A4. Sun-woman, A736.2. .10.-.43.45.-.
The sun is a woman (the moon is usually male, sometimes also female, see motive A6; in the list of ethnic groups below in bold italics).
Bushmen, pygmies of northern Congo {probably Congo-Brazzaville-aka?} , luba, bolia [no data on the moon field], sakata, chagga, nyamwezi, kongo, hungwe, mambunda, como, samo, hausa, giryama, pokot, Iraku (no data on the moon field), haza, amhara, Tigrigna, Arabs of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Berbers Morocco, Basques, French (Dauphine), Maltese, Germans (Upper Palatinate, Grimm 1883 (2), "West Germany"), Dutch, British (earlier grammatical loss), Irish (no data on the field of the moon), Ugarit, Phoenicians, Old Testament, Arameans, Yemen, Bedouins of Arabia, all of Australia ( Ramingeri moon is also a woman, but usually a month is a man), Majprat (there is no data on the moon field), dugum dani, oz. Kutubu, Keraki, Manus, Gilbert Islands, Tibetans (Amdo, but probably also others), Khashi, Angami, Sema, Dafla, Lakher, Miniong, Mizhi, aka, Bori, Kachin, Bugun, Drung, Burmese , bulang, vieta, ede, shuijia, Thais, Ancient India, Oraons (rare), gondas, bondo, turi, sora, Andamans, Semangs, Temuan, Bataks, Mentawai, Malokh, Minahasa, Toraja, Bunak, Mangarai, Tsow, Ami, Paiwan, Tagals, Koreans, Ancient China, Chinese (Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong), Chinese (Zhejiang, Hubei, Sichuan, Guangdong), Miao, Meo (Vietnam, Thailand), Hani, Whether, Gagauz people, Bulgarians, Russians (Tula, Kaluga), northern Ukrainians, Belarusians, Luzhitans , Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Abazins, Kabardian people, Ossetians, Ingush, Nogais, Terek Cossacks, Avars, Muregins, Dargins, Tabasarans, Lezgins, Rutulans, Georgians, Armenians, Talysh, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Hittites, Tajiks (along with "the sun - woman, month - man), Sarykol, Scandinavians (Edda), Swedes, Norwegians, Western and Eastern Sami, Finns (?) , Latvians, Lithuanians, Komi (Perm and Zyrians), Udmurts, Mari, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Salars , Altaians, Teleuts, Baikal Buryats, Trans-Baikal Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Oirats (Durbuts), Darkhats (?) , the Mongols of Ordos, Mansi (rare?) all Khanty, all Nenets, Nganasans, northern and southern Selkups, Kets, Yugi, Yakuts (central?) , Western Evenks (along with a male month), Sym Evenks, Far Eastern Evenks (half the moon is not clear, perhaps also female), Evens, Nivkhs, Orochi, Udege, Nanai ( along with male month), Ancient Japan, Ainu, Forest Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Reindeer Koryaks, Central Yupik, Fr. Nuniwak, Kodiak, Bering Strait Inupiate, Mackenzie Delta Eskimos, Copper, Caribbean, Netsilic, Igloolik, Polar, West Greenland, Baffin Land, Labrador, Angmassalik, Koyukon, Inhalic, hea, thompson, catlamet, clackamas, vishram, kous, yakima, montagnier , mohawki, oneida, tuscarora, santi, kiova-apache (half the moon is unclear), yuchi (half the moon is not clear), tunic (half moon in doubt), biloxi, chitimacha, chiroki, maidu, nisenan, lake and coastal miwok, achomavi, atsushevi, utah, southern payut, pima, chimila, kuiwa (rare), Caribbean islands, kalinya, bora, cashibo, characterambet, tupari, chacobo, lengua, toba, pilaga, abipon, araucans (in another context, the sun is a man and the moon is a woman, but the sun and moon are not women together).
SW Africa. Bushmen [1) The month is the man, the rival of the Sun, who runs ahead of him; 2) (naron): The month is an old man, the Sun is his young wife; 3) The Sun is a woman and a month is a man they lived on the ground, people carried them on their shoulders; the Sun was too hot and the Month was too heavy, so they were left in the bush, they went up to heaven]: Kotlyar 1983:290; Kung Bushmen [The month insists for people to be reborn, the Hare to die forever, because the dead smell bad; Tsue beats the Hare, the Hare's wife beats Tsue, the Month beats Tsue, he is reborn every time; the wife of the Month beats him, that revives first as a small child, then becomes an adult Month again]: Kotlyar 1983, No. 106:220-227.
Bantu-speaking Africa. North Congo Pygmies {the author writes that they are near Dinka and Zande, although it seems to be Congo-Brazzaville; the author speaks Bantu but not Mangbetu} [The Sun and Moon are arguing which of them older (although they are the same age); Luna says she has many child stars and the Sun is a single mother; the Sun replies that she would have no fewer children if the Moon hadn't killed them; but now her children are humans]: Trilles 1932:290; luba (Hemba) [God created Heaven, Earth, Man, Man, Woman; Man did not have a liver so he could not reproduce; God's children Mother Sun, Mother Moon, Mother Darkness, Mother Rain everyone wanted to rule; God told the Sun to alternate with Rain, the Moon to dilute the Darkness; sent a fifth child to earth, the liver, who entered Man, people began to give birth to children]: Vandermeiren 1910:228-229 in Studstill 1984:125-126; luba (Hemba) [God created Heaven, Earth, Man, Woman; Man had no liver so he could not reproduce; God's children Mother Sun, Mother Moon, Mother Darkness, Mother Rain everyone wanted to rule; God told the Sun to alternate with Rain, the Moon to dilute the Darkness; sent a fifth child to earth, the liver, who entered Man, people began to give birth to children]: Vandermeiren 1910:228-229 in Studstill 1984:125-126; bolia [Lonkundo dreams of his father Bokele, who teaches him to make a trap of vines and pegs; women find an animal trapped; it is now forbidden to eat this animal women; L. dreams that the Sun has caught; goes to check the traps, in one woman shining like fire; she explains that the eldest in her family; came to meet a man, and when she returns, she fell into trap; promises that her father will give L. a copper ring for her daughter's release; L. agrees to release her only if she becomes his wife; she agrees, her name is Ilankaka, her father is Esombyankaka; I. is pregnant, He eats only rats; L. brings them, some disappear, he blames the servants; one day he sees that his wife has a flat stomach; he and his wife see their heads in the hearth; this son came out of his womb to steal meat; {further unclear}]: Mamet 1960:123-127; Sakata: Collén 1971 [The Month has two wives, one accompanying him at dawn, the other being the Evening Star]: 162; 1979, No. 118 [Moi (Sun, it is clear from the text that she is a woman) her baby Sanja fell ill (Month); The Bat gave her the nkisi fetiche, three days later Sanja recovered; now the Bat baby is ill; she asked for the nkishi back, but the Sun said she was going to sunset. will give it back in the morning; the Bat's child died; she decided never to see the Sun again, hang upside down, fly out at night]: 281-282; chagga [most Bantu have a month a man, the Sun is a woman; the boy Murile finds a tuber, hides it in a hollow, the tuber turns into his younger brother, he secretly whines his food from his mother; the mother watches, kills the baby; M. sits on a chair, ascends to the sky, comes to A month; heavenly people eat raw food; M. teaches to make fire by friction, gets cattle and wives for it; returns home, going down to the horizon; the bull agrees to carry him if he promises not to eat it meat; when the bull is old, M.'s father killed him, his mother gave meat to her son; M. fell into the ground]: Werner 1933:70-76; Nyamwezi [The Sun is the wife of the Month; he tries to grab his wife when he achieves his goal , the full moon comes, then walks in front of her, and the wife obediently follows behind; spots on the moon are the burns that the Sun has inflicted with its torch; sometimes Venus, the Evening Star, is considered the wife of the Month called "Wife of the Month"]: Millroth 1965:35; Congo [The month is stronger and older than the Sun, harsh and cruel, taking away the souls of humans and animals; his wife is the Morning or Evening Star; the Sun is an old hard-working woman, soft, kind to old people and to everyone who loves warmth; the Sun and the Month chase each other; when they merge, men will become lizards and women will become frogs]: Laman 1962:64-65; jungwe and neighboring groups [The Sun is the first wife of the Month, the evening Venus is the second]: Sicard 1966:46; mambunda [on the full moon The month appears before its first Sun Wife, becomes sick from her rays, dies; his wife Nehanda (Venus) accompanies him, revives him; dies herself and revives; The month comes out renewed; Nehanda is also called Marinda as an evening star, and as a morning star - Massassi]: Jensen in Frobenius 1931:232; como [The evening star is the good wife of the Month, feeds him, he gets fat; Morning is bad, tells you to put off eating until later, he loses weight; The sun is more often associated with a woman, but when at its zenith it is considered a man and in the less hot months she is a woman]: Mahieu 1975:237-238.
West Africa. Myself [see motive L121; a hunter and his seven dogs kill animals; they gather to decide how to kill himself; decide that the antelope will become a woman, become his wife; she takes him into the forest, calls animals; the hunter's dogs come running, tear the woman in half, one part turns into the sun, the other into the moon]: Platiel 1984:181-191; hausa [The sun gave birth to a daughter, asked Hold the child for a month; he tried to take him, but the daughter of the Sun burned him and he dropped her to the ground, so it's hot; there is sand on the path of the Sun, and there are thorns on the path of the Month, so he can't keep up By the Sun; tired, the Month sometimes goes to the path of the Sun, and the Sun tries to grab it; when it succeeds, people pull their skin over the opening of the stupa and knock on such a drum, asking the Sun to let go Month]: Frobenius 1909:95-97 (=Tremearne 1913:116-117).
Sudan - East Africa. Giryama [Venus is the wife of the Month]: Werner 1933:76; rest [the supreme god Tororut is a man with wings flapping lightning and thunder; his wife is Seta (Pleiades), the eldest son Arawa (Month), the other son is Ilat (Rain), the rest of the children are stars; his younger brother Asis (Sun) is angry during the dry season; alternatively, Asis (Sun) is the wife of the Month or the wife of T.-Sky itself]: Beech 191 : 19; Iraq: Hauge 1971 [Loa is a female supreme deity associated with the sun]: 52-56; Millroth 1965 [Loa - Sun woman, her husband is Natlang, lives in water, sacrifices are made to him, he causes illness, but death brings Loa]: 23; haza [Ishoko's sun ran around the earth like people run; she had a daughter Tsikayo from a month; when H. walked, the ground trembled; he lived on the mountain with his daughter and grandson Shashaya; Ts. ran to her husband, telling S. to answer her grandfather in her voice; H. rushed in pursuit, S. rose to heaven in fear, became the Morning Star; without catching his daughter, H. returned and crawled out of the cave to meet him a huge snake, bit, he died, rose to heaven]: Kohl-Larsen 1956 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 95:97; amhara, tigrinya [words for both the sun and moon are mostly feminine]: Cohen 1936:75; TED 1723, 2550.
North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco [in Arabic Kamar (moon) is masculine and Shams (sun) is feminine; the names of the characters in the fairy tale]: Lebedev 1990: 309; North African Arabs [in all Semitic languages The month is male, the Sun is female]: Briffault 1927 (2): 596; the Berbers of Morocco (Nador) [Qamar (Month) was in love with the Sun (Chams), but she I didn't want him, because he ran too much after the stars; threw ash in his face; the spots remained; the Month can't catch up with the Sun, they only occur during eclipses]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 4:9.
Southern Europe. Basques: Barocha 2004 [greeting the Sun at sunrise and sunset, it is called "grandmother"; the moon is also called grandmother]: 183; Zelikov 2018:33 [at dawn they say: Grandma goes to her sun mothers], 35-36 [moon - "grandmother in a red robe", "good grandmother", "holy grandmother"]; French (Dauphine) [sun and moon - two girls, one beautiful, the other ugly]: Joisten 1991, No. 55.6:323; Maltese [A month asks his mother to sew a jacket for him, but she cannot do it because its dimensions change all the time; (there is no information about the sun, but in Arab traditions, the sun is a woman)]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, no.*299:26.
Western Europe. Germans (Bavaria: Upper Palatinate) [I married the Sun for a month; I was cold and sleepy; the Sun suggested that whoever wakes up earlier should shine during the day and the other at night; the Sun woke up It's gone from the Month before; they still love each other, but when they meet (solar eclipses), they start to quarrel and disperse]: Schönwerth 1858, No. 3:57-59 (=Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 11:21-23); Germans: Grimm 1883 (2) ["even now people call the stars Frau Sonne und Kerr Mond"]: 704; Smith 1925 [in western Germany, the Sun is female and the Month is male]: 124; the Dutch [zon (f) is the sun , maan (f) - moon]: Mironov 1958:488, 978; Englishmen [in all Germanic languages The month is male, the Sun is a woman; in English this identification persisted until the loss of grammatical genus; moon association with woman - recent influence of classical mythologies]: Briffault 1927 (2): 596; Irish [Grian is a female sun deity; her palace was in Cnoc Gréine in Pailis Gré ine (Pallis Green), Limerick]: Ellis 1992:118.
Western Asia. Ugarit [Sun-man Shamshu (Bible. Shemesh), Akkad. Shamash, Yemeni. Shams), apparently, was paired with the sun goddess Shapash; in Western Semitic mythology, Jarich is the god of the moon, in Ugarit, the husband of the moon goddess Nikkal, borrowed from Mesopotamia (Ningal)]: Shifman 1980b: 596; 1982a: 639; 1982b: 640; Ugarit: KTU 1.100 ["My mother, Sun, take the message to Il to the place where the Two Rivers (mbk nhrm) flow, where two streams merge ('dt thmtm)"], KTU 1.24 [Yarih, "the shine of heaven" {i.e. month}, sends a message to R b, "king of summer heat", asking him to marry Nkl - w - 'ib. As a dowry, Yarikh promises silver, gold, lapis lazuli, fields and vineyards. R b replies, calling (apparently prospectively) Yariha "Ba'lu's son-in-law," that he should marry Pdry, Ba'la's daughter, and that he is ready to facilitate the marriage. It is also mentioned that God Astar will be happy about this marriage. Yarihu refuses the offer and insists that Nkl be his wife]; Phoenicians [The sun was usually considered a woman; the idea of him as a male deity is more likely in total, arose under Mesopotamian influence]: Tsirkin 2000:77, 321-322; Arabs of Western Asia and Arabia [in all Semitic languages Month is male, Sun is female]: Briffault 1927 (2): 596; Old Testament [in Biblical Hebrew, 14 cases "the sun" is female and only 4 times male]: Lipiński 2006:306; Aramaics [in Aramaic reflexes *šam⸺- (sun) can be either masculine or masculine female, cf. Jewish Palestinian Aramaic (DJPA 558, masculine and feminine), Syrian (LSyr. 788, more often masculine), Jewish Babylonian Aramaic (DJBA 1136, only masculine); month in Semitic languages in masculine norm]; Yemen: Lundin 1980c [Zat-Khimiyam, Zat-Hamim ("burning, hot") hypostasis of the sun goddess; revered in Saba, Kataban, Hadramaut; the symbol was 5 or 6 dots in the shape of U or V (possibly the designation of the Pleiades)]: 461; 1980d [bull, mountain ram are sacred animals of the deities of the moon Almakaha; the sun goddess, whose name is taboo, was in most Yemeni pantheons]: 597-598; Yemen [in all Sabean texts, the Month is male, the Sun is a woman, the Morning Star is their son]: Nielsen 1912:591; Yemen (SW corner, Khujariya region, western 2006) [sister lives with her brother and his wife; goes out to the roof at night, turns to the Month; the wife tells her husband that her sister has lovers; offers to look in her head, puts a lizard in her clothes, tells her brother that She gave birth to a freak; her brother tells her sister to bring him lunch to the field, lets the bulls in, they trample her; she turns into a palm tree, and the coffee she brought into a stream; women came to wash clothes in it asked the palm tree to bend down (to hang it and then take off her underwear), she bent down; when her brother's wife came, her clothes remained on the palm tree, she did not bend back; the husband calls the woodcutter, but the palm tree asked not cut her body; the same with the second; the husband brings the deaf and dumb man, who cuts down a palm tree; the old woman picked up a date, brought it home and forgot; every day, returning, she sees the house tidy; her little nieces they say it was them; but one day an old woman found a young woman who told her everything; her brother sees her, does not recognize her, asks for a wife; her sister asks the old woman to demand a bed made of stone and glass, made of straw and wood, clay and cloth; he makes them, brings them, they say strange things; the sister explains who she is; he ripped his wife's belly open, brought his sister back to the house]: Al-Baydhani 2008:41-49; mehri, jibbali [Mehri, Jibbali, and Sokotri are the only Semitic languages in which both the sun and the moon are feminine]: Kogan 2015:540; Socotra: Naumkin et al. 2014, No. 4 [Father tells his son when dying cut off his finger and bury it; a tree will grow, you can ask the guests on a bet what it is from, no one will guess; the young man's wife found out the secret and revealed it to her lover, who won the argument; the young man left home met a Sun woman; she promised to shame her unfaithful wife and lover: to ascend in the West]: 2; Naumkin 2012 [during the famine, two men decided to take the woman's fruits and roots and kill her; she begged allow her to pray and not kill her before the moon rises; turned to the moon, entrusting it with {"her" (moons; j.r., also grammatically, which is not typical for Semitic languages, comm. L. Kogan) of Tanuf's grandson, whose mother Zibrinno was killed for her roots and fruits"; son Z. began to look for his mother, those two murderers came to his house; when they saw the moon, they told this story; when they heard his mother's name, the owner of the house hacked down sword killers]: 422-423 (retelling in Naumkin, Kogan 2013, No. 4:181); Arabs of Western Asia and the Arabian Peninsula [Kamar (moon) is masculine in Arabic, and Shams (sun) is feminine]: Lebedev 1990:309; Bedouins in Arabia (and other Western Asian countries?) [The Sun is an evil old woman, the wife of the Month; when the month is in the form of a narrow sickle, the Sun approaches it, scolds and hits it, they fight; the marks of the blows are spots on the face of the Month; in the dusty air you can sometimes see spots on disk of the Sun]: Montagne 1947:73-74.
Australia. Overall [The month is usually a man, the Sun is a woman, sometimes the wife of the Month; she is often a mother]: Waterman 1987:22, 26; Tiwi: Mountford 1958:25-30 [Purukupali is the son of the blind old woman who created Fr. Melville; when the Wedge-tailed Eagle and the Fork-tailed Hawk accidentally fired, rotating their sticks, got scared, P. lit the torch, gave it to his sister Wuriupranala, another torch gave the character Tjapara; P. went down to sea, V. and T. took to heaven, became the Sun and the Month], 170 [the earth is small, so in the morning you can see the Sunwoman rising from the horizon and falling in the evening; at night she and the man- A month goes from west to east through a valley of the underworld between two mountain ranges; there are no plants or animals, but a stream flows down one mountain to quench your thirst], 172 [when at the end of an era the character's creations turned into animals and plants, the woman carrying the measles torch became the Sun; at sunrise she adorns herself with red ocher, hence the red color of dawn; the same at sunset; before how to go east in the light of the barely smoldering tip of a torch, the Sun is resting behind a heavenly lake]; murngin (yolngu): Hamacher 2011:130 [Hulley & Roberts 1996:53-56; month Ngalindi - fat and lazy man; for his laziness (or for breaking prohibitions), his wives cut off pieces from him; he escapes by climbing a tall tree to follow the Sun, but dies because of the inflicted wounds; three days later he rises, gets fat again; then his wives attack him again and everything repeats himself], 131 [Wells 1964; before dawn, the Walu woman is painted red ocher, part of which she also falls on the clouds, and lights a torch of bark; she carries it all day, and extinguishes it at sunset; at night she bends around the ground (from below) and everything repeats]; varrai [Month-man tried to grab a woman- Echidna; she hit him in the hand with a spear, said he would be a month and she would be snide; {the Sun's field is not mentioned}]: Harvey MS, No. 5; millingimbi [A month is a lazy husband of two wives; they are tired of getting food for him, they rushed with a digger and an ax, cut off pieces of fat from him; when there was not much left, he climbed a tree, then into heaven, disappeared; later appeared again; every night to his wives ever larger chunks were cut off; this is the cause of the lunar phases]: Wells 1965:18-21; arunta: Spencer, Gillen 1938:561-562 [Sun is female, Month is man; Sun with two other women came out of the ground, returns there every night; shamans can see him there], 564 [a man from the Possum family died, was buried, returned; people ran in horror, he asked them to stop, otherwise they would be die forever; he will die and rise to heaven; became the Month, dies and is reborn; people have become mortals]; garageri [The sun and his sister lived on earth, shivered, went to heaven, moving with east to west and carrying a rainbow snake in a vessel; the sister promised the Sun a husband, but did not find it; the women lost the Rainbow; their trail became a river, the Milky Way]: Waterman, No. 132:29; Adelaide [The Sun is the wife Months; every month she hits her husband to death but he is reborn; he has many two-headed tailless dogs]: Waterman 1987, No. 150:29-30; Ramingeri: Clarke 1997:132 [moon is female; constantly copulates with men and therefore loses weight; she is driven away, she feeds on nutritious roots and gets fat again], 133 [The sun is a woman; after entering, she passes by the villages of the dead; people part, giving her way; giving her a red kangaroo skin in which the Sun rises at dawn]; Virageri and neighboring tribes [the deceased takes a rope to heaven, where totems and ancestors live; crawls through the hole like mythical creatures of the beginning of time; the edges of the hole move continuously, opening a narrow gap from time to time; the dead sees two guards, the month-old man on one side, A sun woman on the other; the month's long penis is wrapped around his waist, the Sun's long clitoris is blocked by fire, which is a source of warmth and daylight; see motif D13]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:413; Tasmanians [Sun Woman]: Bonwick 1870:192; Yualarai [Wang (Raven) suggests that Ball (a month) not make new children, but revive the dead; he refuses; W. invites him to climb a tree collecting caterpillars, making the tree grow to the sky; B. remains in the sky; he previously refused to marry Sun-Yi; on Yi's instructions, the spirits that support the sky at the edges prevent B. from returning to earth; if if they allow, Yi will kill the spirit holding the ends of the ropes on which the ground hangs in the center of the sky; B. slipped past the spirits, taking the form of an emu; went with his wives to collect the caterpillars, leaving the log where he slept and covered with his skin; Brother B. tried to kill him, but only hit the log; when the B. brothers approached, B. turned into an emu again, slipped away from them; B. and the Lizard began to make children, send them to spirits that they were sent to their earthly mothers; children hid in eucalyptus branches; the woman who passed under them became pregnant; if B. rises late, he makes girls (it takes longer to make them than boys); girls into women transforms Van (Raven)]: Parker 1965:49-54.
