A43. A month in one moccasin .
Amonth or character currently visible on the moon hurries up to the sky. He is missing one leg or shoe on one leg, or one mitt, or one leg is severed. Compare A43 and K13A motives.
Hawaiians [woman with severed leg], Montenegrins, Abkhazians [man with severed leg], Teleuts, Ilimpic Evenks (Chirinda), Okinawa [man with leg severed; boy with bitten off leg], Chukchi, central yupik, koyukon, inhalik, kuchin, khan, southern tutchoni, chipewayyan, sarsi [woman with severed leg], blacklegs [woman with severed leg].
Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaii (island) Maui): Beckwith 1970:241-242 [Ai-Kanaka is a worthy chief of Maui; "Hina Working on the Moon" or "Hina from Heaven" becomes his wife; they have idiot children first, then Puna, followed by Hema; Hina is tired of cleaning after her children, wiping them with a tap; on a full moon she jumps on the moon; her husband grabs her leg, her leg comes off; Hina (without a leg) is visible on the moon], 242 [1) "Hina, who eats on the moon" - wife Aikanaka; she found sweet potatoes on the moon; her husband cut off her leg, threw her on the moon, Hina now lives there; 2) if her husband hadn't cut off her legs, Hina would have reached the sun; 3) Hina is tired of enduring the children's excrement, ran to the moon; her husband cut off her leg].
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Bgazhba 1983 [the prince has three sons; he begged God for a daughter; he shot a wolf's finger, his daughter is crying at home, he put a finger to her hand, she was a werewolf; her sister chased her younger brother ; the woodpecker did not help him, said that he should get food for the children, the young man made the rotten tree young and hard; the witch Arupap sent him along the way, he came to the moon, got married; went to look for parents and brothers, the moon gave a ring; everything is desolated at home, only the sister lives; consistently eats the horse's legs, goes to the blacksmith to sharpen his teeth; the rat tells the young man to run; the woodpecker, A. sends the witch along the wrong path, but she catches up again; a young man throws a ring to his wife in heaven; dogs rush at the witch, a young man climbs his wife along the moonpath; a witch tears his brother's leg to his knee; a one-legged man is visible on the moon]: 33- 35; Chursin 1956 [Gudauta County; two single brothers, the third eldest married; sees an invisible force carrying a ram from the sky every day; the middle one is the same; the younger one shoots, falling bloody from the cloud finger; at home, the older brother's daughter's finger in the cradle is torn off; her brother put a finger on her, he has grown up; the brothers are gone, the youngest is the last; asks the woodpecker to detain the witch; he replies that he needs to get food; brother hits a tree, it becomes young; Baba Yaga tells you to go straight, he comes to the Maiden Moon; lives with her; goes to look for brothers, the Moon gives a ring; at home niece (var.: sister); eats one, two, three, the horse's fourth leg, the whole horse; puts the young man in a wineskin, goes to sharpen his teeth; he runs away; woodpecker, Baba Yaga help; he throws a ring to the moon, dogs rush at the witch; she manages to tear off his leg; on the moon a person with a leg torn off below the knee is visible]: 150-151.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Teleuts [seven-headed Elbigen (Yelbigen) ate people and cattle; people prayed for the Sun and the Month; the Sun came down, but had to return so as not to burn people; Month E. grabbed, he grabbed the bush; the month carried it away with the bush; E. had a chumak in his hand, one leg was shod, the other was barefoot; on the moon you could see a hand with a chumak, one leg thicker than the other; to make it easier to go down to earth, the Month cut itself in half]: Potanin 1883, No. 34L: 192.
Eastern Siberia. The Ilimpic Evenks (Chirinda, 2007) [a very big man lived on earth; he did not have a head, only shoulders; he hunted moose, ate them in the same place he caught them; once he met a simple as a hunter, fed him and went to bed; the hunter stole a mitten from a big man to show his comrades; a big man woke up and found him missing; angry, flew to the moon; there he can be seen, with with one mitten and skis]: Duvakin 2013.
