Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A36. The moon and immortality.


The moon (month) is opposed to humans as immortal to mortals; it decides whether people should be mortal; those who live on the moon are immortal. (Cf. Latvians, Dolgans).

Bushmen, Hottentots, Kongo, Vili, Upoto, Luba, Bemba, Kaonde, Yaka, Soko, Nyoro, Chokwe, Ambo, Kuta, Chagga, Mandingo, Von, Eve, Hausa, Tangale, Bulsa, Diola (?) , bongo, zande, gbaya, mbai, joluo, masai, arusha, nandi, sanye, uduk, malgashi, jinang (center. Arnhem land), Tewi, Millingimbi (Arnhem Land), Watjobaluk (Victoria), Vooragerie (NSW), Kulin, Yarra (near Vurageri), Nungaburra (=ualarai, NSW), Bibbulmum (Perth District); another unidentified group), Arunta, Wilman (Perth District), Murngin (SV Arnhem Land), Yirkalla (SW York Peninsula), Maung (North. Arnhem Land), Vonguri and Volcano (Arnhem Land), Fiji, Society Islands, Maori, Mortlock, Woleai, Niue, Ifaluk, Lamotrek, Merir (SW Carolina), Khrusso, Kachin, Burmese, Karen, Thais, Tyam, Khmu, Temuan (mantra), Kenya, South Palawan, Toraja, Timor, Tboli, Ancient China, Chinese (Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan), Lisu, Lahu, Ancient Japan, Miyako Islands, Okinawa Islands, (Latvians, Dolgans), Quarry, Nisenan, Yanomami, Hishkaryana, ashaninka, iranshe, ramkokamekra, kayapo (shikrin), ayoreo, chamacoko.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 12 [The hare scorched her caros, threw it in the face of the Moon; Moon: people should not die, Hare: must; the moon broke the Hare's mouth with an ax], 13 [~12; Hare cursed the Moon , said she must die], 14 [~12; Carossa left dark spots on the moon; Hare: a polygamum man must be killed; Moon: this man should not die, let every woman have children], 15 [Moon: Let the dead come back to life soon; Hare: the dead smells bad, let him not rise again; Moon: and you? Hare: me too; The moon hit the Hare's upper lip with a sandal; it became the moon, the Hare became a hare], 16 [Moon: let people like me die and be reborn; Hare: the dead smells bad, let him die forever; Moon split the Hare's lip with an ax, the Hare scratched her face, traces remained], 17 [~16], 18 [The month-old man died; the women persuaded the Hare to pick unripe white berries; when she saw what she had collected, the Hare went collect again, the women left their urine responsible for themselves, left; the hare saw the grave from which the Month was getting out; he dragged Hare to him, ordered him to go to people to tell them that the dead should reborn; Hare tells people that they will die forever, decompose and smell bad; during this Month he cut her lip with an ax; the Hare took off her caros, got dirty in soot, covered the face of the Month, the spots remained], 19 [the Hare's mother died; the Moon said she would be reborn; the Hare did not agree, the Moon cut his lip with her fist, curses him, telling him to be a hare], 20 [(Dornan 1925:172); the Moon tells the Turtle tell people that they should be resurrected after death; the turtle moved slowly, forgot the words of the Moon, came back to ask again; the Moon got angry, sent the Hare; he began to eat grass, forgot too the words of the Moon, told people to die forever; at this time the Turtle came up with the true news; people broke the Hare's lip with a stone; sent messengers to the moon to ask again, but the decision remained the same], 106 (kung ) [The month insists that people be reborn, the Hare to die for good, because the dead smell bad; Tsue beats the Hare, the Hare's wife beats Tsue, the Moon beats Tsue, he revives every time; the wife of the Month beats Tsue him, he is reborn first as a young child, then becomes an adult Month again]: 32, 32, 33, 33, 33-34, 34-35, 35-39, 39-40, 41, 220-227; Abrahamsson 1951 [(many versions)]: 30-32; Scheub 2000 (Botswana) [The moon sent an insect to tell people that they should be reborn like her; the hare invited the messenger to run instead of him, it will be faster, said that they should die forever; the moon cut Hare's nose]: 107; Bushmen (san, or rather Xam): Bleek, Lloyd 1911 [The hare began to cry because his mother died; The month told me not to cry, for the mother would come to life as he came to life; The hare insisted on his own; Month He hit him, tearing his lip, turning him into a hare; the hare still has some flesh since he was human, this piece cannot be eaten; it is a certain muscle on his thigh; the Month punished the hare, let him no longer sleep in the bushes, but in the open; he has a lot of parasites in the fur on his head]: 56-65; Lewis-Williams 2000, No. 47 [A month sent a hare to tell people to be reborn when they die like him; The hare specifically said that people should not be born; The month heated the stone and burned the hare's mouth, the scar remains; therefore, our bodies remain in the ground, and our thoughts leave us]: 253; Bushmen! ko (western Botswana) [A thousand legs told the moon that people should die for good; Moon agreed]: Heinz 1975:32; the Bushmen [the hare is lying dead, the moon punches the hare in the face, saying he cries loudly because she will not come to life like the Moon comes to life; hares have had their lips cut since then; there are many options; according to some, the Moon is angry with people if they laugh at her and hide or disappears for a while and then comes back again]: Dornan 1921:431; hottentots [(many versions from different groups); main ones: 1) The moon sends the Chameleon to say that as it revives, people will become to come to life after death; the Chameleon forgot what to say, came back; the Moon sent the Hare; he also forgot and said that people should die; the Moon cut the Hare's lip; 2) The moon sent an insect to say that humans must respawn like her; The hare intercepted the message, told people they should die like himself; The hare scratched the moon's face, traces remain; 3) Zoekoab sent the Hare to say that humans will become respawn like the Moon; The Hare tried to send the Tick with a distorted message; he refused, so he ran himself and said people should die for good]: Abrahamsson 1951:28-30; Maingard 1962 (nama, Koran subgroup, Kimberly) [Moon: let people die like me (i.e. when they die, they are reborn); Hare: let them die for good; the Moon broke the Hare's lip]: 47-48.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Upoto [god Libanza called lunar people and earthly people; the lunar ones immediately appeared, God said they would only disappear for two days to rest and then reappear; those who came later God told people on earth to die and be resurrected just to appear before him]: Lindeman 1906:23f in Baumann 1936:279, in Frazer 1926:149; Congo [Nzambi told the first couple that if theirs the child will die, we must leave the body under a pile of firewood; but when the father and mother smelled dead, they buried the deceased; N. said that now all people will die; look at the moon - I'm everyone I'm reviving it for a month!] : Knappert 1997:51; wili [The month was as bright as the Sun, people did not sleep or die; then something happened to the Month, people lost their immortality; the Sun threw ash into the Month, it faded]: Pechuel-Lö sche in Baumann 1936:296; yaka [Nzambi sent the Dog and the Goat to tell people that the old month will disappear forever and people will be reborn after death; the Goat along the way began to eat grass; The dog came first, said that people would die forever and the moon would be reborn; then the Goat came, said correctly, but was no longer believed]: Abrahamsson 1951:12; yaka (Cameroon, Baja- Kaka) [The Frog dragged the Month on its back, and the Toad dragged the man; when it reached Death Valley, the Frog jumped over it, and the Toad fell into it; so the moon is reborn and the person dies forever]: Tessmann 1937:8 ( narration in Abrahamsson 1951:8); soko [at first the earth is covered with water; the water has dried up, plants have appeared; there is only a Month in the sky, only a Toad on earth; the Month said it wants to create a man and a woman; The Toad replied that the Month belongs to heaven, so he must create people on earth, the Toad; the Month said that its people would be eternal, and the Toad's people would die and the Toad himself would also die; the people created by the Toad were only supposed to live for a month, but the Month gave them a longer life and more intelligence; the Month swallowed the Toad, made the Bateta man and the woman Hanna like a potter sculpting a vessel; gave them an ax, fire, pottery, himself returned to heaven]: Scheub 2000:24-25; nyoro [people did not die, did not sacrifice to God ("great Magician"), he brought down the sky on them; to repopulate the earth, he sent a man there from heaven and a woman; they had tails; they gave birth to a son and two daughters; one daughter gave birth to a disgusting chameleon, the other a Giant of the Month; God took him to heaven, but as a memory of his earthly origin, he ordered die every month, but then revive; the Sun did not like the rival, it burned it, burn marks are visible; chameleons left offspring on earth]: Emin Pasha in Central Africa 1888:92f in Frazer 1926: 235-236; luba [Mvidi Mukulu created a man with a woman, the sun, the moon; another invited him to check if the creations were obedient, try to give them forbidden bananas; the Sun and Moon slept, but those who came the dog guard drove them away; the dog guarding people was sleeping; people were given bananas, they ate; MM made them mortal, told them to work, and the Sun and Moon sent them to heaven; every month the Moon dies for three days, but then revives]: Abrahamsson 1951:39; lunda [Naambi slipped down the rainbow to the ground, created animals and plants, then man and woman, which gave birth to humans; N. told me not to sleep when a month rises; at this time people were awake; one grew old, began to see badly, the old man did not see the brilliance of the month in the clouds, fell asleep; since then people have been mortal]: Feldman 1963, No. 37 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1975, No. 16:60-61; chokwe [Kalunga shouted to people, Kalunga! ("life"), they did not answer; shouted, Muaffu -affa ("die"); they answered, Yes; he gave food to the dead, he did not eat; gave the living, they ate; said that people would die, and women give birth to new ones (p.105: Kalunga - "moon")]: Frobenius 1983:115 (retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:40); ambo [The Sun gave the Month to cook the liver in two cauldrons - for him and for humans; while the Month walked for firewood, the water in the cauldron where food for people was cooked boiled away, his liver burned down; the Sun said that now only the Month will revive, and people will die forever; as punishment, he burned his face and spots stayed]: Pettinen in Baumann 1936:296; Kuta: Andersson 1974 (Mbamba, Pangala District) [Nziame sent a Dog and a Goat to people; The Goat stopped to graze, the dog came running, said the man would die forever, and the moon will be reborn; then the Goat came, said the opposite, but it was too late; (versions of other kuta groups do not mention the moon)]: 61 (=Abrahamsson 1951:11-12); couple [God sent a Chameleon tell people that they will be reborn as the Month; after changing his mind, sent the Frog to say that people will die forever like a broken jug; when the Chameleon began to speak, the Frog ended his own message]: Abrahamsson 1951:20; bemba (or lala) [Nzambi told Chameleon to tell people that they would revive and that the Month would die for good; the Chameleon was walking slowly and the Dog heard came running, said the opposite; the Chameleon brought the right news, but it was too late]: Andersson in Abrahamsson 1951:12; kaonde [Nzambi went down to earth on the rainbow, created trees, animals, told multiply; told me not to sleep when the moon is in the sky; one day the moon is behind the clouds, a person has fallen asleep, since then people have been mortal; it is impossible to stay awake when the moon is in the sky]: Melland 1967:164-165; chagga: Abrahamsson 1951 [the child died, the mother asked another woman to take him to the bush, saying, Go and come back like the Moon; the other, out of jealousy for the first, said, Lost and don't come back, and let the Moon will return; since then, the moon has been reviving, people are dying]: 57; Millroth 1965 [a young man Morile rose to the moon, where local people sowed cereals, raised cattle but did not have fire; when they reached old age, they did not die but become children again; if they need anything, they ask Ruwa (the supreme god) to grant his wish; when they learn that M. rose to meet R., they directed him to the sun and the Sun sent him to R.; M. taught lunar people to use fire, brought wealth and cattle from them to earth]: 26-27.

