A32H. Moon tree, A751.6.
The lunar disk shows a tree, a bush, a branch, a driftwood, etc. See motif A32G.
French (Calais, Marne, Belgian Luxembourg), British, Groot Islandt, Drysdale River tribes, Torres Strait Islands (Mabu), Maori, Tahiti, Raiatea, Hawaii, Palau, AO, Taraon Mishmi, Lushi, Kuki, Hami, Angami, Rengma, Ao, Rangpang, Vieta, Cham, Zyaray, Bru, Oraons, Bhumia, Lambadi (Banjara), Himachali Pahari, Marathi, Gujarati, Muslim Bengalis, Sora, Gutob, Temuan (Mantra) , toraja, wana, bangga, south Sulawesi (boogie or makassary?) , Mangarai, Solor, Alor and/or adjacent islands, Tetum, Athoni, Ternate, Bagobo, Cebuan, Negrito, Paiwan, Ancient China, Chinese (Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong), Koreans, Pumi, Lahu, Yao, Chuan and other Miao, Meo (Vietnam), Lisu, Bulgarians, Greeks, Vakhans, Gilgit, Salars, Altaians, Teleuts, Chelkans, Shors, Khakas, Tofalars, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Kets, Southern Selkups, Central, Western (Olekminsky - probably) and northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts, Baikal (? "southern") Evenks, Chinese Evenks (manegres), Far Eastern Evenks (Orochons?) , Koryaks reindeer, haida, nisenan, washo, chiricahua, yaki.
Western Europe. French: Sébillot 1904:19 [Calais: Children are told that Judas can be seen in the moon, hung by his hair or legs on an elderberry; Marna: Judas hanged himself from an elderberry and is now visible on the moon], 20 ( Belgian Luxembourg) [on the moon, Cain hid behind a bush; but his ears, eyes, nose and mouth are visible]; the British [All that I have to say, is, to tell you that the lanthorn is the moon; I, the man in the moon; this thorn-bush, my thorn-bush; and this dog, my dog ("All I have to say is explain to you that the lantern is the moon and I am the man on the moon; this thorn bush is my thorns a bush, and this dog is my dog"; trans. T.L. Shchepkina-Kupernik, 1934)]: William Sheakspeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1595), Act 5, Scene 1.
Australia. Groot Islandt [A month without a wife, stole a woman with three children, they sat by the fire in the evening; they can be seen on the face of the moon under moon trees]: Waterman 1987, No. 62:25; Drysdale River Tribes [boy and girl were playing in the strong wind; they clung to a tree; all three were carried to the moon]: Waterman 1987, No. 4480 (1): 120.
Melanesia. Mabu [on the western Torres Strait Islands, the Moon is a woman, young, pregnant, with a baby depending on her phase; on the moon, you can see a woman holding a coconut, two breadtrees next to her]: Rivers 1912:225.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [1) husband and wife decided to move to the moon; they climbed there up to the snake's neck; they now live there, eating the fruits of the orange tree growing on the moon; 2) while the husband was fishing, the wife asked the moon to pick up their baby; when the moon came for the baby, the wife asked her to wait for her husband, now all three are on the moon]: Kubary, vol.1:58 in Frazer 1924:263; Maori: Best 1982 [Ron's night went to get water with a bunch of calebas (var.: with one calebasa); the moon disappeared behind the cloud, R. began to scold her; the moon came down and dragged her towards her; R. grabbed the ngaio tree, it uprooted and can now be seen on the moon too; because Rona insulted the moon, people now insult each other too; people were looking for Ron, she called them from the moon; this story was first recorded by Nicholas (1817, vol. 1:60-61); in his version, Ron is a man and did not give an explanation, but he did not know the language]: 392-393; Dixon 1916:87-88 [Rona went to get water, began to scold the moon, which was dark; the moon went down to pick it up, R. grabbed tree, it has uprooted; R. is visible on the moon along with wood, basket and calebas]; Reed 1999, No. 16 [man with wood and calebasses for water]: 190-192 (Russian translation in Reed 1960:79-80); Westervelt 1910: 167-170 in Isis 1998 [a woman with a bush and a calebasa]: 26; Tahiti: Beckwith 1970 [a woman is seen on the moon doing a tapa; she watches from the moon those traveling in the night and those doing tapas for the gods; one night she stepped on the moon, so her name was "Hina stepping on the moon"; stepping on a banyan growing on the moon, she broke off a branch that sailed to Opoa and gave rise to a local tree there]: 221; Henry 1928 [{this is probably the only source}; Hina sailed to the moon when it was low, stepped on it and stayed; her boat was gone; the spots on the moon are the banyan tree from which H. rips off the bark to do tapu; a bright spot is a broken branch that fell to the ground and all the banyans were from it; with H. there is a turtle, she brought fig seeds to the ground]: 462-464; Richter-Gravier 2019 [according to J. Cook, there were some types of trees on the island, but the storm destroyed them; pigeons brought seeds to the moon, where the grove of these trees grew (moonspots)]: 131; Williamson 1933 (1) [Tangaroa, Ra are identified with the Sun; Hina with the Moon; spots on the moon are a grove of trees in the shade of which H. teaches how to make tapas]: 98-99; Raiatea [trees grow on the moon; a bird from Tahiti flew to peck for their fruits; on she dropped a seed on the ground, and a huge tree grew out of it]: Williamson 1933 (1): 100.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lucy [a huge ficus (Bung) grows on the moon, the branches of which are visible in the silhouette of the spots; in the middle of the tree there is a monkey without a head; whoever sees it will die before the deadline; the tree on the moon is also in part ao, rangpang, u thado kiki (comm. J.H. Hutton)]: Parry 1932:493; ao [spots on the moon are trees (this is not the most common explanation)]: Mills 1926:301; rengma [there is a vague idea that the sun is a man and the moon is a woman; they used to shine equally brightly; Western rengma: God decided that in this case there was no circadian rhythm, so he planted a ficus on the moon and its light faded; Eastern rengma: the sun and the moon fought, the sun threw ash into the moon's face and the moon faded]: Mills 1937:243-244; Hami (Ayaing Khami) [The Moon and Sun were equally hot; people put a juicy banyan on the moon; since then, heat and bright light emanate only from the sun (Census of India I931, Vol. XI, Burma, I, p. 262)]: Kühn 1936:85; angami [nettles and poplar are visible on the moon]: Hutton 1914:485 (=1921:260); rangpang [The Sun and Month were sister and brother; The Month told the Sun collect the herbs, cook them, they will turn into meat; she revealed the secret to the monkey, the monkey to everyone else; the month scolded her sister, she was offended, dried everything with heat; a dry tree branch fell for a Month, killed him; The sun sister died of grief; both reborn in heaven after changing sex (Hutton: most naga lack the last detail)]: Hutton 1925:117-118; Taraon Mishmi [The month was hot and shining at night, night and day did not differ; Jim-Chane planted a large tree on the moon, it overshadowed the light, the Month became darker and colder than the Sun]: Pandey 1999:35.
