Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A35. Spots on the lunar disk, A751.5. .10.-.25.27.-. (.50.) .52.53.55.-.59.61.-.70.72.-.74.

Dark spots on the moon disc - dirt, blood, paint, impact marks, burns on the character's body or face - they don't form a specific image. See motif A31.

Bushmen, Hottentots, Fioti, Kongo, Luba, Baule, Lunda, Chokwe, Songe, Lamba, Ambo, Vili, Rwanda, Nyoro, Nyamwezi, Hausa, Dogon, Luya, Shilluk, Murle, Lure, Joluo, Masai, Kipsigis, Berbers of Morocco (Nador), Kabilas, Arabian Bedouins, Portuguese, Catalans, Italians (Tuscany), Galicians, Germans, Tiwi, Dieri, Millingimbi, Murray River, Tasmanians, Valman, Pondoma, Bogajim, Marindh Anim, Kiwai, Bogajim, Watut, D'Entrecasteau, Admiralty Islands, Bougainville (Torau), St. Croix Islands, Aoba Islands, Loyalty Islands, Yap, Vieta, Sema, Lhota, Ao, Miri, Nokte, Mishmi, Lakher, Hami, Garo, Wancho, Rengma, Khasi, bhuya, sora, buna, bhattra, (bhuya), Rajastans, Marathi, Balakhi, Punjabi, Ancient India, Dayaki, Wana, Minahasa, Timor, Tetum, Fataluku, Tsow, Athayal, Apayao, Nabaloi, Bontok, Visayas, Cotabato, Tingian, Isneg, Manobo, Tirurai, Negrito Lusona, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Greeks, Kashubians, Russians (Arkhangelsk), Abkhazians, Abazins, Kumyks, Laki, Dargins, Avars, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Rutulans , Megrelians, Svans, Georgians, Talysh, Isors, Kurds, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Tajiks, Vakhans, Shugnans, Bartangans, Rushans, Ishkashim, Sarykol, Estonians, Komi, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Kets, Mackenzie Delta Eskimos, Netsilic, Igloolik, Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland, Angmassalik, Puget Sound (skagit?) , caddo, chiroki, biloxi, vintu, yute, (kiliwa), totonaki, mihe, quicateki, bribri, kuna, amber, nonama, kogi, ihka, tunebo, kuiwa, shikuani, panare, yabarana, makiritare, sanema, warrau, caribbean, Dominica, arekuna, lokono, waiwai, hishkaryana, trio, oyana, emerillon, kashuyana (arikena), oyampi, siona, napo (kiho), canelo, waorani, huambisa, saparo, shuar, aguaruna, desana, barasana, makuna, letuama, barama, kabiyari, yukuna, tatuyo, ufaina, andoque, uitoto, ocaina, bora, yagua, chikuna, Rio Jamunda, kanamari, spipaya, urubu, inca, ashaninka, machigenga, pyro, chayahuita, konibo, shipibo, kuniba, kuniba, kushinahua, sharanawa, yaminaua, kanamari, characterambet, takana (cavinha), guaraçu, tupari, sinta larga, surui, chimane, eseeha, nambiquara, rickbacza, iranche, paresi, kayabi, tapirape, kayapo, ramkokamecra, apinaye, krenje, sherente, caigua, apapokuwa, mbia, ofaye, chamacoco, matako, mocovi, puelche, northern tehuelche, alakaluf, selknam, yagans.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 12 [The hare scorched her caros, threw it in the face of the Moon; Moon: people should not die, Hare: must; the moon broke the Hare's mouth with an ax], 13 [~12; Hare cursed the Moon , said she must die], 14 [~12; Carossa left dark spots on the moon; Hare: a polygamum man must be killed; Moon: this man should not die, let every woman have children], 16 [Moon: let people like me die and be reborn; Hare: the dead smells bad, let him die forever; the moon split the Hare's lip with an ax, the Hare scratched her face, traces remain], 17 [~16], 18 [old man- The month died; the women persuaded Hare to pick unripe white berries; when she saw what she had picked, the Hare went to pick again, the women left their urine to answer for themselves, left; the hare saw the grave, from who chose the Month; he dragged her to him, told her to go to people to say that the dead must be reborn; the Hare tells people that they will die forever, decay and smell bad; during this Month cut her lip with an ax; the hare took off her caross, got dirty in soot, covered the face of the Month, the stains remained]: 32, 32, 33, 33-34, 34-35, 35-39; Bushmen (Naron, Namibia) [The moon wanted people died and reborn like her, Hare, to die forever; the Moon cut Hare's lip with an ax, and she set fire to her caros, threw spots in the moon's face, since then there have been spots on the moon; the moon wanted a man having many women was killed; Luna - so that every woman would have many children]: Scheub 2000:68; hottentots [(many versions from different groups); Moon sent an insect to say that people should revive like her; The hare intercepted the message, told people they should die like himself; the hare scratched the moon's face, traces remain]: Abrahamsson 1951:29-30.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Fioti [The Sun and the Month played tag; the Month caught up with the Sun, but the Sun did not; during the day you can see both, but at night the Sun is not visible; var.: Running away, the Month hid from the Sun in a hole; the Sun found it, hit the face, the spots remained, the moonlight faded]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:137; ambo [The Sun gave the Month to cook the liver for him and for humans; while the Month went to buy firewood, the water in the cauldron, where food was cooked for people, boiled away, his liver burned; The Sun said that now only the Month will be reborn and people will die forever; as punishment, he burned his face, the stains remain]: Pettinen in Baumann 1936: 296; Lunda [The Sun quarreled with the Month, threw mud at it; The Month has no hands, so it cannot wash off the stains; the stars are wives of the Month]: Melland 1967:163; congo [The sun covered part The faces of the Month are clay, so part of the moon is often in the shade; at this time there was a flood, people put their porridge sticks to their ass, became monkeys; today's people were created anew; var.: During the flood, men became monkeys, women became lizards; monkey tails were human guns]: Weeks 1909a: 58-59; bast [Sun and Moon were arguing which one was more significant; Kalumba decided that The moon, it brings rain to plants; the angry Sun has thrown mud into the moon's face, it's been dark ever since]: Scheub 2000:98; Songe: Frobenius 1983:150-151 [The Sun and Moon walked together; humans admired the beauty of the Sun; the Moon was offended; the Sun took out a black pot from the bottom of the river, threw it in the face of the moon, it was covered with spots; the Moon stopped walking with the Sun; said that without it, women were not they will be able to give birth; the Sun - and without me, men will not be able to get food], 151 [The Sun and the Moon have argued who is more important; the Sun sent ants, the Moon will snake, ants have eaten snakes, now the moon has to pay Tribute to the Sun]; lamba [The Month is his nephew, the Sun is his maternal uncle; they fight for power; the Month throws darts into the Sun (you can see them pierced into it), and the Sun throws dirt into the Month, from here dark spots]: Doke 1931:224; willy: Pechuel-Lösche in Baumann 1936 [The month was as bright as the Sun, people did not sleep or die; then something happened to the Month, people lost their immortality; the Sun threw ash into the Month, it faded]: 296; Weeks 1909 [the sun and moon lived together; the sun man smeared clay on the moon woman's face, her light faded; after that, people put porridge sticks to her ass became monkeys; today's humans were created anew]: 58; congo {same text as Weeks 1909 referred to wili?} [Once the sun and moon met, the sun covered the moon with mud, so part of the moon is sometimes in shade; at this time, a flood occurred, people put porridge sticks to their backs and turned into monkeys]: Scheub 2000:191; Rwanda [At first, the Month was shining constantly and brightly, people did not know death or sleep; something happened, the Sun threw ash in the face of the Month, it became like it is now]: Abrahamsson 1951:114; nyoro [people did not die, did not sacrifice to God ("great Magician"), he brought down the sky on them; to repopulate the earth, he sent a man and a woman there from heaven; they had tails; they gave birth to a son and two daughters; one daughter gave birth to a disgusting chameleon, the other a Giant of the Month; God took him to heaven, but as a memory of his earthly origin, he ordered him to die every month, but then be reborn; the Sun did not liked the rival, it burned him, burn marks are visible; chameleons left offspring on the ground]: Emin Pasha in Central Africa 1888:92f in Frazer 1926:235-236; Luya: Wagner 1949 [when the Sun and They were still children for a month, they grazed cows, got into a fight, both smeared each other with mud; the Sun asked the Month to wash it, then refused to wash the Month himself, which remained stained]: 175; 1955:28 [(=Millroth 1965: 30); Wele xakaba created the Month, then his younger brother Sun; The month was brighter than his brother, the Sun attacked him, the Month won; the next time the Sun won, smeared the Month with mud; Wele xakaba stopped the fight ; The month spared the Sun in vain after the first victory], 32 [The month is the younger brother of the Sun; they got into a fight, both smeared with mud; first the Month, as the youngest, washed the Sun; the Sun refused to wash the Months, that it stayed dirty]; chokwe: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975 [=Serauky 1986:43-44; The Sun and the Moon quarreled, the Sun threw mud at the Moon and it is now dim]: 280; Frobenius 1983 [Sambi (Sun), Mawese, Kalunga (Moon), Ndumba are children of the supreme god Dala Kalunga; the Sun and the Moon argued which of them is a man and who is a woman; Mavese replied that the woman is the Sun; the Sun killed his son M.; Ndumbe advised resolve it, because everyone sleeps in the moonlight, and hunts and fights in the sun, so the man is the Sun; he gave the Sun a black vessel from the bottom of the river, he knocked it over to the moon; so there is a new moon on the moon as well spots]: 151; nyamwezi [The Sun is the wife of the Month; he tries to grab his wife when he achieves his goal, the full moon comes, then walks in front of her, and the wife obediently follows behind; spots on the moon - burns caused by the Sun with its torch; sometimes Venus is considered the wife of the Month - the Evening Star is called "Wife of the Month"]: Millroth 1965:35.

West Africa. Baule [The month is the child (his sex is unknown) of the supreme god Nyamye; the wind often throws mud at him, then only his edge is visible]: Himmelheber 1960:40; Hausa [The month sent the Hare to say that a person should be like a Month that dies in the morning and revives again in the evening; the Hare said that "so must you die forever"; the Month wanted to hit him on the head with an ax, but only cut his upper lip; The hare scratched the face of the Month, the tracks are still visible; ran away and still runs]: Abrahamsson 1951:7-8; catch-up [The moon was clear, bright; Hyena wanted to touch it, burned , the paw print remained; the hyena was expelled]: Griaule 1938:48.

