Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A6. The sun and moon are women.

.11.12.15.-.19.21.-.26.29.30. (.31.) .32.-.

The sun and moon are considered female characters (including the cases of Tuscarora, Oneida, when the sex of the stars is not directly indicated, but both arise from the body of a female character).

North Congo Pygmies, Luba, Samo, Basques, French (Dauphine), Dutch, Socotra, Mehri, Ramingeri, Baruya, Midji, Tibetans (Amdo), Kachins, Burmese, Viets, Thais, Oraons, Gondas, Bondo, Turi, Sora, Andamans, Semangs, Aboriginal Malays (mantra), Bataks (?) , mentawai, maloh, minahasa (?) , Mangaray, Tagals, Ancient China, Chinese (Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong), Koreans, Lee, Hani, Kalmyks, Terek Cossacks, Dargins, Georgians, Tajiks, Sarykols, (Finns and Karelians?) , Kazan Tatars, Mari, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Salars, Baikal Buryats, Oirats (Durbuts), Darkhats, Mongols (Ordos), Nganasans, Mansi, Central (?) Yakuts, Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska), Naikha Nanai, Ainu, Yukaghirs (probably forest), katlamet, Tuscarora, oneida, tunic (?) , chacobo, araucans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. North Congo Pygmies {the author writes that they are near Dinka and Zande, although it seems to be Congo-Brazzaville; the author speaks Bantu but not Mangbetu} [The Sun and Moon are arguing which of them older (although they are the same age); Luna says she has many child stars and the Sun is a single mother; the Sun replies that she would have no fewer children if the Moon hadn't killed them; but now her children are humans]: Trilles 1932:290; luba (Hemba) [God created Heaven, Earth, Man, Man, Woman; Man did not have a liver so he could not reproduce; God's children Mother Sun, Mother Moon, Mother Darkness, Mother Rain everyone wanted to rule; God told the Sun to alternate with Rain, the Moon to dilute the Darkness; sent a fifth child to earth, the liver, who entered Man, people began to give birth to children]: Vandermeiren 1910:228-229 in Studstill 1984:125-126.

West Africa. Myself [see motive L121; a hunter and his seven dogs kill animals; they gather to decide how to kill himself; decide that the antelope will become a woman, become his wife; she takes him into the forest, calls animals; the hunter's dogs come running, tear the woman in half, one part turns into the sun, the other into the moon]: Platiel 1984:181-191.

Southern Europe. Basques: Barocha 2004 [greeting the Sun at sunrise and sunset, it is called "grandmother"; the moon is also called grandmother]: 183; Zelikov 2018:33 [at dawn they say: Grandma goes to her sun mothers], 35-36 [moon - "grandmother in a red robe", "good grandmother", "holy grandmother"]; French (Dauphine) [sun and moon are two girls, one beautiful, the other ugly]: Joisten 1991, No. 55.6:323.

Western Europe. The Dutch [zon (f) - sun, maan (f) - moon]: Mironov 1958:488, 978.

Western Asia. Socotra: Naumkin et al. 2014, No. 4 [when dying, the father tells his son to cut off his finger and bury him; a tree will grow, you can ask guests to argue what it is from, no one will guess; the young man's wife I found out the secret and revealed it to her lover, who won the argument; the young man left home, met the Sun woman; she promised to shame her unfaithful wife and lover: to ascend in the West]: 2; Naumkin 2012 [during hunger, two the men decided to take the woman's fruits and roots and kill her; she begged her to be allowed to pray and not kill her before the moon rises; she turned to the moon, instructing her "her (moons; j.r., also grammatically that not typical for Semitic languages, comm. L. Kogan) of Tanuf's grandson, whose mother Zibrinno was killed for her roots and fruits"; son Z. began to look for his mother, those two murderers came to his house; when they saw the moon, they told this story; when they heard his mother's name, the owner of the house hacked down sword killers]: 422-423 (narrated in Naumkin, Kogan 2013, No. 4:181); Mehri, Jibbali [Mehri, Jibbali and Sokotri are the only Semitic languages in which both the sun and the moon are feminine genus]: Kogan 2015:540.