West Africa. Von [Mavu put an empty calebass on the water; As the calebasa stays on the water, so will people live on earth forever; The spider threw a stone; As the stone goes to the bottom, so will people die forever; Spider's mother died, he asked M. to revive her and make people immortal; M. refused; if Spider hadn't made M. angry before, people would come to life after death as a month that dies every morning and returns in the evening]: Müller 1908:277 (quoted in Abrahamsson 1951:5; translated to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1986, No. 18:62); eve: Spieth, S. 52 in Briffault 1927 (2): 652 [The moon is covered scales like a snake, sheds it every month; you can find such scales]; Spieth 1906 [The moon dies and is reborn because it has done the work God has entrusted to it; man has refused to do it, so he dies forever]: 557; mandingo [there was no death or moon, a chain hung from the sky when people were tired of life, climbed beyond the clouds; blacksmith Fazogo Ba Si is unhappy that he had only daughters; heated a piece of iron climbed into heaven, followed by his two daughters; after that, people lost the chain, began to die; when the sickle of the month, the Blacksmith heated the iron; when full, the Blacksmith finished the work; two stars next to the month - the blacksmith's daughter]: Olderogg 1959:202-203; hausa [The month sent the Hare to say that a person should be like a Month dying in the morning and reviving again in the evening; The hare said that people should die forever; the Month wanted to hit him on the head with an ax, but only cut his upper lip; the Hare scratched the face of the Month, the traces are still visible; ran away and still runs]: Abrahamsson 1951:7-8; tangale [{not well understood, but the revived Moon is clearly opposed to a dead person}; during the eclipse, hunters asked for water; there were people with big navels they brought it; the hunters said that they themselves had a child with a large navel; they came to him; on the way back, one was bitten by a snake, he died; they were told that the eclipse would last 7 days; on the seventh day they pray, beat the drum; the moon shone again, it's back; the moon has risen]: Jungraithmayr 2002:225-229; bulsa [people sent the dog to God to ask them to die and be reborn and the moon to die forever; the dog hesitated when he saw food on the way; then the goat went, said that people wanted to die forever, and let the moon revive; when the dog made a true request, God replied that late]: Schott 1989:262; diola (? ; in any case, Senegal; Jacklyn Ndiaye informant, recorded in France; a note to one of her texts states that "probably a diola"; in any case, diola is Christian, like informant) [God sent a hare to tell people that the moon should die forever and people should be reborn after death; the hyena met the hare and, finding out why and where he was running, undertook to hand over the assignment herself; said that the moon should be reborn and people should die forever; God began to revive, but it was impossible to change the direction]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:14.

