Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

A5. Sun and Month are men, A711.1, A736.3. .10.-.15. .17.-.36.39.-.43.45.-.53.55.57.-.62.64.66.-.68.70.72.-.74.


month is a man, the Sun is also a man or (rarely) has no gender.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983 [The month is a man, a rival of the Sun, who runs in front of him]: 290; Bleek, Lloyd 1911 [The sun was lying on the ground, light came from his armpit, when he raised his hand, it was it was light; the children threw him into the sky so he could dry Bushman rice so that people could hunt; when he goes out, the Month is leaving]: 44-46; Radin 1952, No. 6 [The sun was on earth, the light came from his armpit when he raised his hand, it was light; the children threw him into the sky so that he could dry Bushman rice so that people could hunt; the Month was also once a man, he could talk; the Sun cuts the Month with a knife, that decreases (moon phases); The month asks to leave the spine for its children; the Sun leaves, so the Month grows again]: 42-44; Bushmen! ko (western Botswana) [Banamate and his wife eat the sun every night, give their children what's stuck between their teeth; Sun meat is like an antelope; they throw their shoulder blade east and come out in the morning what has arisen it's a new sun; same about the moon; the Sun is an evil man trying to kill people with heat]: Heinz 1975:25.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kamba [(by Lundblom); the woman gave birth to a son Sun, then the youngest of the Month; they came to marry the girl; she agreed, but warned that her father would mind and that they live in the wild, where there are no dwellings; they went there, snakes met them, they returned home; the Sun went to herd their father's cattle, but the next day the month went to the girl alone, met a man, he asked why the Month was not wants to say why he came, the Month was frightened, came back; the mother of the Sun and Month sent them to the girl again; to meet swords, thickets, teeth in the pond, but when the Sun and the Month begin to fight them, cut through the thicket, they immediately disappear; the girl's father's beard appears from the pond, the water rises, the flame blazes; the month is frightened and runs away, the Sun remains; water and flame quickly return to the pond; the girl appears from it, leads the Sun to her, the water in the pond parted when they enter; the girl's father tells the Sun to take her, but return with her and her father five days later; at home Month tries to kill the Sun with a sword, cut it hard; parents are witching, making the Sun bright, his wife is with him; The month that used to be brighter has faded; the Sun has been avoiding ever since]: Radin 1952, No. 7:45-48; kikuyu : Abrahamsson 1951 [Wamweri ("son of the month"), against the advice of Wadua ("son of the sun"), marries a one-eyed girl; another, Washuma, rejects suitors; offers beans and milk, he only drinks milk; she advises you to stay in the house, because every night Mukunga Mbura Rainbow Serpent comes out of the lake, steals cattle; Wadua stays in the house, but goes out at night, kills MM; in the morning, the girls' father offers competitions, to find out who killed the snake; 1) running (Wadua wins); 2) get the feathers of a particular bird; while Washuma waits on the shore, Wadua descends into the lake, brings cattle out of the water in the morning; the water disappears, Wadua and his wife and cattle to his father-in-law]: 196-197; Gagnolo 1952, No. 10 [60 young men went to marry the daughter of the Sun; everyone returned from the road, only the cripple reached; the Sun promised to give their daughter if he pulled out an ostrich feather that swam harm the lake; the young man swam, but cannot take his pen off the rope that holds him; at the end he tore him off, the water turned into blood, but he swam to the shore; the Sun praised him, gave him his daughter and a third property]: 124-125; isubu [(half of the Sun is not specified); at night, the Month descends like a ram to the ground and eats discarded banana peel; if a woman conceives on a full moon, she shows the born Child to the Month, saying, "This is your grandfather"; children are not told to point a finger at the moon; otherwise Grandpa Month-old will cut it off]: Keller 1903:60-62; Fioti [Sun and Month played tag; Month caught up The sun, but the Sun is not; during the day you can see both, but at night the Sun is not visible; var.: Running away, the Month hid from the Sun in a hole; the Sun found it, hit it in the face, the spots remained, the moonlight faded]: Pechuël- Loesche 1907:137 (retelling in Scheub 2000:192); Congo (Fjort) [The Sun and the Month are brothers; they lived in a village by the sea; the Month invited the Sun to race; it caught up with him, and the Month could not catch up brother]: Dennett 1898:6; teke [God allowed the Sun, Month and man to enter his house in the village, but not look at women, take cassava (two mouthfuls) in his mouth no more than twice, do not drink more than two sips of water; then ordered to go down into the hole; the Sun, the Month demonstrated that they obeyed God, because they ascended in the east and west; man disobeyed and remained in the pit (=grave)]: Andersson in Abrahamsson 1951:49; cube [The sun said he was the chief and the Month said he was; the Sun was offended, disappeared; the birds came together; the night bird Shukul wanted it to be dark; the domestic Rooster asked The sun rose; it began to dawn; another bird asked where our chief was; the sun rose]: Frobenius 1983:151; Songye [Sun and Month are men, Venus is the wife of the Month]: Wouters 1949:232-246 in Studstill 1984:130-131; luba (shaba) [The Sun and the Month are men; at first both shone dimly; they argued who would rule the world; God decided in favor of the Month, but the Sun threw mud at it, eclipsing it ; Morning and Evening Stars - Two Twin Sisters, Wives of the Month]: Studstill 1984:71-73; luba-hemba [Month-man Kaiye; creating it Kabetya mpungu gave him two wives; the first accompanies him with new moon; the second, the Morning Star, accompanies when he gets old and dies; the Evening Star is the wife of the Sun; the rest of the stars are subjects of the Month]: Colle 1913:715-716; ambo [The Sun gave the Month cook the liver for him and for humans; while the Month went to buy firewood, the water in the cauldron where food for people was cooked boiled away, the liver burned down; the Sun said that now only the Month will revive, and people die forever; as punishment he burned his face, stains remained]: Pettinen in Baumann 1938:296; lunda [The Sun quarreled with the Month, threw dirt at him (mud); The Month has no hands, so he can't wash it spots; stars are wives of the Month]: Melland 197:163; diamonds [The sun is denoted by the same word as "head"; Month is the father of stars; only the Evening Star has a special name]: Tessmann 1923:152; karanga (hungwe) [{Is the sun male?} ; god Maori created the man Mwuetsi ("The Month") at the bottom of the lake; he went to empty land; God gave him a wife Mossassi ("Morning Star"), she gave birth to plants; took her, gave her wife Morongo ("Evening Star"), she gave birth to pets; the morning after her second intercourse, she gave birth to sons and daughters, who immediately became adults; God warned against further copulation, but Mvuetsi did not listen; the wife gave birth predators, snakes, scorpions; then told her husband to marry their adult daughters; she slept with the snake herself; Mwuetsi wanted to sleep with her, the snake was under bed, bit him, he fell ill, the rains stopped; his children he was strangled, burned, Morongo was also killed, another ruler was chosen]: Frobenius, Fox 1937:215-220 (retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:72); Luya: Wagner 1949:173-175 [the girl rejected the suitors; when she found out that her father accepted the wedding gift, ran away; took up a rope hanging from the sky, ended up in the sky; she was found in the trash by the mother of the Sun, said that she would become her son's beloved wife; the girl did not last long answered questions from the Sun, then its servants of the Month and other servants; answered when he presented her rays as a gift; the earth became dark; gave birth to the Sun three sons; went down with them and his servants, visited her parents; came back; released rays from the vessel, it became light; the Sun decided that the Month would shine at night], 175 [when the Sun and the Month were still children, they grazed cows, got into a fight, both smeared each other with mud; the Sun asked the Month to wash it, then refused to wash the Month himself, it was stained]; 1955:28 [(=Millroth 1965:30); Wele xakaba created the Month, then his younger brother Sun; The month was brighter than his brother, the Sun attacked him, the Month won; the next time the Sun won, smeared the Month with mud; Wele xakaba stopped the fight; The month spared the Sun in vain after the first victory], 32 [Month - the younger brother of the Sun; they got into a fight, both smeared with mud; first the Month, like the youngest, washed the Sun; the Sun refused to wash the Month, it remained dirty]; vugusu [Month - older brother The sun was brighter than it; they fought, God separated them, told the Sun to be brighter]: Scheub 2000:260; bafia [the father cared for his Son, the Sun, and hardly fed his brother of the Month, he was weak; Death grabbed his father, he called for help; the Sun could not beat off his father, and the Month repulsed; the Father awarded the Month by making an appointment to measure time, holidays, pregnancy; Evening Star is the wife of the Month]: Tessmann 1034a:218; uta [The Sun has few children, they die of heat and hunger; He is married to the Evening Star for a month and has many child stars with her]: Andersson 1974:35; tsonga [Venus is the "husband of the Moon"]: Sicard 1966:36; lamba [Month is nephew, Sun is his maternal uncle]: Doke 1931:223-224.

West Africa. Loma (loma mende) [The Sun is an uncle, the Month is a nephew, everyone has their own children; when hungry, the Sun offered to eat the children; divided its own in half, ate its share; the Month ate only a little, and He hid the rest and suggested the next day as if it were his child's flesh; the Month distributed some of its light among its star children so that the Sun could not attack them suddenly; after that The Month itself has become dim, shining only at night, fearing the Sun's attack]: Pinney 1973:72; baule [sometimes the Month and the Sun quarrel; the Sun says this is its way, and the Month says it is its; it is coming eclipse, people beat drums; no one knows whether the Month is a man or a woman {but the content of the texts suggests that it is more of a man}]: Himmelheber 1951b:18 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:41-42); ashanti : Barker, Sinclaire 1917, No. 18 [Kweku Tsin, Anansi's eldest son, caught a deer; remained guarded while A. went to get the meat basket; that's not the case, the COP called out to him, someone responded; it turned out to be dragon; then A. came up; the dragon took them both to his castle, where there are many other prisoners; they are guarded by a rooster; the COP poured him a whole mountain of grain to peck and not give a voice, ordered him to make hemp the stairs, threw it into the sky; everyone climbed the stairs; the COP told people to take the meat of the cows and give him the bones; he climbs last; every time the dragon approaches, the COP throws him a bone, he descends it gnaw; when the bones are over, playing the violin, the dragon goes down to dance; jumping into the sky, cuts off the stairs, the dragon fell and crashed; the CS became the sun, A. became a month, the rest of the people became stars]: 97- 101; Radin 1952, No. 21 [the heavenly god has sons Esum (Darkness), Ostrane (Month), Owia (Sun); each has built his own village; God loves the Sun more than others; the spider Anance replied that he knows God's thoughts; flew to the ground, feathered various birds, returned to God's village, sat on a tree; God said that if A. were here, he would know the name of this bird; that he had decided to appoint the Sun as leader; that he had collected the Kintinkyi yam , and whoever knows this name will receive a black chair (God's regalia); A. in the guise of a person comes to each of God's three sons, commands him to come to God; everyone is well fed; the Sun says the name of the yam so that when he utters it, he would get a black chair; the word cannot be forgotten, because when the drum is beaten, it will be heard; only the Sun answers correctly; God praises him, and when Darkness and Month, evil things will be done at this time; if the Month goes to the Sun, let there be a round rainbow around the Sun, drive away the Month; if rain clouds appear, the bow of heaven { obviously the rainbow} will be placed in the sky so that people are not afraid that water will flood the earth; let these words be known as "Anance speeches"]: 87-89 (source: Rattray 1930:72ff, retelling in Retel-Lautentin 1986:99-100); ijo (kalabari) [The sun is the man Tamuno appointed to walk across the sky carrying heat and fire; someday he will stop walking and go to his place; Month is another man, he was told to walk at night; once the Month invited the Sun to walk together, he refused; there is no interest in stars; the brightest planet currently visible is considered the wife of the Month]: Talbot 1932:343-344; Igbo [Chineke ("creator") appointed the Sun to walk during the day, the Month at night]: Talbot 1932:344; Liberia [there were two Suns (gender not specified, masculine); one invited the other to jump into the river, but did not jump itself, climbed a rock; the one who jumped in the water lost strength, became the Month, was subject to the Sun]: Bundy 1919, No. 32:423-424; Western Dan [{the half of the Sun is not specified, but nowhere in The Sun is not considered a woman in the region}; the Evening Star is the sweetheart of the Month]: Fischer 1967:709; dagari [The Sun is a man, somewhat associated with God; {the moon has not been reported}]: Goody 1972:25; Ekoi [Obassi Nsi has sons Sun, Darkness and the Month; he loves the first two, but he doesn't love the Month; sent him to get a live leopard; man gives the Month a magic ointment, he found a sleeping leopard and tied him up; father amazed; once he took a new wife, Obassi Osaw and other heavenly people were invited to the wedding; Darkness accidentally gouged out the eye of one of OO's sons, who promised to dazzle HE himself; he was hidden; he The Sun sent his son to carry OO fabrics (as a ransom), but the Sun saw the women, stayed in the city, engaged in trade, forgot about his father; HE sent the Month to buy a cow in the city of Thunder; in the city of Thunder, that he would spend the night in a goat barn and went somewhere else; at night lightning struck the barn; people felt sorry for the boy and gave him a cow; he brought her to his father, but HE planned to kill him; The month heard his father speak about it out loud; hears the voice of a deceased friend from the sky: do you want to die or live? Month: die, since my father wants to kill me; fell asleep, and when I woke up, people and a table with food were nearby; a friend gave tissues to carry OO and he accepted the ransom; when the Month came back, HE called him his favorite son, and the Sun made him unloved; both the Sun and the Month went to heaven - one because his father called him unloved and the other was afraid of falling out of favor again; HE stayed on earth with his third son Darkness]: Talbot 1912:359-364; jukun [the king is like both the Sun and the Month]: Week 1931:122-123; wute [The Month and the Sun were friends; the Sun offered to bathe, otherwise they both had a lot in a year get dirty; he himself swims upstream, and let the Month buy it lower; when he hears that the water is hissing and boiling, let him also rush into the river; the Sun told its people to bring firewood and termite munites; Having heated the fragments of termite mite mines in the fire, the Sun threw them into the river, the water hissed, the column of steam rose up; the month believed that the Sun was bathing and also jumped into the water; the cold water cooled down, its light faded forever; the Sun forgot about this prank of its own, but the Month decided to take revenge; after 15 years he said that their people had become stubborn and disobedient, wouldn't it be better to exterminate them; the Sun agreed; the Month ordered cook more lumps of something red (Rotkugeln) for your people and throw them into the river; the Sun believed that the water was stained with blood, killed all its people; seeing the Month with many followers, the Sun asked why he deceived him; The month reminded him of how the Sun made him cold; they went on separate roads; (it is obvious that the people of the Month are stars)]: Siebert 1921, No. 1:54-57 (brief retelling in Lembezat 196:236).

Sudan-East Africa. Nzakara [fatally ill, the father of the Sun, Month and Night (Ténèbres) sends the Rooster for his sons; Night, Month do not feed him, despising their father's slave; the Sun solemnly receives; The Rooster advises the Sun, when dividing property, to take a chest from under his father's head; Night, Month take large chests; open; nocturnal, dangerous animals of the savannah and forest come out of the chest of the Night; Months are a disease and death (now rituals are performed in honor of the dead at the end of the new moon so that people do not die like the moon); tools (ax, hoe, etc.) also come out; people in the Sun's chest; they rejoice, work at in the light of the sun, but not in the dark]: Retel-Lautentin 1986, No. 14:100-104; Zande [Bapaizegino (=Mbori) enclosed all creatures in a round boat, sealing the hole with wax; dying, he called his sons Sun, Month, Night, Cold, Stars; who can discover the contents; only the Sun could, because Messenger M. told him the secret; the Sun printed the seal, people, animals, trees, rivers, hills and grass came out] : Scheub 2000:145; ngbandi [Ketua has seven sons: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night, Month, Sun, Water; during the ant fishing season he went to visit them, but only Water offered him a plate of fried ones ants (this is a delicacy); so he made him the main and strongest god]: Knappertt 1997:225-226; Mbuti pygmies: Dupré 1963 [next to the Month his two wives; Mataligeda is bad, she has a Month she is losing weight and Marubogeda is good, she is getting fat]: 82; Turnbull 1959 [Sun and Month were friends, we agreed to go upstairs, walk different trails at different times; it's bad if the Month crosses the trail Suns]: 47; haza: Col-Larsen 1962:28-31 [Heine lived on a mountain in a cave for a month, he has a pregnant daughter, Tsikayo; H. calls out to his unborn grandson from a distance, who refuses to answer until his grandfather will come closer; when born, he rises to the sky, he is the Morning Star (Shashaya); T. went for honey, the man from the hollow gave her honey, told her to go with him; H. pursues, T. rises to the sky; H. is bitten by a snake, dies , also rose to heaven, became the Month], 31-32 [the cannibal and his family exterminate people; the Ishoko Sun sends a snake that bites them to death, I. turns them into leopards], 35-37 [Hyena people asked the Snake to kill the Snake Heine months, they ate it; for this Sun-Ishoko turned Hyena into hyenas, the Serpent into a snake, and others ate into wild cats]; Dinka [Aiweli's mother conceived him in the river; he sent two people to the Sun for food; wife The sun hid them from her husband; the Sun came along the river, burned one, revived them; gave them some porridge, that would be enough, threatened not to eat to the end; (more about the adventures of A.); throwing away the food given by the Sun, A. was afraid that The sun would kill him, he only came out at night; the Sun gave his spear to the Month, asked A. to kill him, who pierced A. with a spear]: Lienhardt 196:189-191; murle [The Sun and the Month collided in the middle of the sky; everyone said that the other went on his path; the Month had a wooden porridge mixer with him, and the Sun had a bull's rib for lunch; each hit the other, the scars in the Month and the spots in the Sun remained; {right the sex of the stars is not specified, but the English text says his, not its or her}]: Lewis 1947:136; tsamai [The Sun was older, the Month was the younger brother; Month to the Sun: You're like the demon hyena you need hide newborn calves (you can't put them in the sun); Sun for the Month: you shine too little, it's not enough for people; the Sun has beaten it so much that now the young and old moon is shaped like a narrow sickle]: Jensen 1969, No. 2:380; rest [the supreme god Tororut is a man with wings flapping lightning and thunder; his wife is Seta (Pleiades), the eldest son is Arawa (Month), the other son is Ilat (Rain) , the rest of the children are stars; his younger brother Asis (Sun) is angry during the dry season; alternatively, Asis (Sun) is the wife of the Month or the wife of T. Sky itself]: Beech 191:19; kipsigis [The Sun has become fight the Month, won, melted it, he retired to the dark side to cool down, and did not fight the Sun again]: Scheub 2000:17; malgashi (betsimisaraka) {similar options at the bar and betsileo, but they don't explicitly say that the Sun and the Month of the Sons are just "children"} [God has three sons: the Sun, the Month, and the Cloud; he gave them three, two, and one cow (cattle) respectively; they have multiplied to 10, 6, 3; God is ill; to recover, you have to sacrifice a cow; the Sun and the Month refuse, the Cloud donates the best cow; God rewarded the Cloud: it covers the Sun and the Month]: Haring 1982, No. 1.2.35:113

North Africa. Kabila [The Sun and the Month are both men, although the "moonlight" is feminine]: Lacoste-Dujardin 2005:219, 322; Ancient Egypt: Mathieu 1956 [Shu-Onuris, the eldest son of sun god Ra, accompanies his father while sailing on the heavenly Nile, protects Ra from a crocodile attack; Gore Bechdetsky flies with a falcon in front of Ra's boat, defeating crocodiles and hippos]: 32; Rubinstein 1980b (Thebes) [ sun god Amon, his wife Muth, goddess of heaven, and their son moon god Khonsu]: 421; Ions 1968 [in Thebes, the Month was associated with Horus, in Hermopolis with Thoth]: 37-38.

Southern Europe. Basques (French Baskonia): Vinson 1883, No. 5 [on Sunday a man went to fill a hole in the wattle fence for brushwood; God turned him into a Month where he is seen with a bunch of brushwood], 15 [the young man went wander, found a snuffbox, opened it; she asked what he needed; he first got scared, then asked for a hat full of gold, received it; came to the royal castle and created a similar one next to him, decorated in gold and silver; the king married him to a daughter; the Queen Mother persuaded the maid to steal a snuffbox; ordered herself, her husband and servants to be transferred to a beautiful castle overseas; the young man and wife remained in the old; the young man went to return the snuffbox; came to the mother of the Month; she said that her son eats Christians; when the Month returned, he replied that he had not seen such a castle, sent it to the Sun; mother of the Sun: her son eats Christians; The sun does not know, directed to the Wind; mother of the Wind: her son eats Christians; Wind: a castle beyond the Red Sea; the young man got there, hired a gardener, asked the maid where the snuffbox was, moved his castle back, and The old king with the queen and his servants drowned in the sea]: 7-8, 63-69.

Western Asia. Ugarit [Sun-man Shamshu (Bible. Shemesh), Akkad. Shamash, Yemeni. Shams), apparently, was paired with the sun goddess Shapash; in Western Semitic mythology, Jarich is the god of the moon, in Ugarit, the husband of the moon goddess Nikkal, borrowed from Mesopotamia (Ningal)]: Shifman 1980b: 596; 1982a: 639; 1982b: 640; Sumer, Babylonia [Shamash (noise. Utu) is the sun god, Shin (noise. Nanna) - Moon God]: Deaconov 1961:101-102; Sumer [Ningal ("Lady of Great Stars"?) - wife of moon god Nanna; Aya, "Lady of the Red Star", wife of sun god Shamash]: Kurtik 2007:384; elamites [god of the sun, justice and trade - Nakhunte; moon god Napier]: Dandamayev 1982: 660; Sabia (a pagan community in southern Iraq near Arran, 10th century, "Fihrist" Ibn al-Nadim) ["|Month| Kunun al-Sani. On his 24th day, it is the birthday of Mr., who is the Moon"; "|Month | Shubat. The first day (fasting) is the ninth day of fasting. And this post is for the Sun, the Great Lord, the Lord of Welfare "]: Yemelyanov 1999:176-177; Aramaics [in Aramaic reflexes *šam⸺- (sun) can be either masculine or feminine, cf. Jewish Palestinian Aramaic (DJPA 558, masculine and feminine), Syrian (LSyr. 788, more often masculine), Jewish Babylonian Aramaic (DJBA 1136, only masculine); the month in Semitic languages is normal masculine genus].

Australia. Njulnjul [A month travels; goes east, where the Sun lives, kidnaps his wife; goes further east, stops at Miliwindi]: Waterman 1987, No. 68:25-26; karageri: Waterman 1987, № 168A [The sun borrowed his wife from the man he stayed with for the night; after copulation, he swallowed her, her husband did not catch up with him; this happened to many women; then he either spit them out, either it burst and they came out alive; the women returned to their husbands, the Sun became the sun], B [The Month has two wives; they call people to dance, shove them into the fire, cook and eat; finally, people succeed push the Month itself into the fire; he died, became a month], C [The Sun asked the Month what had happened, chased him, wore it for three days to cool down in the wind; for the Month killing people, the Sun is enough and keeps it every month for three days]: Waterman 1987, No. 168:30-31; (cf. wilman [The month is male; the sun is a beautiful country where the dead go; it's not hot, the heat comes from the sky; the sun is far beyond the moon and stars]: Hassell 1934:233); Adelaide District [the supreme heavenly deity Teendo Yerle, "The Sun is the Father"; The month was considered a man; he has many hunting dogs (stars); they have two heads, no tail; the Month is favorable to people, but significant Doesn't play a role in their lives]: Clarke 1997:129, 132.