Australia. Ramingeri: Clarke 1997:132 [the moon is a woman; she constantly copulates with men and therefore loses weight; she is driven away, she feeds on nutritious roots and gets fat again], 133 [The sun is a woman; after entering, she passes by the villages of the dead; people part, giving her way; they give her a red kangaroo skin in which the Sun rises at dawn].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Dhammai [Sujan-Mui woman gave birth to a girl Biuri-Riang; she was like a white stone, gave birth to sisters Sun and Moon; the Sun gave birth to a girl Laolang, and Luna gave birth to a girl Jong-Dang; L. was fed and dressed as rani and J. as a maid; then BR gave birth to a son Abbu-Bullu, his sons Dung-Riang and Jibru; DR sent Jowang's servant to fish, JD also came there; they fell in love; Jovang learned from JD that her parents were hiding her sister D. in a silver box; DR came with beer and gifts, but the Moon and the Sun offered him only JD, insisted that there was no other daughter; then Jibra pretended to be dead, Jovang began to cry, Laolang came out of the box to look; Jibra took her away and DR married her, and Jovang took JD away and married her; people come from Laolang]: Elwin 1958a, No. 9:42-44; Tibetans ( Amdo) [mother goes to dig wild tubers, tells her three daughters not to unlock strangers; the cannibal eats her, takes her form; eldest daughter: the mother was not wearing black clothes; she comes in white; middle daughter: the mother did not have white clothes; the cannibal persuaded her youngest daughter to stick her hand in to take the tubers; grabbed her hand: if you don't tear it off, I'll tear off her hand; at night the cannibal lies down with the youngest; the sisters hear chomping, cannibal replies that she drinks water, eats beans; the sisters felt the youngest's head torn off; persuaded them to let them pee (they refused to do it in the pot, into the hearth); the cannibal tied ropes around their necks, they bandaged them them to the chicken and the pig; the sisters ran to the top of the mountain, turned to the Pleiades; they lowered the iron staircase, the sisters climbed into heaven; the cannibal followed, the crossbar broke, she fell; in the afternoon, the mother the older sister, who became the sun, and at night the youngest, who became the moon, is looking for]: Kajihama 2004, No. 9:33-37; Kachin: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 29 [the mother went for firewood, told her daughters not to unlock the door; The tiger says that his eyes are red with pepper, his hands are dirty from work; the girls open it and hide in the tree; the eldest advises to smear the trunk with oil, but the middle one advises to make notches; God descends from the sky a golden vessel on a rope, picks up the girls; raises a tiger in clay with a rotten rope, it falls, breaks; the older sister becomes the sun, the middle moon, the younger star]: 104-106; Miller 1994 [ The woman has a daughter Hosuni, Dusuni, Bisuni; when she leaves, she tells others not to open the door; the leopard werewolf became a young man, began to sing, the sisters liked it, they left the house, went to their voices; when they saw a werewolf, ran, climbed a tree; a werewolf asks me how they got in; younger sister B. explained that leopards have been able to climb trees ever since; God asks if sisters agree when they climb heaven, stay there forever; sisters agree, end up in heaven; God allows them to see their mother only one by one, but sometimes two sisters go out together; they have become sun, moon and stars]: 175-177.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the mother goes to the village for a holiday, tells her three daughters not to open it - a tiger may come {rather a tigress; gender is not specified}; the mother has not returned; the eldest daughter is the first to guard, replies to the tigress that her voice is rude and does not unlock it; then the middle daughter asks her hand to be put under the door, says that it is a paw covered with hair; the youngest unlocks it; when they see the tigress, the sisters jump out the window they climb a walnut tree; the tigress, still pretending to be the mother of girls, asks for help climbing the tree; the older sister advises to pour liquid soap on the trunk, the middle one with oil, and the tigress slides; the simple-minded youngest feels sorry for her mother, she advises making notches on the trunk with an ax; the tigress rises, the sisters ask the rain god to save them; at that time he was pulling water from the sea with a bucket and rope, threw the rope to his sisters, they went to heaven; the tigress asked her to throw it too, but under her weight, the rope broke off and she drowned; the rain god turned his older sister into the sun, the middle sister into the moon, the youngest into the moon evening star]: Coyaud 2002, No. 7:25-29; Viets [Mat Choi (Sun) and Mat Chang (Moon) are daughters of Ngok Hoang (Jasper Lord); when the Sun Palanquin was carried by old porters, they often lingered on the road, the day was long; when the young were carried, it was short; the moon was hot Sun, their father told their mother to smear ash on the moon's face, since then they fell in love with the Moon (=Coyaud 2011, No. 2:10); moon phases - Mat Chang turns his face; otherwise, young Kuai threw sand at the moon's face when she came down to see what was being done in the world; the bear is the husband of both sisters; covers them, causing eclipses; people scare the Bear away by hitting drums and mortars]: Knorozova 2000:22-23; Thais: Kornev 1963 [Rahu was the maid of the sisters Atit (elder) and Chan; forgot to take a rice cup and spoon with her; came back I brought a cup and forgot the spoon again; when I finally brought it, both sisters hit it in the face in public with a spoon; Rahu: May Atit be the sun and Chan the moon in the next rebirth, but I will always be in the sky; during eclipses, R. hits his sisters in the face; people try to drive her away and hit her gongs]: 71-72; Plenge 1976 [Rahu was a servant of the Sun and Moon sisters, wanted to swallow them, but he was not given, so he only covers them with his finger; var.: Rahu was the sisters' younger brother, forgot the spoon when they all went to the forest to visit the monks on the occasion of his father's death; Rahu first swallowed the sisters, but then apparently regurgitated, and now only covers them with a finger]: 120.

