Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A48. The obtained and lost moon (.12.13.).

The character brings the moon from another world, uses it as a lamp. The other one misses the moon, it rises into the sky and stays there.

Baule, sorco, beta, (nzakara?).

West Africa. Baule [Hand, Foot and Roth came to the swamp; Roth asked Hand to shoot the fish, missed, the arrow disappeared in the swamp; Hand refused to accept compensation, demanded his arrow back; At the bottom of the swamp, Roth saw a waterline; he felt sorry for him, sent him to the house, where his arrow and many other toys, let him take whatever he liked; there were months; Roth took a month, returned to the village, gave it back an arrow, hung up a month like a lamp; The hand tried to grab the month, it went to heaven; Roth demanded that it be returned, the Hand could not, became a slave to the Mouth]: Himmelheber 1951b: 21-24 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:137-141) ; sorco [Brave (H.) asked Cowardly (T.) for a spear to fight off the hyena attacking the peasants; the hyena runs away with a spear; T. demands it back; H. comes to the Hyenas, must identify his spear among others; the oldest Hyena teaches how to get the moon; H. comes back with a spear and with the moon; T. takes the moon, misses it, H. demands it back; T. comes to the Hyenas, they kill it]: Paulme 1968:196-197 (= Retel-Laurentin 1986:127); beta [The left hand commanded the Right hand because he owned a spear that killed at the slightest touch; the right hand asked the spear to drive wild bulls out of the field; the wounded bull left, carrying spear; The left one demanded the spear back; The right one meets the old woman, she gives him water, bananas, a pot of butter; oil must be greased with oil, the bull will recover; The right one receives a spear and the moon as a gift; returns the spear; throws the moon to the sky, it returns to it; in his absence, the Left threw the moon, it remained in the sky; the Right one demanded it back; the Left could not return, handed over his power Right]: Paulme 1968:190-191.

(Wed. Sudan-East Africa. Nzakara [when he dies, his father gives both sons a spear; in the absence of the elder Dieudonné, the youngest Molissi (Maurice) takes his spear to hunt wild boars; the boar runs away with the pierced with a spear; D. says she will not sleep until M. returns her spear; M. comes to the old woman, her chest to her feet; she cuts them off, tells M. to cook with the milk they contain, salt and peanuts; M. cooks, does not eat anything alone; the old woman asks her breasts, salt, they say that they were not eaten; the old woman and M. eat together, the old woman teaches what to do; in the land of wild boars, M. rolls on the ground, crying for a relative, promising that he will not hunt wild boars; gets both the spear and the carcass of the victim; on the way back he buys the ball from the store (originally the moon?) ; returning the spear, plays the ball behind the fence; in his absence, D. takes the ball to play outside, the ball disappears; M. demands it back; D. follows the ball; eats the old woman's breasts, salt, etc. in her absence; they they tell the old woman that they were eaten; she eats D.]: Retel-Lautentin 1986, No. 19:127-132).