Melanesia. Meah (mansibaber) [The Sun is the father, the Month is the son or brothers; when the Sun goes down, he goes to his grandmother; once the Sun beat the Month, hurting his eyes; since then the Month has refused walk with the Sun;]: Maaβ 1933:286; Cape King William [older brother The sun beat the younger Month so much that his eyes became small, the Month began to walk at night so as not to meet brother]: Reimer 1911:261 in Maaβ 1933:278; Simbang (Cape King William District; this is Papua Trans-New Guinean philia) [The Month and the Sun are sometimes considered fungi, sometimes living beings; first they are We walked together, it was very hot; then the Sun threw spears into the sea, asked the Month to get it, ran away on its own; the Month was decreasing because sharks, turtles and other predators ate it in the sea; then little fish free him, the moon sickle rises, the children rejoice when they see it]: Hagen 1899:287; bukavak [Month is the younger brother or son of the Sun; once they got into a fight, from the Sun's impact in the Month His eyes swam, his light faded; the Sun told him not to show up with him, the Month began to walk at night]: Lehner 1931b: 111; camano, usurufa, etc. (eastern mountains) [Jugumishanta and her husband Morufonu sit under a tree whose branches form the earth; the world rests on M.'s shoulders as he moves, the ground shakes; their eldest son Months married to Vechernyaya Star; the youngest is the Sun (aka Bird of Paradise), married to Moa'ri (red stone); the sun's rays are arrows from his bow; Jugumishanta is identified with the earth]: Berndt 1965:80-81; baruya [version, known to all men, women and children: the sun is a man, associated with light, day, heat, dryness, sperm; the moon is a woman, associated with darkness, night, cold, moisture, menstrual blood; there is an esoteric variant known only to initiation leaders and great shamans: the month is the younger brother of the sun]: Godelier 2007:142; Rao (and, apparently, other groups in the middle reaches of Ramu and upper reaches of Keram) [wives of the Month (kru) stole crops from earthly people's garden; people killed them; during this, the Month began to cause monthly bleeding in earthly women; the half of the Sun (gra) is not directly named, but from The context is clear that masculine (both kru and gra are "friends of the tribe")]: Kaspruś 1973:146-147; (cf. dera (menggwa dla) [I lived in a pond for a month, went ashore to steal crops; the owner of the site followed, called people, they dried the pond with sago palm leaves {it is not said how}, found the Months , who hid in the hollow trunk of a pandanus; the landlord brought it home, hung it on the wall in a mesh bag; fat had been dripping since the Month, people filled it with sago, vegetables and other food; Kariawi came when only children at home; they showed him where the Month was; he took it out of the bag, put it in a bucket of water, the Month rose to heaven; dew is now called "moon dew," meaning "moon fat"; but it is tasteless - probably because the moon is far away]: Sousa 2006:524-536); marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 4 [Geb was covered with sea acorns; women found him hidden in the sand, the men scraped it off, used for sex, smeared with sperm; a banana (banana origin) grew on the back of his head; G. rose to heaven, became the Month; stains from dirt and wounds on his body], 6 [Geb was covered with sea acorns, ugly, women did not want him, he used hollow bamboo; men ripped off his shells, a wound formed on the back of his head, and a banana (the origin of the banana variety) grew there; men wanted it to rape, he ran on a palm tree to the moon, became handsome; seen there]: 34-36, 202-204; kukukuku [Month is man (The sun, apparently, too)]: Blackwood 1939:220; coolie (Western Highlands) [Sun - man; when he moves north or south, respectively (from the equator), copulates with different types of pandanus and they bear fruit; at night he goes underground; in battle, the side that wins The sun supports; the Month is the son of an old woman; she fed him and kept him in a bag suspended from a tree; after dark he asked for time off, went west; returned underground; since then so comes every night]: Aufenanger 1948:150-151; kiwai [a person sailed in a boat in the direction of the moonrise to find out if one character is the Month and the Sun or different; the Month of Ganúmi comes to him in in the image of a boy, an adult, an elderly person, etc.; Sun, Month and Darkness are three men; the first has a red garden and everything else, the second has white, and the third has black]: Landtman 1927:52-53; Dauan: Laade 1971, No. 33 [After saying goodbye to his pregnant wife, Kabai sailed to find out if the Sun and Month were the same or different; after a few days he sailed to their country; they were different people; he was given tarot, coconuts; when returned, his wife's daughter was already big]: 59-61; Wirz 1932 [people began to argue, one person Sun and Month, Day and Night, or different; Kabai swam, met everyone, and returned to say that they are different men]: 286-287; Manus [The month was sick, his brother Sun went fishing alone; at this time the Month copulated with the Sun's wife; the Sun found them; swam away with his people, threw them on water sand, the country of Nauna has appeared; the Sun is now rising from the east, the Month is from the west (otherwise both would rise from the east); the people of the Month are stars; the people of the Sun live in Nauna]: Meier 1907, No. 5:940-941; paparatava (New Britain) [To Purgo decided to be the sun, To Kabinana for a month; a man put a snare on a tree, caught a green parrot flying to peck for fruits, killed it, it turned out to be TP sun, who chased a man trying to hide in a hole, in the water, burned him; TC got angry with TP for this murder, forced him to switch roles]: Kleintitschen 1924:65-66 in Luomala 1940:40; tolai : Janssen et al. 2012, No. 1 [The sun also has the name To Purgu, the month To Kabinana has A Kalau; To Purgo relatives are a group of stars (A Latilot and her children)], 2 [a month replies to a person his name A Kalau, but at birth it was named To Kabinana], 3 [To catch a cockatoo, the man smeared the branch with glue, but the glue dried out, because the cockatoo was actually the sun and dried it; the man caught a cockatoo in a noose and carried it in the basket; the cockatoo is getting heavier; says he is human and the sun, his name is To Purgo, he helps plants in the gardens ripen], 4 [a man caught a cockatoo that sat in a noose himself, but a cockatoo burned it because it was the sun, To Mora], 5 [To Kabinana was a month and To Purgo was the sun, but TC changed roles from TP, because while TP was traveling during the day, it killed people with heat and burned vegetable gardens], 6 [To Kabinana offered To Purgo to become the sun and the month; he himself became a month of death; TP saw a man kill a parrot, felt sorry for the parrot and began to burn a man; he tried to escape into the water, in a hole, but still burned down; TC offered to switch roles, otherwise TP would burn everything; TP became a month and TC the sun]: 7, 7, 7-8, 8, 8-9; Myoko Island [Tiliki created the sun, month and earth; Mbur created a woman on the tree, she gave birth he has many children; Var.: The Sun created the earth; his brother Month, the stars are their sisters, at first there was no water; then it appeared, the Sun created fish and bloodbirds]: Börnstein 1916:244-245; Siouai ( Bougainville) [{the sex of the Sun is not specified}; The month was always full, there were children descending to earth through the vine; the Masa insect gathered people to attack the Month, cut off the vine, killed it; The month was cooked and eaten; but the insect Hisa decided that it would be difficult to harvest almonds in complete darkness; spit a piece into the sky; {The month has revived but the lunar phases have appeared}]: Oliver 1955:60; mono (Shortland Islands) [children climbed an old woman came to the tree for fruit; they threw her fruit, she ate until she died; they carved her vulva, gave it to the old man, who cooked and ate it; they said that he ate his mother-in-law's vulva; the old man cut it down a tree, the children moved to another, so several times; the children asked Murila (the man on the moon) to lower the rope for them, they climbed it into the sky; the old man began to send different birds for the children; one got there to heaven, brought children, he ate them]: Wheeler 1926, No. 21:53; Santa Isabel (bugotu) [{the field of the Month is not mentioned, but probably masculine}; Combili ("fish chief") swallowed Kamakajaku swam east; when he was in the shallows, K. took a sharp obsidian hidden in his ear, cut his way out; the Sun brought him to his village; the children of the Sun did not tell him to go to the far end of the house; he I went in, picked up a stone, saw my home below, wanted to go home; he was lowered in a small hut, told him to open his eyes when he heard the sound of cicadas, not the cries of birds; K. returned home]: Codrington 1891, No. 1: 365-366 (per. Permyakov 1970, No. 47:124-126; retelling in Beckwith 1970:504); San Cristobal: Coombe 1911 [The Month and the Sun were the same; the Sun was chasing the Month, it fell into the sea, faded and cooled; it shows old woman weaving mats]: 240; Fox 1924 [The month was an enemy of people, it shone like the Sun, the earth was unbearably hot; the Sun gnawed the trees with its teeth, made a bridge across the sea, invited the Month to follow it; the bridge fell apart, the Month fell into the water, became cold; there was a lot of water, many trees, night appeared]: 338; Malekula [Tahar is connected to the moon, created the earth and people, the dead are coming to him; his figure is visible in full moon on the lunar disk; every child born on earth comes here from the moon, is born when the moon passes over the mother's womb; the moon is a grandmother, she has children in the form of unborn embryos; when the moon disappears every month, people are afraid that it will not revive, and when the new moon, they rejoice; the moonlight produces, Tahar conceives children; it is also connected to the sun, but indirectly, by association with light]: Layard 1942:210-213; Eromanga [the same word for the moon as "grandfather"; there are no constellation designations, they probably don't stand out; {the field of the sun is not said}]: Humphreys 1926:190; oh -va Loyalty [Evening Venus is the "wife of the Month"; there is no data on the Sun's field, but in all other texts the Sun is a man; it is believed that the Sun revives every month and the Month dies the next since it's already a new Month]: Hadfield 1920:109-110.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [Marapou is the sun god, Urur is the god of the moon]: Christian 1899:385; Marshall Islands (Ratik) [Month is male {the Sun is not mentioned, but female is unlikely}, he has two wives; who in the east takes care of him, he rises in the east in the form of a full moon; the one in the west does not feed him well, there he looks like a narrow sickle; the spots on the moon are an apron (fiber apron), under which hidden concubine girl]: Erdland 1914:311; Nauru: Hambruch 1914 [=Permyakov 1970, No. 138:337-339; older, middle sister has her first period, parents give gifts; when the youngest has her first period Aegigu ("eucalyptus") is not given; she leaves, plants a coconut, the tree grows to the sky; she comes to a blind old woman in heaven; E. drinks her palm wine; when she takes the second wine shell, the old woman catches her; E. extracts midges, worms, ants from her eyes, she sees the light; hides her from her sons; Sun, Thunder come; third son Good Month; marries E., she is visible on the lunar disk]: 435-436; DeRoBurt 1968 -1976 [the Eigigu woman has three daughters; the older parents loved and pampered, and the youngest was oppressed {at the end of the story, the youngest is named after her mother - Eigigu}; the youngest planted a nut on the shore, a sprout made its way, she watered it and the tree grew to the sky; she named it Deigimadere; she climbed it; her mother and sisters asked her to come back, but she refused and went to heaven; saw a blind woman who she made syrup in coconut shells; counted 10 out loud; the girl stole one, drank the syrup; when she reached for the second, the old woman caught her; first tickled it and then promised to eat it; said that she did not need a maid; it was another matter if the girl made her sighted; she uttered the magic word and the old woman's eyes opened; various flies and ants came out from there and the old woman saw the light; immediately fell in love with the girl; her son Thunder came first; the thunder was his voice, lightning flew out of his eyes; she smelled the man, but the old woman hid the girl until the Thunder fell asleep; the same with her second son, the Sun (he is terribly hot) ; the third, the Month, is benevolent and pleasant; the girl chose him as her husband; they can now be seen together in the night sky; Eigigu is sitting in front of their house waving to her sisters and mother; she is a happy woman in the moon]; Tikopia: Firth 1970:185-186 [The Sun (Fefe) is a man, moved too fast at first, his son said he couldn't cook in a day; F. moved more slowly], 193 [God in the Moon) - man]; Bellona [The Sun and the Month cut down the hibiscus, ripped off the bark from the trunk, put it like a pole to climb into the sky; the Sun climbed, and the Month fell from the middle, slipped into the sea; told the Sun that time would be counted by him, and he would sit backwards in the fire; The sun began to shine during the day, the Month at night]: Monberg, Kuschel 2006:4; Maori: Best 1972:18-19 [Sun and Month argued; The month wanted them to walk at night, the Sun to break up during the day; they eventually broke up], 26-27 [The month is the true husband of all women]; Samoa [Ilu and Mamao have many children; among them are the Sun and the Month brothers and Big Wind and Small Wind sisters who rose to heaven; Small Wind went beyond Tagaloa-le-Oo]: Brown 1910:362-363; Mangaia (Southern Cook Islands) [Ina (corresponding to Hina, Sina) is the eldest of Kui Blind's four daughters; Marima (Month) went down, married her; the lunar disk shows her making the fire in the oven with mites from a split coconut branch; she makes a tapu (clouds), laying it out dry in the sky and press them down with stones; from time to time she throws away these stones, then thunder sounds; when she collects rolls of shiny tapas, lightning flashes]: Gill 1876:46-56 (brief retelling in Williamson 1933 (1): 102; in Dixon 1916:88; {the sex of the Sun is not specified, but in the rest of Polynesia it is always male}); Easter Island [a Renga woman has a daughter, Nuahine, she has her first period, her mother carries her in the cave is eating; on the full moon she goes swimming, sees a young man; this is the Month, the brother of the Sun; she agrees to marry him; he takes her to the moon; she is immortal there, but old; she spins the threads of fate people; when the thread breaks, a person dies; you can't look at the full moon]: Fedorova 1978, No. 6.1:76-78.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [two Sun Brothers took turns, the heat was unbearable; the Toad (an edible species) volunteered to kill the Sun, made an arrow from a scallop (Celosia L., amaranth), killed it with it older brother; the youngest was covered with a black blanket, it became dark; black pestles turned into snakes, wooden mortars into tigers; fireflies and a tree with white leaves tried to illuminate the world, it turned them outside; but that was not enough; half of the people died from snakes and tigers; humans and animals unsuccessfully asked the Sun to return; only when the Bat, hanging itself at the ends of its bow by its legs and nose, shouted through his nose that the world would die from the cold, the Sun looked out because no one had yet spoken to him through his nose; when he saw the Bat, he smiled; immediately it got hot and the Bat fell, breaking his bones; so his his legs do not look like birds or animals, and his nose is twisted; they decided to punish the Toad, otherwise the Sun will not shine; his limbs were cut off, placed in a cold place; the killed Sun became the Month; in the seventh , in the eighth and ninth month, the current Sun sets earlier, says he is tired; but in fact, the red rooster scallop grows to full height at this time and the Sun is afraid of being shot]: C. de Beauvoir Stocks in Yamada 2009a: 34-36; limbu [the sun is a "father's principle"; the moon seems to be perceived as a man]: Tumbahang 2013:348-349; Mishmi [at Epanja and his wife Lanbbai two sun sons; the youngest invited the elder to burn the earth; the eldest did not agree, the youngest went to burn alone, stopped at the zenith; the rivers dried up, the vegetation withered; Anya (the second most important god after Inni Taya) summoned the gods, sent a messenger to the elder Sun with pigs and poultry, which are still sacrificed to the sun; after learning about people's suffering, the older brother threw the youngest into a muddy puddle; on his face Months since then, spots, he does not dare to appear in the sky with the Sun; the elder Sun Brother gave Mishmi a silkworm to make clothes, is in the stones from which fire is carved]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:45-46; miniong [two Sun Brothers took turns shining 12 hours a day; the frog shot one with an arrow, its lights went out, it became the Month, the fragments from the impact became stars; out of revenge, both brothers send their arrows to the ground, bringing death to human children; the frog hides from the Sun in the water]: Elwin 1958a, No. 13:47; chrusso (aka) [Sun and Month are both men]: Mills 1926:299; meitei [ The Sun and the Month are male; the Sun had four brothers who died or died; this is an important deity; the Month is the ancestor of one family]: Singh 1985:173-177; (cf. toto [{the sex of the stars is not named; neighboring Tibeto-Burmese have any options}; at first only the Month walked across the sky; Itspa decided to find a friend for him; he did not find him on earth, he came to the heavenly forest, there wild chicken and rooster; the chicken sat on the eggs and began to cackle; I. decided that the sun would come out of the egg; reached for the egg, the chicken flew out of the heavenly forest, the egg fell to the ground, broke, the yolk became dance; I. placed him in the sky, since then the Sun has been walking across the sky, but goes to bed at night and the chickens cackle at dawn]: Majumdar 1991, No. 2:206).

Burma - Indochina. Arakan people [Sun, Rain, Wind, Month - four sons of Earth; go to the holiday, promising to bring a gift to their mother; the Month takes rice with them, others forget about the gift; out of envy The rain is wet rice, the Sun began to dry it, the Wind scattered it; the Earth ordered people to curse their eldest sons both when they are and when they are not; and the Month would always be praised]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 58:185-187; tai China [the governor of Heavenly Lord Yanda's eldest son and younger Yangsan; when enemies attacked, Yandy sat in the sky, Yangsan defeated them, became the ruler of Tai; Yanda came with an army, was captured, burned at the stake , turned into the sun; the corpses of his warriors became mosquitoes, flies, leeches, many of them in summer when the sun burns; when Yangsan died, people planted flowers on his grave; Yangsan became a month, flowers became stars]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:20-21; Thais [1) eight brothers went to wat; the older Sun and Month forgot the spoon, sent the younger Raahuu for it; when he returned, they hit him on the head with a spoon; R. said that after death he would humiliate his brothers as they humiliated him; devours the sun and moon, causing eclipses; 2) the younger brother asked the elder to give him rice; he replied that the rice was not ready yet, the youngest insisted; the elder scooped up half-baked rice with a spoon, pretended to hit her brother; after death, the eldest turned into the Sun and the Month, and the youngest into a frog; when they meet, the youngest closes with an older hand, causing eclipses]: Plenge 1976:116; Shans [Sun, Month, and Sura were 3 brothers; the Sun rose early, cooked rice, offered it hot to the deity; Month brought cold rice; Sura slept for a long time , brought the burnt rice from the bottom; wanted to be more important than the brothers; received 3 grains of immortality from the deity; swallowed one, hid two under the pillow; the Sun and the Month found them, swallowed them, and also became immortal; Sura pursues their chariots in her dark, invisible chariot, sometimes catches up and fights (eclipses); others say a frog tries to swallow the sun or moon during eclipses]: Milne 1910:200-201; since [Long and Lai brothers were chiefs; they threw knives at the target, Long accidentally killed younger Lai; the spirit of the victim became the evil genius Arak Kol; the girl Er ate buffaloes with sister Ay; buffaloes disappeared; AK returned them, but for this, Er killed sleeping Ay for him; there is evidence that Long was associated with the sun and Lay/Arak Kol with the month]: Chesnov 1980s: 97; tai lue Laos [Sun and Month - men, the Sun is a monk]: Yamada, personal report, 09.01.2011; the Khmers [the sun of Preas Atit and the month of Preas Chan were brothers of Preas Reahu (Indian Rahu); the Sun gave alms in gold, became the sun, The month became silver, became a month, Reau became a trifle, became the demon of Reau; the gods decided to shoot down the ocean of milk to get the drink of immortality; the turtle brought a mountain wrapped around it with snakes on its back served as a stirrer, the gods grabbed the tail, where it was cool and raining, and the demons at the dangerous head; when they got the drink, R. immediately drank it, but the Sun and the Month noticed it, said Preas Eyssaur, and he threw throwing a disc and cutting off R.'s head; the gods took possession of the drink, but R.'s head remained immortal and now tries to swallow the stars from time to time out of revenge]: Nevermann 1956:27-29.

South Asia. Mahabharata (XII) [Soma married twenty-seven Daksha's daughters, but visited only one of them, Rohini; for this, D. struck his son-in-law with illness, he began to lose weight; at the same time they began to wither away plants and animals; gods begged D. to have mercy]: Crooke 1894:7-8 (=Toporov 1980:348); Vedas [Surya - male sun deity]: Toporov 1982b: 477-478; Uttar Pradesh: Crooke 1894 ( Awadh) [children are taught to call the moon mámú (maternal uncle); dark spots are a spinning old woman with a spindle]: 8; 1895, No. 560 (Gorakhpur County) [old women tell children that stars are cows, and the sun is month - shepherds]: 197; India (translated from Hindi) [King Cloud in heaven, he has two childless daughters; he went with them to the sea to drown himself; the gods went to the Lord, said that if the Cloud drowned, not it will rain more; Vladyka appeared as a hermit, gave the daughters Clouds an apple each, they became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; the month, the youngest's son, was beautiful, the Sun, the eldest son, was ugly and angry; girls they reached for the Month, but did not pay attention in the Sun; the Month brought his father a beautiful daughter-in-law; the Sun asked for a loan of his head to marry, promised to return her after the wedding; the Month allowed her to be cut off; drops of splashing blood became stars; the Sun married and cut the head of the Month to pieces out of envy; every day he gives the Month a piece, 15 days later he has a round face again; it makes the Sun envy , he begins to take a piece by piece]: Zographer 1964:471-473; Punjabi [the mother of the Sun and Month bathed; the Sun began to peek at the curtain; she cursed him and since then no one has been able to look at sun; and mother blessed the modest Month]: Ullah 1959:166; Rajastans (Rajputs, Marwari dialect, Jaisalmer) [Solar eclipse is the influence of Shani (Saturn). When Shani influences gods and people, a person's or god's life falls into a black streak. Shani influenced Rama when he was forced to spend 14 years in the forest. The concept of "Shani influence" exists in modern Indian astrology. Shani was the son of Surya (Sun), whom he did not recognize. One day, Surya Sandhya's wife went to perform tapasya, leaving her shadow, and the shadow took the form of Sandhya. With this Shadow, Surya had a son, Shani, who was very black. Surya said it was not his son and refused him. Shani was raised by his mother, and he loved her the most. Mahadev Shiva gave Shani the ability to negatively influence everyone without exception. Shani first tried this ability on Shiva himself. Then he influenced his father Surya, which made him half black. After that, Surya agreed to recognize Shani as his son. Shani said he was withdrawing his influence, but sometimes he would still influence, and at that moment Surya would turn half black again. When a lunar eclipse happens, it's Shani's influence on the Month. The month was proud of its beauty and laughed at Shani's blackness, for which Shani also periodically influences him]: Evgenia Renkovskaya, field materials, March 2017; Marathi [Sun (Surya) and Month (Chandra) - both men]: Dr. Sunil R. Parab, Shivalik Institute of Ayurved & Research, personal report 15.06.2018; litter [Sun and Month are brothers, both have many children; because of the many little Suns on It is impossible for the earth to live from the heat; the Month hid its children (stars) in a chest, smeared its mouth with red juice, said it ate the children; if the Sun eats its own, there will be no one left on earth; The Sun ate, Month released stars; the Sun sent a snake (Spirit Eating Month) for the Month, which swallows it once a year; this is not always visible, but if you can see, people beat drums and shoot guns; when the serpent belches the Month, pregnant women may have a miscarriage]: Vitebsk 1980:56; bhuya [Month and Sun - Younger and Older Brothers]: Elwin 1939:330 (note 3); bhilas ["Father Sun" address the sun; The month is called manui - "maternal uncle"]: Koppers, Jungblut 1976:210, 215-216; chenchu [several men cautiously assumed that the sun was the elder brother and the month the youngest; but perhaps they were only repeating heard from someone; generally no ideas related to luminaries]: Fürer-Haimendorf 1943:201; Halakki (Okkal) [Sun and Month are brothers]: Gurumurthy 1981:346; toda [Month - male]: W.E. Marshall, A Phrenologist among the Toda, p.123 in Briffault 1927 (2): 595; Sinhalese: Parker 2010, No. 2 [husband died, widow left, older brother, younger brother and older sister; once the children went to help their neighbors, where they treated everyone; the older brother and sister did not think of their mother, and the youngest hid rice and curry for the mother under their fingernail; at home, the mother told her daughter that she did not think of her , she herself will be cooked in hell; that is, she herself is rice, or rather one of its varieties, which has large grains; the youngest son shook off what was hidden under his fingernail and the pot filled over the edge; to the eldest son the mother told him to move fast, he was the Sun; the youngest was told to become the Month, a cool breeze blows over him]: 52-53; Perera 1917 [The Sun, Month and Rahu were the widow's sons; we went to the wedding, leaving their mother at home; when they returned, she asked what they had brought her; Rahu said it was okay, the Sun threw her a torch to illuminate the road, and the younger Month hid a few rice under her fingernails and filled them with them whole pot; mother blessed younger; Rahu tries to swallow brothers during eclipses]: 3.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Ngaju [see motif J58; a half-young man goes up to his month-old father (Djangga, Kadjangga), who tests him, makes him handsome; gives him a treasure box on his way back, tells you not to open it on the way; he opens, cannot put it back, asks Uncle Sun (Djangkarang Matandau) for help, promises a gift; the Sun puts the treasures back, agrees to take the promised a gift not from his nephew, but from his Month-Brother; the guardian of the sky lowers the young man to the ground on a golden rope, he becomes the ruler of Majapahit, the ancestor of those Ngaju with lighter skin; the Sun comes to He does not give a month to demand a gift, they fight, at this time eclipses occur; people scream and make noise]: Schärer 1966:124-139; murut [{half of the sun is not specified}; Puok was the wife of the supreme god Kohlong, whose face can be seen on the moon disk, lived with him on the moon; taking her husband out of her hair forever, she dropped the rude to the ground; volunteered to follow him herself in her feather winged clothes; on the ground the man gave her the comb, invited her into the house; she told how K. determines the fate of all people; K. punished her for her chatter, her body became heavy, she could not reach the moon; her clothes grew to her body, K. became an owl, screaming at night, calling her husband]: Wooley 1928, No. 20:376-378; dusun [{half of the sun is not specified}; The Long-Eared Owl (Puak) was the sweetheart of the Month; the sky was close to the ground, seven Suns were shining; one woman is pregnant, she felt sick from the heat; her husband went to sunrise, shot six Suns with a wind gun; the seventh ran, taking the sky, now it is high; the Long-eared Owl at this time came down from the roof of the house to pick up the fallen comb, stayed on the ground, has been crying for the Month ever since]: Evans 1914:433 (=1923; retelling in MacDonald 2005:79); Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938, No. 21 [1) the eldest brother became the sun, the others became thunder, lightning, storm, rain, rainbow, earth {earthquake?} ; 2) a woman has two sons; one decides to become the sun to shine on people, the other stays on earth], 42 [see motif K76; the girl climbed the rainbow by the Month, asked him to be her husband, gave birth to him son], 24 [The Sun and the Month were men, each with their own children; one person killed the children of the Sun because they were too hot on earth]: 369, 370-371, 396-397; varope (Seram) [Mother takes the month away , converges with her; takes another woman, her relatives kill him; seeing this, his younger brother Sun commits suicide; brothers turn into a month and sun]: Held 1956, No. 55:93-95; (cf. Bali [God Sun, God Month, God Star, God Planet, God Wind; these are all male characters (but clearly influenced by Sanskrit sources)]: Hooyakas 1974:23).

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly [Awan (Sun) was outraged that Buan (Month) also began to shine during the day; Lihangin (Wind) could not persuade B. not to do so; A. beat B., dimming his light; the fragments of the Month became stars]: Eugenio 1994, No. 51:115; ifugao [The Sun and the Month drink rice wine; each trap the other, he dies; the children of the murdered person revive him; both boast that they are ferocious warriors]: Eugenio 1994, No. 58:121-122; Nabaloi [The Sun and the Month shone equally brightly; the Month had faces in the back and front, one for the people above, the other for the earth; the Month began to laugh at the Sun that it single; the Sun threw ash at him; hot ash completely burned one face of the Month, it turned black; the light of another face faded]: Moss 1924, No. 9:241; bicol [in heaven Bulan attacked his elder Brother Adlao; he repelled the blows, knocked out B.'s eye, flattened and cut off his arm; his hand fell, formed the ground, B.'s tears, water; two hairs, a man and a woman, grew up, and people came from them (this part in Eugenio 1994, No. 21b: 67, motif B43); because the Sun has knocked out the Eye Month, it shines weaker; the Sun always haunts the Month, but cannot catch up]: Eugenio 1994, No. 54:118; pangasinan [Sun brothers and We walked across the sky together for a month; the Month hurries his brother so that thieves can take advantage of the darkness; God, the brothers' father, hears these words, throws the rock into the palace of the Month; the fragments turn into stars, the Month told to walk separately from the Sun and at night to prevent thieves]: Eugenio 1994, No. 56:120 (translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 50:146).

