.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Arista 2005, No. 109 [on a frosty autumn day, stepmother sent her stepdaughter to fetch water; she asked the moon to take her home; now she can be seen dragging water on the moon]: 105; Fokos-Fuchs 1951, No. 29 [Yong made the sun, the Goblin made a month; the stepmother tyrannizes his stepdaughter, sends her to fetch water at night; she asks the Month to take her away; now she is on his back with a rocker arm and buckets; E. said what for this The benevolence month will also be God's]: 227 (=Limerov 2005, No. 58:55-56); (cf. Rochev 1984, № 99 (Zyryans?) [The moon began to descend with a tub to pick up the children looking at her; Bread and Salt began to tell her that people were burning them, throwing them, etc., and they were not offended anyway]: 108, =2006:149); Uotila 2006, No. 92 (upper reaches Vychegdy, West 1941) [stepdaughter asked the Sun to take her away; the Sun replied that she would burn, advised him to ask for the Month; he took the girl and now she lives there]: 297; Komi-Perm [the girl comes to the river, complains about her stepmother's tyranny; a month comes down to her, she calls him godfather, collects silver on it, promises to give him a red shirt after marriage; the greedy ass also went to collect for the Month silver when he came down; filled the buckets, raised the rocker; The month took her (she can be seen there); the girl fulfilled her promise; when the Month is red, he puts on a donated shirt]: Konakov et al. 2003:312; Udmurts: Vereshchagin 1886 [a girl with buckets is standing on the moon; she was disliked, beaten, sent to fetch water at night; a bowl came down from the sky on a chain, she sat in it, went up to the moon, she feels good there now]: 85 (= 1995:85-86); Munkácsi 1887:56-57 [stepmother tyrannites her stepdaughter; she goes to fetch water, rushed into the ice-hole, but did not drown, prayed to the moon; she picked her up, the moon now shows a girl with a rocker arm] in Vladykin 1994:322, in Perevozchikov 1988:26; Potanin 1883 [=1881:222; the evil stepmother drove Cheremiska stepdaughter to get water early in the morning; she prayed to the Month, he took her to him, where she can be seen with buckets]: 776; Chuvash: Ashmarin 1984 [stains in the month are said to be a daughter-in-law who has suffered a lot from her mother-in-law, whom God carried for a month out of pity; in some places they only know about her that it is a young woman stands with a rocker arm (=2003:298)]: 25; Vardugin 1996 [(details what was in Ashmarin 1984)]: 260; Denisov 1959 [as Ashmarin; 1) He felt sorry for his daughter-in-law for a month, took it from a witch mother-in-law; 2) A month fell in love with a girl who went to get water, she can be seen there with a rocker arm and buckets]: 15-16; Egorov 1995 [(=Sidorova 1979:18; =Shurtakov 1984:9); an orphan, driven by her stepmother, asked to go to the moon when she was surrounded perfume sent by her stepmother; the moon picked her up with her rocker arm and buckets (moon spots); stepmother, turning into an old woman Vupăr, tries to eat the moon from time to time (eclipse)]: 120; Magnitsky: 64 in Potanin 1883 [a girl with a rocker is visible on the moon]: 777; Eisin 1993 [stepmother hates her stepdaughter; flew in the winter after midnight in an iron mill, sent her for water; they flew by the ice-hole witches on pomelas and balls wanted to grab the girl; she asked the Month to pick her up; now you can see a girl with a rocker arm on the moon]: 164; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [moonspots are considered a daughter-in-law with whom her mother-in-law constantly cursed and quarreled; the daughter-in-law asked God to take her to her; he felt sorry for her and took her to the moon; legends about this are very laconic; in others places only know: "a bride with water is standing on the moon", or: "on the moon, a Russian woman carries water with a rocker arm"]: 75; Marie: Aktsorin 1991, No. 37 [brother's wife tortures the girl with work; sends for with water late at night; in the dark she takes a sieve instead of a bucket; begins to freeze, sings about her bitter orphanhood; the owner of the moon descends, takes it home; Orion is her rocker, the sieve is the Pleiades], 38 [ stepmother tortures her stepdaughter with work; in the dark she descends into the ravine to the spring; tells the wolf to let the moon take her; the moon lowers her silk swing; the moon now shows a girl with buckets], 39 [as in ( 38), without an episode with a wolf; you can't look at the moon for long; if she can count the viewer's eyelashes, she'll take her home], 40 [the girl went to get water; the rainbow pulled her in, raising her to the moon; there you can now see girl with a rocker arm], 41 [the widow scolds her daughter, sends her for water; she jumps into the water, finds herself on the moon; now she can see there with her rocker arm; but this is only a reflection of the Earth on the moon], 42 [at night for girls you can't go to the ravine to get water; she went alone, the moon pulled her; you can see a girl with a rocker arm and buckets on the moon]: 83-87; Moshkov 1900 [stepmother sends her stepdaughter at night to fetch water; she complains to the Month, If only you could take me; since then, the figure of a girl with buckets has been visible in a month]: 197; Bashkirs: Nadrshina 1985, No. 6 (according to Mikhail Lossievsky 1876) [(=1986:19, =Barag 1987, No. 8:35, =Rudenko 1925:299- 300, =1955:315); the girl went to get water, saw a huge bone washed out of the sand; said that if her husband was like a Month, she would give birth to him a hero who would have the same bones; He took the month a girl as a wife, she is standing there with a rocker arm and buckets], 7 [(=Barag 1987, No. 9:35-36; =Khisamitdinova 2011:35); stepmother offends