Melanesia. Majprat [the main sources of the beginning of an (feminine, warm, alive, passive, red, green, right; opposite to the beginning of cha - masculine, cold, active, death, yellow, black, white, left) are considered to be the sun, vagina, and underground demo, sometimes identified with earth]: Elmberg 1968:210; (cf. e-nan [stars are wives of the Month (half of the Sun is unknown); there are special names only for the Morning and Evening Stars and the Pleiades, but they are also known to few]: Nevermann 1942:192; dera ( menggwa dla) [I lived in a pond for a month, went ashore to steal crops; the owner of the site followed, called people, they dried the pond with sago palm leaves {it is not said how}, found the Month that hid in the hollow trunk of a pandanus; the landlord brought it home, hung it on the wall in a mesh bag; fat had been dripping since the Month, people filled it with sago, vegetables and other food; Kariawi came when at home only children; they showed him where the Month was; he took it out of his bag, put it in a bucket of water, the Month rose to heaven; dew is now called "moon dew," meaning "moon fat," but it's tasteless, probably because that the moon is far away]: Sousa 2006:524-536); dougum dani [The sun is a terrible woman, she is wearing a married woman's skirt, men's jewelry, she wears a spear; sometimes referred to as "our mother"; The month is her husband or brother , they live in the same house; they can't distinguish any figures on the moon]: Heider 1970:210-211; oz. Kutubu [people argue about the nature of the stars, think that the Sun and the Month are one person; only one man thinks otherwise, he is driven away, he goes east, comes to the house, the owner treats him with meat; enters him sister, illuminating the room with her beauty; in the evening, the Month-Owner calls his seven star dogs, goes star hunting; tells you not to look into the part of the house where the Sun Sister went to bed; in the morning of the Month tells the person to close his eyes, he is at home; another, very thin man instructs him to be the first to show the way; tries to rape the Sun, burns; the first comes back; the Month cools his sister, putting it into the water, gives the man a wife; fellow villagers come, attack, the person is killed; The Moon and the Sun, having shot all the arrows, climb to the roof of the house, from there to the sky; when the sister rises, it dawns]: Williams 1941, No. 15:149-151; Keraki: Williams 1969:70-71 [The sun is a woman, linked to the Bangu fratria; the month (more important in mythology) is with Fratria Bangi; the son, but more often the spouse of the Sun], 296-297 [ Yumar's son, like his father Kambel, is identified with the Month; K. and his son are identified with the Month, Yu with the Sun)], 302 [Kambel made the Sun and Month from the lumps of palm core contents, named them Bangi (Month) and Eram (the secret name of the Sun) told them to be husband and wife; they pursue each other; when the Sun appears, the Month extinguishes its torch], 312-314 [Kambel and his wife Yumar have a son Gufa; while K. is on at the station, G. sees a naked sleeping mother, converges with her; soon K. comes, realizes that someone was before him; hides; sees G. making love to his mother again; gives him a special type of tarot, he dies; the Natekari dog reproaches K. for killing; K. pierces her tongue with a cassowary pen; when he tries to talk about what happened, he only barks; since then the dogs have not spoken; G. comes to life and comes back; K. covers with palm leaves, a trap pit, G. falls into it, K. falls asleep; Y. goes, K. goes to heaven, after her; he is the Month; according to some options, his wife Y. - The Sun, he pursues her forever]; (cf. Purari Delta [ Many ravi have white-painted discs from the core of a palm tree, called the "moon", nailed to the pillars for decoration; the first one was owned by two women Au and Apura, lighting them up at night; they were the first to learn burn lime; the son of one of them hunted side by side in the thickets, thanks to the light from the disc, did not miss the wounded pigs; the hero Iko came from the west, took such a disc, threw it into the sky, which became the Month (male )]: Williams 1924:231, 263); Manus [a Nimei man and a Niwong woman swim in the sea; decide to create land; they grab a floating tree trunk, it turns into earth; they create vegetation on the ground; they create vegetation on the ground; they create two mushrooms, throw them into the sky; one abandoned by a man became a Month, thrown by a woman - the Sun]: Meier 1907, No. 2:646.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands [Month Male, Sun Woman]: F. Hartzer, Les Iles Blanches de la Mer du Sud, p.54 at Briffault 1927 (2): 594.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [mother goes to dig wild tubers, tells her three daughters not to unlock strangers; the cannibal eats her, takes her form; eldest daughter: the mother was not wearing black clothes; she comes to white; middle daughter: the mother was not wearing white clothes; the cannibal persuaded the youngest daughter to stick her hand in to take the tubers; grabbed her hand: if you don't tear it off, I'll tear off my hand; at night the cannibal lies down with the youngest; sisters they hear chomping, the cannibal replies that she drinks water, eats beans; the sisters felt the youngest's head torn off; persuaded them to let them pee (they refused to do it in the pot, into the hearth); the cannibal tied them ropes around their necks, they tied them to the chicken and the pig; the sisters ran to the top of the mountain, turned to the Pleiades; they lowered the iron staircase, the sisters climbed into heaven; the cannibal followed, the crossbar broke, she fell; during the day, the mother is looking for the older sister who became the sun, and at night the youngest, who became the moon]: Kajihama 2004, No. 9:33-37; the overall range [many, if not most, peoples of the north- East India, including Dafla, Khasi, and almost all Naga, consider the month a man and the sun a woman]: Hutton 1925:117; Angami and Sema []: Mills 1926:299; dafla [Donyi - the goddess of the Sun; the first ancestors of Western and Eastern Duffle raise their family to her; she is favorable to people]: Stonor 1957:4; kiki (purum) [Sun is the wife of the Month of Hla]: Das 1945:200; lakher: Parry 1932:487 [The sun is a woman living in the east; small strong black dwarfs open the gates for the Sun before dawn; fleas hear this sound, they start biting pigs, they rub on the table poles, poultry wake up, roosters wake people up; at night The sun shines in the world of the dead], 492 [Month man, husband of the Sun]; miniong: Blackburn 2008 [there were two suns, man and woman, one it was shining during the day, the other at night, the earth was dying from the heat; people sent the Frog to hit one sun with an arrow, which shot the male sun, it cooled down and died; the female sun in the mountain disappeared beyond the horizon; it was cold; they sent Crow, who agreed that the sun would return, but 500 people would die every night and day; then they sent the Rooster, but he fell in love with the sun and did not return; finally, both the suns are back, but the male sun has faded and became a month]: 155; Elwin 1958a, No. 16 [Sedi land and Melo sky are married; humans, animals, and Wiyus (gods, first ancestors) are about to decide how not to be crushed; Sedi-Diyor, one of Wiyus's strongest, pushed Sky far from Earth; she gave birth to two girls, but grieving for her lost husband, could not raise them, they found a nanny; she died, hers they buried them, the sisters cried, they also died, the light emanating from them was gone; they thought that the nanny had stolen something from the sisters, dug up the grave, the body decayed, but the eyes were gone, they had images of sisters; the master extracted them, they became living girls; the eldest, Bomong, dressed nicely, left, never came back, she was the sun; the youngest Bong followed her, was just as bright and hot; they decided to kill her, the Frog shot her with a bow, The rat brought the body to his older sister; out of fear and grief, Bomong put a stone on her head, the light faded; Nginu-Botte sent a rat, a wild bird and a rooster to Bomong; the rooster's huge genitals prevented him from walking, his the penis was cut off, it became an earthworm, and the testicles went inside the body; Bomog agreed to return if his sister came to life; the master made the image of Bong, breathed life, Bomong removed the stone, at dawn a rooster and the bird sang, the rat squeaked]: 48-50; miji (Dhammai) [Sujan-Mui woman gave birth to a girl Biuri-Riang; she was like a white stone, gave birth to sisters Sun and Moon; the Sun gave birth to a girl Laolang, and the Moon gave birth to a girl named Laolang Jong-Dang girl; L. was fed and dressed as rani and J. as maid; then BR gave birth to son Abbu-Bullu, his sons Dung-Riang and Jibru; DR sent Jowang's servant to fish, JD also came there; they fell in love each other; Jovang learned from JD that her sister D. was hidden by her parents in a silver box; DR came with beer and gifts, but the Moon and the Sun offered him only JD, insisted that there was no other daughter; then Jibra pretended to be dead, Jovang began to cry, Laolang came out of the box to look; Jibra took her away and DR married her, and Jovang took JD and married her; people come from Laolang]: Elwin 1958a, No. 9:42-44; aka (chrusso) [Ossin's older brother and younger Awa find a woman in the forest, fight over her, O. kills A., his corpse burns in a forest fire, the mongoose covers the bones with clay, revives A.; so three times; O. finds A. climbing the swing; he says he is watching the fish dancing from above; O. wants it too, A. throws the swing with his brother into the river; O. hits the top of the Month, replies that The sun is shining brighter, the Month throws him back into the river; at the top of the Sunwoman, O. tells her that the Sun is brighter; she promises to pick it up on her way back; O. overslept the first morning, the next Sun picked it up at dawn by his hair; at home O. killed his brother, brought his wife back; A. came to life again, but left, found his wife elsewhere; he is the ancestor of aka, and O. is Bangny]: Elwin 1958b, No. 10:181-184; bori [land Sittking- Kedding and the Peddo-Dodum sky lay close, they had a sun daughter Doini and then a month-son Pollo; the mother was afraid that when she gave birth to Tani, D. would eat him; she shoved the sky with her foot up, he took it from The Sun and the Month; when T. was born, D. hid the Sun, the world fell into darkness; they agreed that the Sun would only drink blood (when it drinks a lot, it was very hot), and the Month would drink blood only once a month, When the moon is red; people descend from Tanya, it belongs to the Sun, so the Sun cares about people; Wiyus (gods, first ancestors) come from Taro, it belongs to the Month, so the Month cares about shamans ]: Elwin 1958a, No. 6:40-41; Khashi: Rafy 1920, No. 1 [the girl was stolen by a tiger; she grew up, he decided to eat her, invited other tigers to a feast; the mouse told the girl to run to U Hynroh, a huge male toad; he puts skin on her with a toad, makes her a maid; the mouse tells her to run to heaven on a tree that has grown to the sky; the girl stays with the Sun woman; her son sees her taking off her toad's skin, becoming beautiful; The sun secretly burns his skin, marries his son to a girl; U Hynroh is furious, attacks the Sun from time to time, but people make noise and scare him away], 5 [the earth was flat; a woman died on it, leaving three daughters - Sun, Water, Fire; each in turn began to try to destroy the mother's corpse; the Sun burned everything, then Water flooded the earth, but the corpse remained; then Fire burned everything, the corpse disappeared; since then on earth valleys and mountains appeared], 17 [=Bertrand 1958:133; Fire, Water, Sun are the elder sisters of the Month; the month was as bright as the Sun; wanders, indulges in vice, demanded his mother's Sun sister as his wife; The sun threw hot ash in his face; the moon became pale, stained, does not appear during the day]: 1-7, 24-25, 89-91; kachins: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 29 [mother went for firewood, told her daughters not unlock the door; Tiger says that his eyes are red with pepper, his hands are dirty from work; the girls open it, hide in the tree; the eldest advises to oil the trunk, but the middle one advises to make notches; god lowers a golden vessel on a rope from the sky, picks up the girls; lifts the tiger in clay with a rotten rope, he falls, breaks; the older sister becomes the sun, the middle moon, the younger star]: 104- 106; Elwin 1958b, No. 23 [first the sky is close to earth; Ningun-Chinun gives birth to Tungkam-Waisun twins, this is Sita (month) and his sister Chan (sun); then LF gives birth to a Machang man, Wakum pumpkin, Lung stone -Nin-Chang; playing, the LNF smashed his pumpkin brother, people came out, rejoicing when the Sun and the Month climbed into heaven; in order not to suffer in the darkness anymore, they cut off the stairs, the stars remained in the sky; Sun She tried unsuccessfully to get together with her month-old brother; he refused, became pale, like a saint]: 58-59; Miller 1994 [the woman has a daughter Hosuni, Dusuni, Bisuni; when she leaves, she tells her not to reveal to strangers door; the leopard werewolf became a young man, began to sing, the sisters liked it, they left the house, went to their voices; when they saw the werewolf, they ran, climbed the tree; the werewolf asks me to tell me how they got in; younger sister B. explained that leopards have been able to climb trees ever since; God asks if sisters go up to heaven and stay there forever; sisters agree, they end up in heaven; God allows they only see their mother one by one, but sometimes two sisters go out together; they became sun, moon and stars]: 175-177; bugun (Khowa): Elwin 1958b, No. 7 [Sun - early day, Month - raja of the night; serpent Ettong tries to kill them and become the master of heaven; grabs them, causing eclipses (=1958a: 41)], 37 [Sun-Hanai wife of the month is Habia; their son Jomi and daughter Lomi come together, L. gave birth to a buffalo (mithun), unnoticed by parents were thrown from heaven to earth; he was tamed by aka (chrusso) people]: 44-45, 436-437; drung (Yunnan) [two suns, husband and wife, were shining; children die from the heat, plants dry; the hunter climbed the mountain , knocked down the man by the sun, the woman sun hid in horror; 9 days of darkness, everyone is afraid of monsters and spirits; on the tenth morning it was a little dawn; the rooster began to scream, "Young lady, Sun, give me earrings"; the green earring fell from the sky; the rooster promised to scream three times in the morning, after which the sun should come out; the female sun came out; and the male sun became a month, they have been going out in turns ever since; after death the hunter was on the moon, his shadow is visible there]: Miller 1994:61-62.
Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the mother goes to the village for a holiday, tells her three daughters not to open it - a tiger may come {rather a tigress; gender is not specified}; the mother has not returned; the eldest daughter is the first to guard, replies to the tigress that her voice is rude and does not unlock it; then the middle daughter asks her hand to be put under the door, says that it is a paw covered with hair; the youngest unlocks it; when they see the tigress, the sisters jump out the window they climb a walnut tree; the tigress, still pretending to be the mother of girls, asks for help climbing the tree; the older sister advises to pour liquid soap on the trunk, the middle one with oil, and the tigress slides; the simple-minded youngest feels sorry for her mother, she advises making notches on the trunk with an ax; the tigress rises, the sisters ask the rain god to save them; at that time he was pulling water from the sea with a bucket and rope, threw the rope to his sisters, they went to heaven; the tigress asked her to throw it too, but under her weight, the rope broke off and she drowned; the rain god turned his older sister into the sun, the middle sister into the moon, the youngest into the moon evening star]: Coyaud 2002, No. 7:25-29; bulang (blang, south Yunnan) [at first only sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made the sky out of his skin, stars out of his eyes, from flesh - earth, from blood - water, from wool - all kinds of plants, from the brain - people, from the bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; from four legs - four pillars of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; how only the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites it in the eye; if it falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 brothers they decided to destroy G.'s creation for months; there was unbearable heat on earth; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes lost their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared his straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; G. made a bow out of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed hot stones to the top of the mountain, hit 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured to the ground, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, she the Month touched, he survived, but lost his fever; it became dark and cold, people plowed with their lanterns tied to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent the swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that The Sun and the Moon hid in a cave in the east; G. sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared her tail red - supposedly she had diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she was in mourning for her parents; all of them were banned; there was a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds were led by a rooster, animals were a boar; in in the cave, the couple Sun and Month are starving, but they are afraid to go out; the rooster called them, the rest promised that G. would not shoot at them; rooster: from now on go out after I drink; cut the knot, threw half For the Sun and the Month, he made a comb out of the other (a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar could push it away; everything is fine]: Miller 1994:88-93; Viets [Mat Choi (Sun) and Mat Chang (Moon) are daughters of Ngok Hoang (Jasper Lord); when the Sun palanquin carried the old porters, they often stayed on the road, the day was long; when they carried the young, it was short; the moon was hot in the Sun, their father told their mother to smear ash on the moon's face, and since then they fell in love with the Moon (=Coyaud 2011, No. 2:10); moon phases - Mat Chang turns his face; otherwise, young Kuai threw sand at the moon's face when she went down to see what was being done in the world; The bear is the husband of both sisters; covers them, causing eclipses; people scare the Bear away by hitting drums and mortars]: Knorozova 2000:22-23; ede: Nikulin 1970b [Dam Shan comes to the Sunwoman to marry her; the Sun is a daughter Earth and Sky; Sky is a male character (i.e. Earth is female); a rainbow staircase leads to the Sun's abode; the Sun refuses, because if it comes to earth, everything will burn down; it tells him to leave as soon as possible, to her sunrise; DS remains; Sun rises; DS goes back, but the heat of the sun makes the earth viscous like resin, DS dies]: 89-94; 1980 [the head of the supreme deity Aedié symbolizes heavenly dome, frowning forehead - clouds, breath - air, genitals - fertility, right eye - sun, left eye - moon, hands - two pillars on which the sky rests; his wife Heba (mother earth) gave birth in marriage with him, a sunny woman and a son who died from a scolopendra bite; since then A. has settled in a big house in the upper tier of heaven]: 49; 1980d [I Do is the adopted son of the Hkung girl's mother; to avoid incest, X . asked Eid the difficult task of pouring a dam; he did it; H. ran away from him in the sun; Eid chased her, found himself a month away; they are allowed to meet only occasionally, at which time lunar and solar eclipses; when people came to earth from the dungeon, Eid settled them, gave them languages and customs]: 480; Shuijia [Taiyang fell in love with poor Yueliang, but she was promised to sorcerer Lai; the stone told lovers come to him in the middle of autumn; T. and Yu stand on a stone, he hides them; L. tells them to burn the stone, but T. and Yu in a column of fire in the form of swans rise into the sky; L. placed the girl on a cold star, and the young man was hot; he felt sorry to freeze T., he swapped them; to prevent them from meeting, he made the Sun walk during the day, the Month at night]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:19-20; Thais: Le May 1924 [translation in Kornev 1963:71-72; Rahu was the maid of sisters Atit (elder) and Chan; forgot to bring a rice cup and spoon; came back, brought a cup, and forgot the spoon again; when she finally brought it, both sisters They hit her in the face in public with a spoon; Rahu: Let Atit be the sun and Chan become the moon in the next rebirth, but I will always be in the sky; during eclipses, R. hits his sisters in the face; people try her drive away and hit the gongs]: 11; Plenge 1976 [Rahu was a servant of the Sun and Moon sisters, wanted to swallow them, but he was not allowed to, so he only covers them with his finger; var.: Rahu was the sisters' younger brother, forgot the spoon when they all went to the woods to visit the monks on the occasion of their father's death; Rahu first swallowed the sisters, but then apparently regurgitated and now only covers them with his finger]: 120; sre [sun is woman]: Oxford Dictionary of Asian Mythology: Indo-Chinese Mythology, http://www.answers.com/topic/indo-chinese-mythology.