Burma - Indochina. Vieta: Knorozova 2000 [Kuoy found a lair, killed four cubs, hid in a tree; the Tigress revived the cubs with the leaves of a tree; K. planted it in the garden, brought the dead to life; the robbers killed K.'s wife, carved her insides; K. replaced them with the dog's entrails, and made clay insides for the dog; since then she began to forget everything; contrary to warning, she urinated on the east side wood; it began to rise into the sky; K. grabbed it, found himself on the moon with him; now lives in a lunar palace with his banyan]: 30-31; Cadière 1908 [the deceiver Cuội is visible on the moon; children They sing that he is holding an ax to cut down a tree to make a boat, rent it out and buy food with this money; alternatively, he sits under a banyan; in some areas, K. is associated with an echo]: 251; Landes 1886, No. 45 [the younger brother brought a tiger cub from the forest; the elder ordered it back; he returned it, the tiger cub died, he sees from the tree how the tigress revived the tiger cub with ficus leaves; picked up leaves in the river the dog's corpse, revived; planted a ficus, told his wife to water; people killed his wife, he revived her; next time the killers hid the woman's insides, the husband replaced them with the dog's insides (so women have a dog character); he also revived the dog by making its insides out of clay; one day the wife forgot to water the ficus; when she saw her husband, she tried to irrigate the tree by writing next to him; the ficus began to rise into the sky; the husband tried at least cut off a branch with immortality leaves, but the ax is stuck, the husband went up with the tree to the moon; this is Cu⋅; every year one leaf of this tree falls into the sea, swallowed by a dolphin; echo - you can hear K. cutting that tree]: 118-120; Schultz 1994, No. 4 [poor Cuoi picked up a tiger cub, accidentally killed it, climbed a tree in fear of a tigress; saw her bring banyan leaves, revived it tiger cub; K. collected leaves, revived a dead dog on the way home; transplanted a banyan tree into his yard, told his mother not to throw garbage under it, not to pour garbage, otherwise the tree would fly to heaven; she continued to throw it away; the tree began to rise, K. clung to the roots, was carried to the moon; K. planted a banyan tree there, you can see him sitting under it]: 34-38; Tyamas: Cabaton 1901 [a woman killed snakes; saw their mother revived them with the leaves of the Ficus bengalensis tree; broke off a branch, planted them outside the house, told the children not to urinate on this tree; the children broke the ban; the mother saw the tree begin to rise into the air; she grabbed him and went up to the moon with a black dog, now they can be seen there]: 19-20; Landes 1887, No. 15 [working in the forest, people leave the shepherd to guard buffaloes; he kills the snake; sees the mother The snake revives the son with the bark of a tree; the young man takes a supply of the same bark; revives the deceased girl, gets her as a wife; plants that tree, warns his wife not to relieve him, otherwise the tree will fly to heaven; the wife violated the ban; the husband managed to grab hold of his roots, flew to the moon with a tree and a black dog]: 105-107; (cf. tyams [astrologers promise the childless king that he will have a son if he makes sacrifices at the mouth of the river, but this son will ruin the kingdom; the king makes sacrifices; the boy eats a lot, the king is broke; when his son is 15 years old, his father calls him to the forest, knocks down a tree on him; in the evening the son brings a tree to his father; tells him to forge a heavy axe, leaves, his name is Strong; meets the Wagon Pulling (without bulls), Reed ( cuts reeds on five mountains); both cannot raise the Strong's axe, become his younger brothers; giants Sharp ass, Snotty, Big foot fish; Strong asks for fish, each of the giants tells the other to give, finally, Big foot gives, Sharp ass hits the ship in anger, Snotty closes the hole with snot; the portion of fish is so large that there is no firewood in the village to fry it; brothers they go into the forest, they have no fire; A pulling wagon comes to the old woman, she throws it into the cauldron; the same with the Reed; the Strong makes the old woman give the plant of immortality, revives the brothers, sews up the old woman's eyes and the mouth, telling him to send her husband in their footsteps; the giant husband defeats the Wagon Pulling and the Reed, the Strong hammers him into the ground; the old woman goes to look for her husband, urinates where he is in the ground, hears his voice, digs up; The strong throws the head of the fish into China; the emperor promises a daughter to the one who removes the smelly head; The strong cleans, marries the princess of the Wagon, leaves him a tree of immortality, tells him to watch so that no one enters the garden; throws a fish head at Siam; throwing it into the sea, gets the Princess of Siam, gives it to the Reed; returns to the land of the Tyams; the pulling wagon allowed people into the garden, the tree immortality flew to heaven, the Strong died immediately; the Wagon Pulling and the Reed came for him to the Tyam Land, also died]: Landes 1887, No. 8:67-76); Zyaray: Dournes 1977:123-124 [going to the forest for firewood with other H'Bia girls, her ax is jammed, she promises to make the assistant a friend for help, if it is a woman, a husband if a man; a man appears, leads to her; Mrs. Ficusa (la Dame de Figier) in the form of a bird warns of danger, but B. only scolds her; the husband is actually an elephant, comes with his own, they