Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A35A. Dirt thrown into the face .

Moon spots are dirt (manure, clay, ash, dough, dirty cloth) thrown into the face of the Moon/Month as a result of a family or love conflict - often by a sibling or mother.

Berbers of Morocco (Nador), Portuguese, Catalans, Sicilians, Italians (Tuscany), Garo, Nokte, Khasi, (ao), Buna, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Greeks, Kumyks, Lucks, Dargins, Avars, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Rutulans, Abkhazians, Abazins, Svans, Megrels, Georgians (Kakheti, Shida Kartli), Armenians, Isors, Talysh, Azerbaijanis, Turks.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Nador) [Qamar (The Month) was in love with the Sun (Chams), but she did not want him because he was running too much after the stars; threw ash in his face; the spots remained; the Month can't catch up Sun, they only occur during eclipses]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 4:9.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese: Carreia 2018, No. 3 [=Leite de Vasconcellos 1882a: 273; the sun and the moon began to argue about which one was more beautiful; when the sun saw that the moon was more beautiful, the sun threw mud on her face and the moon became throw needles and pins into the sun; therefore, there are spots on the moon, and the sun stabs its eyes], 4 [The sun wanted to marry the moon, but she did not want it; then he threw ash in her face, and she threw needles at him in response; during eclipses, the Sun and the Moon continue to fight]; Catalans [Sun and Moon - Husband and Wife; Var.: When the stars found out that the Sun had chosen the Moon as his wife, everyone gathered to see the beauty; she out of vanity, she raised her cloud cover to reveal her beauty to others; the jealous Sun said she would not marry then, threw ash in the moon's face, and its light and beauty faded]: Amades 1930: 244-245; Sicilians [The moon was a girl, dressed up while her mother was working in the heat, she hit her in the face with a broom, the spots remained]: Kabakova 2006, no. 2A: 5; Italians (Tuscany) [Moon was the sister of the Sun, he seduced her; when they found out, their baker mother hit them in the face with a broom, told them to stay alone; out of shame, the Moon shows her face only once a month; Hating a brother causes an eclipse when he meets him]: Kabakova 2006, No. 2B: 6.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo: Playfair 1909 [The Sun (Rengra-Balsa) is brother, the Moon (Biré-Jitjé) was a sister, brighter and more beautiful; they quarreled, the Sun threw clay in the face of the moon; the Moon complained to her mother; she I was angry with my daughter for not washing her face first, telling her to stay like that]: 85; Rongmuthu 1960 [goddess Noreknak Norekdim gave birth to various gods and various living beings except humans; among They are son Salgra (sun) and daughter Misi Susime (moon); when they were children, they quarreled about their future marriage partners and sprayed duct wax on each other; Salgra washed himself right away and MS decided to wait for her mother to show how her brother treated her; her mother came and told her to go wash immediately; but the wax could not be washed off, it remained (on the face of the moon); NN gave birth to various animals, then plants; MC invited her to also give birth to fire; NN went to the goddess of death and stepped on something prepared for the funeral fire; then conceived fire; gave birth to him, died; MC became angry and threw fire far into the lower world; sent a servant to the seventh tier of the lower world to bring a mat; the deceased was placed on a mat for the first time; two roosters were tied to her toes; now it is the Dohsutot constellation; Feathers were also stuck at the head - now they are comets; two beauties came, MS turned them into Castor and Pollux; we must light a funeral fire; MS sent a crocodile for fire; swimming across the sea, a crocodile could not stand