South Asia. Ancient India (Aryan) [Savitar wanted his daughter Surya (a female version of the solar deity) to marry the moon god Somu; but Surya was harassed by many, so it was decided that Surya would receive the one who will be the first to ride to the sun in chariots; the Ashwins defeated, Surya became their companion; the Ashwains (Nasatya and Dasra) became the gods of twilight and morning and evening stars]: Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 5:22, 205 (note) [the Ashwins' association with certain natural phenomena is assumed, there are no exact identifications in the sources]; Oraons [Dharme is a human-friendly creator goddess, identified with the sun]: Hahn 1906, No. 44:82; gondas [Megh Raja and Megh Rani have an eldest daughter, the Sun and a younger Moon; the moon is more beautiful, she has a Lakshman fan, has already worked for her for 12 years; after hearing him play on violin, the Sun invited her sister to give her her jewelry, cut her into pieces; now the moon is incomplete, the stars are drops of her blood; L. demanded a wife; Raja and Rani gave birth to another daughter, Bidjaldeo Kanya; L. worked for her for another 12 years; her parents put her in bamboo, told L. to open only houses; he opened it on the way, lightning flew out of the bamboo, disappeared; he made a bow and arrow, thunder was a sound when he tries to chase his fiancée]: Elwin 1949, No. 6:61; bondo [sisters Sun and Moon lived together, they have children, the Sun has more; Moon feels sorry to share food with her sister's children; hid her own in hair, said her face was swollen from a burn that she ate her children; The sun ate her own; the moon ran away with her children; the sun became hot with anger]: Elwin 1954, No. 2:57-58; turi [Sun and The moon was sisters, both had children; the moon was afraid that the heat of the Sun would kill her children, hid them in a clay pot, told the Sun that she had eaten; then the Sun also ate her children; at night, the Moon released her own children to the sky, they became stars; the Sun decided not to look into the face of the moon anymore; since then, the moon has not been seen during the day, and there are no stars with the Sun]: Russell, Hirali 1916:591 in Elwin 1949:74; sora [ The sun is the elder sister, the Moon is the youngest. The Sun has many, many children, little suns. There are people on earth because it has become unbearably hot. Luna also had a lot of kids. The children of the Sun were cocky, and the children of the Moon were humble. One day, sunny children beat the moon badly. The moon complained to the Sun, but the Sun said the kids were just naughty. Then Luna hid her children in a chest, went to the forest, where there was a tree with blood-colored juice, smeared this juice on her mouth and hands, and came to the Sun. The sun asked what it was. Luna said her kids are so naughty that she got tired of putting up with it and ate them. The sun said her kids were even worse and ate them. People on earth have calmed down. The moon took her kids out of the chest, and they're stars now. Since that day, the Sun and Moon have become enemies, the Sun is chasing the Moon, so the Moon is only visible for 15 days, and the remaining 15 are hiding in fear]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Andamans: Man 1932 [The month is the husband of the Sun, the stars are their sons and daughters]: 97; Radcliffe-Brown 1933 [The Sun is the wife of the Month, the stars are their children (referred to by the same word as fireflies); another word versions, Luna is a woman, her husband is Maia Tok, the Sun is male]: 141; Semangs (Kintak) [The Moon and the Sun are the elder and younger sisters; the Moon hides her children in her hair (hair-knot), tells the Sun that swallowed them; the Sun is eating its children; if this did not happen, people would not be able to survive the heat of many suns]: Evans 1927:167; Semangs (Jehai) [The Sun is female, the Month is male, everyone has many children are just like their parents; because of the children of the Sun, the Earth is terribly hot; The month decides to help people, hides its children under their arms, tells the Sun that it has eaten them, advises them to do the same; The Sun eats its children, then the Month releases its stars again]: Schebesta 1931:107; 1937:101; semangs [The Sun and Moon are women; the Sun's husband is the Raven (AG-AG, the Crow)]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:202; temuan (mantra) [you can see a banyan on the moon, under it the humpback old man Moyang-Bertang weaves from his bast to the forest where he is going to catch everyone on earth; mice gnaw ropes and MB can't finish work ; if she finishes, the world will end; MB is the husband of the Moon woman; the Sun is also a woman, her husband constantly pulls her by the rope; Stars are the children of the Moon; the Moon has agreed with the Sun to eat her children, hid them, and the Sun really ate; if the Sun were as many as stars, it would be unbearable heat; the Sun is still chasing the Moon; when it catches up, an eclipse occurs; during the day the Moon continues to hide his children]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:319-320, 338 [(=Hervey 1883:190-191); there were three Suns, a wife, a husband and a child, one of them always in the sky; To' Entah asked the Moon to hide in her husband's mouth The Evening Star and child stars, invite the Sun to swallow its husband and children; the Sun did so; when she learned the truth, she said it would swallow the moon if it was on its path; this is the cause of the eclipses]; bataks [by the Sun {woman?} seven sons, all shining together, the earth is burning; people sent the Swallow to the moon asking for help; the moon hid her sons; people gave her lime, betel, tobacco - this is what siri chewing gum needs; Moon told the Sun that she had eaten her sons, showed seven bowls of their blood (actually chewing gum); when the Sun also ate her sons, the Moon released its own; the Sun let evil spirits on the moon ( eclipses); other spirits, the Moon's associates, cause solar eclipses]: Erkes 1926:42-43; mentawai [The Sun and Moon are women, both had many children, the Sun's children were extremely hot; so save people, Luna hid her children, smeared her mouth with red juice, told the Sun that she ate them with pleasure; the Sun ate her children; in the evening, the children of the Moon, stars, appeared; the Sun hit the Moon with a knife, it is now visible in parts; the Moon has hit the Sun, now the Sun's edge is jagged, and the Sun and the Moon do not meet]: Schefold 1988:71-72; (cf. Loeb 1929, No. 12 [The month is the adopted father of the Pleiades Brothers; see motive I99]: 149-162); Malokh [Moon (Bulan) is female, the Sun (Mata Aso), at least in some texts, is a woman]: King 1975:159 ; minahasa [Pandagian dances late; her father forbids her household to lower her stairs when she returns home; her mother invites her to lie down on the ground (there are fleas), on a pile of brushwood (there are rats); P. turns to Riamasan to take it to heaven; a golden chair descends from the sky on a gold chain, P. sits in it; when he gets up, P. asks him to stop three times, reproaches the household; when they understand that she is leaving them forever, they beg her to return in vain; in the sky, P. is tied up, carried, washed, killed, fried, slaughtered like a pig; her face turns into the sun, the back of her head into the moon; because at the back of her head there were incisions, spots on the moon; all parts of the body turn into different constellations and stars (a significant part is named)]: Bolsius 1909:886-891; the Eastern Toraja [the sun and moon are considered spouses; but there are the idea that both were women; the sun was coming out with her children, people were dying from the heat; the moon promised to help people; she hid her child stars in a bamboo vessel, told the Sun that her light was destroying her light people, and children, like an extra burden, only get in the way; the Sun also placed its children in a vessel, they died there from the heat; the Moon released its child stars back into the sky; since then, the Sun has been chasing the Moon; alone The Sun's child has escaped, it's the Morning Star]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 7:377; Bunak (Timor): Berthe 1972 [the world is dark at first; the Sun woman and the month-man illuminate the earth; their children are exploring it]: 97 -117; Friedberg 1973 [Bunak believe their ancestor is the son of a Sun Woman and a Month-Man]: 130; mangaray (West Flores) [the sun and moon were women - mother sun and mother moon]: Arndt 1931:840.
Taiwan - Philippines. Tsow [The Sun and the Month are humanoid creatures, with the Sun being female and Muna male]: Nevsky 1935:66; ami: Matsumoto 1928:122-123 [during the flood, brother and sister escaped in a mortar; they first gave birth to a snake, threw it into the bushes, then a frog, threw it outside the house; when they smelled a strange smell from the ground, the goddess of the Sun sent her sons to find out what was going on; they reassured brother and sister, told the mother what was going on; she sent two messengers to earth to bring bamboo; there was a pig inside; she was sacrificed to heaven, gods, young spouses, then everyone danced; after this brother and sister gave birth to normal children-daughter, son, daughter again, etc.]; Yamada 2002 [Sun is woman, Month is man]: 50; paywan [coming out alternately, two suns were shining, because of the heat, people were shining could not leave the house; two brothers Kulele and Pulaluyan went to sunrise to the sea, one threw a spear, the other knocked out the sun's eye with an arrow, this sun became the moon, night appeared; the Sun was the older sister, the Month - younger brother]: Egli 1989, No. 17:43; Tagals [Araw (Sun) - elder, Buwan (Moon) - younger sister; B. has a bad temper; God gave A. a diamond, B. stole another; God sent angels to punish her, but they drowned both sisters and threw diamonds into the sky; A.'s diamond is brighter]: Eugenio 1994, No. 51a: 114.
China - Korea. Ancient China: Kravtsova 2004 [Shi-he and Chan-e could form a pair of deities (Sun-Moon), and their images go back to two Yin goddesses, Mother Oriental (Dung-mu) and Western Mother (Si-mu) ; their names, without deciphering their appearance and functions, are found on divination bones]: 325; Yangshina 1977 [Xihe is the mother of the suns; Chang'e (or another female character?) - mother of the moon]: 202-203, 206; Williams 1974 [Taoist author Huai Nan Tzu (died 122 BC): Two sisters lived on the moon and their brother in the sun; sisters did not like people looking at them, asked their brother change; he replied that they looked even more during the day, but the sisters insisted; now if anyone looked at them, they stab his eyes with 72 needle rays]: 279; Chinese (Shaanxi, wy. Shannan) [After Pangu separated the sky from the ground, there were neither day or night nor cardinal points, and it was dark everywhere. Then Mother Wanmu gave birth to two twin girls. The first one was named the Moon, and the second was named the Sun. They lived in the Sky Palace, lighting it up and warming it. One day, an aunt came to the Sky Palace and told V. that the earth was dark, crops did not sprout, people were dying of hunger. V. decided to send her daughters to help them, and then the Sun said that she would shine during the day and serve her mother at night, and Luna said that she would shine at night and serve her mother during the day. Mother agreed and gave her sisters black silk and ten thousand needles to protect them. The sun took the needles, and the Moon took silk. The sun came back after the first duty and complained to her mother that everyone was looking at her, she was ashamed and that made her blush. Then her mother told her to stab whoever looked at her in the eye. When Luna returned, she also complained to her mother that everyone was looking at her, and she was ashamed and that made her white. Then her mother told her to cover her face with black silk, and ever since the moon rises, people only see part of it, and only late at night, when everyone is sleeping, she takes off the black silk and then she can see her white face . Since then, the Sun and Moon have taken turns taking to heaven, and day and night have appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 9:10-12; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Yuanping) [The Sun and Moon were sisters; the Moon is beautiful, the Sun is unpretentious; she offered to leave the house one by one; then asked that only the Moon come out at night, because she, the Sun, is afraid; but people are all they laughed at the Sun equally; then she made rays out of the needle and stabbed the eyes of those who try to look at it with them; but everyone still admires the beauty of the moon]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 6:9; Chinese: Bystrov et al. 1962 (Guizhou) [the Sun girl loved a young man named Month; her parents married her for a sorcerer; they ask for a stone for help; they rush to him, disappear; the sorcerer tells her to breed around the stone is fire, the stone explodes, the girl and the boy fly away in the guise of swans; the sorcerer returns them, puts the girl on a cold star, the young man on a hot star; the girl asked the sorcerer to give her a hot one, that changed their location; at first they were in the sky at the same time, then the sorcerer told the Month to shine only at night]: 244-246; Eberhard 1937, No. 68 (Zhejiang, Hubei, Guangdong) [ First, a young man took the Sun, and a girl took the Moon; she is ashamed that everyone is looking at her, asking her to change, became the Sun, and whatever they looked at her, she stabs her with needle rays]: 113; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 9 (u. Wuxi) [The sun and the month are Pangu's daughter and son. After he separated heaven from earth, the world was dark, and then he called his son of the Month and daughter Sun and told them to apprentice Mother Nuiva so that they could learn how to emit light. My brother was lazy and after graduation his glow was weaker than his sister's. At the end of their studies, her brother and sister had no gifts for the mentor, so her brother gave her his hat and her sister a skirt, and Nuiva gave her brother an embroidery needle and her sister a pearl. When they left, the brother said to his sister, "You control the day and I'll control the night because I love lying in bed. If you agree, I'll give you an embroidery needle." My sister agreed. One day the sun and the month rose at the same time, the earth became very bright and terribly hot, and people began to swear and threaten to shoot the Sun. She was very scared. Before that, she had only exuded warmth thanks to the pearl she held in her mouth; now she took a needle and started emitting golden rays to hide her naked body and stab the eyes of a man who threatened to shoot her. Since then, people have not been able to open their eyes when looking at the sun, and even if they want to shoot it, they will not be able to do so. I saw for a month that people wanted to shoot the sun, and I was also scared. Since then, he did not dare to appear with the sun, and only rose after it went over the mountains. In order for people to sleep peacefully at night, he only emitted light, but not heat], 10 (y. Wanyuan) [A long time ago, there was no sun or moon in the sky, and the earth was dark and cold. There was one immortal who had a son and a daughter. They decided to make the world a bright place and told their father about it, but he did not agree. Then my brother stole his father's jewels - a needle and a knife. The brother and sister decided they would go up to heaven, use their magic to illuminate the world, and they would shine one by one. When the sister ran away from home, she forgot to get dressed, and then her brother gave her a needle to keep it with her, and people did not dare to look at her. My brother took a knife for himself. My sister was the first to go to heaven, began to shine during the day, and people called her the Sun. The brother got up second, and because he had a sharp knife, if people pointed at him with their hand, he could cut his ear. People started calling him "Grandpa Moon". When their father found out, he swore to bring them back and sent General Heavenly Dog to pick them up. He quickly caught up with them, and when they started fighting, people began to beat gongs and drums to help the Sun and the Moon. Heavenly Dog saw such support and retreated. Therefore, people believe that "the heavenly dog eats the month" or "the sun is devoured by the sky dog"]: 29, 30; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Min) [The sun and moon were once sister and brother. Once the celestials became angry, a great downpour occurred in China, followed by a great flood, in which all living things died. One month invited the sun to marry to revive humanity, but the sun refused, and for a month stopped drinking and eating, and cried all day long. The sun saw that the eyes of the month were swollen like peaches, and he was losing weight day by day, and set a condition: they would climb the nearby mountains, carrying them across the cauldron, push them down, and if the boilers if they meet, they will become husband and wife. The next morning they did this and the boilers met. Then the sun offered to roll millstones off the mountain, and if they joined, they would be husband and wife, and the millstones joined together. Then the sun offered to take the rooster and chicken and bring them down the mountain, and if they met beak to their beak, then they would marry. This is what happened, and then the sun, not wanting to admit defeat, offered to take a thread and a needle, bring them down the mountain, and if the thread ran through the eye of the needle, they would marry. A thread in your ear, and the sun finally got married for a month. The following year, the sun became pregnant, but did not relieve the burden on time, and began to worry for a month. Three years and seven months later, the sun gave birth to a blood clot. A month, angry, cut it into small pieces, blood spread across the ground, and people appeared from its drops]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 32:55-56; Chuan Miao [The sun is considered a woman, Month - male]: Graham 1954:12; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Dongming) [when Pangu separated the sky from the ground, mountains appeared a month later, rivers two months later, grass three months later, trees; then insects, fish, birds and animals appeared, and eight months later - people, but the world was in darkness; when P. was lying, his body was in the sea, and his head was on the mountains, when he got up, he rested his feet on the ground and his head against the sky; he saw a ray of light in the east and went to him; when he reached a place called Fusan, he saw two twin sisters; the eldest was called the Moon and the youngest was the Sun; the eldest was calm and serious, and the youngest was lively and mobile; it turned out that the light comes from them, and P. asked them to go to heaven, they agreed; P. told them to go out one by one and the world should always remain illuminated; the next day, on the morning of the first day of the new year In the lunar calendar, the Moon told the Sun that she would be the first to come out and invited the Sun to go out in the evening, but the Sun Sister replied that the evening was dark and scary, so she wanted to go out during the day; the Moon agreed; When she went outside, the Sun Sister found that all the people on earth were looking at her; she turned red in embarrassment and came back; the Moon gave her metal needles to stab the eyes of those who would look at her; the sisters agreed that they would meet once a month, and then Sister Sun came out again and threw needles at people; people no longer dared to look at the Sun, but continued admire the beauty of the Moon; on the morning of the first or second day of every lunar month, the Sun and Moon meet and go part of the way together]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 2:3-4; meo: Karpov, Tkachev 1958 (North Vietnam) [Ti Liau created heaven and earth, lit 10 Suns Youth, 9 Moon Girls; to reduce the heat, people hit 9 Suns and 8 Moons with arrows; the remaining Sun and Moon hid, so it's dark and cold; the Tiger could not beg them to return, the Rooster begged them in 7 years, received a red scallop as a reward from TL]: 254-257; Symonds 2004 (NW Thailand) [Saub created heaven, earth, 30 Sunwomen and 30 Month-old men; peacock copper bow 29 Suns and 29 Months were killed, the rest hid, 7 years dark; the sun and the Month do not respond to the calls of a bull, horse, Nkauj Mok and Nkauj Mim; the rooster sings three times, The Sun and the Month go out]: 215-218; fox [the sun is considered a woman, the month is a man]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:154; Koreans: Kontsevich 1980b [brother and sister who love each other are scared tiger, rose to heaven, became the Month and the Sun]: 565; Choi 1979, No. 100 [The tiger ate her mother, put on her clothes; her three children do not open the door because they do not recognize their mother's voice, they see a shaggy paw; when they open it , Tiger eats the youngest; the other two asked permission to go out of need, ran away, hid in a tree; two ropes came down from the sky, new and rotten; brother and sister rose to heaven, brother became the Sun, Sister Lunoy; The Tiger climbed the rotten, fell into a millet field; since then, the millet stalks have been red with his blood; options: The tiger tied ropes to the children, when they left, they tied them to a mortar; the Tiger fell into well, drowned; sister is afraid to shine at night, asked to give her a day; embarrassed, became a bright Sun not to be looked at; three sisters run, turn into Sun, Moon, Stars], 722 [Sun is brother , The Moon is a sister; the Moon wants to be the sun because she is ashamed to be looked at; the Sun does not want to give in, they got into a fight, he pierced her eyes; but then he gave her the Sun, became the Month himself]: 27-28, 314; Nikitina 2001 [children's song tonë: Sky is Father, Earth is Mother, Sun is Older Sister, Month is Older Brother and I Asterisk]: 108; Cho 2001, № 78 [woman returns at dusk, carrying her children tortillas; the Tiger meets her on every hill, consistently demanding that she give her cakes first, then her garments; on the last hill there is nothing more to give away, the Tiger eats the woman (obviously accepts her appearance); her three children do not open the door at first, because they do not recognize their mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; asks for her younger one; sister and brother they spy, see her eat it; they hide in a tree in the yard; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well, then looks up; the brother explains that they climbed, smeared the trunk with sesame, castor oil; but the sister says what they did on the trunk of the notch; at the request of his brother, a strong rope descends from the sky, the children climb it; the Tiger asks God to lower his rotten rope, believing that he will do the opposite; she broke off, the Tiger fell into a millet field, since then the roots of the millet have been red; first brother became the Sun, sister Moon; but the sister was afraid to walk at night, so they changed; so that she would not They stared, the Sun Sister began to dazzle those who watched with her light]: 118-122; Park 1991 [a woman returns at dusk, carrying roasted beans to her children; the Tiger ate her, put on her clothes; her three children do not open at first the door, because they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; the children unlock; while the sister and middle brother eat beans, the Tiger climbs under the blanket, eats the youngest; the children ask for more beans, the Tiger gives the boy's fingers; the sister asks for permission to go out of need; in the yard he climbs with his brother; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well; the brother calls out to him, he looks up; brother explains that they climbed in, greasing the trunk with soybean oil; then says what they did on the trunk of the notch; at his sister's plea, an iron chain descends from the sky, the children climb it; Tiger asks him to lower the rusty chain, she breaks, the Tiger fell into the stubble, since then the roots of the corn have been red; the sister has become the Sun, brother Month; to avoid staring at her, the Sun Sister throws needles at the looking needles]: 46 -51; Koreans (Hebei, Funing County, Korea; West 2004 from a 68-year-old woman, teacher, lower secondary education) [there was no sun or moon; an elderly widow earned money selling sweet buns; gave birth to a son and a daughter (she is older); when she leaves, tells her daughter not to unlock someone else's door; on the way back, a tiger met a woman; first demanded a bun; then, each time she returns, a hand, a second, the leg, the other, ate it whole; the tiger knocked, the boy wanted to open it, the girl asked why the rude voice (tore it off while selling buns); asked to stick her hand, it was covered in wool; the children hid in a tree in the yard; the tiger jumped into the yard: how did you get in? girl: you have to smear oil on the trunk; the boy is naive: we have to make notches on the trunk; my sister prayed: "O Grandpa Sky, feel sorry for us brother and sister, lower a good rope, and if you don't feel sorry for us, then rotten." The sky was good, my sister and brother went to heaven; the tiger also asked, the sky lowered rotten, the tiger almost caught up with the children, but the rope burst; the tiger broke into a stubble, millet {in the text "sorghum", but obvious anachronism} turned blood and has since turned red; sister and brother decided to become the moon, and let the brother be the sun; however, at night she was frightened, her brother agreed to change; ashamed of people and They didn't stare at her, her brother gave her a needle to stab her eyes (rays)]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 10-11; Hani [the cannibal Milaominao swallowed the sun and moon; a 30-year-old woman with two daughters, Apei, 12 years old, lived on the mountain , and Aniu, 6 years old; one day the mother went to get water and M. swallowed it and took its form; the youngest believed that the mother had come, and the eldest told me to show her hand; it was black and clawed; M. rolled her hand in ash; again they did not believe it; M. hears the youngest say: the mother would enter through a hole in the wall; says that the one who is more likely to wash her feet will sleep with her; at night the eldest dreamed of an old man predicting in the mountains she defeated M.; she woke up and heard chewing; M. says she is chewing peas; the girl felt blood and saw M. devour the youngest; said she wanted to go to the yard; refuses to write in the room: on the spirit of this place lives in every place; M. allowed her to go out, the girl climbed a pear by the pond; in the morning M. asks to shed fruit, threw it right into her throat and another vuk from above, M. died, turned into a thorny bush ; an old man came up, a girl asked him to spread out his cape, she would jump off and become his granddaughter; old man: I have a granddaughter; girl: I will be second; and so on until 12; went down, the old man disappeared, she went look for the youngest; herding buffaloes, ducks, chickens do not know where she is; the frog tells her to wait for her to drink the sea; when she drank, the youngest appeared; they began to think who would be the sun and who would be the moon; the youngest afraid of being the moon, afraid of the dark; so the eldest became the moon, and gave needles to the youngest to prick the eyes of people who look at the sun immodestly]: Coyaud 2012, No. 1:9-19; li (Hainan, wy. Ledong) [The Sun and the Moon are two sisters. Her older sister, the Sun, had dark grey skin, red face, and thick and strong arms and legs; she always left home in the morning, came back in the evening, and was very hardworking. Little sister Luna was pale, fragile, chubby, and as beautiful as a cinnamon flower that had just blossomed; however, she was lazy. The sisters were very welcoming and their favorite guest was Man Earth, who visited them every day. Earth fell in love with her sisters but didn't know which one to marry. The sun is healthy and efficient, but not particularly attractive, and Luna is beautiful but lazy. In the twenty-third year, Earth decided that the creator of wealth was better than just taking advantage of what others had created, and married the Sun in his twenty-fourth year. People are descendants of the Earth man and the Sun woman. Our foremother has turned into a huge red lantern and hangs in the sky, giving light, and our forefather allows him to live safely on his body. And the moon is still sitting around, coming out in the evening when people are already resting, and hanging in the sky in emptiness and alone]: Zhou 2002, No. 16:23.