Sudan-East Africa. Shilluk [The Sun and the Month were friends; the Sun began to cook porridge, the Month did nothing, but began to eat porridge; the Sun hit him furiously on the head with a pot, hot porridge burned him; now the Sun Don't meet the Month]: Hofmayr 1925:364-365 (translated to Katznelson 1968:188-189, =Kushke 1988:16-17); murle [Sun and Month collided in the middle of the sky; each said the other was on his path; The Month had a wooden porridge mixer with him, and the Sun had a bull's rib for lunch; each hit the other, the scars of the Month and the spots on the Sun remained]: Lewis 1947:136; Lure [the king of the universe is dead; The month and Muzale ants came to their dying father and stayed with him until the end; and the Sun and Naka ants did not arrive until the next morning; these species of ants now come out at different times of the day; king of the universe appointed the Lord of the Earth of the Month; the Sun burned his face furiously with rays, now there are spots on him]: Knappert 1997:211; joluo [the creator of Juok asked the Month and the Sun if there are many people on earth; Month replied that a lot, but the Sun was not enough, they were dying, and people should be reborn like the Month; the Sun was jealous of him because he knew more about people; the Sun was so hot that people hid from its rays; the Sun began to fight with the Month, there were traces on the face of the Month; J. felt sorry for the Sun, decided to give him a sister or brother; Spider said that if there were two suns, people would die; The Sun has cursed the Spider, let the spiders only go out at night]: Scheub 2000:88-89 (translated into Katznelson 1968:209, in Kushka 1988:24); Masai [The Sun married the Moon; they got into a fight; then to the Sun it was a shame that people would see his face beaten and he became bright so that they could not look at him; the moon is not ashamed that her mouth is torn and her eye is knocked out; the moon is running first, the Sun is catching up, catches up, carries it for two days, then leaves it at sunset]: Hollis 1905:273; kipsigis [The Sun began to fight the Month, won, melted it, he retired to the dark side to cool down, and never fought with the Sun again]: Scheub 2000:17.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Nador): Thay Thay 2001, No. 2 [God first made two suns, they began to argue which one was stronger; God told Jebrail to cover one sun with his wings, it became the moon; on the moon the trail left by Jebrail's wings is visible], 4 [Qamar (The Month) was in love with the Sun (Chams), but she did not want it, because he ran too much after the stars; threw ash in his face; the spots remained; the Month cannot catch up with the Sun, they only meet during eclipses]: 8, 9; Kabyly [A month saw an orphan boy walking on the ground but unable to cry; he came down to him: cry, but let your tears not fall to earth and to me; The month has returned to heaven, showing traces of tears - the first in the world; and the orphan then became happy]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 8:76.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese: Carreia 2018, No. 3 [=Leite de Vasconcellos 1882a: 273; the sun and the moon began to argue about which one was more beautiful; when the sun saw that the moon was more beautiful, the sun threw mud on her face and the moon became throw needles and pins into the sun; therefore, there are spots on the moon, and the sun stabs its eyes], 4 [The sun wanted to marry the moon, but she did not want it; then he threw ash in her face, and she threw needles at him in response; during eclipses, the Sun and the Moon continue to fight]; Catalans [Sun and Moon - Husband and Wife; Var.: When the stars found out that the Sun had chosen the Moon as his wife, all the stars gathered to see the beauty ; out of vanity, she raised her cloud cover to reveal her beauty to others; the jealous Sun said she would not marry then, threw ash in the moon's face, her light and beauty faded]: Amades 1930:244-245 (=Valriu 2015, No. 3:12-13); Sicilians [The moon was a girl, dressed up while her mother was working in the heat, she hit her in the face with a broom, the spots remained]: Kabakova 2006, No. 2A: 5; Italians (Tuscany) [The moon was the sister of the Sun, he seduced her; when they found out, their baker mother hit them in the face with a broom, told them to stay alone in the sky; in shame, the Moon shows his face only once a month; hating a brother causes an eclipse when he meets him]: Kabakova 2006, No. 2B: 6; Galicians [God and St. Peter was walking in the dark at night, Peter stumbled and wished the moon to become the sun; God: well, there would be no night then; and threw a handful of earth into the moon, after which it became dim and flawed]: Valriu 2015, No. 2:11- 12.

Western Europe. Germans (Bavaria: Upper Palatinate) [the giant jumped from the mountain to the moon and rode it like a horse, rushing towards sunset; it bent under its weight, sometimes hid from it; hence the phases of the moon ; dark spots - damage it caused to the moon]: Schönwerth 1858:263-264 (=Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 5:16).

Western Asia. The Bedouins of Arabia (and other Western Asian countries?) [The Sun is an evil old woman, wife of the Month; when the month is in the form of a narrow sickle, the Sun approaches it, scolds and hits it, they fight; the marks of the blows are spots on the face of the Month; in the dusty air, spots on disk of the Sun]: Montagne 1947:73-74.

Australia. Tiwi: Mountford 1958, No. 3 [The month was the lover of Bima, Purukupali's wife; distracting her, forced her to leave his boy Djinini in the sun, he died; this was the first death; the month asked to give him the boy's body, promised to bring him back to life in three days; but P. began to fight with the Month, both injured each other's face and body; taking the child's body, P. went backwards to the seashore and, hiding in the waves, he said that now everyone would die completely; so would a month, but unlike the others, he would come to life in three days; the scars on his face are still visible. (quoted in Waterman 1987, No. 2880:84)]: 29-30, 174 [Once reborn, the Month eats crabs greedily, gets fat, but falls ill from such food and dies again; the new sickle is the skeleton of the Month, the full moon is its spirit]; dieri [Muramura (anthropomorphic ancestors) did not share food with his two sons; they asked him to climb the tree for edible larvae, made the tree tall, set it on fire; threw it he had a skin to protect himself from the heat; he became the Month; spots where he was covered with his skin]: Howitt 1902, No. 2:406-407 (summary in Waterman 1987, No. 20 (1): 22); millingimbi [when the sons of the Month secretly killed and they ate the whistling duck, he put them in his bag and drowned them; his wives set fire to his hut and watched him burn; first looking like a sickle, then a sphere, he climbed up the pine tree, announcing that he would immortal, and all others mortal; burn spots are visible in the month]: Waterman 1987, No. 26:22; tribe on the river. Murray [A month was tired of feeding his wife's younger brother; when he saw that he was taking pieces of food from his children and giving it to his brother, he threw hot coals at the boy; his wife threw the hottest ash at him; he rose to the sky, the spots are still visible; the boy became a robin]: Waterman 1987, No. 29:23; Tasmanians [The moon is the wife of the Sun; when she baked fish (this fish is still stained), she came Her husband drove her out, she fell into the fire, burned her side {moonspots, apparently}, rolled into the sea, took to the sky, stayed there with the Sun; the rainbow is their children]: Plomley 1966:399.

Melanesia. Valman [parents went for clay, left two daughters and a young son; he cries, wants breast milk; refuses coconut, sugar cane; stops crying when sisters make a ball from the core of a sago palm tree and start throwing it over; The sky goes down to see, the ball sticks to the sky, turns into the moon; the spots are dirt that was in the sisters' arms and stuck to balloon]: Becker 1971, No. 20:397-398; (cf. dugum tribute [no figures are distinguished on the moon]: Heider 1970:211); marind-anim [Geb was covered with sea acorns; women found him hidden in the sand, the men scraped it off, used for sex, smeared with sperm; a banana grew on the back of his head (the origin of bananas); G. rose to heaven, became the Month; stains from dirt and wounds on his body]: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 4:34-36; Kiwai: Landtman 1977, No. 99 [Viovio became pregnant when her son Ganumi was still a baby; put it on a bloody mat, he became a red parrot; after becoming human, he became pregnant girl; he was chased; V. decided to hide him in the basket, threw the end of his umbilical cord on the tree; the tree sprung, V. and G. were in the sky; moon phases - G. sticks out of his mother's basket, dark spots - her fingers on his face (his mother is not visible); either because when he was young, his mother threw a burnt sago in his face], 100 [the old couple had a boy, Ganumi; they made it so girls, when they grow up, will have to love him; they lowered him down the river in a bowl; Gebae gave birth to a child with ulcers, saw Ganumi, took a son instead of a real son; the baby saw girls with with his skirts up, he began to scream, I want red; they brought him red flowers and fruits, then they realized what he wanted; he was put to bed with them, but he could not do anything; in the morning he could not cut down saga palm tree; wives threw it on a palm tree, scratched themselves, said they were attacked by enemies; the red bird viovio dropped its droppings on him, he became this bird; women saw its reflection in the well , everyone wanted to; he went only to Gebae, became a young man; thought he was sleeping with his mother; both went up to heaven; Thunder and Lightning told them not to go to the hot sun; Gebae fried sago, accidentally threw a handful in Ganumi's face, began to wipe off; since then, spots have been in the month; moon phases - Ganumi leaves her hut]: 271-274, 274-276; Riley, Ray 1931, No. 4 [Mother of the Month is Gebea; he begged her for food, she hit him on the forehead with her palm; the month was angry, rose to heaven, the mark of the impact remained]: 320; pondoma [one person had the moon and he used it as a flashlight; held it in bamboo vessel; thanks to this lantern, a man caught more pigs than others; one day he went to a party, and his wife was on her period, she stayed at home; her husband forbade her to talk to anyone; buddy the husband came and told her to get up from the bamboo she was sitting on; took the moon and carried it away; began to kill pigs, but did not allow the moon to drink their blood as it should; the moon jumped out, climbed the vine onto the tree, and then ended up in the sky; dark spots on the moon are the mark of a bow hit by that man trying to hold the moon]: Slone 2009:44-46; bogajim [woman owned fire, did not give it to anyone; boys They waited for her to go out, went into her hut, lifted the lid of the pot; from there the moon came out, first rose to the roof of the house, then to the tree, from there to the sky; the boy tried to grab her with dirty hands, so there are spots on the moon]: Hagen 1899:288 (retelling in Dixon 1916:112); cotton [A month asked the Sun to check if the water is deep; that one (that one?) put a vessel with lime on his head, swam, said it was not deep; The month took a net of lime, went under water, lime muddied the water, since then the face of the Month has been dim]: Fischer 1963, No. 5b: 140-141; D'Entrecasteau [The moon reported everything she saw at night; for this, the man smeared her with crushed ginger, the stains remained]: Jenness, Ballantyne 1920:160; bukavac: Lehner 1931b: 111 (coastal residents) [The month is the younger brother or son of the Sun; once they got into a fight, the Moon's eyes swam from the impact of the Sun, its light faded; the Sun told him not to show up with him, the Month began to walk at night], 112 ( Hinterland residents) [The Sun deceived the Month by offering to swim; he threw himself into the water, since then its light has faded]); Admiralty Islands [two women cleaned the tarot, did not have a sink scraper; Month went down, they used it instead of a scraper; same the next night; both became pregnant; told Month that he would now have dark tarot marks on his face]: Meier 1907, No. 4:939; torau [month was huge; went down to the village when the adults went to the gardens; lured the children with bananas and swallowed them; the adults came back and left the watchman; he saw a month come down from the sky at noon; people prepared and the next time they cut off the rope on which the month had descended, cut off his legs, and then cut him into a tiny one; it became dark at night; people decided to make a new month; told him to go up to the sky an eagle, but it did not fly; so with all the birds; then they sent two at once; a bird like an osprey and another with red feathers; they carried a pebble that was supposed to be the moon; they succeeded, they they lit a moonfire, a bird with red feathers burned; spots on the moon are traces of birds processing it]: Slone 2009:88-92; Santa Cruz [first the Sun and the Moon walked together; the Sun decided that it made the earth too hot; said that the swamp crossed the log; it was rotten, the moon fell, smeared, it was still washing, the Sun went forward; this is how night appeared; the moon wants to catch up with the Sun and walking together again]: O'Ferrall 1904:224 (=Coombe 1911:192; retelling in Graebner 1909:133); Aoba [The Sun quarreled with the Month, threw mash yam in his face, stains remain]: Codrington 1891:348; Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [The moon was the wife of the Sun; gave him an underbaked cake; he picked leaves, heated them, put them on the moon's face; since then, her light has faded, her face has been burned]: Hadfield 1920, no. 6:232.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [The Sun and Moon used the same grindstone; the Sun ruined it; they quarreled; the Sun threw powder into the Moon's face from sharpening the knife from the sink, it became dirty; the Moon hit The sun was like a coconut palm inflorescence, the moon threw eldife on the stone, t his face turned bright; the Sun invited the Moon not to meet again, the Moon began to walk at night, the Sun during the day; the moon gave birth to a mouse, this the mouse gave birth to Thunder and Lightning, Rainbow, Tornado, and then the girl Lamalul; she gave birth to various gods; (this is an introduction to a multi-page adventure text)]: Müller 1918, No. 83:744 (quoted in Frazer 1924:204 ).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema [The sun was shining at night, the moon in the daytime, its heat was unbearable; a man threw cow dung in the face of the Moon and told it to shine at night and the Sun during the day]: Hutton 1968:250; Lhota: Mills, The Ao Nagas, p. 301 in Kühn 1936 [The month was brighter and hotter than the Sun, people were dying from the heat; when Noktangsang's mother died, he threw buffalo manure in the face of the Month, and its heat and light faded]: 86; J. P. Mills, Folk Stories in Lhota Naga, in Journal. & Proc. of the A.S.B., N.S. 22 (1926), p. 314 in Kühn 1936 [The Sun was the Month and vice versa; this Month was shining too hot, everything dried up and dying; then the current Sun smeared the current Sun with the current one the sun's face was cow manure, which became the Month (Mills 1922:172, 196 in brief)]: 86; sema and lhota [the sun used to be the moon and the moon was a very hot sun; man threw it in the face of that time The sun's cow dung, its light and heat faded]: J.H. Hutton, The Angami Nagas, p. 411 in Kühn 1936:86; ao [1) the sky was close to the ground; one night Noktangsang climbed onto the terrace behind the house, holding his little son in his arms; he reached for the moon to play with her; N. tried to pull the moon closer with a bamboo pole, but it kept moving away; then N. threw buffalo droppings at it; 2) the moon was hotter than the sun, Noktangsang's mother died from the heat, he threw buffalo droppings at the moon, it faded and cooled down]: Mills 1926:301; lakher [Month man, husband of a Sun woman; they had a child; The month was bright and hot as the Sun; one widow put the child to bed on the platform in front of the house; The month got up with her child, the child died from the heat; in anger, the widow killed the child of the Month with a spear, threw it in the face of the Month the remains of rice mash from the pot; since then, the face of the Month has been dirty and the light is weaker than the sun]: Parry 1932:492; hami (Mro and Ahraing Khami) [The moon was brighter than the Sun; one day, its heat killed a man; his the son summoned the moon to a duel and then smeared banyan juice; the moon has since lost its brightness and heat (Census of India 193I, Vol. XI, Burma, I, Report, p. 250)]: Kühn 1936:85; nokte [a woman falls from the sky to a tiny land surrounded by water; water recedes, exposing the earth; a man descends from the sky, marrying a woman , they have many children; the supreme god Rango-Kotakrang places a sun man and a moon woman in the sky; they have many children, but the Sun destroyed them and his wife's crops with its heat; she threw buffalo droppings at him; The sun said they would change sex for a few days a year (so the moon is sometimes big, sometimes small); the next time the Sun threw buffalo droppings at the moon, the spots remained]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:51-52 (=Pandey 1999:20-21); vancho [at first The month was hot and bright as the Sun; people threw dirt in his face, he faded; they celebrated the occasion; the Month brought its share of its food mother; she promised that everyone would love him, and those born on the full moon would live happily ever after]: Elwin 1958a, No. 27:58 (=1958b: 62-63); rengma [there is a vague idea that the sun is a man and the moon is a woman; they used to shine equally brightly; Western rengma: God decided that in this case there was no circadian rhythm, so he planted a ficus on the moon and its light faded; oriental rengma: sun and the moon got into a fight, the sun threw ash in the moon's face and it faded]: Mills 1937:243-244; garo [Sun (Rengra-Balsa) is brother, Luna (Biré-Jitjé) is sister, brighter and more beautiful; they quarreled The sun threw clay at the moon's face; Luna complained to her mother; she was angry with her daughter for not washing her face first and telling her to stay like that]: Playfair 1909:85; Khasi: Gurdon 1914 [w women three daughters Sun (Ka Sngi), Fire (Ka Ding) {third unnamed} and youngest son Month (U Bynai); The month was bright as the Sun; tried to get along with her; she threw ash in his face in anger; Month ashamed and faded, spots on the moon are still visible]: 172-173 in Kühn 1936:87, Elwin 1949:55-56; Hutton 1925 [every month a month falls in love with her mother-in-law, she throws ash in his face]: 118; Latham 1859a (1) [A month fell in love with my mother-in-law, she threw ash in his face to drive him away]: 119; Rafy 1920, No. 17 [=Bertrand 1958:133; Fire, Water, Sun are the older sisters of the Month; The month was bright as the Sun; wanders, indulges in vice, demanded his mother's sister, the sun, as his wife; the Sun threw hot ash in his face; the moon became pale, stained, does not show up during the day]: 89-91; miri [The moon faded when she is in the face was thrown crap, the stains are still visible]: Hutton 1925:117; Idu Mishmi [Epanja and his wife Lanbbai have two sun sons; the youngest invited the eldest to burn the ground; the eldest did not agree the youngest went to burn alone, stopped at the zenith; the rivers dried up, the vegetation withered; Anya (the second most important god after Inni Taya) summoned the gods, sent a messenger to the older Sun with pigs and a domestic a bird that is still being sacrificed to the sun; after learning of people's suffering, the elder brother threw the youngest into a dirty puddle; the face of the Month has been stained since then, he does not dare to appear in the sky with the Sun; The elder Sun Brother gave the silkworm Mishmi to make clothes, is in the stones from which fire is carved]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:45-46.