the heat and dived, the fire returned to the lower world; the crocodile stayed in the water, burns on his back remained; then the squirrel carried fire on its tail, lowered its tail into the water, the fire returned again, the squirrel's tail became red; MC sent her younger brother for fire; the fire still did not go, but explained how to get it by rubbing or carving it - then his servant would appear; the funeral fire was set on fire, now it is Pegasus constellation; Cassiopeia is the body carried to the fire; the sacrificial bull was led; he was afraid of the noise and ran away; his hooves were the Milky Way; the raven cleaned the dishes at the end of the ceremonies, got dirty and became black; everyone who now has black faces was then smeared with soot; the bat penetrated the Sun's wife, the Moon, and smeared her too; the Sun chased him until he disappeared into the cave where he now lives descendants; The Sun made animals, birds, insects, reptiles speechless so that they would not complain or beg not to kill them]: 205-212; nokte [a woman falls from the sky to a tiny earth surrounded by water; water retreats, exposing the earth; a man descends from the sky, marries a woman, they have many children; the supreme god Rango-Kotakrang puts a sun man and a moon woman in the sky; they have many children, but the Sun The heat destroyed them and his wife's crops; she threw buffalo droppings at him; the Sun said that for several days a year they would change their sex (so the moon is sometimes big, sometimes small); next time The sun threw buffalo droppings into the moon, the spots remained]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:51-52 (=Pandey 1999:20-21); khasi: Gurdon 1914 [the woman has three daughters Sun (Ka Sngi), Fire (Ka Ding) {the third is not named} and youngest son Month (U Bynai); The month was as bright as the Sun; tried to get along with her; she threw ash in his face in anger; the month was ashamed and faded, spots on the moon are still visible]: 172-173 in Kü hn 1936:87, in Elwin 1949:55-56; Hutton 1925 [every month A month falls in love with her mother-in-law, she throws ash in his face]: 118; Latham 1859a (1) [A month fell in love with my mother-in-law, she threw ash in his face to drive him away ]: 119; Rafy 1920, No. 17 [Fire, Water, Sun are the elder sisters of the Month; The month was as bright as the Sun; wanders, indulges in vice, demanded his mother's Sun sister as his wife; the Sun threw it in his face hot ash; the moon has become pale, stained, does not show during the day]: 89-91; (cf. ao [1) the sky was close to the ground; one night Noktangsang climbed onto the terrace behind the house, holding his little son in his arms; he reached for the moon to play with her; N. tried with a bamboo pole pull the moon closer, but it kept moving away; then N. threw buffalo droppings at it; 2) the moon was hotter than the sun, Noktangsang's mother died of the heat, he threw buffalo droppings at the moon, it faded and cooled down]: Mills 1926:301).

South Asia. Buna [The Moon Sister was brighter than the Sun Brother; they quarreled, the Sun threw mud into the moon's face; the spots remained, the moonlight faded]: Basu 1939:87 in Elwin 1949:55.

(Wed. Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [the children of the Sun and Moon are Stars; when the Sun tried to hug them, they burned; the Moon prohibited the Sun from approaching them; the Moon went to wash, the Sun approached the children again, killing many; The moon hit the Sun with a banana stalk, and the Sun threw sand in her face; the spots remained; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, sometimes almost catching up]: Cole 1916:201 (=Eugenio 1994, No. 61:124; Negrito Lusona [The moon asked her husband The sun not to approach their children, because he was too hot; but he was approaching, the children were burning; the moon ran away from the Sun, he was pursuing her unsuccessfully; her face was scarred by hot smut he hit her with]: Garvan 1963:207).

