Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A37. The sun is under attack. (.10.) .

.32.34.36.-. (.52.59.) .64.66.69.

The character hits the Sun or one of several suns with a weapon or tries to do so.

(Hottentots [the jackal put the Sun in a bag]), varupa, lepcha, meitei, dafla, apatani, miniong, mishmi, pasi, panggi, kachin, drung, bulang, karen, mundari, dusun, toraja, wana, Solor, Alor, Tsou, Atayal, Tayal, Kanabu, Paywan, Nabaloi, Ancient China, Chinese (Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Sichuan, Shandong), Lolo, Hani, Yao, Chuan Miao, Meo, Lee, Armenians, Komi, Bashkirs, Tuvans, Telengits, Trans-Baikal Buryats, Mongols, Oirats, Darhats, Mongors, Altaians, (Nenets), Sym Evenks, Evenks of China, Nanai, Orochi, Udege, Ulchi, Nivkh, Japanese, ne Perse, Kutene, Kurdalen, Tutni (Joshua), tonkawa, yurok, karok, coastal miwok, kawaiisu, northern payut, panamint, western and northern shoshoni, goshiyut, chemewevi, southern payut, yawapai, (hikake, arekuna), spikaya, juruna, kakambet, karazha.

(Wed. SW Africa. The Hottentots [The sun lived on earth, people saw it, but passed by; the Jackal was the last to walk, putting the Sun in a bag, carried it on his back (before these he addressed him: Solch ein hübsches Kind lassen die Menschen zurück?) ; The Jackal got hot, telling the Sun to get out of the bag, but he didn't leave it immediately, so the fur on the jackal's back was charred and dark]: Bleek, Reinike Fuchs in Afrika, S. 52 in Dähnhardt 1910:122).

Melanesia. Varupu [was out of night, the sun was always shining; an opossum hunter found a pond in the cave and decided that birds were coming to swim there; sat down in ambush; but the sun appeared to swim; his man shot and darkness came]: Slone 2001, No. 66:10 (=2009:16-18).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [two Sun Brothers took turns, the heat was unbearable; the Toad (an edible species) volunteered to kill the Sun, made an arrow from a scallop (Celosia L., amaranth), killed it with it older brother; the youngest was covered with a black blanket, it became dark; black pestles turned into snakes, wooden mortars into tigers; fireflies and a tree with white leaves tried to illuminate the world, it turned them outside; but that was not enough; half of the people died from snakes and tigers; humans and animals unsuccessfully asked the Sun to return; only when the Bat, hanging itself at the ends of its bow by its legs and nose, shouted through his nose that the world would die from the cold, the Sun looked out because no one had yet spoken to him through his nose; when he saw the Bat, he smiled; immediately it got hot and the Bat fell, breaking his bones; so his his legs do not look like birds or animals, and his nose is twisted; they decided to punish the Toad, otherwise the Sun will not shine; his limbs were cut off, placed in a cold place; the killed Sun became the Month; in the seventh , the eighth and ninth month of the current Sun sets earlier, says he is tired; but in fact, the red rooster scallop grows to full height at this time and the Sun is afraid of being shot]: Stocks 1925 in Yamada 2009a: 34-36 (very brief in Elwin 1949:54); Meitei: Hodson 1908 [The Mother of the Gods first gave birth to three Sun Sons, then two more; four died one after another; a man hit with an arrow the horse of the last Sun, he hid, it became dark; when a girl with rich gifts comes to him, agrees to go out]: 125-129; Singh 1985 [in total, the mother of the sun gave birth to 5 sons, but two soon died, and the third later fell to the top {and died too}; the Sun and his older brother Taohuireng remained; when one went in, the other got up; people did not have time to rest; the lazy slave Khwai Nongchengpam Yekma Haotangla (HN) was furious that he could not caress the children and see his wife; asked his wife to bring bamboo from her father; he did not give it, but his father's brother gave it; HN made a bow and arrow out of this bamboo, greasing them poison; first hit a jug on his wife's head, then into her ear pendant, then into a sparrow in the field; making sure that there were marks; told his wife that a boar and a boa constrictor had climbed into the field, but waited for the Sun to go down, and T. would appear in the east and hit him with an arrow; the Sun was frightened and disappeared; one woman accidentally noticed a glow under the ground; 10 kings sent a woman to persuade the Sun to return, she did not persuade him; the second persuaded him; the sun came out pale, his face was washed], people were happy: 174-176; dafla [The sun was bigger and hotter than the current one, everything was burning; God Tamo ate part of it, and Debo-Kombu knocked him out with an arrow eye; The sun went underground in anger]: Dunbar, p. 65 in Elwin 1958a, No. 8:41-42; apatani [Hintii Anii gave birth to forms - first earth and sky, then Sun and Moon; they were her eyes; evil spirits at the head Giirii created the second Chanter Danyi sun and the second Chanter Pulo moon, it got incredibly hot; the Tamu spirit shot the second sun and moon, only Danyi and Pulo left]: Blackburn 2008:154; miniong : Elwin 1958a, No. 13 [Two Sun Brothers took turns shining 12 hours a day; the frog shot one with an arrow, its lights went out, it became the Month, the shrapnel from the impact became stars; out of revenge, both brothers send his arrows to the ground, bringing death to people's children; the frog hides from the Sun in the water], 14 [Kayum-Sedi-Sedi-Irkong-Komi-Manne is dead, his body has decomposed, but his eyes remain; Sedi-Digirkong-Komong-Yongmo threw them into the sky, they became two suns, burned the earth; Wiyus (gods, ancestors) gathered, decided to destroy one sun; rainbow maker Silling-Pai hit him with a poisoned arrow; his light faded, it became the month of Pollo; Silling-Pai was frightened of what he had done, hid in Siang River, became a frog; the owner of the waters gave his bow and arrow to the Go-Eng insect; he shoots at people when they start clear the forest for crops, at this time people are sick]: 47, 47-48; Mishmi: Elwin 1958a, No. 12 (Kaman) [four suns were shining, it was unbearably hot; people sent eight men with two dogs to the sky they killed three suns, threw their bodies into the river; they went back, leaving one dog, Tafyeo, to guard the fourth sun; seven died on the way, one man and one dog returned to earth; the sun stopped grief give enough heat and light; T. bit him, does it regularly to remind the Sun of its duties]: 46-47; 1958b, No. 26 (taraon) [there were two Suns shining one by one, humans and animals died; a man caught and killed one Sun; the moon shines half in the human world, half in the dead; the tree blocks its light, so it's cold]: 62; Pandey 1999 (taraon) [there were two suns, mother and child, eternal day; a child died from the heat; he gathered warriors with dogs to go to kill one of the two suns; 7 warriors and 7 dogs died along the way, were left alone; killed the rberenka sun; the mother sun disappeared for 8 years; went out when ritual gifts were sacrificed to her]: 34-35; feed [there were two Suns; to reduce the heat, God fired an arrow at one arrow, its light faded, it became the Moon; the remaining Sun disappeared underground, it became dark; agreed to return if he was given the daughter of the gods to eat; the Bat explained to people that the Sun did not demand the daughter of the gods, but the daughter of men; he was given a girl, it was hers ate, shone; this is how people became mortals]: Elwin 1958a, No. 22:53-54 (=Elwin 1958b:57-58); panggies [were Doini (sun) and Dopo, were Pollo (month) and Poyo, eternal day; Wiyus (gods, first ancestors ) There were no eyes or limbs, then they appeared, but there was no food; they thought it took night, the Frog killed Doini (the Sun), it became dark; Wiyus asked people and animals to revive the Sun; she agreed to return on the condition that she can eat whatever she wants; when a person dies during the day, the Sun eats him, when the night is the Month]: Elwin 1958a, No. 21:52-53; kachiny: Elwin 1958b, No. 24 [there were 9 suns, very it's hot; Mathum-Matta killed seven, and the current Sun and Month are hidden behind the Himalayas; the Sun floats around the Himalayas in gold, the Month in the silver boat; when the Sun's boat on our side, day; moon phases: He sits and gets up in his boat for a month, sometimes sleeps]: 59; Gilhodes 1908, No. 24 [Sun Brother is the father of nine Sun Girls, Sister Moon has many star children; when people started stealing rice, the Sun released punishing all daughters, gave dogs 9 tails and field mice (favorite game) 9 burrows; people made a big bow to shoot live snakes at the Sun; then the whole Sun family hid; sent The battleship, the daughter of the Sun, killed him; then the Rooster; he arranged for the Sun to revive the Battleship, give him sturdy clothes and a long tongue; scattered his daughters, breaking them apart (they also became stars ); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with it; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow it, and if the Moon does not come out, the Dog will swallow it]: 691-693; drung (Yunnan) [two suns were shining, husband and wife; children die from the heat, plants dry; the hunter climbed the mountain, knocked down the man by the sun, the woman sun hid in horror; 9 days of darkness, everyone is afraid of monsters and spirits; on the tenth morning, a little bit it was a little dawn; the rooster began to scream, "Young lady, Sun, give me earrings"; the green earring fell from the sky; the rooster promised to scream three times in the morning, after which the sun should go out; the female sun came out; and the sun -the man has become a month old, they have been taking turns since then; after death, the hunter found himself on the moon, his shadow is visible there]: Miller 1994:61-62.

Burma - Indochina. Bulang (blang, south of Yunnan) [at first only the sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made the sky out of his skin, stars from his eyes, earth from flesh, water from blood, from wool - all kinds of plants, from the brain - humans, from the bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; four legs - four pillars of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; as soon as the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites her eye; if she falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake up the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 month-old brothers decided to destroy G.'s creation; the earth is unbearable heat; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; from G. made a bow of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed the hot stones to the top of the mountain, struck 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured into the earth, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost his heat; it became dark and cold, people plowed, tying their lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent a swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Month hid in a cave in the east; G . sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black tuft and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared her tail with red, supposedly having diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she is in mourning for her parents; all of them were banned; there is a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds are headed by a rooster, animals are a boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving, but afraid go out; the rooster called them, the others promised that G. would not shoot them; the rooster: from now on, go out after I had drunk; cut the knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, and made a comb out of the other ( a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar was able to push it away; all is well]: Miller 1994:88-93; Karen [the supreme god created the male being Tha-lu to rule the sky, and the female Tha-lu to rule the earth; earth first was the size of a spindle; thanks to an earthworm, it grew; first the earth was covered with water; God squeezed it with iron and silk, the water came down to form rivers; a spider in the sky could go down to earth and rise back; God created two suns, a man and a woman; they lived in a closed palace, they were not visible; pangolin gnawed through a hole, losing all his teeth; both suns came out, it became unbearably hot; God allowed man to kill one sun; that one hit him with an arrow and it became the moon]: Mason 1865:175.