devour B.; does the husband invite his younger sister eaten by H'Lui? , supposedly, to keep an eye on their child; H'Lui? blesses the bird, it hides it, the elephants devour each other; Mrs. Ficusa tells the birds to take the girl to her (the paraphrase is cut off)], 158 [Mrs. Ficusa is now visible on the moon]; bru [liar Tan says that a doe climbed into his field; everyone rushed to catch, there is no fallow deer, T. was driven into the forest; T. to the monkeys: I will climb a tree, drop fruits, and you will cut off the trunk so that the fruits are slippery the trunk was piled up; slippery monkeys could not climb; T. eats ripe fruits, throws green ones to the monkeys; T. ran across the river, shouted that the flood was beginning, advised the monkeys to tie them to their backs stones; the monkeys crossed the reed bridge, T. brought it down, they drowned; T. collected them, began to fry them; a tiger came, T. threw him a few monkeys; the tiger agrees to carry T. on his back if he catches monkeys to meet him; boar; T. tells the tiger to hide; tells the boar that the tiger wants to attack him, so it's better to attack him yourself; after the fight, the tiger killed the wild boar; T. suggests taking the tree to carry the carcass: will hold the top and the tiger will catch the butt; thorns have dug into the tiger's neck; by the river T. sends a tiger to fry a wild boar for fire, points to the setting sun - this is the fire in my grandmother's house; a day later, a tiger returned - there is no wild boar; T. says he brought fire from his grandmother himself; instead of meat, he gave the tiger a pipe - the meat went rancid because of your scream; the next day T. invites the tiger to eat its ears, gave the boars; cut off the tiger's ears; he saw that T.'s ears were in place, chased him; T. fell into the hole; said that his ears had grown; that the sky was falling; pokes a stick in the tiger's ears, telling him to throw the turtle out of the pit - her sky flatten it; then asks to eat it here, but not to throw it away; the tiger threw it away; T. threw burning guns into the pit, since then the tiger has been striped; he came to the village, lied again about the doe, climbed onto the roof; threw pepper into the eyes of the audience, ran away; stood on the old woman's shoulders to get honey from the hollow for her; he ate everything himself; the old woman bent down; T. hung his head in the hollow; people set fire to the tree; T. got up with the tree to the moon, visible there]: Nikulin 1976:212-220.
South Asia. Himachali plowmen (Kullu Valley) [banyan (pipal) is visible on the moon]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya (field materials, October 2016); lambadi (banjara) [spots on the moon: wood or old woman, that spins cotton under a banyan]: Vahia et al. 2019:56; Gujarati [Shami tree (Prosopis spicigera) can be seen on the moon]: Enthoven 1924:50; Marathi: Enthoven 1924:50 [visible on the moon banyan or Nim tree (Melia azadirachta)], 51 (Ratnagiri County) [spots on the moon - tamarind, or reflection of a deer drawn into the chariot of the moon god; or a pipal tree (Ficus religiosa) with a cow, or two deer tied to its roots]; Muslim Bengalis (Sylhet) [spots on the moon - a row of palms]: Bhattacharya 1930:118; Oraons [seven Sun Brothers melted the earth with her heat; his sister Luna began to eat bel fruit, answered the Sun that she was eating her Star Children, convinced the Sun to cook its brothers and eat it; realizing that they had been deceived, the Sun rushed to the moon with a sword; she hid in a banyan hollow, but he managed to cut off a piece of it; so there is a lunar eclipse twice a year, and you can see a spot on the moon - a banyan hollow]: Elwin 1949:53; bhumia [spots on the moon are banyan, planted by Bhagavan to reduce the brightness of the moon and allow bhumia to steal successfully]: Elwin 1939:333; sora (Orissa, Ghajapati District) [informant Enam Gomang, Christian, d. Serango: One group of spots on the moon is the banyan tree, where monkeys live. Another group of spots is another small tree. Monkeys periodically jump from a larger tree to a smaller one. When the moon is full, if you look closely, you can see black spots moving across the moon. These are monkeys jumping from tree to tree; informant Srinivas Gomango, Christian, d. Nouagada: Anyone who sees a monkey jumping on a moon tree will die, so they don't look at the moon]: Krylova, Renkovskaya, field materials 2017; gutob (Orissa, village. Hanumal) [the main group of spots on the moon is the bor tree, the small spot below is a hare sitting under a tree]: 2018.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [you can see a banyan tree on the moon, under it a humpback old man weaves a forest from his bast, where he is going to catch everyone on earth; the rat constantly gnaws on the rope and the hunchback cannot finish his work; if he finishes, the world will end]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:13; temuan (mantra) [ideas about spots on the moon are close to Malay; on the moon, the banyan, the old man Moyang-Bertang weaves rope loops under it catch people with them; mice gnaw through the rope]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:319; Java [on the moon you can see a birdsman sitting on a tree making snare]: Bastian in Krappe 1938:120; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938, No. 40 [the fisherman noticed that the water in the pond was muddy; he remained guarded, seven moon maidens came down in the morning and began to swim; the fisherman hid his clothes alone, got married, the name of the virgin Topitoe, she gave