Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A4A. The sun stabs his eyes .

In order not to look at it, the Sun blinds people's immodest eyes (usually stabs with needles, these are its rays).

Masai, Portuguese, Bulang, Chinese (Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan, Shandong), Hani, Koreans, Greeks, Dargins (Muregins), Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Talysh , Turks, Mongols (Ordos).

Sudan - East Africa. Masai [The Sun married the moon; they got into a fight; after that, the Sun was ashamed that people would see its face beaten and became bright so that it could not be looked at; the moon is not ashamed that her mouth is torn and her eye is knocked out; the moon runs first, the Sun catches up, catches up, carries her for two days, then leaves her at sunset]: Hollis 1905:273.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese: Carreia 2018, No. 3 [the sun and the moon began to argue which one was more beautiful; when the sun saw that the moon was more beautiful, the sun threw mud on her face, and the moon began to throw needles and pins into the sun ; therefore, there are spots on the moon, and the sun stabs its eyes], 4 [The sun wanted to marry the moon, but it did not want it; then he threw ash in her face, and she threw needles at him in response; during eclipses, the Sun and the Moon continue to fight].

Burma - Indochina. Bulang (blang, south of Yunnan) [at first only the sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made the sky out of his skin, stars from his eyes, earth from flesh, water from blood, from wool - all kinds of plants, from the brain - humans, from the bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; four legs - four pillars of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; as soon as the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites her eye; if she falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake up the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 month-old brothers decided to destroy G.'s creation; the earth is unbearable heat; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; from G. made a bow of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed the hot stones to the top of the mountain, struck 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured into the earth, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost his heat; it became dark and cold, people plowed, tying their lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent a swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Month hid in a cave in the east; G . sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black tuft and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared her tail with red, supposedly having diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she is in mourning for her parents; all of them were banned; there is a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds are headed by a rooster, animals are a boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving, but afraid go out; the rooster called them, the others promised that G. would not shoot them; the rooster: from now on, go out after I had drunk; cut the knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, and made a comb out of the other ( a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar managed to push it back; all is well]: Miller 1994:88-93.

China - Korea. Ancient China [Taoist author Huai Nan Tzu (died 122 BC): Two sisters lived on the moon and their brother lived in the sun; the sisters did not like people looking at them, asked their brother to change; he replied that they looked even more during the day, but the sisters insisted; now if anyone looks at them, they stab his eyes with 72 needle rays]: Williams 1974:279; Chinese (Shanxi, w. Yuanping) [The Sun and Moon were sisters; the Moon is beautiful, the Sun is unpretentious; she offered to leave the house one by one; then asked that only the Moon come out at night, because she, the Sun, is afraid; but people are all they laughed at the Sun equally; then she made rays out of the needle and stabbed the eyes of those who try to look at it with them; but everyone still admires the beauty of the moon]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 6:9; the Chinese ( Zhejiang, Hubei, Guangdong) [first the Sun was taken by a young man and the Moon by a girl; she is ashamed that everyone is looking at her, asking her to change, became the Sun, and without looking at her, she stabs her with needle rays]: Eberhard 1937, No. 68:113; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Jingtai) [Before Pangu separated the sky from the earth, the Sun and Moon were older brother and younger sister. They lived poorly, and when Luna grew up, she became shy and moved away from her brother. The sun also realized that her sister had grown up, and she could not show up in public without clothes. So he took off his dress and left it in the room, and went out and called his sister to wear it. Luna put on her dress, but saw her brother sitting in the dark with her back to her, took pity, and threw him the silver needles he had bought for her. The sun said he bought silver needles for her, and when he had money, he would buy fabric and threads to make her dress. Luna asked how her brother would walk without clothes, but he answered by asking why she had given him needles. The sister replied that he would be able to stab the eyes of those who looked at him with these needles, and then people would not dare to raise their heads and look at him. The brother agreed and went out into the world, and the sister became shy and ran into the house. After a while, he called his sister to cook, and in order not to stab her, he hid again in the dark. This is how it happens: when the Sun comes out, the Moon hides