South Asia. Mundari {it is indicated that Orissa's munda was probably a Mundari} [7 suns were shining, people were feeling hot; 7 brothers decided to destroy them, started shooting arrows and killed six; the seventh hid behind hill; it became dark; the animals gathered for the council; the rabbit said that one sun was still left; the lion went to ask the sun to come back, but it did not listen; the same elephant; the peacock; then the rooster cried and the sun came out; the rooster screamed louder, the sun started to rise; the animals asked people not to kill the sun and they promised not to kill; ever since then, the rooster has been screaming in the morning and the sun rises]: The seventh sun 2014:1-11; gadaba (gutob) [it was night; the gods gathered on the hill; each brought some food; Sitiya's mother was pregnant and couldn't come; but gave birth to two eggs and brought them; Ispur Mahaprabhu: what You brought it for nonsense; he threw away the eggs, they crashed, the cockerel and the chicken came out, the cockerel cried, the sun came out, the spirits fled]: Elwin 1954, No. XVII.18:315.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dusun [The Long-Eared Owl (Puak) was the sweetheart of the Month; the sky was close to the ground, seven Suns were shining; one woman was pregnant, she felt sick from the heat; her husband went to sunrise, shot six Suns with a wind gun; the seventh ran, taking the sky, now it's high; the Long-eared Owl came down from the roof of the house at that time to pick up the fallen crest, stayed on the ground, has been crying for a Month ever since]: Evans 1914:433 (=1923; retelling in MacDonald 2005:79); Western Toraja [The Sun and Month were men, each with their own children; one person killed the children of the Sun because they were too hot on earth]: Kruyt 1938, No. 24:370-371; vana [The sun was huge and the sky was close to the ground; a man exhausted by heat hit the Sun with a blowpipe dart; the breakaway piece became the Month, small fragments stars; spots on the moon are a chopper that got there (for some unknown reason) along with a dart; others say you can see a banyan on the moon]: Kruyt 1930:419 in Maaβ 1933:296; Solor, Alor and/or neighboring islands [1) the moon shone brighter and hotter than the sun; a man named Keleramatan first hid from the heat in the calebass, then knocked down the hot star with an arrow, it became the moon; 2) there were many suns, earth was suffering from the heat; little men and women lived in the village of Rera ("Sun") Datu, but there were no children there; they covered all the suns with long bamboo poles except the last one]: Vatter 1932 in Maaβ 1933:375.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsou: Nevsky 1935:64 [the sky was low, two suns were shining, people were dying from the heat; Oazymy hit one sun with an arrow; his blood became like a sea, the sky rose, both suns disappeared; the second sun first began to come out briefly, then became like it is now; the wounded sun became the moon; the blackness in its center was the place where the arrow hit], 66 [the moon was close, its light and heat were strong; oayim shot the moon when he was human, it lost its luster; dark spots are the mark of a wound]; atayal [it was the only sun, night and day lasted six months; people sent three strong the men split him in half; they carried their young sons on their shoulders, planted oranges on the way; grew old and died, the sons went in their place; one split the sun with an arrow, blood flooded him, he died ; the other two returned home as old people, eating oranges planted on their way; since then, there has been sun and moon, day and night]: Norbeck 1950, no.4:16; athayal et al. [legends about the two suns and their hike are common among almost all Formosis tribes, especially among the taiyal and its branches; some talk about two suns and two moons, and some talk about one sun, which, after being shot, split into two parts - a big sun and a smaller moon; according to some legends, both suns shone continuously, and the heat burned an increasing year of heat and day, according to others gave way to a year of cold and night; in legends about shooting in the sun, the blood that splashed from the wound partly splashed across the sky and turned into stars, and partly spread across the ground and colored the mass red rocks and stones]: Nevsky 1935:66; kanabu [an interesting combination of this legend (motif A26: about a girl who caught a piece of wood in the river and gave birth to a hairy man in the morning) with the story of a campaign against two suns, recorded by a small kanabu tribe, considered by the Japanese to the Tsou tribe, although both tribes are very different in language and custom; in this legend, Napaarama's hero, also born to a girl who caught a piece of wood, grew up, goes on a hike against two suns that caused a lot of suffering to the human race, and manages to do so by killing one of the stars, which then becomes the moon]: Nevsky 1935:71; payvan: Egli 1989, No. 6 [coming out alternately, two suns were shining, because of the heat people could not leave the house, they sowed millet only under the canopy of the house; two older brothers Kulele and younger Pulaluyan went to the sunrise, shot the first sun, blinding it in one eye, it became the moon, night fell; the brothers did not return home, but after death they turned into two mountains in the middle plains], 17 [coming out alternately, two suns were shining, because of the heat, people could not leave the house; two brothers Kulele and Pulaluyan went to sunrise to the sea, one threw a spear, the other knocked out the sun's eye with an arrow, this sun became the moon, night appeared; the Sun is the older sister, the Month is the younger brother]: 32-33, 43; nabaloi [the hero hits the extra sun with an arrow]: Moss 1924:233 in Ho 194:37.