South Asia. Oraons [Dharme is a human-friendly creator goddess, identified with the sun]: Hahn 1906, No. 44:82; gondas: Elwin 1949, No. I.17 [Nansur Dano stood on Earth; she said that he is too heavy, let him marry her; Brahmin was born from the shadow of Dano's head, Sonar from his eyes, Chamar (Nakua) from his nose, a stake from his ribs, gondas from his foot, punk from urine; D. pulled out Earth's breasts and they turned into the sun and moon, the clitoris turned into lightning; he pulled out his pubic hair, it became grass; pulled out testicles - rocks, penis - trees; so the bodies of D. and Mother Earth gave birth to the world and everything in it], II.6 [y Megh Raja and Megh Rani are the eldest daughter Sun and Younger Moon; the Moon is more beautiful, she has a Lakshman fan, has already worked for her for 12 years; after hearing him playing the violin, the Sun invited her sister to give it to her jewelry, cut her apart; now the moon is incomplete, the stars are drops of her blood; L. demanded a wife; Raja and Rani gave birth to another daughter, Bidjaldeo Kanya; L. worked for her for another 12 years; her parents put her into bamboo, told L. to open only houses; he opened on the way, lightning flew out of the bamboo, disappeared; he made a bow and arrow, thunder was a sound when he tried to chase his fiancée]: 39, 61; bondo [sisters Sun and Moon lived together, they have children, the Sun has more; Luna feels sorry to share food with her sister's children; hid hers in her hair, said that her face was swollen from a burn that she ate her own children; The sun ate its own; the moon ran away with her children; The sun became hot with anger]: Elwin 1954, No. 2:57-58; turi [The sun and moon were sisters, both had children; the moon was afraid that the sun was hot would kill her children, hid them in a clay pot, told the Sun that she had eaten them; then the Sun also ate her children; at night, the Moon released her children into the sky, they became stars; the Sun decided no longer look into the face of the moon; since then, the moon has not been seen during the day, and there are no stars with the Sun]: Russell, Hirali 1916:591 in Elwin 1949:74; litter [The sun is the older sister, the Moon is the youngest. The Sun has many, many children, little suns. There are people on earth because it has become unbearably hot. Luna also had a lot of kids. The children of the Sun were cocky, and the children of the Moon were humble. One day, sunny children beat the moon badly. The moon complained to the Sun, but the Sun said the kids were just naughty. Then Luna hid her children in a chest, went to the forest, where there was a tree with blood-colored juice, smeared this juice on her mouth and hands, and came to the Sun. The sun asked what it was. Luna said her kids are so naughty that she got tired of putting up with it and ate them. The sun said her kids were even worse and ate them. People on earth have calmed down. The moon took her kids out of the chest, and they're stars now. Since that day, the Sun and Moon have become enemies, the Sun is chasing the Moon, so the Moon is only visible for 15 days, and the remaining 15 are hiding in fear]: Krylova, Renkovskaya, Field Materials, 2017.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Andamans: Man 1932 [The month is the husband of the Sun, the stars are their sons and daughters]: 97; Radcliffe-Brown 1933 [The Sun is the wife of the Month, the stars are their children (referred to by the same word as fireflies); according to another versions, Luna is a woman, her husband is Maia Tok, the Sun is male]: 141; Semangs (Kintak) [The Moon and the Sun are the elder and younger sisters; the Moon hides her children in her hair (hair-knot), tells the Sun that swallowed them; the Sun is eating its children; if this did not happen, people would not be able to survive the heat of many suns]: Evans 1927:167; semangs [Sun and Moon are women; the Sun's husband is the Raven (Ag-AG, the Crow)]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:202; temoan (mantra) [a banyan is visible on the moon, under it the humpback old man Moyang-Bertang weaves from his bast to the forest, where he is going to catch everyone on earth; mice gnaw ropes and MB can't finish work; if she finishes, the world will end; MB is the husband of the Moon woman; the Sun is also a woman, her husband constantly pulls her by the rope; Stars are the children of the Moon; Moon has agreed Eat your children with the sun, hid them, and the Sun really ate them; if the Sun were as many as stars, it would be unbearable heat; the Sun is still chasing the Moon; when it catches up, An eclipse occurs; during the day the Moon continues to hide its children]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:319-320, 338 [(=Hervey 1883:190-191); there were three Suns, a wife, a husband and a child, some of them always in heaven; To' Entah asked the Moon to hide the Evening Star and child stars in her mouth, invite the Sun to swallow its husband and children; the Sun did so; when she learned the truth, she said that it would swallow the Moon if it will be on her path; this is the cause of eclipses]; bataks [at the Sun {woman?} seven sons, all shining together, the earth is burning; people sent the Swallow to the moon asking for help; the moon hid her sons; people gave her lime, betel, tobacco - this is what siri chewing gum needs; Moon told the Sun that she had eaten her sons, showed seven bowls of their blood (actually chewing gum); when the Sun also ate her sons, the Moon released its own; the Sun let evil spirits on the moon ( eclipses); other spirits, the Moon's associates, cause solar eclipses]: Erkes 1926:42-43; mentawai [The Sun and Moon are women, both had many children, the Sun's children were extremely hot; so save people, Luna hid her children, smeared her mouth with red juice, told the Sun that she ate them with pleasure; the Sun ate her children; in the evening, the children of the Moon, stars, appeared; the Sun hit the Moon with a knife, it is now visible in parts; the Moon has hit the Sun, now the Sun's edge is jagged, and the Sun and the Moon do not meet]: Schefold 1988:71-72 (cf. Loeb 1929, No. 12 [The month is the adopted father of the Pleiades Brothers; see motive I99]: 149-162); Malokh [Moon (Bulan) is female, the Sun (Mata Aso), at least in some texts, is a woman]: King 1975:159 ; minahasa [Pandagian dances late; her father forbids her household to lower her stairs when she returns home; her mother invites her to lie down on the ground (there are fleas), on a pile of brushwood (there are rats); P. turns to Riamasan to take it to heaven; a golden chair descends from the sky on a gold chain, P. sits in it; when he gets up, P. asks him to stop three times, reproaches the household; when they understand that she is leaving them forever, they beg her to return in vain; in the sky, P. is tied up, carried, washed, killed, fried, slaughtered like a pig; her face turns into the sun, the back of her head into the moon; because at the back of her head there were incisions, spots on the moon; all parts of the body turn into different constellations and stars (a significant part named)]: Bolsius 1909:886-891; mangaray (western Flores) [the sun and moon were women - Mother Sun and Mother Moon]: Arndt 1931:840.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly [Araw (Sun) is the eldest, Buwan (Moon) is the younger sister; B. is ill; God gave A. a diamond, B. stole another; God sent angels to punish her, but they drowned both sisters, and diamonds were thrown into the sky; A.'s diamond is brighter]: Eugenio 1994, No. 51a: 114.

