Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A33. Sun Sheep. .10.-.14. (.17.) .23.29.

The sun looks like a large non-predatory mammal (bull, sheep, pig, antelope, rhino, etc.) or rides it.

SW Africa. Nharo Bushmen [cannibal giants live on the side where the sun goes down; when the sun goes down, it turns into a rhino (var: elephant, gembok antelope, etc.), giants kill and eat it; In the morning, with the first cry of a rooster, they throw a rhino's shoulder blade into the sky to the east, which turns into the sun; everything repeats itself]: Guenther 1989:55, Schmidt 2001:11 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 90a: 95.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Chagga: Millroth 1965 [An old woman saw the supreme god Ruwa, who is associated with the sun, during a thunderstorm; he was as big as a cow, one half bright white, the other bloody- red, the tail is also red and white]: 25; Scheub 2000 [in Kibo, the Rali cow lies in the pit; the bunches of hair on its tail contain fat that is like honey and gives strength; due to its size, a cow can only turn slowly; if it turns abruptly, a hurricane on the plain; she has only one calf, takes her place when her mother dies; the cow supports the sun; if killed, it will pour incessantly rain, everyone will die]: 108.

West Africa. Jukun "and the whole Benue region" [in the evening, the sun fell on the women blowing the grain, one grabbed it, it turned out to be a lamb; the woman tied it in her house, the house was filled with light; in the morning the sun did not rise; the king ordered to find out if anyone was hiding something strange; the woman confessed, let the lamb go, he rose to heaven, the sun shone again; var.: moon instead of the sun]: Meek 1931:192; chamba [a woman caught a white lamb eating grain (gleanings) from her grain grater, said to her husband; night had come; the oracle said someone had caught a white lamb; the couple confessed, let the lamb go, the sun rose to the sky]: Frobenius in Luomala 1940:44.

Sudan-East Africa. Mbuti pygmies [in the middle of the afternoon, a man noticed a pig's skin, tried to catch it; he chased until the evening, it became dark; in the morning he saw the skin on the other side; the skin was approaching and passed by; it was the Sun; man didn't understand what was going on]: Turnbull 1959:47-48 (=1965:261); nouba [Badun hill in the west, where the sun sets; on underground khor, the sun looks like a red bull goes east and then rises; when the moon sets, it turns into a white lamb, which is slower than a bull; therefore, the time between sunrise and the moon is getting longer; at full moon, the lamb eats an elephant's head, then a bull's head, then a bird; can't find it right away, so I can't see the moon for a while]: Kronenberg 1959:213.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [the sun was born in the form of a golden calf by a cow-sky; the Texts of the Pyramids speaks of "Ra, the golden calf born of the sky"]: Mathieu 1956:16; Libyans [in Huwwara's Tripolitania revered the Gurzil sun until the 11th century; in ancient times its symbol was a bull or a ram]: Scheub 2000:67; kabila: Frobenius 1921a, No. 7 [the world's first mother was a great sorceress; sickle I whipped the water in a wooden bowl, the spray rose, the sun fell into the bowl, it became dark; people said to kill one of this woman's favorite children, give it to the Sun, it would come back; and Now there are old women in every village who can lower the sun or moon into a bowl of water, you must sacrifice a child loved by such an old woman; the shine in the center of a bowl of water is the sun; the teeth of the sickle, who whipped water - stars], 14 [a bull and a ram came together, both had a tumor in front of their eyes; the world's first mother (or just humans) cut off a tumor in the shape of a moon sickle from the bull's age, threw it into a wooden bowl with water; the tumor from the age of the ram was thrown into the fire; the tumor from the bull's age became a month, the blackness between it and the corner of the eye at night, what between it and the edge of the bowl became moonlight; the tumor from the ram's eye became by the sun]: 75-76, 84-85.

(Wed. Western Asia. Sumer, Babylonia [images of a bull with a human face, including standing upright, from the early dynastic period; he is associated with the sun god Utu; Ninurta/Ningirsu (and later Marduk) defeat him together with other demons (the plot has been known since Novosumerian times)]: Kurtik 2007:188).

South Asia. Bondo [The sun was wandering in the guise of a black bull; people caught him and tied him; at night, the young men went to the girls; they were tired, and dawn was not coming; the girl gave the young man a mushroom; on the way home the young men saw a bull; the mushroom fell, a rooster jumped out of it like an egg, sang; the bull broke the rope, it dawned; birds hatched from mushrooms like eggs, sang; now the Sun rises in front of the rooster's voice]: Elwin 1950:140; (cf. toda [a woman gave birth to a pumpkin; the couple said their baby was born dead; at the funeral fire, a pumpkin exploded, the boy flew out, fell on a tree; parents picked him up; it's Kwoto; people didn't they believed that he was a god; then he hooked the sun with a stone chain, tied it to a tree; it became dark on the earth and in the world of the dead; var.: first he attached an iron chain, apparently also a bronze chain, but they melted; the sun was sitting on a buffalo, K. tied a buffalo; the gods asked to let go of the sun, he let go, is recognized as the most powerful of the gods]: Rivers 1906:203-207); maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [The sun visited The land is in the form of a black bull; a man has caught it and tied it; therefore, half a day is dark]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:57.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Tabasarans [the rich man was unhappy that there were many guests in his house, asked the old man how to ward them off; he advised him to shoot in the rising sun; the rich man shot, the guests stopped coming, but and the wealth was gone; the old man explained that the rich man fell into the foot of a red bull]: Khalidova 2012, No. 19:46.