Japan. Okinawa: From The Book of Japanese Tales - Tsukan [1) Akara and Sarah found a peach seed on the river, planted it, and raised it. When they sold mature peaches in cities, Acara allowed customers to taste them and willingly bought them from him, and Sarah was angry and wouldn't let them and no one bought them from him. When they got home, they quarreled and Akara asked the moon to lower the golden bridge. When he got up, Sarah ripped off his leg and Akara climbed into the moon without a leg; 2) instead of Sarah, a monkey who offers to kill someone who sells less and gives Akara only unripe peaches; he, of course , they buy badly and Akara asks for salvation from the moon]: Yoko Naono Fukasawa translated and reported on 04.04.2016; "Tales of Ogimi Village", 1998. The text "Akana and Them" [Akana is a character who lives on the moon; "they" are a category of demonic creatures"; A. and O. go fishing, A. has a wooden boat and a rich catch, O. has clay and a poor catch; A. advises O. to urinate on the boat, which falls apart; A. believes that O. will eat him, run away; O. catches up and asks why A. has red pepper in his hand; A.: "If you wash yourself with this, you will see China and Yamato (Japan) "; O. believes, washes his face (infusion) with pepper, sneezes and temporarily goes blind; A. climbed a tree at the edge of the pond, O. sees its reflection; enters the water, catches shrimp and fish, ties them to all parts of the body; A. laughs, O. notices him, climbs a tree; A. promises God to carry salt and water for him; if God loves him, let him lower the iron ladder, if he does not love him, a rope ladder; God lowers the iron ladder; O. climbs then he manages to gnaw off one leg from A.; the staircase with A. rises to heaven]: Yoko Naono Fukasawa translated and reported on April 25, 2016.
SV Asia. Chukchi (west in Uelen, 1976) [a reindeer herder has two sons and a daughter; he does not tell his sons to walk alone; they go and see a man in a red kitchen and many women; the elder suggests a man shoot and take the women away; but all the arrows are past; the man offers the eldest to swap wives, he refuses, the man easily kills him with an arrow; the youngest promises to give his sister; brings the man into the house father, gives his sister; trains under the supervision of his father; when the son barely touches the ground with his feet, the father tells him where to wait for that man; he came to fight with spears; by evening the young man broke him with a spear leg; man fell: shoes flew off; they came to his women; man: I'm not from here, women are also from different places, some from the stars; I leave one local for you; a man in a red kitchen took a small a frying pan and flew into the sky; soon you could only see a white spot on his chest and a man with a frying pan and a broken leg on him; this is how the month appeared]: Dolitsky 2019: No. 124:290-291.
The Arctic. Central Yupik [the youngest of four brothers is lazy; does not hunt, stays at home with her sister; one day she wakes up feeling near him, drives him; the next evening she cuts off her chest, puts her chest down, puts him down fat and berries on top, invites him to eat it, since he wanted it; a ladder descends from the sky, she climbs it, turns into the Sun; the brother hurriedly puts one leg in his leg, pulls his sock over the other, rushes after his sister, turns into a Month; still chases her; loses weight from hunger; sister feeds him from the plate in which her chest lies, the Month is getting fat again]: Nelson 1899:482.
Subarctic. Koyukon [a girl rejects her suitors; someone comes to her at night; she ties a pen to his hair; in the morning she sees that she is the eldest of her four brothers; puts on her best clothes, goes up to east, becoming the Sun; her brother forgets to wear one moccasin, follows her sister, turns into a Month; people don't look at the Sun without wanting to dishonor her]: Chapman 1903, No. 5:183-184; inhalic [ a girl rejects her suitors; someone comes to her at night; she ties a feather to his hair; when she comes in porridge, she sees that it was her brother; puts on her best clothes, cuts off her breasts, puts them on a bowl with food, gives it to his brother; rises to the sky, becomes the sun; brother runs after it, becomes a Month; hurries to wear only one moccasin]: Chapman 1914, No. 4:21-22; Kuchin: Camsell 1915, No. 10 [the boy demands that people give the fattest deer to his father; they take them for themselves; the deer disappear; the father and son have a bag in which reindeer bones are overgrown with meat; the son flies through the chimney to the moon ; at the same time, one leg came off]: 254-255; McKennan 1965 [the uncle does not give the boy deer fat, throws his intestines at his feet; the boy flies to the moon through the chimney; one leg remains in chimney; the killed caribou come to life and run away, only the boy's father's meat remains intact; the boy is still visible on the moon; he holds a caribou shoulder blade and a caribou blood scar]: 146-147; Khan (Eagle): Schmitter 1910 [(=1985:37); boy demands caribou leader's meat; uncle brings plain meat, father brings needed meat; boy turns pieces of meat into large pieces; disappears at night; his left leg is found in chimney; it can be seen on the moon, his right leg is longer than his left leg; there is a bag of ordinary caribou meat in his right hand; at night, the caribou killed came to life, ran away; only the boy's parents do not starve to death]: 25; Smelcer 1992 [ the hunter kills a lot of caribou, but people don't give him meat; he flies to the moon; the old woman grabs his leg but can't hold him]: 129-130; Rooth 1971 [caribou meat turns alive caribou, those run away; the little boy