Burma - Indochina. Vietnam: Karpov, Tkachev 1958 (Central Vietnam) [Kuai boy ("merry man, entertainer") serves rich Tua Lang; 1) he orders to kill the tiger; K. convinces the tiger that the snake is a belt, a nest of bees is drum; tiger bitten; bamboo stalks rub against each other - sky horn; tiger gets stuck, peasants bring it to the village; 2) (pp. 80-83); K. flies to heaven in a tree to tell the Sun and Moon how he is killed a tiger; Stars tell them how to get to the Sun and Moon; they quarrel, the moon shines hotter than the Sun; K. invites them to take a walk by the sea, throws sand in the face of the Moon, the Moon loses its heat; 3) (c. 84-89); TL orders to kill the terrible Elephant; K. says that there will be an earthquake, the sky will fall, pretends to tie himself up; The elephant asks to tie him; first tears his fetters, the second time unable; K. kills him; crows they flock to peck at the elephant, climb into its womb, K. covers the wound with a leaf; sits on an elephant, takes off on it; TL wants to fly, K. advises him to pick a leaf over the sea; crows fly out, the elephant falls, TL sinks]: 74-89; Knorozova 2000 [Mat Choi (Sun) and Mat Chang (Moon), daughters of Ngok Hoang (Jasper Lord); when the Sun Palanquin was carried by young porters, they often stayed on the road, it was a long day ; when the young were carried short; the moon was the hot Sun, their father told their mother to smear the moon's face with ash, since then they fell in love with the moon; the phases of the moon - Mat Chang turns his face; the bear is the husband of both sisters; covers them, causing eclipses; people scare the Bear away by hitting drums and mortars]: 22-23.

South Asia. Ancient India: Enthoven 1924:49-50 [Indra fell in love with Ahalya, wife of sage Gautama; persuaded Chandra (Month) to come in ahead of time, screamed with a rooster himself at midnight; G. decided it was morning, went to The Ganges perform rituals; in his guise, I. came to A.; when G. returned, I. tried to hide in the guise of a cat; G. cursed all three: I. covered a thousand ulcers, Ahalya petrified, and Chandra's face stained] , 50 [1) Brahma's son Daksha Prajapati gave all his 27 daughters to Chandra, but he loved Rohini alone; the others complained to his father; he told C. to go down every month, C.'s face stained; 2) Shiva compartmented Ganpati's head in a trident; it fell on the chariot of the Month; spots on the moon are either the head itself or blood splashes from it; or the spots are the face of Vishnu or Krishna]; Marathi (Thana District, SV Outskirts of Bombay ) [The stalked deer asked the Month to hide it, but when refused, hit him with a hoof, now spots on the moon]: Enthoven 1924:51; Rajastans (Rajputs, Marwari dialect, Jaisalmer) [Male moon Paula, was very proud of his white skin and beauty, and mocked other gods. In particular, he laughed at Ganesha that he was fat and had a trunk. Angry, Ganesha cursed the moon, saying that it would lose its beauty. The moon has turned all black. The night turned black, nothing could be seen, the gods asked Ganesha to remove the curse, but Ganesha said that he could not completely remove the curse, he would only partially remove the curse: the moon's face would remain dark spots, and once a month, the face will turn completely black]: E. Renkovskaya, personal report 12.03.2017; hoodies [you can see an old woman spinning on the moon, or (common Hindu tradition) it is dhoti, i.e. the tissue around the hips wrapped by a man who was abandoned by a man who was abandoned by her husband to the moon after learning of her infidelity]: Fuchs 1950:286; Punjabis [A month fell in love with Ahalya, Gautama Rishi's wife; taking the guise of her husband, began to visit her; one day G. found lovers, cursed his wife, turning him into a husband her at the stone, and in the Month he threw his shoe; the impact mark is now visible on the moon]: Crook 1891, No. 87:13; bhuya [there were 14 parts water, 7 parts mud; Dharam Deota came out of the water, out of the mud, He created a man collected from the right side of his body, a woman, brother and sister on the left side; he sent smallpox on them, after which they did not recognize each other, got married, gave birth to a son Parihar; the gods sent his tiger kill; his blood spilled on the ground, it became hard and reddish; his legs turned into big trees, his hands into small trees, his hair into grass, his bones into rocks and stones, his head became the sun, his chest became the moon; the moon can see a tiger's foot print]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:29; litter (Hill Saora) [Gesru cut himself and threw a piece of goat fat into the sky, it became the moon; blood stains are still visible]: Elwin 1954, No. 25: 49; buna [The moon sister was brighter than the Sun Brother; they quarreled, the Sun threw dirt on the moon's face; the spots remained, the moonlight faded]: Basu 1939:87 in Elwin 1949:55; bhattra [someone steals from corn fields; son, daughter-in-law did not wait for the thief; the owner saw that it was Luna; beat her with a burning branch, burns are still visible]: Elwin 1954, No. 1:36; (cf. bhuya [there were 14 parts of water and 7 parts of clay, all mixed; Dharam Deota came out of the water; after collecting dirt on the right side of his body, he sculpted a female doll, on the left side a male doll; revived , this is Boram and his wife; at first they are brother and sister, but DD changed their features by sending smallpox, they met and did not recognize each other; they have a son Parihar; the gods created the tiger and sent him to grab P.; the tiger poured ash at P. who had slept and ran away in horror; P. found a sleeping tiger, also poured ash and ran away; the gods told the tiger to attack when P. went swimming and left his weapon on the shore; the tiger killed P.; his blood was shed to the ground, the ground became hard and reddish; legs turned into big trees, hands into small trees, hair into grass, bones into rocks and stones, head became sun, chest became moon; an imprint is visible on the moon tiger paw; B. began to lament the loss of his son, but DD gave him many other children (named)]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:29-30).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dayaki (the band is not a decree.) [male and female spirits that descended from heaven gave birth to agricultural spirits - Amei Awi and Burung Une; they married each other, gave birth to 8 children and 4 moons: sickle, full, first and fourth quarters; Full The moon was the most beautiful; out of envy, her brother Sickle splashed hot porridge in her face, the dark spots remained]: Knappert 1999:308-309 (=1977b: 118-119); vana [The sun was huge and the sky was close to earth; a man exhausted by heat hit the Sun with a blowpipe dart; the breakaway piece became the Month, small fragments became stars; spots on the moon were a chopper that got there (for some unknown reason) with a dart; others say you can see a banyan tree on the moon]: Kruyt 1930:419 in Maaβ 1933:296; minahasa [Pandagian dances late; father forbids household members to let her down the stairs when she returns home; her mother invites her to lie on the ground (there are fleas), on a pile of brushwood (there are rats); P. turns to Riamasan to take her to heaven; a golden chair descends from the sky on a gold chain, P. sits in it; getting up, P. asks her to stop three times, reproaches the household; when they realize that she is leaving them forever, they beg her to return in vain; in heaven P. is tied up, carried, washed, killed, fried, cut like a pig; its face turns into the sun, the back of her head into the moon; because there were incisions on the back of her head, spots on the moon; all parts of her body turn into different constellations and stars (much of it is specifically named)]: Bolsius 1909:886-891; fataluku [during the full moon, the blood of the victims is visible on the moon (na fase da lua-cheia aparece-nos farta com sangue das víctimas)]: Azevedo Gomes 1972:67; Timor [son the giant, sitting on his neck, reached for the moon and stained it with baked banana and ash]: Correia 1973:85; tetum [when the sky was still close to the ground and the moon could be reached by hand, alone a man has been baking a banana for too long, it has become charred, the man smeared the moon with it]: Vroklage 1952:137.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsou: Nevsky 1935:64 [the sky was low, two suns were shining, people were dying from the heat; Oazymy hit one sun with an arrow; his blood became like a sea, the sky rose, both suns disappeared; the second sun began to come out first briefly, then as it is now; the wounded sun became the moon; the blackness in its center was the place where the arrow hit], 66 [the moon was close, its light and heat were strong; the bird oayim, when he was human, shot at the moon, it lost its luster; dark spots are the mark of a wound]; atayal (Maboala) [when one sun set in the west, the other rose in the east, was unbearable heat; three young men were sent to kill one sun; halfway through, they grew old; one came back to ask for help; sent the other three, putting a boy on their shoulders; they planted oranges along the way , sowed millet; found those two old men who died soon; three of the second group also grew old and died, but the boys became adults, reached sunrise, killed the rising sun with an arrow; one the blood of the sun flowed, he died from it; the wounded sun became the moon; the spots on it were the trail of an arrow; the stars arose from drops of solar blood; on the way back, two heroes ate the fruits they had planted, returned old people]: Ho 1967, No. 1:210-211; apayao [The sun and the moon got into a fight; the moon hit the Sun with a broom and it smut; the moonlight faded, there was a burn mark]: Wilson 1947b: 40; bontok [Moon ( gender not specified) envied the power of the Sun, obscured it, causing the first eclipse; they got into a fight; the Sun burned the moon, since then its light has been weaker and stained]: Eugenio 1994, No. 23:71; Nabaloi: Moss 1924, No. 7 [The Sun and the Month were shining equally brightly; Kabunian was offended that the Month laughed at being single and cooking his own meals; he threw ash in the face of the Month, so night appeared], 8 [The month was brighter Sun; he put a stone on a branch, invited the Month to take it; the branch sprung, hit the Month in the face, its light faded], 9 [The Sun and the Month shone equally brightly; the Month had faces behind and in front, one for the people above, the other for the earth; the Month laughed at the Sun because it was single; the Sun threw ash at it; hot ash completely burned one face of the Month, it turned black; the light of the other faded]: 239, 239, 241; visayas [the children of the Sun and Moon are Stars; when the Sun tried to hug them, they burned; the Moon forbade the Sun to approach them; the Moon went to wash, the Sun approached the children again, killing many; the Moon hit the Sun with a banana stalk and the Sun threw sand in her face; the spots remained; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, sometimes almost catching up]: Cole 1916:201 (=Eugenio 1994, No. 61:124, = Rahmann 1955:206); Negrito Luzon [The moon asked her husband The sun not to approach their children, for he was too hot; but he was approaching, the children were burning; the Moon ran away from the Sun, he unsuccessfully hers stalks; her face is scarred by the hot smut he hit her with]: Garvan 1963:207; cotabato [The sun quarreled with his wife Luna, she hit him with a broom (now his rays are like broom), ran away; began to bathe their baby, the Sun came up, splashed boiling water in her face; now the moon's face is burned; the moon dropped the child, he fell to the ground, became a cicada, sings at sunset, complaining that he was far away from her parents and that they are divorced]: Eugenio 1994, No. 234:381-382; Tinghian [The sun tells the Moon that she is not good, it shines weakly; the moon replies that women love her more, for in her light they they go outside to spin; The sun throws sand in her face, the spots remain]: Cole 1915, No. 73:192 (=Cole 1916:65; quail in Eugenio 1994, No. 57:121); isneg [The Sun stole the dog of the Month, they became fight; The Month hit the Sun with a broom (now the sun's rays) and its Sun with burning smut; the soot on the Month is still visible]: Eugenio 1994, No. 59:123; manobo [The moon went into the field, told her husband -The sun does not approach the children; he kissed them, burned them; in response to his wife's reproaches, scattered burnt bodies, threw tarot leaves (spots) into the face of the moon; still haunts her]: Eugenio 1994, No. 67a: 131; Tirurai [the son of the Sun and Moon fell to the ground; the ogre wanted to eat him; he told the Morning Star woman about his adventures; his parents quarreled, the Moon threw fire into the Sun, the Sun threw a leaf into the Moon gabi and a comb; a leaf on her face, the moon takes the shape of a crest from time to time]: Eugenio 1994, No. 72:138-139.