China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Ya'an) [A long time ago, the sun, the month, and the rooster were brothers, the sun was older, the month was middle, and the rooster was younger. The sun took care of his younger brothers, went to work in the morning, and told them to stay at home and not be ugly. Returning from the mountains, he brought his brothers delicious fruits. He decided that he would get more without a rooster, and when the sun went to work, he called him for a walk up a high mountain and pushed him down. So the rooster fell from the sky to the ground, and since then roosters have appeared on the ground. I came home for a month, and when the sun asked him where the rooster was, he said he had gone somewhere. Since then, the sun began to fear that the month would also go away, and in the morning, when he left for work, he locked him in the house and let him out only in the evening. That's why the month appears only in the evenings. The rooster fell to the ground and missed the sun very much, and in the morning, when the sun came out to work, he shouted three times: "Brother!" (GEGE!) This continues to this day]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 21:41-42; lolo [is the supreme god of heaven, sun god and moon god {obviously male}]: Graham 196:83; Koreans [Tiger ate the mother of four boys, put on her dress, came to her house, grabbed her younger brother; the others climbed the pine tree, the Tiger followed; the heavenly lord lowered the iron rope for the brothers; the Tiger also became rise, fall, fall into the millet field, crashed, since then the millet stalks have been red; Brother Hasun became the sun, Halsun became a month, Peulsun became stars]: Kontsevich 1980b: 565.

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Marinov 2004:27 [in the morning, Sun's sister Zornitsa (Venus in the morning) sets him off; after washing and eating, the Sun moves cheerfully across the sky, but then gets tired and burns more and more by noon. because he is angry; stops to rest at noon; as he descends, he gets in a good mood; after going down to a world below the earth and the Blue Sea, he comes to his house, where his mother It feeds him; when the Sun is at home, his brother (Month) and sisters (Morning and Evening Venus) are never there], 33 [The month is the younger brother of the Sun; he likes their sister Vespers, and the Sun likes their other sister, Zornitsa]; Stoynev 2006 [1) mother promised to marry her first son Sun and daughter Zornitsa, and then Month and Evening; 2) Mother cursed the Month for falling in love with the same girl as his brother Sun]: 194; Hungarians [see motif K73b1; p.110: "Let the sun be considered your father, month be godfather, stars be cousins]: Dégh 1965, No. 8:109-126; Serbs: Janković 1951:63 [Venus (Danitsa, Prekhodnitsa) - sister, less often wife of the Sun, Month - his brother], 64 [Solntseva's sister - Danitsa or Zora]; Greeks: Sike 1993 (Skyros) [princess rejects suitors, makes a young man out of almonds, sugar, semolina, he comes to life, marries her, her name is Semigdalenios ("Made from semolina"); another princess is jealous, sends a ship with expensive goods; when S. comes there, the ship sails away; S.'s wife goes in search, consistently comes to the mothers of the Sun, Month, Stars; each hides S.'s wife so that her hungry son does not eat her; Sun, Month, Star Men they say that they did not see S., only the smallest Star shows the way; each mother gives a nut with a gift; under the guise of a poor gypsy, the wife is hired by the kidnapper S., asks for permission to do so night for a gift (each nut has a gift); two nights S. is put to sleep, on the third, the servant warns S., the wife tells her story, the spouses are reunited, come back]: 131-135; Czecha 2009 (Naxos) [1) the sun and a month went to heaven to eat apples; the sun fell on the month and knocked out his eye. The month, crying, ran to God; he told the brothers not to go together; now, when the sun goes down, a month comes out; 2) a month has quarreled with the sun, like drunks quarrel with each other; the sun, throwing a month in the face dirt, knocked out his eye; now there's dirt in the middle of the month]: 184.

Central Europe. Russians [(along with the predominant idea of the Sun is a woman); the fairy tale Sun, Month and Raven Voronovich]: Andreev 1929, № *299 (552B); SUS 1979, No. 552B (Karelian ASSR) [Sun, Month and The raven is sons-in-law; the Sun bakes pancakes on himself, the Month shines his finger in the bathhouse, the Raven sleeps on the floors; the old man imitates them unsuccessfully]: 156; N.K. 1892 (Kaluga) [a man met three brothers on the road, this is the Sun , Frost and Wind; after listening to their promises and threats, he bowed to the Wind; it saves it from the vindictiveness of the Sun and Frost]: 211; Firsov, Kiseleva 1993 (Vladimirskaya) [The Sun is Brother to the Month]: 118.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygs [The Sun is the elder brother, the Month is the youngest; (along with the idea of the sun as a brother and the moon as a sister); when they meet, they hug (eclipse); at this time people ask for the sun let go of the month or vice versa]: Shortanov 1982:31; Ossetians [an ancient star (Venus) had two sons: the Sun and the Month; people began to languish from the heat; they decided that the sun would be in the sky during the day, and the month would at night]: Byazirov 1960, No. 161:100; Chechens [The Sun and the Month are brothers, the mother of the Sun is Aza, the mother of the Month is Kinch; their evil sister May ate all relatives in heaven, chases the Sun and the Month, causing eclipses; during an eclipse, you can see something like a black thread on the moon - a guard's gun; a black spot in the middle of the moon is a horse carried by the moon; when the horse's mouth expands, summer short, when it decreases - long and rainy]: Dalgat 1972:257; 2004:163-164 (=Dirr 1908:1071 referring to Dalgat's handwritten text); Tabasarans [when old, Zudilav offered his sons draw lots; the youngest got the sun, the eldest got the moon, because Umwar favors only the righteous; the elder tried to steal the sun, but heard a noise, grabbed a few rays and disappeared; Z. ordered The younger brother should punish the elder, but he disappeared; since then, the moon has been running away from the sun, patronizing thieves, its rays have been stolen from the sun]: Khalidova 2012, No. 16:44; Svana [(Zap. B. Nizharadze, 1889; =Virsaladze 1973, No. 4:48-49); before the Sun, there was another star on earth; God called him to heaven, the world remained in darkness; the Sun and the Month had one father, different mothers, the Month younger; God promised to make the person who gets up earlier into daylight; The month put thorns on the bed, but fell asleep by morning; the sun slept well, got up early; The month woke up by lunchtime, his mother slapped him in the face the hand stained in the dough remained stained]: Chikovani 1985, No. 154:325; Georgians (western in the Georgian village of Sachilavo in Megrelia) [mystery: two brothers have the same color; one is constantly young, and k old age is approaching another; one has a myriad army, and the other with only one throne (sun and month)]: Kapanadze 1900:144-145; Hittites: Ivanov 1977:50-51 [Once the moon god fell from heaven to market square; the god of the Storm saw this, sent rain and thunderstorm; goddess Tsifuri, Kamrusepa, ordered fear and horror to go away; the god of the Storm brought the god of the Moon back to heaven, it was lit up again], 54 [The Great Ocean took to the depth of the heavenly Sun God; the God of the Storm asked his firstborn Telepinus to return him; the Ocean was frightened of T., gave his daughter and God of the Sun; the God of the Storm gave his dowry, 1000 bulls and 1000 sheep], 105- 110 [hymns to the Sun God and the Sun Goddess].

Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism: Chunakova 2004:142 [according to the description, the moon is a male character; one should "ask for mercy from the moon god"], 152 [The Sun is the hypostasis of the treaty god Mihr], 205 [The Sun (Hvar) is mentioned together with Mikhrom; half of the sunlight will be given to Guyomard, the other half to the rest of the people]; the Kalashi [there are seven heavens; the Sun and the Month are sleeping on the lower one; the mother of the Sun has woken up early, she immediately sent her son to heaven; Mother of the Month had to instruct her son to shine at night]: Yettmar 1986:358.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Kuperjanov 2003:55-56 [in the runic song (regilaul) "The Bride of the Star" (Tähemõrsja), the Sun, the Month, the Star (specifically Evening or Morning, Eha- or Koidutäht)], 58 (Rakvere) [The Sun is God Himself, the Month is the Son of God], 77 (Rapla) [Young Month visits a good woman, the old Month visits a bad woman]; Eichenwald 1982 [with a plot common among the Baltic peoples a heavenly wedding is associated with songs about the matchmaking of the sun, the month and the star to the girl Salme (cf. lit. Saulés dukté, daughter of the sun]: 167; Sami [Njavvis-ene (Niavis's wife) is the daughter of the Sun, Attjis-ene (Attiis's wife) is the daughter of the Month; both husbands are killed, leaving their wives pregnant; N. is beautiful, her son, A. is ugly, she has a daughter; said that whoever picks up a basket of berries first would pick up the boy; put moss in the basket, took it; during the famine, the grown-up young man looked into the house, his mother recognized him, showed him their reflection in the water, he realized that he looked like his mother, killed A.; she has since caused cramps and pain; her deer became toads, frogs, bumblebees; before that, from the North Wind, she gave birth to an evil Atfits; he teased his month-old grandfather for being pulled there paler than the Sun; seen on a lunar disk with a deer horn in one hand and his own head in the other (his head was cut off for his crimes)]: Billson 1918:183-187

Volga - Perm. Udmurts [a bald old man passed his two daughters off as the Sun and the Month; went up the chain to visit the Sun; the daughter bakes cakes, pouring dough on the Sun's head; returning home, the old man tells his wife to bake at he is on his head, covered with dough; visiting the Month, the old man goes with him to the cellar; the month raises his finger to illuminate the room; at home, the old man tells his wife not to take a candle with him to the cellar; in the dark, both fall into pit]: Vereshchagin 1886:139; Chuvash: Denisov 1959:14 [(along with the predominant idea of the Sun being a woman); in the legend "Dew" (Chuvash Tales 1937:61-63), the Sun is the master in heaven, it has two wives, Zarya Morning and Zarya Evening], 15-16 [Month - man (see motive A32)].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [west from Sultan of Bayan-Aul District; Month - elder brother, Sun younger]: Potanin 1881:126; Uighurs [in a Uighur manuscript of the 15th century. "Oguz-name" (contains the Uighur-Karluk version of the myth, 13th-14th centuries) Oguz Khan was conceived by his mother from the rays of light, was born a hero; in his youth he defeated a unicorn who ate herds; he was helped by a blue wolf; he took as his wife, a heavenly maiden who descended to him in the rays of light; she gives birth to him sons Kün (sun), Ay (month), Yulduz (star); from his earthly wife he has three youngest sons - Kök (sky), Tag (mountain), Tenipse (sea); becoming the conqueror Khagan, distributes his possessions among his sons at a feast; heaven sent a golden bow and three silver arrows; O. breaks the bow into three parts, gives arrows to his eldest sons gives to the younger ones; therefore, the tribes of the older wing of the Oghuz are called bozuk ("break)", and the younger wing is Uchuk ("arrow")]: Basilov 1982b: 240.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Zhukovskaya 1980:95-96 (Baikal?) [Ehe Burhan wandered in the darkness; she made a wild duck, which dived into the water, brought dirt in her beak; EB blinded Mother Ulgen's land, created plants and animals on it; she gave birth to a daughter from the Sun - good Manzan Gourmet, from her then Western deities were born; from the Month she gave birth to the evil Mayas Hara (or Hara Manzan), from her Eastern deities came; on the sunset side, EB created feminine, on the side of sunrise - masculine; they met, united, the first man Pahang, the first woman Tuya, were born; (source cit. Sharakshinova 1959:40-47]; Potanin 1883, No. 82.6 (Onguren, opposite Olkhon) [The thunder had three sons; took the form of a stranger, told them that their parents were dying; the elder and younger brothers rushed home, the middle one stayed first for lunch; the father made him the eternally dying Month; the elder the Sun, the middle one with Fire]: 332; Torgouts (Western Mongols) [The month is the elder brother, the Sun is the youngest; Odun- Machin (Pleiades) - younger sister]: Potanin 1881:127; Altaians [see motive K27; Kuskun-Kara-Matyr's four wives include Kumush-Tana, daughter of Sun Khan, and Altyn-Tana, daughter of the Sun Khan, and Altyn-Tana, daughter Khan of the Month]: Altai epic 1935:165; Khakas [old man Thunder has three sons: Sun, Month, Fire; he decided to test his sons, took the form of a wanderer, said that his father was dying; he was the first to hurry to his father Fire, then the Sun, the Month was in no hurry; for this Month he was punished - does not sleep at night]: Katanov 1907:187-188 (retelling in Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972:28).

Western Siberia. The Nenets [mystery: Two men can't collect their deer all their lives (Sun and Month)]: Kupriyanova 1960:261; Mansi [Kashhar-Torum (k Ashar is a chipmunk, torum - weather, sky, world, supreme being) is recognized as the owner of the highest of the three heavens; he is the father of Cors-Torum and the grandfather of Numi-Torum; KT is the master of the upper middle world, NT - closest to people from the upper worlds, that is, the visible sky; it is home to NT's younger brothers: Hotal Ekva (sun) and Etpos-Oika (month); NT sisters, Kapošar Ekva (Earth) and Nai Ekva (fire); the three lower worlds are located in the same tiers underground; their owner is Khul-Otyr, he is the younger brother of the NT]: Chernetsov 1935 in Anisimov 1959:87; Southern Selkups: Tuchkova 2004 [ grass and moss - mother earth's hair (wool), especially grass on a hummock (hummock - head); sky - man, T ly (sun) and Areth (month) - their sons]: 70; Funk 2000, No. 10 [The Sun and the Month are sons of Heaven and Earth; Mother Earth loves the Sun, and Father Heaven loves the Months, so the Month is strong in winter and the Sun in summer]: 236-237 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:277).

Eastern Siberia. The central (and possibly other) Yakuts [in the epic and fairy tales of Kγ Toyon - Mr. Sun; his daughter, the shaman Kγ Gelldyin-Kuo, helps earthly heroes; Ey Toyon - Mr. Mesyats, lives in heaven with his daughter]: Ergis 1974:133; Western Evenks: Rychkov 1917-1922 (Norilsk and Yenissee) [The Sun is the master of the sky, the younger brother of the Moon] in Vasilevich 1959: 165, in Levin 1931:111; Vasilevich 1936, No. 10 (Podkameno-Tunguska) [The sun was a widower, lived with an old month-old father and a beautiful daughter; a young Tungus came to her; the Sun finds him in the house by smell, drives away with her daughter; this is how the Tungus got their first woman; the Sun migrated to heaven with the Month]: 279 (the same in = 1936, No. 10, =1959:165-166); 1969 [some of the Podkameno-Tunguska Evenks believed Sun and Month for the Elderly]: 211; Baikal Evenks (Baikal Region) [Hani Khubun's sister Khokhol Bogdo wears his clothes, we marry his daughters of the Sun, Month, Evening Star]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 6:171-175.

(Wed. Amur-Sakhalin. Nivhi [images of the owners of the sun and moon; all the information in the captions below the drawings; in Figure 7, "the master of the sun" (the figure resembles a schematic image of a full-face bird, possibly two-headed); Figure 8 "master of the moon" (a half-disc with two volutes in the middle)]: Dachshunds 1977, Figures 7, 8).

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902 [see motif K33; The sun marries a girl]: 657-658; 1928, No. 1 [as in 1902], 2 [(published in Bulatova 1985:171-173); A month comes to steal a girl; A deer hides her, turning it into a bump, into a lamp; it takes the Month, binds; frees, after it promises to be a month, determine time periods]: 318-320, 320-322; Bogoraz 1939 [every evening The Sun descends to wife (Woman Walking Around, Merry Woman); the suns of the lower worlds are like the Month; shamans turn to the Month for evil spells; the Arcana Month can drag a person away; takes a boy or girl or both together, you can see them on the moon disk]: 22-23; coastal Koryaks (Karagin dialect) [The sun marries one of two identical women; cannot understand who the wife is; one of the women rises to heaven, the other one stays below; The Sun is still unable to marry]: Zhukova, No. 40:151; Koryaks: Jochelson 1904 [no details]: 416 [Big Crow's daughter leaves in Months], 417 [ the supreme deity is called the Master of the Upper World, Force, Dawn, Sun, Thunder, etc.; he is an old man living in heaven]; 1905, No. 21 [The creator makes his son Ememkut ugly; The envious laughs that he will not be able to marry the daughter of the Sun; the Creator tells E. to first go to his sisters Chanainyaut and Yineanyeut, who live in a tree; J. is a shaman, cuts E., from him a real E. comes out, he is handsome, well-dressed; tells you to take the Envious Man as a companion; gives iron mice, sledges, salmon; E. and the Envious Man swim across the sea in salmon; ride across the fire mountain in an iron sleigh, drawn by iron mice; the Sun's people offer to play ball, E. wins; the Sun pretends not to have a daughter; the son of the Sun tells E. that she is hidden under the meat cutting stove; E. pulls out her; her mother hides her under her scythe; then in a bracelet; E. pulls her out, marries her; an envious man marries another daughter; both his wives and the son of the Sun return home; The Creator pulls a pole out of the ground for mating dogs, a herd of deer comes out of the ground; the son of the Sun marries J.]: 162-164; Jochelson 1908 [in the texts, the sun is the country where the people of the Sun live, specifically the Sun is a man, his daughter and son (Nos. 12, 21); in the chants on page 62, a woman from the countries of Dawn is seen as the sun (p.62: to cure her daughter of a headache, the Creator goes to sunrise; comes to a woman's home; from explanations the female informant from whom the chants are recorded is the Sun itself; in some texts (No. 82, coastal Koryaks) The month is a man, in others (No. 29, reindeer Koryaks) is a woman who Ememkut marries]: 122; itelmen [Kutha's wife Miti gives birth to a louse that sparkles like the sun; they hide it in the closet; their son Ememkut opens the closet and falls dead; K. and M. go to the mountains to the Amanita; the Sun and the Month descend to E.'s body left in the house, beat the tambourine while walking around; the Moon is unable, the Sun revives E.; all birds and animals, except bears, come to them sing; The Sun marries Lice, Month to Sinanevt (daughters K. and M.), E. to the Fly Agaric Girl]: Jochelson 1961, No. 20:148-150; Forest Yukaghirs: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 1 [man begs, some feed him, others don't; he was made for a month; he eats up, gets fat, then loses weight again]: 21 (=Zhukova, Shadrin 2004:35-36, =Zhukova, Chernetsov 1992:8-9); 1989 (2): 66 [two Yarkhadan rivers - daughters the Corcodon River and the Sun].

The Arctic. Aleuts (Unalashka) [while digging roots, the sister of the Month makes a hole in the sky, sees the village below; weaves a rope, goes down, marries two men, gives birth to a son; he grows up; before she dies tells him how to take to the sky by sunlight (?) ; describes the people he will meet; these are the constellations: Three Stars (Orion), Evening Star (working with the turn of day), Cod Ligaments (Pleiades), Caribou (Ursa Major; at the same time, all stars these constellations are humans, obviously men); the young man comes to the Month; burned by lifting the mat (behind which the Sun is apparently a man); the Old Month gives him clothes for the new, half and old moon; does his new month, dies]: Jochelson 1990, No. 15:149-155; Kodiak [(by Pinart: the sun and the month are one object; one side shines during the day, the other at night; originally two brothers lived; one killed the other, ran to heaven, became the Sun); konyagi undoubtedly consider the Month and the Stars to be men when they animate them at all, but differ in their ideas about the Sun]: Lantis 1938:136; chugach: Birket-Smith 1953:173-174 [The Sun marries Alder; brings only giblets to his wife from hunting; says these are the insides of her brothers and parents; she finds a live doll, she tells her the word, she revives the dead; her brothers kill the sons of the Sun; the Sun cannot kill Alder; when a woman's dog blows the winds, everything is covered by a fog that protects against the heat of the Sun; but since then, the alder bark has seen specks of sun arrows, and burns cause alder leaves to fly around in autumn; then Alder and Sun are reconciled], 174-175 [see motif H15; four brothers and sister go to find out why people are getting older; see A man as white as a harrier in a nest in a tree; they shoot, but the arrows break before they reach; if they could kill that man, people would remain young; brothers and sisters cannot kill the villagers; these are Blueberries and other berry bushes, Alders; they try to burn villages, but the inhabitants jump into the water; sparks leave marks on the alder bark; brothers and sisters rise to heaven to their father the Sun; that does not let them go back again], Kilaq lived on the ground for 175 [1) months, preventing another person named Kintluarshun from hunting (turning sticks into animals, and when he killed them, they were again used sticks; replaced a good hunting weapon with unusable ones); that's why everyone in the village died of hunger; The month rose to heaven, he is one-eyed; 2) A month takes a woman away, she misses her parents; one day he raises the stove, closing a hole in the corner of the house; a woman sees her relatives through this hole].

Subarctic. Inhalic [The Month and the Sun are men; The month is married; after a long walk he gets tired, rests for four days (he is not visible at this time); the Sun is stronger than the Month; in winter it returns at night for a longer and mountainous trail, so winter nights are longer]: Osgood 1959:53; tanana [Raven chief and chief at the edge of the world fight forever; decide to change; the Raven becomes the Month, his enemy the Sun]: De Laguna 1995, No. 13:153; tanaina [girl notices that the Month has a strange face; he takes her home; she gives birth to him two sons; they kill the Sun with arrows; the Sun's grandmother sends different ones at them animals; fish swallows one of them; the Month revives it, burns the Sun's relatives]: Osgood 1937:187-188; helmet: Teit 1917a, No. 1 [The sun is the cannibal father-in-law; see motif K27; Month?] : 440-441; southern tutchoni, tagish, inner tlingit [Sun man; Month is "night sun", also male]: McClelland 1975 (1): 76-78; Tagish: McClelland 2007, No. 74c [ A beaver meets someone white, who calls him a grandson; sleeping in the forest, they dry their clothes and moccasins by the fire; the Beaver quietly changes his own and others' places; the companion (this is the Month) burns his own in the morning, thinking that burns Beaver's clothes and moccasins; threatens to burn Beaver if he does not give him clothes, he gives him his spare; during this Month he tells him to chew resin, two lynxes appear, Beaver kills them; The Month explains who he], 78 [when starved, the chief's mother gives her grandson a spoonful of candlefish fat; when he learns of this, the chief orders him to migrate, leaving the boy without fire; the eldest of the chief's two wives hides coals for him in the sink; he makes a fire, makes bows and arrows, hunts birds and animals, makes a cape of bird and mustelids; the sun goes down, asks for a cape, changes it to its own; if you shake its right corner, some creatures at night (on them no need to watch) they fulfill their plans; they build a house for the boy, make wooden boxes, fill them with grease with candlefish; the boy sends the Raven to take the dried fish to his grandmother, the Raven eats everything herself; sends Chaika, she brings him; the chief sends slaves to find out what happened to the boy, throw the corpse into the fire; the boy feeds the slaves, orders his grandmother to be sent to him; the chief notices that the slave's daughter is eating something, the slave lies that these are mollusks, not candlefish; everyone returns; the boy invites the leader's grandmother and elder wife to the house; the chief remains standing at the entrance with the slaves; the chief's younger wife exchanges boy eating in exchange for his child]: 373-374, 384-390; taltan: Teit 1919, No. 3 [Earth is our mother; rocks are her bones, water is her milk; when Mother Earth is completely tired, it will fall into the water, which is below the earth; the Sun is a good father, used to live on earth, now in heaven; if it is sick or burning, it rains], 4 [The sun was evil, it killed people; the month was good; a man comes to the fire of the Sun, both hang their moccasins to dry; the person replaces them; at night the Sun wants to throw the guest's moccasins into the fire, throws his own; the man agrees to give him spare ones for promising to be far from people; but watch it still hurts in the Sun], 7 [the beaver hunter's family cooks blood in a bowler basket; when one son returns, everything has already been eaten; he cries, his father promises to beat him; the young man grabs the pot, goes up to A month; says he is his real father; seen on the lunar disk, holding a pot of blood in his hand; his name is Sa'kesada; gradually bends down; when his figure turns upside down, the world will end]: 227-224, 229.

NW Coast. Eyak [(no data on the moon field; male?) ; Alder's people killed everyone except a woman and her daughter; a woman consistently rejects animals that come to marry her daughter, because she is not happy with their ways to get food, avenge the dead, etc.; this is the Bird, Snipe, Jay, Magpie, Robin, Kingfisher, Frog, Fox, Brown Bear, Black Bear, Wolverine, Goat; gives her daughter to a Sun man who is able to let and extinguish a fire; the young have eight sons; from the tip of the bow, the father makes a daughter; lowers them all in the basket to the ground; they fight with the people of Alder; the Sun has boiled the river, all Alder's people have died; the younger brother says that it would be good to get a cloud-colored beast at sunset; sees one, runs after him, ends up in heaven; the rest of the brothers also come to heaven]: Krauss 1970 in Romanova 1997, No. 11. 2:36-39; Tlingits: De Laguna 1972:844-845 and 848-849 [cf. K28 motive; jealous Month causes a flood, trying to destroy her crow nephew; rises to heaven], 873-875 [all a woman's relatives are killed; various animals offer themselves as husbands to her daughter, she rejects them; accepts the Sun's offer; he lowers their five sons to earth in a basket, helps destroy the murderers of his wife's relatives, burning them with his heat]; Swanton 1909, No. 31 [enemies kill everyone a woman's relatives; various animals offer themselves to her daughter's husband, she rejects them; accepts the offer of the son of the Sun; the young have seven sons and a daughter; the son-in-law pulls a branch out of the tree, shoves mother-in-law in the hole, puts the branch back, turns mother-in-law into an echo]: 124-126; hyda [about the sun's field of data, but a woman is unlikely; a woman promises to marry a young man if he rips out his hair; then eyebrows, mustache, etc.; finally refuses; he makes a chain of arrows, goes up to heaven; Month is his grandfather, combs and washes him, making him beautiful; he goes back without looking at his ex-lover; she dies out of grief]: Swanton 1905:353-355; Tsimshian [the chief has two sons and a daughter; the youngest son puts on a burning resin mask and becomes the Sun; because people want him to move more slowly, his sister stops him for a while at noon; stars are sparks falling from his mouth; the father scolds the eldest son for not being as skillful as the youngest; he smears half of his face with charcoal, tells the slave Greeting him when he rises in the east becomes the Month; their sister produces fog by shaking off her wet clothes to the fire]: Boas 1916, No. 8:113-116; bellacula: Boas 1895, no. XXII.3 [the wife went to buy berries, but came back with nothing, because the son of the Sun (Snk) Month began to come down to her; the husband said he would go by himself, put on his wife's clothes, and when the Month tried to hug his mistress, he cut him off the head, brought it to his wife; gathered the people of the village, but no one identified the victim; the Sun went down to look for his son, saw the man's head cut off in the house, burned the ground; only the mistress of the Month escaped; she took rivers of water before the river dried; there was fish in the water; when the water then poured out, the river flowed again, fish appeared in it]: 247 (=2002:510); McIlwraith 1948 (1): 677 [a person comes to the Month, he does his shaman], 1948 (2) [see motif A37; The sun makes a woman pregnant; his son traps him]: 498; Heiltzuk: Boas 1928b: 3-5 [see J57 motive; Norka comes to his father the Sun], 103-105 [ The month kidnaps Vavalis's wife; the Spider brings her and her born son back to earth]; Quakiutl: Boas 1895 (Lekviltok), No. XIV.3 [during hunger The month gives two boys fish; their father becomes chief]: 131 (=2002:294-295); 1910, No. 12 [see motif J57; The sun fertilizes a woman with its ray; her son rises to heaven along a chain of arrows, comes to his father]: 123-127; 1935 [Month in The appearance of a handsome man descends to feed the hungry]: 126; Nootka [The Sun is a dangerous father-in-law; see motive K27; no data on the Month, but see poppies - the Nootka subgroup]: Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 21:97-101 ; poppies: Swan 1869 in Dall 1884:108 and in Edmonds, Clark 1998:12-14 [The Sun and Month brothers descend from the sky, summon all creatures, turn them into animals and plants; the thief chief has been made a seal to fish himself now; a fisherman with a spear into a great blue heron; a fisherman who stole a shell necklace into a kingfisher; two spots into a crow and a crow; the son of Blue Jay, who did not want to be neither bird nor fish in hole; fat man in cedar, old man in fir; always dissatisfied in crab apple tree (wild apple tree with sour fruits); thin with stiff muscles in alder; this is how these two created the world for humans]; Densmore 1939 [The month is a dangerous father-in-law; see motive K27]: 212-213.