The Balkans. Macedonians: Belova 2004a [mother of the Sun and Moon threw cow manure at her daughter Moon to separate them]: 126; Tsepenkov 1972 (7), No. 531) in Civyan 1988 [The Sun and the Month shone the same, one afternoon, another night; The Month boasted, the Sun angered, it threw cow droppings at it (a wolf cake); The month became dark and scary, hiding from the Sun]: 235-236 (note 30); Tsenev 2004 (Pirava) [The sun argues with Sister Moon who shines brighter and hotter; threw a cake in her face with a cowhide, the moonlight faded]: 37; Bulgarians: Belova 2004a [1) the moonlight became weaker when the sun hit her, threw manure or mud at her; 2) The sun stained the moon with manure when they quarreled and upset their wedding; 3) the mother of the Sun and Moon threw cow's daughter at her Moon daughter to separate them with manure]: 126; Bulgarians [The sun quarreled with Brother Month-old, stained him with mud or cow manure]: Stoynev 2006:194; Krappe 1938 [The moon boasted that it shines brighter than the Sun; he smeared her face cow manure]: 128-129; Serbs [the sky was low; moved away after the girl threw mud into the Month]: Janković 1951:23, 109; Greeks: Czecha 2009:183 [1) The Sun and the Moon argued , which of them is more beautiful; The Sun got angry, grabbed a handful of dirt, threw it in the face of the moon, and remained in the face (Aegion); 2) The Sun and the Moon quarreled over which one was more beautiful; the Sun was angry, grabbed cow cake, threw in the face of the moon, since then the moon has been staining and shining (dosl. "looks") she dimly (Epirus, Zagorion)], 183-184 [the sun and moon were brother and sister, walking together on the same road; the sun became angry and knocked out the eyes of the unfortunate moon (and today the moon is one-eyed); the moon ran crying to her mother; her mother is sitting at the end of the world, where the sun goes down; the mother tells her daughter not to go the same way with her brother; therefore, the sun and moon never go out together (Macedonia, Laccovikia)], 184 [1) a month quarreled with the sun, like drunks quarrel with each other; the sun, throwing dirt in his face for a month, knocked out his eye; now in the middle of the month there is dirt (Naxos); 2) people worked at night and that's why the sun was jealous of the month; it hit him with cow dung cake, stained his face for a month, and became the lord of human life (Epirus)].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kumyks [A month was in love with the Sun, found her at work, she smeared gray clay on the ground floor; he joked with her, she threw a piece of sheepskin at him, she used to smear the floor, ran away; she became The sun, the young man became the Month, still can't catch up with her]: Abakarova 1984:123 (=Hajiyeva 196:329; Khalidova 2012, No. 175:207); varnishes, Lezgins, Dargins, Avars [in mythology of the Laks (Barz), Lezgins (Varz), Dargins (Budz), Avars (Mots) The moon looks like a beautiful girl; she was in love with the Sun (Laks - Barg, Avars - Buck, Lezgins - Rag, Dargins - Berkhi); became boast that it is more beautiful than the Sun, that people look at it more; the Sun threw clods of dirt at it, the spots remain; after repenting, he tries in vain to catch up with the Moon]: Khalilov 1980:163; Lucky [Moon Girl The Sun Young Man was jealous of people, said that he dazzled them, and she was beautiful and everyone was looking at her; the Sun was offended, threw dirt into the moon; the spots remained and since then the Moon has been running away from the Sun]: Khalidova 2012, No. 14:41; Tabasarans [1) For a month boasted that the Sun was more beautiful than the Sun, she hit him with a piece of sheepskin; 2) when whitewashing the walls, the Sun asked for water, the Month did not give, the Sun hit him in the face with a piece of sheepskin]: Seferbekov 2000:7; Lezgins: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991 [=Khalidova 2012, No. 15:42; A month was in love with the Sun, she didn't like it, she threw a handful of earth at him, stains remained]: 371; Ganiyeva 2004 [ as in Gamzatov, Dalgat]: 175; Seferbekov 2000 [Month - brother, Sun - sister; spots on the moon are a slap in the face received from his sister]: 7; Khalidova 2012, No. 174 [The sun is the elder sister of Brother Month; they argued who shine at night; The sun was kneading the dough, hit his brother with her hand, the dough stains remained on the face of the Month; he left home; the sister is now looking for him, everything is illuminating; brother and sister do not meet]: 206-207; Rutultsy [my sister, offended by her brother's harassment, hit him with a ladle, ran away, turning into the Sun; my brother, turning into a Month, has been trying to catch up with her; since then, the Month has been stained]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:293 (Khalidova 2012, No. 52:71); Abkhazians: Janashia 1960 [a beautiful widow's son and daughter began to disappear all day; the mother watched and saw her children "having a good time in the forest under the oak tree "with the Month and the Sun, all kinds of food in front of them; threw fresh manure into the Month