The Balkans. Macedonians: Belova 2004a [mother of the Sun and Moon threw cow manure at her daughter Moon to separate them]: 126; Tsepenkov 1972 (7), No. 531) in Civyan 1988 [The Sun and the Month shone the same, one afternoon, another night; The Month boasted, the Sun angered, it threw cow droppings at it (a wolf cake); The month became dark and terrible, hiding from the Sun]: 235-236 (note 30); Tsenev: 37 and 42 (Pirava, Rusinovo) [The sun argued with Sister Moon, who shines brighter and hotter; threw a cake in her face, the moonlight faded], 42 [1) Luna told the girl that she was more beautiful, she threw her at the face of a cow cake; 2) The moon shone brighter than the Sun, who persuaded the woman to throw a cow cake in the face of the moon; 3) in order not to work day and night, the woman threw a cow cake in the face of the moon, the light of the moon faded, night came]; Ortenzio 2008, No. 5 [the moon boasted of its beauty; the sun was tired of it and covered her face with a cow cake, its light faded]: 19; Bulgarians: Belova 2004a [1) moonlight became weaker when the sun hit her, threw manure or mud at her; 2) The sun stained the moon with manure when they quarreled and upset their wedding; 3) the mother of the Sun and Moon to separate them, threw cow manure at her Moon daughter; 4) to prevent the moon from shining brightly, the witch who took milk from the cows stained her with manure and mud; 5) the lazy woman, in order not to work in the moonlight, wiped her on the moon hands]: 126; Denisov 1969 [the woman was tired of embroidering and, annoying the moon, covered her face with a cake; the moon retired to the heights, lost its warmth and brightness]: 120; Kovachev 1914 [The moon and another girl were arguing which one is more beautiful; the girl threw cow dung in the face of the moon, now it's stains]: 30; Bulgarians: Gura 2006:461 [1) the woman washed her diapers, the baby cried, she hurriedly wiped her hands on the moon; she got angry, rose high, spots remained; 2) there are spots on the moon because one woman, after wiping her child's ass, stained her with feces 3) the moon was low, at the distance of a stick that is being driven bull, she was shining heavily, the night was as light as day; the girl was knitting a stocking, she wanted to sleep, she could not fall asleep from the bright light, threw a cake of cow manure into the moon; God raised the moon in anger with sky with traces of manure]; Stoynev 2006 [1) mother cursed the Month for falling in love with the same earthly girl as his brother Sun; 2) mother cursed the Month and the Sun for what they wanted get married as brother and sister; they meet once a year on the summer solstice; 3) The sun has a fight with the month-old brother, stained him with mud or cow dung]: 194; Krappe 1938 [Moon boasted that it shone brighter than the Sun; he smeared her face with cow manure]: 128-129; Serbs: Janković 1951 [the sky was low; moved away after the girl threw mud into the Month]: 23, 109; Gura 2010 [on the moon the monster's teeth marks ala]: 41; Croats [the sun threw mud into the moon out of envy that it shines brighter]: Gura 2004:150; Greeks: Czecha 2009:183 [1) The sun and the moon argued , which of them is more beautiful; The Sun got angry, grabbed a handful of dirt, threw it in the face of the moon, and remained in the face (Aegion); 2) The Sun and the Moon quarreled over which one was more beautiful; the Sun was angry, grabbed cow cake, threw in the face of the moon, since then the moon has been staining and shining (dosl. "looks") she dimly (Epirus, Zagorion); 3) The Sun and the Month quarreled; the Sun grabbed the stick used to clean the stoves, hit the Month, because he had spots on his face; he hit the Sun in response, knocked out his eye, Therefore, the Sun has one eye (Pont, Kerasus)], 183-184 [the sun and moon were brother and sister, walking together on the same road; the sun became angry and knocked out the eyes of the unfortunate moon (and today the moon is still one-eyed); the moon ran crying to her mother; her mother is sitting at the end of the world, where the sun goes down; the mother tells her daughter not to go the same way with her brother; therefore, the sun and moon never go out together (Macedonia, Laccovikia)], 184 [1) the sun and a month went to heaven to eat apples; the sun fell on the month and knocked out his eye. The month, crying, ran to God; he told the brothers not to go together; now, when the sun goes down, the month is coming out (Naxos); 2) the month has quarreled with the sun, like drunks quarrel with each other; the sun, throwing it in the face for a month, dirt knocked out his eye; now in the middle of the month there is dirt (Naxos); 3) people worked at night and that's why the sun was jealous of the month; it hit him with cow dung cake, stained his face for a month, and became the lord of human life (Epirus)], 185 [the moon was hungry, went to one of the houses to ask for food; at this time the hostess was cleaning the stove with panic (a stick with a rag tied to it), and she was angry because the spatula that held the stick and rope together cracked, the rag fell into the fire; as the moon entered the door, the hostess, furious that the stove had remained uncleaned, threw it panister into the yard and hit the moon in the face; and that's why it still has black spots; the moon was offended and rose high to where it is now (Crete)], 191-192 [some people when they wanted to do something bad ( to harvest, or to make the cattle die), lowered the moon to earth; then there were nine witches, they lowered the moon, which appeared in the form of a big calf and constantly "mooed", and when they lowered it, the whole earth shook; the witches did what they wanted but could not raise the moon back to heaven; if they hadn't raised it, the world would have ended; they ate donkey liver, dog entrails, sewage, but nothing helped; then they smeared the moon with cow manure and it rose to the sky; the dark spot is still visible (Thessaly)]; Correia 2018, No. 3 in Kabakova 2019 [the sun envied the beauty of the moon and threw it to it dirt (moonspots) in the face; the moon responded by throwing needles (sun rays) into the sun]: 76; Schmidt 1877, No. 4 (Arahoba Village, Phocis) [the sky was so close to the ground that oxen could lick it; the sea was small, you could wade everywhere; one man threw a cow cake into the moon; since then, there have been shadows on the lunar disk; the sky became angry and asked the sea to give it height, and it would give the sea depth; since then the sea became deep and the sky was high]: 133.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors): When Cain killed Abel, he saw it for a month and told the sun; after learning that his crime had been solved for a month, K. smeared the month with resin, climbing with a bucket and with a lipstick; during this month he pulled him towards him and he is visible there; previously the month was as bright as the sun]: Svyatsky 1913:22 (a brief retelling of Belova 2004a: 126); Belarusians [on the moon Tvardovsky with a pitchfork ; he killed his brother, and the blood that spread was moon spots; the spots were Abel's blood; the blood of his murdered brother]: Avilin 2011:182; Kashubas [the moon is the chariot wheel on which Prince Michael in Heaven was chasing devil; the wheel fell off from the fast chase; black spots on the moon are traces of grease from the axle]: Gura 2004:152 (=2006:469; =Gura 2010:41).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Janashia 1960 [a beautiful widow's son and daughter began to disappear all day; the mother watched and saw how her children "have a good time" in the forest under the oak tree with the Month and the Sun, before all kinds of food with them; threw fresh manure into the Month and the Sun; the flirtatious Sun-Sister immediately washed herself, the awkward Brother Month remained dirty; both rose to heaven forever, the widow and children returned home]: 160; Lukyanov 1904, No. 9 [the widow's son never eats at home; one day he went to look for cattle, his mother is watching them; the Sun and the Moon brought him food; the mother got angry, threw a ball of mud at them; The Sun hid in a jug, all the dirt fell into the moon; since then, there have been spots on it]: 31; Chursin 1956 [the shepherd threw cow droppings up, he fell on the moon (spots)]: 149; Abaza [sun and moon - sister and brother, they were arguing which of them was more beautiful; the sun threw a cow cake in her brother's face, now there are spots on the moon]: Kunizheva 2012:175; Kumyks [A month was in love with the Sun, caught her at work, she smeared earthen the floor with gray clay; he joked with her, she threw a piece of sheepskin at him, which she smeared the floor with, ran away; became the Sun, the young man became the Month, still can't catch up with her]: Abakarova 1984:123; Hajiyeva 1961: 329; Lucky, Lezgins, Dargins, Avars [in the mythology of Laks (Barz), Lezgins (Varz), Dargins (Budz), Avars (Motz) The moon looks like a beautiful girl; she was in love with The Sun (Laks - Barg, Avars - Buck, Lezgins - Rag, Dargins - Berkhi); began to boast that they were more beautiful than the Sun, that they looked at it more; the Sun threw clods of dirt into it, the spots remained; repenting, in vain trying to catch up with the Moon]: Khalilov 1980:163; Lucky [The moon girl was jealous of the Sun Boy of people, said that he dazzled them, and she was beautiful and everyone was looking at her; the Sun was offended, threw them into the moon dirt; stains remained and since then the Moon has been running away from the Sun]: Khalidova 2012, No. 14:41; Avars [The Sun and Moon have argued who should shine during the day; the Sun threw a handful of earth into the Moon, the Moon darkened, became appear at night]: Khalidova 2012, No. 13:41; Lezgins: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991 [=Khalidova 2012, No. 15:42; The month was in love with the Sun, she did not like it, she threw a handful of earth at him, the stains remained ]: 371; Ganiyeva 2004 [as in Gamzatov, Dalgat]: 175; Seferbekov 2000 [Month - brother, Sun - sister; spots on the moon are a slap in the face received from his sister]: 7; Khalidova 2012, No. 174 [Sun - brother's older sister- Months; they argued who should shine at night; The sun kneaded the dough, hit the brother with her hand, the dough stains remained on the face of the Month; he left home; the sister is now looking for him, illuminates everything; brother and sister do not meet ]: 206-207; Tabasarans [1) the moon shows wounds sustained in the battle of the gods; 2) The month boasted that it was more beautiful than the Sun, it hit it with a piece of sheepskin; 3) when whitewashing the walls, the Sun asked for water, the Month did not filed, the Sun hit him in the face with a piece of sheepskin]: Seferbekov 2000:7; Rutultsy [sister, offended by her brother's harassment, hit him with a ladle, ran away, turning into the Sun; brother, turning into a Month, trying to catch up with it; since then, Spots Month]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:293 (Khalidova 2012, No. 52:71); swany [(zap. B. Nizharadze, 1889; =Virsaladze 1973, No. 4:48-49); before the Sun, there was another star on earth; God called him to heaven, the world remained in darkness; the Sun and the Month had one father, different mothers, the Month younger; God promised to make the person who gets up earlier into daylight; The month put thorns on the bed, but fell asleep by morning; the sun slept well, got up early; The month woke up by lunchtime, his mother slapped him in the face the hand stained in the dough remained stained]: Chikovani 1985, No. 154:325; Megrels [The Sun and Moon fell in love with the widow's son; the mother followed him, found him sitting at a luxurious table at which The Sun and Moon served; the next time she milked the cows, threw cow droppings into the lights; the sun rushed into the windowsill, bathed in milk, soared into the sky; the moon flew to swim in the sea, but so far I got to it, the droppings dried up, the stains remained; in Mingrelian the sun is called bzha (milk)]: Kobalia 1903, No. 2:90-91; Georgians: Japaridze 1896 (Rachintsy) [moon - fathom disk 4 in diameter ; when the Jews crucified the Savior, the Moon turned her face to him and his blood was imprinted on it]: 148; Stepanov 1893 (Telavi County, Kakheti) [A month, returning home, asked his mother for bread; mother I kneaded the dough, hit my impatient son on the cheek with her hand stained in the dough, the stains remained]: 141); Georgians (Shida-Kartli, p. Tortizi) [mother sun was baking bread; the moon daughter did not wait to be ready and asked for bread; the sun hit her face with her hand; her hand was in the dough, the spots on the moon are still visible]: Shatberov 1899, No. 8:253; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1982 [young man Lusin (month-old) asked his mother, who was holding dough, for a bun; an angry mother slapped L. in the face, which caused him to fly to heaven; his face shows test marks]: 81; Bagriy 1930 (3) [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife was kneading the dough, the husband flirted with her; the wife threw dough in her husband's face, ran away; The month began to chase the Sun and is still chasing; spots on the moon - dough]: 125; Ganalanyan 1979, No. 336a [I began to ask my mother for bread for a month; she just kneaded the dough, hit it, he flew to heaven with clods of dough on his face], 336b [=336a, but asked mother to breastfeed him], 337a [Brother and Sun Sister were arguing about who to go during the day and who at night; the mother hit her son with her hand in the test, kicked him out the door; he now walks at night], 337b [The Sun Sister was it's scary to walk at night, asked the mother to change them with her month-old brother; she hit her son with her hand, the mark remained], 337c [The sun complained to the Month-old Brother that it was scary to walk at night, but everyone looked at her during the day; he gave her needles and rays to stab her eyes], 337g [The Sun and the Month were swimming; The month came out first to see her sister's nudity; she rose to heaven out of shame, the Month is still chasing her, the Sun stabs her eyes with needles -rays]: 125, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126-127; Talyshi: Bayramalibekov 1893 [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife baked cheeks in tandoor, the husband began to flirt with her; considering it indecent during cooking chureks, the Sun Wife threw a test at her husband's face, ran away; A month is chasing her; can't wash off the dough, the stains on his face remained; he used to be more beautiful than the Sun]: 203-204 (=2012:194-195; =Bagry 1930 (3): 10-11); Isors [Bela's wife gave birth to him a month-old son and a sun daughter; his parents told his son to shine during the day and their daughter at night; the storm god tried to steal the sun; the month beat off his sister; both came to her mother, who was kneading the dough; the mother asked her son to shine at night and give the day to his fearful sister; he refused; then his mother hit him in the face with her hands smeared with the dough, the stains remained; Bel persuaded son to give a day to his sister]: Eyvazov 1894, No. 1:63; Kurds of Azerbaijan [The Sun is a beautiful woman, the Month is a man, he has a dark face covered with spots - traces of smallpox; the Sun was a girl, refused the groom; he told her to turn into a creature that no one could reach, became the Month himself]: Chursin 1925b: 15; Azerbaijanis (Shemakha) [mother of the moon {moon - man} kneaded the dough, that dabbled, interfered, mother threw a piece of dough into the moon's face, since then the moon has not been able to wash it off]: Efendiev 1893:206; Turks [1) The sun was a beautiful girl; she was tired of everyone looking at her , she began to dazzle her eyes; 2) the mother, afraid that her beautiful son might be jinxed, splashed a dirty cloth in his face with which she wiped the dishes after eating; since then, stains in the month]: Gordlevsky 1909:95 (= 1968:72).