in the house, and when the Moon comes out, the Sun goes to the mountains. Even now, when the Sun comes out during the day, if people lift their heads to look at it, it stabs their eyes with shiny needles so that they can only walk with their heads down. Because his needles constantly prick people, they start to get a fever. When it approaches, people get so hot that they sweat, and if it goes too far, they start to tremble from the cold. People say, "It's close in summer, far away in winter, and not far or close in spring and autumn"]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 5:5-6; Chinese (Shaanxi, Wu. Shannan) [After Pangu separated the sky from the ground, there was neither day nor night, nor cardinal points, and it was dark everywhere. Then Mother Wanmu gave birth to two twin girls. The first one was named the Moon, and the second was named the Sun. They lived in the Sky Palace, lighting it up and warming it. One day, an aunt came to the Heavenly Palace and told V. that the earth was dark, crops did not sprout, and people were dying of hunger. V. decided to send her daughters to help them, and then the Sun said that she would shine during the day and serve her mother at night, and Luna said that she would shine at night and serve her mother during the day. Mother agreed and gave her sisters black silk and ten thousand needles to protect them. The sun took the needles and the moon took silk. The sun came back after the first duty and complained to her mother that everyone was looking at her, she was ashamed and that made her blush. Then her mother told her to stab whoever looked at her in the eye. When Luna returned, she also complained to her mother that everyone was looking at her, and she was ashamed and that made her white. Then her mother told her to cover her face with black silk, and ever since the moon rises, people only see part of it, and only late at night, when everyone is sleeping, she takes off the black silk and then she can see her white face . Since then, the Sun and Moon have taken turns taking to the sky, and day and night have appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 9:10-12; Chinese (Shaanxi, Wu. Binxian) [There used to be seven suns in the sky that were baked so that people couldn't leave their homes during the day. These suns were siblings, and they kept everyone around them in fear, even the gods. Erlan's mother, who was also a goddess, lived on Mount Taishan. She left home one afternoon and seven suns roasted her to death. Erlan swore revenge. He took an iron rocker, hung two mountains on it, followed the suns, caught up with them in Lintong, and was about to crush them with mountains. Then people told Erlan that you can't press down all the suns with mountains, one thing should be left to shine for people. Then he crushed six of them with mountains, leaving only the youngest, who threatened that if it were ugly, what would happen to his older sisters would happen to him. After avenging his mother, Erlan relaxed and began to shake the dust out of his shoes, which was so abundant that she formed a mountain. Erlan brought the current Mount Lishan in Lintong there. There are six suns beneath it, and that's why the water that flows down this mountain is warm. This is how the warm springs of Lake Huaqing Chi appeared. The rest of the sun was ashamed to appear in front of people and often cried. A god advised him to surround himself with red needles and stab whoever looked at him. Ever since people look at the sun, their eyes hurt]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 21:21-22; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 9 (wu. Wuxi) [The sun and the month are Pangu's daughter and son. After he separated heaven from earth, the world was dark, and then he called his son of the Month and daughter Sun and told them to apprentice Mother Nuiva so that they could learn how to emit light. My brother was lazy and after graduation his glow was weaker than his sister's. At the end of their studies, her brother and sister had no gifts for the mentor, so her brother gave her his hat and her sister a skirt, and Nuiva gave her brother an embroidery needle and her sister a pearl. When they left, the brother said to his sister, "You control the day and I'll control the night because I love lying in bed. If you agree, I'll give you an embroidery needle." My sister agreed. One day the sun and the month rose at the same time, the earth became very bright and terribly hot, and people began to swear and threaten to shoot the Sun. She was very scared. Before that, she had only exuded warmth thanks to the pearl she held in her mouth; now she took a needle and started emitting golden rays to hide her naked body and stab the eyes of a man who threatened to shoot her. Since then, people have not been able to open their eyes when looking at the sun, and even if they want to shoot it, they will not be able to do so. I saw for a month that people wanted to shoot the sun, and I was also scared. Since then, it has not dared to appear with the sun, and only rose after it went over the mountains. In order for people to sleep peacefully at night, he only emitted light, but not heat], 10 (y. Wanyuan) [A long time ago, there was no sun or moon in the sky, and the earth was dark and cold. There was one immortal who had a son and a daughter. They decided to make the world a bright place and told their father about it, but he did not agree. Then my brother stole his father's jewels - a needle and a knife. The brother and sister decided they would go up to heaven, use their magic to illuminate the world, and they would shine one by one. When the sister ran away from home, she forgot to get dressed, and then her brother gave her a needle to keep it with her, and people did not dare to look at her. My brother took