Zukhra, makes her carry water at night; Z. asks the Moon to pick her up, now visible there with a rocker arm]: 12, 13; "Turks" (Bashkirs?) [Ay (Month) fell in love with the beautiful woman, she began to walk on the water; with full buckets and a rocker arm A. took her to heaven; the faces of Ay and Zukhra merged (or Zukhra turned into Venus)]: Mansyutova 1991:186; Kazan Tatars: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967 [stepmother on a moonlit night tells Zukhra to fill a bottomless barrel; at the stream Z. asks the moon to save her from its torment; a star near the moon raises her to the moon; Z. is visible there with with a rocker arm and buckets of water; Vega was named Zukhra]: 314-315; Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 269 [on a moonlit night, the stepmother tells Zukhra to train water with a sieve; Z. begs God to take it to the moon; finds himself on the moon] 270 [stepmother tells Zukhra to pull water into bottomless dishes; Z. humbly carries water; a star watching her raises her to the moon with her rocker arm; this star is near the moon and is called Zukhra's star]: 264-265, 265-266; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [every year, once (according to another version, three times a year), the sky, opens for a moment, the "gate of heaven", and at this time, whatever the person wants, Allah will comply with his request; at night, the girl went with with a rocker to get water to the river; while I was walking, I thought to myself how good it would be for Allah to take her to the moon; at that moment the "gates of heaven" opened, and Allah fulfilled her request; since then on the moon I can see a girl carrying water with a rocker arm]: 75-76; Potanin 1881 [early in the morning, when it was not yet a month ago, my stepmother drove her stepdaughter to fetch water; the girl went to the river and began to cry: at least a month for me I took it; I took pity for a month and took it with the buckets]: 222.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Western Kazakhstan) [stepmother tyranted her stepdaughter, sent her stepdaughter in the dark to fetch water; she asked God to help her, he placed the girl with buckets on the moon]: I.V. Stasevich: personal report on the field Emb. 2006; Kyrgyz [orphan girl is tormented by the owners of hard work; sent at night to fetch water; she asked the Month to pick her up; the Sun also descended, began to fight the Month; The Month begged give him an orphan, she is visible there with a rocker arm and buckets; sometimes the girl temporarily freezes and the Month turns black with grief]: Muchnik 1944:33-34 (=Brudny, Eshmambetov 1989:375-377).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars: Valeev 1976 (Bolsherechensky District, Tomsk Oblast) [a girl with a rocker arm and full buckets is on the moon, looking longingly at the ground; the gods brought her there for indecent behavior]: 329; Urazaleev 2007 [evil stepmother made the girl Zukhra wear water into a bottomless barrel; the Moon took pity and took Z. to her; Z. with a rocker arm and two buckets is visible on the moon]: 4; Altaians: Nanzatov et al. 2008 [P.A. Batorov, archive; The Sun, being faster and stronger Months, a girl with buckets and a talnic bush grabbed, and all this dragged her to heaven; The Month and the Sun began to argue about who to own the girl, for both are mentioned in the mother's curse; the Month promised to cover in a day the earth with snow; if the Sun melts all the snow in a day and breaks the hooves of all animals split, he will get a girl; the messenger of the Sun was walking on the ground, separating his hooves with a golden knife; the horse descended behind him , he did not have time to separate his hooves and a ball of snow stuck to them; the girl received the Month]: 24; Khokholkov 1997 [Tilbegen devoured everyone; the Sun went to destroy him, but returned, fearing to burn him, to the ground; when T. went with his rocker arm to get water and grabbed the poplar, the Month pulled him up; T. is seen in the month with a rocker arm, buckets and poplar; when the Month grows, he eats Tilbegen when he gets old, T . eats it]: 5-6; Shors [Chelbegen went up to the moon; when the girl came down with a bucket to get water, he dragged her to the moon; she grabbed the tree; C. dragged her along with the tree, and went down himself; trees, a girl and a bucket can be seen on the moon]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 20:307-309; Khakas: Butanayev 1975 [(the author has heard repeatedly); Moon (Ai-Aryg) did not have children of her own, so she steals kids from people; stepmother sent her stepdaughter to fetch water at night; when she saw a frozen ice-hole, the girl cried; the moon saw her, carried her away with her rocker arm and buckets; now she can be seen on the moon; so the Khakas at night children are not allowed out of the house]: 232; Katanov 1907, No. 183 [(=196:106-107); Chelbigen ate people; the Sun cannot go down after him, because it will burn the earth 7 fathoms deep; asks for the Month, although he will freeze ground; C. was waiting for a woman who went to the river for water; the woman grabbed the rakit bush; the month was picked up by C., a bush and a woman with buckets; lunar darkness (spots?) that's what happens]: 274; Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 15 (Kachins) [Chilbegen was a girl eating people; the Sun and the Moon began to argue who would follow her; the Sun told the Moon to descend, because people could not withstand the heat , and they will endure the cold; when C. was going to fetch water, the Moon grabbed it; C. grabbed the bush; the moon carried it away with the bush; you can see something like a tree on the moon]: 115; Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972 [mother, cursing, sent a boy and a