China - Korea. Ancient China [ten suns are children of Xihe, wife of the eastern heavenly deity Di-jun. In the bubbling sea, a fusan tree grows several thousand zhans high and a thousand zhans thick; ten sun sons live on it; nine were on the upper branches, one on the lower branches (In the Book of Mountains and Seas - on the contrary); appear in the sky one by one; they ride a chariot ruled by S.; although there are ten suns, people always see one in the sky; ten suns, under the supervision of their mother, take turns every day; the way repeats from day to day, gets bored; sun sons agree to fly together, not wanting to get into a boring chariot; people are poor; before sending the arrow And to people (hollow mulberry gave birth to Yi Yin, pp. 216-217), Di-Jian gives him a bow and arrows; apparently, And he should only frighten the sun; And sympathizes with people, hits the sun with arrows, every time a three-legged golden crow falls to the ground ; wise Yao tells you to take one arrow out of Yi's quiver, one sun remains alive]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. 6:139-148; Huainan Tzu, The Book of Mountains and Seas, Qu Yuan Questions to Heaven; Chinese ( Shanxi, wu. Yicheng) [Heavenly Lord's wife gave birth to 10 sun sons; at first they took turns taking turns, but one day they all appeared together; they were happy and the people suffered; half of the people died, the rest they began to pray to the heavenly lord, but he could not control his sons; Erlan was the son of the Jade Lord, had three eyes, and had the art of 72 transformations; he descended from heaven to Mount Kunlun, he pulled a poplar out of the ground, cleared it of branches, made it a rocker, hung two mountains on it, chased the suns for several days, pressing them down with mountains; near the village of Baiju, the rocker arm broke, the mountains fell to the ground; E. stuck two parts of the rocker arm into the ground, they turned into two poplars without crowns; there was only one sun left in the sky]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 16:27-28; Chinese (Hebei) [there were seven suns, people suffered from the heat; Er Lan caught six of them, crushed them with mountains; the seventh complained to the man that he was the only one of the six brothers; AL agreed to leave him, told him to hide for the night]: Tishkov 1954 : 50-51; the Chinese (Henan) [there were 10 suns in the sky - the grandchildren of the Lord of Heaven (Tien Di); the harvest was dying, the rivers were drying up; Houyi shot nine suns to save people; the tenth hid, it became completely dark; One day H. heard someone calling him in a weak voice; Earthworm pointed out where the tenth Sun was hiding; H. went to kill him, but could not find him in the dark; realizing that they could not survive in the darkness, people began to ask the surviving sun would return; it came out and was greeted; the leaves of the purslane (Portulacea oleracea) covered the Sun; returning to heaven, the Sun, out of gratitude, decided not to dry up the purslane; earthworms punished and they dry up barely on the surface] Tao, Yang & Xiu Zhong eds., Zhongguo shenhua. Chinese Mythology. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 1990, pp. 395-396 (Yamada Hitoshi); Chinese (Henan, Wu. Zhengyang) [there were ten suns in the sky, and their heat kept people from living. A man named Yi, who was extremely powerful, shot nine of them, and the people healed well. One day, the Jade Lord began to sigh sadly. Sivanmu was asked what was going on, and he said that people were becoming more powerful, nine out of ten of his celestial lamps were shot at his palace. Sivanma was told not to worry, because the world has a catastrophe every 500 years. She went down to people and turned into an old beggar to test them and decide if the Jade Lord was worried for nothing. She was driven from everywhere. She decided that there were no good people left in the world and people deserved disaster. On the seashore, I met my brother and sister named Fusi and Nuiva, who lived without parents. Fusi felt sorry for the beggar and asked her to be a foster mother, and Nuiva brought her rice and fish. Then Sivanmu decided that people should not be completely extinct. F. and N. told me that disaster would soon begin: let them collect enough brushwood and rice and get on the boat. She allowed pets to be saved, but not humans. After that, she went to Mount Kunlun ("Burnt Dragon"), where a black dragon had been sleeping in the cave for five hundred years. Sivanma woke him up and told him to destroy humanity. He flew out of the cave, rushed into the clouds, swam in the Sky River (Milky Way), hit his tail and punched a hole in the Sky River, then returned to the cave and fell asleep again. As soon as Fusi and Nuiva got into the boat, it started raining; it did not stop for 49 days. They saw a man drowning nearby, felt sorry for him and, despite Sivanma's ban, saved him. They also rescued a turtle and a dog. When they reached Mount Kunlun, they left a man to guard the boat, and took the harpoons themselves and, together with the turtle and the dog, climbed the mountain in search of a secluded place. The rescued man was dishonest, and as soon as they left, he sailed away in their boat. Brother and sister found a suitable cave and wanted to drag brushwood into it, but the dog, with its keen sense of smell, smelled evil spirits and said they should go inside and kill the monster, otherwise not only would they not be able to live in a cave, but they also say goodbye to life. Brother and sister went into the cave, saw the dragon sleeping and hit him with two harpoons. The black dragon crawled out of the cave in pain and rolled southeast. Where it rolled, a winding river with muddy waters formed - today's Yellow River. The dragon came to sea and died, and since then the law that catastrophes every five hundred years in the world has no longer been in effect. The brother and sister returned to the place where they left the boat, but did not find it, so they returned to the cave with the turtle and dog, hunting wild animals and fishing. Their clothes decayed, and they wore tree leaves in summer and animal skins in winter. Fusi once told N. that there were no other people left in the world, so they should marry, but N. refused. Then they asked the dog to judge them. Dog: Just as male and female flowers that grow from the same root on the same stem can set fruits, brother and sister can marry. N. still disagreed and invited F. to catch up with her, and if he succeeded, they would marry. They ran from dawn to dusk, but Fusi didn't catch his sister. Then the turtle advised F. not to run, but to hide behind the mountain. When N. ran by, F. jumped out and grabbed her. To this day, in many places, spouses are referred to as brother and sister. N. hated the turtle and ordered it to hide its shameless face and close her talkative mouth. Since then, turtles have been pulling their heads into their shells and not talking. Then she peed on the turtle and kicked it into the river. Since then, the turtle's shell has cracks and smells like urine]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 9a: 14-15; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Baxian) [A long time ago, there was neither day nor night, and all earthly spirits sent a petition to the Jade Lord asking him to solve this problem. He decided to send down the fire god with his nine sons. His sons, dissatisfied with this order, had something wrong and turned into fireballs. The rivers dried up, the trees dried up, the ground cracked, and people and animals took refuge in caves where they were hungry and thirsty. Earth's spirits reported this to the Jade Lord, and he sent Howe-ee to figure it out. He went down and took a heavenly bow and divine arrows and started shooting at the sun. The fire god ran away, and Howe-ee shot eight of his sons, and they fell into small pieces. When he was about to shoot the ninth, Taishan Lao-Jun (=Lao Tzu) appeared and said that the latter should be left to give people light. How-ee told him to behave well from now on, shine on people during the day and rest at night. So only one fireball was left, this is our sun, and fragments of the eight remaining fireballs scattered across the sky and became stars]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 12:33-34; Chinese ( Shandong, wu. Linshu) [the moon shone brighter than the sun; it was nintagonal and octagonal, and when it came out, people's faces turned red because of the heat, and the crops dried up, it became impossible to live; a couple lived in one village hunters - his wife's name was Nie and her husband was Yala; Nie invited her husband to shoot the moon and advised her to climb to the top of the mountain in the morning to get to the moon; Yala shot at the moon all morning, but could not hit; but then the mountain split behind him, and a long-bearded old man appeared and said that an arrow from deer antlers from the Southern Mountains and a bowstring from the North Sea tiger's tail were needed; then the mountain closed again and the old man disappeared; his wife sent Yal to get these animals, but he replied that the animals were ancient and their skins were strong so that the arrow would not pierce them; we needed to weave a net; Nie offered to weave a net from her hair; a month later, the couple weaved a net, caught a tiger and a deer, and made an arrow and bowstring; Yala shot the moon again; the arrow cut off nine corners and eight faces from the moon, so that it became round, but her heat did not decrease; then Yala invited his wife to take a piece of silk, tie it to an arrow and thus cover the moon with it; Nie had just finished weaving a silk cloth depicting a Reevesia tree pubescens Mast.), a white hare and a herd of white sheep; Yala took him, tied him to an arrow, shot him and covered the moon with it; this is how a rivsia tree appeared on the moon, and under it a white hare and white rams; when the moon went up to the sky, Nie looked at her and suddenly flew there; Yala ran after her from the eastern mountains to the western mountains, but could not catch her and cried; Nie hung her hair and Yala climbed upstairs; from then Since the couple has been living happily ever after on the moon; Nie weaves and Yala herds a white hare and white sheep; people on earth do not suffer from the heat]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 6:6-7; Pumi (Yunnan) [evil the sorceress, who ate the girls' mother, took the form of a mother, went to bed with the girls, started eating her youngest at night; the eldest ran away, hid in a tree with red flowers (safflower); began to ask The moon to pick her up, she held out her hand, took the girl along with the tree (message. Riftin 28.31.03; cm. Yuan Ke, Zhongguo Shenhua da Cidian (The Big Dictionary of Myths of China), Chengdu, 1998, p.1001); lolo [there were 9 suns and 9 moons, the earth was burning with heat; the wonderfully born son of an eagle hit 8 suns and 8 moons with arrows, the last sun and moon hid, the earth fell into darkness; they were later persuaded to return; the same hero tamed the god of Thunder]: Graham 196:84; Hani [nine suns are shining; some suggest covering them baskets, others to hide in the cellars; ask a shooter named Opubula to destroy the suns; he shot down eight with arrows, the ninth hid; various birds are sent to lure him out to no avail; when The rooster sang three times, the sun came out]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:17-19; yao [an octagonal moon as hot as the sun appeared in the sky; crops are dying from the heat; Nie, Yala's wife, gives him his hair to do trap; Y. caught a tiger and a deer, eating their meat became strong, hit corners from the moon with arrows, the fragments became stars; N. embroidered a blanket depicting a cinnamon tree, lambs, a hare, herself; I launched it to the moon, the heat died; N. took off, merged with her image; N. rose to it]: Riftin 1993:317-320; Chuan Miao [the archer makes a crossbow, knocks out the eye of the Sun and the eye of the Month; the stars hide on three years; calling a cow, a tiger makes them even more frightened; they go to the scream of a rooster, he receives a comb as a reward]: Graham 1954:265-266; meo (NW Thailand) [Saub created heaven, earth, 30 Sunwomen and 30 month-old men; peacock copper bow killed 29 Suns and 29 Months, the rest hid, 7 years dark; the sun and month do not respond to the calls of a bull, horse, Nkauj Mok and Nkauj Mim; the sun and the Month do not respond; the rooster three times Sings, Sun and Month Go Out]: Symonds 2004:215-218; Lee (Hainan, Wu. Qiongzhong) [after the flood occurred, the land was damp and people were hard to live; a god named Wan-jia ("The Darkness of Families") decided to dry the earth; created five suns and five moons and hung them in the sky; they were all octagonal semigrant, neither round nor square; emitted terrible heat, the earth cracked, the trees dried up; people asked V. to get rid of 4 suns and 4 moons; V. agreed to help, climbed on the top of the mountain and began to shoot at the suns and moons with a bow; 4 suns and 4 moons fell down, leaving one sun and one moon; due to the flood and heat, many mountain ranges and rocks appeared; V. created a large a harrow and a huge bull, and began to harrow the land, pulling rocks and mountains into the sea; first he harrowed near Wenchang City and Mount Qiongshan (in the east of the island) and created many plains there; then he began to harrow in near Dongfang City and Baisha County (in the west of the island), but at this time its harrows began to break; therefore, in the vicinity of Dongfang, Baisha, Qiongzhong and Baoting (in the west and central part of the island) a lot of mountains and cliffs left]: Zhou 2002, no. 3:5.

The Balkans. Moldovans: Botezatu 1981:17-27 [dragons stole the Sun; husband and other people go to look for him, wife gives birth to a son named Ion, aka Fat-Frumos; talks about his father; the Black King sends him beyond the Sun; he takes a skinny oath, this is a magic horse; FF consistently defeats dragons: Evening-, Night- Midnight, giants, cuts off their heads; in the last fight, the eagle sprinkles FF's strength with water, not giant; FF turns into a rooster, a fly, listens to dragon wives promise to turn into a well, an apple tree, a grape bush (a drink of water, an apple that eats, a berry will die); FF releases the Sun from dungeons; The Black King tries to catch the Sun, falls off the roof, dies; on the way back, FF cuts down a well, an apple tree, a vine, black blood flows; the mother of dragons pursues, FF hides in the forge, kills the stalker, throwing a hot club into her mouth; FF searches for Limbe-Limbeu, the father of dragons; kills a pig, a hare, a duck, an egg, three beetles, the third flies to the castle; the castle watchman kills a beetle, not knowing that LL's life is in him; FF kills a watchman, burns LL's corpse (=Moldavian tales 1968:286-301)], 169-181 [the old woman quickly grew three hero sons; one chased a frog, the other a duck, the youngest Dragan for the squirrel; they went up to heaven, brothers after them; three snakes carried three royal daughters, as well as the sun, moon and stars; the old woman asked for three buckets of red wine and red wine Spread the canvases on the roof; the brothers think that the house is on fire, they chase, they go down, they are angry, but their mother gives them wine; they did not recognize each other at first; the mother said why she called them; they do not know what do; the brothers reached the pit, go down the silk cord, the elders were frightened, D. went down, became a bumblebee, listens to how the wives of snakes respond to their mother Scorpia, how their husbands come home (copper, silver, across the golden bridge; eats 12 fried cows, 24, one hunk of bread); S. says that the bumblebee is D.; the eldest daughter-in-law promises to become a well, the second apple tree, the third fire; and S. will smash her mouth from earth to sky; D. killed all three snakes {described in detail}; stars, moon and sun were immediately freed; D. chopped a well, an apple tree, a fire; came to the blacksmith, this is Kózma-Dimir, his mother's brother; S. managed to bite off a piece of her heel; when S. stuck her head, she was killed with a club, the corpse was burned; in a copper, silver, golden garden, D. meets the kidnapped princesses, sends her upstairs; each turns her wealth into 3 apples - copper, silver, gold; after pulling out three princesses, the brothers cut off the rope; D. came to CD; he tells us to go to the apple tree of life on Synzyen Day when it rises from the ground into the light; if the grandfather Odolyan will want to say hello, you should reach out not your hand, but the coulter; O. is the father of those snakes; when he squeezed the coulter, three drops of blood fell, O. burned, and the blood turned into an tin flower; the apple tree carried life the ground; D. released the stars into the sky; tied the brothers to the tails of horses].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Armenians [, angry with an unsuccessful three-day hunt, Arevamanuk ("sunny young man") decided to kill the sun; when he pulled the bowstring, the Sun grabbed A. and threw him into the desert; A. came to life at night; mother A. asked the mother of the Sun for water from the reservoir where the Sun bathed after a day's journey, revived her son]: Harutyunyan 1980c: 112; (same, but more in 2007:15-18).