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks (Samarkand District) [the sun and moon were sisters, both very beautiful and jealous of each other; when the moon told the sun that it was more beautiful than her, she cut her sister's face with a dagger and ran away; the face of the moon was covered with blood; from that time on, the sisters have become enemies and do not see each other]: Amonov 196:389; the Shugnans [The Moon knew that the Sun was her brother, but the Sun did not know about it; they went to heaven We walked in the morning and together until the evening; the Sun falls in love with the Moon, one day intends to take possession of it by force; the Moon breaks out of the hands of the Sun and, offended, stops communicating with it, decides to walk only in the night; annoyance scratched her face, scratches remained (spots)]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal message, 2005; Bartangans [like the Shugnans; the Moon did not scratch itself, it was the Sun that scratched the face of the Moon, traces What we see now]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; Vakhans [like the Shugnans; the Sun after that incident pursues the Moon and chases it, cannot catch up; the Moon goes around all 12 in a month zodiac signs, and the Sun makes this journey only in a year]: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal report, 2005; Shugnans, Vakhans, Rushans, Ishkashim (i.e. Ismailis) [spots on the moon mean crying and shredding the face of the moon on the day of the death of Imams Hasan and Hussein]: Yusufbekov 2009; Sarykol residents [lived two sisters - Mo (moon) and Khurshed (sun). The youngest was more beautiful and attractive than the older one. The sun was angry with her because of this. Luna endured everything. Once the Sun scratched her sister's face, the moon turned pale and lost its beauty. After that, each of the sisters went their own way and did not meet. The moon is ashamed to show up during the day because her face is scratched]: Kabirov 2017:233.

Baltoscandia. Estonians (Urvaste) [the femicide went to smear the moon with resin to darken; his hand was tired, he smeared badly in some places, so the moon was stained]: Kuperjanov 2003:72.

Volga - Perm. Komi [zap. P.G. Doronin in 1927, I knew it since childhood); at first there was no earth, no sky, one swamp; two frogs, blind and sighted, climbed onto the hummock; the sighted one was Yong, the blind was cunning Omel; falling off the hummock, turned into human beings; the sighted one broke two teeth, they turned into horns, all living things appeared from a drop of blood, all living things appeared from a drop of blood; and when they fell into hummocks, they turned into humans; the sighted broke two teeth, they became a woman; she became O.'s wife, met in E., O. beat him; E. tamed pigeons, created the sky, created a hole in the center, released pigeons through it; O. vorona, this one for them the hole is small, O. made the other wider, the crows flew into the sky, killed the pigeons, escaped alone; returned to E. with mud; O. sent a crow, he took the mud, E. grabbed the crow by the throat, squeezed it, the mud fell down, formed land; the water that spilled out of his beak was the sea; while E. was away, O. plugged the hole in the sky with the hut in which E. lived; flame burned around the hole; O.'s wife said it was from her silk mitt, gave a flap of her dress to make another mitten with which E. was knocked down by the flame; O. sucked the flame; O. from her silk mitt, let a flap of her dress make another mitten, to her E. with her crows and animals fell to the ground; O.'s wife stayed in heaven with E., gave birth to his daughter Yoma and son Wojpel; O. persuaded her to open a hole in the sky, broke in there, threw Y. and V. on the ground (they are the ancestors of people), found a mitten, grabbed half of the sun, but ran into a branch, got stuck in a tree; E. cursed him, O. threw away what he had captured, this half became a month, it had O.'s fingerprints; the female broke off, O. fell, the branch became his tail; E. went down to visit his son, who was making pots; demons O. flew in, boasting that they could cloud the sun or fit in four pots; E. closed the pots, but one crashed, E. drove the demon; whoever fell into the water became water, the goblin into the forest, his fingers became damn fingers; in the ground in the pot O. tries to escape; one day he will come out, fight with E.]: Doronin 2004:392-396 (another lane on in Russian in Novikov 1936:40).

