Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A32J. A shaman on the moon .34.35. (.67.)


shaman with a tambourine rises to the moon and stays there, visible in the silhouette of moon spots.

Khakas, Nenets (tundra and forest), Ents, Nganasans, (Ashaninka).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [the sorcerer argued with an ordinary man that he would close the moon; stuck a knife into the table, got up from the blade, the moon darkened; the man hid the knife, the sorcerer did not return; from the handle to the moon a road stretches like a lasso or silk thread; (retelling to Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972:27-28; this road is the Milky Way)]: Katanov 1907, No. 370:375.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Labanauskaya 2001 [two men lived with wives, one had a girl, the other had a boy; agreed that they should be made in the sun and a month; a man comes in and says he knows how to send children to heaven; they flew there as birds, it became light; the boy became the Month, married the Sun; they had a daughter; the shaman rose to marry her; the Month rejected the groom, told him to stick to the moon, now he you can see there]; the shaman predicts that the boy and girl who are born will become the month and the sun; parents give the messenger a heavenly father instead of children idols; the heavenly father sends him again, he blows on the children they fly to heaven as birds, turn into stars]: 257-258; Lehtisalo 1998:13-14 {apparently forest} [two married couples lived in the dark, one had a son and the other had a daughter; they wanted them turned into the sun and moon; the children flew to the sky as birds and became luminaries; after visiting the sky, the sorcerer said that the children had a daughter and that he would like to marry her; the parents were happy, because hoped to see their grandson; but Month said that their parents did not love them, since they sent them to heaven, so he would not give up their child; the sorcerer remained stuck to the moon], 14 (Mezen) [the sorcerer Urer beat the tambourine for seven days , put on new clothes, and went up to heaven with his wife; his wife had to stay on the ground because her clothes were wearing old twine; the sorcerer can be seen on the moon wearing shoes made of leather and with a tambourine in his hand]; Popov 1944 [shaman kamlal, wanting to get the moon; he was carried away by thunder and drawn to him by the moon; a shaman with a tambourine is visible on the moon]: 85; Tretyakov 1871 [the great shaman decided to fight the moon; when he touched stuck to it with a tambourine; still visible on the moon]: 415; Khomich 1976 [dark spots: 1) the legs of a lunar man (irii khasava), whose head is on the other side of the lunar disk; 2) a shaman with a tambourine , who flew to the moon and stuck to it during the campaign]: 19; Ents: Long 196:24 [see B2A motif; Dia (gossip, liar; Yombu at the Nenets) is skiing across the sky (his trail is Milky Way), learns from Irio-Casa (the Month, or rather the shaman stuck to the moon, who can be seen on the disc) that there are 7,000 stars, but he did not take into account the 7 stars of the Ursa Major and 7 Pleiades], 68 [the shaman says the sun will burn, but he will be on the moon; for this, women will give birth and there will be more people; the shaman dies and is now visible on the moon with his tambourine]; Gemuev et al. 2005 [stars are lakes in the lower tier of the sky; this Irio-Casa people; the Sun is a woman, he has a daughter; the Month is a man; spots are the Moons, a husband with a tambourine mallet in his hands; his people are stars]: 534; Prokofiev 1953 [The sun is a woman (Samoyed performance) ; her daughter, along with Dya Menu'u (Mother Earth), grows trees and grass; during eclipses, the Sun itself dies temporarily; the moon is flat, the spots are the figure of a shaman drawn to her; his legs and upper body are visible thrown over the lunar disk on its other side]: 205, 219; Nganasany: Barmich 2014 [the shaman reached the moon; she ran to the mother: what are we going to do, send him back? mother of the moon: if you came, don't let her go back, she will now be your husband; the shaman has stuck to the moon, has been seen there ever since; sometimes the moon doesn't matter, she goes to her mother]: 628; Long 1968:222 [on the moon Dyaiku's trickster is; when he runs there, it's light; just like that, playing, the shamanil said he would go uphill, to the moon; the moon grabbed him and holds him], 223 [one shaman went to the moon find out the time when women would give birth; the moon mother told the moon to make this shaman her husband; now we see him on the moon; when there is no moon, she went to her mother (same in 1976, No. 17:61)]; Popov 1984 [1) one shaman boasted that he would lower the sun, the other that the moon; both rose to the sky; the first one burned down, the second stuck to the moon, can be seen there (=Barmich 2014:628-629); 2) the shaman saw something bright under the moon, became to go up to the moon; stuck, seen there with his tambourine]: 47; Tretyakov 1869 [the great shaman decided to fight the moon, but barely touched it, he immediately clung to it together with a tambourine; the image of a shaman can still be seen on the moon; the Samoyeds explain the damage to this planet by abducting it by an underground devil called Syr-nyanda (Syrada?)] : 415 in Long 1968:222.

(Wed. Montagna. Ashaninka [Aroši and his brother Taanilireá left machetes on the plot, who cut down the forest themselves; the hummingbird stole A.'s silver necklace; to replace it, A. went up by the Month to take from a piece of it; Month swallowed it; A.'s legs in the womb of the Month are still visible (moonspots)]: Weiss 1975:268-269).