knows that this will happen; cries, demands a piece of meat; when received, covers him with his skin; this piece remains; the boy tells his parents to eat little by little from him; gets up at midnight through the chimney to the moon; seen on the lunar disk ever since; his pants get stuck and remain in the chimney]: 268; southern tutchoni: Workman 2000:58-63 [during the migration, the old woman found baby Sha Kay Dadaya (S.); he has grown up; she tells him to take the dog because he cannot bring the rabbits caught alone; he asks if it is true to drag the dog with him; drags it by the rope, it dies; hang traps everywhere at rabbits - the old woman goes to look, sees that the traps are hung on the trees; she shows how to do it; now S. catches a lot of rabbits, but hides them, brings them home to eat enough; hunts caribou with the husband of an old woman's daughter (hereinafter M.); sings all night; says that there will be a war; tells them to pour water into birch bark vessels, they themselves fly to the other side of the lake; they do not believe him, the children laugh at him, because they fly to the other side of the lake. he is small; he burns M.'s arrow, tells him to follow the arrow; he comes to a fallen tree, where his whole arrow is under the den tree; S. and M. kill the bear, feed the hungry; S. and M. resettle the old woman away; magically kills a lot of caribou (knocks trees in their direction, turns into magpies, etc.); distributes fat to everyone, says that there is not enough caribou fat that followed the leader; cries, but no one does not confess; he goes to the old woman; it snows heavily at night, all people are frozen; in the plague, old woman S. flies out through the chimney; she grabs his S. leg, his leg comes off; now on the moon you can see a man with with her leg torn off; the old woman complains that he left her; he raises her to the moon; you can see holding her hand there], 71-75 [during the migration, the old woman found a baby; he grew up, but not taller than 1 m; following rabbits, asks if the dog should be dragged with her; drags it by the rope, it dies; the old woman tells us to hang traps on rabbits everywhere - she goes to look, sees that the traps are hung on the trees; she shows how to do it; says that his uncles are killed, his sisters are gone; he comes to the camp, pretends to fall from weakness at every step, hides an arrow every time; approaches the old man if he wants kill him; he kills him and everyone but his sisters with arrows; brings them to an old woman; he magically kills many caribou; the fat from one caribou is gone; he is insulted; at night the meat turns into animals again, they run away; people starve to death, the old woman, her daughters and their husbands remain; the boy flies out through the plague hole; the old woman grabs him by the leg, she breaks off; now he is visible on the moon, one leg cut off; one day he came to an old woman, sang her a moon song; it was sung during lunar eclipses]; Chipewayan: Birket-Smith 1930 [a man's wife turns into a beaver; returning to his plague, he finds ready-made snowshoes; finds a partridge, she turns into a woman; warns her not to leave fingerprints on beaver fat; when she enters and removes the grease from one leg, she notices prints on fat; runs out of the house, goes up to the moon; he can be seen there with his dog and greaves only on one leg]: 88-89; Lowie 1912 [the beaver hunter has accumulated a lot of beaver fat, does not tell others to touch it; taking it off greaves, saw one man put his finger in fat; angry, he went up to the moon; seen there with his greaves down and a dog sitting on his lap]: 184.
Plains. Sarsi [a woman has a husband and a seven-year-old son; she wants to go to her lover; hides a blood bubble under her clothes, pretends to be bleeding, as if she is dying, tells her husband to leave her body for a tree not high above the ground; her lover lowers her to the ground, dresses her in men's clothes, passes her off as a friend; she visited her son, gave him a bow and arrow; her husband suspected something, gathered people, told everyone the woman did not know how to make arrows, she did it badly; the husband left her and her lover in the tipi, rushed at his wife with a knife; he shouted that he would become a partridge, flew up, but her husband managed to cut off one leg, woman flew to the sky, became the moon; an unfaithful wife is said to be like the moon]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 16:17-18; blacklegs: Fraser 1990 [girl passed off as an old chief against her will; cries all the time, gives birth the child still dies of grief; her former lover is waiting at the grave; she goes out to him, but says she must feed her baby; puts on men's clothes, goes to the chief's house; pretends to be something Then her husband tries to grab her; she jumps out of the smoke hole, but he manages to cut off her leg; celestials place her on the moon; you can see an old woman without a leg]: 36-37; Grinnell 1893a (blood) [cf. motive F30; the serpent is the woman's lover; the husband burns snakes in their lair; the woman breaks into the house, gets entangled in the doors in the web; the husband cuts off her leg first, then her head; the head pursues her two sons, sinks; wife's one-legged body chases her husband, turns into the moon; husband turns into the Sun]: 44-47; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 8 [man on the moon kidnaps a woman; she disguises herself as a man, with her new the husband comes to look at his children; the children recognize her; the man on the moon and she flies out the chimney; the woman's first husband manages to cut off her leg with a knife; the woman seen on the moon has only one leg]: 72-73 .