Volga - Perm. Komi [Parma's son Pera asks the Rainbow why she drinks water from his river; she promises to take it to heaven for this; he sits on its horns, visits the upper world, takes it Zaran's wife, the daughter of the Sun, descends with her to earth; the Sun tells her daughter to return, threatens to burn everything; Parma did not let her children go with her; Pera and his seven sons shot in the Sun from bows, they beat off a piece; dew - the tears of Z., crying from separation from children]: Konakov 1999, No. 7:433; Bashkirs [two suns were shining when one went down, the other rose; people suffered from light; buy promised daughter to someone who hits one of the suns; Ural Batyr split one sun with an arrow; one part formed a moon, the other fell, turned into the treasure-rich Ural Tau mountains; when the arrow hit the target, the people shouted, Ay, that's the name of the moon now]: Barag 1987, No. 2:31.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [The groundhog was a man, a hunter; there were three suns; he shot one of the bow and missed; angry, he cut off his thumb and buried himself in the ground]: Potanin 1883, No. 6d: 179; telengites [the tarbagan was a man and a fearless shooter; he did not let anyone in and shot the wing of the bird Can Geredey; for this, Kan Geredey cut off his finger, buried him in the ground and said: "Let no one for you It does not allow you to descend, let poor people eat you, birds and animals carry you!"] : Potanin 1883, No. 6b: 179; Oirats (derbets, Ulangom) [tarbagan was a man and a hunter; wanted to kill telgen (a species of bird of prey), shot and hit his tail, so the telgen's tail is still notch; after missing, the tarbagan cursed himself, cut off his thumb, buried himself in the ground and said: "I only want to live four months a year!"] : Potanin 1883, No. 6a: 179; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Selenginsky: Tabanguts) [shortly after the creation of the world, a man named Khara-Erhe-Myrgen appeared on earth, who was a very good shooter; not hunting neither animals nor birds, he killed only evil spirits and sorcerers; firing an arrow from a bow, told it who to kill; the arrow followed the order exactly and then returned to HAM; Burkhan-Bakshi created three suns in the sky: large in the middle and smaller at the edges; seeing that all the earth could dry out from these suns, and strong light would make human life on earth unbearable, God called the shooter and said, "You think you're going to destroy everything you've done?" ; HAM: "Not just living things, but even the three suns that are visible. If I don't destroy them, first of all, I'll cut off my thumb and toes, and second, I'll become a beast like you haven't created before; six months a year I'll live under the ground, I won't drink any water no dew, not even come out of the hole after the rain"; when he was ready to fire an arrow, God covered the middle, largest sun from him; when the arrow returned, God opened it; seeing that the arrow destroyed only two suns, and the third remained, and in keeping his oath HAM fulfilled his oath; promised that if anyone killed him with an arrow, he would turn to a person and harm the people; when tarbagans were still being hunted with a bow, it happened that a tarbagan wounded by an arrow hid in a hole; hunters began to dig it up and found a little man with a bow and arrow; since then, hunting with Tarbagans are strictly prohibited with onions; the front part of tarbagatay is not eaten much, as it is human flesh]: Smolev 1902a: 101-103; Oirats (Tarbagatay traders) [Burkhun-bakchi created the earth, Shulma wanted to burn it, created three suns; B. covered it with all water, defeated Shulma in a long struggle; B. left one sun, overthrew the other two into the lower world of Shulma; when Sh. tries to return these suns to the sky, two others are visible next to our sun]: Ivanovsky 1890a: 263; Mongols: Neklyudov et al., Western 8.20.2006 (Somon Khujirt, Uburkhangai aimag) [Born by a husband from a shooter's husband Erhii Mergen had strength in his thumb, his liver had a gallbladder, was young and hot, and he believed in himself, so he swore: "If I can't shoot every seven sun with one arrow, I'll cut off thumb, I'll stop being a man, I won't drink clear water, I won't eat last year's grass, I'll live in a small cave where the sun does not penetrate!" Starting from the east, he started shooting at the suns lined up from east to west: he destroyed 6 suns, just got ready to shoot with spells in the 7th, when the swallow flew in front of him and closed { the sun}. He shot and pierced her tail, so the swallow's tail is now split; the last sun was frightened and quickly went beyond the western mountains]; Khalha Mongols [Erhii-Mergen vowed to himself that he would Tarbagan (if it does not fall into the sun); arrows at three suns or seven were prevented by a swallow; when he missed, he cut off his thumb and held it under his arm, so he has a muscle there; it is called "human meat" and don't eat]: Neklyudov 2019 (1): 468; Potanin 1883, No. 6g [(from Bogdoshabin from Urga); Groundhog was a hunter; there were four suns, one on each side of the sky; he shot three suns; Burkhyn Bakshi afraid that there would be no light, turned the hunter into a groundhog]: 179; 1893, No. 6 (Khalkhas) [Erhe-Mergen decided to shoot at the sun and moon; some burkhon hid the seventh star of the Pleiades (Mechit), said that if E. closes his eyes and falls into one of the stars of the Pleiades, he also falls into the sun and the moon; E. hit, put a hidden one in the place of the downed one; E. turned into a groundhog]: 345; Sharakshinova 1980 [on Several suns appeared in the sky, burning everything; Erhiy Mergen hit them with arrows]: 37; the Mongols [seven suns appeared in the sky, everything was burning, people asked the Erkei-Mergen shooter for help; he promises that if he fails to hit seven suns with seven arrows, he will cut off his thumbs, stop drinking, become an animal; he killed six suns when he shot at the seventh, just as the swallow was flying by the arrow hit her tail, now he's split; the Sun hid behind the Western Mountain; EM rushed on his horse Qarčagai-Alag in pursuit of the Swallow; he told EM to cut off his legs and throw him into the steppes if he won't be able to catch up with Swallow before dusk; he didn't catch up, EM cut off his legs, the horse became a jerboa with shorter front legs than his hind legs; the swallow has been flying over the horsemen ever since, asking if not will they catch up with her; EM has become a groundhog, comes out of the hole in the morning and evening to kill the sun; when he comes out in the evening, the sun hides in fear behind the West Mountain, so day and night alternate]: Gadamba, Č erensodnom 1984:735 in Nassen-Bayer, Stuart 1992:330; Oirats, Altaians [Erhiy-Mérgen ("Thumb shooter"), Tarbagan-Mérgen (Marmot Shooter) in mythology Mongols and Oirats, sometimes also Tuvans and Altaians, are knocked down with an bow by excess suns, which were originally two, three, four, etc.; without hitting the latter, he turns into tarbagan]: Neklyudov 1982d: 669; darhats (somon Khujirt, Uburhangay aimag) [Shooter Erhii-Mergen, born by a husband, had strength in his thumb, a gallbladder in his liver, was young and hot, he believed in his strength, so he swore, "If I can't shoot every sun out of seven with one arrow, I'll cut off my thumb, stop being a man, I won't drink clear water, I won't eat last year's grass, I will live in a small cave where the sun does not penetrate!" Starting from the east, he started shooting at the suns lined up from east to west: he destroyed 6 suns, just got ready to shoot with spells in the 7th, when the swallow flew in front of him and closed { the sun}. He shot and pierced her tail, so the swallow's tail is now split; the last sun was frightened and quickly went beyond the western mountains]: Mongolian expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Western 8.20.2006; the Mongors [ nine suns were constantly shining, it was unbearably hot; shooter Hou Yu shot eight from the moon; married Chang E; an old Taoist gave HUW the powder of immortality; HUW did not want to be immortal without a wife, hid powder; in his absence, HUW's student began to persuade CHE to give him the powder; CHE did not know what to do, swallowed the powder herself, became light, rose to the moon; when she saw it there, HUW spread it out for her on the table pieces of bread; they've been doing this ever since on the 18th day of the eighth month]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:137-138.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Nenets (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, west of Yadme Osmi born in 1910) [9 Tirley giants eat nuts, berries, and have no clothes; another giant (Sudby), Nenay Huus, ate almost all people; the owner of the Sun, the master of Heaven, refuse to help the elder T., feel sorry for NH; the elder T.'s grandfather gives a huge knife, the elder T. kills them NH; burns; the toenails remain in ash; the wife of the Hunt (the last one not eaten Nay Huusem man) does not tell her husband to carry the plague away from this place, finds NH's fingernail, puts it under her husband's pillow, her husband's sister quietly takes it out, brings it to the elder T.; he warns that the Hunt's wife will put a new nail; the hunt lies down, dies; the old man (i.e. Tirleev's grandfather, the tenth T.) removes the nail, revives the Khant; the woman goes to look for a new nail, T. kills her; the elder T. takes as his wife, the Hunt's sister, Tirleev marries the Khant, brings deer for the Khant; flies like a partridge to take revenge on the Sun and the Master of Heaven for refusing to help; the loon lets T. partridge wear its skin, in which T. freezes the sun's rays, cools the heat; freezes the Sun Master, tells him to be a servant of the Sun; sends the Master of Heaven to a frozen northern country for 7 years; 9 Tirleys became nine hehe (" gods", apparently, the founders of ethnic communities), the elder is the god of the Khanty, lives in a golden house; others also dispersed]: Pushkareva 1986:140-143 (comm.), 143-154 (n. text), 154-162 (Russian per. .).