Sudan-East Africa. Bongo: Andersson in Abrahamsson 1951:13 [1) Nzambi asked people if they wanted themselves or the moon to be reborn when they died; people sent the Goat and the Dog to say they wanted to be reborn; Goat stopped to graze; The dog said people wanted to die and let the moon revive; when the Goat came, it was too late; 2) Nzama created the world and people; sent the Goat and the Dog to say people should not to die; The Goat stopped to graze, and the Dog said that people should die and the moon should be reborn; The Goat brought the right news, but late; N. punished both by turning them into animals; 3) Nzama created the sky the earth and everything on it; brought down the first human couple to earth; sent the Goat with the message of the Sun and the Dog with the message of the Moon (which exactly means the informant did not explain); The dog said that people would to die forever and the Moon to be reborn; the Goat said the opposite, but it was too late], 13-14 [Nzami created humans; Muloghi insisted that some of them die; N. sent the Goat and the Dog; the Goat stopped to graze , The Dog told people to die forever and the Moon to be reborn; then the Goat said the opposite, but people didn't believe her]; Gbaya [The Frog (Rana longirostris) carried the moon on his back, and the Toad (Bufo) regularis) - humans; they have approached Death Valley; the Frog jumped over it, and the Toad tried to jump after it and fell down; so the Moon is reborn and people die forever]: Tessmann 1937:8-9; mbai [Sou sent a chameleon to tell Death: let the moon die for good and man be reborn; the lizard overheard, came first and gave the order: let the moon rise in three days, and man dies for good; when the chameleon came, Death did not listen to him]: Fortier 1967:125; Zande: Basset 1903 [the old man saw a man's corpse and the Month was on it; asked animals who would carry them through the river; the long-legged Turtle endured the Month, and the short-legged one drowned after taking a man; therefore, the Month is reviving and people are dying for good]: 147 (Abrahamsson 1951:15; =Baumann 1936:279); Scheub 2000 [corpses Man and Month were lying next to the grave; decided that the Frog and the Toad should jump over the grave, carrying the corpses, they would come to life; the Frog jumped with the Month, he came to life, the Toad dropped the man into the grave; therefore man is mortal and the moon is reborn]: 145; joluo [the creator of Juok asked the Month and the Sun if there are many people on earth; the Month replied that there are many, but the Sun, which is not enough, they are dying and we must do so for people to be reborn like the Month; the Sun envied him because he knew more about people; the Sun was so hot that people hid from its rays; the Sun began to fight with the Month, on their faces There were traces of months; J. felt sorry for the Sun, decided to give him a sister or brother; Spider said that if there were two suns, people would die; the Sun cursed the Spider, let the spiders go out only at night]: Scheub 2000:88- 89; the Masai [Naitery-kop placed the first man Leeyio on earth; ordered at the funeral to say "The man dies and returns, the moon dies and remains (dead"; the neighbor's child is dead; L. confused said the opposite; then L.'s own child died; this time he was right, but N. replied that it was too late, death was final after the death of the neighbor's child]: Hollis 1905:271-272 (=Kipury 1983, No. 1:27; retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:57); Arusha [the little woman's child died; she gave it to the big woman Naiterukop to bury him with the words, Man - die and be reborn, Moon - die and stay (dead); N. said the opposite; in the morning the earth above the grave began to rise, but she trampled it and again told the Man to die and the Moon to be reborn; then her death N.'s own child; she buried him, saying what the little woman wanted at first, but it turned out to be useless]: Abrahamsson 1951:57; nandi [The dog told people they would die like the moon, but they will revive like the moon only if they give her, the Dog, milk and beer from the same dishes they drink from; people let the Dog drink by pouring it on a bench (as they give boys passing by initiation, circumcision); The dog ordered only the Moon to be reborn and people to die]: Hollis 1909:98 (retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:18; in Shaube 2000:18); idiot [Month spat, Lizard refused to swallow a spit; for that the Month cursed her-neither she nor people would be reborn after death; if the Lizard swallowed a spit, we would be reborn like a month]: Scheub 2000:16; sanye [The lizard told people they would die forever and the moon would be reborn; people have since begun to die]: Barett 1911:37 (retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:19); malgashi (Tanala) [ God created man and woman; offered to choose to be like the moon (reborn but have no children) or a banana (have descendants but die); people chose the latter]: Richardson, v. 2:100 in Briffault 1927 (2 ): 655, in Abrahamsson 1951:120-121; malgashi (all of Magadan) [God asked people if they wanted to be like the moon or like a banana, they chose the latter; so people die, they are replaced by their children] : Renel in Abrahamsson 1951:121; Malgashi (Betsimisaraka) [the first man and woman lived in heaven; Zanahary asked them if they wanted to die like the moon or like a banana; they said it was like a banana; he sent them to earth, forbidding them to take rice with them, but they hid a few grains]: Vig in Abrahamsson 1951:121; the Malgashi [the divine couple Zanaharindahy and Zanaharimbavy created heaven and earth; made the Sun the lord of heaven and the first human couple rulers of the earth; asked who preferred what type of death; people wanted to be like a banana and the Sun like the moon]: Abrahamsson 1951:121; malgashi (Betsileo) [the first man Andriambahomanana and his wife have many children; god Andriananahary decided that death is necessary; asked if people want to die like the moon or like a banana; satellite the first person Andriamahilala (this is the name of the first woman, but in this case it is a male character) chose to die like the moon; was sent to the moon, where he dies and is reborn every month; on a full moon seen on the lunar disc; the first person chose a banana with children]: Abrahamsson 1951:121; Malgashi (Bara) [people chose to die like a banana that leaves offspring rather than a moon]: Abrahamsson 1951 : 122; malgashi (Sakalava, Tsimihety) [God created man and woman, they chose to die like a banana that leaves offspring rather than a moon]: Abrahamsson 1951:122.