The Balkans. Gagauz people: Moshkov 1901 [along with the idea of the Sun as a man; Gyun-ana, ai-bob (Sun Mother, Father Month)]: 53 (=2004:255); Syrf 2013 [the eldest of the shepherd's daughters: if the son of a padishah will marry me, a hundred square meters of carpet that will cover the entire army; middle: I will bake bread for the whole army; the youngest: I face a boy with a month on his forehead, a girl with the sun; the son of the padishah takes the youngest; leaves with his father; wife gives birth to a girl Gn ("sun"), a boy Ay ("month"); mother-in-law and witch grandmother write a letter saying that the wife gave birth to two puppies; the children are lowered into the river in a box, their mother is buried waist-deep in the ground, all should hit her and don't care about her; the poor picked up the children; they grew up, left, found a home, started living there; the witch's grandmother persuades her sister to ask her brother to bring 1) an apple from Dnna Gzeli (" the beauty of the world"); the old woman tells you to try bitter apples, praise the taste; drink from a spring of blood and pus, praise water; if DG's eyes are open, then she is sleeping; brother wraps DG hair around his arm, makes you say where the apple tree brings apples; 2) the mirror from DG; 3) brought and married DG itself; the young man forgets that when his eyes are closed, DG does not sleep, she turns him into stone; his sister goes to look for him; old woman: grass in front of the wolf, bone in front of the goat, must be swapped; bitter apples, a spring of blood and pus (like a brother); wrap 99 DG braids around your arm, make your brother revive; she revives 99 men the hundredth is the girl's brother, all three come back, the young man meets his father, who has already become a padishah; DG frees the mother of the children, gives the dogs the food that the mother-in-law and witch wanted to poison them; grandmother 40 horses were tied to their tails, 40 knives were stuck in her mother-in-law]: 174-181; Bulgarians [mother advises Mariika to lure a white pebble in a golden cradle; he became a baby, Dobrinka's girl; she grew up, mother She did not let her go anywhere; she went out to the balcony, the Sun saw her, did not go down for three days, everything was watching; the mother of the Sun asks why he burned so many people; when she found out that it was D., she says that they are in heaven, and she is on the ground; the Sun turns the rays into swings; on the feast of St. Georgy D. sits on them, the Sun raised it to the sky; the first sun is the Sun, which shines in summer, the second is D., shines in spring]: Smirnov 1976:23-25.
Central Europe. Russians: Kolchin 1899 (Tula Gubernia): 4-5 [The sun is a girl, he rides across the sky on a sofa made of stars; she is afraid of the night, so at night her brother goes around the sky Month], 5-6 [one person came to some house, there is an old woman, her daughter is a winged girl Sun; the light comes from the girl's clothes], 6 [The sun rides a fiery horse; she has several sisters who alternate when they go around the sky], 7 [ The month is the brother of the Sun, according to another version, he is not relatives; his mother and brother live in his house]; N.Kh. (Kaluga Gubernia) [The sun is a girl, she has a mother; the sun sets to Latyri at night for 20 minutes; from morning to lunch she goes wild, sits on a hare in the afternoon and goes faster]: 211; Ukrainians (Novograd-Volynsky district) [The Sun is a woman]: Chubinsky 1872:3; Belarusians [in the songs of the winter calendar cycle: "Month is Ivanka, Sun is his wife, Winds are sons, Small stars are daughters, clear stars are daughters-in-law"; "Month - Father, Sun Mother, Star Sister"]: Avilin 2015:51; Luzhitans (Spreewald) [{indirect evidence in favor of the female sun and the male sex of the moon}; One person on Sunday scattered manure. Then a little man came to him and said, "Why are you throwing manure on Sunday," and asked him whether he wanted to go to the sun or the moon? The man thought and thought it would be too hot in the sun and wished him better to go to the moon. Then they both left. So he came to the moon, and the moon has had a face ever since. There you can clearly see a man leaning on a pitchfork as he scattered manure. The man's wife went to the Sun, where she burned down and can no longer be seen]: Schulenburg 1880:58.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Omakaeva 1994; there is also a legend that the sun and moon were sisters who did not find husbands and rose to heaven]: Bakayeva 2009:66; Abkhazians: Janashia 1960 [y a beautiful widow's son and daughter began to disappear all day; the mother watched, saw how her children "have a good time" in the forest under the oak tree with the Month and the Sun, all kinds of dishes in front of them; threw them into the Month and the Sun with fresh manure; the flirtatious Sister Sun immediately washed herself, the awkward Brother Month remained dirty; both rose to heaven forever, the widow and children returned home]: 160; Shakryl 1975, No. 88 [young man promises to marry someone who will sew him a full set of clothes in a day; the girl does not have enough time to sew on the fasteners; she asks God to bring the sun back a little; when after the wedding, the young go to bed in bed, someone calls a young man; he comes back in the morning tired; sister, mother watch, cannot grab him, for he turns into a snake, a frog, a flame; his wife holds; this young man is Amyz (month); his former Amr's wife (sun) says that a new one separated them, but she will not let their marriage come true; she takes it every evening (=Bgazhba 1983:31-33; =2002:36-38; =Khvartsky 1994:69-71)]: 393-395; Abazins : Kunizheva 2012:174-175 [the sun is an ardent wife, a month is a lazy husband; they bet: whoever wakes up earlier will have the right to shine during the day; they have overslept for a month; they have since parted; converge on time solar eclipse, argue, but break up again; longing for his wife dries and decreases for a month, and then hopes to meet again and grows], 175 [the sun is an ardent wife, a month is a lazy husband; they argued: who wakes up earlier, he will have the right to shine during the day; he has overslept for a month; since then they have broken up; they converge during a solar eclipse, argue, but break up again; longing for his wife dries a month and decreases, and then hopes to meet again and grows]; Kabardian people [stepmother tells Jir-Aslan to protect the grain from the chickens; he falls asleep, the chickens pecked the grain; he refuses to tell his stepmother a dream, she is his kicked him out; hired the prince as an employee, he also refused to tell a dream, the prince kicked him out; he fell asleep on melons, his hat fell down, princely daughter Fatima saw his golden hair; the prince ordered him to be brought in, MRS. again did not tell a dream, thrown into the swamp, F. helped him get out; the enemy khan tells him to guess which knife is peasant and which is princely; ZHA advises Fatima to put them into the fire, only a princely knife bent; what a rooster is old, how young; ZHA: pour grains, the old one will call the chickens, the young one will peck himself; the khan demands to move a huge stone; the prince sends for the woman, he put up the stone with his foot, he fell at the khan's house, Zha married F; they have a son and daughter; the dream came true: the moon is a boy, the sun is a girl, in a dream he saw the sun and the moon in his sleeves]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:107-111; Ossetians [seven brothers went to mow, at which time their mother gave birth to a fanged girl; she immediately followed her mother to her brothers; the youngest saw that she ate half a horse, left; met a girl in the tower, became live with her; went to visit her family; wife brings with her comb, coal, whetstone; sister greets her brother, gives a fandyr (string instrument), goes to sharpen her fangs; the mouse tells her to run through the back window, runs on the strings of the fandyr; the sister comes back, swallows the mouse many times, it jumps out from behind her; the brother throws objects, they turn into a bush, a forest, a mountain; the sister gnaws through the road; the brother runs to towers, his wife gives him a hand and grabs him from below; women agree that each should own it for two weeks; the young man becomes the Month; when in his sister's hands, she gradually eats it, and the wife (Sun?) feeds again]: Miller 1882:297-299; Ingush: Dalgat 1972 [=Aliroev 1976:222-223, =Malsagov 1983, No. 156:295; the blacksmith wanted to marry a girl who lived in the tower; she emanated radiance; he did not know that she was his sister, but she knew; she replied that her radiance would disappear from the fire and ash; at night he followed her, taking a golden head; she ran, he followed her, so they ran to death after each other; sparks the head turned into stars; the girl left radiance, the young man had a head; they became the sun and the moon; the Sun is still striving to catch up with the moon]: 257-258; Tankiev 1997 [Can be the sister of the sun and moon, chases them across the sky to eat; during an eclipse, you can see something like a black thread on the moon - a guard's gun protecting the moon from Mauge; in the center of the moon, a dark spot, it's a horse; if it falls expanded, summer is short; if the mouth decreases, the summer is long and rainy]: 39, 250; Dakhkilgov 2003 [brother herded sheep during the day and sister worked at night; she was afraid of the dark and changed with her brother; she is the sun, and he is the moon; the spots on the moon are the sheep herded by the shepherd; these brother and sister, although they cannot meet; if they meet by chance, the earth is dark; they say, "The sun has been seized," and this brother and sister]: 17; Nogais (recorded by Tahir Akmanbetov) [from Adam Atasa and Adam Anasa ("man's father and mother of man") were born a boy Mangi-ay ("eternal moon") and a girl named Kunkozi ("sun of the eyes"); K came to her brother and kissed her face; her father whipped her and told her to burn with a bright flame; Tangri turned her into the sun and her brother into the moon]: Kapaev 2012:263-264; Kumyks [A month was in love with the Sun, I found it at work, she smeared gray clay on the ground floor; he joked with her, she threw a piece of sheepskin at him, which she smeared the floor, ran away; the Sun became, the young man became the Month, still can't catch up with her]: Abakarova 1984:123; Hajiyeva 196:329; Terekozaks (Naurskaya) [Moon is a red maiden; Sun and Moon are sisters]: Vostrikov 1907:2, 4; Avars: Seferbekov 2009 [among Karatins, Gidatli residents and the Andalans have the sun a girl, the moon is a young man; the Tlyaratins have a brother, the moon is a sister]: 49; Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006 (Khunzakhtsy) [if a pregnant woman dreams of the sun, then a girl will be born, if the moon is boy]: 47; Tabasarans [1) Sun is mother, Month is son; 2) Sun is a girl, Month is a guy, they are chasing each other; 3) The sun is a sister, the Month is a brother, I was in love with my sister, she fell in love with another, ran away from home while my brother was sleeping; when my brother woke up at night, he looked for her; since then the Sun has been walking during the day, the Month has been walking at night; 4) the Month used to be as bright as the Sun, people did not know peace; God turned one Sun into A month, night fell]: Seferbekov 2000:7; Lezgins: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991 [The month was in love with the Sun, she did not like it, she threw a handful of earth at it, the stains remained]: 371; Rizvanov, Rizvanov 1990 [Men is the goddess of the moon; was the supreme deity in Caucasian Albania; in the song, prayer is named the bride of the sun god Atara, but in Ragani Warz, the Month is the husband of the Sun; in another game, the Month is the sister's brother- Sun; offended by her, she runs away from home, and her sister rushes after her, praying for forgiveness; the god of darkness Alapeh pursues Men and Atara, causing eclipses]: 37-39; Seferbekov 2000 [Month - brother, Sun - sister; spots on the moon are a slap in the face from her sister]: 7; Rutultsy [sister, offended by her brother's harassment, hit him with a ladle, ran away, turning into the Sun; brother, turning into a Month, trying to catch up with her; since then, Spots in Month]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:293; Myuregins (south of Deshlagar) [The month is a boy, the Sun is his sister; when they grew up, they began to quarrel about who should shine during the day; they cast lots, the Sun fell during the day; so as not to stare at it, she took a bunch of needles (rays) to stab her eyes]: Khanagov 1892:152; Dargins (village. Akusha) [Mother Sun and Daughter Moon meet once a year; at this time you should not comb your hair or cut your nails during the week, otherwise your head will turn gray, your nails will harden]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:303-304; Georgians: Bardavelidze 1957:11 [Mze-Kala - Sun-Virgo], 14-15 [Month - man, stars - his children]; Georgians (Shida Kartli, p. Tortizi) [mother sun was baking bread; the moon daughter did not wait to be ready and asked for bread; the sun hit her face with her hand; her hand was in the dough, the spots on the moon are still visible]: Shatberov 1899, No. 8:253; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1982 [young man Lusin (month-old) asked his mother, who was holding dough, for a bun; an angry mother slapped L. in the face, which caused him to fly to heaven; his face shows test marks]: 81; Bagriy 1930 (3) [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife was kneading the dough, the husband flirted with her; the wife threw dough in her husband's face, ran away; The month began to chase the Sun and is still chasing; spots on the moon - dough]: 125; Ganalanyan 1979, No. 336a [I began to ask my mother for bread for a month; she just kneaded the dough, hit it, he flew to heaven with clods of dough on his face], 336b [=336a, but asked mother to breastfeed him], 337a [Brother and Sun Sister were arguing about who to go during the day and who at night; the mother hit her son with her hand in the test, kicked him out the door; he now walks at night], 337b [The Sun Sister was it's scary to walk at night, asked the mother to change them with her month-old brother; she hit her son with her hand, the mark remained], 337c [The sun complained to the Month-old Brother that it was scary to walk at night, but everyone looked at her during the day; he gave her needles and rays to stab her eyes], 337g [The Sun and the Month were swimming; The month came out first to see her sister's nudity; she rose to heaven out of shame, the Month is still chasing her, the Sun stabs her eyes with needles -rays], 337d [the mother sent the Sun and the Month for water; the Month set up a jug, and the Sun crept up, made a hole in it, brought water, received a mother's blessing, and the water of the Month spilled]: 125, 126 , 126, 126, 126, 126-127, 127; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, 1920s recordings) [the sun and moon are sister and brother; the sun sister complained that she is afraid to go out at night, but during the day she is also ashamed: everyone is looking at her; the mother said: "Son is the moon, you walk at night, and you, sunshine, will be walk during the day. And so that no one looks at you, take a needle bow and if everyone has eyes who dares to look at you"; the sun sister, sitting on a lion, sets off on a journey across the sky during the day and does not give it its needle rays no one can look at themselves, and the lion protects her from the attack of evil spirits - kashkov]: 168; Melik-Shakhnazarov 1904 [(=1893:194); God has a Month Son and a Sun Daughter, they should have watched the world one by one; lots The daughter fell out to watch at night, she did not agree, they began to quarrel; the father decided that the daughter should watch during the day, the son should gradually expose her head, torso, legs]: 92; Ananikian 2010 [now The Sun is a brother, the Moon is a sister, or the Sun is a girl, the Month is a young man in love with her]: 52; Tchéraz 1893 [according to Moses Khorensky, Arev, a man is the sun, you can't point your finger at him; Loussounga - The moon, the wife of the Sun; you can't point at her and look at her for a long time either; according to the author, the Sun is the sister of the Month; her brother asked her to walk at night secretly from people's views, but she did not agree , said that those who looked at her would stab their eyes]: 823; Talyshi: Alibekov 1893 [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife baked cheeks in the tandoor, the husband flirted with her; considering it indecent in while cooking chureks, the Sun Wife threw a test at her husband's face, ran away; The month is chasing her; can't wash herself off; used to be more beautiful than the Sun]: 203-204; Bagriy 1930 (3) [The Sun was the wife of the Month; when the wife baked cheeks in the tandoor, the husband began to flirt with her; the wife threw dough in her husband's face, ran away; The month began to chase the Sun and is still chasing; the month cannot wash off the dough; it used to be more beautiful than the Sun]: 10-11; Kurds of Azerbaijan [The Sun is a beautiful woman, the Month is a man, he has a dark face covered with spots - traces of smallpox; the Sun was a girl, refused the groom; he told her to turn into a creature , which no one can reach, has become the Month itself]: Chursin 1925b: 15; Azerbaijanis (Shemakha) [Month - a man told a Sunwoman that it is indecent for her to walk during the day; she replied that she would looking at her to stab her eyes with needles]: Efendiev 1893:206; Turks: Gordlevsky 1968 [1) The sun was a beautiful girl; she was tired of everyone looking at her, she began to dazzle her eyes; 2) mother, afraid that no matter how her handsome son was jinxed, she splashed a dirty cloth in his face with which she wiped the dishes after eating; since then, stains have not been the same beauty in a month]: 72; Stebleva 1986, No. 72 [see motif K72: the girl promises to give birth and gives birth to a son with a month and a daughter with the sun in her forehead]: 293; Hittites: Ivanov 1977:69 [Tsar Tabarna placed a gold statue in front of the Sun Goddess of Arinna], 104 [author of the text complains that rebellious countries have rejected the Sun Goddess of Arinna, refuse to pay tribute and are attacking Hatti's country themselves], 105-110 [hymns to the Sun God and the Sun Goddess], 204-206 [Solar Prayer The goddess of the city of Arinna, Queen of Heaven and Earth].
Iran - Central Asia. Bukhara, Samarkand, Surkhandarya Tajiks [referring to the Sun to avert bad weather, called him Khurshed Khonim ("Mrs. Sun")]: Litvinsky 1975:253; Tajiks (Afghanistan, Faizabad) [The month is maternal uncle; you can see an old woman spinning on the moon]: Crooke 1891, No. 858:135; Tajiks (Samarkand District) [the sun and moon were sisters, both very beautiful, they were jealous of each other; when the moon told the sun that it was more beautiful than her, she cut her sister's face with a dagger and ran away; the moon's face was covered with blood; since that time, the sisters have become enemies and can't see each other]: Amonov 1961:389; Sarykol residents [lived two sisters - Mo (moon) and Khurshed (sun). The youngest was more beautiful and attractive than the older one. The sun was angry with her because of this. Luna endured everything. Once the Sun scratched her sister's face, the moon turned pale and lost its beauty. After that, each of the sisters went their own way and did not meet. The moon is ashamed to show up during the day because her face is scratched]: Kabirov 2017:233.
Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Younger Edda 1970:19-20 [Mundilfari (moving at a certain time) had a son Month and a daughter Sun; the gods told the Sun to rule the horses of the sun's chariot (the sun itself arose from the sparks of Muspelheim); The month took two children, Biel and Hukey, from the ground as they walked from the spring, carrying a Simul rocker arm with a bucket of Seg (spots on the moon); two wolves are running across the sky: chasing the sun Deception, and Month after Month, the Hater; east of Midgard, a giantess lives in the Iron Forest with the witches of the Iron Forest; her children are giants, wolves; the strongest of them is the Moon Dog; he will swallow everyone's corpses the dead and the month will devour], 55 [a new sun will shine in the future world - the daughter of the former (=Elder Edda, Vaftrudnir's Speeches, 47)]; Swedes: Balzamo 2011 [the month is considered man, the sun is a woman]: 204; Mannhardt 1875 ["three hours before sunrise, Mrs. Sun spins a gold dress while sitting on a bare stone"]: 218; Norwegians ["sun" - j.r.: ei sol (indefinite form) - sola (definite form), "month" - mr.: en måne - månen]; Western and Eastern Sami: Aikio 1993 [in an early text (Friis 1856:101f) Stallu (forest cannibal) refers to the Month as his own father]: 134; Pentikäinen 1997 [most Sami have the Beaivvi nieida sun ("Sun Maiden"), but the Kola people are often clearly male; the moon god is Mánnu]: 104-108; Latvians: Abyzov 1984, No. 361 [Dinah: "Who said Saule {Sun}/Were girls? /This Month said, /The wreath was pulled off it"]: 182 (Russian translation), 183 (Latvian original); Baron 1985 [No. 33791: the sunset is red because the Sun hangs to ventilate its silk skirts; No. 33793: getting up In the morning, the Sun is red because it scolded with God's mother; No. 33810: A month saw the Sun in a girl's wreath, took it off himself; No. 33869: The sun married when the earth was born; No. 33928: The Sun unfastened the Month golden brushwood for not shining during the day]: 231-233; Brivzemniax 1887, No. 1 [The Sun married the Month, their children are stars; one day the Sun woke up and saw that her husband was gone - he fell in love with his daughter The Sun, who was the bride of Auseklis (Morning Star); either A. is the name of the Sun's daughter; the Sun cut the Month with a sword or silver whip, or Perkunas did it; as soon as the Sun falls, the Month goes to take care of her beloved; the Sun, out of jealousy, does not move away from the Morning Star; the daughter of the Sun collects the silver pieces of the Month]: 5; Tsivyan 1988 [The month takes the bride away from Auseklis (Morning Star); apparently this bride is Saule's daughter (sun woman); Perkon cuts him with a sword]: 228-229; Lithuanians: Lebite 1965 [Month {translated as "Moon") and the Sun decided to divorce because the Sun is too much hot, the Month is cold; they argue who will get their daughter Earth; Perkunas decided to have the Sun look at her during the day, the Month at night; when the Month is gone, his sisters Stars shine}]: 290-291; Civian 1988 [Month fell in love with Aushrine (the Morning Star), Perkunas cuts him with a sword]: 230; Vaiškūnas 2006 [The month is the husband of the Sun; there are two explanations for their quarrel: 1) A month began to take care of the Morning Star (Aušrin ė); 2) The Month and the Sun did not divide their daughter Earth (Zemė); in the first case, Perkunas usually cuts the Month in half; sometimes the Sun itself hides from the Month or hits it for treason; in the second, Perkunas breeds quarreling people, deciding that the Sun should look at the Earth during the day and the Month at night; if both go out, Perkunas drives one away; var. in western Lithuania: The Sun has overtaken the Month, gaining the right to look at the Earth afternoon]: 180; (cf. Finns [in Kalevala, rune 4, line 137 et seq.: Joukahainen's mother refers to Päevatär and Kuutär {in Russian for "daughter of the sun" and "daughter of the month"} to give her poor gold and silver; {since the Finno-Ugric languages do not have a gender category, the sex of the stars remains uncertain; this fragment can be understood as evidence that it is feminine}]: Castrén 1853:63).
Volga - Perm. Komi-Permyaks [(Western 1974); Marya loves poor Afonya, but is promised to a sorcerer; asks a stone in the pond to save them; M. and A. flew from the stone to heaven in the form of swans, but the sorcerer returned them; placed A . to a cold star (month), M. to a hot star (sun); raised so that they would not meet in the sky]: Ozhegova 1989 in Limerov 2005, No. 59:58-59 (retelling Kononov 1999, No. 8:436-437); Komi-Zyrians [Sun sister played hide and seek with Brother Month; brother hid, sister didn't find him, passed by; they've been looking for each other ever since]: Konakov 2003:312; Komi [fox and horse live together, food it was over, they agreed to eat the one to be drawn; they fell on the horse; you can't slaughter it with a simple knife, the fox went to Priest Pam; he ordered to bring the bar Ena; Ena: my bar is heavy, even if it is lunar the bull will pull him to the ground; Month: only a shepherd can drive him away by the son of the Sun; Sun: he must drink hare milk first; hare: I need an aspen windowsill; aspen: give me a beaver tooth first; beaver: let the blacksmith tear it out; the blacksmith pulled out the tooth with ticks, then along the chain, but the fox's knife slipped and got into an attack, the horse ran away]: Plesovsky 1972:11-14; Udmurts: Vladykin 1993 [Vumums - mother of water, Vozhomums - mother of summer and winter solstice, Muzemums - mother of earth, Inmums - mother of heaven, Shundymums - mother of the Sun, Tolezmums - mother of the Moon, Gudyrimums are the mother of Thunder]: 233; Gataullina 2008 [Shundy-mums (Mother Sun) watches sunrise and sunset, shows the way to the Sun; when the Sun rises, there is a crackling sound like firewood in an oven; strong horse hears him]: 51; Perevozchikova 1988 [in names, proverbs The Sun is called mother]: 20-22; 1993 [The Sun (Shundy) is the universal mother; the Moon (Tolez, Tolez-anay) associated with femininity]: 251; Marie: Vasiliev 1907:9-10 [the rays of the sun are called "sun feet", Keche-yol], 10-11 [among Cheremissky goddesses Mother of the High Sky, Mother of the Bright Sky Sun, Mother of Clouds, Mother of the Moon, Mother of Stars, Mother of Warmth, Mother of Water, Mother of the Sea, Mother of Fire, Mother of Earth, Mother of Arrivals, Mother of Cattle]; Mordovians: Devyatkina 1998 [Sun is Girl, Month is Boy]: 125; Harva 1952 [The Sun is a woman, Vara (from Varvara), she has a daughter, Proskofya; Month is a man]: 166; "Turks" (Tatars?) [Ay (Month) - Man, Sun - Woman]: Mansyutova 1991:186; Bashkirs, Tatars [Sun - Woman, Month - Man]: Davletshin 1979:49; Bashkirs: Ilimbetova, Ilimbetov 2009 [v The epic "Ural Batyr" The Sun and Moon are the spouses of the divine character Samraua, the heavenly maiden Humay is the daughter of the Sun from Samraua, the ancestor of the Bashkirs]: 49; Rudenko 1925:299 [heroes see coming out of the sea The water girl is the sun; when she wants to go down to sea, she is grabbed by her long hair; the water king marries her without a ransom; when her son-in-law misses the land, she lets both go with water cattle], 299-300 [a girl who goes to fetch water looks at the Month, promises to give birth to a hero if she had such a handsome husband; the Month takes her as his wife, she is visible there with a rocker arm and buckets]; Khadyeva 2005 [Sun and Moon - two wives of god Samrau]: 48.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kuftin 1916 [Kun (Sun), Ay (Moon) and Urkur (Pleiades) are three sisters, of which W. is the youngest and most beautiful; out of envy, K. and A. scratched W.'s face and she became speckled]: 147-148; Sidelnikov 1962 [collected by the author; var. in Turgayskaya Gazeta 1898, No. 40; the star of Omir-Zaya (evening Venus) shone all night; quarreled with her rival Moon, scratched her face, scars remained; the gods condemned O. appear in the sky for a short time in the evening when there is no Sun, Moon, or other stars]: 266; Karakalpaks [The sun was the daughter of the bay; the Month was the husband of the Sun, the son of another bai; during a quarrel, the Sun scratched the face of the Month, then they were ashamed to show themselves to people; but people themselves asked the Sun to continue to shine; husband and wife no longer see each other, but continue to warm and illuminate the earth]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 28; Karakalpaks [The Sun and Moon were twin sisters; one day Satan comes to the Sun: The moon is more beautiful than you, and you are ugly; out of envy The Sun burned the face of the moon with its heat; the spots remained; after that, the sisters do not see each other]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 29; Kyrgyz [Khan Kuluke's daughter Madylgen cut and sewed a fur coat from her father's intestines; Khan could not determine what it was made of; when the daughter explained, the khan announced that he would give his daughter to someone who could figure out what the fur coat was made of; the red-eyed old man said that the intestines were lice; Khan had to give the daughter; the horse told M. to take him, the white camel and slave Kuit, with her clothes a sable hat, a damask knife from utensils, and to dress in men's clothes; when they left, the old man said:" Go where I pull along, spend the night where I pull across", drove forward; horse: this is the old sorcerer Jelmoguz; the horse told me not to turn around - the old man will attack, throwing a black-striped tiger, eat Kuita; and so it happened; then the old man appeared and asked: "Are you going, beautiful Madylgen? Go where I pull along, spend the night where I pull across", drove forward again; it happened again with the white camel; now the horse warned that the old man would attack M., told me to sit tight; he would ride below the cloudy sky, above the cranked grass, so that M. closes her eyes more tightly, and when she hears "open your eyes", let her open it; she will see how thin (like a dorsal) yurt winds from a small (like a heart) brain) smoke, this is the old man's house; in the old man's house, a three-year-old warned M. that when the old man comes home, his eyes will come out; you need to cut them out with a damask knife, let him do the rest; horse flew over mountains and deserts, descended near the city, M. settled on its outskirts; the city's khan named Akimkan had forty wives, but not a single child; he went hunting, his hunting eagle sat on a grass hut, the horseman sent for the eagle saw M., fell unconscious; when he returned, he told Khan that he had seen an angel in the flesh: boy, but the voice is gentle, his face is beautiful, girl, but dressed like a man; the next day everything repeated, the khan went to the third, fell in love, but could not determine whether the man or the woman was in front of him; asked for advice from 40 wives, one advised to give the stranger 40 twigs of meadowsweet and instruct them to cut them for spindles, the man cuts smoothly, the woman is uneven; the horse: put the rods in the left nostril, pull them out of the right nostril, they will become smooth; another wife advised to arrange jumps; the man has sleeves and floors they flutter at random, and the girl will ride shyly, picking them up and pulling them up; the horse taught M. to dissolve the floors and sleeves when jumping; the younger wife advised to invite a stranger to drink vodka and poison guest, and Khan's vodka and honey; when the guest gets drunk, it will be easy to determine his gender; horse: at every sip, say to yourself: "Sweetness to me, and hops to a gray three-year-old"; in the afternoon, one elder went into the yurt and exclaimed: "It is cruel to allow the horse to experience such torment, let the owner cut it himself"; when she heard him, M. shuddered, her sable hat fell from her head and everyone saw her beautiful hair; horse:" Blame only yourself" and disappeared; A. married M. in a separate yurt; when it was time for her to give birth, A. went hunting; 40 wives sent a slave, paid a witch, who replaced the boy who was born and the girl was puppies, the children were thrown into the river; they were caught by a gray three-year-old who rushed; Akimkan left M. with her puppies on a deserted island; a few years later, a three-year-old brought her children to M. on the island, ordered cross to the other side; "Before the crossing, an eyeless old magician will appear, ask him to be transported too, led to fill both of his boots with sand; seat the children in front and the old man in the back; when we enter the water, hit me with a damask knife; when the old man falls into the water, stab my belly with a knife, when I die, don't cry, cook my meat and eat, name my son Aytomush, and my daughter Kyuntomush; stick mine 40 ribs into the ground, they will turn into an iron yurt with 40 bars, live in it"; as it happened, M. settled in a yurt with her children, Aytomush grew up as a hero; met Akimkan, who hunted; he said wives who met a young man named Aitomush; soon the khan was attacked by enemies, he sent a messenger to Aitomush with the news that if he defeated his enemies, he would marry two girls, Apal and Yupel; M. drove away the messenger; Khan sent him again - the same; Aitomush woke up to the noise, drove and defeated his enemies; Khan and the horsemen came to him, saw M., found out and fell unconscious; took her and the children; the old witch at the crossroads 9 roads were staked, 40 wives were hanged; the khan put his son on the throne, married his daughter and healed happily]: Kebekova, Tokombaeva 2007:27-34; salars (Altiyuli, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [y The old woman had three daughters; before going to the mountains, she said to them: "Don't open the door [to anyone] until the mother returns! When your mother calls [you] at the door, then open it!" ; Mungiskarchi ate it in the mountains; when he came to the house, he began to sing: "Tuttyrja, open the door! The mother came, stung the grass with a sickle, cleaned the grass with a rake, swam across the Morin River, the ditch crossed [through] the waters, open the door!" ; T. asked: "Why is the face yellow and why is the face white?" ; M. was lying in the dust and singing again at the door; T.: "Why is his face yellow and why is his face red?" ; M. was lying in the reddish dust and singing again; T.: "Why is his face yellow and why is his face blue?" ; M.: "Will you open the door or not? If you don't open it, I'll break the hook!" ; T. opened the door; the youngest sister pressed against M.'s chest; in the evening he ate it; the older sisters heard a crunch of bones, saw the younger sister's head and decided to run; going out into the yard, they sang loudly: "The girl Luna, hold out the rope! Sun Maiden, help me!" ; after that, the savior came; he took two girls with him; M. also went out and sang: "Maiden Luna, hold out the rope! Sun Maiden, help me!" ; someone appeared who took the girls away, attacked M. and shredded him with a sword]: Tenishev 1964, No. 26:65-66.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Ivanov 1954 [sun kun was considered a woman, wife of the month - ai]: 644; Potanin 1883, No. 34d [Altaians say, About the Mother Sun, Father Month]: 191; Sagalaev 1984 [the Burkhanists worshiped the month-father and mother sun, which also does not mean innovations in the Burkhanist cult compared to the traditional beliefs of the Altaians]: 94; Radlov 1989 [on the seventh tier Mother Sun is in the sky with Mergen Tengere, kw.n-änä, on the sixth - Father Month, ay Hell]: 259; Teleuts: Potapov 1949 [the Teleut tambourine depicts the father-month Aj hell on the 6th layer of the sky and Mother Sun Kn-ene on the 7th layer]: 195; Funk 2005 [the fifth layer of the sky is the place of residence of the Sun Mother (kün ene), the sixth is the Month-Father (ai-hell)]: 108; Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats: Galdanova 1987 [in epic and shamanic appeals: "the eight-legged Mother Sun, the nine-legged month is the father", "Father Yuren has nine strong young men frolicking, his mother Nalkhan frolic eight beautiful girls"; under the name Yu, the sun appears then, then the month, but more often the sun; often the sun is called Nalhan Yuuren ehe - "Yuuren's affectionate mother" (the latter is given from with reference to C.J. Zhamtsarano's manuscript "Hori-Buryat shamanism")]: 15; Ivanov 1954 [The Sun is a woman, the Month is a man; the feminine principle corresponded to even numbers, the masculine principle was odd; therefore, when Eight concentric circles were drawn to the image of the sun, and nine months]: 724, 728; Khanganov 1958a (Baikal) [naran ("sun") and hara ("moon") have the same female owner Paul Shandangin Hundangin]: 319; 1959a [nine young men live in the sun, eight girls on the moon; (comm. Galdanova 1987:16: M.N. Khanganov noticed a mixture of the symbolic content of numbers nine and eight)]: 119; Sharakshinova 1980:45 [(Ts. Jamtsarano in the Alar and Balagan Departments); The Sun and Moon are the daughters of Tengria Esege Malan; his son is Fire; depicted in the form of eight (Sun) and nine (Moon) concentric rings with eight and nine legs respectively (sometimes in the form of spoke-rays); these stars have eight and nine legs], 52 [on the ongon, the Sun and Moon are depicted as two female figures shining in the form of three horns above heads; Moon holds a bucket in his hand]; Mongols (Dunsurun, Khalkha): Bennigsen 1912 [Khan and his tushmyap (vizier) had sons at the same time; Tushmyra's son (ST) hears people planning to kill Khan's stupid son (CX) to make him khan, his son is extinguished; both young men are running; the Chutkurs fight over an invisible hat; ST invites them to race, picks up their hat; Shulma girls fight over gold and silver shoes to fly (same); ST and CX spend the night near white and black stones; ST hears three looking for treasure, leaving to return the next night; ST finds a treasure in it gold and goldfish; people want to choose the khan of the one who regurgitates goldfish; friends burp, CX becomes khan, ST becomes tushmyl; CX marries the widow of the forehead; she flies hedgehog to the blackbeard Darji Dam; ST then, quietly eavesdropping; DD promises to kill Khatun's next husband in three days; ST tells CX to beat his wife to get up earlier; cuts off the iron loop that DD lowers into yurt; DD arrives like an eagle, ST throws him into the fire, he barely escapes; DD tells Khatun to arrive only once a month; the rest of the time she is now tender with her husband; DD for a month, Khatun on the Pleiades, meet once in month]: 26-32; Neklyudov 1982a [worshiped the moon - the "great lord"; the sun was considered the mother of the moon]: 171; Oirats (durbuts) [people flew through the air, sparks themselves, did not need the sun and moon; one fell ill; God sent Otuchi-Gelyung to look for a cure; he took a giant cane, began to fumble at the bottom of the ocean; frightened off one, then the other, the Aryagen Burkhyn (maiden god), they flew to sky; found one shiny mirror, then placed it in the sky; since then it has been light on earth]: Potanin 1883, No. 34j: 191; darkhats (somon Khujirt, Uburkhangai aimag) [{the Sun field is not mentioned, but in other Mongolian traditions, in which the Moon is a woman, the Sun is also always a woman}; his older brother Altan-Minjin had a Silver-red horse, and the younger Mungung-minjin had an amber-red horse (var.: theirs Red Fox and Red Lamb horses, dogs Asar and Basar; they tied dogs to the Golden Cola (North Star); their sister Sarisva Dagina was 18 years old, she decided to marry and told her brothers to bring a hare with black eyes and ears the size of an inch, do not take a hare with brown eyes and ears in an inch; A. brought a hare, S. drew herself, put the picture together with the hare in a basket, let her into the river; the hare sailed to Khan Erg; the khan saw the picture and sent two people to S., who ordered them to tell E. to come with 50 soldiers; she would give her brothers drunk, destroy them together with E.; A. became very drunk, and M. not so good, he took A., red horses, pulled out the stake to which the dogs were attached, led him and ran away; one dog ran away on its own, barking; M. came to one mountain and fell asleep; when he wakes up, calls A., he answers that he is underground, M. dug it up; the brothers go, meet, take as companions 1) an antelope fishing on the run, 2) a thief capable of pulling out an antelope's tongue and feathers to a bird, 3) hearing what is being done in the upper and the lower world, 4) drinking the ocean, 5) raising mountains; runner, thief, listener, ocean drinker, mountain lifter, Altan Minjin, Mungung-minjin went further in every way...; tied two red horses and became Seven stars of Ursa Major; they told S. to become the moon, so the Moon always looked at the stars of Ursa Major; they drove the Golden Stake into the sky and tied their two red horses; this stake is now the Arctic star; and two horses are two stars side by side; there is a black-eyed hare on the moon, it looks like spots; the Mongols, when they carry babies at night, smear soot on their noses like a black-eyed hare; this custom associated with a black-eyed hare from the legend of the Ursa Major]: Mongolian Expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Western August 20, 2006, No. WS 30011 and 21.08.2006, No. WS 30028; Mongols (Ordos): Potanin 1893, No. 82 [The sun was the eldest, the Moon is the younger sister; the Sun invited the Moon to walk during the day, but she replied that she would be ashamed, many people; the Sun agreed to walk by itself during the day; the earth was flat, covered with water], 84 [The sun the eldest, Luna is the younger sister; Arga-chagan-tuulai (chagan-tuulai - white hare) devoured cattle and people; Ochirvani Burkhan threw his ochir at him, cut it in half; strengthened the upper half in the sun, the lower one on the moon; these are now spots]: 315, 317.