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 (the author heard as a child) [The Moon and the Sun were beautiful women, envied each other's beauty; the Sun scratched the face of the moon, leaving spots on it]: 23; Sidelnikov 1962 [ collected by the author; var. in Turgai Gazeta 1898, No. 40; the star of Omir-Zaya (evening Venus) shone all night; quarreled with her rival Moon, scratched her face, her scars remained; the gods condemned O. appear in the sky for a short time in the evening when there is no Sun, Moon, or other stars]: 266; Karakalpaks [The sun was the daughter of the bay; the Month was the husband of the Sun, the son of another bai; during a quarrel Sun scratched the face of the Month, then they were ashamed to show themselves to people; but people themselves asked the Sun to continue to shine; husband and wife no longer see each other, but continue to warm and illuminate the earth]: Alimbetov 2014b: 28; karakalpaks [The sun and moon were twin sisters; one day Satan comes to the Sun: The moon is more beautiful than you, and you are ugly; out of envy, the Sun burned its own the face of the moon is hot; the spots remain; after that, the sisters do not see each other]: Alimbetov 2014b: 29; Kyrgyz [the moon refused to obey God and shine on him, he asked Archangel Gabriel to bring her; G. hit the moon with his wings, the spots remained; for disobedience, God keeps the moon with him during the day, releasing it as needed]: Poyarkov 1900:31.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [Gyellbegen wants to eat a man; he promises a son instead of himself, migrates, sends his son to wait for D.; D. chases him, cuts off the legs of the horse on which the boy rides; the boy climbs the iron poplar; the fox begs for D.'s ax, throws it into the lake; D. drinks the lake; the boy asks Magpie, the Raven to call his dogs; they refuse, the Goose calls; the dogs defeat D.; one wounded, the boy forgets about her, she turns into a wolf; var.: When dogs fight in D., his blood splashed on the moon; so dogs howl at night when they see spots on the moon]: Sadalova 1989:83-84.

Western Siberia. Kety [Hosyadam was Ysya's wife, but left by the Month (Heung is grandfather); Yes threw her down with his servants to the ground; The Month is punished by what he must indicate time and weather; spots on it are traces of H.'s stay there]: Anuchin 1914:3-4.

The Arctic. Mackenzie Delta Eskimos; Netsilic; Igloolik; Labrador Eskimos; West Greenland; Angmassalik; Igloolik (ivillirmiut, hall. Ripals) [along with the more widespread Sun Sister, Brother Month; a strong shaman rises to the sky, becomes the Sun; tortures his sister, burns half of her face; she turns into the Moon, runs away; he is still catching up with her; on the new moon, the moon is turned towards us with its burnt side]: Rae 1850:79 in Boas 1888:597.

The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound (skagit?) [spots on the moon use the term č' asus 'soiled face, charcoal marked face']: Bates et al. 1994:69.

Southeast USA. Caddo; chirokee; biloxi [The Sunwoman tells the Otter Youth to leave because of his strong smell; then she comes to him herself; he does not pay attention to her; she rises in shame to the sky; the child stains the Month with his hand; he rises to the sky in shame; the spot on the moon's disk is still visible]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 29:110-112.

California. Screw [spots on the moon - bear bite marks]: Voegelin 1942:145.

Big Pool. Ute [the Shin-au-Av brothers wake up and see that someone has cut off their hair; they find a strange creature, cut off its head, which rises to the sky, turns into a month; the spots on it are Sh brothers' hair]: Powell 1971:81.

(Wed. The Great Southwest. Kiliva [Memipáio has a son, Metáilkwa'ipáiv, who has two wives; the eldest is expecting a child; the youngest, out of envy, stepped over her husband so that menstrual blood dripped on him; he killed her by hitting her heart with a stick; blood splashed in the sun, now there are spots (p. 69); he chased three wild sheep, they became three stars of the Orion Belt; Orion's sword is an arrow, another star her tip is nearby; Orion rises every night from the sea, where the rams jumped; when he returned, his wife had already given birth to a son named Maikwiak; people killed his father, his son revived him; twice; for the third time cut into pieces; head - Valle Trinidad; body - slope towards the San Felipe Desert; right hand - trough on the other side (what?) ; there is no left hand, it was torn off; legs - two plains; the son killed evil people; in the sky he made a hut made of bent branches, but instead of branches, a rainbow; took a dog with him]: Meigs 1939:69-78).

Mesoamerica Mountain totonaki; totonaki [it was dark, the old man ordered to burn a lot of firewood, began to eat hot coals; another said it would be the sun, but was afraid to eat coals; the first became the Sun, going to west (it was already evening); the second still ate coals, but smeared in ash; went north, met women washing their clothes, one splashed laundry water into him, he turned yellow; rose in the Month; one man caught a rabbit, left it in the Month, since then you can see a rabbit on it]: Arenas 2000:37-39; Miche [my grandparents had a boy and a girl; the grandmother sent them to the field where my grandfather worked, he asked them help; they killed him, hid the corpse in honeycombs; they began to cook beans, and a voice could be heard from under the pot: you killed, you are eating your grandfather; your grandchildren ran away, the old woman chased; Agouti hid them in her mouth said that her teeth hurt; her children were running again, her sister was falling behind; her brother hit her in the face with sandals (los huaraches) stained with earth; went up to heaven, became the Sun; sister hesitated to wash the face also rose to become the Moon; spots and faint shine due to the impact]: Carrasco 1952:168-169; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, from which the Sun and Moon were born; every day she went to feed the deer corn porridge, told the twins to stay at home; called the deer the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once sent them to feed their father themselves - call him Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and by the river, the frogs told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9).

Honduras vs Panama. Bribri [Marcos Guevara recorded from Bribri Ali García, the story is rare; after hugging the Moon (incest), her brother Sun burned her face, the spots remain]: Guevara: Personal Message, 2007; Kuna.

The Northern Andes. Embera: Isaza Bravo 1987 [Buro-Poto was born from a tumor on a man's leg; he died; B. asked who killed his father; Jaguars (los viejos thought B. would hunt jaguars and die) ; killed all jaguars with arrows, left a pregnant female, new from her; Snakes (the same with snakes); etc.; said that his father was killed by a snake that looked like cancer, but huge, lives in a pond, swallows people whole; B. put firewood on the raft, made a fire in the monster's stomach, began to crumble the monster with a knife; killed an unborn cub, fried it, fed the others swallowed; swam out with a raft over the ass; killed Moon; built a staircase, hand to the moon, left a stain on it, the woodpecker cut off the stairs, B. fell to sunset; the Sun took him on its underground journey along the river; there were people who ate the smell, only B. ate, they asked them to make anuses, died, B. revived them; crabs attacked, for underground people it was death, B. destroyed them easily; a few days later the Sun took it with it; a lot of food in a small basket; at home, B. began to suck blood at night, kill women; they poured boiling water on him, he petrified, made corn grinders out of it]: 128-129; Rochereau 1929 (katio) [a man was bitten by nutria caviar, he conceived The boy Gerú-potó-uarra (El hijo de la pantorrilla), who was born between the thumb and second toes on the same leg; the man soon died, exploded, mosquitoes, flies, and gadflies came out of him; the boy ate just menstrual flow; asked who his mother was; Died; who killed? ; Keith; took the harpoon, let the whale swallow himself, came out of the womb two days later, realized that it was not the whale that killed his mother; Ancumia (the sea monster); found her, not her; Moon; climbed the willow, told grow to the moon, the moon turned out to be a beautiful woman, the man hit her, the spots remained; the woodpecker cut down the tree, it fell to another part of the world, the land de Tutruicá; there are flat, only peach palms grow , blue stones, they are good for abrasives; people are immortal, they eat only a couple of boiled peach palm fruits; they have no anus; the man has become relieved, he was told to leave; three ate with him, he made them anuses, they died; they came out of that world on the same willow trunk, led by a snake; those dogs are snakes, ours are from Tutruika's dogs]: 100; nonama: Wassen 1935, No. 8 [two people were born from a woman's leg; by at night they turned into waura ("wooden dolls"), preserving their human appearance, killing people, drinking blood; asked their mother who killed their father; Snake; killed all snakes in the forest; El Sierpe (giant snake); they rafted to El Sierpe, but the guacamayo warned her, she crawled away; the brothers put firewood on the raft, the snake swallowed it; they placed a pole between their jaws, made a fire in their womb; the snake is half-dead, one went out through the anus, found himself in the lower world, nothing was known about him; the other through his mouth, continued to suck blood; the sky was close to the ground; the man made clothes out of vegetable fluff, took off; at sunrise The sun flew out a woodpecker, hit him in the face; the man fell, but managed to scar the face of the moon; fell where the sun went down; a boy was playing on the beach, bore fruit from the caimito tree, said that he owned them father, he will be today; this is the Sun; came white, wearing a gold hat; promised to take a man home; the boy throws fruits into the water, the fish ate them; so distracted the fish that they would not eat the Sun; the Sun with they dived into the underworld as a man; the Sun left him at the huts, promised to pick him up on the way back; sinculos (people without anus) said that the kuna wanted to kill them; the man began to make bows and arrows; the kuna turned out to be shrimps; now "the British"; these are crayfish; the man explained that in his world these enemies are eaten; went out of need, two boys asked them to make anuses for them, died; the Sun brought a man to earth; the man asked his deceased brother-in-law, who replied that they could not cure him; the people decided to kill the person who came so as not to drink more blood; they crushed corn, mixed it with water, poured it over at night, man became a stone; he was broken, the fragments turned into mosquitoes, the moon and leeches that fell into the water]: 133-137; Kogi: Chaves 1947, No. 9 [The Sun had two wives, the Moon and one more; both he and she are ugly; theirs asked if they wanted to be the father and mother of the world; they agreed; they were dressed in gold and taken to heaven; another wife of the Sun ran after her husband, threw ash in the face of the moon; otherwise it would shine like the sun]: 482- 483; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 4.1 [Sintána asked a boy and girl on earth if they wanted to be the father and mother of the world; they answered yes; S. dressed them in gold clothes, lifted them up to heaven, they became By the Sun and the Moon; but the Moon, although she was still very young, had many lovers on earth; one of jealousy threw ash in her face, so her face was stained]: 34-35; ihka: Chaves Mendoza, Francisco Zea 1977 [when it was dark, the first woman had two beautiful children; she hid them in a cave, light came from there; people brought flutes, drums, started playing; boy J'uí came out, they tried him to catch, he soared into the sky, became the sun; those who looked up to look at him turned into stones; his sister named Tíma was also lured by music; in order not to run away, they threw ash in her face; but she also rose to heaven, became the moon]: 62-63; Lucena Salmoral 1969 [the woman's son radiated light, she hid it from people; people lured a woman out of her cave, playing flutes and drums, she lost consciousness; they entered the cave, the boy soared into the air, became the sun in the sky; those who were somewhere at that time and began to look at the miracle became petrified; the stones now show images of J'uí (the Sun) ); the same with Tima, sister Sun, she became the Moon; but people managed to throw ash at her, her light faded]: 228-229; tunebo [Moon is sister, Sun is brother; Bistoa first tells the Moon to illuminate the earth, but she is lazy and comes out irregularly; he throws his snot in her face, eclipsing her, giving her the right to illuminate the earth to the Sun]: Marquez 1980:651.

Llanos. Kuiva [Luna Yupunéi's husband beat her with a rope and burned her stomach, so there are spots on the moon; her husband is handsome, his face is painted red (Bixa orellana), he has a long beard and a blue hat (then same word for green and yellow) color]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 5:27-28; Sicuani [clearly does not mention the origin of the moonspots, but cf. Kuiva, whose belly of the moon is also burned]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1 [The sun is married to the moon; they live on earth with their children; every time the Sun goes hunting, the Sun takes his wife's brother or sister with him, kills, brings meat to the basket, and eats at home with the Moon; his wife's last brother remained; he knew what to expect from the Sun, took a spear with him; the Sun told him to climb a tree, became a jaguar; the young man plunged a spear into his stomach, came home, said sister that her husband had climbed into heaven; the Sun brought two capybaras, said that he ran into a branch, they were cooked, the Sun and the Moon and their children ate, but the parents of the moon were not given a cape; one of their sons, Morning Star, boils on his body; parents decided to leave secretly; the boy stayed with his parents of the Moon and his uncle (the one who hurt the Sun); his uncle carried him because it is difficult for the boy to walk; but at night he becomes To protect her uncle with a jaguar; they came to their parents; Luna was at home, she hid her brother; the Sun and her other children returned from hunting; they became jaguars, the Morning Star too; turned out to be stronger than others, they again took on human form; they were invited to drink guarapo in a village where the parents of the Moon mixed fish poison into it; but it does not work in the Sun and the Moon; then they were tied to a tree and burned at the stake; also does not work: The sun has only turned red, and the moon has a burnt stomach, now they are spots on the lunar disk; the moon has thrown into the water and cooled down, so it does not give heat; hand in hand, the Sun and the Moon have risen to the sky; Moon's parents gave wives to all her children; the girl destined for the Morning Star rejected her because of his illness; he left, and when he returned, he turned out to be handsome; now the girl wants him, and he rejected her, went to sky, became the Morning Star], 2 [The sun is married to the Moon; his sister has many sons; each time he asks one of the boys to accompany him on the hunt; he eats each; one of the boys has found bones brothers, ran to his mother; people called the Sun to the feast, gave him drink; he came with a necklace made of the teeth of his murdered nephews; he was thrown into the fire, he was badly burned, so it is bright and hot; the moon is only a little burned while trying to put out the fire and save her husband]: 25-29, 30-31.