Australia. Jinang [a young man climbed a tall tree; his mother and her sister tried to pull him down, but he climbed into heaven, his womb burst and he became a Month; announced that he would only die for three days and others forever]: Waterman 1987, No. 23:22; millingimbi [when the sons of the Month secretly killed and ate a whistling duck, he put them in a bag and drowned them; his wives set fire to his hut and watched how it burns; taking the form of a sickle first, then a sphere, he climbed up the pine tree, announcing that he would become immortal and everyone else would be mortal; burn spots are visible in the month]: Waterman 1987, No. 26:22; Watjobaluk (SE Australia) [when animals were human, the Month spoke, Get up, and the dead came to life; the old man said, Let them stay dead; only the Month has been resurrected since then]: Howitt 1904:428-429 (quoted in Waterman 1987, no. 2830:84); Vurageri [when the aged and sick first appeared, the Month announced that they would be resurrected three days later; the Turkey told them to die forever (he wanted to take possession of them by women); A month climbed into heaven from a small hill - the home of the creator of Baime]: Waterman 1987, No. 2855:84; kulin [He lived on earth for a month, decided to give the elderly a sip waters that can bring the dead back to life; the Dove did not agree, the Month became angry with him]: Howitt 1904:428 (quoted in Waterman 1987, No. 2860 (1): 84); yarra [if a person died because stolen his kidney fat, he comes to the Creator (Bungel); there he either drinks the water of the Month and comes to life, or Dove's water and dies forever]: Waterman 1987, No. 2860 (2): 84; nungaburra (= Yualarai) [The month asked people to carry his three dogs (i.e. snakes) across the river; threw bark into the water; if people carry "dogs", they will respawn after death just as bark floats in the water; He threw a rock, he drowned; if people refused, they would die like a rock thrown into the water; he had to carry the dogs himself; he said that now people would not be reborn like him, but die forever; people kill snakes, but the Month sends others]: Parker 1965:85-88 (=Waterman 1987, No. 2870:84); Tiwi: Mountford 1958, No. 3 [The month was a lover of Bima, Purukupali's wife; distracting her forced her to leave his boy Djinini in the sun, he died; this was the first death; Month asked for the boy's body to be given to him, promised to bring him back to life in three days; but P. began to fight with the Month, both they wounded each other's face and body; taking the child's body, P. went backwards to the seashore and, hiding in the waves, said that now everyone would die completely; the Month too, but unlike the others, he would die for good; He comes to life for three days; the scars on his face are still visible]: 29-30 (quoted in Waterman 1987, No. 2880:84); Venbrux 2010 [The month of Tapara seduced Bima, the wife of his older maternal brother Purukupali; while they copulated in the bushes, Djinani's child left in the sun, died of thirst or starvation; B. turned from grief into a curlew, whose mourning cry can still be heard; T. and P. began to fight, T. injured P.'s leg and P. injured his eye, which became the Month; T. offered to bring P.'s son back to life three days later, but P. refused and decided that people should die]: 30; Victoria River Downs [The month said that will die and be reborn in four days; Dingo said he will die forever; people started doing like Dingo]: Rose 1992:104 in Venbrux 2010:31; bibbulmum (+ unidentified group) [Month said Marsupial Cat that people would revive after death like him, Month; The Cat disagreed and ran away; The Month asked the Kangaroo what would happen after death; the Kangaroo shirked the answer until the Month became tickle him; then said that people would die forever; The month replied that he himself would be resurrected, but people would not]: Waterman 1987, No. 2885 (1): 84; Kimberley Plateau (the band is not a decree.) [I tried to get along with my mother-in-law for a month, but she and her men started hitting him; he said he would die but would be reborn in 5 days, and they, i.e. all people, would die forever]: Kaberry 2004:128 in Venbrux 2010:32; wilman [A month is tired of listening to the Kangaroo brag that he runs and jumps better than others; they raced, the Kangaroo is behind and tired; the month asked him what would happen to him after death; The kangaroo replied that his bones would turn white; the Month said it would live forever; the Kangaroo corrected that although the Month would die, it would be reborn every time]: Hassell 1934, No. 5:240-242 (summary in Waterman 1987 , No. 2885 (2): 85); Murngin [The month decided that only bones would remain after death, but then he would revive; insisted that parrot fish do the same; she refused, so people did not resurrect]: Warner 1937:524-524, retelling in Waterman 1987, No. 2890 (1) :85, quoted in Venbrux 2010:32-33; yirkalla [Month and parrot fish killed each other fighting; the Spirit of the Month announced that it would rise to the sky and will respawn regularly, but parrot fish will live at sea and die forever]: Waterman 1987, No. 2890 (2): 85; maung [Month and Possum fight, Possum is mortally wounded; says all people will die too; the Month says that he, the Month, should have spoken first, because it will die for a few days and be reborn every time; then people would not die]: Berndt, Berndt 1964: 336 (paraphrase in Kudinov 1980:103; quoted by Berndt, Berndt 1988:397 in Venbrux 2010:31); arunta [an Opossum man died, was buried, returned; people ran in horror, he asked them stop, otherwise they will die forever; he will also die and rise to heaven; has become a Month, dies and is reborn; humans have become mortals]: Spencer, Gillen 1938:564 (=1899:564 in Dixon 1916:278; in Venbrux 2010:32); volcano, vonguri (SV Arnhem land) [The Month has two wives, Malarea and Gujiring, each with a son; while women dig yams, boys eat fish, goose, bird eggs, They give nothing to the father; he weaves a net, throws a net on his sons, throws a net with them into the water; women lean in for a drink, pull out the drowned; leave the corpses on a wooden platform, beat her husband with sticks; he climbs a tree to heaven, he has a big belly, he turns into a Month; shouts that all men are women's husbands will die, and he, the Month, will revive]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:336-338 (translated into Kudinov 1980:103-106).