girl to fetch water after dark; A month took the boy with the bush, the girl with buckets; after that, the children are not sent to the water at night]: 28; Tofalars: Rassadin 1996, No. 3 [the head of the family hired an orphan boy; in the evening his wife sent him to fetch water; Chil-bug (witch) was standing on the ice; when he approached, it was the Moon; C., who was on the moon, took him on the moon; there you can see a man with a birch bark bucket and a pot], 4 [three brothers are able to break the mightiest trees; the burkhan decides to get rid of them; leaves the ice box, the biggest hero he lies down in it, the box turns into stone; the second was drawn by water, he became its master spirit; the third went to get water at night, the moon began to attract him; he grabbed the bush, was dragged along with the bush; the moon can see a man with a pot in one hand and a bush in the other]: 10, 11-12; Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats: Galdanova 1987 (the place of recording is unknown) [Guuwei girl went to fetch water; When it was a month in the sky, her mother said, Where have you been going for so long, did the Sun-Moon take you away? ; G. heard the month and took it home; her silhouette is visible on the moon, a bucket in one hand, a talinka in the other]: 17; Ivanov 1957 [ongons, in one upper corner of which the sun is depicted and the moon in the other; on the moon a tree or bush and a figurine next to it holding a bucket and a ladle]: 103, 137-138, Fig.2, 25, 32; Potanin 1883, No. 34b (from a Trans-Baikal Cossack who heard from the Trans-Baikal Buryats) [mother sent her daughter with buckets for water; she hesitated, her mother said to take you for a month; and so it happened, she is now visible there with her buckets], 34m [(from the Tungus who had grown from the tops of Irkut); the stepmother scolded her stepdaughter, who went to get water, To be taken by the sun, a month; A month came down for the girl; she grabbed the tulnik bush; The month uprooted it, took the girl to heaven along with a bucket, a bucket, a bush talnik; when there is an eclipse, Albin-Chitkur wants to take the girl away from the Month]: 190-191, 192-193; Poppe 1935 (Agin) [mother sent her daughter to fetch water; she lingered, her mother scolded her, shouted to a month took her; the next time the girl went to get water, a month went down and grabbed her; the girl clung to the branches of the talnik, but the Month took her away, made her wife; the dark spots on the moon were a girl, who holds a bucket and tulnik branches]: 54; Khangalov 1958a (Balagan or Kudinsky) [mother did not like her husband's two daughters from her husband's first marriage; said to take you by the moon or the sun; the girls went for with water, the sun and the moon wanted to grab them; one clung to the bush, tore off part of it; the sun grabbed the girl first, but the moon, pointing to fatigue at night, asked the girl to give her way; since then on the moon you can see a girl clinging to a bush with one hand; she is the mistress of the sun and moon, or just the moon; she is painted on shamanic tambourines and seen in moonspots; the second girl hides in the water or under the rug of horseskin, considered unclean]: 319; 1960 [stepmother did not love stepdaughter and stepson, sent them for water at night; they did not return for a long time, she cursed them, Let the Sun or Moon take them away; boy hid under a carpet of sheep pebbles lying on the shore, the Sun did not find it; the month took the girl; she held the willow with one hand and held the buckets on the rocker arm with the other; with willow and buckets she can see on the moon], No. 6:14; Khangalov, Sharakshinov archive 1980:49-50 [The sun was the first to grab the girl, but Luna begged her to give it back because she was afraid to walk at night and needed a companion]; darhatas: Duvakin 2011 ( 06.08.11, Khatgal (southern coast of Khubsugul, Alag-Erdene somon of Huvsgel aimag), Tsoldoviin Khurelbaator, Darhat, born in 1948, worked as a driver) [There is an image of a girl with water on the moon. She went to get water at night, and the moon took her. Therefore, children should not be sent to fetch water at night]; Neklyudov et al., zap. 22-28.08.2007 [spots on the moon - two boys; they were sent to fetch water at dusk, called by name - go get water soon! - and the Moon took them home; now they don't go for water and firewood at dusk]; Oirats (olets; 29.07.2011, Somon Ulziit aimaka Uverhangay, 1) Tsendyn Purevzhav, Olet, born in 1944, lived all his life in Ulziite; 2) Nachingiin Davaadorzh, Olet, born in 1940, an auto engineer, worked in the Ministry of Health; local, but lived in Ulan Bator for about 40 years) [What can be seen on the moon. Mountains, clouds. They say about a child who went to get water at night. It was a god, Zhanreisig (?)] : Duvakin 2011; the Oirats and probably the Khalkha Mongols [according to most legends, the Mongols {without specifying the group} considered the moon to be feminine and the sun to be masculine; one day the girl went for water to the river and, forgetting about work, played there for a long time; the Sun and Moon that came up at that time took it in half; the sun took the upper part, and the Moon took the lower part; since then, the sun became a man and the moon became a woman; in memory of this, during a wedding ceremony, the Oirats put an image of the sun behind the groom on the wall of the house, the image of the moon behind the bride; in Mongolian {without specification groups} the legend of the Seven Elders (Pleiades constellation) says that each of these elders wanted to marry the Moon; they eventually gave up on that idea, but once a year the stars approach the moon for meetings]: Erdenebold 2012:23 (with reference to Bnmau-un ugsaatny zuy. l bot. Ulaanbaatar, 1987).