The coast is the Plateau. The quarry [{does not directly mention the field of the moon, but a person standing on the moon in text No. 1 can himself be considered the embodiment of the Month; the male sex of the moon is typical for northern Atapasques, see above}]: Jenness 1934, No. 1 [after many adventures (see motif H12, K27, M42), a man disappears; one day appears to his brother; says he is standing on the moon in the cold wind, his skin is black and cracked; feeds with the meat of a big crow living in the sky; but he is immortal], 42 [a man cuts off his wife's lover's head, puts her on a spear at the entrance to the house; the lover is a neighboring leader, his slave notices his head; the relatives of the deceased destroy the village, the girl and mother are saved; the mother rejects the matchmaking of Rabbit, Caribou, Bear, Grizzly; gives her daughter to the Sun when he shows that she can turn the earth upside down; Sun; in the sky from the Sun, a woman gives birth to three sons and a daughter; they go down, build a house on the site of a burnt village; kill all enemies]: 113, 215-218; chilcotin [{there is no data on the moon field, but cf. quarry, close language relatives silcotin}; the boy is carried on an ice floe down the river to the country of salmon; an old woman tells him to kill and bake a local boy, who is actually salmon; after eating, earthly the boy throws the bones into the water, the salmon boy comes to life; he is blind because his eyes have fallen to the ground; the old woman finds them, lets him swallow them, he sees again; an earthly boy in the form of salmon comes home caught by his father, regains his human form; at home, his sister says that his brothers died matchmaking the daughters of the Sun; the young man collects feathers, tells his sister to blow, flies to heaven on feathers; there the old woman helps him with advice, gives him amulets (a porcupine intestine full of cold, a beaver's gut, full heat, arrowheads); 1), 2) The sun places the young man first in a hot steam room, then freezes it; the young man is alive; 3) asks to get a fallen ax from the bottom of the lake, covers the surface with nets; becoming a fish, hair, the young man squeezes into the cells of the net, brings an ax; 4) two daughters of the Sun in the guise of bears stand at the entrance to his house; a young man kills them with arrows; the Sun revives them; 5) when hunting mountain sheep, the Sun invites the young man to look down from the cliff, collides him, the young man turns into a flying squirrel, does not break ; 6) The sun offers to compete, who will cause more rain, loses; the young man marries the daughters of the Sun; returning with them to earth, forgets to thank the old assistant woman; on earth his wives are surrounded by fire, they go back to heaven]: Farrand 1900, No. 10:24-26; shuswap: Boas 1895, No. I.9 [The Month has two wives, Waela and Tsitaeka; V. has two children, but the Month loves childless C.; V . asks four times where to go with her children; irritated Month: in front of me; she jumps in his eyes, she is still visible there; also in the month you can see a man, his legs and a bag behind his back]: 15 (= 2002:80); Teit 1909a, No. 5 [in winter The month often migrated; his wife Vala carried birch bark shovels and buckets to melt the snow; asks where to sleep; On my cheek; V. jumps on his cheek, stays there; he turns into a month, does not shine brightly; the woman with buckets and a shovel is still visible; the stars are children of the Month and B.], 53 [people prescribe Coyote to be the sun; he sees how women copulate, tell everyone; gets too close to the ground; then they make the Woodpecker the sun; he lays an egg, and the present sun emerges from it]: 653, 738; Thompson: Teit 1898, No. VII [the boy is lazy, naughty, naughty; people leave the camp, leaving him alone; the Raven and the Raven leave dried fish for him; his grandmother hides under a basket of tinder; he shoots birds, the grandmother makes four blankets out of skins; the sun used to walk naked, hid only at night when he slept in his house; the Sun bought blankets, their colors (especially the blue color of the blue jay feathers) are still visible today; the young man becomes a good hunter; fills the Crow and Raven storerooms with meat; gives less to others], VIII [a person gives his wife to the Sun and his son; the Sun promises to stop eating people and not walk so close to earth], IX [the daughter of the Sun marries a man; does not come to her father when he asks her; the man leaves his wife because she is hot; the Sun does not want to accept her daughter back; turns her into the present Sun; see motive A1], XXXVI [The month is beautiful and clear; the Hare (Var.: Frog) is his younger sister; there are so many star guests in the house that the Pleiades cuddle closely together; the Month sends his sister to fetch water; she comes back she has nowhere to sit; he invites her to sit on his face, she sits down; the month becomes dim, with a woman on his face with buckets in her hands]: 52-55, 91-92; lillouette: Elliott 1931 [Month and Sun - brothers, both have a son; both young men go down to earth doing amazing things]: 176-177; Teit 1912b, No. 2 [Sun is male; see motive K42], 3 [Month is male; see motive A32B]: 297-299; comox (Catoltk) [Tar fish at night, his wife calls him home at dawn; one day he lingers, he melts in the sun; his two sons make a chain of arrows, climb into the sky, kill the Sun with arrows; the youngest becomes the Month, the eldest becomes the Sun]: Boas 1895, No. 2:64-65; Halkomel (Lower Fraser River): Boas 1895, No. III.1 [The Sun and the Month are brothers; the big star around the Month is his wife], III.2 [ an old woman makes two daughters out of two halves of salmon caviar; supposedly dies; girls bury her with a wedge and a hammer in the grave; the old woman tightens her skin, makes a penis out of a wedge, testicles out of half hammer; girls are happy to marry a stranger; imaginary husband hides his toothless mouth, cannot chew food; at night girls recognize their mother by her laughter, notice that the skin is tight; run away; come to a blind old woman , shaking in the baby's cradle; replacing him with a piece of wood; the boy's father throws the old woman on the ground in anger, she turns into an edible rhizome (hair - leaves); the mother makes a new son by squeezing out the diapers kidnapped; while hunting, he meets his brother, recognizes him by the scar on his forehead (the mother explains that he once fell out of the cradle); a young man with a scar is ashamed, burns himself in the house with his wives and children, becomes A month; brother goes to the mountains, becomes the Sun], III.4 [see motif K27; a young man rises to heaven; comes to two blind women, takes their food unnoticed; they recognize him; helps overcome trials so that marry the daughter of the Sun; he puts stones under him, does not sit on thorns; he throws dice to wolves guarding the Sun's house; the three daughters of the Sun are beautiful, he gets one; the three daughters of the Month are ugly, the Month is angry that the young man did not choose them; requires 1) to split the log (the old woman gives bones and white paint; when the Month knocks out a wedge to flatten the log, he inserts a wedge of bones together; paint The Month takes for the brain); 2) catch trout (the young man turns a stick with thorns into trout, gives the Month, the thorns dig into his throat); 3) bring a red bear (he turns pieces of wood into two bears, the Month asks them take away); two sons of a young man born to the daughter of the Sun, although seeing his grandmother on earth; The Sun lowers his son-in-law and family in a basket to the ground; one person spies on the young man's wife, burned by her radiance]: 20, 28-30, 37-40 (=2002:94, 108-111, 121-126); Hill-Tout 1904b [old Kaíia (Wolverine) started washing salmon caviar, halves turned into two girls; they grew up, K. pretended to be dying, told her to leave her in the boat, put her belongings next to her; tightened her skin, dyed herself, made a penis and testicles out of a horn and a hammer; came to her granddaughters disguised as a young man; in the morning of her vulva the girls were ill, they suspected fraud; the next night they tickled their imaginary husband, found out the grandmother's laughter; tickled to death; came to a blind old woman in the cradle of her daughter's baby; pretended to wash the baby was carried away, a block was placed; the daughter took her mother on her back, almost caught up with the kidnappers, but as soon as the mother threw off, the path was delayed; so twice; left her mother, told her to become an edible rhizome; her husband mothers, a stone under which salmon hide; squeezing her son's diapers, she created a new boy out of his urine; both grew up and met hunting; the mother told the youngest to play with the eldest so that he could see the sign from on his arm; having learned the truth, the eldest went to burn the kidnappers who had made him his husband; the good youngest put white hair on her chest, she became summer clouds, her child a robin; the eldest was evil black hair, she became winter clouds, her baby became a crow; sparks became snowbirds; the mother wanted to make the Sun older, but easily covered his light with a diaper, so she made it Month; the youngest was bright shone, became the Sun; var.: the kidnappers were not burned, the eldest became sturgeon, the youngest sucker; the younger brother sat by the fire, melted, becoming urine again]: 342-345; clallam [see motif J4B, K27; two girls make a boy out of resin; he comes to life, takes one of them as his wife; melts in the sun; his two sons climb into heaven to take revenge on the Sun; marry his daughters; bring him a basket of berries, the Sun eats them, bursts; the younger brother becomes the Month and determines women's regulations and the timing of pregnancy; the elder becomes the Sun]: Gunther 1925:131-134; Puget Sound [The star marries a woman; that goes down a rope back to the ground; her son of the Month is stolen by creatures living below the horizon; she makes a new one from a cradle, diaper, or piece of wood; this is the younger brother of the Sun Month; Blue Jay flies by under the sky that hits the ground, he finds the Month; he has already grown up, returns to the earthly world; rises to heaven, but is too hot to shine during the day; the Sun becomes the sun, the Month becomes a month]: Ballard 1929 [a woman gives birth to a son still in heaven; he is kidnapped by Salmon; a woman turns a cedar bark diaper into a Sun Boy; the Month calls animal people to choose who will be the sun; various candidates rejected]: 71, 78-79; Clark 1953 (puyallup) [a woman gives birth to a Month from heaven to earth; his father is Venus; a woman makes the Sun out of his cradle; returning, the Month destroys monsters; marries Frog's daughter because only she can carry a heavy bag with his property]: 144-146; Twana: Adamson 1934 [one of the two sisters has a baby Month; while the sisters are digging roots, their mother shakes the boy on a swing; two women replace him with a snag; his mother sends birds and animals to find him; only Blue Jay slips through the stump that opens and closes (Soyke flattened her head); fire behind him on his heels; wood, rock, water answer that they burn, split, boil, cannot hide him; the path covers him; the Month splits the stone, the fragment falls into the Jay; he says to the Month that the mother waits for him; on the way, the Month gives a wedge to a man who stabbed a log with his head; kills a woman who cut off people's penises; pushes another woman who fried children into the fire, sealing their eyes with tar; Brother of the Month is created from urine when the diapers of the Month were squeezed out; his eyes are closed, his body is crooked; The month promises to marry a girl who can lift his bag of goodness; the Frog Orphan picks up, she can be seen with the bag even now; Month too hot to shine during the day; it becomes a month, his brother becomes the sun]: 374-378; Elmendorf 1961, No. 5 [two girls who come from salmon milk kidnap a boy with rotten deck; shaman turns her into a kidnapped brother; Month destroys monsters, marries a Frog (like a puyallup)]: 32-37; puyallup [see motive A23; Blind Toad has five daughters, the middle one gives birth to Months; five sisters from the lower world kidnap him; his mother squeezes his diapers, makes a Sun Boy out of his urine; because he was crooked, he is strabismus; the Month comes back, rises to the sky; it gets hot, his eyes too keen to shine during the day; the cross-eyed Sun becomes the sun; the Month decides to shine at night, takes its Toad Grandmother with it]: Adamson 1934:356-360; upper chehalis: Adamson 1934:158-169 [Xwân makes two girls out of salmon milk; my wives turn to them, they run away; an old woman shakes a baby on the swing, the girls kidnap him with a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from blue stone, he's the Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes his brother's urine the Sun; Blue Jay goes west, slips under five barriers that fall and rise; Month is husband the women who kidnapped him; they gave birth to bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; when Soyka finds the Month, he makes arrows, the shrapnel falls into Jay's eye; the Month says goodbye to his fish children; ways to earth turns monsters into objects (mat trowel, wind barrier, cochadyk); various Herbs respond that they want to kill the Month, he turns them into herbs; Deer makes a spear to kill the Months, he makes his ears out of him; a woman puts passers-by on a swing, rocks, people crash against a rock; the woodpecker helps her; the month is unharmed, rocks the woman, she breaks; five women breathe fire; stone, wood, water cannot cover the Month (they burn, split, boil), the path covers; another woman lies with her legs open; the Month knocks out her vaginal teeth and splits her in half with a hammer and a wedge of moose horn; The month rises to the sky to shine during the day, but it is too hot; the weak Brother Sun should have shone at night but is afraid of ghosts; the Month becomes the month, the Sun the sun], 176-177 [Geese don't tell XWαnä'xwαne to look down at people if he wants to fly with them; S. sees a man, scolds him, Geese leave S. on the mountain, take their wings; he kills an owl, goes down on her wings; meets a monster woman, she carries camas tubers, he exchanges tubers for a bead, but it's not a bead, but a stick; runs ahead several times and repeats the trick, says there are five brothers, they look the same; the woman collects bees into the basket, leaves it on the stump, tells the stump to close when S. gets in there; the stump closes, the bees dazzle him; the woodpecker cut the hole, S. got out, made himself imaginary eyes made of dandelion flowers, came to the Snail, pretends to change her house; that he sees unusually far away; the Snail agreed to change eyes; when the dandelions withered, she is completely blind; Sh. salmon, baked, turned milk into two girls; S. tries to get along with the girls, they run away; an old woman shakes a baby on a swing; girls kidnap him, replaced by a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from blue stone, he is the Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun out of his brother's urine; Blue Jay goes west, finds the Month; the Month is the husband of the women who kidnapped him; they gave birth to him bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; the Month says goodbye to its fish children; transforms and destroys monsters on the way to earth; rises to the sky to shine during the day, but is too hot; the weak Sun Brother should have shining at night but afraid of ghosts, gives too little light at night; the Month becomes the month, the Sun becomes the sun]; lower chehalis (hamptulip) [someone steals fish from the top of Schwane Shwane; he leaves his excrement to guard; finds bark or pieces of wood at the top four times; on the fifth he takes out salmon, puts eggs in a bundle, two girls emerge from it; he calls them daughters, but rapes them at night; they realize that this is an adopted father; they go east; they kidnap the month-old woman; the old woman is Olyapka, her daughter is a Pheasant; they squeeze the kidnapped person's diapers, create his brother out of his urine; he is scythe and crooked ; find out that there is a Chief with two wives; the gap in front of his house opens and closes; only Blue Jay manages to fly over on the fifth attempt; the Chief promises Soyka to return; the Chief's children are fish; saying goodbye to their father, they cry, their faces remain distorted; when she comes to the abyss, she wipes her feet, she closes herself forever; the Chief promises to marry a girl who can approach him without wet herself; only Frog's daughter succeeds; the Chief asks her to correct his brother's face and body; both brothers rise to the sky; the Sun is too hot, changing places with the Month; the Frog, the wife of the Month, drives away ghosts, attacking him; seen on the moon disk, in her hands a bag of magic potions]: Adamson 1934:276-284; coulitz [see motif A23, two var.; an old woman shakes Baby of the Month on a swing, he is kidnapped; his urine and diapers were used to make a new baby Sun; 1) Frog (?) becomes the wife of the Month, he rises to heaven out of shame; his brighter brother follows him; 2) brothers meet, decide to become the sun and the month; The sun is afraid of the night; The month is too hot; cross-eyed The sun becomes the sun]: Adamson 1934:269-272; snookually [the sun is not anthropomorphic]: Hunt, Kaylor 1917:515-516 in Clark 1953 [The Fox and the Blue Jay climb a rope into the sky; the fox turns into the beaver falls into the trap of the Month; it refreshes it; while the Month sleeps, the beaver comes to life, takes fire and sun away from his house, takes small pines and cedars with him; turns back into a Fox, brings the kidnapped to earth; when the Month climbs after it, the rope breaks, the Month breaks, turns into Mount Si]: 38-39; Haeberlin 1924, No. 2a [The month is the son of a woman and a Star; the mother descends with it back to earth; he grows up, returns to heaven]: 375-377; skagit [there is no data on the field of the sun, but a woman is unlikely; a man marries the daughter of the Sun; they visit his relatives, return to heaven]: Haeberlin 1924, № 37:430-432; quinolt [zap. Ronald E. Olson in 1926, not published before; Xwoni Xwoni made a fish trap, turned his crap into a man, left him guarded, told him to be called if chinook salmon came across; he called when trapped a driftwood swam; SHH killed him; in the same way he made a new watchman, who called when he caught salmon; SHSH kept the milk, they turned into two girls, he called them daughters; said he was dying, told leave the corpse on the platform, come later, their little brother will be there; the girls find this baby, bring it home, it grows rapidly; first the older sister, then the younger sister throw him on the floor at night, because he tries to have sex with them; they understand that it is SHH, they leave; they see people hitting fish with a spear; they call two young men who bring them to their house, take them as wives; brothers always throw one fish into the fire, they do not tell his wives to touch him; the sisters touch him; the fire is the brothers' mother, it turned out that the sisters poked her in the face with a stick, she died; the brothers said that they themselves are Harpoons; at night, the girls wake up, with not everyone husband, and harpoon; sisters go east, see a blind old woman rocking her daughter Fazaniha's baby; sisters replace the child with a piece of wood, run away; Phazanikha, carrying her mother, chases, abandons her mother, that turns into a lake waist-deep for girls; throws it again, but the old woman has little water left, she was Flood Lake; the baby grows up quickly, from the sisters' song he realizes that they kidnapped him, that his mother Pheasant, and father a log, sails downstream in a boat; all the girls in the village want him so much that they urinate; he is as bright as the sun; Blue Jay pointed to the ugly Frog Girl, who combed her hair decorated herself, came with a bucket and a box of possessions; she did not wet herself, and Blue Jay made it look like the Frog had wet himself; the young man took the Frog into his boat, swam further down; a young man stands on the shore swallowing lizards and everything that swims; says that his brother was stolen by the SHH girls; the brothers recognize each other; the frog took him by the leg, shook lizards and other rubbish out of him; the elder brother became the Sun, it's too hot, everything is burning; then it became the Month, married the Frog, she can be seen on the moon with her box and bucket; the youngest (coming from a piece of wood in the cradle) became the Sun]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:202-209; coutenay: Boas 1918 [where Vazhenka stops, Lynx leaves her four hairs; she gets pregnant when she urinates; gives birth to a boy; her grandmother Frog tells men take him in his arms; Coyote, Raven and others have a child crying; calms down on the roars of the Lynx; Lynx, Vazhenka and their son are left alone without fire; Lynx is a good hunter, Vazhenka gives birth to a second boy; people but they are starving; Vazhenka sends his sons to where the sun is made; the Raven tries to become the sun - it is dark and cold; the Coyote is too hot; he demands that people feed him, talks about everything he saw from above; one of Lynx's sons becomes the sun, the other becomes a month; Coyote is jealous of them, shoots in the sun, but his arrow burns in flight, falls, sets fire to the grass]: 287; Dyer, MS in Reichard 1947 [young The Deer (Young Buck) tells their sisters Fawn and Toung Doe to throw the soft parts of the ribs of the hunted animals into the water; despite the prohibition, they take these bones for themselves, the bones turn into shells dentarium; then the Deer takes its people into a hole in the ground, the sisters are left alone; they cross the river on stilts, come to Olyapka's house; the deer swallows the blood that Olyapka gives her; stepping after her sister, does not falls into her footsteps; gives birth to a deer; the Deer sends her back to Olyapka; she punishes Olyapka by keeping her under water; the Rabbit who meets the Deer wants to address him with the word "husband", he takes her to her grandmother Frog; she hides her; Lynx becomes pregnant unnoticed, she gives birth to a child, all three are abandoned; Lynx catches many deer, and those who are gone starve and return; when people pass on the child to each other, the Toad and the Owl reach out to him, kidnap him; the Deer follows them, takes the child, flees in the tree; calls his dog, it's the Grizzly, he bites the Toad and the Owl, eats their dog, who is a mouse; a deer comes home with a baby, gives birth to a second son from the Lynx; these boys turn into the Sun and the Month]: 170; sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies as if caught nothing; his sister finds eggs in his bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him fishing on the shore; when comes back, he has already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that has broken off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (it is not explained why); makes his brother from a baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the Toad lets urine into the sky, the rain floods all the hearths except her; the brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps on the younger one's neck, says she is his wife; she can't be ripped off; When burned with fire, her skin shrivels; everyone consistently tries to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane's day is too long (its head reaches the horizon in the west and its legs are still in the east) ; one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, root brother becomes a month, and a toad is visible on it]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; clickitate: Jacobs 1934, No. 16 [a woman promises a man to marry him if he cuts him off his hair; gives him back his hair and does not marry; feeling disgraced, a man goes east, marries the daughter of the Sun, they have a son and daughter; that cannibal, daughter makes him change habits, eating people; little brother of the Sun A month helps a person return to his native village], 17 [A month travels, teaching people, making monsters safe; people dance around food to make it cook; A month teaches them how to use fire; kills salmon, now salmon don't drag people under water; burns cannibal baskets]: 33-39, 40-42; okanagon [Coyote is Krotiha's husband, leaves for a long time; she falls in love first with a sun-heated stone, then with a white root; gives the eldest son the name Warmed Stone, the youngest White Root; one is white and the other is tiny; Coyote comes and trains his own sons (they are called his sons); people are going to choose who will be the Sun; Coyote tries, spies on those who make love, detached; his sons do not want to leave the earth; The Frog in love with the youngest; causing rain, she extinguishes all hearths except her own; White Root comes to warm up, she jumps on his face; she cannot be ripped off; out of shame he becomes the Month; his brother becomes the Sun; if kill a frog and put their belly against the sky, the Month and the Sun are hiding in the clouds because they are afraid that it will demand love from them]: Guie 1990:179-184; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 1 [woman daily goes to dig rhizomes (probably hogfennel, Peucedanum palustre, marsh mustard); her mother looks after her son; he has grown up, asks about his father, the grandmother replies that he did not have a father; he threatens kill her with a stick, she admits that his father is the rhizome of a mustard plaster; the young Chief Son-Root (SK) leaves, summons monstrous fish out of the water, pulls its throat out, turns it into a boat; the Pest boy asks take it with you, jumps in a boat, the UK just turns it into a pestle; sees a burning tree, comes up, there Grouse (Foolhen, Falcipennis canadensis) touches his burnt eyebrows; SK tells him to peck raw moss, no longer build a house or cook on fire; and Grouse used to collect moss under his wing, set fire to a tree and throw himself into the fire; the rabbit jumped into the boat, the UK killed him; the Otter (Fisher) demanded threatened to hit her prey with her tail, began to hit the water with her tail, spraying the UK; he killed it, threw it to the rabbit; comes to the house, there are many children, the hostess tells them that their father will soon return from hunting; children they see the Otter killed by the UK, he was their father; the UK revives him; enters a house where there are awls on the walls; takes a large one with patterns, the awls dig into it; he sets fire to the house, says that Shilla will no longer be cannibals, but will become moccasin awls; the same in the house where the Combs are; where Bubbles (they will now store tobacco); Kingfisher dives, but the fish slips out; it washes the smell of fish into the bucket , makes soup, SR likes him; he makes Kingfisher claws and beaks so that the fish is easy to grab; he should not live in the house, but by the river, eat raw fish; the same with Osprey; by the river a man who has one the leg is a spear; the SK turns into salmon, harpoons itself, breaks off, carries the tip; he harpoons the fish with it; Ostronog sharpens his tibia again; SK comes to him, says he has caught salmon with a stuck tip; Ostronog tries to cover his leg with a cape; SK offers to play hoop and stick on capes, wins, Ostronog is forced to give his own, SK hits him on the leg with a stick, makes it normal, gives a moose horn, tells you to make tips from moose horn, not from your own bone; everyone goes out to meet SK; ugly Toad causes rain, enters the house; SK is forced enter her; he addresses her, naming varying degrees of kinship, finally says "wife"; she jumps between his eyes; not to tear her off; Coyote says to choose the Sun and the Month; Malinovka is too hot, Coyote talks about everything he sees; SK says he will be the Month, will go far so that the Toad is not so visible on his face; Toadstool's son is one-eyed, becomes a good Sun - he does not see everything so clearly and not so hot; when the sun is less bright, a one-eyed toadstool can be seen]: 57-63; Teit 1917e, No. 8-9 [The robin is too hot; the one-eyed man becomes the sun; the Coyote is made a month, says with everything he sees; then the old chief is made for a month; he arranges a holiday; his house is crowded, Toad has no place to sit; she leaves in anger, causes a downpour; all the lights go out, only her house is light and dry; everyone is going there; she jumps on the face of the Month and has been visible there ever since]: 123-124; Teit, Boas 1930:177-178; flethead [Skomeltem gave birth to a son Amotken, the creator of heaven and earth; the first ones he created people were evil, he destroyed them by the flood; the second race was destroyed by fire from heaven, the third by an epidemic; his mother asked him not to destroy the fourth; there was no sun; the first tried to be the sun The coyote, talked about everything he saw from above, was dragged to the ground by the tail; the raven was black, gave little light; A. sent Spokani's own son to be the sun; people refused to give him a wife, he came to frogs, alone volunteered to be his wife, jumped on his cheek; during the day S. covers his face with a shining cloak; at night she takes it off, is the Month; spots are a frog on his cheek]: Clark 1966:66-68; yakima [the mother sends two daughters to dig roots; they sleep outside, the youngest Yas-lum-mas wants a red star as her husband, offers her sister Tah Pal-Meadow a bright one; the stars take both to heaven; Y. the husband is old, T. is young; husbands do not tell you to dig deep when collecting roots; T. digs, the wind blows into the resulting hole, husbands feel it; sisters weave a rope from hazel root, go down to ground; T. has a child, the Golden Boy (ZM); a woman from the east comes when a blind grandmother (mother of sisters) rocks the baby; replaces him with a rotten snag; a rope descending from the sky, which served as a swing, immediately breaks; sisters soak and squeeze dada (diapers?) , make them a new boy; Blue Jay gets east to a place where the ground rises and falls; flies through the crack, only the feathers of his crest are touched; ZM is already a man, making arrows, throws flint fragments into Blue Jay; he talks about what happened, ZM removes the fragments from the wounds; the wife leaves their son to watch his father; he leaves his hair responsible for himself, along with the Blue Jay returns home; becomes the Sun, made of diapers brother Month; Europeans descend from ZM's remaining son in the east]: Hines 1992, No. 49:141-146; ne perse [Coyote makes the Sun less hot; var.: A month instead of the Sun (one word for both stars, specifying day and night)]: Clark 1966:33-34; vasco [four brothers are missing, the Skylark says to the fifth who killed their father; mother cries, slides on a stone, a stone turns into a man; he has two children; Coyote turns this man into the Sun, makes him a home (a halo around the sun); false suns are his children]: Hines 1996, No. 4:31; tillamook: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 38 [South Wind makes two daughters out of fish caviar; sailing with them in a boat, calls them wives; they jump out, run away, become Wild Women; stealing a baby from a blind grandmother; his mother can't stop them; the boy grows up, they make him their husband; Ice comes for him; he turns his children into fish, goes for Ice; Ice secretly advises various girls to write when getting into the young man's boat, he rejects them; Ice's daughter also wet herself; only the Frog is tested; promises to cure his mother and freak brother, blind with tears, created from urine squeezed out of the kidnapped person's diapers; the young man agrees to marry the Frog; the frog has cured his mother, revived the dead grandmother, shook out the frogs and lizards eaten by him from her husband's brother, making him handsome; at first the young man became the Sun, his younger brother became the Month, but the Sun is too hot, the earth is suffering from heat; then they changed, the month was his older brother]: 142-147; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [Southern The wind (SE) stops, sets a trap for the fish, leaves its excrement to watch it; they shout "fish!" three times , but only a piece of wood is trapped; SE hits them; for the fourth time a female salmon is caught, SE has kept the caviar, he turns her into two girls, calls her daughters, sails with them in a boat, tells them to row, they send the boat one way and the other, SE exclaims why his wives are rowing so crooked; after that, the girls run away from him; Knot River has been winding ever since, and the salmon in them are small like the one he caught SE; girls replace a rotten piece of wood for a baby in the cradle, who is seasick by his blind grandmother while his mother collects roots; the mother of the kidnapped puts a lake, mountain, river in the way of the kidnappers, but they overcome obstacles; the mother was blind from tears, the grandmother died, became a lake; the mother turned the baby's urine-soaked litter into a new boy; he ate frogs, lizards, brothels, became ugly, without legs, fat as a ball; kidnappers are known as Younger Wild Women; make the boy their husband; Ice comes, the young man agrees to go with him, turns his children born to him kidnappers, sturgeon; their mothers decide to become fish; Ice invites a young man to marry someone who can enter his boat; but every girl who tries to do so urinates; only the Frog does not wet herself; says she is not beautiful, but she will revive his grandmother, restore his mother's sight; she did so; she shook the filth out of his brother, made him beautiful; but he is very bright and hot, the earth is burning ; the brother places him in the sky, makes him the Sun, becomes the Month himself; the spots on it are his Frog Wife]: 42-49; (cf. kalapuya [{the sex of the stars is not clear}; the Sun argues with the Month; it says that mountain seekers need spiritual strength; the Sun replies that hunters and women who go to dig tubers and harvest tubers need it berries, and the Month shines only for guys who want to meet women]: Jacobs 1945, No. 4:138-139); Klamath: Barker 1963, No. 4 [an incestuous sister kills her relatives; taken out of her womb by her grandmother To a murdered mother, a boy and a girl shoot a Sun man to force him to say who the killer is; see motive K42]: 27-29; Gatschet 1890 [The frog is the wife of the Month, seen on his CD, he wears it in his heart; when the Bear devours it during an eclipse, it revives it; no data is provided about the Sun's field, but it is denoted by the same word as the Shapash Month, "pointing" (time)]: xxxix; modoc : Curtin 1912:51-59 [see motif A2C; ten Sun Brothers, five of them killed], 81-82 [see motif A12; A month married to a Frog]; Tututney (Joshua) [every day new Suns and Months rise to heaven; makes the Coyote confuse the seasons; he kills 50 Suns and Months one by one; divides the year into 12 segments; the remaining Suns and Months listen to the Coyote; (the sex of the stars is not directly specified, but obviously these are not women)]: Farrand 1915, No. 17:228-233; upper coquill: Jacobs 2007:136-140 [{directly gender Months not specified, but obviously male}; 15 months in the year (p.290: probably not 15, and 20, as Harrington wrote from the same informant), a long cold winter; the Coyote takes a thousand warriors, leads overseas, throwing a handful of sand into the water; a road opens in front of them by water, behind it disappears ; he sends two Mice to gnaw bow bowstrings in the village of Months; in the steam room he kills 7 or 8 months one by one, devoured by a Glutton (a snake); one month he felt dangerous, he was wounded in the thigh , it is now shorter than others - February; locals grab their bows, but their bowstring is gnawed; Coyote and his people return in the same way as he came], 245 [The sun is a man, back to the east goes underground; every day it carries two, three, four dead; therefore, it is better not to turn to him as a source of magical power; he says that no one and nothing comes away from him, he sees everything]; tolova [Sun and Month are both men]: Driver 1939:344.