Melanesia. Fiji [Luna wanted people to be immortal like her; the Rat (mouse) wanted people to die but have children like her; that's why people hate rats]: Waterhouse 1866:342 (translated into Polina 1989, No. 12:88).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Carolines {island not specified} [people first fell asleep when the old moon disappeared, woke up young when a new one appeared; an evil spirit made the dead no longer reborn]: Frazer 1913: 67; Ifaluk [two women Legubrielnialel (Leg.) and Ligesges (League.) lived in heaven; when the soul of the deceased came there, Leg. said, "he dies like the moon," i.e. temporarily, and man came to life; but League. said, "he's really dying" and people haven't been reborn since then]: Burrow, Spiro 1957:212; Lamotrek [Nigereger's man quarreled with the Month; he finally said that he, the Month, would die and come to life , and N. will die forever]: Krämer 1937:151; Voleai [goddess Ligéreger began to argue with the Moon - "when I die, everyone must die"; Luna replied that it would be better if like her: on the new moon - young when old]: Krämer 1937:279; Merir (SW Carolina) [The Rat and the Month decide to create a person; the Month wants him to be immortal like himself, the Rat wants him to die; the Rat wants him to die; the Rat wants him to die brings the dog, threatening that if the Month insists, he himself will become mortal; The month goes away, the person becomes mortal]: Anell 1964:20; Mortlock Island (Truk County) [god Luk wanted man grew old, died and reborn; asked the Rat, who replied that people should die forever, and only gods should be immortal]: Anell 1964:20; Niue [proverb: dying like the moon means to be reborn, to die like a rat is to die forever]: Smith (JPS 11:217) in Williamson 1933 (2): 152; Maori: Beckwith 1970 [Every woman's real husband is a Month; when he fades away, bathes in the living water of Lake Aiwa (Aewa) and is reborn]: 74; Best 1899 [Copulating with the dark world goddess Hine, Maui tried to make people immortal; he said, "Let death be brief and man dies and resurrects just as the month dies and revives"; Hine refused: "Let death be eternal. Crying and moaning will be heard all over the world at all times" {Maui Hine's interlocutor and Te Marama are described in this article as two different characters}]: 96; J.White, The Ancient History of the Maori, v.1 [Maui wants people to be reborn soon after death as his mother Luna-Hina; she wants people to die for good and their loved ones to grieve; M. suggests that people die and be reborn like her, Luna; H. says people must die and become like earth to never be reborn again; that's what happened]: 142 in Briffault 1927 (2): 657, in Dixon 1916:54; Society Islands [Hina (Moon) asked Fatu (Earth) for the dead to be reborn; she refused, saying that the earth, vegetation, and the sun should also die; Hina had to agree, but she promised to revive what she had in her power - moon; Hina's owned regularly revives, Fatou's, including humans, dies for good]: Moerenhout 1837 (1): 428 in Williamson 1933 (2): 148-149; Society Islands [Tangaroa created the first man Ti'i (Tiki) and his wife Hina; wars broke out between gods and between men; Tangaroa and his assistant Tu cursed the creation, but softened Hin's curse each time; 1) let the stars flicker - but continue to shine; 2) the moon ages, disappears - but revives; 3) rivers go into the sand - but water flows again from the springs; 4) the leaves on the trees turn yellow, the fruiting season ends - but they appear new leaves and fruits; Hina would have made people reborn, but Tiki told them to die; she died himself (about the same for London missionaries)]: Henry (JPS 10:52) in Williamson 1933 (2): 149.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Aka (chrusso) [there were two suns (husband and wife) and two moons (also husband and wife); the Sun's wife became the mistress of Moon's husband, they went down to earth to make love; everything around began to burn, people killed them with arrows; the corpse of the Sun's wife remained on earth, and the Moon's husband managed to rise to heaven, died in the arms of the moon; the Sun warned that if the Moon threw her husband's corpse on the ground, humans and animals would also become to die; told people not to answer if Sister Moon called them, but to answer if he called, the Sun; the Moon came out carrying her husband's body and cried; everyone slept, but the Barking Deer and Peacock did not sleep, they also began to cry, the Moon threw her husband's body to the ground; the Rooster heard, called the Sun, he came out, said he could not help now]: Elwin 1958a, No. 7:288-290; kachin (jinpo) [people did not die, all old people decrepit; the kite killed the squirrel, the man picked it up, wrapped it in a shroud, called the Month and the Stars to mourn, telling them that a man had died; they were angry when they saw that it was an animal; the man replied that people too would like to die; The Month and the Stars split the squirrel into pieces, told all people to eat this meat; humans became mortal]: Elwin 1958a, No. 13:294-295; (cf. dhammai [people did not die at first, but the children of the Sun and Month died every time; the Sunwoman asked the month-old man to cover his face more every day, and she would cry like him dies; on earth, a man wrapped his dog in a shroud, began to cry as if someone had died; the Sun sent a bird, a chicken, a pig, a bee, but only a hornet pierced the shroud and found out that there was a dog under it; when Another child of the Sun died, she threw his body to the ground, it became the carcass of a deer; people ate it and became mortals]: Elwin 1958a, No. 3:284-285).