China - Korea. Ancient China: Kravtsova 2004 [Shi-he and Chang=e could be a pair of deities (Sun-Moon), and their images go back to two Yin goddesses, Mother Oriental (Dong-mu) and Western Mother (Shi-mu) ); their names, without deciphering their appearance and functions, are found on divination bones]: 325; Yangshina 1977 [Xihe is the mother of the suns; Chang'e (or another female character?) - mother of the moon]: 202-203, 206; Chinese (Shaanxi, W. Shannan) [After Pangu separated the sky from the ground, there was neither day nor night, nor cardinal points, and it was dark everywhere. Then Mother Wanmu gave birth to two twin girls. The first one was named the Moon, and the second was named the Sun. They lived in the Sky Palace, lighting it up and warming it. One day, an aunt came to the Sky Palace and told V. that the earth was dark, crops did not sprout, people were dying of hunger. V. decided to send her daughters to help them, and then the Sun said that she would shine during the day and serve her mother at night, and Luna said that she would shine at night and serve her mother during the day. Mother agreed and gave her sisters black silk and ten thousand needles to protect them. The sun took the needles, and the Moon took silk. The sun came back after the first duty and complained to her mother that everyone was looking at her, she was ashamed and that made her blush. Then her mother told her to stab whoever looked at her in the eye. When Luna returned, she also complained to her mother that everyone was looking at her, and she was ashamed and that made her white. Then her mother told her to cover her face with black silk, and ever since the moon rises, people only see part of it, and only late at night, when everyone is sleeping, she takes off the black silk and then she can see her white face . Since then, the Sun and Moon have taken turns taking to heaven, and day and night have appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 9:10-12; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Yuanping) [The Sun and Moon were sisters; the Moon is beautiful, the Sun is unpretentious; she offered to leave the house one by one; then asked that only the Moon come out at night, because she, the Sun, is afraid; but people are all they laughed at the Sun equally; then she made rays out of the needle and stabbed the eyes of those who try to look at it with them; but everyone still admires the beauty of the moon]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 6:9; the Chinese ( Shandong, wu. Dongming) [when Pangu separated the sky from the ground, mountains appeared a month later, rivers two months later, grass three months later, trees; then insects, fish, birds and animals appeared, and eight months later - people, but the world was in darkness; when P. was lying, his body was in the sea, and his head was on the mountains, when he got up, he rested his feet on the ground and his head against the sky; he saw a ray of light in the east and went to him; when he reached a place called Fusan, he saw two twin sisters; the eldest was called the Moon and the youngest was the Sun; the eldest was calm and serious, and the youngest was lively and mobile; it turned out that the light comes from them, and P. asked them to go to heaven, they agreed; P. told them to go out one by one and the world should always remain illuminated; the next day, on the morning of the first day of the new year In the lunar calendar, the Moon told the Sun that she would be the first to come out and invited the Sun to go out in the evening, but the Sun Sister replied that the evening was dark and scary, so she wanted to go out during the day; the Moon agreed; When she went outside, the Sun Sister found that all the people on earth were looking at her; she turned red in embarrassment and came back; the Moon gave her metal needles to stab the eyes of those who would look at her; the sisters agreed to meet once a month, and then the Sun Sister came out again and threw needles at people; people no longer dared to look at the Sun, but continued admire the beauty of the Moon; on the morning of the first or second day of every lunar month, the Sun and Moon meet and go part of the way together]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 2:3-4; Koreans: Kontsevich 1980b [The tiger ate the mother of four boys, dressed in her dress, came to her house, grabbed his younger brother; the others climbed the pine tree, the Tiger followed; the heavenly lord lowered the iron brother rope; The Tiger also began to rise, fell off, fell into the millet field, broke, since then the millet stalks have been red; Brother Hasun became the sun, Halsun became a month, Pelsun became stars; var.: loving each other brother and sister were frightened of the tiger, went up to heaven, became the Moon and Sun]: 565; Choi 1979, No. 100 [The tiger ate the mother, put on her clothes; her three children do not open the door because they do not recognize their mother's voice, they see shaggy paw; when opened, the Tiger eats the youngest; the other two asked for permission to go out of need, ran away, hid in a tree; two ropes came down from the sky - new and rotten; brother and sister went up to heaven, brother became Sun, sister Moon; Tiger climbed through a rotten field, fell into a millet field; since then, the millet stalks have been red with his blood; options: The Tiger tied ropes to the children when they went out, they bandaged them to a mortar; the Tiger fell into the well, drowned; the sister was afraid to shine at night, asked to give her a day; embarrassed, became a bright Sun not to be looked at; three sisters run, turn into Sun, Moon, Stars]: 27-28; li (Hainan, w. Ledong) [The Sun and the Moon are two sisters. Her older sister, the Sun, had dark grey skin, red face, and thick and strong arms and legs; she always left home in the morning, came back in the evening, and was very hardworking. Little sister Luna was pale, fragile, chubby, and as beautiful as a cinnamon tree flower that had just blossomed; however, she was lazy. The sisters were very welcoming and their favorite guest was Man Earth, who visited them every day. Earth fell in love with her sisters but didn't know which one to marry. The sun is healthy and efficient, but not particularly attractive, and Luna is beautiful but lazy. In the twenty-third year, Earth decided that the creator of wealth was better than just taking advantage of what others had created, and married the Sun in his twenty-fourth year. People are descendants of the Earth man and the Sun woman. Our foremother has turned into a huge red lantern and hangs in the sky, giving light, and our forefather allows him to live safely on his body. And the moon is still sitting around, coming out in the evening when people are already resting, and hanging in the sky in emptiness and alone]: Zhou 2002, No. 16:23; Hani [the cannibal Milaominao swallowed the sun and moon; on the mountain a 30-year-old woman lived with two daughters, Apei, 12, and Aniu, 6; one day, her mother went to get water and M. swallowed it and took her form; the youngest believed that her mother had come and the eldest told me to show her hand; she is black and clawed; M. rolled her hand in ash; again they did not believe it; M. hears the youngest say: the mother would come in through a hole in the wall; says that the one who would rather wash her feet would sleep with her; At night, the eldest dreamed that an old man predicted her victory over M. in the mountains; she woke up and heard chewing; M. said she was chewing peas; the girl felt blood and saw M. devouring the youngest; said that she wanted to go to the yard; refused to write in the room: the spirit of this place lives in every place; M. allowed her to go out, the girl climbed a pear by the pond; in the morning M. asks to throw off her fruits, threw it right into throat and vuk from above, M. died, turned into a thorny bush; an old man came up, the girl asked him to spread his cape, she would jump off and become his granddaughter; old man: I have a granddaughter; girl: I will become his granddaughter second; and so until 12; went down, the old man disappeared, she went to look for the youngest; herding buffaloes, ducks, chickens do not know where she is; the frog tells her to wait for her to drink the sea; when she drank, the youngest appeared; they they began to think who would be the sun and who would be the moon; the youngest was afraid of being the moon, afraid of the dark; so the eldest became the moon, and gave the youngest needles to prick the eyes of people who looked at the sun immodest]: Coyaud 2012, No. 1:9-19.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Omakaeva 1994; there is also a legend that the sun and moon were sisters who did not find husbands and rose to heaven]: Bakayeva 2009:66; Terek Cossacks (Naurskaya) [Moon - red girl; Sun and Moon are sisters]: Vostrikov 1907:2, 4; Dargins (village. Akusha) [Mother Sun and Daughter Moon meet once a year; at this time you should not comb your hair or cut your nails during the week, otherwise your head will turn gray and your nails will harden]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:303-304 (= Khalidova in Seferbekov 2009:49); Georgians (Shida Kartli, p. Tortizi) [mother sun was baking bread; the moon daughter did not wait to be ready and asked for bread; the sun hit her face with her hand; her hand was in the dough, the spots on the moon are still visible]: Shatberov 1899, NO. 8:253.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain (?) Tajiks {the place of recording is not specified; mountainous Tajiks were chosen simply because cosmological stories lasted longer in mountainous areas} [the sun and moon were sisters, both very beautiful and envious to each other; when the moon told the sun that it was more beautiful than her, she cut her sister's face with a dagger and ran away; the moon's face was covered with blood; from that time on, the sisters have become enemies and do not see each other]: Amonov 1961:389; Sarykoltsy [there were two sisters - Mo (moon) and Khurshed (sun). The youngest was more beautiful and attractive than the older one. The sun was angry with her because of this. Luna endured everything. Once the Sun scratched her sister's face, the moon turned pale and lost its beauty. After that, each of the sisters went their own way and did not meet. The moon is ashamed to show up during the day because her face is scratched]: Kabirov 2017:233.