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (Vasyugansko-Vakhov): Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 4 [at night, the children went to fetch water; going back, they began to boast that they had both fish and water; The month picked them up to heaven, them can be seen there; you can't play around at night (=Lukina 1990, No. 7:66)], 5 (p. Wah) [the boy and the girl went on the water, began to tease the Month that they were eating rolls and he was drying there; The month dragged the girl with the rocker arm and buckets; she clung to the talnik, the Month dragged her away with the bush]: 15-16, 16; Mansi [a woman with buckets or a woman with two children can be seen on the moon]: Olga Silvestrovna Ivanova, teacher at the Pedagogical University named after V.I. Herzen, personal report March 9, 2009; chum salmon: Alekseenko 1976 [In the Month, you can see a Ket girl with a tuyas (var.: Russian woman with buckets) teasing the Month (pointing her finger at him - Alekseenko, hp 2001) and punished by being dragged to him along with a snag she clung to]: 84; Davletshin, Duvakin 2009 [Marya Maksimovna Irikova, August 2009; the woman sent her daughter to the ice-hole for water; the daughter, laughing, says to the Month: "Oh, grandfather, you are drying, and I live well"; Mother began to reproach her; while her daughter "what, what" was talking, the Month took her away; on the full moon, you can see a woman with yoke]: personal message; Nikolaeva 2006 (pos. Yartsevo, Turukhansky District) [looking at the decreasing month, the beautiful girl said that everything was drying in the sky, and she was walking on the ground; The month was offended, took her away when she went to the water with buckets; now she is with buckets can be seen in the sky]: 27; Southern Selkups: Golovnev 1992 [you can see the silhouette of a girl violating sacred prohibitions on the moon]: 48; 1995 [you should not point your finger at the moon - it will hurt; the girl went to get water, pointed her finger for the Month, teased him, saying, "How do you live there? I live well, I eat fatty meat"; I grabbed a girl for a month, she tried to hold on to the talnic bush; I can see a bucket on the moon, a bucket in one hand, a bush in the other (Western 1988)]: 330-331; Pelikh 1972 [=Lukina 2004, no. 2. 2:35; a girl with buckets and a rocker arm went to get water; at the well, the Month began to tease that she would eat meat, but the Month would not; he grabbed the girl, and along with her buckets, rocker arm and waist, by which she managed to grab, dragged into the sky; they're like spots in a month]: 322-323; Tuchkova 2004 [about a boastful girl that Month dragged along with the talina bush she clung to and birch bark in buckets, recorded on the Ket, Tim, Kyunga rivers]: 71.

Eastern Siberia. Western Yakuts: Alekseev et al. 1995, No. 35 (Vilyuisky, 2nd Bordeaux Nasleg of Suntarsky Ulus) [an orphan girl goes to fetch water; says that it is better for her to become the sun along with the sun, the moon along with the moon; the Sun, the Moon, the Earth want her to come to them; she decides that she cannot live on earth, she will burn in the sun, go to the moon; she is seen there with a rocker arm and buckets; she is the spirit of the mistress of the moon]: 197-199; Ovchinnikov 1897 , No. 5-6 (the place of recording is not specified; probably Olekminsk or its environs, where Ovchinnikov was in exile) [two options; the orphan went to get water, stumbled behind the talina, the water spilled, the ice-hole was already frozen; the girl asked the Month to take her home; his older brother The Sun wanted to take her himself, overcame the Month; he begged him to leave her, because she would burn in the Sun; otherwise, in one hand, the girl there was a bush left, which she held on to]: 179-181; central Yakuts: Seroshevsky 1896 [1) (Namsky ulus); stepmother tortured the girl by sending barefoot on the water in winter; a month kidnapped her; she stands on the moon with a rocker arm and buckets, growing near it, with which she was kidnapped; she is an orphan, the soul of the moon; 2) (Kolyma ulus); during the damage, the moon enters the house where she lives with an orphan; the time of the full moon goes out with the orphan]: 667; Tolokonsky 1914, No. 111 [the slave girl went to get water at night, asked the moon to take it as a housewife; visible on the moon with a rocker arm, buckets, a lake and a willow bush]: 88; northwestern Yakuts [1) (Deer, Zhilindinsky Nasleg), stone men captured the girl, made her a slave; at night they sent her with a rocker arm and buckets to the ice-hole for water; she complained to the sky; the sky turned it into the moon, the rocker and the bucket formed spots; 2) var.: the spirit of the moon took pity on the girl, took it; 3) = (2), but instead of the girl, a man]: Gurvich 1948:130 (=197:199); Vilyui Yakuts [the owners oppress an orphan girl; she goes to fetch water, asks the Moon and the Sun to pick her up; the Sun took her head, the Moon took her body; a headless girl with a rocker arm on her shoulders is visible on the moon]: Popov 1949:260-261; northeastern Yakuts: Seroshevsky 1896 (Kolyma ulus) [a slave girl went to fetch water at night, asked the moon to take it as a housewife; visible on the moon with a rocker arm, buckets, lake and willow bush]: 667; Khudyakov 1969:279 [a boy and a girl with a rocker arm on his shoulders looked long for a month; the fire of their eyes awakened the sleeping moon spirit, he took them home], 372 [orphan boy goes with a rocker arm to get water; says, "To be me instead the spirit of the sun and the month"; they go down, take him away from each other; he climbs the talina with the buckets; the Month tore the boy out with talina, took it for himself; he can be seen for a month, resting one foot on his waist, holding a rocker arm with his hand], 373 [an orphan girl is fed scraps; she goes to fetch water with a rocker arm, grabs a dry talnik, says," If I were the spirit of the month of the