Northeast. See motive A37. Naskapi (Escumene): Speck 1935a: 59-61 [The sun is too hot; the old man cannot trap him; his son Tsekabek catches; Tsekabek's son sets a trap for the Month, he falls into him himself Tsekabek; his son turns him into a new sun], 62 [Tsekabek traps the Month; he likes the month, he sits on it, releases it; since then his figure has been visible on the lunar disk]; montagnier [Shakabish climbs into the sky, falls asleep on the path of the Sun, who burns his clothes; Shch. asks his sister for pubic hair, makes a snare, the Sun falls into him; released when he agrees to Sch. stayed in the sky; S.h. Seen on the moon disk]: Desbarats 1969:58-63; Delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 55 [a handsome young man lures others to gamble, boys forget about war and hunting; to have him punish, the Great Chief of the Players descends from the moon, wins the young man's eyes; the boy Vemategunis goes to heaven, takes the young man's eyes from the old woman who wears them as part of a necklace in dance time; V. returns the young man's eyes for promising not to play anymore], 76 [The sun is a man; at night he came to the woman's house, asked for bread; she did not have bread; he took it out himself, cut it into four parts, blood came out, he ate it; since then, the woman's children died immediately after birth]: 42, 46; Hitakonanu'laxk 1994 [The Sun is our Father; the Moon for the Eastern Lenapes is our Mother; Western Lenapes in Oklahoma consider the Month to be a man]: 34.

Plains. Grovantre [The Sun and the Moon are brothers; the Sun prefers Frogs because they do not squint at him; the Month prefers girls; becoming a porcupine, it lures one of the two sisters into a tree, from there to heaven; the mother of the Sun and the Month wants to know which daughter-in-law crunches and champs more while chewing meat; the wife of the Month wins with good teeth; The frog tries to nibble on the coals, black saliva flows, the Frog described; the offended Sun throws her in the face of the Month, she sticks to it; the Sun takes the wife of the Month and her son; a woman with a child descends from heaven on a rope; the rope is short, The sun throws a stone at his wife; a woman falls, breaks, her son remains alive; she ruins an old woman's garden; she catches a boy, he lives with her; kills women who turn into snakes; one crawls into his anus kills him; the Month sends cold rain, banishing the snake; the young man and his mother come to life]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 21:90-94; Crowe [The Sun and the Month are brothers; the Month likes frogs, the Sun likes hidat girls; two sisters ask the third to climb a tree for a porcupine; she goes to heaven, goes beyond the Sun; the mother of the Sun and the Month wants to know which of the two daughters-in-law grunts louder while chewing meat; the girl wins, the Frog tries to chew bark on logs; a month throws the Frog out of the tipi three times; on the fourth, she jumps on his back, stays there; a woman gives birth to a son to the Sun; contrary to the prohibition, she digs up a rhizome by doing a hole through which you can see the ground; the son asks the Sun for tendons; the Spider makes a rope out of them; he is short, the mother and son go down only to the top of the tree; the Sun throws a stone at them, telling him to kill his wife spare her son; the boy ruins the old woman's garden; she leaves an arrow and a stick to play ball; the arrow disappears, the old woman realizes that it is a boy, not a girl; catches a boy, he lives in her house; she leaves corn to two Otters; he kills them; it is her husbands, she mourns their death; a young man kills monsters; a snake crawls into his head; the sun expels her with its heat; a young man makes snakes less dangerous; turns into a Morning Star]: Lowie 1918:52-57; hidatsa [Month and Sun are brothers; Month marries girl, Sun on Toad; woman eats thin chunks quietly, Toad eats, chomping, fat; Month laughs at her, she jumps on his back]: Beckwith 1938:117-130; Lowie 1942:2; Mandan: Beckwith 1938, No. 34 [The sun falls into the trap; Sun's brother A month is looking for him; agrees to sit at the door; with Since then, the symbol of the sun is a trap on the tipi wall in front of the entrance; the symbol of the month is drawn above the entrance]: 269-272; Bowers 1950:200-201 [The month wants a Mandan girl to marry, the Sun wants a Toad, because she does not wrinkle her eyes, looking at him; The month turns into a porcupine, climbs a tree; the youngest of two girls climbs after him, ends up in heaven; mother-in-law wants to know which daughters-in-law chews louder; Toad has no teeth, she doesn't chew meat, she chews coal; A month laughs at her, she jumps on his back, is still visible], 299-302 [The Sun is an ogre, married to a Sheyen woman; The month is kind, married to a mandan]; Will 1916 [Without Language - a great warrior; the Sun believes that he is fat enough, is going to destroy and eat him; the Month announces these plans, teaches him what to do; the Sun sends a Sioux warrior, then a sheyen, then a Thunderbird; every time Bez-Tongue sends a friend in his clothes instead, he dies; the Sun eats the one, realizes that he has made a mistake; he turns into a bison, attacks Bez-Tongue; he kills him with an arrow when he hits a vulnerable place on the neck; tells people to cover the carcass with brushwood, the Sun returns to heaven in flame; when Bez-Tongue is old, the Sun and the Month came to him, honored him; the Sun killed him by piercing him heart with your elbow]: 402-406; Will 1913 [see motif K43C; Sun and Month help an abandoned boy and his sister]: 331-337; iowa [see J27 motive; A two-faced monster kills a woman; her sons Dore and Waredua kill Two-Faced and other monsters; V. leaves (turns?) in the Sun, D. in the Month, their father in the motionless (Polar?) star]: Skinner 1925, No. 1:427-441; Osage [people ask various celestial beings to give souls to their children; both the Sun and the Month are referred to as grandfather]: Dorsey 1888a : 389; 1894:376, 378; arapaho [brothers]: Dorsey 1903 [A month wants to marry a woman, the Sun wants to marry a frog because she doesn't blink when she looks at him; The month has become a porcupine, one of the two girls climbed for him into a tree, ended up in the sky; The sun brought a toad or a frog, saw that the girl was better; the girl works hard, crunches loudly for food, old people like her teeth; the frog is idle, she does not have teeth, crunches with coals; the frog jumped on the chest of the Month and stayed there; the wife of the Month gave birth to a boy; the Month does not tell her to dig up rhizomes with withered stems; she dug it, making a hole in the sky saw her camp, began to descend on a rope of tendons, holding the baby behind her back; a month killed her by throwing a stone, her son survived, sucking her chest; the old woman at night picked him up, called him a Star; the boy notices that the old woman leaves someone food, kills a beast with sparkling eyes, gives his grandmother his horns to make spoons, she answers, This is your grandfather; the young man has grown up, left, kills snakes; alone crawled into his anus, then into his skull, leaving his skeleton; he caused the sun to heat, the snake crawled out, he grabbed it, she gave him her skin for his spear; he became the Morning Star]: 212-228; Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 132, 134 [A month hears one girl expressing a desire to marry him, and another wants a bright star as her husband; his brother Sun prefers the Frog because it does not wrinkle her eyes when looking at him; Month turns into a porcupine, a girl follows him, climbs a tree, goes to the sky; the Sun brings the Frog; wives compete to see who chews louder; the frog crunches in coals, black drools; she jumps on the chest of the Month; The month warns the wife not to dig a deep hole by digging roots; she digs a hole in the sky, sees her native village; weaves a rope from her tendons, climbs down it; see motif J18], 135 [woman stays alive, returns to parents]: 121-131; Shayens [Sun and Month both prove their superiority; both are strong]: Kroeber 1900, No. 7:164; arikara [the bird tells the young man to stop in in a certain place; a red man comes there, promises to make him a son, tells him to give him his tongue; a young man cuts off his tongue, falls dead; at night, the Month (he is a white man) revives him, says that the tongue took the Sun; makes him a son, promises to protect from the Sun; now the name of the young man Bez-Tongue (BU; No-Tongue); he is speechless; The Month tells the Sun to take only old things, old weapons; the Sun takes the BIU to heaven, offers to choose, cries that he took the best, will now live a long time; promises victory over enemies, asks the BU to give him a white cape on earth; the Month teaches white to give him, and the Sun is brown; the young man sprinkles white powder on the suncover; the wind blew, the Sun understood the deception; the Sun sends his son to kill BU, he kills him, puts his severed head under the stone, the Sun not to revive his son; the same with the eldest son; The sun turns into a bison, the BU lures him into the swamp, he gets stuck, the BU tells people to cover the bison with brushwood, burns; The month teaches BU to cover his head with false scalp; The sun rises, grabs the scalp, the young man is unharmed; the Sun leaves him alone, returns his tongue; when the BU is old, the Sun took him to heaven]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 16:61-65; kiowa [The Sun sees a girl swimming in the river, draws her into the sky, marries her; does not tell her to dig roots if the stem is bitten by a bison; she digs up, a hole forms in the sky, the woman sees her home; weaves a belt from the tendons, comes down with his son, the belt is short, it hangs in the air; the Month reports this to the Sun; he throws a willow disc at the target, telling him to kill the woman without hurting her son; belt breaks off; the boy leaves his mother dead, steals food from the Old Spider Woman's house; she leaves the ball and bow with arrows, the bow disappears, she realizes that it is a boy; catches him; does not tell him to throw the hoop into the sky; he throws, the hoop falls on his head, splits in two; the Spider tells both boys to leave her to kill monsters]: Marriott, Rachlin 1968:78-89; Tonkawa: Gatschet MS in Newcomb, Campbell 2001 [a young man fires an arrow at the arrogant Sun; it breaks in two, the present sun and month appear from the halves]: 960; Hoijer 1972, No. 14 [The month owns fire; the chief sends a Coyote to steal fire; that throws ash into the watchman's eyes, carries coals on his tail, dry grass lights up; Coyote is married to the most beautiful girl]: 47-48;.

Southeast USA. Caddo [people live underground in the Old Dwelling-Middle of Darkness; choose the Month as chief, go west to go to earth; Coyote decides there will be too many people; violates the ban on looking back; some people return to the underworld; the month cries because it has caused people to suffer, its tears form a lake; it ascends to the sky]: Dorsey 1905, No. 1:7-13.

California. Shasta [(Powers 1877:251; paraphrase in Hatt 1949:77); The Old Mole digs, the land he threw away forms our world; the Great Man created people; they were cold; the Coyote went east, brought flint , gave it to people; the Sun had nine brothers as hot as him, the Month had nine as cold and icy; it was terribly hot during the day, cold at night; the Coyote killed the brothers of the Sun and the Month with his with a flintlock knife; rain - the tears of a man crying in the sky; once a young Indian died, everyone cried so much for him that a flood flooded the earth; only one couple of people survived]: Judson 1994:27-28; yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. D3 [Frog and Grizzly Bear Wives of the Month], J5 [ten brothers, including Sun and Month]: 246-248, 322; Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. F9 [The Sun is beautiful; Rattlesnake, Grizzly , Frog - Wives of the Month, seen on his disc], V7 [The Sun throws his wife Frog into the fire; goes overseas to marry another; he feels sorry for the Frog, he returns to her]: 60-61, 277; Lang 1994 [ The frog jumps from mountain to mountain as it gets to the house of the Month; she is the best wife of the Month, seen on his disc; the Grizzly and the Rattlesnake are sitting on the other side of his house]: 49-54; chupa: Goddard 1904, No. 11 [The Month has ten wives in the west, ten in the east; his wife Frog on his body; beats cougars and snakes that attack him with a club, causing eclipses], 38 [The Month has two wives overseas in the south], 48 [The sun takes in wives Earth, she gives birth to two sons]: 196, 309, 343-345; yuki [the owners of the Sun keep him under a pile of skins; the Coyote comes, puts them to sleep, carries the Sun in a bag; he is caught up, killed, he has time break the Sun; the Sun comes to life and revives; tells him to get up from the east, stop at noon to eat; turns into a young woman, comes to the owners of the Month and the Morning Star; when at home only a little boy, carries bags of luminaries (hereinafter referred to as the Sun); Coyote calls each of the stars his sister's son; along with the Woman Moon]: Kroeber 1932b: 922-925; pomo [Partridge ( Quail Woman) is the sister of the twin brothers of the Sun and the Month, aka two hawks; her husband is the Deer and the owner of the deer, their two sons are Squirrels; the Bear lives with them; she chased the Deer, he hid in an oak hollow, the hole was overgrown; the bear returned home, sat down to talk to the Partridge, killed her and ate her; the Lark told the Squirrels about it; they found their father, but could not free him from hollows; he advised me to ask the Bear for a sunbasket, throw it into the water, say that it was dropped by accident, the Bear will run after her, at this time run; they ask the Growth on the Oak, the Spider not to say that they saw them; the Knat Knat crane stretches its neck to them like a bridge across the river, they find their crying mother, or rather her spirit; The bear hits the Growth, gets stuck, loses time, gets stuck in the web; KK invites her to go backwards; she suspects that another Totokus crane wants to kill her with a hot stone; yet agrees to board his boat; he kills the Bear by hitting her with a hot stone; sons moved the mother, who became a rock, to the place she wanted]: Clark, Williams 1954:88-93; screw [The sun is an evil father-in-law; the hero throws it into the sky; the sun splits, the sun forms and month]: Curtin 1898:121-158; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 7:295; nomlaki [no data on the sun's field, but women's unlikely; Month turns Hawk into a dangerous bear]: Goldschmidt 1951:397 ; kato [there is no data on the field of the sun, but women are unlikely; The month directs the initiation of teenagers in the house for rituals, sewing their mouths so that they do not break the taboo]: Goddard 1909, No. 9:205-206; wappo [Sun, Month - Men, Morning Star, Evening Star - Women]: Driver 1936:195; Yana: Curtin 1898 [kill sons-in-law; stars are daughters of the Month, meteors are daughters of the Sun; False Sun - wife of the Sun]: 285-286; Sapir 1910, No. 3-4 [month male], 6 [sun-man]: 215, 220, 223; atsugevi [the first world was destroyed by the flood, the second by fire when Coyote tried to kill his own Silver Fox's rival; after that, Coyote and Fox descended a rope into the ocean, the Fox created the ground from the skin (or from a piece of turf), stretched it in all directions, created trees, animals, and then people; the Sun and the Month are two brothers who were told by the Fox to climb into heaven and illuminate the world, one during the day and the other at night; the Fox wanted to make two months and two suns, but Coyote said it would be too hot; the sun and month are denoted in one word]: Garth 1953:195; yokutz [see motif C19; Month, Thunder, Sun, Night are brothers; Sun is older than the Month]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 39:231-234; oloni [Sun and The month is both men (No. 1659-1660), the Grizzly devours the Month during the eclipse (No. 1674), if a pregnant woman sees a lunar eclipse, the baby will be born a freak (No. 1677)]: Harrington 1942:42; kawaiisu [Sun - big man; maternal uncle of the Month; (half of the moon is not directly specified)]: Zigmond 1980, No. 42:147-148; Luiseño: Dubois 1908:145 [the sun is called masculine], 145-146 [The Frog bewitches the Months he dies, making everything in this world mortal; after every eclipse he recovers]; Hyde, Elliote 1994, No. 59 [The Frog Son bewitches his Father of the Month; all animals are children of the Month, burn his corpse; The coyote grabs the heart, eats it]: 300-314.