birth to a son ; cooked red food, her husband said she was cooking blood; this was not the case, the wife was offended, asked her parents to lower her stairs, told her husband to take care of the child, climbed the rainbow; the husband took the child, climbed the banyan tree, he grew up to the moon; the wife allowed her husband to stay only overnight; when he woke up, he was on the ground; the baby stayed, T. began to breastfeed him, he got dirty, his bowel movements - grasshoppers; T. took her breast away in fear, milk spilled across the sky, became the Milky Way; the banyan tree now grows on the moon, can be seen there], 43 [The Heron invited the Hummingbird to fly to the moon, whoever fails will be a servant who flew; both flew; the Heron suggested that whoever sits on a banyan branch would win and break it off; the branch broke off under the Hummingbird, fell to the ground, and since then banyans have been growing on the ground]: 390-391, 397; western toraja (Napu) [a banyan tree grows on the moon with various cultivated plants on its branches; the tekuri bird sat on a branch, it broke, fell to the ground, so there are cultivated plants on the ground]: Kruyt in Mabuchi 1969:39; Eastern Toraja [1) there is a poem about a banyan on the moon that it "swings but is firmly rooted; if you start cutting him, it becomes clear that he is made of ice"; 2) Lasaeo (hero narratives) planted two trees on the moon; in the wet season you can see the left tree and the right in the dry season; 3) people live under the moon tree, they have a constant holiday; if a leaf falls from a tree, their child dies, if many leaves, noble young men and women die; 4) there were no banyans or birds on the ground; a king of birds lived on the moon banyan with many birds; a man knocked down the branch on which they were sitting, with a blowpipe, everyone fell from the moon to the ground]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 12:383; vana [The sun was huge and the sky was close to the ground; a man exhausted by heat hit the Sun with a dart from blowpipe; the breakaway piece became the Month, small fragments became stars; spots on the moon are a chopper that got there (for some unknown reason) with a dart; others say a banyan can be seen on the moon]: Kruyt 1930: 419 in Maaβ 1933:296; bangga [a banyan grows on the moon, its leaves are people's souls; if a young leaf falls, a young man dies; terrestrial banyans are like a lunar, so they are sacrificed]: Kruyt 1932:82-85 in Maaβ 1933:299; south Sulawesi (boogie or makassars) [the ruler of the heavenly state is predicted that when he has a daughter she will destroy his country, for they will try to be a girl take possession of people from earth; a daughter is born, grows up, the ruler hides her in a palace on the moon; the ruler of the earthly state sends an army to capture the girl, the heavenly state is destroyed, but the girls are not they find it; she lives on the moon with an old wet nurse; one day she thinks she sees a flower on the ground, comes down to get it, it's just sugarcane cake; the girl gets dirty wings and could not fly; climbed a tree and turned into an owl, since then she has been screaming at the full moon; the nurse is still waiting for her on the moon, she can be seen sitting there under a banyan]: Kratz 1973, No. 28:162-166; mangaray (western Flores) [a ficus tree grows on the moon, dark spots are leaves]: Arndt 1931:843; Solor, Alor and/or neighboring islands [spots on the moon - banyan growing there]: Vatter 1932 in Maaβ 1933:375; Athoni [Be Koae weaver sits on the moon under a banyan; it has two branches, one with a black pig tied to one, trying to escape, which causes earthquakes]: Maa& #946; 1933:276; tetum [Lassiolat: The moon shows a branched Waringhin tree {probably a banyan tree}; Waiwiku: Fulan lorok man and a Bili kiak woman live on the moon; Warianghin tree next to him a horse is tied; Fatuaruin: an old woman on the moon, a Waringhin tree, two bamboo vessels, two deer; Lidak: the moon shows a man, a dog, a deer, a banyan tree, a bamboo; Silawan: the moon shows a banyan, a man and buffalo (Karbau)]: Vroklage 1962:137; ternate [husband and wife were fishing, wife fell into the sea and became a turtle; husband took another wife; she did not feed her little stepdaughter, only rubbed rice on her lips, she said that the girl ate a lot; the girl came to the sea, the turtle mother washed her and changed her clothes; her stepmother took her husband to kill the turtle; told her stepdaughter to light the fire under the cauldron, she extinguished it; stepdaughter asked for the turtle bones, her stepmother did not give it; but the girl took it herself, buried it, grew a tree, she collected the fruit, the leaves, they turned into money; then she climbed the tree; the father began to cut, but the ax bounced; a tree collapsed in old age, one branch fell on China, so China is rich; one branch on the moon, small spots are leaves]: Hayami-Allen 2001:230-238; (cf. minahasa, toraja, boogie, tobelo, loda, Sangihe Islands (the retold text belongs to another group, no links; groups with similar ones are listed texts) [a white cat drinks from a pot that served as a hunter for household needs; gives birth to a girl Nini-anteh; when she is seven years old, the hunter takes his wife; in his absence, she treats, does not feed the cat and N.; N . goes to the river, climbs a tree, it grows almost to the moon, from there a staircase descends for her; now she can be seen there behind a spinning wheel with a cat; the hunter climbed after him, the stairs were not lowered, he fell down, crashed]: Dixon 1916:238-239).