Southern Venezuela. Panare [without details]: Dumont 1976:94; yabarana [to identify her lover, the girl paints her breasts with red paint; he washes it, then black; in the morning the girl identifies her brother; from shame it turns into a Month, spots are still visible; when it turns red, women have periods]: Wilbert 1959:62 (=196:156); makiritare [Nuna (Month) steals an egg with human embryos, intends to eat him; his sister Freeman hides it in her womb; at night, the Month comes to her to extract embryos from her body; to find out who it is, she paints his face with paint; spots remain]: Civrieux 1960:118-125; 1980:47-50; Sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 2 [The month sent a man for brushwood; then demanded more; the man realized that the Month wanted to eat it; man hid by the Sun, who burned the face of the Month, the spots remain; when the Month is pink, he and his family eat human beings; when the Month hides, he prepares to attack; to protect himself, women draw on their cheeks images of the Sun], 324 [Colchester 1981:72-74; the young man went to the otter people, fell behind them; met the girl Partridge (Tinamus sp.); she invited him into her hammock, flew away when he tried to have sex; told him to wait three days, but he left, climbed a tree above the river; the Month came, saw the reflection, began to catch; the young man spat, the Month looked up; brought the young man to his home, told his wife to bake to cassava meat; the son of the Month told the young man to run, showed three roads - to the stars, to the vultures, to the Sun; the young man came to the Sun; when the Month came for him, the Sun baked it with its heat; now in a month spots; The sun gave a sarbakan, told him not to look; the young man looked through him, flew out with a dart, fell outside his house; his mother did not recognize him, wanted to copulate; he said who he was, she was happy]: 568-570.

Guiana. Warrau: Osborn 1960 [Someone comes to the girl at midnight; she smears paint on her hand and puts paint on her lover's back; in the morning she sees paint on her younger brother's body; scolds him, he cries; brother has become moon]: 79; Wilbert 1970, No. 17 [brother visits his two sisters, they do not know who their lover is; they paint their breasts with a genipa; in the morning he can't wash off the paint, rises to heaven, becomes the Month; women - Daughters of the Month; when he is red, he oozes blood], 18 [(original in Roth 1915, No. 187:256); the girl smears the face of an unknown lover with genipa juice; in the morning she recognizes her brother, who goes to heaven out of shame, becomes a Month, spots are still visible; when you see the moon (in any phase), a woman is bound to menstruate], 19 [brother turns into an opossum, then into a Month]: 63, 64, 65; Caribbean Dominica; arecuna; lokono; waiwai [The month of Nuña comes to his sister at night; at this time, his spirit plays the flute outside the house to make the girl think that her lover can't be her brother; sister smears his face with a genipa; in the morning he cannot wash himself, covers his face with his hands; his sister scolds him; he makes a chain of arrows, he understands the sky, the spots remain; var.: sister became a star (without details)]: Fock 1963:54-55; hishkaryana [A month comes to his sister at night, she smears her lover with a genip, he makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven; from there he said, Who dies will come back in for a short time; people didn't hear, crickets heard]: Derbyshire 1965:26-27; trio; oyana; emerillon; kashuyana (arikena); oyampy.

Western Amazon. Siona; napo, kiho; canelo; aguaruna; saparo; Opossum touches the Month with his hand, burns his hand; since then, the moon's disc has been stained. Huambis (?) [Kumpara's wife, Chingaso, gave birth to a son, Etsa (the sun); K. took a piece of clay in his mouth, spit it out, turned Nantu (moon) into a daughter; she did not have to be his blood sister to marry E.; E. painted his face to be more attractive; N. ran to heaven, painted her body black (night), her face with spots (spots on the moon's disk); Auhu (Nightjar) fell in love with N., climbed the vine into the sky, N. cut it off; E. tied it to his hands and at the feet of parrots, they took him to heaven, began to fight with N.; their struggle causes solar and lunar eclipses; N. took clay (dirt), blew, made Nuhi's son; A. was jealous, smashed him, he became earth; N. adopted E., a son Uñushi (sloth, first hivaro) was born; the moon is growing - pregnant, decreasing - giving birth when she is not in heaven - copulates with the Sun; the second son is Apopa (manatee, helps people); the third is Huangañi (bakers); the fourth is a daughter, cassava; Ch. gave two eggs, one broke (the heron tried to carry it away), the second was born Mika (a chichi vessel); Unyushi and Mika were the first married couple]: Stirling 1938:124-126; shuar {it is not clear who Kujancham is - fox (as in Shuar sources) or opossum (see Aguaruna)}: Barrueco 1988 [Kuhancham (Fox) wants to know from what the moon is made; climbs the vine into the sky, touches the moon, burns his hands]: 25; Pelizzaro [after his wife Auhu gives him unripe pumpkins, the Month rises to heaven; A. takes lovers Opossum; sends him along a vine to heaven to tell the Month to go hunting with his son (they will also make love at that time); Fox burns his hands about the Month] 1961, No. 15:10; 1993:74; Rueda 1987, No. 7 [The sun gives the Fox (Kujáncham) wings, waxes, tells him not to fly in the sun; K. hurries to his mistress, takes off, the wax melts, he falls; var.: K. also wants to play with the month like a ball, burns her hands on him; the Sun curses K., does not give him wings], 20 [K.'s bride says that the Month is beautiful; K. brags that she will defeat him; climbs up the vine to him, burns her hands]: 62-63, 110; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2) [The mistress of the Month is Opossum's daughter; when he comes to see her at night, she accidentally touches his face, before staining her hand with the black paint she painted hair; out of shame The month rises to heaven, the heel still remains on it]: 129; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (1) [The month was hot as the Sun, falling from the sky; Kuhancham (Opossum, zarigüeya, Dydelphis virginiana) grabs him to show his children; his hand gets hot, he can dry clothes with it; he tries his trap by putting his penis in it; released, but his hand cools down]: 206-209 (quail at Ballón Aguirre 1994:38-40); Waorani: Matusovsky 2012 [two brothers had black vegetable paint to paint their faces and bodies, painted it; one said that The next night he will go to heaven; because his face was painted, people have since said when they see spots on the moon - this is the brother who took to heaven with black spots on his face; we don't see the moon and his face]: 237; Rival 1996 [apparently the myth of the Month that came secretly to his sister; without details.]: 263.

NW Amazon. Desana; barasana; makuna; letuama; bara; kabiyari; tatuyo; ufaina; andoke; uitoto; okaina; bora ; yagua; chikuna; yukuna [He′chu - Sun, first man. The mountain near the village of La Pedrera is called Cerro Capati, and Ha′chu built the first maloka at its foot. Kári is Luna, son of He′chu. Mananinhaua is Kári's brother. Kári created the world so that the rivers in the Amazon are so winding and full of fish. Mananinhaua took black paint and smeared it on Kári's face, so you can see spots on the moon]: Matusovsky, personal report 09.05.2016.

Central Amazon. Rio Jamunda.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking; urubu: Huxley 1956 [after the holiday, the girl spends the night with a man (different options: knowing or not knowing that he is her brother); paints his face with paint; in the morning he runs away into the forest; firing arrows into the sky, makes a chain, rises to heaven, turns into a month; his sister follows him, turns into an Evening Star]: 165-167; Ribeiro 2002:487-488 [the young man came to his sister and to niece; found a dark spot on his face {apparently, the girls anointed him with paint}; lay in a hammock all day; his father told him to stand up, saw a stain, told him to show up forever only at night; he became a month; his sister can be seen next to him - a star near the moon; his mother is a big star in the sky {Venus?}] , 498 [if a man sleeps with his sister, his face is stained like the face of the Month, and the Month drags both lovers to it].

Central Andes. Incas: Garcilaso 1974, Vol.III, ch. 23 [spots on the moon appeared when she held her fox lover close to her]: 123; Sarmiento de Gamboa 1947 (1572) [The moon was brighter than the Sun, who threw a handful ash in her face]: 105-106; Quechua (Cuzco region) [the black constellation Fox (one of the spots on the Milky Way) is associated with the moon and the sun]: Urton 1981:70]; aymara [spots on the moon - Fox kiss marks]: Arnold 1988:9 in Benson 1995:9.