a knife for himself. My sister was the first to go to heaven, began to shine during the day, and people called her the Sun. The brother got up second, and because he had a sharp knife, if people pointed at him with their hand, he could cut his ear. People started calling him "Grandpa Moon". When their father found out, he swore to bring them back and sent General Heavenly Dog to pick them up. He quickly caught up with them, and when they started fighting, people began to beat gongs and drums to help the Sun and the Moon. Heavenly Dog saw such support and retreated. Therefore, people believe that "a heavenly dog eats a month" or "the sun is devoured by a sky dog"], 11 (y. Jintan) [The sun and moon are Heavenly Grandfather's two treasures. He was sorry to use them and kept them in his casket. He had a mischievous son and daughter who once found them, saw how brilliant they were, took them out of the house and started playing with them. This is how they began to illuminate the whole earth, and plants, animals and people appeared on it. After a while, they played enough and put the sun and moon back, and then darkness reigned on the earth, the plants wilted, and people cried, set fire to the sandalwood, and began to turn to Heavenly Grandfather with praying for him to give them back the sun and moon. Heavenly Grandfather's staff, left when he rose to heaven, once turned into sandalwood, and it was believed that if you set it on fire, Heavenly Grandfather would immediately know the request. This morning, Heavenly Grandfather woke up, smelled the scent of sandalwood, and immediately sent Taishan Laozjun (= Lao Tzu -A.T.) to sort out the situation. He found out that the children were to blame and reported it to Heavenly Grandfather. He became very angry but did not know what to do, and Taishan Laozjun offered to get these two pearls, but Heavenly Grandfather refused. Taishan Laozjun noted that there will be no harm to jewelry, but if people do not receive light, they will stop honoring deities and smoking incense. Heavenly grandfather thought and agreed, but did not trust people to guard them, and commanded his children to do so: his son to control the sun during the day, and his daughter to control the moon, which is more obedient, at night. A few days later, my sister got scared at night and refused to leave the house. She and his brother agreed to change, and since then his sister began to control the sun during the day and her brother control the moon at night. People found out that a girl now controls the sun and ran to look at her. She turned red in shame, and then the sun, which had previously been white, also turned red. More people gathered to see it. Then my sister took the embroidery needles and threw them down. People were afraid that the needles would hurt their eyes and have not dared to look at the sun since then. While controlling the moon, my brother was afraid that his sister would not be able to cope with the sun, and, waiting for his sister, he swam bast shoes. He was seen by children running downstairs, pointing fingers at him and laughing, but then he accidentally dropped a knife with which he cut the straw, which fell down and injured one of the children's ear. The children got scared, ran away, and since then they don't dare to point fingers for a month because they are afraid that he will hurt their ears]: 29, 30, 32-33; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Dongming) [when Pangu separated the sky from the ground, mountains appeared a month later, rivers two months later, grass three months later, trees; then insects, fish, birds and animals appeared, and eight months later - people, but the world was in darkness; when P. was lying, his body was in the sea, and his head was on the mountains, when he got up, he rested his feet on the ground and his head against the sky; he saw a ray of light in the east and went to him; when he reached a place called Fusan, he saw two twin sisters; the eldest was called the Moon and the youngest was the Sun; the eldest was calm and serious, and the youngest was lively and mobile; it turned out that the light comes from them, and P. asked them to go to heaven, they agreed; P. told them to go out one by one and the world should always remain illuminated; the next day, on the morning of the first day of the new year In the lunar calendar, the Moon told the Sun that she would be the first to come out and invited the Sun to go out in the evening, but the Sun Sister replied that the evening was dark and scary, so she wanted to go out during the day; the Moon agreed; When she went outside, the Sun Sister found that all the people on earth were looking at her; she turned red in embarrassment and came back; the Moon gave her metal needles to stab the eyes of those who would look at her; the sisters agreed to meet once a month, and then the Sun Sister came out again and threw needles at people; people no longer dared to look at the Sun, but continued admire the beauty of the Moon; on the morning of the first or second day of every lunar month, the Sun and Moon meet and go part of the way together]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 2:3-4; Hani [cannibal Milaominao swallowed the sun and moon; a 30-year-old woman lived on the mountain with two daughters, Apei, 12, and Aniu, 6; one day, her mother went to get water and M. swallowed it and took her form; the youngest believed that the mother came, and the eldest told me to show her hand; she was black and clawed; M. rolled her hand in ash; again they did not believe it; M. hears the youngest say: the mother would enter through a hole in the wall; says that the one who she would rather wash her feet, sleep with her; at night, the eldest dreamed of an old man predicting her victory over M. in the mountains; she woke up and heard