Big Pool. Washo: Curtis 1976 (15) [The grandfather of the two sisters rejects all kinds of plant food they collect; they go to bed in the open; the youngest wants a white star, the eldest, the eldest, to be her husband offers red; stars take sisters to heaven; red turns out to be the Sun, white is the Month; younger sister (wife of the Month) says her husband does not hunt, but bites meat like a coyote, it's bad; the eldest invites her to her place; while digging roots, the youngest pokes an anthill with a stick, making a hole, the sisters see her grandfather below; the eldest asks her husband to collect the tendons that their child wants to play with; they weave a rope, start going down; the child is offended that his mother does not take him, tells his father, the Sun cuts the rope, both women fall and die]: 154-156; Dangberg 1927, No. 2 [escaped from cannibals Nentusu comes to the Caress Brothers with two boys; the elder is taller Pewetseli, the younger Damalali; P. takes N. as his wife, hides her and the boys from D., tells him that they were crows, birds, they flew away; D. finds one boy, kills, leaves his head; N. and another go to the lake, turn into ducks; D. says that people should marry women, not ducks, ducks should eat; from today's territory Payut brothers come to earth your place; P. sees her first; warns D. not to touch the Spider; D. does not believe the Spider kills him; P. comes to the Sun by rainbow; he replies that he has not seen anything, sends him to Month; Month eats frogs, not fish; says he sees only at night, sends back to the Sun, giving two porcupines that the Sun fears; the Sun admits that it saw the Spider drag D.; hangs up the phone tells him to smoke first; when he comes to Spider, P. smokes, Spider dies, P. revives his brother, tells him to hunt a deer, but he chases Beaver, Beaver kills him; P. kills Beaver, revives his brother; the same with Groundhog (Ground) Hog); D. kills Water Baby, scalps him, the lake overflows, D. hides on the mountain; P. tells you to scalp, the water descends, lakes remain in the mountains]: 401-415 (=1968, No. 2:49-68); Lowie 1939, No. 11 [Little Brother Laska is constantly in trouble, his elder helps him out; the youngest is gone again; the eldest comes to the Month, who treats him to frogs, says they are better than fish; his two dogs - porcupines; says that he sleeps during the day, did not see Laska, sends the Sun to Uncle Lasky; he admits that he saw how the younger Laska was dragged away by the Spider; the eldest comes to smoking, killing spiders with smoke and himself Spider, revives brother]: 346; Northern Payutes: Judson 1994 (Kern River, California) [Peace, Old Man, created the world; the Sun was evil, wanted to kill everyone with its deadly arrows; The month was kind; Venus and Mercury are daughters of the Sun; twenty men killed them, but they came to life 50 days later; Rainbow is P.'s sister, her chest is covered with flowers]: 48-49; Steward 1936 (Owens Valley), No. 32 [Sun and People- animals compete to run; the Sun loses, the Coyote burns him], 38 [son-in-law kills the bouncer of the month with an arrow]: 412-413, 425-427; chemewevi [The sun in myths is a man, although grammatically "it"; does a pregnant woman with her "beard" (i.e. rays at sunset and sunrise); visits born twins; The month is also grammatically inanimate, but the name includes a suffix for maternal uncle] : Laird 1984a:21; Utah [both men]: Lowie 1924, No. 48 (Southern Utah) [every morning a girl lies down with her legs apart in the direction of the rising sun; she gives birth to twins from the Sun; they go to visit her father; The old bat woman takes them to the house of the Sun; the Sun's wife is angry; the Sun denies that she had any connections with other women, assumes that the boys' father is the Month; quarrels with the Month, knocks out his eye; Since then, the Month has been dim; the sun cooks the twins in boiling water, they are unharmed; he recognizes them as his sons; they return to their mother]: 77; Smith 1992 (White River Utah): 53-54.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla: Mooney 1898a [White Beads girl lags behind the tribe; The sun shines on her, when she sits down, she gives birth to a son with him; the month shines, when she sleeps, she gives birth to a second; the former is stronger because the Sun is stronger than the Month; the son of the Sun visits his father, destroys monsters]: 200-201; Opler 1938:I.2 and I.3 [first, the Sun and Moon go from north to south; Hactcin's first ancestor spirits command them walk from east to west; the Milky Way is the original path the Sun and Moon took], II.2 [when the Sun's wife is jealous, he is dissatisfied, an eclipse occurs; the same is the Month and his wife], 13, 22, 160 -161; Navajo [adult men; along with the female moon]: Haile 1938 [Month is the Sun's Uncle]: 103; Klah 1960 [Turquoise Man is the Sun, White Shell Man has Month]: 8; Matthews 1994, No. 1 [The month is old man, the Sun is a grown man]: 80; Newcomb 1967:80 in Williamson 1984 [coming out of the lower world, people want more light; the First Woman and the First Man make two discs out of quartz crystals; the first is decorated with a blue turquoise mask (it will give light and heat) with red corals on the edge and earlobes; feathers of a cardinal, woodpecker, lark, eagle are attached on four sides; lightning darts they place the disc in the east; the second disc is turned into the moon; at first the sun does not move, it is hot in the east, it is cold in the west; two old men agree to give their souls to the stars to move them; 12 eagle tail feathers mark the path of the stars across the sky, which varies at different times of the year; the Wind Boy has blew, the feathers have closed the eyes of the Month, so the moon's path through the sky is less regular than the path of the sun]: 43- 44; O'Bryan 1956:48-51 [Sun], 62 [Month]; Stephens 1930 [The old man finds two boys at the spring; under his supervision they make the sun and the month; one carries the sun on his back, the other a month; their name is Walk-Inward-Suns and Walk-Inward-Months]: 104; Hopi [adult men]: James 1940:10-11 at Edmonds, Clark 1989 [people make a disc out of bison skin, draw a face on it they choose a young man who stands on the disc, they throw him into the sky, he turns into a Month; they make a woven disc, choose another young man, who becomes the Sun]: 72-75; Voth 1905, No. 2, 3:5, 13-14; tiva (Taos) [1) The Sun and the Month are brothers, created the world and people; both shone during the day, then the Month began to shine at night, but he did not like it, he ordered death and illness; 2) The sun is the elder brother Months; they got into a fight out of jealousy, the Sun knocked out Eye Month; then agreed which of them should shine]: Espinosa 1936a, No. 58:124; Parsons 1932c (Isleta) [girl gives birth to two boys; calls Wind, Sun, Month as Their Possible Fathers], No. 14:399; Teva: Harrington 1916 [Old Sun and Old Month]: 45; Parsons 1929b [Old Sun and Old Month address the luminaries ; Santa Clara: Brothers find their Sun Father; slow older brother becomes Summer Sun and fast younger becomes Winter Sun]: 264-265; Eastern Ceres (Sia): Stevenson 1894:29-30 [ the first two women (mothers of all things) first create the Sun and then the Month to be brother to the Sun], 143 [The month is the father to the dead, as the Sun is alive]; Stevenson in Boas 1928a: 230 and in Judson 1994:77- 79 [Sussistinnako, a spider living in the underworld, sends her son the Sun to heaven, telling him to go from north to south, then from west to east; both times the son was dissatisfied; he liked it when she sent him to go from east to west; on the way he stops three times for breakfast, lunch and dinner; he wears embroidered clothes, a bow and arrow in his hands, a mask covers his face; the month was sent to the upper world is at the same time as the Sun; every night the Sun passes by its mother]; yavapai [The Sun and the Morning Star are male, not related; The month is also a man]: Gifford 1936:317; kiliva : Meigs 1939 [it was night; Matipá took water in his mouth, spat south, north; took more, spat west (sea arose), east (Gulf of California); smoked, the sea grew; created four mountains, each has a mountain ram (on NE, SE, NW, SW); sheep horns, respectively (the informant does not remember who is in which direction) are dark brown and blue, yellow and oak bark (tan), silver and gray, red and white; took off his skin, pulled it over his horns, but it sagged; told the Mole to dig a passage around the world; a ridge formed, over which M. pulled his skin, and the Mole raised his head and paws (pushed) skin around the perimeter of the world; M. decided to create the Sun; could not remove it from his elbow, muscles, top of his head, took it out of his mouth, because his mouth was hot; created a bush, it did not help to protect himself from the heat; then explosive the snake; it was frightened by the Sun, it moved away from the ground; M. fell ill and died, the body was burned, and people have been dying ever since]: 64-66 (=Olmos Aguilera 2005:117-119); Olmos Aguilera 2005:103-117 [Coyote appeared in the dark- Moon people; light from him; took water into his mouth, sprayed on four sides of the world; the south turned yellow, the north red, the west black (the sea became there), the east white; defined the zenith and nadir, the sky blue, the earth - the colors of paper (amate); lit a cigarette, fell asleep, the smoke of his pipe formed all the roads of the earth and sky; made two pairs of mountain sheep from his calves; put them on four mountains to support the sky with horns; Mole He dug around the world, fixed the coating; created four ancestors of the kiliv from clay; from their union with Deer, Fish, Pheasant, Cat, other animals were born; CLL created the Sun, fell ill himself, died, became a bird; he was offended that no one came to chant the memorial chants; told the Deer to hide the darkness in his bag, thereby taking people's night; ordered them to hand over the bag to the Puma and not open it, he handed it to the Snake, that Eagle, etc.; Finally, the Fox told Coyote, who discovered it out of curiosity, darkness flooded the world, the light disappeared; the Puma ran to CLL, said that they did not know the chants, that only he knew them; he admitted it, told Coyote shoot arrows in four directions, zenith and nadir; day has come again; CLL has become the Month, walking across the sky].

NW Mexico. Huichol: Zingg 1938 [Sometimes the Month is not a woman but a man; first it was in the water; then the great gods of the sea told it to take a seat in the sky]: 514; 1982 [adult men; along with the female moon ]: 183-184, 187-192; bark [female moon for men, male for women]: Lumholtz 1903 (1): 516.

Mesoamerica Huasteca Nahuatl [(no data on the Sun); The month deflorizes girls (the reason for the onset of menstruation); if the Month disappears, women will stop giving birth]: Stiles 1985a: 109; Veracruz Nahuatl ( Sierra de Zongolica) [before the sun rose, the giant snake {Milky Way?} ; the brothers took her sparkling eyes, the Sun took a brighter one, the Month was weaker]: Oropeza Escobar, p. 220 in Chinchilla Mazariegos 2011:84; Aztecs: Krickeberg 1928 [gods come together to choose who will be the sun; two men agree to jump into the fire; the ornate one hesitates, jumps after the inconspicuous; the first to jump soon rises to heaven in the form of the sun, the second becomes a month]: 15-20; Mendieta 1970:79; tepeua: Williams García 1972:17; otomi: Galinier 1990 [Sun and Month - two boys; along with the female moon]: 693-696; Oropeza Escobar 2007 [it was dark and cold; one man told women to wash clothes, it would dry it; went up into the sky and became the moon, but it wasn't warmer; the boy put on bright clothes, got up, became the hot sun, Some underwear burned down; then he put on his bright clothes and stayed in the sky]: 192-193; Totonaki: Arenas 2000:21-24 [the lizard was always basking on a hot stone; the girls noticed a mirror inside him ; only the hummingbirds managed to break the stone; the girls began to argue about who would take the mirror, one accidentally swallowed it; gave birth to a boy; he ordered to collect fuel for the fire; one person said that there would be By the sun; the boy threw himself into the fire, the sun rose; that man threw himself into the coals, became the Month], 31-32 [old people tried unsuccessfully to create the sun; one man ordered to make a fire, burn it; ate hot coals; said that tomorrow it would rise; it was dawn in the morning; the sun was hot, there was an unbearable heat; one man offered to sacrifice a son to the Sun; the other ordered a second fire to be lit; when the coals had cooled down, rushed there, became the Month; after that, the Sun moderated the heat], 37-39 [it was dark, the old man ordered a lot of firewood to be burned, began to eat hot coals; another said it would be the sun, but was afraid to eat coals; first became the Sun, going west (it was already evening); the second one still ate coals, but was smeared in ash; went north, met women washing their clothes, one splashed laundry water into him, he turned yellow; he went up A month; one man caught a rabbit, left it in the Month, since then a rabbit has been seen on it], 42-43 [the boy lives with his grandmother, tells her he wants to be king, ascend to the east, go to the west; no one must fall under the drops of his blood, which will drip at noon when they try to kill him; the boy goes east, the Sun soon rises; the grandmother makes sure that blood drops do not fall on anyone; they have grown out of them pepper, melons, sandía, jitomate, pápalo, quelite; Crocodile came and began to eat pepper; The lizard did not tell him to do it - he would feel bad, and pepper for God's sons]; Ichon 1969, No. II (mountain) [was only the Month, the lover of all women; said that he was the Sun; the boy was watching the Iguana, who was basking on a hot stone; all the birds were hammering a stone, the Hummingbird manages to split it; inside the rock there is a yellow egg; his They surround the girls; it burns their skirts, stays lying on the orphan's skirt; she is told to swallow an egg; she gives birth to a boy; he drinks broth, not milk, does not tell her mother to approach him; climbs a tree the branches light up (the origin of the fire); says that his grandmother will be east at the edge of heaven, his grandfather in the west, his mother at the zenith; tells his dog to give the month-stalker the wrong way; returning to at the crossroads, Month kicks the dog; since then, dogs have not talked; when the Month calls women to make love, they splash water into his face with which they washed corn; since then, the Month has been dim; it is still has been chasing the Sun since; their quarrels cause eclipses]: 55-58; Kelly 1966 [less often the moon is the wife of the Sun]: 396; Relatos Totonacos 1994 [(=Arenas 2000:17-18); it was dark, three wise kings ruled; man found A stone that emitted light and warmth, a lizard constantly lay and warmed on it; one of the kings ordered that the stone be given to the boy, sent him east; one person who spent time at the holidays and seduced women, said that the stone should have been given to him, followed him; the king said that the sun would soon appear, told him not to wait for sunrise when he climbed the tree; one man climbed and was the first to see the sunrise, turned into a secapalo vine (it does not dry the tree it wraps around); the Sun was followed by the Month, which was that seducer of women]: 9-13; Tino 2012 (Olintla) [the old man noticed that on a stone lizards gathered; broke a stone, containing a yellow egg; the girl swallowed it, became pregnant, gave birth to a boy nine months later, died during childbirth; he was raised by his grandmother; he said he would be the leader; they lit a fire, it went up into the sky, the other man was only in cold ash; women washed clothes, it was dry {the second half of the text is not well understood}]: 295-319; Nahuat (Puebla): Báez 2004 (Sierra Norte) [Tonalle Sun is "our father", associated with Christ; Meztle month has no Christian correspondences; deflorizes girls]: 74, 76; Barlow, Ramirez 1962 [a woman has two sons; they are surprised that the mother takes food to the forest; they see a Deer there; the youngest disguised himself as a woman, lured the Deer; the brothers killed him, filled his skin with stinging insects; when the woman came, the scarecrow fell, the insects fell to death they bit it; the brothers rose from the fire into the sky; the elder was frightened, the youngest threw himself into the fire, became the sun; the elder took not hot coals, but ash, became a month]: 55-57; coastal totonaki [see motive A24; ancestors live in a dark cold world; only the sky's serpent, the Milky Way, shines; its mouth is open; a lizard finds a hot stone, cooks on it; four birds manage to break a stone, get it a shining egg; animals bring it to the spring; an orphan girl finds an egg, brings it home; it returns to the spring three times; on the fourth, the girl grabs it with her teeth, it bursts, she swallows him; nine days later gives birth to twin sons; born first stronger; the girl dies, her grandmother leaves the babies on the branches of the magician, they do not die; puts an anon on the tree, whose fruits are similar to women's breasts; babies feed on honey like hummingbirds; the old woman is happy to bring them home; the Great Serpent shines poorly, feeds on young girls; brothers heat stones in the temazcal, throw them into his mouth; it gets completely dark, many people turn into stones and idols; brothers send a green fly to check if the serpent is dead; it flies into the mouth, flies out of the anus - dead; the elder tells the animals that will become the Sun; they should not show his younger brother the path he took; the youngest spends time at the holidays; explains to numerous mistresses that he will be the sun; the elder tells the animals make a fire, jumps into it from the mountain, flies east; his uncle comes later, when the coals are almost extinguished, follows him; his younger brother finds only ash, the animals show him the way to the west; the old man predicts that three will soon appear in heaven; he is considered crazy, thrown to the ground; he turns into a dog, says he will guide the souls of the dead, leading them to the Sun on his trail; The Morning Star rises, all ancestors (tutu na cu) die; the dog takes their souls to the Sun, which judges them; tells the good ones to repopulate the earth]: Münch 1993:37-40; mixteks [the old woman tells two of her own sons take their food to their father in the mountains; sons meet deer, kill it; bring home its meat, fill their skin with wasps, hornets, bees; houses deny that it is their father's meat; the frog says to the old woman, that she ate her husband's meat; the old woman put sand on her back, since then the frog's back is in pimples; her deer husband is killed; the deer does not respond to the old woman, she hits him in the ear, hornets, etc., bite her; sons promise relieve her pain in the steam room; they lock the door, the old woman dies, becomes the spirit of the steam bath; the sons left, met the snake, took her eyes, went up to heaven by rope; who took one and a half eyes became the sun , half an eye - a month]: Dyk 1959:10-16; chatino [brothers]: Bartolomé 1984:10-12; oluta and sayula popoluka: Lehmann 1928:764-765 [Dios Padre is the Sun; Hesu Nazareno there is a daytime month], 767 [The sun is male, (night?) Luna is his wife]; tricks: García Alvárez 1973 in Bartolomé 1984:17-18; Hollenbach 197:129; 1980 [(cf. A3 motive: children are brother and sister); twins are born to a girl (or married by a woman, but not from her husband); they are thrown away to ants, they are alive; then they are thrown into the river; they are caught by the old woman Ga'ah, tells her husband, the deer, that she gave birth to them; the deer lives in the forest, she carries him tortillas; when he leaves, the twins jump out of the cradle to play; the birds warn them when G. returns; once the birds overslept G.'s appearance, the twins no longer take the form of babies; they don't believe that the Deer is their father, they kill him, fill the scarecrow with wasps; the possum is sent to bring fire (see the D4A motif), they roast Deer meat, give G.; the frog tells her what she ate, she doesn't believe it, hits her, now the frog's skin is wrinkled; G. is angry that the Deer is silent, hits him with a stick, bitten by wasps; drives the twins out of the house; the snake is going to devour the world, the twins throw hot stones into its mouth; send a fly check if the snake is dead; the fly defecates in its left eye; the younger brother takes a brighter right eye, the older brother takes the left eye; the brothers go, the youngest wants to drink; the older one gets water as soon as the younger one agrees to change eyes; G. comes to the twins; they put her to sleep and rape her, putting stones on her penises; they run away to heaven, the eldest becomes the Sun, the youngest becomes the Month; he swallowed the rabbit, that is now visible on it; the birds wake up G., she is covered in blood; she throws after the twins the parts of her loom (turning into the Taurus constellation) and sandals (turning into the Pleiades); G. herself becomes a spirit steam bath], No. 8.26-8.37:463-468; Valentini 1899 [The sun is moving forward rapidly, the month spends time catching and eating a rabbit; it gets stuck in its throat; since then the Month is pale]: 39; Cuicatec [brothers]: Bartolomé 1984:6-9; Masateks: Incháustequi 1977 [Month (Nal Tsa) - Man; Sun (Nay Tsult) - Eternal Father]: 37-38; Portal 1986 (ohitek; along with the idea of the moon as a woman) [the cannibal woman had fire; all the animals came to her party, only the rabbit refused; the month was more stupid than the sun and was eaten at the festival; the dog stole bones, gave it to the sun; the head of the month was in a pot; the animals tried to make the woman dance, but she did not want to, was afraid that the month would be stolen from her; but the possum amused her so much that she set off in the dance and the dog took the pot away from months; and the opossum reached the fire and carried away the fire on its tail; since then its tail is bald; the month and the sun are brothers; the sun has revived months, but a piece of bone has disappeared, so the moon is pale; the month used to be brighter than the sun, but now the sun is brighter; the cannibal pursues the sun to select the month; sometimes it catches, but the sun is slowly getting out of it]: 56-57; quiche [cf. J4B motive; after defeating the lords of the underworld, brothers rise to heaven; one gets the Sun, the other gets the Month]: Popol-Vuh 1959:32-78; kakchikel [The Sun and the Month are older brothers; transform the youngest to the monkey when he tells their grandmother that the hoes are working for them; they kill the grandmother by throwing her first into the steam room then into the fire]: Thompson 1970:357 in Milbrath 1999:24; tsutuhil [The old woman has nine young sons; the elders sent the youngest to get the crab from under the big stone; he could not get out; when he moves, earthquakes occur; the elder brother became the Sun, the second Seniority - Month; the brothers asked their mother to heat the bathhouse for them, closed it themselves in it, she died, became the spirit of a steam bath]: Orellana 1975, No. 10:854-855; Soconusco mestizos [daughter of a poor woman rejects grooms; God comes disguised as a beggar, also rejected; turns into a bird, sits next to her; the girl hits her with a stick, then puts it under her clothes; the bird comes to life, bites her breasts, flies away; she gives birth to two twins; she dies herself, turns into the land we live on; the grandmother wants to eat the twins, tells her many sons to kill them; they are going to throw the twins into a deep ravine; ants tell them to jump on their own; one jumps, turns into the Sun, rises to the sky, burning his grandmother; she turns into a black-headed wind, chasing the Sun in vain; the other brother jumps later becomes the Month; uncles jump after them, become stars, can't grab the Month]: Navarrete 1966, No. 1:422-423.

Honduras-Panama. Brothers, if not otherwise. Sumu: Conzemius 1932:126 [bright planet {apparently Venus} is the "wife of the Month"; she was the girl that moon god Udo raised by the toes to heaven; various celestial bodies travel across the sky in boats ], 129-130; Houwald, Rener 1987 (3): 12 [(=1984:54-55); the brothers fell into the river, lit a fire on the other side to keep warm; they found corn in the forest, began to bake it; after eating, they threw the remaining cobs on land and water; they became different species of fish, animals and birds; the elder Papang caught fire, rose into the sky, became the sun; then the youngest caught fire and began to rise; he tried to shake off the fire, sparks became stars, he himself became the Month; the sumu was created by the rays of the Sun], 14 [Uhubaput and Udu had skin disease (karate); they were all driven away; they threw darts at people, saying the name the appropriate animal; so they turned everyone into animals, birds and fish, became handsome themselves; now women wanted them, but they also turned them into animals, left two for themselves; they began to dance in the fire; Udu was the first to try to get up, could not; Uhubaput rose, became the Sun; Udu after him became the Month]; Guaimi: Margery Peña 1990 [two boys live with their mother Evia; she goes to holidays, leaves children in ash at the hearth; one day he meets two handsome men there, one in gold robes, the other in white (silver); tries to attract their attention, they do not answer; someone says it her sons, she does not believe; the same on the second holiday; she watches her sons for the fourth time, returns before them; when sons return in the form of beautiful men, both they and the mother pretend that nothing did not happen; before drinking white and red cocoa, they go swimming in the river, telling their mother not to open the vessel; she took off the lid; there is a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in oil; butter burned her eyes; sons come back, drink cocoa; throw her mother east, west, south, she comes back every time; throw her into the depths of the earth; kill and follow her parrot; when she tries get out, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see if the fruits (these are people) are ripe; The sun in golden robes, the Month in silver themselves watch the seeds of the earth (=people) one day, the other at night]: 25-27; Séptimo, Joly 1986 [two little boys live with their mother Evia; they are always sitting in ash by the hearth; their mother goes to holidays, sings well; one day she meets two handsome men there one in a golden robe with a golden rod, the other in white (silver) with a silver rod; puts on his best clothes and jewelry, tries in every possible way to attract their attention, they do not answer; some say she does not believe that they are her sons; she tries in vain to follow them after the end of the holiday, finds her sons sitting in ash at home; the same at a festival elsewhere; at the third time; for the fourth time pretended to go to a party, hid by the road; those two men were passing by; the woman did not find her children at home; while she was waiting, she began to draw different shapes and lines with her fingers and NGOs - now it's rock carvings; when they come back as handsome men, both they and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; they make white and red cocoa; they go swimming in the river before drinking it , tell the mother not to open the vessel; she removed the lid; there is a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in butter, as if fried raw; the butter burned her eyes; the sons come back and drink cocoa; silver feels a little sorry for her, gold doesn't; they throw their mother east, west, south, she comes back every time; throw her into the depths of the earth; kill and follow her parrot; when she tries get out, an earthquake happens; she wants to get out to see if the fruits (these are people) are ripe; {p. 20-21 is missed, p. 22 discusses the meaning of the myth; it is obvious that the golden son has become the Sun, silver - Month}]: 11-22; bokota [a woman's two sons (the Sun and the Month) are covered with ulcers; she goes to dance, sees handsome men, does not know that they are her sons; she returns before them glad when they appear in all their splendor; The sun tells the grandmother to tell her mother to open the jar in which cocoa is brewed; the mother opens, from there the hot coals, it turns dark, the world lights up; The sun sends animals and birds to the Thunders to bring water to extinguish the fire; the Toad went, did not bring it; Vulture, Hummingbirds say they did not find rain (they did not look for: one ate carrion, the other sucked tobacco juice); Swallow gets water, Thunder tells me not to look back; she looked around, scared, huddled into a hole under a stone; when she got out, everything around is wet after the rain; the Toad kept the fire in her mouth, otherwise it would all go out; The Sun (and Month) rise to the sky, the Sun takes care of men, Month for women]: Margery Peña 1990:37-38 (=1994a, No. 4:66-71); kuna: Chapin 1989 [Olotvaligipileler secretly visits his Sister Magiriay; she tells the lice, the tick, the sand flea to wake herself up; the flea wakes up, M. smears his lover's face with a genipa, dries the rivers; in the morning he sees his brother's face; he runs away in shame; M. runs after him, returns to get his baskets, loses his way; on the way he copulates with many animals; brother rises to the sky for a month, spots are visible on his face; on the river bank, old woman Mu Quelopunayai invites she hides her in the house, hides her in a vessel; her sons are iguanas, wild pigs, tapirs, fish; they say they smell pineapple; the next day, Mu hides M. under the roof; on the third, she turns her into a weaving part machine; the old woman's sons find her, devour it on the river bank; Mu cooks giblets; the boiling pot splits, the cockerel and seven other birds pop up; the cockerel sings Ibelele (sun); eight The brothers grow up, the old woman says she is their mother; while hunting, the bird tells them that the fish swallowed their mother's bones; the old woman tells them to kill the birds; the brothers wonder why they are so beautiful and their mother The frog is ugly, noseless; Mu makes his nose out of clay; the brothers push Mu into the river, Y. hands her golden staff; cuts off her fingers when she clings to him, they fall into the water, turn into frogs and toads; the old woman stays in the water, turns into a toad; brothers catch fish, get their mother's skills, try to revive her eight times, but she turns into different animals; brothers bury bones ]: 33-42; Holmer 1951 [the young man sleeps with his sister; she tells her first, then the tick, the flea to wake her up; the flea wakes her up on time, she smears her lover's face with genipa juice; asks the Rivers Master to dry them; in the morning, the brother does not can wash off the paint, leaves shame; the sister follows him; returns three times for her faith to fan the fire and other objects, loses her way; goes to the sound of her brother's flute, then stops hearing it; asks four other species of cockerel and birds about the road; each shows the way after she agrees to sleep with him; brother goes up to heaven, becomes a Month; spots are still visible; children it is said to be a rabbit; an old woman on the river bank invites a girl into the house, turns her into a loom part, hides her in straw on the roof; the old woman's sons find her, drag her to the river, drown her, turn her into fish, eat it; the old woman asks to leave her uterus; the boiling pot splits, the cockerel jumps to the edge, screams Ipelele (the sun); then birds of those species appear from the pot, with with which the woman copulated; then the boy Puksu (Morning Star) and eight other stars come out; the boys grow up; when hunting, the turkey says that the fish ate their mother; I. and P. turn into whales, they kill fish, take the mother's bones out of the abdomen; wash the old woman into the water with a wave, she turns into a frog; now the Sun dries the skin of frogs; I. resurrects the mother eight times, she breaks up again; wants turn into a dog, a snake, other objects; I. buries bones]: 145-155.