Taiwan - Philippines. Cebuan [had seven sister moons; a huge sea serpent fell in love with them; swallowed six; Bathala began to guard, saw the serpent swallow the last moon, but people drove the snake away with screams; for the serpent He did not swallow the moon, B. planted a bamboo plant on it; people scare away a snake every time there are eclipses]: Buyser 1913 in Eugenio 1994, No. 155:267-268; Negrito [see a tree on the moon in different provinces balete, bamboo shoots, other trees or shrubs, human]: Garvan 1963:206; bagobo [there is a large pananag tree on the moon; there is a white monkey at the end of one of its branches; whoever sees it, will die or become seriously ill; but the monkey itself is not an enemy to humans, but fights against buso's evil spirits]: Benedict 1916:48; paywan [Salmudj tried to cut down a tree on the moon where two monkeys live; but it grows again every time]: Yamada 2002:49.
China - Korea. Ancient China [after I hit nine out of ten suns, the heavenly ruler became angry, left I on earth; And continues to fight monsters; goes west, receives from SI- Wanmu is the potion of immortality; if two people drink, they will become immortal on earth, if one becomes a heavenly deity; Yi Chang'e's wife took the drug alone, flew to the moon, became a toad there (var: remained a woman); there is also a hare on the moon that pushes the drug of immortality, cinnamon tree and Ugan into a mortar; he wanted to become immortal, for his misdemeanors he was sent to the moon to cut down cinnamon wood; cuts, but it grows together again]: Yuan Ke 1987:154-159, 317 (note 94); Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 25 (Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang) [man sent to punishment the moon; he cuts down a Cassia tree there, but as soon as it stops working, the felling overgrows]: 37; Fielde 1893 [one woman said she was in another mouse's house and offered to borrow a cat; the cat came back soon home, and the hostess said that she was missing, she was afraid she cared for and demanded a lot of money; the father of the first woman remembered that he had once lent a cheap wooden scoop to the cat's owner; the woman demanded her scoop back, the cat's owner said she had burned it a long time ago; woman: there is a tree on the moon, its branch broke off, fell to the ground, my father made a scoop out of it; he was given colossal money for it; judge decided that mutual claims compensate each other]: 111-115; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Linshu) [the moon shone brighter than the sun; it was nintagonal and octagonal, and when it came out, people's faces turned red because of the heat, and the crops dried up, it became impossible to live; a couple lived in one village hunters - his wife's name was Nie and her husband was Yala; Nie invited her husband to shoot the moon and advised her to climb to the top of the mountain in the morning to get to the moon; Yala shot at the moon all morning, but could not hit; but then the mountain split behind him, and a long-bearded old man appeared and said that an arrow from deer antlers from the Southern Mountains and a bowstring from the North Sea tiger's tail were needed; then the mountain closed again and the old man disappeared; his wife sent Yal to get these animals, but he replied that the animals were ancient and their skins were strong so that the arrow would not pierce them; we needed to weave a net; Nie offered to weave a net from her hair; a month later, the couple weaved a net, caught a tiger and a deer, and made an arrow and bowstring; Yala shot the moon again; the arrow cut off nine corners and eight faces from the moon, so that it became round, but her heat did not decrease; then Yala invited his wife to take a piece of silk, tie it to an arrow and thus cover the moon with it; Nie had just finished weaving a silk cloth depicting a Reevesia tree pubescens Mast.), a white hare and a herd of white sheep; Yala took him, tied him to an arrow, shot him and covered the moon with it; this is how a rivsia tree appeared on the moon, and under it a white hare and white rams; when the moon went up to the sky, Nie looked at her and suddenly flew there; Yala ran after her from the eastern mountains to the western mountains, but could not catch her and cried; Nie hung her hair and Yala climbed upstairs; from then Since the couple has been living happily ever after on the moon; Nie weaves, and Yala herds a white hare and white sheep; people on earth do not suffer from the heat]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 6:6-7; Dungans (Zhejiang) [dunganin wanted to buy a brick and an old ax for a hundred measures of silver; the owner demanded an explanation; he said that the brick would bring to the moon, and an ax could cut down an osmanthus tree (an olive family), which it costs millions of measures of silver; the owner decided not to sell these valuables, but to use them; however, instead of an old ax, he decided to take a sharp one; began to cut down the tree, but the felling was overgrown; he made a noise moon garden owner and killed a man]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:185-186; yao [an octagonal moon appears hot as the sun in the sky; crops are dying from the heat; Nie, Yala's wife, gives him her hair make a trap; Y. caught a tiger and a deer, after eating their meat became strong, hit corners from the moon with arrows, the fragments became stars; N. embroidered a blanket depicting a cinnamon tree, lambs, a hare, herself; I. launched it on the moon when the heat died; N. took off, merged with his image; N. rose to her]: Riftin 1993:317-320; lahu (YuZ Yunnani) [an orphan young man grew corn, wild boars ate it; he saw piglets, killed them with a truncheon, seeing their mother, climbed a tree; the boar pinched pieces of bark from the trunk, revived the piglets, took them away; the young man took the bark, revived the dead girl, the parents want to see him son-in-law; he asks to let him earn money first; revives people with bark; a lively rich man asks to sell a tree, the young man does not agree; then he killed the poor man's child, the young man ran to the tree for bark, people they tried to grab the rich man; but they could not tear him off the trunk, the trunk could not be cut; a storm came, a tree with a young man rose into the sky, was on the moon; one day people weaved a ladder of straw, sent a white one rabbit to the moon behind the tree bark; but the god of heaven Esha destroyed the stairs; the rabbit stayed on the moon and is now pushing medicinal herbs into the