(Wed. Baltoscandia. Finns and Karelians [by Ganander, p. 65: the rune fragment talks about the Big Dipper (Otavatar; {i.e. "the daughter of the Ursa Major?}) as something missing; in Kalevala, rune 4, line 137 and beyond: Joukahainen's mother refers to Päevatär and Kuutär {in Russian for "daughter of the sun" and "daughter of the month"} to give her poor gold and silver; {since the Finno-Ugric languages do not have a gender category, the sex of the stars remains uncertain; this fragment can be understood as evidence that he is feminine}]: Castrén 1853:63).

Volga - Perm. Udmurts: Vladykin 1993 [Vumums are the mother of water, Vozhomums are the mother of the summer and winter solstice, Muzemums are the mother of the earth, the Inmums are the mother of heaven, the Shundymums are the mother of heaven, the Shundymums are mother of the Sun, Tolezmum is the mother of the Moon, the Gudyrimums are the mother of Thunder]: 233; Perevozchikova 1988 [in names, proverbs, the Sun is called mother]: 20-22; 1993 [The Sun (Shundy) is universal mother; Luna (Tolez, Tolez-Anay) was associated with femininity]: 251; Kazan Tatars [riddle: "The Albanians closed the sky, it swallowed the sun, the earth hid, and no mouth opening it, sucked it" (cloud, rain, earth)]: Makhmutov 2013, No. 223:61; Marie [among Cheremissky goddesses Mother of the High Sky, Mother of the Bright Sun, Mother of Clouds, Mother of the Moon, Mother of Stars, Mother of Warmth, Mother of Warmth, Mother of Water, Mother of the Sea, Mother of Fire, Mother of Earth, Mother of Profit, Mother of Cattle]: Vasiliev 1907:10-11; Bashkirs: Ilimbetova, Ilimbetov 2009 [in the Ural-Batyr epic, the Sun and Moon are the spouses of the divine Samraua character, heavenly maiden Humay is the daughter of the Sun from Samraua, the ancestor of the Bashkirs]: 49; Khadyeva 2005 [The Sun and the Moon are two wives of the god Samrau]: 48.