sun"; both go down, ask who she called first; the Sun is hot, from the Month it is cool, it turns to the Month; the Sun tells it to "be destroyed along with the damage months and gain weight with a full moon "]; Western Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 54 (Ngokonnovskiye Katanga District) [The sun appeared in the sky later than the moon; an orphan girl lives on it; she lived on earth an employee for a rich man; went to the river to get water, each time complained about her fate; asked the Sun to take her home; the Sun fell to the ground and picked up the girl; sometimes you can see her]: 73-74 (=1959: 165); Duvakin 2013 (Ilimpic; Sovrechka, 1998) [The stepmother offended the girl, made her work hard; one day a girl went to get water, complained to the moon and she took it; the spot on the moon is a girl]; Rychkov 1922 (probably Nizhnyaya Tunguska, but the Ilimpic or PodkamennoTunguska ones are unclear) [a girl lies for a month with her leg raised; the orphan went to fetch water, caught the reflection of the month with a bucket, clung to it]: 83- 84; Baikal Evenks: Potanin 1893 (Nerchinsk) [original text in Etn. Review book 12, No. 1:189, zap. K.D. Loginovsky in 1890; the sun and the month sit in the sea; the mother sent her daughter to fetch water at sunset; did she forget why she came; the mother shouted, Chort, did you take you? The water dragged the girl, she began to fight, grabbed the waist that grew up during the Month, took to heaven with him; visible with a bucket in her hands holding her waist]: 385; Rychkov 1922 ("southern" - Trans-Baikal?) Evenks [a month shows a girl with a cauldron and a talina, whom she held on when the Month took her home]: 84; Far Eastern Evenks: Voskoboynikov 1960a, No. 13 (irrigated: bount) [boy -an orphan is exhausted by work, the Month takes him home, he holds his mittens in his hands; the month made a rich reindeer herder who oppressed an orphan sick]: 91-92; Myreeva 2009b (Uchursky?) [a rich man tortured a girl with work; sent a girl for water at night; the girl looked at the moon, she asked why she was crying; she took her home; a girl with buckets is visible on the moon]: 159-160; Coxwell 1925 (" Tungus" - apparently Orochons) [the mother sent her daughter to collect water into the sea; the daughter looked at the sea, forgot about the case; her mother shouted her angrily; when she heard the name, the marine master grabbed the girl; she began to resist , threw the bucket, held a scoop in her hand; the moon came out of the water, the girl grabbed the bushes growing on the moon, ascended to heaven; she can see there, holding a bush in one hand, in the other a ladle; when the girls come out waters, they cannot be called by name]: 158 in Isis 1998:23; Evenks of China (solons) [salons think they are a girl about spots on the moon]: Potanin 1893, No. 84:317 {taking into account data on other Evenks, incl. Orochons are extremely likely to be a "moon aquifer"}; the Evens [mother dies, tells her two daughters not to go up the river; they walk, see the devil, he is fishing, tells one of them to kiss him; the youngest kisses, he bites her, gives her fish, promises to come to visit; the youngest tells the eldest to run, and wrap her in a yurt tire, give her a knife, put her on bed; the devil swallows the youngest, chases the eldest; the youngest cuts his kidneys, liver, heart; he dies; she goes out, ripping his stomach apart; rich people take her as a worker, beat her; when she goes to get water, she asks the Month or the Sun to pick her up; Sun takes her, takes three years for a month, now she is from the Month, visible on it; she smiles, she has buckets]: Novikova 1958:41-42 (=1987:43-44).

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 5 [you can see a girl standing with a rocker arm on the moon], 6 [an orphan girl was forced to carry water at night; a month felt sorry for her, took her home, you can see her there now], 7 [ stepmother offended an orphan girl, Month saw all this, invited her to her place; on the moon you can see the girl with a rocker arm, a bucket and a puppy]: 55, 56; Udege [hunter Kunti ate prey in the forest, his wife Amanda starved; A month felt sorry for her, invited her to her place; at midnight A. flew to the moon, taking a dog, a bucket, a bucket with her; they can be seen there; K. turned into a wild pigeon, you can hear him every evening in the taiga]: Podmaskin 1991, No. 17:125=Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:25-26; Nanais: Arseniev 1995 (4) [the owner sends the water worker; she cries; the month takes her home, she shows a woman with buckets of water]: 152; Lopatin 1922 [the mother sent her daughter with buckets to get water; she left and heard the birds singing; the mother could not stand it and cursed her to be dragged away by Bya; B. went down and grabbed the girl so hastily that she did not have time let the buckets out of your hands; since then, you can see a girl with buckets on the moon]: 330, fig.76 [image of the moon with a girl holding buckets]; Chadaeva 1990 [in winter, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter again and again to fetch water, pours out water; she asks the moon to take it; now you can see a girl with a bucket and a rocker arm on the moon; if it rains or snows under the moon, then the girl cries]: 34-35; Medvedev 1992 [the girl has a son, the frog has a daughter; they went to the island for bird cherry; the frog took the boy and swam back, leaving his daughter with her girlfriend on the island; the girl is raising a frog's daughter, is starving on the island; the boy has grown up, the crows scream to him, that he took the frog as his mother; he asks the frog to boil water, puts its hands in the fire; the frog tries to avoid answering; says aside "someone else's child", then says she's talking about boots for son to sew; legs are crooked because she rode a lot on sledges when the boy's father took her for business; patterned belly - sewed by the fire, burned; yellow face