chewing; M. says she was chewing peas; the girl felt blood and saw M. devouring the youngest; said that she wanted to go to the yard; refused to write in the room: the spirit of this place lives in every place; M. allowed me to go out, the girl climbed a pear by the pond; in the morning M. asks to throw off the fruits, threw it right down her throat and another vuk from above, M. died, turned into a thorny bush; an old man came up, the girl asked him to spread his cape, she would jump off and become his granddaughter; old man: I have a granddaughter; girl: I will be second; and so on until 12; went down, the old man disappeared, she went to look for the youngest; herding buffaloes, ducks, chickens do not know where she is; the frog tells me to wait for her to drink the sea; when she drank, the youngest appeared; they began to think who would be the sun and who would be the moon; the youngest was afraid of being the moon, afraid of the dark; so the eldest became the moon, and gave the youngest needles to prick the eyes of people who will look at the sun immodestly]: Coyaud 2012, No. 1:9-19; lahu [at first only G'ui-sha in the center of the world is like a spider in a web; he scraped off the dirt from his hands and feet, made it four fish: gold, silver, copper and iron; put them on a pole; laid 4 beams of heaven and 4 earth; made poutrelles from the same scraped mud, creating heaven and earth, but the earth staggered; G. rolled 70,000 balls out of the same mud, filling the cells (mailles) of the earth; from the bones of his hands he made the bones of the sky, and from the bones of his legs he made the bones of the earth; to find out the thickness of the earth and the thickness of the sky, he created out of the mud of two ants; one climbed through the sky, the other through the earth; when they returned, they said that the thickness was the same; G. had two assistants: Ca Law, the man he told him to make the sky, and Na Law, a woman, who was told to make earth; NL worked day and night, and KL drank tea, so heaven and earth were not the same in size: the sky was like a large canopy, and the earth was narrow, wrinkled; because the earth was compressed, valleys and mountains appeared; to prevent the earth from swell, G. put a rock on it, but it slipped; the bulbul bird (Hypsipetes mcclellandii) told it not to slide; G. placed fire in The sun, fireflies to the moon; but they do not go to heaven, they are afraid of people; then G. gave them needles {obviously rays that pierce their eyes}; tiger to the Sun: you are too bright; he bit him, hence the eclipses; frog to the Moon: you're too cold; she tried to swallow it, so there are spots on the moon; by letting a tiger and a frog into the sky, G. made the sun go east and the moon west, otherwise they were constantly in the sky; from G. created stars, as well as a chicken with a rooster, scraped off his hands and feet; the rooster sang three times and the east lit up; this is how the light separated from the darkness; G. moon: it will be 12 months in the year]: Coyaud 2009, No. 1:9-12; Koreans [a woman returns at dusk, bringing her children cakes; a Tiger meets her on every hill, consistently demanding that she give her cakes first, then her garments; on the last hill, give more nothing, Tiger eats a woman (obviously takes her form); her three children do not open the door at first, because they do not recognize their mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough works; asks for a younger one; sister and brother spy, see her eat it; hide in a tree in the yard; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well, then looks up; the brother explains that they they climbed in, lubricating the trunk with sesame and castor oil; but the sister says what they did on the trunk; at the request of their brother, a strong rope descends from the sky, the children climb it; the Tiger asks God lower his rotten rope, believing that he would do the opposite; it broke off, the Tiger fell into the millet field, since then the roots of the millet have been red; at first his brother became the Sun, sister Moon; but his sister was afraid to walk at night, so they changed; to avoid staring at her, the Sun Sister began to dazzle the beholder with her light]: Cho 2001, No. 78:118-122; Koreans (Hebei, Funing County Korean Village; Western 2004 from 68 year old woman, teacher, lower secondary education) [there was no sun and moon; an elderly widow earned money selling sweet buns; gave birth to a son and daughter (the older one); when she leaves, tells her daughter not unlock someone else's door; on the way back, the woman was met by a tiger; first he demanded a bun; then, each time he returned, he ate his arm, second leg, second, whole; the tiger knocked, the boy wanted to open it, the girl asked why her rude voice (tore it off while selling buns); asked me to stick her hand in, she was covered in wool; the children hid in a tree in the yard; the tiger jumped into the yard: how did they get there? girl: you have to smear oil on the trunk; the boy is naive: we have to make notches on the trunk; my sister prayed: "O Grandpa Heaven, feel sorry for us brother and sister, lower a good rope, and if you don't feel sorry for us, rotten." The sky was good, my sister and brother went to heaven; the tiger also asked, the sky lowered rotten, the tiger almost caught up with the children, but the rope burst; the tiger broke into a stubble, millet {in the text "sorghum", but obvious anachronism} turned blood and has since turned red; sister and brother decided to become the moon, and let the brother be the sun; however, at night she was frightened, her brother agreed to change; ashamed of people and They did not stare at her, her brother gave her a needle to stab her eyes (rays)]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 10-11.