mortar]: Miller 1994:185-189; fox [the old woman tells her daughter and Sow jute to her daughter-in-law, gives her daughter-in-law roasted seeds to punish her later; the daughter tastes the seeds, asks for a change; without waiting for germination, leaves with the bear; brings her husband to her mother; she beats his club when he eats with pigs; the bear replies that it is good that his mother-in-law did not hit him in the nose; she hits the nose, the bear dies; the daughter grieves, the mother leaves her to weave under a tree by the spring; The sun, then the Moon, comes to drink; the moon says that the bear's widow will be better on the moon than on earth; she asks for permission to take a tree and a spinning wheel with her; the moon shows a spinner under a tree]: Zapadova 1977: 149-153 (=Assault 1990:470-474); Pumi (Yunnan) [the evil sorceress who ate the girls' mother took the form of a mother, went to bed with the girls, started eating the youngest at night; the eldest ran away, hid on a tree with red flowers (C aflor is dyed); she asked the Moon to pick her up, she reached out and took the girl to her place along with the tree (message. Riftin 28.31.03; cm. Yuan Ke, Zhongguo Shenhua da Cidian (The Big Dictionary of Chinese Myths), Chengdu, 1998, p.1001); Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:180-181 [An egg rolled out of an abscess on the knee of a childless wife and hatched from it smelly toad; a woman's husband leads her toad son into the forest, offers to climb a tree to see if the mother is bringing dinner, bringing down a tree, hoping that the toad is dead; soon the son returns, dragging a tree with him; father thinks to crush his son by putting 7 steps on him, he drags everything; the Toad asks the mother to marry him her brother's daughter; he has to give her back, because Toad's crying fills the rice checks with water, and laughing they dry up; when going to work in the field, the Toad asks his wife to send the dog forward, then carry him lunch; the wife spies, sees a handsome man with a book and many workers; grabs the skin of the toad, throws him into the fire; the husband says that he will die, tells him to steam him for 7 days, then he will become a frog; if not, bury it on the terrace from where everyone can be seen; the wife and mother cook for 4 days, the husband dies, is buried, turns into a tree on the moon; when children cry, they are taken by the knee, they say that if you cry, a toad will come out], 224 [when P'an Ku was 800 years old, he married a 16-year-old; promised to give his wife to someone older than him; Ho T'ai, 1000, demanded a wife for himself, but a man of 1 million years old appeared; his wife's sister offered to spray her with manure dust to look like an old woman; P. said it was his mother; explaining how old she is, she said she planted a tree that can be seen on the moon, made the Yangtze riverbed, made Yao's mother pregnant, existed before the sky; the million-year-old refused the demand give him his wife P.]; Miao: Vakhtin, Eats 1956 [Chief Zhang Laoyan sees an old man trying to cut down a maple; undertakes to do it for him; felling overgrows every night; the old man advises for the night put his head in the felling; it grows into a trunk; CH tries to escape, finds himself on the moon with the maple tree; is seen there, tries to escape; his sister cries, wanting him to die and not suffer; so the moon disappears monthly]: 131-136; Schotter 1911 [Tchang-kou-lao put stuffed animals in the field to show that there are a lot of workers there, ate all the lunch his grandmother made for them himself; hid in a heap the grandmother believed that the pile was large, brought it home with the grass; the grandmother said that she would die soon, asked to make a coffin; C. began to cut down the tree, and the felling overgrown overnight ; he lay down for the night with his head in the felling; it is overgrown; now he can be seen on the moon with a tree]: 327; meo (Vietnam) [parents send two daughters to find suitors; the youngest chooses a hardworking boy, and he is hers; the eldest also finds her husband; the father promises a magic box to one of the sons-in-law who works faster and better; the youngest's husband is ahead of the eldest husband in everything; he offers him go down into the pit, puts a boulder on him; the father sends a kite from the box, he finds the young man, the father revives him; the eldest husband is torn to pieces by a tiger; the older sister tells the younger husband that the younger one drinks blood; smears blood on her sore lips; the husband believes that the youngest rushes into the waterfall; the husband lives with the eldest, they are impoverished; two fish promise to show her husband his wife at the bottom; she says that she is marrying in heaven, will go to heaven, promises to throw off the rope to her husband; the husband falls asleep, the older sister climbs a rope into heaven for the youngest; the Heavenly Lord throws a bridge to her husband so that he can go up to his wife; lets both go to the ground; The eldest tells the banyan to be cut down on the moon; felling overgrows nightly; the sister sticks to the banyan, now visible there]: Nikulin 1990:52-62; Koreans [the cinnamon tree has grown to the moon; the inhabitants of the moon decided drag it towards you; in three years and three months they raised it; the hole left on the ground is a lake in the Paikdu Mountains; now the tree has begun to obscure the moonlight, the night is very dark; God sent a storm, she tore the tree out on to the moon, killing all its inhabitants there; moonspots are the footprint where it grew; when the tree was back on earth, God sent an angel girl to protect it from the Stars; from the spirit of the tree she gave birth to a boy; God told him himself Now to protect the tree, his mother brought it back to heaven; the rain flooded the earth with a flood; the tree told his son to climb on it, then swim on it; while swimming, the young man saved ants and mosquitoes; but the Tree refuses three times to save a drowning boy; it is difficult to agree to the son's request; after the flood, both young men come to the hut, where the old woman and her daughter are; when she dies, she must choose her husband; the rescued man lies as if the son of the Tree can quickly clean and collect the millet scattered in the sand (ants perform); the old woman says she will give her daughter to the one who guesses what room she is in; the mosquito whispers to the son of the Tree in the east; the son of a tree marries , people come from them]: Cho 2001, No. 79:122-126.