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the widow bequeaths a mortar to the eldest grandson, a pestle to the youngest; the eldest, without taking a mortar, goes to another village; the youngest carries a pestle with him; the snake asks to revive the dead snake with a pestle; the pestle will retain the ability to revive until the young man tells others about it; the young man revives a dead dog; revives the princess, marries her, becomes heir to the throne; realizes that the smell of the pestle gives eternal youth, he and his wife do not grow old; the moon stole the pestle when the owner left it to dry, telling the dog to protect; the dog rushed in pursuit; sometimes the moon grabs (eclipse), but the Moon also begins to vomit slips away; this dog doesn't age because it smells like pestus from time to time]: Aung 1957:96-98 (=Coyaud 2002, No. 8:29-33); Karen [humans first had the elixir of life and the elixir of death; Month stole the elixir of life; the elixir could not be returned and everyone on earth became mortal]: Obayashi 1964b: 113; Thais [two poor brothers received from Phrá In a means to revive the dead; revived princess, the eldest married her; contrary to the ban, the wife opened the magic box, the month immediately stole the product; the husband sent the chicken back; she asked people to beat gongs and drums to help her fight the Month; but she disappeared and became the Pleiades; the same with an elephant (turned into seven stars in the Daawcháa constellation), a pig (Daawmu constellation), and a turtle (Daawphég constellation); The last is a frog, fighting the Month, and people are making noise to help]: Plenge 1976:121-122; Tyamas: Cabaton 1901 [Goddess Pajå Yan revived the dead; heaven god Po Jata moved her to the moon , from where she is unable to revive them as before, but gives people health]: 19; Landes 1887, No. 15 [while working in the forest, people leave the shepherd to guard buffaloes; he kills the snake; sees how the snake's mother revives son with tree bark; the young man takes a supply of the same bark; revives the deceased girl, gets her as his wife; plants that tree, warns his wife not to relieve himself, otherwise the tree will fly to heaven; she broke ban; the husband managed to grab his roots, flew to the moon with a tree and a black dog]: 105-107; ahem [seven brothers discuss what is most delicious; the elders talk about food, the youngest talk about the girl; The elders beat him; when he hears his explanations, his mother and father also beat him; he goes to the forest, kills wild pigs, climbs a tree; sees how the pig revives those killed by the plant; takes part of the plant, revives a dead bird; the ruler's daughter is dead, the ruler promises her to the one who will revive her; the young man revives her, but does not marry her, but asks the ruler for a rooster; if you press him, he creates whatever you want; creates village; the ruler comes, asks him to show what he revived his daughter with; the young man opens his hand, the Moon descends and takes the money; during an eclipse, the Frog attacks the moon, trying to seize it ( the product here is called a "piece of wood", piece of wood); the young brothers come, asking for a rooster to create a village for themselves; frightened by the storm, they shake too much, the rooster dies; the young man makes a comb out of the rooster's bones; when he combs his hair, gold and silver fall; the brothers ask for a comb to borrow, their hair falls out, they burn the comb; a little bit left, the young man did this toothpick, gold and silver fall again; brothers and parents ask for a toothpick, their teeth fell out, they burned the toothpick; the part remained, the young man swallowed it, his intestinal gases became fragrant; one of the brothers asks what to eat; the young man advises eating some plants; the brother got dirty, died]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 14:112-117.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Temuan (mantra} [people did not die at first, but lost weight when the moon aged and got fat as it grew up; To' Entah (the eldest son of Mertang's first man), who was the first chief, reported this to his father he replied that so be it; Belo's youngest son said that people should die like a banana, leaving their shoots; the owner of the afterlife, Tyhan Dibawah, agreed with him; people have been dying ever since, but leave children behind]: Hervey 1883:190 (quoted in Skeat, Blagen 1906 (2) :337-338, Frazer 1913:73, 1919:72, Briffault 1927 (2) :636); kenya [Bungan Malam reflects on what life should be like people, every time they ask the Rat for advice; first suggests what a banana is like; the rat objects that the banana bears too much fruit, the earth will overflow, and parents will die when they have children; then like the moon, but then people will die for a while and always be reborn; it is decided to be like a tree; like a person, it grows up and deathly]: Elshout 1923:217 in Fischer 1932:220-221, 241; southern Palawan: MacDonald 1981:102-103 [first the sea and rivers dried up, then the flood began; a man is warned of this in a dream, escapes with his wife in a boat; a spirit husband and wife escaped in a tree; once children a person was filled with excrement in a vessel of spirit; then he tells the person to take rice bran in his mouth and say, "The moon is growing and getting old, people are born and reborn," but he only managed to say (a play on words) , "The penis grows and shrinks, grows... "; the spirit, taking sugarcane in his mouth, said this phrase seven times; throwing ash in the man's face, became invisible], 106 [the ancestor of the Ampuq people and the ancestor of the Säitan spirits must say the phrases, "Moon disappears and reappears, only children will replace parents"; whoever says it correctly, his descendants will become immortal, and the competitor's descendants will not live long; S. took sugar cane in his mouth, and A. - rice bran, I could not pronounce it clearly, so people are mortal], 107-108 [the spirit, taking cane in his mouth, invited the man, taking rice bran in his mouth, to say, "The moon grows and ages, the banana process It grows back"; he said himself, the person could not speak clearly; since then we have seen spirits only after death], 108-109 [instead of lime to chew betel, man gave the spirit excrement; the next day - ash; the spirit asked him to say something, he said, "The banana dies, only the process will replace it," but the spirit said, "The moon shrinks, disappears, and then reappears"; so the children of spirits revive on a new moon, and people die forever and are replaced by children], 109-110 [Sapäd invites Chameleon to repeat what she says with sugar cane in her mouth; says , "The moon dies, disappears and revives"; The chameleon stumbles, "Dies, dies... "; the bird then tells him to say, "A banana dies, only a new process replaces"; the Chameleon says this, so fathers are reborn only in children]; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938, No. 8 [1) The toad asks the Creator to reduce the number of people, otherwise they will trample toads; Creator, Let people die like the moon for a month and then be reborn (Ik zal de menschen als de maan een maand laten doodgaan en dan weer doen herleven); Toad, Let them die forever; the Toad has the last word; 2) (Banawa, Kaili band); people used to be like the moon, periodically old and younger ( died for a month, then reborn); the earth overflowed, people decided to be like a banana, so that the old people would die, the children would take their place; 3) two sisters argue; Ralindoe bathes her child, saying that he will have to be reborn like the moon; To'olo bathes his own, saying that he should die forever; she managed to argue with her sister]: 434-436; Timor [Usif Neno created two people, offered a choice of months and stars; if you choose a month, you will die and respawn, if stars die for good; the UN sent these people to earth, they are the current ones]: Kruyt 1923:417 in Fischer 1932:226.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tboli [d'Wata, son of the supreme god, has two wives, Hyu We and Sedek We; D.'s sons dug holes for the pillars of his house; D.'s wives sculpted human figures from this land; H. did the right thing, and S.'s nostrils were opened upwards, the genitals were on their knees; S. began to destroy the rice, hit the sky with a pestle, it moved away from the ground; S. and H. quarreled, H. hit the figures sculpted by S., their noses and genitals ended up where now; H. wanted to place the figures on the moon so that they would always be children; S. wanted to place them on a stone to be hard as stone; H. disagreed, turned away, then S. put it on a banana; so people multiply like bananas and die; D. revived the figures by blowing on them]: Eugenio 1994, No. 182:307-308.