Montagna. Ashaninka (Pajonal district campa) [there were no cultivated plants, people ate the land; the father left his daughter in the cave for the first period; Manchákori (Month) came in the dark; at this time the girl chewed plants to regulate menstruation, spat at the person who came, there were spots on the face of the Month; Oh. gave forest fruits; when the girl's parents return, let them take them in order; but they mixed them, now everything is mixed up in the forest; when the Month appeared, people ran and turned into earthworms; others in animals (in particular marten); the girl's mother, father, and younger brother remained; when the girl began to give birth, A month told her to grab a tree that was blooming in early summer; she grabbed not but burned down, giving birth to a hot Sun; the Sun had a tail, the Month cut it off, made it out of pieces of people; from the smallest, Ashaninka; Maonte told the girl's father to carry the Sun; if he burned, throw it on the ground; he threw it into the water, so mists appeared; Maonte became a bird with a black back; the Month itself also rose to heaven ]: Varese 1970:167-169; (cf. Ashaninka {it is unclear whether the figure of a swallowed person is visible on the moon or just a stain} [the girl became pregnant from a white bird; her father knew it was Aroshi; A. began to carry the girl the meat of the animals caught; little A. (pequeño Arpshi, PA); A. sent him to the ant; he laughed: his arrow (jaws) was so small that it could not kill anyone; the ant shot the PA; A. had a stone hanging around his neck with which he revived the dead, and he revived PA; he met someone else's wife, his husband killed him, A. revived him again; PA saw a boulder and mocked him: he couldn't move; the boulder rolled and crushed him; A. him again revived, and made a fire around the boulder and it split; the wind brought down the trees to make a chakra; when PA came, told him to leave quickly, or the tree would fall on him; he did not pay attention and fell the tree killed him; his mother found the body, brought him home, A. revived him again; now the PA has drowned; this time, the reviving stone A. has broken and PA's mother went to month (this grandfather A,) to get some of it, using it to revive it; but the month only laughed at her; A. went, but swallowed it for a month, so there are spots on the moon]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 1:117-118); machigenga: Baer 1984, No. 1 [people eat earth; the daughter has her first period; the mother leaves her in the hut, tells her not to go out, goes to bring edible land, calling her cassava; at this time the Month comes to the girl, gives a real cassava; is accepted into the family, cultivates the garden, cassava, as well as corn, bananas, Sachpapa, Dale-Dale; the wife of the Month gives birth to a Sun Son; when pregnant again, she dies during childbirth; mother-in-law furiously throws blood into her son-in-law's face, with then the month is stained; The month promises that the deceased will be reborn, but she does not believe, tells him to eat her daughter, since he killed her; he cuts the tapir (= wife or her soul); takes his son to heaven, he becomes By the Sun (which son is not entirely clear); first the Sun is motionless, rivers dry up, children die; shamans ask him to move, day and night begin to alternate]: 423-424; García 1942 [first machigenga eat pottery clay, have no teeth; a girl sits in a menstrual hut, Month (Kashiri) brings her cooked cassava, teaches her to chew; parents are happy with her son-in-law; The month does not give cassava to another a girl who also has a period; she throws blood in his face, the spots are still visible; A month leads his wife to swim in the river, she is touched by a fish, she becomes pregnant, gives birth to four sons successively; this Pari áchiri (Sun), Sar ípoto (Venus), Kientiámpa (lower world sun, shining weakly), Kori énti (Ki énti, T ábanti) - the sun of the uppermost world, illuminating and warming celestials; by the birth of every Month, it plants pumpkins; in the last pregnancy they dry up; the baby is hot, the wife dies from burns; the mother-in-law in the hearts tells the Month to eat the corpse; he reluctantly agrees; together with his sons goes to the appropriate tiers of the world; makes the top on the river to catch the dead; the Toad gives a signal every time how a new corpse hits the top; Corn, cassava and other cultivated plants are daughters of the Month; if people offend them, the Month will take them to heaven, they will have to eat clay again]: 230-233; Pereira 1988a [ the wife of the Month throws the fetus of the genipa in his face]: 23; pyro [stories related to the Month: 1) while in ritual isolation, the girl paints the face of an unknown lover; he turns out to be her brother; he turns into a Month, spots on his face; 2) He molested a girl for a month, she painted his face (without an incest motive); 3) the girl wants to go out in a Month, but he refuses because she had too much lovers, one of them is the brother of the Month; 4) The month comes as a guest to initiate the girls, offers beer to the audience]: Minna Opas, personal message, January 13, 2009; chayahuita; kanamari; conibo; shipibo; kuniba; kashinaua; sharanaua; yaminaua; kanamari; characterbet.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (kaviña): Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 37 [Moon is a young woman, people threw a ripe fruit in her face, stains remain]: 81; Nordenskiöld 1924 [Married to Venus for a month; one day he comes a relative {Schwagerin}, calls to her place to drink chicha; He gets drunk for a month, falls asleep, Schwagerin smears his face with genipa juice; in the morning he cannot wash off the stains, they are still visible]: 297; guaraya; guarazu; tupari; chimane [1) luna-Kiri is sister, Evening Star is brother; K. comes to her brother's field to steal cotton; he waited for her, threw a fruit in her face (probably genipu); Luna hides in the house, does not want to go out, says her teeth hurt; since then, people have toothache; 2) Dohitt comes to a party where she finds the moon with other people; one person quit there is a fruit in the face of the moon; further as in (1); 3) The moon shone brightly like the Sun; once called people to drink chicha; one person threw a fruit in her face; she hid in the house, could not wash herself; since then it has been shining dimly, and women bleed monthly]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 3:62-63; eseeha [moon {sex not specified} shone as bright as the sun; people threw a genipa fetus in her face; now the moon has darkened and stains]: Hissink, Hahn 1988:179; synta larga; surui.

Southern Amazon. Nambikvar; Rikbakza; Iranshe; paresi; kayabi: Pereira 1995, No. 16 (1) [there was no sky, the sun was too close to the ground; Janerup weaves a fine sieve, asks strengthen the youngest son at the level of the trees; he rises much higher; J. tells him to stay there; the son turns into a Month; note 216: stains on him are a sieve; rain falls through a sieve], 16 (2 ) [She quarrels for a month with a woman who makes a pot, says she will not succeed; she throws clay in his face, stains remain]: 73-74, 75.

Araguaia. Tapirape [Luna Tamparawa, sister of the sun Ancerika, married the ancestor of Tapirape Anchopery, who divided birds into fratria and age groups (a prototype of human divisions); people learned from him that the Sun is bald, wears a crown of mako feathers (see motif A27); The Sun hit the moon in the face for adultery; the hand was covered in the juice of the genipa, there was a mark on the Moon's face; var.: The sun and the moon committed incest, A. married their daughter, not the Moon itself; because of their incest, the Sun and Moon stay apart; when the Sun is in the sky, the Moon is underground, and when the Sun comes to its home in Maratava (on East), Moon in the Sky]: Wagley 1977:179.

Eastern Brazil. The sun throws hot food during the Month, burning its stomach or face: spots on the lunar disk are still visible. Ramkokamekra [(=Nimuendaju 1946:243-245); The Sun (Pud) and the Month (Puduvri) did not know about each other; the Month saw traces, reached the hut, the Sun in it; offered to live together; while the Month slept, the Sun came to Woodpecker, who finished making a shining red headdress out of feathers; the woodpecker agreed to give it, warned him not to drop it to the ground; the Sun caught him, threw it from hand to hand until the hat was cooled down, put it on; The month asked himself one, wanted to catch the hat himself when the Woodpecker threw it off, did not allow him to catch the Sun, because he was afraid that he would take it again for himself; dropped it, the ground caught fire; The sun hid in the wasp nest, which is burning, the Month is in the one that burns; rushed into the battleship's hole, where the smoke finally reached the other side of the river, where the fire did not reach; the Sun found those killed in the fire the capybaras, male and female, invited the Month to choose; he chose the female, she looked fatter, but the Sun spit on her in advance, the meat was lean, and the male meat chosen by the Sun was fatty; the Month suggested change, the Sun spat again, got a fat female; The Sun fried the liver, threw it on the stomach of the Month, burned it, told him to jump into the water, not to touch the turtle at the bottom; The month touched, the stream took him away, he clung to the branches of the inga tree (mimosa family); burn spots on the stomach of the Month are still visible; The sun left the ax to cut, left; The month heard a sound, called out, the ax stopped cutting; since then the axes do not work by themselves; the Sun killed the Month, covered it with branches; it was reborn, the Sun told him not to peek anymore; buriti palm trees (Maurutua flexuosa) were low, the Sun ate fruits, his bowel movements turned red; the Month relieved himself; his bowel movements were black; she covered them with red ones; the Sun was angry, but said where and what he ate; when the Month began to eat fruit, the Sun spat, so that they would remain immature on one side; the Month offered to exchange palm trees, the Sun spat - the Month's fruits were again unripe; he threw one into the palm tree, they stretched to their current height; the Sun dived, popped up with a handsome young man; the Month with the ugly; the same is the girls; they have dived many times; so now there are people who are beautiful and defective; the Sun and the Month have parted, the Sun took a day, despite protests of the Month]: Wilbert 1978, No. 7:58-61; kayapo [The sun is ferocious, the Month is timid; complains that the Sun has taken all the fat; The sun throws hot food into the belly of the Month, spots are still visible; Month runs away to the sky, the Sun cannot catch up with him, and then begins to chase the inhabitants of the earth, especially in the east; because of the heat of the sun, their hair has become the color of fire; in revenge they shoot arrows at him, these are rays on sunrise and sunset]: Wilbert 1978, No. 10:66; Apinaye [Mehapame (sun) woodpecker feather headdress Campephilus rubicollis; Bruburé (month) wanted the same; M. took him to the grove, where woodpeckers; the fourth woodpecker agreed to drop his feathers; B. definitely wanted to catch them himself; fiery feathers, B. bounced, feathers fell to the ground, the ground caught fire; M. hid in a wasp nest that does not burn, and B. in fuel; managed to jump out, run to M.; after the fire, many dead animals; B. began to beg for meat from M., he threw a hot piece into his stomach, a piece stuck, B. tore it off, rushed to the river; M. did so that the water was gone, B. put wet sand on his stomach; the turtle bit him in the burned place; B. asked M. for mercy; water appeared, but the scars on the moon are still visible]: Wilbert 1978, No. 8:63-65; Kreñer [The month asks the Sun for the capybara's liver; he gives a whole capybara, the Month complains that she is skinny; the Sun throws a piece of hot meat in the face of the Month, pushes it into the river]: Wilbert 1978, No. 11:67; sherente [Vaptokva (sun) and Vairie (month) collected nandu eggs; Vap. baked one in ash and opened it; Vair. asks how he broke the shell; on his stomach; he broke hot eggs on your stomach, burned; since then, the belly of the Month is stained]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 6:35.

Southern Brazil. Caigua; apapokuwa; mbia; ofaye [The sun keeps wild pigs in the pen; his brother Months, in his absence, asks his wife to allow him to shoot a pig; pigs they scatter; The sun splashes boiling water into the face of the Month, the spots are still visible]: Nimuendaju 1914:377.

Chaco. Chamacoco: Baldus 1931a [spots on the lunar disk - an embryo in the womb]: 83; Cordeu 1984, No. 2 [The sun simulated Nandu's defecation, made its way into the pack, hunted; The month was unsuccessful, Nandu was killed; The sun turned into a duck, trapped the other ducks; the Month failed, the ducks killed it; (are the traces on the body of the Month still visible?)] : 236; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 9-20; 42-78; matako [(Metraux 1939:14-15); The sun takes the form of a duck, sneaks up on ducks unnoticed, dives, catches them with nets; distributes meat, gives the month old duck; he decides to repeat the trick; ducks are on the alert, tell them to show them his bowel movements; recognize the Month by its disgusting smell, pull out his guts; now spots are visible on the moon's disk]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 11:52; mocovi [The month is male; the dark spots on it are the guts torn out by sky dogs attacking him during the eclipse]: Guevara in Rivera de Bianchi 1973:697.

The Southern Cone. Puelche [The Sun and the Moon are brothers; two vultures stole their son from the Sun; the Sun took the form of a dead guanaco; when the birds arrived, it grabbed one; the Month became dead Nanda, moved earlier time, the birds flew away; the Sun took the son's bones out of the belly of the first bird, but two were in the stomach of the one that flew away and the son could not be resurrected; before rising to heaven, the Sun told the Month to scream; then from Battleships will come out, they can be hunted; the Month has shouted twice, there are too many battleships, they have scratched the Month's face; the spots are still visible]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1919:183-184; northern Tehuelche [The Sun and the Moon (the informant replied that they are not spouses) began to fight for the right to become the sun and shine during the day; the Sun said that the Moon is a woman, should shine at night; they fought for three days, the Sun She was upstairs every time; Luna said that now he had scratched her face, she was unhappy, she would have to be the Moon since she was a woman]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 4:18; alakaluf [during the ceremony Yinchiahua men frighten women in the name of this spirit; once this holiday was celebrated by women and led by the Moon, the wife of the Sun; women treated men badly, forced them to work all the time; under By leading the Sun, men overthrew women's power; women became animals of various species; the Moon ran to heaven, her husband followed her]: Gusinde 1923-1924:287-288; 1984:487; Selknam [cf. F38 motif; women under the direction of the Moon performed secret rituals; men overthrow female domination; Moon's husband The Sun burns her face]: Chapman 1972:148-152; Gusinde 1931:600-601; Lothrop 1928:104 [( by Dabbene: 77) On his way back from hunting, Sun Kr'en overheard his wife Kerren tell another woman that she had found out the secret of klókten rituals; he hit Kerren in the face, the trail is still visible; The moon ran and jumped into the sky from a cliff hanging over the sea; Roll followed her, but could not catch up with her], 105 [according to Cojazzi) The sun and moon were husband and wife; quarreled; husband pinched and burned the face of the moon, since then it has been stained; it haunts it across the sky, but cannot catch it, because as the Sun approaches, the Moon becomes smaller and finally becomes invisible; the Sun passes by, and when at a safe distance, the Moon mocks him again]; Wilbert 1975a, No. 57:147-161; Yagans [Hanukha is the Moon; her three sons have died, turned into stars; var.: cf. Wilbert 1978, No. 5]: Gusinde 1937:1152-1156; Wilbert 1978, No. 5 [Hanukha is the Moon; her only handsome son died, became a star; she scratched her face, blood stains on the moon disk]: 25.