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks [Konstantin Ilyich Likhachev, August 12, 2009; mother told me as a child; in the southeast there is a cluster of small stars like a fist; there used to be two suns; the Tungus did a big bow, one was crushed, so little stars appeared; this sun was shot not because it was shining brightly, but interfering with the shaman; he wanted to predict the future of the earth and the second sun prevented him, glittered]; Davletshin 2009; Evenks of China [It was time for many suns (the period was called sigunyulhe biche). This happened in ancient times, a long time ago. According to their ancient suns, the Evenks had thirteen (dyanduk ilan). There were ten plus three suns in the sky. And that Manginishche started shooting at everything in those suns. Of the thirteen suns, he shot through twelve (dyanduk dyurba). Then, on the thirteenth, he started shooting (with a bow), Manginishche (Mangikun) shot, and Sigunto grabbed his bow. When the bow grabbed him, this Manga defeated (defeated). Having defeated the manga, our Sigunto now also climbs to the sky in the morning, then falling, entering his homeland, walking along her heavenly doors (urkelduli bugan). It will pass (across the sky) - comes to his homeland, if he falls - Mangi must open his door (in the west). If she comes from here (from the east), Burkan opens the door to her, as it used to be (in the east). One day she was so late that night caught up, Sigunto sang for Burkan to open the door. Siguntokun sang like this: Singkinder, singkindore! Singkinder, singkindore! Big brother, open your big door, open it! Because of my gold earrings, I freeze and freeze! "Burkayakun, big brother, open your door, open it," as soon as she said, Burkan opened the door with a creak of "suur". Sigunto has come. The next day the sun went off again. The sun rose, and after passing through the mountain taiga, walking and walking, flying all over the sky, the mushrooms began to fall - night was coming. And now she needs to go home. And suddenly something, Mangikun closed her door from the inside. After losing, Sigunto was ashamed (offended) because it turns out to be him! When she grabbed the bow. And now, at her request, she never opens the door. Sigunto sang again: Singkinder, Singkindore! Singkinder, singkindore! McIgdykun is an old man! Open the doors, open them! Because of my gold earrings, I freeze and freeze! McIgdykun is an old man! Open the doors, open them! From the street asks me to open it Her ears froze and hardened. The same Mangikun does not exist, he never opens it. When Manga didn't open, old lady Sigunto started calling, open the doors! Singkinder, singkindore! Singkinder, singkindore! Makigdykun, old lady, open the doors, open them! Because of my gold earrings, I freeze and freeze! I'm not going to take your old man's makigdyn away from you! As much as she asked, she didn't open it. After that, Sigunto was completely angry - the door would kick them! The door kicked them with all her might and went into the house right away. Sigunto came by when Mangikun was completely ashamed. Manga's shame immediately turned into a palm tree. Frightened, the old manga girl immediately turned into dog liquor and dishes. Then Sigunto stepped on that palm tree, breaking it at once. She trampled on the dog's dishes to pieces. This is how Sigunto Mangi won (overcame)]: Kudrina, Varlamova (CD, China), text 1.

Amur - Sakhalin. Initially, there are three or (nivhi) two suns in the world, which give rise to incredible heat; a male character kills excess suns with a bow. Nivhi: Kreinovich 1973 [there was one sun, one moon; then a snowstorm all year round, tar rain, three suns, three moons rose; the earth was burning; two tit brothers came out from under the hummock; gold and silver the birds descended to them on the larch; the elder brother and the silver bird rise and fall; the golden bird turns into a woman; the youngest comes to the old man, her master; he boils him in a cauldron, makes it iron, gives a bow and arrow; the youngest kills extra suns and months; the old man boils it again, returns human flesh; two brothers and two female birds give birth to humans]: 329-333; Pilsudski 1991a: 33 [a man killed both suns, both moons; the wife says there are images of two suns, two moons outside the door; tells me to throw one into the sky, bury one], 42-45 [starting as Kreinovich 1973; both birds turn into women, brothers go down to earth with them, people come from them]; Sternberg 1908, No. 16 [the elder and younger Tit Brothers lived under a hummock; there were two suns, two moons, and it was too hot in summer, it is too cold in winter; golden and silver birds descend from the sky on larch; brothers fight them, the eldest falls down from the silver one; the golden one turns into a woman, the youngest takes her as his wife; her the father demands to kill the extra sun and the extra moon; the old man cooks the young man in a cauldron, makes it iron; he kills the sun first, then the moon; the woman from the ground demands to chain a knotty stick - her horns mother; it becomes dark; the young man opens the door in larch; inside there are two images of the sun, two moons; he throws one sun to the sky, one moon, buries the others; brings the Golden Bird to his village, where the elder brother with the Silver Bird already live]: 150-155 (quail in Ostrovsky 1997, No. 27:223-224); Orochi: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 47 [at first three Sun Sisters shone, the earth melted (in Red rock is now visible on the cliffs); Hadaw killed two with arrows, left his middle sister; the shadows of the dead can be seen (phantom suns)], 49 [H. killed two of the three suns; no details]: 193-194, 196; Bereznitsky 1999, No. 1 [there were three suns; meteorites killed one, then the other with a crossbow; it got cooler]: 18; Kreinovich 1929 [three suns were shining; rivers flowed from one bank to one, from the other to the other side; one person shot the extra suns, the earth cooled down]: 84-85; Margaritov 1888 [1) three suns were shining, it was impossible to live on the ground, people swam on the water and flew through the air; now you can see spongy stones that were boiling then; man killed two suns with arrows; 2) three suns were shining, a man killed two with arrows; the flow in the rivers was double, people were no different from animals, the wind blew immediately from four sides, etc.; Otter lost her child, who was carried the other way, asked Anduri to change the world, which he did]: 28; Ulchi: Zolotarev 1939:167-171 [lived in fir a young man to Condolin, a girl in the root of the cedar of Adjoa; K. met A., married; A. gave birth to twin girls, then two sons in turn; when the brothers hunt, the animals laugh at them; brothers They threaten to kill the mother, force her to confess that she and their father are brother and sister; all members of the family become various spirits, good and evil; var: the older brother rises to heaven, becomes Hadau , kills two suns], 171 [H. was born in the ground, killed two suns, then people appeared; the soul of the deceased returned to the body through a hole; H. plugged it, from then on people die forever]; Smolyak 1976 [when three suns were shining and the stones were soft, the woman drew drawings on them with her fingers (about petroglyphs near the village of Mai)]: 133; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [the sky was close, the earth was very hot; Month- the man and the Woman Sun walked across the sky together; the tops of old tall larch trees were bent to one side because when the sky was low they could not grow straight; people born in winter died in summer from the heat; three old men started shooting ice arrows in the sun, they melted; the iron ones did not reach the sun; the bone ones turned off the lights; the Sun said to the Month: "Why does man offend me?" A month said, "Because we both shine on the ground at the same time and everything burns down there." The sun invited the Month to shine at night, and it began to shine during the day; the Month began to hide so that people could count the time; the sky rose higher, it was not so hot]: 173-174; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 5 [two the suns were shining too hot; hunter Egdyga hit one, it became the moon]: 81; Podmaskin 1991, No. 2 [the sky was low, two suns were shining, it was very hot; a strong man shot one from the bow, it became the moon], 3 [two suns were shining, it was very hot; the man Gangta had a son, Namik, who grew up, killed the second sun by hitting him with a thirty-third arrow; in the place of the victim the moon appeared; the sky rose; people bred; the flood began; only N. and his sister escaped to the mountain; N. agreed to marry his sister if she was threaded into the needle's eye seven times, throwing a needle ; sister got there; they gave birth to ancestors of twelve Udege families], 4 [(=Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:27; there were three suns, one big, two small ones along the edges; cereals fell from the sky instead of snow, there were lakes butter; Batani had a son, cried all the time, his mother threw him into fresh dough; he fell silent, since then he slept in the dough; God Enduri found out that the baby was sleeping in the dough, began to send snow instead of cereal, water instead of oil; father decided that three suns were to blame, killed two, the third managed to rise high]: 118-119; Negidals: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 3 [unbearable heat on earth; strong people decided to kill two of the suns, leaving the middle one; but they killed two strong ones, the weak (current) dodged; traces can be seen in the place of the two old suns], 4 [the earth is burning; a strong man killed two suns out of three ]: 53-54, 54; Cincius 1926 in Sem 1996 [there were three suns, the earth was burning; the first man Udi killed one sun with an arrow, the second failed, killed the third]: 139; Nanais: Laufer 1899 [lived three people: Shanwei, Shankoa, Shanka; sent three swans to dive to get stones and sand for the earth; the birds were under water for seven days; they came out - the earth is growing, the Amur is flowing; three people made a man Kado and a woman Julcha, Mamilji's maiden; the people multiplied; it was three suns, too hot; K. went east, hid in a hole, shot the first and third suns, shooting at the second, he missed; M. drew pictures on the stones while the stones were soft with the heat; decided that there were too many people, died to show them the way to the afterlife; chipmunk, tumna (?) , the snake sleeps in winter, does not die; the rest are mortal]: 749-750 in Okladnikov 1968:163-164; Kiel 1996, No. 45 (Amur District) [there were three suns, terrible heat; the man ran east for a long time, hid behind a boulder, shot two suns with a bow; in severe frost, their reflections are visible on the sides of the rest]: 399; Lopatin 1922 [brother Hoday and sister Mämendi lived; M. bit her finger, blood drops appeared a man and two women, people come from them; at the request of M., H. kills two out of three suns with arrows; M. sends him to look for a door to the next world (buni), because people on earth are cramped; H. finds a tree with with shamanic supplies, collects everything in a bag; they demand that they be released because they are not the only one for him; he opens the bag, accessories are scattered to different people worthy of becoming shamans; now you can bury the dead, take souls to boonies]: 237-238; Okladnikov 1968:165-166 (recorded by V.G. Larkin, 1963 in Sakachi-Alyan) [Boa Enduri killed two extra suns with a bow; the fragments turned into stars] ; Sem 1986 [Shimkevich's retelling 1896 (see below) with the addition: Doldchu-Khoday is the son of Mameldi and her husband named Guranta; G. hides in an ice column, it melts; in a wooden column it burns; in a stone column it kills suns]: 39-41; Smolyak 1976 [Hado killed extra suns - two out of three or five out of six]: 134; Cowards 1884 in Sem 1996 (Riding Nanais) [there were three suns, Mafa, Marie and Gordo, it was hot; Goronta shot two suns, Marie was left; found a woman named Mame stuck to her trunk trees, separated, made a wife; they had a son Julchu, daughters Hada and Verinka; people descended from them]: 134; Chadaeva 1990 [Hado Myamelji creates a tree to the sky from copper leaves, bark of live snakes, lizards, frogs; leaves turn to the side where the disaster is; an evil spirit releases two more suns into the sky, the river boils, the stones melt; XM kills them with arrows; his daughter cries because there are too many people, asks to open the door to the afterlife; XM has gone there forever, people are following him; Black Dragon Sakhari Dyabdian creates a tree covered with cobwebs; people on whom the wind brings a bunch of web, they die]: 5-7; Shimkevich 1896 [the son of the first people Doldchu-Khoday is alarmed by the immense multiplication of people; goes to the cave, the father fills the entrance with a stone; D. dies, but the revival of people does not stop; then Mother D. closes the entrance to the cave with her skins; when the last one has decayed, people begin to die; the next day three suns and three moons rise; Father D. kills from the bow is two suns, at sunrise it kills two; goes to the shaman tree, takes shamanic supplies and costume details from it]: 9-10; Sternberg 1933:493 [the fish was dying, it was hot; Hado went to east, made a grass house, it burned down; the same wooden; then stone; killed two out of three suns], [the water was boiling, the mountains melted; Daxsur (Hado) killed two extreme suns, the middle one remained].

Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 296 [sunlight blinds the Mole, who decides to hit the Sun with an arrow; (1) from the top of the tallest tree, it was a kuroki: (2) his fern stem bow; The toad informs the Sun about the danger, because it cannot survive the winter without the sun; the mole has been living underground ever since; chickens and ferns do not grow long and wither shortly after they reach their largest size; The toad was given a few warm days in winter so that it could sweep eggs (Indian summer); Okayama Prefecture version: there were seven Suns, demoness Ama-no-Yaku shot six while sitting on a pine tree stump; so he didn't shoots]: 68; Yamada 2009b [out of 13 versions, 9 in Kyushu and adjacent islands, three on SW Honshu and only one with a question mark in northcentral Honshu; plot explored by Masao Oka 1935; 4 major episodes : a) The mole shoots at the Sun or is about to do so; b) for this it is forced to live underground and dies under the rays of the Sun; c) the plant from which the bow or arrow is made is also punished; d) The toad reports To the sun about Mole's plans, for which the water is warm during her spawning; Chugoku County (YuZ Honshu): options 1, 3, 4: no episode d; var 2: there were 7 suns, Amanjaki 6 shot while sitting on a pine tree stump, so he does not shoot; Kyushu: there is an option with all motives, but more often not c, d, b and d, c and d]: 27-29.

The coast is the Plateau. Tututney (Joshua) [every day, new Suns and Months rise into the sky; they make the Coyote confuse the seasons; he kills 50 Suns and Months one by one; divides the year into 12 segments; The remaining Suns and Months listen to the Coyote]: Farrand 1915, No. 17:228-233; coutenay [see motive A23; when choosing who to become the sun, Coyote is rejected; tries to shoot a new Sun; the arrow burns and falls, the ground lights up; he escapes on a path where grass doesn't grow]: Boas 1918, No. 33, 48, 54:49, 67-69, 117-121, 287 (note); Clark 1966:142-143; ne perse [The sun is too hot; Coyote He throws the Frog into the sky; it clings to the Sun, lowers it to the ground; the Coyote cuts off the Sun's head; he becomes the sun himself; he gets tired of walking in the sky; revives the Sun, makes it less hot sets the seasons]: Clark 1966:33-35; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 3 [Coyote and Antelope each have four children; Coyote's children are kidnapped in a village where the sun, a shining disc, is chief; they run, passing it on, everyone dies; the latter passes it to the children of Antelope, who bring the disc; the Coyote takes it, is going to throw it into the river, the Antelope returns; the Coyote goes to take revenge on the Sun; steps on Lark, immediately heals his leg; Lark walks only at night, hide during the day; Coyote rewards him with a black necklace on a black lace belonging to Blue Jay; his four advisers (apparently excrement, or penis, testicles, excrement) tell the Sun at the source where the Sun stops at noon and drinks to dig a hole, hide in it; cut off what hangs down to the Sun is the heart; Coyote cuts it off, it turns dark; the Coyote goes, stumbles over the corpse of the Sun; advisers tell him to lower what was cut to the ground; it turns light again]: 73-76; Teit 1917e, No. 4 [The sun kills the Coyote's children; it kills The sun carves his heart out; it turns dark; the Coyote inserts the heart back, the Sun comes to life (=Teit, Boas 1930:178)]: 121.

Plains. Tonkawa [a young man fires an arrow at the arrogant Sun; it splits in two, the present sun and month emerge from the halves]: Gatschet MS in Newcomb, Campbell 2001:960.

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976 [Coyote's children are cold and hungry in winter; Coyote is unhappy with the Sun, goes to kill it], No. G3 [The sun rises from behind another mountain every time, the Coyote can't catch it], J5 [ the Sun kills; the imprint of his body's fall is still visible; the raccoon and other young men raise the sun back to the sky]: 299, 321-322; punch [like yuroks; Coyote loses his way in the sky safely jumps back to the ground]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. II26:177-178; coastal mivok [orphan Wren is always begging for food; he is not allowed; he promises to shoot the sun and hits it with an arrow; it is being done dark; Coyote sends Hummingbirds east to steal fire; Hummingbird brings fire, humans have light again]: Merriam 1993:153-154; Kawaiisa: Zigmond 1980, No. 41A [all animals, birds, reptiles come from Collect sweet grass obliquely; when leaving, they dig a hole, make a fire in it, boil water, tell Malinovka to make sure it boils; since then she has a red breast; the animals decide to race from Victorville back to Koso; Coyote insists that those who come be the last to be thrown into boiling water; while he eats, others go back; he catches them, urinates on them; he and the Lizard brothers come first; Bears, The sun and other bad runners are being thrown into the boiling water; the water in the spring is still boiling, and you can hear the roar of the Bears thrown into the boiling water; the whole year is dark; the animals gather in the house to decide how many winter will last months; Coyote: How many hairs are on the mouse, how many hairs are on the four feathers of an owl; the Lizard brothers: Three months; everyone agrees with them; an angry Coyote pours down their hole hot ash; they get out when the ash cools down; the Owl and Duck "rumble", the dawn begins; the Coyote is rumbling, it's dark again; the others tell him to remain silent, the Owl and Duck bring the sun to the sky; the Coyote is bitten to death rattlesnake], 43B, C [as in A, less details], 45 [two options; The sun was sitting on a pole in the middle of the sea to the east; the rabbit saw him and hit him with an arrow; the sun fell into the water, it became dark; a week later The sun came back; the Rabbit killed Antelope's children on the way; people were chasing him, he knocked down a rock on them, crushing them all]: 141-145, 155-156.