Western Siberia. Nenets, all Khanty, Mansi [everywhere The Sun is a woman, the Month is a man {etymological analysis}]: Erdödi 1968:108-109; Mansi [after the death of his father, only the eldest and the middle brothers received deer; the youngest asks, the eldest does not give at all, the middle gives one; the younger is going to sacrifice his son; Mir-Susne-Hum puts him on a sledge, brings him to the moon, there the woman does not feed him; the same in the sun; the wife of M. himself feeds; the man returns home, he has many deer, and the brothers' deer are gone; the elder is preparing to bring to the victim of the son, but M. does not stop the ax and the boy dies; the younger brother migrates]: Gemuev 1990:188-189; Nenets: Golovnev 1995 [an old horse that escaped from the city gives birth to Yuno Nyu ("son horses"); he runs away "right in the sun"); Iba-sei Nyu (Warm Hearts Son) and Pi-sei Nyu (Hearts Night Son) come to Yun; take turns watching who steals boiled food; three Habei Ne girls (Khanty Women) they arrive in the guise of swans; PN turned into a wooden dish, IN into a scoop, both burned; YK became wool, captured women, married his youngest himself; three years later, in the absence of husbands, he began to come Sudba Wesako (Giant Old Man), breathed in the soul of one of the women; Yun revived them; sent IN and PN to the south and west, went to the sun with his wife; when his wife fell behind, the SV's daughter offered to look for him in her head, pierced her head with her fingernail, threw it into a hole; nine years later, the bird reported this to the Mare; she pulled her son out, flew to heaven, said that she was the Mother of the Seven Heavens, and he was the Son of Seven Heaven, Si'is Num Nuh; pulling out a semigrant blade of grass, sees his exhausted wife below, next to the SV and his daughter; cuts through the SM, the wife cuts through his daughter, a seventh of those go underground and now they are Nga diseases; SNN became Numom, his wife - Khaer (by the Sun)]: 385-387 (=2004:277-285); Kostikov 1930 [The Sun (Háyer) - "mother of light" (yale nábe)]: 118; Labanauskaya 2001:257-258 [lived two men with wives, one a girl, the other has a boy; they agreed that they should be made by the sun and the month; a man comes in, says he can send children to heaven; they flew there as birds, it became light; the boy became the Month, married the Sun; they had a daughter; a shaman went up to marry her; a month rejected the groom, told him to stick to the moon, now he can be seen there], 258-259 [(=1995:33-34); the shaman predicts that those born boy and girl will become month and sun; parents give heavenly father's messenger idols instead of children; heavenly father sends him again, he blows on children, they fly to heaven as birds, turn into luminaries]; Lehtisalo 1998:14 {apparently all bands} [usually talk about a sunny woman and a man on the moon, but the sorcerer speaks to them and vice versa: the sun eye, my grandfather and the moon eye, my grandmother] ; Khomich 1976 [The sun (haer') is beautiful, grows grass, trees, moss; in winter she hides from frost, turning over the horizon with the sky]: 19; Shcherbakova 1984:87 in Golovnev 1995 [the man is angry, threw his assistant spirit into the water (sit down); he chased him, on the threshold of the plague grabbed his legs, his wife grabbed his hands, tore him in half; ate the back of the seat, the front wife threw him to bed, she turned into a baby or half a man; his wife threw him into the sky, he became the Month, she was the Sun]: 303-304; nganasany: Gracheva 1983 [Sun-mother (Kouyama) and Mother Moon, their functions are closely intertwined]: 21-25; Simchenko 1976:267 [as in the case of Mother Earth and Mother Fire, the Mother Sun is called Mother Mother by the Nenets, Nganasan, Yukaghirs and Ents], 269 [ After the arrival of people, Kicheda-nyam (Mother Moon) began to measure menstrual periods and pregnancy; she and Mother Water were addressed by "hada" (mother's older sister), which emphasized the secondary role in the demiurge pantheon]; 1996 [Dyaiku is small but borotat, lives with his grandmother; hunts mice; grandmother eats fat, he hits her, she says that the copper-red killed his father; he comes to the copper red, holes in their boats, summons them to compete, seven copper-red drown; D. crawls up to the old woman when she urinates, she decides that she gave birth to him; D. asks her cannibal husband what he can destroy him; he admits that fire; at night D. burns him and his wife; comes to the shaman, pushes her into the fire; she was the mother of copper-red and burned; D.'s testicles freeze to the ice, come off; he goes for new ones to Kou Kopto, Quicheda-Kopto (Sun-girl, Moon-girl); stays in the sky, becoming Ngo]: 30-37; Ents: Gemuev et al. 2005 [stars are lakes in the lower tier of the sky; these are the people of Irio-Casa; The sun is a woman, he has a daughter; the month is a man; the spots are the Moons, a husband with a tambourine mallet in his hands; his people are stars]: 534; Prokofieva 1953 [The sun is a woman (a self-made idea); her daughter together with Diu menu'u (Mother Earth) grows trees and grass; during eclipses, the Sun itself dies temporarily; the moon is flat, the spots are the figure of a shaman drawn to her; his legs are visible, and his upper body is thrown over the lunar disk, on its other side]: 205, 219; Northern Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 105 [see motif B3A; after the loon and chomga pulled the ground from the bottom, the old woman of the tundra hill (i.e. Kaltas , the wife of an old man, i.e. Torum) gives birth to Taryg-peshch-nimala sov, aka Mir-Susne-Hum, "a person watching the world"; T. sees in the ice-hole that he is already bearded, pulls him out of the ground into the collapsed horse stable, rides it for his wife Torum lowered from heaven; she is kidnapped by Paraparsekh (possibly associated with the Barabinskaya Steppe); his aunt gives T. the iron skins of a hawk, a hare , mice, pike, teaches what to do; T. drives past one-eyed, then one-armed, then one-legged people, herding cows, end, P. pigs; tells them to say that they graze his cattle, T.; makes the cripple healthy; hides in the ground with one eye out; P., who has flown in as a crow, still notices him; runs away in the guise of a hawk, a hare, a mouse, a pike; T., in the guise of the same, but iron birds and animals, pursues him, kills and burns many times until no one else flies out of the ashes; the horse carries him through the great fire; slipping through 30 converging and diverging aspens, P. hits and hangs on an aspen; his aunt frees; the old man lying down with snoring pulls everything towards him, then drives him away; P. cuts off his wings of his nose and earlobes, passes on the old man's horse, he predicts T. to be a god; the horse tells him to get the old woman's daughter Kirt-nöli-ekwa; tells me to wrap parts of her body in birch bark; when the old woman grabs them, only birch bark remains in her hands; T. marries both women; takes a water daughter, brings us a dowry sturgeon world; takes the daughter of the Old Month in the sky; the daughter of the Old Sun Woman; undertakes to carry the sun on horseback; sees fighting below, starts to destroy them, they die from the heat; where the sky hangs, the rock with hole; covered with an iron advantage; T. slips through it with a pike, but the old man catches him in an iron net; tries to kill, but only beats himself and his wife, T. escapes; flies a goose to the southern edge; Southern the old woman killed, cooked two teals, T. ate them; she threw the bones into a lake with live water, the teals flew away; T. gets the daughter of the Southern old man and an old woman; migratory geese and ducks are her dowry; wearing T.'s skins. the goose, she is a swan, flew into our world through a rock with a hole; T. returned home, went to bed with six wives; stays in the lower world, his mother and father go to heaven], 106 [about the same; lying old man named Kul; T. approaches him wearing mammoth skin; the episode with water and sturgeon drive is the last]: 258-272, 272-290; Mansi [after the death of his father, only older and middle brothers got deer; the youngest asks, the eldest does not give at all, the middle gives one; the youngest is going to sacrifice his son; Mir-Susne-Hum puts him on a sledge, brings him to the moon, where the woman does not feed him; then But in the sun; M.'s wife feeds; the man returns home, he has many deer, and the brothers' deer are gone; the elder is preparing to sacrifice his son, but M. does not stop the axe and the boy dies; younger brother migrates]: Gemuev 1990:188-189; Khanty [it is widely believed that the Sun (sük) is female and the Month (tilas) is male, and people descended from them marriage; in anticipation of disaster (famine, epidemics, global flood), the Sun and the Month eat themselves (eclipses), which warns people of danger]: Kulemzin 2000:80-81; Eastern Khanty: Kulemzin, Lukina 1977 (Vasyugano-Vakhov) [The month (iki is "old man") had two wives, the Sun (shunk) and an underground evil spirit; the wives quarreled, tore her husband apart; the one where the heart is located, the Sun grabbed, the rest went to the evil spirit, so there is also a moon underground]: 122; Lukina 1990, No. 5 (b. Wah) [the daughter of an old man and an old woman swallows everyone; the son asks the mother who she likes best; she replies that the daughter; the son put on a swan skin, came to the lake where the daughters of the Sun flew to swim; they took him to himself, he married alone; cries, homesick; his wife gave him a comb and a pebble; at home, his sister plays with the skulls of her parents and neighbors she ate; wanted to eat the horse's leg; the brother rides away on horseback, throws a comb, a stone; they turn into a forest, into a rock; sister and wife grab it, the wife gets a part without a heart; the wife heals her husband, he dies and then comes to life; this is the Month]: 65, 508 [in the Ob-Ugrians, the Sun - woman, Month is male]; Pelikh 1972:368 (Nizhne-Vartovsk) [A month decided to visit his parents; his wife The Sun offers to take her horse, but the Month takes its toll; the Sun gives three stones; if you throw it, they will turn into a mountain, into a fire, into a fallen forest; Seves (the giantess) ate the parents of the Month, chases him; he throws objects; S. catches up, eats his horse; the Sun and S. pull the Month into different sides, tear it apart; the Sun shakes it, revives it periodically], 369 [A month spends one night at the devil, the other at the Sun; the devil promises to eat it when the foot stuck over the bed ends; the devil and the Sun drag on the Month, tear; the heart and lungs go to the Sun; the Sun converges with the Month on the full moon; tells him to walk in front of her, pave the way for it]; Lukina 1990, No. 6 (b. Tromuegan) [a man comes first to one house, marries its mistress; then to another; to a third; goes to see, there is nothing in the place of the first huts; his first two wives are chasing him, he runs into third; pursuers tear off half of him; he is the Month, the wife is the Sun]: 66-67; Southern Khanty [Old Sun and Old Month]: Karjalainen 1996:44-48; Northern Khanty (Kazim) [wife Toruma Torum Anki is associated with the Sun]: Voldina 2006 in Islamov 2006:45; Northern Selkups: Prokofieva 1976 [The sun decided to take her husband; held out its hands and rays to the earth man; Ylynta kota (Lower Old Woman) also grabbed him, they tore it in half; the Sun got half without a soul; the Sun gave him the hearts of various bright birds, but he only came to life for a short time; The Sun threw him far away from her; the Month appeared, dark spots on it]: 107; Tuchkova 2004:126 and 241 [(zap. Varkovitskaya on Baikha); fleeing from the devil, the man jumped into heaven, reached the plague of the daughter of the Sun, married her; went down to earth, the devil chased him again, grabbed him; the daughter of the Sun grabbed her husband for the other half; the devil ate half with his heart, and the daughter of the Sun, putting her half shaky, began to rock; the day passed, the husband became half of the man; the wife told him to be the night sun, she herself became daytime], 126 [(zap. G.N. Prokofiev); the elder brother took the devil on a white horse to heaven, married there; went downstairs to visit his parents; his brother grabbed him, his wife grabbed him from the other side, the husband was torn; the wife got it half without a heart or liver; his wife gave him the heart and liver of the beast; the husband revived, but as the month fell, he turned into half a man again; his wife left him, told him to become the Month; hell said, that God will take a person with a soul up, and he will take half of the people down]; the southern Selkups ["on Tyma, the image of the sun is marked as a woman"]: Tuchkova 2004:70; Kets: {comm. Nikolaev 1985:45; most likely, the story about the sun and the month was borrowed by some groups of Kets from their predecessor inhabitants of the Lower Yenisei taiga and revised in their own way; that is why the Imbat The Kets do not know it, and the Syms have lost their original meaning; but it is kept by the Dibikovs, who are a mixed Keto-Selkup group}; Alekseenko 1976:81-83 [The sun (s) are female, The month (hip, kip) - to the male name class; the Sun lived on earth, her husband was the Month; the shorter time when the Month was seen in the sky was explained by the fact that it lingered longer and longer her three stingy daughters-in-law; the latter just begins to cook when he comes; in the options of staying for the Month, daughters-in-law explained three dark nights at the end of the month], 83 [written by P.N. Kamensky; Sun and the Month was husband and wife; the Month came down to earth to see how people lived there; Kyns (Hosedam) chased him; he rose up to the Sun, where their plague stands; His wolf's sun to help sent; The Month had only managed to tear off the vice above the door, half entered; the Sun grabbed it by one half, the other; half of the Month remained with her heart; the Sun tried to make the Month a new heart made of coal did not work; then it told him to leave; the Sun is always ahead, and the Month is behind], 83-84 [written by K.M. Tyganov; The month was born on earth, his name was Bangdehyp' (son of the earth); H. tore him in half; The sun shook her husband, but did not revive him; during the day he was like a person, and only half at night; The sun told him to shine at least half at night]; Anuchin 1914:15 [The month is grandfather, one by one fairy tales - the father of the Sun], 40 [one story each, a month used to be the sun, but he became an old man and does not work well; but does not want to sit back, and therefore at night, when he can't sleep, he goes out instead of the sun]; Dulzon 1965, No. 46 [Sintep ("old dog") lives with his grandmother in the form of a dog; tells her to ask Ydat for two daughters for him; dries the well; gives water in exchange for daughters; smears her face dog crap; son Y. Ky disdains to enter the house, but finds not a dog there, but a handsome man; decides to mislead S., harnesses his two-legged horse; S. turns a bunch of dead wood into a three-legged horse; The sun raised S. to herself; the older sister is looking for her husband, sees that he is chained to a stump in the sky; she flew up as a woodpecker, broke the chain, S. fell down, she put dog skin on him, took him home, he became handsome again; The Sun cries, says he wouldn't take S. if he knew he was married], 47 [the old man does not tell his son to kill the seventh burbot - this is the devil's daughter; he killed; married the Sun; went to visit his parents; damn ate them and his sister, put on her skin; cut off his horse's leg; he pulled this leg out of the fire, stuck his horse, drove to the Sun Well; the devil grabbed the horse by the leg; the young man dived into the well, the hell I pulled it out, ate half where the heart is; the Sun revives it, but every time he dies again, becomes a Month]: 109-113, 113-115; 1966, No. 111 [The Sun wanted to marry in a month]: 111; Nikolaeva 2006 [brother and sister are orphans, brother wants to see the world; the Sunwoman raises him to heaven with her hands and rays; he wants to visit his sister, the Sun gives him a whetstone and a comb, sends him on a winged horse; Hosyadam ate her sister, takes her form; she is outwardly friendly to her brother, but he sees her cooking his horse's back leg cut off; he snatches out his leg, hastily attaches the horse, jumps away; throws a whetstone , he turns into a mountain, H. gnaws at it with his teeth; the crest is the forest, X. makes its way; the Sun and X. grab a person by the different legs, tear it apart; the Sun has half without a heart; man will live for a week, dies again; the Sun says they will see each other once a year on the longest day; throws a man into the dark half of the sky, this is the Month]: 123-126; Osharov 1936a: 111-115 [The elder and middle brothers are shamans, the youngest is not; a myrak runs into their dugout, tells them to make a coffin; in the morning the eldest is dead, he was put in a coffin; the same with the middle one; the youngest does not die, the myrak fights him, falls into the coffin, the lid slams shut, two snakes wrap around the ends; the guy comes to the plague, there the girl tells her to step over her leg, takes her husband; the guy goes to the forest cheerful, returns with tears, answers his wife that he was beaten in the eyes by rods; bars they tell his wife that they did not beat him, and the husband cries for the dead brothers; the wife gives her husband a comb and flint, tells him to return to the ground; after 7 years he comes to his dugout; kicks the coffin with the myrak, he jumps out, he drops it back into the coffin, the lid closes again; the guy leaves, but hears the chase, throws the comb (thicket), the flint (cliff), the wife managed to grab his right hand, the left hand, tore it, the right half was without a heart in his wife's hands; by night she took him out as a whole man, by morning he was half again; she said he would shine at night when she slept; so the Sun and the Month appeared; (quail in Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:160-163)], 142-144 [the hero caught a colorful burbot, let his daughter eat, she gave birth to a daughter, Haez-Ham, she grew up at night and ate people, became small with her mother in the morning; the hero's wife tells her son and daughter to be hidden in a hollow, fires an arrow, let the children put a chum where she falls; brother grows up; shackling an iron horse, comes to an old woman, she promises to send wolves to help her; a young man comes to the camp, looks into the plague, where XX asks the skull where his children are; asks what to feed you, goes to sharpen his teeth; the young man jumps on an iron horse, XX grabs it, but the old woman sends wolves, they tear off half, bring it to the old woman, XX tears off the other; the old woman sends the wolves to take half of the young man to his sister, puts a trap, XX gets into it, dies; the sister nurses her brother, but as soon as she stops, half of him again; they go to heaven, she becomes the Sun, Brother Month]; Nikolaev 1985 [1) as in Voskoboynikov, Changers; seven brothers; when he learns that a person cries when he sees brothers on earth, the Sun gives him a comb, a whetstone and a horse; when he catches up with a man, the devil tears off the horse's leg; 2) the brother takes the Sun, his sister, to heaven eats Hosyadam; the boy misses his sister, the Sun gives him a comb, a whetstone, a horse; H. takes the form of a sister, treats his brother with the foot of his horse; he attaches the horse's leg, runs away; more about persecution and about two halves of a person]: 44; Sangi 1989 (Prokofieva's recording) [brother goes farther and farther from the plague where his sister lives; a sunwoman takes him to heaven; a week later he asks him let him go; she gives him a whetstone and a comb, sends him down on a winged horse; during this time Hosyadam ate his sister, took her form; he realizes this when he sees that she is cooking a leg that she has ripped off from his horse; he sticks his leg back, rides his horse away, throws a whetstone, a comb, they turn into a mountain, a forest; X. overcomes obstacles; the Sun grabs him by one leg, X. by another, torn in half ; The Sun gets a part without a heart, it puts coal instead of the heart, revives a person, but he dies again and again; it sends it to the other side of the sky, turns it into a Month, sees him once a year, they they see each other's eyes; the month is cold because it has no heart]: 142-144; Donner 1933 [When traveling to the sun, the first Dōg shaman used the Milky Way as a road; while flying, the devil grabbed a shaman; the sun began to hold another part of his body; the devil took Dōg`a's heart, and the sun, who was married to a shaman, took the rest; since the devil's heart was left, Dōg could only live at night; the sun and the devil created the month from it]: 94; yugi [The sun wanted to go out in the Months {the sex of the stars is not specifically specified, but probably coincides with the German one: die Sonne, der Mond}; it found a child he keeps crying, the Sun hits him, tells him to stop crying; the child says his parents were eaten by hell; the Sun asks why he didn't say it right away, sends wolves, they surround the line, that hides in the water; the baby still cries for parents]: Werner 1997, No. 11:253-254.
Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts (no place of recording) [Sun and Moon are two sisters in riddles ("When the older sister comes to visit, the youngest hides")]: Ergis 1974:353; Western Evenks: Vasilevich 1959 ( Podkamennaya Tunguska, Vanavara) [Moon, Sun and Silver Woman (LJ) were three girls; Thunderstorm and Tree were workers (Thunderstorm still cuts firewood); Moon is a water carrier; a man goes to marry LF; at home - The tree, wearing LF clothes, pretends to be the mistress; the man marries her; the LF returns, washes the man with the blood of a deer, making him gold, takes him as a husband; the worker by the neck is tied to a deer, lets him go; the deer spread the seeds across the ground, so trees appeared; LJ does not tell her husband to go in the direction where the Moon and Sun live; he went and began to live with the Moon; LJ became a hawk, flies around the Moon and the Sun, asks kill himself; a man hit his paw with an arrow, the hawk's legs have been red since then; a hawk woman flies, takes the others with her; throws her belt up, a rainbow appears from the ground to the sky; throws her clothes at Clouds appear in the sky; while chasing the sky, the master of the upper world Ekshari leaves the Moon and Sun at home]: 164-165 (quoted in Voskoboynikov 1981:225); 1969 [among the Ilimpic Evenks, which include there were also Evenks of Trans-Baikal origin, there was a story about the sun as the mistress of the sky and about the moon as its younger brother]: 211; Osharov 1936a (Podkamenno-Tunguska; the Idukon River between the Angara and Podkamennaya Tungusskaya, Western 1928; =1936b, No. 10:279) [The sun lived with Father Month-old, her husband died; the Sun had a daughter; the boy came to his daughter; the Sun smelled, drove the daughter away with her boyfriend; the Sun with the Month migrated to the sky, wander there alone]: 16 {Osharov has the Sun "it", the gender is not specified; Voskoboynikov 1981:224, retelling this text, writes about the Sun as a woman}; Sym Evenks [Sym and The Kamen-Tunguska Evenks considered the sun to be a woman, so when addressing him, they said: enin dylacha, enan shivun (letters. "mother sun")]: Vasilevich 1959:164; Far Eastern Evenks (Orochons): Mazin 1984:7 [Grandma Sun (Enekan Sigong) sits in a yurt in winter, accumulates heat, releases it in spring], 11 [moon (running) - mirror of the mistress of the universe (enekan-bug); spots on the moon - a standing old woman with a bag]; Evens: Alexeev 1993 [The sun is a woman, the patroness of hunting, animals, vegetation] : 17; Burykin 2001, No. 10 [mystery: older brother comes to his older sister; when he comes, sister hides (Month and Sun)]: 112; Novikova [mystery: when the older brother comes to his sister, she hides ( Month and Sun)] 1958:108 (=1987:128).
Amur-Sakhalin. Nivhi: Ostrovsky 1997 [The Sun is a woman (rider); there is no data on the field of the Month (is female - unlikely?)] : 258-259; Sternberg 1908 [according to another belief, the sun is either husband or wife of the moon]: 43; Orochi: Aurora, Kozminsky 1949 [in the upper world, lunar earth; the lunar disk is fixed, but its cover rotates - phase change; to the south there is sunny land, there is a sunny girl, her face is the visible sun]: 327; Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 4 [see motif C18; Voronenok finds a girl, brings her to his house, there are crows everywhere litter; old man Ka's two sons come there; ask them to go to their father's house; Voronenok takes his wife with him; his mother warns that Ka's sons will take her away; Voronenok sees that his the wife sits with Ka's sons; stops playing, takes a month on her back, his mother takes the sun away; old Ka gives the Ravens seven dog heads to eat; for this, the Ravens return the stars; sons Ka are killing Voronenko and his mother with arrows, taking Voronenko's wife]: 132-133; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [the sky was close, it was very hot on earth; Month-man and Sun-woman walked along the sky together; the tops of old tall larches are bent to one side because when the sky was low they could not grow straight; people born in winter and summer died from the heat; three old men started shooting in the sun with icy arrows, they melted; the iron ones did not reach the sun; the bone arrows turned off the lights; the Sun said to the Month: "Why does man offend me?" A month said, "Because we both shine on the ground at the same time and everything burns down there." The sun invited the Month to shine at night, and it began to shine during the day; the Month began to hide so that people could count the time; the sky rose higher, it became not so hot; (quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 81:454 )]: 173-174; Podmaskin 1991, No. 16 [The Sun is the wife, the Month is the husband; they meet only during the eclipse of the moon; they used to walk in the sky together during the day, then the Month began to walk at night so as not to see the monthly Sun; An eclipse of the Sun occurs when a sky dog attacks it; people knock on bronze objects to drive it away]: 124; Skorinov 2007 {internet} [Moon Be and Sun Seun are girls with dazzling bright faces]: 4; Nanai [Beya man (month) tries to catch up with the heavenly woman Siu (sun), but cannot; when the Month disappears, the new moon means he has caught up with the woman; it's getting dark so that no one can see that B. gets along with S.]: Arsenyev 1995 (4): 152; Lopatin 1922:330; Yu.Sam 1990:124; Naikha Nanai [the sun and moon have skins that are lit with one end in the form of a torch, which emits light; these skins are inhabited by pudis that control the sun and the month; sunny Siulike pudi is the most beautiful of all; moonlit, Bialto pudi, a little less beautiful]: Aurorin 1986, No. 36, note 2:219.
Japan. Ancient Japan: Kogoshui 1996:303 [After giving birth to the Great Land of the Eight Islands, mountains, rivers, grasses, trees, Izanagi and Izanami give birth to the sun goddess Amaterasu, moon god Tukuyomi, god Susanoo]; Kojiki 1994, ch 9:51 [after visiting the land of the dead, Izanagi takes a cleansing bath; washes his eyes and nose; appears from his left eye sun goddess Amaterasu, from the right is moon god Tsukuyomi, from the nose is god Susanoo]; Nihon Shoki 1997, scroll 1:121-122 [as in Kogoshui], 126 [as in Kojiki], 131 [Ukemochi-no kami turns his head: if he turns to the sides of the country - boiled rice comes out of his mouth; towards the sea - various fish; towards the mountains - various commercial animals; all this food is presented to the gods; sent Amaterasu by the sun Tukuyomi-no kami month is offended by being fed spewed out of his mouth, killing W. with a sword; Amaterasu is angry, since then the Month and the Sun have been shining alternately; from Wu's head . cows and horses appeared, millet from the forehead, mulberry cocoons from the eyebrows, millet chie from the eyes, rice from the womb, wheat, beans, beans from the genitals; A. makes seeds from this so that people feed]; {The idea of the goddess Amaterasu persists in modern Shinto}; Ainu: Batchelor 1927 [The moon is the wife of the Sun; when she is not seen in the sky, she visits her husband; others say that the Sunwoman is the wife Months]: 257-259; Chamberlain 1887 [some Ainu say that the Sun is male, the Moon is female; others vice versa]: 19; Kindati 1941 [Elder and Younger gods in heaven; the elder has six daughters; starting from The eldest is the Morning Star, the Evening Star, the Midnight Star, the Moon, the Sun (the sixth is not named); the elder god tells God the Creator to make the earth; sends Princess Chikisani (Chikisani-hime, she is an elm tree, from which fire is made by friction); the younger god of heaven falls in love, visits her at night; this is how fire came to earth; others notice fire, envy, the gods begin to fight with each other; the younger god of heaven nicknamed "Earth Burner"; T. gives birth to Okikurumi, the creator of Ainu culture]: 56-57; Sarasina 2014, No. 7 (southern Hokkaido) [first a shapeless mass on the ocean surface; rising up from it the haze became the sky, the mass hardened and became a mountain; God and goddess descended on it; black was separated from the five-colored cloud, thrown into the sea, rocks appeared; the emptiness between them was filled with a yellow cloud, land arose; a white cloud - fish and shells - was thrown into the sea; from green - trees and grass; from red - precious metals and stones; an owl flew in, began to make signs for them, they understood that they should get married; they have many children, including Peker Chup ("bright star" and Kunne Chup ("dark (night) star"); a mountain with two peaks; the sun rose on the top of a woman, a month on the top of a man; they They climbed the cloud and took to the sky, began to alternately illuminate the lower world; after that, the original couple of gods returned to heaven]: 62-63.
SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs: Zhukova, Shadrin 2004 [a lonely man wandered from home to house; some fed him, others did not; he became a month, since then he has been getting fat and losing weight]: 35-36; Simchenko 1976: 267 (probably forest) [as in the case of Mother Earth and Mother Fire, the Sun is called Mother Mother Mother by the Nenets, Nganasan, Yukaghirs and Ents], 269 [among the Yukaghirs of the Nganasan Kicheda-nyama (Mother Moon) Kinije ämäi corresponds both in term and in essence]; Johelson 1900, No. 43 [appeal to the sun: "Mother Sun, warm us with your warmth, give us food with your warmth! From anywhere, send evil in the other direction"]: 121; the Chukchi [husband's younger brother bothers his wife in his absence; one day she threatens him with a knife, accidentally kills him; the husband fattens him in a beetle pit and a caterpillar, they turn into huge monsters; The spider tells the woman that her husband will lead her monsters to eat, tells her to sew new torbaza, throw it in front of the hole; the husband rushes after him, Spider takes a woman to heaven, her husband rushes into a hole in anger, is eaten; in the sky, Kele catches the souls of earthly people on the hook; Kele's wives tell the woman to hide in the house of the Sunny Old Woman; she burns kele, looking at him; the Sunny Woman lets the Earth look into boxes, each one can see the earth at different times of the year; a woman pours water, sprinkles snow, it rains on the ground, it snows; sees her home; the Sun returns her to earth to parents]: Belikov 1982:138-149; reindeer Koryaks [in the texts, the sun is the country where the people of the Sun live, specifically the Sun is a man, his daughter and son (Nos. 12, 21); in the chants on page 62, a woman of countries Dawn is seen as the sun (p.62: to cure a daughter of a headache, the Creator goes to sunrise; comes to a woman's home; from the explanations of the female informant from whom the chants are recorded, this is The Sun itself; in some texts (No. 82, coastal Koryaks) The month is a man, in others (No. 29, reindeer Koryaks), the woman Ememkut marries]: Jochelson 1908:122.
The Arctic. Central Yupik [the youngest of four brothers is lazy; does not hunt, stays at home with her sister; one day she wakes up feeling near him, drives him; the next evening she cuts off her chest, puts her chest down, puts him down fat and berries on top, invites him to eat it, since he wanted it; a ladder descends from the sky, she climbs it, turns into the Sun; the brother hurriedly puts one leg in his leg, pulls his sock over the other, rushes after her sister, turns into a Month; still chases her; loses weight from hunger; sister feeds him from the plate in which her chest lies, the Month is getting fat again]: Nelson 1899:482; Nunivak: Himmelheber 1951a [a single woman lives next to the couple; the wife wants her husband to marry her to help her work, but the husband refuses; then the wife leaves; the husband tries in vain to catch up with her; this is how they go to the ends of the earth and then to heaven; several villages (apparently dead) pass; wife becomes the sun, her husband becomes a month]: 40-42; Lantis 1946 [husband's nephew lives in their house; wife says someone walks to her at night, puts off the lamp; the husband realizes that he is his beloved nephew; he comes openly, they both love each other; the wife takes the lamp, runs, rises to the sky, becomes the sun; nephew follows her, becomes a month; once caught up, the Sun almost burned the earth]: 268-269; Kodiak [konyagi undoubtedly consider the Month and the Stars to be men when they animate them at all, but diverge in ideas about the Sun]: Lantis 1938:136; Bering Strait Inupiate (Little Diomede): Curtis 1976 (20): 127-129 [{the Sun's gender is not specified}; the young man sees a strange object on the ice, underneath it a hole, he falls into it; explains to the Sea Man that people are starving; he gives an ice ax that makes holes in the pack ice, kills seals at the other end; the young man preys a lot meat; the Month stole an ice ax; the sea man sends his men to heaven, they take the wife of the Month; in exchange, the Month returns the ice ax, gives another hook that can be pulled from afar any person or an animal; one day a young man refreshed a living mouse; it came at night, turned him and his family into old cripples, led him, they were gone], 185-188 [(half of the Sun is not specified); Month kidnaps a woman; husband goes in search, goes to Orlitsa, lives with her; she brings his wife on the fifth attempt, as if fainting, Orlitsa teaches her to bring her back to life, her husband lives with both wives; visits his earthly wife parents, then they live at Orlitsa again, every year here and there]; Bering Strait Inupiate: Gubser 1965 [(the nunamiut believe they borrowed this story from the coast from the Eskimos living near Point Hope); brother and sister live alone in the house; brother asks sister to marry, she refuses; she asks him to take his wife, he also refuses; she goes to bed with her at night; to find out who it is, she gets dirty the rapist's face is ash; in the morning in a community house (karigi), she sees that her brother's cheek is dirty; cuts off her breasts, mixes it with urine and blood, makes akutaq (Eskimo "ice cream") out of it, suggests to his brother eat it; tells everyone what happened; with a burning fat in her hands, she walks counterclockwise in circles, rises to the sky; her fat gives more and more heat and light; brother takes his bag with the instruments that follow it become bright, but remain cold; since then, the Month has been haunting the Sun forever, but cannot catch up; the dark spots on it are a man with a tool bag]: 190-199 ( specify!) ; Ingstad, Bergsland 1987 (Anaktuvuk Pass) [it is always cold, dark; when collecting fuel, women tried their tongues, dry wood or alive; brother began to come to see his younger sister at night; she smeared his clothes charcoal on her shoulder, identified her brother in the morning; cut off her breasts, held a bowl to her brother, saying that they were two wives for him; went up into the sky in circles, became the Sun; the brother grabbed his bag of tools, got up, standing A month; with it a large whale shoulder blade; the phases of the moon - it closes with it and then reveals itself; at dawn, the sun is red, it is the blood of severed breasts]: 25-30; Lowenstein 1992, No. 2 (Point Hope) [(=1993:10- 15); the girl lives in the same house with her older brother; someone comes to her at night; she stains her lover's forehead with soot from fat; in the morning she sees a mark on her brother's forehead; cuts off her breasts, mixes with her with urine and feces, puts everything in a night pot, invites him to eat it: he goes up to the sky, she follows him: he leaves for a month, tells her to go to the sun; in the morning and evening the sun is colored with blood from the girl's chest ; The month (Alinnaq) continues to chase his sister; when it catches up and copulates with her, an eclipse occurs, followed by an earthquake; The month hosts all marine and terrestrial commercial animals]: 13- 18; Norman 1990 (noatagmiut) [Marries a girl for a month; they visit her parents; say that there are no marine animals on the moon]: 92-96; Spencer 1959 [Sun Woman and Month Man rest on the rainbow; were married; quarreled over the weather; the husband wanted cold, the wife was warm; the husband cut off his wife's chest with a knife; the wife ran across the rainbow to heaven; the husband chases her, but cannot come because of the heat; when close, them both can be seen at the same time; if the Sun is red, it is her bleeding chest]: 258; Mackenzie Delta Eskimos (chigls) [the young man goes to his sister at night; she smears his hands with soot to identify his lover; sees in the morning spots on her brother's face; runs to heaven, becomes the sun; brother runs after her, turns into a month; still haunts her, an enemy of women]: Petitot 1886, No. 3:7-8; copper [Sun is woman, Month - man], 33 [the story of the Sun and the Month, as netsilic tells it, is known, but they do not remember the details; once the Month took a girl sent from one house to another to ask for meat; The Sun jealous and quickly sent her back]: Rasmussen 1932:23; caribou [people find brother and sister in each other's arms; out of shame they run to heaven, become the Month and the Sun; both carry torches; The month moves fast, its torch goes out; when the Month is not visible in the sky, it helps souls return from heaven to earth for a new birth]: Rasmussen 1930b:79-80; netsilic: Rasmussen 1931:231 [ The month brings good luck to hunters, fertility to women], 232-236 [Aninga is blind; his mother Agthulg-Rarnan points his arrow, lies that he did not hit the bear; eats meat herself; his sister Alec feeds him secretly; he asks him to be taken to the sea; two Loons in human form lick his eyes, making them keen; he harpoons a walrus, tying a tench to his mother, a walrus drags her into the sea; brother and the sister goes away; the mother's spirit in the form of a strip of fire, a moving belt blocks the road; they jump over these obstacles; the sister goes to ask for water from the spirits with claws on their hands; they want to kill her, their brother kills them, heals their sister; they come to people without anuses; they suck meat to be satiated; brother marries, sister marries; those women do not have vaginas, pregnant women have their bellies ripped open; sister gives birth normally ; her mother-in-law pierces her vagina with a meat fork, dies; sister smears black on the face of an unknown lover, identifies her brother in the morning; they decide to turn into something; sister suggests, brother rejects options (wolves: their teeth are too sharp; bears: clubfoot; musk oxen: sharp horns; seals: sharp claws; etc.; in the sun and month); they light moss torches, run, rise in air; sister extinguishes brother's torch, so the month is cold], 236-238 [two var.: the shaman hunts seals by the ice-hole; the month goes down, invites him into his sleigh, brings the dead to heaven in the village; walls passages to the house of the Month converge and disperse like a chewing mouth; a shaman slips; in another room, a Sunwoman sits with a child in her arms, her lamp is hot; an entrail eater stands outside the house Ajuk; the shaman runs away from her, returns home; his mouth closes, he can't open it anymore]; Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 3 [young people play a game of extinguished lamps; a young man sleeps with younger sister; both run with torches in their hands; brother stumbles, his torch goes out; they rise to heaven; sister turns into the Sun, brother into the Month], 4 [about like (3); in heaven, brother is a month and the sun sister lives in different parts of the same house]: 7-8, 8; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 26 [a lover goes to the girl at night; she finds out that it is her brother (without details); cuts off her chest, offers him to eat; runs away, he chases her, falls, his torch goes out, both rise to heaven; the Month has a wife in the sky; the Sun Sister lives in another part of the house]: 179-180; Rasmussen 1930a [ a girl smears soot on her night lover's face; identifies her brother at a dance]: 81; Spalding 1979 (Repulse Bay) [Aningaat is blind; his mother points his arrow at a polar bear, says A. was hit by a dog; feeds him a dog, eats bear meat herself with her daughter; his sister secretly gives it to his brother; takes him to the lake; Loon dives with him, rubs his eyes three times, he sees the light; ties the tench to his mother's belt, harpoons a big white whale that takes her mother to sea; brother and sister come to people with long nails; a sister comes into the house to ask for water; the inhabitants begin to rip off her meat; brother breaks in and kills everyone with an ice ax; wipes his sister's back with snow and urine, the flesh recovers; they come to the cup-and-ball players; A. picks up one device, runs away; come to people without anus; A. tells his sister take her husband there; she gives birth; the local foreman says they now have a man with an anus and a penis; pierces his anus; another pierced, missed, died; A. began to secretly go to his sister; she she smeared her nose with soot; both came to the meeting house, there is a holiday; everyone laughs at A. when they see his black nose; his sister dips a moss torch in fat, runs away; A. runs after her, but did not dip the torch in the fat, so he quickly went out; sister became the sun, A. month]: 48-50; Baffin's Land: Boas 1888:597-598 [like Igloolik in Rasmussen], 598-599 [shaman visits the moon; this is the house where the Month lives, a woman -The sun and the wife of the Month; the wife dances and grimaces in front of the shaman to make him laugh and tear out his insides; he does not laugh; he sees that she has a heart and lungs, but no spine and intestines]; Labrador Eskimos: Hawkes 1916 [girl smears her chest with soot to identify her night lover; sees soot on her brother's face in the morning; cuts off her breasts, puts her in front of him; If she wanted to, eat now ; her brother rushes after her in anger around the house, outside, into the sky; they become the month and the sun; when they meet, eclipses occur]: 156; Turner 1894 [the girl smears her chest with soot to identify the night lover; in the morning he sees soot on his brother's lips; parents scold them; brother runs away, turns into a Month; sister grabs burning smut, chases him, turns into the Sun; sparks from smut are stars; when sister catches up with brother, eclipses occur]: 266; West Greenland: Egede 1818 [month old boy Anningait, his sister Malina - Sun; boys and girls gathered to play in a house made of snow; A. began to come to M. at night; she smeared his hands with soot, stained his face and clothes; so there were spots on the moon; his snow-white reindeer suede clothes were covered with soot; M. lit a bright moss torch, and A.'s torch went out, so the moonlight is pale; M. rose into the air, A. has been haunting her ever since]: 207-208; Ostermann 1939 [during a wife exchange, when the lamps are turned off, the girl suspects that she is converging with her older brother; stains his face with soot; when the light is lit, he sees a mark; lights the torch, rises to heaven, becomes the sun; brother with another torch behind her, his torch goes out, he becomes a month]: 137; Rink 1875, No. 35 [in the absence of her husband, two little birds enter the house, first snow bunting (Plectrophanes nivalis), then wheat-ear (Saxiola ænanthe); each says that more will come next someone will tell something; a Sunwoman comes in, tells her story; she smeared soot on the back of an unknown lover, identified her brother in the morning; cut off her breasts, invited him to eat them if he I like her body so much; both lit pieces of moss, began to rise into the air; her moss burned well, it went out; she became the Sun, he became the Month; the Sun is beautiful in front, and looks like a skeleton from the back]: 236-237; Angmassalik [four var, also early notes from 1735; The month comes to Sister Sun; she smears his face with soot, recognizes his older brother in the morning; runs with a burning torch, rising in circles to the sky; cuts off one breast, throws the Month; he stumbles, his torch goes out; he rises behind it to the sky]: Thalbitzer 1923, No. 215:397-403.
