Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A5A. The sun from the diapers of a baby month. 43.


younger brother (usually the Sun) is made from the urine and diapers of an older brother (usually the Month) kidnapped in infancy. See motive A5.

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel; Puget Sound; twana; puyallup; upper chehalis; lower chehalis; cowlitz; quinolt; tillamook; yakima; lillouette [old Kaiyam took caviar out of salmon, turned it into a girl, then a short part of the caviar into a second; they grow up, K. pretends to be dying, tells her to leave her with all her possessions; comes disguised as a man, covers her toothless mouth; at night she uses a pestle instead of a penis; in the morning, the sisters have swollen genitals, they suspect deception; at night they tickle, she confesses, they tickle her to death; came to a blind old woman at the baby's cradle; pretended to wash him, took him away, put a block of wood; the old woman's husband took her on her back, almost caught up with the kidnappers, but as soon as she threw her off, the path was short; he threw his wife Face on a log, ordered to become an edible plant growing on fallen trees; the daughter of the elderly returns, squeezes the diapers of the stolen baby, makes new things out of the squeezed out; the brothers meet, find out each other; the elder throws the ground of the kidnappers (they are his wives), turning the eldest into a grizzly, the youngest into a black bear; returns to his mother]: Hill-Tout 1905:185-189.