The Northern Andes. Embera [along with the female moon]: Wassen 1933, No. 4:110-111; guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 1, 2 [first the Sun shines at night and the Month in the daytime; they quarrel and fight, change roles], 3 [Month-married to Sun's sister Venus]: 21-25, 26-27, 27-28; yupa: Halbmayer 2004:41 [two hunters got lost; killed, fried a wild boar (Collared peccary), fell asleep; one became the Month, rose into the sky at night; the second by the Sun, rose in the morning], 41-42 [The sun invited a person to his place, offers to drink tobacco; he intends to drink the guest; the person replies that he only smokes tobacco; the son comes Months, warns that the Sun wants to kill and eat a person; he runs to the Month; the Sun and Vulture are coming for him; the man hides in one of the vessels in which the daughters of the Month hide during menstruation; The sun goes away, the Vulture takes one of the daughters of the Month; the man marries another; wants to go home; The month sends a sparrow to carry the person to earth; warns not to eat hot; that ate, died]; Villamañan 1982, No. 2 [Vicho Sun and Month Kunu are married men, cannibals; a man goes to the Sun, marries his daughter; The month warns him of danger, man runs away]: 15-16; Wilbert 1974a, No. 2 [there were two Suns when one came in, the other rose; the Kopecho woman invited one of them to the party, began to lure him with her dance in front of a hot coal pit ; The sun fell into the hole, his body turned white, his eyes became like hot coals; he got out, threw K. into the water, it became a frog; he himself rose to heaven, losing his brightness and becoming a Month; the Sun and the Month are brothers; Stars are people of the Sun, they don't like the Month, because Star refused to marry one of his many daughters; 114

Stars attack him every month, the Month becomes small; the son of the Month is a star that can't be seen; the daughters of the Month are also not visible, they are always at home; the Milky Way is the road of the Sun and the Month]: 76-77; muiski (prov. Tunja) [along with the Woman Moon; Kasik Sogamoso and his nephew Kasik Tunja make men out of yellow clay, women out of reed; uncle tells his nephew to rise to heaven to become the Sun; there is not enough light Uncle gets up himself, becomes the Month]: Simón 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 11:212.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [along with Woman Moon; younger brother puts the sun in the sky and the older brother places the month]: Boglar 1977, No. 2:235-236; yabarana [the sun is a bird (see H24 motif); to identify a lover, the girl paints her breasts with red paint; he washes it, then black; in the morning she identifies her brother; in shame he turns into a Month, the spots are still visible; when he turns red, women have periods]: Wilbert 1959: 62 (=196:156); panare: Delgado 2004 [When Month copulated with a woman, she menstruated; his children are distant stars; the first sun that Mareoka created quickly went out; the darkness found hunters in the forest, they could not return; M. tried to make a new sun, created the Sun Boy; when he slept, it was dark, and when his father went hunting, he was not allowed to sleep; the boy grew up, became the Sun; and now it's night when he sleeps, the day is when he's awake]: 128-129; Halbmayer 2004 [Mattei-Muller 1992:36 showed that Panare's Month is male (Dumont's Moon has a woman]: 39; makiritare [Makus áni hunted in the forest, chased the frog, it rode away, he got lost; the forest chicken (gallineta) looked like a pretty girl, invited her to her house, did not tell me to touch her; M. tried meet her, she became a chicken, flew away; M. came to the river; the Otter (perro de agua) took him to his house, promised to take him home if he did not look forward or back; M. looked through his fingers, The otter left him in the water; M. climbed the tree to sleep; Nuna (Month) saw his reflection, realized that he was not in the water, but in the tree when M. spat; brought him to heaven, married two daughters; sent for With firewood, the wife admits that his father will eat him; he throws sand in her back, she thinks wasps, rushes to run, M. runs the other way, comes to Shi (the Sun); N. is looking for M., S. says that's where it was not, drives N. away with heat; M. marries one of Sh.'s two daughters; S. gives a wind gun, tells him not to look through it; M. looks, sees his house, mother; the wife also wanted to look, both found themselves at the ground in M.'s house; M. hides his wife under the basket; when he left, her mother found her, began to beat her; M. reconciled them; all three returned to heaven at Sh.'s house, live there now]: Civrieux 1959:119-120 (=1980:119-120 { pagination is correct!}) ; Sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 2 [The month sent a man for brushwood; then demanded more; the man realized that the Month wanted to eat it; the man hid by the Sun, who burned the face of the Month, the spots remain; when the Moon is pink, he and his family eats human; when the Month hides, he prepares to attack; women paint images of the Sun on their cheeks to defend themselves], 324 [Colchester 1981: 72-74; the young man went to the otter people, fell behind them; met the girl Tinamus sp.; she invited him into her hammock, flew away when he tried to have sex; told him to wait three days, but he left climbed a tree above the river; the Month came, saw a reflection, began to catch; the young man spat, the Month looked up; brought the young man to his house, told his wife to bake cassava for meat; the son of the Month told the young man to run away, He showed three roads - to the stars, to the vultures, to the Sun; the young man came to the Sun; when the Month came for him, the Sun baked it with its heat; now there are spots in the month; the Sun gave a sarbakan, told him not to look; The young man looked through him, flew out with a dart, fell outside his house; his mother did not recognize him, wanted to copulate; he said who he was, she was happy]: 30, 568-570.

Guiana. Varrau [along with Woman Moon]: Wilbert 1970, No. 17-19 [month of incest with his sister], 166 [The Sun is the father of twin heroes]: 63-65, 357-361; Dominica's Caribbean [about the sun field no data, but a woman is unlikely; a month goes to her sister at night; the girl's mother stains her lover's face; out of shame he rises to heaven in the morning, his face is still stained; the hummingbird raises him to him son (The Sun?) , receives bright plumage as a reward]: Delawarde 1938 [stains with genipa juice]: 202-203; Taylor 1952, No. 1 [soot]: 269; carinha (Orinoco): Civrieux 1974:82 [The Sun is the father of twin heroes], 94 [ European story like "Hans and Gretel"; brother and sister push the cannibal into the fire; they have two dogs, Nuno (Month) and Veda (Sun); apparently both males]; Taulipan [without details]: Weiss 1975:487; arekuna [Wéi (Sun) and Kapöi (Month) were friends; K. visited one of W.'s daughters at night; her father told her to smear her lover's face with his menstrual blood; K.'s face remained dirty, he avoids meeting W.]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 15:54-55; Lokono, Carinha (Guyana): Roth 1915, No. 195, 198:254, 256; Kalinya: Ahlbrinck 1924 [Afternoon Month hunts, then dries the game over the fire; first the mouse is quickly ready, the next day the rabbit, anteater, etc., the daughter is getting bigger, it takes longer to cook her, so the decreasing moon rises later; eclipses Moons happen when the Month fights with the Sun and sleeps after a fight]: 221; Goeje 1943, No. b3 [a woman died, her daughter went to heaven to look for her; lost her way, got to the Month she married; seen on the moon on a full moon], d21 [The sun begins to illuminate the earth to see if his wife is faithful]: 28, 108; curl [The sun took the girl as his wife; when she turned away, she opened his basket of sun, the world became bright]: Goeje 1943, No. d43:108; Makushi: Roth 1915, No. 204 [Evening Star - Wife of the Month]: 260; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 5 [Anikê and Inskirã brothers went east, came to an old woman; she has corn, bananas, all kinds of fruits; they followed her, came to a tree with sweet potatoes, corn, bananas, etc.; decided to cut it down; A. cut it from the west, I. from the east; when she fell the tree was carried away by the sun; it became dark; the brothers Arepopu and Makauaré said that the sun was at the bottom of the river; another pair of brothers Loriuepaneima and Uomai pointed in the direction; these four began to dive, took out pieces of the sun; A. collected them, revived them; the Sun is a thirty-year-old man; promised to let the moon shine at night as a reward], 7 [forest and water creatures killed the Month, dismembered the body; the fly showed Jesus where in the forest and remains are scattered in the water; Jesus collected him, revived him, he was resurrected in the guise of a 3-year-old man]: 82, 83; waiwai: Fock 1963-35, 54-55 [The month of Nuña comes to his sister at night; at this time his the spirit plays the flute outside the house so that the girl thinks that her lover cannot be her brother; his sister smears his face with a genip; in the morning he cannot wash himself, covers his face with his hands; his sister scolds him; he does a chain of arrows, I understand to the sky, the spots remained; var.: sister became a star (no details)]; Roe 1991b [The Sun almost burned everything, and the Month sent rain, returned water to the rivers]: 95; trio: Riviere 1969:264-265; Akuriyo [no data on the field of the Sun, unlikely for women]: Jara 1990:69 [Jupiter and Venus are wives of the Month], 77-78 [Month is a hunter, causes regula in women; if the moon is visible during the day, this is just a pale reflection of the Month that is on earth]; aparai [Sun and Month each sail in their own boat; without details.]: Rauschert 1967, No. 29:199; oyana [about the field of sun no data, female unlikely]: Magaña 1987, No. 2 [a man leads his wife to the forest, kills and roasts; gives meat to his mother-in-law under the guise of game; she recognizes her daughter by a cotton sheath bracelet; his wife's brothers pursue her husband; he rises to the sky, becomes the Month; it shows the remains of his wife], 4 [the wife leaves her blind husband in a tree; the bird lowers him, regains his sight; he kills and roasts his wife, feeds her mother-in-law meat; runs to sky; spots on the moon disk - he and his wife], 98 [to find out who comes to her at night, a girl smears his face with a genip; in the morning she recognizes her brother; he rises to heaven in shame, turns into a Month]: 34, 54; hishkaryana [{there is no data on the field of the sun, a woman is unlikely}; A month comes to her sister at night, she smears her lover with a genip, he makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven; from there he said Who dies, comes back in a short time; people didn't hear, crickets heard]: Derbyshire 1965:26-27; Oyampy: Grenand 1982, No. 12-14, 20 [two hunters ambush birds in a tree; an underground woo (creatures like huge sloths) came out, noticed one, looked at his head; the second followed the hole under the roots of a tree, went down to the lower world; two children c. answered that their parents were fresh in kinkaju, told how their weapons worked; the hunter demolished their heads; for two months, the hunter stole peanuts from the Sun's garden; was trapped; the Month asked the Sun sell him a "monkey" for his son; brought man to earth; from him we know what is underground]: 132-134, 167-168; emerillon: Perret 1933:78 [the sun is the supreme deity], 85 [month].

Ecuador. Kayapa [Sun and Month - Men]: Barrett 1925:353

Western Amazon. Koreguahe: Jimenez 1989, No. 19 [Pai Kansao (month) came to people who were going to dance and paint their faces; told them to be monkeys who have this coloring; they became monkeys, ran away into the forest, asked what to eat; he replied that fruits; in another village, where dancers had woolen necklaces and black kushmas, PC turned them into wild pigs; let them eat coconuts, kaimo fruits, etc.; in In the third village, a man asked the PC to remove the splinter from his leg; he drove it even deeper, his leg was completely swollen, became the leg of a tapir, the man asked where to sleep, the PC answered where; by a tree with flowers Unsuu (the sun) asked the PC to climb to pick flowers; W. looked from below, said that the PC had a face like the moon, it turned into a month, went up], 41 [when Painsao quarreled, turned his opponent into an animal ; this is how he and his companion stayed; the sky was low; when menstruating women knocked on him, it moved away; P. and his companion made a chain of reeds (reed darts?) , sticking them one into the other; P. climbed half way, returned, told the companion to climb; he climbed into the Month; P. climbed into the vessel, where he lit the fire, ascended to heaven by the Sun]: 40-41, 91-92; Zion [ month is the father of the sun]: Chaves 1958:136-137, 145-147; Vickers 1989:167; Sekoya [like Zion]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 7:65; Mayhuna [like Zion]: Belleir 1991b, No. 5d: 201-203; 1992:40; napo [brothers]: Mercier 1979:27-28, 106 [month old man, sun boy]; canelo [Sun and Month are older and younger brothers; they have one wife for two; Month is unhappy that she stays too long with his older brother; burned both smut; The sun covered with a shell, suffered slightly; the brothers began to fight, the Month knocked out the Sun's eye; since then it has not been so hot]: Coloma et al. 1986:43-44; waorani: Matusovsky 2012 [two brothers had black vegetable paint to paint their face and body, painted it; one said he would go to heaven the next night; because his face was painted, people from then They say when they see spots on the moon - this is the brother who rose to heaven with black spots on his face; we see not the moon, but his face]: 237; Rival 1996:263; 1998 [The sun is the creator, our grandfather; his grandchildren -otters push him into the fire; his wife puts ashes and bones in a vessel; finds a four-month-old boy in it]: 637; shuar [Sun and Month are brothers, had one mistress; She had a month, the Sun I started beating him, knocked out his eye; before that, it was unbearably hot on the ground, because the month was as hot and bright as the Sun]: Rueda 1987, No. 4:55-56; achuar [not related]: Mowitz 1978:17, 69; Aguaruna [not related]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1): 285-289; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 1 [myth of the birth of the Sun, see motive j6], 15 [Etsa sun and Nántu month are both men; each decided to go hunting with the other's wife to find out who was the best hunter; E. quickly returned with rich prey; N. came only in the evening empty-handed; E.'s wife explained that N. was nothing can get it; E. decided that his wife was not loyal to him, and went up to heaven; N. followed, but stayed closer to the ground]: 39, 202.

NW Amazon. Carijona [Solnze is a younger brother born from a hummingbird egg, Month is older; see motif A47]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:21-54; Tarian [the hypostasis of one character]: Brüzzi 1994:134; baniva (no specific ethnicity, data refer to both Arawaks and Eastern Tucanos) [half of the stars are male, half are women; Sun and Month are both men]: Brüzzi 1994:63; cubeo: Goldman 1963 [Sun and Month are called the same - Avta; The Sun is the Month, but during the day that gives off light and heat; the Month is a voluptuous hunter; every month it goes down to copulate with girls and non-pregnant women]: 181, 258-259; 1940 [like a Tarian; Month - a short fat man with big teeth; combines with women, digs graves]: 245; desana [brothers]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968 : 17; 1975 [The Sun and the Month are brothers, live in heaven; The sun lives openly with her daughter as a wife; the Month goes to her secretly, she takes him for the Sun; one day he comes when she is menstruating; she pushes him away with a bloody hand; since then, the face of the Month has been stained]: 137; ufaina [Month is son of the Sun]: Hildebrand 1975, No. XI: 345; letuama [Month is son of the Sun]: Palma 1984:36; tatuyo: Bidou 1972:66 [The month is the son of the Sun who committed incest with his younger sister Mene Riyo], 70 [The Sun is the initial principle, no one is older than it]; macuna [The Sun is the elder brother or father of the Month] : Trupp 1977:62; Barasana [brothers]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 3:272; Torres Laborde 1969:57, 61 [Sun and Month are both men, bearing the same name Muyhu or Muhihu; differ as day and night; The month is associated with evil, the Sun with good; when the Sun and the Month greet each other, they call each other Hakó (this is how members of different exogamous call each other units)]; yukuna [brothers Kamu (Sun) and Keri (Month) are moving along the sky river; stars travel along it]: Hammen 1992:143; andoke: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:45; bar [o Sun field no data]: Jackson 1983:204 [if Venus is seen near the moon, it is said that she is the bride of the Month], 206 [I went to see my sister for a month, she smeared him with her genip, the spots are still visible; during eclipses A month descends to earth eating corpses, people are trying to drive it back to heaven]; witoto [along with Woman Moon]: Preuss 1921, No. 8 [brothers], 9 [Is the Month the Father of the Sun?] : 75-76, 304-315; San Roman 1986:118 [brothers]; Wavrin 1932 [not related; Sun is evil, Month of Good]: 135 (same 1937:547); bora [along with the female moon]: Girard 1958 [Sun and Month of Steel argue who should shine during the day; fight, the Sun won]: 275; Wavrin 1932:139, 143 [The sun is angry, burns the earth, fills it with hot water; the month cools it down; the girl smears the face of an unknown lover with a genip; them It turns out that her brother Month, out of shame he rises to heaven]; Okaina: Girard 1958 [The month met with her sister; the mother noticed her daughter's pregnancy, the father (his name is "Light, Clarity") squeezed the fetus out of her belly, ordered his lover to smear his face with genipa juice at night to find out who was going to see her; it turned out that the brother ran to heaven, became the Month, put on jewelry so that his father would not notice his soiled face; younger the sister asked who smeared his face, he admitted that his older sister; the youngest asked me to take her to heaven as well; the month told him not to look down; everyone below was screaming, the girl was afraid of screaming, looked down fell, turned into a toayo bird {apparently a nightjar}, now sings on a full moon; the father drove away (again) her eldest daughter, who had become pregnant, she gave birth, came to the old woman's house; she painted her body to protect her from animal bravo (otter or jaguar); when bathing, the paint washed off, the fierce beast ate the woman; the boy was raised by an old woman; at the age of 5 he was discovered (le revelaron) that his father was a Month and his mother was eaten by a fierce beast; boy went to the forest to play with a cancer shell (huesos de cangrejo), so he made the first fire; trained by throwing darts at tree trunks; met a fierce beast; he invited him to play together, was going to eat it; the boy made a bridge across the river, ran across it; when the beast ran, the bridge collapsed, the beast was killed; the boy went to look for his father; the Month sent him feathers and ornaments; the son made them a crown and wings, rose to heaven, became the Sun]: 137-139; Wavrin [the old Sun was weak, the father killed him; the victim's younger brother killed his father, became the new sun; his face burns brightly with anger; the month went to his sister; to to identify his lover, she smeared his face with her genipa; out of shame he went to heaven]: 144; chikuna [along with the female moon]: Nimuendaju 1952:142 [a lonely young man is fishing; the sun swims up, takes him in his boat; the young man does not feel the heat, but understands who is with him; they are already sailing across the sky; the sun is fishing pirarucu, baking with its heat; they stop eating; The sun asks why the young man eats like this not enough, hits him on the back of the head, the young man belches a lot of cockroaches; this was the reason why he could eat little; the sun collected bones and scales, made them again, it swam away], 143 [brother came at night in a hammock to her sister, she gave birth to a son; according to custom, she painted the baby's back with a genipa, placed a pot of paint by the hammock; at night she smeared her lover's face with her hand; he could not wash himself, went up to heaven, became the Month] ; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 10A; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 10B [the moon shines weakly; The sun tells the mother that it is stronger than the moon, tells the mother to cook achiote, drinks a boiling broth, rises to the sky; the mother burns at that moment; the sun goes down, revives her], 11 [the brother secretly meets with her sister, she becomes pregnant, says it to the mother, they prepare black paint, the girl smears the face of an unknown lover; In the morning, spots on his brother's face, he rises to heaven, becomes a month]: 109-110, 112; yagua [The sun rose on the fire, rose to heaven for his father Month]: Chaumeil 1983:163; Flornoy in Girard 1958 [Jaguars visit people, copulate with women; people hide a girl, a Jaguar finds her, kills her; her body is thrown into the river; water with some seeds enters her bosom; a boy is born, his people they raise; he says he will return to his father; people are scared, they think he is Jaguar, but his father is a Month; he rises to the sky from the fire, becomes the Sun]: 48; Powlison 1972a: 71-72.