Subarctic. Koyukon [a girl rejects her suitors; someone comes to her at night; she ties a pen to his hair; in the morning she sees that she is the eldest of her four brothers; puts on her best clothes, goes up to east, becoming the Sun; her brother forgets to wear one moccasin, follows her sister, turns into a Month; people don't look at the Sun without wanting to dishonor her]: Chapman 1903, No. 5:183-184; inhalic: Chapman 1914, No. 4 [a girl rejects her suitors; someone comes to her at night; she ties a feather to his hair; when she comes to kashim, she sees that it was her brother; puts on better clothes, cuts off her breasts, puts them on a bowl of food, gives them to his brother; rises to the sky, becomes the sun; brother runs after her, becomes the Month; hurries to put on only one moccasin], 9 [husband goes hunting; comes to his wife a stranger who wants to take her away gives her a necklace; a returning husband throws the necklace through a smoke hole, tells his wife to go outside to cry in his hearts; a month takes her home; the husband burns his property, turns into wolverine]: 21-22, 61-62; hea [two brothers go in a boat to hunt ducks, lose their way; meet a beautiful woman, she calls them sons-in-law; she is the Sun, her husband is a Month; he takes under their wings, lowers them to the ground; they return home]: Petitot 1886, No. 7:116-119.
NW Coast. The Tlingits: Veniaminov 1839 ["The sun and the month, according to their myth, were once people, brother and sister. But they cannot say correctly which of them was a brother and who was a sister, believing that the month was a brother and the sun was a sister. My sister, living on earth, had a lover, but secretly from everyone. Her brother somehow found out and wanted to shame his sister in an extraordinary way. One dark night, when he was sure that his sister's lover would not come to her, he came to her himself; his sister mistook him for a lover, and caressed him as usual, but did not see him caress him. This surprised her a little, and as if as punishment, she decided to secretly impose a sign on his braid, on his head, in order to laugh at her lover in the morning. But instead of her lover, she sees her own sign from her own brother; she immediately ran away from home out of shame, and then became the sun, and her brother became a month old. His sister's shame is always with her, and that's why she tries to escape from the Sun; since then, the Moon has been running away from the Sun, trying to escape from her brother, meeting him as little as possible "]: 62-63; Boas 1895, No. XXV.2 [the sun and the month are the "eyes of heaven", but also wife and husband; during a solar eclipse, the Month visits its Sun Wife]: 320 (=2002:624).
The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [the daughter of the Sun marries a man; does not come to her father when he asks her; the man leaves his wife because she is hot; the Sun does not want to take her daughter back; turns her into the present Sun; cf. motive A1]: Teit 1898, No. IX: 54-55; catlamet: Boas 1901a, No. 1 [a woman leaves her husband; he sings, people come to him, dance; a woman goes too, forgetting about the baby; hears him crying, finds him in the cradle is only a stick; the child was kidnapped by Akas Shenas Shen; carries him everywhere; one day she leaves him at home; her brother Crane tells the boy that A. is not his mother, gives him a knife; he cuts off her head kills a soul that has jumped out of his neck; climbs a pine tree, shoots into the sky, makes a chain of arrows; attaches it to the lower bow, climbs into the sky; meets an old woman, takes her load, opens the cork, becomes dark; plugs the vessel, it becomes light; meets Lice, Fleas, Itch; walks along the left path; spends the night in the house of the Night Star cannibal with his daughter Moon; runs away, comes to the Morning Star, marries him Daughters Sun; Sun to the Moon: You will shine when people relieve themselves, and I when leaders exchange gifts; The sun gives birth to twins with their bellies; a person digs a hole, makes a hole the sky, sees his father's house, misses him; father-in-law lowers him and his family in a basket to the ground; Blue Jay mocks the man's blind younger brother; the Sun restores the boy's vision, her husband shoves Soyka smut in the ass; Jay separates the twins with a knife, their guts fall out; the sun returns to heaven, her sons are phantom suns], 3 [the chief goes East to look for the Sun; sees a girl in the house; hung nearby jewelry, tools, weapons; girl: This is my paternal grandmother's property, I will get everything when I grow up; an old woman comes in the evening, hangs a shining object; the chief marries a girl; when she wants to return home, his mother-in-law allows him to choose any gift; but he wants only a shining object; it sticks to his body; makes him fall unconscious, exterminate his relatives - residents villages on the way to his house; the old woman picks up the object, the man is left alone]: 9-19, 26-33; clackamas: Jacobs 1952 [the young man makes a ladder with his arrows and bow; climbs into heaven; gets to cannibals; they marry him a girl; he cannot have sex with her because she has no excretory and genital holes; he marries a girl of a different kind; they go down to earth; her children are Siamese twins ; Blue Jay hurries to separate them; they die; she takes them to heaven, turns into the sun]: 121-129; Jacobs 1958, No. 13 [Fire's grandson has two wives, both sons; one returns to his brother; her husband follows her, plays disc game with his brother, loses; he cuts off his ears and hair, hangs him in the chimney; the victim's children train their shamanic power; now they can burn with their eyes; they take grizzly hair, come to enemies; win, burn players with their eyes (they turn into shrimp, blue jay); turn wool into grizzlies, they devour enemies; brothers spare two old women who sheltered them and their father; they bring their father home, Grandfather's fire revives him; they come to two girls; they don't know that one of them is their maternal aunt; local people kill them; mother turns into the Sun, brothers into stars]: 114-130; vishram [The sun is a woman; the Coyote comes, promises to be her servant, to obey; she takes it with her; the Coyote screams about everything she sees on earth, gossips; the Sun does not like it, the Coyote cannot become the Sun]: Sapir 1909b: 46-49 in Hines 1998, No. 29:117-118; cous: Jacobs 1939, No. 9 [Working for the Food Master for a month]: 68; 1940, No. 29 [the hero goes to heaven, copulates icy penis with Sun Girl (the sun has not been so hot since then); the Sun sends him to his sister; she is the daughter of the Month, he marries her]: 214-219; yakima [Coyote goes east to look for buffalo; at night falls asleep, wakes up in the same place; so four times; his "sisters" (excrement) say that it is the Sunwoman who is mocking him; they advise you to become a fluff so that the wind carries him away; to land , he becomes a branch; enters a rich tipi, asks the owner's five daughters to marry; they are bisonichs; the owner warns not to have sex with them for five days; they go west, spend every night in the same teepi who magically carry with them; the Coyote becomes a bison; the older girl doesn't like the new country; she lies down, exposes her genitals, the Coyote copulates; the bison returns east, Coyote becomes a coyote again]: Beavert 1974:45-51.
(Wed. The Midwest. There is no data on the Sun's field. Chippewa [The carrier (bird) comes to the village; the chief's daughter tries to grab him, he runs away, she still has his belt; she is pregnant, gives birth to a boy; the chief recognizes as her son-in-law who the baby is writes; this is the Transporter; he takes his wife and son overseas; tells her not to approach the water; she sees a man's face in the water, kidnapped; the Carrier asks eight Thunders for help, they carry the mountain with lightning, return woman; she was next stolen by the Month; she has been seen on the moon disc ever since]: Barnouw 1977, No. 40:155-157; Squire 1848 in Clark 1960 [Chief's daughter rejects suitors; wants to be the wife of the Month; raised to heaven; her face can be seen on the moon disc]: 123-126; Ottawa [Living Statue is a great sorcerer, his sister was taken away by Moon Prince; he was met dressed in a green dwarf, offered to fight, LS with difficulty overcame; the dwarf praised him, turned into a corncob, ordered him to plant seeds, so corn appeared; once LS slept, two dwarfs tried to rip his heart out, one put his hand in his mouth, LS bit off his fingers, they turned into a wampum; he came to the river, there's a stone boat with two petrified dwarfs and wealth - bear skins; LS refused all the girls, married a Star, they live now in the sky next to the Road of the Dead]: Compton 1907:78-84).
Northeast. Montagnier [they say that the sun is the heart of an evil woman, Manitou's wife, because of whom people are dying; someone of semi-human nature attacks her, her heart trembles, and an eclipse occurs]: Le Jeune in Greer 2000:120; Tuscarora [a woman in the upper world is ready to give birth to twins; at this time she falls down; sea monsters pull some land from the bottom, put it on a turtle; when a woman lands on it, the land begins to grow; the good son Enigorio (E.) is born normally, the evil Enigonhahethea (EH) is born through his mother's side, killing her; E. turns his mother's head into the sun, the body into the moon; creates plants, animals, people, turns out to be monkeys; E. lies that he can be killed with reeds; OH replies that he can be killed with a deer horn; brothers fight, E. kills OH, he falls into the ground becomes an evil spirit]: Cusick 1827 in Leland 1968:24; in Beauchamp 1922:8-11; mohawki [a woman falls from the sky, gives birth to a daughter; she gives birth to twins, dies; her mother makes her head a moon, out of her body - the sun; holds for himself and his evil grandson; the good grandson sends animals to steal the stars; throws them into the sky; from now on the Sun will be the Great Warrior, the Moon is Our Grandmother]: Hewitt 1903:319- 320; oneida [the grandmother divides her daughter's corpse in half, throws it up; the top turns into the sun, the bottom into the moon; so she (the moon?) in the shape of a face; (this is illogical; mb head to the moon - like a mohawk?)] : James Dean (1770s?) in Elm, Antone 2000:157-162.
Plains. Santi [The Sun is a woman, the Month is a man; they argue who is stronger and more necessary for people; you can't look at the Sun, the Month admits defeat; three days until the Month is in heaven, he has his wife (not Suns)]: Wallis 1923:40, 43-44; Kiova-Apache [Gromovnik saves a girl chased by a monster, marries her; his ex-wife The sun comes to her, kills her, takes twins out of her womb He throws one into the ashes of the hearth, the other into the river; see motif J19]: McAllister 1949, No. 6:34-35.
Southeast USA. Yuchi [humans are Mother Sun's children]: Speck 1909, No. 2 [a drop of the Sun's menstrual blood turns into a boy; he teaches people rituals; he himself is called the Sun]: 106-107; Swanton 1929, No. 90: 84; tunic: Haas 1942:531-535 in Brain et al. 2004 [Sun deity and possibly female Moon deity]: 591; 1950, No. 3 [The sun learns that her husband is a kingfisher; rises to heaven out of shame ]: 21-25; biloxi [The Sunwoman tells the Otter Youth to leave because of his strong smell; then she comes to him herself; he does not pay attention to her; she rises to the sky out of shame; the child gets dirty Hand Month; he rises to the sky in shame; the spot on the moon's disk is still visible]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 29:110-112; chitimacha [The Sun and Month should have been married; Sun favorable to people]: Swanton 1907 [Month - man, Sun - woman]: 286; 1911 [The month did not swim and remained pale; cannot catch up with the Sun in the sky]: 357; 1917 [weak Month is unable to conquer Sun]: 356-357; teal [incestuous brother and sister]: Mooney 1900:252-254 [The sun was on the other side of the sky and her daughter was in the middle of the sky above the earth; every day the Sun stopped at her to have lunch; The Sun did not like people because they frowned at it; the Sun's brother loved the Month because they smiled at him; the Sun sent a fever with its rays, almost everyone died; Tiny People (these are Thunders) they advised me to kill the Sun; they turned two people into Spreading-adder and Copperhead snakes, placed them at the door of the Sun's daughter's house, but they couldn't bite; then the Tiny Men turned two other people into the horned serpent Uktena t into the Rattlesnake; the Rattlesnake bit the daughter of the Sun to death and crawled away, U. followed him; since then people have not killed rattlesnakes; U. became so dangerous that he was sent to the upper world; The Sun disappeared from grief, people no longer died, but it became dark; Tiny People told me to bring the soul of the daughter of the Sun in the box; on the way back, she asked to open the box, flew away like a Redbird bird; Sun grief flooded the earth with a flood of her tears; then the young men and women began to sing and dance, the Sun opened their faces slightly, smiled, the disasters were over], 256-257 [The month-brother visits the Sun Sister; to find out who this, she touches his face with her hand stained with ash; in the morning, the Month rises to heaven out of shame and has been avoiding her ever since]; Seminoles [The Sun is a woman, the Month is a man (without details)]: Lévi-Strauss 1976a: 215.
California. Maidu [at first it is dark and only water; a raft sailed from the north, carrying the Turtle and the Father-Secret Societies (UTO); then a rope of feathers descended from the sky, along which the Founder of the Earth (OZ, Earth-Initiative); his face is covered and his body shines like the sun; the turtle asks him to help create land; offers to tie it to a rope and a stone to it for weight; 6 years later, the turtle emerged covered in green silt, but it was washed away and remained only slightly under his fingernails; he scraped out of his nails with a knife, rolled up the pellets, put it on the stern of the raft; looked twice - nothing; on the third, wrapped his hands around; on the fourth, a raft on land, The whole world has arisen; the turtle asks for light; OZ: look east, I will call my sister; the OT began to scream and the sun rose; then set; OZ: now call my brother; the month has risen; then called stars, naming them; then he grew a tree with 12 different types of acorns; after sitting under the tree for two days, all three went west; and Coyote and his rattlesnake dog came out of the ground; those who left returned and Oz made different animals out of clay, starting with a deer; mixed red clay with water and sculpted a man and a woman; they were white, black-haired, and beautiful; the woman tickled him, he didn't laugh; the Coyote wanted, to have his hands like his paws, but OZ made people's hands like his hands; the first man was Kuks and the first woman was the Morning Star; Oz told Kuks to take people to the lake; during this time K. grew old, but when he plunged, he was younger again; this will be the case with everyone; women put out baskets in the evening, and in the morning they were full of food; Coyote held a race; the Rattlesnake bit him and he died - Coyote's only son; Coyote threw his body into the lake, but nothing happened; Kuksu dug the first grave and buried the young man; people spoke different languages, only Kuksu understood everything; first Kuksu's wife left, then he himself; came to the spirits, there was the son of Coyote; the Coyote came there in the footsteps; Cooks did not let him eat the food of the dead; the Coyote jumped off the tree to crash to death and see his son; but the spirit house was empty ; The Coyote went west and was never seen again]: Dixon 1902, No. 1:39-45; Maidu: Dixon 1902, No. 8.1 [The Cannibal Sun lived north in a huge ice house; to the north lived a Frog with three children; The sun stole one, the second child, came for the third; the frog was sitting outside the house, waving a basket; the Sun grabbed the child, ran away with him, created willow thickets behind him, from which baskets are woven; The frog chased, saw the willow, began to collect; when it ran on, the Sun had already run into its house; the ice house was slippery, but the Frog still climbed onto the roof (where the entrance is), invited the Sun to go out , swallowed it; The sun began to grow in her stomach, the Frog burst, the Sun came out; told the frog to live in the water, decided that they would both be harmless to humans; asked her Month-Brother if he wanted walk day or night; The Month invited the Sun to walk at night, but all the stars fell in love with it, the Pleiades followed; the Sun decided it would walk during the day], 8.2 [The Sun Sister and her Month Brother live in stone house; various animals are trying to lure them into the sky; The worm made a hole, Gopher released fleas inside the house, they bit the Sun and the Month, they got up from the bunk; the Sun was afraid to walk on at night, chose a day, and the Month began to walk at night]: 76-78, 78; lake mivok [The sun is the young sister of the evil old Month]: Angulo, Freeland 1928:240 (note 1); coastal mivok [world in darkness, The sun lives in the east; Coyote sends his men by force to bring her in; her body is covered in sparkling abalone shells]: Merriam 1993:201; achomavi [first Month and Sunwoman (both called School ) live under the ocean; the Silver Fox asks the Cloud Maiden (aka the Eagle Woman) to invite them to earth; the Frog brings them to the eastern pillar; it is very cold there; thanks to this, the Sun and the Month are not burn the earth; then see motive K27: The Month, the Sun, their daughters The North Star and the Southern Star are thrown into the sky]: Merriam 1992:24-30; atsugevi, maidu, nisenan [Sun Woman, Month -male]: Voegelin 1942:135.
Big Pool. Utah, Southern Payutes [The Sun is "Our Mother"]: Stewart 1942:235.
The Great Southwest. Pima [Santa Maria is the Sun and our mother; The month is our father]: Olmos Aguilera 2005:192.
Mesoamerica Chol (Buena Vista, Chiapas) [The Sun is the mother of the month male; at the same time associated with the Virgin Mary; when she grows up, a woman, when she gets old, a man]: Iwaniszewski 1992:133 in Wilbrath 1999:32.
The Northern Andes. Cimila [The Sun is the younger sister, the Month is the older brother]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1945, No. 2:5.
Llanos. Cuiva [{in most texts, including this story, the Sun is a man}; The Sun invited her daughter-in-law to look for lice in her hair, actually ate her brain; she went, staggered, fell dead; a young woman's father threw the Sun's children into the river, they turned into water monsters, aquatic animals, a jaguar; put them on top of the river; many died when they got out]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 2:23-24.
Guiana. Caribbean Islands [Caribbean Moon Husband, Sun Wife]: Ehrenreich 1905:36; Kalinya [along with Sun Man; see motif A5; sun is three sisters, one shining in the morning and the other in the middle of the day, the third in the evening; the young man fell in love with one of his younger sisters; caught her by the hair with a hooked branch; after long pleas he let her go; since then, three sisters have been walking high above the ground]: Magaña 1983 : 36.
NW Amazon. Bora [our first ancestor came out of a small piece of land; his wife is the Sun]: Wavrin 1932:140; 1937:551.
Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo: Tessmann 1930:140 [Noköyo is a supreme female deity, associated with the sun, creates forests, mountains, humans; in other versions, the Sun is male], 143 [soul first after death I went to heaven for a while, then returned to my body, the man came to life; the dog died first; the kashibo waited two days at the corpse, but the dog did not come to life; since then people have not been resurrected and do not like dogs, because "the dog betrayed man "; Kakataibo people call the dog kamu, i.e. the same name as their husband Noköyo; in Arawak, the same word means the moon]; character: Gray 1996:53-54 [boy goes to the bottom rivers; he is attacked by herons and other birds, but the Month saves him; he is a giant fisherman, the spirits of the dead are his servants; the Month puts huge quantities of fish in a small package, gives it to the boy; he opens it prematurely, cannot put the fish back; The month gives him a new package, sends him home; during his stay with the Month, the boy became an adult boy], 59 [there were two suns, a man and a woman; The man was huge and walked so close to the ground that everything was burning; a man named Manco hit him with an arrow in the eye, he disappeared; our present sun is a woman], 60 [The Sun is female, the Month is man].
Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [Sun and Month are sister and incestuous brother; have no parents]: Caspar 1975:189, 195; (cf. kumana [Sun and Moon are spouses, they quarrel during eclipses; {gender of stars not specified}]: Martius 1867:585 in Lasch 1900:107); chacobo [women Wari (sun) and Osche (moon) pluck coloring uruku fruits; the owner of the bush comes; V. runs away, O. is forced to marry him; O. takes off her hair like a wig to take out insects; hair falls into the river, O. after them, her husband follows her; on Sister and mother O. live in the bottom; the husband sees his sister playing with a heavy ball; he plays himself, the ball crushed it into porridge; O. puts the bones under the vessel, the husband revives as a baby; is carried by the vulture to his mother; she's doing it again as an adult]: Kelm 1972, No. 8:235-236.
Chaco. Lenghua: Lehmann-Nitsche 1924:70; Toba: Metraux 1935c [The month is a pot-bellied man, every woman's first lover (the cause of menstruation); his sister The Sun is a big fat woman; in winter she is a girl, she goes fast, in summer she is an old woman, she goes slowly]: 134; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 2:29-30; 1989a, No. 5 (toba-pilaga) [A month told his wife he would die, told him to cover it up, don't be scared when he will be resurrected; the wife covered, hit with a stick, the Month came to life, the wife was frightened, the Month rose to heaven; if she hadn't been afraid, he would not have risen]: 11; Pilaga: Metraux 1935c [The sun is a woman; Young Month is male, full moon is old woman]: 139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 1 [The sun is an old woman, sometimes turns into a young woman; black Napalpi wanted to obscure the whole sky and hide the Sun, blocked her way, but the Sun went underground and rose to the east; Dapitchi (Pleiades) helped the Sun], 4 [Avóik was first ugly, then handsome, then ugly, pot-bellied; when he heard how he is called a freak, the Month rose to heaven; two days later the sky was covered by clouds, it rained, at dawn all people died; the Month shouted, the dead turned into birds, scattered], 6 [The month was young, grew old, came home, went out young again]: 3-4, 10-11, 12; abipon [Grahaul ái, sun, they are feminine, like the German Die Sonne. Grau è; the month is masculine, like our Der Monde]: Dobrizhoffer 1822 (2): 162; mokowi [the sun is considered female, the month is male; stars are generally considered human, predominantly women]: Giménez Benítez et al. 2002:42.
The Southern Cone. Araucans [Anchümalhuén - female sun deity (sol femenino or mujer sol)]: Latcham 1922:811.