Turkestan. The Kazakhs [Kun (Sun), Ay (Moon) and Urkur (Pleiades) are three sisters, of which W. is the youngest and most beautiful; out of envy, K. and A. scratched W.'s face and she became speckled]: Kuftin 1916:147-148; karakalpaks [The sun and moon were twin sisters; one day Satan comes to the Sun: The moon is more beautiful than you, and you are ugly; out of envy, the Sun burned the face of the Moon with its heat; the spots remain; after that sisters can't see each other]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 29; salars (Altiyuli, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [the old woman had three daughters; before going to the mountains, she told them: "Until her mother will come back, don't open the door [to anyone]! When your mother calls [you] at the door, then open it!" ; Mungiskarchi ate it in the mountains; when he came to the house, he began to sing: "Tuttyrja, open the door! The mother came, stung the grass with a sickle, cleaned the grass with a rake, swam across the Morin River, the ditch crossed [through] the waters, open the door!" ; T. asked: "Why is the face yellow and why is the face white?" ; M. was lying in the dust and singing again at the door; T.: "Why is his face yellow and why is his face red?" ; M. was lying in the reddish dust and singing again; T.: "Why is his face yellow and why is his face blue?" ; M.: "Will you open the door or not? If you don't open it, I'll break the hook!" ; T. opened the door; the youngest sister pressed against M.'s chest; in the evening he ate it; the older sisters heard a crunch of bones, saw the younger sister's head and decided to run; going out into the yard, they sang loudly: "The girl Luna, hold out the rope! Sun Maiden, help me!" ; after that, the savior came; he took two girls with him; M. also went out and sang: "Maiden Luna, hold out the rope! Sun Maiden, help me!" ; someone appeared who took the girls away, attacked M. and shredded him with a sword]: Tenishev 1964, No. 26:65-66.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Khangalov 1958a [naran ("sun") and hara ("moon") have one female host Shandangin Khundangin]: 319; Sharakshinova 1980:45 [(C. Jamtsarano in the Alar and Balagan Departments); The Sun and Moon are the daughters of Tengria Esege Malan; his son is Fire; depicted in the form of eight (Sun) and nine (Moon) concentric rings with eight and nine legs respectively (sometimes in the form of spoke-rays); these stars have eight and nine legs], 52 [on the ongon, the Sun and Moon are depicted as two female figures shining in the form of three horns above heads; the Moon holds a bucket in his hand]; oirats (durbuts) [people flew through the air, sparks themselves, did not need the sun and moon; one fell ill; God sent the Gelyung Swean to look for medicine; he took a giant cane, began to fumble at the bottom of the ocean; frightened off one, then the other, an Aryagen Burkhyn (god girl), they flew to heaven; found one shiny mirror, then placed it in the sky; with since then it has been light on earth]: Potanin 1883, No. 34j: 191; darhats (somon Khujirt, Uburkhangai aimag) [{the Sun field is not mentioned, but in other Mongolian traditions in which the Moon is a woman, The sun is also always a woman; obviously in Khalha}; his older brother Altan-Minjin had a Silver-red horse, the younger Mungun-minjin had an amber-red horse (var.: their horses are Red Fox and Red Lamb, dogs Asar and Basar; they tied dogs to the Golden Cola (North Star); their sister Sarisva-Dagina was 18 years old, she decided to marry and told her brothers to bring a hare with black eyes and ears the size of an inch, do not take a hare with brown eyes and ears in an inch; A. brought a hare, S. drew herself, put the picture together with the hare in a basket, let him into the river; the hare sailed to Khan Erg; the khan saw the picture and sent two people to S., who ordered them to tell E. to come with 50 warriors; she would give her brothers drunk, and destroy them together with E.; A. became very drunk, but M. was not very drunk, took A., red horses, pulled out the stake to which the dogs were attached, led him and ran away; one dog ran away by itself, barking; M. came to one mountain and fell asleep; when he wakes up, A. calls, he replies that he was underground, M. dug it up ; brothers go, meet, take as companions 1) an antelope on the run, 2) a thief capable of pulling out an antelope's tongue and feathers for a bird, 3) hearing what is being done in the upper and lower worlds, 4) drinking the ocean, 5) raising mountains; runner, thief, listener, ocean drinker, mountain lifter, Altan-minjin, Mungung-minjin went further in every way...; tied two red horses and became 7 stars of the Ursa Major; they told S. to become the moon, so the Moon always looked at the stars of the Ursa Major; they drove the Golden Stake into the sky and tied their two red horses; this stake is now the Polyarnaya Star; and two horses are two stars are nearby; there is a black-eyed hare on the moon, it looks like spots; Mongols, when they carry babies at night, smear their noses with soot, like a black-eyed hare; this custom is associated with the black-eyed hare from legend about the Big Dipper]: Mongolian Expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Western August 20, 2006, No. WS 30011 and 21.08.2006, No. WS 30028; Mongols (Ordos): Potanin 1893, No. 82 [The sun was the elder, the Moon was the younger sister; the Sun invited the Moon to walk during the day, but she replied that she would be ashamed, many people; the Sun agreed to walk by itself during the day; the earth was flat and covered with water], 84 [The sun is the eldest, the moon is the younger sister; Arga- chagan-tuulai (chagan-tuulai - white hare) devoured cattle and people; Ochirvani Burkhan threw his ochir at him, cut it in half; strengthened the upper half in the sun, the lower half on the moon; now these are spots]: 315, 317; Egupova 2012 ["Ordos Ardyn Ulger". - Hohhot, 1992, p. 311; eldest daughter Goadagur, middle Shirbigul, younger Davigur; mother went to her sister for flour; G. advised shepherds to follow the road, Sh. - for the one she likes, D. - along the path of dogs and birds; towards the old mangas woman; offered to take out her lice, asked about her daughters, swallowed her, put on her clothes, began to knock on the house; G.: ours mother has a black mole on her cheek (mangas smeared mud on her cheek); S.: our mother does not have hair on her back; D. opened it; G. asks how much water to pour and cook rice; mangas: how much you need; G.: this is not a mother, that I always knew for sure; while G. called her sisters, mangas ate all the rice alone; G. and S. refuse to lie down with their imaginary mother, D. goes to bed; G. at night: what do you eat? mangas: old cheese; G.: give it to us too; she gave it is D.'s little finger; G. asks for permission to go out of need, ties a rope, but on the street she ties it to two roosters; the sisters are running; in the morning the mangas chased I saw them in the tree; how did you get there? G.: they coated the tree with oil and grease; the mangas did it, slides; G.: they tied a millstone and a stone from the stove to the feet; the mangas fell again, threatens; Sh.: cut down the steps with a chisel and an ax; G. pushed mangas, she fell, injured her back, took on its monstrous appearance; a white swan, Tangry's messenger, flew, turned her legs into gold and silver hooks, carried it to heaven; a black swan flew, turned its legs into iron hooks, the mangas grabbed them; white: we curse the black crow and the evil mangas; they fell and crashed; Tengry tells G. to become the Dagina of the Sun, and S. to become the Dagina of the Moon]: 27-31.