Big Pool. The rabbit comes to the Sun to kill him; the world lights up; the rabbit goes killing animal people. Northern Payutes: Curtis 1976 (15) [Tavúu hunts rabbits, comes to a girl, sleeps with her; paints red eyes, hangs stones above the door; the girl's brothers come back, afraid of him; then they come in, take his rabbit away; he turns into a Rabbit, watches them fight to beat him; ties him by his hair, burns him at night; the girl refuses to go with him; he pricks her with a finger on the anus, throws it into the fire; the sun goes down before T. has time to get the rabbit he ran after; together with his younger brother (Little Rabbit), they go east; the sun rises, the arrows burn, T. He fires a fire drill instead of an arrow, breaks the Sun, throws bile into the sky, this is the new sun; it now walks not in the mountains, but across the sky; an avalanche of fire haunts the brothers; they are not saved by stone, wood, they hide under a cactus that only burns thorns; T. sleeps at Vulture; swaps places with his son, at night Vulture holes his son's head; T. suggests shooting each other at friend; Vulture misses, T. kills him; the old woman replies that she is weaving the basket to put those who killed the Sun in it; T. invites her to try on the basket, climb into it, rips open the old woman with a knife; Other women are weaving water baskets to have supplies when the Sun Killers arrive and we hide; Show me! They entered the house, he burned them; people were swaying on the branches of the tree; the brothers also began to swing, told the branches to fly into the sky, the swaying ones crashed; people built a house under the rock; T.: why? - Hide from the Sun's killers; - Show me; everyone went in, the rock collapsed, crushing everyone; the brothers turned into big and small rabbits]: 143-147; Lowie 1924, No. 10 [the day is too short; The rabbit asks his maternal grandmother to give him food on the road, goes to the Sun; when they see the Rabbit, the Squirrels say that it is not clear who is going; the Rabbit kills them with an arrow; comes to the North Wind house in his absence, He hangs stones above the entrance, paints his eyes red; the people of the North Wind come in, get scared, rush away, hitting the rocks; he is given rabbit skins, he removes the stones; he is given the worst meat, but it turns out to be the best; they rush at him, he kills everyone, only the youngest hides somewhere, has become the new North Wind; The Raven (?) scrapes his claws, says he will kill Rabbit with them when he arrives; Rabbit sleeps in his house, swaps places with Raven's son, who kills his son with his claws at night; Rabbit invites him to shoot each other at friend; hangs his skin as a target, but he is unharmed; kills the Raven with the last arrow; Louse says he will kill someone from the west; Rabbit throws a lump of grass into his stomach; hears Louse say he will kill You can only crush it completely; The rabbit presses but does not find a finger; tells you to be lice; shoots at the Sun, the arrows burn, hits the Sun with a fire drill; removes bile from the corpse, throws it into the sky, the new sun will go higher and the day will take longer; the rabbit goes home, behind him is fire, he hides in the badger's hole, his neck burns; the same is in the stump; when under the cactus, he escapes from the fire; comes to his grandmother, that calls him husband; he copulates with her, marries her]: 224-228; Palmer 1946 [the sun burns unbearably; the rabbit (cottontail) goes to kill him; went east, hardened against various opponents; at the end of the world, he marked a place where the sun was rising to shoot, but the sun understood this and began to rise a little further south every morning; finally, the rabbit hit him with an arrow; a stream of fire poured in; running away, the rabbit asks the bushes and grass if they will protect it from fire, but everyone says it will burn completely; one of the shrubs hid it, is only slightly burned, and the rabbit's neck has turned black; since then it the plant is green and when the sun gets hotter it turns yellow; fearing a new attack, the sun has since risen a little differently every day from where it rose the day before]: 25-29; Powell 1971 [days are too short, humans don't have time to hunt; Tā-vu (Little Rabbit) goes east to kill the Sun; his arrows burn in the air; he wets the latter with tears, it hits the Sun; T. gutts him, bile throws it into the sky, it turns into a new Sun, which is higher, so the day is longer; the Sun pursues T., who hides in a hole, in a tree, in wet clay, but the Sun burns him every time; only under the prickly with a tree {apparently a cactus} that does not burn, T. escapes; The squirrel on the rock laughs at T., who pulls it out from under the stone, tears it to pieces; people attack T., he takes off and hangs his skin, they shoot at without harming T.; he comes to their house, paints her face with red stripes, people who come run away in horror; for promising to wash off the paint, the old woman gives him her daughter; the hunters who come fry rabbits, and T. is a piece of their tail; their meat is lean and a piece of tail is a fat rabbit; people rush at T., but he leaves his skin to them and runs away; burns attackers in their house; his wife He cries, and he throws her into the fire; these people were Red Ants; Chief Lice says that the Killer T is coming; T. kills him and many of his people with a stone; Vulture says that T. is coming, he will kill him with his claw; unrecognized T. comes, says he has not seen T. anywhere; at night he changes places with Vulture's son, who kills his son; T. offers Vulture to shoot at each other, takes off his skin, arrows hit her, without causing harm to T.; with the last fifth arrow, T. kills Vulture; burns the corpses of him and his son; the chipmunks mock T.; he comes unrecognized, tears their leader apart, kills everyone else; the old woman feeds T. cold porridge; he asks him to be warmed in a bag over the fire; she also asks to warm her, he burns her; at home, some want the day to be always and ask T. to go fight again By the sun; T. objects, because people should sleep with their wives and dream; people talk in dreams; in the morning T. tells who to bring water, who should eat firewood, etc.; says that people should eat only once a day; it is believed that the dreamer speaks to T.]: 227-229; Steward 1936, No. 10 (Owens Vely) [The sun is too hot; the rabbit goes east to the ocean; smears the Sun with bile to cool it; the heat has scorched him, marks on his skin still visible], 11 [The sun is too hot; the rabbit comes, knocks it down with an arrow; covering it with a thin slice of liver, making it less bright]: 371, 371-372; panamint: Zigmond 1980, No. 71 [animals gather Victorville has sweet seeds; they decide to flee from there in a race to the Koso hot springs; the losers will be thrown into a boiling pot; the Coyote first falls behind, then overtakes many, throwing mud at them; but The Frog comes first; the Coyote throws the Sun into the boiling water, it turns dark; the animals gather in the winter house; the Woodpecker screams - it dawns; the Raven - darkens again; the Long-billed Duck - dawn again; the Coyote - again dark; the woodpecker screams, the Sun rises; green is all around, summer], 72 [while the Rabbit is sleeping, the Sun counts his vertebrae; the rabbit goes to kill him; asks different bushes how they burn; one replies that he has only the leaves burn; under it the Rabbit digs a hole; the arrows fired into the Sun burn; the Rabbit hits him with a fire drill; the earth heats up, the Rabbit hides in its hole, only the neck is burned; when the earth cools , The rabbit makes a new sun from the heart of the old one, a month from his kidney; Squirrels scream that the Rabbit killed the Sun, hide under a rock; The rabbit breaks the rock, kills the Squirrel with a stick; comes to the children, cooks porridge from seeds, feeds children; offers to climb on the juniper; bends and lets it go, the children fly off and break to death; people rush to kill the Rabbit, he hides under the rock, runs away; the old woman weaves waterproof basket; The rabbit gets inside; then offers the old woman to climb, braids the hole, rolls down the mountain, the old woman dies; the old woman cleans the prickly pear fruits from small thorns; they are not fall into the Rabbit's eyes; he blows into the eyes of an old woman, she goes blind and dies from thorns; two women throw a rock on the Rabbit, he is alive; he throws it on them, they die; he comes into the house, paints red face, people get scared; at night she burns everyone with the house, pulls one woman out; she tries to burn it when he climbs under a rock, he's safe; burns her under a rock; Mountain Sheep says he's coming The rabbit that killed the Sun; he throws them the potion to smell, ask them to throw them back, they fall off the cliff, crash; at home, Rabbit's mother says that the rock crushed his food; he throws away the rock pulls out seeds]: 231-232, 233-236; Western shoshones: Steward 1943a: 277-278 (Saline Valley, California) [while the Rabbit was sleeping, the Sun covered him with a stick; the Rabbit goes east to kill him; the Sun comes out of the sea, sits on a tree; the rabbit began to look for a tree that does not burn (make arrows?) ; shot the Sun with a bow, hid in a hole; The sun fell, the earth caught fire; when the earth cooled down, the Rabbit took out the Sun's gallbladder, threw it into the sky, it became the new sun; The rabbit goes home, people laugh over him, he kills everyone who laughs], 278-281 (Elko, Nevada) [the sky is too low, the Sun is too hot; the Rabbit and his brother Sand Rabbit went east to kill the Sun; the brother does not listen to the Rabbit, digs a hole straight, not with turns; Rabbit's arrows burn in the air, but he hits the Sun with a sedge bark (sage bark); The sun has fallen, the ground has caught fire, the brother burns, the Rabbit only has a burnt neck and limbs; Rabbit wanted to make a new Sun out of the old gallbladder, but it had green spots, so he turned it into a moon, and a new sun out of the Sun's bladder; he pushed the sky higher with his head, placed the sun goes there; on the way home, the Rabbit comes to people without a mouth; they smell fat with their noses over the fire; he cut through one's mouth with flint, the others cut through themselves, speak; two hunters can't hit Rabbit with arrows; at home he takes paint from his sister, paints his face, comes to the girls' house; their brothers look in, frightened; sisters ask to erase the paint; brothers come in, everyone roast rabbits, fat with others go to the one that the Rabbit roasts; the Rabbit ties the young men's hair, burns it in the house, pulls their sisters out; they accuse him, he also throws them into the fire; the old woman weaves a water basket; The rabbit braids it inside the basket, rolls it, it dies; the girls on the rock laugh at the Rabbit; he makes a fire around them, turns them into marmots that people will fry; kills snowbirds; tells Coyote that he pulled out and threw his pubic hair, which became oatmeal; Coyote turns a few of his hairs into bunting; wants more, pulls out his insides, dies; when he sees two girls, The rabbit turns into a little boy, picked up; at night he feels the girls' breasts, wants milk; in the morning he takes a digger, digs a ditch, turns a layer of earth over with the camp, everyone dies; Rattlesnakes they shoot Rabbit, he turns them into rattlesnakes; two boys say water and trees are rushing at them; the Rabbit shoots; willows rush at them, don't give sugar from their trunks; The rabbit does this to be able to use everything; these boys were Hummingbirds, they treated Rabbit politely, he loved it]; Smith 1993:97 -101 [The sun is too low, it's very hot; two Rabbit Brothers dig every night shelter to kill the Sun; moving closer to the sea; the sun rises from an island in the ocean; arrows burn before they reach, brothers kill the Sun by throwing a grass torch at it; the earth burns, the water boils; the elder The rabbit tells the north wind to bring snow; revives the charred younger one; the brothers cut the dead Sun, turn his bile into the new sun, the gallbladder into the moon, his eyes (?) into the stars; the elder leaves the youngest, goes, kills people; invites the Cedar Birds to swing in the tree; when he lets go of the tree, they all break; Gorlinka cries for his dead son, the Rabbit mourns with her; Groundhog calls Rabbit Rabbit, who is furious, kills and roasts marmots by moving the hill; tells Coyote how to kill marmots; he repeatedly tells the hills to give him marmots; marmots in they catch up with him in large numbers, throw them on the hot coals on which the Coyote wanted to fry them; the rabbit meets a woman who is weaving a waterproof basket; offers to weave them around each other; wraps around the woman, throws her in the basket, she dies; the Hummingbird and the Insect shoot arrows at the flower, lick the nectar; otherwise the Flower rushes at them; the Coyote shoots at the flower, the tree, the water, now they are no longer they attack people; the Rabbit did not kill these people because they called it Red Willow, not the Rabbit; the girl's brothers call the Rabbit Rabbit, they don't give rabbit meat; he burns them together with the house; wants to save their sister, but she refuses to go out], 167-178 [The sun is close to the ground, the heat is unbearable; every day she kicks the Rabbit's back with her hot stick, the spots are still visible; the rabbit makes a bow, arrows with poisoned with flint tips; goes east to the sea; The sun comes out of the water, cleans its head from lice on a tree on an island; the arrows fired burn; the rabbit hits the Sun with a quiver stick, which it wets with its saliva; hides in a hole, burned, stains remain; causes the North Wind to cool the earth with snow and hail; in the dark, it pulls the corpse of the Sun out of the water, refreshes; throws the gallbladder into the sky, it becomes the new sun, the kidneys become the Month; gives names to 12 months starting in July; tells the Sun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the sea will be salty because the Sun is in it fell; hot springs are the tears of the Sun when he was killed; the old woman replies to the unrecognized Rabbit what awaits the Rabbit, who kills people by killing the Sun; offers to jump over the fire without having time to push there is a Rabbit, he pushes it down, burns it; another old woman says that when the Rabbit comes, she will place it in a vessel that weaves it and crush it; he gets inside, not crushed; when the old woman climbs, presses her to death; the third old woman replies that she will bring down a hanging stone on the Rabbit; the rabbit offers to try, remains alive, the old woman is crushed; he comes to the field; the sister sends younger brothers shoot rabbits that spoil crops there; The rabbit deflects their arrows, comes to the house where the sister paints her face with red paint, the brothers do not dare to enter; in the evening he washes off the paint, the brothers come in, everyone they fry rabbits; at night they tie their brothers' hair, rape their sister to death, burn everyone in the house; Marmots laugh at the Rabbit; he makes a fire at all holes, strangles Surkov with smoke to death; comes to his two aunts; puts one of the Sun's buds in the place where they kept their food; they call him a tribe, he is happy; the Sun's bud turns into a rock; the Rabbit moves it, gets food; two Wild Cats sit by the fire; their fire is white stone, there is no other, and it is dangerous to take firewood; the Rabbit tells them to take it, the Tree rushes at them, but the Rabbit throws the Sun's bud at him, it freezes; he tells the wood to serve as fuel, not rush at people; the same with water, now it's fashionable to drink it; the Rabbit meets two Sky Boys; they feed him something white, hard and tasty; you have to lie face to the sky, sing, food will come down from the sky; The rabbit is frightened, throws the Sun's kidney into the descending food, tells the food to be on earth, be a sugar-bearing plant; The boys flew to heaven; they did not become stars, but live in a heavenly hole; The rabbit saw two girls, became a little boy, they picked him up; at night he feels their breasts; the next night he becomes a man, copulates with them; during the day he turns the swamp over with people, they die; girls come back, he copulates with them until their insides come out of their mouths; turns into a rabbit]; northern shoshones: Clark 1966 [The sun is very hot; The rabbit was on three legs, makes himself a fourth wooden one; waddles towards the Sun, decides that only the cactus does not burn; pierced the heart of the Sun with an arrow; turns the white of the Sun's eyes into clouds, the iris into the sky, the kidney into a star, the liver to the moon, the heart to the dark; the sun itself is no longer too hot]: 180; Lowie 1909b, No. 8a [The sun is too hot; the rabbit hides in the hole, starts shooting at the Sun at sunrise, the arrows burn; he knocks down the Sun by firing a fire drill; people rip open the Sun's belly, take out bile, make a new sun out of it; the Horned Toad puts it in the sky with its horns], 8b [The sun burns unbearably, people die; the Rabbit started shooting at the Sun, but hit him only with a fire drill; when the Sun fell, the Sun burned the Rabbit's skin, now it's stained; he made a new Sun out of the bile of the old one, made Sesyats, told them not to burn people]: 252, 253; gosiyute [The sun was close to the ground, it was very hot; the Rabbit went to kill him; first the Sun sees it, unharmed; then the Rabbit dug a hole, hid; the arrows burn, but the Rabbit took it out a stone from his belly, the Sun killed it; the earth caught fire; rocks and trees respond that they are burning and heating; the bush protects, under it the Rabbit makes a hole, only his back is burned; it caused hail to cool the ground , made new eyes out of hailstones to replace the burnt ones; the Forest Marmots laughed at the Rabbit, he killed them; comes to his two aunts; they are afraid to make a fire, collect water; Rabbit beats trees, water With his magic stone that pulls out of the belly, trees and water have not rushed at people since then; The rabbit pushed back the rock that crushed the seeds, now the aunts could take them]: Smith 1993:21-22; chemewevi [The sun was bigger and hotter than it is now; the Rabbit went to sunrise; ran into two rabbit kids (one Cottontail, the other Jackrabbit); they said they were approaching Immortal Water, that rushes at them, they run away, and then drink from the puddles left by the water; the Rabbit told the children to provoke Immortal Water to attack, threw a stone at it, the spray formed all the freshwater bodies; Immortal Yuka Sate was swimming in the air, the children called her, she rushed at them, they chipped off small pieces of her; the Rabbit ordered Yukka to be provoked, threw a stone, she crashed into pieces, from which all yucca plants with edible fruits come from; the gap in the rock where the late mother of the rabbits placed seeds closed; the Rabbit spread it apart, took out all the edible seeds; all the shrubs they say to the Rabbit that they are burning, one says that only his leaves burn, the Rabbit makes a hole under him; the Month is the first to rise, the Rabbit allows him to pass, the crows that flew out before sunrise of the Month sit on Month; the Sun rises, the Rabbit hits him with a stone, beats off a piece, the ground lights up; he hides with two rabbits under a non-combustible bush; the sun has been less hot since then]: Laird 1976:152-154; southern Payute: Lowie 1924, No. 15 (Shivwitz) [The rabbit notices that his shadow has become short and his skin is all pierced; decides to take revenge on the Sun; comes to two boys, asks him to light a fire; they are afraid that the trees ( wood) will take their parents away; The rabbit sends them for firewood, but the trees go to them; The rabbit tells them to go to it, throws a magic stone, which falls apart in small ones; now you can safely make a fire ; makes the seeds available; before that they have been crushed by a boulder; promises boys that they will not suffer if the ground catches fire; meets girls, tells them to blow chaff into his eyes, blows towards them; now it blows them in the eye, they die; the man makes an arrow, replies that the Rabbit is coming, he will kill him; the Rabbit offers to put a hot stone on each other's chest; he is protected by others with a stone, kills that man; a woman makes (obviously weaves) a vessel basket, says that the Rabbit goes and kills people; suggests weaving so that they take turns inside the basket; easy gets out, walled up a woman in a basket, kills her; the girls on the rock laugh; he throws his pebble at them; asks them to throw them back; they all fall after her and crash; eats up the Coyote field; the villagers Many rabbits are killed, but not the Rabbit; he hides in a hole, everyone comes after him, he gets out, collapses the ground on the hidden ones, they die; the Bear digs a hole, says he will hide in it from the Rabbit ; The rabbit offers to hide one by one, kills the Bear; all trees respond that they will burn in a fire, but the bushes will only burn from above; The rabbit breaks the Sun with a stone, hides in a hole; trees burn, the Rabbit runs farther and farther, makes a hole under the bush; gradually burns; when his eyes burst, the water spills, cools the ground; the Rabbit's body gathers again; he comes to those boys, his own brothers, they are unharmed], 29 (Moapa) [The rabbit walked, killed people, went east to fight the Sun; the bush said it only burns from above; the rabbit dug a hole under him; hit the Sun, hid in a hole , everything is burning around; caused snow, the ground has cooled down]: 142-147, 198; Utah: Lowie 1924, No. 33 (southern Utah) [The rabbit walked, killed people; he had two cedar cone necklaces (?) ; The bear replies that he is digging a hole to hide from the Rabbit; The rabbit offers to try, puts an arrow in the hole, the Bear attacks it, dies; fills a scarecrow, drags it like a dog; rolls it drops of sweat in two balloons, throws a woman with children on the rock to smell; tells them to throw it back, they fall after them, break; two boys turn to the Rabbit, calling him the Inverted Quiver; that's the name the one he likes, he killed those who called him the Rabbit; the boys say that their mother crushed the Rock; the Rabbit moves the rock; ask them to make a fire; they say that the trees prick them; the rabbit hits cedars, says that now even children and women will be able to use them as fuel; the same applies to water; now the water does not fall in a wave on those who want to take it; the Sun calls the Rabbit Rabbit, who in rabies; the Spider masks it with its web; arrows burn before reaching the Sun; the Rabbit beats off a piece of the Sun with a club, the earth lights up; the tree, the stone, the river respond that it will burn, burst from the heat, it will boil; one grass says it will only burn from above; The rabbit dug a hole under it, only his neck is burned; The rabbit comes out, all its dicks are gradually burning; at night the Sun sent snow, the earth has cooled down; the Sun turned the Rabbit into a rabbit, now even children will hunt him]: 59-62; Powell 1971 (Moapa) [(=Powell 1881:52-56); Ta-woats sleeps with his back to the sun, burns; goes revenge; kills along the way various people (animals) waiting for him to arrive but do not recognize him; all the trees say they are burning, the smallest hides T. under his roots; T. breaks the Sun to pieces, the world lights up; T. goes out to the unfrozen earth burns; his tears cool the earth; since then the sun has been rising and setting]: 78-80; Smith 1992 (White River) [The sun was hotter than it is now; the Cottontail went east; he had two names, the simple one is Tawuc, and another; when the grass (weed) called him with a simple name, he hit him with a club for it; he met the Bear, who replied that he was digging a shelter; he heard that T. was coming and killing people we must hide; the Rabbit asks to show hits; says that the Bear will probably stick out his nose to look at it; the Bear sticks out, the Rabbit hits him with a club; meets two boys; they say that they have there is no mother; Boulder did not want her to collect roots, and crushed her; they say that they are afraid to make a fire and drink water, for they frighten with sparks and splashes; the rabbit tells them to light a fire, sparks burn faces for boys; The rabbit hits the bush, says that from now on even old women will be able to use the bushes as fuel; the same with water, hits it, now everyone uses it; the boys turned to the Rabbit, calling him good the name; the Rabbit is happy; the Boulder rolls, revives the mother of the boys; now it is the Gorlin family; The Rabbit is waiting for the Sun in ambush, but he passes by; the Rabbit asks the Spider to cover it with a web; the Sun beats with a club, the world lights up; The rabbit runs, asks who will hide it; the trees say they will burn, but the bushes (rabbitbrush) say that the fire will come from above, they will not suffer; The rabbit digs a hole under bushes, escapes; there are dark spots behind his ears where the fire burned him; today's black stones were burned in that fire; this story was told the night after the children fell asleep]: 54-57.