China - Korea. Ancient China [after I hit nine out of ten suns, the heavenly ruler became angry, left I on earth; And continues to fight monsters; And goes west, receives from Si-wanmu the potion of immortality; if two people drink, they will become immortal on earth, if one becomes a heavenly deity; Yi Chang'e's wife secretly took the drug, flew to the moon, became a toad there (according to another version remained a woman); on stone reliefs and bricks of the Han era, Chang'e is depicted as a toad with a pestle in his hands, interpreting medicine; on the moon there is also a hare pushing the drug of immortality in a mortar, there is the cinnamon tree and Wu Gang; he wanted to become immortal, was exiled to the moon for his misdemeanors to cut down a cinnamon tree; he cuts down and it grows together again]: Yuan Ke 1987:154-159, 317 (note 94); Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Funing, d. Lixinzhuang, 1984 from a 68-year-old peasant woman) [there was no moon or stars, there was impenetrable darkness at night; a girl named Luna (Yueliang) came to the village; found out how people suffer if the night fell in the mountains; I crossed the mountain and saw an elderly man; his hair gave off a silver light, his eyes were closed, and he lay unconscious under a big tree, a white rabbit jumped next to him; Yu gave the old man a drink, he sat down , took out a silver and blue brush and asked him to draw the thing that people need most; together with the rabbit he turned into a white glow and disappeared; Yu drew a circle emitting light; at night in a dream the old man told me to go west and hang the picture in heaven; Yu walked so long that he grew old; when she fainted, the white rabbit lifted it on his back, flew to the edge of the sky; Yu took out the picture; the wind picked up Yu along with the white rabbit and the painting and threw it into the sky; the earth lit up; Yu and the white rabbit settled in a house on the moon to protect {drawing}]: Bai Gengsheng 2007b: 8-9; the Chinese (Hebei, wu. Funing, Mount Tuarshan Tourist Area, 2005) [Hou Yi ruled Yuqiong State; while spending time on military campaigns, he grew cold to Chan Ae's concubine; she became attached to two white rabbits; once they They bowed to her and ran out of the palace; Jang Ae followed them into a cave on the mountain, with a stone table and chair, a smoking stick on the table, and a pot for rubbing medicinal plants, the herbs themselves lay; an elderly gray-haired man fanned the hearth with a fan, eight flashes of fire burst out with every stroke; the rabbits began to eat medicinal herbs; the old man replied that the elixir was being cleansed in the hearth life; whoever eats it does not grow old and becomes a deity; Chan Ae took the rabbits and returned to the palace; Hou Yi returned victorious; learned that Laozi's teacher had created the elixir of life; he arrived at that cave and received the elixir; told Jang Ae to keep it; Jang Ae opened the box with an egg-sized pill in it; it gave a fragrance; Jang Ae licked it and the elixir was immediately in her stomach; her body became light; after learning about What happened, Hou Yi wanted to hack Jang Ae, but she let go of the bed she was holding on to and flew, two white rabbits behind her; Ho Yi shot, one of the rabbits covered Jang Ae, the arrow stabbed him the anus, the rabbit fell from the sky and turned into Mount Tuar ("Hare Ear"); Chan Ae flew into the Moon Palace; Hou Yi was about to shoot again, but Laozi's voice was heard: "You've lived your life camping, your burden of murder it's hard and you can't become a deity; and Jang Ae has lived a normal life, so she now lives in the Moon Palace"; Hou Yi repented and turned into a wild boar; there is a cave on the north side of Mount Tuarshan Hare anus, that's where Howe Yi's arrow hit]: Bai Gengsheng 2007b: 16-18; fox: Bystrov et al. 1962 [Asu's husband is ill, almost paralyzed; to prevent him from being killed by tax collectors, Asu takes him to the mountains, leaving him food; he ran out of food; he saw a snake reaching for him, killed it; another snake revived the first one with leaf juice; the man rubbed himself with this juice, recovered; found his wife sick, and cured her; becomes a famous healer; forbids his wife to open the chest with leaves; she opened, the rays of the sun fell on the leaves, ate half, so the sun is immortal; the moon stole the other half in the evening; the husband made hemp stairs, climbed to the moon; told Asu to moisten the end of the stairs with water; almost climbed, his dog had already jumped to the moon; Asu forgot to pour cold water on the stairs at noon, poured cold water in the evening, but cold; she broke off, her husband fell and crashed; the dog stayed on the moon when it gnaws on it, there are eclipses]: 226-231; Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [the leper was moved to a cave; there he killed a boa constrictor, got ready cook; the female boa constrictor knocked over the cauldron, glued together the bark of a tree and revived her husband's body, the boas crawled away; with the same bark, the man recovered from leprosy, returned to his family; on the way he revived the long-dead black a dog; in the village he revived the deceased; hid the bark, telling his wife to watch her and beware of the Month, which comes down to drink from the river and could steal the bark; the wife was distracted, the children saw how the Month took the bark away; the man made a giant candle, climbed it to the moon, telling his wife to water the candle with cold water three times a day; it turned out that his arm was twice short of the length of the moon; the dog jumped on the moon; since then she it bites her; you have to make noise during an eclipse; if the wedding is canceled]: 230-232; lahu (YuZ Yunnan) [an orphan young man grew corn, wild boars ate it; he saw piglets, killed them with a baton, noticing them mother, climbed a tree; the boar pinched pieces of bark from the trunk, revived the piglets, took them away; the young man took the bark, revived the dead girl, the parents want to see him as his son-in-law; he asks to let him earn money first money; revives people with bark; a lively rich man asks to sell a tree, the young man does not agree; then he killed the poor man's child, the young man ran to the tree for bark, the rich man's men tried to grab him; but he did not tear it off the trunk, the trunk cannot be cut; a storm hit, a tree with a young man rose into the sky, was on the moon; one day people weaved a ladder out of straw, sent a white rabbit to the moon for the bark of a tree; but God Esha destroyed the stairs in the sky; the rabbit stayed on the moon and is now pushing medicinal herbs into a mortar there]: Miller 1994:185-189.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [God created the sun during the day, so it is more important than the month created later at night; the boy and girl left from the first people cried from hunger; the girl prayed to God took her home, God fulfilled her desire; the boy turned to the month, he took it to him; God said that he made the month clean and did not tell people to be touched; now the month will be like man in 4 weeks to be born and die and so on for a century; before that, the month was constantly round in shape and did not disappear]: Tretyakov 1871:209, 423).

Japan. Miyako Islands [The month gives Akariyazagama a tub of living water and a tub of dead water, sends him to the ground, orders him to pour living water on a person, a snake for the dead; when he reaches the ground, A. falls asleep, a snake splashes living water on himself; frightened A. waters the dead man, returns to heaven; the Month punishes him, telling him to stand on the moon from now on with a tub in his hands]: Nevsky 1996:269-270; Okinawa [ The sun and moon sent a lark to carry living water to people; he pecked strawberries along the way, left the water, the snake drank it, changed its skin and became immortal]: Yoko Nano Fukasawa, personal report on September 20, 2015; Japanese (written tradition) [in Taketori Monogatari (10th century), an old bamboo cutter finds a girl in a bamboo trunk; she is an alien from the moon, where people do not know old age and death; at the end of the story she is the lunar inhabitants and takes her back with them; before that, she drinks herself and gives the emperor a drink of immortality; he is unable to bear separation from her and tells the court to open the drink for a certain mountain and set fire; since then, smoke has been visible over Fuji, which was an active volcano at that time]: Yermakova 2017:19.

(Wed. Baltoscandia. Lithuanians (Samogites) [God gave posts to all angels, and two were left idle; there was no death or sleep; these two angels quarreled people with the Month and the Sun; people began to shout to the Month that he mortal, and they are immortal, and to the Sun that it cannot shine around the clock; the Sun, the Month, and the angels themselves complained to God; he told one angel to bring people death and another to sleep; diseases are messengers of death]: Veckenstedt 1883, No. 55.3:242-243).

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [God created the sun during the day, so it is more important than the month created later at night; the boy and girl left from the first people cried from hunger; the girl prayed to God took her home, God fulfilled her desire; the boy turned to the month, he took it to him; God said that he made the month clean and did not tell people to be touched; now the month will be like man in 4 weeks to be born and die and so on for a century; before that, the month was constantly round in shape and did not disappear]: Tretyakov 1871:209, 423).

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [after many adventures (see motif H12, K27, M42), a man disappears; one day he appears to his brother; says he is standing on the moon in the cold wind, his skin is black, cracked; he It feeds on the meat of a big crow living in the sky; but it is immortal]: Jenness 1934, No. 1:113.

California. Nicenan: Powell 1877 [The month wants the dead to be reborn like him; the Coyote wants to cremate the dead; the Month creates a rattlesnake that kills Coyote's son; because the decision has been made, A child cannot be revived]: 341 (retelling in Boas 1917:487-488); Voegelin 1942 [The Lizard, the Month and the Sun want the dead to be reborn in 4 days; Coyote wants people to celebrate funeral ceremonies; who He broke off a branch, it became a rattlesnake, bit Coyote's daughter, she died; Coyote asked for a change of mind, the Sun and the Month refused; rose to heaven; the Month is reborn in 4 days, and people are guilty Coyote - no]: 236.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [in old age, people changed their skin in the river like snakes; this ability was given to them by the moon deity Poré/Perimbó, who lives as a snake (red jiboya) in the blood lake {only Becher believes that the Yanomami's moon is bisexual; in other sources, the Month is male}; the Petamí woman has just changed her skin in the river; her son Karumá was excited at the sight of his younger mother and raped her; P/P put the skin that his mother had shed on his body, K. himself turned into an old woman; after that, P/P deprived all people of immortality; but their souls, after cremation, rise to the moon with smoke and later return to earth]: Becher 1974:29 in Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 37:88-89.