frostbitten on Chinese the metal earrings she was wearing; the young man came to the island, threw a piece of fat to a little frog, who brought it to the woman; she recognized the son; he kicked out the frog, but they left her daughter, she walks on water; Seeing the moon, she wants to be there; now she can be seen there with buckets and a rocker arm]: 145-149; Sangi 1989 [the girl lives alone, doing male and female work; keeps a frog at home, takes care of her; one day she returns wounded after fighting a bear; asks the frog to bring water to wash his wounds; she goes with a rocker arm to the river, brings little; the third time she laments that she cannot help her sister; asks the Moon to take it away; the moon attracts her; a frog with a rocker arm is visible on the moon]: 248-249; Wilta (Southern Sakhalin) [brother and sister became married, ashamed of it; the wife decided to go to God seas, husband to the god of heaven; wife rushed to sea, husband found himself on the moon; he has a pot in his hands so as not to need food]: Isis 1994:25; nivkhi: Ivanov 1954 [wooden amulet (MAE) in the form of threaded images of the sun and moon; figures of a man with a rocker arm and buckets and a dog are carved on the half-disk of the moon]: 401, Figure 250; Isis 1998 (southern Sakhalin) [a woman carried buckets on her rocker arm, traveled with her dog to the moon]: 24; Kreinovich 1930 [on the moon you can see a woman carrying water in buckets on a rocker arm; with her a dog devouring the moon, causing eclipses]: 53; Isis 1998 (southern Sakhalin) [the woman carried buckets on her rocker arm, traveled with her dog to the moon]: 24; Otaina in Turaev 2008 [Luna, out of pity, took the girl to her, whom the hostess sent to the ice-hole early cold in the morning, specially pouring out the water brought in the evening]: 186; Pevnov 2010, No. 9 [they pushed around as an orphan girl; at night in December, the hostess poured water and sent the orphan to fetch water, a puppy went with her; the moon went down, the girl jumped at her with a rocker arm and buckets and a dog, now they can be seen there]: 134-136.

Japan. Ainu (Sakhalin): Pilsudsky 1991b, No. 3 [the girl goes to fetch water, disappears; the grandmother of the Willow Thicket tells her younger brother that the Month took her away; the young man shoots two arrows into the sky, clutching for them, goes up to the Month; he says that he took into his house the one that managed the bucket and the scoop; gives the young man their daughter as his wife; he and his wife return to earth]: 70-72 (=Pilsudski 1912b, No. 3:73-74); Isis 1998 [the girl went to fetch water; laments that the Moon is doing nothing, but she has to work; she ascended to the moon with her dog following her; they can be seen there]: 24; Ainu (Hokkaido): Brauns 1883 [The boy's parents sent the boy to fetch water with a bucket and a ladle; at first he stabbed the hearth with a knife; then he stabbed the door pole, told him he should not carry water; by the river he said this is a small trout, then a large salmon, then a very big one; he took it to the moon, where it now stands as a warning to naughty children]: 258; Isis 1998 [1) the boy did not like to carry water, only knocked on the edge of the hearth, hitting the doorpost; for this, the moon god caught him; now he can be seen frog on the moon; 2) the boy did not like to go fetch water; holding a bucket in his hands, looking at the moon, said that he would like to be the moon, she does nothing; the moon took it; 3) the lazy boy went to the river with a bucket and the head of the dried fish he wanted to soak; now visible on the moon (the head of the fish is tied to the tub ); if the figure of a child is clearly visible on the moon, this portends a rich catch; if the child lifts a bucket, the harvest will be good, if it lowers it, it will be bad; 3) the woman carried water, envied the moon, turned out to be there with the tub]: 24-25; Osami 2007 [the girl went to get water and disappeared; the mother came to look, the fish do not want to answer where the daughter is, because she is lazy; Yelets recalled that she wanted to be the edge of the hearth, for he only warms my back by the fire; Silver carp: I wanted to be a stand supporting the house, because the counter does not go to fetch water; another fish, addressing my mother: you complained that my meat was bony; Trout: what are the old ones trout rot; Salmon says that a woman praises him, so he will tell him; her daughter wanted to become the moon, because the moon does nothing but lie in the sky; she also hates going to fetch water; the Moon punished taking the girl to him; you can see a girl carrying water on the moon]: 17-19; Batchelor 1927 [the lazy son does not want to go for water; he says to the doorpost, the fish, that they are just a joint, a fish, and they do not go for water; salmon takes it to the moon, it is visible there (in the translation of the same text in Isis 1998:24, referring to Batchelor 1901:67-68; the boy is carried to the moon not by salmon, but by a frog)]: 260; Okinawa Islands [visible on the moon man carrying two buckets of water]: Nevsky 1996:268; Miyako Islands: Nevsky 1996:267 [the light of the Sun Wife was brighter than the Sun Husband's light; she refuses to change; her husband shoves her to the ground, she falls into the mud; the peasant carries two tubs of water, washes the moon, helps it get out of the mud; the moon rises to the sky, but loses its former shine; in gratitude he takes the peasant to him; he is visible on the moon, holds a rocker with two tubs on his shoulders], 269-270 [A month Akariyazagama gives a tub of living water and a tub of dead water, sends him to the ground, orders him to pour living water on a person, a snake for the dead; when he reaches the ground, A. falls asleep, the serpent splashes living water on himself; frightened A. waters the dead man, returns to heaven; the Month punishes him, ordering him to stand on the moon from now on with a tub in his hands].