Western Siberia. Nganasany: Gracheva 1983 [Sun Mother (Kounyami) and Mother Moon, their functions are closely intertwined]: 21-25; Simchenko 1976:267 [as in the case of Mother Earth and Mother Fire Sun-Mother is called Mother's Mother by the Nenets, Nganasan, Yukaghirs and Ents], 269 [Kicheda-nyama (Mother Moon), after the appearance of people, began to measure menstrual periods and pregnancy; she and Mother Water were contacted "hada" (mother's older sister), which emphasized her secondary role in the demiurge pantheon]; 1996 [Dyaiku is small, but borotat, lives with his grandmother; hunts mice; grandmother eats fat, he beats her, she says that the copper-red ones killed his father; he comes to the copper-red, holes their boats, calls them to compete, seven copper-red drown; D. crawls up to the old woman when she urinates, she decides that gave birth to him; D. asks her cannibal husband what can destroy him; he admits that fire; at night D. burns him and his wife; comes to the shaman, pushes her into the fire; she was the mother of copper-red and burned; D.'s testicles freeze to the ice, come off; he goes for new ones to Kou Kopto, Kicheda-Copto (Sun-Girl, Moon-Girl); stays in the sky, becoming Ngo]: 30-37; Mansi [after the father's death, only the older and middle brothers received deer; the youngest asks, the elder does not give at all, the middle gives one; the youngest is going to sacrifice his son; Mir-Susne-Hum puts him on a sledge , brings him to the moon, where a woman does not feed him; the same in the sun; M.'s wife feeds him; the man returns home, he has many deer, and the brothers' deer are gone; the eldest is preparing to sacrifice his son, but M. does not stop the ax and the boy dies; the younger brother migrates]: Gemuev 1990:188-189.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts (no place of recording) [Sun and Moon are two sisters in riddles ("When the older sister comes to visit, the youngest hides")]: Erkis 1974:353; Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska, Vanavara) [The Moon, the Sun and the Silver Woman (LJ) were three girls; the Storm and the Tree were workers (The Storm still cuts firewood); the Moon is a water carrier; the man goes to marry the LJ; at home - the Tree, wearing LF clothes, pretends to be a mistress; a man marries her; LF returns, washes a person with deer blood, making him gold, takes him as a husband; a worker by the neck is tied to a deer, lets him go; the deer spread the seeds earth, this is how trees appeared; LJ does not tell her husband to go in the direction where the Moon and Sun live; he went, began to live with the Moon; LJ became a hawk, flies around the Moon and the Sun, asks to kill himself; man hit the paw with an arrow, the hawk's legs have been red since then; the hawk woman flies, takes the others with her; throws her belt up, a rainbow appears from earth to sky; throws clothes - clouds appear in the sky ; while chasing the sky, the master of the upper world Ekshari leaves the Moon and Sun at home]: Vasilevich 1959:164-165 (quoted in Voskoboynikov 1981:225).