The Balkans. Bulgarians: Gura 2006 [God had a pear tree from which no one plucked anything and a cow that ate a pear; the cow became Baba Luna (Baba Mesechinka), and now you can see that pear tree that she ate]: 460-461; Kovachev 1914 [a gypsy climbed a pear and is now visible on the moon with a pear]: 30; Romanians (Transylvania) [a thief is visible on the moon; when the moonlight illuminated it, he said that if he was guilty, let him be on the moon; the moon took him along with the thorny bush near which he was standing; now he is visible there as a reminder to all thieves]: Müller 1857, No. 229:177; Greeks [spots on the moon are a tree that holds the ground; the Devil (or Cain) tries to cut it down with an ax all year; stays on his hair and the tree will fall; then {the devil} sits down for a while take a break and give a damn about your hands, at which point the tree is whole again, the Devil is forced to start cutting again (Peloponnese)]: Czocha 2009:184-185.
Iran - Central Asia. The Vakhans [scolded the innocent girl; offended, she took a jug and went to fetch water; on the bank of the river, leaning on sea buckthorn, she began to cry bitterly; the moon looks at the girl from above, began to feel sorry for her, attracts sea buckthorn with the girl; sea buckthorn grows up and takes the girl to the moon; spots on the moon are that girl with her jug]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal communication, 2005; Gilgit [only the part of the moon that the fig tree remains on during the eclipse]: Rose, 127 in Elwin 1949:68-69.
Turkestan. Salara [a rich old man was looking for a husband for his daughter Agit qaradži; Qusqur oglin volunteered to become one, went with the old man; on the way he asked if he could eat porridge mixed with sand from the hillside and whether he could ride a stick; when he saw the old man's house, he said that the house had no ear; the old man thought he was crazy; A. and Q. fell in love; A. explained to his father that Q. asked him not could he share the porridge with him and let him climb on his horse, and also said that there was no dog in the house; the old man was against the marriage between A. and Q. and instructed Q. to bring water into the house from the well, who was in Xanba; Q. held out a rope, the end of which was lowered into the well, and completed the task; the old man said he would make him his son-in-law if he helped him plow the field on the moon; Q. began to beat mule; the old man asked why he was doing this; Q. explained that the mule refused to go to the moon; the old man asked how the mule could be on the moon; Q. replied that the field cannot be plowed without a mule; the old man told his sons to kill Q.; they did; A. found the place where the murder took place, pierced her throat with a pin and died; the rising wind carried their bones to the palace on the moon; when you look at the moon, you can see a tree with two people at its foot; these are shadows A. and Q.]: Kakuk 196:112-116.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians; Teleuts; Chelkans [leaving reindeer hooves to dogs, tendon guards, becoming a cat, the guy enters the girl's chamber, regains his appearance; they have a son; leaving, the wife does not tell me to open one barn; the husband opens, there are 77 seven-headed Tielven's sitting there; he gives them water, they lock him and his son in the barn; the wife returns, kills the Tielven, puts the latter on the moon; children are told not to reach out to the moon; one held out, T. went down, grabbed him; the boy tried to hold on to the willow; the moon shows seven-headed T., in front of him a boy with willow]: Kandarakova 1988:120-122; Shors; Katanov 1907, No. 183 [(=196:106-107); Chelbigen devoured people; the Sun cannot descend after him, because it will burn the earth 7 fathoms deep; asks for a Month, although he would freeze the ground; C. was waiting for a woman who went to the river for water; the woman grabbed the rakit bush; the month was picked up by C., a bush and a woman with buckets; lunar darkness (spots?) that's what happens]: 274; 1963 [the sorcerer bet with an ordinary man that he would close the moon; stuck a knife into the table, got up from the blade, the moon darkened; the man hid the knife, the sorcerer did not return; from the handle to the moon stretched a road like a lasso or silk thread]: 122; Popov in Alekseev 1980 (Kachins) [the seven-headed winged Dzhelbegen (s) began to devour people; The month took pity on them, dragged D. with land; he clung to the karagan bush; The month pulled it along with the bush, they are still visible on it]: 88; Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 15 (Kachins) [Chilbegen was a girl eating people; the Sun and Moon became argue who would come down for it; the Sun told the moon to descend, for people could not withstand the heat, and the cold would endure; when C. was fetching water, the Moon grabbed it; C. grabbed the bush; the Moon carried it away with the bush; you can see something like a tree on the moon]: 115; Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972 [the mother, cursing, sent the boy and girl to fetch water after dark; The month took the boy along with the bush, the girl with in buckets; after that, children are not sent to the water at night]: 28; Tofalars; Buryats: Galdanova 1987 (no place of recording) [Guuwei girl went to get water; when a month swam across the sky , her mother said, Where have you been for so long, did the Sun-Moon take you or something? He heard a month and took G. to him; her silhouette is visible on the moon, a bucket in one hand, a talinka in the other]: 17; Nanzatov et al. 2008 (Alar?) [P.A. Batorov, archive; The Sun, being faster and stronger than the Month, grabbed a girl with buckets and a talnic bush, and all this dragged her to heaven; the Month and the Sun began to argue about who to own the girl, for in the curse