SV Asia. Markovo: Dyachkov 1992 [three girls went to get water, one looked closely at the moon, separated from the ground, ended up on the moon]: 233; Hakkarainen 2000 [an orphan girl is driven around, driven go with buckets at night to get water; she complains to the Moon, Moon (Month?) takes her home; the girl is seen there with two buckets; dogs loved the girl, they still howl at the moon]; forest yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous, Verkhnekolymsky District) [an orphan girl is offended; she goes with tues to fetch water, asks the moon to pick her up; she finds herself on the moon, visible there with tues in her hands]: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 2:21-23 (=Zhukova , Chernetsov 1992:10-11).

(Wed. The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatagmiut) [girl always leaves home for water when it snows or rains; disappears; her bucket is found frozen in ice; a year later, a team of invisible dogs descends from the sky to her parents' house; the girl and her husband brought caribou meat for a month; there are a lot of caribou and hares on the moon, but there are no marine animals, their fat; a year later, the spouses go back; living with his wife's parents , The month was always behind the curtain, it was also almost invisible; {it is not said that the girl's silhouette is visible on the moon}]: Lucier 1958, No. 17:103-106).

NW Coast. The Tlingits: De Laguna 1972 [the boy went to fetch water in the storm and was raised for a month, where he is now visible]: 796; Swanton 1908b [one of the two girls says the moon looks like her grandmother's lab; both they immediately find themselves on the moon; the speaker breaks to pieces; another girl is visible on the lunar disk with a bucket in her hand]: 453; Hyda (Masset) [the woman pointed her finger at the star, mocked her; the stars dragged her into the sky, placed her on the roof to roast in the chimney; the woman's brothers returned her, replaced her with a wooden figure screaming like a human being; the stars came down to look for her, the brothers ran, throwing her red paint; the stars were wasting time picking it up, stopped pursuing it; the woman pointed her finger at the moon, did it when she went to get water; she thought someone was sitting in the well, she pointed with a finger at this man; at home I saw the same face in a bucket of water; threw out the water, returned to the well, saw the same face again, did not drink; at night I felt thirsty, returned to the well; big the man grabbed her hand; she turned to the full moon, showed her tongue; she was dragged up, she grabbed a saral bush; now with a bucket and holding on to the bush, she is visible on the moon]: Swanton 1908a, No. 28:450- 452; Tsimshian (R. Ness) [a woman points her finger at a star and is pulled up; finds herself on the roof by the chimney; she was rescued, returned to the ground; then she points her finger at a month and at its reflection; A month takes her to heaven when she carries a bush of salal-berries; she can be seen on the moon disk with a bush and a bucket in her hands]: Boas 1916:864; bellacula [a woman lives on the moon; she can be seen in the time of a certain lunar phase; she holds a bucket of water in her hand]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 225; quaqiutl (tlatlasicoala neveti) [A month came down, asked for water; the girl left the house with a bucket, he took it away; later he went down again, asked another woman for water; the kidnapped woman's mother warned her not to go out, but she carried Water Month and she can still be seen on the moon with a bucket in her hands]: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.9:191 (= 2002:409).

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [in winter The month often migrated; his wife Vala carried birch bark shovels and buckets to melt the snow; asks where to sleep; On my cheek; V. jumps on his cheek, stays there; he turns into a month, does not shine brightly; a woman with buckets and a shovel can still be seen]: Teit 1909a, No. 5:653; Thompson [The month is beautiful and clear; Hare (var.: Frog) is his younger sister; there are many star guests in the house; The month sends his sister to fetch water; she comes back, she has nowhere to sit; he invites her to sit on his face, she does it; The month becomes dim, on his face shows a woman with buckets in her hands]: Teit 1898, No. XXXVI: 91-92; quinolt [zap. Ronald E. Olson in 1926, not published before; Xwoni Xwoni made a fish trap, turned his crap into a man, left him guarded, told him to be called if chinook salmon came across; he called when trapped a driftwood swam; SHH killed him; in the same way he made a new watchman, who called when he caught salmon; SHSH kept the milk, they turned into two girls, he called them daughters; said he was dying, told him leave the corpse on the platform, come later, their little brother will be there; the girls find this baby, bring it home, it grows rapidly; first the older sister, then the younger sister throw him on the floor at night, because he tries to have sex with them; they understand that it is SHH, they leave; they see people hitting fish with a spear; they call two young men who bring them to their house, take them as wives; brothers always throw one fish into the fire, they do not tell his wives to touch him; the sisters touch him; the fire is the brothers' mother, it turned out that the sisters poked her in the face with a stick, she died; the brothers said that they themselves are Harpoons; at night, the girls wake up, with not everyone husband, and harpoon; sisters go east, see a blind old woman rocking her daughter Fazaniha's baby; sisters replace the child with a piece of wood, run away; Phazanikha, carrying her mother, chases, abandons her mother, that turns into a lake waist-deep for girls; throws it again, but the old woman has little water left, she was Flood Lake; the baby grows up quickly, from the sisters' song he realizes that they kidnapped him, that his mother Pheasant, and father a log, sails downstream in a boat; all the girls in the village want him so much that they urinate; he is as bright as the sun; Blue Jay pointed to the ugly Frog Girl, who combed her hair decorated herself, came with a bucket and a box of possessions; she did not wet herself, but Blue Jay did it, said that the Frog had wet himself; the young man took the Frog into his boat, swam further down; a young man stood by the shore swallowing lizards and everything that swims; says that his brother was stolen by the SHH girls; the brothers recognize each other; the frog took him by the leg, shook lizards and other rubbish out of him; the elder brother became the Sun, it's too hot, everything is burning; then it became the Month, married the Frog, she can be seen on the moon with her box and bucket; the youngest (coming from a piece of wood in the cradle) became the Sun]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:202-209.