and the Sun; the flirtatious Sister Sun immediately washed herself, the awkward Brother Month remained dirty; both rose forever on sky, widow and children returned home]: 160; Lukyanov 1904, No. 9 [the widow's son never eats at home; once he went to look for cattle, his mother is watching them; the Sun and Moon brought him food; the mother got angry, threw it in they are a lump of dirt; the Sun hid in a jug, all the dirt has fallen into the moon; since then, there have been spots on it]: 31; Chursin 1956 [the shepherd threw cow droppings up, he fell on the moon (spots)]: 149; Abaza [sun and the moon is sister and brother, arguing about which of them is more beautiful; the sun threw a cow cake in my brother's face, now there are spots on the moon]: Kunizheva 2012:175; megrels [The sun and moon fell in love with the widow's son; mother followed him, found him sitting at a luxurious table with the Sun and Moon serving; the next time she milked the cows, threw cow droppings at the stars; the sun rushed into the windowsill, swam in milk, soared into the sky; the moon flew to swim in the sea, but by the time it reached it, the droppings dried up, the spots remained; in Mingrelian the sun is called bja (milk)]: Kobalia 1903, No. 2:90-91; swans [(zap. B. Nizharadze, 1889; =Virsaladze 1973, No. 4:48-49); before the Sun, there was another star on earth; God called him to heaven, the world remained in darkness; the Sun and the Month had one father, different mothers, the Month younger; God promised to make the person who gets up earlier into daylight; The month put thorns on the bed, but fell asleep by morning; the sun slept well, got up early; The month woke up by lunchtime, his mother slapped him in the face stains remained with a hand stained in the dough]: Chikovani 1985, No. 154:325; Georgians (Telavi County, Kakheti) [A month, when he returned home, asked his mother for bread; his mother kneaded the dough and hit the impatient son on the cheek with a hand stained in the test remained]: Stepanov 1893:141); Georgians (Shida-Kartli, p. Tortizi) [mother sun was baking bread; the moon daughter did not wait to be ready and asked for bread; the sun hit her face with her hand; her hand was in the dough, the spots on the moon are still visible]: Shatberov 1899, No. 8:253; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1982 [young man Lusin (month-old) asked his mother, who was holding dough, for a bun; an angry mother slapped L. in the face, which caused him to fly to heaven; his face shows test marks]: 81; Bagriy 1930 (3) [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife was kneading the dough, the husband flirted with her; the wife threw dough in her husband's face, ran away; The month began to chase the Sun and is still chasing; spots on the moon - dough]: 125; Ganalanyan 1979, No. 336a [I began to ask my mother for bread for a month; she just kneaded the dough, hit it, he flew to heaven with clods of dough on his face], 336b [=336a, but asked mother to breastfeed him], 337a [Brother and Sun Sister were arguing about who to go during the day and who at night; the mother hit her son with her hand in the test, kicked him out the door; he now walks at night], 337b [The Sun Sister was it's scary to walk at night, asked the mother to change them with her month-old brother; she hit her son with her hand, the mark remained]: 125, 126, 126, 126-127; Isora [Bela's wife gave birth to him a month-old son and a sun daughter; parents told the son to shine during the day and the daughter at night; the god of storms tried to steal the sun; the month beat off his sister; both came to their mother, who was kneading the dough; the mother asked her son to shine at night and give way the day fearful sister; he refused; then his mother hit him in the face with her hands smeared with the test, the stains remained; Bel persuaded his son to give his sister a day]: Eyvazov 1894, No. 1:63; Talyshi: Bayramalibekov 1893 [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife was baking cherks in the tandoor, the husband flirted with her; considering it indecent while cooking chureks, the Sun Wife threw a test in her husband's face and ran away; Month chases her; can't wash herself off; he used to be more beautiful than the Sun]: 203-204; Bagriy 1930 (3) [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife baked cheeks in the tandoor, the husband flirted with her; the wife threw dough in her husband's face ran away; The month began to haunt the Sun and is still chasing; The month can't wash off the dough; it used to be more beautiful than the Sun]: 10-11; Azerbaijanis (Shemakha) [mother of the moon {moon is man} kneaded the dough, that dabbled, interfered, mother threw a piece of dough into the moon's face, since then the moon has not been able to wash it off]: Efendiev 1893:206; Turks [1) The sun was a beautiful girl; she was tired of everyone looking at her , she began to dazzle her eyes; 2) his mother, afraid that her beautiful son would be jinxed, splashed a dirty cloth in his face with which she wiped the dishes after eating; since then, stains have been stains for a month]: Gordlevsky 1968:72.