The Balkans. The Greeks [the sun envied the beauty of the moon and threw dirt (moonspots) into its face; the moon responded by throwing needles (sun rays) into the sun]: Correia 2018, No. 3 in Kabakova 2019:76.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Dargins (Murego, south of Deshlagar) [The month is a boy, the Sun is his sister; when they grew up, they began to quarrel about who should shine during the day; they cast lots, the Sun fell during the day; so as not to stare at it, took a bunch of needles (rays) to stab her eyes]: Khanagov 1892:152; Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3) [Western 1914, Shamakhi and Sheokchay counties; at first, the Sun Sister and Brother Month shone together; then decided that the Sun will shine at a safer time, i.e. during the day, and stab the eyes of those who want to see it with needle rays; brother began to shine at night]: 124-125; Ganalanyan 1979, No. 337b [The Sun complained to her month-old brother that it was scary to walk at night, but everyone looked at her during the day; he gave her needles and rays to stab her eyes], 337g [The Sun and the Month were swimming; the Month came out first to see her sister's nudity; she Shame has risen to heaven, the Month is still chasing her, the Sun stabs its eyes with needles and rays]: 126, 126-127; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, records of the 1920s) [the sun and moon are sister and brother; the sun sister complained that she is afraid to go out at night, but during the day she is also ashamed: everyone is looking at her; the mother said: "Son is the moon, you walk at night, and you, sunshine, will walk during the day. And so that no one looks at you, take a needle bow and if everyone has eyes who dares to look at you"; the sun sister, sitting on a lion, sets off on a journey across the sky during the day and does not give it its needle rays no one can look at himself, and the lion protects her from the attack of evil spirits - kashkov]: 168; Melik-Shakhnazarov 1893 [(=1904:92); Brother Month and Sister Sun drew lots for who to walk at night; the lot fell on his sister; their the father shamed her son, ordered her to guard at night; the daughter complained that she was ashamed to be in front of people; the father gave her needles and told her to stab those who looked in the eyes]: 194; Tchéraz 1893 [according to Moses Khorensky, Arev, the man is the Sun, you can't point your finger at him; Loussounga is the Moon, the wife of the Sun; you can't point at her and look at her for a long time either; according to the author, the Sun is the sister of the Month; brother asked she walked at night secretly from people's views, but she did not agree, said that those looking at her would stab their eyes]: 823; Azerbaijanis (Shemakha) [Month - a man told the Sun woman that that It is indecent to walk during the day; she replied that she would stab her eyes with needles]: Efendiev 1893:206; Turks [The sun was a beautiful girl; she was tired of everyone looking at her, she began to dazzle her eyes]: Gordlevsky 1968:72; Talyshi [The sun is a girl, people looked at her, she was ashamed, asked God to protect her from people's eyes; God gave the Sun rays that prick her eyes watching]: Bagriy 1930 (3): 23.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Ordos) [The sun is the elder, the moon is the younger sister; Arga-Chagan-tuulai (chagan-tuulai - white hare) devoured cattle and people; Ochirvani Burkhan threw his ochir at him, cut it in half; The upper half has been strengthened in the sun, the lower half is on the moon; now they are spots; if you look at the sun, your eyes are watery, because it is indecent to look at their bodies]: Potanin 1893, No. 84:317.