The Midwest. Western Swamp Cree (northern Manitoba) [the bear lifted up Chukkapas and his wife; Wesukechak told the son of the victim, also named Chukkapas, to obey his sister; she does not tell him to go to the bears; C. goes to In the eyes of the bears, he breaks a pine tree and a rock with an arrow, the bears run away, he kills two; he goes to the giants, who throw him into the cauldron to cook, he overturns the cauldron, scalding them to death; the giants think that the beaver will drag him under the water; C. pulls out the beaver, breaks the giants' arms with a club; at night, his sister gave C. a pot, asked him to bring water from the lake; he looked at the moon, she lifted it into the sky; he is now seen there with a water pot]: Clay 1978:28-33; Eastern Swamp Cree: Bird 2007 (Vinisk River) [sister doesn't tell Brother Chakapesh to think about and look at the moon; he's violating the ban, now in the full moon is visible on the lunar disk with a snow bucket and a wooden scoop]: 36-37; Ellis 1995 (West Bank Hall. James), No. 5 [Chahkabesh lives with her older sister; goes in the direction she did not tell; tells her sister that she saw large footprints; she explains that these are the bears that killed their parents; C. carries with an arrow a pile of stones; then kills all the bears with one arrow; finds no remains of parents inside; does not tell her sister to look at the moon; C. goes with a bucket behind the snow to heat water; looks at the moon; she drags him towards him, he is now visible on her], 6 [as in (5)], 17:23-27, 29-33, 119; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [old Nokomis gives birth to a boy Chekadum 'a (Cheerful) from a stranger ; father predicts that his son will be in danger when he grows up; N. sends C. to fetch water, does not tell him to look at the moon; the young man disappears; seen on a lunar disk with a bucket and a bucket]: Ray, Stevens 1971:81; Ojibwa (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan) [He was human for a month, went to fetch water, was taken to the sky; since then, a man with a bucket has been seen on the moon]: Hilger 1937:178; ojibwa [young man is enough a beautiful woman who descends from the sky on a rope; she is kidnapped by a sorcerer with a bare skull instead of a head; his victims are balding, their husbands turn into hunchbacks interpreting grain to him; the Sun restores a woman's hair; warns that his old wife Luna will try to destroy her; at dusk, a woman prepares maple syrup, pouring from one bucket to another; decided to urinate immediately; insulted Luna puts it with with a bucket in her basket; The sun punishes his wife, forcing her victim to carry her victim with her forever; on the moon, a woman with a bucket is visible; the moon puts the girl on a swing, swings, she falls into a deep hole; Thunders save her; the Sun allows the Thunders to eat his wife; makes the girl a new wife and the Moon; a sorcerer with a skull head tries to kidnap her, the dogs of the Sun drive him away; the sorcerer makes the girl's first husband a hunchback, makes the grain grind; his cousin defeats the sorcerer, frees prisoners]: Jones 1919, No. 67:623-653 (paraphrase in Lévi-Strauss 1968, No. 499:338-339).

Plains. Arapaho [A month hears a girl wanting to marry him and another wants a bright star as her husband; his brother Sun prefers the Frog because she does not wrinkle her eyes when looking at him ; The month turns into a porcupine, the girl follows it, climbs a tree, goes to heaven, becomes the wife of the Month; the Sun brings the Frog; The frog is going to get water, takes a vessel; The Month invites his wife and Frog to compete to see who chews a piece of gut better; the Wife of the Month crunches pleasantly, the Frog can't gnaw its gut, crunches with coals, black drools; she is offended, jumps on Breast Month, it has since been seen there with a water vessel; the Month has two wives, a woman and Bisonicha, each with a son; sons and wives quarrel; The Month warns the female wife not to dig deep holes, digging roots; she digs, makes a hole in the sky, sees her native village; weaves a rope from her tendons, climbs down it; The month throws a stone, killing his wife, but the child falls and remains alive; sucks her chest dead mother; grows up; a person notices traces, leaves a bow and arrows, the boy picks them up; the man hardly grabs him, leads him to the parents of the deceased woman; The Month reproaches the Bisonic Wife in what happened; she and her son leave; the Month follows them; every day, the bison kill one of them (one of the brothers of the wife of the Month) to feed their son-in-law; each time they collect bones in their skin, the bison comes to life; He peeks for a month, piercing a hole in the tipi, sees his father-in-law hitting a snag, a man jumps out of there, runs, Bisons kill him for food; a month secretly makes bows, goes to hit the snag himself; first a woman provocateur pops up, a month beats her, now her nose is injured, does not let her go back; people go out, the Month gives them bows; tells them to hunt buffalo, and the Bisons to become buffalo; father-in-law's hat will become head and spine, bird claws with horns, hailstones - eyes, round elk teeth - teeth, eagle feather - tongue, deer hooves - hooves, moon-shell - voice, wampum - larynx, water turtles - kidneys, Navajo cape - intestines, bast - tendons, eagle feathers - shoulders, aquatic plant root - penis, water foam - lungs, vine pod - heart]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 134:321-329.