Guiana. Hishkaryana [A month comes to his sister at night, she smears her lover with a genip, he makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven; from there he says, Who dies, will return in a short time; people do not heard, crickets heard]: Derbyshire 1965:26-27.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [before going to heaven, Ñañe Month tells people not to sleep; they sleep, do not hear the call, so they do not change their skin and are mortal; answered lizards, snakes, trees that change skin or bark; one old woman also heard; went and changed her skin, came back young, married her nephew; he notices that she makes a fire like his grandmother; finds old skin ("body"), tries hug but there's nothing there; he's getting sick; grandma went, put on her old skin, came back; both died]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 9:73-75.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka [the girl became pregnant from a white bird; her father knew it was Aroshi; A. began to carry the girl the meat of caught animals; little A. (pequeño Arpshi, PA); A. sent him to the ant; he laughed: his arrow (jaws) was so small that it could not kill anyone; the ant shot the PA; A. had a stone hanging around his neck with which he revived the dead, and he revived PA; he met someone else's wife, his husband killed him, A. revived him again; PA saw a boulder and mocked him: he couldn't move; the boulder rolled and crushed him; A. him again revived, and made a fire around the boulder and it split; the wind brought down the trees to make a chakra; when PA came, told him to leave quickly, or the tree would fall on him; he did not pay attention and fell the tree killed him; his mother found the body, brought him home, A. revived him again; now the PA has drowned; this time, the reviving stone A. has broken and PA's mother went to month (this grandfather A,) to get some of it, using it to revive it; but he only laughed at her for a month; A. himself went, but swallowed it for a month, so there are spots on the moon]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 1:117-118.

Southern Amazon. Iranshe [a girl becomes pregnant by a lover who visits her at night; smears his face with genipa juice; in the morning she recognizes the youngest of her two brothers; he marries her; they come to the house of two old women; they swim, get younger; brother turns into a Month, says he will also rejuvenate himself by swimming in a certain lake and shedding off their old skin]: Pereira 1985, No. 13:84.

Eastern Brazil. Crocker MS; The sun ate the fruits of the buriti palm (Maurutua flexuosa), its bowel movements turned red; the sun said that the flowers were eaten by the pau d'arco tree (Tabebuia inpetiginosa, ant tree); The month ate them, but its bowel movements contain whole flowers; in the end, the Sun admitted that it ate, but made the fruits of the ant tree that the Month ate unripe on one side; The month hit the tree, it has become high since then; the Sun and the Month are diving, pulling girls and boys out of the water; the people of the Month are ugly, the Sun is beautiful; the Sun has thrown a stick of wood into the water Mauritian palm tree; said that let the dead revive like a stick that pops up; the Month threw a stone, said they should die like a drowned stone; the Sun told axes and machetes to work by themselves; the Month heard sounds, began to look; the guns stopped and no longer worked on their own; the Sun asked the Woodpecker to throw off his shining fiery headdress; threw it from hand to hand until he did cooled down; put it on his head; The Month wanted the same dress, dropped it, the ground caught fire; the Sun hid in a wasp house made of clay, and the Month in a hollow made of straw; then in a hollow, in a battleship's hole; a little bit did not burn; left without a hat; The sun found two capybaras who died in the fire, the Month chose a fat male, but when brought home, the Sun spat, the female was fat; they changed again, but The sun spat again; poured hot fat on the belly of the sleeping Month, said it was by accident; sent it to cool into the river, told him not to touch the turtle at the bottom; He touched the month, the stream carried it away, he hardly clung to tree; the Sun and the Month agreed that when their children (i.e. people) die, they should be buried; the Sun killed the Month, put it at the foot of the tree; the Month came to life, the Sun said that it would be the same with people; Month killed the Sun, buried them in the grave; the Sun got out, but with difficulty; The Month said that the dead should be buried in the ground so that the Earth could eat and satiate them; the Sun agreed; both rose to heaven, leaving people with axes and machete]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 1:17-30; kayapo (shikrin) [Vidal 1977:209; the dead were buried before, but they got up and reborn; the woman became angry with the Month because she was afraid of him; when she died son, Month rammed the grave with his hands and the spirit of the deceased did not come out again]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 181:520.

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989, No. 69 [The month revives every month; the Sorioco tree sheds its bark and gets younger; but people decide to become like a tapir that is thick and lose immortality], 70 [Tapir and Month held a competition to see who will reach the lake faster; if the Month, the dead will be reborn, if Tapir, they will die forever; Tapir ran the short path and won] 71 [Tapir argued with the Month who would die first to become an example for people; died first; if the Month died, people would be reborn like him], 72 [The month revives monthly, the Toko tree (rubber) drops bark is getting younger, but people choose tapir as an example, so they are mortal; the Katade tree (which produces many shoots) advises them to be like it and have many children; people followed his advice], 73 [Tapir told the Month that people would follow his example, die forever; this is what happened, and the Month dies and is reborn], 74 [The Horse offered the Month to race; if the Month wins, the dead will be reborn; The horse ran along a short path, came first], 75 [the Bouliwie animal offers the Month to race if it wins, the Month dies; runs along a short path; The month comes later, cries, but still revives], 76 [The month says it feeds everything that lives, but the Day objects, says it is; the Month invited people to revive like him in three days, but they did not listen]: 118-119 , 120, 120-121, 121-122, 122, 122-123, 123, 123-124; Chamacoko [the sun of Deich teaches its younger brother (Var.: nephew) of the month Pyne to hunt nanda so that he can then teach people; eating the wild fruits and flowers that nandu feeds on, he himself became one of them; explains to the incredulous Nandu that they are larger in size because he knows where the food is; when he runs away, he spews out gases and digested the food is the same as Nandu's; Nandu ate, fell asleep, D. twisted their necks; P. repeats the trick, but eats people's food before that; he was recognized, torn, trampled to death; D. revives him; looking into the eyes of the wild a dog, turns it into a domestic dog, hunts with him; P. rushes to pick up the nandu killed by the dog ahead of time, the dog kills him; D. teaches people to hunt; goes from P. to the ends of the earth, P. gets tired, D. gives he has a white horse; they agree to walk across the sky at different times; meet during eclipses, when D. corrects P.'s mistakes, teaches him to walk from east to west, and not from north to south; P. suggests doing people are mortals so that the earth does not overflow; D. throws fruit on the ground; P. says that the fruit will leave seeds, life will return; then D. throws a stone, it falls into the pond and sinks; therefore, people are mortal as once wanted the first shaman]: Escobar 2006:223-225.