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanai (Naikha) [the sun and moon have skins that are lit at one end in the form of a torch, giving off light; these skins are home to pudis that control the sun and the month; sunny Siulike pudi is the most beautiful of all; lunar, Bialto pudi, slightly less beautiful]: Aurorin 1986, No. 36, note 2:219; Nanai (Nanai district) [wild pig became pregnant, gave birth boy; she made him a bow and arrows with her teeth and fangs; when he killed a wild boar while hunting, his mother stopped coming to him; he went on a journey, consistently meets three madchiks, their mother's moon, star, sun; they come to people, four women raise them, named brothers stay, get married, the son of a pig comes to another woman; when he goes hunting, he tells his wife not to give his bow to anyone and arrows; an old woman with a thin neck and a big head tickles a woman until she says where the bow and arrows are, takes them away; the husband comes, all broken, dies after telling him where his brothers are; the son of the sun can update what is broken, the son of the moon can read traces, the son of a star can swim in a lake of fire; the son of the moon leads to the lake, the son of the star pulls out old woman Senge and fragments of bow and arrows, the son of their star makes him whole; the old woman was burned, the mergen was revived, he married the youngest Pudin, who could not keep him, everyone came to live in Mergen's homeland]: Kile 1996, No. 15:183-191.

Japan. Ainu [there are Elder and Younger gods in heaven; the eldest has six daughters; starting with the eldest, these are the Morning Star, the Evening Star, the Midnight Star, the Moon, the Sun (the sixth is not named); the elder god commands Make earth for the creator god; Princess Chikisani sends there (Chikisani-hime, she is an elm from which fire is made by friction); the younger god of heaven falls in love, visits her at night; this is how fire came to earth; others notice fire, envy, gods begin to fight each other; the younger god of heaven is nicknamed the "Earth Burner"; T. gives birth to Okikurumi, the creator of Ainu culture]: Kindati 1941:56-57.

SV Asia. Yukaghirs (probably forest) Simchenko 1976:267 [as in the case of Mother Earth and Mother Fire, the Sun is called Mother Mother by the Nenets, Nganasan, Yukaghirs and Ents], 269 [among the Yukaghirs Nganasan Kicheda-nyama (Mother Moon) corresponds both in term and in essence to Kinije ämäi].

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [the daughter of the Sun marries a man; does not come to her father when he asks her; the man leaves his wife because she is hot; the Sun does not want to take her daughter back; turns her into the present Sun; cf. motive A1]: Teit 1898, No. IX: 54-55; catlamet [the woman leaves her husband; he sings, people come to him, dance; the woman goes too, forgetting the baby; hears his crying, finds only a stick in the cradle; the child was kidnapped by Akas Shenas Shena; carries him everywhere; one day leaves him at home; her brother Crane tells the boy that A. is not his mother, gives a knife; he cuts off her head, kills the one that pops out soul from the neck; climbs a pine tree, shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; attaches a bow to the bottom, climbs into the sky; meets an old woman, takes away her burden, opens the cork, becomes dark; plugs the vessel, it becomes light; meets Lice, Fleas, Itchy; walks along the left path; spends the night in the house of the Night Star cannibal with his daughter Moon; runs away, comes to the Morning Star, marries his daughter Sun; Sun to the Moon: You will shine when people relieve themselves, and I when leaders exchange gifts; The sun gives birth to twins with their bellies; a person digs a hole, holes in the sky, sees father's house, misses; father-in-law lowers him and his family in a basket to the ground; Blue Jay mocks a man's blind younger brother; the Sun restores the boy's vision, her husband puts a smut in the ass; Jay separates the twins with a knife, their guts fall out; the sun returns to heaven, her sons are phantom suns]: Boas 1901a, No. 1:9-19.

Northeast. Tuscarora [a woman in the upper world is ready to give birth to twins; at this time she falls down; sea monsters pull some land from the bottom, put it on the turtle; when a woman lands on it, land begins to grow; good son Enigorio (E.) is born normally, evil Enigonhahethea (EH) - through his mother's side, killing her; E. turns his mother's head into the sun, her body into the moon; creates plants, animals, people, they turn out to be monkeys; E. lies that he can be killed with reeds; OH replies that he can be killed with a deer horn; brothers fight, E. kills OH, he falls into the ground, becomes by the spirit of evil]: Cusick 1827 in Leland 1968:24; in Beauchamp 1922:8-11; oneida [the grandmother divides her daughter's corpse in half, throws it up; the top turns into the sun, the bottom into the moon; so she (the moon?) in the shape of a face; (this is illogical; mb head to the moon - like a mohawk?)] : James Dean (1770s?) in Elm, Antone 2000:157-162.

Southeast USA. Tunic [Sun deity and possibly female Moon deity]: Haas 1942:531-535 in Brain et al. 2004:591.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo [women Wari (sun) and Osche (moon) pluck the coloring fruits of uruku; the owner of the bush comes; V. runs away, O. is forced to marry him; O. takes off her hair like a wig to take it out insects; hair falls into the river, O. after them, husband follows her; sister and mother O. live at the bottom; husband sees sister playing with a heavy ball; playing himself, the ball crushed him into porridge; O. puts his bones under the vessel, the husband is reborn as a baby; taken by the vulture to his mother; she becomes an adult again]: Kelm 1972, No. 8:235-236.