The Great Southwest. Yavapai [playing with the Sun, the Coyote even loses his leg; the Squirrel, the Rabbit and other animal people win, kill the Sun; the squirrel throws the Sun's hand into the sky, it turns into the sun; When a Coyote puts the Sun's stomach on the ground, it lights up; humans turn into ants]: Gifford 1933a: 373-377.

(Wed. Honduras-Panama. Hikake [The sun is walking, people grab him and put him in jail; his father releases his four brothers into the sky; the water in the rivers is boiling; the father agrees to remove excess suns in exchange for release of the captive]: Chapman 1982, No. 27:112).

(Wed. Guiana. Arekuna [The sun is walking, people grab it, cover it with a mountain vessel; others break the vessel, freeing the Sun]: Loven 1935:566).

Eastern Amazon. A man kills the Cannibal Sun; one of the sons of the murdered person becomes the new sun. Hissing [The Sun had dark skin; in the morning he put on a crown of macaw feathers, day came; secretly killed, fried and ate people; they decided to kill him; one man climbed onto an anage palm tree and threw He killed the sun with a heavy bunch of fruits; the sun sank up to the neck into the ground, it became dark; the four sons of the Sun had light skin, the fifth youngest had dark skin; only he could withstand the heat, trying on his father's crown; became the current Sun]: Nimuendaju 1920:1010; juruna [Kuadê Sun had a trap hole in the rock; the man got caught, pretended to be dead; K. carried it in a basket of ants; that jerked when the ants began to eat their eyes; K.'s stick wanted to hit him, but K. did not tell him, said that the prey was dead; he hung the basket on a branch outside the house; the next day his son found nothing in it; K. let chasing a stick, but she mistakenly chased the deer, killed him; K. found a man in a tree hollow, wounded him with a stick, missed it, covered the hole with a stone; at night tapirs, wild pigs, deer, monkeys, paki, The agouti gnawed stones, breaking his teeth, freed the man; the next time the young man cut his hair, painted his face so that K. would not recognize him; climbed onto a palm tree for nuts; threw off K. a small bunch; killed a big one; a stick K. became a boa constrictor; blood - spiders, ants, snakes, centipedes; they covered the entire ground, the young man had to jump on trees to go out into a clean place; darkness came; K.'s three sons, by decree of his mother, became try to wear his father's feather crown; only the youngest could withstand the fever; his mother told him to walk slower so that people could do their business; told him to rest at noon and before sunset]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:94-97.

Montagna. Character: Barriales 1970 [The sun and his brother lived on earth, they burned everything; people managed to kill one, the other ran to heaven]: 59; Calífano 1995, No. 7 [it was two suns and it was too hot; two birds cut off one head, hung it on a tree; the head turned into bees and honey]: 184; Gray 1996:59 [there were two suns, a man and a woman; the man was huge and walked so close to the ground that everyone It was burning; a man named Manco hit him with an arrow in the eye, he was gone; our current sun is a woman].

Araguaia. Karazha [The sun was moving too fast across the sky; Kaherero got married; went to the forest for firewood, did not have time to return before dark; asked her mother for help; she sent to the Sun his son, he broke his leg, the day got longer]: Ehrenreich 1891:39.