Eastern Amazon. Not relatives. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1920:1010-1011; urubu: Huxley 1956:165-167 [see motif A31; after incest with sister The month rises to heaven on a chain of arrows; the sister follows him, turns into Evening Star], 214 [The Sun is male (no details)]; Ribeiro 2002 [The Sun and the Month ate Fruits; The Month is upset that the Sun's excrement has thin fibers and coarse fibers; The Sun asked the woodpecker his crest to make himself a hat; he warned him not to drop it to the ground, threw fire, the Sun caught it, made himself a hat, hid it; he found the Month, wanted the same; knowing that the Month was fire drops, the Sun covered its hut with a layer of clay; when the woodpecker threw fire to the Month, it dropped it, the earth caught fire, the Month survived a global fire in the centipede hole (Tipula oleracea insect); The Sun found bakers who died in the fire; began to fry fat ones, gave the thin ones to the Month; the Month asked for fat, the Sun threw hot meat into his stomach, he rushed into the river in pain; taking meat, both walked along the bare plain]: 242-245 ; tenetehara [(no data on the Sun, but everyone has a dull Sun is a man); The star fell in love with the Month, asked his mother for help; she warned that his wife would have to cook for the Month; Month agreed to marry the Star; since then, a star following the moon at night has been seen]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 9:135.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 80-83 [see motif A3; grandfather kills the Sun's mother, who lives with his grandmother; Pauhil tells him the truth; The sun kills his grandmother, feeds her grandfather meat, rises to heaven; wears a feather crown and two hats one at a time; wears a black one when clouds, white when it's clear], 102-103 [The month is in love with many women; old people recognize, laugh at him; he asks him to rain, people are soaked; at night she visits his cousin (prima); she smears his face with her genip to find out who her lover is; in the morning he is ashamed to leave the house; she finds him, talks about what happened to Kumpanama ; he tells them both to go to heaven; now some say that the moon is that woman and others that the month is that man]; amuesha [were brother Yatash and sister Yachur, lizards (all creatures were then either jaguars or lizards); after going for fruits, Yachur found flowers, hid them in her bosom; when she returned home, a thunderstorm began; after a lightning strike, the flowers disappeared, and Yachur conceived; after a thunderstorm, she appeared a rainbow decorated with those flowers; everyone thought Yachur was pregnant with her brother, they wanted to kill Yatasha; the old kuraka said she was pregnant with lightning and would give birth to the Sun and the Month; on the way to the spring, Yachur met a jaguariha Patonille; she ate it; water flowed out of Yachur's belly, formed a river; the twins born swam along it, hid under water; Yatash is accused of not following his sister; he found out where the Sun and the Month have hid; everyone is unsuccessfully trying to catch the twins, only Yatasha succeeds; P. takes them up; they annoy her with their pranks; she boils water to cook them; asks her to look for them in her head so that the boys would not run away; P. fell asleep, the brothers threw her into the cauldron, cut her, scattered the pieces, hid themselves on the roof, becoming young men; jaguar relatives met for a meal, called P., pieces they answer from different sides; jaguars find boys, set fire to the hut, they run across the river; the jaguars build the bridge, the brothers brought it down, almost all the jaguars drowned]: Tello 1923a: 128-130 (retelling in Kühne 1967: 311-314); Ashaninka [Month - Father of the Sun]: Varese 1969-1970 (Pajonal campa district): 167; Shaver 1975 (nomatsigenga): 51; Weiss 1975 (river camps): 267-268; machigenga [Month - Father of the Sun]: Baer 1984, No. 1 [people eat land; daughter has her first period; mother leaves her in the hut, tells her not to go out, goes to bring edible land, calling her cassava; at this time, the Month comes to the girl, gives real cassava; accepted into the family, cultivates the garden with cassava, as well as corn, bananas, Sachpapa, Dale-Dale; wife of the Month gives birth to a Sun Son; when pregnant again, dies during childbirth; mother-in-law in Rabies throws blood into her son-in-law's face, since then stains for a month; the month promises that the deceased will be reborn, but she does not believe, tells him to eat her daughter since he killed her; he cuts the tapir (= wife or her soul); takes his son to heaven, he becomes the Sun (which son is not entirely clear); first the Sun is motionless, rivers dry up, children die; shamans ask him to move, alternation begins day and night]: 423-424; García 1942 [no cultivated plants; people ate pottery; having no teeth, pecking it like chickens; girl sitting in a menstrual hut, Month (Kashiri) brings her boiled cassava, teaches him to chew; parents are happy with their son-in-law; The month does not give cassava to another girl who also has her period; she throws blood in his face, stains are still visible; The month leads his wife to swim in the river, her touches a fish, it becomes pregnant, gives birth to four sons in succession; these are Pariáchiri (Sun), Sarípoto (Venus), Kientiámpa (the sun of the lower world, shining weakly), Koriénti (Kiénti, Tábanti) is the sun of the uppermost world, illuminating and warming celestials; stars take their shine from it; by the birth of every Month it plants pumpkins; during the last pregnancy they dry up; baby hot, the wife is dying of burns; the woman's mother, angry, said that after the Month killed her daughter, he can only eat the corpse; Month resurrected his wife, but she (her soul) decided to go to the lower world, leaving body on earth; then the Month reluctantly ate the corpse and painted his face red, establishing a funeral custom (endocannibalism); he liked the human being; now, through the old woman's fault, the Month has become a corpse eater and decided to leave people; his third son began to live in the lower world; this sun is evil and weak; it sends rains when it is necessary to burn the vegetation on the site; with other sons The month has risen to the sky; the latter was too hot, stones were cracking on the ground because of the heat; so the Month placed it so high that it is impossible to see from the ground; only our Sun and Venus live with the Month; on the river A month has set the top for corpses to fall into it (machigenga throw the dead into the river); the toad watches the summit and as soon as a corpse hits it, reports the Month; he comes running, kills (so!) the corpse hits a club, cuts off, roasts and eats limbs; the rest turns into a tapir; only daughters of the month are left on the ground - cultivated plants (cassava, sweet potato, corn, bananas, etc.; if people they scatter peels, do not clean the tubers well, etc., the manioc girl cries and complains to her father; if cassava is eaten without everything or with only hot pepper, the manioc girl is angry: she is left alone or burned; if eaten with meat or fish, the daughter of the Month is happy; especially happy when cassava is made into beer; the same applies to other daughter plants of the Month; if they are mistreated, the Month will take them to itself and people I'll have to eat land again]: 230-233; Pereira 1942 [the girl has her first period, she lives in a ritual hut; The month offers her love; she gives him clay to eat; he gives cassava, explains how it is plant and how to make kashiri; takes her as his wife; she is insulted when he first copulates with her (saying a fish will enter it), sprinkles black juice in his face; since then, the moon's disc has been stained; when The first son is born, the Month plants four trees to the cardinal points; only the eastern and western ones grow up to mark the future path of the Sun; this son is too hot, he is made the sun of another world; the second becomes the sun of our world; others are born; the last are twins, the mother dies during childbirth; mother-in-law blames her son-in-law for her death; the Month promises to revive the deceased in the form of two women to feed twins, but his mother-in-law tells him to eat the corpse; now in the sky next to the Month, the star is his wife (var.: one of his sons); the Month breaks its peak on the river, makes another on the heavenly river to catch the souls of the dead; prefers children and women; watches the top of Shirichanchani; he lets go of souls, tells the Month that no one has been caught; in this case the patient recovers]: 241-243; pyro [The sun is a man, at night she sails in a boat on an underground river; stories related to the Month: 1) being in ritual isolation, a girl paints the face of an unknown lover; it turns out to be her brother; he turns into a Month, there are spots on his face; 2) I molested the girl for a month, she painted his face (without an incest motive); 3) the girl wants to go out in the Month, but he refuses because she had too many lovers, one of they are the brother of the Month; 4) The month comes as a guest to initiate the girls, offers beer to the audience]: Minna Opas, personal message, January 13, 2009; araua [Sun and Month - two handsome men]: Rivet, Tastevin 1938:260, 271; kanamari [Sun (Tsam) - Man, Month/Moon (wadja) in different stories of different sexes; 1) married couple; 2) boy who grows, then loses weight, dies, Tamakori does new son, so every month; 3) girl (while her period is full, then losing weight); 4) I went to my sister (not native, classification) at night for a month; she smeared his face with a genip, in the morning she found out of shame he took to heaven and became the Month]: Carvalho 2002:283-284; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [1) because of Sun Brother's incest with Sister Moon, her face is stained; 2) because of a love adventure Month-old men with a married woman on earth, his face is stained]: 62; Roe 1991a: 24 [sun], 38 [month]; kashibo [two Suns were arguing over primacy; decided that one would remain the Sun and will take a day, another will be a Month and will take the night]: Girard 1958:275; kuniba [see motif A31; someone comes to the girl at night; she paints her lover's face with paint, recognizes her brother in the morning; to him they cut off their head, their head turns into a Month; taking revenge on his sister, he sends periods to women; there is no data on the field of the sun, but women are unlikely]: Baldus 1946:108-109; kachinahua [see motif A31; k Someone comes to the girl at night; she smears her lover's face with paint, recognizes her cousin in the morning; his head is cut off, his head turns into a Month; the girl violates the ban on pointing at him with a finger, therefore, all women have been suffering from menstruation since then; there is no data on the field of the sun, but women are unlikely]: Ans 1975:113-122; sharanahua [see motive A31; someone comes to the girl at night; she smears the lover's face with paint, recognizes his brother in the morning; his head is cut off, his head turns into a Month; he copulates with all women, they begin to menstruate; there is no data on the field of the sun, but female unlikely]: Siskind 1973:47-48; yaminaua [see motif A31; someone comes to the girl at night; she smears her lover's face with paint, recognizes her brother in the morning; his head is cut off, his head turns into A month; he copulates with all women, they start menstruating; there is no data on the sun's field, but women are unlikely]: MacQuarrie 1992, No. 1:216; apurina [Month is a little man; lives during the day underground, his mother feeds him to recover; every day he leaves a little later; if he is reddish, his mother gave him a crown of red arar feathers; if the feathers are yellow, his wife gave them; about the field of the sun no data, but a woman is unlikely]: Baldus 1946:108-109; Ehrenreich 1891:72; character: Barriales 1970 [1) The sun and his brother lived on earth, burned everything; people managed to kill one, the other ran away to heaven; 2) The Sun and the Month are brothers; the Sun painted the face of the Month with a genipa, who ran away to heaven in shame; 3) A month retired to heaven after his wife's fish burned]: 59; Calífano 1995, No. 7 [ The Sun is a man], 9 [I visited a woman for a month, she smeared black paint on his face to see who was going to see her; the spots are still visible]: 184; Gray 1996 [boy falls to the bottom of the river; he is being attacked herons and other birds, but the Month saves him; it is a giant fisherman, the spirits of the dead are his servants; the Month puts a huge amount of fish in a small bundle, gives it to the boy; he opens it ahead of time, not can put the fish back; The month gives him a new package, sends him home; during his stay with the Month, the boy became an adult boy]: 53-54.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (cavinha) [(along with ideas about the female moon, see motive A3); Married to Venus for a month; one day his relative {Schwagerin} comes and calls for a drink of chicha; Month gets drunk, falls asleep, Schwagerin smears his face with a genip; in the morning he can't wash off the stains, they're still visible]: Nordenskiöld 1924:297; Eseeha: Chavarria Mendoza 1984 [an evil spirit sleeps during the day, kills people at night; a shaman sets fire to his home; his pets (wild pigs, deer, etc.) burn down, some run into the forest; he builds a new clay house that cannot be set on fire; there he lives, Esheti-echo, Sun spirit]: 46-48; Hissink, Hahn 1988 [people throw coloring fruit in the face of the month {month is male?}] : 179; Siriono [Sun and Month, both men]: Calífano 1977 [when the Month is not visible, he hunts; Jaguar kills the Son of the Month]: 115; Coimbra Sanz 1980 [Jaguar kills the Sun's son]: 8; guarayu [by Franciscan José Cardús, 1886; Grandfather's two sons started shooting arrows into the sky, they pierced each other's tail, along this chain both went to heaven, became the Sun and the Month; the Month became go down to a woman at night; she smeared her lover's face with soot to identify him in the morning]: Grubb 1924:187; guarazu: Riester 1977, No. 4, 5, 8:230-231, 237:472; chiriguano [along with the Moon -woman]: Metraux 1932, 158-165 [the woman did not let her daughter out of the house to isolate her from men; Rei (similar to Aguara-tunpa, Lisa) asked her to marry, her mother refused; he told his brother Tat about this ú-tunpa (Battleship); he dug a hole under the girl, became pregnant, then went to her; the mother heard a conversation, found that her daughter was pregnant; the daughter was gone; the baby from her womb shows the way to her Father, asks him to pick flowers; when the calebas is full of flowers, the mother is angry why there are so many of them; the son falls silent, does not show the way, the woman comes to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her, the jaguar sons have come, one asked his mother to remove his fleas, the woman's milk dripped on him, the Jaguar found her, the jaguars ate her, gave her giblets to her mother; she hid the twins, they shot her pigeons, told her sons that she caught birds with snare; the Jaguars do not believe, the old woman shows the twins, says she gave birth to them herself; pigeons explain to the twins that the jaguars ate their mother; the twins bear fruit to the jaguars, they say what they found across the river; the Jaguars agreed to cross in a reed boat; the younger one pulled ahead of time, the boat sailed down, everyone drowned, but one pregnant woman escaped; the brothers started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; the jaguar managed to eat the younger one; the eldest returned, revived him from drops of blood; the eldest became the Sun, the youngest became the Month; sometimes the Yawarowi jaguar eats the Month; when the new moon, the Month takes women's blood; when not seen for three days, he is with the Sun]: 158-165, 165 [The month is the younger brother of the Sun]; amniapia [Sun and Month are the sons of Sahi, cultivating the land together; for an unknown reason The sun burned his brother and was sent to heaven by his father as punishment]: Metraux 1942:151.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grünberg 1970:171; Pereira 1995, No. 2 [father of two sons], 16 [1) there was no sky, the sun was too close to the ground; Janerup weaves a sieve, asks his youngest son to fasten him on at the level of the tops of the trees; he rises much higher; J. tells him to stay there; the son turns into a Month; note 216: the stains on him are a sieve; the rain falls through the sieve; 2) A month quarrels with a woman who makes the pot says she won't succeed; she throws clay in his face, the stains remain]: 28-29, 73-75, 154 (note 216); nambiquara [along with the female moon]: Pereira 1983, No. 94: 119-120; bakairi [twins Keri and Kame (Sun and Month) take revenge on jaguars for their mother's death; see motive J12]: Steinen 1897:317-329; kuikuru: Carneiro 1989 [Kuantïnï chose to attend the sky is where all animals; he was surrounded by jaguars in the forest; their leader, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him his two daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw it with heaven to earth; K.'s daughters refused to go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; out of 8 left in hammocks, 6 came to life; his hair was made first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - very wet; then from algae; made teeth from chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for the triangle on the pubis; cut out the vaginas itself; told tifigu trees (at that time people) copulating; penises are scratched; then cotton lined vaginas - good; Owl told the eldest of the girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father was going to send them to a jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties ways, in return, demanded permission to get along with one of them; forgot his penis in the village and while running after him, the girls left; he blew, spreading witchcraft so that they would die on the way; then meeting with the kingfisher , he gave fish, had sex with one of the girls, she put in a tampon so as not to get pregnant; the same with the howler monkey, gave fried fish; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him to throw the necklace on his back so as not to interfere during copulation; poured sperm on him, taking out her tampon; Since then, this kingfisher has white spots and necklace marks on its back; the girls sent the most beautiful one to the tree to shed buriti leaves; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; from their bites the person who climbed the tree fell, the leaves pierced it, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then the deer have died quickly from the wound; on a slippery path alone slipped, fell and died; K. warned the girls not to drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, she was buried; the tapir cut down trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to wolf village; I. told one girl to get together with him, his thick penis split her; I. hit him in anger, since then the tapirs had a narrow ass; seeing that the split was made of wood, the remaining two girls They were upset, so were they, that's why they were sent to the jaguar; Tayra barbara gave honey, but it was strong, the girls started coughing; he got along with him, stopped coughing; she went at the fork in Itsanitsegu to the left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu to the right, to the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wolf's wife saw the reflection, decided that it was her, began to show off beauty; then she realized; threw a nail stump, it became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, it crashed; the same thing again; then called her husband; I. followed the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; he fell out of his ass fish, he said that the fish was in the shell of the necklace; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she realized that she was mistaken: she was treated to fruit, i.e. food for wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she regurgitated the fish, got rid of the wolf's pregnancy; when I., 8 months old, N. hid her under the roof, told her not to spit if his mother Kafisatïgo came and let her go winds; I. spat cotton seeds, Cafisatigo thought that out of disgust, she threw her claw at her, which cut off her head; sister I. raised the alarm; N. said that this was his third wife killed by his mother ; Agouti told the girls' father, who sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said there were two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in the basket; they grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them the names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun to dig peanuts in the partridge's garden; she retaliated that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; The brothers took their mother's body from the roof of the house, where they put it to dry; the sun sent a fly in her nose, she came to life, he spoke to her, but she cried and died again; the digging animals dug the grave, I. buried; The sun ordered the bird to eat wasps, the hawk to snakes, the anteater to poisonous ants, the tapir to trample the thorns; the road to mother N. opened; the brothers came to her disguised as young children; she became tell how I. killed; the Sun killed her; evil butterfly spirits flew out of her body; The month looked out from behind the tree, his nose was torn off; the Sun attached it, but now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; Quantini let A. eat the ashes of bamboo, she gave birth to a zhurun, suya and other wild Indians; took the opossumiha child, N. said it was hers, he was happy; but the opossumiha took him; wild Indians killed all the jaguars ; The Sun saved their father and aunt by placing them in heaven, and in order for them to have what they have, it also placed a tapir and a deer (now constellations on the Milky Way); after arranging the life of wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven]: 4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuatungue went to get the fibers; he was surrounded by jaguars; he promised one daughter who let him go; he has two daughters, but he carved six girls out of wood; I tried different hair fibers; first piranha teeth, they eat too fast, then from seeds; made pubic triangles (trees did not want to give fibers for this); when they heard an owl scream, the girls asked my father what was going on; he told the whole story; on the way, one got drunk from a poisonous river, died; the kingfisher showed the way, for which he met with one of the girls; Tyra gave one honey, she started coughing, he she met; the tapir showed the way, got together with the girl, she split, they realized that they were wooden; the battleship showed the way, went to get an erection, the girls ran away, he said they would die road; one slipped in the river, hit, died; a deer warned of a fork; one climbed a palm tree for leaves, the other turned nail stumps into flies, they bit the one who climbed, she fell, ran into a leaf, died; at the fork, two sisters climbed a tree; series - the wolf's wife saw the reflection, decided she was beautiful; they turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the series, she dropped the calebasa, she crashed; so twice; the seriema called her husband; the older sister, made from the bottom of the trunk, followed the wolf's path, the youngest along the jaguar path; the jaguar took the wolf who had come to the wolf; she turned around, the wolf's mother's head fell off; the jaguar gave her potions to remove the wolf's fruit; she became pregnant with a jaguar; spat a cotton seed, and the jaguariha thought that, out of contempt for her, she cut off her head with a claw; the sister picked up the boys Rit (Sun) and Une (Month); the jaguar resettled the mother, surrounding the place with snakes, wasps, thorns, put the body of the victim on the roof of the house; the brothers grew up stealing partridge peanuts, that told them about their mother's death; the bird ate the wasps, the snake hawk, the tapir trampled the thorns, the brothers killed her grandmother by tying stones to her legs and trampling her; set fire to her house, her body exploded, her nose was torn off for a month, now it's flat; Rit told the jaguar to eat capybaras, not people; the mother was removed from the roof, she was barely alive, Rit hugged her, she was completely dead; the digging animals dug the grave; Rith told his father to have his people they cooked lots of bows and clubs; told her aunt to give birth in the forest, she gave birth to wild Indians, Rith gave them weapons; the aunt told her husband that she had given birth to an opossum child, but the opossumiha took it away; wild Indians Jaguars were slaughtered, and Rit threw his father and aunt into heaven on a bow; Rit divided the tribes; then Rit and Une went to Morena]: 72-88; kamayura [Kwat's elder brother, sun, younger - Yaí, month]: Agostinho 1974, No. 3:176; Münzel 1973:30; Seki 2008, No. 2 [Mawutsini has five daughters; they warn not to go after the bark from the fibers of which the bowstring is made, the tree belongs to jaguars; M. went, the jaguars heard noise, they went to look; when leaving, M. came across the leader of the Jaguars; he had to promise him daughters as wives; they refused - Jaguar's mother would eat them; M. carved five girls out of tree trunks; hair out of bast, not good; then I took black from a black bird; my teeth were made of pebbles, I didn't like it, black; then the seeds were white; belts made of buriti palm leaves (Mauritia flexuosa), so now women's belts made of these leaves; two trees refused to let the bark make uluri {covers the pubis?} , said that they would only be used to build houses, the third agreed; M. asked the fruits of the vine to deflorize the girls; the fruits were like a penis, but without a head, because they broke; then the fruits the other vine was successful; he gave each a comb, the sisters went; one climbed to cut off the buriti palm shoot, it fell with a sharp end up; the others sent a horsefly, the bite caused the girl to lose her balance, fell with her vagina to escape, died; others ask for directions from the stork Jaburu (Jabiru mycteria Ciconidae), then the Tuiuiu stork (Mycteria americana Ciconidae), each copulates with one of the girls; the White Heron just pointed out that he did not want to copulate so as not to get his feathers dirty; then Martin the Fisherman threw his necklace on his back; the girl stained his back with sperm, wiping his hands, so his back is now speckled; the battleship ran after his penis, the girls left during this time, then he masturbated using the marks they had left; the older sister did not want the fourth went further with them; bewitched, she forgot her comb, came back for it; began to scream, call her sisters, turned into the forest spirit "queen of the forest"; Tapir copulated with his third sister, his penis huge, she died, his sisters hit him on the coccyx; climbed a tree above the lake near the jaguar village; they were playing ball (people learned this game from them); two women came to swim, saw the reflection, decided that they are so beautiful; the sisters sent horseflies, the women dropped the calebasses twice; they noticed the sisters; they rejected the first jaguar that came, went with the second, one sister says that the groom is not him, his ass is red; he does not have cassava in his house; in the morning, the Jaguar chief referred to a sore eye, did not go hunting, returned to the village, brought the girls to his place, he had good food; the first jaguar {ocelot?} and his sister gave his mother a drink with thorns, they hoarsened, turned into jaguars, ran into the forest; while Jaguar and his elder wife were on the site, the younger pregnant woman looked for lice from her mother-in-law, spit out her hair, she decided that her daughter-in-law disdained her with lice, killed her, went to the forest; the sister asked Ant to take the children out of the deceased's womb; he pulled her out behind her head, so people have two dents on their skulls; the mother was buried in the middle villages, premature babies were placed in calebasa, hung it; Jaguar and his wife see traces - children secretly go out; children do not take abandoned women's items, they take arrows, which means boys; Jaguar and his wife did The appearance that they are leaving, waiting for them, caught the boys, called them parents, called them Orphans; the brothers hunt, count the fingers of the killed Pakis, the kutias are 4, which means not our grandfather; the lizard is five fingers, so you can't eat; The battleship called himself a grandfather, gave the brothers the names Tapea Kana and Tapea Jaú (terms for turning the road); but Cicada gave the names Kwat and Jay ("sun" and "month"); brothers steal peanuts from the field Partridges (that's why people eat peanuts); she finds them, talks about their mother's fate; brothers turn her into a partridge, let her sing at the end of the rainy season (this time New Year); aunt showed where she buried her sister; the brothers opened it, began to call, the mother responded, but the voice was getting weaker, stopped; if earlier, they would revive it; but now we are dying forever; the brothers told the wasp to bury the corpse again; they found Jaguariha, that began to play with them, Quat hit her and killed her; the Jaguar father and the deer were moved to the Milky Way (α and β Centauri); they made arrows, turned them into people, they killed the inhabitants of the jaguar village; By Sun and Month]: 151-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:98-104, 158-162; Calapalo: Carneiro 1989:11; Trumai: Monod Bequelin 1975 [the common name for the twins of the Sun and Month is Atetlaa, "two Suns "]: 42-47; Murphy, Quain 1955 [The month was in heaven with the Sun, but it drove it away, now the Month is alone]: 72; vaura [Kwamuti brothers, grandchildren]: Coelho 1983 [The Sun is Kame, The month is Kerre, brothers; during a solar eclipse, the Month copulates with him]: 151; 1989:321; Schultz 1966:21-150 (passim); Rickback: Pereira 1994, No. 29 [month], 54 [sun]: 183-185, 224; Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 4 [a young man goes to look for a wife; climbs a tree above the river; Mae-do-sol (Euchroma gigantea) takes his reflection for his own, wonders how beautiful she is; young man says she's ugly; she leads him to her, gives him a cheek of excrement; he leaves; asks Mae-da-Agua (aquatic perfume with a fish tail, long hair, two horns) to transport him across the river; M . intend to fry it and eat it; the young man gives their children manioc starch, who teach him to jump off their father's back in the middle of the river, swim fast to the shore; the father turns the children into jati s; the young man comes to the village of the Sun; he is old, weak, gives little light and little meat; the young man copulates with two wives of the Sun; they hide him in palm leaves; they kill his old husband with a pestle, make the young man new with the sun; at first it is too hot; he distributes meat to all the villagers; his wives' brothers are happy], 13 [the girl gets pregnant by her lover who visits her at night; smears his face with genipus juice; in the morning asks her older brother to organize a ball game; there is no lover among the players; the ball flies into the house where the girl's younger brother, Vaapali, is sitting; she now tells him to become her husband; they come to the house of two old women; they are swimming in the river, getting younger; the brother turns into a Month, says that he will also rejuvenate himself by swimming in the lake in the east and shedding their old skin]: 49-55, 82-84; mind: Schultz 1962, No. b [the Karamã stork has good arrows to hit fish; the Míni sun turns into a surubim fish, K.'s arrows get stuck in it without causing harm; he swims away, takes possession of arrows; his Comrade Hári (month) tries to repeat the trick, killed, fried, eaten; M. comes to K.'s children, squeezes pieces of meat out of their bellies, revives X.], r [people did not die, old people rejuvenated; three people decided to put an end to the elderly because there are too many people; they came to Hári (Month), who said that he had no means to kill old people, sent them to the Sun; he reluctantly agreed to give people diseases; also gave an arrow that kills the game itself and returns to the hunter; you must shoot while hiding behind a tree; people who have returned from the Sun spread diseases, but not only old people have begun to die; one person borrowed a magic arrow, didn't stand behind a tree, the arrow killed both the deer and himself; the arrow's owner buried the victim and buried the arrow so that it would no longer kill people]: 229-230, 254; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 1-17:17-46

Eastern Brazil. Satellites and antagonists; not relatives, unless otherwise. Gaviones: Arnaud 1975:32; apaniecra [Pud (sun) asked him to throw off his red hat; the dress was hot, but the Sun caught it, put it on; Pudlêra (month) wanted the same but was burned , dropped, the ground caught fire; A month climbed trees, but the fire followed; the Sun found the Month lying on the ground; his stomach burned, so spots on the moon]: Wilbert 1978, No. 4:32-37; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 4:32-37; crash: Wilbert 1978 No. 5:38-50; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 6 [the sun calls the month godson], 8:51-55, 63-64; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 9, 10:65-66; frame camera: Wilbert 1978, No. 7:58-62; crenier [brothers]: Wilbert 1978, No. 11:67; Sherente: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 3-6, 8:33-36; Chavante: Maybury-Lewis 1971:286; Suya [Mbut, or Mburyu (The Sun) and Mbudro or Mbydroa (Month) are twin brothers, old men; the Sun created the hustle, the Month created Europeans]: Frikel 1990:15.

SE Brazil. The Sun and the Moon are brothers (no details). Kamakan: Weiss 1975:487; botokudo: Krenak 2003; kaingang: Henry 1941:73 [man is sick; sees a Month coming down to him with his star wife; heals him], 95 [during eclipses shout to the Sun: be strong! {gender is not specified, but given the Eastern Brazilian background, it is also more likely to be male}].

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 6 [the stars were women and men, but then went with the Sun to heaven; the Sun left the earth because of disgust for the stench that reigns here; the Month is the son of the Sun; both and the star Gedokaraté and other stars were made of clay by the god Dupade living in the sky], 7 [The Month, the Sun and the Stars were human; out of disgust for the stench emanating from the aioreo, they rose to heaven, became luminaries; some return to earth, become jaguars]: 31, 31-32; chamacoko [along with the female moon]: Baldus 1931:82 (tumerekha), 83 (kashiha); Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 9-20 [satellites, either Month is the Sun's younger brother], 27 [married to a star for a month]: 42-78, 93; matako: Braunstein 1989 [all matako bands have Sun and Month both men; when Venus gets closer to the Month, about her talk like his wife]: 45; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 9 [friends; The Sun is stronger, protects the Month], 28 [A month in the form of a handsome young man copulates with many women]: 49-50, 81-84; chorote : Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 1-2 [The sun is hot, the month is cold, their strength is equal], 3 [The month is the husband of the Morning Star; also has a second wife], 72 [The Sun is male]: 17-18, 146; nivakle [Sun and Month brothers ; The sun is old, wants to kill his son-in-law; the month is young, protects man; sends cold; both are great shamans; they fight to cause eclipses]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 1 [The sun requires meat from the husband of the eldest daughter; he got four nandus on the first day, and then nothing on the second day; the sun ate him; the same with the middle daughter's husband, although he brought meat longer, gradually reducing portions; the youngest's husband runs to the Month, married his youngest daughter; caught many wild pigs, but the Month did not eat much; the Sun came, the Month gave him a lot of meat, but did not give him a man; when he left, the Sun began to freeze, this Month froze him; in response The sun called the Month to eat the harvest from its field, on the way back The month suffered from the heat; the Sun again demanded the return of man; The month came, they made a drink out of honey; for him to ripen, the girls sang Months and people of the Sun; The month completely quarreled with the Sun, but decided not to fight anymore; the Sun turned into a ball of hot coals, rose into the sky, its people on earth died from the heat; The Month rose, its people are gone, they have shaved their heads, the son-in-law of the Month too], 2 [as in (1); the son-in-law is the Woodpecker; the month is young, the Sun is old, the Month always wins the eclipses; both great shamans cannot kill each other], 3 [as in (1) , The Sun is looking for a son-in-law from the Month, who overcomes the Sun Brother with rain], 4 [starting as in (1); The month is angry in the Sun that he comes and eats all the meat; the Sun is afraid of him], 5 [A month marries the daughter of the Sun], 6 [The month threatens the brother with cold, he and the Sun are equal in strength], 7 [The sun has risen to heaven], 8 [The month has risen to heaven; he deflores women by sending his long penis from the sky (the cause of menstruation)], 9 [living on earth, the Sun ate dirty animals (turtles, battleships, foxes, snakes); The month ate clean snails; after the sky and earth changed places, God placed the Sun and the Month in heaven]: 21-25, 26-30, 31-33, 34, 35, 36, 37-38, 39; poppy [fisherman (this is a red-legged sania bird; probably Cariama cristata) noticed a necklace in the lake; the next day he caught fish, left it, someone stole it; followed it, saw how women who came out of the water eat fish with their mouths and vaginas; the women were accompanied by whistling perfume; the Iguana waited and grabbed the woman, lost his penis, but he had two; several men waited for the women A month let his long penis go, it was bitten off; the Sun's penis was also bitten off; the Hawk told the women to dance, the penises fell out of the vaginas, he gave them back to the men; only the Month was gone, but he was so long that the Month was not upset; then big piranhas fell out; the little ones stayed, their bites cause monthly bleeding; the female genitals smell piranhas]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2:19-21; toba [The Month and the Sun are men, friends; along with the more conventional image of the Sun is a woman]: Metraux 1935c: 134; Engaite [Month is male, Sun has no sex]: Cordeu 1973, No. 17:217-218.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye: Nimuendaju 1914 [The sun keeps wild pigs in the pen; his brother A month in his absence asks his wife to let him shoot a pig; pigs run away; the sun splashes into his face A month of boiling water, stains are still visible]: 377; Ribeiro 1951 [The sun is able and lucky, turns people into animals; The month is stupid, protects people], No. 1, 2:119-121; mbia [see motive J9; trap for an owl falls into the partridges; the girl takes it for herself, becomes pregnant from her; the owl turns out to be the supreme deity of Pa-pa Miri; he goes to heaven, the woman promises to come to him with her son, who will be born; hits to the creatures of Mbae-ypi, they eat her; the baby in her womb cannot be killed, it is Pa-i, the Sun; he grows up, lives with an old woman, makes a brother out of a leaf (next Month); brothers kill Mbae-ypi, one pregnant woman escaped, she gives birth to jaguars; Pa-i resurrects her mother from her bones three times, but the brother rushes to suck her breast every time, the mother dies again; Pa-i throws it away bones in the forest, from which Paka rodents emerge; when a hunter kills Paku, the Sun does not come out for a long time, because it repents that he left his wife alone (i.e. Pa-pa Miri is identified with the sun, like his son) ; Charia is fishing; Brother Pa-i dives, caught as a fish, fried, eaten; C. Pa-i gives it a taste, who revives his brother from bones (these death and resurrection are lunar eclipses); Brother Pa-i comes to his aunt at night; to identify her lover, she smears his face paint; Pa-i makes a chain of arrows, brothers climb it to heaven, become the Sun and the Month; the moon sickle is a bow in Brother Pa-i's hands; his face remains stained; if he tries wash them away, it's raining; when Pa-i's son enters the river, the fish dies and can be collected; C. asks Pa-and to lend him a boy, hits him on the head, throws him into the water; Pa-i fights Charia, their strengths are equal (solar eclipses)]: Cadogán 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85; caigua [brothers]: Frič 1912:481; Koch-Grünberg 1921:215; Schaden 1947b, No. 1:108; apapakuwa [younger brother A month visits older brother The sun while studying with him with same-sex love; he smears his lover's face with a genip; he recognizes his brother in the morning; they go up to heaven; first the Month takes a day but is too hot; takes the night; always hides his face from the Sun]: Coelho 1983: 151; ache: Cadogán 1962a, No. 11 [neither the Sun nor the Month have a wife]: 77-78; Godoy 1982 [brothers]: 19.

The Southern Cone. Puelche [Month is the Sun's little brother]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1919:183; South Tehuelches [rarely, along with a female moon; have one son-in-law]: Bormida, Siffredi 197:224.