both mothers are mentioned; the Month promised to cover the earth with snow in a day; if the Sun melts all the snow in a day and breaks the hooves of all animals split, it will receive a girl; the messenger of the Sun walked on the ground, He separated his hooves with a golden knife; the horse descended behind him, he did not have time to separate his hooves and a ball of snow stuck to them; the girl received the Month]: 24; Potanin 1883, No. 34m [(from the Tungus who had grown from the peaks Irkut); stepmother scolded her stepdaughter, who went to get water, to be taken by the sun, a month; The month came down for the girl; she grabbed the talnik bush; The month uprooted it, took the girl to heaven together with a bucket, a bucket, a talnik bush; when there is an eclipse, albin-chitkur wants to take the girl away from the Month]: 192-193; Poppe 1935 (Agin) [mother sent her daughter to fetch water; she stayed, her mother became her scold, shouted for a month to take her; the next time the girl went to get water, a month went down and grabbed her; the girl clung to the branches of the talnik, but the Month took her away, made her wife; dark spots on the moon - a girl holding a bucket and tallnik branches]: 54; Khangalov 1958a (Balagan or Kudinsky) [the mother did not like her two daughters from her husband's first marriage; said To take you by the moon or the sun ; the girls went to get water, the sun and the moon wanted to grab them; one clung to the bush, tore off part of it; the sun grabbed the girl first, but the moon, pointing to fatigue at night, asked her to give way to her; c Since then, on the moon, you can see a girl clinging to a bush with one hand; she is the mistress of the sun and moon, or just the moon; she is painted on shamanic tambourines and seen in moon spots; the second girl hides in the water or under a horseskin rug considered unclean]: 319; 1960 [stepmother did not like stepdaughter and stepson, sent them for water at night; they did not return for a long time, she cursed them, Let the Sun or Moon take them away ; the boy hid under a carpet of sheep skin lying on the shore, the Sun did not find him; the month took the girl; she held the willow with one hand and held buckets on the rocker arm with the other; with willow and buckets visible on the moon]: 14 in Sharakshinov 1980:49-50.
Western Siberia. Kets; Southern Selkups.
Eastern Siberia. Western Yakuts (the place of recording is not specified; probably Olekminsk or its environs, where Ovchinnikov was in exile) [two options; the orphan went to get water, stumbled behind the talina, the water spilled, the ice-hole was already frozen; the girl asked the Month to take her home; his older brother The Sun wanted to take her himself, overcame the Month; he begged him to leave it to him, because she would have burned in the Sun; otherwise, the girl held a bush in one hand]: Ovchinnikov 1897, No. 5-6:179-181; central Yakuts: Pekarsky, Popov 1928 [the girl went to get water; a strong wind blew, picked it up with rocker arms and buckets filled with water; planted it on a birch tree with large branches, and then took it to heaven; there he took the girl for a month; she and the rocker arms are still visible on sky; this girl is ichchitya (the spirit master of the moon)]: 5; Pripuzov 1885 (West Kangalassky ulus) [an orphan girl was sent to fetch water on a frosty winter night; she stood by the willow and cried; the moon took pity above her and took her along with willow, buckets and a rocker arm; she can still be seen there]: 62; Seroshevsky 1896 (Namsky ulus); stepmother tortured the girl by sending barefoot on the water in winter; the Month kidnapped her; she stands on the moon with a rocker arm and buckets, near her grow talniks, with which she was kidnapped; she is an orphan, the soul of the moon]: 667; Tolokonsky 1914, No. 111 (the place of recording is not specified, mentioned mediation by A. Kulakovsky; probably central) [the slave girl went to fetch water at night, asked the moon to take it as a housewife; visible on the moon with a rocker arm, buckets, a lake and a willow bush]: 89; north- Eastern Yakuts: Seroshevsky 1896 (Kolyma Ulus) [a slave girl went to fetch water at night, asked the moon to take it as a housewife; visible on the moon with a rocker arm, buckets, a lake and a willow bush]: 667; Khudyakov 1969 (Verkhoyanskiye): 372 [an orphan boy goes with a rocker arm to fetch water; he says, "To be the spirit of the sun and the month instead"; they go down, take him away from each other; he climbs the talina along with the buckets; The month pulled out the boy along with the waist, took it for himself; he is visible in a month, resting one foot on his waist, holding a rocker arm with his hand], 373 [an orphan girl is fed leftovers; she goes to fetch water with with a rocker arm, grabs a dry talnik, says, "If I were the spirit of a month or sun"; both go down, ask who she called earlier; the Sun is hot, from the Month it is cool, it turns to the Month ; The Sun tells it to "destroy along with the damage of the month and gain weight with the full moon"]; Baikal (? "Southern") Evenks; Far Eastern Evenks (Orochons?) ; Chinese Evenks (manegres) [REM, call 4216-426, 469; objects in the form of a disc and a half-disc, on both figures; on the half-disc, a woman next to a tree and a moose on one side and next to a snake on the other side; Manchu prayer words are written on the inside of the disc]: Sem 2015:229.
SV Asia. Reindeer Koryaks.
NW Coast. Hyda.
California. Nisenan [spots on the moon are the big oak tree from which the dead feed]: Voegelin 1942:145, 235.
Big Pool. Washo [someone lives on the moon; spots are mountains and trees]: Lowie 1939:331.
The Great Southwest. Chiricahua [there are two poplars in the sun]: Hoijer 1938, No. 9:17
NW Mexico. Yaki [The moon is female, the sun is man; the spots on the moon are poplar (cottonwood tree)]: Beals 1943:38-39.